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Index of subjects, 1919




期刊: Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions  (RSC Available online 1919)
卷期: Volume 115, issue 1  

页码: 1525-1529




年代: 1919




出版商: RSC


数据来源: RSC



INDEX OF SUBJECTS. TRANSACTIONS. 1919. Single organic compounds of know11 empirical formula will be found in the Formula Index p. 1530. A. Acids aliphatic melting points of sub-stituted amides of (ROBERTSON), 1210. dicarboxylic esters of action of Grig-nard reagents on ( HEPWORTH), 1203. orgmic basic properties of oxygen in (KNOX and RICHARDS) 508. -Teak effect of neutral salts on the dissociation of (MCBAIN and KAM), 1332. Aconitic acid C6H606. Address presidential .(POPE) 397. Afflnity duplex theory of (BRIQGS), Alacreatine C,H,ON,. Aldehydes condensation of deoxybenzoin with (DAS and GHOSH) 817; (SLNGH and MAZUMDER) 821. Alkaloids from Holarrhe?ta congolensis (PYMAN) 163. Alkyl iodides reactionis of mercury mercaptide nitrites with (RAY and GUHA) 261 541 1148 ; (RAY) 548.Amides acid aliphatic substituted melt-ing points of (ROBERTSON) 1210. Amines separation of (WERNER) 1010. Ammonia flyntliesis of a t high tempera-tures (MAXTED) 113. Ammonium nitrate freezing point and trailsition tempt~atures of (EARLY and LOWRY) 1387. Analyais electro-volumetric effect of dilution in (FREAK) 55. quantitative use of freezing-poin t de-terminations in (FAWSITT) 801. Arsenious chlnride reaction between stannous clilnride and (DURILLN'I'), 154. Arsenic estimation of in substituted phenylarsinic acids (FAROHER) 982. 278. Annual Qsneral Xeoting 384. Arsenio :-Atmoepheric air propagation of flame i n mixtures of acetylene and (MASON arid WHEELER) 578. ignition of mixtures of with rtlcol~ol and ether and with acetoiie (WHITE aiid PRICE) 1462.ignition of mixtures of ethane and (WHEELER) 81. apparatus for estimation of oxygen in (ASTON) 472. Atomic structure and emission spectra and t h e quantum theory (JEANS), moights report of the International (NICHOLBON) 865. 865. Committee on 879. table of 885. Atrolactinic acid C,H,,O,. Atropic acid CoH80,. Azo-colouring matters (MORGAN and EVENS) 1138 ; (MORGAN and EVAKS), 1143. B. Balance trustworthiness of over long periods of time (DEAN) 826. Balance sheets of the Chemical Society and of the Research Fund. See Annual General Meeting 384. Bases weak effect of neutral salts on the dissociation of (MCBAIN and KAM), 1332. Benzene ring asymmetric substitution in (GOFGH ant1 THORPE) 1155.iso-$-Berberidene C,,H,oO,. Betonicine C,HI,O,N. " Blue John " (BLOUNT and SEQUEIRA), Burgundy mixtures chemistry of (MOND n-Butylarylaminee (REILLY and HICK-705. aud HEBEKLEIN) 908. INROTTOM) 175 1526 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. C. Cadmium suboxide preparation of (DEN-HAM) 556. Camphane series studies in (FORSTER and SPINNER) 889. Capaaicin CI8H2,O,N. Carbamides constitution of (WERNER), Carbon equilibrium in the system, methane hydrogen and (COWARD and WILSON) 1380. kinetics of the reduction of metallic oxides by (SLADE and HIGSON) 205. Carbon monoxide combustion of in hydrogen (RIDEAL) 993. dioxide pressure of in sea water (PRIDEAUX) 1223. Carbonatopentamminecobaltic nitrate, preparation of (BRIQM) 75. Catalysis studies in (LEWIS) 182 710, 1360.Chemical constitution and optical rota-tory power (SINGH and MAZUMDER), 566. reactivity