



期刊: Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London  (RSC Available online 1851)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 1  

页码: 458-466




年代: 1851




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX. A. Abel on the bichromate of ammonia and some of its double salts 199. Acetyl-urea 90 91 98. Acid alizaric 249. -amalic 88. -arsenious action of on albumen 14. -aspartic formation of from bima- late of ammonia 187. -azophosphoric 143. tabular view of the properties of and of phosphoric and dentazo-phosphoric 365. -bisulphamylic identity of with hyposulphamylic acid 158. -bisulphethylic identity of with hy- posulphethylic acid 18. -bisulphimethylic identity of with hyposulphamethylic acid 18. -butyric formation of succinic acid by oxidation of 186. -caproic contributions towards the history of 210. -decomposition of under the influence of the galvanic current 222. -chloronaphthalic 250. -chrysanisic 77.-chromic on the bichromate of am- monia and some of its double salts 199. -cuminic on the passage of through the animal system 181. -dentazophosphoric 354. ___. dextroracemic 81. -hydrobromic preparation of 74. -hydriodic preparation of 74. -hydrocyanic compound of bichlo-ride of titanium with 178. Acid hyposulphethylic identity of with bisulphethylic acid 18. preparation of 20. -hyposulphamethylic identity of with bisulphimethylic acid 18. preparation of 22. -hyposulphamylic identity of with bisulphamylic acid 158. -Ievoracemic 81. _I__ metacetic method of obtaining in large quantities 190. -nitrous on the behaviour of ani- line and the alcohol-bases with 231. _I_ enanthylic contributions towards the history of 210.decomposition of under the influence of the galvanic current 224. -pelargonic researches on 240. -racemic 79 82. -succinic formation of by oxidation of buiyric acid 186. -tartaric 80 81. -valeric action of heat upon 121. -xanthic derivatives of 84. Acids on the separation of some of the acids of the series (C H) 0,,82. -volatile of the series (C H)n 0 physiological action of 18 1. Albumen action of arsenious acid on 14. Alcohols observations on the constitu- tion of the alcohols and ethers 45. Alcohol-bases on the behaviour of aniline and the alcohol-bases with nitrous acid 231. Alcohol-radicals observations on the constitution of and on the formation of ethyl by B. C. Brodie 405. -remarks upon the formulz of by -4.W. Hofmann 124. INDEX. Alkaline carbonates use of for prevent- ing incrustation in steam-boilers 13. Alkalo$s artificial thenitrogenated prin- ciples of vegetables considered as the sources of 309. -from beans 305 313 314. -fern (Pterisapuilina) 315. flax (Linum usitatissimum) 312. -guano 314. -horse-flesh 314. _.-lycopodium 3 15. peat 313. -wheat (Triticum hybernum) 312. -wood 313. -artificial obtained by putrefaction 314. by the acid of sulphuric acid 314. -relation of bases derived from ani- line and ammonia with other groups of 303. Alloy natural of silver and copper from Chili 29. Amidogen-bases 96. Amidogen-compounds of tungsten 171. Amido-nitride of tungsten 172.Ammonia action of bromide of ethyl on 299. -action of on chloroplatinate of am-monium 176. -azophosphate of 152. -dentazophosphate of 360. -on the bichromate of 199. chrysanisate of 7 7. -double compounds of bichromate of with protochloride of mercury 202. -formation of aspartic acid from bi- malate of 187. -relation of bases derived from ani- line and ammonia with other groups of alkaloids 303. Ammonia-meter description of an 206. Ammonio-azophosphate of iron 152. Amyl analysis and vapour-density of 33. -action of bromide of on aniline 297. amylaniline 298. ethylaniline 299. -boiling-point of 34. -bisulphide of 158. -caproate of 213. -cyanate of 95. -iodide of 32. -isolation of 32. Amyl-alcohol physiological action of 180.Amyl hydruret of 34 41. Amylaniline 298. -action of bromide of et!yl on 299. Am yle t h ylanilitie 299. Amylethylophenylamine 299. Amylophenamine 96. Am ylophenylamine 297. Anderson experiments on gases gene- rated in a sewer 13. -use of alkaline carbonates for pre-venting incrustation in steam-boilers 13. Aniline on the behaviour of aniline and the alcohol-bases with nitrous acid 231. - 96. -action of bromide of amyl on 297. -action of bromide of ethyl on 284. -action of bromide and iodide of methyl on 295. -action of phenyl-alcohol on 283. -relation of bases derived from aniline and ammonia with other groups of alkaloids 303. Animal system passage of cuminic acid through the 181.Animal and vegetable kingdoms obser- vations on the adjustment between the 52. Anisidine 75. Anisol 74. Anniversary Meeting March 30 1850 97. Aromatic liquid obtained by decom- posing chlorophosphuret of nitrogen with alcohol 362. Ashes of the cactus composition of the 57. Azophosphate of iron 143. -with ammonia 146. -lead 149. -mercury 149. -potash 151. -silver 148. -alumina 147. -ammonia 152. c- baryta 149. -copper 147. Azophosphates composition of 153. B. Baryta action of heat on caproate of 215. _.