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Mass Media Socialization Behavior: Negro-White Differences*


作者: Walter M. Gerson,  


期刊: Social Forces  (OUP Available online 1966)
卷期: Volume 45, issue 1  

页码: 40-50




年代: 1966




出版商: The University of North Carolina Press


数据来源: OUP



This paper is a comparative analysis of differences between 351 Negro and 272 white adolescents in their uses of the mass media as an agency of socialization. Through the use of indexes to measure two socialization behaviors—media reinforcement and media norm-acquiring—it was possible to empirically differentiate between media socializees and non-media-socializees. The data indicate that, under almost every condition considered in the analysis, more Negro than white adolescents were media socializees. The interpretation of the data suggests that many Negro adolescents are using the mass media to learn how to behave like whites (i.e., behave in a socially acceptable way). An attempt is made to explain the findings by the consideration of a Negro subcommunity which is a partially bounded subsystem within the larger community system and which is the result of three types of mechanisms of maintenance: (1) ecological and social segregation of Negro-white interactions; (2) self-conceptions of Negro children; and (3) subcultural differences between white and Negro communities.


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