quantum radiation hypo-thesis of and the Le Chatelier-Braun principle (LEWIS) 710. Chemistry in the national service (POPE), 397. Chlorine interaction of hydrogen and (CHAPMAN and WHISTON) 1264. Chloropicrin COINCl,. Chromatoaquotriamminecobaltic cli-chromate (BRIGGS) 75. Chromatocobaltiammines ( EKIGGS) 67. Chromatohydroxy triamminecobalt (BRIGGS) 74. * Chromatopentamminecobaltic aalts (BRIGQS) 69. Chromatotetramminecobaltic salts (BRIGGS) 72. Cinnamic acid derivatives molecular refractivity of (WALKER and JAMES), 1243. Coagulation of hydrosols (MUKHERJEF. and SEN) 461. Coal composition of (TIDESWELL and oxidation of (TIDESWELL and WHEEL-Colloidal electroIytes (MCBAIN LAING, and TITLEY) 1279.Colouring mattere from quinolinic acid (GHOSH) 1102. See also Dryophantin. spiro-Compounds formation and sta-bility of (INGOLD and THORPE) 321. Conessine C2,H4,N2. Copper sulphate and sodium carbonate, chemistry of mixtures of (MOYD and HEBERLEIN) 908. 1093 1168. WHEELER) 619. ER) 895. Copper :-Cupric bromide and chloride complex compounds in solutions of (WAT-KINS and DENHAM) 1269. Cupric chloride action of with mer-captans and thioamides(Ril~),871. salts action of magnesium organic compounds with (KRIZEWSKY and TURNER) 559. Critical aolution temperature of ternary mixtures (ORTON and JONES) 1055. Crotom gubouga constituents of the bark of (GOODSON and CLEWER) 923.Cryptopidene C,oH2004. Cryptopine C, H 230,N. Curcumin C,,H,006. Copper organic compounds :-D. Diazonium salts action of glyoxaline-cnrboxylic esters and anilides with (PARGHER and PYMAN) 1015. Diazo-oxider internal constitution of (MORGAN and EVENS) 1126. Diazophenols. See Diazo-oxides. Diffusion of Holutions across membranes of amyl alcohol and copper ferro-cyanide (DONNAN and GARNER), 1313. Dimethylrhodim C,H,ONS. 2:&Dirnethylthien C6H& Disaccharides constitution of ( BA-WORTH and LEITCH) 809. Dispersion rotatory of organic com-pounds (LOWRY and ABRAM) 300. Di thiaeylsmine C8H,N,S2. Dryophantin Cz3HZ8Ol6’ E. Electrode nitrogen potential of (USHER and VENKATESWARAN) 613. Electrolytes colloidal. See Colloidal.Elements chemical and radioactive change (SODDY) 1. Equilibrium of solutions between membranes of amyl alcohol and copper ferrocyanide (DONNAN and GARNER) 1313. Explosion temperatures of of endo-thermic substances (DATTA and CHATTERJEE) 1006. Extraction apparatus automatic (TCHERNIAC) 1090. F. Flame propagation of in gaseous mix-tures (COWARD CARPENTER and PAY-MAN) 27 ; (PAYMAN and WHEELER), 36 ; (WHITE and PRICE) 1248 1462 ; (PAYMAK) 1436 1446 1454 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1527 Flame propagation of in mixtures of acetylene and air (MASON and WHEELER) 578. propagation of in mixtures of ethane and air (WHEELER) 81. Fluorite. See Fluorspar. Fluorspar (BLOUNT and SEQUEIRA), Freezing point of solutions (FAWSITT), Freezing-point determinations use of, 705.790. in analysis (FAWSITT) 801. Gi. Galls. See Knopper and Pea galls. Gaaes ignition of rnixtures of (COWARD, CARPENTER and PAYMAN) 27 ; (PAYMAN and WHEELER) 36; (MASON and WHEELER) 578; (WHITE and PRICE) 1248 1462; (PAYMAN) 1436 1446 1454. explosive electrical ignition of (MORGAN) 94. Glutaconic acids chetnistry of (THORPE) 679. Glyoxalinecarboxylic acids anilides and esters action of with diazoninm salts (FARGHER and PYMAN) 1015. Grignard reagenta acticjn of with sters of