Journal of Neurogenetics

ISSN: 0167-7063        年代:1986
当前卷期:Volume 3  issue 2     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 3  issue 2
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     Volume 3  issue 6   
1. Mutations Resulting in Resistance to Polyene Antibiotics Decrease Voltage-Sensitive Calcium Channel Activity inParamecium
  Journal of Neurogenetics,   Volume  3,   Issue  2,   1986,   Page  75-85

ForteMichael,   HennesseyTodd,   KungChing,  

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2. Genetic Dissection of Optomotor Behavior inDrosophila melanogasterStudies on Wild-Type and the Mutantoptomotor-blindH31
  Journal of Neurogenetics,   Volume  3,   Issue  2,   1986,   Page  87-109

BausenweinBernhard,   WolfReinhard,   HeisenbergMartin,  

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3. Chemically Reinforced Conditioned Courtship inDrosophila:Responses of Wild-Type and thedunce,amnesiacanddon giovanniMutants
  Journal of Neurogenetics,   Volume  3,   Issue  2,   1986,   Page  111-123

AckermanSusan L.,   SiegelRichard W.,  

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4. Spinocerebellar Ataxia Associated with Localized Amyotrophy of the Hands, Sensorineural Deafness and Spastic Paraparesis in Two Brothers
  Journal of Neurogenetics,   Volume  3,   Issue  2,   1986,   Page  125-134


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