The American Mathematical Monthly

ISSN: 0002-9890        年代:1971
当前卷期:Volume 78  issue 1     [ 查看所有卷期 ]

     Volume 78  issue 1
     Volume 78  issue 2   
     Volume 78  issue 3   
     Volume 78  issue 4   
     Volume 78  issue 5   
     Volume 78  issue 6   
     Volume 78  issue 7   
     Volume 78  issue 8   
     Volume 78  issue 9   
     Volume 78  issue 10   
1. Manual for Monthly Authors
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  1-10


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2. Waring's Problem
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  10-36

EllisonW. J.,  

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3. The General Solution of a Differential-Functional Equation
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  37-42

GiesyD. P.,  

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4. Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  42-45

VarbergD. E.,  

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5. A Representation for Polynomials of Several Variables
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  45-47


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6. On Lattice Points and the Volume/Area Ratio of Convex Bodies
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  47-49

WillsJ. M.,  

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7. How Many Graphs HavenVertices andkCliques?
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  49-50


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8. Maximum Likelihood and Sufficient Statistics
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  50-52

MooreD. S.,  

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9. A Regular Space on which Every Continuous Real-Valued Function is Constant
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  52-53

GantnerT. E.,  

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10. On the Ideal Role of an Industrial Mathematician and Its Educational Implications
  The American Mathematical Monthly,   Volume  78,   Issue  1,   1971,   Page  53-76

KlamkinMurray S.,  

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