dicarbosylic acids (HEP-WOETR) 1203. H. Harma!ine C,,H,,ON,. Harman C,,H,,N,. Harmine C1,H,,0N2. Hemlock Canadian. See Tsuga carts-densis. Hexo8es coriversion of into their enolic and ethylene oxide forms (ABM-STRONG acd HILDITCH) 1410.Holarrhena congolensis alkaloids of (PYMAX) 163. Holarrbenine Cz4H asON 2. Hydrogen equilibiium in the system : carbon methane and (COWARD and influence of hydrogen sulphide on the absorption of by palladium (MAXTED) 1050. conibustion of carbon monoxide in (RIDEAL) 993. interaction of chlorine and (CHAPMAX and WHITE) 1264. Hydrosols coagulation of (MUKHERJEE and SEN). 461. WILSON) 1380. Rygrio acid 4-hydroxy- C,H,,O,N. Hyoscine C17H,,04N. I. Ignition of gaseous mixtures (COWARD, CARPENTER and PAYMAN) 27 ; (PAYMAN and WHEELEB) 36; (WHITE and PRICE) 1248 1462 ; (PAYMAN) 1436 1446 1454. of explosive gases by electric sparks (MORGAN) 94. of mixtures of acetylene and air (MASON and WHEELER) 578. of mixtures of ethane and.air (WHEELER) 81. Imino-compoande formation and re-actions of (KON and THORPE) 686. Indene derivatives ( INGOLD and THORPE) 143. K. Ketones condensation of with cyano-acetamide and with ethyl cynno-acetate (KON and TIIORPE) 686. Knoppsr galls tannin from (NIEREN-STEIN) 1174. L. Lead subsulphate (DRNHAM) 109. Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society (SODDY) 1 ; (NICHOLSON), 855; (JEANS) 865. M. Magnesium reaction between sodium chloride solutions and (HUGHES) 272. IIbagneaium organic compounds action of cupric salts on (KRIZEWSKY and TURNER) 559. Xaltose C,,HZ20,,. Mercaptans action of with cupric and mercuric chlorides (RAY) 871. compounds of mercuric nitrite with, and their reactions with alkyl iodides (RAY and GUHA) 261 541 1148; (RAY) 548.Mercury :-Xercuric chloride action of acetylene with (CHAPMAN and JENKINS), 847. sulphoxychloride (RAP and SEN), 552. Mercuric chloride action of with mereaptans and thioamides (RAY), 871. iodide reactionsof with ethyl sulph-ide and alkyl iodides (RAY and GUHA) 1154. Mercury mercaptide nitrites reactions of with alkyl iodides (RAY and GUEA) 26 541 1148; (RAP) 548. Mercury organio compounds : 1528 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Metallic oxides kinetics of the reduction of by carbon (SLADE and HIGSON), 205. sulphides coagulation of hydrosols of ( MUKHERJEE and SEN) 461. Meteloidine C,,H,,O,N. Methoxyl groupr estimation of (HEWITT and JONES) 193. a- and 8-lethylrhodim C,H,ONS. Mixtures ternary critical solution temperature of (ORTON and JOHES), 1055.Molecular refractivity of cinnamic acid derivatives (WALKER and JAMES), 1243. N. ~-1:8-isoNaphthoxazones C1,H70,N. Niootine CloH,,N2. Nitrides dissociation pressures of (SLADE and HICISON) 215. Nitrogen peroxide or tetroxide (nitric p e r d d e ) mutual solubility of nitric acid and ( BOUSFIELD) 45. Nitric acid mutnal solubility of nitrogen peroxide and (BOUSFIELD), 45. Nitrogen eleotrode. See Electrode. Nitropruasiderr constitution and pro-perties of (BuRRows and TURNER), 1429. 0. Obituary noticea :-James Hector Barnes 409. John Percy Ratey 408. Charles William Dick 409. George Carey Foster 412. Edward Frank Harrison 562. William Joel Kemp 427. Sydney Lupton 430. George Martineau 434. Sir Alexander Pedler 436.Joseph Price Remington 438. Jean Jacques Theophile Schloesing, Alfred Senier 446. John Bishop Tingle 453. Oleflne oxides velocity of combination of sodium derivatives of phenols with (BOYD and THOMAS) 1239. Optical rotatory power and chemical constitution (SINGH and MAZUMDER), 566. Organic compounds rotatory dispersion oP (LOWRY and ABRAM) 300. Oscine C8HI30,N. Oxygen basic properties of in organic acids and phenols and its quadri-valency (KNOX and RICHARDS) 508. 