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Probabilistic analysis for wave‐induced submarine landslides


作者: M. S. Rahman,   F. M. Layas,  


期刊: Marine Geotechnology  (Taylor Available online 1985)
卷期: Volume 6, issue 1  

页码: 99-115




年代: 1985




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



When waves propagate over the ocean floor, they induce a change of hydrodynamic pressure, positive under the crest and negative under the trough. These pressure changes may cause shear failure in soft sediments and lead to submarine landslides. This paper presents a general analytical procedure for evaluating the probability of wave‐induced failure in offshore clay sediments. Both the wave and the un‐drained shear strength of clay sediments are considered random. Numerical results of some analyses are also presented.


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