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Volume 49,
Issue 1,
Page 001-050
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THE ANALYST L. ARCHBUTT F.I.C. E. RICHARDS BOLTON F.I.C. A. CHASTON CHAPMAN F.I.C. F.K.S. CECIL H. CIIIBB B.Sc. F.I.C. J. C. DRUMMOND D.SC. F.I.C. J. T. DUNN D.Sc. F.I.C. BERKARI) DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. H. F. E. HULTON F.I.C. I?. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc. F.I.C. E. W. VOELCKEK A.R.S.M. F.I.C. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKEK M.A., PH.D. F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other H. E. COX M.SC. €‘H.D. F.I.C. I). G. HEWER ESc. R. F. INNES F.I.C. Analytical Chemists P. H. PRICE RSc. W. I:. SCHOELLEK PH.D. W. S. SHAW MSC A.I.C. A MONTHLY JOUKNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : Ebttor C. AINSWOKTH MITCHELL M.A. F.I.C. VOL. XLIX. I 9 2 4 TRADE AGENTS : W.HEFFER & SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND 192 Errata in Vol. XLIX : p. 162 1. 20 j o y I ‘ 1 ” rend “ 2.” p. 271 1. 3 from botvm JOY p. 468 1. 11 fou “ 1 1,:4 ” wad “ 214.” read “ 2. INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. INDEX TO NAMES. A Abbott W. E. Aeby J. Dangerous Goods (Review) 457. Albert K. A simple viscometer for solutions of resins etc. 252. Alcock F. H. Total sulphur in rubber (Notes), 579. Allen R. S. See Piper H. A. Allen R. S. and Murlin J. R. Alles G. A. and Winegarden H. M. Oxidation of dextrose by means of iodine in presence of insulin 97. Ahberg C. L. See Rssk 0. S. and Alsberg, c . L. Alsberg C. L. See also Schwartze E. W. and Alsberg C. L. Amberger C. and Wiesehahn A. Glycerides of lard 143. Anderson R.J. Anthocyans in grapes 39. Anderson R. J. Phytosterols of the endosperm of maize 399. Aqderson R. J. and Nabenhauer F. P. Chem-istry of grape pigments. Anthocyanins in Clinton grapes 533. Anderson R. J. and Nabenhauer F. P. Separa-tion of unsaturated from saturated sterols, 435. Anderson R. J. and Nabenhauer F. P. The phytosterols of wheat endosperm 449. Andre E. Apparatus for fractional distillation under reduced pressure 407. AnW E. Estimation of carbon disulphide by iodimetry 107. Andre E. Identity of phocoenic and valeric acids 296 533. Andrew R. E. Estimation of the extract from tea 141. Andrew R. L. The colorimetric estimation of lead in cream of tartar 129. Ardagh E. G. R. and Bongard G. R. Analysis of zinc ores. Use of powdered magnesium for the removal of copper and lead 249.Ardagh E. G. R. and Bongard G. R. Separa-tion of zinc from iron and aluminium 249. Armstrong E. F. The Simple Carbohydrates and the Glucosides (Review) 497. Arnaud F. W. F. County of Kent. Report of the Agricultural Analyst for the Fourth Quarter 1923 182. See Becker H. G. and Abbott, W. E. Atack F. W. The Chemist’s Year Book 1924 (Review) 306. Atkin W. R. Effects of varying hydrogen ion concentration on tannin analysis 493. Auerbach F. and Bodlander E. New method of distinguishing between honey and arti-ficial honey 389. Auerbach *F,? and. Kruger D. Estimation of malic acid in fruit products 93. Auerbach F. and Kruger D. Polarimetric estimation of malic acid 92. Auger M. V. New volumetric method for estimating ammonium salts 250.Auger V. and Odinot L. The carrying down of cobalt and nickel by tin precipitated as stannic sulphide 198. B Badger C. H. See Sale J. W. and Badger, Bagnall H. H. See Liverseege J. F. and Bahr H. Bakke G. Balce S. Bamford F. Note on the Denig6s test for butyric acid (Notes) 226. Ban -. Apparatus for filtering hygroscopic substances 300. Bankston H. J. and Vilbrandt F. C. Influence of various solvents on the Hanus iodine values of cottonseed and coconut oils 449. Barlot J. Ferric oxalate. Application to the separation of iron and calcium 544. Barrs C. E. Estimation of cadmium in spelter and zinc ores 248. Barry T. H. See Rlyddleton W. W. and Barry T. H. Bartschat F. See Konig J. and Bartschat F.Bartschat Fr. Failure of the toxicological tests for phosphorus 293. Bartschat Fr. See Dinslage E. and Bartschat, Fr . Batsford H. E. Analysis of mixed salts by the freezing point method 109. Baudisch 0. Chemistry of the pyrimidines, 392. Bauer K. H. Analytische Chemie der Aika-loide (Review) 110. C. H. Bagnall H. 11. Estimation of sulphur in coal 454. See Collenberg O. and Bakke G. See West A. P. and Balce S i V INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Baughman W. F. See Jamieson G. S. and Baughman W. I;. Baumann E. J. Estimation of organic phos-phorus 349. Baumann E. J. Preparation of yeast nucleic acid as a magnesium compound 536. Bayle E. and Fabre R. Application of fluorescence phenomena to the identification of various drugs 454. Beccadelli G.Influence of blood on chemical reactions 243. Becker H. G. and Abbott W. E. Estimation of dissolved air in small quantities of water, 104. Bedel C. Toxicity of a polymer of hydro-cyanic acid 539. Bedel C. See Lebeau P. and Bedel C. Bedford C. W. and Winkelmann €I. A. A Systematic Survey of Rubber Chemistry (Review) 207. Behr M. See Rrukl A. and Behr M. Bellis B. See Hess A . F. Supplee G. C. and Bellis B. Benedetti-Pichler A. Micro-analytical tech-nique 547. Benedict S. R. and Theis R. C. Modification of molybdic method for the estimation of inorganic phosphorus in serum 537. Benedict S. R. See Theis R. C. and Benedict s. H. Bennett C. T. and Garratt D. C. Detection of esters of fixed acids in essential oils. A new method of testing 46.Bertolo P. Preparation of commercial gly-cyrrhizin 40. Bethke R. M. Steenbock H. and Nelson M. T. Fat-soluble vitamins. XV. 97. Bezssonoff -. Colour reactions of anti-rachitic and ant;scorbutjc principles 594. Biykel A. and Collazo J. A. Composition of Bidart G. Bidwell G. L. See Coe. M. R. and I3idwel1, G. L. Bierry ,H. and Moquet L. Estimation of ketonic compounds and of b-hydroxybutyric acid in diabetic urine 244. Biggs R. P. A qualitative differentiation between cube garnbier and Indian cutch (Notes) 379. Bigwood E. J. and Ladd W. S. Qualitative tests for acetone bodies 100. Biilmann E. and Rimbert E. Hypobromous acid and estimation of hypobromous and bromic acids 60. Bishop W. B. S. Detection of halogens 154. Black A. See Steenbock H.Hart E. B., Jones J. FI. and Black A. Blackadder T. Colour measurement of tanning materials 51. Blanchard A. A. and Phelan J. W. Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry (Review) 204. Bleecker W. L. See Hale H. and Bleecker w. L. Bleesen P. Substitute for platinum in elec-trolysis 154. Tasaj 0,’’ 1 8 7. Sec IkIalvezin P. and Bidart G. Blegberg W. See Holde D. Selim M. and Bliss E. A. See Meader P. D. and Bliss E. A. Bock J. C. Preservation of blood by means of formaldehyde 238. Bodlander E. See Auerbach F. arid Bod-lander E. Boer J. H. De. Colour reaction for the detection of zirconium and fluorine 497. Bogin C. D. Analysis of binary mixtures. Volumetric turbidity method 299. Bogod M. See Lampitt L. H. Hughes E. B., and Bogod M. Bolton E.R. and Pelly,. R. G. Oils Fats, Waxes and Resins (Review) 303. Bolton E. R. See Williams K. A. and Bolton, E. Ii. Bomer A. and Mattis H. The solanine content of potatoes 284. Bomer A. and Schneider K. Glycerides of palm-kernel oil 283. Bongard G. R. See Ardagh E. G. li. and Bongard G. R. Boone P. D. Bordas J. Cause of error in the Jodlbauer Process for the estimation of total nitrogen, 103. Bosselmann H. The fining of wine with potas-sium ferrocyanide 342. Bosshard E. Apparatus for the analysis of oleum and other fuming liquids 301, Bosshard E. and Furrer E. ,\nalysis of sodium peroxide 353. Bouma J. A. L. Estimation of eugenol in clove oil 345. Bourcet P. Detection of glycerides in bees-wax 284. Bradford S. C. A simple non-splash ring for use with Scheibler’s dessicator 497.Brandt L. Volumetric assay of iron ores by means of titanous chloride 352. Breisch K. Separation of zinc by electrolytic deposition from alkaline solutions 403. Breisch K. See Chalupny K. and Breisch K. Bridel M. A case of poisoning by sodium arsenate 101. Bridel M. True nature of the methyl salicylate glucoside in the bark of the sweet birch 285. Bridel M. and Charpentier I. Biochemical detection of galactose in mixtures of galactose and arabinose 445. Britton H. T. S. Electrometric titration