Medical Care

ISSN: 0025-7079        年代:1997
当前卷期:Volume 35  issue 7     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 35  issue 1   
     Volume 35  issue 2   
     Volume 35  issue 3   
     Volume 35  issue 4   
     Volume 35  issue 5   
     Volume 35  issue 7
     Volume 35  issue 8   
     Volume 35  issue 9   
     Volume 35  issue 12   
1. Defining Primary CareEmpirical Analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  655-668

Peter Franks*,   Carolyn Clancy†,   Paul Nutting‡,  


2. Limitations of Epidemiologically Based Needs AssessmentThe Case of Prostatectomy
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  669-685

Colin Sanderson,   Duncan Hunter,   C. McKee,   Nicholas Black,  


3. Mortality, Hospital Admissions, and Medical Costs of End-Stage Renal Disease in the United States and Manitoba, Canada
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  686-700

John Hornberger*,†,   Alan Garber*,†,‡,   John Jeffery§,  


4. Analysis of the Variety in Surgeons' Decision Strategies for the Management of Left Colonic Emergencies
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  701-713

Danielle Timmermans*,   Alette Gooszen†,   Robert Geelkerken‡,   Rob Tollenaar†,   Hein Gooszen§,  


5. The Relationship of Patient Satisfaction with Care and Clinical Outcomes
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  714-730

Robert Kane,   Matthew Maciejewski,   Michael Finch,  


6. A New Instrument to Measure Patient Satisfaction with MammographyValidity, Reliability, and Discriminatory Power
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  731-741

Kirsti Loeken*,   Siri Steine*,   Leiv Sandvik†,   Even Laerum*,  


7. Outcomes of Hypertension CareSimple Measures Are Not That Simple
  Medical Care,   Volume  35,   Issue  7,   1997,   Page  742-746

Dan Berlowitz*†,   Arlene Ash†,   Elaine Hickey*,   Robert Friedman†,   Boris Kader*†,   Mark Moskowitz†,  


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