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Mineralogical chemistry




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society  (RSC Available online 1901)
卷期: Volume 80, issue 1  

页码: 25-27




年代: 1901




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



MINERALOGICAL CHEMISTRY, Mineralogical Chemistry. 25 Minerals of Roumania. By PETRU PONI (Ann. 8ci. Univ. Jassy, 1900, 1, 15--148).-A complete and systematic description is given of Roumanian minerals, with notes on their occurrence at various localities, The paper is in French, and quotes much information and many analyses (some of which are given below) from the somewhat inaccessible Roumanian journals. Structural formulae are discussed,26 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS. and several new analyses are given. Two new minerals are described under the names badenite and brostenite. Pyrrhotite : an analysis (I) by Saligny, published in 1883, gives the formula Fel,S,?. Bccdelzite.-This IS a massive mineral with a granular structure and steel-grey colour ; sp. gr. 7.104. It occurs with chalybite, erythrite, and annabergite at Badeni, district of Muscel. From the analysis (11) it appears t o be related to smaltite (or safflorite), but with part of the arsenic replaced by bismuth ; formula (Co,Ni,Fe),(As,Bi),. Smaltite, also from Badeni, gave Saligny in 1883 the results under 111 (also CaCO,, 5.1 9 ; MgCO,, 1 *46 j insoluble, 4-99 ; manganese, trace).S. Cu. Fe. Co. Ni. As. Bi. Gangue. Total. I. 30.29 0.22 50.20 - - - - 19-18 99*89 Ia. 33.96 33-57 32.02 - - - - 0.20 99.75 11. 0.27 - 5.98 20.56 7.39 61.54 4-76 A 100.50 111. - 0.33 12.26 21-93 - 52.43 0.67 - 100.30 Twenty-severn analyses are given of salt ; besides sodium chloride, there are small amounts of magnesium chloride, sodium sulphate, calcium sulphate, water and insoluble matter. Analyses are also given of haematite, magnetite and limonite.Brostenite.-This occurs abundantly as compact, friable, black masses in crystalline schists near Brosteni, district of Sucdva. It sometimes surrounds rhodochrosite, of which mineral it is evidently an alteration product. The three recalculated analyses (IV-VI) give the formuls, 2Mn0,,R0,2H20, 3MnO,,RO,l +H,O, and 1 3Mn02,5R0, 12H,O respec- tively. The mineral is therefore a manganite of iron and manganese, and is perhaps related to chalcophanite, 2Mn02,(Mn,Zn)0,2H20. IV. 52.40 6.16 11.47 3.05 - 11-97 - 14-75 99.80 V. 68.06 8.96 4.08 3-82 0.61 7.17 1.97 5.51 100°18 VI. 61.95 3.11 12.02 2.70 0.72 10.90 - 8-20 99.60 A white, saccharoidal, dolomitic limestone from Sucdva gave analysis VII ; greyish-yellow crystalline chalybite associated with badenite gave VIII ; yellowish, amorphous rhodochrosite associated with bro- stenite gave IX.CaO. MgO. Feu. MnO. CO,. Insol. Total. Sp. gr. Copper-pyrites gave the results under Ia. MnO, MnO. FeO. CaO. MgO. H20. CaCO,. Gangue. Total. VII. 34.30 18.43 - - 47.36 0.30 100.39 - VIII. 4-46 7.21 40.72 6.12 39.49 2.21 100-21 3-455 IX. 4.07 2.30 3.17 50.29 39.02 1-42 100.27 3.193 Large crystals of augite gave anal, X by Murgoci (1895). Acicular crystals of tremolite from the dolomitic limestone of Sucbva (anal. VII) gave XI. Zoisite gave XI1 by Murgoci (1894). Analyses of ser- pentine, by Murgoci (1895), and of riebeckite (Abstr., 1899, ii, 768), are quoted. SiOP A1203. Fe,O,. CaO. MgO. H,O. Total. Sp. gr. X. 45.82 37.46 14.20 4.16 - 101.66 3.232 XI.58.22 0.92 - 13.37 25.33 1.76 99-60 2.937 - - - XII. 36.49 34.19 24.81 3.67 2.91 102.07PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 27 New analyses of roumanite (Abstr., 1897, ii, 502 ; 1898, ii, 523) are given under XI11 and XIV; the first is of yellowish-brown material, and the second of material showing golden and greenish flashes. Seven analyses are also given of ozocerite (Abstr., 1897, ii, 502). Succinic Melting C. H. 0. S. Ash. Total. acid. point. XIII. 80.04 9.76 9.13 0.83 0.24 100*00 3.2 310-312' XIV. 80.32 10.02 8-17 1.06 0.43 100*00 2.1 318-330 Numerous analyses are also given of mineral waters and of various naturally occurring saline substances, as well as of anthracite and lignite. L. J. S. By SAMUEL L. PENFIELD (Amer. J. Xci., 1900, [iv], 10, 346-350).-The formula of turquoise is usually given as 2A1,O,,P,0,,5H2O, the copper, which is always present, being considered to be an accidental impurity (2Cu0,P205,4H,0 accord- ing to Clarke, 1886) to which the colour of the mineral is due.A new analysis is given of pure material from the Crescent Mining District, Lincoln Co., Nevada ; this is of a beautiful robin's-egg blue colour, and breaks with a smooth fracture; under the microscope, it appears to be homogeneous, and there is no evidence of the presence of two substances. P,O,. A120,. Fe20s. CuO. H20. Jnsol. Total. Sp. gr. 34.18 35.03 1.44 8.57 19.38 0.93 99.53 2,791 A consideration of this and other trustworthy analyses suggests that the copper is present as an essential constituent of the mineral; and this is also supported by the fact that finely powdered turquoise dis- solves in hydrochloric acid as a whole without discoloration. The new formula, (Al(OH),,Fe(OH),,Cu(OH),H],PO,, represents the mineral as a derivative of orthophosphoric acid with the hydrogen atoms largely replaced by the univalent radicles Al(OH),, &c. In some analyses, ap- proximately two-thirds of the hydrogen atoms are so replaced, and the formula becomes [A~(OH),,F~(OH),,CU(OH)]~,HPO,. By Prraux (J. PIkxrm., 1900, [vi], 12, 261-262).-These waters are very similar to those of Hamman-Lif and Bourbonne-18s-Bains, and have an average temperature of about 44'. The greater portion of the salts present in the waters consists of sodium chloride, the rest consisting of calcium, magnesium and potassium sulphates, calcium chloride, and calcium carbonate. H. R. LE S. Chemical Composition of Turquoise, L. J. 8. Analysis of the Thermal Waters of Achkel.


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