Food and Agricultural Immunology

ISSN: 0954-0105        年代:1989
当前卷期:Volume 1  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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1. Detection ofSalmonellain foods using a novel coloured latex test
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  3-9

Colin Clark,   AlanA. G. Candlish,   William Steell,  

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2. The use of an anti‐idiotype monoclonal antibody for reliable detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  11-17

S. Notermans,   G. Alber,   B. Sailer‐Kramer,   D. K. Hammer,  

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3. A two‐site enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay for wheat gliadins
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  19-27

E. N.Clare Mills,   CarolineA. Spinks,   MichaelR. A. Morgan,  

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4. Cross‐reactivity of ciguatoxin, okadaic acid, and polyethers with monoclonal antibodies
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  29-35

Y. Hokama,   S. A. A. Honda,   A. Y. Asahina,   J. M. L. Fong,   C. M. Matsumoto,   T. S. Gallacher,  

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5. Evaluation of an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the direct analysis of molinate (Ordram®) in rice field water
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  37-51

RobertO. Harrison,   AdolfL. Braun,   ShirleyJ. Gee,   DavidJ. O'brien,   BruceD. Hammock,  

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6. Rapid and specific detection ofPseudomonas syringaepv.phaseolicolaby immunological methods
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  53-63

G. M. Wyatt,   J. G. Turner,   M. R. A. Morgan,  

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7. Comparison of hen egg lysozyme immunoassays based on different labels
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  65-70

P. Rauch,   I. Hochel,   I. Vodrážka,   Z. Rumlová,   J. Káš,   J.‐L. Guesdon,  

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8. Editorial board
  Food and Agricultural Immunology,   Volume  1,   Issue  1,   1989,   Page  -

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