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Volume 61,
Issue 1,
Page 001-060
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THE ANALYST F. W. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH M.A. F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C., M.1 .Chem.E. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. G. D. ELSDON B.Sc. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE B. S. EVANS M.B.E. M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A. MORE A.R.C.S. A.R.T.C. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS BSc. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER C.I.E., M.A. Ph.D. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists S . G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. M.Sc. F.I.C. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY E. M. POPE B.Sc. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. S. G. STEVENSON B.Sc Won. Secretarp lboit. Greaeuret : L.EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. E. B. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. Ebftor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.I.C. Beefetant Ebftor J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.I.C. D. G. A. 0. J. W. HEWER B.Sc. JONES M.A. F.I.C. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. B.Pharm. F.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.I.C. VOL 6 1 1 9 3 6 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND 193 ERRATA : Vol. 60 August 1936 p. 529 last line the formula should read ( x + y ) x a a + b P. 530 line 2 the formula should read x - ( x + y ) a -Vol. 60 October 1935 p. 697 line 8. Vol. 60 December 1935 p. 825 line 32. Vol. 60 December 1935 p. 826 footnote. The terms “pimiento” and “pimento” should be reversed. Vol. 61 January 1936 p. 50. The figure for Gambia wax in Salamon and Seaber’s test should be “ 59.5,” not “ 69.5.” Vol.61 February 1936 p. 111. In the figure the 20 cm. length should run t o the shoulder and not to the lip of the tube. Vol. 61 July 1936 p. 498 last abstract. Vol. 61 September 1936 p. 614 lines 4 y d 7 . For “0.06 to O-lp” read “0.06 t o 0.1 mm.,” and for “0-3 to 0.5p” read “0.3 to 0.5 mm. Vol. 61 September 1936 p. 621. Assay of Lobelia. For “giving concordant results in agreement with the methods of Vanderkleed and E’We and of Mascre” read “results more concordant and accurate than. . .” Vol. 61 November 1936 p 784 line 22. hydroxylamine ” read “ hydroxylamine hydro-chloride. ” Vol. 61 November 1936 p. 791 line 18. In the last column for “4.80” read “48.0.” For “split pigeon peas” read “roasted split peas.” The former is applied to the red fruit the latter to allspice.Milk Products Report No. 4. For “Ramenathan” read “ Ramanathan.” For For “20 mg.” read “20 ml.” LIST OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN THE ANALYST DURING THE YEAR 1936 CHARACTERISTICS OF HALIBUT-LIVER OILS. By R. T. M. Haines M.A. and J. C. Drummond DSc. F.I.C. (p. 2). Evers B.Sc. F.I.C. A. G. Jones B.Sc. A.I.C. and Wilfred Smith B.Sc. F.I.C. CHARACTERISTICS OF HALIBUT-LIVER OILS OF THE 1935 SEASON. By Noman (P. 7)-THE DETERMINATION OF IODINE IN KELP. By J. B. McKean F.I.C. (p. 11). TESTING FOR SEA WATER DAMAGE. By W. M. Seaber B.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 14). THE MINERAL WATERS OF HARROGATE. By A. Woodmansey M.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 23). TESTING FOR THE PRESENCE OF FORMALDEHYDE IN SALT-CURED LING. By George AIR-DAMPED BALANCES.NOTES ON MENDEL AND GOLDSCHIEDER’S METHOD FOR DETERMINING LACTIC ACID IN BLOOD. THE RISK OF ERROR IN DETERMINING TRACES OF ARSENIC IN ORGANIC AND IN-ORGANIC MATERIALS. By W. A. Davis B.Sc. A.C.G.I. and J. G. Maltby, B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 96). THE COMPOSITION AND EXAMINATION OF TANGANYIKA ARROW POISONS. By W. D. Raymond B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 100). AND LOCAL ANAESTHETICS. ACIDS. IRON WITH DICHROMATE. A. Reay M.A. B.Sc. Ph.D. (p. 78). By W. N. Bond M.A. D.Sc. F.1nst.P. (p. 85). By R. Milton BSc. (p. 91). THE DETERMINATION OF COCAINE ALKALOIDS I N MIXTURES WITH OTHER ALKALOIDS By John Ralph Nicholls B.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 155). THE AMINO ACIDS OF THE MIXED PROTEINS OF OX-MUSCLE THE BASIC AMINO By Henry George Rees Ph.D. D.I.C. A.I.C. (p. 160). DIPHENYLCARBAZIDE.AN INTERNAL INDICATOR FOR USE IN THE TITRATION OF By H. E. Crossley M.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 164) iv LIST OF PAPERS COLORIMETRIC - ANALYSIS BY THE PHOTO-ELECTRIC CELL. By Norman Strafford, M.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 170). INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF TANTALUM NIOBIUM AND THEIR MINERAL ASSOCIATES. XXX. OBSERVATIONS ON BERYLLIUM. By W. R. Schoeller Ph.D. F.I.C. and H. W. Webb (p. 235). THE DETECTION AND COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF TIN BY MEANS OF SUB-STITUTED 1 2-DIMERCAPTO-BENZENES. A SPECIFIC REAGENT FOR TIN. By Robert E. D. Clark M.A. Ph.D. (p. 242). By Peter Maitland B.Sc. Ph.D. (p. 288). D.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 295). O.B.E. M.B. B.S. F.I.C. (p. 300). Hughes D.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 303). TEA AND COFFEE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR ALKALOIDS AND TANNINS.A SURVEY OF THE METHODS OF ANALYSING TANNINS. By C. Ainsworth Mitchell, THE PHARMACOLOGY OF CAFFEINE AND OF TEA AND COFFEE. By G. Roche Lynch, THE TANNIN-CONTENT OF TEA. By P. J. Norman B.Sc. A.R.C.S. and E. B. “TANNINLESS” TEA. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS WITH PHENOSAFRANINE TARTWINE AND ROSE BENGAL AS ADSORPTION INDICATORS. SOME PROPERTIES OF SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE. By R. T. Thomson F.I.C. (p. 321). THE SULPHURIC ACID TEST FOR LIQUID PARAFFIN. By Edward Sage F.I.C., A.M.I.Chem.E. and Sidney G. E. Stevens B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 323). THE DETERMINATION OF TIN IN ALLOYS WITH ANTIMONY AND LEAD. (Antimony less than 2 per cent.) By H. F. Hourigan B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 328). THE DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE-CONTENT BY DISTILLATION WITH LIQUIDS IMMISCIBLE WITH WATER. By F. G.H. Tate F.I.C. and L. A. Warren Ph.D., B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 367). THE CALCULATION OF ADDED WATER FROM THE FREEZING-POINT OF WATERED MILKS. By G. D. Elsdon B.Sc. F.I.C. and J. R. Stubbs M.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 382). THE DETERMINATION OF CASEIN BY FORMOL TITRATION AFTER PRECIPITATION WITH ACID. By R. H. McDowall and A. K. R. McDowell (p. 387). POUNDS. ANTHRANILIC ACID AND ITS USE IN THE DETERMINATION OF ZINC CADMIUM COBALT, NICKEL AND COPPER. By R. J. Shennan B.Sc. A.I.C. J. H. F. Smith B.Sc., A.I.C. and A. M. Ward D.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 395). INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF TANTALUM NIOBIUM AND THEIR MINERAL ASSOCIATES. XXXI. DETERMINATIOK OF TUNGSTEN IN EARTH-ACID MINERALS. By W. R. Schoeller Ph.D. F.I.C. and E. F. Water-house (p. 449). THE STANDARDISATION OF HORTVET THERMOMETERS.By J. R. Stubbs M.Sc., F.I.C. and G. D. Elsdon B.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 455). ANAESTHETIC ETHER THE EFFECT OF SOME IMPURITIES. PEROXIDES. By J. H. Coste F.I.C. F.Inst.P. and D. C. Garratt BSc. Ph.D. F.I.C. (p. 459). THE APPLICATION OF DIPHENYL THIOCARBAZONE (DITHIZONE) TO THE ESTIMATION OF LEAD IN URINE. THE CRUDE PROTEIN FRACTION OF FISH MEAL AND OTHER MEAT MEALS. By W. L. Davies Ph.D. DSc. F.I.C. (p. 512). By H. H. Bagnall B.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 310). By A. J. Berry M.A. (p. 315). THE USE OF 2 4-DINITROPHENYLHYDRAZINE AS A REAGENT FOR CARBONYL COM-By N. R. Campbell A.I.C. (p. 391). By F. Morton BSc. A.I.C. (p. 465) LIST OF PAPERS V THE ESTIMATION OF CAROTENE I N AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. By W. $3. Ferguson, A.I.C. and G. Bishop MSc. A.I.C.(p. 515). CLOTH OILS AND CATALYSTS IN THE MACKEY TEST OXIDATION OF OLIVE OIL. By W. Gamer MSc. (p. 519). A COLORIMETRIC METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MINUTE AMOUNTS OF MERCURY IN ORGANIC MATTER. By N. Strafford M.Sc. F.I.C. and P. F. Wyatt (p. 528). THE QUANTITATIVE SEPARATION OF ALUMINIUM AND BERYLLIUM. By J. Dewax, BSc. Ph.D. and P. A. Gardiner BSc. (p. 536). INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF TANTALUM NIOBIUM AND VANADIUM AND A TANNIN PRECIPITATION SERIES. By W. R. Schoeller Ph.D., F.I.C. and H. W. Webb (p. 585). THE DETERMINATION OF LEAD IN POTABLE WATERS. By Sidney L. Tompsett, Ph.D. BSc. F.I.C. (p. 591). A NEW METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF RAPE OR MUSTARD-SEED OILS AND FOR THE DETECTION OF OILS USED TO ADULTERATE THEM. By Sukumar Neogi M.Sc.A MODIFICATION OF THE MICRO-ZEISEL APPARATUS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF METHOXYL AND ETHOXYL GROUPS. CITRIC ACID IN MILK AND ITS DETERMINATION. By L. H. Lampitt D.Sc. F.I.C., and H. S. Rooke MSc. F.I.C. (p. 654). THE ESTIMATION OF THE ORIGINAL FREEZING-POINT OF SOUR MILK. By H. J. Evans B.Sc. F.I.C. (p. 666). THE DETERMINATION OF BORIC ACID IN DRIED FRUIT. By W. Bums Brown MSc., A.I.C. (p. 671). STUDIES IN INTERNAL ELECTROLYSIS I. THE DETERMINATION OF SMALL QUANTITIES OF CADMIUM AND NICKEL IN ZINC. By James G. Fife B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 681). THE DETERMINATION OF ZINC IN FOODS. By N. D. Sylvester M.Sc. A.I.C. and E. B. Hughes DSc. F.I.C. (p. 734). DETERMINATION OF BROMIDES IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHER HALIDES. By F. W. Edwards F.I.C. H. R. Nanji Ph.D. D.I.C.F.I.C. and E. B. Parkes M.Sc., F.I.C. (p. 743). THE CONSTANTS OF MILK AND BUTTER-FAT IN TANGANYIKA TERRITORY. By M. H. French M.A. and W. D. Raymond B.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 750). A NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC LIGHT-FILTER CELL. By C. Ainsworth Mitchell D.Sc., F.I.C. and T. J. Ward (p. 751). INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF TANTALUM NIOBIUM AND THEIR MINERAL ASSOCIATES. XXXIII. GENERAL SUMMARY AND RESULTS. By W. R. Schoeller Ph.D. F.I.C. (p. 806). FOR OILS. B.Sc. A.R.C.S. A.I.C. (p. 817). ACID AN IMPROVED TECHNIQUE. By F. H. McDowall D.Sc. A.I.C. and A. K. R. McDowell M.Sc. A.I.C. (p. 824). THE DETERMINATION OF BETAINE IN SUGAR-BEET BY-PRODUCTS. By J. W. Blood, A.I.C. and H. T. Cranfield (p. 829). THEIR MINERAL ASSOCIATES. XXXII. OBSERVATIONS ON PHOSPHORUS, (p.597). By J. J. Chinoy (p. 602). THE CONDENSATION OF MALEIC ANHYDRIDE WITH TUNG OIL A NEW “CONSTANT” By B. A. Ellis M.A. and R. A. Jones A.I.C. (p. 812). A SCHEME FOR THE COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF APATITE ROCK. By C. 0. Harvey, THE DETERMINATION OF CASEIN BY FORMOL TITRATION AFTER PRECIPITATION WIT INDEX TO VOLUME 61 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of papers that have been published in The Analyst. A Aberhalden E. and Neumann A. Application of the o-phthaldialdehyde-reagent of W. Zimmerman to the detection of small amounts of glycocoll and to the determination of its presence in polypeptides 269. Abraham E. E. U. and Hilditch T. P. Acidic components of wool grease 137. Adam N. K Review of Collected Scientific Papers of Sir Wm. B . Hardy 607.Adams E. G. See Scott A. W. Adolph W. H. and Lin I. Effect of heat, gasoline and methanol on the solubility of sesame seed protein in salt and alkalis 719. Agarwal R. R. and Dutt S. Constituents of the oil from the seeds of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb., 621. Ahmad B. Observations on the excretion of vitamin C in human urine 427. Aitken R. S. Barling B. and Miles A. A. A case of botulism 864. Allen H. 0. See Hurd L. C. Ammon R. and Hinsberg K. Colorimetric determination of phosphoric and arsenic acids with ascorbic acid 428. Anchel M. and Schoenheimer R. Reagents for the isolation of carbonyl compounds from un-saponifiable material 636. Anderson A. K Essentials of Physiological Chemistry (Review) 443. - Laboratory Experiments in Physiological Chemistry (Review) 879.Anderson E. Isolation of pectic substances from wood 196. Anderson E. B. Review of Davies’ The Chemistry of Milk 365. Andrews E. R. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County of London 40% Andrewa J. C. and D’Anvers R. T. A test for porosity in the coating of tin plate 402. Anger V. See Feigl F. Ambacher S. Antelyes J. See Hughes J. S. Aplinpton S. P. Archer H. E. and Graham G. Observations on the excretion of ascorbic acid 351. Arnaud F. W. F. Report of the County Analyst for Kent for the fourth quarter 1935, 265. - Review of Cutler and Crump’s Problems in Soil Microbiology. (The Rothamsted Mono-graphs on Agricultural Science.) 70. - The origin of the Gutzeit test 757. Aston B. C. Report of the Chief Chemist, Dept.of Agriculture New Zealand for the year 1934-35 38. See Flanigan G. E. See Falk. C. R. Ayres G. B. and.Lee? M. Azanto G. See Balassa G. Determination of the nitrogen partition in tissues 779. B Babler B. J. - See also Schwoegler E. J. Bacharach A. L. Review of Baker’s The Chemical Control of Conception 285. - Review of Fearon’s Nutritional Factors in Disease 882. - Review of Fieser’s Chemistry of Natural Products related to Phenanthrene 647. - Review of Obermer’s Individual Health. Vol. I Biochemical technique by E. Obermer and R. Milton,72. - Review of Parsons’ Fundamentals of Bio-chemistry in Relation to Human Physiology, 5th Ed. 216. Bacharach G. and Weinstein R. Differential reduction of the nitro-group by means of glucose 203.Baernstein H. D. New method for the deter-mination of methionine in proteins 859. Bagnall H. H. Report of the City Analyst of Birmingham for the fourth quarter 1935 254; for the first quarter 1936 474; for the second quarter 1936 605. - “Tanninless” tea 310. Bailey A. J. Micro-determination of lignin 439. Bailey I(. Bain W. The Pharmacological Action of the Harrogate Drinking Waters (Review) 71. Baisse J. See Pien J. Baker G. W. Electrolytic application of the hydrobromic acid test for copper 603. - Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for the year 1934 118; for 1935 844. Baker J. R. The Chemical Control of Concep-tion (Review) 285. Baker 2. Balassa G. and Azanto 0. Contribution to the methods of determining vitamin A 495. Bdbi (3.See Brambilla M. Balks R. Bamford K. F. and Campbell W. 43. Deter-mination of lignin in woods 430. Banerjee P. C. Determination of chlorate, nitrate and persulphate by means of vanadous sulphate. 724. Barling B. Barnard J. E. Practical Photomicrography, 3rd Ed. (Review) 803. Barrett J. F. Modified Nessler’s reagent for the micro-determination of urea in tungstic acid blood filtrate 129. See Hurd L. C. Cress seed mucilage 138. See Elliott K. A. C. Iodine-content of foods 262. See Aitken R. S Viii INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Barret J. F.-cantinued. - Simple micro-test for acetone in urine 564. Bartfay M. See Szebelledy L. Bam K. P. and Mukherjee S. P. Action of dyestuffs and other substances on milk dehy-drogenase. Identity of Schardinger enzyme with xanthine oxidase 494.Bauer E. See Friedrich A. Beet A. E. and Furzey D. G. New Kjeldahl method for the determination of nitrogen in foods feeding stuffs leather etc. 429. Behmenburg P. See Clauberg A. Behre J. A. Bell J. and Hall W. K Reversible indicator for the detection of small quantities of hydrogen sulphide in the atmosphere 210. Bendikson L. A cycle of ultra-violet light sources for various uses 213. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. and Spikes W. F. Qualitative separations on a micro-scale 436. Benedict S. R. and Behre J. A. Applications of a new colour reaction for creatinine 564. Berg R. Die Chemische Analyse Vol. XXXIV, Das o-Oxychinolin (Review) 149. Bergmann W. Fatty acids of chrysalis oil 636. Bernhard K. See Flaschentrager B.*Berry A. J. Further experiments with pheno-safranine tartrazine and Rose Bengal as ad-sorption indicators 315. Extract of hamamelis 777. See Benedict S. R. Berry €I. Bertram S. H. Action of selenium on stearic acid 866. - Mechanism of the elaidin reaction 866. Bertrand G. and de Saint-Rat L. Colori-metric reaction of urobilin with copper 794. Bertrand G. and Silberstein L. Comparative quantities of sulphur and phosphorus in plants cultivated in the same soil 201. Best C. H. Beuchelt H. See Bredereck H. Beythien A. and in kitchens 262. Bidet A. See Woog P. Bilham P: - See also Lampitt L. H. *Bishop G. Bishop L. R. Bjerrum J. See Fletcher J. P. Metal utensils in food industries Review of Kaye and Laby’s Tables of Physzcal and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions 8th Ed.880. See Ferguson W. S. See Thorne R. S. W. Copper catalysis of the oxidation of thiol acids as a basis for the micro-deter-mination of copper 578. Blair R. W. Report of the Chief Chemist, Institute for Medical Research Federated Malay States 40. *Blood J. W. and Cranfield H. T. The deter-mination of betaine in sugar beet by-products, 829. Bloom A. See Rubin N. Blount B. K. Bobranski B. See Sucharda E. Bodansky,. M. and Fay M. Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry 3rd Ed. (Review), 75. Bodenstein J. C. Composition of pineapples, 699. Boedicker H. Nuclein bases in meat extract, 859. Wax of Psylla buxi 717. Boeseken J. Cohen W. D. and Kip C. J. Synthesis of sesamol and its 15-glucoside.Baudouin’s reaction 854. Bomer A. and Brehm F. Glycerides of hardened castor oil 792. Bomer A. Juckenack A. and Tillmans J. Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie Vol. 111 (Review) 878. Bon-Bernatets G. See Fleury P. *Bond W. N. B o d A. in insecticide powders 134. Bose 116. K. See R%y R. R. Bosworth A W. and Helz G. E. Monohydr-Bottger W. Physikalischen Methoden der Bouffard E. See Hugues E. Bouillot J. Apparatus for drying organic Bradshaw W. W. Brambilla M. and Balbi G. Polymerisation of grape-seed oil 7 16. - Tomato-seed oil 855. Brandonisio V. Composition of olive oils from the Islands of Rhodes and Cos 487. Branson V. C. Report of the Government Analyst for Hong Kong for 1933 116. Brau E. F. Use of 2.7-diamino-dibenzofuran in the determination of copper 793.Bredereck H. Beuchelt H. and Richter G. Phosphatase activity of emulsin 862. Brehm F. See Bomer A. Breitwieser K. See Strohecker R. Bridge J. C. Report of the Senior Medical Inspector of Factories for 1935 763. Brigham H. R. Brioux Ch. and Jouis E. Influence of the degree of maturity of cheese on the proportion of fatty matter 124. British Drug Houses Ltd. The B.D.H. Book of Reagents for “Spot” Tests and Delicate Analysis 4th Ed. (Review) 69. Britton H. T. 8. Review of Bottger’s Physika-lische Methoden der Analytischen Chemie, Vol. 11 800. - Review of Mellor’s A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. XIV 147; Vol. XV 799. Brockmann H. Isolation of the antirachitic vitamin from tunny-liver oil 711.Brockmann H. and Chen Y. H. Method for the quantitative determination of vitamin D, 629. Bromund W. €I. Brough 1). W. Brouwer E. Brown C. L. M. *Brown W. B Bucherer H. T. and Meier F. W. Buckley T. A. Budkewitsch A. A. Buitschkoff M. E, Air-damped balances 85. Determination of barium fluosilicate oxypalmitic acid in butter-fat 193. Analytischen Chemie VOl. 11 800. substances affected by heat 644. See Hothersall A. W. See Sheppard S . E. See Holmes H. N. See Dewar J. Simple sedimentation method for the determination of sodium in urine 626. Solubility of silver nitrate in alcohol(s) 623. The determination of boric acid in dried fruit 671. Interference of fluoride in the precipitation of phosphoric acid by molybdate 210.Toxic constituents of dems root, 857. See Tananaeff N. A. See Tananaeff N. A INDEX TO Microscopy of the amino-acids and their compounds. I, Phosphotungstates and phosphomolybdates, 144. Bullock F. C. Report of the Public Analyst for the City of Leicester for the year 1935 690. Bunker J. H. Sulphur bacteria (Dept. of In-dustrial and Scientific Research Special Report No. 3) 475. Burford M. G. See Caley E. R. Burkard J. and Wullhorst B. Micro-deter-mination of arsenic in must and wine 198. Burkser E. S. and Kutschment M. L. Spot-test for caesium and its application to colori-metry 212. Burns C. M. and Henderson N. Mineral con-stituents of bone. Methods of analysis 54. Bush W. A. Butlin K. R. Survey of the biochemical ac-tivities of the acetic acid bacteria (Chemistry Research Special Report No.2) 476. Bullock B. and Kirk P. L. Chile seed and oil 854. C Caley E. R. and Burford Y. G. Separation of tin oxide from various oxides by ignition with ammonium iodide 499. *Campbell N. R. The use of 2:4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazine as a reagent for carbonyl com-pounds 391. Campbell W. G. See Bamford K. F. Candea C. and Murgulescu I. G. Volumetric determination of lead and of molybdate with eosin as adsorption indicator 276. Carey W. G. Review of Hopkins’ Water Puri-fzcatzon Control 2nd Ed. 802. Caron H. and Raquet D. Colorimetric deter-mination of nitrates in water in the presence of chlorides 498. Carter J. 6. Review of Fairlie’s Sulfuric Acid Manufacture 509. Cattelain E.Determination of mercury in mercuric cyanide 61. Celeghini R. See Pratesi P. Cheg C. Y. and Schuette H. A. Determina-tion of reducing sugars with the cupro-alkali metal carbonate solution. 11 A modification of Pellet’s solution 485. Chapman G. Charlot G. Volumetric determination of nickel in presence of cobalt 277. Chelle L. Detection and determination of hydrobromic acid in hydrochloric acid 502. Chelle L. and Vitte a. Monobromoacetic acid and bromine normally present in wines 343. Chen A. L. See Chen K. K. Chen K. K. and Chen A. L. Alkaloid of chin-shih-hu 52. Chen Y. H. Chibnall A. C. Child R. and Ramamthan S. Fatty acids of margosa oil 498. *Chinoy J. J. A modification of the micro-Zeisel apparatus for the determination of methoxyl and ethoxyl groups 602.Christensen B. E. and King A. E. Inorganic liquid mixture for a heating bath 506. See Giblin J. C. See Brockmann H. See Vickery H. B. VOLUME 61 ix Chtchigol 1. B. and Doubinski N. 1. Quali-tative analysis without sulphide precipitation, 870. Ciuss W. Optical rotation and unsaponifiable matter of olive oils 487. Clark H. E. Clark N. A. and Sieling D. H. Determination of iron in humates 632. Clark R. E. D. Rapid detection of silver halide in presence of silver cyanide 793. *- The detection ahd colorimetric determina-tion of tin by means of substituted 1:2-dimer-captobenzenes. A specific reagent for tin, 24.3. Clarke S. G. Review of Berg’s Die Chemische Analyse Vol. XXXIV 149. Clauberg A. and Behmenburg P.Deter-mination of tungsten and silicon in steels by means of perchloric acid 361. Clayton E. Use of methyl green for detecting traces of alkali in fibrous materials 60. Clafion W. Review of Weiser’s Inorganic Collozd Chemistry. Vol. 11 The Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides 69. - The Theory of Emulsions and their Technical Treatment 3rd Ed. (Review) 442. Clemo G. R. Morgan W. McG. and Raper R. Occurrence of solanidine in sprouting potatoes, 776. Clevenger J. F. Volatile oils in mace and nutmeg 50. Clough G. W. Sources of some poisons and their effects on animals 353. Cohen W. D. See Boeseken J. Cohen W. E. Methods of analysis of preserva-tive-treated timbers. I Determination of arsenic 648. - The Chemistry of Australian timbers. Part V, A study of the lignin determination 111, 611.Coleman W. C. and McCrosky C. R. Deter-mination of selenium in steel 504. Collier V. Determination of chlorides in bio-logical materials 781. Collins J. V. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for the year 1935 416. Copping A. M. Water-soluble B-vitamins. Elavin and vitamin B in cereals 567. Cornell G. W. Determination of carbon dioxide, 756. Cory F. M. Review of Jorgensen’s Practical Management of Pure Yeast 3rd Ed. 730. *Caste J. H. and Garratt D. C. Anaesthetic ether The effect of some impurities. Perox-ides 459. Coste J. H. and Wright H. L. Nature of the nucleus in hygroscopic droplets 145. Costeanu N. D. Colorimetric determination of gold by paper-strip method 794. Costeanu R. N. Spot tests for gold 433.Coulthard C. E. Resistance of bacterial spores to the bactericidal effect of moist heat a t 80” C. with special reference to the Tyndalli-sation process of the British Pharmacopoeia, 1932 787. Coulthard C. E. and Sykes G. Germicidal effect of alcohol with special reference to its action on bacterial spores 630. Coupechoux R. See Kahane E. See Vickery H. B X IKDEX TO Courtois J. Application of Copaux’s method to Coutts J. Santonin in English and Welsh Coward K. H. See Knapp A. W. Coward K. H. and Morgan B. G. E. Vitamins A and D in common foods 130. Cox H. E. Composition of meat extracts and meat cubes 190. - Review of Bomer Juckenack and Tillman’s Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie Vol. 111, 878. Craig L. 1. Micro-distillation apparatus <505.*Cranfield H. T. Cremer H. Action of sulphur dioxide on the bactericidal power of the blood 52. Crews S. K. Detection of rhapontic rhubarb in galenical rhubarb preparations 558. Crosby B. L. and Kirk P. L. Microscopy of the amino-acids and their compounds. 11, Picrates and flavianates 144. Crossleg H. E. Determination of nitrogen in coal by the Kjeldahl method with selenium as catalyst 64. *- Diphenylcarbazide. An internal indicator for use in the titration of iron with dichromate, 164. - Modified Gutzeit method for determination of arsenic 871. Crump L. P. See Cutler D. W. Curtman L. J. Cutler D. W. and Crump L. 1. the determination of arsenic acid 360. Artemisias 556. See Blood J . W. A Brief Course in Qualitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 582.Problems in Soil Microbiology. (The Rothamsted Mono-graphs on Agricultural Science). (Review) 70. D Dakin H. D. Ungley C. C. and West R. Further observations on the chemical nature of a haemopoietic substance occurring in liver 859. Dam H. and Schanheyder F. Occurrence and chemical nature of vitamin K 567. Danet R. Influence of chlorides on the colori-metric determination of nitrates in waters, 203. D’Anvers R. T. Dargie A. bernes 251. Das-Qupta H. N. Datta N. C. Metallic contamination of foods, 491. Davies W. L. The Chemistry of Milk (Review), 365. *- The crude protein fraction of fish meal and other meat meals 512. Davies W. L. and Dowden .H. C. Betaine-content and nitrogen distribution of beet molasses and other beet by-products 552.Davies W. L. and Qill E. Investigation of fishy flavour 552. Davis W. A. Obituary of T. H. Pope 154. *Davis W. A. and Maltby J. G. The risk of error in determining traces of arsenic in organic and inorganic materials 96. Dayan F. See Woog P. See Andrews J. C. The composition of Scottish rasp-See Goswami M. VOLUME 61 de Eds F. and Eddy C. W. Micro-determina-Dehut V. R. See Janssen G. R. Deiss E. and Leysaht H. Determination of tellurium in steel 574. DenigBs G. Colorimetric determination of caffeine 211. Denston T. C. Note on Strophanthus Emini, 346. D6rib6r6 M. Fluorescence phenomena. I, Fluorescent minerals. 11 Chelidonine a fluorescent principle. 111 Neville-Winther acid as a fluorescent indicator 580.- Two new fluorescent indicators (naphthionic acid and Schaeffer’s salt) 640. de Saint-Rat L. Desveaux R. See Lemoigne M. Deutsch L. Determination of tin in minerals and alloys by means of potassium bromate, 207. Dewar J. and Brough G. W. Determination of nitrate groups in carbohydrate derivatives, 715. *Dewar J. and Gardiner P. A. The quantita-tive separation of aluminium and beryllium, 536. Diskov F. See Kiiieneckf J . Dimofte N. See VlBdescu J. Diomin W. I. Vitamin C content of dry Diskina B. S. Dixon F. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Stoke-on-Trent 253. Dod K. Dodd F. R. The chlorine-content of feathers, 252 473. Donald 1. B. The determination of nitrate by means of Devarda’s alloy 249. Donau J.Determination of gold without cupellation 361. Donleavy J. J. Use of S-benzyl thiuronium chloride for the isolation and identification of organic acids 570. Report of the Dominion Analyst for New Zealand for the year 1934 188. tion of silicon 876. See Bertrand G. vegetables] 783. See Smorodintzew I. A. See Kirk P. L. Donovan W. Doubinski N. 1. Dowden H. C. Dowsett M. Y. *Drummond J. C. Drummond J. C. Singer E. and MacWalter, R. J. Further observations on the con-stituents of the unsaponifiable fraction of wheat germ oil with particular reference to vitamin E 130. Dubnoff J. and Kirk P. L. Determination of traces of femc iron 726. Dudley H. C. Toxicology of selenium. I Study of the distribution of selenium in acute and chronic cases of selenium poisoning.11, Urinary excretion of selenium 270. 111, Determination of selenium in mixtures of air, gas and dust 784. See Chtchigol M. B. See Davies W. L. See Knight W. A. See Haines R. T. M. Dulfer G. Duprat J. A. Dutt S. Dyer B. See Van Nieuwenburg C . J. See Estrella C. G. See Agarwal R. R. On the origin of the Gutzeit test 757 INDEX TO E Ebes K. Eddy C. W. See de Eds F. Edwards A. H. and Jones J. H. Occurrence of phosphorus in fusain 725. Edwards F. W. Report of the Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Hammer-smith for the year 1935 542. - Reports of the Public Analyst for the Royal Borough of Kensington for the fourth quarter, 1935 and the first quarter 1936 542; for the third quarter 1936 838. *Edwards F.W. Nanji H. R.,. and Parkes E. B. Determination of bromides in the presence of other halides. Part I Bromide in presence of chloride 743. Edwards J. G. and Langley W. D. Micro-determination of ferrocyanide in muscle and urine 194. Edwvds P. W and Leinbach L. R. Explosi-bility of agricultural and other dusts as in-dicated by maximum pressure and rates of pressure rise 282. Eichler H. Fluorescence thermoscope 440. - Grouping of organic solvents and compounds by means of Magdala red 272. Elek S. D. Centrifuge with removable tip for gravimetric work 579. Elliott K. A. C. and Baker Z. Effects of oxidation-reduction potential indicator dyes on the metabolism of tumour and normal tissues 53. *Ellis B. A. and Jones R. A. The condensation of maleic anhydride with tung oil.A new “constant” for oils 812. The extraction of lead by means of diphenylthiocarbazone 178. See Olivier S. C. J . Ellis L. Ellis N. R. Elsdon G. D. Report of the Public Analyst of the County Palatine of Lancaster for the year 1935 543. *- See also Stubbs J. R. *Elsdon G. D. and Stubbs J. R. The calcula-tion of added water from the freezing-point of watered milks 382. Elvehjem C. A. Koehn C. J. and Oleson J. J. New essential dietary factor 862. Emmerie A. See Van Eekelen M. Endres G. and Kaufmann L. New method for the micro-determination of iodine and iodides, 875. Engelberg H. See Rappaport F. Epstein J. A. Estrella C. G. and Duprat JA. Analytical values of Argentine arachis oils 553. Ettori J. Colour reaction of titanium with ascorbic acid and other compounds containing the grouping -C(OH) =C(OH)- 783.