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期刊: Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry  (RSC Available online 1937)
卷期: Volume 34, issue 1  

页码: 001-016




年代: 1937




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



ARC-WELDINGHANDBOOKbyKARL MELLERContentsI. Introduction. 11. Welding Processes (a) Carbon Arc(b) Metal Arc. 111. Physical Nature of the Arc. IV.Welding Equipment and *Accessories. (a) Direct-CurrentWelding (b) Alternating-Current Welding (c) Maintenance ofWelding Machines (d) Accessories (e) Automatic WeldingMachines. V. Welding Electrodes (a) Electrodes for MetalArc Welding (b) Carbon Electrodes for Carbon Arc Welding. VI.Welding of Steel (a) Parent Material (b) Types of WeldedJoints (c) Practical Welding (d) Strength of Welded Joints (e)Cost of Electric Arc Welding. VII. Cast Iron and Cast SteelWelding (a) General Observations on the Welding of Cast Iron(b) Cold Welding of Cast Iron (c) Hot Welding of Cast Iron(d) Welding of Cast Steel.VIII. Arc Welding of Non-Ferrous Metals (a) Aluminium and its Alloys (b) Copper and itsAlloys (c) Nickel and its Alloys. IX. Testing Welded Joints(a) Non-Destructive Tests (b) Tests to Destruction.The object of this handbook is to enable the operator tounderstand the processes involved in arc-welding, and toutilise the results of the latest research in improving and simplify-ing his work. The welding engineer will derive considerableinterest from the descriptions of plant and equipment, and moreespecially from those pages devoted to the choice and testing ofelectrodes. Owners of small shops, who are frequently thrownentirely upon their own resources, will find invaluable informationand advice in this handbook.Crown 8vo. 200 pp. 83 illustrations. 8'6 netHUTCHINSON'S SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS34 PATERNOSTER Row, LONDON, E.C.4Telegraphic Address :'' Casthermo, Smith,London."Telephone :Terminus 2030.The mark of precision and eficiency.BRITISH MADETHROUGHOUTIf you use heat-it pays to measure it accuratelyB. BLACK & SON, LTD.1, Green Terrace, Rosebery Avenue,LONDON, E.C.1Thermometer Manufacturers(MERCURY IN GLASS T Y P E )Original Makers of the Improved, Gas-filled, Permanent Thermomekrs forLaboratory and Industrial Processes.Standard Thermometers of the highestaccuracy covering over a range fromminus zoo to plus 520° C.The black filling-in etchings will resistall solvents with the exception of thosethat attack the glass itself.The National Physical LaboratoryCertificates supplied, with any type.Of all the principal Scient#ic Instrument and LaboratoryApparatus Man ufac tur e n .vMODERNRUBBERCHEMISTRYA comprehensive survey of thebehaviour of rubber and latex in everyphase of their commercial applicationsby HARRY BARRONPh.D., B.Sc., A.I.C., A.I.R.I.Con ten t sCh.I. History of Rubber-Ch. 11. Sources of Rubber-Ch. 111.Latex-Ch. IV. Properties of Latex-Ch. V. CommercialRubber-Ch. VI. Theory of Coagulation-Ch. VII. Machineryand Processes-Ch. VIII. Physical Properties of Rubber-Ch. IX. Chemical Properties of Rubber-Ch. X. Mastication-Ch. XI. Chemical Composition of Rubber-Ch. XII. Structureof Rubber-Ch. XIII. Vulcanisation-Ch. XIV. Testing ofRubber-Ch.XV. Compounding of Rubber-Ch. XVI.Accelerators-Ch. XVII. Ageing of Rubber-Ch. XVIII.Vulcanisation Theory-Ch. XIX. Accelerator and AntioxidantTheory-Ch. XX. Reinforcement of Rubber-Ch. XXI.Reclaimed Rubber-Ch. XXII. Hard Rubber-Ch. XXIII.Direct Use of Latex-Ch. XXIV. Synthetic Rubber-Ch. XXV.Analysis of Rubber.Demy 8v0, 342pp., 70 illustrations. 18’- netHUTCHINSON’S SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS34 PATERNOSTER Row, LONDON, E.C.4vi Just PublishedSYSTEMATIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRYModern Methods of Preparation and EstimationW. M. CUMMINC, D.Sc., I . V. HOPPER, Ph.D., and T. S. WHEELER, Ph.D.Third Edition. Demy 8vo. XXVl + 547 pages. 25/- netATOMIC THEORY: AN ELEMENTARY EXPOSITIONA. HAAS, Ph.D. New Edition revised byW. A.CASQARlDemy 8vo Many Illustrations 15'- netTranslated by T. VERSCHOYLE.PHYSICAL CHEMISTRYJOHN ECGERT. Translated by 5. J. GRECG, Ph.D.Royal 8vo. 632 pages. I I I us t ra ted. 24/- netINTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF PHYSICALMETALLURGYWALTER ROSENHAIN.Demy 8vo. 368 pages. 