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Imitative reactions among 14–21 day old infants


作者: Mikael Heimann,   Joseph Schaller,  


期刊: Infant Mental Health Journal  (WILEY Available online 1985)
卷期: Volume 6, issue 1  

页码: 31-39




年代: 1985




出版商: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company


数据来源: WILEY



AbstractImitative reactions in 11 infants, 14–21 days old, were observed. Stimuli were presented by the infant's mother, who protruded her tongue, opened her mouth, or interacted spontaneously. No conclusive overall group effects of the modeled action were found. However, when the responses of the infants were matched with the mothers' judgments concerning whether imitation had occurred, 6 infants showed imitative responses. It is concluded that observations on early imitation are influenced by individual differences between infants and that there may exist two different subgroups: High and low imitator


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