

作者: Harold Lowe,  


期刊: Analyst  (RSC Available online 1925)
卷期: Volume 50, issue 592  

页码: 335-337




年代: 1925




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



142 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS milk-solids-not-fat and 3.25 per cent. of milk fat, and in the reductase test (see Section 42) shall require at least 4 hours to decolorise the methylene blue solution. Cream must contain at least 40 per cent. of milk fat. (46) Butter.-Butter shall contain at least 80 per cent. of milk fat, and not more than 16 per cent. of water or 20 grains per lb. boron preservative (calculated as boric acid).(47) Cheese.-Cheese shall contain not less than 50 per cent. of milk fat on the dry substance, and skim-milk cheese not less than 10 per cent. (48) Tea.-Tea shall yield between 4 and 7 per cent. of ash (at least one half of which is water-soluble) and at least 30 per cent. of extract, which shall be determined by boiling 2 grms. of tea in 200 C.C. of distilled water under a reflux condenser for 1 hour, filtering hot, cooling and evaporating an aliquot portion to constant weight.Tea dust shall not yield over 5 per cent. of ash insoluble in water. Cofee.-Coffee shall contain not less than 10 per cent. of fat, and more than 1 per cent. of saccharine matter, and shall yield not more than 6 per cent. of ash, of which not less than 75 per cent.shall be soluble in water. Co$ee essence shall contain not less than 0.5 per cent. of caffeine. Cocoa.-Cocoa paste, mass or slab, is the solid or semi-solid mass pro- duced by grinding cocoa nibs, and shall contain not less than 45 per cent. of cocoa fat. The dry fat-free residue shall not contain more than 19 per cent. of natural cocoa starch, 6-33 per cent.of crude fibre, 8 per cent. of total ash, 5-5 per cent. of insoluble ash, and 0.4 per cent. of ferric oxide. Soluble cocoa or cocoa essence must not exceed a maximum of 3 per cent. of added alkali (as K,CO,) , and prepared cocoa must contain at least 20 per cent. of fat-free cocoa. Chocolate $ash, coatings, +owder and confectioners’ chocolate shall contain at least 16 per cent.of fat-free cocoa. No cocoa husks, weighting substance, paraffin wax, or foreign fat may be added to cocoa or to any preparation thereof. (49) (50) D. G. H.142 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS milk-solids-not-fat and 3.25 per cent. of milk fat, and in the reductase test (see Section 42) shall require at least 4 hours to decolorise the methylene blue solution. Cream must contain at least 40 per cent.of milk fat. (46) Butter.-Butter shall contain at least 80 per cent. of milk fat, and not more than 16 per cent. of water or 20 grains per lb. boron preservative (calculated as boric acid). (47) Cheese.-Cheese shall contain not less than 50 per cent. of milk fat on the dry substance, and skim-milk cheese not less than 10 per cent. (48) Tea.-Tea shall yield between 4 and 7 per cent.of ash (at least one half of which is water-soluble) and at least 30 per cent. of extract, which shall be determined by boiling 2 grms. of tea in 200 C.C. of distilled water under a reflux condenser for 1 hour, filtering hot, cooling and evaporating an aliquot portion to constant weight. Tea dust shall not yield over 5 per cent. of ash insoluble in water.Cofee.-Coffee shall contain not less than 10 per cent. of fat, and more than 1 per cent. of saccharine matter, and shall yield not more than 6 per cent. of ash, of which not less than 75 per cent. shall be soluble in water. Co$ee essence shall contain not less than 0.5 per cent. of caffeine. Cocoa.-Cocoa paste, mass or slab, is the solid or semi-solid mass pro- duced by grinding cocoa nibs, and shall contain not less than 45 per cent. of cocoa fat.The dry fat-free residue shall not contain more than 19 per cent. of natural cocoa starch, 6-33 per cent. of crude fibre, 8 per cent. of total ash, 5-5 per cent. of insoluble ash, and 0.4 per cent. of ferric oxide. Soluble cocoa or cocoa essence must not exceed a maximum of 3 per cent. of added alkali (as K,CO,) , and prepared cocoa must contain at least 20 per cent.of fat-free cocoa. Chocolate $ash, coatings, +owder and confectioners’ chocolate shall contain at least 16 per cent. of fat-free cocoa. No cocoa husks, weighting substance, paraffin wax, or foreign fat may be added to cocoa or to any preparation thereof. (49) (50) D. G. H.142 ABSTRACTS OF CHEMICAL PAPERS milk-solids-not-fat and 3.25 per cent.of milk fat, and in the reductase test (see Section 42) shall require at least 4 hours to decolorise the methylene blue solution. Cream must contain at least 40 per cent. of milk fat. (46) Butter.-Butter shall contain at least 80 per cent. of milk fat, and not more than 16 per cent. of water or 20 grains per lb. boron preservative (calculated as boric acid).(47) Cheese.-Cheese shall contain not less than 50 per cent. of milk fat on the dry substance, and skim-milk cheese not less than 10 per cent. (48) Tea.-Tea shall yield between 4 and 7 per cent. of ash (at least one half of which is water-soluble) and at least 30 per cent. of extract, which shall be determined by boiling 2 grms. of tea in 200 C.C. of distilled water under a reflux condenser for 1 hour, filtering hot, cooling and evaporating an aliquot portion to constant weight.Tea dust shall not yield over 5 per cent. of ash insoluble in water. Cofee.-Coffee shall contain not less than 10 per cent. of fat, and more than 1 per cent. of saccharine matter, and shall yield not more than 6 per cent. of ash, of which not less than 75 per cent. shall be soluble in water. Co$ee essence shall contain not less than 0.5 per cent.of caffeine. Cocoa.-Cocoa paste, mass or slab, is the solid or semi-solid mass pro- duced by grinding cocoa nibs, and shall contain not less than 45 per cent. of cocoa fat. The dry fat-free residue shall not contain more than 19 per cent. of natural cocoa starch, 6-33 per cent. of crude fibre, 8 per cent. of total ash, 5-5 per cent. of insoluble ash, and 0.4 per cent. of ferric oxide. Soluble cocoa or cocoa essence must not exceed a maximum of 3 per cent. of added alkali (as K,CO,) , and prepared cocoa must contain at least 20 per cent. of fat-free cocoa. Chocolate $ash, coatings, +owder and confectioners’ chocolate shall contain at least 16 per cent. of fat-free cocoa. No cocoa husks, weighting substance, paraffin wax, or foreign fat may be added to cocoa or to any preparation thereof. (49) (50) D. G. H.


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