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The Use of Tri-n-octylamine for the Separation of Vanadium(V) from Acidic Sulfate Uranium Leach Liquors


作者: A. Rusheed,   A.H. Qazi,   Suhail Ahmad,   M. Ashraf,  


期刊: Separation Science  (Taylor Available online 1975)
卷期: Volume 10, issue 4  

页码: 507-515




年代: 1975




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


数据来源: Taylor



Extraction of vanadium(V) from acidic sulfate solutions by a mixture of tri-n-octylamine and tributylphosphate (used as modifier) dissolved in kerosene has been studied. The distribution coefficient of vanadium(V) increases with an increase in pH and vanadium(V) concentration. The presence of iron(III) in aqueous solution does not have any appreciable effect, while large amounts of sulfate ion depress the distribution coefficient. Uranium(VI) has a distribution different from vanadium(V). Based upon these results, a scheme for the separation of vanadium(V) from uranium leach liquors has been made and checked experimentally.


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