of chromic acid 496. Britton H. T. S. Notes on the estimation of chromium 130. Brooke W. L. Limits for the detection of traces of alkali or soap in refined coconut oil 592. Brooks B. T. The sodium plumbjte test of gasoline 397.Brooks,. R. Device for maintaining a constant level in a waterbath 548. Brukl A. and Behr M. Iodimetric estimation of phosphorous and hypophosphorous acids, 406. Buchanan R. Estimation of egg solids in alimentary pastes (Noodles) 436. Rleyberg Mr. Constituents of pecan oil 142 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. V Buffat C. Bull C. G. and King W. V. Bullock K. Bunker H. J. Burrows G. H. Buswell A. M. and Gallagher W. U. Buttenberg P.,. and Weiss H. See Piccard J. and Buffat C. Identification of blood meal of mosquitoes 99. Assay of valerian root and certain other aromatic drugs 443. See Thaysen A. C. and Bunker, H. J. See Wallis E. S. and Burrows, G. H. Esti-mation of dissolved oxygen in the presence of iron salts 45. The hydrocyanic acid fumigation of ships and its effect on food materials 533.C Calcott W. S. English F. L. and Downing F. B. Analysis of naphthalenesulphonlc acids and naphthalene 150. Callan T. Usc of the lead cathode in the electrolytic method for the estimation of minute quantities of arsenic 402. Camargo T. De A. Vernine in green leaves and berries of the coffee plant 189. Campbell F. H. Rate of disappearance of sulphites in raw meat 532. Cam. R. H. Carriere E. and Leenhardt C. Method of analysis of volatile organic substances by combustion in an open tube 601. Caseneuve M. Application of a new reaction of resorcinol to the detection of nitro-prussides and ammonia 195. See Graham V. and Carr K. H. Cattelain E. Analysis of gelatin ash 3-14, Cattelain E.Analysis of pharmaceutical and bacteriological gelatins 391. Chace E. M. and Denny F. E. Use of ethylene in the colouring of Citrus fruits 254. Chalupny K. and Breisch K. Separation of cadmium from zinc 401. Channon H. J. Drummond J. C. and Golding, J. The eflect of giving certain oils in the daily diet of cows on the composition of butter fat 311. Chaplin W. H. Second Year College Chemistry (Review) 53. Charpentier I. Scc Bridel AT. and Charpentier, I. Chlophe V. Scparatioll of radium and barium, 49. Christianseq I. A. Hevesy G.? and Lomholt S. Distribution of lead in the living organism 490. Clark E. D. See Shostrum 0. E. Clough, R. W. and Clark E. D. Clark R. H. and Gillie K. B. Cascara content of the wood and bark of Rhmznzis Piivslziana, 441.Clark W. M. The Determination of 1Iydrogen Ions (Review) 157. Clarke H. T. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 111. (Review) 20ti. Clemencet N. B. Bellier’s reaction applied t o the detection of adulteration of cacao butter, 343. Clemens C. A. Lead number of vanilla extracts, 534. Clifford T. H. Higginbotham L. and Fargher, R. J. Estimation of fat wax and resin in cotton 350. Clough R. W. See Shostrum 0. E. Clough, R. W. and Clark E. D. Clover A. M. Autoxidation of chloroform 95. Clowes F. and Coleman J. B. Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Review) 268. Coe M. R. and Bidwell G. L. Estimation of starch and sugars by the use of picric acid, 234. Coleman J. B. See Clowes F. and Coleman, J. B. Collazo J. A. See Bickel A. and Collazo J.A. Collenberg O. and Bakke G. Volumetric estimation of antimony by means of per-manganate 152. Collins W. D. and Foster M. D. Estimation of manganese in water by the sodium bis-muthate method 395. Coltman R. W. Estimation of manganese. Manganous oxalate as a standard 401. Connell S. J. B. and Zilva,. S. S. Differential dialysis of the antiscorbutic factor TI. 595. Considine F. J. Simple useful forms of hydro-gen electrode 332. Cottrell A. The Manufacture of Nitric Acid and Nitrates (Review) 55. Cox H. E. Lead in cream of tartar (Legal Sotes) 136. Cruz C. C. Cumming W. M. Estimation of ferrocyanides, 151. Cuny L. and Poirot G. Colorimetric estimation of small quantities of bismuth 48. Currie A. N. Separation of a fat pigment from fat 290.Cuttica V. See Rolla L. Cuttica V. and Fernandes I,. See West A. P. and Cruz C. C. D Dalton W. G. See Sage C. E. and Dalton, W. G. Damiens A. Les Isotopes (Review) 407. Damiens A. New reagent for carbon monoxide, Damon S. R. Relation of bacteria to growth-Damoy G. Dauvillier A. Differentiation of natural and culture pearls 607. Davidson A. W. and Van Klooster H. S. Laboratory Manual of Physical Chemistry (Review) 53. Davies H. and Davies W. New reagent for potassium 154. Davies W. Davison F. R. See Willaman J. J. and De Boer JH. Colour reaction for the detection De Fazi R. 298. promoting substances 446. See Gascard A and Damoy G. See Davies H. and Davies W. Davison F. R. of zirconium and fluorine 497. New reaction of aldehydes 601 V i INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX.De Lacy S. A. Apparatus for extraction and solvent recovery 220. De Leon A. I. See West A. P. and De Leon. A. I. Da Montmollin F. See Picard J. and De Montmollin F . Deas J. Yeast growth-promoting vitamin tested for its effects on animals 596. Debucquet L. Reaction of antipyrine with trichloracetic acid 487. Deighton I!. Effect of movement of soil salts on the standardisation values of electrodes used in moisture estimations 103. Delage J. C. Mustard flour and oil in the wine industry 94. Delepine M. New form of fenchone oxime. Characterisation of fenchone in presence of camphor 397. Delf E. M. Antiscorbutic value of fresh and canned English tomatoes 594. Delf E. M. Vitamin A content of S. African oils 291.Deming H. G. General Chemistry (Review) 301. Denigh G. Microchemical identification of DenigBs G. Microcrystalline reaction for iden-Denny F. E. See Chace E. M. and Denny, Denny F. E. Hastening the coloration of Dezani S. New reaction for myrrh 441. D’Huart (3. See Hackspill L. and D’Huart G. Dill D. B. Significance of urea in shark meal, 540. Dinslslge E. and Bartschat Fr. Poisoning by barium sulphate administered for X-Hay examination 293. Dodd A. H. Analysis of lysol 286. Doht R. Precipitation of platinum and copper Domogalla B. P. See Peterson W. H. Fred, Donald M. B. The estimation of ammonia by means of sodium hypobromite 375. Donovan W. The estimation of nitrogen in coal 57. Dott D. B. Note on podophyllin 144. Downing F.B. See Calcott W. S. English, F. L. and Downing F. B. DOX A. W. and Houston B. Alkyl-chloro-malonamides. The influence of homology on taste 345. Draves C. 2. See Tartar H. V. and Draves c. 2. &awe -. The thiosulphate precipitation of copper 495. Druce J. G. F. Volumetric estimation of tin, 402. Drummond J. C. See Channon H. J. Drum-mond J. C . and Golding J. Dubois R. See Fosse H. Hagene P. and Dubois R. Dudley la. W. Insulin from the cod fish. Direct application of picric acid to the islet tissue 597. cantharidin 40. tifying traces of cantharidin 238. F. E. lemons 439. as sulphides 40-2. E. EL and Domogalla B. P. Dunnicliff H. B. Durand J. F. During A. Dutcher R. A. R. A. The estimation of carbonates Volumetric estimation of carbon, Polarimetric estimation of starch in See Thomas W.and Dutcher, in highly coloured liquids (Notes) 426. 295. potted meats 389. E Eck P. N. Van. Benzidine as a reagent for aldehydes 105. Eddy W. H. and Kohman E. F. Vitamin C in canned foods 146. Eden T. Colorimetric estimation of humic matter in mineral soils 491. Edgeworth H. See Sherman H. C. and Edge-uTorth H. Effront J. Eibner A. and Schmidinger K. Composition of linseed oil 245. Elsdon G. D. Alcoholysis and the composition of oils and fats 423. Elsdon G. D. Arsenic in printing ink (Notes), 336. Elsdon G. D. County Borough of Salford. Annual Report of the Borough Analyst for 1922 33. Elsdon G. D. County Borough of Salford. Annual Report of the Borough Analyst for 1923 518.Elsdon G. D. The composition of beef and malt wine 210. Elsdon G. D. The compositicn of coconut oil (Kotes) 274. Elsdon (3. D. What is Bondon cheese? 