-azophosphate of 149. -dentazophosphate of 360. -hyposulpham ylate of 159. 460 INDEX. Bases relation of bases derived from aniline and ammonia with other groups of alkaloids 303.-researches regarding the molecular constitution of the volatile organic 279. -separation of by diffusion 266. -synoptic view of basic compounds derived from ammonia 308. Beans alkaloids obtained from 309 313 314. Bichloride of titanium compound of with hydrocyanic acid 17'. Bichloruretted salicylic ether 78. Bichromate of ammonia double com-pounds of with protochloride of mer-cury 202. Bimalate of ammonia formation of as- partic acid from 187. Binitranisidine 76. Binitranisol 74. Binitrophenetol 78. Binitrosalicylic ether 78. Bisulphide of amyl preparation of 158. -preparation of the acid from 159. Boilers use of alkaline carbonates for pre- venting incrustation in steam-boilers 13. Boiling-points relation between chemi- cal composition boiling-points aiid specific volumes 104.Borate on a native 73. Boron nitride of 167. Brazier contributions towards the his- tory of caproic and cenanthylic acids 210. B rodie observations on the constitution of the alcohol-radicals and on the formation of ethyl 405. Bromaniline action of bromide of ethyl on 292. Bromide of amyl action of on amylani- line 298. -a ction of on aniline 291. -a ction of on ethylaniline 299. -ethyl action of on amylaniline, 299. action of on aniline 284. -action of on ethylaniline 287. -methyl action of on aniline 295. c. Cactus composition of the ashes of t.he 57. Caffeinc 87. Cahours on anisol and phenetol 74. -on the composition of mesitilole 17.-researches on pelargonic acid 240. -on the volatile oils obtained in the distillation of wood Calvert on the preparation of certain chlorates and particularly of chlorate of potash 105. Caproate of amyl 213. _.-baryta action of heat on 215. Caprone action of nitric acid on 220. -composition of 2 17. -preparation of 215. Caproyl composition of 226. Cast-iron heat developed by friction of 320. Cement description of for stopping the cavities of teeth by T. J. Herapath, 367. Cetacea creatine a constituent of the flesh of the 229. Chemical Composition relation between and hoiling-points and specific vo-lumes 104. Chemico-legal investigations mode of precipitating all the metals contained in a liquid by one operation in 162.Chloraniline action of bromide of ethyl on 290. ChIorate of potash preparation of 106. Chloride of cyanogen and titanium lf?. -action of on toluidine 151. Chlorine action of upon an equal volume of methyl . -_. action of 2 vols. of upon 1 vol. of methyl . Chlorophosphuret of nitrogen and its products of decomposition by J. H. Gladstone 135,353. -aromatic liquid obtained by the decomposition of under the influence of alcohol 362. -composition of 139. -properties of 138. Chloroplatinate of ammonium action of ammonia on 176. -ethylamine 95. -methylamine 94. Cholestrophane 90. Chromate of copper and potash 73. Chrysanisate of ammonia 77. -silver 77. Chrysanisic ether 78. Colouring matter on the red colouring matters of madder 243.-of sugar precipitation of by a me-tallic oxide 55. Coppcr azopl~osphatc of 147. INDEX. 461 Copper on a chromate of copper and potash 73. -in fuci 71. -natnral alloy of silver and from Chili 29. Crawhall W. obituary notice of 97. Creatine a constituent of the flesh of the cetacea 229. Cyanate of amyl 95. -ethyl 90. -methyl 91. Cyanogen action of chloride of upon toluidine 151 -chloride of and titaiiium 177. Cpanogen-compound of titanium 177. Cyanurate of ethyl 90. -methyl 90. D. Danson on the identity of bisulpha-mylic and hyposulphamglic acid 155. Debus on the derivatives of xanthic acid 84. Dentazophosphate of ammonia 360. -of haryta 359.