Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0885-9701        年代:1988
当前卷期:Volume 3  issue 4     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 3  issue 3   
     Volume 3  issue 4
1. The evolution of model systems of care in traumatic brain injury
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  1-5

J Paul Thomas,  

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2. The burden on families of the brain injured: A review
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  6-15

Martin Livingston,   D Neil Brooks,  

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3. Traumatic brain injury: Empirical family assessment techniques
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  16-30

Duane Bishop,   Ivan Miller,  

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4. Traumatic head injury: Dimensions of family responsivity
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  31-41

John Zarski,   Roberta DePompei,   Avery Zook,  

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5. Effective family intervention after traumatic brain injury: Theory and practice
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  42-50

Mitchell Rosenthal,   Terry Young,  

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6. Family response to childhood traumatic brain injury
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  51-63

Pamela Waaland,   Jeffrey Kreutzer,  

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7. How can families help in the rehabilitation of the head injured?
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  64-72

William McKinlay,   Anne Hickox,  

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8. The National Head Injury Foundation: Eight years of challenge and growth
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  73-77

Gerald Bush,  

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9. Headway: The first nine years, 1979 to 1988
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  78-81

RJ Talbott,  

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10. Supported employment for persons with traumatic brain injury: A preliminary report
  Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,   Volume  3,   Issue  4,   1988,   Page  82-93

Paul Wehman,   Jeffrey Kreutzer,   Henry Stonnington,   Wendy Wood,   Pam Sherron,   Joel Diambra,   Robyn Fry,   Christine Groah,  

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