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Temperature effects on the stratosphere of the April 4, 1982 eruption of El Chichon, Mexico


作者: K. Labitzke,   B. Naujokat,   M. P. McCormick,  


期刊: Geophysical Research Letters  (WILEY Available online 1983)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 1  

页码: 24-26




年代: 1983




数据来源: WILEY



Monthly mean stratospheric temperatures at 50‐ and 30‐mbars between 10° and 30°N for the years 1964‐1981 are compared with data for 1982. It is shown that the 30‐mbar temperatures at 10°N increased in July, August, September, and October 1982 to values well above those shown for the previous 18 years. We believe this to be caused by aerosols produced from the recent eruptions of El Chichon (17.33°N, 93.2°W) on April 4, 1982. This is the first time that a direct connection between an increase of stratospheric temperatures and an increased aerosol load has been established


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