T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 86 1961 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS, LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 86 1961 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS, LTD. 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. B AGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.Inst .F. H. E. BROOKES, BSc., F.R.I.C. R. A. CHALMERS, B.Sc., Ph.D. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C.W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. C. H. R. GENTRY, BSc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., D.Phil., D.Sc., W. C. JOHNSOK, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, BSc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.K.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L, S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D. W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society D. T. LEWIS, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society C. A. JOHNSON, B.Phann., B.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C.; S. A.PRICE, BSc., F.R.T.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant EditorTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.I.C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. B AGSHAWE, A.Met., F.I.M., M.Inst .F. H. E. BROOKES, BSc., F.R.I.C. R. A. CHALMERS, B.Sc., Ph.D. R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C. W. T. ELWELL, F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. C. H. R. GENTRY, BSc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., D.Phil., D.Sc., W. C. JOHNSOK, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, BSc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.K.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L, S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. D.W. WILSON, MSc., F.R.I.C. F.R.I.C. AND THE PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society D. T. LEWIS, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society C. A. JOHNSON, B.Phann., B.Sc., F.P.S., F.R.I.C.; S. A. PRICE, BSc., F.R.T.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant EditorINDEX TO VOLUME 86 INDEX TO NAMES A B Adcock, B., et al. Characterisation of amines, 615. Ader, D., et al. Rapid detmn. of beryllium. Paper- chromatographic method, 125. Affonso, 0. R., et al. Paper Electrophoresis: Review of Methods and Results. (Publication received), 364. Aghina, L. Dizionario Tecnico Italiano-Inglese con Particolare Riferimento alla Industria Chimica.(Publication received), 206. Ahrens, L. H., et al. Spectrochemical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 428 ; (Review), 760. Albert-Recht, F. Rocking extractor; ultrafiltration apparatus; sample cell arrangement for E.E.L. flame photometer; Electrophoretic tank for small- scale cellulose acetate strips. (Demonstrations), 280, 281. Alberty, R. A., et al. Physical Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 492. Alkemade, C. Th. J., et al. Flammenphotometrie. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. Allan, J. E. Detmng. zinc in agricultural materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 530. Allen, D. G. Obituary, 145. Allport, N. L. Obituary of W. H. Simmons, 213. - Review of Schultz and Zymalkowski’s Quanti- tative Bestimmung der A lkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitungen, 78.- Review of Wallis’s Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 4th Edn., 141. Alon, A., et al. Rapid detmn. of beryllium. Paper- chromatographic method, 125. Ambrose, B. A., et al. Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 859. Ambrose, D., et aZ. Gas Chromatography. (Pub- lication received), 859. Amos, A. J. Pure Food and Pure Food Legislation. (Publication received), 205 ; (Review), 490. Anders, E. Radiochemistry of Technetium. (Pub- lication received), 427; (Review), 763. Andrew, T. R., et al. Detmng. zinc in zinc man- ganese ferrite and other ferrites, 676. Antia, M. B., et al. Thioformanilide as precipitant for metal sulphides : Qualitative approach, 202. Arnaud, F. W. F. Obituary, 287. Arora, R.C., e f al. Thioformanilide as precipitant for metal sulphides : Qualitative approach, 202. Ashbrook, A. W., et at. Volumetric detmn. of sulphate, 740. Ashmore, P. G. Principles of Chemical Equilibrium. (Publication received), 628. Athavale, V.. T., et al. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in refined lead, 399. Atkins, H. J. B. Tools of Biological Research. 3rd Series. (Publication received), 628 ; (Review), 859. Avent, A. G. Presence of acrolein in Rhine wine Liebfraumilch 1959, 479. Ayres, D. C. Review of Veibel’s Identification of Organzc Compounds. 5th Edn. (2nd English Edn.), 681. Bacharach, A. L. Review of Gale’s Synthesis and Organisation in the Bacterial Cell, 425. - Review of McCance and Widdowson’s Composi- tion of Foods, 552. - et al. Hormones in Blood.(Publication received), 764. Bacon, A. Obituary, 287. Badman, H. G., et al. Detmng. 14C and 32P in animal tissue and blood fractions by liquid- scintillation, 342. Baggesgaard-Rasmussen, H. Obituary, 1, 287. Bailey, P. H., et al. Co-precipitation of cobalt with chromium and aluminium hydroxides in qualita- tive analysis, 485. Baker, B. E., et aZ. Interference by chloride ion in detmng. tryptophan by Shaw and McFarlane’s method, 416. Ballentyne, D. W. G., e f al. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 206. Ballou, N. E., et al. Radiochemistry of Molyb- denum. (Review), 763. Banerjee, N. G., et al. Rapid complexometric detmn. of phosphorus in coal, 195. Barker, C. J. Simple gas chromatograph.(Demon- stration), 281. Barnard, G. P. Review of Beynon’s Mass Spectro- metry and its Applications to Organic Chemistry, 422. Bartlet, J. C. Bayer, E. Gas Chromatography. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 683. Beard, H. C. Radiochemistry of Arsenic. (Review), 763. Beaven, G. H., et al. Molecular Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications in Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 764. Beckett, A. H., et al. Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvents. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. Beers, R. F., et al. Polynucleotides: Natural and Synthetic Nucleic Acids. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 760. Belcher, R. Bender, A. E. Anticoprophagic cup-“Faecollec- tor”-for rat. (Demonstration), 278. Bennett, H., et al. Apparent loss of iron during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles, 135.Bentley, H. R., et al. Cigarette Smoke Condensate : Preparation and Laboratory Estimation. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 492. Berl, W. G. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vul. IV. (Publication received), 860. Bethel, M. M., et al. Iodimetric methods of assay for penicillin in fermented medium, 448. Bevington, J. C. Radical Polymerization. (Pub- lication received), 684. Beynon, J. H. Mass Spectrometry and its Applica- tions to Organic Chemistry. Fluoride content of gelatin, 200. Obituary of D. F. Phillips, 214. (Review), 422,vi INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Bhaduri, B. P., et al. Rapid compIexometric detmn. of phosphorus in coal, 195. Bhatnagar, R. P., et al. Thioformanilide as pre- cipitant for metal sulphides : Qualitative approach, 202.Bhattacharyya, A. C., et al. Rapid complexometric detmn. of phosphorus in coal, 195. Biledeld, L. I., et al. Detmng. cadmium in rocks by neutron-activation analysis, 386. Bishop, E. Microcoulometry ; electronic constant- current/constant-potential source. (Demonstra- tions), 280. - Obituary of H. T. S. Britton, 146. Bishop, J. M. Measuring oxygen tension of blood by covered platinum electrode. (Summary), 212, Bishop, J. R., et al. Apparatus for coulometric detmns. of free tin and tin - iron alloy on tinplate. (Demonstration), 281. Blinn, R. C,, et al. Indirect ultra-violet spectro- photometric detmn. of sulphur dioxide by plumbous ion, 675. Bloch, K. Lipide Metabolism. (Publication re- ceived), 427. Blout, E. R., et al, Symposium on Microstructure of Proteins.Bloxam, T. W. Photometric detmn. of silica in rocks and refractory materials, 420. Bolton, H. L., et al. Collaborative work on detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage efflu- ent, river waters and surface waters, 719. Bond, C. R., e f al. Iodimetric methods of assay for penicillin in fermented medium, 448. Borrowdale, J., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of boron, 489. Bourne, G. H. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 364. Bowen, H. J. M., et al. Detmng. sodium, potas- sium and phosphorus in biological material by radioactivation, 506. Bowles, P. F., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper in sea water solutions, 483. Bracewell, G. A. Obituary, 145. Bradfield, E. G. Rapid detmn. of magnesium in plant material, 269.Brazenall, P., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with zinc 00-di-isopropyl phosphorodithioate, 407. Brealey, L. Review of Dean’s Flame Photometfry, 204. - Review of Strobel’s Chemical Instrumentation, 273. Brenner, N., et al. Gas Chromatography: Second International Symposium Held Under the Auspices of the Analysis Instrumentation Division of the Instrument Society of America, June, 1959. (Publication received), 364. Bridge, E. P., et al. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in gallium, 267. Bridge, J., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with zinc 00-di-isopropyl phosphorodithioate, 407. Brierley, A., e f al. Detmng. phenothiazine in com- mercial preparations by ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy, 709. Briggs, R., et al.Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for detmng. dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gases, 603. (Publication received) , 684. Briscoe, E. V. A. Obituary, 767. Britton, H. T. S. Obituary, 81, 146. Britton, S. C., et al. Tinplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods. (Review), 204. Broadbank? R. W . C., et al. Co-precipitation of cobalt with chromium and aluminium hydroxides in qualitative analysis, 485. Brochmann-Hanssen, E., et al. Pharmaceutical Analysis. (Publication received), 684. Broda, E. Radioactive Isotopes in Biochemistry. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. Brodaty, E. Obituary, 287. Bromleg,. D. E. X-ray fluorescence in general analysis. (Summary), 283. Brown, J. F. Review of Chemical Plant Instru- mentation: Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments, 79.Brown, W. O., et al. Detmng. 14C and 3aP in animal tissue and blood fractions by liquid-scintillation, 342. Brownlee, J. L., jun. Radiochemistry of Vanadium. (Publication received), 492 ; (Review), 763. Buchan, J. L., et al. Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. maltotriose in starch conversion products, 160. Burden, E. H. W. J. Toxicology of nitrates and nitrites with particular reference to potability of water supplies : review, 429. Bugan, J. G., et al. Cigarette Smoke Condensate: Preparation and Laboratory Estimation. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 492. Burroughs, L. F:, et al. Iodimetric detmn. of acetaldehyde bisulphite, 381. Busev, A.. I., et aZ. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. Translated by J. T. Greaves. (Review), 273.Butterworth, D. Induction heating applied to micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. (Demon- stration), 279. - Induction heating in detmns. of carbon and hydrogen, 357. Butz, W. H., et al. Instrumental Methods for Analysis of Food Additives. (Publication re- ceived), 860. C Cadenas, R. A., et al. Chromatographic reagents for organic substances, 132. Calderbank, A,, et al. Detmng. diquat residues in potato tubers, 669. Campbell, E. P. Obituary, 429. Campen, W. A. C,, et al. Quinoline phosphomolyb- date method for detmng. phosphate : applicability in international trade, 467. Camps, F. E. Medicine, Science and the Law. Vol. I, No. 1, Oct., 1960. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 362. Carlos, A. 5. Obituary, 287. Cam, A. D., et al. Detmng. small amounts of amine in aqueous solution, 335. Carruthers, W., et al.Progress in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 5. (Publication received), 628. Carson, R. Ion-exchange separation and polaro- graphic detmn. of small amounts of lead and zinc in presence of cobalt, 198; Erratum, 492. Carter, D. V. Diffusion plate-assay technique applied to enzymes and antibacterials in pharma- ceutical analysis. (Demonstration), 282. Cartmell, E., et al. Valency and Molecular Struc- ture. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Cartwright, P. .F. S. Precipitation from homo- geneous solution by cation release a t constant pH. I. Oxidation of EDTA solution by hydrogen peroxide, 688; 11. Precipitation of metal phos- phates, 692. Casson, C. B., et al. Enzymic hydrolysis of phos- pholipids for detmng. egg in foods, 544; Erratum, 628.Catch, J. R. Carbon-I4 Compounds. (Publication received), 764.INDEX TO Cathro, E. J. Detmng. gold in mill products by cathode-ray polarograph, 657. Caverly, D., e f al. Modified colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus applied to organo-phosphorus insecti- cide residues, 478. Cawse, P. A., et al. Detmng. sodium, potassium and phosphorus in biological material by radio- activation, 506. Chalmer!, R. A. Seldom-remembered aspects of analytical technique. (Summary), 765. Chambers, R. D., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. IV, 356. Chandler, R. D. T. E. Obituary, 287. Charlot, G. hnalyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations et des Anions. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 425. MCthodes de la Chimie Analytique : Analyse Quantitative Minkrale. 4th Edn.(Publication received), 428; (Review), 762. Cheeseman, G. W. H., et al. Characterising organic acids by benzylamine salts, 256. Chilton, J. P. Principles of Metallic Corrosion. (Publication received), 492. Chdwell, E. D., et al. Detmng. residual organo- phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : Review, 148. Chirnside, R. C. Address of Retiring President. Enlargement of horizons in analytical chemistry, 314. Cross-Referenced Index of Radio- chemical Teaching Experiments Applicable to Chemistry. (Publication received), 684. Radiochemistry of Rhodium. (Review), 763. Choppin, G. R. Cihalik, J. Potenciometrie. (Publication received), 684. Clabaugh, W. S.. Reagent Chemicals : American Chemical Society Specifications, 1960. (Pub- lication received), 556 ; (Review), 858. Claremont, C.L. L. Obituary, 685. Clark, A. Simple and inexpensive fraction collector Clark, G. L. Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy. (Pub- Clegg, J. B. Sulphometer. (Demonstration), 279. Cluley, H. J. Review of Monographs on Radio- Coates, G. E. Organo-Metallic Compounds. 2nd Cockburn, T. Obituary, 629. Codd, L. W., e t al. Crystallometry. (Publication received), 860. Coleman, R. F. Detmng. trace elements by fast- neutron activation analysis, 39. Comrie, A. A. D. Review of Hudson’s Development of Brewing Analysis, 272. Cook, J. W., et al. Progress in Organic Chemistry. Vol. 5 . (Publication received), 628. Cook, R. P. Reactions of steroids with acetic an- hydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Bur- chard test), 373. Cooper, B.,S. Review of Cosslett and Nixon’s X-ray Macroscopy, 423. - Review of V I I I Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, 274. Corliss, C. H., e f al. Tables of Spectral-Line Inten- sities. Part 11. (Publication received), 860. Cosslett, V. E., et al. X-ray Microscopy. (Publica- tion received), 142; (Review), 423. Cousin, B., et al. MCthodes SClectionnees de Micro- analyse Organique Quantitative. Vol. I. (Pub- lication received), 764. Cowan, G. A., et al. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. for chromatography, 548. lication received), 206. chemistry of the Elements, 763. Edn. (Review), 624. (Review), 763. VOLUME 86 vii Cox, S. J., e t al. Anhydrous sodium carbonate as Crompton, T. R. Detmng. alkoxide groups in Curry, D. R., et al. Punched-card index of analyti- acidimetric standard, 464.organo-aluminium compounds, 652. cal bibliography. (Demonstration), 279. D Dahlgren, S.-E. Eliminating interfering citrate and mineral acids in spectrophotometric detmn. of phosphorus in fertilisers, 814. Dalladay, D. B., et al. Detmng. copper in platinum jewellery alloys, 418. Dalsr, C. Simplified spectrophotometric assay of griseofulvin in fermentation samples, 129. Daniel, J. W. Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds, 640. Daniels, F., ef al. Physical Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 492. Darmois, E., e f al. Electrochimie Theorique. (Review), 205. Darmois, G., et al. Electrochimie Theorique. (Review), 205. David, D.. J. Detmng. molybdenum by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 730. Davidson, J. N.Review of Steiner and Beers’ Polynucleotides: Natural and Synthetic Nucleil; Acids, 760. Davies, A. G. Organic Peroxides. (Publication received), 764. Davies, R., e f al. Automatic detmn. of penicillin in fermentation broth : iodimetric assay, 326. De, A. IC. Separation of Heavy Metals. (Publica- tion received), 764. Dean, G. A., et al. Aspects of pipette usage. I, 434; 11, 440. - Separating vanadium and chromium from iron by extraction of ferric chloride with di-isopropyl ether, 106. Dean, J. A. Flame Photometry. (Review), 204. de Boer, J. H., e t al. Mechanism of Heterogeneous Catalysis. (Publication received), 364. Deieerrari, J. O., e t al. Chromatographic reagents for organic substances, 132. de Rooy, C., et al. Chromatographic behaviour of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones on chromatoplates, 74.- Thin-layer chromatography of 3,5-dinitroben- zoates, 527. de Rossi, P., et al. Assay of antibiotic mixtures using electrophoresis in agar. (Demonstration), 279. Desoutter, D. M. Research and Development for Industry. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept., 1961. (Publica- tion received)] 684. DeVoe, J. R. Radioactive Contamination of Ma- terials Used in Scientific Research. (Publication received), 492. - Radiochemistry of Cadmium. Dewedar, A,, et al. Zone - strip technique, 744. Dhaneshwar, R. G., e f al. Automatic pre-heating self-flushing water still ; potentiometric titrimetry; differential electrolytic potentiometry : needle- valve weight burette. (Demonstrations), 280. - Polarographic detmn. of antimony in refined lead, 399. Dhont, J. H., e f al.Chromatographic behaviour of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones on chromatoplates, 74. - Thin-layer chromatography of 3,5-dinitroben- zoates, 527. Dickes, G. J., e t al. Detmng. microgram amounts of sulphur-containing compounds, 69. (Review), 763.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 ... Vlll Dixon, J. P. Micro-detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds, 597. Dixon, S. Obituary of T. Tickle, 214. Doleial, J., et al. Polarometrickk Titrace. (Pub- lication received), 364. Donaldson, J. D., et al. Primary standards in tin analysis, 619. Downie, T. C., et al. Titrimetric Analysis :Intro- ductory Course. (Publication received), 628. Drewes, S. E. Analysing lead tannate and related chelates by amperometric method, 104. Drewry, J., e t al. Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in phosphate rock after extraction with alkyl acid phosphates, 178.Dyer, F. F., et al. Radiochemistry of Copper. (Publication received)’ 428; (Review), 763. Dymock, J. F., et al. Detmng. nitrite in water, 414. E Eardley, R. P., et al. Apparent loss of iron during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles, 135. Eldridge, A. A. Obituary of H. V. A. Briscoe, 767. Elliott, G., et al. Benzoin method for fluorimetric detmn. of boron, 62. Ellis, B. A. Review of Gowan and Wheeler’s Name Index of Organic Reactions. - Review of Gray’s Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents, 362. - Review of Surrey’s Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 858. Elving, P. J., et al. Treatise on Analytical Chem- istry. Part I. Vol. 1. (Review), 682; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 682; Part 11.Vol. 1. (Publication received), 428; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 682. Elwell, W. T. Application of atomic-absorption spectrophotometry t o metallurgical analysis. (Summary) 686. - Review of Macdonald’s Elementary Titrimetric Analysis, 79. - Review of Vickery’s Analytical Chemistry of the Rare Earths, 424. Emery, J. F., et al. Radiochemistry of Gold. (Publication received), 628. Evans, H. L., et al. Recording analytical balance for thermogravimetry. (Demonstration), 278. Evers, N. Review of British Pharmacopoeia 1958: ,4 ddcndum 1960, 203. Eynon, L. Obituary, 765. 2nd Edn., 363. F Fairhall, A. W. Radiochemistry of Beryllium. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 763. - Radiochemistry of Magnesium. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763.Fsrkas-Kadmon, R., et al. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received) 427. Farr, A. D. Laboratory Handbook of Blood Trans- fusion Techniques. (Publication received), 205. Feigl, F. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. Trans- lated by R. E. Oesper. 6th English Edn. (Pub- lication received), 142. Feinberg, J. G., et al. Agar-gel immunoanalysis. (Demonstration), 279. Ferrett, D. J. Analysis by nuclear magnetic reson- ance techniques. (Summary), 283. Few, J. D. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms, 636. Figgins, P. E. Radiochemistry of Polonium. (Pub- lication received), 764. Fill, 1. A. Small-scale methods of heating and stirring, and miscellaneous small-scale techniques. (Demonstration), 277.Finston, H. L., et al. Radiochemistry of Cesium. (Publication received), 628. Fletcher, A. E. Obituary, 429. Forbes, J. S., et al. Detmng. copper in platinum jewellery alloys, 418. Forster, W. A., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of copper with zinc 00-di-isopropyl phosphorodithioate, 407. Foster, J. S., et al. Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases, 32. Fowles, G. W. A., ef al. Valency and Molecular Structure. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Foxley, G. H. Frankel, M., et al. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 427. Fraser, J. R., et al. Detmng. glycogen in oysters, 131. French, A. Obituary, 685. Friess, S. L., et al. Detcng. organic peroxides, 348.Investigation of Ra.tes and Mechanisms. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 628. G Gage, J. C. Trace detmn. of phenyl- and methyl- mercury salts in biological material, 457. Gale, E. F. Synthesis and Organisation in the Bacterial Cell. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 425. Gare, L., et al. Illuminated box for incubation of stock cultures of Ochromonas malhamensis without overheating ; titration assembly for acidimetric microbiological assays. (Demonstrations), 281. Garratt, D. C. Analysing commercial sodium 2,2-di- chloropropionate (dalapon sodium salt), 367. Gautier, J.-A. Rlises au Point de Chirnie Analytique Pure et Appliqude et d’Analyse Bromatologique. 8th Series. (Publication received)’ 142; 9th Series, 764. Gerarde, H. W. Toxicology and Biochemistry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons.(Publication received), 275; (Review), 625. Gerstein, M. J., et al. Handbook of Microbiology. (Publication received), 142. Gidley, J. A. F., et al. Detmng. zinc in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry, 271. Giordani, M. Corsi di Analisi Chimica Semimicro- qualitativa. (Publication received), 80. Glover, J. H. Obituary of H. W. Hodgson, 630. Goodall, R. R., et al. Automatic detmn. of peni- cillin in fermentation broth : iodimetric assay, 326. - Semi-automatic compound dilution pipette. (Demonstration), 279. Goodwin, E. S., et al. Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography, 697. Goulden, R., ef al. Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography, 697.Gowan, J. E., et al. Name Index of Organic Re- actions. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 363. Grant, J. Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture, incorporating the Fourth Edition of Stevens’s “Paper Mill Chemist.” 2nd Edn. (Publication received) 205.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 ix Gray, C. H. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. - Review of Protides of Biological Fluids, 759. - Review of Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- - et al, Hormones in Blood. (Publication re- ceived), 764. Greaves, J. T. Translator of Busev and Polianskii’s Use of Organic Reagents ilz Inorganic A nalysis. (Review), 273. Grimn, F. J., et al. Enzymic hydrolysis of phos- pholipids for detmng.egg in foods, 544; Erratum, 628. Gripp, IT. E. Ion-exchange in electroplating indus- try. (Summary), 209. Gross, D. Review of Smith’s Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Vol. 11, 361. - Review of Wunderly’s Principles and Applica- tions of Paper Electrophoresis, 857. Grover, E. B., et al. Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control. (Publication received) , 206. Gubeli, O., et al. Physiko-chemische Grundlagen und Tabellen zur Qualitativen Analyse. (Pub- lication received) , 142. Gunther, F. A., et al. Indirect ultra-violet spectro- photometric detmn. of sulphur dioxide by plum- bous ion, 675. Guyer, H. VII I Colloquium Spectroscopicurn Internationale. (Review), 274. (Review), 362. try. VOl. 3, 759. H Hall, I. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds.(De- monstration), 279. Hall, P. S., et al. Modified colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus applied to organo-phosphorus insecti- cide residues, 478. Halliday, J., et al. Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkylbenzenesulphonates in detergents and sewage, 22. Hamby, D. S., et al. Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control. (Publication received), 206. Hamilton, J. B., et aZ. Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion, 239. Hanson, S. W. F. Accelerated Freeze-drying (AFD) Method of Food Preservation. (Publication received), 860. Hargreaves, G. Elementary Chemical Thermo- dynamics. (Publication received), 275. Harrison, R. B., et al. Detcng., detmng. and identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 561.- Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil, 566. Hart, M. G. R. Turbidimetric detmn. of elemental sulphur, 472. Hartleg, G. S., e f al. Detmng. residual organo- phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review, 148. Harvey, L. G., et al. Fluorimetric detmn. of sub- microgram amounts of selenium, 54. Haslam, J. Review of Beckett and Tinley’s Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvelzts. 3rd Edn., 274. - Review of Reilley’s Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. I, 426. - Review of Smith’s Chromatographic and EZectro- phoretic Techniques. Vol. I . 2nd Edn., 361. - et al. Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Collection of fractions from gas chromato- graph and identification by infra-red spectro- scopy, 44. - Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion, 239. Hawkins, E.M. Obituary, 287. Heaysman, L. T., et al. Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil, 566. Healy, C., et al. Detmng. sOSr in rain water, 616. Hebbs, L. G. S. Obituary, 287. Henly, A. A. Obituary, 209. Henneberry, G. O,, et al. Interference by chloride ion in detmng. tryptophan by Shaw and McFar- lane’s method, 416. Herringshaw, J. F., et al. Aspects of pipette usage. I, 434; 11, 440. - Separating vanadium and chromium from iron by extraction of ferric chloride with di-isopropyl ether, 106. Herrmann, R., et al. Flammenphotometrie. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. Hershenson, H. M. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorp- tion Spectra : Index for 1955-1959. (Publication received), 860.Heslop, R. B., et al. Co-precipitation of phosphate with lead molybdate in British Standard method for detmng. phosphorus in steel, 134. Hetman, J. Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph. Vol. I. (Correction) , 80. Hewitt, G. C., et al. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysis/gas - liquid chromato- graphy, 643. Hicks, H. G. Radiochemistry of Zinc. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. Higgins, 0. H. Radiochemistry of Transcurium Elements. (Publication received), 556. Higuchi, T., et al. Pharmaceutical Analysis. (Publication received), 684. Hill, D. W, Gas chromatography and anaesthetic research. (Summary), 211. Hill, W. H., et al. Apparatus for coulometric detrnns. of free tin and tin - iron alloy on tinplate.(Demonstrations) , 281. Hilton, J., et al. Collaborative work on detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage efflu- ent, river waters and surface waters, 719. Hoare, W. E., et al. Tinplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods. (Review), 204. Hodgkinson, A., et al. Detmng. oxalic acid in urine, 16. Hodgman, C. D., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 42nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. - Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 427. Hodgson, H. W. Obituary, 429, 630. Holder, G. A. Application of spectrophotometric analytical technique in a kinetic study, 677. Holmes, D. C., ef al. Detmng. glycogen in oysters, 131. Holmes, F. Detmng. metals by organic reagents. (Summary), 2 1 1. liolmes, G. M. Review of Handbuch fur das Eisen- hiittenlaboratorium. Band I.2nd Edn., 553. Holness, D. Detmng. citronellol in admixture with geraniol. Studies of formylation reactions by gas - liquid chromatography, 231. liorwitz, W. Official Methods of Analysis of Asso- ciation of Official Agricultural Chemists. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 80. Hudson, J. R. Development of Brewing Analysis. (Review), 272. Hughes, A. M. Mites of Stored Food. (Publication received), 427. Hughes, J. T. Colorimetric detmn. of Kelthane residues, 756. Hutchison, W. C., e f al. Detmng. nucleic acids in biological materials : review, 768.X INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Hyde, E. K. Radiochemistry of Francium. (Re- Johnson? W. C. Review of Reagent Chemicals: view), 763. Ameracan Chemical Society Speci$cations, 1960, - Radiochemistry of Thorium. (Review), 763.858. Anhydrous sodium carbonate as acidi- metric standard, 464. Titrimetric Analysis: Introductory Course. (Publication received), 628. sulphides and thiocarbonates with potassium trithiocarbonate as reagent, 487. Microbiological assay of methi- - et al. Johnstone, N. B. B., et al. I Imam, G. M., et Micro-quantitative analysis Johri, K’ for Precipitating by zone - strip technique, 535. Jones, A., et at. - Zone - strip technique, 744. Ingram, G* Of Organic by cillin and phenethicillin by large-plate methods, ignition in oxygen : detmng. carbon and hydrogen, 669. 411. - Micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen in fluorine- containing organic compounds, 539. Irving, H. Review of Busev and Polianskii’s Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis, 273.- Review of Coates’ Organo-Metallic Compounds. 2nd Edn., 624. - Review of Perry’s Scientific Russian. 2nd Edn., 555. - Review of Smales and Wager’s Methods in Geochemistry, 490. - Review of West and Sykes’ Analytical Applica- tions of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn., 203. - Review of Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev’s Instability Constants of Complex Compounds, 79. - Review of Proceedings of the Symposium on the Chemistry of Co-ordination Compounds, Agra, India, February 7th and Sth, 1959. Parts 1, 2 and 3, 624. Isherwood, F. A., et al. Silica gel chromatography of organic acids from plant tissue, 260. Ives, D. J. G., et al. Reference Electrodes: Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 556. J Jackson, H. Device for increasing sensitivity of pH meter, 76.Jackson, R. J. Magnetically driven fan. (Demon- stration), 279. Jacobs, M. B., et 42. Handbook of Microbiology. (Publication received), 142. Janz, G. J., ef al. Reference Electrodes: Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 556. Jean, H., et al. Microanalyse Organique g1.1Cmen- taire Qualitative et Quantitative. DBtermination des Masses MolBculaires et des Degr6s de Poly- mBrisation. (Publication received), 860. Jeffery, P. G., et al. By-pass injector for gas chromatography, 680. - Detmng. fluorine in deposit-gauge sampl :s, 590. Jeffs, A. R., et al. Applications of gas-liquid chromatography. Collection of fractions from gas chromatograph and identification by infra-red spectroscopy, 44. Jenkins, R. H., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of boron, 489.- Direct absorptiometric detmn. of copper in steel and cast iron with 2,2’-biquinolyl, 166. Johannesson, J. K. Radiochemical detmn. of microgram amounts of chloride, 72. Johnson, C. A., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine in organic compounds, 101. Johnson, E. A., et at. Molecular Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications in Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 764. Johnson, R. W. Colorimetric procedure for checking palladium content of jewellery alloys, 185. ~~~ Jones, J. T., et al. Detmng. zinc in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry, 271. K Kakabadse, G., et al. Complex of vanadylv with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 402. - Rapid micro-detmn. of nitrogen in fluorine- containing compounds, 5 12. Kamlet, M. J. Organic Electronic Spectral Data.Vol. I, 1946-1952. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 424. Kaufman, H. C. Handbook of Organometallic Compounds. (Publication received), 628 Keenan, T. K., et al. Radiochemistry of Americium and Curium. (Review), 763. Kellie, A. E. Application of infra-red spectroscopy to problems of medical science. (Summary), 212. Kim, C. K. Radiochemistry of Titanium. (Pub- lication received), 627, Kind, S. S. Journal of The Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, Sept., 1960. (Review), 141. Kinsley, M.. T., et al. Radiochemistry of Cesium. (Publication received), 628. Kipping, P. J., et al. By-pass injector for gas chromatography, 6 80. Kirby, H. W. Radiochemistry of Protactinium. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. Kirby, R., et al. Co-precipitation of phosphate with lead molybdate in British Standard method for detmng.phosphorus in steel, 134. Kirkwood, K. C., et al. Occurrence of honeydew in honey. 11, 164. Kirtchik, H., et al. Detmng. cobalt in heat- resistant alloys, 188. Kleinberg, J., et at. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. Knapman, C. E. H., et al. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1960. (Publication received), 628. Knowles, G., et al. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for detmng. dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gases, 603. Koch, R. C. Activation Analysis Handbook. (Pub- lication received), 206. Kolthoff, I. M., ef al. Organic Analysis. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 80. - Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Vol. 1. (Review), 682; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 682; Part 11.Vol. 1. (Publication received), 428 ; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 682. Konczak, D., et al. Electrodes and cells for polarography. (Demonstration), 280. Konrath, J. H. Automatic integrator for gas chromatography. (Demonstration), 278. - ef al. Tungsten-filament katharometer for gas chromatography. (Demonstration), 278. Kosters, B., et al. Rapid qualitative and quanti- tative analysis of products from pyrolysis, 480. Kruger, P., et al. Radiochemistry of Mercury. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. (Review),, 763.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xi Kum-Tatt, L. Routine detmn. of caffeine in coffee and coffee mixtures, 825. L Lacy, J., et al. Apparatus for preparation of standard gas mixtures, 547. - Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography, 350.Lamb, B., et al. Electrodes and cells for polaro- graphy . (Demonstration), 280. Lang, L.,.et al. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. 2nd Edn. Also Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Loose-leaf and Vol. 11, 1st Edn. Loose- leaf. (Publication received), 764. Lang, R. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1956-58. (Publication received), 142. Langbridge, D. M., et al. Detmng. phenothiazine in commercial preparations by ultra-violet ab- sorption spectroscopy, 709. Lawrence, J. S. Assessment of Activity of Disease. (Publication received) 427. Laws, E. Q. Review of O’Brien’s Toxic Phosphorus Esters: Chemistry, Metabolism and Biological Effects, 491. Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. General method for insecticide residues, 249.Lawson, A., et al. Characterisation of amines, 615. Leddicotte, G. W. Radiochemistry of Manganese. - Radiochemistry of Rhenium. (Publication - Radiochemistry of Selenium. (Publication - Radiochemistry of Tellurium. (Publication - et al. Radiochemistry of Copper. (Publication - Radiochemistry of Gold. (Publication received), Lederer, M. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 3. Lees, A. UgrAdi, L. Detmng. alkali polysulphides, 854. Leonard, M. A., et aZ. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine in organic compounds, 101. Gvy, R., et al. MBthodes SBlectionndes de Micro- analyse Organique Quantitative. Vol. I. (Pub- lication received), 764. - Microanalyse Organique ENmentaire Qualitative et Quantitative. Determination des Masses MolCculaires et des DegrCs de Polym6risation.(Publication received), 860. Coulometric methods in analysis: review, 494. Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 628. Radiochemistry of Aluminium and Gallium. (Publication received), 556. X-ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry : Spectro- chemical Analysis with X-rays. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 626. Liebmmn, H. Review of Hoare and Britton’s Tanplate Testing: Chemical and Physical Methods, 204. Lightbown, J. W. Biological standardisation and the analyst: review, 216. - et aZ. Assay of antibiotic mixtures using electrophoresis in agar. (Demonstration), 279. Lindsey, A. J. Review of Darmois and Darmois’ Electrochimie ThJorique, 205. - et al. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 763.received), 428; (Review), 763. received), 556. received) , 764. received), 428; (Review), 763. 628. (Publication received), 764. Obituary, 1, 82, 287. Lems? D. T. Lewis, E. S., et al. Lewis, J. E. Liebhafsky, H. A., et al. Littlewood, A. Compensation for temperature variations within cell of dissolved-oxygen indi- cator/recorder incorporating wide-bore dropping- mercury electrode, 359. Lloyd, P. J., et al. Detmng. small amounts of amine in aqueous solution, 335. Loneragan, R. J. A.R.D.E. card sorting/punching machine. (Demonstration), 279. Longmuir, I. S. Advances in Polarography: Pro- ceedings of Second International Congress Held at Cambridge, 1959. Vols. 1-3. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 625. Lowe, H. Obituary, 287. M McAllister, R. A. Detcng.palladium with p-nitroso- diphenylamine, 61 8. McAloren, J. T., et al. Recording analytical balance for thermogravimetry. (Demonstration), 278. McCance, R. A., et al. Composition of Foods. (Publication received), 142 ; (Review), 552. McCrae, J. Obituary, 287. Macdonald, A. M. G. Elementary Titrimetric Analysis. (Review), 79. - Oxygen flask method: review, 3. MacFate, R. P. Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory. (Publication received), 764. Macintosh, E., et al. Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl and dibutyl phthalates in propellants with use of zinc amalgam to overcome interference from nitroglycerine, 338. McNicol, R. A. Obituary, 429. Maddock, A. G. Radiochemistry. Vol. I , No. 1, Maeck, W. J. Radiochemistry of Antimony. Magee, R. J. Analytical chemistry of technetium - Tesla-luminescence spectra.(Summary), 366. Manohin, B., et al. Rapid micro-detmn. of nitrogen Marsden, W. Obituary, 287. Marshall, G. F., et al. Detmng. 90Sr in rain water, 616. Marzys, A. E. 0. Spectrophotometric detmn. of sulphadiazine, sulphamerazine and sulphathiazole in mixtures, 460. Mattock, G. Measurement of pH and electrode potential for analysis. (Summary), 284. - Scope of automation in the laboratory. (Sum- mary), 366. - et al. pH Measurement and Titration. (Pub- lication received), 492. Mebiucl, L. J. Detmng. cellulose and household coal in town-refuse compost, 821. Meggers, W. F., et al. Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities. Part 11. (Publication received), 860. Yehta, M. M., et al. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in refined lead, 399. MeUsh, C.E. Radioactive isotopes in X-ray fluorescent analysis. (Summary), 283. Middleton, K. R. Eliminating phosphate inter- ference in EDTA detmns. of calcium and mag- nesium in plant ash, 111; Erratum, 492. Milbourn, M. Review of Ahrens and Taylor’s Spectrochemical Analysis. 2dn Edn., 760. Miles, F. D. Nitric Acid: Manufacture and Uses. (Publication received), 684. Miller, R. G. J., et al. Molecular Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications in Chemistry. (Pub- lication received), 764. 1960. (Publication received), 628. (Publication received), 627, and rhenium. (Summary), 766. in fluorine-containing compounds, 512.xii INDEX TO Milton, R. F. Review of Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell’s Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I . Vols. 1 and 2; Part 11. Vol. 3, 682.- Review of Stewart and Stolman’s Toxicology: Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Vol. I, 627. Mitchell, J., jun,, et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 80. Mitchell, R. L. Review of Schuhknecht’s Flammen- spektralanalyse, 554. Mitchell, T. J., et al. Occurrence of honeydew in honey. 11, 164. Mitidieri, E., et al. Paper Electrophoresis : Review of Methods and Results. (Publication received) , 364. Moelwyn-Hughes, E. A. States of Matter. (Pub- lication received) , 764. Momyer, F. F. Radiochemistry of the Rare Gases. (Pyblication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. Momer-Williams, G. W. Review of Amos’s Pure Montgomery, H. A. C., et al. Detmng. nitrite in water, 414. Moore, F. L. Liquid - Liquid Extraction with High-molecular-weight Amines. (Publication received), 62 8.Moore, P. J., ef al. Punched-card index of analyti- cal bibliography. (Demonstration), 279. Morgan, C. B., et al. Detmng. diquat residues in potato tubers, 569. Morgan, D. 1. Apparatus for alkaline isomerisation of fatty acids. (Demonstration), 278. Morgan, P. J. Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry, 631, Morrison, G. A. Systematic Qualitative Analysis : Introduction. (Publication received), 428. Morton, R. A. Review of Kamlet’s Organic Elec- tronic Spectral Data. Vol. I, 1946-1952; and of Ungnade’s Organic Electronic Spectral Data. loser, W., et al. Primary standards in tin analysis, 619. Moss, D. W. Review of Atkins’ Tools of Biological Research. 3rd Series, 859. Moss, R., et .al. Semi-micro Orsat apparatus.(Demonstration), 278. Mmro, H. N., et al. Detmng. nucleic acids in biological materials : review, 768. Murdoch, I. A. Detmng. nitrogen in argon by gas chromatography, 856. M m h , J. W., et at. Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases, 32. Murray, W. J., et al. Detmng. propane-1,3-diol in glycerol by gas chromatography with flame- ionisation detector, 849. lusgrave, W. K. R:, ef al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. IV, 366. Food and Pure Food Legislation, 490. Vol. 11, 1953-1955, 424. N Naylor, P. a. D. Inclined drawing board fitted with roll of tracing paper for repeated use of single piece of graph paper; illuminator-box for large plate microbiological assays. (Demonstrations) , 282. Nelson, T.H. Electrophoresis apparatus ; inexpen- sive incubator. (Demonstrations), 282. Nervik, W. E. Radiochemistry of Tin. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. - et al. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium and Actinium. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. Newman, E. J., et al. Anhydrous sodium carbonate as acidimetric standard, 464. VOLUME 86 Nicholls, J. R. Review of Journal of The Forensic Science Society. Vol. I , No. 1, Sept., 1960, 141. - Review of Medicine, Science and the Law. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960, 362. Nicholls, S. F. Preparing small rock salt plates for micro-sampling in infra-red spectrophotometry, 664. Nichols, P. N. R., et al. Detmng. zinc in zinc manganese ferrite and other ferrites, 676. Nicks, P. F., et al. Colorimetric detmn.of copper in sea water solutions, 483. Nielsen, J. 1. Radiochemistry of Iron. (Publica- tion received), 275; (Review), 763. Nikaido, H. Detmng. 2,6-diaminopimelic acid : paper-chromatographic modification of Work’s acid - ninhydrin reaction, 673. Nixon, W. C., et al. X-ray Microscopy. (Publica- tion received), 142; (Review), 423. Niyogi, S. K., et al. Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and iono- phoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets, 67 1. Noebels, H. J., ef al. Gas Chromatography: Second International Symposium Held Under the Auspices of the Analysis Instrumentation Division of the Instrument Society of America, June, 1959. (Publication received), 364. - Instrumental Methods for Analysis of Food Additives. (Publication received), 860.Norwitz, G. Colorimetric detmn. of tin in propel- lants by haematoxylin, 835. Now el Dein, M. S., et al. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip technique, 535. Nyburg, S. C. X-Ray Analysis of Organic Struc- tures. (Publication received), 364. 0 O’Brien, R. D. Toxic Phosphorus Esters: Chemis- try, Metabolism and Biological Effects. (Pub- lication received), 206 ; (Review), 491, O’Connor, C. M., et al. Quinones in Electron Transport : Ciba Foundation Symposium. (Pub- lication received), 275. Oesper, R. E. Translator of Feigl’s Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. 6th English Edn. (Publication received), 142. Ogden, C. P., et al. Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkylbenzenesulphonates in detergents and sewage, 22. Oldfleld, J. H., et al. Spectrographic detmn.of trace impurities in gallium, 267. Oliver, J. H. Obituary, 287. Osborn, G. H. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers. Recent Developments in Theory and Application. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 428. Osmond, R. G. D., et al. Detmng. 90Sr in rain water, 616. Overberger, C. G., et al. Symposium on Micro- structure of Proteins. (Publication received) , 684. P Packham, R. F. Multiple stirrer unit for coagula- tion tests on water; simple apparatus for con- . tinuous sampling of water. (Demonstrations), 278. Page, J. E. Review of Broda’s Radioactive Isotopes in Biochemistry, 274. - Review of Reilley and Sawyer’s Experiments for Instrumental Methods, 761. - Review of Advances in Polarography : Proceedings of Second International Congress Held at Cambridge, 1959.Vols. 1, 2 and 3, 625. - Review of Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Vol. V, 555.INDEX TO Palframan, J. F., et al. Detcng., detmng. and identifying furfuraldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 561. Parke, D. V. Detmng. 2,4-diaminophenol and its salts, 12. Parker, A. Simple lock for high-vacuum apparatus, 550. - e f al. Anodic stripping polarography. (Demon- stration), 281. Parker, C. A. Spectrofhorimetry. (Summary), 365. - et al. Fluorimetric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of selenium, 54. Parkes, M. W. Methods for quantitative assessment of psychotropic activity in mice. (Demonstra- tion), 278. Patai, S., et al. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 427. Patel, C. C., et al. Volumetric detmn. of dixantho- gen, 98.Paterson, D. A. Translator of Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev’s Instability Constants of Complex Com- pounds. (Review), 79. Paterson, J. W. Obituary, 1, 287. Patterson, S. J., et al. Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. maltotriose in starch conversion products, 160. Pay, R. M., et al. Microbiological assay of methi- cillin and phenethicillin by large-plate methods, 669. Payne, B. R,. Radioactivation Analysis : Proceed- ings of Radioactivation Analysis Symposium held in Vienna, June, 1959. (Publication received), 80. Beach, S. M. Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. nitrites, 757. Peck, P. F., et al. Rapid detmn. of indium by neutron activation, 580. Peeters, H. Protides of Biological Fluids. (Pub- lication received), 427 ; (Review), 759. Pellegrini, G.U. M., et al. Detmng. added borates in mixed fertilisers, 517. Penneman, R. A,, et al. Radiochemistry of Ameri- cium and Curium. (Review), 763. Perry, J. W. Scientific Russian. 2nd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 275; (Review), 555. Pfeiffer, H. G., ef al. X-ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry : Spectro- chemical Analysis with X-rays. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 626. Phillips, D. F. Obituary, 145, 214. Pierce, T. B., et al. Rapid detmn. of indium by neutron activation, 580. Piganiol, P., et al. Microanalyse Organique Ih5mentaire Qualitative et Quantitative, DCter- mination des Masses MolCculaires e t des DegrCs de Polymkrisation. (Publication received), 960. Pijck, J. Radiochemistry of Chromium. (Review), 763. Pittwell, L.R. Detmng. samarium and other rare earths, 137. Polianskii, N. G., et at. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. Translated by J. T. Greaves. (Review), 273. Poller, R. C., ef al. Characterising organic acids by benzylamine salts, 256. Powers, H. E. C. Humidator cells. (Demonstra- tion), 279. Price, S. A., et al. Illuminated box for incubation of stock cultures of Ochromonas malhamensis without overheating ; titration assembly for acidimetric microbiological assays. (Demonstra- tions), 28 1. Priyadarshini, U., et al. Rapid extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of vanadium with N-cinnamoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine, 544. ... VOLUME 86 XI11 Prodinger, W., et al. Physiko-chemische Grund- lagen und Tabellen zur Qualitativen Analyse. (Publication received), 142.Proskauer, E. S., et al. Organic Analysis. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 80. R Radley, J. A,, et al. Benzoin method for fluori- metric detmn. of boron, 62. Reid, V. W., et al. Detmng. water in plastic materials, 36. Reilley, C. N. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. I. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 426. - e f al. Experiments for Instrumental Methods. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 761. Reynolds, J. Gc., et al. Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography, 697. Ribeiro, L. P., et al. Paper Electrophoresis: Review of Methods and Results. (Publication received), 364. Rickard, R. R., et al. Radiochemistry of Ruthen- ium. (Publication received), 492 ; (Review), 763.Ridyard, H. M. Detmng. thiamine in cereal pro- ducts : further refinements, 723. Ritcey, G. IVI., et al. Volumetric detmn. of sulphate, 740. Roberts, E. A. H., et al. Spectrophotometric measurements of theaflavins and thearubigins in black tea liquors in assessments of quality in teas, 94. Roberts, J. D. Introduction to Analysis of Spin- Spin Splitting in High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra. (Publication re- ceived), 628. Roesmer, J., ef al. Radiochemistry of Mercury. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. Rooke, H. S. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLV : 19GO. (Publication received), 684. Rooksbg, H. P. Review of Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow and Zemany’s X - R a y A bsorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry, 626. Rose, B.A. Review of Bayer’s Gas Chromatography, 683. - Review of Gas Chromatography, 1960, 363. - et al. Detcng., detmng. and identifying fur- furaldehyde in hydrocarbon oil, 561. ROSS, I. C., et al. Occurrence of honeydew in honey. 11, 164. ROSS, W. J., et al. Separations by Solvent Extrac- tion with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide. (Publica- tion received), 684. Rowe, J. D., et al. Anti-coincidence ,kcintillation counter for low activity levels : coincidence scin- tillation counting for low activity levels. (Demon- strations), 281. S Sandell,. E. B., et al. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Vol. 1. (Review), 682; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 275 ; (Review), 682; Part 11. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 428; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Re- view), 682.Australian Journal of Experi- mental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. Vol. I, NO. 1, May, 1961. (Publication received), 556. Saville, B. Simple titrimetric assay of thiols, 29. Sandiford, R. N.