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期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1879)
卷期: Volume 4, issue 43  

页码: 043-044




年代: 1879




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST.PURE ACIDS AND CHEMICALSFOR ANALYSIS.KNOWLES & PHILLIPS,47, MINORIES, E.C.PRICE LIST FORWARDED ON APPLICATION.N.B.-References as to quality and price kindly allowed by severalleading Analysts already supplied.Now ready, Sixth Edition, price 18s.MODERN MEDICAL THERAPEUTICS.Physicians-English, American, and Foreign.A Compendium of RecentFormuls and Specific Therapentical Directions, from the Practice of Eminent ContemporaryBy GEORGE H. NAPHEYB, A.M., M.D.Now ready, demy 8v0, with copious Tables, price 9s.MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY. or the use of Medical andPliarmacenticaI Students preparing for Examination. By W. HAKDSEL GRIFFITHS, Ph.D.,L.R.C.P., Edin,, &c. Edited by GEORGE F. DUFFEY, M.D., F.C.S., Fcllow and Censor, King andQueen's College of Physicians, Examiner in Materia Medica in the Queen's Uninxsity.Now ready, Fourth Edition, 1s.; or mounted on rollers, Tarnished, 3s. 6d.POSOLOGICAL TABLES : A Classified Chart of Doses ; showing at a glaiiccthe Dose of every Officinal Substance and Preparation. For the use of Practitioners and Students.By HANDSEL GRIFFITHS, Ph.D., L.R.C.P., &c., late Professor of Chemistry Leclmich School of Medicine.A SMALL LABORATORY to be DISPOSED OF, situate in the EUSTONROAD (near Gomer Street Station), suitable for either Educational or Analytical Purposes. It isfitted up with Operation Table ; Gas and Water laid on ; a Fume Chamber, and a large quantity ofChemicals and Apparatus.-For particulars apply by letter to F. C . S., cwc of 31.PITTMAN, Stationer,2 and 2, Silver Street, Campden Hill, Kensington, W.WANTED, ail engagement as Junior Assistant in a Laboratory.-J. GORDELIEIE,Sit tingbourne THE ANALYST.THE ANGLO-ANERICAN TIN STAMPING COMPANY, LIMITEDSTOUHPORT, WORCESTEX3SI-3CIEE.S E A M L E S S , PLAIN, RETINNED, AND JAPANNED WARE.MAX'FACTTIWRS 01' II,IPBOVED, which in tlictiire : i l l the n b s- nric1i.r ally ac:ioil of ll.:~lt, n i l , 0:' wtXuhx, ill cnlirlary oporntiorls,:: certificate will testify :-Zlc'tcrs t o tho Bnrik of E:iziaiicl, Her ?,Tajestp'G iCIiiit, &(;.Asmy 0.niccs and Ore Flo~:s, HnttoLi Gardell. London, E.C.C%RTITiICITl: 01' ASSAY. Fe11x.m~- 8th, 1879.We esarniiied the sampk ENAIIELLZD P.WS FOX EXA3lIN-~TIOX AND AShLYSIS, r~zrlicd as uxler, am1 fiad thefollowing to b? the wsnlt :Tho pieces of ennmel consist of a silicab ol Soil.:, Aliiminn., and Lime ; entirely froo fr3i-n Anti;?ioq/ and Lea,?.Theenamel, as set npon the pans, coilfirms oiir experinients vith the snmplo of cnamsl itsclf received separately. The pails havebeen subjected to the action both of nwtic acid anil dihite mhieral acids, wliich they resist perfectly. We coiisider, therefore,that as eiirtmelled vare i t is thoroughly adapted for cnlinnrg and domei;tic purposes.For the Ar@c-Anierioan Titi Stamping Compnny. T,hiit~(i.JOHNSON, NATTHEY SG CO.Tlie Anglo-American Till Stainping Go. will be glad to correspond with buyer.-; rc:::irdhig spocinl sizes or patterns of gooctsfcr their innrkets.I~kta':r*n!ed C a t d ~ g ~ , $';.ices, an:l T m m f [ ~ ~ ~ : ~ i ~ h c Z ox rc:).97ic4t;on, or thro:i.?!b m y Mercknnt or Facfor.ExDort Liverpml A:anta, ITENWRY PT,QSH tc Co., 12 a28 12, Tswar 3al!Aitings No-rtii, !Vattar Stre&.Export Lolidon Agents, BROOKER, DORE 8 Go., 2, Rood Lane, Peschurch Strset.WK P PPrinted for the Proprietors by JOHN DAVIS, Olcl Xeiil Coad, 5 E. ; slid pub1ishe:I by BAILLII~E, TIXDALL 6; Cox, IiiilgWilliam Strcet, Strand, V . C . , t o nhoiu nll coiniminicatims chnnld be n d d r e ~ ~ ~ l


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