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Developing a Visual Interactive Model for Corporate Cash Management


作者: BellPeter C.,   ParkerDrew C.,  


期刊: Journal of the Operational Research Society  (Taylor Available online 1985)
卷期: Volume 36, issue 9  

页码: 779-786




年代: 1985




出版商: Taylor&Francis


数据来源: Taylor



AbstractThe operational research/management science journals contain an extensive literature that addresses the corporate cash management problem; yet few, if any, companies make use of any of this published work in their daily cash-management decision making. A review of the literature suggests that the reason for this lack of applications may well be poor problem formulation—the problems that are solved in the literature as‘cash management’problems evolve from a‘hard systems’view of real-world cash management. However, the problem as perceived by cash managers involves both dynamic and loosely structured components which are difficult to model using classical (i.e.‘hard systems’) approaches.We therefore decided to approach the cash management problem as an experiment in the use of a novel visual interactive problem solving (VIPS) methodology. The aim of the experiment was to develop an implementable, visual interactive model to support daily cash management decision making. Working closely with a corporate cash manager, we first developed a visual model of his daily decision problem and then agreed on the feasible options and the interactive requirements. At this stage, the problem was sufficiently well defined for a mathematical model to be built and the visual model made‘smart’.This paper discusses the results of this experiment and suggests that VIPS may have distinct advantages as a problem-solving technique in loosely structured,‘messy’problem situations.


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