267. Elsdon G. D. and Smith P. The Reichert-Meissl value of almond oil and apricot kernel oil (Notes) 180. English F. L. See Caicott 147. S. English 1;. L., and Downing F. 13. Errara J. Colloidal poles for observing the emission spectra of solutions 606. Escher-DesriviBres J. Mechanical separation of polonium in sodium hydroxide solution by various substances 405. Essery R E. Public Health (Condensed Milk) Regulations 1923. Tables for testing “equi-valent pints” Declaration (Notes) 178. EstQve -. Case of acetanilide poisoning 638. Etheridge A F. The volumetric estimation of vanadium in steel (Notes) 83.Etheridge A. T. The estimation of cadmium in brass 572. Etheridge A. T. The estimation of copper and tin in copper-tin alloys 3T1. Eynon L. and Lane J. H. Clarification of solutions in the analysis of sugar products 90. Eynon L. Toxicity of salts of copper 447. See Lane J. H. and Eynon I,. F Fabre R. 539. Fabre R. Fate of morphine in the organism, See Bayle E. and Fabre li INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. vii Fabris G. Olii e Grassi. Vegetali Anirnali e Fachini -. and Somazzi -. Estimation of Fairhall L. T. Rapid method of testing wine Fairhall L. T. Solubility of various lead com-Fdk K. G. Noyes H. M. and Sugiura K. Fargher R. J. See Clifford T. H. Higgin-Favre L. Fazi It. De. New reaction of aldehydes 601. Feigl F. Detection and estimation of antimony by means of pyrogallol 402.Feizl F. and Schummer 0. Antimony chloride in volumetric analysis 494. Feigl F. and Weiner F. Oxidation of arsenious acid in alltaline solution by permanganate, 495. Fenger F. and Wilson R. S. Amount of available insulin in the pancreas of domestic animals 230. Fernandes L. Use of molybdenum as indicator in the volumetric estimation of zinc 496. Fernandes L. See Rolla L. Cuttica V. and Fernandes L. Findlay G. M. Destruction of Vitamin B by age 190. Fischler M. Flanders F. F. and Truitt A. D. Analysis of soap powder 105. Fleck L. C. See Hawley L. F. Fleck L. C., and Richards C. A. Fleck L. C. See also Ritter G. J . and Fleck, L. c. Fleming R. Sensitive reactions for copper (Notes) 275.Fleury P. Method of measuring the activity of laccase 241. Fleury P. Use of guaiacol for measuring the activity of oxidase preparations 347. Florentin D. Sulpho-chromic oxidation of organic substances and coals in presence of catalysts 244. Fontes G. Fosse -. and Hieulle A. Colour reaction common to formaldehyde and glyoxylic acid, 601. Fosse R. Hagene P. and Dubois R. Gravi-metric estimation of cyanamide in the form of xanthyl-urea 492. Fosse R. Hagene P and Dubois R. New method for the estimation of cyanamide in its calcium compound 491. Foster M. D. See Collins W. D. and Foster, M. I>. Fred,‘E. B. See Peterson TV. H. Fred E. B., and Domogalla B. P. Fred E. B. See also Peterson W. H. Fred, E. B. and Schmidt E. G. Frederick R.C. Device for stopping a leak in a water jacket (‘Notes) 135. Erederick R. C. Effect of storage on arti-ficially polluted waters 63. Minerali (Review) 499. crude glycerol in crude glycerins 245. for lead 490. pounds in blood serum 490. Enzyme actions of beef tissues 238. botham L. and Fargher R. J . See Thuan U. J. and Favre L. See Mach F. and Fischler hl. See Nicloux M. and Font& G. Frederick R. C. New flask for use with Soxhlet’s apparatus (Notes) 474. Frerejacque M. See Simon L. J. and FrEre-jacque 11. Frey F. Fricke K. Determination of the rate of solidi-Fuller H. C. Ethylene glycol. Its properties Furrer E. Fylemann E. Estimation of acetic and butyric acids 396. Detection of phosphoric acid 353. fication of paraffin wax 546.and uses 381. See Bosshard E. and Furrer E. G Gallaper W. U. See L3uswel1 A. M. and Gallager W. U. Gardner R. Essential oil of Manuka (Lepto-spevmim scopnvistnz) 195. Gardner W. Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names (Keview) 205. Garola J. Estimation of phosphorus in organic substances 46. Garratt D. C. See Bennett C. T. and Garratt n. c. Gascard A, and Damoy G. Acids and hydro-carbons of beeswax 143. Gascard A. and Damoy G. Acids of beeswax, 143. Cfaubert P Identification of minerals by microscopic examination of their traces left on a hard body 108. Gault H. and Mukerji B. C. Estimation of copper in cellulose substances by the molyb-domanganic method of Fontks-Thivolle 196. Gawalowski A. Examination of commercial pinene 602. Geberth R.New method of gas analysis 109. Gersdorff C. E. F. See Jones D. U. and Gersdorff C. E. F. Ghigliotto C. Total reduction of nitrates and chlorates during putrefaction of viscera 395. Ghigliotto C. Solubility of mercuric sulphide in ammonia and its influence on the detection of arsenic in the presence of mercury 43, Ghigliotto? C. Toxicological detection of minute quantities of nitric acid 44. Gibbs W. E. Clouds and Smokes (Review), 410. Gillie K. B. See Clark 13. H. and Gillie K. B. Gilmour G. van B. Invert sugar as a reagent Giuffrk U. Detection of extract of Atrnctylzs Glaire .a. Estimation of sulphonitric and sul-Glaser R. W. Survival of bacteria in flies 100. Glot G. Gobert L. Preserved spinach 342. Goby J. Godden W. See Richards M. B. and Godden, W.Golding J. Report on the World’s Dairy Congress 259. Golding J. See Channon H. J. Drummond, J. C. and Golding J. for boric acid estimations (Notes) 576. guvnmzfera in liquorice extract 534. phonitrous acids 199. See Raymond E. and Glot G. See Langlais P. and Goby J viii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Goldstiick M. 2-4-dinitrosoresorcinol as a sensi-Gonzaga L. See West A. P. and Gonzaga I,. Gore H. C. Polarimetric method for the esti-mation of diastatic power 444. Gortner R. A. See Pervier N. C. and Gortner R. A. Goy S. and Wende E. Solubility of arsenic in beverages 394, Graham V. and Carr R. H. Chemical factors determining the quality of tobacco 247. Graire A. Estimation of sulphonitric and sulphonitrous acids 108. Grant R. Gravenhorst C.0. Baudouin’s test for sesame oil 142. Green H. Microchemistry of white pigments and inert bodies as they occur mixed in paints 461. Greenbank G. R. See Holm G. E. and Green-bank G. R . Greene W. C. and Hunt R. S. Method for Greenwald I. and Gross J. Chemistry of Jaffk’s reaction for creatinine 346. Greenwald I. and Gross J. Rubidium and caesium creatinine picratcs 346. Grey E. C. Evaluation of various organic products by the rlichromate method 194. Griebel C. Microchemical detection of acetal-dehyde in fruits 486. Griebel C. The solanine content of the 1922 crop of potatoes 486. Grose M. R. See Sherman H. C. and Grose, M. R. Gross J. Guichard M. Confkrences de Chimie Minkrale. tive reagent for ferrous salts 544. See Penfold A.K. and Grant R. eproducing graphs in quantity 110. See Greenwald I. and Gross J. Metaux (Review) 255. H Hackl 0. Precipitation of zinc as sulphide, 352. Hackle J. W. D. Chemical Reactions and their Equations (Review) 455. Hackspill L. and D’Huart G. New method of elementary analysis based on the measure-ment of gaseous volumes 447. Hagene P. See Fosse N. Hagene P. and Dubois R. Hale H. and Bleecker W. L. Active chlorine as a germicide for milk 192. Hall W. T. See Treadwell F. P. and Hall, W. T. Haller H. L. See Levene P. A. Taylor F. A., and EIalIer H. L. Hanke M. T. and Koessler K. K. Estimation of histamine 346. Harden A. Alcoholic Fermentation (Review), 158. Hardy F. Soil-point method for directly estimating the water-supplying power of a soil in the field 102.Harper H. J. Estimation of nitrates in soils by the phenoldisulphonic acid method 193. Harris J. A. See Lawrence J. V. and Harris, Harrlson A. P. See Scales F. M. and Harrison, Hart E. B. See Steenbock H. Jones J. 13 Hart E. B. See also Steenbock H. Hart, Hartel F. Cacao germ 390. Hartmann W. See Schowalter E. and Hart-mann W. Harvey A. The estimation of chromium (Notes) 227. Harvey E. H. Efficiency of some organic dyes as anti-ferments 488. Hatfield W. D. Soluble aluminium and the haemotoxylin test in filtered waters 243. Hausler H. Micro-analytical technique 547. Hawley L. F. Fleck L. C. and Richards C. A. Relation between the durability and chemical composition of woods 460. Heiduschka A. “Kaschkawal.” A Bulgarian cheese 389.Hendel J. M. Potassium pcrmanganate as an iodimetric standard 247. Henry T. A. The Plant Alkaloids (Review), 551. Henstock H. Cannabis indica in smoking tobacco 40. Henville D. Calculations Public Health (Dried Milk) Regulations 1923 (Notes) 472. Hepworth H. Chemical Synthesis. Studies in the Investigation of Natural Organic Products (Review) 457. Hepworth T. C. See Mitchell C. A, and Hep-worth T. C. Hertwig R Estimation of lipoids and