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Savory, J., e f a’. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. Sawyer, D. T., et al. Experiments for Instrumental Methods. (Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 761. Scadden, E. M., e f at. Radiochemistry of Molyb- denum. (Review), 763. Scheraga, H. A., et al. Symposium on Micro- structure of Proteins. (Publication received), 684. Schidrowitx, P. Obituary, 287. Scholes, P. H. Detmng. tin in pure iron, mild steel and low-alloy steels by cathode-ray polarography, 392. - Evaluation of formate method for simultaneous polarographic detmn.of copper and lead in steel, 116. Scholes, P. M. Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures, 714. Schuhknecht, W. Flammenspektralanalyse. (Pub- cation received), 142; (Review), 554. Schultz, 0.-E., et al. Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitun- gen. (Review), 78. Scott, C. G., et al. Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1960. (Publication received), 628. Scott, R. P. W. Gas Chromatography 1960. (Pub- lication received), 80; (Review), 363. Scribner, B. F., et al. Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities. Part 11. (Publication received), 860. Selby, S. M., e f al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 42nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. - Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 427.Seligson, D. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- try. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 759. Shanahan. C. E. A., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of boron, 489. - Direct absorptiometric detmn. of copper in steel and cast iron with 2,2’-biquinolyl, 166. Shankaranarayana, M. L., et al. Volumetric detmn. of dixanthogen, 98. Shaw, W. B. Obituary, 287. Shimi, I. R., et al. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip technique, 535. - Zone - strip technique, 744. Short, G. D., et al. Automatic pre-heating self- flushing water still ; potentiometric titrimetry ; differential electrolytic potentiometry ; needle- valve weight burette. (Demonstrations), 280. Simmons, W. H. Obituary, 1, 213, 287. Simpson, W. B. Stannous acetate as primary standard.(Summary), 765. - et al. Primary standards in tin analysis, 619, Sims, R. P. A. Formation of heteropoly blue by reduction procedures used in micro-detmn. of phosphorus, 584. Skerrett, E. J., et al. Detmng. microgram amounts of sulphur-containing compounds, 69. Slater, A,, et al. Semi-micro Orsat apparatus. (Demonstration), 278. Sledsens, A. M. J., et al. Quinoline phospho- molybdate method for detmng. phosphate : applicability in international trade, 467. Smales, A. A., et al. Methods in Geochemistry. (Review), 490. Srmth, G. G., et al. Rapid qualitative and quanti- tative analysis of products from pyrolysis, 480. Smith, I. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Vol. 11. (Re- views), 361. Smith, L. H. Obituary, 287. Smith, R. F., et aZ.Spectrophotometric measure- ments of theaflavins and thearubigins in black tea liquors in assessments of quality in teas, 94. IV, 356. Smith,. W.. B., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in phosphate rock after extraction with alkyl acid phosphates, 178. Smythe,. L. E., et al. Analytical chemistry of beryllium: review, 83. Snell, C. A., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analy- sis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIIA. (Publication received), 764. Snell, C. T., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analy- sis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIIA. (Publication received), 764. Snell, F. D., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analy- sis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIIA. (Publication received), 764. Soffer, N. Detmng. dithionatf:, sulphite and sulphate in manganese leach liquor!;, 843.Sokolov, I. Yu. Tables and Nomograms of Hydro- chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 205. Sparks, A. H., et al. Iodimetric detmn. of acetalde- hyde bisulphite, 381. Squirrell, D. C. M., et al. Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion, 239. Stein, W. H., et al. Symposium on Microstructure of Proteins. (Publication received), 684. Steinberg, E. P. Radiochemistry of Niobium and Tantalum. (Publication received), 860. - Radiochemistry of Zirconium and Hafnium. (Review), 7 63. Steiner, R. F., et al. Polynucleotides: Natural and Synthetic Nucleic Acids. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 760. Stevens, J. O., et at. Characterisation of amines, 615. Stevenson, P. C., et al. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium and Actinium.(Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. Stewart, C. P., et al. Toxicology: Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Vol. I. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 627. Steyermark, A. Quantitative Organic Micro- analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Still, J. E. Atomiser for flamt: photometry; sample- admission valve for vacu um fusion apparatus. (Demonstrations), 278. Toxicology: Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Vol. I. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 627. Street, B. V., et al. Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and iono- phoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets, 67 1. Strivens, T. A. Determination of Chlorides. (Pub- lication received), 556. Strobel, H. A. Chemical Instrumentation.(Re- view), 273. Sugihara, T. T. Low-level 33adiochemical Separa- tions. (Publication received), 684. Sundaresan, M., et al. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in refined lead, 399. Sunderman, D. N., et aZ. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium. (Review), 763. - Radiochemistry of Indiurn. Surrey, A. R. Name Reactions in Organic Chemis- try, 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 556; (Review), 858. Swearingen, F. H., et al. Detmng. cobalt in heat- resistant alloys, 188. Swift, H. Micro-detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds, 621. Sykes, A. S., e f al. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra- Ace tic Acid. 2nd Edn. (Review), 203. Sykes, P. Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 764. Stolman, A., e f al. (Review), 763.VOLUME 86 XV T17--.-.-1 IIUULK I U Szoke, J., et al.Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. 2nd Edn. AZso Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Loose-leaf and Vol. 11. 1st Edn. Loose-leaf. (Publication received), 764. T Tandon, S. G., et al. Rapid extraction and spectro- photometric detmn. of vanadium with N-cinna- moyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine, 544. Taylor, G. Obituary, 287. Taylor, G. R., e f al. pH Measurement and Titration. (Publication received), 492. Taylor, M. P. Apparatus for electro-chemical plat- ing of polonium-210 on nickel. (Demonstration), 279. Taylor, S. R., et al. Spectrochemical Analysis. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 428 ; (Review), 760. Taylor, W., et al. Semi-automatic compound dilution pipette. (Demonstration), 279. Temple, A., et al. Agar-gel plate immunoanalysis.(Demonstration), 279. Terpstra, P., et al. Crystallometry. (Publication received), 860. Terry, E. A., et al. Anodic stripping polarography. (Demonstration), 281. Thomas, G. Obituary, 287. Thompson, J. W. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash, 829. Thwaites, I.,. et al. Apparent loss of iron during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles, 135. Tickle, T. Obituary, 1, 214, 287. Tirnms, D. G., et al. Tungsten-filament katharo- meter for gas chromatography. (Demonstra- tion), 278. Tin6, G. Gas Sampling and Chemical Analysis in Combustion Processes. (Publication received), 428. Tinley, E. H., et al. Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvents. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. Townend, J., et a'. Polarographic detmn.of di- methyl and dibutyl phthalates in propellants with use of zinc amalgam to overcome inter- ference from nitroglycerine, 338. Townley, C. W., et al. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium. (Review), 763. - Radiochemistry of Indium. (Review), 763. Treadwell, W. D. Physiko-chemische Grundlagen und Tabellen zur Qualitativen Analyse. 0. Giibeli and W. Prodinger. (Publication received), 142. Turner, L., et al. Detmng. water in plastic materials, 36. Tyrrell, H. J. V. Diffusion and Heat Flow in Liquids. (Publication received), 492. u Ungnade, H. E. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. (Publication received), 206; Vol. 11, 1953-1955. (Review), 424. v Vallet, G., et al. Microanalyse Organique €?Emen- taire Qualitative et Quantitative. Dktermination des Masses Moldculaires et des Degr6s de Poly- mdrisation. (Publication received), 860.Absorption Spectra in Ultra- violet and Visible Region. 2nd Edn. AZso Vol. I . 2nd Edn. Loose-leaf and Vol. 11. 1st Varsslnyi, G., et al. Vasil'ev, V. P., et al. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Translated by D. A. Paterson. (Review), 79. Veibel, S. Identification of Organic Compounds. 5th Edn. (2nd English Edn.). (Publication received), 275; (Review), 681. Vickery, R. C. Analytical Chemistry of Rare Earths. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 424. Vincent, E. A,, et al. Detmng. cadmium in rocks by neutron-activation analysis, 386. Vizesy, M., et al. Absorption Spectra in Ultra- violet and Visible Region. 2nd Edn. AZso Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Loose-leaf and Vol.11. 1st Edn. Loose-leaf. (Publication received) , 764. Text-Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis including Elementary Instrumental Analysis. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 859. Vogel, A. I. W Waddi?gham, J. L., et al. Anti-coincidence p-scintillation counter for low activity levels ; coincidence scintillation counting for low activity levels. (Demonstrations), 281. Wager, H. G. Drying small liquid samples, 266. - e f al. Silica gel chromatography of organic acids from plant tissue, 260. Wager, L. R., e f al. Methods in Geochemistry. (Review), 490. Waksman, S. A. Actinomycetes. Vol. 11. Classi- fication, Identification and Description of Genera and Species. (Publication received), 859. Walker, G. H. Obituary of A. Lees, 82. Walker, L. E. Q., e f . a l . Dictionary of h-amed Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. 2nd Edn.(Publication received), 206. Gas Chromatography: Second International Symposium Held Under the Auspices of the Analysis Instrumentation Division of the Instrument Society of America, June, 1959. (Publication received), 364. Wallis, T. E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 4th Edn. (Review), 141. Waser, J. Quantitative Chemistry : Laboratory Text. (Publication received), 684. Watt, P. R. Desiccator seal ring; automatic micro- nitrometer ; semi-micro molecular pot still. (Demonstrations), 281. Wawrzyczek, W. Detcng. pyramidon and antipyrin when present together, 542. Weast, R. C., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 42nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. - Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds.(Publication received), 427. Webb, M. S. W. Interferences in flame photometry. (Summary), 686. Webb, R. J., et al. General-purpose integrating flame photometer. (Demonstration), 281. Webley, D. J. Detmng. fenchlorphos residues in milk, 476. - et al. Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. General method for insecticide residues, 249. Webster, H. L., et al. Collaborative work on detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage effluent, river waters and surface waters, 719. - Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkyl- benzenesulphonates in detergents and sewage, 22. Weissberger, A., et al. Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 628. - Organic Analysis. Vol. IV. (Publication Wall, R.F., et al. Edn. Loose-leaf. (Publication received), 764. received), 80.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Weisz, H. Microanalysis by Ring Oven Technique. (Publication received), 364. Wells, R. A. Ion-exchange in inorganic analytical chemistry. (Summary) , 209. West, T. S., et al. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn. (Review), 203. Wetsel, W. H., et al. Rapid qualitative and quanti- tative analysis of products from pyrolysis, 480. Wheeler, T. S., et at. Name Index of Organic Reactions. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 363. White, J. C., et al. Separations by Solvent Extrac- tion with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide. (Pub- lication received) , 684. Whitham, B. T., et al. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysis/gas - liquid chromato- graphy, 643.Whittem, R. N.? et al. Analytical chemistry of beryllium: review, 83. Widdowson, E. M., et al. Composition of Foods. (Publication received) , 142; (Review), 552. Wild, F. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., Reprinted. (Publication received), 206. Wildy, P. C., et al. General-purpose integrating flame photometer. (Demonstration) , 281. Williams, A. F., et al. Detmng. propane-1,3-diol in glycerol by gas chromatography with flame- ionisation detector, 849. Williams, A. I. Detmng. trace impurities in high- purity selenium, 172. Williams, D., et al. Detmng. fluorine in deposit- gauge samples, 590. Williams, R. T. Review of Gerarde’s Toxicology and Bzochenzzstry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 625. Willis, H. A,, et al. Applications of gas - liquid chromatography.Collection of fractions from gas chromatograph and identification by infra-red spectroscopy, 44. MoIecular Spectroscopy : Methods and Applica- tions in Chemistry. (Publication received), 764. Wilson, A. L. Precision and limit of detcn. of analytical methods, 72, 272. Wilson, C. L., et al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IB. Classical Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 206. Wilson, D. W., et al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IB. Classical Analysis. (Pub- lication received), 206. Wilson, H. J., et aZ. Complex of vanadylv with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid, 402. Wilson, H. N. Review of Charlot’s Analyse Quali- tative Rapide des Cations et des Anions. 3rd Edn., 425. Review of Charlot’s Mkthodes de la Chimie Analytique: A nalyse Quantitative Mindvale.4th Edn., 762. Detmng. added borates in mixed ferti- lisers, 517. et al. Winslow, E. H., et al. X-ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry : Spectro- chemical Analysis with X-rays. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 626. Wippler, C., e f al. Microanalyse Organique Elemen- taire Qualitative et Quantitative. Determination des Masses Moleculaires et des Degrds de Poly- mCrisation. (Publication received), 860. Wolstenholme, G. E. W., et al. Quinones in Electron Transport : Ciba Foundation Symposium. (Pub- lication received), 275. Wood, E. C. Changes in composition of cream filling of sponges on storage, 667. Woolmington, K. G., et al. Apparatus for prepara- tion of standard gas mixtures, 547. - Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography, 350.Wordsworth, C. H. Obituary, 493. Wright, R. F. Obituary, 287. Wronski, M. Direct titration of hydrolysable sulphur in organic compounds, 543. Wunderly, 6. Principles and Applications of Paper Electrophoresis. (Publication received) , 628; (Review), 857. Wyatt, E. I., et al. Radiochemistry of Ruthenium. (Publication received), 492 (Review), 763. Y Yardley, J. T., et al. Anhydrous sodium carbonate as acidimetric standard, 464. Yatsimirskii, K. B., et al. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Translated by D. A. Paterson. (Review), 79. Yeager, E. Transactions of the Symposium on Electrode Processes. (Publication received), 860. Young? J.. H.. Detmng. dihydroxybenzenes by liquid - liquid partition chromatography, 520.Yuen, S. H., et al. Detmng. diquat residues in potato tubers, 569. Z Zarembski, P. M., et al. Detmng. oxalic acid in urine, 16. Zemany, P. D., et al. X-ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry : Spectro- chemical Analysis with X-rays. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 626. Zilkha, A,, et al, Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 427. Zqka, J., et aZ. Polarometricke Titrace. (Publica- tion received), 364. Zymalkowski, F., et al. Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitun- gen. (Review), 78.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xvii INDEX TO SUBJECTS A Acetaldehyde : Application of spectrophotome tric analytical technique in kinetic study (detmng. Acetaldehyde bisulphite : Iodimetric detmn. of -.Acetophenetidin : Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and ionophoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. p-Acetylaminophenol : Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and iono- phoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. N-Acetyl-D-glucosadne : Chromatographic reagents Cadenas and Deferrari, Acids, organic : Characterising - by benzylamine salts. Cheeseman and Poller, 256. organic : Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip technique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. organic: Silica gel chromatography of - from plant tissue. Acrolein: Presence of - in Rhine wine Lieb- fraumilch 1959. Avent, 479. Actinium : Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium, and - Stevenson and Nervik.(Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. Actinomycetes. Vol. 11. Classification, Identifica- tion and Description of Genera and Species. Waksman. (Publication received), 869. Adrenaline : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip tech- nique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. Adsorbents : 'Union Carbide' Molecular Sieves for Selective Adsorption. British Drug Houses Ltd. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 860. Advisory Committee on Poisonous Substances Used in Agriculture and Food Storage, Scientific Sub-committee, Joint Mercury Residues Panel. Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and tomatoes, 608.Agriculture : Australian Journal of Experimental - and Animal Husbandry. Vol. I, No. 1, May, 1961. (Publication received), 556. Alcohol: See Ethyl alcohol. Alcohols : Thin-layer chromatography of 3, 5-dinitro- benzoates. Aldehydes : Chromatographic behaviour of 2,4- dinitrophenylhydrazones on chromatoplates. Dhont and de Rooy, 74. Aldrin : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas- liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Alginic acid : Formaldehyde-treated - in chroma- tographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin. 32. -). Holder, 677. Burroughs and Sparks, 381. for organic substances. 132. Wager and Isherwood, 260. Dhont and de Rooy, 527. Alkoxide groups : Detmng. -in organo-aluminium compounds.Crompton, 652. Alkylbenzenesulphonates : Collaborative work on detmng. - in sewage, sewage effluent, river waters and surface waters. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719. Detmng. biologically soft and hard - in detergents and sewage. Ogden, Webster and Halliday, 22. Aluminium: Colorimetric detmn. of tin in pro- pellants by haematoxylin (and detmng. -). Norwitz, 835. compounds : Detmng. alkoxide groups in organo- aluminium compounds. Crompton, 652. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Radiochemistry of - and Gallium. Lewis. (Publication received), 556. Aluminium hydroxide : Co-precipitation of cobalt with chromium hydroxide and - in qualita- tive analysis.Aluminosilicates : Apparent loss of iron during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles. Bennett , Eardley and Thwaites, 135. American Chemical . Society : Reagent Chemicals : - Specifications, 1960. (Publication re- ceived), 556; (Review), 858. Symposium on Microstructure of Proteins. Over- berger, Stein, Blout and Scheraga. (Publica- tion received), 684. American Society of Clinical Chemists : Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Seligson. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 759. Americium : Radiochemistry of - and Curium. Penneman and Keenan. (Review), 763. Amidol : See 2,4-Diaminophenol. Amidopyrin : See 4-Dimethylamino-2,3-dimethyl- l-phenylpyrazol-5-one. Amine(s) : Characterising -. Adcock, Lawson and Stevens, 615.Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. Detmng. small amounts of - in aqueous solution. Lloyd and Carr, 335. Liquid - Liquid Extraction with High-molecular- weight -. Moore. (Publication received) , 628. Amino acids : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip tech- nique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. Amphetamine : Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 631. Anaesthetic : Gas chromatography and - research. Hill. (Summary), 211. Analysis : Activation - Handbook. Koch. Bailey and Broadbank, 485. Alkaloids: Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instru- 631. mentation.Vol. I. Reilley. (Publication Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitungen. Schultz and Zymal- Analyse der Metalle. Vol. 11. Betriebsanalysen. kowski. (Review), 78. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 859. (Publication received), 206. received), 205; (Review), 426.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 86 AnaJysis-continued Analyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations et des Anions. Charlot. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 425. Xnhydrous sodium carbonate as acidimetric standard. Cox, Johnson, Newman and Yard- ley, 464. Apparatus for precipitating metal sulphides and thiocarbonates with potassium trithiocarbonate as reagent. Johri, 487. ,Application of atomic-absorption spectrophoto- metry to metallurgical -. Elwell. (Sum- mary), 686. -Application of spectrophotometric analytical technique in kinetic study.Holder, 677. Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. Applications of ion-exchange in inorganic analyti- cal chemistry. Wells. (Summary), 209. Biological standardisation and the analyst : review. Lightbown, 216. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. Wild, 2nd Edn., reprinted. (Publication received), 206. Colorimetric Methods of -: Including Photo- metric Methods. Snell, Snell and Snell. Vol. IIIA. (Publication received), 764. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IB. Wilson and Wilson. (Publication received), 206. Congress of Analytical Chemistry, Budapest, 1961. Vols. I, I1 and 111. (Publication received), 860. XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pura e Aplicada (Quimica Analytica).Vol. 111. (Publication received), 764. Corsi di Analisi Chimica Semimicroqualitativa. Giordani. (Publication received), 80. Coulometric methods in -: review. Lewis, 494. Determination of Gases in Metals. (Publication received), 142. Detmng. metals by organic reagents. Holmes. (Summary), 2 11. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion -. Coleman, 39. Development of Brewing -. Hudson. (Re- view), 272. Differential electrolytic potentiometry. Dhanesh- war and Short. (Demonstration), 280. Electronic constant-current/constant-potential source. Bishop. (-Demonstration), 280. Elementary Titrimetric -. Macdonald. (Re- view), 79. Enlargement of horizons in analytical chemistry. Address of Retiring President. Chirnside, 314.Experiments for Instrumental Methods. Reilley and Sawyer. (Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 761. Gas Sampling and Chemical - in Combustion Processes. Tin& (Publication received), 428. Identification of Organic Compounds. Veibel. 5th Edn. (2nd English Edn.). (PubIication received), 275; (Review), 681. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysislgas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory. Mac- Fate. (Publication received), 764. Measurement of pH and electrode potential for analytical purposes. Mattock. (Summary), 284. M6thodes de la Chimie Analytique : Analyse Quantitative Min6rale. Charlot. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 762. M6thodes Sklectionnbes de Microanalyse Organ- ique Quantitative.LCvy and Cousin. Vol. I. (Publication received), 764. Analysis-cont inued Microanalyse Organique I?lCmentaire Quali- tative et Quantitative. Dktermination des Masses Mol6culaires et des Degrks de Poly- m6risation. LCvy, Piganiol, Jean, Vallet and Wippler. (Publication received), 860. Micro- by Ring Oven Technique. Weisz. (Publication received), 364. Microcoulometry. Bishop. (Demonstration), 280. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliqube et d’Analyse Bromatologique. Gau- tier. 8th Series. (Publication received), 142; 9th Series, 764. Molecular Spectroscopy : Methods and Applica- tions in Chemistry. Beaven, Johnson, Willis and Miller. (Publication received), 764. Organic -. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Vol. IV.(Publication received), 80. Oxygen flask method : review. Pharmaceutical -. Higuchi and Brochmann- Hanssen. (Publication received), 684. Physical Methods in Chemical -. Berl. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 860. Physiko-chemische Grundlagen und Tabellen zur Qualitativen Analyse I Treadwell). Giibeli and Prodinger. (.Publication received), 142. Potentiometric titrimetry. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstration), 280. Potenciometrie. Cihalik. (Publication received), 684. Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release a t constant pH. Part I. Oxida- tion of EDTA solution by hydrogen peroxide. Cartwright, 688; Part 11. I’recipitation of metal phosphates, 692. Precision and limit of detcn. of analytical methods. Wilson, 72, 272. Proceedings of Symposium on Chemistry of Co-ordination Compounds, Agra, India, Feb- ruary 7th and Sth, 1959.(Publication re- ceived), 80; (Review), 624. Punched-card index of analytical bibliography. Curry and Moore. (Demonstration), 279. Quantitative Chemistry : Laboratory Text. Waser. (Publication received), 684. Quantitative Organic Micro-. Steyermark. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Radioactivation - : Proceedings of Radio- activation - Symposium held in Vienna, Austria, June, 1959. (Publication received), 80. products from pyrolysis. Smith, M7etzel and Kosters, 480. Scope of automation in the laboratory. Mattock. (Summary), 366. Seldom-remembered aspects of analytical tech- nique. Chalmers. (Summary), 765. Separation of Heavy Metals. De. (Publication received), 764. Simplified spectrophotometric assay of griseo- fulvin (and other products). Spectrochemical -.Ahrms and Taylor. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 760. Spot Tests in Organic -. Feigl. Translated by Oesper. 6th English Edn. (Publication received), 142. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Selig- son. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 759. Stannous acetate as primary standard. Simp- son. (Summary), 765. Macdonald, 3. Rapid qualitative and quantitative - of Daly, 129.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 XiX Analysis-cont inwed Systematic Qualitative -: Introduction. Mor- rison. (Publication received), 428. Tables and Nomograms of Hydrochemical -. Sokolov. (Publication received), 205. Tables for Identification of Organic Compounds. Hodgman, Weast, Selby, Frankel, Patai, Farkas-Iiadmon and Zilkha.(Publication received), 427. Text-Book of Quantitative Inorganic - includ- ing Elementary Instrumental -. Vogel. 3rd Edn. Thioformanilide as precipitant for metal sul- phides. Titration assembly for acidimetric microbiological assays. Gare and Price. (Demonstration), 281. Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvents. Beckett and Tinley. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. Titrimetric -: Introductory Course. John- stone and Downie. (Publication received), 628. Tools of Biological Research. Atltins. 3rd Series. (Publication received), 628; (Review), 859. Toxicology : Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Stewart and Stolman. Vol. I. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 627. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell.Part I, Vol. 1. (Review), 682; Vol. 2. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 682; Part 11. Vol. 1. (Publication received), 428 ; Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 682. Use of Organic Reagents in Inorganic -. Busev and Polianskii. Translated by Greaves. (Review) , 273. X-Ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry. Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow and Zemany. (Publication received), 205 ; (Re- view), 626. X-Ray - of Organic Structures. Nyburg. (Publication received), 364. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriols on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Aniline : Detrnng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. Animal Husbandry : Australian Journal of Experi- mental Agriculture and -. Vol.I, No. 1, May, 1961. (Publication received), 556. Antibiotics : Assay of - mixtures using electro- phoresis in agar. Lightbown and de Rossi. (Demonstration), 279. Illuminator-box for large plate microbiological assays. Naylor. (?lemonstration), 282. Anticoprophagic cup ( Faecollector’ ’) for rat. Bender. (Demonstration), 278. Antimony : Colorimetric detmn. of tin in propellants by haematoxylin (and detmng. -). Nor- witz, 835. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Polarographic detmn. of - in refined lead. Athavale, Dhaneshwar, Mehta and Sundaresan, 399. Radiochemistry of -. Maeck. (Publication received), 627. Antipyrin : See 2,3-Dimethyl-l-phenylpyrazol-5-one. Apparatus : Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation.Vol. I. Reilley, (Publica- tion received), 205. (Publication received) , 859. Antia, Arora and Bhatnagar, 202. 5a-Aneostane-3 p,17 P-diol : Androst-5-ene-3 p,l? p-diol : Apparatus-continued Agar-gel plate immunoanalysis. Feinberg and Temple. (Demonstration), 279. Anti-coincidence j3-scintillation counter for low activity levels. Waddingham and Rowe. (Demonstration) , 281. Anticoprophagic cup-“Faecol1ector”-for rat. Bender. (Demonstration), 278. Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. A.R.D.E. card sorting/punching machine, Lonera- gan. (Demonstration), 279. Aspects of pipette usage. Part I. Precision. Dean and Herringshaw, 434; Part 11. Effects of variables, 440. Assay of antibiotic mixtures using electrophoresis in agar.Lightbown and de Rossi. (Demon- stration) , 279. Atomiser for flame photometry, constructed in transparent plastic. Still. (Demonstration) , 278. Automatic detmn. of penicillin in fermentation broth: iodimetric assay. Goodall and Davies, 326. Automatic integrator for gas chromatography. Konrath. (Demonstration), 278. Automatic micronitrometer. Watt. (Demon- stration), 281. Automatic pre-heating self-flushing water still. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstration), 280. By-pass injector for gas chromatography. Kip- ping and Jeffery, 680. Chemical Instrumentation. Strobel. (Review), 273. Chemical Plant Instrumentation : Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers.(Review), 79. Coincidence scintillation counting for low activity levels. Waddingham and Rowe. (Demonstra- tion), 281. Combustion of organic compounds by ignition in oxygen: detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Ingram, 411. Compensation for temperature variations in cell of dissolved-oxygen indicatorlrecorder incor- porating wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode. Littlewood, 359. Coulometric methods in analysis : review. Lewis, 494. Desiccator seal ring. Watt. (Demonstration), 281. Detmng. alkoxide groups in organo-aluminium compounds (-for sampling and for decomposi- tion). Crompton, 652. Detmng. dihydroxybenzenes by liquid - liquid partition chromatography. Young, 520. Detmng. dithionate, sulphite and sulphate in manganese leach liquors. Soffer, 843. Detmng.impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography. Lacy and Woolmington, 350. Detrnng. microgram amounts of sulphur-contain- ing compounds. Skerrett and Dickes, 69. Detmng. molybdenum by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. David, 730. Detmng. oxalic acid in urine (extraction -). Hodgkinson and Zarembski, 16. Detmng. phenothiazine in commercial prepara- tions by ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy (chromatographic tube). Brierley and Lang- bridge, 709. Detmng. propane-1,3-diol in glycerol by gas chromatography with flame-ionisation detector. Murray and Williams, 849. Detmng, thiamine in cereal products (blow-off tube). Ridyard, 723.xx INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Apparatus-continued Detmng. water in plastic materials. Reid and Turner, 36. Differential electrolytic potentiometry.Dhanesh- war and Short. (Demonstration), 280. Drying small liquid samples. Electrodes and cells for polarography. Lamb and Konczak. (Demonstration), 280. Electronic constant-current/constant-potential source. Bishop. (Demonstration), 280. Electrophoresis -. Nelson. (Demonstration), 282. Electrophoretic tank for small-scale cellulose acetate strips. Albert-Recht. (Demonstra- tion), 281. for alkaline isomerisation of fatty acids. Morgan. (Demonstration), 278. for coulometric detmns. of free tin and tin - iron alloy on tinplate. Bishop and Hill. (Demon- stration), 281. for electro-chemical plating of polonium-% 10 on nickel. Taylor. (Demonstration), 279. for precipitating metal sulphides and thiocar- bonates with potassium trithiocarbonate as reagent. Johri, 487.for preparation of standard gas mixtures. Lacy and Woolmington, 547. Fraction collector for chromatography. Clark, 548. Further studies on zone - strip technique. Shimi, Imam and Dewedar, 744. General-purpose integrating flame photometer. Webb and Wildy. (Demonstration), 281. Humidator cells. Powers. (Demonstration), 279. Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry (- for paper chromatography), Morgan, 631. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysislgas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. Illuminator-box for large plate microbiological assays. Naylor. (Demonstration), 282. Inclined drawing board fitted with roll of tracing paper for repeated use of a single piece of graph paper. Naylor. (Demonstration), 282.Increasing sensitivity of pH meter, Jackson, 76. Induction heating applied to micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. Butterworth. (Demon- stration) , 279. Inexpensive incubator. Nelson. (Demonstra- tion), 282. Lock for high-vacuum -. Magnetically driven fan. Jackson. (Demonstra- tion), 279. Microcoulometry. Bishop. (Demonstration), 280. Micro-detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds (combustion tube). Swift, 621. Micro-detmn. of sulphur in organic compounds (electrode assembly, combustion supports, ion- exchange column). Dixon, 597. Multiple stirrer unit for coagulation tests on water. Packham. (Demonstration), 278. Needle-valve weight burette. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstration), 280. Obtaining weighed micro samples of moisture- or oxygen-sensitive compounds.Hall. (Demonstration), 279. Oxygen flask method: review. Potentiometric titrimetry. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstration), 280. Preparing small rock salt plates for micro- sampling in infra-red spectrophotometry. Nicholls, 664. Wager, 266. Parker, 550. Macdonald, 3. Apparatus-continued Qualitative and quantitative analysis of products from pyrolysis. Smith, Wetzel and Kosters, 480. Quantitative assessment of psychotropic activity in mice. Parkes. (Demonstration), 278. Rapid micro-detmn. of nitrogen in fluorine- containing compounds (combustion tube and oxygen generator). Kakabadse and Manohin, 512. Recording analytical balance for thermogravi- metry. Evans and McAloren. (Demonstra- tion), 278. Rocking extractor. Albert-Recht. (Demonstra- tion), 280. Sample-admission valve for vacuum fusion apparatus.Still. (Demonstration), 278. Sample cell arrangement for E.E.L. flame photo- meter. Albert-Recht. (Demonstration), 280. Semi-automatic compound dilution pipette. Good- all and Taylor. (Demonstration), 279. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds (-- for decomposing gases and volatile liquids). Chambers, Mus- grave and Savory, 356. Semi-micro molecular pot still. Watt. (Demon- stration), 281. Semi-micro Orsat - . Moss and Slater. (Demonstration), 278. Silica gel chromatography of organic acids from plant tissue (column system). Wager and Isherwood, 260. Simple - for continuous sampling of water. Packham, 278. Simple gas chromatograph. Barker. (Demonstra- tion), 281. Simple illuminated box for incubation of stock cultures of Ochromonas malharneizsis without overheating. Price and Gare.(Demonstra- tion), 281. Small-scale methods of heating and stirring, and small-scale techniques. Fill. (Demonstra- tion), 277. Sulphometer for detmng. sulphate in natural waters. Clegg. (Demonstration), 279. Titration assembly for acidimetric microbiological assays. Gare and Price. (Demonstration), 281. Tungsten-filament katharometer for gas chroma- tography. Timms and Konrath. (Demonstra- tion), 278. Ultrafiltration -. hlbert-Recht. (Demonstra- tion), 280. Wide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for detmng. dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gases. Briggs and Knowles, 603. Apples : Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in - and tomatoes.Joint Mercury Residues Panel, 608. Argon : Detmng. nitrogen in -- by gas chromato- graphy. Murdoch, 856. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Arsenic : Detmng. small amounts of - in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee. Amendment, 360. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Fluorimetric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of selenium (in -). Parker and Harvey, 64. in Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1960, 140. Oxygen flask method : review. Macdonald, 3. Radiochemistry of -. Beard. (Review), 763.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxi Ascorbic acid : Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip technique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535.Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : Chemical Plant Instrumentation : Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. (Review), 79. Association of British Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals, Joint Mercury Residues Panel. Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and tomatoes, 608. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists : Official Methods of Analysis of -. 9th Edn. (Publication received), 80. Atomiser for flame photometry, constructed in transparent plastic. Still. (Demonstration), 278. Atropine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Australian Institute of Agricultural Science : Austra- lian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.Vol. I, No. 1, May, 1961. (Publication received), 556. Automation: Scope of - in the laboratory. Mattock. (Summary), 366. B Bacteria : Synthesis and Organisation in the Bac- terial Cell. Gale. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 425. Balance : Recording analytical - for thermogravi- metry. Evans and McAloren. (Demonstra- tion), 278. Barbituric acid : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Barium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Oxygen flask method : review. Radiochemistry of -, Calcium and Strontium. Sunderman and Townley. (Review), 763. Barley : Development of Brewing Analysis.Hud- son. (Review), 272. Bases : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic -. Foster and Murfin, 32. Identifying small amounts of - in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 63 1. Beer : Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. (Review), 272. Beeswax : Preparing small rock salt plates for micro- sampling in infra-red spectrophotometry (spec- trum of -). Nicholls, 664. Benzoin method for fluorimetric detmn. of boron. Elliott and Radley, 62. N- Benzoyl-D-glucosamhe : Chromatographic re- agents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Benzylamine salts : Characterising organic acids by -. Cheeseman and Poller, 256. Benzylpenicillin : Iodimetric assay of penicillin in fermented medium. Beryllium : Analytical chemistry of -: review. Smythe and Whittem, 83.Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Lock for high-vacuum apparatus (e.g. detmng. oxygen in -). Parker, 550. Radiochemistry of -. Fairhall. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 763. Rapid detmn. of ~ : paper-chromatographic method. Ader and Alon, 125. Macdonald, 3. Bethel and Bond, 448. Bioassay : Biological standardisation and the analyst: review. Lightbown, 216. Diffusion plate-assay technique applied to enzymes and antibacterials in pharmaceutical analysis. Carter. (Demonstration), 282. Illuminator-box for large plate microbiological assays. Naylor. (Demonstration), 282. Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Titration assembly for acidimetric microbiological assays.Gare and Price. (Demonstration), 281. Biochemistry : Radioactive Isotopes in --. Broda. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. Synthesis and Organisation in the Bacterial Cell. Gale. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 425. Toxicology and - of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Gerarde. (Publication received), 275; (Ke- view), 625. Biological Fluids: Protides of -. Peeters. (Pub- lication received), 427 ; (Review), 759. Biology : Tools of Biological Research. Atkins. 3rd Series. (Publication received), 628 ; (Re- view), 859. 2,2’-Biquinolyl: Direct absorptiometric detmn. of copper in steel and cast iron with -. Shana- han and Jenkins, 166. l,l-Bis-p-chlorophenyl-2,2,2-trichloroethanol: Color- imetric detmn. of Kelthane residues.Hughes, 756. Bismuth : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release a t constant pH. Part 11. Pre- cipitation of metal phosphates. Cartwright, 692. Bi-steroids : Reactions of steroids with acetic an- hydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Bis-NNN’N’-tetramethylphosphorodiamidic anhyd- ride : Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Blood: Detmng. I4C and 32P in animal tissue and - fractions by liquid-scintillation. Badman and Brown, 342. Hormones in -. Gray and Bacharach. (Pub- lication received), 764. Measuring oxygen tension of - by covered platinum electrode. Bishop. (Summary), 212.Blood Transfusion : Laboratory Handbook of - Techniques. Farr. (Publication received), 205. Book reviews: Ahrens and Taylor. Spectrochemical Analysis. 2nd Edn., 760. Amos. Pure Food and Pure Food Legislation, 490. Anders. Radiochemistry of Technetium, 763. Atkins. Tools of Biological Research, 3rd Bayer. Gas Chromatography, 683. Beard. Radiochemistry of Arsenic, 763. Beckett and Tinley. Titration in Non-Aqueous Beynon. Mass Spectrometry and its Applications Broda. Radioactive Isotopes in Biochemistry, Brownlee. Radiochemistry of Vanadium, 763. Busev and Polianskii. Use of Organic Reagents Charlot. Analyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations Charlot. Mkthodes de la Chimie Analytique. Series, 859. Solvents. 3rd Edn., 274. to Organic Chemistry, 422. 274. in Organic Analysis, 273.et des Anions. 4th Edn., 762. 3rd Edn., 425.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Book reviews-continued Choppin. Radiochemistry of Rhodium, 763. Coates. Organo-Metallic Compounds. 2nd Edn., Cosslett and Nixon. X-ray Microscopy, 423. Darmois and Darmois. Glectrochimie Theorique, 205. Dean. Flame Photometry, 204. De Voe. Dyer and Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Copper, 763. 624. Radiochemistry of Cadmium, 763. Fairhall. Radiochemistry of Beryllium, 763. Fairhall. Radiochemistry of Magnesium, 763. Gale. Synthesis and Organisation in the Bacterial Cell, 425. Gerarde. Toxicology and Biochemistry of Aroma- tic Hydrocarbons, 625. Gowan and Wheeler. Name Index of Organic Reactions, 363. Gray. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents, 362. Hetman. Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray Polarograph.(Correction), 80. Hicks. Radiochemistry of Zinc, 763. Hoare and Britton. Tinplate Testing, 204. Hudson. Development of Brewing Analysis, 272. Hyde. Radiochemistry of Francium, 763. Hyde. Radiochemistry of Thorium, 763. Kanilet. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Kirby. Radiochemistry of Protactinium, 763. Kleinberg and Cowan. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine, 763. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. Treatise on -4nalytical Chemistry. Part I. Vols. 1 and 2; Part 11. Vol. 3, 682. Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Manganese, 763. Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Rhenium, 763. Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow and Zemany. X-Ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry, 626. McCance and Widdowson. Composition of Foods. 3rd Revised Edn., 552.Macdonald. Elementary Titrimetric Analysis, 79. Momyer. Radiochemistry of the Rare Gases, 763. Nervik. Radiochemistry of Tin, 763. Nielsen. Radiochemistry of Iron, 763. O’Brien. Toxic Phosphorus Esters, 491. Penneman and Keenan. Radiochemistry of Perry. Scientific Russian. 2nd Edn., 555. Pijck. Radiochemistry of Chromium, 763. Reilley. Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. I, 426. Reilley and Sawyer. Experiments for Instru- mental Methods, 761. Roesmer and Kruger. Radiochemistry of Mer- cury, 763. Scadden and Ballou. Radiochemistry of Molyb- denum, 763. Schuhknecht. Flammenspektralanalyse, 554. Schultz and Zymalkowski. Quantitative Bestim- mung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogen- zubereitungen, 78. Scott. Gas Chromatography 1960, 363.Smales and Wager. Methods in Geochemistry, 490. Smith. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Vol. 11, 361. Steinberg. Radiochemistry of Zirconium and Hafnium, 763. Steiner and Beers. Polynucleotides : Natural and Synthetic Nucleic Acids, 760. Stevenson and Nervik. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium and Actinium, Vol. I, 424. Americium and Curium, 763. Book reviews-continued Stewart and Stolman. Toxicology : Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Vol. I, 627. Strobel. Chemical Instrumentation, 273. Sunderman and Townley. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and Strontium, 763. Sunderman and Townley. Radiochemistry of Indium, 763. Surrey. Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 858. Ungnade. Organic Electronic Spectral Data.Vol. 11, 424. Veibel. Identification of Organic Compounds. 5th Edn. (2nd English Edn.), 681. Vickery. Analytical chemistry of the Rare Earths, 424. Wallis. Textbook of Pharmacognosy. 4th Edn., 141. West and Sykes. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. 2nd Edn., 203. Wunderly. Principles and Applications of Paper Electrophoresis, 857. Wyatt and Rickard. Radiochemistry of Ruthen- ium, 763. Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds, 79. Advances in Polarography. Vols. 1, 2 and 3, 625. British Pharmacopoeia 1958 : Addendum 1960, Chemical Plant Instrumentation, 79. VIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, 274. Contributi Teorici e Sperimentale di Polarografia. Vol. v , 555. Handbuch fur des Eisenhiittenlaboratorium. Band I.2nd Edn., 553. Journal of the Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1960, 141. Medicine, Science and the Law. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960, 362. Monographs on Radiochemistry of the Elements, 763. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Chemistry of Co-ordination Compounds, Agra, India, February 7th and Sth, 1959. Parts 1, 2 and 3, 624. Protides of the Biological Fluids, 759. Reagent Chemicals : American Chemical Society Specifications, 1960, 858. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 3, 759. See also Publications received. Borates: Detmng. added - in mixed fertilisers. Wilson and Pellegrini, 517. Boron : Absorptiometric detmn. of -, Borrow- dale, Jenkins and Shanahan, 489. Benzoin method for fluorimetric detmn. of -. Elliott and Radley, 62. Detmng.trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Oxygen flask method : review. Macdonald, 3. Bread : Detmng. thiamine in cereal products. Ridyard, 723. Ministry of Agricul- ture, Fisheries and Food and Ministry of Health, Food Standards Committee, 140. Brewing : Development of - Analysis. Hudson. (Review), 272. British Academy of Forensic Sciences : Medicine, Science and the Law. Vol. I. No. 1. October. 203. Report on - and flour. 1960. (Publication received); 80; ‘(Review); 763. 362.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxiii British Drug Houses Ltd.: Phosphate Esters in Metabolism: An Account of Biologically Im- portant Organic Phosphate Compounds. (Pub- lication received), 860.“Union Carbide” Molecular Sieves for Selective Adsorption. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 860. Bromine : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Oxygen flask method : review. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, - and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Review), 763. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine (and -) in organic compounds. Chambers, lLIusgrave and Savory, 356. Brucine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Burette : Needle-valve weight -. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstration),, 280. Butadiene : Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy.Macdonald, 3. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. C Cadmium : Anodic stripping polarography (detmng. -), Parker and Terry. (Demonstration), 281. Detmng. - in rocks by neutron-activation analysis. Bilefield and Vincent, 386. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis, Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity selenium. Williams, 172. Oxygen flask method; review. Radiochemistry of -. DeVoe. (Review), 763. Caesium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of Cesium. Finston and Kinsley. (Publication received), 628. Caffeine: Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Mor- gan, 631. Routine detmn. of - in coffee and coffee mixtures. Kum-Tatt, 825. Calcium : Detmng.trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Eliminating phosphate interference in EDTA detmns. of - and magnesium in plant ash. Middleton, 11 1 ; Erratum, 492. General-purpose integrating flame photometer (detmng. strontium in -). Webb and Wildy. (Demonstration), 281. Radiochemistry of Barium, - and Strontium. Sunderman and Townley. (Review), 763. Carbohydrate(s) : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. esters : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. l-Carbomethoxy-l-propen-2-yl dimethyl phosphate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148.Carbon : Combustion of organic compounds by ignition in oxygen : detmng. - and hydrogen. Ingram, 411. Macdonald, 3. Carbon-continued Induction heating applied to micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen. Butterworth. (Demon- stration), 279. Induction heating in detmng. - and hydrogen. Butterworth, 357. Micro-detmn. of - and hydrogen in fluorine- containing organic compounds. Ingram, 539. Oxygen flask method : review. Carbon-14 Compounds. Catch. (Publication re- ceived), 7 64. Detmng. __ and 32P in animal tissue and blood fractions by liquid-scintillation. Badman and Brown, 342. Carbon dioxide : Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography. Lacy and Wool- mington, 350. Carbonates : Qualitative and quantitative analysis of products from pyrolysis (e.g.of -). Smith, Wetzel and Kosters, 480. Catalysis : Mechanism of Heterogeneous -. de Boer et al. (Publication received), 364. Cellulose: Detmng. - and household coal in town-refuse compost. Mebius, 821. Cereal products: Detmng. thiamine in --. Rid- yard, 723. Cerium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Cesium : See Caesium. Chelates : See Complexes. Chemical Society : Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry for 1960. (Publication received), 859. Chemistry : Annual Reports on the Progress of - for 1960. (Publication received), 859. Chemical Instrumentation. Strobel. (Review), 273. XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pura e Applicada.Vol. 111. (Publication received), 764. Cross-Referenced Index of Radiochemical Teach- ing Experiments Applicable to -. Choppin. (Publication received), 684. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in -, Physics and Mathematics. Ballentyne and Walker. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 206. Electrochimie Theorique. Darmois and Darmois. (Review), 205. Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic -. Sykes. (Publication received), 764. Handbook of - and Physics. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. 42nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Re- actions. Friess, Lewis and Weissberger. Part I. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 628. Mass Spectrometry and its Applications t o Organic -. Beynon. (Review), 422. Name Index of Organic Reactions.Gowan and Wheeler. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 205; (Review), 363. Name Reactions in Organic -. Surrey. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 556; (Review), 858. of Natural Products. (Publication received), 684. Physical -. Daniels and Alberty. 2nd Edn. Principles of Chemical Equilibrium. Ashmore. Macdonald, 3. (Publication received), 492. (Publication received), 628. ordination Compounds, Agra, India, February 7th and 8th, 1959. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 624. Proceedings of Symposium on - of co-xxiv IPU’DEX TO VOLUME 86 Chemistry-continued Progress in Organic -. Cook and Carruthers. Vol. 5. (Publication received), 628. Quantitative -: Laboratory Text. Waser. (Publication received), 684. Reports on Progress of Applied -. Vol. XLV. 1960.(Publication received), 684. Rules for I.U.P.A.C. Notation for Organic Com- pounds. I.U.P.A.C., Commission on Codifica- tion, Ciphering and Punched Card Techniques. (Publication received), 859. States of Matter. Moelwyn-Hughes. (Publica- tion received), 764. Valency and Molecular Structure. Cartmell and Fowles. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Chlordane : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goul- den and Reynolds, 697. Chloride(s). : Determination of -. Strivens. (Publication received), 556. Radiochemical detmn. of microgram amounts of -. Johannesson, 72. Chlorine : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239.Detmng. impurities in - gas by gas chromato- graphy. Lacy and Woolmington, 350. Detmng, trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Oxygen flask method : review. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, -, Bromine and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Review), 763. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and - in organic compounds. Part IV. Chambers, Musgrave and Savory, 356. Chloroaniline : Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. 2-Chloro-2-diethylcarbamoyl-l-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. 0- (3-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl) 0 O-dimethyl phosphoro- thionate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in vegetables.Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. S-(p-Chlorophenylthiomethyl) 0 O-diethyl phosphor- othiolothionate : Detmng. residual organo-phos- phorus insecticides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Chiorthion : See 0-(3-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl) 00-di- methyl phosphorothionate. Cholic acid: Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Chromatography : Apparatus for preparing standard gas mixtures (for gas -). Lacy and Wool- mington, 547. Applications of gas - liquid -. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. Automatic integrator for gas -. Konrath. (Demonstration), 278. By-pass injector for gas -. Kipping and Jeffery, 680. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques.Smith. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Vol. 11. (Review), 361. Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in -, Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Lederer. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 764. Macdonald, 3. Laws and Webley, 249. Chromatography-contin.ued Detmng. dihydroxybenzenes by liquid - liquid partition -, Young, 520. Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas -. Lacy and Woolmington, 350. Fraction collector for -. Clark, 548. Further studies on zone - strip techniques. Shimi, Imam and Dewedar, 744. Gas ---. Ambrose and Ambrose. (Publication received), 859 ; Bayer. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 683. Gas - 1960. Scott. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 363.Gas - Abstracts 1960. Knapman and Scott. (Publication received), 628. Gas - . Second International Symposium. Noebels, Wall and Brenner. (Publication received), 364. Gas - and anaesthetic research. Hill. (Sum- mary), 211. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysislgas - liquid --. Hewitt and Whit- ham, 643. Materials for Gas -. Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr. May & Baker Ltd. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 764. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip tech- nique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. Simple gas chromatograph. Barker. (Demon- stration), 28 1. Tungsten-filament katharometer for gas -. Timms and Konrath. (Demonstration), 278. Chromium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39.Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Radiochemistry of -. Pijck. (Review), 763. Separating vanadium and - from iron by extraction of ferric chloride with di-isopropyl ether. Dean and Herringshaw, 106. Chromium hydroxide : Co-precipitation of cobalt with - and aluminium hydroxide in quali- tative analysis. Bailey and Broadbank, 485. Ciba Foundation : Quinones in Electron Transport : - Symposium. Wolstenholme and O’Connor. (Publication received), 275. Cigarette Smoke Condensate : Preparation and Laboratory Estimation. Bentley and Burgan. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 492. N-Cinnamoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine : Rapid ex- traction and spectrophotometric detmn. of vanadium with -. I’riyadarshini and Tan- don, 544.Citrate : Eliminating interfering - and mineral acids in spectrophotometric detmn. of phos- phorus in fertilisers. Dahlgren, 814. Citronellol : Detmng. - in admixture with geraniol. Further studies of formylation reactions by gas - liquid chromatography. Holness, 231. Clay: Photometric detmn. of silica in rocks and refractories. Bloxam, 420. Clinical Chemistry: Standard Methods of -. Seligson. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 364; (Review), 759. Laboratory: Introduction to the -. MacFate. (Publication received), 764. Coal: Detmng. cellulose and household - in town-refuse compost. Mebius, 821. Rapid complexometric detmn. of phosphorus in -. Bhattacharyya, Bhaduri and Baner- jee, 195.INDEX TO Coal-tar distillates : Detmng. dihydroxybenzenes by liquid - liquid partition chromatography. Young, 520.Cobalt : Co-precipitation of - with chromium and aluminium hydroxides in qualitative analysis. Bailey and Broadbank, 485. Detmng. - in heat-resistant alloys. Kirtchik and Swearingen, 188. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Ion-exchange separation and polarographic de- tmn. of small amounts of lead and zinc in presence of -. Carson, 198; Erratum, 492. Cocaine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 63 1. Codeine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Fos- ter and Murfin, 32. Coffee: Routine detmn.of caffeine in - and - mixtures. Kum-Tatt, 825. Columbium : See Niobium. Combustion Processes : Gas Sampling and Chemical Analysis in -. Tin& (Publication received), 428. Complexes: Analysis of lead tannate and related chelates by amperometric method, Drewes, 104. Detmng. metals by organic reagents. Holmes. (Summary), 2 1 1. Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Yatsimirskii and Vasil'ev. Translated by Paterson. (Review), 79. Compost : Detmng. cellulose and household coal in town-refuse -. Mebius, 821. Co-ordination Compounds : Proceedings of Sym- posium on Chemistry of -, Agra, India, February 7th and Sth, 1959. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 624. Copper: Colorimetric detmn. of - in sea water solutions. Bowles and Nicks, 483, Colorimetric detmn.of - with zinc OO-di- isopropyl phosphorodithioate. Forster, Brazenall and Bridge, 407. Detmng. - in platinum jewellery alloys. Forbes and Dalladay, 418. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity selenium. Williams, 172. Direct absorptiometric detmn. of - in steel and cast iron with 2,2'-biquinolyl. Shanahan and Jenkins, 166. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Formate method for simultaneous polarographic detmn. of - and lead in steel. Scholes, 116. Radiochemistry of -. Dyer and Leddicotte. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. Corrosion : Principles of Metallic -. Chilton. (Publication received), 492. Coulometry : Coulometric methods in analysis : review.Lewis, 494. Cream: Changes in composition of - filling of sponges on storage. Wood, 667. Creatinine : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Crops: See Plants. Crystallometry. Terpstra and Codd. (Publication received), 860. Curium : Radiochemistry oi Americium and -. Penneman and Keenan. (Review), 763. VOLUME 86 xxv Cutters : Agar-gel plate immunoanalysis (- for). Feinberg and Temple. (Demonstration), 279. Cyanocobalamin : Simple illuminated box for incu- bation of stock cultures of Ochromonas mal- hamensis (for detmng. vitamin B12) without overheating. Price and Gare. (Demonstra- tion), 281. L-Cysteine : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. D Dalapon : See 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid.DDT : See 1,l,l-Trichloro-2,2-di(p-chlorophenyl)- Delnav : See 2,S-p-Dioxandithiol bis-( 0 O-diethyl Demeton 0 : See 2-Ethylthioethyl diethyl phosphoro- Demeton S : See S(2-Ethylthioethyl) diethyl phos- Demeton-methyl : Detmng. organo-phosphorus in- Laws and Webley, Demeton O-methyl : See 2-Ethylthioethyl dimethyl Demeton S-methyl : See S-(2-ethylthioethyl) dimethyl Demonstration : Apparatus shown a t - Meeting, Deoxyribonucleic acid: Detmng. nucleic acids in biological materials. Hutchison and Munro, 768. Deposit-gauge : Detmng. fluorine in - samples. Jeffery and Williams, 590. Depressants: Quantitative assessment of psycho- tropic activity in mice. Parkes. (Demonstra- tion), 278. DERV: See Diesel oil. Desiccator : Drying small liquid samples. Wager, Detergents : See Surface-active agents.Dextrose : See Glucose. Diabase: Photometric detmn. of silica in rocks and refractories. Bloxam, 420. NN'-Diacetylcellobiosylidenediamine : Chromatogra- phic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. NN'-Diacetyl-lactosy~denediamine : Chromatogra- phic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid : See Ethylene- diaminetetra-acetic acid. 2,4-Diaminophenol: Detmng. - and its salts. Parke, 12. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid : Detmng. - : paper- chromatographic modification of Work's acid - ninhydrin reaction. Nikaido, 673. Diamorphine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Diazinon : See Diethyl 6-methyl-2-isopropyl-4-pyri- midinyl phosphorothionate.Diaeomethane : Analysing commercial sodium 2,2- dichloropropionate (prepng. -) . Garratt, 367. Dibutyl phthalate : Polarographic detmn. of di- methyl phthalate and - in propellants with zinc amalgam to overcome interference from nitroglycerine. Townend and Macintosh, 338. Dichlorobenzophenone : Colorimetric detmn. of Kelthane residues (and -). Hughes, 756. ethane. phosphorothiolothionate) . thionate. phorothiolate. secticides in vegetables. 249. phosphorothionate. phosphorothiolate. 277-282. 266. seal ring. Watt. (Demonstration), 281.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 86 S-(2,5-Dichlorophenylthiomethyl) OO-diethyl phos- phorothiolothionate : Detmng. organo-phos- phorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review.Chilwell and Hartley, 148. 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid : Analysing commercial sodium 2,2-dichloropropionate. Garratt, 367. Dictionary : Dizionario Tecnico Italian0 - Inglese con Particolare Riferimento alla Industria Chimica. Aghina. (Publication received), 206. of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Ballentyne and Walker. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 206. Dieldrin : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Diesel oil : Detcng., detmng. and identifying fur- furaldehyde in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, Palframan and Rose, 561. Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil.Harrison and Heaysman, 566. Dietetics : World Nutrition and -. Bourne. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 364. S-l,2-Di(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl OO-dimethyl phos- phorothiolothionate : Detmng. organo-phos- phorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Diethyl 6-methy1-2-isopropyl-4-pyrimidinyl phos- phorothionate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. W-Diethyl N-l-naphthylpropylenediamine : Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. OO-Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : De- tmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review.Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Diethyl peroxide : Application of spectrophotometric analytical technique in kinetic study (decom- position of -). Holder, 677. Diethylbarbituric acid : Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysis/gas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. t rans-1,2-Diethylcyclobutane : Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. Diffusion and Heat Flow in Liquids. Tyrrell. (Publication received), 492. 3 ~,16cc-Dihydroxy~5a-androstan-17-one : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnane- trio1 and related compounds on paper chromato- grams. Few, 636. lY4-Dihydroxsanthra9uinone : Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison and Heaysman, 566.Dihydroxybenzenes : Detmng. - by liquid - liquid partition chromatography. Young, 520. 3a-l7a-Dihydroxy-5 p-pregnane-1lY20-dione : Vanil- lin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. preg- nanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Dihydroxypregnanones : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriols and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. 3 ~,16a-Dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one : Vanillin - per- chloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromato- grams. Few, 636. Dihydroxystenols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Dimefox : See NfVN”’-Tetramethylphosphorodia- midic fluoride. Dimethoate : See OO-Dimethyl S-(N-methyl- car bamo ylme th yl) phosphor othiolo thionat e .6- (2,6-Dimethoxybenzamido) penicillanic acid : Micro- biological assay of methicillin and phenethicillin by large-plate methods. Jones and Pay, 669. OO-Dimethyl S-( N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) phos- phorothiolothionate : Detmng. residual organo- phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review, Chilwell and Hartley, 148. 0 O-Dimethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate : De- tmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in veget- ables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. 0 O-Dimethyl S- (4-oxo-3H-1,2,3-benzotriazine-3- methyl) phosphorothiolothionate : Detmng. or- gano-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249.Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Dimethyl phthalate : Polarographic detmn. of - and dibutyl phthalate in propellants with zinc amalgam to overcome interference from nitro- glycerine. Townend and Macintosh, 338. Dimethyl 2,2,2-trichloro-l-hydroxy ethylphospho- nate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. OO-Dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) phosphoro- thioate : Detmng. fenchlorphos residues in milk. Webley, 476. Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in veget- ables. Laws and Webley, 249. 4-Dimethylamino-2,3-dirnethyl-l-phenylpyrazol-5- one : Detcng.pyramidon and antipyrin when present together. Wawrzyczek, 542. Dimethylformamide : Preparing small rock salt plates for micro-sampling in infra-red spectro- photometry (spectrum of -). Nicholls, 664. 2,3-Dimethyl-l-phenylpyrazol-5-one : Detcng . pyra- midon and antipyrin when present together. Wawrzyczek, 542. 3,5-Dinitrobenzoates : Thin-layer chromatography of -. Dhont and de Rooy, 527. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydazones : Chromatographic be- haviour of - on chromatoplates. Dhont and de Rooy, 74. Diosgenin : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. 2,3-p-Dioxandithiol bis-(OO-diethyl phosphorothiolo- thionate) : Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148.Diphenylthiourea : Direct titration of hydrolysable sulphur in organic compounds. Wronski, 543. Dipterex : See Dimethyl 2,2,2-trichloro-l-hydroxy ethylphosphonate. Diquat : See l,l’-Ethylene-2,2’-bipyridylium di- bromide monohydrate. Disyston : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxvii Dithiocarbamates: Direct titration of hydrolysable sulphur in organic compounds. Wronski, 543. Dithionate : Detmng. -, sulphite and sulphate in manganese leach liquors. Soffer, 843. ttans-l,2-Divinylcyclobutane : Applications of gas - liquid chromatography. Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. Dixanthogen: Volumetric detmn. of -. Shanka- ranarayana and Patel, 98. Drawing board: Inclined - fitted with roll of tracing paper for repeated use of a single piece of graph paper. Naylor.(Demonstration), 282. Drugs : Quantitative Bestimmung der Alkaloide in Drogen und Drogenzubereitungen. Schultz and Zymalkowski. (Review), 78. Separating mixtures of - by combination of chromatography and ionophoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. Drying small liquid samples. See also Freeze-drying. Dysprosium : Detmng. samarium and other rare Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- Wager, 266. earths. Pittwell, 137. tion analysis. Coleman, 39. E EDTA : See Ethslenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Effluent(s) : Collaborative work on detmng. alkyl- benzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage -, river waters and surface waters. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719. Detmng. nitrite in water.Montgomery and Dymock, 414. Egg : Enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids for detmng. - in foods. Griffin and Casson, 544; Erratum, 628. Electroanalysis : Determination of Chlorides. Striv- ens. (Publication received), 556. Electrochemistry : glectrochimie ThCorique. Dar- mois and Darmois. (Review), 205. Electrode(s) and cells for polarography. Lamb and Konczak. (Demonstration), 280. Reference -: Theory and Practice. Ives and Janz. (Publication received), 556. Wide-bore dropping-mercury - for detmng. dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gases. Briggs and Knowles, 603. Electrolysis : Transactions of Symposium on Elec- trode Processes. Yeager. (Publication re- ceived), 860. Electrophoresis apparatus. Nelson. (Demonstra- tion), 282. Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques.Smith. Vol. I. 2nd Edn. Vol. 11. (Review), 361. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in Chromato- graphy, ~ and Related Methods. Lederer. Vol. 3. (Publication received), 764. Electrophoretic tank for small-scale cellulose acetate strips. Albert-Recht. (Demonstra- tion), 281. Paper -: Review of Methods and Results. Ribeiro, Mitidieri and Aff onso. (Publication received), 364. Principles and Applications of Paper -. Wunderly. (Publication received), 628 ; (Re- view), 857. Electroplating : Apparatus for electro-chemical plating of polonium-210 on nickel. Taylor. (Demonstration), 279. Ion-exchange in - industry. Gripp. (Sum- mary), 209. Endrin : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography.Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Enzymes : Diffusion plate-assay technique applied to - and antibacterials in pharmaceutical analysis. Carter. (Demonstration), 282. EPN: See O-Ethyl O-p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphoro- thionate. Erbium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Essential Oils : Detmng. citronellol in admixture with geraniol. Further studies of formylation reactions by gas - liquid chromatography. Holness, 231. Ethyl alcohol : Application of spectrophotometric analytical technique in kinetic study (detmng. -). Holder, 677. O-Ethyl O-p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothionate : Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Ethyl oximinocyanoacetate : Characterising amines.Adcock, Lawson and Stevens, 615. l,l’-Ethylene-2,2’-bipyridylium dibromide mono- hydrate : Detmng. diquat residues in potato tubers. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid : Analytical Appli- cations of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. West and Sykes. 2nd Edn. (Review), 203. Complex of vanadylv with -. Kakabadse and Wilson, 402. Eliminating phosphate interference in - detmns. of calcium and magnesium in plant ash. Middleton, 11 1 ; Erratum, 492. Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release at constant pH. Part I. Oxida- tion of - solution by hydrogen peroxide. Cartwright, 688. Ethylmorphine: Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32.2-Ethylthioethyl diethyl phosphorothionate : Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. S-(2-Ethylthioethyl) diethyl phosphorothiolate : De- tmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. 2-E th ylthioe t h yl dime thyl phosphoro thiona t e : De- tmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. S-2-E th ylthioe thyl dime thyl phosphoro t hiolat e : D e - tmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. thionate : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in vegetables. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148.Etrolene : See 00-Dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichloro- phenyl) -phosphorothioate. Europium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Explosions : Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. Gray. (Review), 362. Explosives : See Propellants. Extractor : Rocking -. Albert-Recht. (Demon- stration), 280. Calderbank, Morgan and Yuen, 569. S- (Ethylthiomethyl) 0 O-diethyl phosphorothiolo- Laws and Webley, 249.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 86 F Faecollector : Anticoprophagic cup (-) for rat. Bender. (Demonstration), 278. Fan : Magnetically driven -. Jackson. (Demon- stration), 279. Fenchlorphos : See OO-Dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichloro- phenyl) phosphorothioate. Ferrites : Detmng. zinc in zinc manganese ferrite and other -.Fertiliser(s) : Detmng. added borates in mixed -. Wilson and Pellegrini, 517. Detmng. zinc in agricultural materials by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Allan, 530. Eliminating interfering citrate and mineral acids in spectrophotometric detmn. of phosphorus in -. Dahlgren, 814. Joint Symposium on - Analysis. Fertiliser Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 364. Quinoline phosphomolybdate method for detmng. phosphate (in -) : applicability in inter- national trade. Fertiliser Society : Joint Symposium on Fertiliser Analysis. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 364. Filtration : Ultra - apparatus. Albert-Recht. (Demonstration), 280. Flame photometer : General purpose integrating -.Webb and Wildy. (Demonstration), 281. Sample cell arrangement for E.E.L. -. Albert- Recht. (Demonstration), 280. Andrew and Nichols, 676. Campen and Sledsens, 467. Flame Photometry. Dean. (Review), 204. plastic. Still. (Demonstration), 278. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. lication received), 142 ; (Review), 554. Atomiser for -, constructed in transparent Flammenphotometrie. Herrmann and Alkemade. Flammenspektralanalyse. Schuhknecht. (Pub- Interferences in -. Webb. (Summary), 686. Flour : Detmng. thiamine in cereal products. Ridyard, 723. Ministry of Agricul- ture, Fisheries and Food and Ministry of Health, Food Standards Committee, 140. Fluorescence : Radioactive isotopes in simple X-ray - analysis. Mellish. (Summary), 283. Spectrofluorimetry. Parker. (Summary), 365.X-ray - in general analysis. Bromley. (Summary), 283. Fluoride content of gelatin. Fluorine : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. - in deposit-gauge samples. Jeffery and Williams, 590. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Oxygen flask method: review. Radiochemistry of -, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Review), 763. Semi-micro detmn. of - and chlorine in organic compounds. Part IV. Chambers, Musgrave and Savory, 356. Semi-micro detmn. of - in organic compounds. Johnson and Leonard, 101. Folic acid : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Folinic acid : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures.Scholes, 714. Food (s) : Accelerated Freeze-drying (AFD) Method of - Preservation. Hanson. (Publication received), 860. Report on bread and -. Bartlet, 200. Macdonald, 3. Food(s)--conlinued Additives : Instrumental Methods for Analysis of -. Butz and Noebels. (Publication received), 860. Arsenic in -- (Amendment) Regulations, 1960, 140. Composition of -. McCance and Widdowson. (Publication received), 142; (Review), 552. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in -: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids for detmng. egg in -. Griffin and Casson, 544; Erratum, 628. Mites of Stored -. Hughes, (Publication received), 427. Pure - and Pure - Legislation. Pure Food Centenary Conference Papers.Amos. (Pub- lication received), 205; (Review), 490. Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in -. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and tomatoes. Joint Mercury Residues Panel, 608. Forensic Science Society: Journal of the -. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1960. (Review), 141. Formylation : Detmng. citronellol in admixture with geraniol. Further studies of - reac- tions by gas - liquid chromatography. Holness, 231. Fraction collector for chromatography. Clark, 548. Francium: Radiochemistry of -. Hyde. (Re- view), 763. Freeze-drying : Accelerated - (AFD) Method of Food Preservation. Hanson. (Publication received), 860. Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Fuel oils: Detcng., detmng.and identifying fur- furaldehyde in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, Palframan and Rose, 561. Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison and Heaysman, 566. Furfuraldehyde : Detcng., detmng. and identifying __ in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, Palframan and Rose, 561. G Gadolinium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Galaheptonic lactone : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Gallium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of Aluminium and -. Lewis. (Publication received), 556. Spectrographic detmn. of trace impurities in -. Oldfield and Bridge, 267. Gallium arsenide : Fluorimetric detmn.of sub- microgram amounts of selenium. Parker and Harvey, 54. Gas(es): Determination of - in Metals. (Pub- lication received), 142. Lock for high-vacuum apparatus (detmng. - in metals). Parker, 550. mixtures : Apparatus for preparing standard -. Lacy and Woolmington, 547. Gas chromatography : See Chromatography. Gas oil: Detcng., detmng. and identifying fur- furaldehyde in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison, Palframan and Rose, 561. Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon oil. Harrison and Heaysman, 566.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxix Gelatin : Fluoride content of -. Bartlet, 200. Heptachlor : Rapid identification and detmn. of Geochemistry: Methods in - . Smales and residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by Wager. (Review), 490.gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goul- Geraniol : Detmng. citronellol in admixture with -. Further studies of formylation reactions Heteropoly blue : Formation of - by reduction by gas - liquid chromatography. Holness, 231. procedures in micro-detmn. of phosphorus. Germanium: Colorimetric detmn. of tin in propel- lants by haematoxylin (and detmng. --). Hevea brasiliensis: Eliminating phosphate inter- Norwitz, 835. ference in EDTA detmns. of calcium and Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- magnesium in plant ash. Middleton, 111; tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Erratum, 492. D-Glucosamine : Chromatographic reagents for Holmium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, Pittwell, 137. 132. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- D-Glucosaminic acid nitrile penta-acetate : Chroma- tion analysis.Coleman, 39. tographic reagents for organic substances. Honey : Occurrence of honeydew in -. 11. Kirk- Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Glucosaminic acid oxime : Chromatographic reagents Honeydew : Occurrence of _I in honey. 11. for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Hops : Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. Glucose, liquid : Selective desorption from carbon version products. Patterson and Buchan, 160. to problems of medical science. Kellie. (Sum- Glutathione : Chromatographic reagents for organic in blood. Gray and Bacharach. (Publication substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Glycerol: Detmng. propane-1,3-diol in - by gas chromatography with flame-ionisation detector. Humidator powers.( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 279. Murray and Williams, 849. ~ l ~ ~ h ~ : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. in oysters* Fraser and Glycogen: Detmng. - Holmes, 131. Gold : Detmng. - in mill products by cathode-ray polarograph. Cathro, 657. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. (Publication received), 628. refractories. Bloxam, 420. den and Reynolds, 697. Sims, 584. wood, Mitchell and Ross, 164. Kirkwood, Mitchell and Ross, 164. (Review), 272. mary), 212. received), 7 64. for detmng. maltotriose in starch con- Hormones : Application of infra-red spectroscopy Hydrocarbon(s) Oil: Detcng., detmng* and identi- fying furfuraldehyde in - . Harrison, Palframan and Rose, 561.oil : Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in --. Harrison and Heaysman, 566. Toxicology and Biochemistry of Aromatic -. Gerarde. (Publication received), 275 ; (Review), 625. ignition in oxygen: detmng. carbon and -. Ingram, 411. Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography. Lacy and 350' carbon and -. Butterworth. (Demonstra- tion), 279. Induction heating in detmng. carbon and -. Butterworth, 357. containing organic compounds. Ingram, 539. Hydrogen peroxide : Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release a t constant pH. Part I. Oxidation of EDTA solution bv --. Radiochemistry of -. Emery and Leddicotte. Hydrogen : Of Organic by Granite: Photometric detmn. of silica in rocks and Graphs : Inclined drawing board fitted with roll of of - paper.Naylor. (Demonstration), 282. Griseofulvin : Simplified spectrophotometric assay of - in fermentation samples. Daly, 129. Gusathion : See 0 O-Dimethyl S- (4-oxo-3H-1,2,3- ate. Guthion : See OO-Dimethyl S. (4-oxo-3W-1,2,3.benz;o- triazine-&methyl) phosphorothiolothionate. tracing paper for repeated use of a single piece Induction heating to micro-detmn' Of bensotriazine-3-methyl) phosphorothiolothion- Micro-detmn' Of and - in fluorine- H Haematoxylin : Colorimetric detmn. of tin in pro- pellants by -. Norwitz, 835. Hafnium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Stein- berg. (Review), 763. Hazards : Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. Gray. (Review), 362. Heat Flow : Diffusion and - in Liquids, Tyrrell. (Publication received), 492.Heating : Induction - applied to micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. Butterworth. (Demonstration), 279. Induction - in detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Butterworth, 357. Small-scale methods of - and stirring, and small-scale techniques. Fill. (Demonstra- tion), 277. Hecogenin : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Radiochemistry of Zirconium and -. Cartwright, 688. Fox- ley, 348. Vanillin - per- chloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromato- grams. Few, 636. 3 fl-Hydroxypregn-5-en-20-one : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Hyoscine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn.of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Hydroperoxides : Detcng. organic peroxides. 3 ~-Hydroxyandrost-5-en-l7-one : I Immunoandysis : Agar-gel plate -, Feinberg and Temple. (Demonstration), 279. Incubator : Inexpensive --. Nelson. (Demonstra- tion), 282. Index : Punched-card -of analytical bibliography. Curry and Moore. (Demonstration), 279.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Indium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of -. Sunderman and Town- ley. (Review), 763. Rapid detmn. of - by neutron activation. Pierce and Peck, 580. Indole : Chromatographic reagents for organic sub- stances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. /3-Indolepropionic acid : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances.Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Induction heating applied to micro-detmn. of carbon and hydrogen. Butterworth. (Demonstra- tion), 279. in detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Butterworth, 357. Industrial wastes : See Effluents. Infra-red Spectrometers : Tables of Wavenumbers for Calibration of -. (Publication received), 428. Insecticides : Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus applied to organo-phosphorus - residues. Caverly and Hall, 478. Detmng. organo-phosphorus ~ in vegetables. General method for - residues. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus - in foodstuffs : review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Toxic Phosphorus Esters : Chemistry, Metabolism, and Biological Effects. O’Brien. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 49 1. See also Pesticides.Instability Constants of Complex Compounds. Yatsimirskii and Vasil’ev. Translated by Paterson. (Review), 79. Institute of Metals. Determination of Gases in Metals. (Publication received), 142. Institute of Petroleum : Gas Chromatography 1960. Scott. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 363. IP Standards for Petroleum and Its Products. Part I. 20th Edn. (Publication received), 860. Institute of Physics : Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1956-58. Lang. (Publication received), 142. Instrument Society of America : Gas Chromato- graphy. Second International Symposium. Noebels, Wall and Brenner. (Publication received), 364. Instrumentation : Chemical -. Strobel. (Re- view), 273. Chemical Plant -: Notes on Use of Measuring Instruments. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers.(Review), 79. Integrator : Automatic -for gas chromatography. Konrath. (Demonstration), 278. International Atomic Energy Agency : Radioactiva- tion Analysis : Proceedings of Radioactivation Analysis Symposium held in Vienna, Austria, June, 1959. (Publication received), 80. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Rules for I.U.P.A.C. Notation for Organic Compounds. (Publication received), 859. Tables of Wavenumbers for Calibration of Infra- red Spectrometers. (Publication received), 428. Iodine : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Oxygen flask method : review. Radiochemistry of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and -.Kleinberg and Cowan. (Review), 763. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine (and -) in organic compounds. Chambers, Musgrave and Savory, 356. Macdonald, 3. Ion-exchange : Applications of - in inorganic analytical chemistry. Wells. (Summary), 209. in electroplating industry. Gripp. (Summary), 209. Ion-Exchangers : Synthetic - : Recent Develop- ments in Theory and Application. Osborn. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 428. Iridium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Iron : Apparatus for coulometric detmns. of free tin and tin - - alloy on tinplate. Bishop and Hill. (Demonstration), 281. Apparent loss of ~ during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles. Bennett, Eardley and Thwaites, 135.Detmng. tin in pure -, mild steel and low- alloy steels by cathode-ray polarography. Scholes, 392. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct absorptiometric detmn. of copper in steel and cast - with 2,2’-biquinolyl. Shanahan and Jenkins, 166. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Formate method for simultaneous polarographic detmn. of copper and lead in steel (and -). Scholes, 116. Handbuch fur das Eisenhuttenlaboratorium. Band I. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 553. Radiochemistry of -. Nielsen. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. Separating vanadium and chromium from -- by extraction of ferric chloride with di-isopropyl ether. Dean and Herringshaw, 106. Iron and Steel Institute : Determination of Gases in Metals.(Publication received), 142. Isotopes : Radioactive __ in Biochemistry. Broda. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274. J Jewellery alloys : Colorimetric procedure for checking palladium content of -. Forbes and Dalladay, 418. Joint Mercury Residues Panel : Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and tomatoes, 608. Journal : Australian - of Experimental Agricul- ture and Animal Husbandry. Vol. I, No. 1, May, 1961. (Publication received), 556. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 362. of the Forensic Science Society. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1960. (Review), 141. Radiochemistry. Maddock. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960. (Publication received), 628.Research and Development for Industry. De- soutter. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1961. (Publication received), 684. Johnson, 185. Detmng. copper in platinum -. Medicine, Science and the Law. K Katharometer : Tungsten-filament - for gas chromatography. Timms and Konrath. (Demonstration), 278. Kelthane: See 1,1-Bis-p-ch1oropheny1-2,2,2-trichloro- ethanol.INDEX TO Ketols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Ketones : Chromatographic behaviour of 2,4-dinitro- phenylhydrazones on chromatoplates. Dhont and de Rooy, 74. Kinetics : Application of spectrophotometric analyti- cal technique in kinetic study. Korlan : See OO-Dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl) phosphorothioate. Krypton : Detmng.trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Holder, 677. L Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1956-58. Lang. (Publication received), 142. Lactobacillus arabinosus 1715 : Maintenance of microbiological organisms as freeze-dried cul- tures. Scholes, 714. Lactobacillus fermenti 36 : Maintenance of micro- biological assay organisms as freeze-dried cul- tures. Scholes, 714. Lactobacillus heheticus: Maintenance of micro- biological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Lacto bacillus uiridescens: Maintenance of micro- biological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Lanthanum: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pitwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39.Law: Medicine, Science and the -. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 362. Lead : Anodic stripping polarography (detmng. -). Parker and Terry. (Demonstration), 281. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Formate method for simultaneous polarographic detmn. of copper and - in steel. Scholes, 116. Ion-exchange separation and polarographic de- tmn. of small amounts of - and zinc in presence of cobalt. Carson, 198; Erratum, 492. Polarographic detmn. of antimony in refined -. Athavale, Dhaneshwar, Rlehta and Sundaresan, 399. Lead catecholate: Analysis of lead tannate and related chelates by amperometric method. Drewes, 104. Lead molybdate : Co-precipitation of phosphate with __ in British Standard method for detmng.phosphorus in steel. Heslop and Kirby, 134. Lead pyrogallate: Analysis of lead tannate and related chelates by amperometric method. Drewes, 104. Lead tannate : Analysis of - and related chelates by amperometric method. Drewes, 104. Lecithinase D : Enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids for detmng. egg in foods. Griffin and Casson, 544; Erratum, 628. Liebermann - Burchard test : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid Liebfraumilch : Presence of acrolein in Rhine wine - 1959. Avent, 479. Lindane: Rapid identification and detmn. of resi- dues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goul- den and Reynolds, 697. Lipide Metabolism. Bloch. (Publication received), 427. (-1. Cook, 373. VOLUME 86 xxxi Lithium : Detmng.trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Lobeline : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Lock for high-vacuum apparatus. Lutecium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- Parker, 550. Pittwell, 137. tion analysis. Coleman, 39. M Magnesium: Detmng. - in plant material. Bradfield, 269. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Eliminating phosphate interference in EDTA detmns. of calcium and - in plant ash. Middleton, 11 1 ; Erratum, 492. Oxygen flask method : review. Radiochemistry of -. Fairhall. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763.Malathion : See S-1,2-Di(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl 0 0- dimethyl phosphorothiolothionate. Malt : Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. (Review), 272. Maltotriose : Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. - in starch conversion products. Patterson and Buchan, 160. Manganese : Detmng. dithionate, sulphite and sul- phate in - leach liquors. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Radiochemistry of -. Leddicotte. (Publica- tion received), 364; (Review), 763. Mass Spectrometry and its Applications to Organic Chemistry. Beynon. (Review), 422. Mathematics : Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and -. Ballen- tyne and Walker.2nd Edn. (Publication received), 206. May & Baker Ltd: Materials for Gas Chromato- graphy: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 764. Meat: Nitrogen factors for pork. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 557. Medicine : Application of infra-red spectroscopy to problems of -. Kellie. (Summary), 212. Assessment of Activity of Disease. Lawrence. (Publication received), 427. Science and the Law. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 362. Mercury : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39, electrode : Wide-bore dropping-- for detmng. dissolved oxygen and oxygen in gases. Briggs and Knowles, 603.Oxygen flask method: review. Radiochemistry of -. Roesmer and Kruger. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. - residues in apples and tomatoes. Joint - Residues Panel, 608. Macdonald, 3. Soffer, 843. Macdonald, 3.xxxii INDEX TO Mercury-continued Trace detmn. of phenyl- and methylmercury salts in biological material. Gage, 457. Metsls: Determination of Gases in -. (Publica- tion received), 142. Lock for high-vacuum apparatus (detmng. gases in -). Parker, 550. Separation of Heavy -. De. (Publication received), 764. Metanilic acid : Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. Methicillin : See 6-(2,6-Dimethoxybenzamido)-peni- cillanic acid. 2-Me thox y car bon yl-l-methylvinyl dime thy1 phos- phate : See l-Carbomethoxy-l-propen-2-yl di- methyl phosphate.Methoxychlor : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goul- den and Reynolds, 697. Methylallene : See Butadiene. Methylamphetamine: Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Methylmercury salts: Trace detmn. of phenyl- and I_ in biological material. Mice : Methods for quantitative assessment of psychotropic activity in -. Parkes. (De- monstration), 278. Microbiological assay : See Bioassay. Microbiology : Handbook of -. Jacobs and Gerstein. (Publication received), 142. Micro-organisms : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures, Scholes, 7 14.Microscopy: X-ray -. Cosslett and Nixon. (Publication received), 142 : (Review), 423. Milk: Detmng. fenchlorphos residues in -. Webley, 476. Skimmed __ with Non- - Fat Regulations, 1960, 140. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food : Ac- celerated Freeze-drying (AFD) Method of Food Preservation. Hanson. (Publication received), 860. Report on bread and flour. - , Food Standards Committee, 140. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: Statutory Instruments, etc. Gage, 457. Arsenic in food, 140. Skimmed milk with non-milk fat, 140. Ministry of Health: Report on bread and flour. Ministry of Health : Statutory Instruments, etc. Mites of Stored Food. Hughes. (Publication received), 427;‘ Molecular Sieves : Union Carbide” - for Selec- tive Absorption.British Drug Houses, Ltd. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 860. Molybdenum : Detmng. - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. David, 730. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of -. Scadden and Ballou. (Review), 763. Morphine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 631. Morphothion : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. -, Food Standards Committee, 140. Arsenic in food, 140. Skimmed milk with non-milk fat, 140. VOLUME 86 N Nankor : See OO-Dimethyl 0-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyI) phosphor0 thioa t e.Natural Products : Chemistry of -. (Publication received), 684. Neodymium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Neon : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Neutron: Detmng. trace elements by fast -~ activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Nickel : Apparatus for electro-chemical plating of polonium-210 on --. Taylor. (Demonstra- tion), 279. crucibles: Apparent loss of iron during fusion of silicate materials with sodium hydroxide in -. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity selenium. Williams, 172. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Nicotinamide : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn.of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Nicotinic acid : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 7 14. Niobium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Stein- berg. (Publication received), 860. Nitrates: Toxicology of - and nitrites with par- ticular reference to potability of water supplies : review. Burden, 429. Nitric Acid: Manufacture and Uses. Miles. (Pub- lication received), 684. Nitrite@) : Detmng. __ in water. Montgomery and Dymock, 414. Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. -. Peach, 757. Toxicology of nitrates and - with particular reference to potability of water supplies : re- view. Burden, 429. i2d- cock, Lawson and Stevens, 615.content of rusk filler. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 560. Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Haslam, Hamil- ton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chroma- tography. Lacy and Woolmington, 350. Detmng. - in argon by gas chromatography. Murdoch, 856. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. factors for pork. Society for Analytical Chemis- try, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 557. Rapid micro-detmn. of -- in fluorine-containing compounds. Kakabadse and Manohin, 512. Nitroglycerine : Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl and dibutyl yhthalates in propellants with zinc amalgam to overcome interference from -.Townend and Macinotsh, 338. Nitrometer : Automatic micro-. Watt. (Demon- stration), 281. Nitrophenols : Characterising organic acids by benzylamine salts. Cheeseman and Poller, 256. Bennett, Eardley and Thwaites, 135. Radiochemistry of - and Tantalum. Nitrogen compounds : Characterising amines.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxxiii p-Nitrosodiphenylamine : Detcng. palladium with -. McAllister, 618. Nitrosophenol complexes in detcng. and detmng. nitrites. Peach, 757. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation : Gas Sampling and Chemical Analysis in Combustion Processes. Tin& (Publication received), 428. Notation: Rules for I.U.P.A.C. - for Organic Compounds. I.U.P.A.C., Commission on Codi- fication, Ciphering and Punched Card Tech- niques.(Publication received), 859, Nuclear magnetic resonance : Analysis by - tech- niques. Ferrett. (Summary), 283. Spectra : Introduction to Analysis of Spin-Spin Splitting in High-Resolution -. Roberts. (Publication received), 628. Nucleic acids : Detmng. - in biological materials : review. Hutchison and Munro, 768. Polynucleotides : Natural and Synthetic ---. Steiner and Beers. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 760. Nutrition: World Review of - and Dietetics. Bourne. Vol. 2. (Publication received), 364. 0 Obituaries : Allen, D. G., 145. Arnaud, F. W. F., 287. Bacon, A., 287. Baggesgaard-Rasmussen, H., 1, 287. Bracewell, G. A., 145. Briscoe, H. V. A,, 767. Britton, H. T. S., 81, 146. Brodaty, E., 287. Campbell, E. P., 429. Carlos, A. S., 287.Chandler, R. D. T. E., 287. Claremont, C. I,. L., 685. Cockburn, T., 629. Eynon, L., 765. Fletcher, A. E., 429. French, A., 685. Hawkins, E. M., 287. Hebbs, L. G. S., 287. Henly, A. A., 209. Hodgson, H. W., 429, 630. Lees, A., 1, 82, 287. Lowe, H., 287. Marsden, W., 287. McCrae, J., 287. McNicol, R. A., 429. Oliver, J. H., 287. Paterson, J. W., 1, 287. Phillips, D. F., 145, 214. Schidrowitz, P., 287. Shaw, W. B., 287. Simmons, W. H., 1, 213, 287. Smith, L. H., 287. Taylor, G., 287. Thomas, G., 287. Tickle, T., 1, 214, 287. Wordsworth, C. H., 493. Wright, R. F., 287. Ochromonas malhamensis: Simple illuminated box for incubation of stock cultures of - without overheating. Price and Gare. (Dem- onstration), 281. 1,3,4,5,6,'7,8,8- Octachloro-l,3,3a,4,'7,'7a-hexahydro- 4,7-methanoisobenzofuran : Rapid identification and detmn.of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Good- win, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Oils : Detcng., detmng. and identifying furfuralde- hyde in hydrocarbon -. Harrison, Pal- framan and Rose, 561. Detcng., detmng. and identifying quinizarin in hydrocarbon -. Harrison and Heaysman. 666. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Organo-aluminium compounds : Detmng. alkoxide groups in -. Crompton, 652. Metallic Compounds. Coates. 2nd Edn. (Re- view), 624. Metallic Compounds : Handbook of -. Kauf- man. (Publication received), 628. phosphorus compounds :Toxic Phosphorus Esters : Chemistry, Metabolism, and Biological Effects. O'Brien. (Publication received), 206 ; (Re- view), 491.phosphorus insecticides : Colorimetric detmn. of phosphorus applied to - residues. Caverly and Hall, 478. phosphorus insecticides : Detmng. residual __ in foodstuffs: review. Chilwell and Hartley, 148. phosphorus insecticides : Detmng. - in veget- ables. Laws and Webley, 249. Orsat apparatus : Semi-micro -. Moss and Slater. (Demonstration), 278. Osmium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Oxalic acid: Detmng. - in urine. Hodgkinson and Zarembski, 16. Oximinocsanoacetate, ethyl : Characterising amines. Adcock, Lawson and Stevens, 615. Oxygen : Compensation for temperature variations in the cell of dissolved-- indicatorlrecorder incorporating wide-bore dropping-mercury elec- trode. Littlewood, 359. Detmng. impurities in chlorine gas by gas chromatography.Lacy and Woolmington, 350. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. flask combustion : Combustion of organic com- pounds by ignition in oxygen: detmng. carbon and hydrogen. Ingram, 411. flask method : review. Macdonald, 3. Lock for high-vacuum apparatus (e.g. detmng. __ in metals). Parker, 550. Measuring - tension of blood by covered platinum electrode. Bishop. (Summary), 2 12. %'ide-bore dropping-mercury electrode for de- tmng. dissolved ~ and ~ in gases. Briggs and Knowles, 603. Fraser and Holmes, 131. Oysters: Detmng. glycogen in -. P Palladium : Colorimetric procedure for checking __ content of jewellery alloys. Johnson, 185. Detcng. - with 9-nitrosodiphenylamine. Mc- Allister, 618. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis.Coleman, 39. Pantothenic acid : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Paper: Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and - Manufacture, incorporating the Fourth Edition of Stevens's "Paper Mill Chemist." Grant. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 205. Parabanic acid : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Parathion : See 00-Diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphoro- thionate.Parathion-methyl : See 00-Dimethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphorothionate. Pediococcus cerevisiae 8081 : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze- dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Penicillin(s) : Automatic detmn. of ~ in fermenta- tion broth : iodimetric assay. Goodall and Davies, 326.Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Iodimetric assay of - in fermented medium. Bethel and Bond, 448. Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip tech- nique. Penta-acetyl-D-glucose : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Pentabenzoyl-D-glucose : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and De- ferrari, 132. Per-esters : Detcng. organic peroxides. Foxley, 348. Peroxides : Detcng. organic -. Foxley, 348. Organic -. Davies. (Publication received), 764. Pesticides : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated - in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Recommended methods of analysis of - resi- dues in foodstuffs. Detmng.mercury residues in apples and tomatoes. Joint Mercury Residues Panel, 608. Petroleum: IP Standards for - and Its Products. Part I. 20th Edn. (Publication received), 860. pH : Increasing sensitivity of --meter. Jackson, 76. Measurement and Titration. Mattock and Tay- lor. (Publication received), 492. Measurement of - and electrode potential for analytical purposes. Mattock. (Summary)] 284. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Joint Committee on Methods of Assay of Crude Drugs. Colorimetric detmn. of rotenone, 748. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide €or Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn., revised and extended. (Publication received), 860. Pharmacognosy: Textbook of -. Wallis. 4th Edn. (Review), 141. Pharmacopoeia : British - 1958 : Addendum 1960.(Review), 203. Extra ___ (Martindale) : Supplement 1961. (Publication received), 628. Pharmacy : Pharmaceutical Analysis. Higuchi and Brochmann-Hanssen. (Publication received), 684. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn., revised and extended. (Publication received), 860. Phenazone : See 2,3-Dimethyl-l-phenylpyrazo1-5- one. Phenethicillin : See cc-Phenoxyethylpenicillin. Phenkapton : See S-(2,5-Dichlorophenylthiomethyl) 00-diethyl phosphorothiolothionrste. Phenobarbitone : Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and iono- phoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange shezts. Street and Niyogi, 671. Phenols : Detmng. dihydroxybenzenes by liquid - liquid partition chromatography. Young, 520. Thin-layer chromatography of 3,Ei-dinitroben- zoates.Dhont and de Rooy, 527. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. See also Insecticides. Phenothiazine : Detmng. -in commercial prepara- tions by ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy. Brierley and Langbridge, 709. a-Phenoxyethylpenicillin : Microbiological assay of methicillin and phenethicillin by large-plate methods. Jones and Pay, 669. Phenoxymethylpenicilin : Iodimetric assay of peni- cillin in fermented medium. Bethel and Bond, 448. Phenylmercury salts: Trace detmn. of ___ and methylmercury salts in biological material. Gage, 457. Phorate : See S(Ethylthiomethy1) 00-diethyl phos- phorothiolothionate. Phorate oxygen-analogue sulphone : Detmng. organo- phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Phosdrin : See 1-Carbomethoxy-1-propen-2-yl di- methyl phosphate.Phosphamidon : See 2-Chloro-2-diethylcarbamoyl- 1-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate. Phosphate@) : Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in - rock after extraction with alkyl acid phosphates. Smith and Drewry, 178. Co-precipitation of - with lead molybdate in British Standard method for detmng. phos- phorus in steel. Esters in Metabolism : Account of Biologically Important Organic - Compounds. British Drug Houses Ltd. (Publication received), 860. Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release a t constant pH. Part 11. Pre- cipitation of metal -. Quinoline phosphomolybdate method for detmng. - : applicability in international trade. Campen and Sledsens, 467. Phospholipids : Enzymic hydrolysis of - for detmng.egg in foods. Griffin and Casson, 544; Erratum, 628. Phosphoric acid : Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in phosphate rock (and -) after extraction with alkyl acid phosphates. Smith and Drewry, 178. Phosphorus : Colorimetric detmn. of - applied to organo-- insecticide residues. Caverly and Hall, 478. compounds : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecti- cides in vegetables. General method for insecti- cide residues. compounds : Identifying substances of low vola- tility by pyrolysis/gas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. Co-precipitation of phosphate with lead molyb- date in British Standard method for detmng. - in steel. Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Haslam, Hamil- ton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. residual organo-- insecticides in foodstuffs : review.Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Detmng. sodium, potassium and - in biologicaI material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 506. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Eliminating interfering citrate and mineral acids in spectrophotometric detmn. of - in ferti- lisers. Dahlgren, 814. Esters : Toxic -: Chemistry, Metabolism] and Biological Effects. O’Brien. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 49 1. Formation of heteropoly blue by reduction pro- cedures in micro-detmn. of -. Sims, 584. Heslop and Kirby, 134. Cartwright, 692. Laws and Webley, 249. Heslop and Kirby, 134.INDEX TO Phosphorus-continued Oxygen flask method : review.Macdonald, 3. Rapid complexometric detmn. of - in coal. Bhattachsryya, Bhaduri and Banerjee, 195. Phosphorus-32: Detmng. 14C and - in animal tissue and blood fractions by liquid-scintillation. Badman and Brown, 342. Photometry, flame : See Flame photometry. Physics: Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, - and Mathematics. Ballen- tyne and Walker. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 206. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. 42nd Edn. (Publication received), 427. Piazselenols : Fluorimetric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of selenium. Parker and Harvey, 54. Pipette: Aspects of - usage. Part I. Precision. Dean and Herringshaw, 434; Part 11. Effects of variables, 440. Semi-automatic compound dilution -. Goodall and Taylor. (Demonstration), 279. Plant(s) : Detmng. diquat residues in potato tubers (and other crops).Calderbank, Morgan and Yuen, 569. Detmng. magnesium in - material. Bradfield, 269. Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. General method for insecticide residues. Laws and Webley, 249. Detmng. zinc in agricultural materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Allan, 530. Direct spectrographic analysis of - ash. Thompson, 829. Eliminating phosphate interference in EDTA detmns. of calcium and magnesium in - ash. Middleton, 11 1 ; Erratum, 492. Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Silica gel chromatography of organic acids from - tissue. Plasticisers : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion.Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Plastics : Applications of gas - liquid chromato- graphy (use in -- industry). Haslam, Jeffs and Willis, 44. Detcng. additional elements in - by oxygen flask combustion. Haslam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. water in -. Reid and Turner, 36. Platinum: Detmng. copper in - jewellery alloys. Forbes and Dalladay, 418. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn., revised and extended. (Publication received), 860. Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. Gray. (Review), 362. Polarograph : Trace Techniques Using KlOOO Cathode Ray -. Hetman. (Correction), 80. Polarography : Advances in - : Proceedings of Second International Congress Held a t Cam- bridge, 1959.Longmuir. Vols. 1, 2 and 3. (Publication received), 206 ; (Review), 625. Anodic stripping -. Parker and Terry. (Demonstration), 281. Compensation for temperature variations in cell of dissolved-oxygen indicator/recorder incor- porating wide-bore dropping-mercury elec- trode. Littlewood, 359. Handbook of Chemistry and -. Wager and Isherwood, 260. VOLUME 86 XXXV Contributi Teorici e Sperimentale di Polarografia. Vol. V. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 555. Electrodes and cells for -. Lamb and Konczak. (Demonstration), 280. Polarometrick6 Titrace. Doleial and Zyka. (Publication received), 364. . Figgins. Polonium : Radiochemistry of - (Publication received), 764. Polonium-210 : Apparatus for electro-chemical plating of - on nickel.Taylor. (Demonstra- tion), 279. Polyethylene : Detmng. water in plastic materials. Reid and Turner, 36. Preparing small rock salt plates for micro- sampling in infra-red spectrophotometry (spec- trum of -). Nicholls, 664. Polymerization : Radical -. Bevington. (Pub- lication received), 684. Polymers : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion. Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Identifying substances of low volatility by pyrolysis/gas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. Polynucleotides : Natural and Synthetic Nucleic Acids. Steiner and Beers. (Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 760. Polysulphides : Detmng. alkali -. LggrAdi, 854. Pork: Nitrogen factors for -.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 557. Potassium : Detmng. sodium, ___ and phosphorus in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 506. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Potassium trithiocarbonate : Apparatus for precipi- tating metal sulphides and thiocarbonates with - as reagent. Johri, 487. Potato: Detmng. diquat residues in - tubers. Calderbank, Morgan and Yuen, 569. Potentiometry : See Analysis. Praseodymium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Precipitation from homogeneous solution by cation release at constant pH. Part I. Oxidation of EDTA solution by hydrogen peroxide.Cartwright, 688; Part 11. Precipitation of metal phosphates, 692, Pregnane-3,SO-diols : Vanillin - perchloric acid re- agent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Pregn-5-ene-3 /3,20 p-diol : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Pregnanetriols : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. - and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Pregnenetriols : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related com- pounds on paper chromatograms. Procaine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Prolabo : See W-Diethyl N-l-naphthylpropylene- diamine. Polarogfaphy-continued Few, 636.xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Promazine : Separating mixtures of drugs by com- bination of chromatography and ionophoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets.Street and Niyogi, 671. Propane-l,3-diol: Detmng. - in glycerol by gas chromatography with IiaIIie-ionisation detector. Murray and Williams, 849. Propellants: Colorimetric detmn. of tin in - by haematoxylin. Norwitz, 835. Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl and dibutyl phthalates in - with zinc amalgam to over- come interference from nitroglycerine. Town- end and Macintosh, 338. Protactinium : Radiochemistry of -. Kirby. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. Proteins : Electrophoresis apparatus (for separating -). Nelson. (Demonstration) , 282. Protides of Biological Fluids.Peeters. (Pub- lication received), 427; (Review), 759. Symposium on Microstructure of -. Over- berger, Stein, Blout and Scheraga. (Publica- tion received), 684. Protides of Biological Fluids. Peeters. (Publica- tion received), 427; (Review), 759. Publications received : Aghina. Dizionario Tecnico Italian0 - Inglese con Particolare Riferimento alla Industria Chimica, 206. Ahrens and Taylor. Spectrochemical hnalysis. 2nd Edn., 428. Ambrose and Ambrose. Gas Chromatography, 859. Amos. Pure Food and Pure Food Legislation, 205. Anders. Radiochemistry of Technetium, 427. Ashmore. Principles of Chemical Equilibrium, 628. Atkins. Tools of Biological Research. 3rd Series, 628. Ballentyne and Walker. Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.2nd Edn., 206. Bayer. Gas Chromatography, 427. Beaven, Johnson, Willis and Miller. Molecular Spectroscopy : Methods and Applications in Chemistry, 764. Beckett and Tinley. Titration in Non-Aqueous Solvents. 3rd Edn., 80. Bentley and Burgan. Cigarette Smoke Conden- sate : Preparation and Laboratory Estimation. 2nd Edn., 492. Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis. Vol. IV, 860. Berl. Bevington. Radical Polymerization, 684. Bloch. Lipide Metabolism, 427. Bourne. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Vol. 2, 364. British Drug Houses Ltd. Phosphate Esters in Metabolism : Account of Biologically Important Organic Phosphate Compounds, 860. British Drug Houses Ltd. “Union Carbide” Molecular Sieves for Selective Adsorption. 2nd Edn., 860. Broda.Radioactive Isotopes in Biochemistry, 80. Brownlee. Radiochemistry of Vanadium, 492. Butz and Noebels. Instrumental Methods for Cartmell and Fowles. Valency and Molecular Catch. Carbon-14 Compounds, 764. Charlot. Analyse Qualitative Rapide des Cations et des Anions. 3rd Edn., 206. Charlot. M6thodes de la Chimie Analytique : Analyse Quantitative MinCrale. 4th Edn., 428. Analysis of Food Additives, 860. Structure. 2nd Edn., 684. Publications received-continued Chilton. Choppin. Cross-Referenced Index of RT dio- chemical Teaching Experiments Applicable to Chemistry, 684. Cihalik. Potenciometrie, 684. Clark. Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy, 206. Cook and Carruthers. Progress in Organic Cosslett and Nixon. Daniels and Alberty. Physical Chemistry. 2nd Davies. Organic Peroxides, 764.De. de Boer et al. Mechanism of Heterogeneous DeVoe. Radioactive Contamination of Materials Dolekal and Zyka. Polarometrick6 Titrace, Dyer and Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Copper, Emery and Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Fairhall. Radiochemistry of Beryllium, 206. Fairhall. Radiochemistry of Magnesium, 428. Farr. Laboratory Handbook of Blood Trans- Feigl. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis. 6th Figgins. Radiochemistry of Polonium, 764. Finston and Kinsley. Radiochemistry of Cesium, 628. Friess, Lewis and Weissberger. Investigation of Rates and Mechanisms of Reactions. Part I. 2nd Edn., 628. Gale. Synthesis and Organisation in the Bac- terial Cell, 206. Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke et d’ Analyse Bromatolo- gique. 8th Series, 142; 9th Series, 764.Gerarde. Toxicology and Biochemistry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 275. Giordani. Corsi di Analisi Chimica Semimicro- qualitativa, 80. Gowan and Wheeler. Name Index of Organic Reactions. 2nd Edn., 205. Grant. Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture, incorporting Fourth Edition of Stevens’s “Paper Mill Chemist.” 2nd Edn., 205. Gray and Bacharach. Grover and Hamby. Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control, 206. Gubeli and Prodinger. Physiko-chemische Grund- lagen und Tabellen zur Qualitativen Analyse, 142. Hanson. Accelerated Freeze-drying (AFD) Method of Food Preservation, 860. Hargreaves. Elementary Chemical Thermo- dynamics, 275. Herrmann and Alkemade. Flammenphotometrie. 2nd Edn., 427. Hershenson. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra: Index for 1955-1959, 860.Hicks. Radiochemistry of Zinc, 275. Higgins. Radiochemistry of the Transcurium Elements, 556. Higuchi and Brochmann-Hanssen. Pharma- ceutical Analysis, 684. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 42nd Edn., 427. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. Tables for Identi- fication of Organic Compounds, 427. Hughes. Mites of Stored Food, 427. Principles of Metallic Corrosion, 492. Chemistry. Vol. 5, 628. Edn., 492. X-ray Microscopy, 142. Separation of Heavy Metals, 764. Catalysis, 364. Used in Scientific Research, 492. 364. 428. Gold, 628. fusion Techniques, 205. English Edn., 142. Hormones in Blood, 764.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 xxxvii Publications received-continued Institute of Petroleum. IP Standards for Petro- leum and Its Products.Part I. 20th Edn., 860. Ives and Janz. Jacobs and Gerstein. Handbook of Microbiology, Johnstone and Downie. Titrimetric Analysis : Kamlet. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Kaufman. Handbook of Organometallic Com- Kim. Radiochemistry of Titanium, 627. Kirby. Radiochemistry of Protactinium, 275. Koch. Activation Analysis Handbook, 206. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Vol. 1, 428; Vol. 2, 275; Part 11, Vol. 3, 364. Lang. Laboratory and Workshop Notes 1956-58, 142. Lang, Szoke, Varsanyi and Vizesy. Absorption Spectra in Ultraviolet and Visible Region. 2nd Edn. AZso Vol. I. 2nd Edn., loose-leaf and Vol. 11, 1st Edn., loose-leaf, 764. Lawrence. Assessment of Activity of Disease, 427. Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Manganese, 364.Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Rhenium, 428. Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Selenium, 556. Leddicotte. Radiochemistry of Tellurium, 764. Lederer. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. 3, 764. Levy and Cousin. Mkthodes Sklectionnkes de Microanal ys e Organique Quantitative . Vol . I, 764. Levy, Piganiol, Jean, Vallet and Wippler. Microanalyse Organique I&mentaire Qualita- tive et Quantitative, 860. Lewis. Radiochemistry of Aluminium and Gallium, 556. Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow and Zemany. X-Ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry, 205. Advances in Polarography : Proceed- ings of Second International Congress Held a t Cambridge, 1959. Vols. 1, 2 and 3, 206. McCance and Widdowson. Composition of Foods, 142. MacFate. Introduction to the Clinical Labora- tory, 764.Maeck. Radiochemistry of Antimony, 627. Mattock and Taylor. pH Measurement and Titration, 492. May & Baker Ltd. Materials for Gas Chromato- graphy: Standards and Data for “Embaphase” Stationary Phases and “Embacel” Kieselguhr. 2nd Edn., 764. Meggers, Corliss and Scribner. Tables of Spectral- Line Intensities. Part 11, 860. Miles. Nitric Acid: Manufacture and Uses, 684. Mitchell, Kolthoff, Proskauer and Weissberger. Moelwyn-Hughes. States of Matter, 764. Momyer. Radiochemistry of the Rare Gases, 427. Moore. Liquid - Liquid Extraction with High- Morrison. Systematic Qualitative Analysis, 428. Nervik. Radiochemistry of Tin, 427. Nielsen. Radiochemistry of Iron, 275. Noebels, Wall and Brenner. Gas Chromato- graphy : Second International Symposium, 364.Nyburg. X-Ray Analysis of Organic Structures, 364. O’Brien. Toxic Phosphorus Esters : Chemistry, Metabolism, and Biological Effects, 206. Reference Electrodes, 556. 142. Introductory Course, 628. Vol. I, 1946-1952, 206. pounds, 628. Longmuir. Organic Analysis. Vol. IV, 80. molecular-weight Amines, 628. Publications received-continued Osborn. Synthetic Ion-Exchangers. 2nd Edn. 428. Peeters. Protides of Biological Fluids, 427. Perry. Scientific Russian. 2nd Edn., 275. Reilley . Advances in Analytical Chemistry and Instrumentation. Vol. I, 205. Reilley and Sawyer. Experiments for Instru- mental Methods, 427. Ribeiro, Mitidieri and Affonso. Paper Electro- phoresis, 364. Roberts. Introduction to Analysis of Spin-Spin Splitting in High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra, 628.Radiochemistry of Mer- cury, 428. Roesmer and Kruger. Schuhknecht. Flammenspektralanalyse, 142. Scott. Gas Chromatography 1960, 80. Seligson. Standard Methods of Clinical Chemis- try. Vol. 3, 364. Snell, Snell and Snell. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIIA, 764. Sokolov. Tables and Nomograms of Hydro- chemical Analysis, 205. Steinberg. Radiochemistry of Niobium and Tantalum, 860. Steiner and Beers. Polynucleotides : Natural and Synthetic Nucleic Acids, 427. Stevenson and Nervik. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium and Actin- ium, 427. Stewart and Stolman. Toxicology : Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Steyermark. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis. 2nd Edn., 684. Strivens.Determination of Chlorides, 556. Sugihara. Low-level Radiochemical Separations, Surrey. Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry. Sykes. Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Terpstra and Codd. Crystallometry, 860. Tin& Gas Sampling and Chemical Analysis in Combustion Processes, 428. Tyrrell. Diffusion and Heat Flow in Liquids, 492. Ungnade. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Veibel. Identification of Organic Compounds. 5th Edn. 2nd English Edn., 275. Vickery. Analytical Chemistry of the Rare Earths, 205. Vogel. Text-Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis including Elementary Instrumental Analysis. 3rd Edn., 859. Waksman. Actinomycetes. Vol. 11, 859. Waser. Quantitative Chemistry : Laboratory Text, 684. Weisz. Microanalysis by Ring Oven Technique, 364. White and Ross.Separations by Solvent Ex- traction with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide. (Publication received), 684. Wild. Characterisation of Organic Compounds. 2nd Edn., reprinted, 206. Wilson and Wilson. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IB, 206. Wolstenholme and O’Connor. Quinones in Elec- tron Transport, 275. Wunderly. Principles and Applications of Paper Electrophoresis, 628. Wyatt and Rickard. Radiochemistry of Ruthen- ium, 492. Vol. I, 206. 684. 2nd Edn., 556. Chemistry, 764. Vol. 11, 1953-1955, 206.xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Publications received-continued Yeager. Transactions of Symposium on Elec- Analyse der Metalle. Vol. 11. Betriebsanalysen. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture Vol. I, No. 1, May, Chemistry of Natural Products, 684. Congress of Analytical Chemistry Budapest 1961.XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pura Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Determination of Gases in Metals, 142. Extra Pharmacopoeia (Martindale) : Supplement Gas Chromatography Abstracts 1960, 628. Handbuch fur das Eisenhuttenlaboratorium. Joint Symposium on Fertiliser Analysis, 364. Medicine, Science and the Law. Vol. I, No, 1, October, 1960, 80. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 9th Edn., 80. Poisons and T.S.A. Guide for Pharmacists in Retail and Hospital Practice. 6th Edn., revised and extended, 860. Proceedings of Symposium on Chemistry of Co- ordination Compounds, Agra, India, February 7th and Sth, 1959, 80.Radioactivation Analysis : Proceedings of Radio- activation Analysis Symposium held in Vienna, Austria, June, 1959, 80. trode Processes, 860. 2nd Edn., 859. for 1960, 859. and Animal Husbandry. 1961, 556. Vols. I, I1 and 111, 860. e Aplicada. Vol. 111, 764. Vol. V, 275. 1961, 628. Band I, 80. Radiochemistry. Reagent Chemicals : American Chemical Society Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Research and Development for Industry. Vol. I, Rules for I.U.P.A.C. Notation for Organic Com- Symposium on Microstructure of Proteins, 684. Tables of Wavenumbers for Calibration of Infra- See also Book reviews. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960, 628. Specifications, 1960, 556. Vol. XLV, 1960, 684. No. 1, September, 1961, 684. pounds, 859. red Spectrometers, 428. Pulp: Laboratory Handbook of __ and Paper Manufacture, incorporating Fourth Edition of Stevens’s “Paper Mill Chemist.’’ Grant, 2nd Edn.(Publication received), 205. Punched card@) : A.R.D.E. card sorting/punching machine. Loneragan. (Demonstration), 279. index of analytical bibliography. Curry and Moore. (Demonstration), 279. Pyramidon : See 4-Dimethylamino-2,3-dimethyl-l- phenylpyrazol-5-one. Pyrolysis : Identifying substances of low volatility by ---/gas - liquid chromatography. Hewitt and Whitham, 643. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of products from -. Smith, Wetzel and Kosters, 480. Psychostimulants : Quantitative assessment of psy- chotropic activity in mice. Parkes. (Demon- stration), 278. Q Quiniearin : See 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone. Quinine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn.of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Quinine-continued Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and ionophoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. Quinoline phosphomolybdate n: ethod for detmng. phosphate : applicability to international trade. Campen and Sledsens, 467. Quinones in Electron Transport: Ciba Foundation Symposium. Wolstenholme and O’Connor. (Publication received), 275. R Radioactivation Analysis : Proceedings of - Symposium held in Vienna, Austria, June, 1959. (Publication received), 80. Radioactive Contamination of Materials Used in Scientific Research. DeVoe. (Publication received), 492. Isotopes in Biochemistry. Broda. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 274.Radiochemistry. Maddock. Vol. I, No. 1, 1960. (Publication received), 628. Cross-Referenced Index of Radiochemical Teach- ing Experiments Applicable to Chemistry. Choppin. (Publication received), 684. Liquid - Liquid Extraction with High-molecular- weight Amines. Moore. (Publication received), 628. Low-level Radiochemical Separations. Sugihara. (Publication received), 684. of Aluminium and Gallium. Lewis. (Publication received), 556. of Americium and Curium. Penneman and Keenan. (Review), 763. of Antimony. Maeck. (Publication received), 627. of Arsenic. Beard. (Review), 763. of Barium, Calcium and Strontium. Sunderman and Townley. (Review), 763. of Beryllium. Fairhall. (Publication received) , 206; (Review), 763. of Cadmium. DeVoe. (Review), 763. of Cesium. Finston and Kinsley.(Publication received), 628. of Chromium. Pijck. (Review), 763. of Copper. Dyer and Leddicotte. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. Kleinberg and Cowan. (Review), 763. of Francium. Hyde. (Review), 763. of Gold. Emery and Leddicotte. (Publication received) , 628. of Indium. Sunderman and Townley. (Review), 763. of Iron. Nielsen. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. of Magnesium. Fairhall. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. of Manganese. Leddicotte. (Publication re- ceived), 364; (Review), 763. of Mercury. Roesmer and Kruger. (Publication received), 428; (Review), 763. of Molybdenum. Scadden and Ballou. (Review), 763. of Niobium and Tantalum. Steinberg. (Publica- tion received), 860. of Polonium.Figgins. (Publication received), 764. of Protactinium. Kirby. (Publication received) , 275; (Review), 763. of the Rare Earths, Scandium, Yttrium and Actinium. Stevenson and Nervik. (Publica- received), 427; (Review), 763.INDEX TO VOLUME 86 XXXlX Rsdischemistry-continued of the Rare Gases. Momyer. (Publication re- ceived), 427; (Review), 763. of Rhenium. Leddicotte. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. of Rhodium. Choppin. (Review), 763. of Ruthenium. Wyatt and Rickard. (Publica- tion received), 492; (Review), 763. of Selenium. Leddicotte. (Publication received), 556. of Technetium. Anders. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. of Tellurium. Leddicotte. (Publication received), 764. of Thorium. Hyde. (Review), 763. of Tin. Nervik.(Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. of Titanium. Kim. (Publication received), 627. of the Transcurium Elements. Higgins. (Pub- lication received), 556. of Vanadium. Brownlee. (Publication received), 492; (Review), 763. of Zinc. Hicks. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. of Zirconium and Hafnium. Steinberg. (Re- view), 763. Separations by Solvent Extraction with Tri-n- octylphosphine Oxide. White and Ross. (Publication received), 684. Rain water : Detmng. OOSr in -. Osmond, Healy and Marshall, 616. Rare Earths : Analytical Chemistry of -. Vickery. (Publication received), 205 ; (Review), 424. Detmng. samarium and other -. Pittwell, 137. Radiochemistry of the -, Scandium, Yttrium and Actinium. Stevenson and Nervik. (Pub- lication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. Rare Gases: Radiochemistry of -.Momyer. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. Reagent Chemicals : American Chemical Society Specifications, 1960. (Publication received), 556; (Review), 858. Refractory materials : Photometric detmn. of silica in -. Bloxam, 420. Reglone : See l,l’-Ethylene-2,2’-bipyridylium di- bromide monohydrate. Research and Development for Industry. Desout- ter. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1961. (Publica- tion received), 684. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. Rhenium : Analytical chemistry of technetium and -. Magee. (Summary), 766. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of -. Leddicotte. (Publica- tion received), 428; (Review), 763. Rhodium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39.Radiochemistry of -. Choppin. (Review), 763. Riboflavin : Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Ribonucleic aid : Detmng. nucleic acids in biological materials : review. Hutchison and Munro, 768. Rock(s): Colorimetric detmn. of uranium in phos- phate - after extraction with alkyl acid phosphates. Smith and Drewry, 178. Detmng. cadmium in - by neutron-activation analysis. Bilefield and Vincent, 386. Photometric detmn. of silica in - and refrac- tones. Bloxam, 420, Rock salt plates: Preparing small - for rnicro- sampll’ng in i<fra-&d spectrophotometry. Nicholls, 664. Rogor : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Rotenone : Colorimetric detmn.of -. Society for Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Society, Joint Committee on Methods of Analysis of Crude Drugs, 748. Royal Institute of Chemistry : Laboratory Handbook of Toxic Agents. Gray. (Review), 362. Rubeanic acid : Direct titration of hydrolysable sulphur in organic compounds. Wrohski, 543. Rubidium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Rusk filler: Nitrogen content of -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee, 560. Russian: Scientific -: Textbook for Classes and Self-study. Perry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 555. Ruthenium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Wyatt and Rickard. (Publication received), 492 ; (Review), 763.Radiochemistry of -. S 51753 : Detmng. organo-phosphorus insecticides in vegetables. Laws and Webley, 249. Salicylic acid: Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and iono- phoresis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. Samarium: Detmng. - and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis, Coleman, 39. Scandium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, -, Yttrium and Actinium. Stevenson and Nervik. (Pub- lication received), 427; (Review), 763. Schradan : See Bis-NNN’N’4etramethylphosphoro- diamidic anhydride. Science : Medicine, - and the Law.Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1960. (Publication received), 80; (Review), 362. Scintillation counting : Anti-coincidence ,9-scintil- lation counter for low activity levels. Wad- dingham and Rowe. (Demonstration), 281. Coincidence - for low activity levels. Wad- dingham and Rowe. (Demonstration), 281. Sea water: Colorimetric detmn. of copper in - solutions. Bowles and Nicks, 483. Detmng. nitrite in water. Montgomery and Dymock, 414. Selenium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity -. Williams, 172. Fluorimetric detmn. of sub-microgram amounts of -. Parker and Harvey, 54. Radiochemistry of -. Leddicotte. (Publica- tion received), 556. Serotonin : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances.Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Sewage : Collaborative work on detmng. alkyl- benzenesulphonates in -, - effluent, river waters and surface waters. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719. Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkylbenzene- sulphonates in detergents and -. Ogden, Webster and Halliday, 22.xi INDEX TO Shaw and McFarlane’s method: Interference by chloride ion in detmng. tryptophan by --. Henneberry and Baker, 416. Silica: Photometric detmn. of - in rocks and refractories. Bloxam, 420. Silicate: Apparent loss of iron during fusion of - materials with sodium hydroxide in nickel crucibles. Bennett, Eardley and Thwaites, 135. Silicon : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Silver : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis.Coleman, 39. Smoke: Cigarette -- Condensate : Preparation and Laboratory Estimation. Bentley and Burgan. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 492. Society €or Analytical Chemistry : Address of Re- tiring President. Enlargement of horizons in analytical chemistry. Chirnside, 314. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Detmng. citronellol in ad- mixture with geraniol. Further studies of formylation reactions by gas - liquid chromato- graphy. Holness, 23 1. Analytical Methods Committee, Joint Mercury Residues Panel. Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and toma- toes, 608. Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen content of rusk filler, 560.Analytical Methods Committee, Meat Products Sub-committee. Nitrogen factors for pork, 557. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impuri- ties in Organic Matter Sub-Committee. De- tmng. small amounts of arsenic in organic matter. Amendment, 360. Analytical Methods Committee. Report, 297. Anniversary dinner, 324. 87th A.G.M., 277. Annual Report of Council, 286. Biological Methods Group. Determination of Gases in Metals. (Publication Gas Chromatography 1960. Scott. (Publication Joint Committee on Methods of Assay of Crude Colorimetric detmn. of rotenone, 748. Joint Symposium on Fertiliser Analysis. Ferti- (Publication received), 16th A.G.M., 82. received), 142. received), 80 ; (Review), 363. Drugs. liser Society and -. 364. Microchemistry Group.17th A.G.M., 210. Midlands Section. 6th A.G.M., 284. North of England Section. Physical Methods Group. Scottish Section. 26th A.G.M., 146. Western Section. 6th A.G.M., 210. 36th A.G.M., 145. 16th A.G.M., 2. Society of Chemical Industry. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. 1‘01. XLV. 1960. (Publication received), 684. Sodium : Detmng. -, potassium and phosphorus in biological material by radioactivation. Bowen and Cawse, 506. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Sodium carbonate : Anhydrous __ as acidimetric standard. Cox, Johnson, Newman and Yarcl- ley, 464. Sodium 2,2=dichloropropionate : Analysing commer- cial -. Garratt, 367. VOLUME 86 Soil : Detmng. zinc in agricultural materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry.Allan, 530. Turbidimetric detmn. of elemental sulphur (in -). Hart, 472. Solvent Extraction : Liquid - liquid Extraction with High-molecular-weight Amines. Moore. (Publication received), 628. Separations by -- with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide. White and Ross. (Publication re- ceived), 684. Spectra : Absorption - in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Lang, Szoke, Varsanyi and Vizesy. 2nd Edn. AZso Vol. I. 2nd Edn., loose-leaf and Vol. I. 1st Edn., loose-leaf. (Publication received), 764. Organic Electronic Spectral Data. Kamlet. Vol. I, 1946-1952. (Publication received), 206; Ungnade. Vol. 11, 1953-1955, 206; (Reviews), 424. Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities. Part 11. Meggers, Corliss and Scribner.(Publication received), 860. Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption -: Index for 1955-1959. Hershenson. (Publication received), 860. Spectrofluorimetry. Parker. (Summary), 365. Spectrophotometry : Preparing small rock salt plates for micro-sampling in infra-red -. Nicholls, 664. Spectroscopy : Application of infra-red - to problems of medical science. Kellie. (Sum- mary), 212. VIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale. Guyer. (Review), 274. Encyclopedia of - . Clark. (Publication received), 206. Molecular - : Methods and Applications in Chemistry. Beaven, Johnson, Willis and Miller. (Publication received), 764. Tables of Wavenumbers for Calibration of Infra- Red Spectrometers. (Publication received), 428. Sponge cakes : Changes in composition of cream filling of sponges on storage.Standards, international : Biological standardisation and the analyst: review. Stannous acetate as primary standard. (Summary), 765. Stanols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Starch conversion products : Selective desorption from carbon columns for detmng. maltotriose in -. Patterson and Buchan, 160. Steel : Co-precipitation of phosphate with lead molybdate in 13ritish Standard method for detmng. phosphorus in -. Heslop and Kirby, 134. Detmng. tin in pure iron, mild __ and low-alloy - by cathode-ray polarography. Scholes, 392. Direct absorptiometric detmn. of copper in - and cast iron with 2,2’-biquinolyl. Shanahan and Jenkins, 166. Formate method for simultaneous polarographic detmn.of copper and lead in -. Scholes, 116. Stenadienols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Stenatrienols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Wood, 667. Lightbown, 216.INDEX TO Stenols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Steroids : Application of infra-red spectroscopy to problems of medical science. Kellie. (Sum- mary), 212. Reactions of - with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test). Cook, 373. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Sterols : Reactions of steroids with acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (Liebermann - Burchard test).Cook, 373. Still : Automatic pre-heating self-flushing water -. Dhaneshwar and Short. (Demonstra- tion), 280. Semi-micro molecular pot -. Watt. (Demon- stration), 281. Stirring : Multiple stirrer unit for coagulation tests on water. Packham. (Demonstration), 278. Small-scale methods of heating and -, and small-scale techniques. Fill. (Demonstration), 277. Streptococcus faecalis: Maintenance of micro- biological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Streptomycin : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Strontium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. General-purpose integrating flame photometer (detmng.- in calcium). Webb and Wildy. (Demonstration), 281. Radiochemistry of Barium, Calcium and -. Sunderman and Townley. (Review), 763. Strontium-90 : Detmng. - in rain water. Os- mond, Healy and Marshall, 616. Strychnine : Formaldehyde-treated alginic acid in chromatographic detmn. of organic bases. Foster and Murfin, 32. Identifying small amounts of bases in urine by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 63 1. Sugars : Micro-quantitative analysis t-’y zone - strip technique. Sulphacetamide : Separating mixtures of drugs by combination of chromatography and ionophore- sis on cellulosic ion-exchange sheets. Street and Niyogi, 671. Sulphadiazine : Spectrophotometric detmn. of -, sulphamerazine and sulphathiazole in mixtures. Marzys, 460. Sulphamerazine : Spectrophotometric detmn. of sulphadiazine, __ and sulphathiazole in mixtures.Marzys, 460. Sulphanilic acid : Detmng. aromatic amino-com- pounds. Daniel, 640. Sulphate(s) : Detmng. dithionate, sulphite and - in manganese leach liquors. Soffer, 843. Detmng. microgram amounts of sulphur-contain- ing compounds. Skerrett and Dickes, 69. Sulphometer for detmng. - in natural waters. Clegg. (Demonstration), 279. Volumetric detmn. of -. Ashbrook and Ritcey, 740. Sulphathiazole : Spectrophotometric detmn. of sul- phadiazine, sulphamerazine and - in mix- tures. Marzys, 460. Sulphide(s) : Apparatus for precipitating metal - and thiocarbonates with potassium trithio- carbonate as reagent. Johri, 487. Detmng. alkali polysulphides (and -). UgrAdi, 854. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535.VOLUME 86 xl i Detmng. microgram amounts of sulphur-contain- Thioformanilide as precipitant for metal -. Sulphite : Detmng. dithionate, - and sulphate in Sulphometer. Clegg. (Demonstration), 279. Sulphonamides : Spectrophotometric detmn. of sulphadiazine, sulphamerazine and sulpha- thiazole in mixtures. Marzys, 460. Sulphonates : Collaborative work on detmng. alkyl- benzene- in sewage, sewage effluent, river waters and surface waters. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719. Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkylbenzene- __ in detergents and sewage. Ogden, Web- ster and Halliday, 22. Sulphonic acids : Characterising organic acids by benzylamine salts. Cheeseman and Poller, 256. Sulphur : Detcng. additional elements in plastic materials by oxygen flask combustion.Has- lam, Hamilton and Squirrell, 239. Detmng. alkali polysulphides (and -). LegrAdi, 854. Detmng. microgram amounts of - -containing compounds. Skerrett and Dickes, 69. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Direct titration of hydrolysable - in organic compounds. Wrofiski, 543. Micro-detmn. of - in organic compounds. Dixon, 597; Swift, 621. Oxygen flask method : review. Macdonald, 3. Turbidimetric detmn. of elemental -. Hart, 472. Sulphur dioxide : Indirect ultra-violet spectrophoto- metric detmn. of - by means of plumbous ion. Blinn and Gunther, 675. Surface-active agents : Collaborative work in detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage eflluent, river waters and surface waters. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719.Detmng. biologically soft and hard alkylbenzene- sulphonates in - and sewage. Ogden, Webster and Halliday, 22. Surgical Research Society : Tools of Biological Research. Atkins. 3rd Series. (Publication received), 628; (Review), 859. Sulphide(rs)--continued ing compounds. Antia, Arora and Bhatnagar, 202. manganese leach liquors. Soffer, 843. Skerrett and Dickes, 69. T Tantalum : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of Niobium and -. Stein- berg. (Publication received), 860. Tea(s) : Spectrophotometric measurements of thea- flavins and thearubigins in black - liquors in assessments of quality in -. Roberts and Smith, 94. Technetium: Analytical chemistry of - and rhenium. Magee. (Summary), 766. Radiochemistry of -.Anders. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. Tellurium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity selenium. Williams, 172. Radiochemistry of -. Leddicotte. (Publica- tion received), 764. Telodrin: See 1,3,4,~,0,7,8,8- Octachloroll,S,Sa,4,~,7a- hexahydro-4,7-methanoim~~~.xlii INDEX TO Terbium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Tesla-luminescence spectra. Magee. (Summary), 366. Tetracyclines : Micro-quantitative analysis by zone - strip technique. Shimi, el Dein and Imam, 535. NNN’ N’-Tetramethylphosphorodiamidic fluoride : Detmng. residual organo-phosphorus insecticides in foodstuffs : review.Chilwell and Hartley, 148. Detmng . organo-phosphorus insecticides in veget- ables. Laws and Webley, 249. Textile: Handbook of - Testing and Quality Control. Grover and Hamby. (Publication received) , 206. Thallium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Theaflavins : Spectrophotometric measurements of - and thearubigins in black tea liquors in assessments of quality in teas. Roberts and Smith, 94. Thearubigins : Spectrophotometric measurements of theaflavins and - in black tea liquors in assessments of quality in teas. Roberts and Smith, 94. Thermodynamics : Elementary Chemical -. Har- greaves. (Publication received), 275. Thermogravimetry : Recording analytical balance for -. Evans and McAloren. (Demonstra- tion), 278.Thermostat : Simple illuminated box for incubation of stock cultures of Ochromonas malhamensis without overheating. Price and Gare. (Demon- stration), 281. Thiamine: Detmng. - in cereal products. Rid- yard, 723. Maintenance of microbiological assay organisms as freeze-dried cultures. Scholes, 714. Thimet : See S-(Ethylthiomethyl) OO-diethyl phos- phorothiolothionate. Thiobarbituric acid : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Thiocarbamates : Direct titration of hydrolysable sulphur in organic compounds. Wroriski, 543. Thiocarbonates : Apparatus for precipitating metal sulphides and - with potassium trithio- carbonate as reagent. Johri, 487. Thioformanilide as precipitant for metal sulphides. Antia, Arora and Bhatnagar, 202.Thiohydantoin : Chromatographic reagents for or- ganic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Thiols : Simple titrimetric assay of -. Saville, 29. Thiosulphate : Detmng. alkali polysulphides (and Thorium: Colorimetric detmn. of tin in propellants Nor- Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- Radiochemistry of -. Hyde. (Review), 763, Thulium : Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Tigogenin : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on DaDer chromatograms. Few, 636. -). LCgrAdi, 854. by haematoxylin (and detmng. -). witz, 835. tion analysis. Coleman, 39. VOLUME 86 Tin-con tinued Colorimetric detmn. of - in propellants by haematoxylin. Norwitz, 835.Detmng. - in pure iron, mild steel and low- alloy steels by cathode-ray polarography. Scholes, 392. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Primary standards in - analysis. Donaldson, Moser and Simpson, 619. Radiochemistry of -. Nervik. (Publication received), 427; (Review), 763. See also Stannous acetate. Tin Research Institute : Tinplate Testing : Chemical and Physical Methods. Hoare and Britton. (Review), 204. Tinplate : Apparatus for coulometric detmns. of free tin and tin - iron alloy on -. Bishop and Hill. (Demonstration), 281. Testing : Chemical and Physical Methods. Hoare and Britton. (Review), 204. Titanium : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of -. Kim. (Publication received), 627. Titrations : See Analysis. Toluidines : Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. Tomatoes : Recommended methods of analysis of pesticide residues in foodstuffs. Detmng. mercury residues in apples and -. Joint Mercury Residues Panel, 608. Toxaphene : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlorinated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goul- den and Reynolds, 697. Toxic Agents : Laboratory Handbook of -. Gray, (Review), 362. Toxicology and Biochemistry of Aromatic Hydro- carbons. Gerarde. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 625. Mechanisms and Analytical Methods. Stewart and Stolman. Vol. I. (Publication received), 206; (Review), 627. Transcurium Elements : Radiochemistry of -. Higgins. (Publication received), 656. 1,1,l-Trichloro-2,2-di(p-chlorophenyl)ethane : Rapid identification and detmn. of residues of chlor- inated pesticides in crops by gas - liquid chromatography. Goodwin, Goulden and Reynolds, 697. Trichlorphon : See Dimethyl 2,2,2-trichloro-l-hy- 8a,l7a,21-Tr&ydrOxy-5 p-pregnan-2O-one : Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnane- trio1 and related compounds on paper chromato- grams. Few, 636. Trimethyleneglycol : See Propane-1,3-diol. Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide : Separations by Solvent Extraction with - . White and Ross. (Publication received), 684. Trithion : See S-(pChlorophenylthiomethy1) 0 O-di- ethyl phosphorothiolothionate. Tryptamine hydrochloride : Chromatographic re- agents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Tryptophan : Chromatographic reagents for organic substances. Cadenas and Deferrari, 132. Interference by chloride ion in detmn. of - by Shaw and McFarlane’s method. Henneberrv droxy ethylphosphonate. Tin: AfpGatus for coulGmetric detmns. of free - and -- iron alloy on tinplate. Bishop and Hill. (Demonstration), 281. activation analysis. Coleman, 39. and Baker, 416. Tungsten : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutronINDEX TO U Uranium : Colorimetric detmn. of - in phosphate rock after extraction with alkyl acid phos- phates. Smith and Drewry, 178. Detmng. small amounts of amine in aqueous solution (in solvents €or extracting -). Lloyd and Carr, 335. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis, Coleman, 39. Urine : Detmng. 2,4-diaminophenol and its salts (in -). Parke, 12. Detmng. oxalic acid in -. Hodgkinson and Zarembski, 16. Identifying small amounts of bases in - by infra-red spectrophotometry. Morgan, 631. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. pregnanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. V Vacuum lock for use on high-vacuum apparatus. Parker, 550. Valency and Molecular Structure. Cartmell and Fowles. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 684. Valve : Sample-admission - for vacuum fusion apparatus. Still. (Demonstration), 278. Vanadium : Complex of vanadylv with EDTA. Kakabadse and Wilson, 402. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of -. Brownlee. (Publication received), 492; (Review), 763. Rapid extraction and spectrophotometric detmn. of - with N-cinnamoyl-N-phenylhydroxyl- amine. Priyadarshini and Tandon, 544. Separating - and chromium from iron by extraction of ferric chloride with di-isopropyl ether. Dean and Herringshaw, 106. Vanillin - perchloric acid reagent for detcng. preg- nanetriol and related compounds on paper chromatograms. Few, 636. Vegetables : See Plants. Vereins Deutscher Eisenhuttedeute : Handbuch fur das Eisenhuttenlaboratorium. Band I. (Pub- lication received), 80; (Review), 553. Vitamin B, : See Thiamine. Vitamin B,: See Riboflavin. Vitamin BI2 : See Cyanocobalamin. Vitamins : Illuminator-box for large plate micro- biological assays. Naylor. (Demonstration), 282. W Wastes: See Effluents. Water : Collaborative work on detmng. alkyl- benzenesulphonates in sewage, sewage effluent, river - and surface -. Bolton, Webster and Hilton, 719. Detmng. nitrite in - . Montgomery and Dymock, 414. Detmng. QOSr in rain -. Osmond, Healy and Marshall, 6 16. Detmng. - in plastic materials. Reid and Turner, 36. Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. (Review), 272. sea: See Sea water. Sulphometer for detmng. sulphate in -. Clegg. (Demonstration), 279. VOLUME 86 xliii Water-continued Toxicology of nitrates and nitrites with particular reference to potability of - supplies: review. Burden, 429. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. Wine : Iodimetric detmn. of acetaldehyde bisulphite (e.g. in -). Burroughs and Sparks, 381. Presence of acrolein in Rhine - Liebfraumilch 1959. Avent, 479. Wort : Development of Brewing Analysis. Hudson. (Review), 272. X Xenon: Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. X-Ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry. Liebhafsky, Pfeiffer, Winslow and Zemany. (Publication received), 205; (Re- view), 626. Analysis of Organic Structures. Nyburg. (Pub- lication received), 364. fluorescence in general analysis. Bromley. (Summary), 283. fluorescence : Radioactive isotopes in simple - analysis. Mellish. (Summary), 283. Microscopy. Cosslett and Nixon. (Publication received), 142; (Review), 423. Xylidenes : Detmng. aromatic amino-compounds. Daniel, 640. Y Yeast : Arsenic in Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1960, 140. Ytterbium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Yttrium: Detmng. samarium and other rare earths. Pittwell, 137. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- tion analysis. Coleman, 39. Radiochemistry of the Rare Earths, Scandium, -, and Actinium. Stevenson and Nervik. (Publication received), 427 ; (Review), 763. Z Zinc : Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activation analysis. Coleman, 39. Detmng. trace impurities in high-purity selenium. Williams, 172. Detmng. - in agricultural materials by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. Allan, 530. Detmng. - in metallurgical materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Gidley and Jones, 271. Detmng. - in zinc manganese ferrite and other ferrites. Andrew and Nichols, 676. Direct spectrographic analysis of plant ash. Thompson, 829. Ion-exchange separation and polarographic de- tmn. of small amounts of lead and - in presence of cobalt. Carson, 198; Erratum, 492. Oxygen flask method: review. Radiochemistry of -. Hicks. (Publication received), 275; (Review), 763. Zinc amalgam : Polarographic detmn. of dimethyl and dibutyl phthalates in propellants with - to overcome interference from nitroglycerine. Townend and Macintosh, 338. Macdonald, 3.xliv INDEX TO VOLUME 86 Zinc 00-di-isopropyl phosphorodithioste : Colori- Zirconium : Colorimetric detmn. of tin in propellants metric detmn. of copper with - (and by haematoxylin (and detmng. -). Nor- prepn. of -). Forster, Brazenall and witz, 835. Bridge, 407. Detmng. trace elements by fast-neutron activa- Zinc manganese ferrite: Detmng. zinc in - tion analysis. Coleman, 39. and other ferrites. Andrew and Nichols, Radiochemistry of - and Hafnium. Stein- 676. berg. (Review). 763. ERRATA: VOL. 86, 1961: p. 113, 13th line under “Reagents.” p. 200, 28th and 29th lines (the acknowledgements). Note by F. J. Griffin and C. B. Casson, p. 544, Table I, 4th column, 5th line. p. 544, Table I, 4th column, 6th line. p. 544, last paragraph, 3rd line. For “Ammonia solutiort, 50 per cent. w/v” read “Ammonia solution -Ammonia solution, sp.gr. 0.880, diluted (1 + l).” Delete all words after “Note.” For “0-125” read “0-0125.” For “0.466” read “0.0466.” For “0.341” read “0.0341.” PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD.. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND.