
ISSN: 1042-0940        年代:2000
当前卷期:Volume 7  issue 3     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

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     Volume 7  issue 3
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1. The oldest evidence of a sauropod dinosaur in the western united states and other important vertebrate trackways from grand staircase‐escalante national monument, Utah
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  169-181

JohnR. Foster,   AldenH. Hamblin,   MartinG. Lockley,  

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2. Theglossifungitesichnofacies in the area of its nomenclatural archetype, lviv, Ukraine
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  183-193

Alfred Uchman,   Ighor Bubniak,   Andrew Bubniak,  

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3. Stellavelum arborensisigen., sp. nov.,Stellavelum uncinumigen., isp. nov. andTermitichnus namibiensisisp. nov.; New Ichnofossils from Cenozoic deposits of Namaqualand, South Africa
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  195-215

W.R. Miller,   T.R. Mason,  

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4. An amended description of the theropod footprintBueckeburgichnus maximusKuhn 1958, and its bearing on the megalosaur tracks debate
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  217-225

MartinG. Lockley,  

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5. Taenidiumand Associated Ichnofossils in Fluvial Deposits, Cretaceous Tuscaloosa Formation, Eastern Alabama, Southeastern U.S.A
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  227-242

CharlesE. Savrda,   AllynD. Blanton‐Hooks,   JonathanW. Collier,   RobertA. Drake,   RobertL. Graves,   AnthonyG. Hall,   AnneI. Nelson,   JamesC. Slone,   DaphneD. Williams,   H. Alexander Wood,  

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6. Editorial board
  Ichnos,   Volume  7,   Issue  3,   2000,   Page  -

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