lipoid-phosphoric acid in flours alimentary pastes, and eggs 37. Hertwig R. and Palmore J. I. Composition of commercial mustard brans with special reference to the detection of added mustard bran in prepared mustard 141. Hess A. F. and Weinstock M. Catalytic action of copper in the destruction of anti-scorbutic vitamin 535.Hess A. F. Supplee G. C. and Bellis B. Copper as a constituent of milk 41. Hevesy G. See Christiansen I. A. Hevesy C;., and Lomholt S. Hieulle A. See Fosse -. and Hieulle A. Higginbotham L. See Clifiord T. H. Higgin-botham L. and Fargher R. J. Hill ,A. G. Action of catalysts with non-drying oils 149. Hill A. G. and Nishida D. Oil from Kauri copal 107. H a s E. Public Health (Cried Milk) Regula-tions 1923. Calculation of “Equivalent Pints” (Notes) 47 1. See Margosches B. M. and Hinner, W. The application of the iodimetric inethod to the analysis of sugar products 2. J. A. P. and Hart E. B. E. B. Jones J. H. and Black A. Hinner W. Hinton C. L, and Macara T. Hodgson T. R. Cream Cheese 264 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX.iX Hoffstadt R. E. Bacteriological examination of ground beef I. and II. 147. Holde D. Selim M. and Bleyberg W. Quan-titative separation of solid and liquid fatty acids 448. Hollins C. The Synthesis of Nitrogen Ring Compounds containing a Single Hetero-Atom [Nitrogen] (Review) 613. Holm G. E. and Greenbank G. R. The Kreis test 344. Holmes A. D. Effect of storage of livers on the Vitamin A potency of cod liver oil 240. Holmes A. D. The Vitamin A potency of hake liver oil 291. Holmes W. C. Spectrophotometric determina-tion of PH value and the apparent dissociation constants of indicators 263. Horn D. W. Microscopic detection of some fortified milks 388. Houston B. See Dox A. W. and Houston 13. Hughes E. B. See T,ampitt L.H. and Hughes, Hughes E. B. See also Lampitt L. H. Hughes, Hunt R. S. See Greene W. C. and Hunt R. S. Huttig G. F. and Schmitz K. Porous porcelain E. B. EL B. and Rogod M. crucibles for filtrations 454. I Imbert H. Imbert R. and Pilgrain P. Schon-bein’s reaction applied to the micro-detection of copper 248. Imbert R. See Imbert H. Imbert R. and Pilgrain P. h e s R. F. Chrome-leather analysis. Inter-national Commission Report 48. Innes R. F. Effect of perspiration on chrome upper leather 48. Isnard E. Detection of aldehydes in ethers for anaesthesia 441. Isnard -. Reactions of Dial-Ciba 287. J Jacob K. D. Estimation of nitrate nitrogen in the presence of cyanamide and some of its derivatives 46. Jackson V. T. Apparatus for drying gases, 200.Jahn H. Simultaneous estimation of two halogens 250. Jamieson G. S. and Baughman W. F. Chemi-cal composition of Sesame oil 23f;. Joachim B. Estimation of anhydrous soap in lubricating grease 449. Jofinow W. See Pamfilov A. and Jofinow ?$‘. Johner H. See Treadwell I\-. D. and Johner H. Johnston R. G. See Pile S. and Johnston, R. G. Jones A. 0 Burner for producing mono-chromatic light 108. Jones C. P. Estimation of the sulphur com-pounds in dry lime sulphur 45. Jones D. B. and Gersdorff C. E. F. Protiem of wheat bran 90. Jones J. H. See Steenbock H. Hart E. H., Jones J. H. and Black A. Jones J. H. See also Steenbock H Jones, J . H. and Hart E. B. Jordan C. J and Ware A. H. Tdentification, and classification by chemical methods of drugs containing tannins 442.Joseph A. F. and Martin F. J. The freezing point of Sudan milk 420. Jiinger E. Estimation of tungsten in low-grade ores 298. Jungkunz R. See Pritzker J. and Jungkunz ti. Justin-Mueller E. Certain reactions of Carra-geen (Chondrus crispus) 535. K Kassner H. L. Histological and chemical examination of the seeds of Iponzoea hedevacea and other species of Ipomoen 285. Kay H. D. and Zilva S. S. Alleged colour reaction for Vitamin C. 191. Keane -. Kennaway E. L. On the cancer-producing factor in tar 242. Kennedy C. Nutritive properties of wild rice, 342. Kent-Jones D. W. Modern Cereal Chemistry (Review) 609. Kimball C. P. and Murlin J. R. hqueous extracts of pancreas. 111. Precipitation re-actions 96. King W.V. Kingzett C. T. Chemical Encyclopaedia (Re-view) 556. Kiplinger C. C. Simple method for determining the approximate index of refraction of liquids with a common microscope 334. Kitto B. T. Tested lMethods of Mineral Analysis (Review) 357. Klmger Z. See Weichherz J. and Klinger %. Klinger -. See Weichherz -. and Klinger -. Klooster H. S. Van. See Davidson A. W. and Klooster H. S. Van. Kloot A. A. Dholl mixed with dyed talc (Notes) 514. Knapp A. W. The Cocoa and Chocolate In-dustry (Review) 550. Knecht E. Titanous salts as reducing agents, 494. Knecht E. and Muller E. F. Dehydration of alcohol by means of glycerin 395. Knecht E. and Thompson F. P. Interaction of glucose and phenylhydrazine 150. Knibbs N. V. S. Lime and Magnesia (Review), 612.Knop J. The gravimetric ratio-antimony : antimony tetroxide 49. Knops-Niederhoff -. Behaviour of insulin towards Fehling’s solution 445. Knowles F. and Urquhart J. C. Preliminary notes on the composition of the fat of goats’ butter 509. See Lunge -. and Keane -. See Bull C. G. and King W. V X INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Knowles H. B. See Lundell G. E. F. and Knowles H. B. Knuth C. A. See Milligan C. H. Knuth C. A., and Richardson A. S. Koch F. Ct and McMeekin T. L. Direct Nesslerisation Micro-Kjeldahl method and a modification of the Nessler-Folin reagent for ammonia 604. Kodama R. Nature of the oil of Soya bean Miso 344. Koehler A. Detection of adulteration of cacao butter 237. Koessler K. K. See Hanke hl. T. and Koessler K. K. Kofler L.Evaluation of saponins as frothing agents 239. Kohman E F. and Sanborn N. H. Nature of corrosion in canned fruits 234. Kohman E. F. See Eddy W. H. and Koliman, E. F. Kolb A Application of permutit t o the separation and estimation of ammonia in urine 488. Kolthoff I. M. Renzidine as an analytical reagent and an indicator for a definite oxi-dation potential 493. Kolthoff I. M. Konduktometrische Titrationen (Review) 607. Kolthoff I. M. The hydrostrychnine reagent for the estimation of nitrite and nitrate 546. Kolthoff I. M. Volumetric estimation of hydrazine by the iodine bromate iodate and permanganate methods 605. Kolthoff J. M. Detection and colorimetric estimation of hydrocyanic acid 4 1. Konig J. and Bartschat F. Estimation of rye flour in wheat flour 185.Krase H. J. See Yee J. Y. and Krase H. J . Kruger D. See Auerbach I?. and Kruger D. Kubina H. See Kurtenacker A. and Kubina, H. Kugelmass I. N. and Rothwell C. Direct estimation of secondary phosphate 198. Kuhnhenn W. See Rosenmund K. W. and Kuhnhenn W. Kurtenacker A. Application of the aldehyde-bisulphite reaction in volumetric analysis 405. Kurtenacker A and Kubina H. Bromimetric estimation of thiocyanate 540. L Lacy S. A. De. Apparatus for extraction and solvent recovery 220. Ladd W. S. See Bigwood E. J. and Ladd w. s. Lampitt L. H. and Hughes E. B. The solu-bility of milk powder (Notes) 176. Lampitt L. H. Hughes .E. B. and Bogod M. The routine examination of dairy products with special reference t o the Mojonnier Tester 413.Estimation of sugar in unne by means of Fehling’s solution with methylene blue as internal indicator 366. Lane J H. and Eynon L. Lane J. H. Langlais P. and Goby J. Fixed oil of orris 542. Lassieur A. Rapid electro-analytical separa-tion of silver copper and bismuth by graduated potentials 297. Lassieur A. Electrolytic separation of copper, antimony and bismuth from lead 603. Lawrence J. V. and Harris J. A. Titration of chlorides in plant fluids 393. Lebeau P. and Bedel C. Estimation of carbon monoxide 451. Leenhardt C. See Carriere E. and Leenhardt C. Leffmann H. Detection of diethyl phthalate, 487. Leffmann H. JIicrochemical tests for hexa-methylcnetetramine 400. Leiboff S. L. Method for cholesterol estimation in blood 537.Leon A. I. De. See West A. P. and Leon, A. I. 1)e. L e d E. and Vagliano M. Differentiation 6f Vitamin A from the anti-rachitic factor 99. Levene P. A. Taylor F. A. and Haller H. L. Lignoccric acid 542. Lewis S. J. Fluorescent powers of cellulose and its derivatives 199. Lichtin A. Iron content of spinach 390. Lindner J. Organic analysis by a volumetric method 600. Link K. P. and Schule E. R. Effects of the method of dessication on the nitrogenous