Archives of Disease in Childhood

ISSN: 0003-9888        年代:2001
当前卷期:Volume 84  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 84  issue suppl_1   
     Volume 84  issue 1
     Volume 84  issue 2   
     Volume 84  issue 3   
     Volume 84  issue 4   
     Volume 84  issue 5   
     Volume 84  issue 6   
     Volume 85  issue 1   
     Volume 85  issue 2   
     Volume 85  issue 3   
     Volume 85  issue 4   
     Volume 85  issue 5   
     Volume 85  issue 6   
1. How much for a night's sleep?
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  0-0


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2. The need for and the role of a coordinator in child health surveillance/promotion
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  1-5


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3. Complementary and alternative medicine for children: does it work?
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  6-9

K JKemper,  


4. Oleander poisoning
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  9-9



5. Health of teenagers in residential care: comparison of data held by care staff with data in community child health records
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  10-14



6. Cochlear implantation
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  14-14


7. Economic evaluation of strategies for managing crying and sleeping problems
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  15-19

SMorris,   ISt James-Roberts,   JSleep,   PGillham,  

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8. Continued increase in the prevalence of asthma and atopy
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  20-23

S HDowns,   G BMarks,   RSporik,   E GBelosouva,   N GCar,   J KPeat,  

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9. Changes in the epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome in Sweden 1973–1996
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  24-30

BAlm,   S GNorvenius,   GWennergren,   RSkjærven,   NØyen,   JMilerad,   MWennborg,   JKjaerbeck,   KHelweg-Larsen,   L MIrgens,  

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10. Parents' interpretations of children's respiratory symptoms on video
  Archives of Disease in Childhood,   Volume  84,   Issue  1,   2001,   Page  31-34

R SCane,   S AMcKenzie,  

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