
ISSN: 0040-1706        年代:1974
当前卷期:Volume 16  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 16  issue 1
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1. Spline Functions in Data Analysis
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  1-11

Svante Wold,  

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2. Squared Rank Test Appropriate to Weather Modification Cross-over Desigt
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  13-16

PaulW. Mielke,  

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3. On Tests of Main Effects and Interactions in Higher-Way Layouts in the Analysis of variance random Effects Model
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  17-25

UmeshD. Naik,  

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4. Power of Tests for Equality of Covariance Matrices
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  27-30

RichardL. Greenstreet,   RobertJ. Connor,  

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5. Some Run Orders Requiring a Minimum Number of Factor Level Changes for the 24and 25Main Effect Plans
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  31-37

A.W. Dickinson,  

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6. Life Tests Under Dependent Competing Causes of Failure
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  39-47

M.L. Moeschberger,  

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7. Some Results on Point Estimation for the Two-Parameter Weibull or Extreme-Value Distribution
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  49-56

Max Engelhardt,   LeeJ. Bain,  

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8. Prediction Intervals for the Exponential Distribution Using Subsets of the Data
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  57-59

KennethS. Kaminsky,   PaulI. Nelson,  

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9. Heavy-Tailed Distributions: Properties and Tests
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  61-68

MauriceC. Bryson,  

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10. A Time Series Approach To Numerical Differentiation
  Technometrics,   Volume  16,   Issue  1,   1974,   Page  69-75

R.S. Anderssen,   Peter Bloomfield,  

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