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The Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. Part III. 1889




期刊: Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland  (RSC Available online 1889)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 1  

页码: 056-073




年代: 1889




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITT~TEOF CHEMISTRY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IKELAND. PART 111. 1889. Prospectus ; Regulations for the Admission of Students; Examinations ; Supplement to Register, &c. 8anbon : A. P. BLUSDELL,TAYLOR STREET,& Go., 177, UPPERTHAMES E.C. 1889. CONTENTS. P PAGE. JIEETIXGf3 OF COIJNCIL ... ... ... ... ... 59 ~'ROSPECTUS OF QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ,%DUIS- SION TO ASSOCIATESHIP ... ... ... ... GO REGULATIOKSFOR THE ADXISSION OF STUUEXTH ... GG I:o~tu OF EXAXINERS ... ... ... ... ... 67 KESCLTS OF THE JULYEL~NINATIOSS... ... ... 67 FEI.I,OWSAND ASSOCIATES RECENTLYELECTED ... 6'3 59 THECOUPI’CIJ,elected on the First of JIarcli lias held the usua1 ineetiugs with an average attendance of 18 at each meeting.There haye been 15 Conncil Meetings Iielcl, at ivhicli, besides routine busitiess, important matters aKwtitig the n-elfare of tlir: Institute have beeti fully discussed. The Conncil, after the iuostu careful consideration of the qnestion, has determiiied what are tlie qualifications wllicli in fiitrire Kill be required of caiididates {Tho apply for adrnissiou to the Practical Examination of thr: Institute, and have einboclied these requireirieti ts it1 the revised PEOSPEC‘TUS.”They liarc also drawn up ‘’REGULATIONS ~oit OFTHE X~~rrssror; STUDENTS ” in accord;iilce nith Chap. VII. of the 1:ye-h~~.The test of tlie Prospectus and 1:ephtions are ai)pcLl’iled,LolJieS of i~hhm:ig be oLtainecl oil applictitioii tu the Secrctaty.60 P It0 s P E c T u s THE JNSTITUTE OF CIIESIIS'L'RY .1 S J-\ SS 0 C I ATE S. Every Candidate for the Aseociatesliip will be i*ecyuired to produce evidence-(I) That lie is not less tliaii t~ent~y-oneyears of age. (2) That he has passed satisfactorily through a systematic course oi at least three years' study iir tlie subjects of Theoretical and Practica1 C1lei11 istry, Pliysics, :I 1 1(1 E1e111 e 11tary Ma.tli e matics, in any one or more of the Uiiirersi ties or chartered or iiicor1)orated Colleges or Schools approred I)p tlie Coniicil ; or tlrat Ire has beeu enqaged for four years in the 1,ractice of Clieiiiistry in tlie Laboratory of a Fellow of the Institute, during at leat t\vo pears of which time lie has been entered as n Stiident of tlie Institute and lias rcplarly attended systematic c~o~~rsc!sof iiistrnction in the said snhjects at such T1Tiiiversit8y,College, or School.(3) That lie lias passed tlie prescribed esaiiiiirntioas in the aforesaid subjects at such Uni\-ersitg, College, or School." 61 If' a Candidate has passed any Examination such as the fdlow-iiig, no further evidence of training in General and Theoreticcl Cheinistry, Physics, and Elementary Blatlie- rnatics, will be required :-The final Hoiiou~sExamination for the degree of B.A. at the Unirersitj of Oxford iu tlie subject of Chemistry, in the Scliool of Katural Science. The Examination for the degree of B.A. at the Vniversity of Cambridge in the subject of Chemistry, and in part IT.of the Katurd Science Tripos. The filial or Degree Exatniuatioii for R.Sc., in the Universities of Kdiiiburgli, Dui-hani, or London, or the Victoria Uniyersity, ju the snbjects of Clieiriistry and Physics. The Senior Moderatorship in Experiniiental Scieiice in the Uiiiversity of 1)ulslin. The Associateship in the Rojal School of Blliues, if taken before 1851. The Associatesliip of tlie Sornial Sclicrol of Science in the divisiori of Chemistry. The Associateship of the Royal C'ollege ~f Science, Dublln, iii the faculty of ~Ia11nfactures. Every Calldidate for tlie Alssociatesliip will be reqiiirecl to pass an exaniiriatioii in Practical Chciiiistiy. 