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High‐TCsuperconductor‐normal metal‐superconductor Josephson microbridges with high‐resistance normal metal links


作者: R. H. Ono,   J. A. Beall,   M. W. Cromar,   T. E. Harvey,   M. E. Johansson,   C. D. Reintsema,   D. A. Rudman,  


期刊: Applied Physics Letters  (AIP Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 59, issue 9  

页码: 1126-1128




年代: 1991




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



We have developed aninsituprocess for fabricating high transition temperature superconductor‐normal metal‐superconductor microbridges using a step edge to define the normal metal length. Critical current‐normal resistance products over 1 mV have been measured at low temperature in devices with high‐resistivity Ag‐Au alloy bridges. Results on samples with Ag bridges are compared with the alloy data as an initial test of recent theories of SNS Josephson junctions. Josephson effects have been demonstrated in these devices at temperatures higher than 80 K. Clearly defined rf steps have been observed, with power dependence qualitatively similar to theoretical predictions.


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