-of silver 361. Dessaignes on the formation of aspartic acid from bimalate of ammo-nia 187. -on the formation of succinic acid by the oxidation of butyric acid 186. Dextroracemates and levoracemates 81. Diamylaniline 298. Diamylophenyiamine 298. Diethp lamine 300. Diethylammonia 300. Diet hylaniline 288. -hydrobomate of 288. -action of bromide of ethyl on 289. Diethylophenylamine 288. Diffusion of liquids 257. -chloride of sodium 259. -various salts and other substances 260. -ammoniated salts of copper 264. -mixed salts 265. -salts of potash and ammonia 271. -hydrate of potash 276. -salts of soda 277. Diffusion application of liquid diffusion to produce decomposition 60. -of one salt into the solution of another salt 269.c- decomposition of salts by 268. -separation of bases by 266. Distillation of wood on the volatile oils obtained in the 183. Durocher Malaguti and Sarzeaud on the presence of lead copper and silver in sea-water and on the exist- ence of the latter in plants and animals 68. E. Eddoes analysis of the ashes of the 190. Edwards on the action of arsenious acid on albumen 14. Ether observations on the constitution of the alcohols and ethers 45. -chrysanisic 78. -salicylic derivatives of 78. -bichloruretted salicylic 78. -binitrosalicylic 7 8. Etherification observations on by Prof. Graham 24 Ethyl action of bromide of on ammonia 299. -amylaniline 299. I_ aniline 284. -bromaniline 292.-chloraniline 290. -diethylaniline 289. -ethylaniline 287. -ethylochloraniline 291. -nitraniline 293. -I action of solar light on the iodide of 322. -bioxysulphocarborate of 84. -cyanate of 90. -cyanurate of 90. -observations on the formation of by B. C. Brodie 405. -preparation of bisulphide of 19. Ethjlaniine 96 299. -chloroplatinate of 95. -formation of 92. -preparation and propel ties of 94. -_I hydrochlorate of 95. Ethylammonia 299. Ethylamylophenamine 96. Eth>lanrline 285. -action of bromide of amyl on 299. -action of bromide of ethyl on 287. -action of iodide of methyl on 296. -hydrobromate of 286. -platinum-salt o? 286. Ethyl-cyarnethane 92. Ethylobromaniline 292. Ethylochloraniline 291.Eth ylonitraniline 202. 462 INDEX. Ethylonitrophenylaniine 292. Ethylophenamine 96. Ethylophenylamine 285. Ethyl-oxamide 95. P. Feculencies sugar- analysis of by T. J. Herapath 367. Fern alkaloids obtained from 315. Fibrine of muscular flesh 188. Field on the composition of the ashes of the cactus 57. -on a natural alloy of silver and copper from Chili 29. >lax,alkaloids obtained from 312. Flesh on the fibrine of muscular 118. Formyline identical with methylamine 89. Frankland researches on the organic radicals Part 11 amyl 30. -researches on the organic radicals Part 111 on the action of solar light upon iodide of ethyl. Friction heat developed by of water 319. -_. mercury 320.-cast-iron 320. Fuci lead and copper in 70. P silver in 70. G. Gaultier de Claubry on a mode of precipitating all the metals contained in a liquid by one operation (in chemico-legal investigations) 162. Gerhardt and Laurent on the action of ammonia on chloroplatinate of am-monium 176. Gladstone on chlorophosphuret of nitrogen and its products of de-composition 135 353. -action of sulphur on the pentachlo- ride of phosphorus 5. Graham on the application of liquid diffusion to produce decomposition 60. -on the diffusion of liquids 257. I_ observations on etherification 24. Griffin descriptign of an ammonia- meter 206. Gossle th and Brazier contributions towards the history of caproic and cenanthylic acids 210.Guano alkaloids obtained from 314. N. Heat developed by friction of water 319. mercury 320. cast-iron 320. -on the mechanical equivalent of 316. Herapath T. J. analysis of the ashes of the Spanish potato and of the eddoes 193. -analysis of sugar-feculencies 367. -on a cement for stopping the cavi- ties of teeth 367. Hofmann on amidogen- imidogen- and nitrile-bases 96. -note on the action of heat upon valeric acid with some remarks on the formuls of the alcohol-radicals 121. -on the passage of criminic acid through the animal system 181. I-researches on the volatile organic bases No. VIII. on the behaviour of aniline and the alcohol-bases with ni- trous acid 231. -researches regarding the molecular constitution of the volatile organic bases 279.Horse-flesh alkaloids obtained from 314. Hydrobromate of diethylaniline 288. -ethylaniline 286. Hydrocarbon