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Negative magnetoresistance effect in evaporated indium-antimonide films


作者: H.E.M.Barlow,   R.Koike,   R.Ueda,  


期刊: Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers  (IET Available online 1965)
卷期: Volume 112, issue 10  

页码: 1849-1855


年代: 1965




出版商: IEE


数据来源: IET



The paper discusses the results of an experimental investigation of an anomalous galvanomagnetic effect in an evaporated indium-antimonide film. The film used was prepared by the step-by-step method of evaporation in a vacuum, producing successive deposits on a clean glass substrate. The electrical characteristics of the film were measured in a steady magnetic field and showed some unusual features such as high resistivity, a relatively large Hall coefficient dependent on the applied magnetic field and a negative magnetoresistance effect at room temperature. These anomalous effects have been analysed qualitatively in terms of the inhomogeneous nature of the film.


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