20'- netThird Edition revised by J. L. HAUGHTON, D.Sc.10 ORANGE ST. CONSTABLE LONDON W.C.2THE INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRYOF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND~ The Institute of Chemistry was established in 1877 to providethe Government and the public with the means of recognis-ing those who have been properly trained and proved to.becompetent to practise chemistry as a profession. In 1885 theInstitute was granted a Royal Charter with authority to grantcertificates of competency, and to register persons qualifiedto practise.The aims of the Institute include the elevationof the profession of chemistry and the maintenance of theefficiency, integrity and usefulness of persons practising thesame, by compelling the observance of strict rules ofmembership, and by setting up a high standard of scientificand practical efficiency.Particulars of the Regulations and Examinations of theInstitute can be obtained (frec) on application.1 ~All communications to be addressed to the Registrar,THE INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY30 Russell Square, W.C.1... V l l The University of LiverpoolProspectuses, and full particulars of the following, maybe obtained on application to the Registrar.Faculties-ARTS * SCIENCE * MEDICINE - LAW * ENGINEERINGLIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTUREDEPARTMENT OF CIVIC DESIGNINSTITUTk OF ARCHAEOLOGYDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONLIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ADMINIS-TRATION (Including Economics, Commerce, Geography, SocialScience and Public Administration)ADULI‘ EDUCATIONDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTHLIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINESCHOOL OF VETERINARY SCIENCESCHOOL OF DENTAL SURGERYDOCTORATE IN PHILOSOPHYFELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, STUDENTSHIPS, EXHIBITIONS,HALLS OF RESIDENCESPECIAL GRANTS AND PRIZES.UNIVERSITY CALENDAR (Price 216 : Post free 31-1STANLEY DUMBELL, Registrar.C H E M I C A L S O C I E T YMEMORIAL LECTURES(Suitable for presentation as school prizes)VOLUME I, 1893-1$00.(Reproduced by a photo-lithographic process.)Price 10s.6d. Postage 6d.VOLUME 11, 1901-1913. (Reproduced by a photo-lithographic process.)Price 8s. Postage 6d.VOLUME 111, 2914-1932.Price 6s. Postage 6d.All bound in blue cloth.Publishers : THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, BURLINGTONHOUSE, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W.lQUEEN MARYCOLLEGEIn double and quadruple effect, plusThermo Re-compression, the world'smost economic system. Jahn's Britishand US. Patents. Numerous large in-stallations concentrating various tradeliquors operating i n London and Pro-vinces, Steam jet produces Vacuum, itsexhaust heats. A i r Pump Power at nocost!BEEF EXTRACTAND GELATINE PLANTFILTER, FOR OUTPUT,washable pulp medium.CONDENSING PLANT /"FARMA" MILK(University of London)Principal :Maj.-General Sir Frederick Maurice,K.C.M.G.,C.B., LL.D., D.Lit.Degree Courses in Arts, Scienceand Engineering.1st M.B.and Pre-Medical Courses forLondon Hospital MedicalCollege.Provision is made for ResearchWork for Students preparingfor M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc.Degrees in Chemistry. Theresearch laboratories are wellequipped with apparatus foradvanced work in Chemistry.~~Fees from g22 10s. a year.Entrance Scholarships andExhibitions.Halls of Residence for MenStudents and for WomenStudents.Pros$ectus Free on applicationto the REGISTRAR-QUEEN MARY COLLEGE, E.lTelegrams: BELLAMY, PHONE, LONDONTelephone: EAST 1892JOHNBELLAMYLTD.43 BYNG ST., MILLWALL, E.14TANKS for OIL, PETROL, &c.MIXING& BLENDING Plant,PRESSURE and VACUUMVessels,CLAVES, etc.,STORAGE BUNKERS andHOPPERS,STEEL CHIMNEYS, FLUESand DUCTSAIR RECEIVERS, AUTO-"LYTE-WATE" ROADWAGON TANKSLondon BuiltVACUUMEVAPORATORSJAHN PLANTMACHINERYIN STOCKchemicals.FillingxiPRICES OF THE PUBLICATIONS OFTHE CHEMICAL SOCIETYFOR 1938f s. a.Journal of the Chemical Society(issued monthly) . . . . 3 5 0 perannum,postfreeBritish Chemical and PhysiologicalAbstracts “ A” (issued monthly)A I General, Physical and In-organic Chemistry , . . 2 5 0 ,) 9 9A I1 Organic Chemistry . . 2 5 0 ,, 9 ,A I11 Physiology and Bio-chemistry , , . . 3 5 0 ,, 9 9A I and A11 together . . . 4 0 0 ,, 9 9A 1 and AH1 together . . . 5 0 0 ), 9 9A11 and A111 together. . . 5 0 0 ,, 9 9A I, A I1 and A 111 together , . 6 0 0 ,, 9 9These prices include one copy of the General Index in eachcase.Abstracts as above printed on one side of the page, Birtwithout the General Index, are obtainable at the same prices.General Index, including “ A ”(Pure Chemistry and Physi-ology) and “ B ” (AppliedChemistry) separately . . 15 0 per copy, yost freeAnnual Reports on the Progressof Chemistry, Vol. XXXIV, 1937. 13 0 ,, 99PUBLISHERS : THE CHEMICAL SOCIETYBURLINGTON HOUSE, PICCADILLY, LONDON, W.1xiPURIFICATIONOFWATERFOR ALL PURPOSESBOILER FEEDPROCESS WORKTEXT1 LE PU RPOSESTOWN SUPPLY, Etc.IS THE SPECIALITY OFL 'E N N I COT'WATER SOFTENERWO LVE RHA M PTO NCO., LTD.Established 40 YearsPLACE YOUR WATER PROBLEMSBEFORE US AND AVAIL YOUR-SELF OF OURUnrivalled ExperienceManufacturers of Domestic Water Softeners7'0 face rille Page xv


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