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A Review of Deuterium Triple‐Point Temperatures


作者: L. A. Schwalbe,   E. R. Grilly,  


期刊: Journal of Physical & Chemical Reference Data  (AIP Available online 1984)
卷期: Volume 13, issue 3  

页码: 687-693




年代: 1984




出版商: AIP


数据来源: AIP



A review is presented of the existing measurements of the triple‐point temperaturesTtpof deuterium. All data are adjusted to a common temperature scale, and error limits are proposed where none was provided in the source publications. The effects of sample contamination are also considered. Impurity corrections, based on estimates from vapor‐pressure measurements, are applied to the results. The analytical representationTtp(x)=18.680+0.155x, wherexis the fraction ofp‐D2(J=1), is found to representTtpto ±0.010 K. The value, 18.723±0.010 K, measured most recently on normal deuterium is consistent with the most accurate and precise of the earlier data.


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