constituents of plant tissue 600. Liverseege J. F. City of Birmingham. Annual Report of the City Analyst for 1923 475. Liverseege J. F. City of Birmingham. Report of the City Analyst for the Third Quarter, 1923 85. Liverseege,. J. F. City of Rirmingham. Report of the City Analyst for the Fourth Quarter, 1923 181.Liverseege J. F. City of Birmingham. Report of the City Analyst €or the First Quarter, 1954 380. Liverseege J. F. City of Birmingham. Report of the Public Analyst for the Second Quarter, Liverseege J. F. Condensed milk calculations (Notcs) 276. Liverseege J. F.,,and B.agnall H. H. Estima-tion of boric acid in milk etc. (Notes) 133. Livshis L. See Witzemann E. J. and Livshis, L. Lloyd J. U. See Sando C. E. and Lloyd J. U. Lecher E. See Wilke-Diirfurt E. and Locher, E. Lomholt S. Circulation of some heavy metals in the organism (mercury bismuth and lead), 599. See Christiansen I . A, Hevesy G., and Lomholt S. Volumetric estimation of ammon-ium salts 605. The rate of loss of strength of spirits kept exposed t o the air (Notes) 135.Supplementary Notes on Gravi-metric Analysis (Review) 458. See Eynon L. and Lane J . H. 1924 580. Lomholt S. Lovgren S. Lowe H. Lowson W INDEX TO VOLUJlE XLIX. xi Luce E. M. Influence of diet and sunlight on vitamins of milk 595. Luff B. W. D. The Chemistry of Rubber (Heview! 159. Luff G. Separation and estimation of bismuth by hydrolysis 249. LufT G. Separation of bismuth as phosphate, 197. Liihrig -. Case of poisoning bv fluosilicic acid 538. Lundell G. E. F. and Knowles H. B. Volu-metric estimation of titanium 153. Lundell G. E. F. Interference of cobalt in the bismuthate method for manganese 152. Lunge -. and Keane -. Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis (Review) 355. Liining 0. The bleaching of pickled herrings with hydrogen peroxide 532.Lypch G. R. and Martley F. C. Forensic importance of blood-groups 293. M Mabery C. F. Lubricant and asphaltic hydro-Macara T. See Hinton C. L. and Macara T. Mach, F and Fischler M. Detection and estimation of small quantities of cyanogen in wine 439. Mahler P. Malvezin P. and Bidart G. Use of essential oil of mustard as a preservative for wine 140. Manchot W. and Oberhauser F. Rromo-metric estimation of iodine values 400. Maquenne L. Composition and constitution of elaeostearic acid 105. Maquenne L. ICstimation of reducing sugars by means of cupro-potassium solution 90. Marange -. See Rosset H. Marange -., and Vinter -. Margosches B. M. and Hinner W. Substitutes for mercuric chloride in Elubl’s iodine solution, 400.Margosches B. M. and Hinner W. The re-action of iodine with fats 449. Marsden €3. Federated Malay States. Annual Report of the Chemical Laboratories for 1923 584. Martin F. J. See Joseph A. F. and Martin, F. J. Martland,. M. and Robison R. Note on the estimation of phosphorus in blood 598. Martley F. C. See Lynch G. R. and Martley, F. C. Marvel .C. S. and Smith F. E. Identification of amines 50. Massink A. Estimation of nitrate in water by the Frerichs’ method 539. Masters H. See Tinkler C. K. and Masters H. Matthews C. G. Notes on the liquid from ripe coconuts (Notes) 223. Matthews C. G. Notes on the treatment of parchments damaged by fire (Notes) 516. Mattis H. carbons in petroleum 106. See Temple J. E. and Mahler P. See Biimer A.and Mattis H. Mad P. Influence of the bactericidal power of raw milk on lactic acid organisms in steri-lised milk 348. McCay L. W. New light filter 109. McClelland N. Fatty acids of camel hump fat, McClendon J. F. Estimation of iodine in food, McHargue 3. S. Association of manganese McMeekin T. L. See Koch F. C. and AIc-Meader P. D. and Bliss E. A. Anaerobes from Meesemaecker R. See Morvillez -. and Meesemaecker -. See Norvillez -, and Meissner 0. Colour measurement 607. Mellor J. W. A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry Vol. IV. (Review) 254. Menaul P. Estimation of tannin in plant tissues 193. Merrill A. T. The relation of PH value to tungstic acid precipitation of protein 443. Merrill J. A. See Schmidt C. L. A.and Merrill J. A. Meunier -. and Rey -. Some colour reactions of wool 296. Meyer R. J. Detection and estimation of small quantities of fluorine 453. Milligan C. H. Knuth C. A. and Richardson, A. S. Composition of whale oil 149. Miscall J. Mitchell C. A. Osmium tetroxide as a reagent for the estimation of tannins and their derivatives 162. Mitchell C. A. The stearic acid content of butter fat (Notes) 515. Mitchell C. A. and Hepworth T. C. Inks: Their Composition and Manufacture (Review), 498. Miura I. Characteristics of Japanese tung oil, 542. Monier-Williams G. W. Hydrogen electrode for use with meat pastes etc. (Notes) 224. Montmollin F. De. See Piccard J. and Mont-mollin F. De. Moquet L. Morgan D. P. junr. See Nelson J. M. and Morgan D.P. junr. Morvillez -. and Meesemaecker R. Iodi-metric estimation of thiosinamine 94. Morvillez -. and Meesemaecker -. New method of estimating allyl-isothiocyanate 593. Moser L. and Niessner,. M. Use of hypo-phosphorous acid in gravimetric analysis 152. Mukerji B. C. See Gault H. and Mukerji, B. C. Muller E. F. See Knecht E. and Muller E. F. Miiller H. Volumetric micro-estimation of sodium 107. Muller J. A. and Peytral E. Estimation of water of hydration water of constituion and carbon dioxide in hydraulic lines 261. 343. .beverages and excreta 444. with vitamins 445. Meekin T. L. water samples 100. Meesemaecker R. Meesemaecker -. See Rice F. E. and Miscall J. See Bierry H. and Moquet L sii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Murlin J. R.See Kimball C. P. and Murlin, J. R. Murlin J. R. See also Piper H. A. Allen R. S., and Murlin J. R. Myddleton W. W. and Barry T. H. Fats : Natural and Synthetic (Review) 305. Myttenaere M. De. Composition and toxicity of the arsenobenzenes. Estimation of arsenic in these products 43. N Nabenhauer F. P. See Anderson R. J. and Nabenhauer F P. Nanji D. R. lodimetric estimation of osazones, 194. Naoum -. Spectroscopic identification of mercury 318. Nasini A. G. New continuous-flow wash-bottle 648. Nelson E. K. Non-volatile acids of the peach, 592. Nelson J. M. and Morgan D. P. junr. Collo-dion membranes of high permeability 201. Nesmejanow A. N. See Rakusin 31. A. and Nesmejanow A. K. Newcomb C. Tests for the purity of carbon tetrachloride (Notes) 225.Newman R. K. Estimation of water in mix-tures of ether alcohol and water 541. Nicholson W. N and Rhind D. The quant i-tative estimation of the degree of hydrolysis of gallotannin by tannase 605. Niessner M. Nelson M. T. See Bethke R. M. Steenbock, H. and Nelson M. T. Nicloux M. and Font& G. Preparation and estimation of methaemoglobin 392. Nicoloff M. Outbreak of posioning due to cayenne pepper containing lead 394. Nishida D. See Hill A. G. and Nishida D. Nottin P. Estimation of maltose in presence of other reducing sugars by means of Barfoed’s solution 486. See Falk K. G. Noyes H. M. and Sugiura I<. See Moser L. and Niessner M. Noyes H. M. 0 Oberhauser F. See Manchot W. and Ober-Odinot L. Onslow H. Tryptophan content of caseinogen, 289.Onslow M. W. Oxidising enzymes. VII. The oxygenase of the higher plants 597. Osborne T. B. The Vegetable Proteins (Re-view) 359. Ostwald W. Manipulations de Chimie Colloi-dale (Review) 410. Ott E. Exact methods for the analysis of gaseous fuels 602. Otto R. hauser I?. See Auger V. and Odinot L. See Tillmans J. and Otto K. P Page,. H. .J. The perchlorate method for the estimation of potassium in soils 102. Page R. P. Borough of Portsmouth. Report of the Public Analyst for the Year 1933 517. Palit C. C. Detection of cobalt and nickel 353. Palkin S. and Wales H. Identification of phenols by means of the spectroscope 407. Palladin V. I. Plant Physiology (Review) 205. Palmore J. I. See Hertwig R. and Palmore, J. I.Pamfilov A. and Jofinow W. Microchemical estimation of perchlorate 197. Parker R. N. Rau M. G. Robertson W. A, and Simonsen J. L. Tung oil. Oil from the seeds of Aleurites montana 399. Paul A. E. Salad dressing 142. Paul J. H. Boiler Chemistry and Feed Water Supplies (Review) 563. Pavelka F. Detection and estimation of traces of calcium and magnesium 604. PBgurier G. Detection of Koch’s bacillus in ordinary media 489. Pelly R. G. See Rolton E. I < . and Pelly, R. G. Penau H. and Simonnet H. Physiological assay of insulin preparations 95. Penfold AR. and Grant R. Eucalyptus oils as germicides 96. Perkins G. A. Comparative analytical study of various oils in the Chaulmoogra group 236. Perks T. E. The estimation of phosphine in acetylene (Notes) 38.Pervier N. C. and Gortner R. A. TSstimation of pentoses and pentosans. I. The formation and distillation of furfuraldehyde 47. Pervier N. C. and Gortner R. A. Estimation of pentoses and pentosans. 