Postgraduate Medical Journal

ISSN: 0032-5473        年代:1993
当前卷期:Volume 69  issue 814     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 69  issue 807   
     Volume 69  issue 808   
     Volume 69  issue 809   
     Volume 69  issue 810   
     Volume 69  issue 811   
     Volume 69  issue 812   
     Volume 69  issue 813   
     Volume 69  issue 814
     Volume 69  issue 815   
     Volume 69  issue 816   
     Volume 69  issue 817   
     Volume 69  issue 818   
1. Brain stethoscopes: the use and abuse of brief mental status schedules.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  599-601


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2. Current concepts of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NP-SLE).
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  602-608

R. A.Asherson,   S. D.Denburg,   J. A.Denburg,   R. M.Carbotte,   N.Futrell,  

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3. Serum lipids and coronary heart disease in British elderly.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  609-614

D. M.Mangion,   S. S.Roy,  

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4. Right-sided endocarditis in the non-drug addict.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  615-620

D. P.Naidoo,  

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5. Atypical presentations of pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed by fibreoptic bronchoscopy.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  621-623

C. I.Jayasundera,   M.Attapattu,   M. P.Kumarasinghe,  

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6. Naftidrofuryl treatment for rest cramp.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  624-626

J. B.Young,   M. J.Connolly,  

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7. Colon filling defect.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  627-628

L.Kreel,   T.Beale,  

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8. Curriculum design for primary care physicians.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  629-633


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9. The role of clinical tutors.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  634-635


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10. Lymphocytic meningitis as the sole manifestation of Q fever.
  Postgraduate Medical Journal,   Volume  69,   Issue  814,   1993,   Page  636-637

A.Schattner,   M.Kushnir,   T.Zhornicky,   G.Fenakel,  

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