Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia

ISSN: 1442-4053        年代:1988
当前卷期:Volume 28  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 28  issue 1
     Volume 28  issue 2   
1. Natural Disasters and the Historical Response
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  3-20

J. L. Anderson,   E. L. Jones,  

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2. The Financial Performance of the Fremantle Harbour Trust, 1903 to 1939
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  21-42

M. T. Tull,  

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3. The Aristocracy of Labour and Productive Re–Organization in NSW, c. 1880–1900
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  43-59

Ray Markey,  

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4. Public Control and Ownership in Queensland’s Electricity Industry
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  60-81

Christine Doran,  

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5. Armstrong, Philip Glyn, Andrew and Harrison, John, Capitalism Since World War II: the Making and Breakup of the Great Boom (London, Fontana, 1984), pp. 507; $12.95
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  82-83

Greg Whitwell,  

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6. Butlin, S.J., The Australian Monetary System 1851–1914, (ed.) Judith F., S.J. (Australia 1986) pp. 404: available on written application from editor at Reserve Bank of Australia.
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  84-85

D. T. Merrett,  

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7. Baines, Dudley, Migration in a Mature Economy: Emigration and Internal Migration in England and Wales 1861–1900 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985), pp. xiv + 354: $89.00
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  85-86

Paul Robertson,  

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8. Whitwell, Greg, The Treasury Line (Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1986), pp. xii + 308: $29.95 hardcover, $17.95 paperback.
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  86-87

G. C. Harcourt,  

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9. Lampe, John R., The Bulgarian Economy in the Twentieth Century (Croom Helm, London, 1986), pp. x + 245: $62.50.
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  88-88

Ian Ward,  

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10. Kahn, Richard F., The Making of Keynes’ General Theory (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984), pp. xxv + 305: $53.00.
  Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia,   Volume  28,   Issue  1,   1988,   Page  89-90

Greg Whitwell,  

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