- See also Maillard L. C . Evans B. S. Review of Friend’s A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry Vol. XI Part 111 649. - Review of Greaves’ Chromium Steels 217. - Review of Vogel and Rowden’s Molybdenum Steels Their Manufacture and Application 729. Evans E. A. *Evans. H. J. The estimation of the original See Riemenschneider R. W. See Vladimirov G. E. See Jensen H. VOLUME 61 xi Evans J. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Chesterfield 253. - €’residential Address 1936 228. Evers N. and Smith W. Determination of strychnine in Easton’s syrup 557. - Measurement of the proteolytic activity of pancreatic preparations 557. *Even N. Jones A.G. and Smith W. Charac-teristics of halibut-liver oils of the 1935 season 7. Eynon L. Review of Hodgman’s Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 20th Ed. 151. F Faguet M. Specific curves of bacterial growth Fairlie A. 1. Sulfuric Acid Manufacture Fturman E. Fales H. A. Falk C. R. and Aplington S. P. Studies on the bactericidal action of phenol and methiolate used alone and in mixtures 786. Farinacei N. T. See Jacobs M. B. Farmer E. H. and Paice E. S. The highly un-Faust W. See Ott E. Fay A. C. Enumeration of microscopic objects, 506. Fay 1. See Bodansky M. Fearon W. R. Nutritional Factors in Disease (Review) 882. Fearon W. R. and Webb D. A. Diffusion methods in qualitative micro-analysis. The detection of acetone and alcohol in biological liquids 539.Feigl F. and Rajmann E. Induced precipita-tion for the detection of small amounts of titanium and zirconium 874. Feigl F. Anger V. and Frehden 0. Spot tests for organic compounds VIII 280. *Ferguson W. S. and Bishop G. The estimation of carotene in agricultural products 515. Ferramola R. See Vanossi R. Ficklen J. B. Newell I. L. and Pike N. R. Critical studies of the analytical application of organic reagents 206. Fierz-David H. E. Technologie der Textil-fasern. Vol. I11 (Review) 650. Fieser L. F. Chemistry of Natural Products related to Phenanthrene (Review) 647. *Fife J. G. Studies in internal electrolysis I. The determination of small quantities of cadmium and nickel in zinc 681. Finiily S. 1. Composition of Hungarian apple juice, .486.Fincke H. Handbuch der Kakaoerzeugnisse (Review) 80 1. Fischer J. Lanthanum acetate as a reagent for fluoride 436. Flanigan G. E. Hanford Z. M. and Ansbacher, S. Lactoflavin a possible contaminant of vitamin-free diets 496. Flsschentriiger B. and Bernhard EL. Bio-logical decomposition of fatty acids esters and dicarboxylic fatty acids 269. Flatt R. and Vogt X. Determination of small recorded photometrically 568. (Review) 509. See Hahn P. F. See Ysgoda H. saturated acid of TeZfairia occidentalis 205. v freezing-point of sour milk 666. amounts of chromium in titanium oxide 62 xii INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Fleck H. R. and Ward A. M. The determina-tion of elemental sulphur in sulphur ointment, 28. Fletcher J. P. Best C. H. and Solandt 0. McK.Distribution of choline 53. Fleury P. and Bon-Bevatek G. Action of periodic acid on tartaric acid 274. Florentin and Munsch Investigation of bromine preservatives in foods especially in wines, grape-juice and fruit juices 343. Fomia S. and Makarowa P. Effect of technical processes on the antiscorbutic action of tomatoes 783. Fox J. J. Appointed Government Chemist 30. - Review of Plotnikow’s AZlgemeine Photo-chernie 646. Frsnke K. W. See Painter E. P. Franklin G. L. See Rendle B. J. Frear D. E. H. and Hodgkiss W. S. Accuracy of the determination of lead and arsenic on apples 569. Fredholm H. Sensitive test for potassium 440. Reed M. and Wynne A. M. Determination of hydroxyl groups in organic compounds 635. Frehden 0. See Feigl F. *French M.H. and Raymond W. D. The constants of milk and butter-fat in Tanganika territory 760. Friedrich A. and Bauer E. Neutral-sulphur content of normal and pathological urine 779. Friend J. N. A Text Book of Inorganic Chem-istry Vol. XI Part I11 (Review) 649. Fryling C. F. and Tooley F. V. Determination of small quantities of iron with the use of a silver reductor 722. Furber M. Experiences with micro-chemical balances 66. Furter M. and L’orange J. Quantitative determination of components of mixtures of explosives by applying the micro carbon-hydrogen analysis 143. Furzey D. (3. See Beet A. E. G Gadd H W. A*Synopsis of the British Pharma-copoeia 1932 and of the Poison Law 13th Ed. (Review) 510. Gahide M. Volumetric determination of palla-dium 277.*Gardiner P. A. Gardner W. Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names 4th Ed. (Review) 731. Garner C. S. See Swift E. H. *Garner W. Cloth oils and catalysts in the Mackey test Oxidation of olive oil 519. Garner W. and Leach W. The Mackey cloth oil tester-suggested technique 337. *Garratt D. C. See Coste J. H. Gaubert P. Microchemical detection of chole-sterol urea and glycerol etc. based on the formation of liquid crystals 146. Detection of tin and antimony, 360. Anodic deposition of manganese dioxide 641. Toxicity of optically active and inactive dihvdrodemelins. 57. See Dewar J. Gautier J. A. Geloso M. and Rouillard C. hrsdorff W. A. Gesteau P. Giblin J. C. and Chapman G. Gill E. Ginsberg H. See Steinhauser K. Ginsburg J. M. Schmitt J.B. and Granett P. Comparative toxicity of anabasine and nicotine sulphates to insects 57. Giri K. V. Givaudon J. See Woog I?. Glasstone S. Electrolytic Oxidation and Re-duction (Review) 284. - Review of Waters’ PhysicaZ Aspects of Organic Chemistry 808. Golding J. See Mattick E. C. V. Goodall G. D. and Haworth R. D. Telfairic acid 357. Goodhue L. D. Improvement in the Gross and Smith colorimetric method for the determina-tion of rotenone and deguelin 355. Gorbach G. Collected references. Micro-balances 725. Goswami M. Das-Gupta H. N. and Ray K. L. Analytical uses of Nessler’s reagent. Detec-tion of aldehydes. Quantitative deterniina-tion of glucose. Part I 356. Origin of urinary creatinine 861. Effect of homo-genisation on some of the characteristics of milk fat 420.New apparatus for the easy and rapid study of absorption and rotatory power in ultra-violet radiations 798. The detection of nitrites 686. See Davies W. L. Phogphatase of human milk 777. Gottlieb 6. See Lang R. Goudsmit A. Gould I. .A, and Trout G. M. Graham G. Graham W. R. jun. Granett P. Grant J. Ultra-violet light as an aid in the - See also Radley J. A. Grant J. and leggy F. A. Greaves R. H. Greenberg D. M. and Larson C. E. See Archer H. E. See Ginsburg J. M. See Kay H. D. fluorescence test for bromine 400. Sodium diethyl-dithiocarbamate as a reagent for certain micro-crystal reactions 40 1. Chromium Steels (Review) 217. Remarks on the paper by Tendeloo on a new and easy method for the potentiometric determination of calcium concentrations in solutions 873.Colorimetric determination of phosphoric acid in grass and similar materials by the Fiske and Subbarow method 133. Gregory R. A. Modification of Young’s method for the determination of inositol in animal tissues 492. Griebel C. Abnormal luminescence phenomena in human milk 778. - Rapid method for the differentiation of ordinary and caffeine-free coffee 773. Grossfeld J. Estimation of rape oil in edible oils 124. Grandsteidl E. Collected references. Micro-technique in testing manufactured products. I 1918-1928 362. Guillaume A. and Lefranc Ch. Variations in caffeine-content of commercial coffee ex-tracts 264. Gupta J. Guzelj L. Greenhill,. A. W. and Pollard N. See RBy R.R. Gravimetric determination of lead as chromate. 275 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 xiii H Hackl 0. Determination of manganese in silicate rocks 574. Hackman C. A. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Colchester 541. Haddad 1. See Heller V. C. Hahn F. L. New principle in the absorption of gases. Determination of small amounts of volatile bromides 728. Hahn P. F. and Fairm? E. Copper-content of some human and animal tissues 266. *Haines R. T. M. and Drummond J. C. Charac-teristics of halibut-liver oils 2. Hales D. E. See Longenbecker H. E. Hall W . K. See Bell J . Hamnett E. N. Hampshire C. H. and Page G. R. Chemical assay of ergot 489. Hanes C. S. Determination of starch in plant tissue with particular reference to the apple fruit 426.Hanford Z. 1. Hansen B. See Volmar Y. Hardy D. V. N. Identification of acids and esters 355. Hardy Sir W. B. Collected Scientific Papers (Review) 507. Harlaq V. Determination of semicarbazide and semicarbazones 27 5. - Some metallic combinations of thiosemicarb-azide and the thiosemicarbazones 431. Harrington C. R. and Nenberger A. Electro-metric titration of insulin. Preparation and properties of iodinated insulin 566. Harris E. E. Some characteristics of wood lignins 57 1. Harrisson J. W. E. See La Wall C . H. Harry R. G. Some analytical characteristics of date-stone oil 403. Harvey A. Laundry Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 58 1. *Harvey C. 0. A scheme for the complete analysis of apatite rock 817. Haslewood G. A. D. Reaction adaptable to volumetric determination of silver chloride, 793.Haslewood G. A. D. and King E. J. New iodimetric procedure for the determination of chloride in small amounts of blood 562. Hatch F. A. Review of Winkler’s Ausgewci‘hlte Untersuchungsverfahren fur das Chemische Laboratovium Part 11 148. Haworth R. D. Heath C. E. Microscope Slide Making (Review), 582. Hecht F. and Krm-Ebing H. Separation of quadrivalent from sexivalent uranium 872. Hecht F. and Kroupa E. Measurement of geologic time by means of the micro-analysis of radioactive minerals 727. Hecht F. and Reissner R. Basic bismuth carbonate in gravimetric analysis 61. - Determination of bismuth with o-hydroxy-quinoline 138. - Micro-determination of copper 506. Heller V. G. and Haddad M.Paths of excre-tion and mineral balance in animals drinking saline and alkaline waters 347. See Hind H. L. See Flanigan G. E. See Goodall G. D. Heh G. E. See Bosworth A. W. Henderson J. B. Report of the Government Analyst for Queensland for the year 1935, 350. Henderson N. See Burns C. M. Henville D. A sublimation tube for the deter-mination of benzoic acid 104. - Combined iodine in iodine ointment 27. - Report of the Public Analyst of the Metro-politan Borough of Stepney for 1935 607. Hess W. C. and Sullivan M. X. Separation of guanidine and methyl guanidine by means of /3-naphthalene sulphonyl chloride 350. Hewitt J. T. Review of Fierz-David’s Tech-nologie der Textilfasern Vol. 111 650. Heyroth F. F. and Loofbourow J. R. Absorp-tion spectrum of vitamin B, 495.Hickinbottom W. J. Reactions of Organic Compounds (Review) 283. Hilditch T. P. Hilditch T. P. and IchapoFia 1. B. Com-position of some solanaceous seed-fats 704. Hilditch T. P. and Stadby W. J. Component glycerides of cacao butter 422. Hilditch T. P. and Thompson H. M. Effect of certain ingested fatty oils upon the com-position of cow’s milk-fat 486. Hill W. L. Hiller K. and Maetiek F. Collected references. Cadmium 440. Hind H. L. and Hamnett E. N. Interpretation of malt analyses 46. Hinsberg K. See Ammon R. airano 5. Determination of small amounts of mercury and lead by photometric titration, 139. - Determination of sulphur in soluble sulph-ides by photometric titration 67. Hoar T. P. Hodgkiss W. S. Hodgman C.D. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 20th Ed. (Review) 151. Hofman J. J. Influence of medicinal substances on the Schlesinger reaction for urobilin 861. Hofmann R. Nephelometric determination of small amounts of nicotine 577. Holborow A. G. Report of the City Analyst and Bacteriologist for Gibraltar for the year 1935, 837. Holmes H. N. and Bromund W. H. Bixin solutions as colorimetric standards for the determination of carotene 196. Hope H. B. loran R. F. and Ploetz A. 0. Rapid volumetric determination of txtanium, 435. Hope H. B. Ross M. and Skelly J. F. Volu-metric determination of indium 436. Hopkins ES. Water Purification Control 2nd Ed. (Review) 802. Hopkins F. G. and Morgan E. J. Some rela-tions between ascorbic acid and glutathione, 782.Hoplrins R. H. Review of Oppenheimer’s Die Fermente und ihre Wirkungen Supplement, 444. - Review of Van Laer’s La Chimie des Fermen-tations 152. Horn D. W. Reaction of glass upon ortho-tolidine 792. See Abraham E. E. U. See Rader L. F. Corrosion of tinplate 276. See Frear D. E. H xiv lNDEX TO Hothersall A. W. and Bradshaw W. W. Methods of detinning tinplate for examination of thickness and continuity of the alloy layer, 640. Hough G. J. Colorimetric determination of manganese in presence of titanium 140. *Hourigan H. F. The determination of tin in alloys with antimony and lead. (Antimony less than 2 per cent.) 328. *Hughes E. B. See Norman P. J. *- See also Sylvester N. D. Hughes J. S. Scott H. M. and Antelyes J. Location of the anti-enzyme in egg white 628.Hugues E. and Bouffard E. Criteria of the ripeness of table grapes 619. Hulton H. F. E. Determination of the preser-vative value of English hops 345. Huntenberg W. Detection of hydroxymethyl-furfural in sweet wines 619. Hunter G. Test for thymine with observations on the keto-enolic type of diazo-test 563. Hwd L. C. Qualitative reactions for rhenium, 433. - See aZso Schwoegler E. J . Hurd L. C. and Allen H. 0. Colorimetric determination of molybdenum 140. Hurd L. C. and Babler B. J. Colorimetric determination of rhenium by means of the Geilmann reaction 600. Hurd-Earrer A. M. and Kennedy .Me H. In-hibiting effect of sulphur in selenised soil on toxicity of wheat to rats 713. I Ichaporia M. B. Iliesco E. See Jonescu-Matiu A.Ingraham 1. A. and Steenbe H. See Hilditch T. P. Relation of micro-organisms to carotenoids and vitamin A . The production of carotenoids by Mycobac-terium phlei 130. Ishii Y. See Kuwata T. Ishikawa T. See Toyama Y . Isumdowa T. L. - See also Schepilewskaja N. E. Influence of freezing upon the antiscorbutic activity of potatoes 495. J Jackson A. Report of the Acting Government Analyst for Hong Kong for the year 1934 116. Jacobs M. B. and Farinacei N. T. Identifica-tion and determination of salicin 622. Jacquemain R. P. Improvement of the Ma-quenne block 213. Jamet A. Determination of formic acid in industrial lactic acid 58. Jamieson 1. Keport of the Government Analyst for the Straits Settlements for the year 1935 550. Janot 1.Y. and Mouton Y. Determination of camphor as 2-4.dinitrophenylhydrazone in concentrated and dilute tinctures 490. Janse L. C. Storch reaction (for heated milk), 853. Jansen F. C. 1. Detection and determination of preservatives 659. VOLUME 61 Janssen G. R. and Dehut V. R. Analysis of milk chocolate and reconstruction of the original formula 45. Jardillier M. Identification of small quantities of apomorphine in the presence of morphine, 345. Jensen H. Evans E. A. Pennington W. D. and Schock E. D. Action of various reagents on insulin 629. Jessup D. A. See Mease R. T. Johnson E. B. Determination of small quan-tities of benzoic acid 430. Jolson L. Rapid method for the determination of copper 720. *Jones A. G. See Evers N. Jones J.H. See Edwards A. H. *Jones R. A. See Ellis B. A. Jonescu-Matiu and Iliesco E. Contribution to the study of the identification of the alkaloids and of antipyrine as picrates 264. Jorgensen A. Practical Management of Pure Yeast 3rd Ed. (Review) 730. Joszt A. and Molinski S. Detection of cara-mel 259. Jouis E. See Brioux Ch. Juckenack A. See Bomer A. Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J. K Kahane E. Application of the nitro-sulpho-perchloric acid method of destruction of organic matter to the toxicological determina-tion of arsenic 272. Phosphotungstic and silico-tungstic acid as reagents for organic bases 429. Bromometric determination of thiocyanates 796. Determination of iodine in organic substances 790. Kahane E. and 1. Kahane E. and Coupechoux R.Kahane E. and Tomesco T. KaJume M. See Kahane E. Kahler H. L. See Sheen R. T. Kajizuka S. Nutritive value of soya bean powder and soya bean oil treated with methanol 193. - Toxicity of methanol 199. Karaoglanov Z. and Michov M. Quantitative separation of lead as chromate 61. Kaufmann L. See Endres G. Kay H. D. and Graham W. R. Jun. Phospha-tase tests for pasteurised milk 44. Kaye G. W. C. and. Laby T. H. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions 8th Ed. (Review) , 880. Kennedy M. H. - See also Munsell H. E. Kenyon J. Review of Hickinbottom’s Re-actions of Organic Compounds 283. - Review of Richter’s Holleman Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie 20th Ed. 214. - Review of Stewart’s Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry 6th Ed.Vol. 11 648. Khouri J. Use of filtered ultra-violet radiation in the examination of hashish in the pure state or mixed with various drugs 213. See Christensen B. E. See Hurd-Karrer A. M. King A. E INDEX TO King E. J. See Haslewood G. A. D. Kinnersley H. W. O’Brien J. R. and Peters, R. A. Properties of blue fluorescent sub-stances formed by oxidation of vitamin B, (quinochromes) 55. Kip C. J. See Boeseken J . Kirigin-Mardegani J. See Pavelka F. Kirk P. L. See Bullock B. - See also Crosby B. L. - See also Dubnoff J . Kirk P. L. and Dod K. Volumetric modifica-tion of the Pregl halogen micro-combustion method for organic iodine 143. Kirssanow A. and Tscherkassow W. Phenyl-anthranilic acid as an oxidation-reduction indicator 499.Kling L. The presence of butyric acid in com-mercial acetic acid 204. Kluge H. Amnionia-content as an indication of the quality of milk 418. - Ammonium sulphate serum of milk for sero-logical investigation 709. Knapp A. W. and Coward K. H. Vitamin D activity of cacao shell. I Effect of ferment-ing and drying of cacao on the vitamin D potency of cacao shell. 11 The origin of vitamin D in cacao shell 350. Knapp A. W. Review of Fincke’s Handbuch der Kakaoerzeugnisse 801. Knight B. C. J. G. Bacterial nutrition. Material for a comparative physiology of bacteria. (Medical Research Council Special Report, No. 210.) 608. Knight R. F. The chlorine-content of feathers, 473. Knight W. A. and Dowsett M. M. Carob gum, 262. Koehn C. J. See Elvehjem C.A. Kofler L. & A. and Mayrhofer A. Rlikro-scopische Methoden in der Mikrochemie (Review) 73 1 . Kolthoff I. M. and Moltmu D. R. Induced precipitation of metal sulphides 642. Komarowsky A. S. and Nasarenko W. A. De-tection of oxalic acid 430. Kondaiah K. Kopp G. See Tsufel K. Korenman I. M. Kornblum M. See Saifer A. Koyanagi H. See Tsujimoto M. Krafft-Ebing H. See Hecht F. KrajEinoviC M. Haemolytic reaction for testing the removal of bitterness from soya beans 128. Kramer K. See Ott E. Krieger K. A. and Lukens H. S. Ignition of silicic acid 504. WiZeneckq J. and Diakov F. Comparison of the physiological and toxic actions of syn-thetic and fermentation alcohol 351, Kroupa E. See Hecht F. Kumaraswamy 0. N. and Manjunath B. L. Chemical examination of the fixed oil from the seeds of Celastrus paniculatus Willd.704. Kutschment M. L. Kutzelnigg A. surfaces 139. Kuwata T. and Ishii Y. 868. See Rane M. B. Detection of bromate 143. See Burkser E. S. Notes on the chemistry of tin Research on wool fat, VOLUME 61 xv L Laby T. H. See Kaye G. W. C. Lampitt L. H. and Bilham P. Absorption spectra of honey 192. *Lampi& L. H. and Rooke H. S. Citric acid in milk and its determination 654. Lang R. and Gottlieb S. Volumetric deter-mination of molybdenum by means of vana-date solution 208. Langenbeck W. Die Organischen Katalystoren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Fermenten (Review) 217. Langley W. D. Larson C. E. Laskowskaja J. N. La Wall C. H. and Harrisson J. W. E.Soya Lea C. H. Anti-oxidants and the preservation Leach W. See Garner W. Leather A. N. The gravimetric determination of sulphur in some pharmaceutical prepara-tions 335. Lee H. An assembly of apparatus with ground-glass joints 334. Lee M. See Ayres G. R. Lefranc Ch. See Guillaume A. Lesson E. See Edwards J . G. See Greenberg D. M. See Smorodinzew I. A. bean flour in smoked meat products 123. of edible fats 856. New selenite enrichment media for the isolation of typhoid and paratyphoid (Salmonella) bacilli 785. - Preservation of bacteria by drying in vacuo, 496. Leinbach L. R. Leithe W. Determination of the refractive index of fats in oilseeds by means of bromo-naphthalene 274. Lemoigne M. Monguillon P. and Desveaux R. Identification of hydroxylamine in autolysed green leaves 55.Letonoff T. V. and Reinhold J. G. Colori-metric method for the determination of in-organic sulphate in serum and urine 626. Levy M. Micro-Kjeldahl determination 796. Lewis W. C. M. Review of Clayton’s The T h e w y of Emulsions and their Technical Treatment 3rd Ed. 442. Leysaht H. See Deiss E. Licence A. B. C. See Edwards P. W. Determination of the propor-tion of bitumen and tar in mixtures of the two, 639. Report of the Public Analyst for the City of London for the year 1935 689. Lickorish A. J. C. Lienhart J. See Woog P. Lin I. See Adolph W. H. Lindenfeld K. Organic micro-analysis 361. Lindersvcrm-Lang K. Micro-determination of alkalis in tissue 797. Lindsey H. J. Review of Glasstone’s Electro-lytic Oxadation and Reduction 284.Lohnis M. P. Boron requirement and boron-content of cultivated plants 202. Longenbecker H. E. and Hales D. E. Ricinus lipase its nature and specificity 348. Loofbourow J. R. L’orange J. See Furter M. Lucas A. Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation 3rd Ed. (Review) 151. Lukens H. S. See Krieger K. A. See Heyroth F. F xvi INDEX TO Lunde C. M. See Schuette H. A. *Lynch Gc. Roche. The pharmacology of caffeine and of tea and coffee 300. M McCance R. A. McCrosky C. R. McDowall F. H. The determination of carbon dioxide in biological fluids more particularly milk and cream 472. *McDowall F. H. and McDowell A. K. R. The determination of casein by formol titration after precipitation with acid 387 824.McDowell A. K. R. See McDowall F. H. McFarlane W. D. Reduction of iron by tissue extracts and by ascorbic acid 782. *McKean J. B. The determination of iodine in kelp 11. MacLachlsn P. L. Fat metabolism in plants, with special reference to sterols 270. McLean W. Determination of phosphorus in soils 635. MacWalter R. J. Maetiek F. See Hiller K. Mahr C. Detection and determination of mercury 359. Maillard L C. and Ettori J. Occurrence of titanium in mammals 624. - Photometric determination of titanium in animal tissues 425. *Maitland P. The constitution of tannins in-cluding those of tea and coffee 288. Makarowa P. See Fomin S. *Maltby J. G. See Davis W. A. Manjunath B. L. Manley C. H. Report of the Public Analyst of the City of Leeds for the year 1935 758.- See also Winder N. F. Ism D. Analysis of drugs extracts and pre-parations containing pyrethrin 265. Marcelet H. Hydrocarbon removed in the de-odorisation of olive oil 488. - Products responsible for the taste and characteristic odour of vegetable oils. Presence of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, 772. Estimation of soap by titra-See Shackleton L. See Coleman W. C. See Drummond J. C. See Kumaraswamy 0. N. Markwell W. A. N. Marshall T. M. B. Martens P. See Meurice R. Martianoff N. N. Martin E. C. in beer 260. Martin R. See Pien J. M e Gc. S. and Schumb W. C. Determina-tion of small quantities of selenium in sulphur, 141. Mathieu GI. Control of the ripeness of table grapes in the Avignon region 700.Matthews J. W. Review of Kofler and Mayr-hofer’s Mikroscopische Methoden in der Mikro-chemie 731. - Review of Pregl’s Die Quantitative Organische Mikroanalyse 4th Ed. 583. - Review of Snell’s Colorimetric Methods of Analysis including some Turbidometric and Nephelometric Methods. Vol I Inorganic 880. Assay of lobelia 621. tion in petroleum solvents 717. See Wassilieff A. A. Determination of carbon dioxide VOLUME 61 Bhthews J. W.-continued. - Review of Sucharda and Bonranski’s Semi-micro-Methods f o r the Elementary Analysis of Organic Compounds 800. - Review of Van Nieuwenburg’s and Dulfer’s A Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions, 2nd Ed. 150. Ilbattick E. C. V. and Gol*g J. Relative values of raw and heated milk 561.Mattis P. A. Microscopy of powdered desiccated endocrine glands 706. Matzko S. N. Vitamin C content of dried onions and leeks 56. Mayrhofer A. See Kofler L. & A. Mease R. T. and Jessup D. A. Analysis of textiles for cellulose-acetate rayon silk re-generated-cellulose rayon cotton and wool 69. Medes G. Determination of ascorbic acid in urine with phospho-18-tungstic acid 55. Meggy F. A. See Grant J . Meier F. W. See Bucherer H. T. Meijer T. 1. Colorimetric determination of dems extract 858. Mellor J. W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry Vol. XIV (Review) 147; Vol. XV 799. Mendel L. B. See Sherman C. C. Menon S. R. K. Coir fibre. General investiga-tion 869. Meschkowa N. P. Colorimetric method of determining carnosine and histidine with bromine and with the diazo-reagent 563.Meurice R. and Martens P. Determination of iron and aluminium in natural phosphates 134. Mezincescu M. D. and Szabo F. Method for the determination of the non-protein nitrogen of tissue 780. Michaelis L. and Schubert 1. P. Dimethyl-glycine buffer 789. Michelotti L. See Passerini L. Michov M. See Karaoglanov 2. Miles A. A. Millard A. H. Notes on Strophanthus dicho-Milner H. W. See Spoehr H. A. *Milton R. Notes on Mendel and Goldschieder’s method for determining lactic acid in blood 91. - See also Obermer E. *Mitchell C. A. A survey of the methods of analysing tannins 295. - Iodine solution for use in coal mines 28. - Review of Gardner’s Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names 4th Ed.731. - Review of Lucas’s Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation 3rd Ed. 151. - Review of Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Supplement Vol. 111 285. *Mitchell C. A. and Ward T. J. A new photo-graphic light-filter cell 751. Mohler H. Extract of orris rhizome added to wine 421. Moir D. D. Appointed additional Public Analyst for the County Borough of Croydon, 757. Molinski S. See Joszt A. Moltzau D. R. Money C. P. See Aitken R. S . tomus D.C. 706. See Kolthoff I . M. Report of the Official Analyst for the States of Jersey for the year 1935 409 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 xvii Monguillon P. See Lemoigne M. Monk H. E. Appointed Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for the County of Worcestershire and the County Borough of Worcester 409.- Report of the City Analyst for Salford for the year 1935 606. Monnet R. Characteristic reaction of quinine alkaloids 490. Moran R. F. More A. Appointed Deputy Government Chemist 409. Morgan B. G. E. Morgan E. J. Morgan W. McG. Morin C. Vitali’s reaction. New technique for its use as a quantitative micro-method 504. Morrow C. A. and Sandstrom W. 1. Bio-chemical Laboratory Methods for Students of the Biochemical Sciences 2nd Ed. (Review), 74. The application of diphenyl thio-carbazone (dithizone) to the estimation of lead in urine 465. Talc-content of faced rice and two methods for its rapid determination 342. See Janot M. M. See Hope H. B. See Coward K. See Hopkins F. G. See Clemo G.R. *Morton F. Moucka V. Mouton M. Mukherjee S. P. Munsch -. See Florentin, Munsell H. E. and Kennedy M. H. See Basu K. P. Vitamin A B C D and G (B,) content of the outer green leaves and the inner bleached leaves of Iceberg lettuce 350. Murgulescu I. G. Muter A. H. M. Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Colchester 541. Muttschin A. Titration of iodide in presence of bromide and chloride 724. See Candea C. N *Nanji H. R. Nasarenko W. A. Nash J. A. D. Zinc coating on galvanised iron, 540. Naumann H. N. New test for bilirubin in urine and its use for detection of bilirubin in normal urine 564. Naylor W. E. and Surfleet A. Examination of chalks under ultra-violet light 363. Needs F. E. Report of the Public Analyst for the City and Council of Bristol for the year 1935 605.*Neogi S. A new method for the estimation of rape or mustard-seed oils and for the detection of oils used to adulterate them 597. Netto I. d’O. C. C. A study of the methods of determining the iodine value of oils 867. Neuberger A. Newcomb C. Report of the Chemical Examiner of the Government of Madras for the year 1935 613. Neumann A. See Aberhalden E. Neumann W. Quantitative determination of, and molecular weight determination of digi-talis glyosides by the colorimetric method 558. Newell I. L. See Ficklen J . B. See Edwards F. H. See Komarowsky A. S. See Harrington C. R. Nicholls J. R. Review of Radley and Grant’s Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-violet Light, 2nd Ed. 215. *- The determination of cocaine alkaloids in mixtures with other alkaloids and local anaesthetics 155.Nichols -. See Ruddiman. Nickolls L. C. Note on Beam’s test for hashish (Indian hemp) 604. Nicloux 1. Identification of ethyl alcohol 789. Nierenstein M. Experimental work on tea tannin 294. . Nieuwland J. A. *Norman P. J. and Hughes E. B. The tannin-content of tea 303. Nunn L. C. A. and Smedley-laclean I. Oxi-dation products of the unsaturated acids of linseed oil 357. See Young C. A. 0 Obermer E. and Milton R. Individual Health. Vol. I Biochemical Technique (Review) 72. O’Brien J. R. Oehlinger S. Tabellen zur Qualitativen-Chemi-schen Analyse (Review) 215. Okell F. L. Review of Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry Vol. XX. Issued by the Society of Chemical Industry 363.Oleson J. J. See Elvehjem C. A. Olivier S. C. J. and Ebes K. Meta-dinitro-benzene as indicator of the respiration of plant and animal cells 709. Olliver M. Ascorbic acid content of fruits and vegetables with spccial reference to the effect of cooking and canning 782. Olsen C. Toxicity of manganese to various species of plants 788. Oppenheimer C. Die Fermente und ihre Wirkungen. Supplement (Review) 444. Ostroumow E. A. Separation of bismuth from lead and copper 721. - Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from manganese nickel and cobalt by means of pyridine 723. - The precipitation of uranium and its separa-tion from alkaline earths by pyridine 795. - See also Tschenviakow N. J. Otsuka Y. Determination of free acid in aluminium sulphate 642.Ott E. Kriimer K. and Faust W. Reducing substance occurring with ascorbic acid in the suprarenal gland of the ox 864. See Kinnersley H. W. P Padis K. E. Page G. R. Paice E. S. Painter E. P. and Franke K. W. Selenium in proteins from toxic foodstuffs. The removal of selenium from toxic protein hydrolysates, 52. Palmin W. W. Park B. Bismuthate method for determining *Parkes E. B. See Shinohara K. See Hampshire C. H. See Farmer E. H. See Smorodinzew I. A. manganese 140. See Edwards F. W xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Parnas S. and Schoelznow R. E. Parsons T. R. Passerhi L. and Michelotti L. U.S. Pharma-copoeia XI test for rosin in Peru balsam 857. Fundamentals of Biochemistry in Relation to Human Physiology 5th Ed.