Melanoma Research

ISSN: 0960-8931        年代:2001
当前卷期:Volume 11  issue 6     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 11  issue 6
1. Development of an integrated method of skin phenotype measurement using the melanins
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  551-557

R. Zanetti,   G. Prota,   A. Napolitano,   C. Martinez,   H. Sancho-Garnier,   A. Østerlind,   C. Sacerdote,   S. Rosso,  

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2. Metastatic melanoma cells escape from immunosurveillance through the novel mechanism of releasing nitric oxide to induce dysfunction of immunocytes
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  559-567

X. Zhang,   Q. Xu,  

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3. Diagnostic potential of fluorescence of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded malignant melanoma and pigmented skin lesions: quantitative study of fluorescence intensity using fluorescence microscope and digital imaging
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  569-576

B. Chwirot,   N. Sypniewska,   J. Swiatlak,  

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4. The protein phosphatase 2A subunit Bγ gene is identified to be differentially expressed in malignant melanomas by subtractive suppression hybridization
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  577-585

M. Deichmann,   M. Polychronidis,   J. Wacker,   M. Thome,   H. Näher,  

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5. Progression and NSAID-induced apoptosis in malignant melanomas are independent of cyclooxygenase II
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  587-599

T. Vogt,   M. McClelland,   B. Jung,   S. Popova,   T. Bogenrieder,   B. Becker,   G. Rumpler,   M. Landthaler,   W. Stolz,  

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6. Comparison of theex vivochemosensitivity of uveal and cutaneous melanoma
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  601-609

M. Neale,   N. Myatt,   G. Khoury,   P. Weaver,   A. Lamont,   J. Hungerford,   C. Kurbacher,   P. Hall,   P. Corrie,   I. Cree,  

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7. Saturable dose–response relationships for melphalan in melanoma treatment by isolated limb infusion in the nude rat
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  611-618

M. Roberts,   Z. Wu,   G. Siebert,   J. Thompson,   B. Smithers,  

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8. Prognostic index for cutaneous melanoma: an analysis after follow-up of 2715 patients
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  619-626

M.-H. Schmid-Wendtner,   J. Baumert,   M. Schmidt,   G. Plewig,   M. Volkenandt,   D. Hölzel,  

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9. Prognostic significance of melanoma inhibiting activity levels in malignant melanoma
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  627-632

R. Meral,   D. Duranyildiz,   F. Tas,   H. Camlica,   V. Yasasever,   S. Kurul,   N. Dalay,  

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10. Autoimmunity and hypothyroidism in patients with uveal melanoma
  Melanoma Research,   Volume  11,   Issue  6,   2001,   Page  633-637

J. Ellerhorst,   C. Cooksley,   E. Grimm,  

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