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Coitus‐dependent contraceptives: Factors associated with effective use


作者: HarveyS. Marie,   ScrimshawSusanC. M.,  


期刊: The Journal of Sex Research  (Taylor Available online 1988)
卷期: Volume 25, issue 3  

页码: 364-378




年代: 1988




出版商: Taylor&Francis Group


关键词: contraception;birth control;sexual behavior;menstrual cycle


数据来源: Taylor



The factors associated with adequate contraceptive use among university women relying on coitus‐dependent contraceptives were examined. Sixty‐nine sexually active women between the ages of 18 and 34 completed daily logs of their sexual activity, contraceptive behavior and basal body temperature over three menstrual cycles. Contraceptive use was analyzed by menstrual cycle phase and results indicated that frequency of use was significantly higher during the ovulatory phase as compared to the menstrual period. Additional findings using discriminant function analysis indicated that compared to risk takers, non‐risk takers were more likely to initiate sexual intercourse, have more orgasms, have a non‐Catholic background, be living with their partners and have been in their relationships longer. These data suggest that women in less stable relationships and with more sexual inhibitions may be more at risk of an unwanted pregnancy.


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