on propylene a new hydro- carbon of the series C H, 111. Hydrochlorate of ethylamine 95. -methylamine 91. Hydrosulphate of ammonia action of on mononitranisol binitranisol and trini- tranisol 75. Hydrurets probable existence of the hpdrurets of organic radicals in coal- gas 42. Hyposulphamylate of baryta 159. I. Imidogen-bases 96. Iodide of ethyl action of solar light upon 322. -methyl action of on aniline 295. -on ethylaniline 296. Iron cast heat developed by friction of 320. -ammonio-azophosphate of 361. _I azophosphate of 143. INDEX.463 J. J oule on the mechanical equivalent of heat 316. Km Keller F. method of obtainingmetacetic acid in large quantities 190. Knop on a chromate of copper and potash 73. K ol be on the chemical constitution and nature of the organic radicals 369. Kopp on the relations between chemical composition boiling-points and specific volumes 104. IJ. Laurent and Gerhardt on the action of ammonia on chloroplatinate of am- monium 176. Lead azophosphate 149. -in fuci 70. Liebig on the fibrine of muscular flesh 188. -on the separation of some of the acids of the series (C H) 0,,82. Light on the action of solar upon iodide of ethyl 322. Lime on potasso-gypsite a double sul- phate of potash and by J. A.Phil-lips 348. Liquids diffusion of 257. Liquid diffusion application of to pro- duce decomposition 60. Lowel H. on the supersaturation of saline solutions 164. Lycopodium alkaloids obtained from 305. M. Madder on the red colouring matters of 243. Malaguti Durocher and Sarzeaud on the presence of lead copper and silver in sea-water and on the exist- ence of the latter in plants and ani- mals 68. M Bn e on the preparation of hydrobromic and hydriodic acids 74. Mercury heat developed by friction of 320. -azopliosphate of 149. Mercury double compounds of bichro-inate of ammonia with protochloride of 220. Mesitilole 185. -composition and vapour-density of 17. Metacetyl-urea 91 93. Methyl cyanate of 91.-cyanurate of 90. -action of chlorine upon an equal volume of. -action of 2 vols. of chlorine upon 1vol. of. -action of bromide of on aniline 295. -action of iodide of on aniline 295. ethylaniline 296. Methyl-alcohol physiological action of 180. Methylamine formation of 92. -obtained from caffeine 89. -chloroplatinate of 94. -hydrochlorate of 94. Methylaniline 295. Methylethylaniline 296. Methylethyloph~nylamine,296. Methyl-cyamethane 92. Methylophenylamine 295. Metals on a mode of precipitating all the metals contained in a liquid by one operation (in chemico-legal in- vestigations) 162. Metoluidine preparation and analysis of 155. -and bichloride of platinum 157. Miitchell analysis of deep well-water from Messrs.Holt’s brewery Rat- cliffe 1. Mononitranisol 74. Mononitroxylol 184. Moody Col, obituary notice of 98. Muscular flesh on the fibrine of 188. Muspratt on the identity of bisulph- ethylic with hyposulphethylic acid and of bisulphimethylic with hypo-sulphamethylic acid 18. 1FI. Nitraniline action of bromide of ethyl on 293. Nitranisidiioe 75. Nitride of boron 167. Nitrile-bases 96. Nitrobenzanisidide 76. Nitrocinnanisidide 76. Nitrogen chlorophosphuret of 135,353. Nitrogenated principles of vegetables considered as the sources of artificial alkaloids 309. 464 INDEX. Nitrophenitidine 79. Nitrotoluidine 184. 0. Obituary notice of W. Crawhall Esq. 98. -Colonel Moody 98. Oils volatile obtained in the distillation of wood 183.Organic bases researches on the volatile No. VIII. on the behaviour of ani- line and the alcohol-bases with nitrous acid 231. -researches regarding the molecular constitution of the volatile 279. -researches on the Part &I. amyl, 30. -radicals researches on the by E. Frankland Part III. on the action of solar light upon iodide of ethyl 322. -radicals on the chemical consti-tution and nature of by H. Kolbe 369. Oxyamido-nitride of tuiigsten 174. P. Past eur on-the characteristic properties of the two acids which compose racemic acid 79. Peat alkaloids obtained from 313. Pelargyl chloride of 241. Pelargone 242. Phenamine 96. Phenetole 78. Phenyl-alcohol action of on aniline 283.Phillips J. A. on potasso-gypsite a double sulphate of potash and lime 348. Phosphorus sulphoperchloride of 6,ll. Physiological action of analogously con- stituted chemical compounds 179. Platinum-salt of ethylaniline 286. Po,ash azophosphate of 151. -chlorate preparation of 106. -on a