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Volatile Leaf Oils of Caribbean Myrtaceae. III.Pimenta haitiensis(Urban) Landrum of the Dominican Republic


作者: ArthurO. Tucker,   MichaelJ. Maciarello,   RobertP. Adams,   LeslieR. Landrum,   ThomasA. Zanoni,  


期刊: Journal of Essential Oil Research  (Taylor Available online 1991)
卷期: Volume 3, issue 6  

页码: 471-473




年代: 1991




出版商: Taylor & Francis Group


关键词: Pimenta haitiensis;Myrtaceae;essential oil composition;1,8-cineole;methyl chavicol;linalool;methyl eugenol


数据来源: Taylor



The foliar oils ofPimenta haitiensis(Urban) Landrum of the Dominican Republic, which were analyzed by GC/MS, were found to contain 1, 8-cineole (11.35–33.14%), methyl chavicol (11.65–41.10%), linalool (15.97–17.81%), and/or methyl eugenol (0–24.39%) as major constituents.


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