Archives of Disease in Childhood

ISSN: 0003-9888        年代:1960
当前卷期:Volume 35  issue 182     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 35  issue 179   
     Volume 35  issue 180   
     Volume 35  issue 181   
     Volume 35  issue 182
     Volume 35  issue 183   
     Volume 35  issue 184   
1. Spinal Dysraphism
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  315-327

C. C. MichaelJames,   L. P.Lassman,  

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2. Cortical Atrophy of the Brain in Infants associated with Failure to Thrive
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  328-332

P. M.Smythe,   I. A. D.Bouchier,  

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3. The Incidence of Twins in Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  333-335

R. S.Illingworth,   Grace E.Woods,  

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4. Convulsive Movements occurring in the First Ten Days of Life*
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  336-344

W. S.Craig,  

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5. Familial Diffuse Progressive Encephalopathy
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  345-351

M. C.Liu,   Peter E.Sylvester,  

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6. Postnatal Plasma Shift in Premature Infants
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  352-354

A. C. L.Clark,   DouglasGairdner,  

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7. Absorption of Radioactive Iron by Anaemic Infants
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  355-359

Ian D.Riley,  

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8. Haemoglobin 'Barts'—A Rare Abnormality in the Newborn
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  360-363

Dorothy H. E.Barrow,   H. G.Kohler,  

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9. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Pregnancy with Haemolytic Anaemia, Leucopenia and Thrombocytopenia in the Mother and Her Newborn Infant
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  364-366


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10. Pancytopenia with Congenital Defects (Fanconi's Anaemia)
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  35,   Issue  182,   1960,   Page  367-372

RobertMcDonald,   BasilGoldschmidt,  

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