chromate of copper and 73. Potasso-gypsite a double stllphate of potash and lime by J. A. Phillips, 348. Potato analysis of the ashes of the Spanish 193. Price on creatine as a constituent of the flesh of the cetacea 229. PropyIene a new hydrocarbon of the series C EI, 111. -bromine-compound of 115. -chlorine-compound of I 19. -preparation of 115. Purpurine 255. Putrefaction alkaloids obtained by 314. Qm Quinine action of certain reagents upon 191.R. Racemates 82. Racemate of soda and ammonia 80. Radicals alcohol- remarks upon the for- mula of by A. W. Hofmann 124. r--observations on the constitu- tion of the and on the formation of ethyl by B. C. Urodie 405. -researches on the organic by E. Frankland Part 11 amyl 30. -researches on the organic by E. Frankland Part 111. on the action of solar light upon iodide of ethyl 322. -_. on the chemical constitution and nature of the organic- by H. Kolbe 369. Reynolds J. W. on propylene a new hydrocarbon of the series C H, 111. Report Annual of the Council 97. -Treasurer’s 103. Richmond on the bichromate of am-monia and some of its double salts. Rochleder on caffeine 87.8. Salicylic ether derivatives of 78. Salts decomposition of by diffusion 268. Salt silver in sea- 69. Sarzeaud Malaguti and Durocher on the presence of lead copper and silver in sea-water and on the exist- ence of the latter in plants and ani- mals 68. Scanlan experiments on gases gene- rated in a sewer 13. Schlossberger on the physiological action of analogously constituted che- mical compounds 179. Sewer experiments on gases generated in a sewer 13. Silver azophosphate of 148. -chrysanisate of 77. -in fuci 70. -in land-plants and in animals 70 1N DES. Siher in sea-salt 69. -in sea-water 69. -natural alloy of and copper from Chili 29. -tricyanurate of 87. Solutions saline on the supersaturation of 164.Stenhouse on the nitrogenated prin- ciples of vegetables as the sources of artificial alkaloids 309. Strecker on the red colouring matters of madder 243. Sugar precipitation of the colouring matter of by a metallic oxide 55. _D fcculencies analysis of by T. J. Herapath 367. Sulphate on potaasa-gypsite a double of potash and lime by J. Phillips, 348. Sulphanisolide 78. Sulphate on potasso-gypsite a double sulphate of potash and lime. Sulphur action of on the pentachloride of phosphorus 5. T. Teeth description of cement for stopping the cavities of by T. J. Herapath 367. Titanium chloride of cyanogen and 177’. -compound of bichloride of with hydrocyanic acid 178. -on the cyanogen compounds of 177.Toluidine action of chloride of cyanogen on 154. -preparation of 154. Toluol 184. Tricthylamine 96 301. Trinitranisol 74. Tungsten amido-nitride of 172. -on the arnidogen-compounds of 171. -oxyamido-nitride of 174. U. Ulex on a native borate 73. v. Valeramine chloroplatinate of 96. -_. formation and preparation of 95. Valeramine hydrochlorate of 96. Valerene 41. Vegetables nitrogenated principles of considered as the sources of artificial alkaloids 309. Vogel Dr. Jun. on the action of cer- tain reagents upon quinine 191. Volatile oils obtained in the distillation of wdod 183. Volumes specific relation betweeen che- mical composition and boiling-points and 104. W. Warburton on the precipitation of the colouring matter of sugar by a metallic oxide 55.Warington notice of observations on the adjustment between the animal and vegetable kingdoms by which the vital functions of both are perma- nentiy maintained 52. Water analysis of deep well- from Messrs. Holt’s Brewery Ratcliffe by J. Mitchell 1. -heat developed by friction of 319. -on the presence of lead copper and silver in sea-water 68. Wheat alkaloids obtained from 312. Wilson action of chloride of cyanogen upon toluidine 154. W ohler on the amidogen-compounds of tungsten 171. -on the cyanogen-compounds of ti-tanium 177. -on the nitride of boron 167. Wood alkaloids ohtained from 313. -volatile oils obtanied in the as-tillation of 183. Wurtz on the compounds of cyanuric and cyanic acid with the oxides of ethyl methyl and amyl and on the products resulting therefrom viz.acetyl- and metacetyl-urea and me- thyiamhe ethylyamine and valera- mine 90. X. Xanthogenamide 85. Xylidine 184. Xylol or xylene 184. END OF VOL. 111. \OL. 111.-NO. XII. I1 H LONDON I’tintcd 111 ScliuIze and Co. 13 Poland Stimt.


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