11. Estimation of furfuraldehyde 106. Peterson W. H. Fred .E. B. an! DomogaUa, B. P. Proteolytic action of Baczllus Gmnulo-bacter Pectinovovum and its effect on the hydrogen ion concentration 699. Peterson WH. Fred E. B. and Schmidt E. G. Fermentation of pentoses by Baczllus Granulo-bacter Pectinovoruuq 489. Petrkn -. The Swedish Commission on arsenical poisoning 102. Peytral E. Phelan J. W. See Blanchard A . A. and Phelps E. P. See Rowe A. W. and Phelps E. P. Piccard J. and Buffat C. Estimation of Piccard J. and Montmollin F. De. Detection Pieraerts J.Piettre M. Proteins of milk whey. Their separation by the acetone method 139. Piettre M. and Roeland C. Separation of trimyristin from milk 437. Pile S. and Johnston R. G. A Tested Method of Laboratory Organisation (Review) 157. Pilgrain,. P. See Imhert H. Imbert K. and Pilgram P. See Muller J . A. and Peytral E. Phelan J. W. fluorine in organic compounds 104. of halogen in organic compounds 104. Oil of C y p m u esculentus 188 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xiii Pine L. Acid-soluble phosphoric acid in eggs, 531. Piper H. A. Allen R. S. and Murlin J. R. Aqueous extracts of pancreas. 11. ;?Jew facts 96. Poirot G. See Cuny L. and Poirot G. Policard A. Method of micro-incineration applicable to histo-chemical investigations, 52. Porter F.Poucher W. A. Perfumes and Synthetics with Especial Reference to Synthetics ( lieview), 500. Powick W. C. Compounds developed in rancid fats 188. Pozzi-Escot M. E. Detection of nitrates in milk 233. Price P. H. An attempt to extend lllitchell’s colorimetric method to the estimation of catechol tannins 361. Osmium tetroxide as a reagent for the gold-beaters’ skin test for tannins (Notes), 336. Price P. H. The gold-beaters’ skin test for tannins 25. Pritzker J. and Jungkunz R. Estimation of benzene in petroleum spirit and oil of tur-pentine 450. copper in water 491. See Shepherd M. and Porter F. Price P. H. Prunet J. Pyriki C. See Schnlz F. and Prunet J. Colorimetric estimation of lead and R Rae W. N. Uncommon animal fats (Notes) 83.Rakusin M A. and Nesmejanow A. N. Changes in the optical activity .of sucrose produced by heating 691. Randall W. W. Estimation of essential oils in certain flavouring extracts and of camphor or peppermint oil in certain pharmaceutical preparations 440. Rask 0. S. and Alsberg C. L. Viscosimetric study of wheat starches 341. Rau M. G. See Parker li. N. liau 31. G., Robertson W. A. and Simonsen J. L. Raymond E. and Glot G. Acetyl value of fats 448. Reichard 0. Hydrocyanic acid in distilled wines 439. Reck -. Hrucine in strychnine nitrate 237. Reeves H. G. Regenbogen. A. and Schoorl . N. Molecular combination of caffeine and salicylic acid 486. Reif G. Detection of saccharin and dulcin in vinegar and products containing acetic acid, 92.Reif G. Estimation of dulcin by means of xanthydrol 390. Rengniez -. Commercial anhydrous quassine, 487. Rey -. See Meunier -. and Rey -. Reynolds .F. W. Kapid analysis of sugars. Purification and concentration of enzyme solutions 188. Estimation of phosgene 495. Rhein U. See Wilke-Dorfurt E. and Rhein U. Rhind D. See Nicholson W. N. and Rhind D. Rice F. E. and Miscall J. Solubility of copper in milk 145. Richards C. A. See Hawley I,. F. Fleck L. C., and Richards C. A. Richards M. B. and Godden W. The Pember-ton-Neumann method for the estimation of phosphorus 565. Richards P. A. E. Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith. Annual Report of the Public Analyst for 1923 428. Richardson A. S. See Milligan C. H. Knuth, C. A. and Richardson A.S. Rimbert E. See Biilmann E. and Rimbert E. Ristenpart E. Methylene blue as an indicator of bleaching damage 603. Ritter G. J. Chemistry of wood. Relation between methoxyl and lignin in wood 106. Ritter G. J. and Fleck L. C. Estimation of cellulose in wood by the chlorination method, 196. Robertson W. A. See Parker R. N. Rau, M. G. Kobertson W. A. and Simonsen J. L. Robinson M. E. Comparison of certain oxi-dising enxymes of the higher and lower plants, 596. Robison R. See Martland M. and Robison R. Rocques X. Evaluation of charcoals used for the decolorisation of tinted white wines 235. Roe J. H. Estimation of the hydrogen cyanide content of amygdalin 190. Roeland C. See Piettre M. and Roeland C. Rolla L. Cuttica V. and Fernandes L. Separa-tion of yttrium from the other elements of gadolinite 604.Rose E. S. Chocolate in chocolate-coated tablets and pills 486. Rosenmund K. W.? and Kuhnhenn W. Esti-mation of the iodine value of oils and fats by means of pyridine sulphate-bromide 105. Ross J. H. Colour test for chloroform and chloral hydrate 144. Rosset H. Marange -. and Vinter -. Ap-plication of miscibility to the detection of adulteration of cacao butter and to the iden-tification of various pure products 91. Rothwell C. See Kugelmass I. N. and Roth-well C. Rotter G. Separation of mercury from cad-mium by mcans of pyridine 401. Rowe A. W. and Phelps E. P. Estimation of peroxide in ether 593. Russell J. and others. The Micro-Organisms of the Soil (lieview) 111. Ruzicka L. See Staudinger H.and Ruzicka, L. S Sage C. E. and Dalton, W. G. Saillard E. Salamon M. S. Estimation of Estimation of raffinose in sugars. The plea for standardisation, thymol and carvacrol in thyme oils 602. Proportion of raffinose in molasses 437. 169 xiv IKDES TO VOLUME XLIS. Sale J. W. and Badger C. H. Contamination of beverages and other food with zinc 192. Sanborn N. H. See Kohman E. F. and San-born K. H. Sander F. V. Preservation of blood for analysis, 99. Sando C. E. and Lloyd J. U. Rutin from the flowers of elder 296. Saftori A. A case of mercuric chloride poison-ing. Limit of sensitiveness of the test for mercury in toxicology 348. Saunders S. W. Absorption pipette for gas analysis 201. Savage W. G. Canned Foods in Relation t o Health (Milroy Lectures 1923) (Review) 302.Scales,. F. M. and Harrison A. P. Colori-metric estimation of nitrate nitrogen 405. Schaap 0. P. A. Estimation of santonin in wormseed 346. Schaffer F. Detection of fruit wines (cider or Perry) in ordinary wine 235. Schall W. E. X-Rays. Their Origin Dosage and Practical Application (Review) 357. Schilt M. Schmidinger K. See Eibner A. and Schmid-Schmidt C. L. A. and Merrill J. A. Bile acids Schmidt E. G. See Peterson TI’. H. Fred, Schmitz K. See Huttig G. F. and Schmitz K. Schneider K. See Bijmer A. and Schneider K. Schob -. See Schurmann -. and Schob -. Schobl 0. Chemotherapeutic experiments with Chaulmoogra and allied preparations 241, 693. Schoeller W. R. and Waterhonse E. F. The volumetric estimation of columbium 215.Schoorl N. See Regenbogen A. and Schoorl, N. Schowalter E. and Hartmann W. Potatoes containing a large amount of solanine 394. Schule E. R. See Link K. P. and Schule E. 13. Schiiller C. See Vogel W, and Schiiller C. Schulz F. and Prunet J. Kew reaction for low temperature tars 398. Schummer 0. See Feigl I:. and Schummer 0. Schiirmann -. and Schob -. Estimation of alkali metals in aluminium and its alloys 197. Schuursma M. J. N. Haemolysis as a means of detecting the adulteration of milk 487. Schwartze E. W. and Alsberg C. L. Phitrma-cology of gossypol 540. Schwartze E. W. and Alsberg C. L. Quantita-tive variation of gossypol and its relation to the oil content of cottonseed 47. Schwartze E. W. and Alsberg C. L. Toxicity of cottonseed and its gossypol contcnt 540.Schwarz R. The Chemistry of the Inorganic Complex Compounds. An Introduction t o Werner’s Co-ordination Theory. Authorised Translation by L. W. Bass (Review) 552. Scott W. W. Diphenylaminc indicator with won 404. Scott W. W. Volunietric estimation of fluorine, 463. See Wenger P. and Schilt PI. inger I<. in urine 148. E. B. and Schmidt E. G. Seidenberg A. Ikhaviour of pumice stone during the dehydration