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Volume 38,
Issue 1,
Page 001-084
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T H E EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. CECIL H CRIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. ANALYST: J. T. HEWITT D,Sc. PH.D. M.A. F.R.S. E. HINKS B.Sc. F.I.C. ARTHUR R. LING F.I.C. P. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. H. DROOP RICHMOND F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER PH.D. F.1.C. E. W. VOELCKER F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE J. F. BRIGGS A.C.G.I. H. F. E. HULTON A.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists C. A. MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. 0. E. MOTT PH.D. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY EbftOr JULIAN L. BAKER F.I.C. VOL. XXXVIII. 1 9 1 3 TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT 4 CO. LTD., 1914 2 4 6 8 ORANGE STREET LONDON S.W INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.INDEX OF NAMES. ABDERHALDEN E . Electrically Heated Apparatus for Measuring Rotatory Power at -- and Fuchs D. Accuracy of the Estimation of I-Tyrosine in Abel E. Copper in Distilled Water 474 Abelmann A. and Rosenthaler L. Mercuric Oxide as a Standard for Volumetric Analyses 439 Acland L. H. D. and Rideal S. Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and Funtumia Elastics and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 259 Constant Temperature 300 Proteins 219 Adams L. H. and Johnston J. Improved Pyknometer for Density of Solids 130 Ageton C. N. and Gile P. L. Significance of the Lime-Magnesia Ratio in Soil Agraz J. S. Apparatus for Gas Analysis 395 Agulhon H. Detection of Volatile Fatty Acids 274 Aitchison L.and Ibbotson F. Determination of Copper in White Metal Alloys 222 Allemann O. Estimation of Fat in Cheese 417 Allen I. C. Preparation of Specifications for Petroleum Products 335 - and Robertson J. W. Determination of Sulphur in Fuels Especially -- and Jacobs W. A. Estimation of Water in Petroleum and its Products, Altmenn P. Detection of Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Ferric Salts 289 Amon F. O. Lee R. E. and Uhlinger R. H. Qualitative Analysis of the Zinc Group, Anderson J. F. and McClintic T. B. Method of Standardising Disinfectants with or R. P. Portable Pettersson-Palmqvist Apparatus 178 Angelico F. and Catslano G. Occurrence of Formaldehyde in the Juices of Plants, Apitsch H. Estimation of Sulphur in Organic Substances 515 Archbutt L.A Simple Test for Differentiating between Cocoa Butter and ‘( Green - Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and FunturrLia Elastic4 and a Cornparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 263 - The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 198 - The Detection and Estimation of Nickel by Means of a-Benzildioxime, M. and Holmes A. Pine-Nut Oil 275 Analyses 126 Petroleum Products 38 165 349 without Organic Matter 422 152 Butter ,” 203 320 - The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 - - The Preparation of Rubber for Analysis 55 1v INDEX TO VOLUME XXSVITI. Archbutt L. The Proportionate Determination of Cocoanut and Palm-Kernel Oil in Armani G. and Barboni J. Examination of Honey 20 - and Rodano G.A. Estimation of Paraffin Wax and Ceresin in their Mixtures 258 Mixtures 37 Arnold V. Nitroprusside Reaction of Urine 154 Amy H. V. International Standards for Coloured Fluids and a Suggested Plan for Such Standardisation 394 Aron F. New Indicator 427 -_- H. Extraction Apparatus for Solids and Liquids 351 Arpin M. Farines Fkcules et Amidons Reuiew 545 Artmann P. and Preisinger J. Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel 291 laschan O. Formic Acid as Astruc A. Assay and Estimation of Aspirin 414 Atack F. W. A New Method for the Volumetric Estimation of Chromium, Determination of Stannous Chloride and of Chlorates by Means of The Detection and Estimation of Nickel by Means of a-Benzildioxime, Auger V. New Method for Volumetric Estimation of Uranium 230 Auguet A.Estimation of Essential Oils in Absinthe and Similar Liqueurs and in Auld S. J. M. Cyanogenesis under Digestive Conditions 568 and Mosscrop J. D. Measurement of Tryptic Protein Hydrolysis by Autenreith W. and Funk A. Colorimetric Methods for Water Analysis by the Use of Bailey E. H. S. and Peterson G. O. Hickory Nuts and Hickory Nut Oil 498 Bainbridge J. S. and Davies S. H. Essential Oil of Cocoa 20 Baker H. A. Iodine Titration Method for the Estimation of Tin Especially in Connection with the Estimation of Tin in Canned Foods 23 Bakker C. Estimation of Petroleum Spirit in Turpentine 464 Bang I. Method of Estimating Sugar 218 Baragiola W. I. and Boller W. So-Called Non-Alcoholic Wines of Commerce 565 Barboni I. Analysis of Commercial Calcium Citrate 65 Barboni J.and Armani G. Examination of Honey 20 Bardach B. Detection of Blood 568 Barnebey 0. L. and Wilson S. R. Application of Diphenylcarbazide (" Diphenyl-Barth R. Detection of Nitric Acid (Nitrates) in Milk 563 Barthblemy H. Analysis and Examination of Non-Inflammable Cellulose Esters. Bartlett E. P. and Forbes G. S. Electrometric Titration of Dichromate Ion with Bass R. and Wiechowski W. Estimation of Purine Bases in Blood 107 Baudisch O. and Klinger G. New Gasometric Method for the Estimation of Nitric Beadle C. The Preparation of Rubber for Analysis 553 Beck C. Estimation of Copper as Sulphide 582 Solvent 513 Vanadium and Iron in Presence of One Another 99 R/Iethylene Blue 126 316 Alcoholic Solutions of Essential Oils 418 Determination of the Tyrosine Liberated 153 Aut enreith- Koenigs berger 's Colorime ter 179 - and Villavecchia V.Estimation of Boric Acid in Charcuterie 55 and Silberstein S. Estimation of Glycerol in Sweet Raisin Wines 24 carbohydrazide ") as Indicator in Titration of Iron with Dichromate 167 Acetylcelluloses 577 Ferrous Iron 585 Oxide I. 45 and Stevens H. P. A Simple All-Glass Extraction Apparatus 14 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. V Beck C. Iodimetric Estimation of Iron 586 Beckers W. Comparison of the Farup and Schumacher- Jung Methods for the Estimation of Mercury in Urine 111 Beer R. and Meyer H. Composition of Arachis Oil 514 Behre A. and Frerichs K. Composition of Vermouth Wines 267 Bekk J. Cerium Dioxide as Contact Substance in Analysis by Combustion 519 Belasio R.Detection of Antimony in Alloys 42 Bell J. M. and Cowell C. F. Methods for the Preparation of Neutral Solutions of Ammonium Citrate 116 Bellet A. Estimation of Lactic Acid 379 Bellucci J. and Grassi L. Use of ( ( Cupferron ” in the Separation of Titanium from Aluminium 390 Beolio L. and Lowenstein A. Experiments on the ‘‘ Cold Test ” of Oil 34 Berberich F. M. Burr A. and Berg A. Composition of Colostrum and of Colostrum Fat 107 Berg A. Burr A. and Berberich F. M. Composition of Colostrum and of Colostrum Fat 107 Berrhr M. Studies on the Chemistry of Gelatin and its Estimation 67 Berry E. H. and Winton A. L. Chemical Composition of authentic Vanilla Extracts, together with Analytical Methods and Limits of Constants 206 Bertainchand E. Estimation of Glycerol in Wines 368 Bertram S.H. New Method of Estimating Glycerol 275 Bertrand G. and Weisweiller G. Volatile Constituents of Roasted Coffee 417 Besson A. A. Estimation of Rosin in Soap 280 Bevan - The Preparation of Rubber for Analysis 554 Beyersdorfer P. Estimation of Sugars by the Kjeldahl-Bertrand Method 218 Bhattacharyya H. Rapid Method for Determination of Phosphorus in Steel 442 Bielecki J. and Henri V. Quantitative Study of the Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays Bierry H. and Gruzewska Z. Estimation of Glycogen in Liver 63 Billy M. Determination of the Specific Gravity of Mineral Powders 296 Bilte W. and Marcus E. Titration of Phosphoric and Boric Acids 124 Binder K. and Weinland R. E. New Delicate Reactiomfor Elementary Oxygen 172 Birchby J. A.artd Merriam E. S. Methods for the Estimation of Natural Gas for Blacher C. Griinberg P. and Kissa M. Use of Potassium Palmitate in Water Black J. W. Note on the Estimation of Chlorine in Rag Flock 409 Blomquist A. Estimation of Mercury in the Air of Rooms etc. where the Metal is Blum F. and Griitzner R. Estimation of Iodine in Organic Substances 427 Blumenthal P. L. Preparation of Selenic Acid and Sodium Selenate as Reagents for and Gooch F. A. Application of Selenic Acid to the Estimation of - ) Iodic Acid Method of Estimating Bromine in Estimation of Thiosulphate in Presence of Sulphites 481 by the Fatty Acids and their Isomeric Esters 113 the Production of Gasoline 577 Analysis 127 Used 477 the Estimation of Bromine in Halogen Salts 295 Bromide in Presence of Chloride 227 Halogen Salts 166 Bodmer R.The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 Bogdbndy S. v. Determination of Chlorides and Bromides in Organic Liquids 211 Boiry F. and Thomas V. Baobab Oil 498 Boller W. and Baragiola W. I. So-called Non-Alcoholic Wines of Commerce 565 Bolton E. R. A Simple All-Glass Extraction Apparatus 144 Determination of Pepsin Activity 21 V i INDEX TO VOLIJME XXXVIII. Bolton E. R. The Detection and Estimation of Nickel by Means of a-Benzildioxime, 320 The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 The Determination of Tannin in Tea 316 - The Proportionate Determination of Cocoanut and Palm-Kernel Oil in - and Revis C. A Simple Test for Differentiating between Cocoa Butte Mixtures 258 and ‘‘ Green Butter,” 201 Bomer A.Mixed Glycerides of Palmitic and Stearic Acids Present in Lard 204 and Limprich R. Nomenclature of Mixed Glycerides and the Synthetic Preparation of a-Distearin and P-Palmitodistearin, 214 Polenske ‘‘ Difference Value ” for the Detection of Certain Animal Fats and its Theoretical Basis 204 Bonnes L. Detection of Formic and Acetic Acids 275 Bosshard E. and Grob W. Analysis of Hydrosulphites 284 New Process for Titration of Sulphurous Acid and of Boswell M. C. Direct Estimation of Oxygen in Organic Compounds 216 Bosworth A. W. and Folin O. Application of Folin’s Method for the Determination Bottcher W. and Schiirmann E. Estimation of Arsenic in Pyrites 117 Boughton E. W. Effect of Certain Pigments on Linseed Oil. Manganese Content of Bourdillon R.Preparation of Conductivity Water 346 Bourion F. and Deshayes A. Quantitative Separation of Chromium and Aluminium : Brach H. Modification of the Liebig Combustion Method 301 Bradbury W. A. and Owen F. Estimation of the Carbonates and Hydroxides of Breed R. S. Influence of Centrifugal Action on the Distribution of Cell Element8 in Brisleo F. J. An Introduction to the Study of Fuel Review 488 Brock F. P. Redman L. V. and Weith A. J. Drying Rates of Raw Paint Oils 468 Sulphites in Presence of Thiosulphates 297 of Ammonia to Fertilisers 381 Raw Linseed Oil 215 Analysis of Chromite 473 Quantitative Separation of Iron and Chromium 387 Potassium and Sodium when together in Solution 166 Milk 108 Effect of Temperature Acid Concen-tration and Time in the Broinination of Phenol for Quantitative Determinations, 335 Browne C.A. A Handbook of Sugar Analysis A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Use in Research Technical and Control Laboratories Review, 235 - Combination Specific Gravity Bottle and Dilatometer 485 Browning P. E. Introduction to the Rarer Elements Review 240 Brunck O. Estimation of Small Quantities of Carbon Monoxide 75 Bruno A. Beurres et Graisses Aniiiiales (Manuels Pratiquea d’ Analyses Chimiques), Buchtala H. Method for the Estimation of Mercury in Urine and Animal Tissues, Budai K. Quantitative Estimation of Trimethylamine in Presence of Ammonia 436 Bulir J. Saffron Containing Formaldehyde 420 Bunge C. Action of Baryta Water on Certain Sorts of GIas8 118 Burdick W. L. and Gooch F. A.Electro-Analysis with Light Platinum Burgess G. K. Micropyrometer 130 Review 402 153 Electrodes 4 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. vii Burgess W. T. Constant Temperature Apparatus 311 Burgstaller A. and Rothmund V. Estimation of Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide, Burmeister H. and Hoepfner W. Examination of Tung Oil 116 Burnett H. R. and Revis C. The Proportionate Determination of Cocoanut and 344 Palm-Kernel Oil in Mixtures 255 Burr A. Berberich F. M. and Berg A. Composition of Colostrum and of ColoRtrum Fat. 107 Burrell G. A. and Seibert F. M. Apparatus for Gas Analysis Laboratories at Coal - Apparatus for the Exact Analysis of Flue Gas 351 Biittner E. Estimation of Water-Soluble Phosphates in Ammonium Super-Mines 482 phosphates 392 Cain J. R. and Tucker F.H. Determination of Phosphorus in Steels Containing Calvet L. Alcool Methylique Vinaigres Review 352 Camilla S. and Patusi C. Detection and Estimation of Xanthin Bases in Cocoa, Vanadium 478 Tea and Coffee and their Preparations 26 and Pertusi C. Analysis of Ferro-Silicon 76 - Detection and Estimation of Xanthine Bases in Coco&, Tea Coffee and their Preparations 60 Campbell C. and Parker A. Preparation and Analysis of Methane 430 F. H. Determination of Moisture in Organic Substances 177 Separation of Iron and Manganese 121 Campion A. and Ferguson J. M. Preparing Sections of Fractures of Steel for Cappelli A. and Silvestri G. Detection of Nickel in Plated Articles 45 Carpiaux E. Source of Error in the Kjeldahl-Gunning Method 467 Catalano G. and Angelico F.Occurrence of Formaldehyde in the Juices of Ceccherelli A. and Fortini V. Testing Parchment Papers 161 Cernf F. Melnik (Bohemian) Wine 326 Chancel F. Small Apparatus for Electrochemical Analysis 179 Chaney W. K. Electrolytic Deposition of Antimony 581 Chapman A. C. Action of Tartaric Acid on Tin in the Presence of Oxygen 472 Microscopic Examination 528 Plants 152 - -_- An Electrochemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents 362 - Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and FuntzLmia Elastica and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 263 - Nitrogenous Constituents of Hops 459 The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 198 - The Determination of Tannin in Tea 315 - The Preparation of Rubber for Analysis 554 Chavan P.and Duserre C. Estimation of Phosphorus in Manures and Feeding-Chavanne G. Application of Young’s Method for the Preparation of Absolute Chelle L. and Denigds G New Reagent for Bromine and Chlorine 119 Chenu G. and Leduc E. M-at6riaux de Gros-Ouvre Review 181 Chercheffsky N. Analysis of Amy1 Acetates and Collodions 365 Chick H. and Martin C. J. Density and Solution Volume of Some Proteins 279 Chlopin G. W. and Wassiljewa P. J. Method of Distinguishing Natural from Artificial Colouring Matters by Means of their Electrical Conduotivity 377 Stuffs 563 Alcohol 42 . Vlll INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Christensen H. R. Significance of the Estimation of the Reaction and Basicity of Christiansen J. Mett’s Method for Determining the Activity of Pepsin and the - J.A. and Lomholt S. Estimation of Small Quantities of Mercury in Clark A. H. and Wheeler R. V. and with Platt C. B. Volatile Constituents of Coal Claude G. Liquid Air Oxygen Nitrogen Review 600 Coade M. E. and Werner E. A. Estimation of Nitrites by Means of Thiocarbamide, and the Interaction of Nitrous Acid and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different Strength 440 Cocking W. D. and Kettle J. D. Estimation of Hypophosphites 438 Coen E. Stearin of Wool Fat 37 Cohn R. Lecithin Preparations and the Estimation of Lecithin 205 Collins W. D. and Skinner W. W. Determination of Lithium 168 Comey A. M. and Holmes F. B. Methods for the Determination of the Effective Connell W. B. and Francis C. K. Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Constontino A.Amino-Acids in Blood 567 Contassot A. Ebullioscope of High Accuracy 482 Cornelius W. New Separation of Chromium and Manganese 474 Coste J. H. Notes on Thermometry 303 Cowell C. F. and Bell J. M. Methods for the Preparation of Neutral Solutions of Crawford S. L. Detection of Adulteration of Cider Vinegar with Distilled Vinegar 565 Cribb C. The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 Cross W. E. Investigations on Methods of Analysis of Cane Products 415 Crown H. A. and Porst C. E. G. Polarimetric Method for the Determination of Gumming A. C. und Finlay T. M. Estimation of Zinc as Zinc Ammonium Phosphate and Gilchrist E. Electrolytic Determination of Copper in Solutions und Macleod J. Estimation of Mercury as Metal by the Dry Method, Soil 462 Acidity-Maximum of Peptic Digestion 29 Organic Substances 515 Part III.511 Strength of High Explosives 378 Hydrocyanic Acid in Plants with Special Reference to Kaffir Corn 569 - und Huntly G. N. Determination of Moisture 174 Ammonium Citrate 116 Starch in Paper 380 and Zinc Phosphate 443 Containing Nitric Acid 340 227 Curtman L. J. and Mosher M. Detection of Tin 297 Czyhlarz E. v. Fuchs A, and Fiirth 0. v. Analysis of Human Bile 208 Daish A. J. und Davis W. A, Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates especially Damiens A. and Lebeau P. Analysis of Mixtures of Hydrogen with Methane, Ethane and Propane 121 - Analysis of Mixtures of Hydrogen with Methane, Ethane Propane and Isobutane 276 Estimation of Hydrocarbons of the Acetylene and Olefine Series in Mixtures of Gaseous Hydro-carbons 158 in Plant Extracts 504 -Dapper M.Estimation of Lactic Acid in Urine 370 Davies S. H. and Bainbridge J. S. Essential Oil of Cocoa 20 Davis - and Sadtler - Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol VII. Review, 59 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIIL. ix Davis W. A. Apparatus for the Continuous Evaporation of Large Volumes of Liquid Estimation of Potassium in Fertilisers Soil Extracts and Plant Ashes 47 - and Daish A. J. Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates especially under Diminished Pressure 591 in Plant Extracts 504 Dederichs W. Separation of Chromium and Manganese 474 Dejeanne A. Gravimetric Estimation of Carbon Dioxide 386 Demorest D. J. Analysis of Alloys of Lead Tin Antimony and Copper 584 - Method of Estimating Carbon Dioxide 437 Determination of Chromium and Vanadium in Steels 81 Determination of Zinc in Ores 298 Electrolytic Estimation of Copper in Ores Containing Arsenic, Antimony or Bismuth 222 Thiocyanate-Permanganate Method for Copper in Ores 223 Demoussy E.and Maquenne L. Determination of Respiratory Quotients 108 Denigds G. Estimation of Traces of Free Bromine 119 Preservation of Wilk Samples for Analysis 325 and Chelle L. New Reagent for Bromine and Chlorine 119 Dennis L. M and O’Brien W. J. Determination of Phosphorus in Commercial Deshayes A. and Bourion F. Quantitative Separation of Chromium and Aluminium : -- Quantitative Separation of Iron and Chromium 387 Devarda A, and Weich A. Morres’s “ Alizarol” Test for Milk 460 Dewey F. P. Gay-Lussac Method of Silver Determination 228 Diakow M.Use of Bomb Calorimeter for Elementary -4nalysis and Heat of Diebel C. Ehrenberg P. and Veckenstedt H. Estimation of Organic Matter in Dieckmann T. and Hilpert S. Separation of Arsenic and Tungsten 117 Diedrichs A. and Sprinkmeyer H. Kapok Seeds and Kapok Oil 467 Dittrich M. Estimation of Small Quantities of Manganese and Chromium in Minerals and Rocks 226 - Estimation of Sulphur in Pyrites and Other Sulphides 480 - Estimation of Water in Silicate Minerals and Rocks 47 Dodge F. D. Essential Oil of Jamaica Ginger 56 - Estimation of Benzaldehyde and Oil of Bitter Almonds 19 -- Oxidation Assay of Essential Oils 69 Dodt J. and Strigel A. Estimation of Potassium as Perchlorate in Potash Fertilisers, Dominicis A. de Gold Bromide Test for Semen 29 Donau J.Quantitative Manipulation of Small Precipitates 302 Doolittle R. E. Report of the Acting Chemist for 1912 U.S. Department of Doring T. Volumetric Estimation of Calcium 518 Dreaper W. P. Notes on Chemical Research Review 180 Duboux - Physico-Chemical Estimation of Sulphates Tartaric Acid Calcium and M. and Dutoit P. Estimation of Tartaric Succinic and Malic Acids in - Respiratory Quotients of Green Plants 152 Acetylene 46 Analysis of Chromite 473 Combustion 533 Clays 374 124 Agriculture 131 Magnesium in Wine 421 Wine 502 Dubrisay R. New Physico-Chemical Volumetric Method 294 Ducelliez F. Method of Analysing Hypochlorites 521 - Titration of Chlorine Bleaches 340 X INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIlI. Dunbar P. B. Determination of Malic and Tartaric Acids in the same Solution, - The Determination of Tartaric Acid 380 Dunstan A.E. and Strevens J. F. Viscosity of Lubricating Oils 36 DuprB F. H. and DuprB P. V. Constant Temperature Apparatus 308 Durier E. Estimation of Glycyrrhizin in Sweets and in Liquorice 367 Duserre C. and Chavan P. Estimation of Phosphorus in Manures and Feeding-Dutoit P. and Duboux M. Estimation of Tartaric Succinic and Malic Acids in Wine, Dyer B. A Simple Test for Differentiating between Cocoa Butter and Green Butter,’, 381 Stuffs 563 502 203 Eastick J. J. Ogilvie J. P. and Lindfield J. H. Estimation of Traces of Iron in Cane Eck J. J. van Use of Sodium Potassium Tartrate in the Estimation of Dissolved Eder R. Microsublimation of Alkaloids under Reduced Pressure 426 Edwards J.D. and Hunter W. H. Improved Apparatus for Determination of Egerton A. C. Heat Test 1. Guncotton ; 2. Nitro-glycerine and Cordite; 3. Theo-Ehrenberg P. Diebel C. and Veckenstedt H, Estimation of Organic Matter in Eibner A. and Muggenthaler H. Hexabromide Number of Fatty Oils and the Einbeck H. Occurrence of Succinic Acid in Meat Extract and Fresh Meat 508 Ekeley J. B. Distribution of the Ante-Mortem Administered Arsenic in the Human Elsden A. V. and Stansfield J. F. Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead 440 Elsdon G. D. Alcoholysis and the Composition of Cocoanut Oil 8 and Hawley H. The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 3 104 and Sutcliffe J. A. L. Nitrates and Nitrites in Milk 450 Enderli M. and Stuckert L. Bomb with Stirring Gear for the Measurement of Reaction ; Velocity in a Heterogeneous System at High Pressures ; New High-Pressure Reducing Valve 590 Enz K.Examination of Chloroform 497 Esclangon E. New Thermo-Regulator 398 Euler H. General Chemistry of the Enzymes Review 84 Evans U. R. and Rideal E. K. An Electro-chemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents, Evers N. The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 The Estimation of Iron in Syr. Ferri Phosph. Co. and Other Pharmaceutical and Beet Sugar Factory and Refinery Products 59 Oxygen in Water 442 Carboxyl Groups in Organic Acid 299 retical 275 Clays 374 Estimation of Rape Oil in Raw Linseed Oils 158 Body 268 353 Preparations 447 Fahrion W. Estimation of Rosin in Blown Gils 469 Feinberg B. G. Quantitative Study of Some Aldehyde Reactions 154 Feld W.Estimation of Polythionate in Presence of Thiosulphate and Free Sulphurous Fellenberg T. von Colour Reaction of Wine 24 Acid 392 Estimation of Higher Alcohols in Wine 23 Estimation of the Bromine Absorption of Wines 266 Investigations on Lead Precipitates from Wines Estimation of - Estimation of Quercitin in Wine 267 Pentoses and Methylpentoses in Grapes and Wines 2 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Xi Ferguson 3. M. and Campion A, Preparing Sections of Fractures of Steel for Micro-Ferre L. and Mathieu L. Estimation of Tartaric Citric Lactic and Malic Acids in Fichter F. and Muller E. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Tin by Means Fiehe J. and Stegmuller P. Composition of Honey 265 Fieldner A. C. Accuracy and Limitations of Coal Analysis 211 Fincke H.Detection and Estimation of Formic Acid 378 -- Method of Distinguishing Jamaica Rum from Artificial Rum 368 Finlay T. M.,and Gumming A. C. Estimation of Zinc as Zinc Ammonium Phosphate Finzi C. and Rtlppuzzi E. Rapid Method of Estimating Lead Peroxide in Minium, Fischer J. and Freundlich H. Influence of Colloids on the Electrolytic Separation Florentin D. Monohydrated Ferrous Sulphate and its Employment in Volumetric Fol J. G. Estimation of the Viscosity of Rubber Solutions 272 Folin O. tmd Bosworth A. W. Application of Folin’s Method for the Determination and Macallum A. B. Junr. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Forbes G. S. and Bartlett E. P. Electrometric Titration of Dichromate Ion with -,W. R. Estimation of Solubilities 84 Formenti C.Copper in Cocoa and Chocolate 145 Fortini V. Calorimetric Detection and Estimation of Magnesium Oxide in Magnesium Francis C. K. and Connell W. B. Colorimetric Method for the Determination of - F. and Geake F. H. New Method for the Determination of the Concentra-Franck H. H. Simple Modification of Skita’s Hydrogenising Apparatus 484 Frank G. and Moeser L. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid 344 Frankforter G. B. and Frary F. C. Method for Estimating Waiter in Alcohol. Frary F. C. and Frankforter G. B. Method for Estimating Water in Alcohol. Equilibria in Systems Containing Alcohols Water and Potassium Fluoride 425 - and Mastin M. G. Estimation of Zinc in Treated Ties (Railway scopic Examination 528 Musts Wines etc. 504 of Potassium Bromate 229 and Zinc Phosphate 443 343 of Lead 76 Analysis 284 of Ammonia to Fertilisers 381 Uric Acid in Urine 154 Ferrous Iron 585 Carbonate Asbestos Mixtures etc.76 - and Ceccherelli A. Testing Parchment Papers 161 Hydrocyanic Acid in Plants with Special Reference to Kaffir Corn 569 tion of Hydroxyl Ions 522 Equilibria in Systems Containing Alcohols Water and Potassium Fluoride 425 Sleepers) 589 Frerichs G. Testing Ether 560 K. and Behre A. Composition of Vermouth Wines 267 Fresenius R. Development of Electro-Analysis 341 - W. Present Position and Importance of Analytical Chemistry 83 and Grunhut L. Detection of Citric Acid in Wines 55 Freundler P. Estimation of Phosphorus in Lecithin 58 Freundlich H. and Fischer J. Influence of Colloids on the Electrolytic Separation Friedrichs F.Absorption Apparatus for Use in Nitrogen Estimations by Dumas’ of Lead 76 Method 234 - Extraction with Liquefied Gases 23 xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Friese W. Apparatus for Recovery of Evaporated Organic Solvents 398 Fritsch C. und Rogee H. Estimation of Chlorine in Blood 461 Frye C. C. McGowan G. and Kershaw G. B. Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal Appendix to Eighth Report March 1313 539 Fry W. H. Mineralogical Analysis of Soils 125 Fuchs A. Fiirth 0. v. and Czyhlarz E. v. Analysis of Human Bile 208 D. and Abderhalden E. Accuracy of the Estimation of I-Tyrosine in Pro-Fuller H. C. The Qualitative Analysis of Medicinal Preparations Review 403 Funk A. and Autenrieth W. Colorimetric Methods for Water Analysis by the Use teins 219 of Autenreith-Koenigsberger’s Colorirneter 179 C.Attempt to Estimate the Vitamine Fraction in Milk 269 Furth 0. v. Czyhlarz E. v. and Fuchs A, Analysis of Human Bile 208 Gadais L. and Gadais J. Goldenberg Method (for Commercial Tartrates) 1898 Gaither E. W. Comparison of Some Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Gardner W. M. and Lloyd L. L. Estimation of Mercury in Textile Materials 63 Garratt F. Colorimetric Method for Determination of Chromium in Steel 285 Gartenmeister R. Cathodic Estimation of Lead and Analysis of Lead Alloys, Gastaldi E. Modification of Halphen’s Test for Cottonseed Oil 68 Gaze R. Estimation of Platinum by Precipitation as Sulphide 173 Geake F. H. and Francis F. New Method for the Determination of the Concentra-Gemmell W.Analysis of Copper-Tin Alloys 388 Gibbs H. D. Interference of Hydrogen Peroxide with the Milk Tests for Formalde-Gildemeister E. and Hoffmann Fr. The Volatile Oils Review 547 Gile P. L. and Ageton C. N. Significance of the Lime-Magnesia Ratio in Soil Gill H. W. The Recovery of Iodine from Residues 409 Gilpin J. E. and Schneeberger P. Fractionation of California Petroleum by Diffusion Glenk K. Konig J. and Hasenbaiimer J. Application of Dialysis and Estimation of Goldberg P. Estimation of Caoutchouc in Rubber Wares Particularly Insulated Golding J. The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 198 Golodetz A. New Apparatus for Quantitative Dialysis 232 Gooch F. A. and Blumenthal P. L. Applicakion of Selenic Acid to the Estimation -- Iodic Acid Method of Estimating Bromine in and Burdick W.L. Electro-Analysis with Light Platinum Electrodes, and Hill D. U. Purification of the Precipitate Obtained in Estimating F. D. Methods in Chemical Analysis Originated or Developed in the Kent and 1907 435 Carbonates in Soils 163 582 - and Pertusi C. Detection of Hgdrocyanic Acid 332 tion of Hydroxyl Ions 522 hyde 21 Analyses 126 through Fuller’s Earth 469 Oxidising Power as Aids in Judging Soils 369 Wires 111 The Composition of Milk 254 of Bromide in Presence of Chloride 227 -Halogon Salts 166 43 Barium as Sulphate 339 Chemical Laboratory of Yale University Review 48 . