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Predatory strategies of squid (Illex illecebrosus) attacking small and large fish


作者: TimothyP. Foyle,   RonaldK. O'dor,  


期刊: Marine Behaviour and Physiology  (Taylor Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 2  

页码: 155-168




年代: 1988




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Squid;Illex;fish;predation;acceleration;maneuverability


数据来源: Taylor



Feeding strategies are different when adultIllex illecebrosusprey on large (trout) and small fish (mummichogs). Attacks on trout are characterized by (1) rotation as the squid changes from tail‐first to head‐first swimming; (2) an approach phase involving rapid acceleration towards the prey; (3) a tracking phase where the squid slowly follows the trout; (4) the capture phase. No tracking phase is present in attacks on mummichogs.


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