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Proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts




期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1904)
卷期: Volume 29, issue March  

页码: 69-70




年代: 1904




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



THE ANALYST'. MARCH, 1904. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS. THE annual meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday evening, February 3, in the Chemical Society's Rooms, Burlington House. The President, Mr. Thomas Fairley, occupied the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs. B. Kitto and H. Droop Richmond were appointed to act as scrutators of The HON. TREASURER (Mr. E. W. Voelcker, A.R.S.M.) presented his report for the Mr. EKINS moved the adoption of the report, and proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. NIMMO seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. The HON. TREASURER having responded, Dr. LEWKOWITSCH proposed, and Mr. W. T. BURGESS seconded, a vote of thanks The proposition was carried unanimously. The PRESIDENT moved that a vote of thanks be accorded to the President and Council of the Chemical Society for their kindness in allowing the Society the use of their rooms for meeting purposes during the past year.The motion, on being put to the meeting, was carried unanimously. The PRESIDENT delivered his annual address. Dr. VOELCKER proposed a vote of thanks to the President for his address, ooupled with a request that he would allow it to be printed in the proceedings of the Sooiety. Dr. DYER seconded, and the proposition was carried unanimously. The PRESIDENT having responded, A vote of thanks, on the proposition of Dr. SCHIDROWITZ, was unanimously passed to the Hon. Secretaries, Mr. E. J. Bevan and Mr. Alfred C. Chapman, for their services during the past year. the ballot-papers for the eIection of officers and Council for 1904.year 1903. the Hon. Treasurer for his services during the past year. to the auditors, Mr. John Hughes and Mr. W. P. Skertchly. Mr. BEVAN acknowledged the vote of thanks. The scrutators having reported the result of their examination of the ballot- papers, the President announced the unanimous election, for the ensuing year, of ofljcers and Council as follows : President : ThomasFairley. Past Presidenk (limited by constitution to ten in nu.mber) : M. A. Adams, A. H. Allen, A. DuprB, Bernard Dyer, W. W. Fisher, Otto Hehner, Alfred Hill, J. Muter, Thomas Stevenson, J. Augustus Voelcker.70 THE ANALYST. Vice-Presidents : Bertram Blount, Sidney Harvey, E. Wallis Stoddart. Hon. Treasurer: E. W. Voelcker.Eon. Secretaries: E. J. Bevan and A. C. Chapman. Other Members of Cozlncil: L. Archbutt, H. Ballantyne, W. T. Burgess, R. Hellon, 2. T. Holloway, F. J. Lloyd, Raymond Ross, P. Schidrowitz, J. E. Stead, D. A. utherland, R. R. Tatlock, L. T. Thorne. The ordinary monthly meeting of the Society was held on Wednesday evening, February 3, in the Chemical Society’s Rooms, after the termination of the annual meeting. Certificates of proposal for election to membership in favour of Messrs. F. E. King, B.Sc., and W. H. Simmons were read for the second time ; and certificates in favour of Messrs. John Edward Jenkins, A.I.C., 82, Anerley Park, S.E., works chemist to Messrs. Yerttman and Co., Ltd., ; Arnold Rowsby Tankard, assistant to Mr. A. H. Allen, 67, Surrey Street, Sheffield; Arthur Tighe, 30, Marlborough Place, St. John’s mood, N.W., assistant to Mr. A. C. Chapman; and Francis Langston Watt, A.R.C. Sc., 111, Lrtuderdale Mansions, Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale, W., assistant to Mr. A. C. Chapman, were read for the first time. Messrs. F. Hudson-Cox, N. van Lam, J. S. Maclaurin, D.Sc., and T. A. Night- scales were elected members of the Society. The following papers were read: “Note on Chinese Tallow-seed Oil,” by L, Myddelton Nash ; L t Note on the Estimation of Mechanical Woodipulp in Paper,” by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan ; and a Note on the Analysis of Jam,” by Raymond Ross. The President, Mr. Thomas Fsirley, occupied the chair.


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