Zoology in the Middle East

ISSN: 0939-7140        年代:1997
当前卷期:Volume 14  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 14  issue 1
     Volume 15  issue 1   
1. Mammal remains from pellets of the Eagle Owl,Bubo bubo, from Azraq Nature Reserve, Jordan
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  5-10

ZuhairS. Amr,   WalidN. Al-Melhim,   MohammedA. Yousef,  

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2. Effects of food provisioning on the behaviour of commensal Hamadryas Baboons,Papio hamadryas, at Al Hada Mountain in Western Saudi Arabia
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  11-22

KhalidB. Kamal,   A. Boug,   PaulF. Brain,  

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3. The False Killer Whale,Pseudorca crassidens(Cetacea: Delphinidae), new for Syria
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  23-26

Max Kasparek,  

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4. Ecology and behaviour of the feral Donkey,Equus asinus, population of the Karpas peninsula, northern Cyprus
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  27-36

StuartW. J. Reid,   BrendanJ. Godley,   SheenaM. Henderson,   GavinJ. Lawrie,   David Lloyd,   Katie Small,   Nan Swannie,   RachelL. Thomas,  

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5. Mammals of the Harrat al-Harrah Protected Area, Saudi Arabia
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  37-46

PhilipJ. Seddon,   Yolandavan Heezik,   IyadA. Nader,  

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6. On the breeding biology of the Spur-winged Plover,Hoplopterus spinosus, in the Gaza Strip
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  47-52

MousaM. Al-Safadi,  

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7. The breeding population of some species of waterbirds at Gediz Delta, Western Turkey
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  53-68

Güven Eken,  

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8. Coasting migration of waterbirds at Cape Elea, Cyprus
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  69-72

Peter Flint,  

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9. First report of a melanistic Whip Snake,Coluber jugularisLinnaeus, 1758 from the Arabian Peninsula
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  73-76

Salim Al-Mohanna,   Sharon Jaman,   Robin Meakins,  

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10. Effects of body mass, temperature, and season on resting metabolism of the nocturnal geckoHemidactylus flaviviridis
  Zoology in the Middle East,   Volume  14,   Issue  1,   1997,   Page  77-86

TalalA. Zari,  

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