'Fliis Esaniiuation will be held once a year, in June cr July, as nearly as possible simul-taneously at such centres as the Couiicil may determine.Tl,c lhininatiou will l>epsrtJy qualitatire, partly quantitative1 aiid nil1 occupy about fair days. The attention of Cantlidates is directed to the followiii~reg-tioils, wliicli liase 1,ee:i :Idopted by the Council :-I. '' I hereby declare that the whole of llie \voyli, of wliich a record is cou-tnined in the aecoiiipanying note-book, and wliicli includes cwrcises in f (1. Qiialitative inor:;;lni~aiialysis. t L'. Gas ana1~-sis. -f b. Quxn titative illorganic analysis. t j. i'repaiatioli of pure niaterids. t c. Qnalitative oygmic a tialj-sis. t !I. 0tlier csperinic~ntalwork. ,~i~lllcll..................................................................... .." 11.I hereby certify that the ii-orlr of which a record is contained in the accoii11~anyiiignote-bonk was perfoiiiiecl hy d ...... U .... 111id(-'rsnpenision, and M-~ISexitmind at intends inclicatd by signatnres in the book. Siyirctl............................................................... t Nom.-Cross out subjects not inclucled in the above. 63 2. The note-books will be submitted totlic Board of‘ Examiners, who will tnke their contents into cousideration, aiici rill regulate tlie t‘xteu t of the examiliation to be i~iilmsetl accordiiigly. 2. The I3o;ird of 13xu;iininers will have power to submit aiiy (‘audid:ttc to it P~PI~L‘OCB esamiiiation upoii tlie coiiteiits of his note-books, aiid iiotice slid1 be sent by the Registrar to ally C;uidiclt-tteFhose attendance itlay be required for this purpose.1.The esainiiiatioii iii qnantitatire an~ilysjs\\ill include the ~~~r”fi~niiniiceof soiiie operation selected froui tlic Candiclste’s own record. -r3 .). 1 he rcgnlatioiis relating to tlie pro(1iiction of note-books uill coim into operation in Julie, 1890. In the ixteantiine, the lhird nil1 be prepred to receive my note-l~oolisthat inay be ~iilmittcdto them, and to gire credit for their contents. I. 12sercises in clualitative aualysis : such RS the a,ualysir of twtificial iiiistures of inoderate complexity, of alloys, of ores, the detection of specified substaiices preseiit iii iiiinute quantities, or as impurities iu commercial products.2. I’reyaration of substatices so chosen as to elicit evidence of tlie Candidate’s acquaintmice with ordiiiary clieinical operations : such as crystallisation, dissolution, distillation, etc. Determina-tioii of boiling point, melting point, relatiye deiisity, or sohbility of snbstances so prepared. 64 3. The recognition, by practical tests, of familiar typical: inorganic and organic compouuds. 4. The examination of gases, and detection of one or more of the following in a gaseons inistiire : Hydrogen, osygen, nitrogen, carbon monoside, carbon diosidc, lq-drogen cliloricle, hydrogen sulphide, amiiioiiia, sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, methane: and ethylene. QUAKTITATIVE. 1. The gravinietric and volnnictric estimation of coinnionlp occurriiig substniices.2. The detcrmiiiation of carbon and hydrogen, uitrogen, snlphur or 11a1 opens in organic c oiii 11011lids. 3. The volnmetric determination of one or more of the con-stituents in a inisture which may contaiii hydrogen, oxygeii, carbon monoside, carbon dioxide, metlime, ethTlene, and nitrogen. The Examiner will be at liberty to piit questions to Chiidi-dates at any time clnriiig the examination. Candidates will be allowed to coiisult boo1;s. . The Fee for this Esaniinatioii is Two Guineas. Tn the event of the Candidatc failing to pass, tlie Fee Kill not be retnrnecl to him, but he nil1 be aclmitted to one subsequent Esainination 011 payment of One Guinea. 65 UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES .IPP~:OT-E:Dwi THE COT_."CIL OF THE INSTITUTE.Aberdeeii .......... Abergstmyth ...... Eangor ............ Belfast ............ Birmingham ...... Bristol ............ Cambridge ........ Cardiff ............ Cork .............. Dnblin ............ .............. Dundee ............ Edin bnrgh ........ Glasgow .......... ............ Leeds ............ LiJ-erpool .......... London .......... .......... ............ 1' .......... .......... i&iiches t er ........ Xewcastle-on-Tjne .. Nottingham ........ Osford ............ Sheffield .......... St. Andrew's ...... The University. University College. University College. Queen's College.The Mason College. University College. The University. 