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Contribution to the Ecology ofColobus polykomos satanas(Waterhouse, 1838) of Rio Muni, Republic of Equatorial Guinea


作者: J. Sabater Pí,  


期刊: Folia Primatologica  (Karger Available online 1973)
卷期: Volume 19, issue 2-3  

页码: 193-207




年代: 1973




出版商: S. Karger AG


关键词: Colobus polykomos satanas;Ecology;Distribution;Reproduction;Alimentation in nature;Ritualized displays


数据来源: Karger



Some aspects of the ecology of black colobus monkeys in nature are described in relation to their exploitation of their ecological niche and their association with other primates. The ‘jumping-roaring display’ of this species is compared with that of other colobus that have been studied up to the present in their natural biotop. Its possible social significance is evaluated. Some aspects of alimentation and reproduction are also descri


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