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Xlll Gowing-Scopes L. Examination of the Oils from Maizihot Ceara and Funtumia Elastica and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 262 -- The Estimation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Certain Other Graaff W.C. de and Schaap A. Estimation of Proteins in Milk by Aldehyde Titra-Grassi L. and Bellucci J. Use of “ Cupferron ” in the Separation of Titanium from Graves S. S. and Kober P. A. Quantitative Ammonia Distillation by Aeration TII., Greaves J E. Factors Influencing the Estimation of Arsenic in Soils 221 Greef A. Volumetric Estimation of Fluorine 521 Grewing B. Detection of Potassium Bichromate in Milk 563 Griebal C. Reaction of Peru Balsam 68 Griebel G. Yoghurt and Yoghurt Preparations 31 Grignard V. Mechanical Agitator 590 Grimaldi C. Influence of Antiseptic Agents on the Reichert-Meissl Value of Fats 68 - and Prussia L.Maumenb Figure of Oil of Turpentine 338 Grimbert L. Estimation of Reducing Sugars by Lehmann’s Method 219 - and Laudat M. Estimation of Lipoids in Blood-Serum 28 Grimme C. Apparatus for Use in the Estimation of Starch by Ewers’ Process 445 Colour Reactions of Hardened Whale Oil 433 Hardened Marine Animal Oils 373 Oil of Manketti Nuts 105 Grob W. and Bosshard E. Analysis of Hydrosulphites 284 New Process for Titration of Sulphurous Acid ana Sulphites Grosser P. Effect of Boiling on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Human Milk, Grosefeld J. and Konig J. Fish Roe as Human Food 508 Grunberg P. Blacher C. and Kissa M. Use of Potassium Palmitate in Water Griinhut L. and Fresenius W. Detection of Citric Acid in Wines 55 Griinwald B.Examination of Portland Cement 437 Griitzner R. and Blum F. Estimation of Iodine in Organic Substances 427 Gruzewska Z. and Bierry H. Estimation of Glycogen in Liver 63 Guareschi I. Characteristic Reaction of Bromine 518 Acids 12 tion 266 Aluminium 390 580 and Stewart R. Influence of Chlorine on Determination of Nitrates by Phenol Disulphonic Acid Method 339 -in Presence of Thiosulphates 297 Cow’s Milk and Butter-milk 205 Analysis 127 Characteristic Reaction of Free Bromine 118 - R. Detection of Saccharin in Vermouth 22 Gude K. and Pinoff E. Estimation of Pentoses in Presence of Other Sugars by GuBrin G. Estimation of Morphine in Opium and Opium Preparations 150 Guggiari P. S. and Litterscheid F. M. Estimation of Active Oxygen in Perborates Guillanden A.Pritz W. B. and Withrow J. R. Detection of Traces of Copper 167 Guiterman K. S. and Treadwell W. D. Separation of Cadmium from Zinc 383 Means of the Spectroscope 333 and in Washing Powders Containing Perborates 441 Haas F. Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Manganese in Water 225 Halberkahn J. Detection and Differentiation of Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Hall S. G. and Harvey A. J. Estimation of Glyceryl Acetate in Essential Oils 148 Saponins by Haemolysis 15 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Halie W. Loewentstein E. and Pribram E. Colour Reactions of Triketohydrindene Haherson J. O. Modified Babcock Test for Fat in Sweetened Ice Cream 323 Hammer B. W. and Johnson A. R. New Designs for Specific Heat Apparatus 484 Hammerschmidt - Acid-Butyrometric Method for the Estimation of Fat in Cheese Hanu; J.Estimation of Copper by Means of Sodium Hypophosphite 519 Harding E. Y. and Johnson E. Apparatus and Method for Determining Hydrogen and Nye L. L. Rapid Control Method for the Determination of and Parkin G. Rapid and Accurate Gravimetric Method for Deter-mining Milk-Fat in Evaporated Milk and Milk Powders 147 Rapid and Accurate Method for Determining Fat in Ice Creams Cereals rand Chocolates 558 Hardisty R. H. M. and Ruttan R. I?. New Reagent for the Detection of Traces of Blood 422 Harrison E. F. and Self P. A. W. Analytical Constants of Extract of Male Fern 429 Hart E. B. and Woo K. J. Simple Method for the Determination of Carbon in Organic Materials 465 Hartwagner F. Interaction between Formaldehyde and Bismuth or Copper Com-pounds in the Presence of Alkali 66 Harvey A.J. and Hell S. G. Estimation of Glyceryl Acetate in Essential Oils 148 E. N. Indicator Method for the Estimation of the Permeability of Cells by Alkalis 327 Haschek E. and Honigschmid O. Purity of the International Radium Standard, 173 Hesenbaumer J. Konig J. and Glenk K. Application of Dialysis and Estimation of Oxidising Power as Aids in Judging Soils 369 Hatschek E. An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids Beview 352 Hahta Z. I. Bang’s Method of Sugar Estimation 435 Heusmann J. Detection of Urobilin 463 Hawley H. and Elsdon G. D. The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 3 104 L. F. Wood Turpentines-their Analysis Refining and Composition 39 Haydin S.von Estimation of Water in Vegetables by Hoffmann’s Apparatus 17‘7 Heap H. Action of Various Waters on Lead 530 Heermann P. Estimation of Small Quantities of Wool in Cotton Goods 510 Hehner O. Constant Temperature Apparatus 311 Heide C. von der Estimation of Sulphate in Wines 369 Heim F. and Marquis R. Estimation of Caoutchouc in Crude Rubber 71 Heintz W. and Limprich R. Detection and Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Fruit Heinz R. Physiological Standardisation of Digitalis Preparations 462 Heinzelmann G. Valuation of Fuse1 Oil 66 Hempel W. Opening up Bilicates 125 Henderson J. B. and Meston L. A. Freezing Point of Milk 368 Henri V. and Bielecki J. Quantitative Study of the Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays by the Fatty Acids and their Isomeric Esters 113 Henrich J.Theorien der Organischen Chemie. Zugleich Zweite Auflage der Neueren Theoretisohen Anschauungen auf dem Gebiete der Organischen Chemie Review 601 Hydrate (Ninhydrin) 579 and Milk Products 145 Sulphide in Illuminating Gas 396 593 Oil in Grains 57 . Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and Pwrztumia Elastica, and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hewea Oils 263 and Kartschmar M Estimation of Chlorides in Wine 502 Juices 42 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIIT. xv Hepp K. Mesger O. and Jesser H. Composition of Milk from Cows Suffering from Herles F. Estimation of Uric Acid in Urine 65 Hesse E. Bacteriological Methods of Water Analysis with Special Reference to the Hetper J. Estimation of Methyl Alcohol in Spirits 56 Estimation of Small Quantities of Methyl and Ethyl Alcohols in Aqueous Hevesy G.v. and Paneth F. Solubility of Lead Sulphide and Lead Chromate 476 Heyl G. and Kneip P. Microscopical Detection of Embelic Acid 559 Hicks E. F. Shellac Analysis and the Detection of Small Amounts of Colophony in Higgins W. F. Methods and Apparatus Used in Petroleum Testing. Part 11. : Hill C. A, Extract of Male Fern 428 - D. U. and Gooch F. A. Purification of the Precipitate Obtained in Estimating Hilpert S. Estimation of Carbon by Combustion with Moist Oxygen 271 and Dieckmann J. Separation of Arsenic and Tungsten 117 Hinard G. Alteration of Milk Treated with Potassium Dichromate 325 Hinks E. The Detection and Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Milk and Cream 555 Hinman, J. J. Junr. Estimation of Total Formaldehyde in Fumigators and Commer-Hinrichsen F.W. New German Regulations for the Offioial Examination of Hirschberg E. Estimation of Small Amounts of Glucose in Urine 463 Hodgson T. R. Note on Coffee and Chicory 454 Hoepfner W. and Burmeister H. Examination of Tung Oil 116 Hoffmann Fr. and Gildemeister E. The Volatile Oils Review 547 Foot and Mouth Disease 328 Use of the Berkefeld Filter. 574 Solutions 573 Shellac 38 Viscosimetry 397 Barium as Sulphate 339 cial Solutions 497 Inks 213 Report on the Present State of Rubber Analysis 336 K. A. Osmium Tetroxide as an Oxygen-Carrier and the Rendering Active Hofsiiss M. Apparatus for Determining the Density and Internal Friction of Holloway G. T. Notes on Valuation of Ores and Minerals and on Metallurgical Holmes A.and Adams M. Pine-Nut Oil 275 F. B. and Comey A. M. Methods for the Determination of the Effective Homer A. Colour Reactions oE Certain Indole Derivatives and their Signifioance Honigschmid O. and Haschek E. Purity of the International Radium Standard 173 Hooker A. H. Chloride of Lime in Sanitation Heview 405 Eouston A. C. Metropolitan Water Board Seventh Annual Report March 31,1913, - Search for Pathogenic Microbes in ‘( Raw ” River Water and in Crude of Chlorate Solutions 78 Gases 591 Calculations 171 Strength of High Explosives 378 with Regard to the Glyoxylic Reaction 276 487 Sewage 370 Eugel E. and Normann W. Analysis of Hardened Oils 432 Hulbert E. C. Improved Apparatus for Testing the Jelly-Strength of Glues 281 Hunter W.H. and Edwards J. D. Improved Apparatus for Determination of Huntly G. N. and Coste J. H. Determination of Moisture 174 Huybrechts M. and Joaseart N. Estimation of Manganese in Castings and Steels Carboxyl Groups in Organic Acids 299 by the Method of G. von Knorre 28 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvrrr. Hyde A. L. Quantitative Separation of Nitrosubstitution Compounds from Nitro-glycerine 513 Unusual Case of Specific Gravity 50 Ihbotson F. a d Aitchison L. Determination of Copper in White Metal Alloys 222 Imbert H. and Juillet A. Black Mustard Powder 500 Inouye K. Detection of Histidine 114 Ishihara H. Estimation of Lactic Acid in Urine 328 Iwanow W. N. Detection of Nitrate in Presence of Nitrite 170 W. Estimation of Free Acid and Base in Aluminium Sulphate 283 W.N. Qualitative Detection of Nitric Acid i n Sulphuric Anhydride 78 Jacob W. and Miiller E. Action of Persulphate on Iodate and Estimation of Jacobs W. A. and Allen J. C. Estimation of Water in Petroleum and its Products 165 Jahnson-Blohm G. Influence of Ammoniuni Sulphate on the Polarirnetric Estima-Jakob W. Precipitation of Aluminium Hydroxide and Separation of Aluminium and Jalade - Estimation of Free Sulphur in Leather 467 Jhmbor J. Differentiation of Natural and Artificial Barium Sulphate 517 James C. and Smith T. O. Some Quantitative Separations of Neodymium 343 Jannasch P. and Leiste R. Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of Phosphoric Acid from the Metals of the Copper Group and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals 525 Jarvinen K.K. Estimation of Sugar (Dextrose) in Urine 65 Jensen H. R. Analysis of Peru Balsam 150 Jesser H. Mesger O. and Hepp K. Composition of Milk from Cows Suffering with Joassart N. and Huybrechts M. Estimation of Manganese in Castings and Steels John W. E. von Analysis of Aluminium Alloys 220 - Estimation of Total Carbon in Steel and Ferro-Alloys by Com-Johnson A. R. and Hammer B. W. New Designs for Specific Heat Apparatus 484 - C. M. Determination of Phosphorus in Ferrotungsten Metallic Tungsten E. and Harding E. P. Apparatus and Method for Determining Hydrogen Periodate in Presence of Persulphate 479 tion of Lactose 217 Chromium 517 Foot and Mouth Disease 328 by the Method of G. von Knorre 286 bustion in Oxygen under Pressure 285 Powder Tungsten Oxide and Tungstic Acid by Direct Solution 290 Sulphide in Illuminating Gas 396 593 Johnston J.and Adrtms L. H. Improved Pyknometer for Density of Solids 130 Jolles A. Detection of Pentoses in Diabetic Urine 64 Joly J. Apophorometer 302 Jona T. Peroxydase Reaction of Milk. Joseph A. F. and Rae W. N. Notes on Alcoholometry 508 Juillet A. and Imbert H. Black Mustard Powder 500 New Indican Reaction 508 578 (Infltience of Preservatives etc.) 325 Kafkct E. Quantitative Precipitation of Tungstic Acid by Means of Aromatic Amines, Kalusky L. Simple Extraction Apparatus 49 Karas J. Estimation of Saccharin in Foods 326 Kardos M. and Schiller W. Improved Apparatus for Extracting Finely divided Kartschmar M. and Von der Heide C. Estimation of Chlorides in Wine 502 529 Solids with Volatile Solvents 44 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xvii Kaschinsky P. Hydrolytic Action a Source of Error in the Estimation of Iodine Kast H. Estimation of Brisance and of Velocity of Detonation 464 Kay S. A. and Walker J. Acidity and Alkalinity of Natural Waters 40 Kedesdy E. Detection of Molybdenum 523 Kempf R. Apparatus for Extracting Liquids Decomposed by Heat 444 Kershaw G. B. McGowan G. and Frye C. C. Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal Appendix to Eighth Report March 1913 539 Kettle J. D. and Cocking W. D. Estimation of Hypophosphites 438 Kickton A. and Murdfield R. Composition of Port Wine 368 Kingzett C. T. and Woodcock R. C. The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Kirchhof F. Experiments on the Direct Estimation of Caoutchouc by Titration with Kiss& M.Blacher C. and Griinberg P. Use of Potassium Palmitate in Water Klassert M, hudies on Caoutchouc Resins 465 Klemenc A. Volumetric Method for Methoxyl and Ethoxyl Estimations 430 Klinger G. Gasometric Estimation of Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Depending on the and Baudisch O. New Gasometric Method for the Estimation of Nitric and Bromine in Mineral Waters etc. 532 Practical Criticism 190 Bromine 272 Analysis 127 Formation of Nitrous Anhydride 391 Oxide I, 45 Knapp A. W. Note on ( ( Hardened ” Oils 102 Kneip P. and Heyl G. Microscopic Detection of Embelic Acid 559 Kober P. A, Nephelometric Determination of Proteins ; Casein Globulin and and Graves S. S. Quantitative Ammonia Distillation by Aeration, a,nd Sugiura K. Micro-Chemical Method for the Estimation of a- and @Amino Acids and Certain Derivatives in Proteolysed Substances Blood and Urine 567 Albumin in Milk 571 III.580 Koch B. Analysis of Brass 436 Koehler - and Marqueyrol - Estimation of Nitric Oxide 171 Koelsch H. Rapid Estimation of Copper in Burnt Pyrites 389 Kohn-Abrest E. Action of “ Activated ” Aluminium on Blkaloid Extracts and its Use of Amalgamated Aluminium in the Estimation of Tannin, Rochas - and Rivera-Meltes - Action of ‘( Activated ” Alumin-Employment in Toxicology. 61 516 ium on Alkaloid Extracts and its Use in Toxicology 268 Kornarowsky A. Sensitive Reaction of Molybdenum 478 Konek-Norwall F. v. Calorimetric Ash Estimations 582 Konig F. and Matthes H. Estimation of Crude Fibre and Cellulose 415 - J. Non-Nitrogenous Extractive Matters in Fodder and Foodstuffs 560 H.Estimation of Cobalt and Uranium in Steel 527 J. and Grosefeld Fish Roe as Human Food 508 Hasenbaiimer J. and Glenk K. Application of Dialysis and Estimation of Oxidising Power as Aids in Judging Soils 369 Kooper W. L. Estimation of Fat in Cheese by the Acid-Butyrometric Method without the Use of Amy1 Alcohol 146 Kopaczewski W. Dialysing Apparatus 394 Korosy K. V. Micro-Colorimeter for Measuring Heat Evolved by Bacteria 421 Korreng E. Preparation of Sections of Crystalline Substances 483 Korsakoff M. Methods for the Estimation of Saponin 22 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Kreis H. and Roth E. Fractional Precipitation of Fatty Acid Mixtures (Detection of Rape Oil) 114 Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils and the Detection of Arachidic Kremann R.The Application of Physico-Chemical Theory Review 599 Kretschmer E. Estimation of Lactose in Milk by Precipitation with Ammonium Kries H. Detection of Rape Oil in Olive Oil 434 Krogh M. Estimation of Urea in Urine by Sodium Hypobromite 269 Kropat K. Estimation of Iron in Extracturn Ferri .Pomati 149 Kriiger A, Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Meats 414 Kruysse P. J. Quinine Assay 59 Kuhl H. Disinfectant Value of Mercuric Hydroxycyanide 461 Kullgren C. Estimation of Sulphurous Acid in Air 127 Kurtenacker A. Volumetric Estimation of Chromium in Presence of Iron 387 Kurzmann I. Multiviscosimeter 178 Acid 160 Sulphate 418 Titration of Uric Acid in Urine after Silver Precipitation 329 LabbB H. and Maguiss R. Studies of the Conditions of the Precipitation of Lamb M.C, The Analysis of Various East-Indian Tanned Hides 363 Lambris G. Estimation of Water in Volatile Products of Destructive Distillation 348 Lander G. D. and Winter H. W. Antipyrin in Toxicological Analysis 97 Langheld K. and Zeileis A. Analysis of Mixtures of the Lower Fatty Acids 273 Lantenois M. Estimation of Carbon Tetriodide in the Presence of Iodoform 373 Larsen C. and White W. Dairy Technology Review 544 Larsson K. O. Estimation of Chlorides in Urine and Blood 270 Laudat M. and Grimbert L. Estimation of Lipoids in Blood-Serum 28 Leach A. E. Food Inspection and Analysis Review 490 Leather J. W. Determination of the Permeability of Soils to Water 49 Lebeau P. and Damiens A. Analysis of Mixtures of Hydrogen with Methane, Analysis of Mixtures of Hydrogen with Methane, Estimation of Hydrocarbons of the Acetylene and Reduction of Ferric Salts and their Titration with Potassium Per-Leduc E.and Chenu G. Materiaux de Gros-Ouvre Review 181 Lee J. E. and Mathers - Determination of Hydrogen Nitrogen and Methane in - R. E. Uhlinger R. H. and Amon F. O. Qualitative Analysis of the Zinc Leech P. N. Colour Reaction of Hypochlorites with Methylaniline and Ethyl-Lehmann F. Direct Iron Estimation in Ferri et Quinincz Citrus and Extracturn Leiste R. and Jannasch P. Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of Phosphoric Acid from the Metals of the Copper Group and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals 525 Lemeland P. Method for the Direct Polarimetric Determination of Sucrose in.Presence of Certain Reducing Sugars 71 Albumin by Picric Acid 329 Ethane and Propane 121 Ethane Propane and Isobutane 276 Leclere A. Detection of Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Nitric Acid 585 Olefine Series in Mixture8 of Gaseous Hydrocarbons 158 manganate 390 Gas by Combustion in a Quartz Tube 341 Group 349 aniline 476 Ferri Pomatum 562 Estimation of Arsenic in Blood and Urine 10 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. x 1x Lenher V. Volumetric Determination of Gold 390 Lenz W. Microchemical Reagents 83 Lesser E. J. Sources of Error in the Estimation of Sugar in the Blood of Frog and Lessing R. An Electrochemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents 362 Leuze W. and Pfister R. Table of Calculated Dry Substance of Milk by the Levallois F. and de Vilmorin P.L. Eydrolysis of Laevulosans and its Application Levy L A, Apparatus for the Examination of Mine Air 128 Lewin L. Colour Reaction of Proteins 380 Lewis R. H. and Reeve C. S. Application of the Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining Small Amounts of Petroleum or Asphalt Products in Tars 277 Lifschiitz I. Study of the Oxydation Products of Cholesterol 209 Lifschutz J. Estimation of Cholesterol Bodies in Presence of Each Other 466 Limprich R. and Bomer A. Nomenclature of Mixed Glycerides and the Synthetic Preparation of a-Distearin andp-Palmitodistearin 214 Polenske ‘‘ Difference Value ” for the Detection of and Heintz W. Detection and Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Fruit Linder E. Valuation of Hydrated Oxide of Iron by Means of the ‘‘ Sulphuretted Lindet L.Solubility of Milk Proteins in the Constituents of the Serum 570 Lindfield J. H. Eastick J. J. and Ogilvie J. P. Estimation of Traces of Iron in Lipman C. B. and Pressey H. F. Contribution to Methods of Determining Nitrogen Litterscheid F. M. Detection of [Commercial] Invert Sugar by Means of and Guggiari P. S. Estimation of Active Oxygen in Per-Lloyd L. L. and Gardner W. M. Estimation of Mercury in Textile Materials 63 Loewentstein E. Halle W, and Pribram E. Colour Reactions of Triketohydrindene, Lomholt S. and Christiansen J. A. Estimation of Small Quantities of Mercury in Lomschakow A. Gas Analysis Apparatus 594 Lowenstein A. and Beolio L. Experiments on the ‘‘ Cold Test ” of Oil 34 Lucas H. J. Estimation of Nitrobenzene in Earthnut Oil 457 Liiers H.Detection of Earthnut (Arachis) Oil in Olive Oil by the Franz-Adler Tortoise 463 Fieischmann Formula 324 for Analytical Purposes 429 Certain Animal Fats and its Theoretical Basis 204 Juices 420 Hydrogen Burette,” 522 Cane and Beet Sugar Factory and Refinery Products 59 in Humus 163 P-Naphthol 217 borates and in Washing Powders Containing Perborates 441 Hydrate (Ninhydrin) 579 Organic Substalaces 515 Method 58 Macallurn A. B. Junr. and Folin O. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Macara T. Combined Estimation of Boric Acid and Fat in Cream 142 MacDougall F. H. Estimation of Potassium by Cobaltinitrite Method 81 Macfadden A. W. J. Report on the Work of Inspectors of Foods for the Year 1911-Mtlckey W. McD. Rapid Method of Testing Suction Gas Fuels for Liability to clog Macleod J.and Cumming A. C. Estimation of Mercury as Metal by the Dry Miider H. and Rupp E. Estimation of Hydroxylamine 437 Uric Acid in Urine 154 1912,131 Gas Engine Valves 332 Method 22 xx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Maguiss R. and Labbe H. Studies of the Conditions of the Precipitation of Albu-Mai C. and Rheinberger E. Estimation of Water in Cheese 146 Malacarne M. Colour Reactions of Oils with Certain Phenols in the Presence of Malatesta G. and Nola E. D. Detection of Gold and Platinum 476 Malenfant R. Estimation of Casein and Lactose in Milk 21 Malvezin P. Accurate Estimation of the Dry Extract of Wines and Fermented . New Reaction for the Detection of Aniline Dyestuffs (Magenta) in min by Picric Acid 3'29 Nitric Acid 433 Liquors 566 Foods and Especially in Wines 322 Mannhardt H.Oxygen Absorption Test for Linseed Oil 159 Maquenne L. and Demoussy E. Determination of Respiratory Quotients 108 Marcus E. and Biltz W. Titration of Phosphoric and Boric Acids 124 Marcusson J. Estimation of Soaps in Lubricating Greases 162 . Respiratory Quotients of Green Plants 152 Quantitative Estimation of Natural in Presence of Artificial Asphal- and Schilling H. Differentiation of Animal and Vegetable Fats 458 and Schwarz F. Examination of Steam Turbine Oils 468 and von Skopnik A, Distilled Wool Fat 106 tum 156 Marino L. and Pellegrini A, Volumetric Estimation of Hypophosphorous Acid and Marqueyrol - and Koehler - Estimation of Nitric Oxide 171 Marquis R. and Heim F. Estimation of Caoutchouc in Crude Rubber 511 Marrs L.E. and Metzger F. J. Volumetric Determination of Manganese in Rocks, Marsh H. L. and Welker W. H. Aluminium Hydroxide as a Protein Precipitating Marshall J. and Welker W. H. Precipitation of Enzymes from their Solutions by Martin C. J. and Chick H. Density and Solution Volume of Some Proteins 279 G. and Others Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry Organic Review, Martindale W. H. Digitalis Assay Review 237 Martini C. Detection of Saffron in Confectionery 206 Massy R. Detection of Petroleum Products in Oil of Turpentine by Means of the Masters H. and Smith H. L. Behaviour of Calcium and Magnesium Salts with Nastin M. G. and Frary F. C. Estimation of Zinc in Treated Ties (Railway Mathers - and Lee J. E. Determination of Hydrogen Nitrogen and Methane in Mathieu L.and Ferre L. Estimation of Tartaric Citric Lactic and Malic Acids in Matthes H. and Konig F. Estimation of Crude Fibre and Cellulose 415 Matthewson W. E. Identification of Small Amounts of Dyestuffs by Oxidation with - Quantitative Separation and Determination of Subsidiary Dyes Quantitative Separation of Mixtures of Certain Acid Coal-Tar Hypophosphites 342 Slags Ores end Spiegels 170 Reagent in the Estimation of Lactose in Milk 418 Means of Moist Aluminium Hydroxide 423 399 the Maumene Test 70 Soap Solutions and the Determination of Hardness of Water 436 Sleepers) 589 Gas by Combustion in a Quartz Tube 341 Musts Wines etc. 504 - and Streicher L. Waxes and Resins of Kapok and Akon Fibres 580 Bromine 376 in the Permitted Food Colours 375 Dyes 11 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xxi Maurantonio L. and Settim L. Detection of Vegetable Oils in Margarine 21 Mayer O. Detection of Albumin in Urine 573 McBrjde R. S. and Weaver E. R. Estimation of Sulphate in Ammonium Sulphate Solution with Special Reference to the Testing of Illuminating Gas 382 McCabe C. R. Colorimetric Method for Titanium in Iron and Steel 588 - Estimation of Vanadium in Steel by the Hydrogen Peroxide Colour Method 589 McCandlish D. and Wilson J. A. Estimation of Alkali Sulphidee 393 McClintic T. B. Method of Standardising Disinfectants with and without Organic Matter 422 McGowan G. Frye C. C. and Kershaw G. B. Royal Commission on Sewage Dis-posal Appendix to Eighth Report March 1913 539 McMillen R. H. Application of Electric Resistance Furnace to Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel 168 Mecklenburg W.Separation of Phosphoric Acid by Means of Stannic Acid in Qualitative Analysis 292 Medinger P. Automatic Pipette 534 Meeker G. H. Prevention of Emulsification in Extractions by Immiscible Solvents, 48 Meimberg - and Winzer P. Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Means of Potassium Chloride in Hydrofluoric Acid Solution 226 Meissner W. Comparison of Redwood’s and Engler’s Viscosirneters 398 Meldrum R. Solidifying and Melting-Points of Mixtures of Stearic and Oleic Acids, 579 Melikow P. Sensitive Reaction for Molybdic Acid 43 Merriam E. S. and Birchby J. A. Methods for the Estimation of Natural Gas for the Production of Gasoline 577 Meager O. Jesser H.and Repp K. Composition of Milk from Cows Suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease 328 Meston L. A. and Henderson J. B. Freezing-Point of Milk 368 Metzger F. J. and Marrs L. E. Volumetric Determination of Manganese in Rocks, Slags Ores and Spiegels 170 Meurice R. Action of an Excess of a Soluble Ferrocyanide on Solutions of Zinc, Copper and Nickel and a Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Nickel, 524 Meyer H. and Beer R. Composition of Arachis Oil 514 and Soyka W. Candelilla Wax 614 Meyerfeld J. Estimation of Methyl and Ethyl Alcohols in the Presence of each Michel F. Direct Estimation of Water in Foods etc. by Distillation 207 Michiels L. Radiation of Uranium Solutions and Estimation of Uranium by Radio-Activity of Solutions of Uranium Salts Method for the Mitchell L.C. and Tolman L. M. Composition of Different Varieties of Red Pepper, Miyake K. Method for the Estimation of Galactan 158 Moeser L. and Frank G. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid 344 Moewes C. Estimation of Skatol and Indol Together in Faeces 30 Moles E. Ethylene Dibromide as Cryoscopic Solvent 32 Moser L. and Seeling F. Estimation of Available Oxygen fn Per-Salts by Means of Mosher M. and Curtmann L. J. Detection of Tin 297 P. Residual Reduction of Blood 327 other 330 Measurement of Radio-Activity 345 Estimation of Uranium 231 418 Titanium Trichloride 7 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Mosscrop T. D. and Auld S. J. M. Measurement of Tryptic Protein Hydrolysis by Mossler G. Detection of Aloes in Extracts of Drugs Containing Oxymethylanthra-Muggenthaler H.and Eibner A. Hexabromide Number of Fatty Oils and the Muller E. Iodimetric Estimation of Persulphuric Acid 293 and Fichter F. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Tin by Means of and Jacob W. Action of Persulphate on Iodate and Estimation of E. R. E. Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in the Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel without Separation of Silicon 77 P. T. New Rapid Method for the Bacteriological Examination of Water and Determination of the Tyrosine liberated 153 quinones 321 Estimation of Rape Oil in Raw Linseed Oils 158 Potassium Bromate 229 Periodate in Presence of Persulphate 479 its Application for the Testing of Springs and Filter-Beds 30 Mumford E. M. Estimation of Phenol in Presence of Organic Matter 336 Murdfield R.and Kickton A, Composition of Port Wine 368 Murray B. L. Determination of Small Amounts of Caffeine A Comparison of Methods 456 Nash L. M. The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 Natus B. Direct Estimation of Elementary Nitrogen by Means of Commercial Nesbitt C. T. Apparatus for Estimating Dust in Gas 48 Neumsnn O. Hop Analysis 562 Nicloux M. Apparatus for Extracting Carbon Monoxide from Blood 592 Calcium Carbide 287 Estimation and Detection of Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in Blood Simultaneous Estimation of Methyl Alcohol and Formaldehyde 576 and Animal Tissues 62 Nicolardot P. Analysis of Paints and Especially Lithopones 334 Nissenson H. Rapid Methods for Estimation of Antimony 339 Nockmann E.Analysis of Pastry Containing Eggs 417 Nola E. D. and Malatesta G. Detection of Gold and Platinum 476 Noll A. Microscopical Detection of Protoplasmalipoids especially in Muscular Nolly H. de Rapid Determination of Total Carbon in Steel Cast Iron and Iron Normann W. and Hugel E. Analysis of Hardened Oils 432 Noyes W. A. and Others Preliminary Report of the Committee on Coal Analysis of the American Society for Testing Materials and the American Chemical Society 374 Nye L. L. and Harding E. P. Rapid Control Method for the Determination of Oil in Grains 57 Nyman M. Researches on the Gelatinising Temperatures of Starch Granules 74 Tissue 423 Alloys 442 Obermayer E. Estimation of Coumarin in Melilotus 145 O’Brien W. J. and Dennis L. M. Determination of Phosphorus in Commercial Ofner R.Estimation of Higher Alcohols in Spirits 564 Ogilvie J. R. Determination of Sucrose in Cane Molasses by the Double Polarisation Method Using Invertase and Acid as Hydrolysts 281 Use of Sulphurous Acid in making the Acid Reading in the Double Polarisation Method of Determining Sucrose 282 Eastick J. J. and Lindfield J. H. Estimation of Traces of Iron in Acetylene 46 Cane and Beet Sugar Factory and Refinery Products 5 lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. xxiii Oholm L. W. New Method for Determining the Diffusion of Dissolved Sub-Okuda Y. Estimation of Creatine Creatinine and Mono-Amino Acids in certain Oosthuizen J. du P. and Shedd 0. M. Enzymes of the Tobacco Plant 506 Owen F. and Bradbury W. A. Estimation of the Carbonates and Hydroxides of stances 350 Fishes Mollusca and Crustacea 26 Potassium and Sodium when Together in Solution 166 Page H.J. and Plimmer R. H. A. Investigation of Phytin 279 Palitzsch S. and Sorensen S. P. L. “Salt Error’’ in Colorimetric Estimation of Paneth F. and von Hevesy G. Solubility of Lead Sulphide and Lead Chromate, Parker A. and Campbell C. Preparation and Analysis of Methane 430 Parkes A. E. A Simple Test for Differentiating between Cocoa Butter and ‘‘ Green Parkin G. and Harding E. P. Ilapid and Accurate Gravimetric Method for Deter-mining Milk-Fat in Evaporated Milk and Milk Powders 147 Rapid and Accurate Method for Determining Fat in Ice Creams Cereals and Chocolate 558 Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Sea-Water 394 476 C. E. hew Separating Funnel 234 E.G. Studies on Cellulose 331 Butter,” 203 Estimation of Chlorine in Rag Flock 582 Partii J. Estimation of B. coli communis in Water 574 Partridge W. The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 197 Paterson W. H. Chemical Examination of Liquid Fuels 212 Patusi C. and Camilla S. Detection and Estimation of Xanthin Bases in Cocoa, Pelligrini A. and Marino L. Volumetric Estimation of Hypophospborous Acid and Pelly R. G. Examination of the Oils from Maniht Ceara and Funtumia Elastica, Pence C. M. Permanganate [Alkaline] in the Estimation of Some Organic Com-Pertusi C. and Camilla S. Analysis of Ferro-Silicon 76 Detection and Estimation of Xanthine Bases in Cocoa, The Composition of Milk 255 Tea and Coffee and their Preparations 26 Hypophosphites 342 and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hewea Oils 259 pounds 215 Tea Coffee and their Preparations 60 and Gastaldi E.Detection of Hydrocyanic Acid 332 Peterson G. O. and Bailey E. H. S. Hickory Nuts and Hickory Nut Oil 498 Pfister R. and Leuze W. Table of Calculated Dry Substance of Milk by the Pfutzer G. and Riesenfeld E. H. Spectroscopic Detection of Magnesium Calcium, Pieraerts J. Estimation of Starch in Commercial Products 472 Piest C. Estimation of the ‘‘ Degree of Bleaching ” [Chemical Condition] of Pilkington B. and Tartar H. V. Comparative Study of the Composition of Hops Grown in Different Parts of the World 366 Effect of Kiln-Drying at 140° F. on the Composi-Pinoff E. and Gude K. Estimation of Pentoses in Presence of Other Sugars by Fleischmann Formula 324 Strontium and Barium 584 Cotton 73 tion of the Hop 20 Means of the Spectroscope 33 xxiv lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Platt C. B. (and with) Clark A. H. and Wheeler R. V. Volatile Constituents of Plimmer R. H. A. Hydrolysis of Organic Phosphorous Compounds by Dilute Acid and Page H. J. Investigation of Phytin 279 Poetschke P. Determination of Sodium Borate in Soap 461 Pope G. S. Sampling Coal Deliveries 330 Popp M. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid Soluble in Citric Acid in Thomas Slag 526 Porritt B. D. The Chemistry of Rubber Review 546 Porst C. E. G. and Crown H. A. Polarimetric Method for Determination of Starch Power I?. B. Tutin F. and Rogerson H. Constituents of Hops 459 Pozzi-Escot M. E. Contribution to the Study of the Colour Reactions of Chlorates, Pratt D.S. Roselle 60 Preisinger J. and Artmann P. Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel 291 Pressey H. F. and Lipman C. B. Contribution to Methods of Determining Prianischnikow D. Estimation of Absorbed Bases in Soils 424 Pribram E. Halle W. and Loewentstein E. Colour Reactions of Triketohydrindene Pritz W. B. Guillanden A. and Withrow J. R. Detection of Traces of Copper 167 Prussia L. and Grimaldi C. Maumenk Figure of Oil of Turpentine 338 Coal. Part III. 511 and Dilute Alkali 278 in Paper 380 339 Estimation of Manganese in the Presence of Iron 225 Nitrogen in Humus 163 Hydrate (Ninhydrin) 579 Rachel F. Detection of Formaldehyde in Foods 497 Rae W. N, and Joseph A. F. Notes on Alcoholometry 508 Raikow P.N. New Method for the Identification of Methyl Alcohol 379 Rrto V. and Tollens B. Estimation of Cellulose by Means of Nitric Acid 509 Rappuzzi E. and Finzi C. Rapid Method of Estimating Lead Peroxide in Rasmussen H. T. B. Behaviour of Certain Sugars with Diphenylimine and Hydro-Rather J. B. Phytic Acid in Cottonseed Meal and Wheat Bran 419 Rau O. Estimation of Water Formed on Burning Substances Containing Nitrogen Rawlins H. B. J. The Direct Volumetric Determination of Tin 82 Redman L. V. Weith A. J. and Brock F. P. Drying Rates of Raw Paint Oils 468 Effect of Temperature Acid Con-centration and Time in the Bromination of Phenol for Quantitative Determina-tions 335 Reeve C. S. and Lewis R. H. Application of the Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining Small Amounts of Petroleum or Asphalt Products in Tars 277 Reichard C.Reactions of Digitalis Glucosides Digitonin 265 Revis C. The Composition of Milk 255 Minium 343 chloric Acid 435 and Sulphur iu a Calorimetric Bomb 347 Reactions of Digiboxine 457 The Detection and Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Milk and Cream 557 and Bolton E. R. A Simple Test for Differentiating between Cocoa Butter and Burnett H. R. The Proportionate Determination of Cocoanut and Rheinberger E. and Mai C. Estimation of Water in Cheese 146 Richardson C. Characteristics and Differentiation of Native Bitumens and their and ‘‘ Green Butter,” 201 Palm-Kernel Oil in Mixtures 255 Residuals 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. xxv Richardson F. W. Combined Estimation of Boric Acid and Fat in Cream 141 - The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 197 and Walton W.K. A Quick and Accurate Method for the Estimation of Boric Acid in Milk and Cream 140 Richmond H. D. Note on Samna 252 The Composition of Milk 252 The Laboratory Book of Dairy Analysis Review 303 Combined Estimation of Boric Acid and Fat in Cream 142 The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 198 Richter E. Estimation of Quinine by Titration with Picric Acid 105 New Technical Determination ol Bleaching Quality of Sulphite Pulp 72 Rideal E. K. The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 199 The Detection and Estimation of Benzoic Acid in Milk and Cream 557 and Evans U. R. An Electrochemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents, 353 S.The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 198 The Detection of Adulteration in Linseed Oil 7 An Electrochemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents 363 - and Acland L. H. D. Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and Funtumia Elastica and a Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 259 Riesenfeld E. H. and Pfutzer G. Spectroscopic Detection of Magnesium Calcium, Strontium and Barium 584 Rivera-Maltes - Kohn-Abrest E. and Rochas - Action of Activated ” Aluminium on Alkaloid Extracts and its Use in Toxicology 268 Robertson I. W. and Allen I C. Determination of Sulphur in Fuels especially Petroleum Products 38 Robin L. Detection of Benzoic Acid in the Presence of Phenol and Salicylic Acid 371 Rochas - Kohn-Abrest E.and Rivera-Maltes - Action of ‘( Activated ” Alu-minium on Alkaloid Extracts and its Use in Toxicology 268 Rocques X. Eaux-de-Vie Eaux-de-Vie Naturelles et Industrielles Review 239 Rodano G. A and Armani G. Estimation of Paraffin Wax and Ceresin in their Mixtures 37 RogBe H. and Fritsch C. Estimation of Chlorine in Blood 461 Rogerson H. Power F. B. and Tutin F. Constituents of Hops 459 Rohland P. Estimation of Colloids in Effluents 269 Rosam A, Simple Method for Determining the Fermentative Activity of Milk and Rosenthal E. Experiments on Antigen and Antibody Actions Differentiation of Roscnthaler L. Detection of Saponin 151 and Bbelmann A. Mercuric Oxide as a Standard for Volumetric Ross R. A Simple All-Glass Extraction Apparatus 144 Rosset H.Use of Miscibility Curves in the Examination of Spirits of Camphor 204 Roth E. and Kreis H. Fractional Precipitation of Fatty Acid Mixtures (Detection of Rape Oil) 114 Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils and the Detection of Arachidic Rothenfusser S. Detection of Cane-Sugar 31 Rothmund V, and Burgstaller A. Estimation of Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide 344 Rousseaux E. and Sirot M. Estimation of Soluble Nitrogenous Substances as a Rupp E. and Mfider H. Estimation of Hydroxylamine 437 Various Feeding-Stuffs and the Catalase Enzyme of Milk 328 Proteins (Kidney Liver and Cancer Proteins) 26 Analyses 439 Acid 160 Criterion of the Quality of Flour 148 XXVl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Ruttan R. F. and Hardisty R. H. M. New Reagent for the Detection of Traces of Blood 422 Sacher J.F. Method for the Analysis of Barium Sulphide $5 Sadtler - and Davis - Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Vol. VII. Review 597 St. Rainer L. Estimation of Platinum 294 Saint-Sernin A. Estimation of Calcium as Tungstate 283 Salkowski E. Precipitation of Purine Bases from Meat Extract and Urine by Means - Use of the Sense of Smell in Volumetric Estimations 594 of Zinc Salts 572 Precipitation of Uric Acid and Purin Bases by Zinc Salts 424 Salvaterra H. Comparative Investigation of Methods for the Estimation of Dyes 113 Sammet C. F. Quantitative Determination of Rosin in Paper 516 - O. Ektimation of Acetone in Urine 110 Sanarens J. Composition of Rums 500 Sand H. J. S. and Trotman S. R. Measurement of the Absorption of Oxygen by Sarin E.J. Composition of Russian Honey 149 Saul J. E. Delicate Colour Reactions of Gold Salts 54 Savage W. G. Report to the Local Government Board on Bacterial Food-Poisoning Savini G. and Silvestri G. Estimation of the Quality of Flour 55 Schaap A. and de Graaff W. C. Estimation of Proteins in Milk by Aldehyde Titra-Schaefer J. A. Determination of Lead Sulphate and the Ultimate Estimation of Schaffnit D. Biological Considerations in Relation to Seed-Testing 210 Schapira A. and Wunder M. Separation of Tungsten from Thorium Lanthanum, Schewket O. Colour Reaction for Gallic Acid and Tannin 467 Sewage Effluents 123 and Food Infections 535 tion 266 Sublimed White Lead ” in Rubber 44 Cerium Erbium Didymium and Silica 481 Colour Reactions of Alkaline Earths with Oxygallol Derivatives 473 New Colour Reactions of Di- and Tri-Phenols 470 Schiller W.and Kardos M. Improved Apparatus for Extracting Finely Divided Schilling H. Gravimetric Estimation of Zinc 47 Schinner A. and Vanino L. Interaction between Formaldehyde and Nitrous Acid 67 New Hydrogen Table 167 Schjerning H. Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt. 111. Transformation Schloesing T. Junr. Detection and Estimation of White Phosphorus in Phosphorus Schmidt E. Detection of Gelatin in Textile Dressings 332 - W. Precipitation of Palladium by Means of a-nitroso-P-naphthol 289 Schmiedel R. Detection and Estimation of Methyl Alcohol 509 Schmitz W. and Tschirch A. Method for the Estimation of the Nitrogenous Con-Schnabel K. and Zanker W. Detection of Free Sulphuric Acid in Cotton 510 Schneeberger P.and Gilpin J. E. Fractionation of California Petroleum by Schneider L. Estimation of Fluorine in Zinc Ores 475 Schowalter E. Colorimetric Estimation of Small Quantities of Manganese in Schroder F. Detection of White Phosphorus in Match Compositions 289 Solids with Volatile Solvents 444 - and Marcusson J. Differentiation of Animal and Vegetable Fats 458 of the Proteins during Mashing Boiling of Wort and Fermentation 496 Sesquisulphide 80 stituents of Raw Caoutchouc 272 Diffusion through Fuller’s Earth 469 Water 47 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. xxvii Schroder F. Oil from the Seeds of Ximenia Americana 147 Schulz F. Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Sulphur in Illuminating Schurmann E. and Bottcher W. Estimation of Arsenic in Pyrites 117 Schutte O.Rapid Volumetric Method for Estimation of Fatty Acids in Soaps, Schutz G. and Wein L. Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of the Schwartz R. Use of the Immersion Refractometer in Examining American Beers Schwarz F. Detection of Natural Asphaltum and Petroleum Pitch in Residues from and Marcusson J. Examination of Steam Turbine Oils 468 Schwinger E. hlelting-Point Apparatus for High Temperatures 483 Scott A. R. Analysis of Ferrotitanium 474 Seeling F. and Moser L. Estimation of Available Oxygen in Per-Salts by Means of Seibert F. M. and Burrell (3. A. Apparatus for Gas Analysis Laboratories at Coal Apparatus for the Exact Analysis of Flue Gas 351 Self P. A. W. and Harrison E. F. Analytical Constants of Extract of Male Fern 429 Sendhoff - and Weinstein - Adulteration of Barley Meal 264 Settim L.and Maurantonio L. Detection of Vegetable Oils in Margarine 21 Settimj L. Colour Reaction of Soya Bean Oil 36 Detection of Mineral Oils in Oleins of Wool Fat 35 Shedd 0. M. and Oosthuizen J. du P. Enzymes of the Tobacco Plant 506 Shipeey K. and Werner E. A. Purification of Acetone by Means of Sodium Shiro Tashiro New Method and Apparatus for the Estimation of Extremely Small Shrewsbury H. S. The Value of the Guaiacum Test for Bloodstains 186 Sidenerand C. F. and Skartvedt P. M. Determination of Phosphorus in Vanadium Siegrnund I. W. Use of Hydrosulphite in Volumetric Analysis [of Dyestuffs] 32 Silberstein S. and Bardach B. Estimation of Glycerol in Sweet Raisin Wines 24 Silvestri G.and Cappelli A. Detection of Nickel in Plated Articles 45 Simmermacher W. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid Soluble in Citric Acid in Thomas Sinnatt F. S. The Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Carbonates 136 Sirot M. and Rousseaux E. Estimation of Soluble Nitrogenous Substances as a Skartvedt P. M. and Sidenerand C. F. Determination of Phosphorus in Vanadium Skertchley W. P. Determination of Moisture in Foods and Other Organic Sub-Skinner W. W. and Collins W. D. Determination of Lithium 168 Skopnik A. von and Marcusson J. Distilled Wool Fat 106 Smalley F. N. Estimation of Total Fatty Acids in Cottonseed Foots 33 34 Smith H. C. Chemistry for Dental Students Review 239 H. G. Apparatus for the Precipitation of Barium Sulphate 350 H. L. The Determination of Tannin in Tea 312 Gas 228 432 Refractometer Value of the Serum 500 made from Malt and Unmalted Cereals 456 the Distillation of Coal-Tar 157 Titanium Trichloride 79 Mines 482 Iodide 424 Quantities of Carbon Dioxide 534 Steel and Ferrovanadium 587 - and Savini G.Estimation of the Quality of Flour 55 Slag 171 Criterion of the Quality of Flour 148 Steel and Ferrovanadium 587 stances 17 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Smith H. L. and Masters H. Behaviour of Calcium and Magnesium Salts with Soap Solutions and the Determination of Hardness of Water 436 0. C. Modification of the Official Method of Determiniug Humus 115 T. O. and James C. Some Quantitative Separations of Neodymium 343 Smorodinzew J. Occurrence of Carnosine Methylguanidine and Carnitin in Horse-Snapper J.Chlorine Content of Blood and its Distribution between Serum and Snell J. F. Analysis of Maple Products. I. Electrical Conductivity Test for the Snelling W. O. and Storm C. G. Analysis of Black Powder and Dynamite 514 Behaviour of Nitroglycerine when Heated 115 Soper G. A. Apparatus for the Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 396 - and Parsons P. B. Practical Field Method for the Determination of Sorensen S. P. L. and Palitzsch S. '' Salt Error " in Colorimetric Estimation of Southcombe J. E. Chemistry of the Oil Industries Review 445 Soyka W. and Meyer H. Candelilla Wax 514 Splittgerber A. Total Solids of Milk 21 Sprinkmeyer H. and Diedrichs A. Kapok Seeds and Kapok Oil 467 Stansell L. W. The Use of Glycerin-Jelly in Mounting Microscopical Objects 407 Stansfield J.F. and Elsden A. V. Estimation of Small Quantities of Lead 440 Stegmuller P. and Fiehe J. Composition of Honey 265 Stephenaon H. H. Ceramic Chemistry Review 181 Stevens - An Electrochemical Indicator for Oxidising Agents 362 The Preparation of Rubber for Analysis 554 flesh 508 Blood-Corpuscles 32 7 Neutral Red Paper as Indicator for Alkalimetry of Serum 328 Purity of Maple Syrup 499 Dissolved Oxygen in Water 397 Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Sea-Water 394 > Constant Temperature Apparatus 311 H. P. and Beadle C. A Simple All-Glass Extraction Apparatus 143 Stewart R. and Greaves J. E. Influence of Chlorine on Determination of Nitrates Stiepel C. Detection of Marine Animal Oil (Thran) in Other Oils and Fats 35 Stocklasa J.Biochemical Examination of Soil 462 Stoikoff S. and Zlataroff A. Composition of the Seeds of Cicer Arzetinum L. (Chick-Storm C. G. and Snelling W. O. Analysis of Black Powder and Dynamite 514 Behaviour of Nitroglycerine when Heated 115 Streicher L. and Matthes H. Waxes and Resins of Kapok and Akon Fibres 580 Strevens J. F. and Dunstan A. E. Viscosity of Lubricating Oils 36 Strigel A, and Dodt J. Estimation of Potassium as Perchlorate in Potash Stritar M. J. Estimation of Manganese in Soil 343 Strohbach E. Analysis of Cerium Compounds 120 Stuckert L. and Enderli M. Bomb with Stirring Gear for the Measurement of Reaction-Velocity in a Heterogeneous System at High Pressures. New High-Pressure Reducing Valve 590 Sugiura K. and Kober P. A.Micro-Chemical Method for the Estimation of a- and P-Amino-Acids and Certain Derivatives in Proteolysed Substances Blood and Urine 567 Sundberg T. Calculation of the Quantity of Cocoanut Oil Present in a Butter from the Polenske Value of the Mixture 558 Sutcliffe J. A. L. and Elsdon G. D. Nitrates and Nitrites in Milk 450 Sznajder L. Rapid Estimation of Sulphur in Burned Pyrites 529 by Phenol Disulphonic Acid Method 339 Pea) 496 Fertilisers 12 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. xxix Takahashi T. Detection of Amy1 Alcohol and Other Aliphatic Alcohols and their Tamura M. Oxidation of Fatty Acids and Unsaponifiable Matter during Process of Tartar H. V. and Pilkington B. Comparative Study of the Composition of Hops Grown in Different Parts of the World 366 Effect of Kiln-Drying at 140' F.on the Composi-Esters 574 Fat Estimation by the Kumagawa-Suto Method 432 tion of the Hop 20 Tashiro S. Method for Detecting the Vitality of Seeds 370 Tassilly E. Estimation of Iron in Water 174 Tellera G. Detection of Paraffins in Lanolin 458 Terni A. Detection of Chromium 437 Testoni G. Estimation of Sucrose in the Presence of Other Sugars 71 Thomas A. and White G. F. Studies on Fish Oils. V. and Boiry F. Baobab Oil 498 111. Properties of Fish and 'Jegetable Oil Mixtures 70 Thompson A. R. Estimation of Sulphur and Chlorine in the Rice Plant 572 Thornton W. J. jun. Estimation of Titanium in the Presence of Iron 82 229 Thiiringer V. and Wunder M. Estimation of Palladium and its Separation from Separation of Palladium from Gold Platinum, G.W. Tests on the Opacity and Hiding Power of Pigments 161 Copper and Iron 79 Rhodium and Iridium 524 Tollens B. and Rao V. Estimation of Cellulose by Means of Nitric Acid 509 Tolman L. M. and Mitchell L. C. Composition of Different Varieties of Red Treadwell W. D. Electrolytic Separation of Copper from Tungsten and Molybdenum, - and Guiterman K. T. Separation of Cadmium from Zinc 383 Separation of Tin from Tungsten Electrically 479 Tred E. B. Investigations on the Quantitative Reduction of Methylene Blue by Milk Bacteria and the Use of this Dye for Determining the Condition of Milk 62 Trimen S. H. Egyptian Butter and Samna 242 Troccoli A. and Verona-Rinati G. Adulterated Peppercorns 58 Trotman S. R. and Sand H. J. S. Measurement of the Absorption of Oxygen by Tschirch A.and Schmitz W . Method for the Estimation of the Nitrogenous Con-Tucker I?. H. and Gain J. R. Determination of Phosphorus in Steels Containing Tutin F. Power F. B. and Rogerson H. Constituents of Hops 459 Twining R. H. and White G. F. Viscosity of Butter Fat and its Substitutes, Pepper 418 224 Sewage Effluents 123 stituents of Raw Caoutchouc 272 V anadium 478 458 Ueno S. Fatty Acids of Kaya Oil 458 Uhlinger R. H. Lee R. E. and Amon F. O. Qualitative Analysis of the Zinc Utz - Estimation of Water in Cheese 322 Group 349 Vallery M. Use of the Kottstorfer Value for the Estimation of Resins and Substi-Van den Bos J. L. M. van der Horn Cobaltinitrite Method for the Estimation of tutes in Caoutchouc Articles 337 Potassium 29 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvIrr.Van Eck J. J. Use of Sodium Potassium Tartrate in the Estimation of Dissolved Vandevelde A. J. J. Estimation of Phenols in Creolins 325 Vanino L. and Schinner A. Interaction between Formaldehyde and Nitrous Acid 67 Veckenstedt H. Ehrenberg P. and Diebel C. Estimation of Organic Matter in Verona-Rinati G. and Troccoli A. Adulterated Peppercorns 58 Vila A. Detection of Adulteration by the Serum Precipitation Method 152 Villavecchia V. and Barboni I. Estimation of Boric Acid in Charcuterie 55 Ville J. Methods of Sensitising Mylius's Reaction for the Detection of Cholalic Acid Vilmorin P. L. de and Levallois F. Hydrolysis of Lzevulosans and its Application Voigt K. Rapid Method of Estimating Zinc 127 Vorisek A, Cadmium Nitrate in Quantitative Analysis 43 VorlEinder D.Berlin (Prussian) Blue IEeaction (Detection of Ferrocyanides Votokek E. Simple Reagent for the Detection of Mechanical Wood in Paper 434 Vries H. J. F. de Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Copper in Mixtures of Soda Oxygen in Water 442 - New Hydrogen Table 167 Clays 374 and Other Biliary Acids 506 for Analytical Purposes 429 and Cyanides) 111 Ash and Blue Vitriol by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 Wagenam M. Behaviour of Salts of Caesium and Rubidium towards Salts of Heavy Wahl R. Distinctions behween Pepsin and Peptase 507 Walbum L. E. Red Cabbage Extract as Indicator for Measuring Hydrogen Ion Waldbott S. Precipitation of Alkaloids by Lloyd's Reagent 426 Walker J. and Kay S. A. Acidity and Alkalinity of Natural Waters 40 Walton W.K. and Richardson F. W. A Quick and Accurate Method for the Ward H. L. Estimation of Lead Nickel and Zinc by Precipitation as Oxalate and The Oxalate-Permanganate Method for Estimating Copper in Presence of Cadmium Arsenic Iron or Lead 122 Washburn C. E. W. a,nd Williams G. Y. Precision Viscosimeter for Measurement of Relative Viscosity and the Relative Viscosities of Water at O" 18" 25" and 50" C. 399 Wassiljewa P. J. and Chlopin G. W. Method of Distinguishing Natural from Artificial Colouring Matters by Means of their Electrical Conductivity 377 Waters C. E. Evaporation Test for Mineral Lubricating and Transformer Oils 333 Wdowiszewski H. Volumetric Estimation of Phosphorus in Steel by Macagno's Weaver E. R. and McBride R. S.Estimation of Sulphate in Ammonium Sulphate Wegelin G. Application of Tantalum Electrodes to Electro-Analytical Estimation of Weich A. and Devarda A. Morres's '' Alizarol " Test for Milk 460 Wein L. and Schutz G. Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of the Weinland R. F. and Binder K. New Delicate Reaction for Elementary Oxygen 172 Weinstein - and Sendhoff - Adulteration of Barley Meal 264 Weishut F. Methoxyl Estimations with Hydriodic Acid in Presence of Phenol 33 Metals 283 Concentration 214 Estimation of Boric Acid in Milk and Cream 140 Titration with Permanganate 122 Simple Gasoline Gas Generator for Sulphur Determinations 592 Method 526 Solution with Special Reference to the Testing of Illuminating Gas 382 Copper and Zinc 481 Refractometer Value of the Serum 50 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xxxi Weiss J. M. Estimation of Phenol in Crude Carbolic Acid and Tar Oils 162 Weisser F. Estimation of Cyanogen Compounds in Gas Liquor 31 Weisweiller G. and Bertrand G. Volatile Constituents of Roasted Coffee 417 Weith A. J. Redman L. V. and Brock F. P. Drying Rates of Raw Paint Oils, - Effect of Temperature Acid Concen-tration and Time in the Bromination of Phenol for Quantitative Determina-tions 335 Welker W. H. and Marsb H. L. Aluminium Hydroxide as a Protein Precipitating and Marshall J. Precipitation of Enzymes from their Solutions by Wendler O. Estimation of Fat in Cheese by the ‘( Neusal ” Method 146 Werner E. A. and Coade M. E. Estimation of Nitrites by Means of Thiocarbamide,. and the Interaction of Nitrous Acid and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different ‘Strength 440 and Shipsey I<.Purification of Acetone by Means of Sodium Wesson L. G. Direct Determination of Rubber 337 West T. Determination of Oxygen in Copper and Brass 520 Wheeler R. V. Volatile Constituents of Coal. M. Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Histidine 578 4 68 Reagent in the Estimation of Lactose in Milk 418 Means of Moist Aluminium Hydroxide 423 Iodide 42i Part IV. Relative Inflammabilities and Clark A. H. and with Platt C. B. Volatile Constituents of 111. Properties of Fish and of Coal Dusts 512 Coal. Part III. 511 Whitaker A. Improvement in Gas Thermo-Regulators 351 White G. F. and Thomas A. Studies on Fish Oils. Vegetable Oil Mixtures 70 and Twining R.H. Viscosity of Butter Fat and its Substitutes 458 W. and Larsen C. Dairy Technology Review 544 Wiechowski W. and Bass R. Esbimation of Purine Bases in Blood 107 Willcox - The Value of the Guaiacum Test for Bloodstains 189 Williams G Y. and Washburn C. E. W. Precision Viscosimeter for Measurement of Relative Viscosity and Relative Viscosities of Water at Oo 18” 25O, and 50” C. 339 H. G. Estimation of Hypochlorites 224 Wilson E. H. ‘‘ Wood Oils ” from China and Japan 580 J. A. and McCandlish D. Estimation of Alkali Sulphides 393 8. R. and Barnebey 0. L. Application of Diphenylcarbazide (“Diphenylcarbo-Windisch R. Estimation of Copper by Means of Sodium Hypophosphite 75 520 Winkler L. W. Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of Lead Copper and Zinc, hydrazide ”) as Indicator in Titration of Iron with Dichromate 167 in Supply-Water 123 Detection of Arsenic by Means of Bettendorf’s Reagent 221 Detection of Potassium by Means of Tartaric Acid 295 Estimation of Lithium in Mineral Waters 531 - 9 Waters 532 of Small Quantities of Hydrogen Sulphide in Natural Winter H.W. and Lander G. D. Antipyrin in Toxicological Analysis 97 Winton A. L. Chloral Hydrate Test for Charlock 366 and Berry E. H. Chemical Composition of Authentic Vanilla Extracts, together with Analytical Methods and Limits of Constants 206 Winzer P. and Meimberg - Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by Means of Potassium Chloride in Hydrofluoric Acid Solution 22 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Wirth F. Separation of Thorium from Monazite Sand by Means of Hypophosphorous Withrow J.P. Pritz W. B. and Guillanden A. Detection of Traces of Copper 167 Wolff H. Analysis of Spirit Varnishes. Part I. Investigation of the Solvent, Estimation of Water in Bleached Shellac 280 - Examination of Turpentine Oil by the Methods of the German Pharma-Woo K. J. and Hart E. B. Simple Method for the Determination of Carbon in Woodcock R. C. and Kingzett C. T. The Bacterial Testing of Disinfectants A Wren H. Organometallic Compounds of Zinc and Magnesium (Chemical Nono-Wright A. M. Chemical and Bacteriological Study of Fresh and Frozen New C. H, Extension of Vieth’s Table for Correcting the Specific Gravities of Wunder M. and Schapira A, Separation of Tungsten from Thorium Lanthanum, - and Thuringer V. Estimation of Palladium and its Separation from Separation of Palladium from Gold Platinum, Wysor H.Analysis of Metallurgical and Engineering Materials A Systematic Acid. Detection of Cerium 443 164 copmia 501 Organic Materials 465 Practical Criticism 190 graphs No. I.) Review 304 Zealand Lamb and Mutton 27 Milk 460 Cerium Erbium Didymium and Silica 481 Copper and Iron 79 Rhodium and Iridium 524 Arrangement of Laboratory Methods Review 134 Yoshikawa J. Estimation of d.Lactic Acid in Body Fuids and Organs 569 Zade - Application of Precipitin Reactious to Seed Identification 210 Zanker W. and Schnabel K. Detection of Free Sulphuric Acid in Cotton 510 Zeileis A. and Langheld K. Analysis of Mixtures of the Lower Fatty Acids 273 Zerner E. Detection of Formaldehyde with p-Nitrophenylhydrazine 466 Zlataroff A.and Stoikoff S. Composition of the Seeds of Cicer Ayietinum L. Zohren F. Preparation of Petermann’s Ammonium Citrate Solution 338 Zsigmondy R. Simple Apparatus for Ultrafiltration 486 (Chick-pea) 49 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. xxxiii INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABSINTHE and Similar Liqueurs Estimation of Essential Oils in and in Alcoholic Absorbed Bases in Soils Estimation of 424 Absorption Apparatus for Use in Nitrogen Estimations by Dumas’ Method 234 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 19,55,105,145,204,264,321, Acetates Amyl and Collodions Analysis of 365 Acetic and Formic Acids Detection of 275 Acetone in Urine Estimation of 110 - Purification of by Means of Sodium Iodide 424 Acetylcelluloses. Analysis and Examination of Non-Inflammable Cellulose Esters 577 Acetylene and Olefine Series Hydrocarbons of the Estimation of in Mixtures of Gaseous Hydrocarbons 158 Acid and Invertase as Hydrolysts Determination of Sucrose in Cane Molasses by - Arachidic the Detection of and Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils 160 Benzoic in Cream and Milk the Detection and Estimation of 555 - in Meats Estimation of 414 - - in the Presence of Phenol and Salicylic Acid Detection of 371 Solutions of Essential Oils 418 365 414,456 496 558 Commercial Phosphorus in Determination of 46 the Double Polarisation Method Using 281 Boric and Fat in Cream Combined Estimation of 141 J 9 in Charcuterie Estimation of 55 in Milk and Cream the Estimation of a Quick and Accurate Method --for 140 - -Butyrometric Method for the Estimation of Fat in Cheese and Milk Estimation of Fat in Cheese by without the Use of - Carbolic Crude and Tar Oils Phenol in Estimation of 162 - Cholalic and Other Biliary Acids the Detection of Method of Sensitising - - Phosphoric Acid Soluble in in Thomas Slag Estimation of 171 526 - Dilute and Dilute Alkali Hydrolysis of Organic Phosphorus Compounds by, - Formic as a Solvent 513 - Free and Base in Aluminium Sulphate Estimation of 283 Products 145 Amyl Alcohol 146 Mylius’s Reaction for 506 Citric in Wines Detection of 55 Coal-Tar Dyes Certain Mixtures of Quantitative Separation of 112 Embelic Microscopical Detection of 559 - 9 - the Estimation of in the Presence of Certain Other Acids 12 270 Detection and Estimation of 378 - - XXXlV INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Acid Free Sulphuric in Cotton Detection of 510 Gallic and Tannin Colour Reaction for 467 - Hydriodic in Presence of Phenol Methoxyl Estimations witb 33 Hydrochloric and Diphenylamine Behaviour of Certain Sugars with 435 - Hydrocyanic Detection of 332 - -- in Plants the Determination of with Special Reference to Kaffir - Hypophosphorous and Hypophosphites Volumetric Estimation of 342 Corn Colorimetric Method for 569 - 9 - Separation of Thorium from Monazite Sand by Means of Detection of Cerium 443 Iodic Method of Estimating Bromine in Halogen Salts 166 &Lactic in Body Fluids and Organs Estimation of 569 - Lactic in Urine Estimation of 328 370 Molybdic Sensitive Reaction for 43 Nitric Colour Reactions of Oils with Certain Phenols in the Presence of 433 9 9 Estimation of Cellulose by Means of 509 (Nitrates) in Milk Detection of 563 Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Detection of 585 - --- - in Sulphuric Anhydride Quantitative Detection of 78 - - Solutions Containing Copper in Electrolytic Determination of 340 - and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different Strength the Interaction of and Estimation of Nitrites by Means of Thiocar-bamide 440 - 9- in the Presence of Ferric Salts Detection of 289 -9 - Nitrous and Formaldehyde Interaction between 67 Nitric Acid Detection of 585 - Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by and the Use of this Reaction in the Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel without Separation of Silicon 77 - Persulphuric Iodimetric Estimation of 293 - Phosphoric Estimation of 344 Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of from the Metals of the Copper Group and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals 525 9 Separation of by Means of Stannic Acid inQualitative Analysis 292 -- Phytic in Cottonseed Meal and Wheat Bran 419 - Picric Estimation of Quinine by Titration with 105 - -- the Precipitation of Albumin by the Conditions of Studies of 329 - Salicylic and Phenol Benzoic Acid in the Presence of Detection of 371 - - in Fruit Juices Detection and Estimation of 420 - Selenic and Sodium Selenate Preparation of as Reagents for the Estimation - Application of to the Estimation of Bromide in Presence of Chloride 227 - Stannic in Qualitative Analysis Separation of Phosphoric Acid by Means of 292 Succinic in Meat Extract and Fresh Meat Occurrence of 508 Sulphurous and Sulphites Titration of in Presence of Thiosulphates New Sulphurous Free and Thiosulphate Estimation of Polythionate in Presence in Air %stirnation of 127 Use of in Making the Acid Reading in the Double Polarisation Soluble in Citric Acid in Thomas Slag Estimation of 171 526 of Bromine in Halogen Salts 295 Process for 297 of 392 --- Tartaric Action of on Tin in the Presence of Oxygen 472 Method of Determining Sucrose 28 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xxxv Acid Tartaric Detection of Potassium by Means of 295 ,- the Determination of 380 ,- Sulphates Calcium and Magnesium in Wine Physico-Chemical Tungstic Ferrotungsten Metallic Tungsten Powder and Tungsten Oxide, Uric and Purin Bases Precipitation of by Zinc Salts 424 - - the Estimation of Colorimetric Method for 154 - - 9- Titration of after Silver Precipitation 329 Acidity and Alkalinity of Natural Waters 40 Acids Acetic and Formic Detection of 275 - a- and P-Amino and Certain Derivatives in Proteolysed Substances Blood and Urine Micro-Chemical Method for the Estimation of 567 - Biliary Other and Cholalic Acid the Detection of Method of Sensitising Mylius’s Reaction for 506 - Boric and Phosphoric Titration of 124 - Fatty and their Isomeric Esters Quantitative Study of the Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays by the 113 9 - and Unsaponifiable Matter Oxidation of during Process of Fat Estima-tion by the Kumagawa-Suto Method 432 Estimation of 421 Determination of Phosphorus in by Direct Solution 290 - Y Quantitative Precipitation of by Means of Aromatic Amines 529 I in Urine Estimation of 65 - Amino- in Blood 567 - in Soap Estimation of Rapid Volumetric Method for 432 - of Kaya Oil 458 - 9 - the Lower Analysis of Mixtures of 273 - 9 - Volatile Detection of 274 - Formic and Acetic Detection of 275 - Malic and Tartaric in the Same Solution Determination of 381 - Mono-amino Creatine and Creatinine in Certain Fishes Mollusca and Crus-- Oleic and Stearic Mixtures of Solidifying and Melting-Points of 579 Organic Determination of Carboxyl Groups in Improved Apparatus for 299 - Palmitic and Stearic Present in Lard Mixed Glycerides of 204 Phosphoric and Boric Titration of 124 Stearic and Oleic Mixtures of Solidifying and Melting-Points of 579 - - and Palmitic Present in Lard Mixed Glycerides of 204 Tartaric and Malic in the Same Solution Determination of 381 Total Fatty in Cottonseed Foots Estimation of 33 34 Adulterated Peppercorns 58 Adulteration Detection of by the Serum Precipitation Method 152 in Linseed Oil the Detection of 3 104 of Barley Meal 264 tacoa Estimation of 26 Cider Vinegar with Distilled Vinegar Detection of 565 Aeration Quantitative Ammonia Distillation by.Agitator Mechanical 590 Air Mine the Examination of Apparatus for 128 - of Rooms etc. where the Metal is used Estimation of Mercury in 477 - Sulphurous Acid in Estimation of 127 Akon and Kapok Fibres Waxes and Resins of 580 Albumin Casein and Globulin in Milk Nephelometric Determination of Proteins 571 - the Precipitation of by Picric Acid Studies of the Conditions of 329 Alcohol Absolute the Preparation of Application of Young’s Method for 424 III.580 in Urine Detection of 57 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Alcohol Amyl and Other Aliphatic Alcohols and their Esters Detection of 574 Methyl and Formaldehyde Simultaneous Estimation of 576 Detection and Estimation of 509 - in Spirits Estimation of 56 Small Quantities of in Blood and Animal Tissues Estimation and The Identification of New Method for 379 - Water in Method for Estimating. Equilibria in Systems Containing Alcoholometry Notes on 508 Alcohols Higher in Spirits Estimation of 564 Detection of 62 Alcohols Water and Potassium Fluoride 425 - in Wine Estimation of 23 Methyl and Ethyl in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 330 - Small Quantities of in Aqueous Solutions Estimation of 5+5 Alcoholysis and the Composition of Cocoanut Oil 8 Aliphatic Alcohols Other and Amyl Alcohol end their Esters Detection of 574 Aldehyde Reactions Some Quantitative Study of 154 Alkali Dilute end Dilute Acid Hydrolysis of Organic Phosphorous Compounds - Metals Aluminium and Tin Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of Alkalimetry of Serum Neutral Red Paper as Indicator for 328 Alkaline Earths Colour Reactions of with Oxygallol Derivatives 473 [,4lkaline] Permanganate in the Estimation of Some Organic Compounds 215 Alkalinity and Acidity of Natural Waters 40 Alkalis the Permeability of Cells by the Estimation of Indicator Method for, Alkaloid Extracts Action of (‘ Activated ” Aluminium on and its Employment in Alkaloids Microsublimation of under Reduced Pressure 426 Precipitation of by Lloyd’s Reagent 426 Alloys Aluminium Analysis of 220 Antimony in Detection of 42 Copper-Tin Analysis of 388 Iron Steel and Cast Iron Total Carbon in Rapid Determination of 442 Lead Analysis of and Cathodic Estimation of Lead 582 of Lead Tin Antimony and Copper Analysis of 584 White Metal Copper in Determination of 222 Almonds Bitter Oil of and Benzaldehyde Estimation of 19 Aloes in Extracts of Drugs Containing Oxymethylanthraquinones Detection of, Aluminium “ Activated,” Action of on Alkaloid Extracts and its Employment in Alizarol ” Test for Milk Morres’s 460 Titration Estimation of Proteins in Milk by 266 by 270 Phosporic Acid from the Metals of the Copper Group and from 525 Sulphides Estimation of 393 327 Toxicology 61 268 321 Toxicology 61 268 Alloys Analysis of 220 Amalgamated Use of in the Estimation of Tannin 516 and Chromium Quantitative Separation of Analysis of Chromite 473 Separation of and Precipitation of Aluminium Hydroxide, Hydroxide as a Protein Precipitating Reagent in the Estimation of 517 Lactose in Milk 41 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVlII xxxvii Aluminium Hydroxide Moist Precipitation of Enzymes from their Solutions by Precipitation of and Separation of Aluminium and Means of 423 Chromium 517 Sulphate Free Acid and Base in Estimation of 283 Phosphoric Acid from the Metals of the Copper Group and from 525 and Urine the Estimation of Micro-Chemical Method for 567 the Separation of Titanium from Use of Tin and the Alkali Metals Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of Amines Aromatic Quantitative Precipitation of Tungstic Acid by Ueans of 529 Amino Acids a- and p- and Certain Derivatives in Proteolysed Substances Blood Amino Acids in Blood 567 Ammonia Distillation Quantitative by Aeration.Cupferron ” in 390 III. 580 Folin’s Method for the Determination of Application of to Fertilisers, Quantitative Estimation of Trimethylamine in Presence of 436 Solution Petermann’s Preparation of 338 Influence o€ on the Polarimetric Estimation of Lactose, Solution Estimation of Sulphate in with Special Reference to 381 Ammonium Citrate Neutral Solutions of Methods for the Preparation of 116 Sulphate Estimation of Lactose in Milk by Precipitation with 418 217 the Testing of Illuminating Gas 382 Superphosphates Water-Soluble Phosphates in Estimation of 392 Alcohol and Other Aliphatic Alcohols and their Esters Detection of 574 Amy1 Acetates and Collodions Analysis of 365 Analysis and Preparation of Methane 430 - Electro- Development of 341 - Elementary and Heat of Combustion Use of Bomb Calorimeter for, - Gas Apparatus for 395 - Mineralogical of Soils 125 - Toxicological Antipyrin in 97 Analytical Chemistry Present Position and Importance of 83 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Oil Seeds from the 323 Anhydride Nitrous Gasometric Estimation of Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Depending Aniline Dyestuffs [Magenta] in Foods and Especially in Wines the Detection of, Animal and Vegetable Fats Differentiation of 458 Fats Certain the Dotection of Polenske Difference Value” for and its Tissues and Blood Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in Estimation and Urine the Estimation of Mercury in Method for 153 by Combustion Cerium Dioxide as Contact Substance in 519 Electrochemical Small Apparatus for 179 533 on the Formation of 391 Sulphuric Nitric Acid in Qualitative Detection of 78 New Reaction for 322 Theoretical Basis 204 Detection of 62 Anniversary Dinner 96 Annual Address of the President 88 Antigen and Antibody Actions Experiments on Differentiation of Proteins (Kidney, Antimony Arsenic or Bismuth Ores Containing Electrolytic Estimation of Copper Liver and Cancer Proteins) 26 in 22 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Antimony Electrolytic Deposition of 581 Estimation of Rapid Methods for 339 in Alloys Detection of 43 - Lead Tin and Copper Alloys of Analysis of 584 Antipyrin in Toxicological Analysis 97 Antiseptic Agents Influence of on the Reichert-Meissl Value of Fats 68 Apophorometer 302 Apparatus a Simple All-Glass Extraction 143 Absorption for Use in Nitrogen Estimations by Dumas’ Method 234 and Method for Determining Hydrogen Sulphide in Illnminating Gas 396, 593 and Method New for the Estimation of Extremely Small Quantities of Carbon Dioxide 534 and Methods Used in Petroleum Testing.Constant Temperature 308 Dialysing 394 Electrically Heated for Measuring Rotatory Power at Constant Tempera-- Part 11. Viscometry 397 ture 300 APPARATUS ETC. ABSTRACTS 48 84 128 178 231 299 350 394 444 482,533 590 Apparatus Extraction for Solids and Liquids 351 -- for Determining the Density and Internal Friction of Gases 591 1 Simple 49 for Estimating Dust in Gas 48 for Extracting Carbon Monoxide from Blood 592 - Liquids Decomposed by Heat 444 - for Gas Analysis 395 594 Laboratories at Coal Mines 482 - for Recovery of Evaporated Organic Solvents 398 - for the Continuous Evaporation of Large Volumes of Liquid under Dimin-- for the Exact Analysis of Flue Gas 351 - for the Examination of Mine Air 128 ished Pressure 591 for the Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 396 for the Precipitation of Barium Sulphate 350 for Use in the Estimation of Starch by Ewers’ Process 445 Hoffmann’s Estimation of Water in Vegetables by 177 Improved for Determination of Carboxyl Groups in Organic Acids 299 9 , for Extracting Finely-Divided Solids with Volatile Solvents 444 for Testing the Jelly-Strength of Glues 231 - Melting-Point for High Temperatures 483 -- New for Quantitative Dialysis 232 - Portable Pettersson-Palmqvist 178 Simple for Ultrafiltration 486 Skita’s Hydrogenising Simple Modification of 484 Small for Electrochemical Analysis 179 Apparatus Specific Heat New Designs for 484 Aqueous Solutions Small Quantities of Methyl and Ethyl Alcohols in Estimation (Arachis) Earthnut Oil in Olive Oil Detection of by the Frafiz-Adler Method 58 Arachis Oil Compotjition of 514 Arachidic Acid the Detection of and Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils 160 Aromatic Amines Quantitative Precipitation of Tungstic Acid by Means of 529 Arsenic and Tungsten Separation of 117 of 575 Ante-Mortem Administered Distribution of in the Human Body 26 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xxxix Arsenic Antimony or Bismuth Ores Containing Electrolytic Estimation of Copper Cadmium Iron or Lead Copper in the Presence of the Oxalate-Permangan- Detection of by Means of Bettendorf’s Reagent 221 in 222 ate Method for Estimating 122 in Blood and Urine Estimation of 106 in Pyrites Estimation of 117 Rum Method of Distinguishing Jamaica Rum from 368 - in Soile the Estimation of Factors Influencing 221 Artificial Asphaltum Natural in Presence of Quantitative Estimation of 156 Asbestos Mixtures Magnesium Carbonate etc. Magnesium Oxide in Calorimetric Detection and Estimation of 76 Ash Estimations Calorimetric 582 - Soda and Blue Vitriol Mixtures of Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Ashes Plant Fertilisers and Soil Extracts Potassium in Estimation of 47 Asphalt or Petroleum Products in Tars Small Amounts of Application of the Asphaltum Natural and Petroleum Pitch in Residues from the Distillation of Coal-Aspirin Assay and Estimation of 414 Atomic Weights International 1 Au tenrei t h- Koenigsberger’s Colorimater Colorimetric Methods for Wttt er Analysis by the Use of 179 Automatic Pipette 534 Copper in by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining 277 Tar Detection of 157 Babcock Test Modified for Fat in Sweetened Ice Cream 323 B.Coli Cornmumis in Water Estimation of 574 Bacteria Heat Evolved by Micro-Calorimeter for Measuring 421 - Milk Investigations on the Quantitative Reduction of Methylene Blue by, Bacterial Food-Poisoning and Food Infections Report to the Local Government Bacteriological Examination of Water New Rapid Method for and its Application Methods of Water Analysis with Special Reference to the Use of the and the Use of this Dye for Determining the Condition of Milk 62 Testing of Disinfectants A Practical Criticism 190 Board on 535 for the Testing of Springs and Filter-Beds 30 Berkefeld Filter 574 369 421 461 504 567 Balsam Peru Analysis of 150 Reaction of 58 I.Bang’s Method of Sugar Estimation 435 Baobab Oil 498 Barium as Sulphate Purification of the Precipitate Obtained in Estimating 339 - Sulphate Natural and Artificial Differentiation of 517 - Sulphide the Analysis of Method for 75 Barley and Malt Nitrogenous Substances in.Baryta Water Action of on Certain Sorts of Glass 118 Base and Free Acid in Aluminium Sulphate Estimation of 283 BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL ETC. ABSTRACTS 26 61 106 152 208 268 327, Magnesium Calcium and Strontium Spectroscopic Detection of 584 the Precipitation of Apparatus for 350 111. Transformation of the Proteins daring Mashing Boiling of Wort and Fermentation 496 Meal Adulteration of 26 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Bases Absorbed in Soils Estimation of 424 Purin and Uric Acid Precipitation of by Zinc Salts 424 Purine in Blood Estimation of 107 - ? Precipitation of from Meat Extract and Urine by Means of Zinc - Pyridine Directions for Testing 471 - Xanthin in Cocoa Tea and Coffee and their Preparations Detection and Estimation of 26 60 Basicity and Reaction of Soil the Estimation of Significance of 462 3eers American Made from Malt and Unmalted Cereals Use of the Immersion Salts 572 Refractometer in Examining.456 Beet and Cane Sugar Factoryind Refinery Products Traces of Iron in Estimation of. 59 Benzaldehyde and Oil of Bitter Almonds Estimation of 19 a-Benzildioxime the Detection and Estimation of Nickel by Means of 316 Benzoic Acid in Meats Estimation of 414 Berkefeld Filter the Use of Bacteriological Methods of Water Analysis with Special Berlin (Prussian) Blue Reaction (Detection of Ferrocyanides and Cyanides) 111 Bettendorf’s Reagent Detection of Arsenic by Means of 221 Bichromate Potassium in Milk Detection of 563 Bile Human the Analysis of 208 Biliary Acids Other and Cholalic Acid the Detection of Method of Sensitising Mylius’s Reaction for 506 Biochemical Examination of Soil 462 Biological Considerations in Relation to Seed-Testing 210 Bismuth Arsenic or Antimony Ores Containing Electrolytic EstimatiGn of Copper or Copper Compounds and Formaldehyde Interaction between in the Milk and Cream the Detection and Estimation of 555 the Presence of Phenol and Salicylic Acid Detection of 3’71 Reference to 574 in 222 Presence of Alkali 66 Bitter Almonds Oil of and Benzaldehyde Estimation of 19 Bitumens Native and their Residuals Characteristics and Differentiation of 371 Black Mustard Powder 500 Bleached Shellac Water in Estimation of 280 Bleaches Chlorine Titration of 340 ‘( Bleaching Degree of” [Chemical Condition] of Cotton Estimation of 73 Bleaching Quality of Sulphite Pulp New Technical Determination of 72 Blood Amino-Acids in 567 -and Animal Tissues Small Quanties of Methyl Alcohol in Estimation and Blood and Urine Arsenic in Estimation of 106 - Apparatus for Extracting Carbon Monoxide from 592 - Chlorine in Estimation of 461 - -Corpuscles and Serum Chlorine Content of Blood and its Distribution between, Powder and Dynamite Analysis of 514 Detection of 62 - Chlorides in Estimation of 270 327 Detection of 568 of Frog and Tortoise the Estimatiou of Sugar in the Sources of Error Proteolysed Substances and Urine the Estimation of CC- and p- Amino Acids in 463 and Certain Derivatives in Micro-Chemical Method for 56 INDEX TO VOLIJME XXXVITI.xli Blood Purine Bases in Estimation of 107 Residual Reduction of 327 -Serum Lipoids in Estimation of 28 -Stains the Valueof the Guaiacum Test for 186 - Traces of the Detection of New Reagent for 422 Blown Oils Rosin in Estimation of 469 Body Fluids and Organs 6-Lactic Acid in Estimation of 569 - the Human Distribution of Ante-Mortem Administered Arsenic in 268 (Bohemian) Melnik Wine 326 Boiling Effect of on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Human Milk Cow’s Milk, of Wort Mashing and Fermentation Transformation of the Proteins during Calorimetric Water Formed on Burning Substances Containing Nitrogen or with Stirring Gear for the Measurement of Reaction-Velocity in a Hetero-geneous System at High Pressures.New High-pressure Reducing Valve, 590 and Buttermilk 205 (III.) Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt 496 Bomb Calorimeter Use of for Elementary Analysis and Heat of Combustion 533 Sulphur in Estimation of 347 BOOKS REVIEWS OF: A Handbook of Sugar Analysis A Practical and Descriptive Treatise for Alcool MBtthylique Vinaigres 352 Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis Vol. V. 85 An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids 352 Analysis of Metallurgical and Engineering Materials A Systematic Beurres et Graisses Animales 402 Ceramic Chemistry 181 Chemistry for Dental Students 239 of the Oil Industries 445 Chloride of Lime in Sanitation 405 Dairy Technology 544 Digitalis Assay 237 Eaux-de-Vie Eaux-de-Vie Naturelles et Industrielles 239 Eaux Domes et Eaux MinBrales 51 Farines FBcules et Amidons 545 Fatty Foods 50 Food Inspection and Analysis 490 General Chemistry of the Enzymes 84 Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry Organic 399 Introduction to the Rarer Elements 240 Liquid Air Oxygen Nitrogen 600 MatBriaux de Gros-Ouvre 181 Methods in Chemical Analysis Originated or Developed in the Kent Notes on Chemical Research 180 Organometallic Compounds of Zinc and Magnesium (Chemical Monographs, Tables Annuelles de Constantes et DonnBes Numkriques 548 The Application of Physico-Chemical Theory 599 The Chemistry of Rubber 546 Use in Research Technical and Control Laboratories 235 VOl.VII. 597 to the Study of Fuel 488 Arrangement of Laboratory Methods 134 Chemical Laboratory of Yale University 489 No.I.) 304 xlii INDF:X TO VOLUME XXX\’III. BOOKS REVIEWS oi~~-co~zti.niiecZ The Laboratory Book of Dairy Analysis 303 The National Physical Laboratory. The Qualitative Analysis of Medicinal Preparations 405 The Volatile Oils 547 Theorien der Organischen Chemie 601 Borate Sodium in Soap Deterinination of 461 Boric Acid and Fat in Cream Combined Estimation of 141 c- in Milk and Chaw the Estimation of a Quick and Accurate Method for, Collected Researches 542 in Charcuterie Estimation of $5 140 and Phosphoric Acids Titration of 124 Bran Wheat and Cottonseed Meal Ptiytic Acid in 419 Brass Analysis of 436 -- and Copper Oxygen in Determination of 520 Brisance Estimation of and of Velocity o€ Detonation 464 Bromide in Presence of Chloride the Estimation of Application of Selenic Acid to, Bromides and Chlorides in Organic Liquids Deterinination of 211 Bromination of Phenol for Quantitative Determinations Effect of Temperature Acid Rroinine Absorption of Wines Estimation of the 266 and Chlorine New Reagent for 119 and Iodine in Mineral Waters etc.the Estimation of Hydrolytic Action a Source of Error in 532 Characteristic Reaction of 518 227 Concentration and Time in 335 - Free Characteristic Reaction of Oxidation with Identification of Small Amounts of Dyestuffs by 376 Traces of Estimation of 119 in Halogen Salts Iodic Acid Method of Estimating 166 the Estimation of Preparation of Selenic Acid and Sodium Selena,te as Reagents for 295 - Titration with Exieriments on the Direct Estimation of Caoutchouc by, 272 ‘‘ Burette Sulphuretted Hydrogen,” Vslua,tion of Hydrated Oxide of Iron by Means Butter and Samna Egyptian 242 Butter Cocoa and ‘‘ Green Butter,” a Simple Test for Diff’erentiating between 201 of the 522 Fat and its Substitutes Viscosity of 458 the Quantity of Cocoanut Oil Present in a Calculation of from the Polenske Buttermilk Human Milk and Cow’s Milk the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Effect Value of the Mixture 558 of Boiling on 205 Cabbage Extract Red as Indicator for Measuring Hydrogen Ion Concentration 214 Cadmium Arsenic Iron or Lead Copper in Presence of the Oxalate-Permanganate Method for Estimating 122 Separation of from Zinc 353 Nitrate in Quantitative Analysis 43 Czsium and Rubidium Salts of Behaviour of towards Salts of Heavy Metals, Caffeine Small Amounts of Determination of A Comparison of Methods 456 Calcium and Magnesium Salts Behaviour of with Soap Solutions and the Deter-283 mination of Hardness of Water 43 TNDEX TO VOLUME xxxvm.xliii Calcium as Tungstate Estimation of 283 ~- Citrate Commercial Analysis of 65 -_ Magnesium Strontium and Barium Spectroscopic Detection of 584 - Sulphates Tartaric Acid and Magnesium in Wine Physico-Chemical Carbide Commercial Direct Estimation of Elementary Nitrogen by Means of 287 Estimation of 421 - Volumetric Estimation of 518 California Petroleum Fractionation of by Diffusion through Fuller’s Earth 469 Calorimeter Bomb Use of for Elementary Analysis and Heat of Combustion 533 Calorimetric Ash Estimations 582 Nitrogen or Sulphur in 347 - Bomb Estimation of Water Formed on Burning Substances Containing Camphor Spirits of the Estimation of Use of Miscibility Curves in 204 Canada Coals of 577 Candelilla Wax 514 Cane and Beet Sugar Factory Refinery Products Traces of Iron in Estimation of 59 Molasses Sucrose in Determination of by the Double Polarieation Method, Products Methods of Analysis of Investigations on 415 Using Invertase and Acid as Hydrolysts 281 - Sugar Detection of 31 Canned Foods the Eatimation of Tin in Iodine Titration Nethod for the Estimation Caoutchouc Articles the Estimation of Resins and Substitutes in Use of the of Tin especially in Connection with 23 Kottstorfer Value for 337 in Crude Rubber Estimation of 511 in Rubber Wares Particularly Insulated Wires Estimation of 111 Raw the Nitrogenous Constituents of Method for the Estimation of 272 Resins Studies on 465 the Direct Estimation of by Titration with Bromine Experiments on 272 Carbohydrates Especially in Plant Extracts Methods of Estimation of 504 Carbolic Acid Crude and Tar Oils Phenol in Estimation of 162 Carbon Dioxide Estimation of 385 437 -- Extremely Small Quantities of the Estimation of New Method and Apparatus for.534 -- Gravimetric Estimation of 386 - in Carbonates the Determination of 136 Carbon Estimation of by Combustion with Moist Oxygen 271 in Iron and Steel Rapid Method for Estimating 384 in Organic Materials the Determination of Simple Method for 465 Monoxide Apparatus for Extracting from Blood 592 - Small Quantities of Estimation of 75 - Tetriodide in the Presence of Iodoform Estimation of 373 Total in Steel and Ferro-Alloys Estimation of by Combustion in Oxygen Total in Steel Cast Iron and Iron Alloys Rapid Determination of 442 Carbonate Magnesium Asbestos Mixtures etc.Magnesium Oxide in Calorimetric Carbonates and Hydroxides of Potassium and Sodium when Together in Solution, in Soils Some Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Comparison under Pressure 285 Detection and Estimation of 76 Estimation of 166 - Carbon Dioxide in the Determination of 136 of 163 Carboxyl Groups in Organic Acids Determination of Improved Apparatus for 29 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Carnitin Carnosine and Methylguanidine in Horseflesh Occurrence of 508 Carnosine Methylguanidine and Carnitin in Horseflesh Occurrence of 508 Casein and Lactose in Milk Estimation of 21 - Globulin and Albumin in Milk Nephelometric Determination of Proteim, Cast Iron Steel and Iron Alloys Total Carbon in Rapid Determination of 442 Castings and Steels .Manganese in Estimation of by the Method of G.von Knorre, Catalase Enzyme of Milk and Simple Method for Determining the Fermentative Cathodic Estimation of Lead and Analysis of Lead Alloys 582 Cell Elements in Milk the Distribution of Influence of Centrifugal Action on, Cells the Permeability of by Alkalis Indicator Method for the Estimation of, Cellulose and Crude Fibre Estimation of 415 571 286 Activity of Milk and Various Feeding-Stuffs 328 108 327 - Esters Non-Inflammable Analysis and Examination of Acetylcelluloses, 577 Estimation of by means of Nitric Acid 509 Studies on 331 Cement Portland Examination of 437 Cereals Ice Creams and Chocolate Fat in Rapid and Accurate Method for Deter-Ceresin and Paraffin Wax in their Mixtures Estimation of 37 Cerium Compounds Analysis of 120 mining 558 ,Detection of.Separation of Thorium from Monazite Sand by Meens of Thorium Lanthanum Erbium Didymium and Silica Separation of Tung-Hypophosphorous Acid 443 Dioxide as Contact Substance in Analysis by Combustion 519 sten from 481 Characteristic Reaction of Bromine 118 518 Charcuterie Boric Acid in Estimation of 55 Charlock Chloral Hydrate Test for 366 Cheese and Milk Products the Estimation of Fat in Acid-Butyrometric Method for 145 F a t in Estimation of 417 9 t - by the Acid-Butyrometric Method without the Use of - -Amy1 Alcohol 146 - - by the ( ( Neusal ” Method 146 ‘( Cheyi ” Seed 323 (Chick-pea) Cicer Arietinum L.the Seeds of Composition of 496 Chicory and Coffee Note on 454 China and Japan 6‘ Wood Oils” from 580 Chloral Hydrate Test for Charlock 366 Chlorate Solutions the Rendering Active of and Osmium Tetroxide as an Oxygen-Chlorates and Stannous Chloride Determination of by Means of Methylene Blue, Chloride the Estimation of Bromide in Presence of Application of Selenic Acid Chlorides and Bromides in Organic Liquids Determination of 211 Watei in Estimation of 146 322 Carrier 78 126 the Colour Reactions of Contribution to the Study of 339 to 227 in Urine and Blood Estimation of 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xlv Chlorides in Wine Estimation of 502 Chlorine and Bromine New Reagent for 119 - Bleaches Titration of 340 - Content of Blood and its Distribution between Serum and Blood-Cor-and Sulphur in the Rice Plant Estimation of 572 puscles 327 in Blood Estimation of 461 - in Rag Flock Estimation of 582 _ - Influence of on Determination of Nitrates by Phenol Disulphonic Acid Chloroform Examination of 497 Chocolate and Cocoa Copper in 145 - Ice Creams and Cereals Fat in Rapid and Accurate Method for Cholalic Acid and Other Biliary Acids the Detection of Method of Sensitising Cholesterol Bodies in Presence of Each Other Estimation of 466 the Oxydation Products of Study of 209 Chromate Lead and Lead Sulphide Solubility of 476 Chromic Oxide Free and Combined Iodimetric Estimation of 386 Chromium and Aluminium Quantitative Separation of Analysis of Chromite 473 the Estimation of Note on 409 Method 339 Determining 558 .Mylius’s Reaction for 506 - Separation of and Precipitation of Aluminium Hydrox-ide 517 and Iron Quantitative Separation of 387 - and Manganese New Separation of 474 - Separation of 474 Small Quantities of in Minerals and Rocks Estimation of 226 - and Vanadium in Steels Determination of 81 - Detection of 437 - in Steel Determination of Colorimetric Method for 285 - Vanadium and Iron in Presence of One Another the Volumetric Estima-in Presence of Iron Volumetric Estimation of 387 tion of a New Method for 99 Cider Vinegar Adulteration of with Distilled Vinegar Detection of 565 Citric Acid in Wines Detection of 55 - Phosphoric Acid Soluble in in Thomas Slag Estimation of 171 526 -- the Estimation of in the Presence of Certain Other Acids 12 - Tartaric Lactic and Malic Acids in Musts Wines etc.Estimation of 504 Clays Organic Matter in Estimation of 374 Coal Analysis Accuracy and Limitations of 211 the Committee on of the American Society for Testing Materials and Deliveries Sampling 330 Dusts Relative Inflammabilities of. Part IV. Volatile Constituents of Coal 512 Mines Gas Analysis Laboratories at Apparatus for 482 the American Chemical Society Preliminary Report of 374 -Tar Dyes Certain Acid Quantitative Separation of Mixtures of 112 - the Distillation of Residues from Detection of Natural Asphaltum and .Part IV. Relative Inflammabilities of Coal DustB, Petroleum Pitch in 157 Volatile Constituents of. Part III. 511 512 Codls of Canada 57 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Cobalt and Uranium in Steel Estimation of 527 Cobalitnitrite Method Estimation of Potassium by 81 Cocoa and Chocolate Copper in 145 for the Estimation of Potassium 294 Butter and ‘‘ Green Butter,” a Simple Test for Differentiating between 201 Essential Oil of 20 Tea and Coffee and their Preparations Xanthin Bases in Detection and Cocoanut and Palm-Kernel Oil in Mixtures the Proportionate Determination of, Estimation of 26 60 255 the Quantity of Present in a Butter Calc Cocoa and Tea and their Preparations Xanth Roasted Volatile Constituents of 417 Oil the Composition of and Alcoholysis 8 Value of the Mixture 558 Coffee 6nd Chicory Note on 454 Estimation of 26 60 Cohune Nuts Oil of 433 ‘‘ Cold Test ” of Oil Experiments on the 34 Collodions and Amy1 Acetates Analysis of 365 Colloids in Effluents Estimation of 262 lation of from the Polenske Bases in Detection and Influence of on the Electrolytic Separation of Lead 76 Colophony in Shellac Small Amounts of the Detection of and Shellac Analysis 38 Colorim e t er Aut enrei t h - Koen igsberger’s Colorimetric Met hods for Water Analysis Colorimetric Estimation and Detection of Lead Copper and Zinc,‘ in Supply- Water, of Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Sea-Water ‘( Salt Error ” by the Use of 179 123 in 394 ~ of Small Quantities of Manganese in Water 225 477 Method for Determination of Chromium in Steel 285 for the Determination of Hydrocyanic Acid in Plants with for the Estimation of Histidine 578 of Uric Acid in Urine 154 for Titanium in Iron and Steel 588 Special Reference to Kaffir Corn 569 Colostrum and Colostrum Fat Composition of 107 Colour Method the Hydrogen Peroxide Estimation of Vanadium in Steel by 589 Reaction for Gallic Acid and Tannin 467 of Hypochlorites with Methylaniline and Ethylaniline 476 of Proteins 380 of Soya Bean Oil 36 of Wine 24 New of Di- and Tri-Phenols 470 Reactions Delicate of Gold Salts 54 of Alkaline Earths with Oxygallol Derivatives 473 of Certain Indole Derivatives and their Significance with regard to of Chlorates the Study of Contribution to 339 of Hardened Whale Oil 433 of Oils with Certain Phenols in the Presence of Nitric Acid 433 of Triketohydrindene Hydrate (Ninhydrin) 579 Coloured Fluids International Standards for and a Suggested Plan for such the Glyoxylic Reaction 276 Standardisation 39 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xlvii Colouring Matters Method of Distinguishing Natural from Artificial by Means of Colours Food the Permitted Quantitative Separation and Determination of Combustion Analysis by Cerium Dioxide as Contact Substance in 519 Method the Liebig Modification of 301 Concentration of Hydroxyl Ions the Determination of New Method for 522 Conductivity Test (I.) Electrical for the Purity of Maple Syrup. Analysis of Maple Confectionery Saffron in Detection of 206 Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Report of for the year 1912 541 Constant Temperature Apparatus 308 Contact Substance in Analysis by Combustion Cerium Dioxide as 519 Copper and Brass Oxygen in Determination of 520 and Iron Estimation of Palladium and its Separation from 79 and Sodium Carbonate in Mixtures of Soda Ash and Blue Vitriol Estimation and Zinc Electro- Analytical Estimation of Application of Tantalum Electrodes as Sulphide Estimation of 582 Compounds or Bismuth and Formaldehyde Interaction between in the Electrolytic Separation of from Tungsten and Molybdenum 224 Estimation of by Means of Sodium Hypophosphite 75 519 520 Group the Metals of the Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of Phosphoric Acid from and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals 525 in Burnt Pyrites Rapid Estimation of 389 their Electrical Conductivity 377 Subsidiary Dyes in 375 Products 499 Water Preparation of 346 Measuring Rotatory Power at Electrically Heated Apparatus for 300 of by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 to 481 Presence of Alkali 66 - in Cocoa and Chocolate 145 in Distilled Water 474 in Ores Containing Arsenic Antimony or Bismuth Electrolytic Estimation in Presence of Cadmium Arsenic Iron or Lead the Oxalate-Permanganate in Solutions Containing Nitric Acid Electrolytic Determination of 340 in White Metal Alloys Determination of 222 Lead and Zinc in Supply- Water Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of 123 - Tin and Antimony Alloys of Analysis of 584 Tin Alloys Analysis of 388 Traces of Detection of 167 Zinc and Nickel Solutions of Action of an Excess of a Soluble Ferrocyanide Cordite and Nitroglycerine (11.).Guncotton (I.). Theoretical (111.). Heat Test, Corn Kaffir Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Hydrocyanic Acid in Cotton Free Sulphuric Acid in Detection of 510 of 222 Method of Estimating 122 Thiocyanate-Permanganate Method for 223 on and a Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Nickel 524 275 Plants with Special Reference to 569 Goods Small Quantities of Wool in Estimation of 510 the u Degree of Bleaching ” [Chemical Condition] of Estimation of 7 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Cottonseed Foots Total Fatty Acids in Estimation of 33 34 Coumarin in Melilotus Estimation of 145 Cow’s Milk Human Milk and Buttermilk the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of, Cows Suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease Milk from Composition of 328 Cream and Milk Renzoic Acid in the Detection and Estimation of 555 Meal and Wheat Bran Phytic Acid in 419 Oil Halphen’s Test for Modification of 68 Effect of Boiling on 205 the Estimation of Boric Acid in a Quick and Accurate Method Creatine Creatinine and Mono-amino Acids in Certain Fishes Molluscs and Creolins Phenols in Estimation of 325 Cryoscopic Solvent Ethylene Dibrornide as 32 Crystalline Substances Sections of Preparation of 483 (‘ Cupferron,” Use of in the Separation of Titanium from Aluminium 390 (Cyanides and Ferrocyanides Detection of) Berlin (Prussian) Blue Reaction 111 Cyanogen Compounds in Gas Liquor Estimation of 31 Cyanogenesis under Digestive Conditions 568 for 140 Boric Acid and Fat in Combined Estimation of 141 Crustacea Estimation of 26 Demerara Sugar.Law Report 595 Density and Internal Friction of Gases Apparatus for Determining 591 - and Solution Volume of Some Proteins 279 - of Solids Improved Pyknometer for 130 Detonation Velocity of and Brisance Estimation of 464 (Dextrose) Sugar in Urine Estimation of 65 Di- and Tri-Phenols New Colour Reactions of 470 Diabetic Urine Pentoses in 1)etection of 64 Dialysing Apparatus 394 Dialysis Application of and Estimation of Oxidising Power as Aids in Judging Dichromate Ion Electrometric Titration of with Ferrous Iron 585 Titration of Iron with Application of Diphenylcarbazide (‘I Diphenyl-Didymium Thorium Lanthanum Cerium Erbium and Silica Separation of Tung-“Difference Value,” Polensbe for the Detection of Certain Animal Fats and its Diffusion of Dissolved Substances New Method for Determining 350 Digitalis Glucosides Reactions of Digitonin 265 -- Preparations Physiological Standardisation of 462 Digitonin.Digitoxine Reactions of 457 Dilatometer and Specific Gravity Bottle Combination 485 Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining Small Amounts of Petroleum or Asphalt Dinner Anniversary 96 Diphenylamine and Hydrochloric Acid Behaviour of Certain Sugars with 435 Diphenylcarbazide (‘& Diphenylcarbohydrszide ”) as Indioator in Titration of Iron Disinfectant Value of Mercuric Hydroxycyanide 461 Disinfectants Method of Standerdising with and without Organic Matter 422 Soils 369 Quantitative New Apparatus for 232 carbohydrazide ”) as Indicator in 167 sten from 481 Theoretical Basis 204 Reactions of Digitalis Glucosides 265 Products in Tars Application of the 277 with Dichromate Application of 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.xlix Disinfectants the Bacterial Testing of A Practical Criticism 190 Dissolved Oxygen in Water the Determination of Apparatus for 396 397 Practical Field Method for, - the Estimation of Use of Sodium Potassium Tartrate in 442 Substances the Diffusion of New Method for Determining 350 a-Distearin and P-Palmitodistearin the Synthetic Preparation of and Nomenclature Distillation Destructive Volatile Products of Estimation of Water in 348 Direct Estimation of Water in Foods etc. by 207 of Coal-Tar Residues from Detection of Natural Asphaltum and Petro- Quantitative Ammonia by Aeration.of Mixed Glycerides 214 leum Pitch in 157 (III.) 580 Distilled Vinegar Adulteration of Cider Vinegar- with Detection of 565 - Wool Fat 106 Dressings Textile Gelatin in Detection of 332 Drying Rates of Raw Paint Oils 468 Dumas’ Method Nitrogen Estimations by Absorption Apparatus for Use in 234 Dura Sudan 323 Dust in Gas Apparatus for Estimating 48 Dusts Coal Relative Inflammabilities of. Dyes Certain Acid Coal-Tar Mixtures of Quantitative Separation of 112 - Subsidiary in the Permitted Food Colours Quantitative Separation and Deter-- the Estimation of Methods for Coniparative Investigation of 113 Dyestuffs Aniline [Magenta] i n Foods and Especially in Wines New Reaction for Dynamite and Black Powder Analysis of 514 Water Copper in 474 Part IV.Volatile Constituents of Coal, 512 mination of 375 the Detection of 322 Small Amounts of Identification of by Oxidation with Bromine 376 Earthnut (Arachis) Oil in Olive Oil Detection of by the Franz-Adler Method 58 Earths Alkaline Colour Reactions of with Oxygallol Derivatives 473 East-Indian Tanned Hides Various the Analysis of 363 Ebullioscope of High Accuracy 482 Effluents Colloids in Estimation of 269 Eggs Pastry Containing Analysis of 417 Egyptian Butter and Samna 242 Electric Resistance Furnace. Application of to Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Electrically Heated Apparatus for Measuring Rotatory Power at Constant Temperature, Electro-Analysis Development of 341 - - with Light Platinum Electrodes 43 Electrochemical Analysis Small Apparatus for 179 Indicator for Oxidising Agents 353 Electrodes Light Platinum Electro-Analysis with 43 Electrolytic Deposition of Antimony 581 Oil Nitrobenzene in Estimation of 457 Sewage the Absorption of Oxygen by Measurement of 123 Steel 168 300 - Tantalum Application of to Electro-Analytical Estimation of Copper and Zinc 48 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Electrolytic Determination of Copper in Solutions Containing Nitric Acid 340 - Estimation of Copper in Ores Containing Arsenic Antimony or Bismuth, 232 Separation of Copper from Tungsten and Molybdenum 224 of Lead Influence of Colloids on 76 Electrometric Titration of Dichromate Ion with Ferrous Iron 585 Embelic Acid Microscopical Detection of 559 Emulsification in Extractions Prevention of by Immiscible Solvents 48 Engler’s and Redwood’s Viscosimeters Comparison of 398 Enzyme the Catalase of Milk and Simple Method for Determining the Fermentative Enzymes of the Tobacco Plant 506 - Precipitation of from their Solutions by Means of Moist Aluminium Erbium Thorium Lanthanum Cerium Didymium and Silica Separation of Tungsten Essential Oil of Cocoa 20 Activity of Milk and Various Feeding-Stuffs 328 Hydroxide 423 from 481 of Jamaica Ginger 56 Oils Alcoholic Solutions of and in Absinthe and Similar Liqueurs Essential Oils in Estimation of 418 - - from Various Countries 559 - Glyceryl Acetate in Estimation of 148 - Oxidation Assay of 69 Esters Cellulose Non-Inflammable Analysis and Examination of.Acetylcelluloses, Isomeric the Fatty Acids and their the Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays by, 57 7 Quantitative Study of 113 - Other Aliphatic Alcohols and their and Amy1 Alcohol Detection of 574 Ethane Methane and Propane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis of 121 - -- Propane and Isobutane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis Ether Testing 560 Ethyoxyl and Methyoxyl Estimations Volumetric Method for 430 Ethyl and Methyl Alcohols in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 330 Ethylaniline and Methylaniline Colour Reaction of Hypochlorites with 476 Ethylene Dibromide as Cryoscopic Solvent 32 Evaporation Continuous of Large Volumes of Liquid under Diminished Pressure, Test for Mineral Lubricating and Transformer Oils 333 Ewers’ Process the Estimation of Starch by Apparatus for Use in 445 Explosives High the Effective Strbngth of Methods for the Determination of, 378 the Stability or^ Unification of the Testing Methods of International of i76 Small Quantities of in Aqueous Solutions Estimation of 575 Apparatus for 591 Commission for Final Report (July 25 1912) 377 Extract Dry of Wines and Fermented Liquors Accurate Estimation of 566 - Meat and Fresh Meat Succinic Acid in Occurrence of 508 - and Urine Precipitation of Purine Bases from by Means of Zinc Salts 572 Extracting Liquids Decomposed by Heat Apparatus for 444 Extraction Apparatus a Simple All-Glass 143 - for Solids and Liquids 351 Simple 4 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvIrr.li Extraction with Liquefied Gases 233 Extractions Emulsification in Prevention of by Immiscible Solvents 48 Extractive Matters Non-Nitrogenous in Fodder and Foodstuffs 560 Extracts of Drugs Containing Oxymethylanthraquinones Aloes in Detection of 321 - Plant Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates Especially in 504 Soil Fertilisers and Plant Ashes Potassium in Estimation of 47 - Vanilla Authentic Chemical Composition of together with Analytical Extracturn Ferri Pomati Iron in Estimation of 149 Pmnatum and Ferri et QzLininG Citras Direct Iron Estimation in, Methods and Limits of Constants 206 562 Faxes Skatol and Indol Together in Estimation of 30 Farup and Schumacher-Jung Methods for the Estimation of Mercury in Urine, Fat and Boric Acid in Cream Combined Estimation of 141 - Butter and its Substitutes Viscosity of 458 - Colostrum and Colostrum Composition of 107 - Estimation by the Kumagawa-Suto Method Oxidation of Fatty Acids and Unsaponifiable Matter during Process of 432 - in Cheese and Milk Products the Estimation of Acid-Butyrometric Method - 9 -- by the Acid-Butyrometric Method without the Use by the ‘‘ Neusal” Method 146 - in Ice Creams Cereals and Chocolate Rapid and Accurate Method for Deter-- in Sweetened Ice Cream Modified Babcock Test for 323 - Wool Distilled 106 - - Oleins of Detection of Mineral Oils in 35 - - Stearin of 37 Fat; and Oils Other Marine Animal Oil (Thran) in Detection of 35 - Animal and Vegetable Differentiation of 458 - 9 - Certain the Detection of Polenske “Difference Value” for and its Fatty Acid Mixtures Fractional Precipitation of.(Detection of Rape Oil) 114 - Acids and their Isomeric Esters the Absorption of Ultra-Violet Rays by, in Soaps Estimation of Rapid Volumetric Method for 432 of Kaya Oil 458 Comparison of 111 for 145 - Estimation of 417 of Amy1 Alcohol 146 -mining 558 Theoretical Basis 204 the Reichert-Meissl Value of Influence of Antiseptic Agents on 68 Quantitative Study of 113 - the Lower Analysis of Mixtures of 273 - Total in Cottonseed Foots Estimation of 33 34 - Volatile Detection of 274 Oils Hexabromide Number of and the Estimation of Rape Oil in Raw Linseed Feeding-Stuffs and Manures Phosphorus in Estimation of 563 Various and Milk the Fermentative Activity of Simple Method for Fermentation Mashing and Boiling of Wort Transformation of the Proteins during Fermented Liquors and Wines the Dry Extract of Accurate Estimation of 566 Fern Male Extract of 428 Oils 158 Determining and the Catalase Enzyme of Milk 328 (111.).Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt 49 lii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVILI. Fern Male Extract of Analytical Constants of 429 Ferri et Quinine Citrus and Extrmtum Ferri Pomatum Direct Iron Estimation in, Ferric Salts Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Detection of 289 Ferro-Alloys and Steel Total Carbon in Estimation of by Combustion in Oxygen Ferrocyanide a Soluble Action of an Excess of on Solutions of Zinc Copper and (Ferrocyanides and Cyanides Detection of) Berlin (Prussian) Blue Reaction 111 Ferro-Silicon Analysis of 76 Ferrotitanium Analysis of 474 Ferrotungsten Metallic Tungsten Powder Tungsten Oxide and Tungstic Acid, Ferrous Iron Electrometric Ti tration of Dichromate Ion with 585 Ferrovanadium and Vanadium Steel Phosphorus in Determination of 587 Fertilisers Application of Polin’s Method for the Determination of Ammonia to 381 Potash Perchlorate in Estimation of Potassium as 124 Soil Extracts and Plant Ashes Potassium in Estimation of 47 Fibre Crude and Cellulose Estimation of 415 Fibres Kapok and Akon Waxes and Resins of 580 Field Method Practical for the Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 397 Filter-Beds and Springs the Testing of New Rapid Method for the Bacteriological Examination of Water and its Application for 30 Fish and Vegetable Oil Mixtures Properties of (111.).