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GLC‐ECD Determination of 1‐(2‐Hydroxyethyl)‐ 3‐hydroxy‐7‐chloro‐1,3‐dihydro‐5‐(O‐fluorophenyl)‐ 2H‐1,4‐benzodiazepin‐2‐one (SAS 643) in Plasma and Urine and Identification of Its Main Biotransformation Products


作者: Salvatore Mardente,   Carlo Bicchi,   G. Nano,  


期刊: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring  (OVID Available online 1981)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 4  

页码: 351-356




年代: 1981


出版商: OVID


关键词: : Gas-liquid chromatography;Electron-capture detection;SAS 643;Biotransformation products


数据来源: OVID



A method using gas-liquid chromatography-electron-capture detection method is described for rapid, accurate determination of SAS 643 in plasma and urine. The drug is extracted from biological fluid with benzene and converted to the O, O'-bistrimethylsilyl derivative with bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide. The glucuronide form of the drug is extracted after hydrolysis with β-glucuronidase. Nimetazepam is used as internal standard. Moreover, some metabolites such as glucuronide and the N-1-dealkylated and N-1-yl-acetic products are identified. All compounds were confirmed by thinlayer chromatography, mass spectroscopy, and gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy by comparison with reference products.


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