(Review) 216. Reaction of the salts of cerium and other elements with methylene blue 63. Pates E. W. Review of Weissberger and Proskauer’s Organic Solvents-Physical Con-stants and Methods of Purification 364. Pavelka F. and Kirigin-Mardegani J. Col-lected references. Physical methods. 11, Dielectric constants 798. Pavlas P. See Stanek V. Pennington W. D. Pesez M. Reaction of opium alkaloids with Peters R. A. See Kinnersley H. MT. Pfankuch E. Phosphatase of potato and sugar-beet 628. Pien J. Baisse J. and Martin R. New method for the detection and determination of diacetyl 488. Pieters H. A. J. Determination of the melting-point of coal ash 729. Pike N. R. Pizer N. H. Determination of the acidity of milk 862. Platenius H.Volatile sulphur-content and pungency of onions 259. Ploetz A. 0. See Hope H. B. Plotnikow J. Allgemeine Photochemie (Ke-view) 646. Podestra H. H. See Wachholder I(. Pollard N. Poluektof N. S. Determination of small quan-tities of germanium 500. - Reactions common to gernianic acid and boric acid 212. Pothier F. Estimation of quebracho in com-pound tanning extracts 638. Poucher W. A. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics Vol. I, 4th Ed. (Review) 581. Pratesi P. and Celeghini R. Reagent for oxi-dising agents 714. Pregl F. Die Quantitative Organische Mikro-analyse 4th Ed. (Review) 583. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Apple-seed oil and pear-seed oil 49. Proskauer E. See Weissberger A. Pucher G. W. See Vickery H.B. Pucher G. W. Sherman C. C. and Vickery, H. B. Determination of small amounts of citric acid in biological material 267. Putnam G. L. See Robinson R. J . Pyke M. Rapid method for the determination of carotene xanthophyll and chlorophyll in artificially dried grass meals 497. See Jensen H. certain oxidising agents 423. See Ficklen J . B. See Greenhill A. W. R Rabinowitch I. M. Rader L. F. and Hill W. L. Occurrence of selenium in natural phosphates superphos-phates and phosphoric acid 354. See Ross A. Radley J. A. and Grant J. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-violet Light 2nd Ed. (Review) 215. Raymann E. See Feigl F. Ramanathan S. See Child R. Rane M. B. Kondaiah K. and Ratnam M. K. Solubility of oxides of antimony in nitric acid, 871.Raper R. Rappaport F. and Engelberg H. Iodimetry. 11 Micro-iodine determination by raising to a higher power 438. Raquet D. See Caron H. Ratnam M. K. See Rane M. B. Ravin A. by the salicylaldehyde method 791. Ray K. L. See Goswami M. Rly R. R. and Bose M. K. See Clemo C. K. Colorimetric determination of acetone Quinaldinic acid as a micro-reagent. I Determination of zinc and its separation from manganese 66. Quinaldinic acid as a micro-reagent. 11 Determination of copper and its separation from other metals 66. Raymond L. W. Thiocyanate test for soil reaction. Modified technique 497. *Raymond W. D. The composition and examina-tion of Tanganyika arrow poisons 100. *- See also French M. H. *Reay G. A. Testing for the presence of formal-dehyde in salt-cured ling 78.*Rees .H. G. The amino acids of the mixed proteins of ox-muscle The basic amino acids, 160. Reetz T. See Simon A. Reichel L. and Reinmuth W. Conditions for optimum activity and the specificity of castor bean lipase 8G2. Reinhold J. G. Reinmuth W. See Keichel L. Reissner R. See Hecht I;. Rendle B. J. anti Franklin G. L. Riy R. R. and Gupta J. Sm Letonoff T. V. Differentia-tion of casein and blood albumin glues in plv-wood by means of the microscope 431. Richter F. Holleman Lehrbuch der Organi-schen Cheniie (Review) 214. Richter G. See Eredereck H. Rideal E. K. Review of Langenbeck’s Die Organischen Iiatalystoren und ihre Beziehung-en zu den Fernzenten 217. Riemenschneider R. W. and Ellis N. R. Com-ponent fatty acids of goat milk fat 261.Ripan-Tilici R. Simultaneous argentometric titration of cyanide and halide 210. Ripert J. Chemical analysis of pyrethrum 705. Rittenberg D. See Schoenheimer R. Robertson I. M. An agar and potassium chloride bridge for use with calomel half-cells 687. Robertson Sir R. Retirement from appoint-ment of Government Chemist 30. Robinson F. A. Review of Anderson’s Essen-tials of Physiological Chemistry 443. - Review of Anderson’s Laboratory Experi-ments in Physiological Chemistry 879. - Review of Bodansky and Fay’s Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry 3rd Ed., 75. - Review of Morrow and Sandstrom’s Bio-chemical Laboratory Methods for Students of the Biochemical Sciences 2nd Ed. 74 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 xix Robinson R.J. and Putnam G. L. Determina-tion of small amounts of potassium by means of silver cobaltinitrite 501. Robinson W. 0. Selenium-content of wheat, 712. Rogers J. S. Report of the Committee on speci-fications for standard tannin dishes 719. *Rooke H. S. Rose C. F. M. Determination of chlorine in body fluids by direct titration 780. Rosenholtz J. L. and Smith D. T. Dielectric constant of mineral powders 441. Rosenthaler L. Toxikologische Mikroanalyse (Review) 7 1. Ross A. and Rabinowitch I. M. Copper content of urine of normal children 54. Ross M. Rouillard C. See Geloso 31. Rowaan P. A. Rowden W. F. Rubin N. and Bloom A. Determination of vanillin with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine 855. Ruddiman and Nichols. Incompatibilities in Prescriptions 6th Ed.(Review) 445. Rumi T. J. Contribution to the study of the adulterants of matC 422. Ruziczka W. See Lampitt L. H. See Hope H. R. Curaqao aloes 557. See Vogel J . L. D. Analysis of vinegar 191. S Sabetay S. Rapid identification of methyl anthranilate 136. Sage C. E. Review of Gadd’s A Synopsis of the British Pharmacopoeia 1932 and of the Poison Law 13th Ed. 510. - Review of Kuddiman and Nichols’s Incorn-patibilities in Prescriptions 6th Ed. 445. - Review of Wallis’s Practical Pharmacognosy, 3rd Ed. 881. *Sage C. E. and Stevens S. G. E. Thesulphuric acid test for liquid paraffin 323. Saifer A. and Kornblum M. Use of diphenyl-amine blue for the volumetric niicro-deter-mination of chlorides in urine and blood filtrates 627.Sanchez J. A. ColoIimetric determination of urea in blood and biological material cerebro-spinal fluid and tissues 269. - Detection and determination of ephedrin 126. - New colour reaction of hexoses and their polymers and its application to the colori-metric determination of glucose in blood 425. - Sensitive colour reaction of urea 359. Sandholzer L. A. Sandstrom W. M. Save J. See Vinas J. Scheel K. C. Colorimetric determination of Schenck Fr. See Windaus A. Schenk 1. Colorimetric determination of titan-ium 872. - Colour reactions of tervalent and quadrivalent titanium 641. Schepilewskaja N. E. and Isumrudowa T. L. Vitamin C in onions 56. Schirokow N. W. and Wolowinskaya W. Determination of nitrogen in ammonium salts and foodstuffs 63. Schmitt J.B. See Ginsburg J . M. See Tittsler B. P. See Morrow C. A. phosphoric acid in fertilisers 570. Schock E. D. *Schoeller W. R. See Jensen H. Investigations into the ana-lytical chemistry of tantalum niobium and their mineral associates. XXSIII General summary and results 806. *Schoeller W. R. and Waterhouse E. F. Inves-tigations into the analytical chemistry of tanta-lum niobium and their mineral associates. XXXI The determination of tungsten in earth-acid minerals 449. Investiga-tions into the analytical chemistry of tantalum, niobium and their mineral associates. XXX, Observations on beryllium 235; XXXII Ob-servations on phosphorus vanadium and a tannin precipitation series 585. Schoenheimer R. See Anchel M. Schoenheimer R. and Rittenberg D.Deuter-ium as an indicator in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. Desaturation of fatty acids in the organism 347; Synthesis and destruction of fatty acids in the orgaqism 561. *Schoeller W. R. and Webb H. W. Schoetznow R. E. Schoierer K. See Taufel K. Schoklitsch K. Micro-analysis of silicates. 11 Determination of iron aluminium mag-nesium calcium titanium and manganese (preliminary communication) 877. See Parnas S. Scholes A. Schanheyder K. F. Quantitative determination of vitamin K 567. - See also Dam H. Schubert M. P. Schuette H. A. Schuette H. A. and Lunde C. M. Elm-seed oil 499. Schulerud A. Occurrence of an indicator in bran as a characteristic property of grain 851. Schumb W. C. See Marvin G. S. Schut W. Colorimetric determination of leci-thin-phosphoric acid in egg-pastry and advocat, 770.Schwartz C. Jun. Leaf oils of Washingtog conifers 57 1. Schwoegler E. J. Babler B. J. and Hurd L. C. Copper selenite as a catalyst in the Kjeldah! nitrogen determination 498. Scott A. W. and Adams E. G. New organic reagent for cadmium 206. Scott H. M. See Hughes J. S. *Seaber W. M. Testing for sea-water damage 14. Shackleton L. and McCance R. A. Ionisable iron in foods 490. Shaffer P. A. and Williams R. D. Sugar determination by means of the ferricyanide electrode 47. Sheen R. T. and Kahler H. L. Direct titra-tion of sulphate 503. Shelbourn E. T. Appointed Agricultural Ana-lyst for the County of London 409. - Appointed Chemist to the London County Council 253.*Sherman R. J. Smith J. H. F. and Ward A. M. Anthranilic acid and its use in the determina-tion of zinc cadmium cobalt nickel and copper 395. Poisoning by sodium nitrite 685. See Michaellis L. See Chang C. Y. Sheppard S. E. and Brigham H. R. Nexv organic reagent for metals particularly for silver 573 xx INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Sherman C. C. See Pucher G. W. Sherman C. C. Mendel L. B. and Smith A. H. Citric acid formed in animal metabolism 267. - Metabolism of orally administered citric acid, 268. Sherwood H. F. S. New method for determination of fluorine 723. Shinohara K. and Padis K. E. Application of the modified phospho-18-tungstic acid method for the determination of cysteine cystine and ascorbic acid in urine 195. - Determination of thiol and disulphide com-pounds with special reference to cysteine and cystine.Reactions of ascorbic acid and glutathione with phospho-18-tungstic acid reagent 196. Shrewsbury H. 8. Report of the Government Analyst for Trinidad and Tobago for the year 1935 338, Sieling D. H. See Clark N. A. Sigwalt R. See Woog P. Silberstein L. See Bertrand G. silink ,K. Micro-analysis of cholesterol. I In-vestigation of the Liebermann-Burchardt reaction 362. Simmons W. H. - Review of Poucher’s Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps with Special Reference to Synthetics, Vol. I 4th Ed. 581. Simon A, and Reetz T. Simultaneous volu-metric determination of oxalate and hydrogen peroxide 356 575. Simpson E. S. Report of the Government Analyst for Western Australia for the year 1934 119; for 1935 846.Simpson I. A. Carotene-content of Malayan palm oil 862. Sinclair St. C. 0. Report of the Chief of the Division of Chemical Services for the Union of South Africa for the year 1935 339. Singer E. See Drummond J . C. Skelly J. F. See Hope H. B. Skyrme E. W. Psyllium and the seeds of certain other species of Plantago 346. Slater R. H. Review of Rosenthaler’s Toxiko-logzsche Mikroanalyse 7 1. Smart H. F. New bacterial species isolated from strawberries 57. Smedley-Maclean I. Smelt C. See Stegar A. Smith A. H. See Sherman C. C. Smith A. M. Aspergillus niger method for examining soils 713. Smith D. T. *Smith J. H. F. *Smith W. See Evers N. Smorodinzew and Diskina B. S. Formation of indole in the decomposition of meat 625.Smorodinzew I. A. and Laskowskaja J. N. Changes in animal proteins investigated by their digestion with pancreatin 624. Smorodinzew I. A. and Palmin W. W. Chemical composition of pig’s stomach 122. Snell C. T. See Snell F. D. Snell F. D. and Snell C. T. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis including some Turbido-metric and Nephelometric Methods Vol. I, Inorganic (Review) 880. Radiography of cloth 579. Petroleum in cassia oil 51. See Nunn L. C. A. See Rosenholtz J. L. See Shennan R. J. Some 0. V. Solandt 0. McK. Solbss A. New form of the micro-Kjeldahl flask,‘ 440. Spacu P. Gravimetric determination of selen-ates 278. - Gravimetric determination of cerium with ferrocyanide 209. - Separation of iron from copper and from nickel 573.Spencer-Smith J. L. Electrical method for measuring the moisture-content of fabrics 68. Spikes W. F. See Benedetti-Pichler A. A. Spoehr H. A. and Milner H. W. Leaf starch: its isolation and some of its properties 54. Stainsby W. J. Stanek V. and Pavlas P. Microchemical studies of artificial sweetening substances. I Saccharin; 11 Dulcin 278. Stansby M. E. Steenbock H. Steet W. R. A rapid method of saponification, Steger A. and Van Loon J. Steger A. Van Loon J. and Smelt C. Oil from Steinhauser K. and Ginsberg H. Colorimetric Steinmann A. Tea adulteration in India 774. *Stevens S. G. E. See Sage C. E. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry 6th Ed. Vol. I1 (Review) 648. Stoyle J. A. R. Report of the Government Analyst for Mauritius for the year 1934 117.- Test for banana sap in milk 336. *Strafford N. Colorimetric analysis by the photo-electric cell 170. *Strafford N. and Wyatt P. F. A colorimetric method for the determination of minute amounts of mercury in organic matter 529. Strohecker R. Vaubel R. and Breitwiester K. Occurrence and detection of silica in various foods 121. Struyk A. P. Apparatus for the determination of the fermenting powers of aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms 199. See Whiteley S. See Fletcher J . P. See Hilditch T. P. Analysis of fish 43. See Ingraham M. A. 687. Jaboty fat 124. Ricinus Zanzibarinus 261. determination of iron with thiocyanate 434. *Stubbs J. R. *Stubbs J. R. and Ebdon G. D. The standardi-sation of Hortvet thermometers 455.Sturtevant A. P. Quantitative demonstration of the presence of spores of Bacillus larvae in honey contaminated by contact with American foulbrood 631. Sucharda E. and Bobranski B. Semi-micro-methods for the Elementary Analysis of Organic Compounds (Review) 800. Sullivan 1. X. See Hess W. C. S d e e t A. Sutton R. W. Report of the County Analyst for Derbyshire for the year 1935 837. Swift E. H. and Garner C. S. Titration of thall-ous salts with potassium iodate and other reagents 207. Sykes G. *Sylvester N. N. and Hughes E. B. The deter-mination of zinc in foods 734. Szabo F. See Mezincescu M. D. See Elsdon G. D. See Naylor W. E. See Coulthard C. E INDEX TO Szebellddy L. and BArtfay M. Detection of manganese by means of periodate and p-phenetidine 875.. Szebellbdy L. and %nay 8. Detection of zinc by means of ferncyanide and p-phenetidine, 873. T Takai S. Salolase content of human milk and Arakawa’s reaction 777. Takamatsu 1. Calcium and magnesium-con-tent of the flesh of different animals 193. Takeuchi T. See Ueno S. Tananaeff N. A. Detection of silver and mercury 719. - Specific bismuth reaction 721. Tananaeff N. A, and Budkewitsch A. A. De-tection of oxalic acid 135. Tananaeff N. A. and Buitschkoff 1. K. Rapid gravimetric determination of silica 142. Tananaeff N. A. and Tananajewa A. W. Detection and rapid determination of zir-conium in minerals 434. Tananajewa A. W. Tanay 8. See Szebellkdy L. Tanchico 8. S. Technical products from coconut-oil wax 136.Tankard A. R. Report of the Public Analyst and Bacteriologist for the City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull for the year 1935 839. *Tate F. G. H. and Wmen L. A. The deter-mination of moisture-content by distillation with Iiquids immiscible with water 367. Tauber H. Selective adsorption of enzymes by cellulose 628. Taufel K. and Schoierer K. Determination of citric acid by conversion into acetone 555. Taufel K. Thaler H. and Kopp G. Detection of sucrose in vegetable material 701. Tchetcheroff E. Magnesium laurate test for coconut and palm-kernel oils in butter-fat, 703. Teller G. L. Evidence concerning two types of plant diastase 566. Thaler H. See Kaufel K. Thompson H. 1. *Thornson R. T. Some properties of sodium hexametaphosphate 320. Thorne R.8. W. and Bishop L. R. Quantita-tive studies on yeast suspensions by turbido-metric and other methods 200. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Supplement, Vol. I11 (Review) 285. Tillmans J. See Bomer A. Tittsler B. P, and Sandholzer .L. A. Use of semi-solid agar for the detection of bacterial motility 786. Tocher J. F. Proportions of certain poisonous substances in feeding stuffs and their effect on livestock 634. Tomesco T. See Kahane E. Tompsett 8. L. Distribution of lead in human bones 425. *- The determination of lead in potable waters, 591. Toms H. Notes on the bromine vapour method for the determination of the halogen absorp-tion of oils 177. See Tananaeff N. A. See Hilditch T. P. VOLUME 61 xxi Determination of chlorate and Pyrethrum dermatitis 632.Tomula E. 8. Tonking H. D. Tooley F. V. See Fryling C. F. Torrance 6. The determination of small amounts of copper in tin by controlled poten-tial. 688. Tougarinoff B. Nitrophenylarsinic acid as a reagent for tin 872. Toyama Y. and Ishikawa T. Iodine values of hydrogenated castor oil 867. - Oil of Pleurogrammus monopterygius Pallas, 866. Toyama Y. and Tsuchiya T. Balsam pear seed oil 703. - Chloro-iodo derivatives of linolic and lino-lenic acids and dichlorodiiodo derivative of linolenic acid 716. - Fat from the seeds of Cinnamomum pedun-culatum 77 1. - Seed oils of several species of Cucurbitacem, 772. - Separation of physeteric acid from sardine and pilot-whale oils 137.- Separation of selacholeic acid from cod-liver, “sukeso-dara” liver sei-whale and pilot-whale oils 137. - Unsaponifiable matter of sei-whale oil 138. Trout G. 1. See Gould I. A. Tscherkassow W. See Kirssanow A. Tscherwiakow N. J. and Ostroumow E. A. Separation of tin from arsenic and antimony by means of cupferron 722. Tschopp W. Determination of ascorbic acid in urine 863. Tsuchiya T. See Toyama Y. Tsujimoto 1. perchlorate in nitrates 209. Liver oil of man-eating shark, 358. Tsujimoto M. and Koyanagi H. Japanese olive oil. 621. Tuzson P. See Zechmeister L. U Ueda Z. See Ueno S. Ueno S. New alcohols and hydrocarbons in sperm oil 59. Ueno S. and Takeuchi T. Fractional distilla-tion of saturated fatty acids of completely hydrogenated beef tallow lard and horse fat, 205.Ueno S. and Ueda Z. Colour reactions of vitamins A D E and some sterols 197. Ungley C. C. See Dakin H. D. V Valin J. Van Eekelen M. and Emmerie A. Critical remarks on the determination of ascorbic acid, 427. Van Giffen H. J. Investigation of endrine 424. - Quantitative determination of essential oils in solution in alcohol 554. Van Laer 1. H. La Chimie des Fermentations (Review) 152. Van Loon J. Moroccan olive oil 261. See Steger A xxii INDEX TO Van Nieuwenburg C. J. and Dulfer G. A Short Manual of Systematic Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions 2nd Ed. (Review) 150. Vanossi R. and Ferramola R. Micro-deter-mination of glucose by means of cerium 643. Van Zijp C. Berberine as a microchemical reagent 576.‘ - Micro-reaction of caffeine with iodine in potassium iodine solution 577. Vaubel R. See Strohecker R. Vickery H. B. See Pucher G. W. Vickery H. B. and Pucher G. W. Glutamine and asparagine in tobacco leaves 270. Vickery H. B. Pucher G. W. Clark H. E., Chibnall A. C. and Westall R. G. Deter-mination of glutamine in the presence of asparagine 349. Vinas J. and Save J. Rapid determination of barium silicofluoride in insecticides 428. Vitte G. See Chelle L. Vlildescu J. and Dimofte N. Composition of Turkish tobaccos 492. Vladimirov G. E. and Epstein J. A. Electro-metric determination of bromine in the presence of large amounts of chlorine 575. Voelcker E. Chocolate swiss rolls (Legal Notes) 32. Vogel J. L. D. and Rowden W.F. Molybde-num Steels Their Manufacture and Applica-tion (Review) 729. Vo& R. R. Vogt X. See Flatt R. Volmar Y. and Hansen B. Alcoholysis of olive von Cholnoky L. von Morgenstein. Standards for mustard 50. von Werder F. See Young C. A. oil 47. See Zechmeister L. See Windaus A. W Wachholder K. and Podesta H. H. Compari-son of titrimetric and colorimetric determina-tions of ascorbic acid 427. Wagenaar M. Method of rendering latent finger-prints visible 13 1. - Microchemical reactions of novocaine 282. - New crystalline derivative of blood pig-ment 268. Walker G. H. Appointed Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Salford 409. Wallis K. Report of the Government Analyst for British Guiana for the year 1935 484.Wallis T. E. Practical Pharmacognosy 3rd Ed. (Review) 881. Walter G. Simplification of Sudendorf and Lahrmann’s method for determining creatinine in soup cubes 775. Walton S. G. Reports of the Government Analyst of New South Wales for the years 1933 and 1934 616. Ward A. M. Review of Oehlinger’s Tabellen ZUY Qualitativen-Chemischen Analyse 2 15. - See also Fleck H. R. *- See also Shennan R. J. Ward T. J. Review of Barnard’s Practical Photomicroerabhv. 3rd Ed 803. VOLUME 61 - Review of the B.D.H. Book of Reagents for “Spot” l e s t s and Delicate Analysis 4th Ed. 69. - Review of Harvey’s Laundry Chemistry, 2nd Ed. 581. - Review of Heath’s Microscope Slide Making, 582. *- See also Mitchell C . A. Warren L. A. Review of Curtman’s A Brief Course an Qualitative Chemical Analysis 582.*- See also Tate F. G. H. Wassilieff A. A. and Martianoff N. N. Volu-metric determination of fluorine after pre-cipitation as potassium fluosilicate 65. *Waterhouse E. F. Waters L. and Zurn A. The peroxidase re-action as a means of distinguishing butter made from pasteurised and unpasteurised cream 123. Waters W. A. Physical Aspects of Organic Chemistry (Review) 508. Webb D. A. See Fearon W. R. *Webb H. W. Wemstein R. See Bacharach G. Weiser H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Vol. 11 The Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides (Review) 69. Weusberger A. and Proskauer E. Organic Solvents-Physical Constants and Methods of Purification (Review) 364. West R. Westall R. G. Whiteley S. and Soane 0.V. Determination of silver halides in photographic materials 720. Wildman J. D. Microscopic methods for the detection of karaya gum gum tragacanth and agar-agar 127. Williams H. A. Application of the freezing-point test to heated milks 246. Williams R. D. See Shaffer P. A. Williams R. J. Micro-determination of active hydrogen with deuterium oxide 873. Willimott S. G. Report of the Government Analyst for Cyprus for the year 1934 187; for 1935 697. Wilson D. M. Wilson G. S. and Others. The bacteriological grading of milk. (Medical Research Council Special Report No. 206) 414; (Review) 446. Wilson J. B. Detection of thujone in absinthe-type liqueurs 344. Windaus,.A. Schenck Fr. and von Werder F. An antirachitically active irradiation product of 7-dehydrocholesterol 7 1 1.Winder N. F. and Manley C. H. Belladonna poisoning by liquid extract of liver 632. Winkler L. W. Ausgewahlte Untersuchungs-verfahren fur das Chemische Laboratorium, Part I1 (Review) 148. Winkler W. 0. Determination of small quan-tities of mercury in leafy vegetables by means of diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) 132. See Schoeller W. R. See Schoeller W. R. See Dakin H. D. See Vickery H. B. Colour testing of bitumen 146. Wolowinskaya W. Wood D. R. See Schirokow N. W. Review of Wilson’s The Baclerio-logical Grading of iWilk. (Medical Research Council Special Keport Series No. 206) 446. Woodmansey A,. Review of Bain’s The Pharma-cological Actaon of the Harrogate Drinking Waters 71. ” 1 2 *- The mineral waters of Harrogate 23 INDEX TO Woog P.Givaudon J. Dayan F. and Bidet A. Woog P. Givaudon J. Sigwalt R. and Lienhart, Photometric method for the determination Wright H. L. See Coste J . H. Wullhorst B. See Burkard J. *Wyatt P. F. See Strafford N. Wynne A. M. See Freed M. Determination of asphalt in oils 206. J. of melting-points. 362. Y Yagoda H. Detection of rhenium by means of Yagoda H. and Fdes H. A. Separation of the sodium carbonate bead 501. molybdenum from tungsten 795. VOLUME 61 xxiii Young C. A. Vogt R. R. and Nieuwland J. A. Colorimetric determination of peroxides in unsaturated compounds 502. Youngken H. W. Microscopy of powdered endocrine glands 127. Z Zechmeister L. and Tuzson P. Some colourless substances found with plant carotenoids 270.Zechmeister L. and von Cholnoky L. Apparatus for catalytic semimicro-hydrogenation 645. Zilva S. 8. Behaviour of Z-ascorbic acid and chemically related compounds in the animal body. Influence of generalised ether anaes-thesia on their urinary excretion 56. Ziirn A. See Waters L xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 61 INDEX TO SUBJECTS *Denotes papers published in The Analyst. A Abodefacient drug. 119. Absinthe type of liqueurs; Detection of thujone in ~ . J . B. Wilson 344. Absorption spectra of honey. L. H. Lampitt and P. Bilham 192. spectrum of vitamin B,. F. I;. Heyroth and J . R. Loofbourow 495. Acetic Acid bacteria Survey of biochemical activities of -. butyric acid in commercial -; Presence of. L. Kling 204. Acetone and methylene blue method of measur-ing ultra-violet radiation.267. Colorimetric determination of - by the salicylaldehyde method. A. Ravin 791. Determination of citric acid by conversion into -. K. Taufel and K. Schoierer 555. in biological liquids; Detection of -. W. R. E’earon and J). A. Webb 539. in urine; Simple micro-test for -. J . F. Barrett 564. Acid Highly unsaturated - of Telfairia occidentalis. E. H. Farmer and E. S. l’aice 205. K. R. Butlin 476. Acids Amino See Amino Acids. Identification of -. D. V. N. Hardy 355. of linseed oil; Oxidation products of the un-saturated ___ . I C. A. Nunn and I. Smedley-Maclean 357. organic- ; Use of S-benzyl thiuronium chloride for the isolation and identification of -, J . J . Donleavy 570. Acorn flour in coffee.187. *Adsorption indicators Further experiments on -. A. J. Berry 315. Advocat lecithin-phosphoric acid in -* Colorimetric determination of. W. Schut: 770. Aerated Waters in British Guiana. African beeswax. 50. Erratum 128. Agar and potassium chloride bridge for use with calomel half-cells. Use of semi-solid - for detecting bacterial motility. B. P. Tittsler and L. A. Sand-holzer 786. Agm-Agar Microscopic methods for detecting -. J. D. Wildrnan 127. Agglutination tubes; B.S.I. specification for -. 42. Agricultural analysis; Abstracts 57 132 201, 354 428 497 669 632 713 788. dust; Explosibility of - as indicated by maximum pressure and rates of pressure rise. P. W. Edwards and L. R. Leinbach, 282. *products; Estimation of carotene in -.W. S Ferguson and G. Bishop 515. 485. oil seeds. 48. I. M. Robertson 687. Air in enclosed spaces; Control of humidity of of workshops; Lead in -. 848. selenium in mixtures of gas dust and -; Sulphur gases in -. 257. Alcohol Comparison of the physiological and toxic actions of synthetic and fermentation -. J. Ki-iBeneckl and F. Diakov 351. Germicidal effect of - with special refer-ence to its action on bacterial spores. C. E. Coulthard and G. Sykes 630. in biological liquids; Detection of -. W. R. E’earon and D. A. Webb 539. in the blood ; Test for --. (Legal Note) 608. in urine; Detection of --. Alcohols in sperm oil; New -. S. Ueno 59. Alcoholysis of olive oil. Y. Volmar and B. Hansed 47. Aldehydes Detection of - by means of Nessler’s reagent.M. Goswami H. AT. Das-Gupta and K. L. Ray 356. 2:4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine derivatives of Alkali in fibrous materials; Use of methyl green for detecting traces of -. E. Clayton, 60. Alkaline Earths Precipitation o€ uranium and its separation from - by pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 795. Alkalis in tissue; Micro-determination of -. K. Linderstrom-Lang 797. *Alkaloids cocaine - in mixtures with other __ and local anaesthetics Determination of. J. R. Nicholls 155. identification of - as picrates; Study of. A. Jonescu-Matiu and E. Ilesco 264. of chin-shih-hu. K. I<. Chen and A. L. C.hen, 52. -. 114. Determination of. H. C. Dudley 784. 117. -. 392. *of tea and coffee. 288. opium-; Reaction of __ with certain oxidis-quinine __ .Characteristic reaction of. ing agents. M. Pesez 423. R. Monnet ’490. Alloys Dental -. 481. tin in -; Potassium bromate as means of *with antimony and lead; Determination of tin determining. L. Deutsch 207. in -. H. F. Hourigan 328. Aloes Curaqao -. Alpine Fir Leaf oils of - 571. Alumina Effect of sodium hexametaphosphate Aluminium alloys Corrosion of - by Palestine Corrosion of -. 763. in natural phosphates; Determination of -. *Quantitative separation of beryllium and -. P. A. Rowaan 557. on -. 322. water. 844. R. Meurice and P. Martens 134. J. Dewar and P. A. Gardiner 536 INDEX TO Separation of - from manganese nickel and cobalt by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 723. utensils for food. 263 491. Aluminium Sulphate Determination of free Amalgams Dental - 481.American fluid ounce. 42. Amino-acids and their compounds ; Microscopy of -. I. Phosphotungstates and phos-phomolybdates. B. Bullock and P. L. Kirk. 11. Picrates and flavianates. B. L. Crosby and 1’. L. Kirk 144. *of the mixed proteins of ox-muscle; The basic -. H. G. Rees 160. Ammonia content of milk as an indication of its quality. H. Kluge 418. Ammonium Iodide Separation of tin oxide from various oxides by ignition with -. E. R. Caley and M. G. Burford 499. Ammonium Salts nitrogen in -; Determina-tion of. N. W. Schirokow and W. Wolow-inskaja 63. Ammonium Sulphate Cattle-poisoning -. 847. serum of milk for serological investigations. H. Kluge 709. Comparative toxicity of nicotine sulphate and - to insects.J . iM. Ginsburg J . R. Schmitt and P. Granett 57. *Anaesthetic ether Peroxides in -. 847. J . H. Coste and D. C. Garratt 459. *Anaesthetics Cocaine alkaloids etc. in local -. J. R. Nicholls 155. Analyse Die Chemische -. Vol. XXXIV. Das o-Oxychinolin. (Review) R. Berg 149. Analysis Colorimetric - by the photo-electric cell. N. Strafford 170. Qualitative -. See Qualitative Analysis. Analytical Methods Committee Council Report on - 225. Essential Oils Sub-committee. Report No. 12. Determination of ascaridole. 179. Milk Products Sub-committee Report No. 4. 105. Adopted by the Federation Inter-nationale de Laiterie 759. Poisons Sub-committee. 653. Report of the Reichert-Polenske-Kirschner process. 