- Roe as Euman Food 508 Fleischmann Formula Table of Calculated Dry Substance of Milk by the 324 Flock Rag Chlorine in Estimation of 582 - ? - 9 Note on the Estimation of 409 Flour the Quality of Estimation of 55 Flue Gas the Exact Analysis of Apparatus for 351 Fluids and Organs Body d-Lactic Acid in Estimation of 569 Fluorine in Zinc Ores Estimation of 475 - Volumetric Estimation of 521 Fodder and Foodstuffs Non-Nitrogenous Extractive Matters in 560 Polin’s Method for the Determination of Ammonia Application of to Fertilisers 381 FOOD AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 19 55 105 145 204 264 321 365,414,456, Food Colours the Permitted Subsidiary Dyes in Quantitative Separation and -Poisoning and Food Infections Bacterial Report to the Local Government Standards and Regulations The Health Act 1911.Western Australia Foods and Other Organic Substances Moisture in Determination of 177 - Aniline Dyestuff6 [Magenta] in and Especially in Wines New Reaction for - Canned the Estimation of Tin in Iodine Titration Method for the Estimation - Formaldehyde in Detection of 497 - Inspectors of the Work of for the Year 1911-1912 Report on 131 562 under Pressure 285 Nickel and a Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Nickel 524 Determination of Phosphorus in by Direct Solution 290 Sulphate Monohydrated and its Employment in Volumetric Analysis 284 Studies on Fish Oils 70 Y Soluble Nitrogenous Substances as a Criterion oi 148 496 558 Determination of 376 Board on 535 (Report) 179 the Detection of 322 of Tin Especially in Connection with 23 etc.Water in Direct Estimation of by Distillation 20 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.liii Foods Saccharin in Estimation of 326 Foot and Mouth Disease Cows Suffering from Composition of Milk from 328 Foots Cottonseed Total Fatty Acids in Estimation of 33 34 Formaldehyde and Bismuth or Copper Compounds Interaction between in the Presence of Alkali 66 . - and Methyl Alcohol Simultaneous Estimation of 576 - and Nitrous Acid Interaction between 67 - Detection of with p-Nitrophenylhydrazine 466 - in Foods Detection of 497 -- in the Juices of Plants Occurrence of 152 Saffron Containing 420 Total in Fumigators and Commercial Solutions Estimation of, - the Milk Tests for Interference of Hydrogen Peroxide with 21 497 Formic Acid Detection and Estimation of 378 Fractional Precipitation of Fatty Acid Mixtures (Detection of Rape Oil) 114 Fractionation of California Petroleum by Diffusion through Fuller’s Earth 469 Fractures of Steel Preparing Sections of for Microscopic Examination 528 Franz-Adler Method Detection of Earthnut (Arachis) Oil in Olive Oil by the 58 Freezing-Point of Milk 368 Friction Internal and Density of Gases Apparatus for Determining 591 Frog and Tortoise the Blood of the Estimation of Sugar in Sources of Error in, Fruit Juices Salicylic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 420 Fuels Especially Petroleum Products Sulphur in Determination of 38 - Liquid Chemical Examination of 212 Fuller’s Earth Fractionation of California Petroleum by Diffusion through 469 Fumigators and Commercial Solutions Total Formaldehyde in Estimation of 497 Funnel New Separating 234 Funtumia Elastica and Manihot Ceara the Oils from Examination of and it Acid as a Solvent 513 and Acetic Acids Detection of 275 463 Comparison of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 259 Furnace; Electric Resistanci Application of to Determination of Oxygen in Iron and Steel 168 Fuse1 Oil Valuation of 66 Galactan the Estimation of Method for 158 Gallic Acid and Tannin Colour Reaction for 467 Gas Analysis Apparatus 395 594 - Laboratories at Coal Mines Apparatus for 482 Gas Dust in Apparatus for Estimating 48 - Flue the Exact Analysis of Apparatus for 351 - Fuels Suction Rapid Method of Testing for Liability to Clog Gas Engine - Generator Simple Gasoline for Sulphur Determinations 592 - Hydrogen Nitrogen and Methane in Determination of by Combustion in a Valves 332 Quartz Tube 341 396 593 - 9 -- the Testing of Estimation of Sulphate in Ammonium Sulphate Solution with Special Reference to 382 - Liquor Cyanogen Compounds in Estimation of 31 - Illuminating Hydrogen Sulphide in Apparatus and Method for Determining, - Illuminating the Estimation of Sulphur in Volumetric Method for 22 liv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Gas Natural the Estimation of for the Prcduction of Gasoline Methods for, - Thermo-Regulators Improvement in 351 Gaseous Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons of the Acetylene and Olefine Series in Mixtures of Estimation of 158 Gases Liquefied Extraction with 233 -- the Density and Internal Friction of Apparatus for Determining 591 Gasoline Gas Generator Simple for Sulphur Determinations 592 the Production of the Estimation of Natural Gas Methods for 577 Gasometric Estimation of Nitric Oxide and Oxygen Depending on the Formation of 577 Nitrous Anhydride 391 - Methcd New for the Estimation of Nitric Oxide I.45 Gay-Lus~ac Method of Silver Determination 228 Gelatin in Textile Dressings Detection of 332 - Studies on the Chemistry of and its Estimation 67 Gelatinising Temperatures of Starch Granules Researches on 74 German Pharmacopceia the Methods of Examination of Turpentine Oil by 501 - Regulations New for the Official Examination of Inks 213 Ginger Jamaica Essential Oil of 56 Glass Certain Sorts of Action of Baryta Water on 118 Globulin Casein and Albumin in Milk Nephelometric Determination of Proteins, Glucose Small Amounts of in Urine Estimation of 463 Glucosides Digitalis Reactions of.Digitonin 265 Glues the Jelly-Strength of Improved Apparatus for Testing 231 Glycerides Mixed Nomenclature of and the Synthetic Preparation of a-Distearin and Glycerin-Jelly the Use of in Mounting Microscopical Objects 407 Glycerol in Sweet Raisin Wines Estimation of 24 in Wines Estimation of 368 New Method of Estimating 275 Glyceryl Acetate in Essential Oils Estimation of 148 Glycogen in Liver Estimation of 63 Glycyrrhizin in Sweets and in Liquorice Estimation of 367 Glyoxylic Reaction Colour Reactions of Certain Indole DerivativeEt and their Signi-ficance with Regard to the 276 Gold and Platinum Detection of 476 Bromide Test for Semen 29 Coast Crude Petroleum from 162 Platinum Rhodium and Iridium Separation of Palladium from 524 Salts Delicate Colour Reactions of 54 Volumetric Determination of 390 571 P-Palmitodistearin 214 Mixed of Palmitic and Stearic Acids Present in Lard 204 Goldenberg Method (for Commercial Tartrates) 1898 and 1907 435 Grains Oil in the Determination of Rapid Control Method for 57 Granules Starch the Gelatinising Temperatures of Researches on 74 Grapes and Wines Estimation of Pentoses and Methylpentoses in ; Investigations on Lead Precipitates from Wines 25 Greases Lubricating Soaps in Estimation of 162 (( Green Butter ” and Cocoa Butter a Simple Test for Differentiating between 201 Green Plants Respiratory Quotients of 152 Groups Carboxyl in Organic Acids Determination of Improved Apparatus for 299 Guaiacum Test for Bloodstains the Value of the 186 1.-Guncotton ; 11.-Nitroglycerine and Cordite ; 111.-Theoretical.Heat Test 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. lv Haemolysis Detection and Differentiation of Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Saponins Halogen Salts Bromine in Iodic Acid Method of Estimating 166 the Estimation of Bromine in Preparation of Selenic Acid and Sodium Selenate as Reagents for 295 Halphen’s Test for Cottonseed Oil Modification of 68 Hardened Marine Animal Oils 373 Oils Analysis of 432 (‘ Hardened ” Oils Note on 102 Hardened Whale Oil Colour Reactions of 433 Hardness of Water the Determination of and Behaviour of Calcium and Magnesium Heat Evolved by Bacteria Micro-Calorimeter for Measuring 431 by 151 Salts with Soap Solutions 436 Liquids Decomposed by Apparatus for Extracting 444 of Combustion and Elementary Analysis Use of Bomb Calorimeter for 533 Test.1.-Guncotton 11.-Nitroglycerine and Cordite. 111.-Theoretical, Heavy Metals Salts of Behaviour of Salts of Caesium and Rubidium towards 283 Hevea and Linseed Oils Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and Funtumia Hexabrornide Number of Fatty Oils and the Estimation of Rape Oil in Raw Linseed Hickory Nuts and Hickory Nut Oil 498 Hides Tanned Various East-Indian the Analysis of 363 aiding Power and Opacity of Pigments Tests on 161 Higher Alcohols in Spirits Estimation of 564 -Histidine Detection of 114 the Estimation of Colorimetric Method for 578 Hoffmann’s Apparatus Estimation of Water in Vegetables by 177 Honey Composition of 265 Examination of 20 Russian Composition of 149 Hop Analysis 562 - the Composition of the Effect of Kiln-Drying at 140° F.on 20 Hops Constituents of 4.59 - Grown in Different Parts of the World the Composition of Comparative Study of 366 Horseflesh Carnosine Methylguanidine and Carnitin in Occurrence of 508 Human Bile the Analysis of 208 Humus Nitrogen in Contribution to Methods of Determining 163 - the Official Method of Determining Modification of 115 Hydriodic Acid in Presence of Phenol Methoxyl Estimations with 33 Hydrocarbons Gaseous Hydrocarbons of the Acetylene and Olefine Series in Mix-Hydrochloric Acid and Diphenylamine Behaviour of Certain Sugars with 435 Rydrocyanic Acid Detection of 332 in Plants the Determination of with Special Reference to Kaffir Hydrofluoric Acid Solution Potassium Chloride in Separation of Niobium and Tan-275 Elastica and a Comparison of their Properties with those of 259 Oils 158 in Wine Estimation of 23 Nitrogenous Constituents of 459 Milk Cow’s Milk and Buttermilk the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Effect of Boiling on 205 tures of Estimation of 158 Corn Colorimetric Method for 569, talum by Means of 22 lvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Sea- Water Colorimetric Estimation of “ Salt Error ” - in 394 Red Cabbage Extract as Indicator for Measuring 214 - Mixtures of with Methane Ethane and Propane Analysis of 121 Nitrogen and Methane in Gas Determination of by Combustion in a Peroxide Colour Method Estimation of Vanadium in Steel by the 589 Sulphide in Illuminating Gas Apparatus and Method for Deteruiining, Propane and Isobutane Analysis --of 276 Quartz tube 341 Interference 01 with the Milk Tests for Formaldehyde 21 396 593 in Natural Waters Small Quantities of Estimation of 532 - Table New 167 (Hydrogenised) Solidified Oils and the Detection of Arachidic Acid 160 Hydrogenising Apparatus Skita’s Simple Modification of 484 Hydrolysis of LEevulosans and its Application for Analytical Purposes 429 of Organic Phosphorus Compounds by Dilute Acid and Dilute Alkali 278 Tryptic Protein Measurement of by Determination of the Tyrosine liberated 153 Hydrolysts Invertase and Acid as Determination of Sucrose in Cane Molasses by the Double Polarisation Method Using 281 Hydrolytic Action a Source of Error in the Estimation of Iodine and Bromine in Mineral Waters etc.532 Hydrometers Standardisation of 395 Hydrosulphite in Volumetric Analysis [of Dyestuffs] Use of, Hydrosulphites Analysis of 284 Hydroxides and Carbonates of Potassium and Sodium when Together in Solution, Hydroxycyanide Mercuric Disinfectant Value of 461 Hydroxyl Ions the Concentration of New Method for the Determination of 522 Hydroxylarnine Estimation of 437 Hypochlorites Colour Reaction of with Methylaniline and Ethylaniline 476 Hypophosphite Sodium Estimation of Copper by Means of 75 519 520 Hypophosphites and Hypophosphorous Acid Volumetric Estimation of 342 Hypophosphorous Acid Separation of Thorium from Monazite Sand by Means of. Estimation of 166 Estimation of 224 Method of Analysing 521 Estimation of 438 Detection of Cerium 443 Ice Cream Sweetened Fat in Modified Babcock Test for 323 - Creams Cereals and Chocolate Fat in Rapid and Accurate Method for Deter-mininet.558 Illurninat& Gas Hydrogen Sulphide in Apparatus and Method for Determining, 396 593 - the Estimation of Sulphur in Volumetric Method for 228 the Testing of Estimation of Sulphate in Ammonium Sulphate Solution with Special Reference to 382 Immiscible Solvents Prevention of Emulsification in Extractions by 48 India Lemon-Grass Oils from 160 - Turpentine Oils from 165 Indican Reaction New 508 578 Indicator an Electrochemical for Oxidiaing Agents 35 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. l ~ i i Indicator for Measuring Hydrogen Ion Concentration Red Cabbage Extract as, in Titration of Iron with Dichromate Application of Diphenylcarbazide Method for the Estimation,of the Permeability of Cells by Alkalis 327 214 (“ Diphenylcarbohydrazide ”) as 167 New 427 Indol and Skakol together in Faeces Estimation of 30 - Derivatives Certain Colour Reactions of and their Significance with Regard Inks the OEcial Examination of New German Regulations for 213 INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 40 75 116,166 220 283 338 381 436 473 517, INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 51 86 182 240 406 Institute of Metals (Ghent Meeting) 304 Insulated Wires Caoutchouc in Rubber Wares Particularly Estimation of 111 Invert Sugar [Commercial] Detection of by Means of P-Naphthol 217 Invertase and Acid as Hydrolysts Determination of Sucrose in Cane Molasses by Iodate Action of Persulphate on and Estimation of Periodate in Presence of Per-Iodic Acid Method of Estimating Bromine in Halogen Salts 166 Iodide Sodium Purification of Acetone by Means of 424 Iodimetric Estimation of Free and Combined Chromic Oxide 386 Iodine and Bromine in Mineral Waters etc.the Estimation of Hydrolytic Action - the Recovery of from Residues 409 - Titration Method for the Estimation of Tin Especially in connection with Iodoform Carbon Tetriodide in the Presence of Estimation of 373 Ion Concentration Hydrogen Indicator for Measuring Red Cabbage Extract as 214 - of Sea-Water ‘( Salt Error ” in Colorimetric Estima-Ion Dichromate Electrometric Titration of with Ferrous Iron 585 Ions Hydroxyl the Concentration of New Method for the Determination of 522 Iridium Gold Platinum and Rhodium Separation of Palladium from 524 Iron Alloys Steel and Cast Iron Total Carbon in Rapid Determination of 442 - and Copper Estimation of Palladium and its Separation from 79 - and Manganese Separation of 121 - and Steel Carbon in Rapid Method for Estimating 384 Colorimetric Method for Titanium in 588 Determination of Oxygen in Application of Electric Resistance Phosphorus in Estimation of 291 the Estimation of Phosphorus in without Separation of Silicon, Beduction of Manganese Dioxide by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in 77 - Cadmium Arsenic or Lead Copper in Presence of the Oxalate-Permanganate Method for Estimating 122 - Chromium and Vanadium in Presence of One Another the Volumetric Estimation of a New Method for 99 to the Glyoxylic Reaction 276 580 the Double Polarisation Method Using 281 sulphate 479 - of Iron 586 - of Persulphuric Acid 293 a Source of Error in 532 in Organic Substances Estimation of 427 the Estimation of Tin in Canned Foods 23 9 tion of 394 and Chromium Quantitative Separation of 387 Furnace to 16 lviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Iron Chromium in Presence of Volumetric Estimation of 387 - Ferrous Electrometric Titration of Dichromate Ion with 585 Estimation Direct in Ferri et Quinine Citrus and Extracturn Ferri Pornaturn 562 Hydrated Oxide of Valuation of by Means of the “ Sulphuretted Hydrogen in Extracturn Ferri Pomati Estimation of 149 - in Syr. Ferri Phosph. Co. and Other Pharmaceutical Preparations the Estima-- Iodimetric Estimation of 586 Burette,” 522 tion of 447 in Water Estimation of 174 ManganeAe in the Presence of Estimation of 225 Titanium in Presence of Estimation of 229 9 in the Presence of Estimation of 82 - -- Ti tration of with Dichromate Diphenylcarbazide (‘‘ Diphenylcarbohydrazide ”) Traces of in Cane and Beet Sugar Factory and Refinery Products Estimation Isobutane Methane Ethane and Propane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis in Application of 167 of 59 of 276 Jamaica Ginger Essential Oil of 56 - Rum Method of Distinguishing from Artificial Rum 368 Japan and China (‘ Wood Oils” from 580 Jelly-Strength of Glues Improved Apparatus for Testing.231 Juices Fruit Salicylic Acid in Detection and Estimation of 420 - of Plants Formaldehyde in Occurrence of 152 Kaffir Corn Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Hydrocyanic Acid in Kapok and Akon Fibres Waxes and Resins of 580 -- Seeds and Kapok Oil 467 Kaya Oil Fatty Acids of 458 Kjeldahl-Bertrand Method Estimation of Sugars by the 218 Knorre G.von the Method of Estimation of Manganese in Castings and Steels Kottstorfer Value for the Estimation of Resins and Substitutes in Caoutchouc Kumagawa-Suto Method Process of Fat Estimation by the Oxidation of Fatty Acids Plants with Special Reference to 569 Gunning Method Source of Error in the 467 by 286 Articles Use of 337 and Unsaponifiable Matter during 432 Lactic Acid Estimation of 379 d-Lactic Acid in Body Fluids and Organs Estimation of 569 Lactic Acid in Urine Estimation of 328 370 Lactose and Casein in Milk Estimation of 21 - in Milk Estimation of by Precipitation with Ammonium Sulphate 418 - the Polarimetric Estimation of Influence of Ammonium Sulphate on 217 Lmulosans Hydrolysis of and its Application for Analytical Purposes 429 Lamb and Mutton New Zealand Fresh and Frozen Chemical and Bacteriological Lanolin Paraffins of Detection of 458 Tartaric Citric and Malic Acids in Musts Wines etc.Estimation of 504 the Estimation of Aluminium Hydroxide as a Protein Precipitating Reagent in 418 Study of 2 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. lix Lanthanum Thorium Cerium Erbium Didymium and Silica Separation of Lard Palmitic and Stearic Acids Present in Mixed Glycerides of 204 Law Report. (Demerara Sugar) 595 Lead Action of Various Waters on 530 - Alloys Analysis of and Cathodic Estimation of Lead 582 - Cathodic Estimation of and Anaiysis of Lead Alloys 582 Tungsten from 481 Cadmium Arsenic or Iron Copper in Presence of the Oxalate-Permanganate Chromate and Lead Sulphide Solubility of 476 Method for Estimating 122 Copper and Zinc in gupply- Water Detection and Colorimetric Estimation of.123 Nickel and Zinc Estimation of by Precipitation as Oxalate and Titration Peroxide in Minium Rapid Method of Estimating 343 Precipitates from Wines Investigations on ; Estimation of Pentoses and Small Quantities of Estimation of 440 Sulphate Determination of and the Ultimate Estimation of ‘‘ Sublimed White Sulphide and Lead Chromate Solubility of 476 - the Electrolytic Separation of Influence of Colloids on 76 - Tin Antimony and Copper Alloys of Analysis of 584 Leather Free Sulphur in Estimation of 467 Lecithin Phosphorus in Estimation of 58 Lehmann’s Method Estimation of Reducing Sugars by 219 Lemon-Grass Oils from India 160 Liebig Combustion Method Modification of the 301 Lime-Magnesia Ratio in Soil Analysis Significance of 126 Linseed and Hevea Oils Examination of the Oils from Manihot Ceara and Fwtumia Elastica and a Comparison of their Properties with those of 259 - Oil Adulteration in the Detection of 3 104 Effect of Certain Pigments on Manganese Content of Raw Linseed Oil, Oxygen Absorption Test for 159 Oils Raw the Estimation of Rape Oil in and Hexabromide Number of with Permanganate 122 Methylpentoses in Grapes and Wines 25 Lead” in Rubber 44 Preparations and the Estimation of Lecithin 205 215 Fatty Oils 158 Lipoids in Blood-Serum Estimation of 28 Liquefied Gases Extraction with 233 Liqueurs Similar and Absinthe Estimation of Essential Oils in and in Alcoholic Solutions of Essential Oils 418 Liquid Fuels Chemical Examination of 212 - Large Volumes of the Continuous Evaporation of under Diminished Pressure Apparatus for 591 Liquids and Solids Extraction Apparatus for 351 - Organic Determination of Chlorides and Bromides in 211 Liquor Gas Cyanogen Compounds in Estimation of 31 Liquors Fermented and Wines the Dry Extract of Accurate Estimation of, Liquorice and Sweets Glycyrrhizin in Estimation of 367 Lithium Determination of 168 in Mineral Waters Estimation of 531 Decomposed by Heat Apparatus for Extracting 444 56 lx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Lithopones Analysis of Paints and Especially 334 Liver Glycogen in Estimation of 63 Lloyd’s Reagent Precipitation of Alkaloids by 426 Lubricating Greases Soaps in Estimation of 162 Macagno’s Method Volumetric Estimation of Phosphorus in Steel by 526 [Magenta] Aniline Dyestuffs in Foods and Especially in QTines the Detection of, Magnesia Lime- Ratio in Soil Analysis Significance of 126 Magnesium and Calcium Salts Behaviour of with Soap Solutions and the Deter- Calcium Strontium and Barium Spectroscopic Detection of 584 Carbonate Asbestos Mixtures etc. Magnesium Oxide in Calorimetric Sulphates Tartaric Acid and Calcium in Wine Physico-Chemical Mineral and Transformer Oils Evaporation Test for 333 Oils Viscosity of 36 New Reaction for 322 mination of Hardness of Water 436 Detection and Estimation of 76 Estimation of 421 Male Fern Extract of 428 Malic and Tartaric Acids iu the Same Solution Determination of 381 Tartaric and Succinic Acids in Wine Estimation of 502 - - Citric and Lactic Acids in Musts Wines etc.Estimation of 504 Malt and Barley Nitrogenous Substances in. 9 Analytical Constants of 429 111. Transformation of the Proteins and Unmalted Cereals American Beers Made from Use of the Immersion during Mashing Boiling of Wort and Fermentation 496 Refractometer in Examining 456 Manganese and Cbromium New Separation of 474 Separation of 474 Small Quantities of in Minerals and Rocks Estimation of 226 and Iron Separation of 121 Content of Raw Linseed Oil. Effect of Certain Pigments on Linseed Oil 215 Dioxide Reduction of by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in the Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel with Separation of Silicon 77 in Castings and Steels Estimation of by the Method of G.von Knorre, 286 in Rocks Slags Ores and Spiegels Volumetric Determination of,. 170 in Soil Estimation of 343 - in the Presence of Iron Estimation of 225 Small Quantities of in Water Colorimetric Estimation of 225 477 Volumetric Estimation of by the Volhard-Wolff Method. Chemiker-Manihot Ceara and Funtumia Elastica the Oils from Examination of and a Com-Manketti Nuts Oil of 105 Manures and Feeding-Stuffs Phosphorus in Estimation of 563 Maple Products Analysis of. Margarine Vegetable Oils in Detection of 21 Marine Animal Oil (Thran) in Other Oils and Fats Detection of 35 kommission des Vereins deutscher Eisenhuttenleute 391 parison of their Properties with thGse of Linseed and Hevea Oils 259 I.Electrical Conductivity Test for the Purity of Maple Syrup 499 - Oils Hardened 37 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. lxi Match Compositions White Phosphorus in Detection of 289 Maumenb Figure of Oil of Turpentine 338 Meat Extract and Fresh Meat Succinic Acid in Occurrence of 508 Meats Benzoic Acid in Estimation of 414 Mechanical Agitator 590 Melilotus Coumarin in Estimation of 145 Melnik (Bohemian) Wine 326 Melting- and Solidifying Points of Mixtures of Stearic and Oleic Acids 579 Melting-Point Apparatus for High Temperatures 483 Mercuric Hydroxycyanide Disinfectant Value of 461 Oxide as a Standard for Volumetric ,Analyses 439 Mercury as Metal Estimation of by the Dry Method 227 in Textile Materials Estimation of 63 - in the Air of Rooms Etc.where the Metal is Used Estimation of 477 - in Urine and Animal Tissues the Estimation of Method for 153 - Test Detection of Petroleum Products in Oil of Turpentine by Means of and Urine Precipitation of Purine Bases from by Means of Zinc the 70 Salts 572 - the Farup and Schumacher-Jung Methods for the Estimation of, Comparison of 111 - Small Quantities of in Organic Substances Estimation of 515 Metallurgical Calculations Notes on and on Valuation of Ores and Minerals 171 Metals Heavy Salts of Behaviour of Salts of Cmium and Rubidium towards, Methane Ethane and Propane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis of 121 283 Propane and Isobutane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis of 276 Quartz Tube 341 Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Gas Determination of by Combustion in a Preparation and Analysis of 430 Methoxyl and Ethoxyl Estimations Volumetric Method for 430 Estimations with Hydriodic Acid in Presence of Phenol 33 Methyl Alcohol and Formaldehyde Simultaneous Estimation of 576 - Detection and Estimation of 509 Small Quantities of in Blood and Animal Tissues Estimation and .the Identification of. New Method for. 379 in Spirits Estimation of 56 Detection of 62 and E thy1 Alcohols in Aqueous Solutions Small Quantities of Estimation of 575 in the Presence of Each Other Estimation of 330 Methylaniline and Ethylaniline Colour Reaction of Hypochlorites with 476 Methylene Blue Determination of Stannous Chloride and of Chlorates by Means the Quantitative Reduction of by Milk Bacteria Investigations on, and the Use of this Dye for Determining the Condition of Milk 62 Methylguanidine Carnosine and Carnitin in Horseflesh Occurrence of 508 Methylpentoses and Pentoses in Grapes and Wines Estimation of ; Investigations on Lead Precipitates from Wines 25 Mett’s Method for Determining the Activity of Pepsin and the Acidity-Maximum of Peptic Digestion 29 Microbes Pathogenic in “Raw” River Water and in Crude Sewage Search for, 370 of 12 lxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI1[1.Micro-Calorimeter for Measuring Heat Evolved by Bacteria 421 Microchemical Reagents 83 Wcropyrometer 130 Microscopic Examination Preparing Sections of Fractures of Steel for 528 Microscopical Detection of Embelic Acid 559 Microsublimation of Alkaloids under Reduced Pressure 426 Milk Added Water in Detection of by Means of the Refractometer Value of the Albumin Casein and Globulin in Nephelometric Determination of Proteins, and Cream the Estimation of Boric Acid in a Quick and Accurate Method for, and Various Feeding-Stuffs the Fermentative Activity of Simple Method for Bacteria Investigations on the Quantitative Reduction of Methylene Blue by, - - Protoplasmalipoids especially in Muscular Tissue 423 Objects the Use of Glycerin-Jelly in Mounting 407 Serum 500 and Cream Benzoic Acid in the Detection and Estimation of 555 571 140 Determining and the Catalase Enzyme of Milk 328 and the Use of this Dye for Determining the Condition of Milk 62 Calculated Dry Substance of by the Fleischmann Formula Table of 324 Casein and Lactose in Estimation of 21 Cow’s Human Milk and Buttermilk the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of, Evaporated and Milk-Powders Milk-Fat in Rapid and Accurate Gravimetric Effect of Boiling on 205 Method for Determining 147 - Freezing-Point of 368 - from Cows Suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease Composition of 328 - Lactose and Casein in Estimation of by Precipitation with Ammonium Sulphate 418 - 7 - in the Estimation of Aluminium Hydroxide as a Protein Precipitating Reagent in 418 Morres’s ‘( Alizarol ” Test for 460 - Nitrates and Nitrites in 450 Nitric Acid (Nitrates) in Detection of 563 Peroxydase Reaction of.Potassium Bichromate in Detection of 563 (Influence of Preservatives etc.) 325 Products and Cheese the Estimation of Fat in Acid-Butyrometric Method for, 145 Proteins in Estimation of by Aldehyde Titration 266 - Solubility of in the Constituents of the Serum 570 Samples for Analysis Preservation of 325 Tests for Formaldehyde Interference of Hydrogen Peroxide with the 21 the Catalase Enzyme of and Simple Method for Determining tbe Fermentative Activity of Milk and Various Feeding-Stuffs 3‘28 - the Composition of 252 - the Distribution of Cell Elements in Influence of Centrifugal Action on 108 the Specific Gravities of Vieth’s Table for Correcting Extension of 460 the Vitamine Fraction of Attempt to Estimate 269 Total Solids of 21 Treated with Potassium Dichromate Alteration of 325 Mine Air the Examination of Apparatus for 128 Mineral Lubricating and Transformer Oils Evaporation Test for 333 Oils in Oleins of Wool Fat Detection of 35 Powders the Specific Gravity of Determination of 29 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxiii Mineral Waters etc. Iodine and Bromine in the Estimation of Hydrolytic Action Mineralogical Analysis of Soils 125 Minerals and Ores Valuation of Notes on and on Metallurgical Calculations 171 a Source of Error in 532 Lithium in Estimation of 531 and Rocks Silicate Water in Estimation of 47 Small Quantities of Manganese and Chromium in Estimation of 226 Mines Coal Gas Analysis Laboratories at Apparatus for 482 Minium Lead Peroxide in Rapid Method of Estimating 343 Miscibility Curves Use of in the Examination of Spirits of Camphor 204 Moisture Determination of 174 - in Foods and Other Organic Substances Determination of 177 Molasses Cane Sucrose in Determination of by the Double Polarisation Method, Molybdenum and Tungsten Electrolytic Separation of Copper from 224 -_- Detection of 523 Molybdic Acid Sensitive Reaction for 43 Monazite Sand Separation of Thorium from by Means of Hypophosphorous Acid.Mono-amino Acids Creatine and Creatinine in Certain Fishes Mollusca and Morphine in Opium and Opium Preparations Estimation of 150 Multiviscosimeter the 178 Muscular Tissue Protoplasmalipoids Especially in Detection of 423 Mustard Powder Black 500 Musts Wines etc. Tartaric Citric Lactic and Malic Acids in Estimation of 504 Mutton and Lamb New Zealand Fresh and Frozen Chemical and Bacteriological Mylius’s Reaction for the Detection of Cholalic Acid and Other Biliary Acids Method in Organic Substances Determination of 177 Using Invertase and Acid as Hydrolysts 281 - Sensitive Reaction of 478 Detection of Cerium 443 Crustacea.Estimation of 26 Study of 27 of Sensitising 506 &Naphthol Detection of [Commercial] Invert Sugar by Means of 217 Native Bitumens and their Residuals Characteristics and Differentiation of 371 Neodymium Some Quantitative Separations of 343 Nephelometric Determination of Proteins Casein Globulin and Albumin in Milk 571 “ Neusal ” Method Estimation of Fat in Cheese by the 146 Neutral Red Paper as Indicator for Alkalimetry of Serum 328 Nickel in Plated Articles Detection of 45 Lead and Zinc Estimation of by Precipitation as Oxalate and Titration - the Detection and Estimation of by Means of a-Benzildioxime 316 - Zinc and Copper Solutions of Action of an Excess of a Soluble Ferrocyanide (Ninhydrin) Triketohydrindene Hydrate Colour Reactions of 579 Niobium and Tantalum Separation of by Means of Potassium Chloride in Hydro-fluoric Acid Solution 226 Nitrate in Presence of Nitrite Detection of 170 Nitrates and Nitrites in Milk 450 with Permanganate 122 on and a Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Nickel 524 Determination of by Phenol Disulphonic Acid Method Influence of Chlorine on 339 (Nitrates) Nitric Acid in Milk Detection of 56 lxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVILT.Nitric Acid Estimation of Cellulose by Means of 509 in Sulphuric Anhydride Qualitative Detection of 78 Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Detection of 585 Solutions Containing Electrolytic Determination of Copper in 340 the Presence of Colour Reactions of Oils with Certain Phenols in 433 - Oxide and Oxygen Gasometric Estimation of Depending on the Formation of Nitrous Anhydride 391 - Estimation of 171 the Estimation of New Gasometric Method for I.45 Nitrite Detection of Nitrate in Presence of 170 Nitrites and Nitrates in Milk 450 - Estimation of by Means of Thiocarbamide and the Interaction of Nitrous Nitrobenzene in Earthnut Oil Estimation of 457 Nitrogen and Sulphur Water Formed on Burning Substances Containing Estimation Elementary Direct Estimation of by Means of Commercial Calcium - Estimations by Dumas' Method Absorption Apparatus for Use in 234 Hydrogen and Methane in Gas Determination of by Combustion in a, Acid and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different Strength 440 of in a Calorimetric Bomb 347 Carbide 287 Quartz Tube 341 - in Humus Methods of Determining Contribution to 163 Nitrogenous Constituents of Hops 459 - of Raw Caoutchouc the Estimation of Method for 272 111.Transformatjon of the Proteins during Mashing Boiling of Wort and Fermentation 496 Soluble Estimation of as a Criterion of the Quality of Flour, 11.