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E.S.R. Spectra of the Cyclobutanesemidiones Derived from Three Tricyclo[4. 4. 2. 01,6,]Dodecane-11-OL-12-Ones


作者: JohnM. Fritsch,   JordanJ. Bloomfield,  


期刊: Spectroscopy Letters  (Taylor Available online 1968)
卷期: Volume 1, issue 7  

页码: 277-280




年代: 1968




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: E.S.R. Spectra;Cyclobutanesemidiones;Tricyclo[4. 4. 4. 01,6] dodecane-11-o1-12-ones;Conformation


数据来源: Taylor



The semidione radical anions derived from a variety of alicyclic ketones and α-hydroxyketones have been extensively investigated via esr by Russell and co-workers.1Studies of the chemistry and spectra of the 1, 2-cyclobutanediones derived from the tricyclo[4. 4. 2. 01,6] dodecane-11-o1-12-one system2suggested that an examination of the esr spectra of the related semidiones would be of considerable interest. The recent reports on the esr spectra of cyclobutanes emidione1cand several substituted cyclo-butanes emidiones1bfurther prompt this communication.


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