440. Oxygen apparatus for estimation of in air (A~ToN) 472. P. Palladium influence of hydrogen snlph-ide on the absorption of hydrogen by ( MAXTED) 1050. Pea galls red colouring matter of (XIERENRTEIN) 1328. Phenolo basic properties of oxygen in iotlination of (COFMAN) 1040.sodium derivatives velocity of combi-nation of with olefine oxides (BOYD and THOMAS) 1239. Phenol derivatives oxidation of ( HIN-SHELWOOD) 1180. Phenylarsinic acids substituted estima-tion of arsenic in ( FARGHER) 982. Photography new phenomenon in (hlCARrHUR and STEWART) 973. Porphyroxine C,,H,,O,N. Purity determination of by the critical solution temperature (OKTON and JONES) 1194. (KNOX aiid RICHARDS) 508. Q. Quantum theory and atomic structure Quin~linanil,C,~H,O~N~. (JEANS) 865. B. Radiation hypothesis application of to Radioactive change and the conception catalysis (LEWIS) 182 710 1360. of chemical elements (SODDY) 1. S. Sea water See under Water. Selenium organic compounds aromatic (PYMAN) 166.Soap solutions as colloidal electrolytes (MCBAIN LAINU and TITLEY) 1279. Soaps hydration of the particles form-ing the curd of (MCBAIN and TAYLOR), 1300. Sodium carbonate and copper sulphate, chemistry of mixtures of (MOND and HEBERLEIN) 908. chloride free energy of dilution of aqueous solutions of (ALLMAND and POLACK) 1020. reaction between solutions of and metallic magnesium (HUGHES), 272. hypochlorite (APPLEBEY) 1106 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 1529 Solutions freezing point of ( FAWSITT), 790. diffiision and equilibrium of between membranes of amyl alcohol and copper ferrocyanide (DONNAN and GARNER) 1313. Spectra elnission and the structure of Spectrophotometer new sector (LEWIS), Spiro-compoundrr. See under Compounds. Stannous ealts.See under Tin. Substitution asymmetric in tho benzene ring (GOUGH and THORPE) 1155. Sugars conversion of into their enolic and ethylene oxide forms (ARMSTRONG and HILDITCH) 1410. Sngar-cane aconitic acid in the juice of (TAYLOR) 886. Sulphides. See Metallic sulphides. atoms (NICHOLSON) 855. 312. T. Tannin from hemlock preparation and reactions of (MANNING and NIEREN-STEIN) 665. from knopper galls (NIERENSTEIN), 1174. Tautomeric compounds elimination of the carbethoxyl group from (INGOLD and THORPE) 143. Terpene derivatives rotatory dispersion of (LOWRY and ABRAM) 300. Thioamides action of with cupric and mercuric chlorides (RAY) 876. Tin :-Stannous chloride reaction between arsenious chloride and (DUERANT), 134. Trichromato-octamminedicobalt Tropic acid C,H,,O,. Tsuga eartadensis (hemlock) tannin o i Teuginic acid broino- C,H70,Br. Turicine C7H,,0,N. (BRIGQS) 73. (MPNNING and NIERENSTEIN) 662. V. Valency polar and non-polar (DE) 127. W. Water effect of electrolytes on the temperature of rnaxiinii~? density of (WRIGHT) 119. Sea water efrect of sea-salt on the pressure of carbon dioxide and alkalinity in (PRIDEAUX) 1223. Weights moleonlar determination of, by measurement of vapour pressure loirering (WRIGHT) 1165


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