404. Animal cells ; Meta-dinitrobenzene as indicator of the respiration of -.S. C. J. Olivier and K. Ebes 709. flesh; Calcium and magnesium content of -. M. Takamatsu 193. metabolism; Citric acid formed in -. C. C. Sherman L. B. Mendel and A. H. Smith, 267. proteins; Changes in ~ investigated by their digestion with pancreatin. I. A. Smorodinzew and J . N. Laskowskaja 624. tissues; Copper content of some -. P. F. Hahn and E. Fairman 266. tissues; Modification of Young’s method for determining inositol in - . R. A. Gregory 492. tissues ; Photometric determination of titan-ium in -. L. Maillard and J. Ettori 425. Aluminium-continued acid in -. Y . Otsuka 642. Anabasine Sulphate : VOLUME 61 XXV Animals drinking saline and alkaline waters; Paths of excretion and mineral balance in -.Effect of some poisons on -. G. W. Clough 353. *Anthranilic Acid and its use in determining zinc, cadmium cobalt nickel and copper. R. J. Shennan J. H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward, 395. Antimony Detection of tin and -. J. A. Gsuthier 360. in rubber beer-hose. 188. Separation of tin from - by means of N. J. Tschenviakow and E. A. *tin in alloys with lead and -; Determina-H. F. Hourigan 328. V. G. Heller and M. Haddad 347. cupferron. Ostroumow 722. tion of. utensils for food. 264. Antimony Oxides Solubility of - in nitric acid. M. R. Rane K. Kondaiah and M. K. Ratnam 871. Anti-oxidants and the preservation of edible fats. C. H. Lea 856. Antipyrine Identification of __ as picrate. A. Jonescu-Matiu and E. Ilesco 264. Antiscorbutic activity of potatoes ; Influence of freezing on -.T. L. Isumrudowa 495. *Apatite Rock Scheme for the complete analysis of -. C. 0. Harvey 817. Apomorphine in presence of morphine; Identifi-cation of small quantities of -. M. Apothecaries’ measures. 693. Apparatus Abstracts 67 145 213 282 362, Assembly of ~ with ground-glass joints. Micro-distillation -. S. M. FinAly 486. 426. Jardillier 345. 440 506 579 644 729. H. Lee 334. L. M. Craig 505. Apple juice; Composition of Hungarian -. C. S. Hanes, Apple-seed Oil J . Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 49. Apples Disappearance of malic acid from -. 761. lead and arsenic on -; Accuracy of the determination of. D. E. H. Frear and W. S. Hodgkiss 569. Appointments Official -. 253,409,541,757.Arachis Oil Analytical value of Argentine -. C. G. Estrella and J . A. Duprat 553. starch; Determination of -. as adulterant of olive oil. 118. Arak Composition of -. 118. Arakawa’s Reaction and the salolase content of human milk. S. Takai 777. Areca Nut fat. 615. Argentimetric titration of cyanide and halide ; Simultaneous -. R. Ripan-Tilici 210. Argentine arachis oils; Analytical values of -. C. G. Estrella and J. A. Duprat 553. *Arrow Poisons of Tanganyika; Composition and examination of -. W. D. Raymond 100. Arrowroot Foreign starch in -. 543. Arsenic and mould fungi. 233. Siamese -. 845. Application of the nitro-sulpho-perchloric acid method of destruction of organic matter to the toxicological determination of -. E. Kahane 272 xxvi INDEX TO Arsenic-continued.in living organisms. 232. in must and wine; Micro-determination of J . Burkard and B. Wullhorst 198. *in organic and inorganic materials; Risk of W. A. in preservative-treated timbers ; Determina-on apples; Accuracy of the determination of D. E. H. Frear and W. S. Hodgkiss, on vegetable produce in Queensland. 340. Separation of tin from - by means of cup-ferron. N. J . Tscherwiakow and E. A. Ostroumow 722. Arsenic Acid Application of Copaux's method to the determination of -. J. Courtois, 360. Colorimetric determination of - with ascorbic acid. R. Ammon and K. Hinsberg, 428. Artemisia species; Santonin in English and Welsh -. J. Coutts 556. Artificial Silk Cotton-wool from -. 618. yarn; Determination of moisture content of -.373. Ascaridole in essential oils; Determination of -. (Report No. 12 of Essential Oils Sub-committee) 179. in urine Application of the modified phospho-18-tungstic acid method for determining -- K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 195. Ascorbic Acid and glutathione ; Some relations between -. F. G. Hopkins and E. J. Morgan 782. Colorimetric determination of phosphoric and arsenic acids with -. R. Ammon and K. Hinsberg 428. Colour reaction of titanium with -. J. Ettori 783. Comparison of titrimetric and colorimetric determinations of -. K. Wachholder and H. H. Podestk 427. content of fruits and vegetables with special reference to the effect of cooking and canning. M. Olliver 782. content of turnip greens. 849. Critical remarks on the determination of -.M. van Eekelen and A. Emmerie 427. in the suprarenal gland of the ox; Reducing substance occurring with -. E. Ott, K. Kramer and W. Faust 864. in urine; Determination of -. W. Tschopp. 863. in urine determined with phospho-18-tungstic acid. G. Medes 55. Observations on the excretion of -. H. E. Archer and C. Graham 351. Reactions of - with phospho-18-tungstic acid. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis, 196. W. D. McFarlane, 782. &Ascorbic Acid in the animal body ; Behaviour of - and of chemically related compounds. S. S. Zilva 56. Ash coal -; Determination of the melting-point of. H. A. J. Pieters 729. -. error in determining traces of -. Davis and J . G. Maltby 96. tion of -. -. 569. W. E. Cohen 548.Reduction of iron by -. VOLUME 61 Asparagine glutamine in presence of -; Determination of. H. B. Vickery G. W. Pucher H. E. Clark A. C. Chibnall and R. G. Westall 349. in tobacco leaves. H. B. Vickery and G. W. Pucher 270. Aspergillus Niger method of examining soils. A. M. Smith 713. Asphalt in oils; Determination of -. P. Woog J. Givaudon I;. Dayan and A. Bidet 206. Atmosphere. hydrogen sulphide in - ; Reversible indicator for detecting small quantities of. J. Bell and W. K. Hall 210. Atmospheric Pollution Dept. of Scientific and in London. 689. Investigation of -. Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research Report for 1935-36. 257. Atropine Identification of - as picrate. 264. Australian preservative-treated timbers; Ana-lysis of -.I. Determination of ar-senic. W. E. Cohen 548. timbers; Chemistry of -. Part V. A study of the lignin determination. 111. W. E. Cohen 611. Research on -. 114. toxic gases in -; Detection of. 185. Industrial Research Report 113. Research on -. 185. B Bacillus Larvae spores in honey contaminated by contact with American foulbrood. A. P. Sturtevant 631. Bacon Research on - 760. wash; Formalin -. Bacteria acetic acid - Survey of the bio-chemical activities of. K. R. Butlin 476. Effect of radio-active radiations on -. 760. Freezing and death of -. Material for a comparative physiology of -. Medical Research Council Report. B. C. J. G. Knight 608. Preservation of - by drying in vacuo. E. Leifson 496. Sulphur -. Dept. of Scientific and In-dustrial Research Review.475. Bacterial growth; Specific curves of - re-corded photometrically. M. Faguet 568. motility; Use of semi-solid agar for detecting -. B. P. Tittsler and L. A. Sandholzer. 786. nutrition. Medical Research Council Report. 608. species isolated from strawberries. H. F. Smart 67. spores; Germicidal action of alcohol on -. C. E. Coulthard and G. Sykes 630. spores; Resistance of - to the bactericidal effect of moist heat at 80" C. with special reference to the Tyndallisation process of the British Pharmacopoeia 1932. C. E. Coulthard 787. Bactericidal action of phenol and merthiolate ; Studies on -. C. R. Falk and S. P. Aplington 786. iLegal Notes) 840. 760 INDEX TO effect of moist heat a t 80" C.; Resistance of bacterial spores to -.C. E. Coulthard, 787. power of the blood; Action of sulphur dioxide on -. H. Cremer 52. Bacteriological analysis ; Abstracts 57 199 496, 568 630 785 864. grading of milk. Medical Research Council Report. G. S. Wilson and Others. 414. (Review) 446. test tubes; B.S.I. specification for -. 42. tests for graded milk. (Ministry of Health Bsctericidal-continued. Memorandum). 850. Bacterol bacon wash. 840. *Balances Air-damped -. W. N. Bond 85. microchemical -; Experiences with. M. Ballast Measurement of -. 42. Balsam Pear Seed Oil Y. Toyama and T. Banana sap as adulterant of milk. J. A. R. Stoyle, Bananas Ripening of -. 761. Barium compounds; Effect of sodium hexa-metaphosphate on -. 321. Barium Fluosilicate in insecticide powders ; Deter-mination of -.Barium Silicofluoride in insecticides ; Rapid determination of -. J Vinas and J. Save 428. Barium Sulphate for X-ray photography. 119. Baudouin's Reaction for sesamol. 854. Beam's Test for hashish (Indian hemp) ; Note on -. L. C. Nickolls 604. Beef tallow ; Fractional distillation of saturated fatty acids of completely hydrogenated -. Beer Carbon dioxide in -; Determination of. E. C. Martin 260. Furber 66. Tsuchiya 703. 117. sap in milk; Test for -. 336. A. Bonis 134. S. Ueno and T. Takeuchi 205. hose; Antimony in rubber -. 188. Beeswax African -. 50. Erratum 128. Beet molasses and other - by-products; Betaine content and nitrogen distribution of. W. L. Davies and H. C. Dowden, 552. Beetle Destruction of the furniture -.185. Belladonna poisoning by liquid extract of liver. N. F. Winder and C. H. Manley 632. Benzoic Acid Determination of small quantities of -. E. B. Johnson 430. Sublimation tube determining - . D. Henville 104. S-Benzyl Thiuronium Chloride Use of - for isolating and identifying organic acids, J . J. Donleavy 570. Berberine as a microchemical reagent. C. van Zijp 576. *Beryllium Observations on - . W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 235. Physical constants of -. 692. *Quantitative separation of aluminium and J. Dewar and P. A. Gardiner 536. Betsine content of beet molasses and other beet W. L. Davies and H. C. Dowden, *in sugar beet ,by-products ; Determination of J. W. Blood and H. T. Cranfield 829. -. products. 552.-. VOLUME 61 XXVii Bilirubin in urine New test for -. H. N. Naumann 564. Biochemical activities of the acetic acid bacteria. K. R. Butlin 476. analysis; Abstracts 52 128 193 266 347, 425 492 561 624 709 777 859. Laboratory Methods for Students of the Bio-logical Sciences. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. A. Morrow and W. M. Sandstrom 74. Biochemistry Fundamentals of - in Relation to Human Physiology. 5th Ed. (Review), T. R. Parsons 216. Biological Assays; Report of the British Pharma-copoeia Commission Sub-committee on the Accuracy of -. 767. fluids ; Determination of carbon dioxide in -. F. H. McDowall 472. liquids; Detection of acetone and alcohol in -. W. R. Fearon and D. A. Webb 639. material ; Colorimetric determination of urea in -. J . A.Sanchez 269. material; Determination of chlorides in -. V. Collier 781. material ; Determination of small amounts of citric acid in -. G. W. Pucher C. C . Sherman and H. B. Vickery 267. Sciences ; Biochemical Laboratory Methods for Students of -. 2nd Ed. (Review), C. A. Morrow and W. M. Sandstrom 74. Birmingham Report of City Analyst (H. H. Bagnall) for Fourth Quarter 1935 254; First Quarter 1936 474; Second Quarter, 1936 605. Bismuth Determination of - with o-hy-droxyquinoline. F. Hecht and R. Reissner, 138. reaction Specific -. N. A. Tananaeff 721. Separation of - from lead and copper. Bismuth Carbonate Basic ~ in gravimetric Bismuthate method for determining manganese. Bitter Principle in vegetable marrow. 618 847. Bitumen and tar in mixtures of the two; Deter-mination of the proportion of -.A. B. C. Licence 639. E. A. Ostroumow 721. analysis. B. Park 140. F. Hecht and R. Reissner 61. Colour testing of -. Research on -. 114. Bixin solutions as colorimetric standards for determining carotene. H. N. Holines and W. H. Bromund 196. Blackpool Summer Meeting of North of Eng-land Section a t -. 511. Blood albumin glue differentiated from casein glue in plywood by means of the microscope. B. J. Rendle and G. L. Franklin 431. alcohol in the -; Test for. (Legal Notes), 608. bactericidal power of -; Action of sulphur dioxide on. H. Cremer 52. chloride in small amounts of -; Iodimetric procedure for determining. G. A. D. Haslewood and E. J. King 562. filtrates; Determination of creatinine in -.566. filtrates; Modified Nessler's reagent for the micro-determination of urea in tungstic acid - J. F. Barrett 129. D. M. Wilson 146 xxviii INDEX TO Blood-continued. filtrates; Use of diphenylamine blue for the volumetric micro-determination of chlorides in -. A. Saifer and M. Kornblum 627. glucose in -; Application of the colour reaction of hexoses and their polymers to the colorimetric determination of. J. A. Sanchez 425. *lactic acid in -; Notes on Mendel and Goldschieder’s method for. R. Milton .91. pigment; New crystalline derivative of -. M. Wagenaar 268. stains; Identification of old -. 416. urea in -; Colorimetric determination of Report on Weights and ___ J . A. Sanchez 269. Measures for 1934 41; for 1935 693.Board of Trade: Bone charcoals. 255. Mineral constituents of -. Methods of analysis. C. M. Burns and N. Henderson, 54. Bones lead in human -; Distribution of. S. L. Tompsett 425. Book Reviews Anderson A. K. Essentials of Physiological Chemistry. 443. - Laboratory Experiments in Physiological Chemistry. 879. Bain W. The Pharmacological Action of the Harrogate Drinking Waters. 7 1. Baker J . R. The Chemical Control of Con-ception. 285. Barnard J . E. and Welch F. V. Practical Photomicrography. 3rd Ed. 803. Berg R. Die Chemische Analyse. Vol. XXXIV. Das o-Oxychinolin. 149. Bodansky M. and Fay M. Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry. 3rd Ed. 75. Bomer A. Juckenack A. and Tillmans J . Handbuch der Lebensmittel-Chemie. Vol. 111.878. Bottger W. and Others. Physikalische Methoden der Analytischen Chemie. Vol. 11, 800. British Drug Houses Ltd. The B.D.H. Book of Reagents for “ Spot” Tests and Delicate Analysis. 4th Ed. 69. Clayton W. The Theory of Emulsions and Their Technical Treatment. 3rd Ed. 442. Curtman L. J . A Brief Course in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 582. Cutler D. W. and Crump L. M. Problems in Soil Microbiology. (The Rothamsted Mono-graphs on Agricultural Science.) 70. Davies W. L. The Chemistry of Milk. 365. Fairlie A. M. Sulphuric Acid Manufacture. 509. Fearon W. R. Nutritional Factors in Disease. 882. Fierz-David H. E. Technologie der Textil-fasern. Vol. 111. Kunstliche Organische Farbstoffe. 650. Fieser L. F. Chemistry of Natural Products related to Phenanthrene.647. Fincke H. Handbuch der Kakaoerzeugnisse. 801. Friend J. N. A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. XI. Organometallic Com-pounds. Part 111. 649. VOLUME 61 Book Reviews-continued. Gardner W. Chemical Synonyms and Trade Glasstone S. and Hickling A. Electrolytic Greaves R. H. Chromium Steels. 217. Hardy Sir W. B. Collected Scientific Papers Harvey,A. Laundry Chemistry. 2nd Ed. 581. Heath C. E. Microscope Slide Making. 332. Hiclrinbottom W. J . Reactions of Organic Compounds. 283. Hodgman C. D. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 20th Ed. 151. Hopkins E. S. Water Purification Control. 802. Jorgensen A. Practical Management of Pure Yeast. 3rd Ed. 730. Kaye G. W. C. and Laby T. H. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions.8th Ed. 880. Mikro-scopische Methoden in der Mikrochemie. 731. Langenbeck \Y. Die Organischen Katalyst-oren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Fer-menten. 217. Forensic Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investigation. 3rd Ed. 151. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. XIV 147. Vol. XV 799. Bio-chemical Laboratory Methods for Students of the Biological Sciences. 2nd Ed. 74. Obermer E. and Milton R. Individual Health. A Technique for the Study of Individual Constitution and its Application to Health. Vol. I. Biochemical Technique. 72. Oehlinger S. Tabellen zur Qualitativen-chemischen Analyse. 215. Oppenheimer C. Die Fermente und ihre Wirkungen. 444. Parsons T. R. Fundamentals of Biochemistry in Relation to Human Physiology.5th Ed. 216. Plotnikow J. Allgemeine Photochemie. 646. Poucher W. A. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps with Special Reference to Synthetics. 4th Ed. 581. Pregl F. Die Quantitative Organische Mikro-analyse. 4th Ed. 583. Radley J. A. and Grant J . Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. 2nd Ed. 21,5. Richter F. Holleman Lehrbuch der Organ-ischen Chemie. 20th Ed. 214. Rosenthaler L. Toxikologische Mikroanalyse. 71. Ruddiman and Nichols. Incompatibilities in Prescriptions. 6th Ed. 445. Snell F. D. and Snell C. T. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis including some Turbidometric and Nephelometric Methods. T’ol. I. 880. Society of Chemical Industry Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol.XX, 1935. 363. Names. 4th Ed. 731. Oxidation and Reduction. 284. of. 507. Kofler L. and A. and Mayrhofer A. Lucas A. Mellor J . W. Morrow C. A. and Sandstrom W. M INDEX TO VOLUME 61 xxix Book Reviews-continzled. Stewart A. W. Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry. 6th Ed. Vol. 11. 648. Sucharda E. and Bobranski B. Semimicro-methods for the Elementary Analysis of Organic Compounds. 800. Thorpe J. F. and Whiteley M. A. Thorpe’s Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Supple-ment. Vol. 111. 285. Van Laer M. H. La Chimie des Fermenta-tions. 152. Vogel J. L. D. and Rowden W. F. Molyb-denum Steels Their Manufacture and Application. 729. Wallis T. E. Practical Pharmacognosy. 3rd Ed. 881. Waters W. A. Physical Aspects of Organic Chemistry. 508.Weiser H. B. Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. Vol. 11. The Hydrous Oxides and Hydrox-ides. 69. Organic Solvents-Physical Constants and Methods of Purification. 364. Wilson G. S. The Bacteriological Grading of Milk. Medical Research Council. Special Report Series. No. 206. 446. Winkler L. W. Ausgewahlte Untersuchungs-verfahren fur das Chemische Laboratorium. 2nd Ed. 148. Weissberger A. and Proskauer E. Boots Study of worn -. 186. *Boric Acid in dried fruit; Determination of -. W. Burns Brown 671. in imported fowls. 409. in rennet. 618. Reactions common to germanic acid and -. Boron in peanuts. 339. requirement and content of cultivated plants. Bottles density ---; Draft British Standard BotuIism A case of - . R. S. Aitken, Bran Occurrence of an indicator in - as a N.S. Poluektoff 212. M. P. Lohnis 202. Specification for. 417. B. Barling and A. A. Miles 864. characteristic property of grain. A. Schulerud 851. Protein -. 846. Slimming -. 846. Whole-wheat -. 616. tion for -. 850. Bread Processed -. 616. Brewers’ flasks. British Standard Specifica-Bricks Crystallisation tests of -. 114. Bristol Report of the Public Analyst (F. E. Needs) for the year 1935 605. Bristol University Report on the examination of pasteurised milk. 35. British Guiana Report of the Government Analyst (K. Wallis) for 1935. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 Synopsis of -, and of the Poison Law. 13th Ed. (Re-view) H. W. Gadd 510. 484. British Standards Institution Abstract of draft British Standard Specification for density bottles.417. Specifications Nos. 622 Cyanides for electro-plating; No. 625 Bacteriological test tubes, etc.; No. 627 Sampling of fats and fatty oils in packages or in bulk; No. 628 Coco-nut oil; No. 629 Ground nut oil; No. 630: Olive oil; No. 631 Rape-seed oil; No. 632 : Raw linseed oil. 42. No. 391 Tung oil Type F; No. 615 Kohl-rausch flasks; No. 650 Castor oil; No. 651: Crude maize oil; No. 652 Crude palm kernel oil; No. 653 Crude soya bean oil; No. 654 Perilla oil; No. 655 Refined cotton seed oil; No. 656 Sesame oil; No. 658: Distillation apparatus ; No. 662 Carbon disulphide; No. 663 Ethyl lactate. No. 144 Coal tar creosote for the preservation of timber; No. 684 Standard methods for the analysis of fats. 651. No.686 Methods for the analysis of coal ash and coke ash; No. 687 Methods for the ulti-mate analysis of coke and coal; No. 691: Clinical maximum thermometers ; No. 692 : Meteorological thermometers ; No. 695 : Floating dairy thermometers. 652. No. 675 Sugar flasks; No. 676 Three special flasks with graduated necks. 551. No. 696 Standard apparatus and methods for determining the percentage of fat in milk and milk products by the Gerber method. 769. Bromate Detection of -. I . M. Korenman, 143. *Bromide in the presence of other halides; Deter-mination of -. F. E. Edwards H. R. Nanji and E. B. Parkes 743. iodide in presence of - ; Titration of. A. Mutschin 724. Bromides Determination of small amounts of volatile -. Bromine Colorimetric determination of carno-sine and histidine with - .N. P. Meschkowa 563. in presence of large amounts of chlorine; Electrometric determination of -. G. E. Vladimirov and J. A. Epstein 575. normally present in wines. L. Chelle and G. Vitte 343. preservatives in food especially in wines, grape-juice and fruit juices ; Investigation of -. Florentin and Munsch 343. Ultra-violet light as an aid in the fluorescence test for -. J. Grant 400. vapour method for determining the halogen absorption of oils; Notes on - . H. Toms 177. Bromonaphthalene as means of determining the refractive index of fats in oilseeds. W. Leithe 274. Brucine Identification of - as picrate. 265. “Bubbly Gums” 542. Buffer Dimethvlglvcine -. L. Michaelis 341. No. 701 Brewers’ flasks.850. F. L. Hahn 728. British Pharmacopoeia Commission Reports of Report of the Sub-committee on the Accuracy and M. P. SchGbert 789. Committees. No. 9. 341. Building Research Board Report for 1934. 113. Bush Sickness Limonite in cure of -. 38. of Biological Assays. 767. Bushel Cubic content of -. 42 xxx INDEX pro Butter carotene in -; Estimation of. 517. fat; coconut and palm-kernel oils in -; Magnesium laurate test for. E. Tchet-cheroff 703. *fat in Tanganyika Territory Constants of -. M. H. French and W. D. Raymond, 750. fat ; Monohydroxypalmitic acid in -. A. W. Bosworth and G. E. Helz 193. fat; Volatile fatty acids of -. Reichert-Polenske-Kirschner process. 404. made from pasteurised and unpasteurised cream distinguished by means of the peroxidase reaction.L. Waters and A. Zurn 123. Butter Toffee 606. Butyric Acid in commercial acetic acid ; Presence Byssochlamys Fulva Spoilage of processed of -. L. Kling 204. fruit by -. 696. C Cacao butter; Component glycerides of -. T. P. Hilditch and W. J. Stainsby 422. shell; Vitamin D activity of -. A. W. Knapp and K. H. Coward 350. Cadmium Collected references. K. Hiller and F. Maetiek 440. *in zinc ; Electrolytic determination of small quantities of -. A. W. Scott and E. G. Adams 206. *Use of anthranilic acid in determining -. R. J. Shennan J . H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward 395. Caesium Spot test for - and its application to colorimetry. E. S. Burkser and M. L. Kutschment 212. Caffeine Colorimetric determination of -.G. Denigks 211. content of commercial coffee extracts ; Varia-tions in - . A. Guillaume and Ch. Lefranc 264. Micro-reaction of - with iodine in potas-sium iodide solution. C. van Zijp 577. G. Roche Lynch 300. Calcium compounds; Effect of sodium hexa-metaphosphate on -. 320. concentrations in solutions ; Remarks on Tendeloo’s paper on a new and easy method for the potentiometric determination of -. D. M. Greenberg and C. E. Larson, 873. content of flesh of different animals. M. Takamatsu 193. J. G. Fife 681. New organic reagent for -. Physical constants of -. 692, utensils for food. 263. *Pharmacology of -. Calcium Sulphate powders. 114. Calgon Composition of -. 320. Calomel half-cell; An agar and potassium chloride bridge for use with -.I. M. Robertson 687. Camphor Determination of - as 2-4.dinitro-phenylhydrazone in concentrated and dilute tinctures. M. M. Janot and M. Mouton, 490. VOLUME 61 Canned foods; Gases in -. goods; Tin in -. 689. peas; “Flat-sour” spoilage in -. 696. salmon; Preservatives in -. 542. Canning Ascorbic acid content of fruit and vegetables with special reference to effect of -. M. Olliver 782. Caramel Detection of -. A. Joszt and S. Molinski 259. Carbohydrate derivatives ; Determination of nitrate groups in -. J . Dewar and G. W. Brough 715. Carbolic ointment. (Legal Notes) 182. Carbon blacks; X-ray investigation of -. 480. Carbon Dioxide Determination of -. G. W. Cornell 757. in beer; Determination of - . E. C. Martin 260. in biological fluids more particularly milk and cream; Determination of -.F. H. McDowall 472. Carbon Disulphide Standards for -. 341. Carbonyl compounds ; Reagents for the isolation of - from unsaponifiable material. M. Anchel and R. Schoenheimer 636. *compounds ; Use of 2:4-dinitrophenylhydra-zine as reagent for -. N. R. Campbell, 391. Carnosine Colorimetric determination of histi-dine and - with bromine and with the diazo-reagent. N. P. Meschkowa 563. 695. Research on -. 762. ink; Identification of -. 550. Carob Beans Analysis of -. 844. Carob Gum W. A. Knight and M. M. Dowsett, 262. Carotene Bixin solutions as colorimetric standards for determining -. H. N. Holmes and W. H. Bromund 196. I. A. Simpson, 862. *in agricultural products; Estimation of -.W. S. Ferguson and G. Bishop 515. in artificially dried grass meals; Rapid method for determining -. Csrotenoids Relation of micro-organisms to vitamin A and -. Production of -by Mycobacterium phled. M. A. Ingraham and H. Steenbock 130. Some colourless substances found with plant -. L. Zechmeister and P. Tuzson 270. Cartridges Lachrymatory -. 116. *Casein Determination of - by formol titra-tion after precipitation with acid. F. H. McDowall and A. K. R. McDowell 387 824. glue in plywood differentiated from blood albumin glue by means of the microscope. B. J. Rendle and G. L. Franklin 431. Cassia Oil Petroleum in -. W. H. Sim-mons 51. Castor Bean in linseed cake. content of Malayan palm oil. M. Pyke 497. 840. lipase ; Conditions for optimum activity and the specificity of -.L. Reichel and W. Reinmuth 862. Castor Oil Glycerides of hardened -. A. Bomer and F. Brehm 792. Iodine values of hydrogenated -. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 867. Standards for -. 341 INDEX TO *Catalysts in the Mackey test for cloth oils; Catechin tannin. 291. Cattle poisoning. 118 847. Caustic Soda poisoning. 187. Celastrus Paniculatus Willd. fixed oil from the seeds of -; Chemical examination of. 0. N. Kumaraswamy and B. L. Manjunath, 704. *Cell Photo-electric __ in colorimetric analy-sis. N. Strafford 170. C. A. Mitchell and T. J. Ward 751. Cells respiration of plant and animal -; Meta-dinitrobenzene as indicator of. S. C. J. Olivier and K. Ebes 709. Cellulose Selective adsorption of enzymes by - H.Tauber 628. Cellulose-Acetate rayon Analysis of textiles for -. R. T. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Cement Research on -. 114. Centrifuge with removable tip for gravimetric work. S. D. Elek 579. Cerbera bdollam poisoning. 845. Cereals Flavin and vitamin B in -. A. M. Copping 567. Cerebro-Spinal Fluid urea in -; Colorimetric determination of. Cerium Gravimetric determination of -with ferrocyanide. P. Spacu 209. in the micro-determination of glucose. R. Vanossi and R. Ferramola 643. Cerium Salts Reaction of - with methylene blue. Ceylon Report of the Government Analyst (J. V. Collins) for 1935. Chalks Examination of - under ultra-violet light. W. E. Naylor and A. Surfleet. 363. Chandu Metal containers for -. 550. Charcoals Bone -.255. Chaulmoogra Oil Varieties of -. 553. Cheese Influence of degree of maturity of -on the proportion of fatty matter. Ch. Brioux and E. Jouis 124. Chelidonine A fluorescent principle. M. D6ribQ6 580. Chemical Research Laboratory report. 185. Synonyms and Trade Names. 4th Ed. (Review) W. Gardner 731. Chemistry Applied -; Reports of the Pro-gress of. Vol. XX 1935. (Review.) Society of Chemical Industry. 363. Applied -; Thorpe's Dictionary of -. Supplement. Vol. 111. (Review) J. F. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 285. Colloid -. See Colloid Chemistry. Forensic -. See Forensic Chemistry. Handbook of Physics and -. 20th Ed. (Review) Edited by C. D. Hodgman 151. Inorganic -. See Inorganic Chemistry. Laundry - . 2nd Ed. (Review) A.Harvey 581. of Milk. Physiological -. See Physiological Chem-Chenopodium Oil ascaridole in -; Deter-Oxidation of olive oil. W. Garner 519. *photographic light-filter -; A new. J. A Sanchez 269. L. Passerini and L. Michelotti 63. 416. (Review) W. L. Davies 365. istry. mination of. 179. VOLUME 61 xxxi Chesterfield Appointment of J. Evans as Public Analyst for Borough of -. Chewing Gum sweets. 542. Chicory coffee and - essence; Analyses of. 606. Chile Seed and Oil W. A. Bush 854. Chin-Shih-Hu Alkaloid of -. K. K. Chen Chinese gallotannin ; Constitution of -. 289. Chlorate Determination of - by means of in nitrates Determination of -. E. S. Chloride bromide in presence of -; Deter-in small amounts of blood; New iodimetric G. A. D. A.Chlorides in biological materials ; Determination in Portland stone. 113. in urine and blood filtrates; Use of diphenyl-amine blue for the volumetric micro-determination of -. A. Saifer and M. Kornblum 627. Influence of - on the colorimetric deter-mination of nitrates in waters. R. Uanet, 203. nitrates in water in presence of -; Colori-metric determination of. H. Caron and D. Raquet 498. Chlorinated solvents; Fatal effect of vapours of -. 765. Chlorine bromine in presence of large amounts of -; Electrometric determination of. G. E. Vladimirov and J . A. Epstein 575. content of feathers. F. R. Dodd 252 473; H. F. Knight 473. in body fluids ; Determination of - by direct titration. C. F. M. Rose 780. Chloro-Iodo derivatives of linolic and linolenic acids and dichloro-diiodo derivative of linolenic acid.Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 716. Chlorosis in fruit trees. 844. Chlorophyll in artificially dried grass meals; Rapid method of determining --. M. Pyke 497. Chloroplatinic Acid Reaction of - with methylene blue. 63. Chocolate Analysis of milk - . G. R. Janssen and V. R. Dehut 45. 253. and A. L. Chen 52. vanadous sulphate. Tomula 209. mination of. 743. procedure for determining -. Haslewood and E. J . King 562. Mutschin 724. of -. V. Collier 781. P. C. Banerjee 724. iodide in presence of -; Titration of. sponge roll. 254. Swiss roll. Micro-analysis of -. I. Investigation of the Liebermann-Rurchardt reaction. K. Silink 362. Microchemical detection of - based on the formation of liquid crystals.P. Gaubert, 145. Choline Distribution of -. J. P. Fletcher, C. H. Best and 0. McK. Solandt 53. Chromate Gravimetric determination of lead as -. L. Guzelj 275. Quantitative separation of lead as -. 2. Karaoglanov and M. Michov 61. (Legal Notes) E. Voelcker 32. Cholesterol Colour reactions of -. 197 xxxii INDEX TO Chromium in titanium oxide; Determination of small amounts of -. R. Flatt and X. Vogt 62. Physical constants of --. 692. Separation of - from manganese nickel, and cobalt by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 723. Steels. utensils for food. 263. (Review) 13. H. Greaves 217. Chrysalis Oil Fatty acids of -. W. Berg-Cider Poisoning by home-made -. 255. Cinnamonum Pendunculatum Fat from the seeds of -.Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 771. Citric Acid determined by conversion into acetone. I<. Taufel and K. Schoierer 555. formed in animal metabolism. C. C . Sher-man L. B. Menclel and A. H. Smith 267. in biological material ; Determination of small amounts of -. G. W. Pucher C. C. Sherman and H. B. Vickery 267. *in milk and its determination. L. H. Lampitt and €3. S. Rooke 654. Metabolism of orally administered -. C. C. Sherman L. B. Mendel and A . H. Smith 268. mann 636. Citrus taint in ship’s hold. Clay silica in -; Rapid gravimetric deter-mination of. 142. Clays Firing of -. 114. Cloth Radiography of -. H. F. Sherwood, 579. *Cloth Oils and catalysts in the Mackey test: Oxidation of olive oil. W. Garner 519. Mackey apparatus for testing -; Suggested technique.W. Garner and W. Leach 337. Coal ash; Determination of the melting-point of -. ash; Standard methods for the analysis of mines; Iodine solution for use in -. C. A. Xitrogen in - determined by the Kjeldahl H. E. 189. H. A. J . Pieters 729. -. 652. Mitchell 28. method with selenium as catalyst. Crossley 64. Coal-fish substituted for cod. 256. Coal Tar creosote for the preservation of timber; Standard specification for -. 651. Cobalt nickel in presence of --; Volumetric determination of. G. Charlot 277. Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from ~ by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 723. *Use of anthranilic acid in determining -. R. J. Shennan J . H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward 395. *Cocaine alkaloids in mixtures with other alka-loids and local anaesthetics ; Determination of -.J . R. Nicholls 155. Identification of __ as picrate. Cocoa products; Crude fibre in -. products ; Determination of moisture content Coconut Oil in butter fat; Magnesium laurate B.S.I. specification for -. 42. wax; Technical products from -. S. S. 265. 119. of -. 374. test for -. E. Tchetcheroff 703. VOLUME 61 Cod Coal-fish substituted for -. 255. Cod-liver Oil Separation of selacholeic acid Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, Codeine Identification of __ as picrate. 265. Coffee Acorn flour in -. 187. and chicory essence; Analyses of - -. 606. differentiation of ordinary and caffeine-free -. Rapid method for. C. Griebel 773. extracts; Variations in caffeine content of commercial -.A. Guillaume and Ch. Lefranc 264. G. Roche Lynch 300. P. Maitland, 288. Coins counterfeit -; Identification of metal in a case of. 844. Coir fibre. General investigation. S. R. K. Menon 869. Coke ash; Standard methods for the ultimate analysis of -. 652. Colchester Appointment of C. A. Hackman and A. H. M. Muter as Joint Public Analysts for the Borough of -. 541. Colloid Chemistry; Inorganic -. Vol. 11. Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides. (Re-view) H. B. Weiser 69. *Colorimetric analysis by the photo-electric cell. N. Strafford 170. Methods of Analysis including some Turbido-metric and Nephelometric Methods. Vol. I. Inorganic. (Review) F. D. and C. T. Snell, 880. Colorimetry -4pplication of spot test for caesium to --. E. S.Burkser and M. L. Iiutschment 212. from -. 137. Pharniacology of -. tannins; Constitution of -. Colour indicator; Temperature -. 615. measurement and standardisation. 480. Compounds Carbonyl. See Carbonyl Com-pounds. Containing the grouping -C(OH) =C(OH)-; Colour reaction of titanium with -. J. Ettori 783. Organic -. See Organic Compounds. peroxides in unsaturated - ; Colorimetric determination of. C. A. Young K. R. Vogt and J. A. Nieuwland 502. Conception Chemical Control of -. (Ke-view) J. R. Baker 285. Condensed Milk Regulation in Cyprus. Conifers Leaf oils of Washington -. C . Schwartz Jnr. 571. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station : Reports on food and drug products 1934. 482. Constants- Dielectric -. I;. Pavelka and J .kirigin-Mardegani 798. Tables of Physical and Chemical - and some Mathematical Functions. 8th Ed. (Re-view) G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby 880. Contraceptives Composition of -. 618. Copaux’s Method applied to the determination of arsenic acid. Copper catalysis of the oxidation of thiol acids as a basis for the micro-determination of -. J . Bjerrum 578. Colorimetric reaction of urobilin with -. G. Bertrand and L. de Saint-Rat 794. content of some human and animal tissues. 697. J . Courtois 360. Tanchico 136.- P. F. Hahn and E. Fairman 266 ISDEX TO content of urine of normal children. A. Ross Electrolytic application of the hydrobromic in lamb livers. 39. in tin; Determination of small amounts of S. Torrance, Copper-continued. and I. M.Rabinowitch 54. acid test for -. G. W. Baker 603. - by controlled potential. 689. in tomato purCe. 695. in vegetable soup. 542. Micro-determination of - and its separa-tion from other metals with quinaldinic acid as reagent. P. R. R$y and J . Gupta, 66. Jolson 720. Ostroumow 721. Rapid method for determining - . L. Removal of - from water. 33. Separation of bismuth from -. E. A. Separation of iron from -. P. Spacu 573. *Cse of anthranilic acid in determining -. R. J. Shennan J . H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward 395. Use of 2.7-diamino-dibenzofuran in the deter-mination of -. E. F. Brau 793. utensils for food. 263. Copper Selenite as catalyst in the Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations. E. J . Schwoegler, B. J . Babler and L. C. Hurd 498. Copper Sulphate Application of - to lake water.188. Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate Determination of moisture content of -. Corrosion of aluminium. 763. 376. of tin. 762. of tin-plate; Effect of sugar on -. Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Opening and cleaning of -. Cotton Wool from artificial silk. Cottonseed Oil Standards for refined -. 341. Cream ‘‘Breakfast’’ or “coffee” __ . 542. carbon dioxide in -; Determination of. Sucreate of lime in -. 484. “Table” - . 839. 762. Cosmetics Perfumes - and Soaps with 4th Ed. Cotton Analysis of textiles for -. R. T. (Review) W. A. Poucher 581. 186. 618. F. H. McDowall 472. Cream of Tartar Composition of -. 543. Creatinine Applications of a new colour reaction for -.S. R. Benedict and J. A. Behre, 564. in soup cubes; Simplification of Sudendorf and Lahrmann’s method for determining -. G. Walter 775. Origin of urinary -. A. Goudsmit 861. Creosote for the preservation of timber; Stan-651. . Cress Seed mucilage. Crime Report of the Advisory Committee .on the Scientific Investigation of -. 766. Criminal Investigation ; Forensic Chemistry and Scientific -. A. Lucas. 3rd Ed. (Re-view) 151. Croydon Appointment of D. D. Moir as Ad-ditional Public Analyst for the County Borough of -. 757. dard specification for coal-tar -. K. Bailey 138. VOLUME 61 xxxiii Cryptocarya Latifolia nuts from South Africa. Cucurbitaceae Seed oils of several species of Cupferron as means of separating tin from N. J . Tschenviakow 358.-. arsenic and antimony. and E. A. Ostroumow 722. Curacao aloes. P. A. Rowaan 557. Curds Adulteration of -. 758. Cuscuta Reflexa Roxb. Cyanide deposit in fumigation van. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 772. Oil from the seeds of -. R. R. Aganval and S. Dutt 621. 758. Simultaneous argentometric titration of halide and -. R. Ripan-Tilici 210. Cyanides for electroplating; B.S.I. specification for -. 42. Cyprus Report of the Government Analyst (S. G. Willimott) for the year 1934 187; for 1935. 697. Cysteine Determination of thiol and disulphide compounds with special reference to -. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 196. in urine; Application of the modified phospho-18-tungstic acid method for determining -. I(. Shinohara and K. E.Padis 195. Cystine Determination of thiol and disulyhide compounds with special reference to -. K. Shinohara and I<. E. Padis 196. in urine; Application of the modified phospho-18-tungstic acid method for determining -. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 195. D Dairy thermometers ; Standard specifications Date-stone Oil Some analytical characteristics R. G. Harry 403. Datura Nux vomica with -. 417. Daylight measurement. 257. Deguelin Improvement in the Gross and Smith colorimetric method for determining -. L. D. Goodhue 355. 7-Dehydrocholesterol An antirachitically active irradiation product of -. A. Windaus, Fr. Schenck and I;. von Werder 711. Density bottles ; Draft British Standard Specifi-cation for -. 417. Dental amalgams and alloys. 481.Derbyshire Report of the County Analyst Dermatitis Flour “improvers” and -. 616. for floating --. 652. of -. (R. W. Sutton) for the year 1935. 837. Industrial -. 765. Pyrethrum --. Recurrence of --. 765. H. D. Tonking 632. Derris Extract Colorimetric determination of -. T. M. Meijer 858. Derris Root Toxic constituents of -. T. A. Buckley 857. Deuterium as indicator in the study of inter-mediary metabolism. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 347 561. Deuterium Oxide hlicro-determination of active hydrogen with -. R. J . Williams 873. Devarda’s Alloy Determination of nitrate by means of -. Diacetyl; New method for detecting and deter-mining -. J . Baisse and R. Martin 488. M. B. Donald 249 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 61 2.7-Diamino-dibenzofan Use of - in the determination of copper.E. F. Brau 793. Diamonds used as a poison. Diastase plant -; Evidence concerning two types of. G. L. Teller 566. Diazo-Reagent Colorimetric determination of carnosine and histidine with -. N. P. Meschkowa 563. Diazo-Test Test for thymine with observations on the keto-enolic type of -. G. Hunter, 563. Dicarboxylic Fatty Acids Biological decomposi-tion of -. B. Flaschentrager and K. Bernhard 269. *Dichromate Titration of iron with - with the use of diphenylcarbazide as internal indicator. H. E. Crossley 164. Dichromates Reaction of ___ with methylene blue. 63. Dictionary of Applied Chemistry ; Thorpe’s -. Supplement Vol. 111. (Review) J . I?. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley 285. Dielectric constants.F. Pavelka and J. Kirigin-Mardegani 798. Dietary factor; New essential -. C. A. Elvehjem C. J . Koehnand J . J . Oleson 862. Diets vitamin-free -; Lactoflavin a possible contaminant of. G. C. Supplee C. E. Flanigan 2. M. Hanford and S. Ansbacher, 496. Digitalis glycosides ; Determination of - and molecular weight determination of - by the colorimetric method. W. Neumann, 558. Dihydrodeguel@ Toxicity of optically active and inactive -. *1:2-Dirnercaptobenzenes Detection and colori-metric determination of tin by means of substituted -. R. E. D. Clark 242. Dimethylglycine buffer. L. Michaelis and M. P. Schubert 789. 2,4Dinitrophenylhydrazine as means of deter-mining vanillin. N. Rubin and A. Bloom, 855. *as reagent for carbonyl compounds; Use of -.K. R. Campbell 391. 2-4.Dinitrophenylhydrazone Determination of camphor as - in concentrated and dilute tinctures. M. M. Janot and M. Mouton, 490. Dionin Identification of - as picrate. 265. Diphenylamine Blue for the volumetric micro-determination of chlorides in urine and blood filtrates. A. Saifer and M. Kornblum, 627. *Diphenylcarbazide An internal indicator for use in the titration of iron with dichromate. H. E. Crossley 164. *Diphenylthiocarbazone Application of - to the estimation of lead in urine. F. Morton, 465. as means of detecting small quantities of mercury in leafy vegetables. W. 0. Winkler 132. Extraction of lead by means of -. L. Ellis 178. Disease Nutritional Factors in - . (Re-view) W. R. Fearon 882.Disinfectant powder (“Lysolute”) 606. 614. W. A. Gersdorff 57. Distillation apparatus ; Standard specification for -. 341. Disulphide and thiol compounds ; Determination of - with special reference to cysteine and cystine. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 196. Dithizone Ses Diphenylthiocarbaxone. Dolomite silica in -; Rapid gravimetric determination of. 142. Drinking Waters lead in -; Determination of. S. L. Tompsett 591. Droplets Nature of the nucleus in hygroscopic -. J. H. Coste and H. L. Wright 145. Drugs containing pyrethrin ; Analysis of -. D. Mann 265. Dulcin Microchemical study of -. V1. Stanhk and P. Pavlas 278. Dust Explosibility of agricultural and other - as indicated by maximum pressure and rates of pressure rise. P. W. Edwards and L.R. Leinbach 282. Metals in -. 758. selenium in mixtures of air gas and -; Determination of. H. C. Dudley 784. Dyes Effects of oxidation-reduction potential indicator - on the metabolism of tumour and normal tissue. K. A. C. Elliott and 2. Baker 53. Dyestuffs Action of - on milk deliydroge-nase. K. P. Basu and S. P. Mukerjee 494. intermediates ; Poisoning by -. 764. E *Earth-acid minerals ; Determination of tungsten in -. W. R. Sclioeller and E. F. Water-house 449. Earth Acids Separation of small amounts of phosphoric acid from -. 585. Earths alkaline -; See Alkaline Earths. Easton’s Syrup strychnine in -; Determina-tion of. K. Evers and W. Smith 557. Effluents from gas works. 34. from milk factories. 34. Egg grading; Machine for -.white; Location of the anti-enzyme in -. J. S . Hughes H. M. Scott and J. Antelyes, 628. Egg-pastry lecithin-phosphoric acid in -; Colorimetric determination of. W. Schut, 770. 41. Eggs Liquid -; Analyses of -. 605. Elaidin reaction; Mechanism of -. S. H. Bertram 866. Electrical units of measurement ; International Conference on -. 478. Electrode Ferricyanide - as means of deter-mining sugar. P. A. Shaffer and R. D. *Electrolysis Studies in internal -. I. De-termination of small quantities of cadmium and nickel in zinc. Electrolytic application of the hydrobromic acid test for copper. (Review) S. Glass-tone and A Hickling 284. Research On -. 760. ’ Williams 47. J. G. Fife 681. G. W. Baker 603. Oxidation and Reduction lNDEX TO Electroplating B.S.I.specification for cyanides Elektroanalyse LeitfAhigkeit - und Polaro-(Review) W. Bottger and Others, Elements Detection of traces of -. 233. Ellagic Acid tannins. 290. Elm-seed Oil. H. A. Schuette and C. M. Lunde, 499. Emulsin Phosphatase activity of -. H. Brederick H. Beuchelt and G. Richter 862. Emulsions Theory of - and their Technical Treatment. 3rd Ed. (Review) W. Clay-ton 442. Enamel-ware Importance of examination of Endocrine Glands Microscopy of powdered H. W. Youngken 127; of powdered Endrine Investigation of -. H. J. van for -. 42. graphic 800. -. 840. -. desiccated -. P. ,4. Mattis 706. Giffen 424. cellulose. H. Tauber 628. Eosin as adsorption indicator in the volumetric determination of lead and of molybdate.C. Candea and I. G. Murgulescu 275. Ephedrine Detection and determination of -. J. A. Sanchez 126. Enzymes Selective adsorption of - by Identification of - as picrate. Ergosterol Colour reactions of -. 197. Ergot Chemical assay of - C. H. Hamp-shire and G. R. Page 489. Essential Oils in solution in alcohol; Quantitative determination of -. H. J. van Giffen, 554. Sub-committee. Report No. 12. Deter-mination of ascaridole. 179. Esters Biological decomposition of -. B. Flaschentrager and I<. Bernhard 269. D. V. N. Hardy 356. Ether anaesthesia ; Influence of generalised -on the urinary excretion of 1-ascorbic acid and chemically related compounds from the animal body. *Effect of some impurities in anaesthetic -. Peroxides.J. H. Coste and D. C. Garratt, 459. *Ethoxyl group ; Modification of the micro-Zeisel apparatus for determining -. J. J. Chinoy 602. Ethyl Alcohol Identification of -. M. Nicloux 789. Ethyl Lactate Standards for -. 341. Explosives Quantitative determination of com-ponents of mixtures of - by applying the micro carbon-hydrogen analysis. M. Furter and J. L’Orange 143. 265. Identification of -. S. S. Zilva 56. Peroxides in anaesthetic -. 847. F Fabrics moisture content of -; Electrical method for measuring. J . L. Spencer-Smith 68. Fat from the seeds of Cannamomum peduncula-turn. in dried milk; Determination of -. (Report No. 4 of Milk Products Sub-committee) 105. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 771. VOLUME 61 XXXV in milk and milk products; British Standard apparatus and methods for determining the percentage of -.769. Jaboty -. A. Steger and J . van Loon 124. metabolism in plants with special reference to sterols. P. L. MacLachlan 270. Oxidation of -. 184. Fats Adulteration of - in Palestine. 844. Atmospheric oxidation of -. 760. edible- ; Anti-oxidants and the preservation of -. in oilseeds ; Determination of refractive index of ~ by means of bromo-naphthalene. W. Leithe 274. B.S.I. specification for. 42. Fatty Acids Biological decomposition of -. B. Flaschentrager and I<. Bernhard 269. in the organism; Desaturation of -. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg 347. in the organism; Synthesis and destruction of -. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg, 561. . Reichert- of butter-fat; Volatile -Polenske-Kirschner process.404. of chrysalis oil. W. Bergmann 636. of completely hydrogenated beef tallow lard and horse fat ; Fractional distillation of saturated -. S. Ueno and T. Takeuchi, 205. R. W. Riemenschneider and N. R. Ellis 261. R. Child and S. Ramanathan, 498. Fatty Oils Effect of certain ingested - upon the composition of cow’s milk-fat. T. P. Hilditch and H. M. Thompson 486. B.S.I. specification for. 42. Feathers Chlorine content of -. F. R. Dodd 252 473; H. F. Knight 473. Federated Malay States Report of Chief Chemist for -. R. W. Blair 40. F6d6ration Internationale de Laiterie Adoption of Fourth Report of the Milk Products Sub-committee. 759. Feeding Stuffs nitrogen in -; New Kjeldahl method for determining.A. E. Beet and D. G. Furzey 429. Poisonous substances in - and their effect on livestock. Fermentation tubes; B.S.I. specification for -. 42. Fermentations La Chimie des - M. H. van Laer 152. Fermente und ihre Wirkungen. Supplement. (Review) C. Oppenheimer 444. Fermenten Organischen Katalysatoren und ihre Beziehungen zu den -. (Review), W. Langenbeck 217. Fermenting powers of aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms ; Apparatus for determin-ing -. A. P. Struyk 199. Ferric Oxide Effect of sodium hexametaphos-phate on -. 321. Ferricyanide Detection of zinc by means of p-phenetidine and -. L. SzebellCdy and S. Tanay 573. electrode ; Sugar determination by means of - . P. A. Shaffer and R. D. Williams 47. Fat-continued. C.H. Lea 856. Sampling of -. of goat milk fat; Component -. of margosa oil. Sampling of -. J. F. Tocher 634 xxxvi INDEX TO Ferricyanides Reaction of - with methylene blue. 63. Ferrocyanide in muscle and urine ; Micro-deter-mination of -. J. G. Edwards and W. D. Langley 194. in the gravimetric determination of cerium. P. Spacu 209. Ferrocyanides Reaction of - with methylene blue. 63. Ferrous Carbonate Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 321. Ferrous Hydroxide Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 321. Fertiliser ingredient from seaweed. 409. Fertilisers phosphoric acid in -; Colorimetric K. C. Scheel 670. Fibre Coir - . General investigation. determination of. S. R. K. Menon 869. in pig food; Excess of -. 255. Finger-Prints Method of rendering -- visible.Firearms Date of firing of --. 845. Firewood Calorific value of timber used for Fish Analysis of -. M. E. Stansby 43. W. L. Davies 512, Eishy Flavour Investigation of -. W. L. Davies and E. Gill 552. Fiske and Subbarow Method for the colorimetric determination of phosphoric acid in grass and similar materials. A. W. Greenhill and N. Pollard 133. Flasks Brewers’ __ . British Standard Specification for. 850. with graduated necks ; British Standard Speci-fication for -. 551. “Flat-Sour” spoilage in canned peas. Flavianates Microscopy of --. R. L. Crosby Flavin in cereals. Flavour Investigation of fishy -. W. L. Davies and E. Gill 552. Flesh of different animals; Calcium and mag-nesium content of -.M. Takamatsu, 193. M. W-agenaar 131. Identification of --. 550. -. 120. Formaldehyde in smoked -. 340. *meal; Crude protein fraction of -. 696. and P. L. Kirk 144. A. M. Copping 667. Flour “improvers” and dermatitis. 616. milling. Hot aeration process. 186. Soya bean ~ in smoked meat products. C. H. La Wall and J. W. E. Harrisson 123. Flow Meters 41. Fluids chlorine in body -; Determination by direct titration. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light. 2nd Ed. (Review) J. A. Kadley and J. Grant 215. C. F. M. Rose 780. phenomena. M. DBribQ6 580. test for bromine; Ultra-violet light as an aid J . Grant 400. thermoscope. H. Eichler 440. (Naph-thionic acid and Schaeffer’s salt). M. DBribBrB 640. substances formed by oxidation of vitamin B, (quinochromes) ; Properties of blue -.H. W. Kinnersley J. R. O’Brien and R. A. Peters 55. in the -. Fluorescent indicators; Two new -. VOLUME 61 Fluoride Interference of - in the precipita-tion of phosphoric acid by molybdate, H. T. Bucherer and F. W. Meier 210. Lanthanum acetate as reagent for -. J . Fischer 436. in phosphates. 120. New method for determining -. S. Shin-kai 723. Volumetric determination of __ after precipitation as potassium fluosilicate. A. A. Wassilieff and N. N. Martianoff 65. Fodder carotene in -; Estimation of. 515. Food Canned -. See Canned Food. industries; Metal utensils in -. A. Bey-thien 263. silica in various types of -; Occurrence and detection of. R. Strohecker R. Vaubel and K. Breitwieser 121.Vitamins A and L) in common types of -. K. Coward and B. G. E. Morgan 130. Food and Drugs Analysis. Abstracts 43 121, 190 259 342 418 485 652 619 699 770, 861. Food Investigation Board. Oxidation of fat. 184. Report for 1935. 759. Foods bromine preservatives in --; Investiga-tions of. Florentin and Munsch 343. Fluorine in Derbyshire waters. 837. Iodine content of -. Ionisable iron in -. L. Shackleton and R. A. McCance 490 Metallic contamination of -. N. C. Datta 491. metals in -; Traces of. 231. nitrogen in --; New Kjeldahl method for determining. A. E. Beet and D. G. Furzey, 429. *zinc in --; Determination of. N. D. Syl-vester and E. B. Hughes 734. Foodstuffs nitrogen in -; Determination of. N. W. Schirokow and W. Wolowinskaya, 63.Selenium in proteins from toxic --. E. P. Painter and K. W. Franke 52. Forensic chemistry Abstracts 131 361. R. Balks 262. Chemistry and Scientific Criminal Investiga-tion. 3rd Ed. (Review) A. Lucas 151. Forest Products ; Australian Division of --. Chemistry of Australian timbers. Part 5. -4 study of the lignin determination 111. W’. E. Cohen 611. Products ; Australian Division of -. Report on methods of analysis of preservative-treated timbers. 548. Products Research, 184. *Formaldehyde in salt-cured ling; Testing for the presence of -. in smoked fish. 340. Formalin bacon wash. (Legal Notes) 840. Formic Acid in industrial lactic acid ; Determina-tion of -. A. Jamet 58. *Form01 Tihation after precipitation with acid as means .of determining casein.F. H. McDowall and A. K. K. McDowell 387 824. Fowls Boric acid on imported --. 409. Freezing Influence of - upon the anti-scorbutic activity of potatoes. T. L. Isum-rudowa 495. Freezing Point of milk. See Milk. G. A. Reay 78 INDEX TO Fruit Ascorbic acid content of - with special reference to the effect of cooking and canning. M. Olliver 782. *boric acid in dried -; Determination of. W. Burns Brown 671. exported from South Africa; Tests on -. 340. Gas-storage of -. 761. juice in - wines. juices ; Investigation of bromine preservatives Research on -. 761. soft -; Storage and transport of. Spoilage of processed - by Byssochlamys starch in -; Determination of. 762. trees; Chlorosis in 844. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station Campden Report for 1934-35 694.Fumigation van; Cyanide deposit in -. 758. with hydrocyanic acid. 117. Fungal decay. 184. hyphae; Growth of -. 184. infection; Resistance to -. 762. Fungi mould --; Arsenic and. 233. Furniture beetle; Destruction of -. 185. Fussin phosphorus in --; Occurrence of. A. H. Edwards and J . H. Jones 725. (Legal Notes) 545. in -. Florentin and Munsch 343. 762. fulva. 696. G Gallotannins Constitution of -. 288. Gas selenium in mixtures of air dust and -; H. C. Dudley 784. Determination of. storage of fruit. 761. Gas-masks Testing of -. 550. Gas-works effluents. 34. Gases absorption of --; New principle in. Determination of small amounts of volatile bromides. F. L. Hahan 725. in canned food. 695.Specific heats of __ a t high temperatures. Sulphur - in air. 257. toxic __ in the atmosphere; Detection of. 185. Effect of - on the solubility of sesame seed protein in salt and alkalis. W. H. Adolph and I. Linn 719. Geilmann Reaction for the colorimetric deter-mination of rhenium. L. C. Hurd and B. J. Babler 500. \General . Medical Council British Pharmaco-poeia Commission Committee Reports, 341; Report of the Sub-committee on the Accuracy of Biological Assays 767. ,Geologic Time Measurement of - by means of the micro-analysis of radioactive min-erals. Georgia Experiment Station Report for the year 1935-36. 848. Germanic Acid Reactions common to boric acid and -. Germanium Determination of small quantities of -. N. S. Poluektoff 500.Germicidal effect of alcohol with special refer-ence to its action on bacterial spores. C. E. Coulthard and G. Sykes 630. 479. Gasoline: F. Hecht and E. Kroupa 727. N. S. Poluektoff 212. xxxvii VOLUME 61 Gibraltar Report of the City Analyst (A. G. Glands endocrine -; Microscopy of powdered Microscopy of powdered endocrine -. suprarenal - of the ox ; Reducing substance E. Ott K. Glass Ground - joints for assembling ap-Reaction of ~ upon o-tolicline. D. W. silica in -; Rapid gravimetric determina-Holborow) for the year 1935. desiccated. P. A. Mattis 706. H. W. Youngken 127. occurring with ascorbic acid in. Kramer and W. Faust 564. paratus. H. Lee 334. Horn 792. tion of. 142. 837. Gloriosa Superba poisoning. 845. Glucose Differential reduction of the nitro-group by means of -.G. Bacharach and H. Weinstein 203. in blood ; Application of the colour reaction of hexoses and their polymers to the colori-metric determination of ___ . J . A. Danchez 425. Micro-determination of - by means of cerium. K. Vanossi and R. Ferramola 643. Quantitative determination of - by means of Nessler’s reagent. M. Goswami H. N. Das-Gupta and K. L. Ray 356. fl-Glucoside of sesamol; Synthesis of -. Baudouin’s reaction. J . Boeseken W. D. Cohen and C. J . Kip 854. Glues Differentiation of casein and blood albumin - in plywood by means of the microscope. B. J. Rendle and G. L. Franklin 431. Glutamine in presence of asparagine ; Determina-tion of -. H. B. Vickery G. W. Pucher, H. E. Clark A.C. Chibnall and R. G. Westall 349. in tobacco leaves. H. B. Vickery and G. W. Pucher 270. Glutathione and ascorbic acid ; Some relations between -. I;. G. Hopkins and E. J. Morgan 782. Reactions of .- with phospho-18-tungstic acid. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 196. Glycerides of cacao butter; Component -. T. P. Hilditch and W. J . Stainsby 422. of hardened castor oil. A. Bomer and F. Brehm 792. Glycerol Microchemical detection of - based on the formation of liquid crystals. P. Gaubert 145. Glycocoll Application of Zimmermann’s o-phthaldialdehyde reagent to the detection of small amounts of ~ and to the deter-mination of its presence in polypeptides. E. Aberhalden and A. Neumann 269. Glycosides digitalis ---; Determination of, and molecular weight determination of by the colorimetric method.W. Neumann, 558. Goat milk fat; Component fatty acids of -. R. W. Riemenschneider and N. R. Ellis 261. Gold Determination of - without cupella-tion. J . Donau 361. Paper-strip method for the colorimetric determination of -. N. D. Costeanu 794. Spot tests for -. R. N. Costeanu 433 Gold Chloride Reaction of - with methylene Goldbeater’s Skin test for tannins. Government Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See British Guiana Ceylon Cyprus, Federated Malay States Hong Kong, Madras Mauritius New South Wales New Zealand Palestine Queensland Siam South Africa Straits Settlements Trinidad and Tobago Western Australia. Government Chemist Appointment of J. J. Fox as -. 30. Appointment of A.More as Deputy -. 409. Government Laboratory Report on the work of - for 1935-36. 841. Grain Occurrence of an indicator in bran as a characteristic property of -. A. Schule-rud 851. Grape juice ; Investigation of bromine preserva-tives in -. Florentin and Munsch 343. Grape Fruit squash containing two preserva-tives. 607. Grape Seed Oil Polymerisation of -. M. Brambilla and G. Balbi 716. Grapes Control of the ripeness of table ~ in the Avignon region. Criteria of the ripeness of table -. E. Hughues and E. Bouffard 619. Grass carotene in -; Estimation of. 515. Phosphoric acid in - determined colori-metrically by the Fiske and Subbarow method. A. W. Greenhill and N. Pollard 133. Grass Meal carotene xanthophyll and chloro-phyll in artificially dried - ; Rapid method for determining.Gravimetric work ; Centrifuge with removable tip for -. Grey Powder 607. Gross and Smith colorimetric method for deter-mining rotenone and deguelin ; Improve-ment in -. L. D. Goodhue 355. Ground Nut Oil B.S.I. specification for 2. 42. Guanidine Separation of methyl guanidine and - by means of B-naphthalene sulphonyl chloride. W. C. Hess and M. X. Sullivan, 350. Gum Tragacanth Microscopic methods for detecting -. Gutzeit method for determining arsenic ; Modi-fied -. test; Origin of the -. F. W. F. Amaud, 757; B. Dyer 757. blue. 63. 296. G. Mathieu 700. M. Pyke 497. S. D. Elek 579. J. D. Wildman 127. H. E. Crossley 871. H Haemolytic reaction for testing the removal of bitterness from soya beans.31. KrajCinoviC, Haemopoietic substance occurring in liver ; Further observations of the chemical nature of -. H. D. Dakin C. C. Ungley and R. West 859. *Halibut-Ever Oils Characteristics of -, R. T. M. Haines and J . C. Drummond 2. *of the 1935 season Characteristics of -. N. Evers A. G. Jones and W. Smith 7. Halide Simultaneous argentometric titration of cyanide and -. R. Ripan-Tilici 210. 128. V U L U l V l L 01 *Halides bromide in presence of -; Deter-mination of. F. W. Edwards H. R. Nanji and E. B. Parkes 743. Halogen absorption of oils; Notes on the bromine vapour method for determining -. H. Toms 177. micro-combustion method for organic iodine ; Volumetric modification of the Pregl -. P. L. Kirk and I<. Dod 143. Ham Treated -.617. Hamamelis Extract of -. H. Berry 777. Hammersmith Report of the Public Analyst 542. Hardy Sir William Collected Scientific Papers of Harrogate Drinking Waters ; Pharmacological Hashish Identification of -. 118. 