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Change of angles in conformal welding


作者: Alfred Huber,  


期刊: Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal  (Taylor Available online 1986)
卷期: Volume 7, issue 1-3  

页码: 79-82




年代: 1986




出版商: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers


关键词: 30E25;30C20


数据来源: Taylor



Letbe a given bijective analytic mapping of the circumferenceCof the unit circle onto itself. By the uniformization theorem, there exists an analytic Jordan curve Г with the following property: there are two bijective conformal mappingsF(interior of C→ interior of Г) andG(exterior of C → exterior of Г) such thatfor all. We consider this conformal welding under the assumption thatG(∞) = ∞. Our main result is a relation (Theorem 2) which will allow—at least in certain cases—an estimate of the rotation of Г in terms of the given function Ф.


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