of organic liquids 51. Selim 1. See Holde D. Selim hi. and Hley-berg W. Seyer .W. F. Receiving apparatus for dis-tillation a t low pressures 354. Seymour-Jones F. L. See Thomas A. W. and Seymour- Jones I?. L. Shaw W. S. Application of ‘‘ formol titration” t o the Kjeldahl method of estimating nitrogen, 558.Shelley F. F. Shepherd M. and Porter F. Method for the separation of gas mixtures 50. Sherman H. C. and Edgeworth H. Two methods for studying Vitamin B 43. Sherman H. C. and Grose M. R. Quantitative study of the destruction of Vitamin H by heat 42. Sherman H. C. and Spohn A. Investigation and application of the rat-growth method for studying Vitamin B 42, Shohl A. T. Analysis of the Jerusalem ar-tichoke 37. Shonle H. A, and Waldo J. H. Some chemical reactions of the substance containing insulin, 191. Shostrom ,O E. Clough R. W. and Clark E. D. Composition of canned salmon 233. Simon L. J. Oxidation of acetic acid by different metallic chromates 396. Simon L. J. Oxidation of coal by silver di-chromate and sulphuric acid 245.Simon L. J. and Frdrejacque M. Action of bromine on methyl esters of phenolsulphonic acids. Estimation of sulphur in phenol-sulphonic esters and salts 296. Simonnet H. See I’enau H. and Simonnet H. Simonsen J. L. See Parker R. X. Rau &I. G., Simpkin N. See Sinnatt F. S. and Simpkin N. Simpson S. G. Mixed indicator for carbonate-bicarbonate titrations 452. Sinnatt F. S. and Simpkin N. Melting point of coal ash 406. Smith F. E. See hlarvel C. S. and Smith 1;. E. Smith G. F. Mercuric broniates in analysis 452. Smith P. Smythe J. A. IAead I t s Occurrence in Nature the Modes of its Extraction its Properties and Uses with some Account of its Principal Compounds (Review) 256. Snyder H. and Sullivan B. Estimation of moisture in wheat and flour 436.Somazzi -. See Fachini -. and Somazzi -. Sorley J. See Thomson I<. T. and Sorley J. Spohn A. See Sherman €1. C. and Spohn A. Stanford R. V. Improvements in colorimetry, 200. Stanford R. V. and Wheatley A. H. M. Esti-mation of sugar in the blood 291. Staudinger H. and Rwzicka L. Isolation and constitution of the active constituent of Dalmatian insect powder 288. Steenbock H. Hart E. B. Jones J. H. and Black A. Olivc oil (Tu’otes) 335. Robertson W. A. and Simonsen J. La. See Elsdon G. D. and Smith 1’. Fat-soluble vitamins XII’. 97 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. X 1’ Steenbock H. Jones J. H. and Hart E. B. Fat-soluble vitamins XVI. 147. Steenbock H. See Rethke 13. Ill. Steenbock, H. and Nelson M. T. Stelling E. Estimation of lead in the presence of tin and antimony 453.Stell$g E. Solution of tin and antimony oxides 298. Stephenson M. and Whetham M. D. Effect of oxygen supply on the metabolism of Bacallirs Coli Communis 598. Steuart D. W. The citric acid content of milk powder 465. Stiven D. Effect of sodium trichloroacetate on sugar estimations 283. Stokoe W. N. The composition of coconut oil (Notes) 577. Strangeways T. S P. The Technique of Tissue Culture “ in Vitro.” Tissue Culture in Re-lation to Growth and Differentiation (Review), 614. Strebinger R. and Streit J. Estimation of glycerol by oxidation with iodate and sul-phuric acid 398. Streit J. Strohecker R. Identification of wheat and rye flours by means of theik aqueous extract 282. Sucharipa R. Protopectin and some other constituents of lemon peel 141.Sugiura K. See Falk K. G. Noyes H. M. and Sugiura I( Sullivan B. See Snyder H. and Sullivan 13. Sundberg T. Estimation of alcohol in bread, 140. Supplee G C. See Hess A. F. Supplee G. C., and Hellis B. Sutton R. W. See Trotman S. R. and Sutton, R. W. Swanger W. H. and Wichers E. Separation of copper from the platinum metals 545. Swaving A. J. Collection of Lcgislative Pre-scriptions Concerning Cheese (Review) 207. Swoboda K. Estimation of manganese by means of persulphate and silver nitrate 403. See Strebinger R. and Streit J. T Tankard A. R. City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull. Report of the Public Analyst and Bacteriologist for 1923 474. Tartar H. V. and Draves C. Z. Reaction of sulphur with alkali and alkaline-earth hy-droxides 250.Taylor F. A. See Levene P. A. Taylor F. R., and Haller €1. L. Temple J. E. and Mahler P. Testing de-colorising carbons 350. Thaysen A. C. Preservation of stock cultures of micro-organisms 446. Thaysen A. C. and Bunker H. J. Bacterial decay of textile fibres 292. Theis R. C. and Benedict S. R. Estimation of phenols in blood 536. Theis R. C. See Benedict S . R. and Theis, R. C. Thomas A. Absorption of metallic salts by fish 190. Thomas A. W. and Seymour-Jones F. L. Action of trypsin on various leathers 196. Thomas R. and Dutcher R. A. Estimation of reducing sugars and sucrose 437. Thomas W. Thompson F. P. See Knecht E. and Thomp-son F. P. Thompson G. R. Boric acid in cake (Notes), 134. Thomson J.J. The Electron in Chemistry ( Review) 202. Thomson R. T. and Sorley J. Spring water of unusual composition (Notes). 82. Thomson R. T. and Sorley J. The composi-tion and decomposition of eggs 327. Thorpe E. and Eminent Contributors. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry Volume V., Oxygen to Rye (Review) 549. Thresh J. C. The estimation of lead in potable waters and in urine 124. Thuan U. J. and Favre L. Behaviour of sodium sulphorcinate in the official method of tannirt analysis 451. Thurston A. Pharmaceutical and Food Ana-lysis (Review) 455. Tillmans J. and Otto R. Detection of incipient putrefaction in fish 292. Tinkler C. K. and Masters H. The corrosion of aluminium cooking utensils 30. Toms H. The crystalline bromides of linseed oil 77.Treadwell F. P. and Hall W. T. Analytical Chemistry Vol. I1 . Quantitative (Review), 608. Treadwell W. D. and Johner H. Oxalic acid as a standard substance for titrations 349. Trotman S. R. and Sutton R. W The estima-tion of the inorganic impurities in gelatin 271. Truitt A. D. See Flanders F. F. and Truitt, A. D. Turner W. E. S. Durability tests of glass 252. Estimation of starch 438. U Urquhart J. C. See Knowles F. and Urquhart, J. C. V Vagliano M. See Lcsnk E. and Vagliano M. Van Eck P. N. Benzidine as a reagent for aldehydes 105. Van Klooster H. S. See Davidson A. W. and Van Klooster H. S. Vandevelde A. J. J. Precipitation of lacto-proteins by copper salts 289. Vasquez-Colet A. Viability of intestinal patho-genic bacteria in fruits and Philippine foods eaten raw 241.Sodamide as a dchydrating agent. Preparation of indol methyl-indol and its homologues 535. Verley M. A xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Vila A. Estimation of small amounts of molybdenum. Application to ammonium phosphomolybdate for the indirect titration of phosphorus 153. Vilbrandt F. C. See Bankston H. J. and Vil-brandt F. C. Vinter -. See Rosset H. &larange -. and Vinter -. Virtanen A. I. Influence of colloids on the reductase test 597. Vogel W. and Schiiller C. Nitrosomethylure-thane as a reagent for catechol tans 400. W Waldo J. H. J. H. Wales H. Walker -. and Weiss -. Wallis E. S. and Burrows G. H. Ware A. H. Ware A. H. Ware A. H. Warren L. E. See Shonle H. A. and Waldo, See Palkin S.and Wales H. Possible discordant factor in the standardisation of disinfectants, 41. Composition of Soya bean oil 533. An apparently specific test ‘for tannins 467. New classificatory tests for drugs containing tannins 442. See Jordan C. J. and Ware A. H. Chemical examination of some commercial brands of carbon tetrachloride, 144. Waterhouse E. F. See Schoeller W. R. and Waterhouse E. F. Waters C. E. Weichherz -. and Klinger -. Estimation of iodine in iodides 299. Weichherz J. and Klinger Z. Estimation of paraffin oil in pharmaceutical preparations, 189. Weiner F. Weinstock M. Weiss H. See Buttenberg P. and Weiss H. Weiss -. See also Walker -. and Weiss -. Welch F. C. Analysis of gypsum and gypsum products 25 1. Wende E. Wenger P.and Schilt M. Separation of mercury from arsenic 603. Wenzl H. Quantitative estimation of lignin in wood pulp 543. Werner E. A. The Chemistry of Urea The Theory of its Constitution and of the Origin, and Mode of its Formation in Living Or-ganisms (Review) 112. West A. P. and Balce S. Composition of pili nut oil 35. West A. P. and Cruz C. C. Composition of cashew nut oil 39. West A. P. and De Leon A. I. Oxidation