Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

ISSN: 0148-0227        年代:1984
当前卷期:Volume 89  issue D7     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 89  issue D7
1. Gas‐ and aqueous‐phase chemistry of HO2in liquid water clouds
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11589-11598

Stephen E. Schwartz,  

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2. Atmospheric methane in the recent and ancient atmospheres: Concentrations, trends, and interhemispheric gradient
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11599-11605

R. A. Rasmussen,   M. A. K. Khalil,  

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3. Estimates of the transport of trace metals from the ocean to the atmosphere
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11607-11618

C. P. Weisel,   R. A. Duce,   J. L. Fasching,   R. W. Heaton,  

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4. Diurnal variation of ClO: Implications for the stratospheric chemistries of ClONO2, HOCl, and HCl
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11619-11632

Malcolm K. W. Ko,   Nien Dak Sze,  

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5. On the distributions of long‐lived tracers and chlorine species in the middle atmosphere
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11633-11644

Susan Solomon,   Rolando R. Garcia,  

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6. Stratospheric HF mixing ratio profiles in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11645-11653

J. H. Park,   D. J. W. Kendall,   H. L. Buijs,  

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7. An upper limit for stratospheric hydrogen peroxide
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11655-11660

K. V. Chance,   W. A. Traub,  

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8. Oxygen absorption cross sections in the herzberg continuum and between 206 and 327 K
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11661-11665

Harold S. Johnston,   Mark Paige,   Francis Yao,  

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9. SAGE satellite observations of stratospheric aerosols from Mount St. Helens eruption: A two‐wavelength analysis
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11666-11676

J. Lenoble,   P. Pruvost,   C. Brogniez,  

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10. Solar Mesosphere Explorer Ultraviolet Spectrometer: Measurements of ozone in the 1.0–0.1 mbar region
  Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,   Volume  89,   Issue  D7,   1984,   Page  11677-11687

David W. Rusch,   George H. Mount,   Charles A. Barth,   Ronald J. Thomas,   Michael T. Callan,  

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