-Nitroglycerine and Cordite. 1.-Guncotton. 111.-Theoretical. Heat Test 275 Nitroglycerine Behaviour of when Heated 115 p-Nitrophenylhydrazine Detection of Formaldehyde with 466 Nitroprusside Reaction of Urine 154 a-nitroso-P-naphthol Precipitation of Palladium by Means of 289 Nitrosubstitution Compounds Quantitative Separation of from Nitroglycerine 513 Nitrous Acid and Formaldehyde Interaction between 67 -- and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different Strength Inter-action of and Estimation of Nitrites by Means of Thiocarbamide 440 in the Presence of Ferric Salts Detection of 289 Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by and the Use of this Reaction in the Estimation of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel without Separation of Silicon 77 Anhydride the Formation of Gasometric Estimation of Nitric Oxide and Acetylcelluloses, - Poisonous and Poisonous Saponins Detection and Differentiation of by Haemo-Nuts Cohune Oil of 433 - Substances in Barley and Malt.148 - Quantitative Separation of Nitrosubstitution Compounds from 513 of Nitric Acid Detection of 585 Oxygen Depending on 391 Non- Alcoholic Wines of Commerce So-called 565 Inflammable Cellulose Esters Analysis and Examination of.Nitrogenous Extractive Matters in Fodder and Foodstuffs 560 577 lysis 151 Eickory and Hickory Nut Oil 498 Manketti Oil of 10 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXPIII. lxv OBITUARY NOTICES : Adams Dr. M.A. F.R.C.S. F.I.C. 241 305 Claudet A. C. 53 Heron John 185 Lewkowitsch Julius 493 Mosenthal H. de 2 Oil (Arachis) Earthnut in Olive Oil Detection of by the Franz-Adler Method 58 - Arachis Composition of 514 - Baobab 498 - Cocoanut and Palm-Kernel in Mixtures the Proportionate Determination of 255 - the Composition of and Alcoholysis 8 the Quantity of Present in a Butter Calculation of from the Polenske Value of the Mixture 558 - Cottonseed Modification of Halphen’s Test for 68 - Earthnut Nitrobenzene in Estimation of 457 - Essential of Cocoa 20 - from the Seeds of Ximenia Americana 147 - Fusel Valuation of 66 - Eickory Nut and Hickory Nuts 498 - i n Grains the Determination of Rapid Control Method for 57 - Kapok and Kapok Seeds 467 - Kaya Fatty Acids of 458 - Linseed Adulteration in the Detection of 3 104 - - Effect of Certain Pigments on.- - Oxygen Absorption Test for 159 - Marine Animal (Thran) in Other Oils and Fats Detection of 34 - Mixtures Fish and Vegetable Properties of. - of Bitter Almonds and Benzaldehyde Estimation of 19 - of Cohune Nuts 433 -of Manketti Nuts 105 - of Turpentine Maurnen6 Figure of 338 - Olive Earthnut (Arachis) Oil in Detection of by the Franz-Adler Method 58 A - Rape Oil in Detection of 434 - Palm-Kernel and Cocoanut in Mixtures the Proportionate Determination of 255 - Pine Nut 275 (- Rape Detection of).- in Olive Oil Detection of 434 9 of Jamaica Ginger 56 Manganese Content of Raw Linseed Oil 215 Studies on Fish Oils 70 Petroleum Products in Detection of by Means of the Maurnen6 Test 70 Fractional Precipitation of Fatty Acid Mixtures 114 9 in Raw Linseed Oils the Estimation of and Hexabromide Number of - -Fatty Oils 158 - Seeds from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 323 - Soya Bean Colour Reaction of 36 - the 6 ‘ Cold Test” of Experiments on 34 - Tung Examination of 116 - Turpentine Examination of by the Methods of the German Pharmacopceiae 501 - Whale Hardened Colour Reactions of 433 Oils and Fats Other Marine Animal Oil (Thran) in Detection of 35 - Blown Rosin in Estimation of 469 -.Colour Reactions of with Certain Phenols in the Presence of Nitric Acid 433 - Essential from Various Countries 559 - 9 Glyceryl Acetate in Estimation of 14 lxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Oils Essential in Absinthe and Similar Liqueurs and in Alcoholic Solutions of - -_. Oxidation Assay of 69 - Fatty Oils Hexabromide Number of and the Estimation of Rape Oil in Raw - Fish Studies on. -- from Manihot Ceara and Funturnin Elastaca Examination of and a Comparison - Hardened Analysis of 432 - (‘ Hardened,” Note on 102 - Lemon Grass from India 160 - Lubricating Viscosity of 36 - Marine Animal Hardened 373 - Lubricating and Transformer Evaporation Test for 333 - Mineral in Oleins of Wool Fat Detection of 35 - Raw Linseed the Estimation of Rape Oil in and Hexabrornide Number of - Solidified (Hydrogenised) and the Detection of Arachidic Acid 160 - Steam Turbine Examination of 468 _c- Tar and Crude Carbolic Acid Phenol in Estimation of 162 - Turpentine from India 165 - Vegetable in Margarine Detection of 21 ‘;- Wood,” from China and Japan 580 Oleic and Stearic Acids Mixtures of Solidifying and Melting Points of 579 Oleins of Wool Fat Mineral Oils in .Detection of 35 Opacity and Hiding Power of Pigments Tests on 161 Opium and Opium Preparations Morphine in Estimation of 150 Orcs and Minerals Valuztion of Notes on and on Metallurgical Calculations 171 - Containing Arsenic Antimony or Bismuth Copper in Electrolytic Estimation Essential Oils Estimation of 418 Linseed Oils 158 111.Properties of Fish and Vegetable Oil Mixtures 70 of their Properties with those of Linseed and Hevea Oils 259 Fatty Oils 158 - Paint Drying Rates of 468 of 222 Copper in Thiocyanate-Permanganate Method for 223 Rocks Slags and Spiegels Manganese in Volumetric Determination of 170 - Zinc Fluorine in Estimation of 475 in Determination of 298 Organic Acids Determination of Carboxyl Groups in Improved Apparatus for 299 ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTACTS 31 65 111 154 211 271 329 371 424 464 508 574 Organic Compounds Oxygen in Direct Estimation of 216 - Matter in Clays Estimation of 374 --_ Phosphorus Compounds Hydrolysis of by Dilute Acid and‘ Dilute Alkali 278 - Substances Iodine in Estimation of 427 ---- Some the Estimation of Perrnanganate (Alkaline) in 215 - Method of Standardising Disinfectants with or without 422 - Phenol in Presence of Estimation of 336 Solvents Evaporated Apparatus for Recovery of 398 Moisture in Determination of 177 - Other and Foods Moisture in Determination of 177 -- Small Quantities of Mercury in Estimation of 515 -- Sulphur in Estimation of 515 Osmium Tetroxide as an Oxygen Carrier and the Rendering Active of Chlorate Solu-Oxalate Precipitation as and Titration with Permanganate Estimation of Lead, Oxidation Assay of Essential Oils 69 tions 78 Nickel and Zinc by 12 lNDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxvii Oxidation of Fatty Acids and Unsaponifiable Matter during Process of Fat Estima-tion by the Kumagawa-Suto Method 432 Products of Cholesterol Study of the 209 with Bromine Identification of Small Amounts of Dyestuffs by 376 Oxide Nitric and Oxygen Gasometric Estimation of Depending on the Formation - Estimation of 171 - - the Estimation of New Gasometric Method for (I.) 45 - of Iron Hydrated Valuation of by Means of the “Sulphuretted Hydrogen Oxidising Agents an Electro-Chemical Indicator for 353 Power Estimation of and Application of Dialysis as Aids in Judging Oxygallol Derivatives Colour Reactions of Alkaline Earths with 473 Oxygen Absorption Test for Linseed Oil 159 - Action of Tartaric Acid on Tin in the Presence of 472 of Nitrous Anhydride 391 Burette,” 522 Soils 369 Active in Perborates and in Washing Powders Containing Perborates 441 Available in Per-Salts Estimation of by Means of Titanium Trichloride 78 - -Carrier Osmium Tetroxide as an and the Rendering Active of Chlorate - Dissolved in Water the Determination of Apparatus for 396 c and Nitric Oxide Gasometric Estimation of Depending on the Formation of Nitrous Anhydride 391 Solutions 78 7 - --7 Practical Field Method for 397 the Estimation of Use of Sodium Potassium Tartrate 9 - 9 -in 442 Elementary New Delicate Reaction for 172 in Copper and Brass Determination of 520 - in Iron and Steel Determination of Application of Electric Resistance - in Organic Compounds Direct Estimation of 216 - Moist Combustion with Estimation of Carbon by 271 - the Absorption of by Sewage Effluents Measurement of 123 - under Pressure Estimation of Total Carbon in Steel and Ferro-Alloys by Oxymethylanthraquinones Extracts of Drugs Containing Detection of Aloes in 331 Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Estimation of 344 Furnace to 168 Combustion in 285 Paint Oils Raw Drying Rates of 468 Paints and Especially Lithopones Analysis of 334 Palladium Estimation of and its Separation from Copper and Iron 79 - Precipitation of by means of a-nitroso-@-naphthol 289 - Separation of from Gold Platinum Rhodium and Iridium 524 Palmitate Potassium Use of in Water Analysis 127 Palmitic and Stearic Acids Present in Lard Mixed Glycerides of 204 P-Palmitodistearin and a-Distearin the Synthetic Preparation of and Nomenclature Palm-Kernel and Cocoanut Oil in Mixtures the Proportionate Determination of 255 Paper Mechanical Wood in Simple Reagent for the Detection of 434 - Neutral Red as Indicator for Alkalimetry of Serum 328 - the Determination of Starch in Polarimetric Method for 380 Papers Parchment Testing 161 Paraffin Wax and Ceresin in Their Mixtures Estimation of 37 of Mixed Glycerides 214 Rosin in Quantitative Determination of 51 lxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVITI.Paraffins in Lanolin Detection of 458 Pastry Containing Eggs Analysis of 417 Pathogenic Microbes in ‘‘ Raw ” River Water and in Crude Sewage Search for 370 Pentoses and Methylpentoses in Grapes and Wines Estimation of; Investigations on in Diabetic Urine Detection of 64 i n Presence of Other Sugars Estimation of by Means of the Spectroscope 333 Lead Precipitates from Wines 25 Pepper Red Different Varieties of Composition of 418 Peppercorns Adulterated 58 Pepsin Activity Determination of 210 and Peptase Distinctions between 507 - the Activity of and the Acidity-Maximum of Peptic Digestion Mett’s Method Peptase and Pepsin Distinctions between 507 Perborates and Washing-Powders Containing Perborates Active Oxygen in Estima-Perchlorate in Potash Fertilisers Estimation of Potassium as 124 Periodate in Presence of Persulphate Estimation of and Action of Persulphate on Permanganate [Alkaline] in the Estimation of Some Organic Compounds 215 Permanganate Titration with and Precipitation of Oxalate Estimation of Lead, Permeability of Cells by Alkalis the Estimation of Indicator Method for 327 of Soils to Water Determination of 49 Peroxide Hydrogen a d Ozone Estimation of 344 Peroxydase Reaction of Milk (Influence of Preservatives etc.) 325 Per-Salts Available Oxygen in Estimation of by Means of Titanium TrichIoride 78 Persulphate Action of on Iodate and Estimation of Periodate in Presence of Persulphuric Acid Iodimetric Estimation of 293 Peru Balsam Analysis of 150 Reaction of 58 Petermann’s Ammonium Citrate.Solution Preparation of 338 Petroleum and its Products Water in Estimation of 165 for Determining 29 tion of 441 Iodate 479 Nickel and Zinc by 122 Lead in Minium Rapid Method of Estimating 343 Persulphate 479 California Fractionation of by Diffusion through Fuller’s Earth 469 Crude from the Gold Coast 162 - or Asphalt Products in Tars Small Amounts of Application of the Pitch and Natural Asphaltum in Residues from the Distillation of Coal-Products Determination of Sulphur in Fuels Especially 38 - in Oil of Turpentine Detection of by Means of the Maupen6 Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining 277 Tar Detection of 157 Test 70 Specifications for Preparation of 335 Spirit in Turpentine Estimation of 464 Testing Methods and Apparatus Used in.. Part 11. Viscosimetry 397 Pettersson-Palmqvist Apparatus Portable 178 Pharmacopceia the German Examination of Turpentine Oil by the Methods of 501 Phenol and Salicylic Acid Benzoic Acid in the Presence of Detection of 371 - Disulphonic Acid Method Determination of Nitrates by Influence of Chlorine on 339 Hydriodic Acid in Presence of Methoxyl Estimations with 33 in Crude Carbolic Acid and Tar Oils Estimation of 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxix Phenol in Presence of Organic Matter Estimation of 336 Phenols Certain Colour Reactions of Oils with in the Presence of Nitric Acid 433 - in Creolins Estimation of 325 Phosphate Zinc and Zinc Ammonium Phosphate Estimation of Zinc as 443 Phosphates Water-Soluble in Ammonium Superphosphates Estimation of 392 Phosphoric Acid Estimation of 344 the Bromination of for Quantitative Determinations Effect of Temperature, Acid Concentration and Time in 335 - Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation of from the Metals of the Copper Group and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals, 525 - Separation of by Means of Stannic Acid in Qualitative Analysis 292 - Soluble in Citric Acid in Thomas Slag Estimation of 171 526 Phosphorus Compounds Organic Hydrolysis of by Dilute Acid and Dilute Alkali 278 in Commercial Acetylene Determination of 46 in Feeding-Stuffs and Manures Estimation of 563 in Ferrotungsten Metallic Tungsten Powder Tungsten Oxide and Tungstic Acid Determination of by Direct Solution 290 in Iron and Steel Estimation of 291 in Iron and Steel the Estimation of without Separation of Silicon, Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in 77 in Lecithin Estimation of 58 in Steel Determination of Rapid Method for 442 - Volumetric Estimation of by Macagno’s Method 526 in Steels Containing Vanadium Determination of 478 in Vanadium Steel and Ferrovanadium Determination of 587 Sesquisulphide White Phosphorus in Detection and Estimation of 80 and Boric Acids Titration of 124 ,White,.in Match Compositions Detection of 289 Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Human Milk Cow’s Milk and Buttermilk Effect of - Estimation of Sulphates Tartaric Acid Calcium and Magnesium - Volumetric Method New 294 Boiling on 205 in Wine 421 Physiological Standardisation of Digitalis Preparations 462 Phytic Acid in Cottonseed Meal and Wheat Bran 419 Phytin Investigation of 279 Picric Acid Estimation of Quinine by Titration with 105 Pigments Certain Effect of on Linseed Oil. -- the Opacity and Hiding Power of Tests on 161 Pine-Nut Oil 275 Pipette Automatic 534 Pitch Petroleum and Natural Asphaltum in Residues from the Distillation of Cod Plant Ashes Fertilisers and Soil Extracts Potassium in Estimation of 47 Extracts Methods of Estimation of Carbohydrates especially in 504 - the Rice Sulphur and Chlorine in Estimation of 572 - the Tobacco Enzymes of 506 Plants Green Respiratory Quotients of 152 - Hydrocyanic Acid in the Determination of with Special Reference to Kaffir the Precipitation of Albumin by Studies of the Conditions of 329 Manganese Content of Raw Linseed Oil 215 Tar Detection of 157 Corn Colorimetric Method for 56 ixx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Plants the Juices of Occurrence of Formaldehyde in 152 Plated Articles Nickel in Detection of 45 Platinum and Gold Detection of 476 Estimation of 294 - ) Estimation of by Precipitation as Sulphide 173 - Gold Rhodium and Iridium Separation of Palladium from 524 Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Saponins Detection and Differentiation of by Polarimetric Determination Direct of Sucrose in Presence of Certain Reducing Electrodes Light Electro-Analysis with 43 Haemolysis 151 Sugars Method for 71 Estimation of Lactose Influence of Ammonium Sulphate on 217 Theoretical Basis 204 - - Method for the Determination of Starch in Paper 380 Polenske “Difference Value ” for the Detection of Certain Animal Fats and its - Value of the Mixture Calculation of the Quantity of Cocoanut Oil Present Polythionate in Presence of Thiosulphate and Free Sulphurous Acid Estimation of, Port Wine Composition of 368 Portland Cement Examination of 437 Potash Fertilisers Potassium as Perchlorate in Estimation of 124 Potassium and Sodium when Together in Solution Estimation of the Carbonates and as Perchlorate in Potash Fertilisers Estimation of 124 Bichromate in Milk Detection of 563 Bromate Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Tin by Means of 229 Chloride in Hydrofluoric Acid Solution Separation of Niobium and in a Butter from 558 392 Hydroxides of 166 Tantalum by Means of 226 - Detection of by Means of Tartaric Acid 295 - Dichromate Alteration of Milk Treated with 325 Estimation of by Cobaltinitrite Method 81 294 Hydroxide Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Copper in Mixtures of in Fertilisers Soil Extracts and Plant Ashes Estimation of 47 Palmitate in Water Analysis Use of 127 Powder Black and Dynamite Analysis of 514 Powders Mineral the Specific Gravity of Determination of 296 -- Washing Containing Perborates and Perborates Active Oxygen in Estima-Precipitates Small Quantitative Manipulation of 302 Precipitation Method the Serum Detection of Adulteration by 152 Precipitin Reactions Application of to Seed Identification 210 (Preservatives etc.Influence of). Peroxydase Reaction of Milk 325 Pressure Combustion in Oxygen under Estimation of Total Carbon in Steel and Ferro-Alloys by 285 - Diminished the Continuous Evaporation of Large Volumes of Liquid Propane Methane and Ethane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis of 121 I- Ethane and Isobutane Mixtures of Hydrogen with Analysis of, 4 Fluoride Alcohols and Water Systems Containing Equilibria in. Method for Estimating Water in Alcohol 425 Soda Ash and Blue Vitriol by Titration with 340 - - Mustard 500 tion of 441 under Apparatus for 591 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxxi Protein Hydrolysis Tryptic Measurement of by Determination of the Tyrosine Precipitating Reagent in the Estimation of Lactose in Milk Aluminium liberated 153 Hydroxide as a 418 Proteins Colour Reaction of 380 - in Milk Estimation of by Aldehyde Titration 266 Antigen and Antibody Reactions 26 571 (Kidney Liver and Cancer Proteins) Differentiation of Experiments on Milk Solubility of in the Constituents of the Serum 570 Nephelometric Determination of Casein Globulin and Albumin in Milk, Some Density and Solution Volume of 279 the Estimation of Z-Tyrosine in Accuracy of 219 Transformation of during Mashing Boiling of Wort and Fermentation. Proteolysed Substances Blood and Urine the Estimation of a- and @-Amino Acids Protoplasmalipoids Especially in Muscular Tissue Microscopical Detection of , Pulp Sulphite Bleaching Quality of New Technical Dstermination of 72 Purine Bases and Uric Acid Precipitation of by Zinc Salts 424 - Precipitation of from Meat Extract and Urine by Means of Zinc Salts, Pyknometer Improved for Density of Solids 130 Pyridine Bases Directions for Testing 471 Pyrites and Other Sulphides Sulphur in Estimation of 480 Arsenic in Estimation of 117 Burned Sulphur in Rapid Estimation of 529 Burnt Copper in Rapid Estimation of 389 Nitrogenous Substances in Barley and Malt 496 and Certain Derivatives in Micro-chemical Method for 567 423 Bases in Blood Estimation of 107 572 Quantitative Dialysis New Apparatus for 232 - Manipulation of Small Precipitates 302 Separations Some of Neodymium 343 Volatilisation and Separation of Phosphoric Acid from the Metals of the Quartz Tube Combustion in Determination of Hydrogen Nitrogen and Methane ih Quercitin in Wine Estimation of 267 Quinincz et Ferri Citrus and Extractum Ferri Pomatzlm Direct Iron Estimation in, Quinine Assay 59 - Estimation of by Titration with Picric Acid 105 Radio-Activity Measurement of Estimation of Uranium by and Radiation of - of Solutions of Uranium Salts Method for the Estimation of Copper Group and from Aluminium Tin and the Alkali Metals 525 Gas by 341 562 Uranium Solutions 345 Uranium 231 Radium Standard International Purity of the 173 (Railway Sleepers) Treated Ties Zinc in Estimation of 589 Raisin Wines Sweet Glycerol in Estimation of 24 (Rape Oil Deteation of) Fractional Precipitation of Fatty Acid Mixtures 114 in Olive Oil Detection of 434 Rays Ultra-Violet the Absorption of by the Batty Acids and their Isomeric Esters, Quantitative Study of 11 lxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Reaction-Velocity in a Heterogeneous System at High Pressures Bomb with Stirring - Bettendorf’s Detection of Arsenic by Means of 221 Reagent Lloyd’s Precipitation of Alkaloids by 426 - New for Bromine and Chlorine 119 - 7- for the Detection of Traces of Blood 422 - Simple for the Detection of Mechanical Wood in Paper 434 Red Pepper Different Varieties of Composition of 418 Reducing Sugars Certain the Direct Polarimetric Determination of Sucrose in Presence of Method for 71 Redwood’s and Engler’s Viscosimeters Comparison of 398 Refractorneter the Immersion Use of in Examining American Beers Made from - Value of the Serum Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means of Reichert-Meissl Value of Fats Influence of Antiseptic Agents on the 68 Report Final (July 25 1912) International Commission for Unification of the Law.Demerara Sugar 595 of the Acting Chemist for 1912 U.S. Department of Agriculture 131 of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year 1912, - of the Government Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory Gear for the Measurement of. New High-pressure Reducing Valve 590 Estimation of by Lehmann’s Method 219 Malt and Unmalted Cereals 456 the 500 Testing Methods of the Stability of Explosives 377 541 for the Year Ended March 31,1913 with Appendices 536 on the Present State of Rubber Analysis 336 on the Work of Inspectors of Foods for the Year 1911-1912 131 Testing Materials and the American Chemical Society 374 Seventh Annual March 31 1913 Metropolitan Water Board 487 Infections 535 Western Australia.Residual Reduction of Blood 327 Residuals Native Bitumens and their Characteristics and Differentiation of 371 Residues from the Distillation of Coal-Tar Natural Asphaltum and Petroleum Pitch in Detection of 157 Resins and Substitutes in Caoutchouc Articles the Estimation of Use of the - and Waxes of Kapok and Akon I?ibres 580 Respiratory Quotients Determination of 108 Rhodium Gold Platinum and Iridium Separation of Palladium from 524 Rice Plant Sulphur and Chlorine in the Estimation of 572 River Water ‘‘ Raw,” and Crude Sewage Pathogenic Microbes in Search for, Rocks and Minerals Silicate Estimation of Water in 47 Rocks and Minerals Small Quantities of Manganese and Chromium in Estimation Slags Ores and Spiegels Manganese in Volumetric Determination of, Report Preliminary of the Committee on Coal Analysis of the American Society for to the Local Government Board on Bacteria.1 Food-Poisoning and Food The Health Act 1911 Food Standards and Regula-tions 179 the Recovery of Iodine from 409 Kottstorfer Value for 337 Caoutchouc Studies on 465 of Green Plants 152 370 of 226 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxxiii Roselle 60 Rosin in Blown Oils Estimation of 469 - in Soap Estimation of 280 Rotatory Power at Constant Temperature Electrically Heated Apparatus for Measur-Rubber Analysis the Present State of Report on 336 Solutions the Viscosity of Estimation of 272 in Paper Quantitative Determination of 516 ing 300 Crude Caoutchouc in Estimation of 511 Direct Determination of 337 - the Preparation of for Analysis 550 - the Ultimate Estimation of “ Sublimed White Lead ” in and Determination of Lead Sulphate 44 - Wares Particularly Insulated Wires Estimation of Caoutchouc in 111 Rubidium and Cesium Salts of Behaviour of towards Salts of Heavy Metals, Rum Jamaica Method of Distinguishing from Artificial Rum 368 Rums Composition of 500 Russian Honey Composition of 149 283 Saccharin in Foods Estimation of 326 Saffron Containing Formaldehyde 420 - in Confectionery Detection of 206 Salicylic Acid and Phenol Benzoic Acid in the Presence of Detection of 371 in Fruit Juices Detection and Estimation of 420 ‘‘ Salt Error ” in Colorimetric Estimation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration of Sea-Salts Calcium and Magnesium Behaviour of with Soap Solutions and the Deter-mination of Hardness of Water 436 - Ferric Nitrous Acid in the Presence of Detection of 289 - Gold Delicate Colour Reactions of 54 - Halogen Bromine in Iodic Acid Method of Estimating 166 - - the Estimation of Bromine in Preparation of Selenic Acid and Sodium Magnesium and Calcium Behaviour of with Soap Solutions and the Deter-- in Vermouth Detection of 22 Water 394 Selenate as Reagents for 295 mination of Hardness of Water.436 - of Caesium and Rubidium Behahour of towards Salts of Heavy Metals, 283 -- Uranium Radio-Activity of Solutions of Method for the Estimation of - Zinc Precipitation of Purine Bases from Meat Extract and Urine by Means - - -- of Uric Acid and Purine Bases by 424 Samna and Butter Egyptian 242 Samples Milk Preservation of for Analysis 325 Sampling Coal Deliveries 330 Sand Monazite Separation of Thorium from by Means of Hypophosphorous Acid.Saponin Detection of 151 Saponins Poisonous and Non-Poisonous Detection and Differentiation of by Haemo-Uranium 231 of 572 Note on 252 Detection of Cerium 443 the Estimation of Methods for 22 lysis 15 lxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. Schumacher-Jung and Farup Methods for the Estimation of Mercury in Urine Com-Sections of Crystalline Substances ?reparation of 483 Seed (‘ Cheyi,” 323 Identification Application of Precipitin Reactions to 210 -Testing Biological Considerations in Relation to 210 Seeds Kapok and Kapok Oil 467 - of Czcer Arietinum L.(Chick Pea) Composition of 496 - of Ximenia Americana Oil from 147 - Oil from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 323 - the Vitality of Method for Detecting 370 Selenic Acid and Sodium Selenate as Reagents for the Estimation of Bromine in Application of to the Estimation of Bromide in Presence of Chloride 227 Semen Gold Bromide Test for 29 Sensitising Myliua’s Reaction for the Detection of Cholalic Acid and Other Biliary Acids Method of 506 Sensitive Reaction for Molybdic Acid 43 Separatkg Funnel New 234 Serum and Blood - Corpuscles Chlorine Content of Blood and its Distribution - Blood- Lipoids in Estimation of 28 - Constituents of the Solubility of Milk Proteins in 570 - Neutral Red Paper as Indicator for Alkalimetry of 328 - Precipitation Method Detection of Adulteration by the 152 - the Refractometer Value of Detection of Added Water in Milk by Means Sewage Crude and ‘‘ Raw ” River Water Pathogenic Microbes in Search for 370 - Disposal Royal Commission on Appendix to Eighth Report March 1913, Shellac Analysis and the Detection of Small Amounts of Colophony in Shellac 38 - Bleached Water in Estimation of 280 Silica Thorium Lanthanum Cerium Erbium and Didymium Separation of Tung-Silicate Minerals and Rocks Water in Estimation of 47 Silicates Opening up 124 Silicon Separation of Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in the Estimation of Phosphorus inlron and Steel without 77 Silver Determination Gay-Lussac Method of 228 - Precipitation Titration of Uric Acid in Urine after 329 Skatol and Indol Together in Faeces Estimation of 30 Skita’s Hydrogenising Apparatus Simple Modification of 484 Slag Thomas Phosphoric Acid Soluble in Citric Acid in Estimation of 171 526 Slags Rocks Ores and Spiegels Manganese in Volumetric Determination of 170 Smell the Sense of Use of in Volumetric Estimations 594 Soap Rosin in Estimation of 280 parison of 111 of Fractures of Steel for Microscopic Examination Preparing 528 Halogen Salts Preparation of 295 of Molybdenum 478 between 327 of 500 539 Effluents the Absorption of Oxygen by Measurement of 123 sten from 481 Sodium Borate in Determination of 461 Solutions Behaviour of Calcium and Magnesium Salts with and the Deter-mination of Hardness of Water 436 Soaps Fatty Acids in Estimation of Rapid Volumetric Method for 432 - in Lubricating Greases Estimation of 16 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxxv SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS PROCEEDINGS OF, Soda Ash and Blue Vitriol Mixtures of Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Copper Sodium and Potassium when Together in Solution the Carbonates and Hydroxides - Carbonate and Copper in Mixtures of Soda Ash and Blue Vitriol Estimation - Hypobromite Estimation of Urea in Urine by 269 - Hypophosphite Estimation of Copper by Means of 75 519 520 - Iodide Purification of Acetone by Means of 424 - Potassium Tartrate Use of in the Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Water, - Selenate and Selenic Acid as Reagents for the Estimation of Bromine in Halogen Salts Preparation of 295 Soil Analysis the Lime-Magnesia Ratio in Significance of 126 - Biochemical Examination of 462 - Extracts Fertilisers and Plant Ashes Potassium in Estimation of 47 - Manganese in Estimation of 343 - the Estimation of the Reaction and Basicity of Significance of 462 Soils Absorbed Bases in Estimation of 424 - Aids in Judging Application of Dialysis and Estimation of Oxidising Power - Carbonates in Some Qualitativeand Quantitative Methods for Comparison of 163 - Mineralogical Analysis of 125 Solidified (Hydrogenised) Oils and the Detection of Arachidic Acid 160 Solidifying and Melting Points of Mixtures of Stearic and Oleic Acids 579 Solids and Liquids Extraction Apparatus for 351 - Density of Improved Pyknometer for 130 - Finely Divided Improved Apparatus for Extracting with Volatile Solvents 444 Soluble Nitrogenous Substances Estimation of as a Criterion of the Quality of Solubilities Estimation of 84 Solubility of Milk Proteins in the Constituents of the Serum 570 Solution and Density Volume of Some Proteins 279 Solvent Cryoscopic Ethylene Dibromide as 32 -- Formic Acid as a 513 - Investigation of the.Part I. Analysis of Spirit Varnishes 164 Solvents Immiscible Prevention of Emulsification in Extractions by 48 - Organic Evaporated Recovery of Apparatus for 398 -- Volatile Improved Apparatus for Extracting Finely Divided Solids with 444 Soya Bean Oil Colour Reaction of 36 Specific Gravities of Milk Extension of Vieth’s Table for Correcting the 460 - Gravity Bottle and Dilatometer Combination 485 of Mineral Powders Determination of 296 - Heat Apparatus New Designs for 484 Specifications for Petroleum Products Preparation of 335 Spectroscope Estimation of Pentoses in Presence of Other Sugars by Means of Spectroscopic Detection of Magnesium Calcium Strontium and Barium 584 2 54 87 135 186 241 307 353 407 447 496 549 in by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 Borate in Soap Determination of 461 of Estimation of 166 of by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 442 as 369 the Permeability of to Water Determination of 49 Total of Milk 21 Flour 148 Unusual Case of 50 the 33 lxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Spiegels Rocks Slags and Ores Manganese in Volumetric Determination of 170 Spirit Varnishes Analysis of. Part I. Investigation of the Solvent 164 Spirits Higher Alcohols in Estimation of 564 - Methyl Alcohol in Estimation of 56 - of Camphor the Examination of Use of Miscibility Curves in 204 Springs and Filter-Beds the Testing of New Rapid Method for the Bacteriological Examination of Water and its Application for 30 Stability of Explosives Unification of the Testing Methods of International Com-mission for Final Report (July 25 1912) 377 Standard for Volumetric Analyses Mercuric Oxide as 439 - the International Radium Purity of 173 Standardisation of Hydrometers 395 Standards International for Coloured Fluids and a Suggested Plan for Such Physiological of Digitalis Preparations 462 Standardisation.394 Stannic Acid Separation of Phosphoric Acid by Means of in Qualitative Analysis, 292 Stannous Chloride and Chlorates Determination of by Means of Methylene Blue, Starch Granules the Gelatinising Temperatures of Researches on 74 126 in Commercial Products Estimation of 472 in Paper the Determination of Polarimetric Method for 380 the Estimation of by Ewer’s Process Apparatus for Use in 445 Statistics Wine for the Years 1911-1912 566 Steam Turbine Oils Examination of 468 Stearic and Oleic Acids Mixtures of Solidifying and Melting-Points of 579 and Palmitic Acids Present in Lard Mixed Glycerides of 204 Stearin of Wool Fat 37 Steel and Ferro-Alloys Total Carbon in Estimation of by Combustion in Oxygen under Pressure 285 - Determination of Oxygen in Application of Electric Resistance - Phosphorus in Estimation of 291 -- the Estimation of Phosphorus in without Separation of Silicon, Reduction of Manganese Dioxide by Nitrous Acid and the Use of this Reaction in 77 and Iron Carbon in Rapid Method for Estimating 384 Furnace to 168 - Titanium in Colorimetric Method for 588 Cast Iron and Iron Alloys Total Carbon in Rapid Determination of 442 Chromium in Determination of Colorimetric Method for 285 Cobalt and Uranium in Estimation of 527 Estimation of Vanadium in by the Hydrogen-Peroxide Colour Method 589 Phosphorus in Determination of Rapid Method for 442 - Fractures of Preparing Sections of for Microscopic Examination 528 - Uranium and Cobalt in Estimation of 527 - Vanadium and Ferrovanadium Phosphorus in Determination of 587 Steels and Castings Manganese in Estimation of by the Method of G.von Knorre, - Chromium and Vanadium in Determination of 81 - Containing Vanadium Phosphorus in Determination of 478 Stirring Gear for the Measurement of Reaction-Velocity in a Heterogeneous System Strength Effective of High Explosives the Determination of Methods for 378 - 3 - Volumetric Estimation of by Macagno’s Method 526 286 at High Pressures Bomb with. New High-pressure Reducing Valve 59 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. lxxvii Strontium Magnesium Calcium and Barium Spectroscopic Detection of 584 ‘‘ Sublimed White Lead ” in Rubber the Ultimate Estimation of and Determination Substitutes Butter Fat and its Viscosity of 458 - and Resins in Caoutchouc Articles the Estimation of Use of the Kotts-Succinic Acid in Meat Extract and Fresh Meat Occurrence of 508 Sucrose in Cane Molasses Determination of by the Double Polarisation Method, - in the Presence of Other Sugars Estimation of 71 - the Direct Polarimetric Determination of in Presence of Certain Reducing - the Double Polarisation Method of Determining Use of Sulphurous Acid Suction Gas Fuels Testing for Liability to Clog Gas-Engine Valves Rapid Method Sudan Dura 323 -- the Anglo-Egyptian Oil Seeds from 323 Sugar Cane and Beet Factory and Refinery Products Estimation of Traces of Iron - Demerara.of Lead Sulphate 44 torfer Value for 337 Tartaric and Malic Acids in Wine Estimation of 502 Using Invertase and Acid as Hydrolysts 281 Sugars Method for 71 in Making the Acid Reading in 282 of 332 in 59 Law Report 595 (Dextrose) in Urine Estimation of 65 Estimation (I,) Bang’s Method of 435 Invert [Commercial] Detection of by Means of /3-Naphthol 217 - in the Blood of Frog or Tortoise the Estimation of Sources of Error in, Sugar Method of Estimating 218 Sugars Certain Behaviour of with Diphenylamine and Hydrochloric Acid 435 - - Reducing Sucrose in Presence of Method for the Direct Polarimetric Estimation of by the Kjeldahl-Bertrand Method 218 - Other Pentoses in Presence of Estimation of by Means of the Spectroscope, - Sucrose in the Presence of Estimation of 71 - Reducing Estimation of by Lehmann’s Method 219 Sulphate Aluminium Estimation of Free Acid and Base in 283 in Wines Estimation of 369 Barium Natural and Artificial Differentiation of 517 - in Ammonium Sulphate Solution Estimation of with Special Reference to Lead Determination of and the Ultimate Estimation of ‘‘ Sublimed Purification of the Precipitate Obtained in Estimating Barium as 339 Sulphates Tartaric Acid Calcium and Magnesium in Wine Physico-Chemical Sulphide Estimation of Copper as 582 Sulphides Alkali Estimation of 393 Sulphite Pulp Bleaching Quality of New Technical Determination of 72 Sulphites and Sulphurous Acid Titration of in Presence of Thiosulphates New Pro-463 Determination of 71 333 the Testing of Illuminating Gas 382 White Lead ” in Rubber 44 Estimation of 421 9 - of Platinum by Precipitation as 173 Lead and Lead Chromate Solubility of 476 Other and Pyrites Sulphur in Estimation of 480 cess for 29 lxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Sulphites Thiosulphate in Presence of Estimation of 481 Sulphur and Chlorine in the Rice Plant Estimation of 572 and Nitrogen Water Formed on Burning Substances Containing Estimation Free in Leather Estimation of 467 in Burned Pyrites Rapid Estimation of 529 in Fuels Especially Petroleum Products Determination of 38 in Illuminating Gas the Estimation of Volumetric Method for 228 - in Organic Substances Estimation of 515 in Pyrites and Other Sulphides Estimation of 480 ‘‘ Sulphuretted Hydrogen Burette,” Valuation of Hydrated Oxide of Iron by Means of Sulphuric Acid Free in Cotton Detection of 510 Sulphurous Acid and Sulphites Titration of in Presence of Thiosulphates New Pro- Free and Thiosulphate Polythionate in Presence of Estimation of, -- in Air Estimation of 127 -_- Use of in Making the Acid Reading in the Double Polarisation Method of Determining Sucrose 282 Superphosphates Ammonium Water-Soluble Phosphates in Estimation of 392 Sweets and Liquorice Glycyrrhizin in Estimation of 367 Systems Containing Alcohols Water and Potassium Fluoride Equilibria in.of in a Calorimetric Bomb 347 - Determinations Simple Gasoline Gas Generator for 592 the 522 Anhydride Nitric Acid in Qualitative Detection of 78 cess for 297 392 Method for Estimating Water in Alcohol 425 Table Hydrogen New 167 - of Calculated Dry Substance of Milk by the Fleiscnmann Formula 324 Tanned Hides Various East-Indian the Analysis of 363 Tannin and Gallic Acid Colour Reaction for 467 - in Tea the Determination of 312 Tantalum and Niobium Separation of by Means of Potassium Chloride in Hydro- the Estimation of Use of Amalgamated Aluminium in 516 fluoric Acid Solution.226 Tantalum Electrodes Application of to Electro-Analytical Estimation of Copper and Zinc 481 Tar Oils- and Crude Carbolic Acid Phenol in Estimation of 162 Tars Small Amounts of Petroleum or Asphalt Products in Application of the Tartaric Acid Action of on Tin in the Presence of Oxygen 472 + Sulphates Calcium and Magnesium in Wine Physico-Chemical - and Malic Acids in the Same Solution Determination of 381 Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Determining 277 - Detection of Potassium by Means of 295 Estimation of 421 the Determination of 380 Citric Lactic and Malic Acids in Musts Wines etc.Estimation of, Succinic and Malic Acids in Wine Estimation of 502 Estimation of 26 60 504 (Tartrates for Commercial) Goldenberg Method 1898 and 1907 435 Tea Cocoa and Coffee and their Preparations Xanthin Bases in Detection and - Tannin in the Determination of 312 Temperatures Gelatinising of Starch Granules Researches on 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVILT. lxxix Temperatures High Melting-Point Apparatus for 483 Textile Dressings Gelatin in Detection of 332 Materials Mercury in Estimation of 63 Thermometry Notes on 303 Thermo-Regulator New 398 -Regulators Gas Improvement in 351 Thiocarbamide Estimation of Nitrites by Means of and the Inberaction of Nitrous Thiocyanate- Permanganate Method for Copper in Ores 223 Thiosulphate and Free Sulphurous Acid Polythionate in Presence of Estimation Thiosulphrttes Titration of Sulphurous Acid and of Sulphites in Presence of New Thomas Slag Phosphoric Acid Soluble in Citric Acid in Estimation of 171 526 Thorium Lanthanum Cerium Erbium Didymium and Silica Separation of -- Separation of from Monazite Sand by Means of Hypophosphorous Acid.(Thran) Marine Animal Oil in Other Oils and Fats Detection of 35 Ties Treated (Railway Sleepers) Zinc in Estimation of 589 Tin Aluminium and the Alkali Metals Quantitative Volatilisation and Separation - Detection of 297 - in Canned Foods the Estimation of Iodine Titration Method for the Estimation of Tin Especially in Connection with 23 - in the Presence of Oxygen Action of Tartaric Acid on 472 - Lead Antimony and Copper Alloys of Analysis of 584 - Separation of from Tungsten Electrolytically 479 - the Direct Volumetric Determination of 82 - the Estimation of by means of Potassium Bromate Volumetric Method for, Tissues Animal and Blood Small Quantities of Methyl Alcohol in Estimation and Animal and Urine the Estimation of Mercury in Method for 153 Titanium in Iron and Steel Colorimetric Method for 588 the Separation of from Aluminium Use of ‘‘ Cupferron ” in 390 - Trichloride Estimation of Available Oxygen in Per-Salts by Means Tobacco Plant Enzymes of the 506 Tortoise and Frog the Blood of the Estimation of Sugar in Sources of Error in, Toxicological Analysis Antipyrin in 97 Toxicology Action of ‘‘ Activated ” Aluminium on Alkaloid Extracts and its Employ-Transformer Mineral and Lubricating Oils Evaporation Test for 333 Tri- and Di-Phenols New Colour Reactions of 470 Triketohydrindene Hydrate (Ninhydrin) Colour Reactions of 579 Trimethylamiue in Presence of Ammonia Quantitative Estimation of 436 Tryptic Protein Hydrolysis Measurement of by Determination of the Tyrosine Tung Oil Examination of 116 Tungstate Estimation of Calcium as 283 Acid and Thiocarbamide in Presence of Acids of Different Strength 440 of 392 in Presence of Sulphites Estimation of 481 Process for 297 Tungsten from 481 Detection of Cerium 443 of Phosphoric Acid from the Metals of the Copper Group and from 525 229 Detection of 62 Presence of Iron Estimation of 82 229 of 79 463 ment in 61 268 liberated 16 lxxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIIT.Tungsten and Arsenic Separation of 117 - and Molybdenum Electrolytic Separation of Copper from 224 Oxide Ferrotungsten Metallic Tungsten Powder and Tungstic Acid, - of from Thorium Lanthanum Cerium Erbium Didymium, Determination of Phosphorus in by Direct Solution 290 Separation of Tin from Electrolytically 479 and Silica 481 Tungstic Acid Quantitative Precipitation of by Means of Aromatic Amines 529 Turbine Oils Steam Examination of 468 Turpentine Oil Examination of by the Methods of the German Pharmacopaia, - 9 - Petroleum Products in Detection of by Means of the Maumenb 501 - - Oil of Maumene Figure of 338 Test 70 Oils from India 165 -- Sold as a Drug 564 Turpentines Wood- their Analysis Refining and Composition 39 I Tyrosine in Proteins the Estimation of Accuracy of 219 - Petroleum Spirit in Estimation of 464 Ultrafiltration Simple Apparatus for 486 Ultra-Violet Rays the Absorption of by the Fatty Acids and their Isomeric Esters, Quantitative Study of 113 Unsaponifiable Matter and Fatty Acids Oxidation of during Process of Fat Estima-tion by the Kumagawa-Suto Method 432 Uranium and Cobalt in Steel Estimation of 527 Salts Solutions of Radio-Activity of Method for the Estimation of - Solutions Radiation of and Estimation of Uranium by Measurement of Urea in Urine Estimation of by Sodium Hypobromite 269 Uric Acid and Purine Bases Precipitation of by Zinc Salts 424 -- in Urine Estimation of 65 Urine Acetone in Estimation of 110 - Albumin in Detection of 573 - and Blood Chlorides in Estimation of 270 - and Meat Extract Precipitation of Purine Bases from by Means of Zinc - Glucose in Estimation of Small Amounts of 463 - Mercury in the Estimation of ComparisoD of the Farup and Schumacher-Jung Methods for 111 -- Nitroprusside Reaction of 154 Urine Proteolysed Substances and Blood a- and @-Amino Acids and Certain Uranium 231 Radio-Activity 345 Volumetric Estimation of New Method for 230 - the Estimation of Colorimetric Method for 154 and Animal Tissues the Estimaticn of Mercury in Method for 153 and Blood Arsenic in Estimation of 106 Salts 572 Diabetic Detection of Pentoses in 64 Lactic Acid in Estimation of 328 370 Derivatives in the Estimation of Micro-Chemical Method for 567 Sugar (Dextrose) in Estimation of 65 Urea in Estimation of by Sodium Hypobromite 269 - Uric Acid in Estimation of 65 - -- the Estimation of Colorimetric Method for 15 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.lxxxi Urine Uric Acid in Titration of after Silver Precipithtion 329 Urobilin Detection of 463 Valve New High-pressure Reducing. Bomb with Stirring Gear for the Measure-ment of Reaction-Velocity in a Heterogeneous System at High Pressures, 590 Valves Gas Engine Rapid Method of Testing Suction Gas Fuels for Liability to Clog, 332 Vanadium and Chromium in Steels Determination of 81 -- Chromium and Iron in Presence of One Another the Volumetric Estirna-tion of a New Method for 99 in Steel Estimation of by the Hydrogen Peroxide Colour Method, 589 - Steel and Ferrovanadiurn Phosphorus in Determination of 587 - Steels Containing Determination of Phosphorus in 478 Vanilla Extracts Authentic Chemical Composition of together with Analytical Varnishes Spirit Analysis of.Part I. Investigation of the Solvent 164 Vegetable and Animal Fats Differentiation of 458 - Oils in Margarine Detection of 21 Vegetables Water in Estimation of by Hoffmann’s Apparatus 177 Velocity of Detonation aod of Brisance Estimation of 464 Vermouth Saccharin in Detection of 22 Vieth’s Table for Correcting the Specific Gravities of Milk Extension of 460 Vinegar Cider Adulteration of with Distilled Vinegar Detection of 565 Viscosimeter Precision for Measurement of Relative Viscosity and the Relative Viscosimeters Redwood’s and Engler’s Comparison of 398 Viscosimetry.Part 11. Viscosity of Butter Fat and its Substitutes 458 Vitality of Seeds Method for Detecting the 370 Vitamine Fraction in Milk Attempt to Estimate 269 Vitriol Blue and Soda Ash Mixtures of Estimation of Sodium Carbonate and Volatile Constituents of Coal. - -. Part IV. Relative Inflammabilities of Coal Dusts, 51 2 -- Fatty Acids Detection of 272 - Products of Destructive Distillation Water in Estimation of 348 - Solvents Improved Apparatus for Extracting Finely Divided Solids with, Volumetric Analyses Mercuric Oxide as a Standard for 439 Methods and Limits of Constants 206 - and Fish Oil Mixtures Properties of. Studies on Fish Oils 70 - Wines Composition of 267 Viscosities of Water at Oo 18O 25” and 50’ C. 399 Methods and Apparatus Used in Petroleum Testing 397 of Lubricating Oils 36 of Rubber Solutions Estimation of ‘272 Copper in by Titration with Potassium Hydroxide 340 Parii III.511 - of Roasted Coffee 417 444 - Determination Direct of Tin 82 - of Gold 390 Estimation of Chromium in Presence of Iron 387 Volumetric Estimation of Hypophosphorous Acid and Hypophosphites 342 of Manganese by the Volhard- Wolff Method. Chemiker kommission des Vereins deutscher Eisenhuttenleute 391 of Phosphorus in Steel by Macagno’s Method 52 lxxxii INDEX TO VOLUME xxxvm. Volumetric Estimations Use of the Sense of Smell in 594 Method New Yhysico-Chemical 294 Washing Powders Containing Perborates and Perborates Active Oxygen in Estima-Water Added Detection of in Milk by Means of the Refractometer Value of the Serum 500 Alcohols and Potassium Fluoride Systems Containing Equilibria in.Method for Estimating Water in Alcohol 425 Analysis Bacteriological Methods of with Special Reference to the Use of the Berkefeld Filter 574 - Colorimetric Methods for by the Use of Autenreith-Koenigsberger’s Calorimeter 179 - Potassium Palmitate in Use of 127 Baryta Action of on Certain Kinds of Glass 118 B. coli. communis in Estimation of 574 - Conductivity Preparation of 346 - Determination of Hardness of and Behaviour of Calcium and Magnesium Salts with Soap Solutions 436 - Distilled Copper in 474 - Formed on Burning Substances Containing Nitrogen and Sulphur in a Calorimetric Bomb Estimation of 347 - in Bleached Snellac Estimation of 280 - in Foods etc.Direct Estimation of by Distillation 207 - in Petroleum and its Products Estimation of 165 - in Silicate Minerals and Rocks Estimation of 47 - in Vegetables Estimation of by Hoffmann’s Apparatus 177 - in Volatile Products of Destructive Distillation Estimation of 348 - Iron in Estimation of 174 tion of 441 in Cheese Estimation of 146 322 L i Raw ” River and Crude Sewage Search for Pathogenic Microbes in 370 Small Quantities of Manganese in Colorimetric Estimation of 225 477 Water-Soluble Phosphates in Ammonium Superphosphates Estimation of, the Bacteriological Examination of New Rapid Method for and its Applica- the Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Apparatus for 396 392 cation for the Testing of Springs and Filter-Beds 30 9 - Practical Field Method for 397 - the Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen in Use of Sodium Potassium Tartrate the Permeability of Soils to Determination of 49 the Relative Viscosities of at Oo 18O 25O and 50” C.and Precision Viscosi-Waters etc. Mineral Iodine and Bromine in the Estimation of Hydrolytic Action in 442 meter for Measurement of Relative Viscosity 399 a Source of Error in 532 - Lithium in Estimation of 531 Natural Acidity and Alkalinity of 40 Various Action of on Lead 530 9 Small Quantities of Hydrogen Sulphide in Estimation of, 532 Wax Candelilla 514 Wax Parafin and Ceresin in their Mixtures Estimation of 37 Waxes and Resins of Kapok and Akon Fibres 580 Whale Oil Hardened Colour Reactions of 43 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII. lxxxiii Wheat Bran and Cottonseed Meal Phytic Acid in 419 White Metal Alloys Copper in Determination of 222 Wine Chlorides in Estimation of 502 - Colour Reaction of 24 - Malic Tartaric and Succinic Acids in Estimation of 502 - Port Composition of 368 - Succinic Tartaric and Malic Acids in Estimation of 502 Phosphorus in Match Compositions Detection of 289 in Phosphorus Sesquisdphide Detection and Estimation of 80 Higher Alcohols in Estimation of 23 Melnik (Bohemian) 326 Quercitin in Estimation of 267 Sulphates Tartaric Acid Calcium and Magnesium in Physico-Chemical Tartaric Succinic and Malic Acids in Estimation of 502 Statistics for the Years 1911-1912 566 Estimation of 421 Witles and Fermented Liquors the Dry Extract of Accurate Estimation of 566 and Grapes Estimation of Pentoses and Methylpentoses in ; Investigations on Citric Acid in Detection of 55 Glycerol in Estimation of 368 Lead Precipitates from Investigations on ; Estimation of Pentoses and Methylpentoses in Grapes and Wines 25 - Musts etc.Tartaric Citric Lactic and Malic Acids in Estimation of, - New Reaction for the Detection of Aniline Dyestuffs (Magenta) in Foods, Lead Precipitates from Wines 25 504 and Especially in 322 So-called Non-Alcoholic of Commerce 565 Sulphate in Estimation of 369 - Sweet Raisin Glycerol in Estimation of 24 the Bromine Absorption of Estimation of 266 - Vermouth Composition of 267 Wires Insulated Rubber Wares Pztrticularly Estimation of Caoutchouc in 111 Wood Mechanical i n Paper the Detection of Simple Reagent for 434 ‘( Wood Oils ” from China and Japan 580 Wood Turpentines their Analysis Refining and Composition 39 Wool Fat Distilled 106 Oleins of Detection of Mineral Oila in 35 Stearin of 37 in Cotton Goods Small Quantities of Estimation- of 510 Xantbine Bases in Cocoa Tea and Coffee and their Preparations Detection and Xirnenia Americana the Seeds of Oil from 147 Estimation of 26 60 Yoghurt and Yoghurt Preparations 31 Young’s Method for the Preparation of Absolute Alcohol Application of 424 Zinc and Copper Electro-Analytical Estimation of Application of Tantalum Elec-- Copper and Nickel Solutions of Action of an Excess of a Soluble Ferrocyanide - Gravimetric Estimation of 47 trodes to 481 as Zinc Ammonium Phosphate and Zinc Phosphate Estimation of 443 on and a Volurnetric Method for the Estimation of Nickel 52 lxxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII.Zinc GrGup Qualitative Analysis of the 349 in Ores Determination of 298 in Treated Ties (Railway Sleepers) Estimation of 589 Lead and Copper in Supply-Water Detection and Colorimetric Estimation - and Nickel Estimation of by Precipitation as Oxalate and Titration of 123 with Permanganate 122 Ores Fluorine in Estimation of 475 Rapid Method of Estimating 127 - Salts Precipitation of Purine Bases from Neat Extract and Urine by Means -I Precipitation of Uric Acid and Purin Bases by 424 - Separation of Cadmium from 383 of 572 BILLING AND SONS l.TD. PRINTERS GIJILDF'ORD
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