697. (F. W. Edwards) for the year 1935. -. (Review) 507. Action of -. (Review) W. Bain 70. *mineral waters. A. Woodmansey 23. Manufacture of - in Cyprus. Note on Beam’s test for -. L. C. Nickolls, 604. Use of filtered ultra-violet radiation in the examination of - in the pure state or mixed with various drugs. J. Khouri 213. Health Individual -. Vol. I Biochemical Technique. (Review) E. Obermer and R. Milton 72. Heat Apparatus for drying organic substances affected by -. J. eouillot 644. Heating bath; Inorganic liquid mixture for a -.B. E. Christensen and A. E. King, 506. Hemp Note on Beam’s test for Indian -(hashish). L. C. Nickolls 604. Heroin Identification of - as picrate. 265. Herring Cold storage of -. Hexoses and their polymers; New colour re-action of - and its application to the colorimetric determination of glucose in blood. J . A. Sanchez 425. Histidine Colorimetric determination of carno-sine and - with bromine and with the diazo-reagent. N. P. Meschkowa 563. Home Office Reports Carbon bisulphide Pre-cautions against dangers of poisoning fire and explosion. 1 15. Report of the Senior Medical Inspector of Factories (J. C. Bridge) for the year 1935. 763. Homogenisation Effect of - on some of the characteristics of milk fat. I. A.Gould and G. M. Trout 420. Honey Absorption spectra of -. L. H. Lampitt and P. Bilham 192. contaminated by contact with American foulbrood ; Quantitative demonstration of the presence of spores of Bacillus larvae in - . A. P. Sturtevant 631. Sucrose content of Palestine -. 118. Hong gong Report of Government Analyst for the years 1933 and 1934. V. C. Branson and A. Jackson 116. Hops preservative value of English - * Determination of. H. F. E. Hulton 345: Horse fat; Fractional distillation of saturated fatty acids of completely hydrogenated -. 760. S. Ueno and T. Takeuchi 205 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 XXXiX *Hortvet thermometers ; Standardisation of -. House-breaking implements; Casts of -. 417. Human bones; Distribution of lead in -. S. L. Tompsett 425.milk; Abnormal luminescence phenomena in -. C. Griebel 778. milk; Phosphatase of -. K. V. Giri 777. milk; Salolase content of -. S. Takai 777. Physiology ; Fundamentals of Biochemistry in Relation to -. 5th Ed. (Review) T. K. Parsons 216. tissues; Copper content of some -. P. F. Hahn and E. Fairman 266. urine; Excretion of vitamin C in -. B. Ahmad 427. Humates iron in - * Determination of. N. A. Clark and D. H’. Siding 632. Hungarian apple juice; Composition of -. S. M. Finaly 486. Hydrastinine Identification of - as picrate. 263. Hydrobromic Acid in hydrochloric acid ; Detec-tion and determination of -. L. Chelle, 502. test for copper Electrolytic application of -. G. W. Baker 603. Hydrocarbon removed in the de-oderisation of olive oil.H. Marcelet 488. Hydrocarbons in sperm oil; New -. S. Ueno, 69. Saturated and unsaturated - in vegetable oils. H. Marcelet 772. Hydrochloric Acid Hydrobromic acid detected and determined in -. L. Chelle 502. Hydrocyanic Acid Fumigation with -. 117. Hydrogen Diffusion of - through mild steel sheet. 762. Micro-determination of active - with deuterium oxide. Hydrogen Peroxide Simultaneous volumetric determination of oxalate and -. -4. Simon and T. Reetz 356 675. Hydrogen Sulphide in the atmosphere ; Reversible indicator for detecting small quantities of -. J . Bell and W. K. Hall 210. Hydrogenated castor oil; Iodine values of -. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 867. Hydrogenation Apparatus for catalytic semi-micro- -. L. Zechmeister and L.von Cholnoky 645. Hydroxides Hydrous -. Vol. I1 of H. B. Weiser’s Inorganic Colloid Chemistry. (Review) 69. Hydroxyl groups in organic compounds Deter-mination of -. M. Freed and A. M. M’ynne 635. Hydroxylamine in autolysed green leaves ; Identification of -. M. Lemoigne P. Monguillon and R. Desveaux 65. Hydroxymethylfurfural in sweet wines ; Detection of -. W. Huntenberg 619. o-Hydroxyquinoline Determination of bismuth with -. F. Hecht and R. Reissner 138. Hygroscopic droplets; Xature of the nucleus in -. J . H. Coste and H. L. Wright 146. J . I<. Stubbs and G. D. Elsdon 455. poisoning. 847. K. J . Williams 873. poisoning. 764. Hyoscyamine Identification of __ as picrate. 266. I India Tea adulteration in -. A. Steinmann, 774.Indicators adsorption -; Further experi-ments with phenosafranine tartrazine and Rose Bengal as. gDiphenylcarbazide as internal - in the titration of iron with dichromate. H. E. Crossley 164. Fluorescent __ (naphthionic acid and Schaeffer’s salt). M. DkribkrC 640. for detecting small quantities of hydrogen sulphide in the atmosphere; Reversible -. J Bell and W. K. Hall 210. Neville-Winther acid as a fluorescent -. M. BCrib6r6 580. Phenylanthranilic acid as oxidation-reduction -. A. Kirssanow and W. Tscherkassow, 499. A. J. Berry 315. ,. lemperature colour -. 615. Indium Volumetric determinaton of H. B. Hope M. Ross and J . 1;. Skelly 435. Indole Formation of - in the decomposition of meat. I. A. Smorodinzew and B. S. Diskina 625.Industrial respirators. 185. Infra-Red wave-length determinations. 480. Ink carbon -; Identification of. 550. Inorganic analysis; Abstracts 61 138 206 275, 359 431 499 573 640 719 793 870. Chemistry; A Comprehensive Treatise on Theoretical -. Vol. XIV. (Review), J . W. Mellor 147; Vol. XV 799. Chemistry; Textbook of -. Vol. XI. (Review) J . N. Friend 649. Colloid Chemistry. Vol. 11 Hydrous Oxides and Hydroxides. (Review) H. B. Weiser 69. liquid mixture for a heating bath. B. E. Christensen and A. E. King 506. *materials; Risk of error in determining traces of arsenic in - . W. A. Davis and J. G. Maltby 96. Young’s method of determining -. R. A. Gregory 492. Insecticide powders ; Determination of barium fluosilicate in -. A. Bonis 134. Insecticides barium silicofluoride in -; Rapid determination of.J. Vinas and J. Save 428. Inositol in animal tissues; Modification of Composition of -. 838. Regulations for colouring --. 418. Insects Comparative toxicity of anabasine and nicotine sulphates to --. J . M. Ginsburg, J . B. Schmitt and P. Grannett 57. Insulin Action of \various reagents on -. H. Jensen E. A. Evans W. D. Pennington and E. D. Shock 629. Electrometric titration of -. Preparation and properties of iodinated -. C. R. Harrington and A. Neuberger 566. International prototype metre. 41. Iodide bromide in presence of -; Deter-mination of. 747 xl INDEX TO Iodide-continued. in presence of bromide and chloride ; Titration of -. A.‘Mutschin 724. Iodides micro-determination of iodine and -; New method for.G. Endres and L. Kaufmann 875. Iodimetry 11 Micro-iodine determination by raising to a higher power. F. Rappaport and H. Engelberg 438. Iodine content of foods. R. Balks 262. in iodine ointment; Combined -. D. Hen-J . €3. Mc-in organic substances; Determination of -. in potassium iodide solution ; Micro-reaction investigation in New Zealand 39. micro-determination of -; New method for. G. Endres and L. Kaufmann 875. ointment; Combined iodine in -. D. Hen-ville 27. ointment ; Sale of -. Question of warranty. (Legal Notes) 31. paint (methylated). 606. solution for use in coal mines. C. A. Mitchell, 28. Spirit of -. 543. Volumetric modification of the Pregl micro-combustion method for -. P. L. Kirk and K.Dod 143. ville 27. Kean 11. E. Kahane and T. Tomesco 790. of caffeine with -. *in kelp; Determination of -. C. van Zijp 577. White - cream. 542. Iodine Value of hydrogenated castor oil. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 867. of oils; Study of the methods of determining -. I. d’O. C. C. Netto 867. Iridium Tetrachloride Reaction of - with methylene blue. 63. Iron Colorimetric determination of - with thiocyanate. K. Steinhauser and H. Gins-berg 434. Determination of small quantities of - with the use of a silver reductor. C. F. Fryling and F. V. Tooley 722. ferric ~ Determination of traces of. J. Dubnoff and P. L. Kirk 726. galvanised -; Zinc coating on. J . A. D. Nash 541. in humates; Determination of -. N. A. Clark and D. H. Seiling 632.in natural phosphates; Determination of --. R. Meurice and P. Martens 134. Ionisable - in foods. L. Shackleton and R. A. McCance 490. Physical constants of -. 691. Reduction of - by tissue extracts and by ascorbic acid. W. D. McFarlane 782. sensitivity of olive oils. 527. Separation of - from copper and nickel. P. Spacu 573. Separation of - from manganese nickel and cobalt by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 723. *Titration of - with dichromate with the use of diphenylcarbazide as internal indica-tor. H. E. Crossley 164. VOLUME 61 Irradiation product of 7-dehydrocholesterol ; An antirachitically active -. A. Windaus, Fr. Schenck and F. von Werder 711. Itching Powder 840. J Jabots €at. Jam Labelling of raspberry -. 254. Japanese olive oil.M. Tsujimoto and H. Koyan-agi 621. Jelly cream. 254. crystals. 119. Milk - crystals. 474. Wine -. 544. Jersey States of Report of the Official Analyst 400. Jordan River water; Salinity of -. 118. A Steger and J . van Loon 124. (C. P. Money) for 1935. K Kakaoerzeugnisse Handbuch der -. (Re-view) H. Fincke 801. Kaolin silica in - . Rapid gravimetric determination of. 14i. Karaya Gum Microscopic methods for detecting -. J. D. Wildman 127. Katalystoren Organischen - und ihre Beziehungen zu den Fermenten. (Review), W. Langenbeck 217. *Kelp iodine in -; Determination of. J. B. McKean 11. Kensington Report of the Public Analyst (F. W. Edwards) for Fourth Quarter 1935, and First Quarter 1936 542; Third Quarter 1936 838. Kent Report of County Analyst (F.W. F. Arnaud) for Fourth Quarter 1935. Ketones 2:4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine deriva-tives of -. 393. Kingston-upon-Hull Report of Public Analyst for City and County of - (A. R. Tankard) for the year 1935. 839. Kippers Cold storage of -. 760. Kjeldahl Method ; Determination of nitrogen in coal by the - with selenium as catalyst. H. E. Crossley 64. method for determining nitrogen in foods, feeding stuffs leather etc.; New -. A. E. Beet and D. G. Furzey 429. nitrogen determinations ; Copper selenite as catalyst in -. E. J . Schwoegler B. J. Babler and L. C. Hurd 498. 255. Kohlrausch Flasks Standards for -. 341. L Lactic Acid formic acid in industrial -; Determination of. A. Jamet 58. *in blood; Notes on Mendel and Goldschieder’s method for -.R. Milton 91. Lactoflavin A possible contaminant of vitamin-free diets. G. C. Supplee. G. E. Flanigan, 2. M. Hanford and A. Ansbacher. 496. Lactose Hydrate Determination of moisture content of -. 375 INDEX TO Lamb-livers Copper in -. 39. Lancaster Report of the County Analyst (G. D. Elsdon) for the year 1935. Lanthanum Acetate as a reagent for fluoride. J . Fischer 436. Lard Fractional distillation of saturated fatty acids of completely hydrogenated -. S. Ueno and T. Takeuchi 206. substitutes. 338. Laundry Chemistry. 2nd Ed. (Review) A. Harvey 581. Lead Contamination of water by -. 33. Determination of small amounts of - by photometric titration. S. Hirano 139. Extraction of - by means of diphenylthio-carbazone.L. Ellis 178. Gravimetric determination of - as chromate L. Guzelj 275. in distilled liquors. 550. in human bones; Distribution of -. Tompsett 425. in Jersey water. 409. *in potable waters; Determination of -. S. L. Tompsett 591. in the air of workshops. *in urine ; Application of diphenylthiocarbazone to the estimation of -. F. Morton 465. on apples; Accuracy of the determination of -. D. E. H. Frear and W. S. Hodgkiss, 569. poisoning. 764. poisoning among children ; Investigation of poisoning by home-made cider. 255. Quantitative separation of - as chromate. Removal of - from water. Separation of bismuth from -. E. A. *tin in alloys with antimony and -; Deter-utensils for food. 264. Volumetric determination of - with eosin as adsorption indicator.C. Candea and I . G. Murgulescu 276. Lead Arsenate on tobacco. 618. Lead Carbonate Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 322. Lead Chromate Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 322. Leaf starch Its isolation and some of its pro-perties. H. A. Spoehr and H. w. Milner 54. Leaf Oils of Washington conifers. C. Schwartz, Jnr. 571. Leather nitrogen in - ; New Kjeldahl method for determining. A. E. Beet and D. G. Furzey 429. Leaves hydroxylamine in autolysed green -; Identification of. M. Lemoigne P. Mon-guillon and R. Desveaux 55. Lebensmittel-Chemie Handbuch der -. Vol. 111. (Review) A. Bomer A. Jucke-nack and J . Tillmans 878. Lecithin-Phosphoric Acid in. egg-pastry and advocat; Colorimetric determination of Leeds Report of the City Analyst (C.H. 543. S. L. 848. -. 340. 2. Karaoglanov and M. Michov 61. Ostroumow 721. mination of. 33. H. F. Hourigan 328. research. 186. -. W. Schut 770. Manley) for the year 1935. 758. VOLUME 61 xli? Leeks Vitamin C in -. Legal Cases Pottier v. F. W. Woolworth & Co.,. Ltd. 31. Legal Notes 31 112 182 256 410 474 544, 608 840. Leicester Report of the City Analyst (F. C . Bullock) for the year 1935. Leitfahigkeit Elektroanalyse Polarographie und -- . (Review) W. Bottger and Others 800. Lettuce Vitamin content of the leaves of Iceberg -. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy 350. Liebermann-Burchardt reaction for cholesterol ; Investigation of -. *Light-filter cell; A new -. C. A. MitchelI and T. J .Ward 751. Lignin determination; Study of -. 111. W. E. Cohen 611. in woods; Determination of -. K. F. Bamford and W. G. Campbell 430. Micro-determination of -. A. J . Bailey, 439. Lignins Some characteristics of wood -. E. E. Harris 571. Lime in fresh cement; Determination of free Limestone silica in -; Rapid gravimetric Limonites and cure of bush sickness. *Ling formaldehyde in salt-cured; Testing for presence of -. Liniment of turpentine. Linolenic Acid Chloro-iodo and dichloro-diiodo derivatives of -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 716. Linolic Acid Chloro-iodo derivatives of -. Linseed cake; Castor bean in -. Linseed Oil B.S.I. specification for raw -. 42. Oxidation products of the unsaturated acids of -. L. C. A. Nunn and I. Smedley-Maclean 357.Lipase Ricznus - its nature and specificity. H. E. Longenbecker and D. E. Haley 348. Liquors Lead in distilled -. 550. Liqueurs thujone in absinthe-type -; Detection of. J. B. Wilson 344. Liver extract ; Belladonna poisoning from liquid --. N. F. Winder and C. H. Manley 632. haemopoietic substance occurring in -; Further observations on the chemical nature of. H. D. Dakin C. C. Ungley and R. West 859. Liver Oil of the man-eating shark. M. Tsuji-moto 368. Lobelia Assay of -. W. A. N. Markwell, 621. Erratum 709. Locust poison research. 339. London Appointment of E. R. Andrews as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County of Appointment of E. T. Shelbourn as Agricul-tural Analyst for County of -. Report of the Public Analyst for the City of - (A.J. C. Lickorish) for the year 1935. 689. S. N. Matzko 56. 690. K. !%link 362. -. 114. determination of. 142. 38. G. A. Reay 78. (+gal Notes) 412. Qualitative test for -. 357. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 716. 840. -. 409. 409 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME 61 London County Council Appointment of E. T. Shelbourn as Chemist to -. 253. Report of the Chemical Branch for 1935. 840. Luminal poisoning. 120. Luminescence phenomena in human milk ; Lysol soap (Legal Notes). Abnormal -. C. Griebel 778. 656 474. M Mace Volatile oils in -. J. F. Clevenger 50. Mackey cloth oil tester Suggested technique. Oxidation W. Garner and W. Leach 337. *test; Cloth and catalysts in -. of olive oil. W Garner 619. Madar Juice Poisoning from -.613. Madras Report of the Chemical Exanliner (C. Newcomb) for the year 1935. 613. Magdala Red as means of grouping organic solvents. H. Eichler 272. Magnesium compounds; Effect of sodium hexa-metaphosphate on -. 321. content of flesh of different animals. M. Takamatsu 193. Physical constants of -. 692. RI. Geloso and C. Kouillard 641. kernel oils in butter-fat. 703. tion of moisture content of -. Magnesium Dioxide Anodic deposition of -. Magnesium Laurate test for coconut and palm-E. Tchetcheroff, Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate Determina-Maize Oil Standards for crude -. Malayan palm oil; Carotene content of --. I. A. Simpson 862. *Maleic Anhydride ?ndensation of - with tung oil A new constant” for oils. B. A. Ellis arid R. A.Jones 812. Malic Acid Disappearance of - from apples. 761. Malt analyses; Interpretation of -. H. L. Hind and E. N. Hammett 46. 377. 341. Meat and ~ wine. (Legal Notes) 256. Mammals titanium in -; Occurrence of. L. C . Maillard and J . Ettori 624. Manganese Bismuthate method for determining -. B. Park 140. Detection of ~ by means of periodate and +-phenetidine. L. Szebellhdy and M. BArtfay 875. in presence of titanium ; Colorimetric deter-mination of -. in silicate rocks; Determination of -. 0. Hack] 574. Physical constants of -. 692. poisoning. 764. Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from ___ by means of pyridine. E. A. Ostroumow 7 23. Separation of zinc from - K. K. R%y and &I. K. Bose 66. Toxicity of - to various species of plants.C. Olsen 787. Mansonia Gagei Perfumed wood of -. 846. Manufactured products ; Micro-technique in testing - . Collected references. E. Grunsteidl 362. Maple Butter 484. G. J . Hough 140. Maquenne block; Improvement of the -. R. I?. .Jacquemain 213. Margosa 011 Fatty acids of -. R. Child and S. Ramanathan 498. Marking Nut juice. 614. Marrow Bitter principle in vegetable -. Math adulterants of -; Contribution to 618 847. the study of. T. J. Rumi 422. Analyses of -. 483. *Meals fish and meat -; Crude protein frac-tion in. W. L. Davies 512. grass - ; Rapid method of determining carotene xanthophyll and chlorophyll in artifically dried. Measurement electrical units of -; Inter-national Conference on. 478, Measures Board of Trade Report on -.693. Meat cubes and extract; Composition of -. H. E. Cox 190. extract; Kuclein bases in -. H. Boedicker, 859. extracts and cubes; Composition of -. H. E. Cox 190. Formation of indole in the decomposition of -. I . A. Smorodinzew and B. S . Diskina 625. *meals; Crude protein fraction of -. W. L. Davies 512. M. Pyke 497. Onion flavour in -. 848. Research on -. 759. smoked products; Soya bean flour in. C. H. La Wall and J . W. E. Harrison 123. Meat and Malt Wine (Legal Notes) 256. Non-alcoholic -. (Legal Notes) 410. Medical Research Council Bacterial nutrition. Material for a comparative physiology of bacteria. B. C. J . G. Knight 609. G. S. Wilson and others. 414. (Review) 446. Medicines Declared analyses of patent -.690. Medinal poisoning. 4 17. Melting Points Photometric method for deter-mining - . P. Woog J . Givaudon, K. Sigwalt and J . Lienhart 362. *Mendel and Goldschieder method for determining lactic acid in blood; Notes on -. R. Milton 91. Mercuric Chloride mercury in -; Determina-tion of. E. Cattelain 61. Mercuric Salts Reaction of - with methylene blue. Mercury Detection and determination of -. C. Mahr 359. N. A. Tananaeff, 719. photometric titration. S. Hirano 139. in leafy vegetables determined by means of diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) . W. 0. Winkler 132. in mercuric chloride ; Determination of --. E. Cattelain 61. *in organic matter ; Colorimetric method for determining small amounts of -. S. Strafford and P. F. Wyatt 528.Bacteriological grading of milk. L. Passerini and L. Michelotti 63. Detection of silver and -. Determination of small amounts of - by ointment. (Legal Xotes) 411. poisoning. 613 764 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 xliii Mersey River investigation. 34. Merthiolate Bactericidal action of phenol and - used alone and in mixtures. C. R. Falk and S. P. Aplington 786. Meta-dinitrobenzene as indicator of the respira-tion of plant and animal cells. S . C . J. Olivier and K. Ebes 709. Metal utensils in food industries and in kitchens. A. Beythien 263. Metal Sulphides Induced precipitation of -. I. M. Kolthoff and D. R. Moltzau 612. Metallic contamination of foods. K. C . Datta, 481. Metallurgical research. 183. Metals in dust. 758. in foods; Traces of --.New organic reagent for - particularly for silver. S. E. Sheppard and H. R. Brigham 573. 231. Physical constants of pure -. 691. Meteorological thermometers ; Standard speci-fication for -. 652. Methanol Effect of - on the solubility of sesame seed protein in salt and alkalis. W. H. Adolph and 1. I i n 719. Sutritive value of soya bean powder and soya bcan oil treated with -. S. Kajizuka, 193. Toxicity of -. S . liajizuka 199. Methionine in proteins; Sew method for deter-mining --. H. ij. Baernstein 869. *Methoxyl group ; Modification of the micro-Zeisel apparatus for determining -. J . J . Chinoy 602. Methyl Anthranilate Rapid identification of -. S. Sabetay 136. Methyl Green for detecting traces of alkali in fibrous materials. E.Clayton 60. Methyl Guanidine Separation of guanidine and __ by means of /3-naphthalene sulphonyl chloride. W. C. Hess and hl. X. Sullivan, 350. Methylated Spirit wine. 838. Methylene Blue and acetone method of measuring ultra-violet radiation. 257. Reaction of salts of cerium and other elements with --. L. Passerini and L. Michelotti, 63. Micro-analysis Diffusion methods in -. Detection of acetone and alcohol in bio-logical liquids. W. R. Fearon and D. A. Webb 639. of radioactive minerals as means of measuring geologic time. F. I-Iecht and E . Kroupa, 727. Micro-balances Collected references. G. Gor-bach 725. Microbiology Soil -; Problems in. (Review), D. M. Cutler and L. M. Crump 70. Micro-Carbon-Hydrogen Analysis Quantitative determination of components of mixtures of explosives by applying -.M. Furter and J . I,'Orange 143. Microchemical analysis ; Abstracts 66 143, 211 278 361 436 504 575 643 525 796, 873. M. Furber, 66. Organic --. K. Lindenfeld 361. balances; Experiences with -. Microchemical-continued. detection of cholesterol urea and glycerol, etc. based on the formation of liquid crystals. P. Gaubert 145. reactions of novocaine. M. \Vagenaar 288. reagent; Berberine as -. C . van Zijp 576. references in 1936. 440 726. studies of artificial sweetening substances. I. Saccharin. 11. Dulcin. 1'1. Stan6k and P. Pavlas 278. Micro-combustion Volumetric modification of the Pregl halogen - method for organic iodine. P. L. Kirk and K. Dod 143. Micro-crystal reactions ; Sodium diethyldithio-carbamate as reagent for certain -.J . Grant and F. A. Meggy 401. Micro-determination of active hydrogen with deuterium oxide. of alkalis in tissue. Ii. Iinderstrnm-Lang. 797. of arsenic in must and wine. J . Burkard and €3. M'ullhorst 198. of chlorides in urine and blood filtrates; Use of diphenylamine blue in -. A. Saifer and 31. Kornblum 627. R. J. M'illiams 873. of copper. of ferrocyanide in muscle and urine. J . G. Edwards and W. I_). Langley 191. of glucose by means of cerium. K. Vanossi and R . Feeramola 643. of iodine and iodides; New method for -. G. Endrcs and L. Kaufmann 875. of lignin. A. J . Bailey 439. of silicon. F. De Eds and C. W. Eddy 876. of urea in tungstic acid blood filtrate ; Modified J.F. Barrett, Micro-distillation apparatus. L. 11.1. Craig 505. Micro-iodine determination by raising t o a F. Kappoport and H. Engel-F. Hecht and R. Reissner 506. Nessler's reagent for -. 129. higher power. berg 438. Micro-Kjeldahl determination. M. Levy 796. Micro-method Use of Vitali's reaction as a quantitative -. 504. Micro-organisms fermenting powers of aerobic and anaerobic -; Apparatus for deter-mining. A. P. Struyk 199. Relation of - to carotenoids and vitamin A . M. A. Ingraham and H. Steenbock 130. Micro-reaction of caffeine with iodinc in potas-sium iodide solution. Microscope Slide Making. (Review) C. E. Heath 582. Microscopic objects; Enumeration of -. A. C. Fay 506. Micro-test for acetone in urine. J . F. Barrett, 564.*Micro-Zeisel apparatus for determining methoxyl and ethoxyl groups; Modification of -. J. J . Chinoy 602. Mikroanalyse Toxikologische -. (Review), L. Iiosenthaler 7 1 . Quantitative Organische __ . 4th Ed., (Review) F. Pregl 583. Mikrochemie Mikroscopische Methoden in der -. (Review) L. and A. Kofler and A. Mayrhofer 731. flask; New form of -. A. Solbys 440. C. van Zijp 577 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Milk luminescence phenomena in human acidity of -; Determination of. N. H. Ammonia content as indication of the quality Bacteriological grading of - Medical G. S. Wilson and (Min--; Abnormal. C. Griebel 778. Pizer 852. of -. H. Kluge 418. Research Council Report. Others 414. (Review) 446. istry of Health Memorandum). 850. Bacteriological tests for graded -.Banana sap as adulterant of -. banana sap in - ; Test for. J. A. R. carbon dioxide in -; Determination of. carotene in -; Estimation of. Chemistry of -. chocolate; Analysis of -. 117. Stoyle 336. F. H. McDowall 472. 517. (Review) W. L. Davies, G. R. Janssen *Citric acid in ___ and its determination. 365. and V. R. Dehut 45. L. H. Lampitt and H. S. Rooke 654. Condensed -. See Condensed Milk. dehydrogenase; Action of dyestuffs and other substances on -. K. P. Rasu and S. P. Mukherjee 494. dried-; Determination of water of total solids and of fat in -. (Report No. 4 of Milk Products Sub-Committee.) 105. Adop-tion of Report by the Fkdbration Inter-nationale de Laiterie 759. dried - powder ; Determination of moisture content of.374. factory effluents. 34. fat; Effect of certain ingested fatty oils upon the composition of cow’s - . *r. P. Hilditch and H. M. Thompson 486. fat; Effect of homogenisation on some of the characteristics of -. I . A. Gould and G. M. Trout 420. fat in -; British standard apparatus and methods for determining the percentage of, by the Gerber method. 769. Freezing-point of - . Tests in South Africa. 339. Freezing-point of appeal-to-cow samples of *freezing-point of watered - ; Calculation of added water from the. G. D. Elsdon and J . R. Stubbs 382. Freezing-point test applied to heated -. H. A. Williams 246. goat - f a t ; Component fatty acids of. R. W. Riemenschneider and N. R. Ellis 261. heated - ; Storch reaction for.L. C. Janse 853. *in Tanganyika Territory ; Constants of -. M. H. French and W. D. Raymond 750. jelly crystals. 474. pasteurised-; On the examination of -. University of Bristol. 35. pasteurised-; Phosphatase tests for -. 36. H. D. Kay and W. R. Graham Jnr. Phosphatase of human -. K. V. Giri 777. -. 839. 44. Milk-continued. Products Sub-Committee to the Analytical Methods Committee. Report No. 4. De-termination of water of total solids and of fat in dried milk. 105. Adoption of Report by the Fedbration Internationale de Laiterie 759. raw and heated -; Relative value of. E. C. V. Mattick and J. Golding 561. Sale of - “as i t comes from the cow.’’ 188. Salolase content of -. Saltpetre in -. 188. serum; Ammonium sulphate __ for sero-logical investigations.H. Kluge 709. *sour -; Estimation of the original freezing-point of. H. J. Evans 666. 183 41 2, 849. S. Takai 777. (Special Designations) Order 1936. unboiled -; Test in Court for. 837. Watered - containing more than 8.5 per cent. of non-fatty solids. (Legal Notes) 544. Mineral powders; Dielectric constant of -. J. L. Kosenholtz and I>. T. Smith 441. *Mineral Waters charged with nitrous oxide. 847. of Harrogate. A. Woodmansey 23. Saccharin in -. 338. Minerals Fluorescent -. M. DCribbrb 580. Micro-analysis of radioactive __ as means of measuring geologic time. F. Hecht and E. Kroupa 727. tin in -; Potassium bromate as means of determining. L. Deutsch 207. zirconium in -; Detection and rapid deter-mination of. N. A.Tananaeff and A. V’. Tananajewa 434. Ministry of Health Bacteriological tests for graded milk. 850. Milk (Special Designations) Order 1936. 183 412 849. Mint Dried -. 254. *Moisture content determined by distillation with liquids immiscible with water. F. G. H. Tate and L. A. Warren 367. Molasses beet -; Betaine content and nitrogen distribution of. W. L. Davies and H. C. Dowden 552. Molybdate precipitation of phosphoric acid by - Interference of fluoride in. H. T. Bucherer and F. W. Meier 210. Volumetric determination of - with eosin as adsorption indicator. C. Candea and I. G. Murgulescu 276. Molybdenum Colorimetric determination of -. I,. C. Hurd and H. 0. Allen 140. Separation of - from tungsten. H. Yagoda and H. A. Fales 795. Steels Their Manufacture and Application.(Review) J. L. D. Vogel and W. F. Rowden, 729. Volumetric determination of - by means of vanadate solution. R. Lang and S. Gottlieb 208. Molybdenum Oxychloride Reaction of -Monobromoacetic Acid normally present in Monohydroxypalmitic Acid in butter-fat. A. W. Zinzadse’s - reagent. 199. with methylene blue. 63. wines. Bosworth and G. E. Helz 193. L. Chelle and G. Vitte. 343 INDEX TO Moroccan olive oil. Morphine apomorphine in presence of -; Identification of small quantities of. M. Jardillier 345. J . Valin 261. Identification of - as picrate. Mosquitoes and water salinity 698. Mould fungi; Arsenic and -. Muscle ferrocyanide in - ; Micro-deter-mination of -. J. G. Edwards and W. D. Langley 194.Must arsenic in -; Micro-determination of. J . Burkard and B. Wullhorst 198. Mustard Standards for -. von Morgenstein, 50. *Mustard-seed Oil New method for estimating - and for detecting the oils used to adulterate it. S. Neogi 597. Mycobacferium Phlei Production of caroten-oids by -. M. A. Ingraham and H. Steenbock 130. 265. 233. Starch in -. 543. N &Naphthalene Sulphonyl Chloride Separation of guanidine and methyl guanidine by means of -. W. C. Hess and M. X. Sullivan 350. Naphthionic acid as a fluorescent indicator. M. Dkribdrk 640. National Physical Laboratory Physical constants of pure metals. 691. Nephelometric determination of small amounts Nervonic acid 137. Nessler’s Reagent Analytical uses of -. De-tection of aldehydes.Quantitative deter-mination of glucose. M. Goswami H. N. Das-Gupta and K. L. Ray 356. Modified - for the micro-determination of urea in tungstic acid blood filtrate. J . I;. Barrett 129. Neville-Winther Acid as a fluorescent indicator. M. D6ribkr6 580. New South Wales Report of the Government Analyst (S. G. Walton) for the years 1933 and 1934. 616. ’New Zealand Report of Chief Chemist Depart-ment of Agriculture for 1934-35. B. C. Aston 38. Report of the Dominion Analyst for 1934. W. Donovan 188. .Nickel in presence of cobalt ; Volumetric deter-mination of -. *in zinc ; Electrolytic determination of small quantities of -. Separation of iron from -. P. Spacu 573. Separation of iron aluminium and chromium from - by means of pyridine. E.A. Ostroumow 723. *Use of anthranilic acid in determining -. R. J. Shennan J. H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward 395. Report for the year 1935 478. of nicotine. K. Hofmann 577. G. Charlot 277. J. G. Fife 681. utensils for food. 263. .Nicotine Identification of - as picrate. 265. Nephelometric determination of small amounts of -. R. Hofmann 577. VOLUME 61 xlv Nicotine Sulphate Comparative toxicity of anabasine sulphate and - to insects. J. M. Ginsburg J. B. Schmitt and P. Granett 57. *Niobium analytical chemistry of -; Investi-gations into. XXX Observations on beryllium. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 235. XXXI Determination of tungsten in earth-acid minerals. 449. XXXII Observations on phosphorus van-adium and a tannin precipitation series.W. H. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 585. XXXIII General summary and results. W. R. Schoeller 806. Separation of beryllium from -. Separation of vanadium from tantalum and Determination of - by means of Devarda’s alloy. Determination of - by means of vanadous sulphate. P. C. Banerjee 724. groups in carbohydrate derivatives ; Deter-mination of -. J. Dewar and G. W. Brough 714. Nitrates chlorate and perchlorate in -; Determination of. E. S. Tomula 209. in water in presence of chlorides ; Colorimetric determination of -. H. Caron and D. Raquet 498. in waters; Influence of chlorides on the colorimetric determination of -. R. Danet 203. Nitrites Detection of -. J. C. Giblin and G. Chapman 686. Nitrobenzene poisoning. 847. Nitrogen distribution of beet molasses and other beet by-products.W. L. Davies and H. C. Dowden 552. in ammonium salts and foodstuffs ; Determina-tion of -. N. W. Schirokow and W. Wolowinskaya 63. in coal; Determination of - by the Kjeldahl method with selenium as catalyst. H. E. Crossley 64. in foods feeding stuffs leather etc.; New Iijeldahl method for -. A. E. Beet and D. G. Furzey 429. Kjeldahl ~ determinations ; Copper selenite as catalyst in. E. J . Schwoegler B. J. Babler and L. C. Hurd 498. non-protein - of tissue; Determination of. M. D. Mezincescu and F. Szabo 780. partition in tissues ; Determination of -. G. B. Ayres and M. Lee 779. Nitro-Group Differential reduction of the -by means of glucose. G. Bacharach and R. Weinstein 203. Nitrophenylarsinic Acid as a reagent for tin.B. Tougarinoff 872. Nitro-Sulpho-Perchloric Acid method of des-troying organic matter applied to the toxicological determination of arsenic. E. Kahane 272. Nitrous fumes; Poisoning by -. Nitrous Oxide Mineral waters charged with Novocaine Identification of - as picrate. 265. M. Wage-238. -. 588. Nitrate: M. B. Donald 249. 764. -. 847. Microchemical reactions of -. naar 282 xlvi INDEX TO Nuclein bases in meat extract. H. Boedicker, Nucleus in hygroscopic droplets; Nature of -. Nutmeg Volatile oils in -. J. F. Clevenger, Nutritional Factors in Disease. (Review) W. €2. Nuts Cryplocarya latifolia from South Africa. Nux Vomica fruit; Identification of -. 613. 859. J . H. Coste and H. L. Wright 145. 50.Fearon 882. 358. with datura. 417. 0 Obesity Preparations to prevent -. 188. Obituaries Pope Thomas Henry 77 155. Oduvan poisoning. 6 13. Oil Balsam pear seed -. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 703. from Hicinus Zanzibasinus. A. Steger, J . van Loon and C. Smelt 261. from the seeds of Celestrus fianiculatus Willd. ; Chemical examination of -. 0. N. Kumaraswamy and B. L. Manjunath 704. from the seeds of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.; Constituents of -. R. K. Agarwal and S. Dutt 621. of Pleurogramvllus wonopterygius Pallas. Y . Toyama and T. Ishikawa 866. Oils Adulteration of - in Palestine. Rintoul William 653. 844. asphalt in -; Determination of. P. Woog, J. Givaudon F. Dayan and A. Bidet 206. *Condensation of maleic anhydride with tung oil A new “constant” for -.B. A. Ellis and R. A. Jones 812. cylinder and locomotive-bearing --; Mis-cibility of. 180. edible-; Estimation of rape oil in -. J . Grossfeld 124. edible-; Labelling of -. 482. Essential -. See Essential Oils. Fatty -. See Fatty Oils. halogen absorption of -; Notes on the bromine vapour method for. H. Toms 177. iodine value of -; Study of the methods of determining. Leaf - of Washington conifers. C. Sch-wartz Jr. 571. locomotive-bearing and cylinder - ; Mis-cibility of. 189. Standard specifications for -. 341. *used to adulterate rape and mustard-seed oils; Kew method for detecting. S. Neogi 597. vegetable- ; Products responsible for the taste and characteristic odour of -. Presence of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.H. Marcelet 772. Volatile - in mace and nutmeg. J. F. Clevenger 50. Oilseeds Refractive index of fats in - deter-mined by means of bromonaphthalene. W. Leithe 274. D. I . d’O. C. C. Netto 867. Some African -. 48. Ointment iodine -; Combined iodine in. Henville 27. VOLUME 61 Ointment-continued. iodine -; Sale of. Question of warranty. Mercurial - and mercury -. (Legal Mercury -. (Legal Notes) 411. sulphur -; Determination of elemental H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward, (Legal Notes) 31. Notes) 112. sulphur in. 28. Oleander Kernel Oil Yellow -. Olive Oil adulterated with arachis oil. 615. 118. Alcoholysis of -. B.S.I. specification for -. 42. from the Islands of Rhodes and Cos. V. Hydrocarbon removed in the de-odorisation of Iron sensitivity of -.527. Japanese __ . M. Tsujimoto and H. Marketing of -. 482. Moroccan -. J . Valin 261. Optical rotation and unsaponifiable matter of *Oxidation of ~ in the Mackey test for cloth tea-seed oil in --; Colorimetric method of Y . Volmar and B. Han-sen 47. Brandonisio 487. -. H. Marcelet 489. Iioyanagi 621. -. W. Ciusa 487. oils. W. Garner 519. detecting. J . Fitelson 771. Onion flavour in meat. 848. Onions Sulphur content and pungency of -. H. I’latenius 259. Vitamin C in -. N. E. Schepilewskaja and T. L. Isumrudowa 56 ; S. N. Matzko 56. Opium alkaloids; Reaction of - with certain oxidising agents. M. Pesez 423. poisoning. 613. Oranges Effect of storage on vitamin C content of -. 339. Organic acids ; Use of S-benzvl thiuronium chloride for the isolation and identification of -.J . J . Donleavy 570. analysis; Abstracts 58 135 203 272 355, 429 498 570 635 714 789 866. bases ; Phosphotungstic and silicotungstic acids as reagents for -. E. and M. Kahane 429. Chemistry Physical Aspects of -. (Review) W. A. Waters 608. Chemistry; Recent Advances in -. 6th Ed. Vol. 11. (Review) A. W. Stewart 648. compounds ; Determination of hydroxyl groups in -. M. Freed and A. M. Wynne 635. Compounds; Reactions of -. (Review), W. J. Hickinbottom 283. compounds ; Semimicro-methods for the Elementary Analysis of -. (Review), E. Sucharda and B. Bobranski 800. compounds; Spot tests for -. VIII, F. Feigl V. Anger and 0. Frehden 280. *materials; Risk of error in determining traces of arsenic in -.W. A. Davis and J . G. Maltby 96. *matter; Colorimetric determination of minute amounts of mercury in -. N. Strafford and P. F. Wyatt 528. micro-analysis. K. Lindenfeld 361. reagent for cadmium; New -. A. W. Scott and E. G. Adams 206 INDEX TO reagents; Critical studies of the analytical application of -. J. B. Ficklen I. L. Newel1 and N. R. Pike 206. solvents ; Grouping of - by means of Magdala red. H. Eichler 272. Solvents - Physical Constants and Methods of Purification. (Review) A. Weissberger and E. Proskauer 364. substances affected by heat; Apparatus for drying -. J . Bouillot 644. substances; Determination of iodine in -. E. Kahane and T. Tomesco 790. Organischen Chemie ; Holleman’s Lehrbuch der -. 20th Ed.(Review). 17. Richter 214. Katalystoren und ihre Beziehungen zu den Fermenten. (Review) W. Langenbeck, 217. Organism fatty acids in --; Desaturation of. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg, 347. fatty acids in -; Synthesis and destruction of. R. Schoenheimer and D. Rittenberg, 561. Organisms Arsenic in living -. 232. Orris Rhizome Extract of - added to wine. H. Mohler 421. Ounce American fluid -. 42. *Ox Muscle Amino acids of the mixed proteins of -. Oxalate Simultaneous volumetric determina-tion of hydrogen peroxide and -. A. Simon and T. Reetz 356 575. N. A. Tananaeff and A. A. Budkewitsch 135; A. S. Komarow-sky and W. A. Nasarenko 430. Oxidation Electrolytic - and Reduction. (Review) S . Glasstone and A. Hickling 284. products of the unsaturated acids of linseed oil.L. C. A. Nunn and I. Smedlev-Maclean 357. Oxidation-Reduction indicator ; Phenylanthranilic acid as - . A. Kirssanow and W. Tscherkassow 499. Oxides Hydrous -. Vol. I1 of H. B. Weiser’s Inorganic Colloid Chewiistvy. (Review) 69. Separation of tin oxide from various - by ignition with ammonium iodide. E. R. Caley and M. G. Burford 499. P. Pratesi and R. Celeghini 714. o r g a n i c a i n u e d . H. G. Rees 160. Oxalic Acid Detection of -. Oxidising agents; Reagents for -. P Paint Identification of - in a burglary case. 188. Iodine ~ (methylated). 606. materials; X-ray investigations of -. 479. Palestine Report of Government Analyst (G. W. Baker) for the year 1935. water; Corrosion of aluminium alloys by -.844. Palimscope A miniature ultra-violet lamp. 213. Palladium Volumetric determination of -. Palladous Chloride Reaction of - with 844. M. Gahide 277. methylene blue. 63. VOLUME 61 xlvii Palm Oil Carotene content of Malayan -. Palm-kernel Oil in butter-fat ; Magnesium E. Tchetcheroff 703. Standards for crude -. 341. Pancreatic preparations ; Measurement of the proteolytic activity of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 557. Pancreatin Digestion with - in the investiga-tion of changes in animal proteins. I. A. Smorodinzew and J. N. Laskowskaja 624. Papaverbe Identification of - as picrate. 265. *Paraffin liquid -; Sulphuric acid test for, C. E. Sage and S. G. E. Stevens 323. Paratyphoid and typhoid bacilli; New selenite enrichment media for isolating -.E. Leifson 785. Pastewised milk. See Milk. Peanut butter. 339. Pear-seed Oil J . Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 49. Pears Carboard packing for -. 189. Peas canned --; “Flat-sour” spoilage in. I. A. Simpson 862. laurate test for -. 696. green --; Ripening of. 696. green -; Varieties for canning. 694. Pectic Substances Isolation of - from wood. E. Anderson 196. Pellet’s Solution for determining reducing sugars ; Modification of -. C. Y . Chang and H. A. Schuetter 485. Peppermint Essence of -. 474. Perchlorate in nitrates ; Determination of -. E. S. Tomula 209. Perchloric Acid as means of determining tungsten and silicon in steels. A. Clauberg and Y. Behmenberg 361. Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps with Special Reference to Synthetics.4th Ed. Vol. I. (Review) W. A. Poucher 581. Perilla Oil Standards for -. 341. Periodate Detection of manganese by means of 9-phenetidine and -. L. Szebellkdy and M. Bhrtfay 875. Periodic Acid Action of - on tartaric acid. P. Fleury and G. Bon-Bernatets 274. Permanganate poisoning. 697. Peroxidase reaction as means of distinguishing butter made from pasteurised and un-pasteurised cream. L. Waters and A. Ziirn 123. Peroxides in anaesthetic ether. 847. *in anaesthetic ether; Effect of -. J . H. Coste and D. C. Garratt 459. in unsaturated compounds ; Colorimetric deter-mination of -. C. A. Young R. R. Vogt and J . A. Nieuwland 502. Persulphate Determination of ~ by means of vanadous sulphate. P. C. Ranerjee 724. Peru Balsam rosin in -; U.S.Pharmacopoeia XI test for. S. Parnas and R. E. Schoetz-now 857. Petroleum in cassia oil. W. H. Simmons 51. solvents; Estimation of soap by titration in T. M. B. Marshall 717. Pharmaceutical preparations ; Gravimetric deter-A. N. Pharmacological Action of Harrogate Drinking -. mination of sulphur in some -. Leather 335. Waters. (Review) W. Bain 71 xlviii INDEX TO Pharmacology Practical -. 3rd Ed. (Re-view) T. E. Wallis 881. Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933 Poisons Lists and Rules relating to -. 121. Phenanthrene Chemistry of Katural Products related to -. (Review) L. F. Fieser, 647. p-Phenetidine Detection of manganese by means of periodate and -. L. Szebell6dy and M. BArtfay 875. Detection of zinc by means of ferricyanide and -.L. Szebellkdy and S. Tanay 873. Phenol Bactericidal action of merthiolate and - used alone and in mixtures. C . K. Falk and S. 1'. Aplington 786. *Phenosafranine as adsorption indicator ; Further experiments with -. A. J . Berry 315. Phenylanthranilic Acid as oxidation-reduction indicator. A. Kirssanow and W. Tscher-kassow 499. Phenyl-ethyl-malonyl-urea poisoning. 1 19. Phosphatase activity of emulsin. H. Bredereck, H. Beuchelt and G. Richter 862. of human milk. of potato and sugar-beet. E. Pfankuch 628. tests for pasteurised milk. 36. H. D. Kay iron and aluminium in natural -; Deter-mination of. R. Meurice and €'. Martens 134. selenium in natural -; Occurrence of. L. I;. Rader and W. L. Hill 354. Phosphomolybdates Microscopy of -.B. Bullock and P. L. Kirk 144. Phosphoric Acid Colorimetric determination of - with ascorbic acid. R. Ammon and K. Hinsberg 428. in fertilisers ; Colorimetric determination of -. K. C. Scheel 670. in grass and similar materials ; Colorimetric determination of - by the Fiske and Subbarow method. A. W. Greenhill and N. Pollard 133. Interference of fluoride in the precipitation of - by molybdate. H. T. Bucherer and F. W. Meier 210. selenium in -; Occurrence of. L. F. Rader and W. L. Hill 354. Separation of small amounts of - from the earth acids. 585. Phosphorus and sulphur in plants cultivated in the same soil; Comparative quantities of ___ . G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 201. A. H. Edwards and J. H. Jones 725. W. McLean, 635. *Observations on --.W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 585. Phosphotungstates Microscopy of -. R. Bullock and P. L. Kirk 144. Phosphotungstic Acid as reagent for organic bases. E. and M. Kahane 429. Phospho-18-tygstic Acid as means of determin-ing ascorbic acid in urine. method for determining cysteine. cystine and ascorbic acid in urine; Application of the modified -. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 195. K. V. Giri 777. and W. R. Graham Jnr. 44. Phosphates Fluorine in -. 120. in fusain; Occurrence of -. in soils; Determination of -. G. Medes 55. VOLUME 61 Phoapho-18-Tungstic Acid-continued. Reactions of ascorbic acid and glutathione with - . K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 196. Photochemie Allgemeine -. (Review) J. Plotnikow 646. *Photo-electric Cell Colorimetric analysis by -.N. Strafford 170. *Photographic light-filter cell; A new - C. A. Mitchell and T. J. Ward 751. materials ; Determination of silver halides in -Photomekic titration ; Determination of small amounts of mercury and lead by -. S. Hirano 139. titration; Determination of sulphur in sul-phides by -. S. Hirano 67. Photomicrography Practical -. 3rd Ed. (Review) J . E. Barnard and I?. V. Welch, 803. o-Phthaldialdehyde reagent of W. Zimmerman applied to the detection of small amounts of glycocoll and to the determination of its presence in polypeptides. E. Aberhalden and A. Neumann 269. Physeteric Acid Separation of - from sardine and pilot-whale oils. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. Physical Constants ; Tables of Chemical and -some Mathematical Functions.8th Ed. S. Whiteley and 0. V. Soane 720. (Review) G. W. C. Kaye and T. H. Laby, 880. methods. Collected references. 11. Dielec-tric constants. F. Pavelka and J . Kirigin-Mardegani 798. Methods of analysis; Abstracts 67 145 213, 282 362 440 506 579 729. Physics Handbook of Chemistry and -. 20th Ed. (Review) Edited by C. D. Hodgman 151. Physiological Chemistry ; Essentials of -. (Review) A. K. Anderson 443. Chemistry; Laboratory Experiments in -. (Review) A. K. Anderson 879. Chemistry; Laboratory Manual of -. 3rd Ed. (Review) M. Bodansky and M. Fay, 75. Physiology Fundamentals of Biochemistry in Relation to - . 5th Ed. (Review), T. K. Parsons 216. Picrates Microscopy of -. B. L. Crosby and P.L. Kirk 144. Pig Chemical composition of the stomach of the -. I. A. Smorodinzew and W. W. Palmin 122. Pilot-Whale Oil Separation of physeteric acid from -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 137. Separation of selacholeic acid from -. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. Pineapples Composition of - J . C. Boden-stein 699. Plant carotenoids ; Some colourless substances found with -. 1,. Zechmeister and P. Tuzson 270. cells ; Meta-dinitrobenzene as indicator of the respiration of -. S. C. J. Olivier and K. Ebes 709. food with excess of fibre. 255 INDEX TO diastase; Evidence concerning two types of -. G. L. Teller 566. tissue; Determination of starch in - with particular ‘ reference to the apple fruit. C. S. Hanes 426. Plantago species; Seeds of -.E. W. Skyrme, 346. Plants Boron requirements and boron content of cultivated -. Fat metabolism in - with special reference to sterols. sulphur and phosphorus in - cultivated in the same soil; Comparative studies of. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 201. Toxicity of manganese to various species of -. C. Olsen 788. Pleurogrammus Monopterygius Pallas Oil of -. Y. Toyama and T. Ishikawa 866. Plywood Microscopic differentiation of casein and blood albumin glues in -. B. J. Rendle and G. L. Franklin 431. Poison Diamonds as a -. 614. in sugar-coated tablets. 187. Law ; Synopsis of the British Pharmacopoeia, 1932 and of the -. 13th Ed. (Review), H. W. Gadd 510. Quinine as a 697. Plant -continued. M. P. LGhnis 202. P. L. MacLachlan 270. Poisoning Belladonna - from liquid extract N.F. Winder and C. H. Manley of liver. 632. by nitrous fumes. 764. carbon bisulphide -; Precautions against Caustic soda -. 187. Cerbera odollam -. 846. Dyestuff intermediates -. 764. Gelsemiurn elegans Benth. 117. Gloriosa superba -. 845. Hydrochloric acid -. 847. Hydrogen sulphide -. 764. Lead -. 764. lead - among children; Investigation of. Lead - by home-made cider. Luminal -. 120. Madar juice -. 613. Manganese -. 764. Medinal -. 417. Mercury -. 613 764. Nitrobenzene -. 847. Oduvan -. 613. of cattle. 118. Opium -. 613. Permanganate -. 697. Phenyl-ethyl-malonyl-urea -. 1 19. Potassium nitrite -. 614. selenium -; Distribution of selenium in acute and chronic cases of. H. C. Dudley, 270.danger of. 115. 340. 255. Siamese arrow poison -. 845. Sodium nitrite -. A. Scholes 685. Poisonous substances in feeding stuffs and their Poisons Lists and Rules relating to Pharmacy Sale of - Regulations. 418. Sources of some - and their effects on animals. G. W. Clough 353. effect on livestock. J. F. Tocher 634. and Poisons Act 1933. 121. VOLUME 61 XliX Sub-committee to the Analytical Methods Committee. 653. *Tanganyika arrow - ; Composition and examination of. Polarographie Leitfahigkeit Elektroanalyse und - . (Review) W. Biittger and Others 800. Polymerisation of grape-seed oil. M. Brambilla and G. Balbi 716. Polypeptides glycocoll in -; Application of . Zimmermann’s o-phthaldialdehyde reagent to the determination of the presence of.E. Aberhalden and A. Neumann 269. Porosity in the coating of tin plate ; Test for -. J. C. Andrews and R. T. D’Anvers 402. Portland Cement Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 322. Portland Stone Chlorides in -. 113. Potassium Determination of small amounts of - by means of silver cobaltinitrite. R. J. Robinson and G. L. Putnam 501. Potassium Bromate as means of determining tin in minerals and alloys. Potassium Chloride and agar bridge for use with calomel half-cells. I. M. Robertson 687. Potassium Fluosilicate Volumetric determina-tion of fluorine after precipitation as -. A. A. Wassilieff and N. N. Martianoff 65. Potassium Iodate as reagent in the titration of thallous salts. E. H. Swift and C. S. Garner 207. Potassium Iodide solution ; Micro-reactiob of caffeine with iodine in -.C. van Zijp, 577. Poisons-continued. W. D. Raymond 100. Sensitive test for -. H. Fredholm 440. L. Deutsch 207. Potassium Nitrite poisoning. 6 14. Potato phosphotase. E. Pfankuch 628. Potatoes antiscorbutic activity of -; In-fluence of freezing on. T. L. Isumrudowa, 495. solanidine in sprouting -; Occurrence of. G. R. Clemo W. McG. Morgan and R. Raper 776. Storage of new -. 762. Pregl halogen micro-combustion method for organic iodine ; Volumetric modification of. P. L. Kirk and K. Dod 143. Prescriptions Incompatibilities in -. 6th Ed. (Review) Ruddiman and Nichols 445. Preservative value of English hops Determina-tion of -. Preservatives bromine - in foods especially in wines grape-juice and fruit juices; Investigation of.Florentin and Munsch, 343. Detection and determination of -. F. C. M. Janse 559. in canned salmon -. 542. Protein bread. 846. *Crude - fraction of fish meal and other meat meals. hydrolysates ; Removal of selenium from toxic -. E. P. Painter and K. W. Franke 52. sesame seed -; Effect of heat gasoline, and methanol on the solubility of in salts and alkalis. W. H. Adolph and I. Lin 719. H. F. E. Hulton 345. W. L. Davies 512 1 INDEX TO Proteins Changes in animal - investigated by their digestion with pancreatin. I. A. Smorodinzew and J. N Laskowskaja 624. from toxic foodstuffs; Selenium in -. E. P. Painter and K. W. Franke 52. methionine in -; New method for deter-mining. H. D. Baernstein 859.*of ox-muscle; Amino acids of the mixed -. H. G. Rees 160. Proteolitic activity of pancreatic preparations ; Measurement of - . N. Evers and W. Smith 557. Prunes Renovation of - with water-glass. 607. Psylla Buxi Wax of -. B. K. Blount 717. Psyllium seeds; Varieties of -. E. W. Skyrme 346. Public Analysts Notes from Reports of -. See Birmingham Bristol Derbyshire, Gibraltar Hammersmith Jersey Kensing-ton Kent Kingston-upon-Hull Lancaster, Leeds Leiceder London London County Council Salford Stepney. Soclety of --. See Society of Public Analysts. Pyramidone Identification of - as picrate. 265. Pyrethrin Analysis of drugs extracts and preparations containing -. D. Mann, 265. Ripert 705. Pyridine as means of separating iron aluminium and chromium from manganese nickel and cobalt.E. A. Ostroumow 723. as means of separating uranium from alkaline earths. E. A. Ostroumow. 795. Pyrethrum Chemical analysis of - J. dermatitis. H. D. Tonking 632. Q Qualitative Analysis by means of Modern Drop Reactions; Short Manual of Systematic --. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. J . van Nieuwenburg and G. Dulfer 150. analysis without sulphide precipitation. M. B. Chtchigol and N. M. Doubinski 870. Chemical Analysis; A Brief Course in -. (Review) L. J. Curtman 582. micro-analysis; Diffusion methods in -. Detection of acetone and alcohol in bio-logical liquids. W. R. Fearon and D. A. Webb 539. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and W. F. Spikes 436. Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse ; Tabellen zur -. (Review) S.Oehlinger 215. Quantitative micro-method ; Use of Vitali’s re-action as -. C. Morin 504. Organische Mikroanalyse. 4th Ed. (Review), F. Pregl 583. Quartzite silica in -; Rapid gravimetric determination of. 142. Quebracho in compound tanning extracts; Estimation of -. F. Pothier 638. Queensland Report of the Government Analyst separations on a micro-scale. tannin. 291. (J. B. Henderson) for 1935-36. 340. VOLUME 61 Quinaldinic Acid as a micro-reagent. I. Deter-mination of zinc and its separation from manganese. R. R. R%y and M. K. Bose. 11. Determination of copper and its separation from other metals. P. R. R5y and J . Gupta 66. Quinine alkaloids ; Characteristic reaction of -. R. Monnet 490. as a poison; Use of -. 697. Quinochromes (Blue fluorescent substances formed by oxidation of vitamin B l ) ; Pro-perties of -.H. w. Kinnersley J. R. O’Brien and R. A. Peters 55. R Radiation Calibration of instruments for Ultra-violet ~ measured by the acetone Radiations Effect of radio-active - on Radiography of cloth. Rape Oil in edibles oils; Estimation of -. J. Grossfeld 124. New method for estimating - and for detecting the oils used to adulterate it. S. Neogi 597. Rape-seed Oil B.S.I. specification for -. 42. Raspberries Composition of Scottish -. A. Dargie 251. Raspberry jam; Labelling of -. 254. Rayon Analysis of textiles for cellulose-acetate - and regenerated-cellulose -. R. T. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Reagents analytical application of organic - ; Critical studies of.J . B. Ficklen I. L. Newel1 and N. R. Pile 206. Berberine as microchemical -. C. van Zijp 576. * 1 2-Dimercapto benzene as specific - for tin. 2 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine as ~ for car-bony1 compounds. N. R. Campbell 391. for organic bases ; Phosphotungstic and sili-cotungstic acids as - . E. and M. Kahane 429. for oxidising agents. P. Pratesi and R. Celeghini 714. for Spot Tests and Delicate Analysis; B. D. H. Book of -. (Review) 4th Ed. 69. Lanthanum acetate as - for fluoride. J . Fischer 436. New organic - for cadmium. A. W. Scott and E. G. Adams 206. Nitrophenylarsinic acid as ~ for tin. B. Tougarinoff 872. Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate as - for certain micro-crystal reactions. J . Grant and F. A. Meggy 401. Reduction Electrolytic Oxidation and -.(Review) S. Glasstone and A. Hickling 284. Refractive Index of fats in oilseeds determined by means of bromonaphthalene. W. Leithe, 274. Reichert-Polenske-Kirschner process. Analytical Methods Committee Report on -. Rennet Boric acid in -. measuring -. 481. and methylene blue method. 257. bacteria. 760. H. F. Sherwood 579. R. E. D. Clark 242. 404. 618 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 li Resins Base-exchange properties of synthetic Respirators Industrial -. 185. Rhapontic rhubarb in galenical rhubarb prepara-tions; Detection of -. S. I(. Crews 558. Rhenium Colorimetric determination of -by means of the Geilmann reaction. L. C . Hurd and B. J . Babler 500. Detection of - by means of the sodium carbonate bead. H. Yagoda 501. Qualitative reactions of -.L. C. Hurd 433. Rhubarb preparations ; Detection of rhapontic rhubarb in galenical -. S. K. Crews 558. Rice Talc content of faced -; and two methods for its rapid determination. V. Moucka 342. Ricinus lipase its nature and specificity. H. E. Longenbecker and D. E. Haley 348. Ricinus Zanxibarinus oil from - . A. Steger J. van Loon and C. Smelt 261. River water; Examination of -. 841. Road tar research. 185. *Rock apatite -; Scheme for the'complete analysis of. C. 0. Harvey 817. Rocks manganese in silicate - ; Determina-tion of. 0. Hackl 574. *Rose Bengal as adsorption indicator ; Further experiments with -. A. J. Berry 315. Rosin in Peru balsam; 1J.S. Pharmacopoeia XI test for -. S. Parnas and R. E. Schoetz-now 857.Rotenone Improvement in the Gross and Smith method for determining -. L. D. Good-hue 365. Rubber beer-hose; Antimony in -. 188. Ruthenium Red Constitution of -. 185. -. 33. Research on -. 186. S Saccharin in mineral waters. 338. Microchemical study of - VI Stan6k and P. Pavlas 278. Salford Appointment of G. H. Walker as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of --. 409. Report of the City Analyst (H. E. Monk) for the year 1935. 606. Salicin Identification and determination of -. M. B. Jacobs and N. T. Farinacei, 622. Salicylaldehyde method for the colorimetric determination of acetone. A. Ravin 791. Salmon Preservatives in canned -. 542. Salolase in human milk. S. Takai 777. Saltpetre in milk. 188. Sand Measurement of -.42. Santonin in English and Welsh artemisias. J $utts 556. Sapomfication Rapid method of -. W. R. Steet 687. Sardine Oil Separation of physeteric acid from -. Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. Schaeffer's Salt as fluorescent indicator. M. DCribCrC 640. Schardinger enzyme ; Identification of - with xanthine oxidase. K. P. Basu and S. P. Mukherjee 494. Schlesinger Reaction for urobilin ; Influence of medicinal substances on -. J. J. Hof-man 861. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. Building Research Board Report for 1934. Food Investigation Board Report for the year 1935. 759. Investigation of Atmospheric Pollution. Re-port for the year 1935-36. 257. Report for the year 1934. Sulphur bacteria. J. H. Bunker 4i5. Water Pollution Research Board Report for the year ended 30th June 1935.33. Water Pollution Research Report. Survey of the River Tees. 546. Scientific Investigation of Crime Advisory Committee on Report of -. 766. Scottish raspberries ; Composition of -. A. Dargie 251. *Sea Water damage; Testing for -. W. M. Seaber 14. Examination of - in Government Labora-tory. 841. Goods damaged by -. 838. Seals Forged leaden -. 615. Seaweed Fertiliser ingredient from -. 409. Seed-Fats Composition of some solanaceous -. T. P. Hilditch and M. B. Ichaporia, 504. Seed Oils of several species of Cucurbitaceae. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 773. Seeds of Cannamomum flendunculaturn ; Fats from -. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 771. Sei-Whale Oil Separation of selacholeic acid from -.Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya, 137. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 138. Selscholeic Acid Separation of - from cod-liver sukeso-dara liver sei-whale and pilot-whale oils. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. Selenates Gravimetric determination of -. P. Spacu 278. Selenite enrichment media for isolating typhoid and paratyphoid (Salmonella) bacilli. E. Leifson 785. Selenium Action of - on stearic acid. S. H, Bertram 866. as catalyst in the determination of nitrogen in coal by the Kjeldahl method. H. E. Crossley 64. content of wheat. in natural phosphates superphosphates and phosphoric acid. L. F. Rader and W. L, Hill 354. in proteins from toxic foodstuffs. Removal of - from toxic protein hydrolysates. E. P. Painter and K. W. Franke 52. in steel; Determination of -.W. C. Cole-man and C. R. McCrosky 504. in sulphur ; Determination of small quantities of -. G. S. Marvin and W. C. Schumb, 141. Toxicology of -. Toxicology of -. Determination of - in mixtures of air gas and dust. H. C. Dudley, 784. 113. 184. Unsaponifiable matter of -. W. 0. Robinson 712. H. C. Dudley 270 lii INDEX TO Selenium-continued. Urinary secretion of --. H. C. Dudley 270. Semicarbazide Determination of - . v. Harlay 275. Semicarbazones Determination of -. V. Harlay 275. Separations Qualitative - on a micro-scale. A. A. Benedetti-Pichler and W. F. Spikes, 436. Serum A4nimonium sulphate - of milk for serological investigations. 709. inorganic sulphate in - ; Colorimetric method for determining.T. V. Letonoff and J. G. Reinhold 626. Sesame Oil Standards for -. 341. Sesame Seed protein; Effect of heat gasoline and methanol on the solubility of - in salt and alkalis. W. H. Adolph and I. I i n 719. Sesamol and its /3-glucoside; Synthesis of -. Baudouin’s reaction. J. Roeseken W. D. Cohen and C. J . Kip 854. Sewage disposal; Research on -. 