1-niversity College. Qneen's College. Royal College of Science for Ireland. Trinity College. UniT-ersity College. The University. The UniT-ersitj. Anderson's College. The Torksliire College. Uniyersity College. City and Guilds Institute, Central Institution. 93 , , Fiiisbury Technical College- King's College. Nornial Scliool of Science. University College. The Owens College. The Diirhaiii College of Science. Unix-ersity College. The tTnirersity. Firth College. The T'nii-ersities. The above are Institutions at mliidli all the subjects required of Candidates for admission as Associates of the Institute are taught. The Council, however, will accept evidence of a suficieiit training in any one or inore of the required subjects st any College or Institution, provided a1mq-s the courses of instruction fnlfil the conditions imposed by the Council as to training.Particnlars of these conditions niaj be obtained on application to the Secretary. 66 REGULATLOSS FOR THE A1)JIISSIOS OF STUIIESTS. ofI .-Applic;mts for Admission to tlie St~icletrtsl~ip the Institute shall be at least 17 years of qe, :~ti(l shall, at tlie tiinc of applicntioii, be pupils of a Fellow of tlie Institute, or at oiie of the Universities or chartered or i~ico~pratetlColleges or Schoo1s, ctpl)roved by tlie Council. Ewry Candidate for ~tdiiiissiou as 3 Stridetit must, wlien sending in his applica~ioii, state in witiiig the naiiies ol' tlie Schools or Colleges at which lie lias i*er:eivcd his piicdral educiition.5-4.--So applictmt shall l~edeenieil to he ;iclmitted to t!ie liistitiite iiiitil lie 11:~s paid liis first ,Innual ltegistriltioii Fee. .>.-So Studelit shall i*ernain R Student of the lustitate for il period cxceediiig four years from tlic date of his admission, but :it the expiration of that period he slinll, nuless tile Council decide otherwise, ceim to I)? a Studelit, autl his iitme sliall be removed froin the Itcgister. (;.-Any Stcident wlio sliall oniit to 1);iy his A11iin:il Itcgistrntion Fee, when due, shall, 011 a Resu1utio:i to tliat effect beiug 1)assecl I)y the Council, 11i~\.ehis 1~11~rciiioved troll1 the ltegi ster. (X.E.--The Aiiiiaal Registration Fee is payable in aclvniice, bccoiiiiiig cine on the first day of January in e:tcli year.) 67 7.-Stiideiits are eiit,itled to attend :dl Ordiiiarg Meetings of‘ the 1tistitute, hit may not vote at such Neetinga.Students slinll receive, gratis. tJie *‘ Proceedings” of tlie Institue as tIic~ytiit pi1blisliccl. Tiie niirnher of Candidates who entered was 2S, Imt of these itiily 26 1)reserited theniselycs for Examination, ~i~iiiely, 14 at Mal;cllclstcr, at Lol~dou,2 ;It 13iriiii11gliam:tnd 1 :it Glasgon-. f )F these, 20 liassed tlie Exaniliatioil in it satisfactory nianner, m(1 tlie i‘ollo\\i~iylist contaiiis their iimies, and that of the centres at which they were Examined. Nr. P. BABIP~'GTOX.................. Maiic11ester.,, W.R. BARBACLOUGH......... 1lolldoll. ?, c. R. BECK ..................... Bi I'mi 11gh ain. ,, if.r~~~cti~................... &fancliester. ,, W. FRENVH.................... Londou. ?, C. GIBBIKS ..................... Loii do11. ,, F. ,4.GLENDININ; ............ Manches tcr. ,, J. GRANT........................ ,? F. €1. JEKRISON.................. ,, P. KAY .......................... 7) ?? ,? IT. MCCUHBIN.................. ,, W.R. ODDY ..................... ,, H. KAXAGE: ..................... ,, A. 4. READ ..................... ?? 7) ,, c. E. SOHN........................ London. J. F. Toc~m................. BiI'tni11Fham. ,, G. Ti7. A. TEAKBY............... IIauchestei-.,, w.L. Wrr,LrilsIs ............... London. ,, G. R. WINDER.................. -?r4anc2iester. ,, R. J%'. ~\'OOSNA?rI ............... Lonci~n. Tlie Examinations irere exactly alike at all the centres, and the exercises set', the saiiie. Those in qualitative aiialysis comprised a mixture contaitiing sodillin, barium, zinc, and c;tlciiiin, aiid silicic: carbonic, and phosplioric acids. Tlie candidates also had to re-cognise by practical tests trvo substances giren--n:mely, nitrate of urea arid quinine. In additioii, they had to prepare sodic ferric oxalate. The salt lid to be made floiii ferrous snlpliate and oxalic acid, with of course the usnal hboratory re-agents : 50 grams of' osalic acid was given to cadi Student for this piirpe arid he liad to obtain from it as large a yield as possible of the salt in a well crystalizecl condition ; aticl then to determine its solubility at 20° c.In quantitative analysis the following exercises were set :-].