Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

ISSN: 0010-3624        年代:2000
当前卷期:Volume 31  issue 1-2     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 31  issue 19-20   
1. Characterization of subtropical soils by mineral magnetic measurements
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  1-11

Shenggao Lu,  

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2. Optimization of DTPA and calcium chloride extractants for assessing extractable metal fraction in polluted soils
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  13-29

MariaVictoria Esnaola,   Alain Bermond,   Esmeralda Millán,  

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3. Sorption of lead, copper, zinc, and cadmium by soils: effect of nitriloacetic acid on metal retention
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  31-40

M.T. Pardo,  

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4. Interactive effect of boron and zinc on growth and metabolism of mustard
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  41-49

Pratima Sinha,   Radha Jain,   Chitralekha Chatterjee,  

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5. Hydraulic conductivity of calcareous soils as affected by salinity and sodicity. I. effect of concentration and composition of leaching solution and type and amount of clay minerals of tested soils
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  51-67

A. Morshedi,   A. M. Sameni,  

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6. Hydraulic conductivity of calcareous soils as affected by salinity and sodicity. II. effect of gypsum application and flow rate of leaching solution
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  69-80

A.M. Sameni,   A. Morshedi,  

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7. Examination of thermal and acid hydrolysis procedures in characterization of soil organic matter
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  81-100

Pere Rovira,   V. Ramón Vallejo,  

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8. Influence of humic extracts on germination and growth of ryegrass
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  101-114

M.C.G. Asenjo,   J. L. González,   J. M. Maldonado,  

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9. A re‐examination of exchangeable acidity as extracted by potassium chloride and potassium fluoride
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  115-139

K'oH. Dai,   DanielD. Richter,  

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10. Effects of cold storage on anion, ammonium, and total nitrogen concentrations in soil water
  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,   Volume  31,   Issue  1-2,   2000,   Page  141-148

ThadE. Yorks,   PatrickJ. McHale,  

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