34. Shark Liver oil of the man-eating -. M. Tsujimoto 358. Shell-Fish Bacteriological purity of -. 690. Shoddy Mineral matter in -. 255. Shoes Study of worn -. 186. Shooting at close range; Examination of skin as evidence of -. 615. Siam Report of the Government Laboratory for the years 1932-34. 845. Silica in various foods ; Occurrence and detection of -. K. Strohecker R. Vaubel and K. Breitwieser 121.Rapid gravimetric determination of -. N. A. Tananaeff and M. K. Buitschkoff 142. Silicate rocks ; Determination of manganese in - 0. Hackl 574. Silicic Acid Ignition of -. I<. A. Krieger and H. S. Lukens 504. Silicon in steels determined by means of per-chloric acid. A. Clauberg and P. Behmen-burg 361. I?. De Eds and C. W. Eddy 876. Silicotungstic Acid as reagent for organic bases. E. and M. Kahane 429. Silk Analysis of textiles for -. R. T. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Micro-determination of -. Artificial -. See Artificial Silk. Silver Detection of mercury and -. K. A. S . E. Sheppard Silver Chloride Reaction adaptable to volu-metric determination of -. G. A. D. Haslewood 793. Silver Cobaltinitrite as means of determining small amounts of potassium.R. J. Robin-son and G. L. Putnam 501. Silver Cyanide silver halide in presence of -; Rapid detection of. Silver Halide in presence of silver cyanide; Rapid detection of -. R. E. D. Clark, 793. Silver Halides in photographic materials ; Deter-mination of -. s. Whiteley and 0. V. Soane 720. Tananaeff 719. New organic reagent for -. and H. R. Brigham 573. utensils for food. 263. R. E. D. Clark 793. VOLUME 61 Silver Nitrate Solubility of - in alcohol(s). Sitosterol Colour reactions of -. 197. Skin Examination of - in a shooting case. Slimming bread. 846. Smoke and atmospheric pollution in London. 689. Soap Estimation of - by titration in petro-leum solvents. C. L. M. Brown 623. 615. T. M. B. Marshall 717.Lysol -. (Legal Notes) 256. powder. 606. Soaps Perfumes Cosmetics and - with Special Reference to Synthetics. 4ih Ed. Vol. I. Society of Chemical Industry Joint Meeting with -. 153 288. Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XX. 1935. (Review) 363. Society of Public Analysts Anniversity Dinner, 220. Annual Report of Council for 1935-6 222. Joint meeting with the Food Group of the 153 288. North of England Section. 1 224 287 511, Presidential Address. J . Evans 228. Proceedings of -. 1 7 7 153 219 287, 367 449 511. 585 663 733 805. Scottish Section. Sodium in urine; Simple sedimentation test for - E. Brouwer 626. Sodium Carbonate bead as means of detecting rhenium. H. Yagoda 501. Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate as a reagent for certain micro-crystal reactions.J. Grant and F. A. Meggy 401. *Sodium Hexametaphosphate Some properties of - R. T. Thomson 321. Sodium Nitrite poisoning. Sodium Plumbite method of detinning tinplate. 640. Soil Inhibiting effect of sulphur in selenised - on toxicity of wheat to rats. A. M. Hurd-Karrer and M. H. Kennedy 713. Microbiology ; Problems in -. (Review), D. W. Cutler and L. M. Crump 70. reaction; Thiocyanate test for -. Modified technique. L. W. Kaymond 497. Soils A spergillus niger method of examining -. A. M. Smith 713. phosphorus in -; Determination of. W. McLesn 635. Solanaceous seed-fats ; Composition of some -. T. P. Hilditch and M. B. Ichaporia 704. Solanidine in sprouting potatoes ; Occurrence of -. G. R. Clemo W. McG.Morgan and R. Raper 776. Solvents Grouping of organic - by means of Magdala red. H. Eichler 272. Organic - Physical Constants and Methods of Purification. (Review) A. Weissberger and E. Proskauer 364. Toxicity of -. 763. vapours of chlorinated -; Fatal effect of. cubes; Simplification of Sudendorf and Lahrmann’s method for determining creati-nine in -. (Review) W. A. Poucher 581. Society of Chemical Industry. 733. 77 220 226 805. A. Scholes 685. 765. Soup Copper in vegetable -. 542. G. Walter 775 IKDEX TO 7 South Africa Cry~tocarya Zatifolia nuts from Report of the Chief of the Division of Chemical Services (St. C. 0. Sinclair) for 1935. 339. 543. flour in smoked meat products. C. H. La Wall and H. W. E. Harrison 123. Haemolytic reaction for testing the removal of bitterness from the -.M. Krajsi-novie 128. powder and oil treated with methanol; Nutri-tive value of -. Soya-bean oil Standards for crude -. 341. Sparteine Identification of - as picrate. 265. Sperm Oil New alcohols and hydrocarbons in Spirit adulteration in Trinidad. 338. Sponge Roll Chocolate -. 254. Spot Tests B. D. H. Book of Reagents for -. (Review) 4th Ed. 69. for caesium and its application to colori-metry. E. S . Burkser and M. I. Kutsch-ment 212. for gold. for organic compounds. VIII. F. Feigl, for tin. 243. Standards for determining carotene; Bixin solu-tions as colorimetric -. H. N. Holmes and W. H. Bromund 196. -. 358. Soya Bean flour in shredded suet. S . Kajizuka 193. -. S. Ueno 59.R. N. Costeanu 433. V. Anger and 0. Frehden 280. for mustard. von Morgenstein 50. Sational Mark - for fruit and vegetables. See also British Standards Institution. Foreign - in arrowroot. 543. in fruit; Determination of -. in mustard. 543. in plant tissue; Determination of - with particular reference to the apple fruit. C. S. Hanes 426. Leaf -. Its isolation and some of its properties. H. A. Spoehr and H. W. Milner 54. Stearic Acid Action of selenium on -. S. H. Bertram 866. Steel Determination of tungsten and silicon in - by means of perchloric acid. A. Clauberg and P. Behmenburg 361. mild - sheet; Diffusion of hydrogen through. 762. selenium in -; Determination of. W. C. Coleman and C. R. McCrosky 504. tellurium in --; Determination of.E. Deiss and H. Leysaht 574. Steels Chromium - . (Review) R. H. Greaves 2 17. Molybdenum - Their Manufacture and Application. (Review) J . L. D. Vogel and W. F. Rowden 729. Stepneg Report of the Borough Analyst (D. Henville) for the year 1938. Stereometer for determining density of weights. 693. Sterols Colour reactions of some -. S. Ueno and Z . Ueda 197. Fat metabolism in plants with special reference to -. P. L. MacLachlan 270. 694. Starch as adulterant of tomato sauce. 119. 762. 607. JOLUME 61 liii Stoke-on-Trent Appointment of F. Dixon as Deputy Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. 253. Stone preservatives. 113. Storch Reaction for heated milk. L. C. Janse, Stovahe Identification of ~ as picrate. 265. Straits Settlements Report of the Government Analyst (M.Jamieson) for the year 1935. 550. Strawberries New bacterial species isolated from -. H. F. Smart 57. Strontium compounds; Effect of sodium hexa-metaphosphate on -. 321. Strophanthus Dichotomus D. C. Notes on . A. H. Millard 706. Strophanthus Emini Note on -. 3’. C. Denston 346. Strychnine Identification of - as picrate. 265. in Easton’s Syrup; Determination of -. N. Evers and W. Smith 557. Sublimation tube for determining benzoic acid. D. Henville 104. Sucrate of Lime in cream. Sucrose in vegetable material; Detection of -. K. Taufel H. Thaler and G. Kopp 701. Sudendorf and Lahrmann’s Method for deter-mining creatinine in soup cubes ; Simpliiica-G. Walter 775. Weathering quality of building -.113. 853. 484. tion of -. Suet Soya-bean flour in shredded -. 543. Sugar determination by means of ferricyanide P. A. Shaffer and R. D. Williams, British Standard specification for -. *Sugar Beet by-products ; Determination of J . W. Blood and H T. electrode. 47. flasks. 551. betaine in -. Cranfield 829. phosphotase. E. Pfamkuch 628. Sugars Reducing __ determined with the cupro-alkali metal carbonate solution. C. U. Chang and H. A. Schuette 485. Sukeso-Dara Liver Oil Separation of selacholeic acid from - . Y . Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. Sulphate Direct titration of -. R. T. Sheen and H. L. Kahler 503. inorganic - in serum and urine; Colori-metric method for determining. T. V. Letonoff and J. G. Reinhold 626. Sulphide precipitation ; Qualitative analysis without -.M. B. Chtchigol and N. M. Doubinski 870. Gulphides Sulphur in soluble - determined by photometric titration. S. Hirano 67. Sulphur and phosphorus in plants cultivated in the same soil; Comparative quantities of -. G. Bertrand and L. Silberstein 201. bacteria; Review of the physiology and bio-chemistry of -. content and pungency of onions ; Volatile -. H. Platenius 259. Flowers of -. 691. gases in air. 257. in soluble sulphides; Determination of -J. H. Bunker 475. by photometric titration. S. Hirano 67 liv INDEX TO Sulphur-continued. in some pharmaceutical preparations ; Gravi-metric determination of ~ . A. N. Leather 335. in sulphur ointment; Determination of elemental - H. R. Fleck and A.M, Ward 28. Inhibiting effect of - in selenised soil on toxicity of wheat to rats. A. M. Hurd-Karrer and M. H. Kennedy 713. Neutral ~ content of normal and patho-logical urine. A. Friedrich and E. Bauer 779. ointment ; Determination of elemental sulphur in -. H. R. Fleck and A. M. Ward 28. selenium in -; Determination of small quantities of. G. S. Marvin and W. C. Schumb 141. Sulphur Dioxide Action of - on the bacteri-cidal power of the blood. H. Cremer 52. Sulphuric Acid Manufacture. (Review) A. M. Fairlie 509. *test for liquid paraffin. C. E. Sage and S. G. E. Stevens 323. Superphosphates selenium in -; Occurrence of. L. F. Rader and W. L. Hill 354. Suprarenal gland of the ox; Reducing substance occurring with ascorbic acid in -.E. Ott K. Kramer and W. Faust 864. Sweetening substances ; Microchemical studies of artificial -. I. Saccharin. 11. Dulcin. VI. Stan6k and P. Pavlas 278. Swiss Roll Chocolate -. (Legal Notes), E. Voelcker 32. T Table Cream 839. Talc content of faced rice and two methods for its rapid determination. V. Moucka 342. *Tanganas arrow poisons ; Composition and examination of -. W. D. Raymond 100. *Territory; Constants of milk and butter-fat in -. M. H. French and W. D. Raymond, 750. *Tannin content of tea. P. J . Norman and E. B. Hughes 303. dishes; Report of the Committee on Specifica-tions for standard -. J . S. Rogers 719. *precipitation series; Observations on --. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 585. *tea -; Experimental work on. M. Nieren-stein 294.Tanning extracts ; Estimation of quebracho in compound -. F. Pothier 638. materials Examination of -. 848. *Tannins Constitution of - including those of tea and coffee. P. Maitland 288. C. A. Mitchell 295. ‘Tantalum analytical chemistry of -; Investigations into. XXX Observations on beryllium. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 235. XXXI Determination of tungsten in earth-acid minerals. W. R. Schoeller and E. F. Waterhouse 449. XXXII Observations on phosphorus vana-dium and a tannin precipitation series. W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 585. XXXIII General summary and results. W. R. Schoeller 806. *Survey of methods of analysing -. VOLUME 61 Tantalum-continued. Separation of beryllium from -. 238. Separation of vanadium from -. 587.Tar and bitumen in mixtures of the two; Deter-mination of the proportion of -. A. B. C. Licence 639. Road - research. 185. P. Fleury and G. Bon-Bernatets 274. Tartaric Acid Action on periodic acid on -. Tartrate solution ; Precipitation of beryllium *Tartrazine as adsorption indicator; Further A. J. Berry 315. Tea adulteration in India. A Steinmann 774. Digestive -. 839. *Pharmacology of -. G. Roche Lynch 300. *Tannin content of -. P. J . Norman and E. €3. Hughes 303. *tannin; Experimental work on -. M. Nierenstein 294. *‘ ‘Tanninless’ ’ - . *tannins; Constitution of -. from -. 236. experiments with -. H. H. Bagnall 310. P. Maitland, 288. Tea-seed Oil in olive oil; Colorimetric method for detecting - J . Fitelson 771. Tees River Survey of -.(Water Pollution Research Report). 546. Telfairia Occidentalis Highly unsaturated acid of -. E. H. Farmer and E. S. Paice 205. Telfairic Acid G. D. Goodall and R. D. Haworth, 357. Tellurium in steel; Determination of -. E. Deiss and H. Leysaht 574. Temperature colour indicator. 615. Test Tubes B.S.I. specification for bacterio-logical -. 42. Textiles Analysis of - for cellulose-acetate rayon silk regenerated-cellulose rayon, cotton and wool. R. T. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Textilfasern Technologie der -. Vol. 111. (Review) H. E. Fierz-David 650. Thallous Salts Titration of - with potassium iodate and other reagents. E. H. Swift and C. S. Garner 207. Thermometers British standard specifications for -. 652. *Standardisation of Hortvet -.J. R. Stubbs and G. D. Elsdon 455. Thermoscope Fluorescence -. H. Eichler, 440. Thiocyanate Colorimetric determination of iron with -. K. Steinhauser and H. Ginsberg, 434. test for soil reaction. Modified technique. L. W. Raymond 497. Thiocyanates Bromometric determination of -. E. Kahane and R. Coupechoux 796. 63. !Chi01 and disulphide compounds; Determina-tion of - with special reference to cysteine and cystine. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis, 196. Thiol Acids Copper catalysis of the oxidation of - as a basis for the micro-determina-tion of copper. Reaction of - with methylene blue. J. Bjerrum 678 INDEX TO VOLUME 61 lv of the thiosemicarbazones and -. V. Effects of oxidation-reduction potential in-Harlay 431. dicator dyes on the metabolism of tumour Thiosemicarbazones Some metallic combina- and normal -.K. A. C Elliott and tions of thiosemicarbazide and the -. V. 2. Baker 53. Harlay 431. inositol in animal - ; Modification of Young's method of determining. R. A. -. J. B. Wilson 344. Gregory 492. nitrogen partition in -; Determination of. G. B. Ayres and M. Lee 779. * Photometric the keto-enolic type of diazo-test. G. titanium in animal -determination of. L. Miillard and J. Hunter 563. J. A. Sanchez 269. Thiosemicarbazide Some metallic combinations ~ues-continued. Thnjone in absinthe-type liqueurs ; Detection of Test for - with observations on Timber Standard specification of coal tar Ettori 425. used for firewood ; Calorific value of -. 120. Timbers Analysis of preservative-treated - Titanium Colorimetric determination of -.I Determination of arsenic. W. E. Cohen M. Schenk 872. 548. Colour reaction of - with ascorbic acid and Australian -; Chemistry of. Part 5 A other compounds containing the grouping study of the lignin determination 111. -C(OH) =C(OH) -. J. Ettori 783. W. E. Cohen 611. Colour reactions of tervalent and quadrivalent amounts of by controlled potential. s. in animal tissues; Photometric determination Torrance 689. of -. L. Maillard and J. Ettori 425. Corrosion of -. 762. in mammals; Occurrence of -. L. C. - by of substituted 2-dimer- Induced precipitation for detecting small captobenzenes. R. E. Clark 242. amounts of - . F. Feigl and E. manganese in presence of -; Colorimetric Gauthier 360. determination of.Rapid volumetric determination of -. tion of -. H. F. Hourigan 328. H. B. Hope R. F. Moran and A. 0. Ploetz, 435. by means of potassium bromate. L. Separation of beryllium from -. 238. Deutsch 207. B. Tougarinoff 872. creosote for the preservation Of -. 651. urea in -; Colorimetric determination of. Tin copper in -; Determination of small -. M. Schenk 641. *Detection and colorimetric determination of Maillard and J. Ettori 624. Detection of antimony and -. J. A. Rajmann 874. G. J. Hough 140. *in alloys with antimony and lead; Determina-in canned goods. 689. in minerals and alloys; Determination of ~ Separation of vanadium from -. tion of small amounts of. R. Flatt and 587. Nibophenylaminic acid as a reagent for -. Titanium Oxide chromium in -; Determina-X.Vogt 62. Physical constants of -. 692. Removal of - from water. Separation of - from arsenic and antimony by means of cupferron. N. S. Tschenviakow and E. A. Ostroumow 722. 762. Spot test for -. 243. surfaces; Notes on the chemistry of -. A. Kutzelnigg 139. Horn 792. utensils for food. 263. Separation of ___ from various oxides by ignition with ammonium iodide. E. R. Caley and M. G. Burford 499. Tobacco in British Guiana. 485. 33. Lead arsenate On -* lea?;. $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ $ p g z g &o.-* sheet; Effect of sugar on corrosion of -. Turkish -; ~mPosition of* J. V"descU and N. Dimofte 492. Toffee Butter -. 606. o-Tolidine Reaction of glass upon -. D. W. Tomato Puree Copper determination in. 695. Tomato Sauce adulterated with starch.Tomato-seed Oil M. Brambilla and G. Balbi, Tomatoes antiscorbutic action of -; Effect Tinplate Corrosion of -. T. 1'. Hoar 276. of technical processes on the. S. Fomin 119. 855. and P. Makarowa 783. Methods of detinning - for examination of thickness and continuity of the alloy shaw 640. Toxic constituents of derris root. T. A. Buckley Test for porosity in the coating of -. J. C. Andrews and K. T. D'Anvers 402. Toxicity of anabasine and nicotine sulphates to Tissue alkalis in -; Micro-determination of. J. M. Ginsburg J. B. Schmitt and K. Linderstr~m-Lang 797. extracts; Reduction of iron by - and by of manganese to various species of plants ascorbic acid. W. D. MacFarlane 782. C. Olsen 787. non-protein nitrogen of - ; Determination of optically active and inactive dihydro-of.M. D. Mezincescu and F. Szabo 780. deguelins. W. A. Gersdorff 57. animal -. 266. 351 632 712 784. Storage of ~. 762. layer- A* Hothersall and w- Brad- Tooth structure; X-ray studies of -. 480. 857. insects. Y. Granett 57. Tissues Copper content of some human and of solvents. 763. P. F. Hahn and E. Fairman Toxicological analysis; Abstracts 131 198 270 1Vl INDEX TO VOLUME 61 Toxicologische Mikroanalyse. (Review.) L. Toxicology of selenium. of selenium. Determination of selenium in mixtures of air gas and dust. H. C. Dudley 784. Traces Significance of -. J. Evans 229. Treacle Zinc in -. 606. Trees Chlorosis in fruit -. 844. Trichloroethylene Gassing by -. Trinidad and Tobago Report of the Government Analyst (H.S. Shrewsbury) for 1935. Tumour Tissues Effects of oxidation-reduction potential indicator dyes on the metabolism of -. K. A. C. Elliott and 2. Baker 53. *Tmg Oil Condensation of maleic anhydride with -. B. A. Ellis and R. A. Jones 812. *Tungsten in earth-acid minerals ; Determination of -. W. R. Schoeller and E. F. Water-house 449. in steels determined by means of perchloric acid. A. Clauberg and P. Behmenburg 361. Separation of molybdenum from -. H. Yagoda and H. A. Fales 795. Tungstic Acid blood filtrate ; Modified Nessler's reagent for the micro-determination of urea in -. Tunny Liver Oil Isolation of the antirachitic vitamin from -. H. Brockmann 711. Turkish gallotannin ; Constitution of - 288. J . Vlidescu Turnip Greens Ascorbic acid content of -.Turpentine Liniment of -. (Legal Notes), 412. Tyndallisafion Process of the British Pharma-copoeia 1832 ; Resistance of bacterial spores to the bactericidal effect of moist heat a t 80" C. with special reference to -. C. E. Coulthard 786. Typewriting Identification of -. 615. Typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli ; New selenite enrichment media for isolating -. E. Leifson 785. Rosenthaler 70. H. C. Dudley 270. 765. 338. Standards for -. 341. J . F. Barrett 129. tobaccos ; Composition of -. and N. Dimofte 492. 847. U Ulceration Epitheliomatous -. 764. Ultra-violet light as an aid in the fluorescence test for bromine. light; Examination of chalks under -. W. E. Naylor and A. Surfleet 363. Light; Fluorescence Analysis in -.2nd Ed. (Review) J. A. Radley and J. Grant, 215. light sources for various uses; Cycle of -. L. Bendikson 213. radiation in the examination of hashish in the pure state or mixed with various drugs ; Use of filtered -. radiation ; Measurement of - by the acetone and methylene blue method. 257. Umber Cyprus -. 698. United States of America U.S. Pharmacopoeia XI test for rosin in Peru balsam. S. Parnas and R. E. Schoetznow 857. J . Grant 400. J. Khouri 213. Unsaponifisble material; Reagents for the isola-tion of carbonyl compounds from -. M. Anchel and R. Schoenheimer 636. Untersuchungsverfahren fur das Chemische Laboratorium; Ausgewahlte Part 11. (Re-view) L. W. Winkler 148. Uranium Precipitation of - and its separa-tion from alkaline earth by pyridine.E. A. Ostroumow 795. Separation of beryllium from -. Separation of quadrivalent from sexivalent -. F. Hecht and H. Krafft-Ebing 872. Urea in blood and biological material cerebro-spinal fluid and tissues; Colorimetric deter-mination of -. in tungstic acid blood filtrate; Modified Nessler's reagent for the micro-determina-tion -. J. F. Barrett 1129. Microchemical detection of ~ based on the formation of liquid crystals. P. Gaubert, 145. Sensitive colour reaction of - . J. A. Sanchez 359. A. Goudsmit, 861. 240. J. A. Sanchez 269. Urinary creatinine ; Origin of -. Urine alcohol in -; Detection of. 117. acetone in -; Simple micro-test for. J. F. Barrett 564. ascorbic acid in -; Determination of -. W. Teshopp 863, Ascorbic acid in - determined with phos-pho-18-tungstic acid.G. Medes 55. bilirubin in - ; New test for. H. N. Naumann 564. chlorides in --; Use of diphenylamine blue for the volumetric micro-determination of. A. Saifer and M. Kornblum 627. creatinine in -; Determination of. Excretion of vitamin C in human --B. Ahmad 427. ferrocyanide in -; Micro-determination of. J. G. Edwards and W. D. Langley 194. inorganic sulphate in - * Colorimetric method for determining. T. b. Letonoff and J. G. Reinhold 626. *lead in -; Application of diphenylthio-carbazone to the estimation of. F. Morton, 465. Neutral-sulphur content of normal and patho-logical -. A Friedrich and E. Bauer, 779. of normal children; Copper content of -. A. Ross and I. M. Rabinowitch 54.phospho-18-tungstic acid method of deter-mining cysteine cystine and ascorbic acid in -; Application of the modified. K. Shinohara and K. E. Padis 195. selenium in -; Secretion of. H. C. Dudley, 270. sodium in -; Simple sedimentation test for. E. Brouwer 626. Urobilin Colorimetric reaction of - with copper. G. Bertrand and L. de Saint-Rat, 794. Influence of medicinal substances on the Schlesinger reaction for -. J. J . Hof-man 861. Utensils Metal - in food industries and in kitchens. A. Beythien 263. 565 INDEX TO V Vanadate solution for the volumetric determina-tion of molybdenum. R. Land and S. Gottlieb 208. *Vanadium Observations on - . W. R. Schoeller and H. W. Webb 585. Separation of - from titanium and tanta-lum 587.Vanadous Sulphate as means of determining chlorate nitrate and persulphate. P. C. Banerjee 724. Vanillin Determination of - with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. N. Rubin and A. Bloom 855. Vegetable material; Determination of sucrose in -. 701. oils; Products responsible for the taste and characteristic odour of -. Presence of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. H. Marcelet 772. Vegetables Ascorbic acid content of - with special reference to the effect of cooking and canning. M. Olliver 782. in Queensland; Arsenic on -. Mercury in leafy - determined by means of diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) . W. 0. Winkler 132. National Mark standards for -. 694. Research on -. 761. Vitamin C content of dry -. W. I. Diomin, 783. Vegetable Marrow Bitter principle in -.618 847. Vinegar Analysis of -. W. Ruziczka 191. Vitali’s Reaction New technique for its use as as a quantitative micro-method. C. Morin, 504. Vitamin Antirachitic - isolated from tunny-liver oil. H. Brockmann 711. Vitamin A Biological assay of -. 767. Colour reactions of -. S. Ueno and 2. Ueda 197. content of the leaves of Iceberg lettuce. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy 350. Contribution to the methods of determining -. G. Balassa and G. Azanto 495. in common foods. K. Coward and B. G. E. Morgan 130. Relation of micro-organisms to carotenoids and -. M. A. Ingraham and H. Steen-bock 130. Vitamin B content of the leaves of the Iceberg lettuce. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy, 350. Vitamin B Absorption spectrum of -.F. F. Heyroth and J . R. Loofbourow 495. Biological assay of -. 768. Properties of blue fluorescent substances formed by oxidation of - (quinochromes). H. W. Kinnersley J. R. O’Brien and R. A. Peters 65. soup; Copper in -. 642. 340. Water-soluble -. A. M. Copping 567. Vitamin B in cereals. A. M. Copping 567. Vitamin C Biological assay of -. 768. content of dry vegetables. W. I. Diomin 783. content of oranges; Effect of storage on -. 339. VOLUME 61 lvii content of the leaves of Iceberg lettuce. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy 350. in human urine ; Observations on the excretion of -. B. Ahmad 427. in onions. N. F. Schepilewskaja and T. L. Isumrudowa 56; S. N. Matzko 56. Vitamin D activity of cacao shell. A. W. Knapp and K. H. Coward 350.Biological assay of -. 768. Colour reactions of -. S. Ueno and 2. Ueda 197. content of the leaves of Iceberg lettuce. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy 350. in common foods. K. Coward and B. G. E. Morgan 130. Quantitative determination of - . H. Brockmann and Y . H. Chen 629. Vitamin E Colour reactions of -. S. Ueno and 2. Ueda 197. Further observations on the constituents of the unsaponifiable fraction of wheat germ oil with particular reference to -. J. C. Drummond E. Singer and R. J. Mac-Walter 130. Vitamin G content of the leaves of Iceberg lettuce. H. E. Munsell and M. H. Kennedy 350. Vitamin K Occurrence and chemical nature of -. H. Dam and F. Sch~nheyder 567. Quantitative determination of - . F. Sch~nheyder 567. Vitamin C-continued.W Warranty Sufficiency of an initialled -. Pottier v. F. W. Woolworth & Co. Ltd. (Legal Notes) 31. Washington conifers; Leaf oils of -. C. Schwartz Jr. 571. *Water added to milk; Calculation of - from the freezing-point of watered milks. G. D. Elsdon and J . R. Stubbs 382. Analysis ; Abstracts 203 498. Contamination of - by lead. Corrosion of aluminium alloys by Palestine Goods damaged by -. 838. in dried milk (Report No. 4 of Milk Products Sub-committee). 105. lake -; Application of copper sulphate to. 188. Lead in Jersey -. 409. Mineral -. See Mineral Water. nitrates in - in presence of chlorides; Colorimetric determination of. H. Caron and D. Raquet 498. nitrates in -; Influence of chlorides on the colorimetric determination of.R. Danet, 203. 33. -. 844. of River Jordan; Salinity of -. Pollution Research Board Report for year ended 30th June 1935. 33. Pollution Research. Survey of the River Tees. 5443. Purification Control. 2nd Ed. (Review), E. S. Hopkins 802. Removal of lead copper zinc and tin from -. 33. 118 lviii INDEX TO Watsr-continued. river -; Examination of. 841. salinity; Mosquitoes and -. 698. Sea -. See Sea Water. -softening; Base exchange process of -. 33. Water-Glass used to renovate prunes. Waters Fluorine in Derbyshire -. 607. 837. Harrogate Drinking -; Pharmacological Action of. *lead in potable - ; Determination of. S. L. Tompsett 591. Mineral -. See Mineral Waters. Paths of excretion and mineral balance in animals drinking saline and alkaline -. V. G. Heller and M. Haddad 347. Technical products from coconut-oil -. Regulations for colouring -. 418. (Review) W. Bain 70. Wax of Psylla buxi. Weed-Killers Investigations on -. 39, Weights Board of Trade Report on -. 41, 693. Welsh artemisias; Santonin in -. J. Coutts, 556. Western Australia Report of the Government Analyst (E. S. Simpson) for the year 1934, 119; for 1935 846. Whale Oils Separation of selacholeic acid from -Wheat Denatured -. 606. Selenium content of -. W. 0. Robinson, 712. toxicity of - to rats; Inhibiting effect of sulphur in selenised soil on. .4. M. Hurd-Karrer and M. H. Kennedy 713. Wheat Germ Oil Further observations on the constituents of the unsaponifiable fraction of - with special reference to vitamin E . J. C . Drummond E. Singer and R. J. MacWalter 130. Wine arsenic in -; Micro-determination of. J . Burkard and B. Wullhorst 198. Extract of orris rhizome added to -. H. Mohler 421. jelly. 544. Meat and malt -. Methylated spirit -. 838. Non-alcoholic meat and malt -. (Legal Wines bromine preservatives in --; Investi-B. K. Blount 717. S. S. Tanchico 136. Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya 137. (Legal Notes.) 256. Note) 410. gation of. Fruit juice in fruit -. hydroxymethylfurfural in sweet -; Detec-tion of. W. Huntenberg 619. Monobromoacetic acid and bromine normally present in -. L. Chelle and G. Vitte 343. Wood Isolation of pectic substances from -. E. Anderson 196. lignin in -; Determination of. K. F. Bamford and W. G. Campbell 430. lignins; Some characteristics of -. E. E. Harris 571. Perfumed - of Mansonia gagez. Florentin and Munsch 343. 545. 846. Wool Analysis of textiles for -. R. T. fat; Research on -. T. Kuwata and Y. Mease and D. A. Jessup 59. Ishii 868. VOLUME 61 w001-continu4?d. grease; Acidic components of -Shrinkage-resisting -. 186. Worcester Appointment of H. E. Monk as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of -. Worcestershire Appointment of H. E. Monk as Public Analyst and Agricultural Analyst for County of -. 409. E. E. U. Abraham and T. P. Hilditch 137. 409. X Xanthine oxidase ; Identification 01 scnardiner’s enzyme with -. K. P. Basu and S. P. Mukherjee 494. Xanthophyll in artificially dried grass meals; Rapid method for determining -. M. Pyke 497. X-ray investigations of paint materials. 479. photography; Barium sulphate for -. 119. studies of tooth structure. 480. study of carbon blacks. 480. Y Yang Nong poisoning. 845. Yead moisture content of -; Determination of. 372. Practical Management of Pure -. 3rd Ed. (Review) A. Jorgensen 730. suspensions by turbidometric and other methods ; Quantitative studies on -. R. S. W. Thorne and L. R. Bishop 200. Young’s Method for inositol in animal tissues; Modification of -. R. A. Gregory 492. Z Zinc alloys in food utensils. 264. coating on galvanised iron. J. A. D. Nash. Detection of ___ by means of ferricyanide L. Szebellbdy and S. *Electrolytic determination of small quantities J. G. Fife, *in foods; Determination of - . N. D. 540. and p-phenetidine. Tanay 873. of cadmium and nickel in -. 681. Sylvester and E. B. Hughes 734. in treacle. 606. Micro-determination of - and its separation from manganese with quinaldinic acid as reagent. Removal of - from water. *Use of anthranilic acid in determining -. R. J . Shennan J. H. F. Smith and A. M. Ward 395. Zinc Carbonate Effect of sodium hexameta-phosphate on -. 322. Zinzadze molybdenum reagent. 199. Zirconium in minerals ; Detection and rapid determination of -. N. A. Tananaeff and A. W. Tananajewa 434. Induced precipitation for the detection of small amounts of -. F. Feigl and E. Rajmann 874. R. R. Ray and M. K. Bose 66. 33. utensils for food. 263 PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENG
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