The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

ISSN: 0001-4966        年代:1972
当前卷期:Volume 51  issue 5B     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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1. Attenuation of Sound in Suspensions and Emulsions: Theory and Experiments
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1545-1564

J. R. Allegra,   S. A. Hawley,  

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2. Atmospheric Absorption of Sound: Theoretical Predictions
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1565-1575

L. B. Evans,   H. E. Bass,   L. C. Sutherland,  

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3. Determination of Third‐ and Fourth‐Order Longitudinal Elastic Constants by Shock Compression Techniques — Application to Sapphire and Fused Quartz
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1576-1581

R. A. Graham,  

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4. Bragg Diffraction Sampling of a Sound Field
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1582-1592

A. Korpel,   W. Kessler,   M. Ahmed,  

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5. Use of Bragg‐Diffraction Imaging for Acoustic Velocity Measurement
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1593-1597

John P. Powers,   Keith Y. Wang,   Glen Wade,  

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6. Temperature Dependence of the Hypersonic Attenuation and the Nonlinearity Constant “D” for Copper
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1598-1601

R. C. Tripathi,   V. C. Aggarwal,   M. M. Joshi,  

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7. Elastic Constants and Acoustic Absorption Coefficients in MnO, CoO, and NiO Single Crystals at Room Temperature
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1602-1605

Naoya Uchida,   Shoichi Saito,  

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8. Passbands for Acoustic Transmission in an Idealized Drill String
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1606-1608

Thomas G. Barnes,   Bill R. Kirkwood,  

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9. Influence of Material Properties on Rayleigh Critical‐Angle Reflectivity
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1609-1617

F. L. Becker,   R. L. Richardson,  

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10. Tables of Rectangular Piston Radiation Impedance Functions, with Application to Sound Transmission Loss through Deep Apertures
  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,   Volume  51,   Issue  5B,   1972,   Page  1618-1623

David S. Burnett,   Walter W. Soroka,  

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