T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 94 1 9 6 9 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London, W1X lAF, EnglandT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION DEALING WITH ALL BRANCHES OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 94 1 9 6 9 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 9/10 Savile Row, London, W1X lAF, EnglandTHE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. (Harwell) *T. ALLEN (Bradford) R. BELCHER (Birmingham) L. J. BELLAMY ( Waltham A bbey) L. S. BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. C. CHIRNSIDE (Wembley) *A. C. DOCHERTY (Billingham) *W.T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) *R. GOULDEN (Sittingbourne) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) *A. G. JONES (Welwyn Garden City) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A. W. KEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) *G. W. C. MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) *G. NICKLESS (Bristol) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (London) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A.) W. SCHONIGER (Switzerland) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Australia) *T. S. WEST (London) P. ZUMAN (Czechoslovakia) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society The Chairman of the Analytical Abstracts Committee (H.J. CLULEY) President of the Society T. S. WEST, BSc., Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society G. W. C. MILNER, DSc., F.R.I.C., A.1nst.I Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society D. I. COOMBER, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor Miss C. M. RICHARDS, B.Sc. Regional Advisory Editors S. E. Q. ASHLEY (U.S.A.) Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W. E. A. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. Wayne MEINKE (U.S.A.) Professor K. MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)THE ANALYST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: A.A. SMALES, O.B.E. (Harwell) *T. ALLEN (Bradford) R. BELCHER (Birmingham) L. J. BELLAMY ( Waltham A bbey) L. S. BIRKS (U.S.A.) E. BISHOP (Exeter) *R. C. CHIRNSIDE (Wembley) *A. C. DOCHERTY (Billingham) *W. T. ELWELL (Birmingham) *D. C. GARRATT (London) *R. GOULDEN (Sittingbourne) D. DYRSSEN (Sweden) J. HOSTE (Belgium) D. N. HUME (U.S.A.) H. M. N. H. IRVING (Leeds) *A. G. JONES (Welwyn Garden City) M. T. KELLEY (U.S.A. W. KEMULA (Poland) *G. F. KIRKBRIGHT (London) *G. W. C. MILNER (Harwell) G. H. MORRISON (U.S.A.) *G. NICKLESS (Bristol) S. A. PRICE (Tadworth) D. I. REES (London) E. B. SANDELL (U.S.A.) W. SCHONIGER (Switzerland) H. E. STAGG (Manchester) E. STAHL (Germany) A. WALSH (Australia) *T. S. WEST (London) P.ZUMAN (Czechoslovakia) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman: A. A. SMALES, O.B.E. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board whose names are marked with an asterisk (*) The President and Honorary Officers of the Society The Chairman of the Analytical Abstracts Committee (H. J. CLULEY) President of the Society T. S. WEST, BSc., Ph.D., DSc., F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society W. H. C. SHAW, F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society G. W. C. MILNER, DSc., F.R.I.C., A.1nst.I Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society D. I. COOMBER, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C.; D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor Miss C. M. RICHARDS, B.Sc. Regional Advisory Editors S. E. Q. ASHLEY (U.S.A.) Professor G. CHARLOT (France) Professor L. GIERST (Belgium) Professor R. HERRMANN (Germany) Professor Axel JOHANSSON (Sweden) Professor W.E. A. MCBRYDE (Canada) Dr. W. Wayne MEINKE (U.S.A.) Professor K. MINCZEWSKI (Poland) Dr. D. D. PERRIN (Australia) Dr. A. STRASHEIM (South Africa) Professor K. UENO (Japan)INDEX TO VOLUME 94 INDEX TO AUTHORS A Aldoas, K. M., Dagnall, 61. El., and West, T. 8. Preparation and spectral characteristics of micro- wave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for palladium, silver, platinum and gold, 347. Allan, J. J. See Ottawas, J. M. Alsop, P. A., and Wadsworth, Y. J. Determination of small amounts of water by entrainment dis- tillation, 330. Amas, 8. A. H., and YaUop, H. J. Test for cyclo- trimethylenetrinitramine, 828. Amphlett, C. B. Review of Marinsky‘s Ion Exchange. Vol.2, 1064. Anderson, J. M. Introduction to Quantum Chemis- try. (Review), 1166. Armstrong, D. E. See Pionke, H. B. Arnold, A., Davis, S., and JfdlLn, A. L. Determina- tion of arsenic in orgamc and inorganic arsemc compounds : radioisotope-dilution substoicheio- metric application, 664. Askew, J., Eneidta, J. E., and Wheals, B. B. General method for determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in river waters and effluents by gas, thin-layer and gel chromatography, 275. Asquith, B. 8. Review of Crewther’s Symposium on Fibrous Proteins. Australia, 1969. 829. Athavale, V. T., Dhane#hw+r, Y. R., and D+nesh- war, R. (3. Voltammetnc stules mth different electrode systems. IV. Determination of silver by using a silver - molybdenum system, 856. Augustat, 8. See Richter, 116.B Baohstach, A. L. See Qray, C. H. Baiulescu, Gch., Gtreff, C., and DHnet, F. Contributions to study of functional analytical groups in deter- mination of palladium(II), 354. Baker, C. W. See Gcoode, 8. C. Baldry, J. See Howard, .Gc. E. Barbour, R. Glassblowtng for Laboratory Tech- nicians. (Review), 423. Bark, L. 8. Review of Tranchant’s Manuel Pratique de Chromatographie en Phase Gaseuse, 248; Review of Shellard’s Quantitative Paper and Thin Layer Chromatogra$hy, 335 ; Review of Billy’s Introduction la Chimie Analydique. P.C., C.B., B.G., I.U.T. Chimie, 508; Review of Progress in Coordination Chemistry. Proceedings of 1 lth Inter- national Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Haifa and Jerusalem, September, 1968, 1053; Re- view of Co-ordination Chemistry-Plenary Lectures Presented at Tenth International Conference.1054 ; Review of Organometallic Chemistry-Plenary Lectures Presented at Third Ivztemational Sympo- sium on Organometallk Chemistry, 1054. Bartecki, A. See Lang, L. Ba8ker, H. B. Determination of specific gravity and concentration of fruit juice concentrations and other viscous concentrated solutions, 410. Basson, W. D., Biihmer, B. Gc., and +ton, D. A. Automated procedure for determination of boron in plant tissue. 1135. - and Hemingwsy, I. C. Construction of an im- pedance adaptor for coupling Perkin-Elmer Model 303 atomic-absorption spectrophotometer to a recording system, 815. Beezer, A. E. Se-, H. J. V. Belcher, R. Review of Siggia’s Survey of Analytical Chemistry, 508 ; Review of West’s Complexometry with EDTA and Related Reagents, 943.- ChskFabarti, C. L., and Stephen, W. I. Some observations on potassium dichromate as an oxidimetric standard, 20. - Perry, It., and Stephen, W. I. Spectrofluorimetric determination of europium and terbium, 26. Bellamy? L. J. Advances in Infrared Group Fre- quencies. (Remew), 42 1. Bere- V. (3. Analytical Reaction Gas Chromato- graphy. Translation Editor L. S. Ettre. (Re- view), 607. Bergman, I., and Loxley, E. Lung tissue hydroly- sates: studies of optimum conditions for spectro- photometric determination of hydroxyproline, 575. Berle, J. See Clarke, E. G. C. Bewers, J.. Y., and Flsak, F. C. Determination of fluorme by prompt y-radiation from proton bombardment. I. Theory and experimental method, 1; 11. Results, 7.Beynon, J. H., Saunders, R. A., and Williams, A. E. Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules. (Remew), 156. Billy, 1. Introduction A la Chimie Analytique. P.C., C.B., B.G., I.U.T. Chimie. (Review), 608. Bishop, E. Review of Dyrssen, Jagner and Wen- gelin’s Computer Calculation of Ionic Eqerilibria and Titration Procedures with Special Reference to Analytical Chemistry, 704. Black, A. See Morgan, D. J. Blake, W. E., Bryant, 1. ,W. B., and Waters, A. Flame-photometric determination of calcium in solutions of high sodium content, 49. Bh+rd, R. L. See Martin, A. Bbovwh, 1. See Spanyhr, P. Blezard, R. Gc. See Fifldd, J. A. Bloomfield, C. See Pruden, Gc. Bhmer, R. Gc. See Bssson, W. D. Booth, 116. D., and Fleet, B. Pre-concentration of carbonyl compounds from their medium followed by polarographic determination of their azo- methine derivatives, 844.Bowley, 1. J. Micro determination of sulphate and fluoride in lime - silica - sulphate - fluoride phase systems, 787. Braceland, B. See Mendoza, C. E. Bradford, E., and Weston, B. E. Determination of cyclohexylamine in cyclamates, 68; Errata, 248. Bra- P. S., and Schgets, P. H. SpectrograpFc analysis of steelmaklng slag by compaction method of sample preparation, 946. Broadbent, D., Dollimore, D., and Dollimore, J. Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analy- sis studies on potassium titanyl oxalate and potassium aluminium oxalate and related oxalates, 543. Brook, A. J. W., and Munday, K. C. Analysis of mixtures of methyl ethanesulphonate and ethyl methanesulphonate by differential reaction rate method, 909.Brooke, B. 1. See Goode, 0. C. Brooks, C. J. W. Review of Beynon, Saunders and Williams’s Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules, 156.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Brown, G., and Eanaris-Sotiriou, R. Determination of sulphur in soils by X-ray fluorescence analysis, 782. - See also Kanaris-Sotirion, R. Brown, M. W., Issa, E., and Sinclair, A. G. Precise manual enthalpimetric titrations, 234. Brunfelt, A. O., and Steinnes, E. Determination of lutetium, ytterbium and terbium in rocks by neutron activation and mixed solvent anion- exchange chromatography, 979. Bryant, I. W. R. See Blake, W. E. Brymner, R., and Penney, J. R. Mass Spectrometry. (Review), 1055. Budeainsky, B., and West, T. 8. 3,5’-Bis(dicarboxy- methylaminomethyl) -4,4’- dihydroxy- trans - stil- bene as selective spectrofluorimetric reagent for cadmium, 182.Bunton, N. G)., Crosby, N. T., and Patterson, S. J. Factors influencing the colorimetnc determina- tion of nitrite with Cleve’s acid, 585. Bneinelli, 1. See PetroSini, G). Butler, L. B. P. See Human, H. G). C. Bwmn, J. See Tranchat, J. C Cabell, 1. J. Review of De Neve’s Reaction Rates from Nuclear Reactor Neutrons. 80. c9hill, T. J. See Eazi, T. w, B. 61. Introduction to Chemical Nomencla- ture. 3rd Edn. (Review), 510. m, M. Progress in Coordination Chemistry. Proceedings of 1 l t h International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Haifa and Jerusalem, September, 1968. (Review), 1053. calsolati, C., Favretto GtabrieE, L., and Pertoldi Marletta, GI. Rapid polarojpaphic determination of chlorine, bromine and iodine in algae, 774.Carmichael, 1: A., and Whitley, J. E. Radio-release determination of fluoride ion, 737. Cart-Brion, K. G). Selection of exciting energy in radioisotope X-ray fluorescence analysis, 177. Cerrai, E., and Ghersini, G. Reversed-phase extrac- tion chromatography with paper and columns supporting an extractant selective for copper, 699. cbakrabarti, C . L. See Bedcher, R. Challis, H. J. Q. Separate and simultaneous deter- mination of zirconium and hafnium in nickel-base alloys with xylenol orange, 94. Chalmerf+ B..A., and Watts, R. W. E. Separate determination of xanthme and hypoxanthine in urine and blood plasma by enzymatic differential spectrophotometric method, 226. Chapman, J. F., and Dale, L: 8. Performance of a pre-mixed, oxygen-ennched air - acetylene flame in flame-emission spectrophotometry, 563.Chaaar, A. 8. See Lucchesi, C. A. Ohmher, 8. E. See S h e , 1. Chestem, (3. See Konrsd, J. 43.; Pionke, E. B. ChFiSfopher, A. J. Modified procedure for deter- mination of gold with 4,4’-bis(dimethy1amino)- thiobenzophenone, 397. Clarke, E. G. C., and Berle, J. Isolation and Identi- fication of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, Budy Fluids and Post-Mortem Material. (Review), 507. Clymo, R. 8. See Golterman, H. L. Conlan, B., Henderson, P., and Walfin, A. Simpli- fied procedure for the assay of picocune concen- trations of radium-226 and its application to a study of the natural radioactivity in surface waters in Scotland, 15. Cooper,. D. a. The Periodic Table. 4th Edn. (Renew), 423. Cord, 116.S., Petersen, J. D., Lojko, 1. S., and Haas, R. H. Microwave Spectral Tables. Vol. IV. Polyatomic Molecules Without Internal Rotation. (Review), 607. Cornu, A., and Massot, It. List of Conversion Factors for Atomic Impurities to ppm by Weight. (Review), 78. Crewther, W. G). Symposium on Fibrous Proteins. Australia, 1967. (Review), 829. Criddle, W. J., Moody, G. J., and Thomas, Jr D. R. Thin-layer electrophoresis : heat dissipation by use of refrigerated air, 461. Croomes, E. F. See Phillips, J. F. Cropper, F. R., and Hehekey, D. 1. Determination of total organic matter (carbon content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic carbon in trade wastes and sewage effluent, 484. Crosby, 14. T. See Bunton, N. G. Crossland, B., and Fennell, T. B. F. W. Comparison of some methods for determination of tangsten, 989.Crump, G. B. Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by complexometric titration. I. Determination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc, 465. Curry, A. S., Read, J. F.,.and.Knott, A. R. Deter- mination of thakum in biological material by flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorption, 744; Errata, 1108. Curtis, K. E. Interferences in determination of iron by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame, 1068. D Dagnall, R. M., Smi?, D. J., Thompson, K. C., and West, T. 8. Emission spectra obtained from combustion of organic compounds in hydrogen flames, 871. - Thompson, K. C., and West, T. 8. Molecular- emission spectroscopy in cool flames. IV. Deter- mination of chloride, bromide and iodide by thermal-emission spectroscopy in presence of indium salts, 643.- See also Aldous, K. 1. Dale, L. 8. See Chapman, J. F. Ddy, N. R. Review of Roboz’s Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. Instrumentation and Techniques. 1165. Dhet, F. See Baiulescn, Gch. David, D. J. Atomic-absorption determination of strontium in standard plant material : comment on results of inter-laboratory comparison, 884. Dawson, J. B. Review of Eardley and Mountford’s A tomic A bsovption Spectrwhotomedry in Ceramic Analysis: Evaluation of Some Commercial Spectro- photometers, 75 ; Review of Ramirez-Munoz’s A tomic-A bsorption Spectroscopy and A nalysis by A tomic-A bsorption Flame Photometry, 7 5 . - Milner, R., and Mawston, D. Simple trace reader with digital print-out, 912. den Boef, G.See .&oeneveld, E . R. De Neve, R. Reaction Rates from Nuclear Reactor Neutrons. (Review), 80. Desai, 61. &., and Sudhalatha, K. K Determination of micro amounts of uranium in pure thorium nitrate, 699. Determann, H. Chromatographie sur Gel. Filtra- tion, Permeation, Tamisage Moleculaire (Manuel de Laboratoire). (Review), 1166. de Vries, J. L. See Vries, J. L. de. Davis, 8. See Arnold, A.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Vii Dhaneshwar, 1. B. See Athavale, V. T. Dhaneshwar, R. 0. See Athavale, V. T. Dhont, J. H., and XKuIdeFDijlnnsn, 0. J. C. Reso- lution of mixtures of aliphatic and terpene-type 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones by thin-layer chro- matography on silica gel, 1090. Dixon, E. J. See Bawyer, B. Docherty, A. C. See Heslop, A. M. Dollimore, D., and McBride, G.B. Comparison of methods of calculating particle size from hindered settling results and its application to inorganic oxysalt precipitates, 760. - See also Broadbent, D. Dollimore, J. See Broadbent, D. Donovan, P. P., and Fedey, D. T. Method for determination of lead in blood by atomic- absorption spectrophotornetry, 879. Duff, O. M. S, Review of Hill and Powell’s Non- dis+ersive fnfra-red Gas Analysis in Science, Medicine and Industry, 512. Dybo-, R., and Mal-wska, H. Separation of gold from platinum metals on cation exchangers in concentrated hydrobromic acid solutions, 527. Dsnrsen, D:, Jagner, D., and Wengelin, F. Computer Calculation of Ionic Equilibria and Titration Procedures with Special Reference to Analytical Chemistry. (Review), 704. E Eardley, I&.P., and Mountford, A. H. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry in Ceramic Analy- sis : Evaluation of Some Commercial Spectro- photometers. (Review), 75. Egan, H. Review of Kearney and Kaufman’s Degradatim of Herbicides, 1168. Egyed, 1. See Oorh, 8. lhaga, H. See Ishii, H. Elion, H. A., and Sbwart, D. C. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IX: Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 8. Part 2. (Review), 80. Ellis, B. A. Review of Cahn’s Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature. 3rd Edn., 510. Elwell, W. T. Review of Lothian’s Absorption Spectrophotometry, 3rd Edn., 829. Ettre, L. 8. Translation Editor of Berezkin’s Analytical Reaction Gas Chromatography. (Re- view), 607. - and zlatlds, .A. Practice of Gas Chromato- graphy. (Revlew), 76. Evang, P. I. Review of Anderson’s Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, 1166.Everton, J. B. See Thorpe, €2. E. F Fabia?, D. J. Review of American Chemical Society’s Mass Spectrometry in Inorganic Chemis- try. Advances in Chemistry Series 72, 157; Review of Reed’s Modern Aspects of Mass Sfiectrometry, 606. Fabnes, B. 1. Translator of Mairanovskii’s Catdytic and Kinetic Waves in Polarography. (Review), 704. Favretto Orrbrielli, L. See C a b l a r i , C. F W y , D. T. See Donovan, P. P. Fennell, T. B. F. W. See Crossland, B. Ferrero Martelli, A. See Muzzarelli, B..A. A. medd, J. A., and Blemud,. B. G. Rapid r o u e e determination of uncombmed lime by automatic absorptiometric method, 503. Fiscber, I. G). See Btevems, F. Flsck, F. C. See Bewers, J. 1. Fleet, B., and Eeliher, P. 1. Determination of aliphatic aldehydes via polarography of their Girard T derivatives, 659.- Eeliher, P. 1., Kirkbright, O. F., and Ipiclaord, C. I. Some observations on the analytical use- fulness of electrochemiluminescence for deter- mination of microgram amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons, 847. - 808 Win, and West, T. 8. Polarographic deter- mination of calcium and magnesium, 269. - See also Booth, 1. D. Flmky, G. B. See Lucaheai, C. A. Fogg, A. O., Jilling8, J., Marriott, D. B., and Thorburn Burns, 0. Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophotometric reagent : deter- mination of antimony, 768. - Enmar, J. L., and -bum Burns, D. Polaro- graphic behaviour of o-hydroxy-o’-carboxyazo dyes and their beryllium complexes, 262. Foner, H. A. Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts, 392.Radiometric methods for deter- mination of fluorine, 426. Foreman, J. K, France, E. D. See Walker, J. A. J. Fryer, B. See Taylor, C. Gc. Fujii, I., Inouye, T., Muto, H., Onodera, K., and Tani, A. Investigation of rapid and non-destruc- tive fast-neutron activation analysis for many elements by using a semi-conductor detector, 189. FnIlet, C. W., and OtCaway, J. M. An+*’$ and kinetic study of the bromate omdataon of vanadium(1V) in acid medium, 32. - See also Ottrway, J. 1. O Gtabrielli, L. F. See Favretto G a b r i a L. WW, D. E. See Montgomery, H. A. C. Oarratt, D. C. Review of Clarke and Berle’s Isolatiun and Identijication of Drugs in Pharma- ceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-Mortem Material, 507.Oheraini, G. See Cerrai, E. Gtibson, W. M. Basic Electricity. (Review), 1066. Oiddings, J. C., and geller, B. A. Advances in Chromatography. Vol. 6. (Review), 511. Olick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 16. (Review), 418. Olover, M. J. Identification of denaturants in surgical spirits B.P.C. by using thin-layer chromatography, 1081. Glopns, E..F., and Ledbetter, J. 0. Principles of Radio1oe;lcal Health. (Review), 1168. c)olterman, H. L., and &no, R. 8. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh Waters (IBP Hand- book No. 8). (Review), 1167. ooode, G. C., Baker, C. W., and Brooke, B. M. Automated solvent-extraction technque for radiochemical group separations : application to analysis of glass fragments by thermal-neutron activation, 728.Gtoodhead, E., and Martindab, B. W. Determina- tion of amosite and chrysotile in airborne dusts by X-ray diffraction method, 985. Wr&, B., Tuba, Z., and Egyed, I. Analysis of steroids. X. Determination of 21-amino cortico- steroids, 1044. Chant, D. L. See Mendoza, C. E.viii INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Grant, J. Review of Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen’s Kirk-Othmer Encycwedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 16. 2nd Edn., 246. Gray, C. H., and Bacharach, A. L. Hormones in Blood. 2nd Edn. Vols. 1 and 2. (Review), 942. Greaves, J. H. See Rbzebs, G. Gtreenhalgh, W. 0: Determination of nitrogen content of uramum mononitride by alkaline fusion and ammonia distillation, 1060. Greff, C . See Baiulemu, Qh. Gregory, G. R. E.C. See Kern, G. 0. Gbwory, J. G. a. See Montgomary, E. A: C. Groenevdd, E. R., and den Boef, G. Limit of determination in photometric titrations with self-indicating systems, 860. Groves, 1. J. Size distribution of particles con- taminating parented solutions, 992. Guichard, 1. See Tranchnnt, J. GupCa, P. L. See Hall, B. J. Gupta, 8. R. Textbook of Chemistry for Polytechnic Gutma,nn, V. Coordination Chemistry in Non- Glutsche, B. See her ma^, R.; Biidiger, K. Students. (Review), 832. Aqueous Solutions. (Review), 79. H HMLS, &. €I. See Cord, 1. 8. Eaims, E. See Pierce, T. B. Hall, R. J., and Gupta, P. L. Determination of very small amounts of selenium in plant samples, 292. Ffirllla D. a. See Webb, R. A. Hammond, P. W., and Wedon, R. E. Detection of prophylactic drugs in a n h d feeding stuffs by thin-layer chromatography, 92 1.Harmslin, 116. Thermo-analyse. (Review), 608. M e y , . F. . R. Titrimetric determination of chromium in presence of excess of chloride, 1148. Haslam, J. Review of AnnMal Repovts on Progress of Chemistry for 1967. Vol. 64. Section A. General Physical and Inorganic Chemistry; Section B. Organic Chemistry, 419. Headridge, J. B., and Ili-n, J. Determina- tion of trace amounts of calcium in stainless steels by solvent extraction followed by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry, 968. mtley, 1. G. Dialysis of small volumes of fluid, 1021. Hehehey, D. Y. See Cropper, F. R. Eemingway, I. C. See Basson, W. D. l&m+irson, P. See Conlan, B. Hefimgahaw, J. F. Review of Radley’s Starch and Its Derivatives.4th Edn., 703. Herrmaqn, R., and Gutsche, B. Improvement of detection limits of flame-spectrophotometric determination of chlorinated organic pesticide residues, 1033. - See also Riidiger, K . Herschdoerfer, 8. 1. Quality Control in the Food Industry. Vol. 2. (Review), 831. Heslop, A. M., Skinnez, J: M., and Dod?e$y, A. C. Determination of moisture in ferthsers and materials insoluble in methanol, 681. Hill, A. B. C. See Smart, N. A. Hill, D. W., and Powall, T. Non-dispersive Infra- red Gas Analysis in Science, Medicine and Industry. (Review), 512. Hingle, D. N., Kirkbright, 6. F., and West, T. 8. Atomic-emission spectroscopy of rare earth elements in a separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame, 864. Hirsgama, E. Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra of Organic Compounds.(Review), 610. Eirtz, J. MCthodes Analytiques dan les Recherches sur le M6tabolisme des Mddicaments. (Review), 606. Hobbs, I&. S., Kirkbright, G. IF., and West, T. 8. Investigation of the performance of separated air - acetylene flame in thermal-emission spectro- scopy, 564. Holman, &. T. Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids. Vol. 8. (Review), 77; Vol. 9. Polyunsaturated Acids. Part 2. (Re- view), 77. Hoodless, B. A., and Weston, B. E. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of 2-chloro-4-nitrobenz- amide, 3,6-dinitrobenzamide and 3,bdinitro- o-toluamide in animal feeding stuffs, 670. Hooks, R. W., and Hoar, J. W. Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by complexo- metric titration. 11. Use of small-scale methods, 473.Howard, a. E., and Bsldry, J. Qualitative analysis of dilute aqueous solutions of thiols and thioethers by thin-layer chromatography, 689. Howard, G. J. Review of Smith’s Addition Poly- mers: Formation and Characterizatiova, 607. Human, E. G. C., Butler, L. B. P.? and Strasheim,.A. Multi-element atomic-absorption analyses mth gas-stabilised arc as primary light source, 81. Iiyman, A. 8. Rapid method for determination of manganese in maneb and its formulations, 152. I Imam, G. 1. See Shimi, I. R. Inouye, T . See Fujii, I. Ishii, H., and Einags, H, Determination of traces of constituents with Sch8 bases. IV. Extrac- tion - spectrophotometric determination of copper with NN’-bis-salicylidene-2,3-diaminobenzofuran, 1038. Issa, E. See Brown, H.W. J Jaakson, B. P., and Snowdon, D. W. Powdered Vegetable Drugs. Atlas of Microscopy for Use in Identification and Authentication of some Plant Materials Employed as Medicinal Agents. (Review), 606. Jagner, D. See Dyrssen, D. Jew A. R. Gas-chromatographic analysis of volatile constituents in polymers, with particular reference to moisture content, 249. Jelisav&&, 0. See Strohal, P. Jenkins, R., and Vries, J. L. de. Instrumental factors in detection of low concentrations by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, 447. Jennings, V. J. Review of Perry’s Pvogress in Separation and Purijcation. Vol. I, 79; Review of Rossotti’s Chemical A pplicatims of Potentio- metry, 703 ; Review of Mairanovskii’s Cakrlydac and Kinetic Waves in Polarography, 704. Jillings, J. See Fogg, A.G. Johansen, O., and Stwmes, E. Determination of tin in geological material by neutron-activation analysis, 976. Johnaon, C. A. Review of AnalaR Standards for Laboratory Chemicals, 334. Johnson., W. C . Review of Reagent Chemicals. Amerzcan Chemical Society Specificatioors, 334.INDEX TO Johnston, E. See Sawyer, B. Jones, J. I. 116. Review of Schenk’s Organic Func- tional Group Analysis. Theory and Development, 159; Review of Hirtz’s Mkthodes Analytiques dans les Rechcrches sur le Mdtabolisme &s Mkdicaments, 605. Jordan, A L. See Arnold, A. K Kaiser, H., and Memiiea, A. C. Two Papers on the Limit of Detection of a Complete Analytical Procedure. (Review), 169. ganarislsotiriou, I&., and Brown, 0. Diminution of sulphur contamination of powder specimens in X-ray fluorescence analysis, 780.- See also Brown, 0. Kaufman, D. D. See W e y , P. C. Uei, T:, and Cahill, T. J. Rapid method for detection of residual lipase activity in oat products, 4 17. Keraney, P. C., and Kaufman, D. D. Degradation of Herbicides. (Review), 1168. Keattoh, C. J. Review of Harmelin’s Thermo- analyse, -608. m y , .J. Computer-orientated automation in chemical analysis of soils, 690. - and Menage, P. Y. A. Automated distillation procedure for determination of nitrogen, 895. W e i r , P. 1. See Fleet, B. Wer, B. A. See c;iiddings, J. C . Kellett, E. A. Renew of Newkirk, Mallett and Pfeiffer’s Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 11, 608. Kennedy, T., and Taubinger, E. P. Rapid deter- mination of water-immiscible liquids in polymer latices with modified Dean and Stark apparatus, 625.Kern, 0. O:, and Gregory, ?..a. E. C. Simple method for pudcation of Bnlhant green, reagent for antimony, 1036. Eiq, 8. C., and Pruden, 0. Colorimetric deter- mination of calcium in silicate minerals, 39; Determination of sulphur dioxide with rosaniline dyes, 43. Kirby, J. A. See Smith, 8. 0. Kirchhof, H. See Eiidiger, K. Kirk, E. S., and Pocklinston, W. D. Determination of tin in canned foods with quercetin, 71. Kirkbrighh 0: F., Saw, C. O., and West, T. 8. Determmatxon of trace amounts of tellunum by inorganic spectrofluorimetry at liquid nitrogen temperature, 457 ; Low-temperature fluorescence of some bromide-ion association complexes in hydrobromic acid glasses at - 196” C, 538. - S+th, A. M., and West, T. 8. Rapid indirect titnmetnc determination of microgram amounts of orthophosphate, 321. _ - - and Wood, R.Indirect amplification procedure for determination of titanium by atomic-absorp tion spectroscopy, 7 54. - See aZso Fleet, B.; Hingle, D. N.; Hobbs, R. S. Knott, A. B. See Curry, A. S. Koljkowsky, P. Indicator-tube method for deter- mination of benzene in air, 918. Konishi, X, Mori, Y.? and Tanignchi, N. Quantita- tive analysis of mmtures of alkylphenol isomers by fluorine- 19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 1002 : Quantitative analysis for enantiomeric purity of alkan-2-01s by fluorine-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 1006. VOLUME 94 ix Improved method for extraction of organo- chlorine and organophosphate insecticides from lake waters, 490. KO-, G). Reflexionsspektroskopie. Grundlagen, Methodik, Anwendungen.(Review), 1165. KO-, E. L. Trace determination of mercury, thallium and gold with crystal violet, 198. Kumar, J. L. See Fog& A. 0. Konrad, J. 0., Pionke, H. B., and Chdrs, G). L Law M. F. C., and Lee, W. H. Modern Physical Chemistry: An Introduction. (Review), 1056. Lambie, D. A. Review of RdZiEka and Starfs Substoicheiometry in Radiochemical Analysis, 1167. Lang, L., Bsrtecld, A.? Wke, J., Varssssi, 0., and Vizesy, M. Absorptxon Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. X. (Review), 422. - Mesamer, A., and V-, M. Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Cumula- tive Index (VI-X). (Review), 422. Lebbe, J. See Tcanohant, J. Ledbetter, J. 0. See Gloym, E. F. Lee, D. F., and Boughan, J.A. Interference in determination of mercury in plant materials with dithizone due to 2-chloro-2-nitrosopropane, 306. Lee, W. H. See Lad& Y. F. C. Lloyd-JOnes, C. P., and mtt, E. J. Automatic counter for ra&oactive deposits on planchets, 236. Lojko, M. 8. See Cord, M.. 8. Lothisn, 0. F. Absorpbon Spectrophotometry. 3rd Edn. (Review), 829; Review of Kortum’s Reflexionss~ektroskopie, Grundlagen, Methodik, Anwendungen, 1165. Loxley, B. See Bergman, I. Luochd, C. A., Chasar, A.. 0.) and Florly,. G). B. EDTA titration of titanium and alumitllum in Ziegler - Natta catalyst, 695. Lnlib, S. See Strohal, P. I MaaArthur, D. See Sbvens, F. IbBride, 0. B. See Dollhorn, D. HaBryde, W. A. E. The pH meter as hydrogen-ion concentration probe, 337. MoCully, K. A. See Mendoza, C.E. Ma-, IYI. L. Physico-Chemical Quantities and Units. (Review), 80. Ma@n, A: F:, and Quick, 1. P. Rapid determina- txon of dmzmon and its oxygen analogue in animal tissues by gas chromatography, 221. Mathy, K. M., and Illtsokay, B. A. Introduction to Modem Inorganic Chemistry. (Review), 422. Maokay, B. A. See Madcay, K. 1. IbKetta, J. J., inn. See Mark, H. F. 1yIoLaohlan, T. Review of Herschdoerfer’s Quality Control in the Food Industry. Vol. 2, 831 ; Review of Thorpe and Everton’s Post-Process Sanitation in Canneries, 831. Wutt, B. C. Mairanovskii, S. Catalytic and Kinetic Waves in Polarography. Translated by Fabuss, B. M. (Review), 704. Malemmwska, H. See Dyh~ybki, E. Mallet& 0. El. See Newkirk, J. B. Marjnetti, 0. V. Lipid Chromatographic Analysis.-, J. A. Ion Exchange. Vol. 2. (Review), See Phillips, J. F. Vol. 1. (Review), 78. 1054.X INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Hark, H, F., McKetta,. J. J., inn., Othmer, D. F., and Standen, A. Krk-Othmer Encyclopecha of Chemical Technology. Vol. 15. 2nd Edn. (Review), 246. Marriott, D. R. See Fogg, A. G). Marshall, B. S., and Wood, R. Determination of total fluoride in air by using a microdiffusion technique, 493. MarteUi, A. F. See Ferret0 Marblli, A. Martin, A., and Blanchard, R. L. Thermal volatilisa- tion of caesium-137, polonium-210 and lead-210 from in vivo labelled samples, 441. Martindale, R. W. See Gtoodhead, E. Massot, R. See Cornu, A. Blawston, D. See Dawson, J. B. Meddle, D. W., Radford, D.. W., and Wood, R. Field method for detemnation of organic aromatic isocyanates in air, 369.Menage, P. 1. A. See m y , J. Mend?s-Bemrra, A. E., and Stephen, W. I. Com- parison of calcium reagents, calcion and calci- chrome, 11 17. - and Uden, P. C. Nephelometric method for determination of sulphate in presence of barium by using chloraminobiphenyl : application to organic compounds and hydrocarbon oils, 308. Mendom, C. E., &ant, D. L., Bracaland, B., and McCully, K. A. Evaluation of esterases from livers of beef, pig, sheep, monkey and chicken for de- tection of some pesticides by thin-layer chromato- graphic - enzyme inhibition technique, 805. Menzies, A. C. See Raiser, H. Mesaher, A. See Lang, L. Metson, P. scintillation counting, 1122. Miher, G. W. C . See Phillips, G).; Weldrick, G. Milner, R. See Dawson, J. B. lWoaevic, B.See Yuen, S. H. Milton, R. F. Review of Gray and Bacharach’s Hormones in Blood. 2nd Edn. Vols. 1 and 2, 942. Milward, A. F. Effects of light on glass pH elec- trodes, 154. Milwidsky, B. M. Rapid method for production control of non-ionic component in synthetic detergents, 377. Mitchell, G. R. See Morgan, D. J. Montgomery, H. A. C., Qardiner, D. K., and Gregory, J. 6. G. Determination of free hydrogen cyanide in river water by solvent-extraction method, 284. Moody, .B. J. Review of McGlashan’s Physico- Chemzcal Quantities and Units, 80; Review of Mackay and Mackay’s Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 422; Review of Cooper’s The Periodic Table. 4th Edn., 423; Review of Gupta’s Textbook of Cheemisbry for Polyfechnic Students, 832; Review of Stock’s Deveiopmenf of the Chemical Balance, 832; Review of Gibson’s Basic EZectricity, 1056; Review of Ladd and Lee’s Modern Physical Chemisdry: An Inh.odudion, 1056; Review of Tabor’s Gases, Liquids and Solids, 1056.Moody, G. J., Oke, R. B., and Tho- J. D..R Influence of hght on silver - sllver chlonde electrodes, 803. - See also Criddle, W. J. looney, E. F. Annual Review of NMR Spectro- scopy. Vol. 1. (Review), 247. Morgan, D. J., Black, A., and Mitohell, 0. R. Deter- mination of inorganic iodide in urine by neutron- activation analysis, 740. Mori, Y. See Konishi, K. Routine method for determination of tritium by electrolytic concentration before liquid Morrison, I. R., and WiIson, A. L. Absorptiometric determination of silicon in water. VI. Deter- mination of polymeric silicic acid, 54.-ton, El. A. Review of Glick’s Methods of Bio- chemical Analysis, 418; Review of Lang’s Absorp- tion Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Regiom. Vol. X, 422; Review of Lang’s Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Cumulative Index (VI-X), 422. MOSS, M. J. R. Review of Jackson and Snowdon’s Powdered Vegetable Drugs, 605. Mountford, A. H. See Eardley, R. P. Xulders-Dijkman, G. 3. 0. See Dhont, J. H. Mnnday, K. C . See Broak, A. J. W. Murphy, J. M., and Scott, C. C. polyoxyethylene emulsifiers in foods, 481. Muto, H. See Fujii, I. MuzzareUi, R. A,. A., Ferrero Marte~lli, A., and Tubertini, 0. Ligand-exchange chromatography on thin layers and columns of natural and sub- stituted celluloses, 616. Determination of N Nery, R. Gas-chromatographic determination of acetyl and trimethylsilyl derivatives of alkyl carbamates and their N-hydroxy derivatives, 130.Newkirk, J. B., Mallett, G. a., and Pfeifler, H. G. Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 11. (Review), 608. Nicholson, J. D. Determination of mandelic acid in urine, 413. Nickless, G. Review of Ettre and Zlatkis’s Practice of Gas Chromatography, 76 ; Review of InternationaE Symposium I V. Chromatographie. ElectrophorJse. Bruxelles, 12, 13 et 14 Septembre, 1966, 509; Review of Snyder’s Principles of Adsorption Chromatography, 509; Review of Giddin s and Keller’s Advances in Chromatography. $01. 6, 51 1 ; Review of Perry, Weissberger and Schupp’s Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. Gas Chromatography, 943. Nisbt, M. A. Identification of polyhydric alcohols on thin-layer chromatograms with 2-thiobarbi- turic acid, 811.Now, J. W. See Hooks, R. W. 0 Bien, A, and Se@er-Olsen, A. B. Nitrate deter- mination in sod extracts with nitrate electrade, 888. Oke, B. B. See M-, G. J. Onodera, K. See Fuw, I. Othmer, D. F. See Mark, H. F. Ottaway, J. M. Review of BeHamy’s Advances in Infrared Group Frequencies, 421. - and Fuller, C. W. Interference of vanadium in titrimetric determination of iron by tin(I1) chloride - mercury(I1) chloride - dichromate method, 313. Catalytic method for de- termination of ruthenium, 522; Erratum, 944. -- and Allan, J, J. - See also Fuller, C . W. P Pakalng, P. Direct determination of boron in copper alloys and nickel after dissolution in nitric acid, 1130. Palframan, J. F. See Walker, E.A. Pande, U. C. See Tiwari, B. D.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xi Pandya, K. P. See Sribstrrva, S. P. Parismi8, C. 1. See Van Loon, J. C. Parker, C. A. Photoluminescence of Solutions. With Applications to Photochemistry and Ana- lytical Chemistry. (Review), 701. - Spectrophosphorimeter microscopy : an extension of fluorescence microscopy, 161. Patterson, S. J. Review of Golterman and Clymo’s Medhods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh Waters (IBP Handbook No. 8), 1167. - See aZso Bunton, N. Gc. Pecsok, B. L. Experiments in Modem Methods of - and Shields, L. D. Modem Methods of Chemical Penney, J. R. See Brymner, B. Perry, E. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. I. (Review), 79. Perry, E. S., Weissberger, A., and Suhnpp, 0. E. III. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol.XIII. Gas Chromatography. (Review), 943. P q , R. See Belcher, B. Perry, .B. W., and. &ulIion, H. J. Convenient gravimetric technique for high precision titri- metry, 801. Pertoldi Marbtta, G. See Cdzolari, C. Petersen, J. D. See Cord, M. S. PetroSini, Gc., Bnsipelli, M., Tafuri, F., and Scarponi, L. Determinabon of chlorcholine chloride resi- dues in strawberries, 674; Errata, 1168. PfeBer, H. G. See Newkirk, J. B. Phillips, .G., and Milner, G. W. C. Controlled- potential coulometers based upon modular electronic units. I. Development of equipment, 833. Chemical Analysis. (Review), 336. Analysis. (Review), 336. - See also Weldrick, G. Phillips, G. 0. Review of Gloyna and Ledbetter’s Principles of Radiological Health, 1168. Phillips, J. F.? McNnF, &.C., .and eoomes, E.. B. Determinabon of mtrogen dioxide in red fuming nitric acid, 1047. Pickford, C. J. See Fleet, B. Pierce, T. B. Review of Cornu and Massot’s List of Conversion Factors for Atomic Impurities to ppm by Weight, 78; Review of Tilbury’s Activation A nalysis with Charged Particles. Nuclear Science Series NAS-NS 3110, 78. - and Hainea, K. Determination of silicon in intact steel samples with low output neutron generator, 886. Pinfold, T. A. Pionke, E. B., Ch&rs, .G., *and Armgtrong, D, E. Dual column and denvatwe techniques for im- proved specificity of gas - liquid chromatographic identification of organochlorine insecticide resi- dues in soils, 900. - See &so Koncad, J. Gc. Pocklineton, W. D. See Kirk, B. S. Powell, T. See D. W.Pratt, L. Revlew of Gutmann’s Coordination PrBvot, A. See Tranchant, J. Price, W. J. See Boos, J. T. H. Pmden, Gc., and Bloomfield, C. Effect of organic matter on determination of iron(I1) in soils and rocks, 688. - See also King, H. Gc. C. Pryce, J. D. Modification of the Barker - Summer- son method for determination of lactic acid, 1151. Pugh, H. Review of Slavin’s Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, 158. See Sheiham, I. Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solubions, 79. Q Quick, M. P. See IBImhin, A. F. B Radford, D. W. See Meddle, D. W. Radley, J. A. Review of Richter, Augustat and Scherbaum’s Ausgewudhlte Methoden dcr Stdrks- chemie. Isolierung, Charakterisiemng und A nalytiR von Stiirkepolysacchariden, 420; Starch and Its Derivatives. 4th Edn. (Review), 703. Bamasamy, 1.Identification and determination of organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides by thin-layer chromatography, 1076. Ramire~Muncn;, J. Atomic-Absorption Spectro- scopy and Analysis by Atomic-Absorption Flame Photometry. (Review), 75. Batdiffe, D. B., and Targett, B. H. Gas-chromato- graphic determination of organohalogen impurities in dichlorofluoromethane, 1028. Read, J. B. See Curry, A. 8. Seed, R. I. Modem Aspects of Mass Spectrometry. Proceedings of 2nd NATO Study Institute of Mass Spectrometry. (Review), 606. R i d , E. Influence of channelling in conventional helium-3 activation analysis, 435. Riohards, E. W. T. Review of Elion and Stewart’s Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IX: Analytical Chsmistry. Vol. 8. Fkrt 2, 80. Rir?hnrdaon, J. See Headridge, J. B.Richter, M., Angnrfet, S., and Schierbaum, F, Ausgewiihlte Methoden der Stekechemie. Iso- lierung, Charakterisierung und Analytik von Sttirkepolysacchariden. (Review), 420. Riezebos, G., and Greaves, J. H. Determination of oedrol, and total alcohol content of oils of cedarwood, by formylation, 148. Roboz, J, Introduction to Mass Spectrometry, Instrumentation and Techniques. (Review), 1165. Rommers, P. J., and Visaer, J. Spectrophota+tric determination of micro amounts of nitr0gen.a indophenol, 653. ma, 3. T. H., and Price, W. J. Comprehensive scheme for analysis of cement by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry, 89; Erratum, 512. Rose, A. H. Chemical Microbiology. 2nd Edn. (Review), 512. W e , D. A., and Shone, G. 0. Analysis of fats containing cyclopropenoid fatty acids.11. De- termination with hydrogen bromide, 477. Rossotti, H. Chemical Applications of Potentio- metry. (Review), 703. Roughan, J. A. See Lee, D. F. Rout, A. E. Review of Slack’s Phosphoric Acid. Part I. Fertilizer Science and Technology Series. Vol. I, 158. Bud&, L. H. Review of Kaiser and Menzies’s Two Papers on the Limit of Detection of a Complete Analytical Procedure, 159. - and Wilson, J. It. Ultraviolet spectrophoto- metric method for characterisation of some phenolic stabilisers in extracts - of polymer compositions, 105. BWger, K., Gcutsche, B., P h h o f , EL, and. *- mnnn, B. Use of special intermittent nebulisation technique to suppress background in flame- emission spectra, 204. Use of thin-layer chromato- graphc techmques for determination of break- down products of additives to plating solutions, 126.Bupprecht, W.-E.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 94 RMGka, J., and Starf, J. Substoichiometry in Radiochemical Analysis. Edited by M. Williams. (Review), 1167. Buzicka, J. H. See Askew, J. S Saanders, B. A. See Beynon, J. H. Saw, C. (3. See Kirkbright, Q. F. Sawyer, R., Duon, E. J., and Johnston, E. Auto- matic determinabon of ongmal granty of beer. 111. Automatic sensing of peaks and calculation of results, 1010. 1pcsrponi, L. See Pee&, 0: &he&, 0. E. Orgamc Funcbonal Group Analysis. Theory and Development. (Review), 169. Schierbaum, F. See Bi.&ter, 1. &hilt, A. A. Analytlcal Applications of 1,lO- Phenanthroline and Related Compounds. (Re- view), 701. &holes, P. E. See Bramhall, P.8. Schuler, C. J. Laser-Induced Spontaneous and Stimulated Raman Scattering. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series IX: Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 8, Part 2. (Review), 80. Schupp, 0. E. m. See Perry, E. 8. Scott, C. C. See Murphy, J. 1. &allion, H. J. See Perry, I&. W. mbborp, W. 8. Determination of trace metal con- tamnants in a wide range of vaned chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer, 324. Selqer-Qlsen, A. B. slerpmet, J. See Tranchant, J. miham, I., and PinXdd, T. A. Spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants with picric acid, 387. Shellard, E. J. Quantitative Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography. (Review), 336. shislda, L. D. See P& B. L. I. B., and Imam, G). H. Determination of compounds by use of chromatography on thin- layer chromatostrips, 62.Shone, G). Q. See Bosie, D. A. Short, Q. D., and Yonng, B. Charge-transfer chromatography of polycyclic hydrocarbons, 269. &liropouloa, 1. Determination of calcium in chrome refractories by atomic-absorption spectro- scopy, 389. SiggiS, S. Survey of Analytical Chemistry. (Re- view), 608. Sinclair, A. (3. See Brown, 1. W. Skerrett, E. J. See Lloyd-Jones, C. P. Skinner, J. 1. See Heop, A. 1. Slack, A. V. Phosphonc Acid. Part I. Fertilizer Science and Technology Series. Vol. I. (Re- view), 168. mvin,. W. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. (Renew), 158. Smart, 1. A., and Hill, A. R. C. Determination of mercury residues in potatoes, grain and animal tissues using perchloric acid digestion, 143. Smith, A. 1. See ekbright, Q. F. Wth, D. A. Adhtion Polymers: Formation and Characterization.(Review), 607. Smith, D. J. See Dagnall, It. 1. mth, G. Q., and Kirby, J. A. Apparatus for vapour phase kinetic studies of organic compounds, 242. Smith, c). 8. Review of Berezkin’s Analyticd Reaction Gas Chromatogra$hy, 607. Snowdon, D. W. .See Jackson, B. P . &yder, L. R. Pnnciples of Adsorption Chromato- graphy. (Review), 609. Soe Win. See Fleet, B. See men, A. Sonliotis, A. G). Simultaneous routine determination of copper and zinc in plants by neutron-activation analysis, 369. SpsnySr, P., and Blasovich, H. Thin-layer chro- matographic method for determination of cap- saicin in ground paprika, 1084. Spielholtz, G). I., and Toralbdla, a. C. Determina- tion of zinc in crystalline insulin and in certain insulin preparations by atomic-absorption spec- troscopy, 1072.Spiro, 1. Review of Structure and Prqertzes of Liquids. Discussions of the Faraday Society, No. 43, 80. SriVastava, S. P., Pandya, K. P., and Zaidi, 8. H. Determination of manganese in blood and other tissues, 823. Stahl, E, Thermo micro procedure for rapid extraction and direct application in thin-layer chromatography, 723. Standen, A. See Mark, E. F. Stanton, D. A. See Bssson, W. D. Starf, J. See BiW!ka, J. Stedman, E. D. Chlorobenzoic acids and deriva- tives: analysis of mixtures by thin-layer chro- matography, 694. Steinnes, E. See Brunfdt, A. 0.; Johansen, 0. Stephen, W. I. See Bedoher, B.; B¶onde8=Bezerrs, A. E. Stevens, .F., -her, I. F.? and lh¶mArthur, D. Analysis of Metal Fmshmg Effluents and Effluent Treatment Solutions.(Review), 424. Stevens, H. 1. See Webb, B. A. Stewart, D. C. See Elion, H. A. Still, J. E. Review of Barbour’s Gkassblowing for Laboratory Technicians, 423. Btobart, J. A. Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals, 1142. 8 W , J. T. Development of the Chemical Balance. (Review), 832. Stone. 1.. and Chesher. 8. E. Determination of I - - lithium oxide in silicaie-rocks by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry, 1063. Stra&eim, A. See Human, H. Q. C. Strohal, P., LnliO, S., and JeliSav6i6, 0. Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, ruth- enium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material, 678. &routs, C . I&. B. See Wilson, C . L. Stdon, J. 1111. Review of Stevens, Fischer and MacArthur’s Analysis of Metal Finishing Efluents and Efluent Treatment Solutions, 424.8udhn\athn, K. K . See Desai, 8. R. Suss, J. T. Revlew of Wilmshurst’s Ekctron Spin Resonance Spectrometers. Monographs on E.S. R., 160. Svehla, GI. Application of Landolt reactions in quantitative catalytic analysis, 613. Swift, P. Review of White’s Mass Spectrometry an Science and Technology, 42 1. Sykes, Q. Review of Rose’s Chemicd Microbiology. 2nd Edn., 512. Sake, J. See Lang, L. T Tabor, D. Gases, Liquids and Solids. (Review), Tafari, F. See Petrosini, Q. Tani, A. See Fujii, I. Taniguchi., B. See Konishi, K. Targett, B. H. See Ratdiffe, D. B. 1066.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xiii Tanbinger, B. P. Direct determination of free acrylonitrile in aqueous copolymer latices.I. Rapid potentiometric titration method, 628; 11. Use of continuous-flow enthalpimetric ana- lyser designed for measurement of macro amounts, 634. - See also geMe&, T. Tsylor, *C. GI., and Fryer, B. Determination of anionic detergents with iron(I1) chelates : appli- cation to sewage and sewage effluents, 1106. Theobald, L. 8. Review of Wilson, Wilson and S trouts’s Comprehensive A nalytical Chemistry. Vol. IIB. Physical Separation Methods, 156. Thoma& D. E., and Thomas, J. D. B, Ion exchange in non-aqueous media : anion exchange behaviour of phenols on De-Acidite FF resin in methanolic media, 1099. Review of Determann’s Chro- matographie sur Gel. Filtration, Permeation, Tamisage Moleculaire (Manuel de Labovatoire), 1166. - See also Criddle, W.J.; Moody, 0. J.; Thomas, D. E. Thomas, L. C. New Chemical Structure Code for Data Storage and Retrieval in Molecular Spectro- scopy. (Review) , 830. Thornpeon, K. C. See Dagnall, R. I . Thorburn Burns, D. See Fogg, A. 0. Thornton, E. Use of high temperature hollow- cathode lamp for spectrographic analysis of steels, high temperature alloys and related materials for trace elements, 958. Thorpe, B. H., and Everton, J. B. Post-Process Sanitation in Canneries. (Review), 831. Tilbury, B. 8. Activation Analysis with Charged Particles. Nuclear Science Series NAS-NS 31 10. (Review), 78. Tim, B. D., and Pande, U. C. Determination of milligram amounts of thiourea and some of its derivatives with N-bromosuccinimide, 813. Tijlg, 0. Limits of elemental chemical analysis with small samples, 705.Toralballa, 0. C. Townahend, A. Revlew of Schilt’s AnalyticaE Applications of 1, I0-Phenanthroline and Related Compouflds, 701. Tranchant, J., Bmon, J., Guichard, X., Lebbe? J., &hot, A., and Serpinet, J. qManuel Pratique de Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse. (Re- view), 248. Tuba, Z. See Wrijg, 8. Tubertini, 0. See Muzzarelli, B. A. A. Tyrell, H. J. V., and Beezer, A. E. Thermometric Tho- J. D. B. See .Spielholtz, g. 1. Titrimetry. (Review), 702. U Uden, P. C. See IKendea-Bezerra, A. E. V Van Loon, J. C., and PrrrissiS, C. 1. Scheme of silicate analysis based on lithium metaborate fusion followed by atomic-absorption spectro- photometry, 1057. Vanghan, c). A. Measurement Conversion Tables: Aromatics and Tar Derivatives and Methods of Determining Density.(Review), 78; Review of Tyrell and Beezer’s Thermometric Titrimetry, 702. Versbyi, 0. See Lang, L. Visser, J. See Ilommers, P. J. Vieesy, 1. See Lang, L. Voldnm-Claasen, K. Effective removal of oxygen from ~ t r o g e n carrier gas in gas - liquid chromato- graphic analysis, 600; Erratum, 944. Vorster, L. J. Method for analysis of cereals and groundnuts for three mycotoxins, 136. V r h , J. L. de. See Jenltins, B. W Wadsworth, 1. J. See Alsop,.P. A. Wahba, X. Spectrophotometnc determination of riboflavine in urine. 904. Walher, E. A., and Palframan, J. F. Techniques in gas chromatography. 11. Developments in the van Deemter rate theory of column per- formance, 609. W-, J. A. J., and France, E. D. Determination of dissolved gases in water by continuous stripping and gas chromatography, 364.Walton, A. See Conlan, B. Waters, A. See Blake, W. E. w8ttS, B. W. E. See chalmsra, R. A. Webb, 11.. A.? Hallas,. D. G., and Stevens, H. M. Determinabon of iron, manganese, zinc and copper in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry, 794. Webber, H. M., and WiIson, A. L. Absorptiometric determination of silicon in water. VII. Improved method for determining total silicon content of high-purity water, 110; Determination of sodium in high purity water with sodium-responsive glass electrodes, 209 ; Flame-photometric determination of sodium in high purity water, 569. Webster, B. E, Review of Thomas’s New Chemical Structure Code for Data Storage and Retrieval in Molecular Spectroscopy, 830. Weissberger, A.See Perry, E. 8. Weldrick, 0., Pm.m, G., and Milner, 0. W. C. Controlled-potential coulometers based on modu- lar electronic units. 11. Determination of ruthenium by controlled-potential coulometry, 840. Review of Pecsok’s Experiments in Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis, 336; Review of Pecsok and Shields’s Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis, 336; Review of Parker’s Photoluminescence of Solutions. With Applications to Photochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, 701 ; Complexometry with EDTA and Related Re- agents. (Review), 943. - See also Aldoug, K. M. ; Budesinsgg, B. ; Dagnall, R. 1.; Fleet, B.; Hingle, D. B.; Hobbs, B. 8.; Kirkbright, G. F. Weston, R. E. See Bradford, E.; Hammond, P. W.; Hoodless, R. A. Westijij, 0. Determination of biphenyl in citrus fruits, 406.W h d , B. B. See Askew, J. Whiffen, D. H. Review of Mooney’s AnnualReview of NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 1, 247; Review of Cord, Petersen, Lojko and Haas’s Microwave SpectraE Tables. Vol. IV. Polyatomic Molecules without Internal Rotation, 607. white, F. A. Mass Spectrometry in Science and Technology. (Review), 42 1. W’hit,ehurst,eJ. 8. Review of Hirayama’s Handbook of Ultravaolet and Visible Absorption S#ectra of Organic Compounds, 510. Whithy, J. E. See +rmichael, I. A. Williams, A. E. Revlew of Brymner and Penney’s Mass Spectvometry, 1055. - See also Beynon, J. H. Wengelin, F. See Dprssen, D. West, T. S.XiV INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Williams, A. I. Wood, R. See Kirkbright, 0. F.; Marsha& B. 8.; Williams, K. A. Review of Holman’s Progress in Woolley, W.D. Improved technique for transfer- ring fractions from gas chromatograph to mass Determination of fluorides in preservative-treated spruce and redwood, 300. the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids. Vol. 8, 77; Review of Holman’s Progress in the Chemistry spectrometer, 121. of Fats and Other Lipads. Vol. 9. Polyunsaturated Acids. Part 2, 77; Review of Marinetti’s Lipid ChromatocraQhic Analysis. Vol. 1, 78; Review of Y Meddle, D. W. Vaughan’s Measurement Conversion Tables: Aro- matics and Tar Derivatives and Meth0d.s of Determining Density, 78. William, 1. Editor of RbfiCka and Starf’s Substoicheiometry in Radiochemical Analysis. (Review), 1167. Wihyhntat, T. H. Monographs on E.S.R. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometers. (Review), 160. - Yallop, H. J. See Amaa, 8.A. H. Young, R. See Short, 0. D. Yuen, 8. H. Spectrophotometric determination of the fungicide dithianon in aqueous formulation Delan-Col with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, 1096. - and Milomvic, B. Titrimetric determination of diuron in herbicide formulations, 820. W h n , A. L. See Morrison, I. R. ; Webber,‘ E. 1. Wilson, C. L., aWilson, D. W., and #trouts, C. R. B. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IIB. Physical Separation Methods. (Review), 166. Zaidi, 8. H. See 8riV&ava, 8. P. Wilson, D. W. See Wilaon, C. L. Zlatkia, A. See Ettre, L. 8. Wilson, J. R See Ruddle, L. H. Zuman, P. Translation Editor of Mairanovskii’s Wood, 1y. F. Extraction and clean-up of organo- Catalytic and Kinetic Waves in PoZarography. (Review), 704; Review of Ekctrode Raactions of Organic Compounds (Faraday Discussion 45), 830.Z chlorine pesticide residues by column chromato- graphy, 399.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 INDEX TO SUBJECTS xv A Acidity: pH meter as hydrogen-ion concentration probe. McBryde. 337. Acids : Chlorbenzoic - and derivatives : analysis of mixtures by thin-layer chromatography. Stedman, 594. See also Fatty Acids. Acrylonifrile: Direct determination of free - in aqueous copolymer latices. I. Rapid potentio- metric titration method. Taubinger, 628; 11. Use of continuous-flow enthalpimetric analyser designed for measurement of macro amounts, 634. Additive(s): Direct determination of - metals in lubricating oils by complexometric titration. I. Determination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 466; 11. Use of small-scale methods.Hooks and Noar, 473. Use of thin-layer chromatographic techniques for determination of breakdown products of - to plating solutions. Rupprecht, 126. Afhtorin: Method for analysis of cereals and groundnuts for three mycotoxins. Vorster, 136. Air: Determination of amosite and chrysotile in airborne dusts by X-ray diffraction method. Goodhead and Martindale, 985. Determination of total fluoride in - by using a microdiffusion technique. Marshall and wood, 493. Field method for determination of organic aromatic isocyanates in -. Meddle, Radford and Wood, 369. Indicator-tube method for determination of benzene in -. Koljkowsky, 918. Thin-layer electrophoresis : heat dissipation by use of refrigerated -. Criddle, Moody and Thomas, 461. AMoxnidet: See 24hlor04nitrobenzamide. Almhol(8) : Determination of cedrol, and total - content of oils of cedarwood, by formylation.Riezebos and Greaves, 148. Identification of polyhydric - on thin-layer chromatograms with 2-thiobarbituric acid. Nisbet, 811. Aldehydes : Determination of aliphatic - via polarography of their Girard T derivatives. Fleet and Keliher, 659. Algae:. Rapid polarographic determination of chlorine, bromine and iodine in -. Calzo- lari, Favretto Gabrieili and Pextoldi Marietta, 774. Alkan-+&: Quantitative analysis for enantio- menc purity of - by fluorine-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Konishi, Mori and Taniguchi, 1006. Alkylphenol : Quantitative analysis of mixtures of - isomers by fluorine-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Konishi, Mori and Taniguchi, my8: Dlrect determination of boron in copper - and nickel after dissolution in nitric acid. Pakalns, 1130.Separate and simultaneous determination of zirconium and hafnium in nickel-base - with xylenol orange. Challis, 94. Use of high temperature hollow-cathode lamp for spectrographic analysis of steels, high tem- perature - and related materials for trace elements. Thornton, 958. 100% Aluminium: EDTA titration of titanium and - in Ziegler - Natta catalyst. Lucchesi, Chasar and Florky, 695. American Chemical Society: Mass Spectrometry in Inorganic Chemistry. Advances in Chemistry Series 72. (Review), 157. Reagent Chemicals. - Specifications. 4th Edn. (Review), 334. Aminan : Ligand-exchange chromatography on thin layers and columns of natural and substituted celluloses.Muzzarelli, Ferrero Martelli and Tubertini, 6 16. l-(Q.Amin~2-propyl3-pprimidinyhnethyl) -2pico - Mum ahloride : Determination of amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline and ethopabate when present together in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 1164. Amosite: Determination of - and chrysotile in airborne dusts by X-ray diffraction method. Goodhead and Martindale, 986. Amprolium : See 1-(4-Amino-2-propy1-5-pyrimidinyl- methyl)-2picolinium chloride. Analysis: Activation - with Charged Particles. Tilbury. (Review), 78. Advances in X-ray Analysis. Vol. 11. Newkirk, Mallett and Pfeiffer. (Review), 608. AnalaR Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. 6th Edn. (Review), 334. Analytical Applications of 1,lO-Phenanthroline. Schilt.(%view), 701. Application of Landolt reactions in quantitative catalytic -. Svehla, 613. Atomic-absorption Spectrophotornetry in Ceramic - : Evaluation of Some Commercial Spectro- photometers. Eardley and Mountford. (Re- view), 76. Automated distillation procedure for detennina- tion of nitrogen. Keay and Menage, 896. Automated solvent-extraction technique .for radiochemical group separations : application to - of glass fragments by thermal-neutron activation. Goods, Baker and Brooke, 728. Comparison of some methods for determination of tungsten. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Val. IIB.' Physical Separation Methods. Wilson, Wilson and Strouts. (Review), 156. Computer Calculation of Ionic Equilibria and Titration Procedures with Special Reference to Analytical Chemistry.Dyrssen, Jagner and Wengelin. (Review), 704. Computer-oriented automation in chemical - of soils. Keay, 690. Contributions to study of functional analytical groups in determination of paUadium(I1). Baiulescu, Greff and Dane$, 364. Convenient gravimetric technique for high pre- cision titrimetry. Perry and Scullion, 801. Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophoto- metric reagent : determination of antimony. Fogg, Jillings, Marriott and Thorburn Bums, 768. Experiments in Modern Methods of Chemical -. Pecsok. (Review), 336. Influence of channelling in conventional helium-3 activation -. Ricci, 435. Crossland and Fennell, 989.xvi INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Analysis--continued Interference of vanadium in titrimetric determina- tion of iron by tin(I1) chloride-mercury(I1) chloride - dichromate method.Ottaway and Fuller, 313. Introduction B la Chimie Analytique. Billy. (Review), 608. Investigation of rapid and non-destructive fast- neutron activation - for many elements by using a semi-conductor detector. Fujii, Inouye, Muto and Onodera, 189. Limit of determination in photometric titrations with self-indicating systems. Groeneveld and den Boef, 860. Limits of elemental chemical - with small samples. T61g, 706. Mdthodes Analytiques dans les Rkherches sur le Mdtabolisme des M6dicaments. Hirtz. (Review), 606. Methods of Biochemical -. Glick. Vol. 16. (Review), 418. Methods for Chemical - of Fresh Waters. Golterman and Clymo. (Review), 1167. Modem Methods of Chemical -.Pecsok and Shields. (Review) , 336. Nephelometric method for determination of sulphate in presence of barium using chlor- aminobiphenyl : application to organic com- pounds and hydrocarbon oils. Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas - in Science, Medicine and Industry. Hill and Powell. (Review), 612. Organic Functional Group -. Theory and Development. Schenk. (Review), 169. Photoluminescence of Solutions. With Applica- tions to Photochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Parker. (Review), 701. Precise manual enthalpimetric titrations. Brown, Issa and Sinclair, 234. Principles of Adsorption Chromatography. Sny- der. (Review), 609. Rapid indirect titrimetric determination of micro- gram amounts of orthophosphate. Kirkbright, Smith and West, 321.Reagent Chemicals. American Chemical Society Speciiications. American Chemical Society Publications. 4th Edn. (Review), 334. Scheme of silicate - based on lithium meta- borate fusion followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Van Loon and Parissis, 1067. Simple trace reader with digital print-out. Dawson, Milner and Mawston, 912. Some observations on potassium dichromate as an oxidimetric standard. Belcher, Chakra- barti and Stephen, 20. Survey of Analytical Chemistry. Siggia. (Re- view), 608. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. Gas Chromatography. Perry, Weissberger and Schupp. (Review), 943. Thermo micro procedure for rapid extraction and direct application in thin-layer chromato- graphy. Stahl, 723. Thermo-analyse. Harmelin. (Review), 608.Thermogravimetry and differenw thermal - studies on potassium titanyl oxalate and potassium aluminium oxalate and related oxalates. Broadbent, Dollimore and Dolli- more, 543. Thermometric Titrimetry. Tyrell and Beezer. (Review), 702. Analy&-continued Titrimetic determination of chromium in pre- sence of excess of chloride. Two Papers on the Limit of Detection of a Complete Analytical Procedure. Kaiser and Menzies. (Review), 169. Animal Feeds: See Feeding-sWs. Antimony: Critical study of Brilliant green as spectrophotometric reagent : determination of -. Fogg, Jillings, Marriott and Thorburn Burns, 768. Simple method for purification of Brilliant green, reagent for -. Kerr and Gregory, 1036. Appa~stus : Absorptiometric determination of silicon in water. VII. Improved method for deter- mining total silicon content of high-purity water (filtration -).Webber and Wilson, 110. Automated distillation procedure for determina- tion of nitrogen. Automated solvent-extraction technique for radio- chemical group separations : application to analysis of glass fragments by thermal-neutron activation. Goode, Baker and Brooke, 728. Automatic counter for radioactive deposits on planchets (turn-table and lead castle). Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 236. Automatic determination of original gravity of beer. 111. Automatic sensing of peaks and calculation of results (peak sensing and digi- tising mechanism). Sawyer, Dixon and Johnston, 1010. Construction of an impedance adaptor for coup- ling the Perkin-Elmer Model 303 atomic- absorption spectrophotometer to recording system.Basson and Hemingway, 816. Controlled-potential coulometers based upon modular electronic units. I. Development of equipment. Phillips and Milner, 833. Determination of anionic detergents with iron(I1) chelates: application to sewage and sewage effluents (extraction device). Taylor and Fryer, 1106. Determination of biphenyl in citrus fruits (modi- fied Clevenger trap). WestW, 406. Determination of compounds by use of chromato- graphy on thin-layer chromatostrips (loading -and sample applicator). Shimi and Imam, 62. Determination of dissolved gases in water by continuous stripping and gas chromatography (stripper unit). Determination of fluorine by prompt y-radiation from proton bombardment. 11. Results (gas bombardment cell). Determination of iron, manganese, zinc and copper in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry (container for Dowex column).Webb, Hallas and Stevens, 794. Determination of moisture. in fertilisers and materials insoluble in methanol (Fischer titration). Heslop, Skinner and Docherty, 681. Determination of nitrogen content of uranium mononitride by alkaline fusion and ammonia distillation (alkaline fusion -). Greenhalgh. 1060. Determination of small amounts of water by entrainment distillation. Alsop and Wads- worth, 330. Determination of sodium in high purity water with sodium-responsive glass electrodes (aspira- tor and flow cell). Webber and Wilson, 209. Hartley, 1148. Keay and Menage, 896. Walker and France, 364. Bewers and Flack, 7.INDEX TO Determination of thallium in biological material by flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorption (sampling boat).Curry, Read and Knott, 744; Errata, 1168. Determination of total organic matter (carbon content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic carbon in trade wastes and sewage effluent. Cropper and Heinekey, 484. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer (electrolyte trap). Sebborn, 324. Determination of very small amounts of selenium in plant samples (digestion flask and adapter). Hall and Gupta, 292. Development of the Chemical Balance. Stock. (Review), 832. Dialysis of small volumes of fluid. Heatley, 1021. Direct determination of free acrylonitrile in aqueous copolymer latices.I. Rapid potentio- metric titration method. Taubinger, 628; 11. Use of continuous-flow enthalpimetric analyser designed for measurement of macro amounts, 634. Effective removal of oxygen from nitrogen carrier gas in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis (catalytic filter). Voldum-Clausen, 500; Erra- tum, 944. Emission spectra obtained from combustion of organic compounds in hydrogen flames (burner head). Dagnall, Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Field method for determination of organic aromatic isocyanates in air (all-glass absorber). Meddle, Radford and Wood, 369. Gas-chromatographic analysis of volatile con- stituents in polymers, with particular reference to moisture content (chromatograph and split heater). Jeffs, 249. Improved technique for transferring fractions from gas chromatograph to mass spectrometer (collection and leak units).Improvement of detection b i t s of flame- spectrophotometric determination of chlori- nated organic pesticide residues (modified burner). Herrmann and Gutsche, 1033. Influence of channelling in conventional helium-3 activation analysis (goniometer) . Ricci, 435. Instrumental factors in detection of low concen- trations by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Jenkins and de Vries, 447. Investigation of performance of separated air - acetylene flame in thermal-spectroscopy (burner and shielding assembly). Hobbs, Kirkbright and West, 654. Ion exchange in non-aqueous media: anion- exchange behaviour of phenols on De-Acidite FF resin in methanolic media (gradient elution assembly). Thomas and Thomas, 1099.Limits of elemental chemical analysis with small samples. T61g, 705. micro determination of sulphate and fluoride in lime - silica - sulphate - fluoride phase systems (exchange column, filter - and electrode system). Bowley, 787. Multi-element atomic-absorption analyses with gas-stabilised arc as primary light source (optical system). Human, Butler and Stras- heim, 81. Rapid determination of water-immiscible liquids in polymer latices with modified Dean and Stark -. Apparah&-continued Woolley, 121. Kennedy and Taubinger, 625. VOLUME 94 xvii Apparatus-continued Rapid routine determination of uncombined lime by automatic absorptiometric method (mani- fold system). Routine method for determination of tritium by electrolytic concentration before liquid scin- tillation counting (cell assembly and tank arrangement).Metson, 1122. for separation of traces of silicon and its colori- metric determination in refractory metals (polytetrafluoroethylene distillation -) . Stobart, 1142. Simple trace reader with digital print-out. Dawson, Milner and Mawston, 912. Simplified procedure for assay of picocurie con- centrations of radium-226 and its application to a study of natural radioactivity in surface waters in Scotland (emanation system). Conlan, Henderson and Walton, 15. Size distribution of particles contaminating parenteral solutions (sampling device). Groves, 992. Some observations on the analytical usefulness of electrochemiluminescence for determination of microgram amounts of aromatic hydro- carbons (cell assembly).Fleet, Keliher, Kirkbright and Pickford, 847. Spectrographic analysis of steelmaking slag by compaction method of sample preparation (compact die assembly). Bramhall and Scholes, 945. Spectrophosphorimeter microscopy: an extension of fluorescence microscopy. Parker, 161. Thermo micro procedure for rapid extraction and direct application in thin-layer chromato- graphy (TAS oven and cartridges). Stahl, 723. Thin-layer electrophoresis : heat dissipation by use of refrigerated air (tank). Criddle, Moody and Thomas, 461. Use of high temperature hollow-cathode lamp for spectrographic analysis of steels, high temperature alloys and related materials for trace elements. Thornton, 958. Use of special intermittent nebulisation technique to suppress background in flame-emission spectra (oscillator - capillary).Rudiger, Gut- sche, Kirchhof and Herrmann, 204. for vapour-phase kinetic studies of organic compounds. Smith and Kirby, 242. Voltammetric studies with different electrode systems. IV. Determination of silver by using a silver - molybdenum system (semi-micro cell). Athavale, Dhaneshwar and Dhaneshwar, 856. Atsenic: Determination of - in organic and inorganic compounds : radioisotope-dilution substoicheiometric application. Arnold, Davis and Jordan, 664. Asbestos: Determination of amosite and chrysotile in airborne dusts by X-ray difTraction method. Goodhead and Martindale, 985. B g : Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, pro- tactinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry - of biological material. Strohal, Lulid and JelisavEiC, 678.Atomic-absorption Spectrophotometry in Ceramic Analysis : Evaluation of Some Commercial Spectrophotometers. Eardley and Mountford. (Review), 75. spectrophotometry : Comprehensive scheme for analysis of cement by -. Roos and Price, 89; Erratum, 512. Fifield and Blezard, 503.XViii INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Atomic-absorption-continued spectrophotometry : Interferences in determina- tion of iron by - in air - acetylene flame. Curtis, 1068. Spectroscopy. Slavin. (Review), 158. spectroscopy : - and Analysis by Atomic- Absorption Flame Photometry. Ramirez- Munoz. (Review), 75. spectroscopy : Indirect amplification procedure for determination of titanium by -. Kirk- bright, Smith, West and Wood, 764. spectroscopy : Multi-element atomic-absorption analyses with gas-stabilised arc as primary light source.Human, Butler and Strasheim. 81. AutoAnalyzer : Automated distillation procedure for determination of nitrogen. Keay and Menage, 895. Automated procedure for determination of boron in plant tissue. Basson, Mhmer and Stanton, 1135. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon -. Sebborn, 324. Automation : Computer-oriented - in chemical analysis of soils. Keay, 690. homethine : Pre-concentration of carbonyl com- pounds from their medium followed by polaro- graphic determination of their - derivatives. Booth and Fleet, 844. B Balance: Development of the Chemical -. Stock. (Review), 832. Barium: Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by complexometric titration. I.Determination of -, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 465. Nephelometric method for determination of sulphate in presence of - using chloramino- biphenyl : application to organic compounds and hydrocarbon oils. Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Barker - Summerson method: Modification of - for determination of lactic acid. Pryce, 1151. Beer : Automatic determination of original gravity of -. 111. Automatic sensing of peaks and calculation of results. Sawyer, Dixon and Johnston, 1010. Benzene : Indicator-tube method for determination of - in ax. Beryllium : Polarographic behaviour of o-hydroxy- 0'-carboxyazo dyes and their - complexes. Fogg, Kumar and Thorburn Bums, 262. Biochemistry : Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Glick. Vol. 16. (Review), 418. Biological fluids: Modification of the Barker - Summerson method for determination of lactic acid. Pryce, 1151.Biological material(s) : Determination of thallium in -by flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorption. Curry, Read and Knott. 744; Errata, 1168. Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of -. Strohal, LuliC and JelisavCiC, 678. Trace determination of mercury, thallium and gold with crystal violet. Biphenyl: Determination of - in citrus fruits. Westoo, 406. Koljkowsky, 918. Kothny, 198. 3,5 - Bis(dicarboxsmethysminomefhy1) - 4,4'- my.- droxy-t rans-etilbene as selectwe spectrofluori- metric reagent for cadmium. Budesinsky and West, 182. 4,4'-Bis(dimethylamino) thiobemphenone : Modified procedure for determination of gold with -.Christopher, 397. N N " B i s - s a l i c y l i d e n e - 2 , 5 o ~ n : Deter- mination of traces of constituents with Schiff bases. IV. Extraction - spectrophotometric determination of copper with -. Ishii and Einaga, 1038. Blood: Determination of manganese in - and other tissues. SriOastava, Pandya and Zaidi, 823. Determination of thallium in biological material by flame spectrophotometry and atomic ab- sorption. Curry, Read and Knott, 744; Errata, 11 68. Hormones in - Gray and Bacharach. 2nd Edn. Vols. 1 anh 2. (Review), 942. Method for determination of lead in - atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Dono- van and Feeley, 879. Rapid determination of diazinon and its oxygen analogue in animal tissues by gas chromato- graphy. Machin and Quick, 221.Blood plssma : Modification of the Barker - Sum- merson method for determination of lactic acid. Pryce, 1161. Separate determination of xanthine and hypo- xanthine in urine and - by enzymatic differential spectrophotometric method. Chal- mers and Watts, 226. Body fluids : Isolation and Identification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, - and Post-mortem Material. Clarke and Berle. (Review), 507. Bone : Thermal volatilisation of caesium-137, polonium-210 and lead-210 from in vivo labelled samples. Martin and Blanchard, 441. Book reviews : American Chemical Society Publica- tions. Reagent Chemicals. American Chemical Society Specifications, 334. AnalaR Standards for Laboratory Chemicals, 334. Anderson. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry, Barbour. Glassblowing for Laboratory Tech- Bellamy.Advances in Infrared Group Fre- Berezkin. Analytical Reaction Gas Chromato- Beynon, Saunders and Williams. Mass Spectra Billy. Introduction B la Chimie Analytique, 508. Bqmner and Penney. Mass Spectrometry, 1055. Cahn. Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature. 3rd Edn., 510. Cais. Progress in Coordination Chemistry. Pro- ceedings of the 1 l t h International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Haifa and Jerusa- lem, September, 1968, 1053. Chemical Society. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1967. Vol. 64, 419. Clarke and Berle. Isolation and Identification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-mortem Material, 507. Cooper. Periodic Table. 4th Edn., 423. Co-ordination Chemistry-Plenary Lectures Pre- sented a t the Tenth International conference, 1054.by 1166. nicians, 423. quencies, 421. graphy, 607. of Organic Molecules, 156.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xix Book reviews--continued Cord, Petersen, Lojko and Haas. Microwave Spectral Tables. Vol. IV. Polyatomic Mole- cules without Internal Rotation, 607. Crewther. Symposium on Fibrous Proteins. Australia, 1967, 829. Determann. Chromatographie sur Gel. Filtra- tion, Permeation, Tamisage Moleculaire (Manuel de Laboratoire), 1166. Dyrssen, Jagner and Wengelin. Computer Calcu- lation of Ionic Equilibria and Titration Pro- cedures with Special Reference to Analytical Chemistry, 704. Eardley and Mountford. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry in Ceramic Analysis : Evalu- ation of Some Commercial Spectrophotometers, 75. Electrode Reactions of Organic Compounds (Faraday Discussion 45), 830.Gibson. Basic Electricity, 1056. Giddings and Keller. Advances in Chromato- graphy. Vol. 6, 611. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. 16, 418. Gloyna and Ledbetter. Principles of Radio- logical Health, 1168. Golterman and Clymo. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh Waters (IBP Handbook No. 8), 1167. Gray and Bacharach. Hormones in Blood. 2nd Edn. Vols. 1 and 2, 942. Gupta. Textbook of Chemistry for Polytechnic Students, 832. Harmelin. Thermo-analyse, 608. Herschdoerfer. Quality Control in the Food Industry. Vol. 2, 831. Hill and Powell. Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in Science, Medicine and Industry, 512. Hirayama. Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra of Organic Compounds, 510. Hirtz.MCthodes Analytiques dans les Rkcher- ches sur le MCtabolisme des MCdicaments, 605. International Symposium IV. Chromatographie. Electrophorhse. Bruxelles, 12, 13 et 14 Sep- tembre, 1966, 509. Jackson and Snowdon. Powdered Vegetable Drugs. Atlas of Microscopy for use in Identi- fication and Authentication of some Plant Materials Employed as Medicinal Agents, 605. Two Papers on the Limit of Detection of a Complete Analytical Pro- cedure, 159. Kearney and Kaufman. Degradation of Herbi- cides, 1168. Kortiim. Reflexionsspektroskopie. Grundlagen, Methodik, Anwendungen, 1165. Ladd and Lee. Modern Physical Chemistry: An Introduction, 1056. Lang, Bartecki, Szake, Varsanyi and Vizesy. Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Vol. X, 422. Lang, Messmer and Vizesy.Absorption Spectra in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Cumu- lative Index (VI-X), 422. Lothian. Absorption Spectrophotometry. 3rd Edn., 829. Mackay and Mackay. Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry, 422. Mairanovskii. Catalytic and Kinetic Waves in Polarography, 704. Marinsky. Ion Exchange. Vol. 2, 1054. Kaiser and Menzies. Book reviews-continued Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. Kirk- Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. 15. 2nd Edn., 246. Mass Spectrometry in Inorganic Chemistry, 157. Mooney. Annual Review of NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 1, 247. Newkirk, Mallett and Pfeiffer. Advances in X-Ray Analysis. Vol. 11, 608. Organometallic Chemistry-Plenary Lectures Presented a t the Third International Sym- posium on Organometallic Chemistry, 1064.Parker. Photoluminescence of Solutions . With Applications to Photochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, 701. Pecsok. Experiments in Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis, 336. Pecsok and Shields. Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis, 336. Perry, Weissberger and Schupp. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. Gas Chromato- graphy, 943. Radley. Starch and its Derivatives. 4th Edn., 703. Reed. Modern Aspects of Mass Spectrometry, 606. Richter, Augustat and Schierbaum. Ausgewahlte Methoden der Stkirkechemie. Isolierung, Charakterisierung und Analytik von S a k e - polysacchariden, 420. Roboz. Introduction to Mass Spectrometry. Instrumentation and Techniques, 1165. Rose, Chemical Microbiology. 2nd Edn., 512. Rossotti. Chemical Applications of Potentio- metry, 703.RtZiCka and Starp. Substoichiometry in Radio- chemical Analysis, 1167. Schenk. Organic Functional Group Analysis. Theory and Development, 159. Schilt. Analytical Applications of 1,l O-Phenan- throline and Related Compounds, 701. Shellard. Quantitative Paper and Thin Layer Chromatography, 335. Siggia. Slack. Phosphoric Acid. Part I. Fertilizer Science and Technology Series. Vol. I, 158. Slavin. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, 168. Smith. Addition Polymers : Formation and Characterization, 607. Snyder. Principles of Adsorption Chromato- graphy, 509. Stevens, Fischer and MacArthur. Analysis of Metal Finishing Effluents and Effluent Treat- ment Solutions, 424. Stock. Development of the Chemical Balance, 832. Tabor. Gases, Liquids and Solids, 1056. Thomas. New Chemical Structure Code for Data Storage and Retrieval in Molecular Spectro- scopy, 830. Thorpe and Everton.Post-process Sanitation in Canneries, 831. Tranchant. Manuel Pratique de Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse, 248. Tyrell and Beezer. Thermometric Titrimetry, 702. West. Complexometry with EDTA and Related Reagents, 943. White. Mass Spectrometry in Science and Technology, 42 1. Wilmshurst. Monographs on E.S.R. Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometers, 160. Survey of Analytical Chemistry, 508.M INDEX TO Book reviews-continued Wilson, Wilson and Strouts. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IIB. Physical Separation Methods, 156. Boron : Automated procedure for determination of - in plant tissue. Basson, Bohmer and Stanton, 1135. Direct determination of - in copper alloys and nickel after dissolution in nitric acid.Pakalns, 1130. Bricks : Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts. Foner, 392. Brilliant green: Critical study of - as spectro- photometric reagent : determination of anti- mony. Fogg, Jillings, Marriott and Thorburn Burns, 768. Simple method for purification of -, reagent for antimony. Kerr and Gregory, 1036. Bromide : Low-temperature fluorescence of some -ion association complexes in hydrobromic acid glasses a t -196" C. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 538. Molecular-emission spectroscopy in cool flames. IV. Determination of chloride, - and iodide by thermal-emission spectroscopy in presence of indium salts.Dagnall, Thompson and West, 643. Bromine : Rapid polarographic determination of chlorine, - and iodine in algae. Calzolari, Favretto Gabrielli and Pertoldi Marletta, 774. N-Bromosuccinimide: Determination of milligram amounts of thiourea and some of its derivatives with -. Tiwari and Pande, 813. C CCC: See Chlorcholine chloride. Cadmium : 33'-Bis(dicarboxymethy1aminomethy1)- 4,4'-dihydroxy-trans-stilbene as selective spec- trofluorimetric reagent for -. Budesinsky and West, 182. Determination of small amounts of - in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 1153. Camium-137 : Thermal volatilisation of - polonium-210 and lead310 from in vivo labelled samples.Martin and Blanchard, 441. Calcichrome : Comparison of calcium reagents, calcion and - . Mendes-Bezerra and Stephens, 1117. Calcion : Comparison of calcium reagents, - and calcichrome. Mendes-Bezerra and Stephen, 1117. Calcium : Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, - and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts. Foner, 392. Colorimetric determination of - in silicate minerals. King and Pruden, 39. Comparison of - reagents, calcion and calci- chrome. Mendes-Bezerra and Stephen, 1117. Determination of - in chrome refractories by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Sidiropoulos, 389. Determination of trace amounts of - in stainless steels by solvent extraction followed atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. %adridge and Richardson, 968.VOLUME 94 Wcium-continued Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by complexometric titration. I. Determination of barium, -, lead and zinc. Crump, 465. Flame-photometric determination of - in solutions of high sodium content. Blake, Bryant and Waters, 49. Polarographic determination of - and mag- nesium. Fleet, Soe Win and West, 269. Canned Foods: See Food. Canneries : Post-process Sanitation in -. Thorpe and Everton. (Review), 831. Capssicin : Thin-layer chromatographic method for determination of - in ground paprika. Spanyh and Blazovich, 1084. Carbamate(s) : Gas-chromatographic determination of acetyl trimethylsilyl derivatives of alkyl- and their N-hydroxy derivatives. Nery, 130.Identification and determination of organophos- phorus and - insecticides by thin-layer chromatography. Ramasamy, 1076. Carbon: Determination of total organic matter (-content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic - in trade wastes and sewage effluent. Cropper and Heinekey, 484. Carbonyl compounds: Pre-concentration of - from their medium followed by polarographic determination of their azomethine derivatives. Booth and Fleet, 844. Catalysis : Application of Landolt reactions in quantitative catalytic analysis. Svehla, 513. Catalyst: See Ziaer - Natta catalyst. Cedarwood: Determination of cedrol, and total alcohol content of oils of -, by formylation. Riezebos and Greaves, 148. Cedrol: Determination of -, and total alcohol content of oils of cedarwood, by formylation.Riezebos and Greaves, 148. Cellulo8ets : Ligand-exchange chromatography on thin layers and columns of natural and sub- stituted - . Muzzarelli, Ferrero Martelli and Tubertini, 616. Cement: Comprehensive scheme for analysis of - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Roos and Price, 89; Erratum, 512. Micro determination of sulphate and fluoride in lime - silica - sulphate - fluoride phase systems. Bowley, 787. Rapid routine determination of uncombined lime by automatic absorptiometric method. Fifield and Blezard, 503. Ceramic : Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry in - analysis : Evaluation of Some Commercial Spectrophotometers. Eardley and Mountford. (Review), 75. Cereals: Method for analysis of - and groundnuts for three mycotoxins. Vorster, 136. Cerium: Loss of -, cobalt, manganese, protac- tinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material.Strohal, Lulid and J elisavCiC, 67 8. Chemical Society: Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for 1967. Vol. 64. (Review), 419. Chemicals : AnalaR Standards for Laboratory -. 6th Edn. (Review), 334. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied - by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn, 324. Reagent - . American Chemical Society Specifications. American Chemical Society Publications. 4th Edn. (Review), 334.INDEX TO Chemiluminescence : See Electrochemilumincmenoe. Chemistry: Annual Reports on Progress of - for 1967. Chemical Society. Vol. 64. (Review), 419. Chemical Applications of Potentiometry. Ros- sotti. (Review), 703. Comprehensive Analytical - .Vol. IIB. Physical Separation Methods. Wilson, Wilson and Strouts. (Review), 166. Computer Calculation of Ionic Equilibria and Titration Procedures with Special Reference to Analytical -. Dyrssen, Jagner and Wengelin. (Review), 704. Co-ordination - - Plenary Lectures Presented a t the Tenth International Conference. (Re- view), 1064. Coordination - in Non-Aqueous Solutions. Gutmann. (Review), 79. Development of the Chemical Balance. Stock. (Review), 832. Electrode Reactions of Organic Compounds (Faraday Discussions 45). (Review), 830. Experiments in Modem Methods of Chemical Analysis. Pecsok. (Review), 336. Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature. Cahn. 3rd Edn. (Review), 510. Introduction h la Chimie Analytique. Billy. (Review), 508. Introduction to Modern Inorganic -.Mackay and Mackay. (Review), 422. Kirk-Other Encyclopedia of Chemical Tech- nology. Vol. 16. Mark, McKetta, Othmer and Standen. 2nd Edn. (Review), 246. List of Conversion Factors for Atomic Impurities to ppm by Weight. Cornu and Massot. (Review), 78. Mass Spectrometry in Inorganic -. American Chemical Society. (Review), 157. Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis. Pecsok and Shields. (Review), 336. Modern Physical -: An Introduction. Ladd and Lee. (Review), 1066. Organic Functional Group Analysis. Theory and Development. Schenk. (Review), 169. Organometallic - - Plenary Lectures Presented a t the Third International Symposium on Organometallic -. (Review), 1054. Periodic Table. Cooper. 4th Edn. (Review), 423. Photoluminescence of Solutions.With Applica- tions to Photochemistry and Analytical -. Parker. (Review), 701. Physico-Chemical Quantities and Units. Mc- Glashan. (Review), 80. Progress in Coordination -. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Co- ordination -, Haifa and Jerusalem, Sep- tember, 1968. Cais. (Review), 1053. Progress in Separation and Purification. Vol. 1, Perry. (Review), 79. Survey of Analytical -. Siggia. (Review), 508. Textbook of - for Polytechnic Students. Gupta. (Review), 832. Technique of Organic -. Vol. XIII. Gas Chromatography. Perry, Weissberger and Schupp. (Review), 943. Thermometric Titrimetry. Tyrell and Beezer. (Review), 702. See also Phytochemistry ; Quantum chemistry. VOLUME 94 XXi Chloramhobiphemyl : Nephelometric method for determination of sulphate in presence of barium using -: application to organic compounds and hydrocarbon oils.Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Chlorbemic acids and derivatives: analysis of mixtures by thin-layer chromatography. Sted- man, 594. Chlorcholine chloride : Determination of - resi- dues in strawberries. Petrosini, Businelli, Tafuri and Scarponi, 674; Errata, 1168. Chloride : Molecular-emission spectroscopy in cool flames. IV. Determination of -, bromide and iodide by thermal-emission spectroscopy in presence of indium salts. Dagnall, Thomp- son and West, 643. Titrimetric determination of chromium in pre- sence of excess of -. Hartley, 1148. ChIorine : Rapid polarographic determination of - , bromine and iodine in algae. Calzolari, Favretto Gabrielli and Pertoldi Marletta, 774.ZChloro4nitrobenaamide : Gas-chromatographic determination of -, 3,5-dinitrobenzamide and 3,5-dinitro-o-toluamide in animal feeding stuffs. Hoodless and Weston, 670. &Chloro=2..nitrmpropane : Interference in deter- mination of mercury in plant materials with dithizone due to -. Lee and Roughan, 306. Chrom+opphy: Advances in - Vol. 6. Giddmgs and Keller. (Review), 611. Analytical Reaction Gas -. Berezkin. (Re- view), 607. Charge-transfer - of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Short and Young, 269. Chromatographie sur Gel. Filtration, Permeation, Tamisage Moleculaire (Manuel de Laboratoire) . Determann. (Review). 1166. Determination of compounds by use of - on thin-layer chromatostrips. Shimiand Imam, 62. Effective removal of oxygen from nitrogen carrier gas in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis.Voldum-Clausen, 500; Erratum, 944. Improved technique for transferring fractions from gas chromatograph to mass spectrometer. Woolley, 121. International Symposium IV. Chromatographie. Electrophorkse. Bruxelles, 12, 13 et 14 Sep- tembre, 1966. (Review), 609. Ligand-exchange - on thin layers and columns of natural and substituted celluloses. Muz- zarelli, Ferrero Martelli and Tubertini, 616. Manuel Pratique de Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse. Tranchant. (Review), 248. Practice of Gas -. Ettre and Zlatkis. (Re- view), 76. Principles of Adsorption -. Snyder. (Re- view), 509. Quantitative Paper and Thin Layer -. Shellard. (Review), 335. Reversed-phase extraction - with paper and columns supporting an extractant selective for copper.Cerrai and Ghersini, 699. Technique of Organic Chemistry. Vol. XIII. Gas -. Perry, Weissberger and Schupp. (Review), 943. Techniques in gas -. 11. Developments in the van Deemter rate theory of column per- formance : review. Walker and Palframan, 609. Chromium: Titrimetric determination of - in presence of excess of chloride. Hartley, 1148. Chromotropic acid: Contributions to study of func- tional analytical groups in determination of palladium(I1). Baiulescu, Greff and D&ne$, 354.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 94 -tile: Determination of amosite and - in arborne dusts by X-ray diffraction method. Goodhead and Martindale, 985. Citrus fruits: Determination of biphenyl in -. Westoo, 406. Clay(s) : Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in - and - products, and of efflorescent salts.Foner, 392. Cleve's acid : See l-naphthy~mine-7-wlphonic acid. coal tar: Measurement Conversion Tables: Aro- matics and Tar Derivatives and Methods of Determining Density. Vaughan. (Review), 78. Cobalt: Loss of cerium, -, manganese, protac- tinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, LuliC and JelisavCiE, 678. Combustion: Emission spectra obtained from - of organic compounds in hydrogen flames. Dagnall, Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Complexes : Chargetransfer chromatography of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Short and Young, 259. Low-temperature fluorescence of some bromide- ion - in hydrobromic acid glasses at - 196" C. Polarographic behaviour of o-hydroxy-0'-carbxy- azo dyes and their beryllium -, Fogg, Kumar and Thorburn Bums, 262.Complexometric titration : Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by -. I. Determination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 465; 11. Use of small-scale methods. Hooks and Noar, 473. Complexometry with EDTA and Related Reagents. West. (Review), 943. Computer Calculation of Ionic Equilibria and Titration Procedures with Special Reference to Analytical Chemistry. Dyrssen. Jagner and Wengelin. (Review), 704. oriented automation in chemical analysis of soils. Keay, 690. Cosrdination Chemistry - Plenary Lectures Pre- sented a t the Tenth International Conference. (Review), 1054. Progress in -. Proceedings of the 11th Inter- national Conference on - , Haifa and Jerusalem, September, 1968.Cais. (Review), 1053. Copolymer: Direct determination of free acrylo- nitrile in aqueous - latices. I. Rapid poten tiome t i c titration met hod. Taubinger , 628; 11. Use of continuous-flow enthalpimetric analyser designed for measurement of macro amounts, 634. Copper : Determination of iron, manganese, zinc and - in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densibmetry. Webb, Hallas and Stevens, 794. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn, 324. Determination of traces of constituents with Schiff bases. IV. Extraction - spectrophoto- metric determination of - with NN'-bis- salicylidene-2,3-diaminobenzofuran. Ishii and Einaga, 1038.Direct determination of boron in - alloys and nickel after dissolution in nitric acid. Pakalns, 1130. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 538. Copper-cont inued Reversed-phase extraction chromatography with paper and columns supporting an extractant selective for -. Cerrai and Ghersini, 599. Simultaneous routine determination of - and zinc in plants by neutron-activation analysis. Souliotis, 359. Corticosteroids : Analysis of steroids. X. Determina- tion of 21-amino -. Gorog, Tuba and Egyed, 1044. CoalometeEs: Controlled-potential- based upon modular electronic units. I. Development of equipment. Phillips and Milner, 833; 11. De- termination of ruthenium by controlled- potential coulometry. Weldrick, Phillips and Milner, 840. Coumarin : Use of thin-layer chromatographic tech- niques for determination of breakdown products of additives to plating solutions.Rupprecht, 126. Crystal violet : Trace determination of mercury, thallium and gold with -. Crydais : Influence of channelling in conventional helium-3 activation analysis. Ricci, 436. Cucurmin : Direct determination of boron in copper alloys and nickel after dissolution in nitric acid (with -). Pakalns, 1130. Cyalamates : Determination of cyclohexylamine in - . Bradford and Weston, 68; Errata, 248. Cyclohemylamine: Determination of - in cycla- mates. Bradford and Weston. 68; Errata, 248. Cyclopropenoid : Analysis of fats containing - fatty acids. 11. Determination with hydrogen bromide. Rosie and Shone, 477. CyclotrimethyIeneW.lenetFinitramine : Test for -. Amas and Yallop, 828.Kothny, 198. D DBHA : See 8,&Dinittobeneemide. DDT: Dual column and derivative techniques for improved specificity of gas - liquid chromato- graphic identification of organochlorine in- secticide residues in soils. PiOnLe, Chesters and Armstrong, 900. Dairy prodwb: Extraction and clean-up of organo- chlorine pesticide residues by column chromato- graphy. Wood, 399. Dab: New Chemical Structure Code for - Storage and Retrieval in Molecular Spectro- scppy. Thomas. (Review), 830. De-Acidite FF resin: Ion exchange in non-a ueous media : anion-exchange behaviour of plenols on - in methanolic media. Thomas and Thomas, 1099. Delrm-col: Spectrophotometric determination of the fungicide dithianon in aqueous formulation - with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Yuen, 1096.DenstnrSnta: Identification of - in surgical spirits B.P.C. by using thin-layer chromato- graphy. Glaver, 1081. Denslty : Measurement Conversion Tables : Aro- matics and Tar Derivatives and Methods of Determining -. Vaughan. (Review), 78. Detergents : Determination of anionic - with iron(I1) chelates: application to sewa e and sewage effluents. Taylor and Fryer, 180e. Rapid method for production control of non-ionic component in synthetic -. Milwidsky, 377. See also Surface-active agents.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxiii Dialysis of small volumes of fluid. Heatley, 1021. Drugs-continued 2 , ~ D ~ o ~ p h ~ e n e : Determination of very Thermo micro procedure for rapid extraction and small amounts of selenium in plant samples. direct application in thin-layer chromato- Hall and Gupta, 292.graphy. Stahl, 723. oxygen analogue in animal tissues by gas airborne - by X-ray diffraction method. chromatography. Machin and Quick, 221. Goodhead and Martindale, 985. ~ c ~ r o f l u o m m e ~ e : Gas-c~omatographic de- Dyes : Determination of sulphur dioxide with rosaniline -. termination of organohalogen impurities in Polarographic behaviour of o-hydroxy-0'-carboxy- azo - and their beryllium complexes. Fogg, - . Ratcliffe and Targett, 1028. ~ - ( s , ~ ~ ~ o r ~ h ~ l ) ~ N N ~ e u l y l u ~ e a : Titri- Kumar and Thorburn Bums, 262. metnc determination of diuron in herbicide formulations. Yuen and Milosevic, 820. Spectrophotometric determination of the fungi- Col with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Yuen, E ~ A : see Ethylen&-teha-am& 1096.dimetridazole in animal feeds. Society for and MacArthur. (Review), 424. Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 926. -. Taylor and Fryer, 1106. D W ~ : Rapid determination of diazinon and its DU&: Determination Of amOSite and ChlySOtile in King and Pruden, 43. 2 , I b D i c g a n o - 1 , 4 0 - l , ~ ~ ~ a n ~ ~ u i n o n e : cide dithianon in aqueous formulation Delan- E EtNuent(s) : Analysis of Metal Finishing - and 1,2-Dimeulyl-&nitr?imida?de : Determination of - Treatment Solutions. Stevens, Fischer ChemistrYp Methods Determination of anionic detergents with iron( 11) chelates: application to sewage and sewage D h e h ' i w : See l & D h e ~ m ~ h d b Z O 1 e o Determination of total organic matter (carbon Dinitolmide : See 3,5-Dinitro~-toluamide.content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic 3,5-Dinihobenzadde : Gas-chroma tographic deter- carbon in trade wastes and sewage -. mination of 2-chloro-4-nitrobenzamide, - Cropper and Heinekey, 484. and 3,6-dinitro-o-toluamide in animal feeding General method for determination of organo- stuffs. Hoodless and Weston, 670. phosphorus pesticide residues in river waters 3,5=IXni~luamida : Determination of dinitol- and - by gas, thin-layer and gel chromato- mide (zoalene) in animal feeds., Society for graphy. Askew, Ruzicka and Wheals, 275. Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Egg8 : Extraction and clean-up of organochlorine Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds pesticide residues by column chromatography. Sub-Committee, 1169. Wood, 399.Gas-chromatographic determination of 2-cUoro- El&M$ : Basic -. Gibson. (Review), 1056. 4-nitrobenzamide, 3, Minitrobenzamide and ~hwheflumin- : Some Obse- 6 on - in animal feeding stuffs. Hoodless and the usefulness of - for determination of Weston, 670. microgram amounts of aromatic hydrocarbons. Z,4Dirikonhenylhydmmea : Resolution of mix- Fleet, Keliher, Kirkbright and Piakford, 847. tures of aliphatic and terpene-we - by El0akOOh0Illhb: Electrode Reactions of Organic Com unds (Faraday Discussion 46). (Re- viewy 830. thin-layer chromatography on silica gel. Dhont and Mulders-Dij kman, 1090. Polarography. Mairanovskii. (Review), 704. teristics of microwave-excited electrodeless - Influence of light on silver - silver chloride -. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 803.Aldous, Dagnall and West, 347. Distillation: Automated - procedure for deter- Reactions of Organic Compounds. Discussion 45). (Review), 830. mination of nitrogen. Keay and Menage, 896. IV. Determination of silver by using a silver - entrainment -, Alsop and Wadsworth, 330. Dithiawn : See 2,S-Moyan0-1,4-dihy&0-l,,4-dithia- molybdenum system. Athavale, Dhaneshwar anthraquinone. and Dhaneshwar, 855. Dithixone : Interference in determination of mercury ~lectsalpnis : &ntrolled-potential coulometers based upon modular electronic units. I. Develop- in plant materials with - due to 2-chloro- 2-nitrosopropane. Lee and Roughan, 306. rnent of equipment. Phillips and Milner, 833. Dimon: See N'-(8,4-diohloro~hen~l)-NN-dimeth~l- Electron spin reM)IL81108 : Monographs on E.S.R.urea. - Spectrometers. Wilmshurst. (Review), Drugs: Detection of prophylactic - in animal 160. feeding stuffs b thin-layer chromatography. Electrophoresis : International Symposium IV. Hammond and Xeston, 921. Chromatographie. Electrophorke. Bruxelles, Isolation and Identification of - in Pharma- 12, 13 et 14 Septembra, 1966. (Review), 509. ceuticals, Body Fluids and Post-mortem Thin-layer -: heat dissipation by use of Material. Clarke and Berle. (Review), 507. regrigerated air. Criddle. Moody and Thomas, MBthodes Analcques dans les Recherches sur 461. le MBtabolisme des Mddicaments. Hirtz. Emulsiflerir : Determination of polyoxyethylene- (Review), 606. in foods. Murphy and Scott, 481. Powdered Vegetable -. Atlas of Microscopy mayclopedia: Kirk-Othmer - of Chemical for use in Identification and Authentication of Technology.Vol. 15. Mark, McKetta, Othmer some Plant Materials Employed as Medicinal and Standen. 2nd Edn. (Review), 246. Agents. Jackson and Snowdon. (Review), Ebth+phetry : Precise manual enthalpimetric 606. titrations. Brown, Issa and Sinclair, 234. D m g e h&: Reparation and spectral charac- for palladium, silver, platinum and gold. w h d e ( s ) : catalfiic and Kinetic waves in Of light On glass pH -. mwmd* 154- Deter*ination O' small amounts Of water Voltammetic shdies with &fierent - systems.XXiV INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Esteram: Evaluation of - from livers of beef, pig, sheep, monkey and chicken for detection of some pesticides by thin-layer chromato- graphic-enzyme inhibition technique.Mendoza, Grant, Braceland and McCully, 806. Esters: Apparatus for vapour-phase kinetic studies of organic compounds. Smith and Kirby, 242. Ethopabate : See Methyl4a&amido-&thoxyben- mate. Ethyl methuwmlphonnte: Analysis of mixtures of methyl ethanesulphonate and - by differen- tial reaction rate method. Brook and Munday, 909. Ethylenediaminebtra-awtio acid : Complexometry with EDTA and Related Reagents. West. (Review), 943. titration of titanium and aluminium in Ziegler - Natta catalyst. Lucchesi, Chasm and Florky, 696. Europium : Spectrofluorimetric determination of - and terbium. Belcher, Perry and Stephen, 26. F Factories: See Canneries. Fats: Analysis of - containing cyclopropenoid fatty acids. 11. Determination with hydrogen bromide. Rosie and Shone, 477.Extraction and clean-up of organochlorine pesti- cide residues by column chromatography. Wood, 399. Progress in the Chemistry of - and Other Lipids. Vol. 8. Holman. (Review), 77. Fatty acids: Analysis of fats containing cyclopro- penoid -. 11. Determination with hydrogen bromide. Rosie and Shone, 477. Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other Lipids. Vol. 9. Polyunsaturated Acids. 2. Holman. (Review), 77. stuffs: Detection of prophylactic drugs in anmal - by thin-layer chromatography. Hammond and Weston, 921. Determination of amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline and ethopabate when present together in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 1164. Determination of dimetidazole in animal feeds.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 925. Determination of dinitolmide (zoalene) in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee, 1169. Gas-chromatographic determination of 2-chloro- Cnitrobenzamide, 3,6-dinitrobenzamide and 3.6-dinitro-o-toluamide in animal -. Hood- less and Weston, 670. Fertilhrs: Determination of moisture in - and materials insoluble in methanol. Heslop, Skinner and Docherty, 681. Phosphoric Acid. Part I. Fertilizer Science and Technology Series. Vol. I. Slack. (Review), 168. Flame(@ : Atomic-emission spectroscopy of rare earth elements in separated nitrous oxide- acetylene -.Hingle, Kirkbright and West, 864. Emission spectra obtained from combustion of organic compounds in hydrogen -. Dagnall, Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Flame(s)-continued Investigation of performance of separated air - acetylene - in thermal emission spectro- scopy. Hobbs, Kirkbright and West, 664. Performance of pre-mixed. oxygen-enriched air- acetylene - in - emission spectrophoto- metry. Chapman and Dale, 663. Use of special nebulisation technique to suppress background in -emission spectra. Rtidiger, Gutsche, Kirchhof and Herrmann, 204. Fluoremnw: Instrumental factors in detection of low concentrations by X-ray - spectro- metry. Jenkins and de Vries, 447. Low-temperature - of some bromide-ion association complexes in hvdrobrornic acid glasses a t -19's'C. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 638.Spectrophosphorimeter microscopy : an extension of - microscopy. Parker, 161. Fluoride(a) : Determination of - in preservative- treated spruce and redwood. Williams, 300. Determination of total - in air by using a microdiffusion technique. Marshall and Wood, 493. Micro determination of sulphate and - in lime - silica - sulphate - fluoride phase systems. Bowley, 787. Radio-release determination of - ion. Car- michael and Whitley, 737. Fluorhe : Determination of - by prompt y-radi- ation from proton bombardment. I. Theory and experimental method. Bewers and Flack, 1; 11. Results, 7. Radiometric methods for determination of -. Foreman, 425. FoOa(s) : Determination of polyoxyethylene emulsi- fiers in -. Murphy and Scott, 481. Determination of tin in canned - with quer- cetin.Kirk and Pocklington, 71. Improvement of detection limits of flame-spectro- photometric determination of chlorinated organic pesticide residues. Herrmann and Gutsche, 1033. Quality Control in the - Industry. Vol. 2. Herschdoerfer. (Review), 831. Thermo micro procedure f o r rapid extraction and direct application in thin-layer chromato- graphy. Stahl, 723. Formylation: Determination of cedrol, and total alcohol content of oils of cedarwood, by -. Riezebos and Greaves, 148. Fruit(@ : Determination of biphenyl in citrus -. Westoo, 406. Fruit juicte: Determination of specific gravity and concentration of - concentrations and other viscous concentrated solutions. Basker, 410. Fungicide@): Rapid method for determination of manganese in maneb and its formulations.Hyman, 152. Spectrophotometric determination of the - dithianon in aqueous formulation Delan-Col with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Yuen, 1095. 0 aaS(es) : Determination of dissolved - in water by continuous stripping and - chromato- graphy. Walker and France, 364. Liquids and Solids. Tabor. (Review), 1056. Gas ohromatography: See Chromatography. Giirard T reagent: See !himethylammonium a0etP.i- hydrazide chloride.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxv @lass : Automated solvent-extraction technique for radiochemical group separations : application to analysis of - fragments by thermal- neutron activation. Goode, Baker and Brooke, 728. @la@dowing for Laboratory Technicians. Barbour. (Review), 423. Gold: Modified procedure for determination of - with 4,4'-bis(dimethy1amino) thiobenzophenone.Christopher, 397. Preparation and spectral characteristics of microwave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for palladium, silver, platinum and -. Aldous, Dagnall, and West, 347. Separation of - from platinum metals on cation exchangers in concentrated hydrobromic acid solutions. Dybczyliski and Maleszewska, 527. Trace determination of mercury, thallium and - with crystal violet. Kothny, 198. Grain : Determination of mercury residues in potatoes, - and animal tissues using per- chloric acid digestion. Smart and Hill, 143. Gravity: Automatic determination of original - of beer. 111. Automatic sensing of peaks and calculation of results. Sawyer, Dixon and Johnston, 1010. Groundnuts: Method for analysis of cereals and - for three mycotoxins. Vorster, 136.H Raminm : Separate and simultaneous determination of zirconium and - in nickel-base alloys with xylenol orange. Challis, 94. Health: Principles of Radiological -. Gloyna and Ledbetter. (Review), 1168. Helinm-3: Influence of channelling in conventional - activation analysis. Ricci, 435. Herbioide(8): Degradation of -. Kearney and Kaufman. (Review), 1168. Titrimetric determination of diuron in - formulations. Yuen and Milosevic, 820. Hormones in Blood. Gray and Bacharach. 2nd Edn. Vols. 1 and 2. (Review), 942. Eydrobromic acid : Low-temperature fluorescence of some bromide-ion association complexes in - glasses a t -196" C. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 538. Separation of gold from platinum metals on cation exchangers in concentrated - solutions.Dybczyhski and Maleszewska, 527. Hydrocarbon(s) : Charge-transfer chromatography of polycyclic -. Short and Young, 259. Nephelometric method for determination of sulphate in presence of barium by using chloraminobiphenyl : application to organic compounds and - oils. Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Some observations on the analyhcal usefulness of electrochemiluminescence for determination of microgram amounts of aromatic -. Fleet, Keliher, Kirkbright and Pickford, 847. Hydrogen: Emission spectra obtained from com- busbon of organic compounds in - flames. Dagnall, Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Hydrogen bromide : Analysis of fats containing cyclo- propenoid fatty acids. 11. Determination with - . Rosie and Shone, 477. Eydrq~en cyanide: Determination of free - in nver water bv a solvent-extraction method.Hydroxyproline : Lung tissue hydrolysates : studies of the optimum conditions for spectrophoto- metric determination of -. Bergman and Loxley, 575. Hypoxanthine : Separate determination of xanthine and - in urine and blood plasma by enzy- matic difEerentia1 spectrophotometric method. Chalmers and Watts. 226. I Indium : Molecular-emission spectroscopy in cool flames. IV. Determination of Chloride, bromide and iodide by thermal-emission spectro- scopy in presence of - salts. Dagnall, Thompson and West, 643. Indophenol: Spectrophotometric determination of micro amounts of nitrogen as -. Rommers and Visser, 653. Industry : Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in Science, Medicine and -. Hill and Powell. (Review), 512.Intnved: Non-dispersive - gas analysis in Science, Medicine and Industry. Hill and Powell. (Review), 512. Spectroscopy: Advances in Infrared Group Frequencies. Bellamy. (Review), 421. Imecticide(s) : Dual column and derivative tech- niques for improved specificity of gas - liquid chromatographic identification of organo- chlorine - residues in soils. Pionke, Chesters and Armstrong, 900. Identification and determination of organophos- phorus and carbamate - by thin-layer chromatography. Ramasamy, 1075. Improved method for extraction of organo- chlorine and organophosphate - from lake waters. Konrad, Pionke and Chesters, 490. See also Pesticides. Instrumemtation: Introduction to Mass Spectro- metry. - and Techniques. Roboz. (Re- view), 1165. Insulin: Determination of zinc in crystalline - and in certain - preparations by atomic- absorption spectroscopy.Spielholtz and Toral- balla, 1072. in urine Iodide : Determination of inorganic - by neutron-activation analysis. Morgan, Black and Mitchell, 740. Molecular-emission spectroscopy in cool flames. IV. Determination of chloride, bromide and - by thermal emission spectroscopy in presence of indium salts. Dagnall, Thompson and West, 643. Iodine : Rapid polarographic determination of chlorine, bromine and - in algae. Calzolari, Favretto Gabrielli and Pertoldi Marletta, 774. Ion(s) : Low-temperature fluorescence of some bromide- association complexes in hydro- bromic acid glasses a t -196" C. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 538. Ion Exchange. Vol. 2. Marinsky. (Review), 1054.in non-aqueous media : anion-exchange behaviour of phenols on De-Acidite FF resin in methanolic media. Thomas and Thomas, 1099. Ion-exchangems: Separation of gold from platinum metals on cation exchangers in concentrated hydrobromic acid solutions. Dybczfiski and Maleszewska, 527. Iron: Determination of -, manganese, zinc and copper in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry. Webb, Hallas and Stevens, 794. Montgomery, kardiner and Gregory, 284.VOLUME 94 Lime juice: Determination of small amounts of cadmium in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-Committee, 1153. Lipam: Rapid method for detection of residual - activity in oat products. Kazi and Cahill, 417.Lipid(@ : Lipid Chromatographic Analysis. Vol. 1. Marinetti. (Review), 78. Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and Other -. Vol. 8. Holman. (Review), 77. Liquids : Rapid determination of water-immiscible - in polymer latices with modified Dean and Stark apparatus. Kennedy and Taubinger, 625. Discussions of the Faraday Society. No. 43. (Review), 80. Lithium oxide: Determination of - in silicate rocks by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Stone and Chester, 1063. Livers: Evaluation of esterases from - of beef, pig. sheep, monkey and chicken for detection of some pesticides by thin-layer chromato- graphic-enzyme inhibition technique. Mendoza, Grant, Braceland and McCully, 805. Lix-64 : Reversed-phase extraction chromatography with paper and columns supporting an extrac- tant selective for copper.Cerrai and Ghersini, 699. Lubricating oils : Direct determination of additive metals in - by complexometic titration. I. Determination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 466; 11. Use of small-scale methods. Hooks and Noar, 473. Lnbtium: Determination of -, ytterbium and terbium in rocks by neutron activation and mixed solvent anion-exchange chromatography. Brunfelt and Steinnes, 979. Structure and Properties of -. xxvi INDEX TO Iron-continued Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn, 324. Interference of vanadium in titrimetric determina- tion of - by tin(I1) chloride - mercury(I1) chloride - dichromate method. Ottaway and Fuller, 313.atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame. Curtis, 1068. Iron(II) : Effect of organic matter on determination of - in soils and rocks. Pruden and Bloomfield, 688. chelates : Determination of anionic detergents with -: application to sewage and sewage effluents. Taylor and Fryer, 1106. Iwcyanates: Field method for determination of organic aromatic - in air. Meddle, Radford and Wood, 369. Interferences in determination of - by K Kinetic(s) : Apparatus for vapour-phase - studies of organic compounds. Smith and Kirby, 242. Catalytic and - Waves in Polarography. Mairanovskii. (Review), 704. L Laboratory : Glassblowing for - Technicians. Barbour. (Review), 423. Lactic wid: M o ~ c a t i o n of the Barker - Summerson method for determination of -.Pryce, 1151. Lake waters: See Water. Landolt reactions: Application of - in quanti- tative catalytic analysis. Svehla, 613. Latices : Direct determination of free acrylonitrile in aqueous copolymer -. I. Rapid potentio- metric titration method. Taubinger, 628; 11. Use of continuous-flow enthalpimetric analyser designed for measurement of macro amounts, 634. Rapid determination of water-immiscible liquids in polymer - with modified Dean and Stark apparatus. Kennedy and Taubinger, 625. Lead: Determination of trace amounts of tellurium by inorganic spectrofluorimetry a t liquid nitro- gen temperature. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 457. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn. 324. Direct determination of additive metals in lubricating oils by complexometric titration.I. Determination of barium, calcium, - and zinc. Crump, 465. Method for determination of - in blood by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Dono- van and Feeley, 879. Lead-210 : Thermal volatilisation of caesium-137, polonium-210 and - from in viuo labelled samples. Martin and Blanchard, 441. Light: Effects of - on glass pH electrodes. Milward, 164. Influence of - on silver- silver chloride electrodes. Moody, Oke and Thomas, 803. Lime : RaDid routine determination of uncombined I Magnesium : Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, calcium and - ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts. Foner, 392. Polarographic determination of calcium and -.Fleet, Soe Win and West, 269. Bbndelic acid: Determination of - in urine. Nicholson, 413. Maneb : See Manganese ethykne-l,%biPdithiocar- bamate. Mangamse: Determination of iron, -, zinc and copper in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry. Webb, Hallas and Stevens, 794. Determination of - in blood and other tissues. Sriqastava, Pandya and Zaidi, 823. Loss of cerium, cobalt, - , protactinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, LuliC and JelisavEiC, 678. Rapid method for determination of - in maneb and its formulations. Hyman, 162. bIangsnerre ethylene-l,%~.Wocarbamab: Rapid method for d e t e r n a b o n of manganese in maneb and its formulations. Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules.Beynon, Saunders and Williams. (Review), 166. Mass Spe~otrometry. Brymner and Penney. (Re- Hyman, 162. - * - by automatic absorptiometric method. Fifield and Blezard, 603. view), 1065.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxvii Maas SpBCtrometry-continued Improved technique for transferring fractions from gas chromatograph to mass spectrometer. Woolley, 121. in Inorganic Chemistry. American Chemical Society. (Review), 157. Introduction to - . Instrumentation and Techniques. Roboz. (Review), 1165. Modem Aspects of -. Reed. (Review), 606. in Science and Technology. White. (Review), 421. Medicine : Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in Science, - and Industry. Hill and Powell. (Review), 5 12. Mercury: Determination of - residues in potatoes, grain and animal tissues using perchloric acid digestion. Smart and Hill, 143.Interference in determination of - in plant materials with dithizone due to 2-chloro-2- nitrosopropane. Lee and Roughan, 306. Trace determination of -, thallium and gold with crystal violet. Kothny, 198. Metrrl(8): Analysis of - Finishing Effluents and Effluent Treatment Solutions. Stevens, Fischer and MacArthur. (Review), 424. Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory -. Stobart, 1142. Determination of trace - contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn, 324. Direct determination of additive - in lubri- cating oils by complexometric titration. I. De- termination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 465; 11.Use of small-scale methods. Hooks and Noar, 473. Ligand-exchange chromatography on thin layers and columns of natural and substituted cellu- loses. Muzzarelli, Ferrero Martelli and Tuber- tini, 616. Methgl-4acetsmido-a-etho.ybenuurte: Determina- tion of amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline and ethopabate when present together in animal feeds. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee, 1164. Methyl ethanemdphonate: Analysis of mixtures of - and ethyl methanesulphonate by differen- tial reaction rate method. Brook and Munday, 909. Xicrobiology: Chemical -. Rose. 2nd Edn. (Review), 5 12. Microscopy: Powdered Vegetable Drugs. Atlas of - for Use in Identification and Authentica- tion af some Plant Materials Employed as Medicinal Agents.Jackson and Snowdon. (Review), 605. Spectrophosphorimeter - : an extension of fluorescence -. Parker, 161. Miner&: Colorimetric determination of calcium in silicate -. King and Pruden, 39. Determination of tin in geological material by neutron-activation analysis. Johansen and Steinnes, 976. Moisture: Determination of - in fertilisers and materials insoluble in methanol. Heslop, Skinner and Docherty, 681. Gas-chromatographic analysis of volatile con- stituents in polymers, with particular reference to - content. Jeffs, 249. See also Water. Molybdenum : Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals. Stobart, 1142. Muscle : Thermal volatilisation of caesium-137, polonium-210 and lead-210 from in oivo labelled samples. Martin and Blanchard, 441.Mycotoxins: Method for analysis of cereals and groundnuts for three -. Vorster, 136. Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam. : Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, LuliC and JelisavCi6, 678. N l-Naphylamine-7-sdphonic acid : Factors influencing the colorimetric determination of nitrite with Cleve’s acid. Bunton, Crosby and Patterson, 585. Neutron activation anal- : Automated solvent- extraction technique for radiochemical group separations : application to analysis of glass fragments by thermal-neutron activation. Goode, Baker and Brooke, 728. Determination of silicon in intact steel samples with low output neutron generator.Pierce and Haines, 886. Investigation of rapid and non-destructive fast- - for many elements by using a semi- conductor detector. Fujii, Inouye, Muto and Onodera, 189. Neutrons : Reaction Rates from Nuclear Reactor -. De Neve. (Review), 80. Nickel: Direct determination of boron in copper alloys and - after dissolution in nitric acid. Pakalns, 1130. Separate and simultaneous determination of zirconium and hafnium in - -base alloys with xylenol orange. Challis, 94. Niobium: Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals. Stobart, 1142. Nitrate determination in soil extracts with - electrode. 0ien and Selmer-Olsen, 888. Nitric acid : Determination of nitrogen dioxide in red fuming - . Phillips, McNutt and Croomes, 1047.Nitrite : Factors influencing colorimetric determina- tion of - with Cleve’s acid. Bunton, Crosby and Patterson, 585. Nitrogen : Automated distillation procedure for determination of -. Keay and Menage, 896. Determination of - content of uranium mono- nitride by alkaline fusion and ammonia distillation. Greenhalgh, 1050. Effective removal of oxygen from - carrier gas in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis. Voldum-Clausen, 500 ; Erratum, 944. Spectrophotometric determination of micro amounts of - as indophenol. Rommers and Visser, 653. Nitrogen dioxide: Determination of - in red fuming nitric acid. Phillips, McNutt and Croomes, 1047. Nomenclature : Introduction to Chemical -. Cahn. 3rd Edn. (Review), 510. Nuclear Ehergy: Progress in -. Series IX.Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 8. Part 2. (Review), 80. Hudear magnetic resonance: Annual Review of NMR Spectroscopy. Vol. 1. Mooney. (Re- view), 247.xxviii INDEX TO Huclear reactor: Reaction Rates from - Neu- 0 Oat: Rapid method for detection of residual lipase activity in - products. Kazi and Cahill, 417. Ochratoxin: Method for analysis of cereals and groundnuts for three mycotoxins. Vorster, 136. Oils: Determination of cedrol, and total alcohol content of - of cedarwood, by formylation. Riezebos and Greaves, 148. Direct determination of additive metals in lu bri- cating - by complexometric titration. I. De- termination of barium, calcium, lead and zinc. Crump, 465; 11. Use of small-scale methods. Hooks and Noar, 473. Extraction and clean-up of organochlorine pesticide residues by column chromatography.Wood, 399. Nephelometric method for determination of sulph- ate in presence of barium by using chloramino- biphenyl : application to organic compounds and hydrocarbon -. Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Orange squash: Determination of small amounts of cadmium in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 1163. Organic compounds: Emission spectra obtained from combustion of - in hydrogen flames. Dag- nall, Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Organic matter: Effect of - on determination of iron(I1) in soils and rocks. Pruden and Bloomfield, 688. Organic molecules: Mass Spectra of -. Beynon, Saunders and Williams. (Review), 166. Organohdogen compounds : Gas-chromatographic determination of organohalogen impurities in dichlorofluoromethane. Ratcliffe and Targett, 1028.Organometsllic Chemistry - Plenary Lectures Pre- sented at the Third International Symposium on -. (Review), 1064. Organophorus : Identification and determination of - and carbamate insecticides by thin-layer chromatography. Ramasamy, 1076. Orthophosphate : Rapid indirect titrimetric deter- mination of microgram amounts of -. Kirkbright, Smith and West, 321. Oxalate(s) : Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis studies on potassium titanyl - and potassium aluminium - and related - . Broadbent, Dollimore and Dollimore, 543. Oxidation : Analytical and kinetic study of bromate - of vanadium(1V) in acid medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 32.Oxygen: Effective removal of - from nitrogen carrier gas in gas - liquid chromatographic analysis. Voldum-Clausen, 500 ; Erratum, 944. trons. De Neve. (Review), 80. P Palladium : Preparation and spectral characteristics of microwave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for -, silver, platinum and gold. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 347. Palladium(II) : Contributions to study of functional analytical groups in determination of -. Baiulescu, Greff and Dane$, 364. VOLUME 94 Paprika : Thin-layer chromatographic method for determination of capsaicin in ground -. Spanyh and Blazovich, 1084. Parenbral solutions: Size distribution of particles contaminating -. Groves, 992. Particle(s) : Activation Analysis with Charged -. Tilbury. (Review), 78. Size distribution of - contaminating parenteral solutions.Groves, 992. P8dkle-size : Comparison of methods of calculating - from hindered settling results and its application to inorganic oxysalt precipitates. Dollimore and McBride, 760. Perchloric acid: Determination of mercury residues in potatoes, grain and animal tissues using - digestion. Periodic Table. Cooper. 4th Edn. (Review), 423. Perkin-Elmer MOW 805 atodc-absorption spectra- photometer : Construcbon of an impedance adaptor for coupling the - to recording system. Basson and Hemingway, 816. PWcide(s) : Evaluation of esterases from livers of beef, pig, sheep, monkey and chicken for de- tection of some - by thin-layer chromato- graphic - enzyme inhibition technique. Men- doza, Grant, Braceland and McCully, 806. Extraction and clean-up of organochlorine - residues by column chromatography.Wood, 399. General method for determination of organo- phosphorus - residues in river waters and effluents by gas, thin-layer and gel chromato- graphy. Askew, Ruzicka and Wheals, 275. Improvement of detection limits of flame- spectrophotometric determination of chlori- nated organic - residues. Herrmann and Gutsche, 1033. Rapid determination of diazinon and its oxygen analogue in animal tissues by gas chromato- graphy. Machin and Quick, 221. See also Insecticides. pH: Effects of light on glass - electrodes. Milward, 154. pH meter as hydrogen-ion concentration probe. McBryde, 337. Pharmaceutical Society: Assay of phenothiazine. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 932. Pharmaceuticals : Isolation and Identification of Drugs in -, Body Fluids and Post-mortem Material.Clarke and Berle. (Review). 607. Pharmacology : MCthodes Analytiques dam les RCcherches sur le MCtabolisme des MBdica- ments. Hirtz. (Review), 606. 1,lO-Phenanthroline : Analytical Applications of - and Related Compounds. Schilt. (Re- view), 701. Phenols: Ion exchange in non-aqueous media: anion-exchange behaviour of - on De- Acidite FF resin in methanolic media. Thomas and Thomas, 1099. Phenothiazine: Assay of -. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 932. Phosnhoric Acid. Part I. Fertilizer Science and Technology Series. Vol. I. Slack. (Review), 158. Photochemistry : Photoluminescence of Solutions. With Applications to - and Analytical Chemistry. Parker. (Review), 701.Photographic industry : Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn, 324. Smart and Hill, 143.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxix Photoluminescence of Solutions. With applications to Photochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Parker. (Review). 701. Photometry: Limit of determination in photometric titrations with self-indicating systems. Groen- veld and den Boef. 860. Phyaical chembtry: See chemi;lrtr?r. Physim : Basic Electricity. Gibson. (Review), 1056. Gases, Liquids and Solids. Tabor. (Review), 1066. Phytoohemistry: Thermo micro procedure for rapid extraction and direct application in thin-layer chromatography. Stahl, 723. PiCric acid : Spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants with -.Sheiham and Pinfold, 387. Pht(8) : Atomic-absorption determination of stron- tium in standard - material: comment on results of inter-laboratory comparison. David, 884. Automated procedure for determination of boron in - tissue. Basson, l36hmer and Stanton, 1136;. Determination of iron, manganese, zinc and copper in - material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry. Webb, Hallas And Stevens, 794. Determination of very small amounts of selenium in - samples. Interference in determination of mercury in - materials with dithizone due to 2-chloro- 2-nitrosopropane. Lee and Roughan, 306. Powdered Vegetable Drugs. Atlas of Microscopy for use in Identification and Authentication of some - Materials Employed as Medicinal Agents. Jackson and Snowdon.(Review), 605. Simultaneous routine determination of copper and zinc in - by neutron-activation analysis. Souliotis, 359. See also Strawbemrim. Plssms: See Blood plasma. Plask: Determination of small amounts of cad- mium in organic matter. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub- Committee, 1153. Plating llalntions: Use of thin-layer chromatographic techniques for determination of breakdown products of additives to -. Rupprecht, 126. Platinum : Preparation and spectral characteristics of microwave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for palladium, silver, - and gold. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 347. Separation of gold from - metals on cation exchangers in concentrated hydrobromic acid solutions.Dybczytiski and Maleszewska, 527. Polarography: Catalytic and Kinetic Waves in -. Mairanovskii. (Review), 704. Polonium-&lO : Thermal volatilisation of caesium- 137, - and lead-210 from in vivo labelled samples. Martin and Blanchard, 441. Polymer(@ : Addition -: Formation and Charac- terization. Smith. (Review), 607. Gas-chromatographic analysis of volatile con- stituents in -, with particular reference to moisture content. Jeffs, 249. Rapid determination of water-immiscible liquids in- latices with modified Dean and Stark apparatus. Kennedy and Taubinger, 625. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for charac- terisation of some phenolic stabilisers in extracts of - compositions. Ruddle and Wilson, 105. Hall and Gupta, 292. Polyoxyethylene : Determination of - emulsifiers in foods.Murphy and Scott, 481. Potas8ium : Chromatographic separation of sodium, -, calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts. Foner, 392. PoWum aluminium oxalrrte: Thermogra+metry and differential thermal analysis studies on potassium titanyl oxalate and - and related oxalates. Broadbent, Dollimore and Dollimore, 543. PotaSainm bromata: Analytical and kinetic study of bromate oxidation of vanadium(1V) in acid medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 32. PotasSium dichromate: Some observations of - as an oxidimetric standard. Belcher, Chakra- barti and Stephen, 20. POt8llsium titany1 oxdab: Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis studies on - and potassium aluminium oxalate and related oxalates.Broadbent, Dollimore and Dollimore , 543. Potatoes : Determination of mercury residues in -, grain and animal tissues using perchloric acid digestion. Smart and Hill, 143. Pobntiometry : Chemical Applications of -. Rossotti. (Review), 703. Powder (8) : Diminution of sulphur contamination of - specimens in X-ray fluorescence analysis. Kanaris-Sotiriou and Brown, 780. Precipitates: Comparison of methods of calculating particle size from hindered settling results and its application to inorganic oxysalt -. Dollimore and McBride, 760. preaerVative(s) : Determination of fluorides in - -treated spruce and redwood. Williams, 300. Protactinium: Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, -, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, Lulic and JelisavEiC, 678.Proteins: Symposium on Fibrous -. Crewther. (Review), 829. Proton activation analysh: Determination of fluorine by prompt y-radiation from proton bombardment. I. Theory and experimental method. Fkwers and Flack, 1; 11. Results, 7. Puri&tation: Progress in Separation and -. Vol. I. Perry. (Review), 79. Pyromellitic anhydride : Charge-transfer chromato- graphy of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Short and. Young, 259. Q Quantum chemistry: Introduction to -. Ander- Quercetin: Determination of tin in canned foods son. (Review), 1166. with -. Kirk and Pocklington, 71. €4 RDX : See Cyclot+methylenetrini&amipe. Radiation: Principles of Radiologrcal Health. Gloyna and Ledbetter. (Review), 1168. Radioactive contaminants: Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, ruthenium and zinc during dry ashing of biological material.Strohal, LuliC and JelisavEiC, 678. Radioactive makhls: Influence of channelling in conventional helium-3 activation analysis. Ricci, 435. Selection of exciting energy in radioisotope X-ray fluorescence analysis. Carr-Brion, 177.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Radioactivity: Automatic counter for radioactive deposits on planchets. Lloyd- Jones and Skerrett, 236. Principles of Radiological Health. Gloyna and Ledbetter. (Review), 1168. Simplified procedure for assay of picocurie con- centrations of radium-226 and its application to a study of natural - in surface waters in Scotland. Conlan, Henderson and Walton, 15. Radiochemical analysis : See Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry : Automated solvent-extraction tech- nique for radiochemical group separations : application to analysis of glass fragments by thermal-neutron activation.Goode, Baker and Brooke, 728. Radio-release determination of fluoride ion. Carmichael and Whitley, 737. Radiometric methods for determination of fluorine. Foreman, 425. Substoichiometry in Radiochemical Analysis. RfifiCka and Sta*. Edited by Williams. (Review), 1167. Radium-228: Simplified procedure for assay of picocurie concentrations of - and its appli- cation to a study of natural radioactivity in surface waters in Scotland. Conlan, Henderson and Walton, 15. Raman spectr~sc~py: Laser-Induced Spontaneous and Stimulated Raman Scattering. Progress in Nuclear Energy. Series IX: Analytical Chemistry. Vol.8. Part 2. (Review), 80. Rare earth: Atomic-emission spectroscopy of - elements in separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Hingle, Kirkbright and West, 864. Beactions : Application of Landolt - in quantita- tive catalytic analysis. Svehla, 513. &eagents : Analytical Applications of 1,lO-Phenan- throline. Schilt. (Review), 701. Comparison of calcium -, calcion and calci- chrome. Mendes-Bezerra and Stephen, 11 17. Bedwood: Determination of fluorides in preserva- tive-treated spruce and -. Williams, 300. Eeh.actories : Determination of calcium in chrome - by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Sidiropoulos, 389. Ribofiavine : Spectrophotometric determination of - in urine. Wahba, 904. River water: See Water. l&oCks: Determination of lithium oxide in silicate - by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Stone and Chesher, 1063.Determination of lutetium, ytterbium and ter- bium in - by neutron activation and mixed solvent anion-exchange chromatography. Brunfelt and Steinnes, 979. Determination of tin in geological material by neutron-activation analysis. Johansen and Steinnes, 976. Effect of organic matter on determination of iron(I1) in soils and -. Pruden and Bloom- field, 688. Scheme of silicate analysis based on lithium metaborate fusion followed by atomic-absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Van Loon and Parissis, 1057. Rosamhe : Determination of sulphur dioxide with - dyes. Ruthenium : Catalytic method for determination of - Ottaway, Fuller and Allan, 522; Erratum, 944. .. King and Pruden, 43. Butheninm-continued Controlled-potential coulometers based upon modular electronic units.11. Determination of - by controlled-potential coulometry. Weldrick, Phillips and Milner, 840. Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, - and zinc during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, LuliC and JelisavEiC, 678. S Salts : Chromatographic separation of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble - in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent -. Foner, 392. Sanitation: Post-Process in - in Canneries. Thorpe and Everton. (Review), 831. Scandium : Atomic-emission spectroscopy of rare earth elements in separated nitrous oxide- acetylene flame. Hingle, Kirkbright and West, 864. bases : Determination of traces of constituents with -. IV. Extraction - spectrophoto- metric determination of copper with NN’-bis- salicylidene-2,3-diaminobenzofuran.Ishii and Einaga, 1038. Science : Mass Spectrometry in - and Technology. White. (Review), 421. Non-dispersive Infra-red Gas Analysis in -, Medicine and Industry. Hill and Powell. (Review), 512. Scotland : Simplified procedure for assay of picocurie concentrations of radium-226 and its applica- tion a study of natural radioactivity in surface waters in - . Conlan, Henderson and Walton, 15. &a water : Flame-photometric determination of calcium in solutions of high sodium content. Blake, Bryant and Waters, 49. Selenium: Determination of very small amounts of - in plant samples. Hall and Gupta, 292. Semiconductor : Investigation of rapid and non- destructive fast-neutron activation analysis for many elements by using a - detector.Fujii, Inouye, Muto and Onodera, 189. Separation: Progress in - and Purification. Vol. I. Perry. (Review), 79. &wage : Determination of anionic detergents with iron(I1) chelotes: application to - and - effluents. Taylor and Fryer, 1106. Determination of total organic matter (carbon content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic carbon in trade wastes and - effluent. Cropper and Heinekey, 484. Silicate(s) : Colorimetric determination of calcium in - minerals. Determination of lithium oxide in - rocks by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Stone and Chesher, 1063. Rapid routine determination of uncombined lime by automatic absorptiometric method. Fifield and Blezard, 503. Scheme of - analysis based on lithium meta- borate fusion followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry.Van Loon and Parissis, 1057. W&c acid : Absorptiometric determination of silicon in water. VI. Determination of polymeric -. Morrison and Wilson, 54. King and Pruden. 39.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxxi Silicon: Absorptiometric determination of - in water. VI. Determination of polymeric silicic acid. Morrison and Wilson, 54; VII. Improved method for determining total - content of high-purity water. Webber and Wilson, 110. Apparatus for separation of traces of - and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals. Stobart, 1142. Determination of - in intact steel samples with low output neutron generator. Pierce and Haines, 886. Silver : Preparation and spectral characteristics of microwave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for palladium, - platinum and gold.Aldous, Dagnall and West, 347. Voltammetric studies with different electrode systems. IV. Determination of - by using a -- molybdenum system. Athavale, Dhaneshwar and Dhaneshwar, 855. Slag: Spectrographic analysis of steelmaking - by compaction method of sample preparation. Bramhall and Scholes, 945. Societytor Adslytical Chemistry: Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impurities in Organic Matter Sub-Committee. Determination of small amounts of cadmium in organic matter, 1153. Analytical Methods Committee. Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee. Determina- tion of amprolium, sulphaquinoxaline and ethopabate when present together in animal feeds, 1164. Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-committee.Determination of dimetridazole in animal feeds, 925. Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sub-Committee. Determination of dinitolmide (zoalene) in animals feeds, 1159. Assay of phenothiazine. Pharmaceutical Society and -, 932. Sodium : Chromatographic separation of -, potassium. calcium and magnesium ions applied to identification of soluble salts in clays and clay products, and of efflorescent salts. Foner, 392. Determination of - in high purity water with responsive glass electrodes. Webber and Wilson, 209. Flame-photometric determination of calcium in solutions of high - content. Blake, Bryant and Waters, 49. Flame-photometric determination of - in high purity water. Webber and Wilson, 569.&il(s) : Computer-oriented automation in chemical analysis of -. Keay, 690. Determination of sulphur in - by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Brown and Kanaris- Sotiriou, 782. Diminution of sulphur contamination of powder specimens in X-ray fluorescence analysis. Kanaris-Sotiriou and Brown, 780. Dual column and derivative techniques for im- proved specificity of gas - liquid chromato- graphic identification of organochlorine insecti- cide residues in -. Pionke, Chesters and Armstrong, 900. Effect of organic matter on determination of iron(1I) in - and rocks. Pruden and Bloom- field. 688. Nitrate determination in - extracts with nitrate electrode. 0ien and Selmer-Olsen, 888. m a i a n d Dale, 563. Solutions : Coordination Chemistry in Non-.Aqueous -. Gutmann.(Review), 79. Photoluminescence of - With Applications to Photochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Parker. (Review), 701. Use of thin-layer chromatographic techniques for determination of breakdown products of additives to plating -. Solvent extraction: Automated - technique for radiochemical group separations : application to analysis of glass fragments by thermal- neutron activation. Goode, Baker and Brooke, 728. Speciilc gravity: Determination of - and con- centration of fruit juice concentrations and other viscous concentrated solutions. Basker, 410. Spectra: Absorption - in the Ultraviolet and Visible Region. Lang, Bartecki, Szoke. Varsanyi and Vizesy. Vol. X. (Review), 422; Lang, Messmer and Vizesy. Cumulative Index (VI-X). (Review), 422. Emission - obtained from combustion of organic compounds in hydrogen flames.Dag- nall. Smith, Thompson and West, 871. Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption - of Organic Compounds. Hirayama. (Review), 5 10. Microwave Spectral Tables. Vol. IV. Polyatomic Molecules without Internal Rotation. Cord, Petersen, Lojko and Haas. (Review), 607. New Chemical Structure Code for Data Storage and Retrieval in Molecular Spectroscopy. Thomas. (Review), 830. Some observations on the analytical usefulness of electrochemiluminescence for determination of microgram amounts of aromatic hydrocar- bons. Fleet, Keliher, Kirkbright and Pickford, 847. Spectrduorimeter : Spectrophosphorimeter micro- scopy : an extension of fluorescence microscopy. Parker, 161. Spectrofluorimetry : 3,5’-Bis (dicarboxymethylamino- methyl)-4,4’-dihydroxy-trans-stilbene as selec- tive spectrofluorimetric reagent for cadmium.Budesinsky and West, 182. Determination of trace amounts of tellurium by inorganic - at liquid nitrogen temperature. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 457. Spectrography: Use of high temperature hollow- cathode lamp for spectrographic analysis of steels, high temperature alloys and related materials for trace elements. Thornton, 958. 8pectrornete~rs: Monographs on E.S.R. Electron Spin Resonance -. Wilmshurst. (Review), 160. Sgecbophmphorimebr microscopy : an extension of fluorescence microscopy. Parker, 161. Spectrophotometer(s) : Atomic Absorption S photometry in Ceramic Analysis : EvXZZ;; of Some Commercial - . Eardley and Mountford. (Review), 75. Construction of an impedance adaptor for coupling the Perkin-Elmer Mode 303 atomic-absorption -to recording system. Basson and Heming- way, 815.Spectrophotometry : Absorption - . Lothian. 3rd Edn. (Review), 829. Performance of pre-mixed, oxygen-enriched air - acetvlene flame in flame-emission -. Chap- Rupprecht, 126.xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 94 8p~oRhotome~~orrtinued Use of special intermittent nebulisation technique to suppress background in flame-emission spectra. Rudiger, Gutsche, Kirchhof and Henmann, 204. Spectroscopy: Advances in Infrared Group Fre- quencies. Bellamy. (Review), 42 1. Annual Review of NMR -. Vol. 1. Mooney. (Review), 247. Atomic-emission - of rare earth elements in separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Hingle, Kirkbright and West, 864. Investigation of performance of separated air - acetylene flame in thermal-emission -.Hobbs, Kirkbright and West, 554. Molecular-emission - in cool flames. IV. De- termination of chloride, bromide and iodide by thermal-emission - in presence of indium salts. Dagnall, Thompson and West, 643. New Chemical Structure Code for Data Storage and Retrieval in Molecular -. Thomas. (Review), 830. Preparation and spectral characteristics of microwave-excited electrodeless discharge tubes for palladium, silver, platinum and gold. Aldous, Dagnall and West, 347. Reflexionsspektroskopie. Grundlagen, Methodik, Anwendungen. Kortiim. (Review), 1166. Spruce : Determination of fluorides in preservative- treated - and redwood. Williams, 300. Stabilisera : Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for characterisation of some phenolic - in extracts of polymer compositions.Ruddle and Wilson, 105. blhdards: AnalaR - for Laboratory Chemicals. AnalaR Standards Ltd. 6th Edn. (Review), 334. lptarch : Ausgewkihlte Methoden der Starkechemie. Isolierung, Charakterisierung und Analytik von Stkkepolysacchariden. Richter, Augustat and Schierbaum. (Review), 420. and its Derivatives. Radley. 4th Edn. (Re- view), 703. SM(s): Determination of silicon in intact - samples with low output neutron generator. Pierce and Haines, 886. Determination of trace amounts of calcium in stainless - by solvent extraction followed by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Headridge and Richardson, 968. Spectrographic analysis of steelmaking slag by compaction method of sample preparation.Bramhall and Scholes, 946. Use of high temperature hollow-cathode lamp for spectrographic analysis of -, high temperature alloys and related materials for trace elements. Thornton, 958. $kigma,tocystin: Method for analysis of cereals and groundnuts for three mycotoxins. Vorster, 136. Skoids: Analysis of -. X. Determination of 21-amino corticosteroids. Giirog, Tuba and Egyed, 1044. Strawberries : Determination of chlorcholine chloride residues in -. Petrosini, Businelli, Tafuri and Scarponi, 674; Errata, 1168. Strontium : Atomic-absorption determination of - in standard plant material : comment on results of inter-laboratory comparison. David, 884. Substoichiometry in Radiochemical Analysis. RfiiiCka and Star$. Edited by Williams. (Review), 1167. Mulphanihmidoquinoxaline : Determination of am- prolium, sulphaquinoxaline and ethopabate when present together in animal feeds.Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Prophylactics in Animal Feeds Sulphaquinoxaline : See2+ulphani+midoquinoxaline. Sulphate: Interferences in determination of son by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry in air - acetylene flame. Curtis, 1068. Micro determination of - and fluoride in lime - silica - sulphate - fluoride phase systems. Bowley, 787. Nephelometric method for determination of - in presence of barium using chloraminobi- phenyl : application to organic compounds and hydrocarbon oils. Mendes-Bezerra and Uden, 308. Sulphur: Determination of - in soils by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Brown and Kanaris- Sotiriou, 782.f Diminution of - contamination of powder specimens in X-ray fluorescence analysis. Kanaris-Sotiriou and Brown, 780. Sulphur dioxide: Determination of - with rosaniline dyes. King and Pruden, 43. Surface-active agents : Spectrophotometric deter- mination of cationic surfactants with picric acid. Sheiham and Pinfold, 387. Surgical spirits : Identification of denaturants in - B.P.C. by using thin-layer chromato- graphy. Glover, 1081. Sub-Committee, 1164. T Tantalum: Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals. Stobart, 1142. Tar: See Coal tar. Technicon AutoAnalyzer: Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of -. Sebborn, 324. Technology : Mass Spectrometry in Science and -.White. (Review), 421. Tellurium : Determination of trace amounts of - by inorganic spectrofluorimetry at liquid nitrogen temperature. Kirkbright, Saw and West, 457. Terbium: Determination of lutetium, ytterbium and - in rocks by neutron activation and mixed solvent anion-exchange chromatography. Brun- felt and Steinnes, 979. Spectrofluorimetric determination of europium and -. Belcher, Peny and Stephen, 26. Thallium: Determination of - in biological material by flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorption. Curry, Read and Knott, 744; Errata, 1168. Trace determination of mercury, - and gold with crystal violet. Kothny, 198. Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis studies on potassium titanyl oxalate and potassium aluminium oxalate and related oxalates.Broadbent, Dollimore and Dollimore, 543. Thermo-analyse. Harmelin. (Review), 608. ZThiobarbituric acid : Identification of polyhydric alcohols on thin-layer chromatograms with -. Nisbet, 811. Thioethers : Qualitative analysis of dilute aqueous solutions of thiols and - by thin-layer chromatography. Howard and Baldry, 589.INDEX TO VOLUME 94 xxxiii Thiolrr : Qualitative analysis of dilute aqueous solutions of - and thioethers by thin-layer chromatography. Howard and Baldry, 589. Thiourea : Determination of milligram amounts of - and some of its derivatives with N-bromo- succinimide. Tiwari and Pande, 8 13. Thorium nitrate : Determination of micro amounts of uranium in pure -. Desai and Sudhala- tha, 699. Tin: Determination of - in canned foods with quercetin.Kirk and Pocklington, 71. Determination of - in geological material by neutron-activation analysis. Johansen and Steinnes, 976. Tissue(s) : Determination of manganese in blood and other - . Sri+astava, Pandya and Zaidi, 823. Determination of mercury residues in potatoes, grain and animal - using perchloric acid digestion. Smart and Hill, 143. Extraction and clean-up of organochlorine pesti- cide residues by column chromatography. Wood, 399. Lung - hydrolysates: studies of the optimum conditions for spectrophotometric determina- tion of hydroxyproline. Bergman and Loxley, 575. Rapid determination of diazinon and its oxygen analogue in animal - by gas chromato- graphy. Machin and Quick, 221. Thermal volatilisation of caesium- 137, polonium- 210 and lead-210 from in vier0 labelled samples.Martin and Blanchard, 441. Titanium: EDTA titration of - and aluminium in Ziegler - Natta catalyst. Lucchesi, Chasar and Florky, 695. Indirect amplification procedure for determina- tion of - by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Kirkbright, Smith, West and Wood, 754. Titrations: See Analnis. Titrimetry : Convenient gravimetric technique for high precision -. Perry and Scullion, 801. Thermometric -. Tyrell and Beezer. (Re- view), 702. Trace reader: Simple - with digital print-out. Dawson, Milner and Mawston, 912. 1,1,1-!Cri&loroethane : Determination of free hydro- gen cyanide in river water by solvent-extraction method. Montgomery, Gardiner and Gregory, 284. Trimethylammonium acetylhydrazide chloride : De- termination of aliphatic aldehydes via polaro- graphy of their Girard T derivatives.Fleet and Keliher, 659. Tritium: Routine method for determination of - by electrolytic concentration before liquid scintillation counting. Metson, 1122. Tungsten: Apparatus for separation of traces of silicon and its colorimetric determination in refractory metals. Stobart, 1142. Comparison of some methods for determination of -. Crossland and Fennell, 989. U Uranium: Determination of micro amounts of - in pure thorium nitrate. Desai and Sudhala- tha, 699. Uranium mononitride : Determination of nitrogen content of - by alkaline fusion and am- monia distillation. Greenhalgh, 1050. Urine: Determination of inorganic iodide in - by neutron-activation analysis. Morgan, Black and Mitchell, 740. Determination of mandelic acid in -.Nichol- son, 413. Determination of thallium in biological material by flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorp- tion. Curry, Read and Knott, 744; Errata, 1168. Separate determination of xanthine and hypo- xanthine in - and blood plasma by enzy- matic differential spectrophotometric method. Chalmers and Watts, 226. Spectrophotometic determination of riboflavine in -. Wahba, 904. Trace determination of mercury, thallium and gold with crystal violet. Kothny, 198. V Vanadium: Interference of - in titrimetric determination of iron by tin(I1) chloride - mercury(I1) chloride - dichromate method. Ottaway and Fuller, 313. Vanadium(IV): Analytical and kinetic study of bromate oxidation of - in acid medium. Fuller and Ottaway, 32. Voltammetry : Voltammetric studies with different electrode systems. IV. Determination of silver by using a silver - molybdenum system. Athavale, Dhaneshwar and Dhaneshwar, 855. W Wscrtes: See Muent. Water(s) : Absorptiometric determination of silicon in -. VI. Determination of polymeric silicic acid. Morrison and Wilson, 54; VII. Improved method for determining total silicon content of high-purity -. Webber and Wilson, 110. Determination of dissolved gases in - by continuous stripping and gas chromatography. Walker and France, 364. Determination of free hydrogen cyanide in river - by solvent-extraction method. Mont- gomery, Gardiner and Gregory, 284. entrainment distillation. Alsop and Wads- worth, 330. Determination of sodium in high purity - with sodium-responsive glass electrodes. Web- ber and Wilson, 209. Determination of total organic matter (carbon content) in aqueous media. 111. Organic carbon in trade wastes and sewage effluent. Cropper and Heinekey. 484. Flame-photometric determination of sodium in high purity -. Webber and Wilson, 569. General method for determination of organo- phosphorus pesticide residues in river - and effluents by gas, thin-layer and gel chromato- graphy. Improved method for extraction of organo- chlorine and organophosphate insecticides from lake -. Konrad, Pionke and Chesters, 490. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Fresh -. Golterman and Clymo. (Review), 1167. Polarographic determination of calcium and magnesium. Routine method for determination of tritium by electrolytic concentration before liquid scintil- lation counting. Metson, 1122. Determination of small amounts of - by Askew, Ruzicka and Wheals, 275. Fleet, Soe Win and West, 269.xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Wa$r (s)-continued Simphfied procedure for assay of picocurie con- centrations of radium-226 and its application to a study of natural radioactivity in surface - in Scotland. Conlan, Henderson and Walton, 15. Wood : Determination of fluorides in preservative- treated spruce and redwood. Williams, 300. See also Moisture; Sea wah. X Xanthine: Separate determination of - and hypo- - in urine and blood plasma by enzymatic differential spectrophotometric method. Chal- mers and Watts, 226. X-Ray Analysis: Advances in -. Vol. 11. Newkirk, Mallett and Pfeiffer. (Review), 608, fluorescence analysis : Diminution of sulphur contamination of powder specimens in -. Kanaris-Sotiriou and Brown, 780. fluorescence analysis : Selection of exciting energy in radioisotope -. Carr-Brion, 177. fluorescence spectrometry : Instrumental factors in detection of low concentrations by -. Jenkins and de Vries, 447. XyIenol orange : Separate and simultaneous deter- mination of zirconium and hafnium in nickel- base alloys with -. Challis, 94. Y Ytterbium : Determination of lutetium, - and terbium in rocks by neutron activation and mixed solvent anion-exchange chromatography. Brunfelt and Steinnes, 979. Yttrium : Atomic-emission spectroscopy of rare earth elements in separated nitrous oxide - acetylene flame. Hingle, Kirkbright and West, 864. z Ziegler - Natta catalyst: EDTA titration of titanium and aluminium in -. Lucchesi, Chasar and Florky, 695. Zinc: Determination of iron, manganese, - and copper in plant material by paper chromato- graphy and reflectance densitometry. Webb, Hallas and Stevens, 794. Determination of trace metal contaminants in wide range of varied chemicals by means of the Technicon AutoAnalyzer. Sebborn. 324. Determination of - in crystalline insulin and in certain insulin preparations by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Spielholtz and Toral- balla, 1072. Direct determination of additive metals in lubri- cating oils by complexometic titration. I. Determination of barium, calcium, lead and -. Crump, 465. Loss of cerium, cobalt, manganese, protactinium, ruthenium and - during dry ashing of biological material. Strohal, LuliC and JeslisavCiC, 678. Simultaneous routine determination of copper and - in plants by neutron-activation analysis. Souliotis, 359. Zirconium : Separate and simultaneous determina- tion of - and hafnium in nickel-base alloys with xylenol orange. Challis, 94. Zoalene : See 3,5-Dinitro-o-toluadolaamide. ERRATA: VOL. 98, 1968: plate facing p. 693, Figs. 3 and 4. For “Diazinon” read “Carbophenothion,” andfor “Carbophenothion” read “Diazinon.” VOL. 94, 1969: p. 68,5th line of text. After “. . . check this content.” add “The restriction on cyclohexylamine content of cyclamates laid down in the Soft Drinks Regulations 1964 (S.I. 1964, No. 760) gi;es no indication of the sensitivity of the procedure, but t h i s is deemed to be well above 100 p.p.m. p. 69, 2nd line under “Method.” After “. . . 100-ml separating funnel,” add “(Cyclamic acid must be neutralised before proceeding further. This is conveniently carried out by the controlled addition of potassium carbonate solution in the presence of a small piece of litmus papeF).” p. 93, Reference 3. For “schuhknecht, W., and Schinkel, H., Ibid., 1963, 36, 161,” read “Schuhknecht, W., and Schinkel, H., unalyt. Chem., 1963, 194. 161.” p. 500, 14th line of text. p. 623. p. 674, 9th and 10th lines of text. For “as a spray a t concentrations of 8 and 16 p.p.m.,” read “as a spray a t concentrations of 8000 and 16,000 p.p.m.” p. 676, 5th line under FIELD EXPERIMENT. For “solutions containing 8, 16 and 24 p.p.m. of CCC (i.e., 1.6, 3-2 and 4.8 kg ha-1” read “solutions containing 8000, 16,000 and 24,000 p.p.m. of CCC ( i e . , 1.6, 3.2 and 4.8 kg ha-l.” p. 750, Table IV. Replace line below Tantalum boat- with “In each instance 1 pg of thallium was taken, i e . , 100 pl of 10 p.p.m. standards.” Replace line below Aspirution- with “In each instance 10 p g of thallium were taken, ie., 1 ml of 10 p.p,m. standards.” For “catalyst B-3-11’’ read “Catalyst R3-11.” Replace equation (1) with 10,- + 2[Fe(l,lO-phen.),]*+ + 2H++ 10,- + 2[Fe(l,10-phen.),]s+ + H,O . . . . (1). p. 752, 2nd line under Conclusions. For “Model 225” read “Model 303.”
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