--(a) An alloy of tin nud lead containing 34”TO per cent. of tin arid ism22 per cent. of lead ; (7,) il, s:nmple of bone ash. ?.-The organic: substance for coubustioii was acetanilide, in wliicli tlie candidates had first to test to see whether it con-tained nitrogeii, aid then to determine the carbon aud hydrogen. 3.-Determinatioii of nitrogen in a solution of sodium nitrate by the nitroiiiecer. Judging from the work generally, the carididates a,ppear to haw leariieil their quantitative analysis better than tlirir qimlitati\-e.l?‘ELLOT.I’S ASD ASSOCIhTEY. Since tlie Register went to press five Fello\~sand eighteen Associates liave been elected by the Conncil, and two Students have been admitted. The n~niesmid addresses of those ~’110litti-e been foriiially admitted arc a.s follo~\-~:-FELLOWS. Crampton, (ieorge, 4, Tictoria Street, TTestmiuster, S.W. Evans, I?. , ISorii1a11, Kasli Klls, Hemel Henipstead. Fox, Williain, 85, Gracechurch Street, E C. Galbraitti, llayid IL, S, Bell Iiock, Remiera, Auckland, Xem Zealaad. 70 Hellon, Robert, 47, Kew Tmi-ther Street, M'hitehawn. Nackeiizie, George S., c/o Malcolm Bros., Capes' Chambers. Bond Street, Sydney. Qnalple, Edwin, Texteth Road, Glebe Point, Sydney. Stiarpley, W. P., Brougliton Copper Works, Salford, Mancliester.Van, Geyzell John TJ., Tnclian JTedid College, &Ia,dras. ASSOCIATES. Babington, Percival, c/o Mrs. Percy Hirst, Elinfield, Rotherlm~1, Yorkshire. Rarraclough, TIT. H., Pembroke House, Atherton Road, Forcst Gate, E. Blake, R. F., $7, Hartington Street, Z>ubliii Road, Belfast. 3' ren ch,Wi1liam, ULIirersitj-c'11emic:a1 IJaborittoryy,Ca111hiclgsc , Gibbins, Cecil, Holly I,aw~i,Eeechen Cliff, Bath. Grant, James, Owens C'olleye, Maiicliester. JlcCubbin, W., Mill Bank Home, West I)erby, Lirerpool. Moore, C. H. R., 17, Great Ton-er Street, E.C. Oddy, Robert IT., 60, Waterliouse, Toad lime, Roclidale. Rainagc, Hngh, 10, Bridle Road, Crew. Kead, A.A.. Ventnor House, Houstoii, Dewn. 71 Tocher, James F., 1.Chttpel Street, Peterliead. Winder, Ci. It., The Tillas, Bramhall, Stockport. S1I'UP)E"T'S. Ir-atts, Harold, 21, Phibsboro Road, Dublin. This list is given in duplicate on p. 19, so tlmt it can Ee detached and inserted in the "Register" (Proceedings, Part I, lSS9) as R supplement. SUPPLENEXT TO REGISTER--1889. FELL OWS. Crompton, George, 4, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Evans, P. Sorinan, Nasli Mills, Hemel Hempstead. Fox, William, 85, Gracechurch Street, E.C. Galbraith, David R., 5, Bell Rock, Remiera, Aucliland, New Zealand. Hellon, Robert, 17, Lowstin Street, Whitehaven. Maclienzie, George S., c/o Malcolm Bros., Capes’ Chambers, Bond Street, syCz11fy. Quayle, Edwin, Textetli Road, Glebe Point, Sydney.Sharpley, \V P., Broughtoii Copper Works, Salford, Manchester. Van, Cfeyzel John TJ , Indian Medical College, Madras. ASSOCIATES. Babington, Percival, c/o Mrs, Percy Hirst, Elmfield, Rotherham, Yorkshire. Barrnclough, W+ H., Pembrolie House, Atherton Road, Forest Gate, E. Blake, R. F., 37, Hartington Street, Dublin Road, Belfast. French, William, University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge. Gibbins, Cecil, Holly Lawn, Beechen Cliff, Bath. Grant, James, Owens College, Rlanchester. McCubbin, W., Mill Bank House, West Derby, Liverpool. Xoore, C. H. R., 17. Great Tower Street, E.C. Oddy, Robert W., 60, Waterhouse, Toad Lane, Rochdale. Ramage, Hngh, 10, Bridle Road, Creme. Read, A. A. Ventnor House, Houston, Devon. Sohn, Clias, E., 25, Beverley Road, Anerley, S.E.Teanby, George W.A., 22, Grosvenor Place, Leeds. Tocher, James F., 1,Chapel Street, Peterhead. Winder, G. R., The Villas, Bramhall, Stockport. STUDENTS. Ivatts, Harold, 21, Phibsboro Road, Dublin.


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