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A Stabilized Model-fitting Approach to the Processing of Laser Anemometry and Other Photon-correlation Data


作者: J.G. McWhirter,  


期刊: Optica Acta: International Journal of Optics  (Taylor Available online 1980)
卷期: Volume 27, issue 1  

页码: 83-105




年代: 1980




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



Effective models for fitting a whole range of photon-correlation data are described. They incorporate the maximum number of degrees of freedom which may be used without the fit becoming unstable due to ill-conditioning and lead to a computer program which is extremely fast and may readily be implemented on a minicomputer. The results of some preliminary calculations on laser anemometry and macromolecular polydispersity are presented.


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