AIP Conference Proceedings

ISSN: 0094-243X        年代:1979
当前卷期:Volume 50  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 49  issue 1   
     Volume 50  issue 1
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     Volume 56  issue 1   
1. Fundamentals of laser‐solid interactions
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  1-9

N. Bloembergen,  

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2. Dynamics of laser annealing
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  11-26

D. H. Auston,   J. A. Golovchenko,   A. L. Simons,   R. E. Slusher,   P. R. Smith,   C. M. Surko,   T. N. C. Venkatesan,  

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3. Laser generated stress waves: Their characteristics and their effects to materials
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  27-42

B. P. Fairand,   A. H. Clauer,  

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4. Annealing of silicon with 1.06 &mgr;m laser pulses
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  43-47

M. von Allemen,   W. Lu¨thy,   M. T. Siregar,   K. Affolter,   M. A. Nicolet,  

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5. Infrared laser molecular solid interaction at low temperatures under ultrahigh vacuum
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  49-54

J. Heidberg,   H. Stein,   A. Nestmann,   E. Hoefs,   I. Hussla,  

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6. Transient heating of metals by Microsecond‐duration CO2laser pulses with air plasma ignition
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  55-60

J. A. McKay,   J. T. Schriempf,  

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7. Dynamic behaviors of pulsed‐laser annealing in ion‐implanted silicon studied by measuring the optical reflectance
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  61-66

Kouichi Murakami,   Kenji Gamo,   Susumu Namba,   Mitsuo Kawabe,   Yoshinobu Aoyagi,   Youichi Akasaka,  

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8. Time‐resolved specular reflectivity of metals subjected to 10.6‐&mgr;m laser pulses
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  67-72

C. T. Walters,   A. H. Clauer,  

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9. Kinetics of motion of crystal‐melt interfaces
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  73-83

F. Spaepen,   D. Turnbull,  

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10. Comparison of laser and thermal annealing of implanted‐amorphous silicon
  AIP Conference Proceedings,   Volume  50,   Issue  1,   1979,   Page  84-96

S. S. Lau,   J. W. Mayer,   W. F. Tseng,  

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