of Lumbang and linseed oils and of the principal compounds in lumbang oil 246. West A. P. and Gonzaga L. Effect of com-position on the complete hydrogenation of Philippine lumbang and pili nut oils 38. Laboratory stirrer 355. See also Feigl F. and Weiner F. See Hess A. F. and Weinstock, M . See Goy S. and Wende E. Wheatley A.H. M. See Stanford R. V. and’ Wheatley A. H. M. Whetham M. D. See Stephenson M. and Whetham M. D. Whittles C. L. Determination of the number of bacteria in soil 489. Wichers E. Separation of rhodium from platinum 545. Wichers E. See Swanger W. H. and Wichers E. Wiesehshn A. See Amberger C. and Wiese-hahn A. Wilke-Dorfurt E. and Locher E. Use of paper pulp in analytical filtrations 546. Wilke-Dorfurt E. and Rhein U. Gravimetric estimation of copper 544. Wilkin R. E. See Wilson R. E. and Wilkin, R. E. Willaman J. J. and Davison F. R. Modifica-tion of the picric acid method for the estima-tion of sugars 59 1 . Willey E. J. B. Apparatus for the estimation of tin in canned foods 234. Williams K. A. and Bolton E. R. The recog-nition of hydrogenated oils 460.Williams W. C. County of Lancaster. Annual Report of the County Analyst for 1923 337. Wilson R. E. and Wilkin R. E. Refraction method for estimating oil in paraffin wax 148. Wilson R. S. See Fenger F. and Wilson K. S. Winegarden H. M. See Al!es G. A. and \Vine-garden H. 31. Winkelmann H. A. See Bedford C. W. and Winlielmann H. A. Winkler L. W. Estimation of copper as iodide, 247. Witzemann E. J. and Livshis L. Action of alkaline compounds on insulin 146. Wolff H. Measurement of the viscosity of heterogeneous systems such as paints 547. Woodman H. E. Estimation of uric acid in poultry excreta 492. Woodroffe D. Chrome-leather analysis 35 1. Wright A. M. Moulds on frozen meat 101. Wright A. M. Presence of Vitamin A in frozen pork 98.Wright N. C. Action of rennet and of heat on milk 200. Wyld W. The Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid. Chamber Process (Review) 61 1. Y Yee J. Y. and Krase H. J. Estimation of calcium carbide 397. Yensen T. D. Estimation of silicon in iron-silicon alloys by their physical properties 300. Z Zilva S. S. Antiscorbutic fraction of lemon Zilva S. S. The antiscorbutic fraction of lemon Zilva S. S. See Connell S. J. R. and Zilva S. S. Zilva S. 5. See also Kay H. D. and Zi!va S . S. juice l I . 594. juice 290 ISDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xvii INDEX TO A Absorption Pipette Gas analysis ; - for. S. W. Saunders 201. Abstracts of Papers published in other Journals : 1924 37 90 139 187 233 282 341 388, Acetaldehyde Fruits ; hIicrochemica1 detection of __ in.Acetanilide Poisoning - ; Case of. Esthve, 538. Acetic Acid Saccharin and dulcin in vinegar and products containing -; Detection of. G. Reif 92. Acetic and Butyric Acids - ; Estimation of. E. Fylemann 39G. Acetone Bodies Qualitative tests for -. E. J. Bigwood and W. S. Ladd 100. Acetone Method Alilk-whey ; Proteins of. Their separation by the -. XI. Piettre 139. Acetyl Value Fats; - of. E. Raymond and G. Glot. 448. Acetylene Phosphine in -; The estimation of (Notes). Acid-soluble Phosphoric Acid Eggs ; - in. L. Pine 531. Acids Beeswax; - of. A. Gascard and G. Damoy 143. Act Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs - 190G; Report of the Departmental Committce on the. 383. Act Rag Flock -; Appeal case under the (Legal Kotes) 430.Active Constituent Dalmatian insect powder ; Tsolation and constitution of the __ of. H. Staudinger and L. Ruzicka. 288. Sale of Food and Drugs -. Public IIealth (12ilk and Cream) Regulations 1912 and 1917. Circular 462 89. Address lietiring President; Annual - of the, 115. Adulteration Milk ; Hmnolysis as a means of detecting the - of. &I. J. N. Schuursma, 457. African Oils South -; Vitamin A content of. E. Ill. Delf 291. Age Vitamin R by -; Destruction of. G. M. Findlay 190. Agricultural Analysis Abstracts 1924 45,. 102 192 491 540 600. Agricultural Analyst County of Kent. Report of the - for the Fourth Quarter 1923. F. W. F. Arnaud 182. Agricultural Experiment Station Connecticut -. Twentv-seventh ReDort on Food Pro-436 485 531 591.C. Griebel 486. T. E. Perks 32. Acts Ministry of Health. SUBJECTS. Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry of -. In-vestigations into the Causes of the Unusual Mortality in English Oyster Reds in 1920 and 1921 484. Agriculture Department of - ; United States. I;ood Inspection Decisions 193 194, visory Committee on Atmospheric Pollution. Report on Observations in the Year ending RIarch 31st 1922 34. visory Committee on Atmospheric Pollution. Report on Observations in the Year ending March 31st 1923 k40. Air Spirits kept exposed to the -; The rate of loss of strength of (Notes). H. Lowe, 135. Air Water; Estimation of dissolved - in small quantities of. H. G. Becker and W. E. Abbott 104. Alcohol Bread; Estimation of - in. T. Sundberg 140.Alcohol Ether - and water; Estimation of water in mixtures of. R. K. Newman 541. means of. E. Knecht and E. F. Muller 395. Alcohols Recswax ; - and hydrocarbons of. A. Gascard and G. Damoy 143. Alcoholysis Oils and fats; - and the com-position of. Cr. D. Elsdon 423. Aldehyde-bisulphite Reaction Volumetric ana-lysis; App!ication of the - in. A. Kur-tenacker 405. Aldehydes Ether for anresthesia; Detection of __ in. E. Isnard 441. Aldehydes Reaction of - ; New. R. de Fazi 601. Aldehydes Reagent for -; Benzidine as a. P. X. Van Eck 105. Aleurites Montana Tung Oil. Oil from the seeds of -. R. N . Parker M. G. Rau, W. A. Robertson and J. I,. Simonsen 399. Alimentary Pastes Egg solids in - (Noodles) ; Estimation of. R. Buchanan 436.Alimentary Pastes Lipoids and lipoid-phos-phoric acid in flours - and eggs; Estima-tion of. R. Hertwig 37. Alkali Sulphur with - and alkaline-earth hydroxides; Reaction of. H. V. Tartar and C. Z. Draves 250. Alkali Metals Aluminium and its alloys; Estimation of - in. Schiirmann and 195 590. Air Ministry Meteorological Office. - . Ad-Air Ministry Meteorological Office. - Ad-Alcohol Glycerin; Dehydration of - by ducts (1922) 278. Schob 197 XViii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Alkali Refined coconut oil; Limits for the detection of traces of __ or soap in. W. L. Brooke 593. Alkaline Compounds Insulin; Action of - on. E. J . Witzemann and L. Livshis 146. Alkaline-earth Hydroxides Sulphur with alkali and -; Reaction of. 14. V. Tartar and C. %.Draves 250. permanganate ; Oxidation of. F. Feigl and I;. IVeiner 495. Alkaline Solutions Zinc by electrolytic deposi-tion from -; Separation of. I<. IZreisch, 403. Alkyl-chloro-malonamides The influence of homology on taste. A. W. Dox and B. Houston 345. Alloys Aluminium and its -; Estimation of alkali metals in. Schiirmann and Schob 197. Alloys Copper and tin in copper-tin -; The estimation of. A. T. Etheridge 371. Alloys Silicon in iron-silicon - by their physical properties; Estimation of. T. D. Yensen 300. Allyl-isothiocyanate Estimating - ; New met hod of. Morvillez and Meesemaecker 593. Almond oil Apricot kernel oil; The Reichert-Meissl value of - and (Notes). G. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 180. Aluminium Alkali metals in - and its alloys; Estimation of.Schiirmann and Schob 197. Aluminium Cooking Utensils Corrosion of -; The. C. K. Tinkler a.nd H. Masters 30. Aluminium Filtered waters; Soluble - and the hacmotoxylin test in. ?V. C . Hatfield 343. Aluminium Zinc from iron and -; Separa-tion of. E. G. R. Ardagh and G. R. Bongard, 249. Amines - ; Identification of. G. S. Marvel and F. E. Smith 50. Ammonia Arsenic in the presence of mercury ; Solubility of mercuric sulphide in - and its influence on the detection of. C. Ghig-liotto 43. Ammonia Nessler-Folin reagent for -; JXrect Nesslerisation micro-ICjeldahl method and a modification of the. F. C. Koch and 'r. L. McMeekin 604. Ammonia Kitroprussides and -; Applica-tion of a new reaction of resorcinol to the detection of.M. Caseneuve 195. Ammonia Sodium hypobromite; The estima-tion of _ _ b y means of. 14. 13. Donald 375. Ammonia IJrine; Application of Permutit t o the separation and estimation of - in. 21. Kolb 458. Ammonium Phosphomolybdate Molybdenum ; Estimation of small amounts of. Applica-tion to - for the indirect titration of phosphorus. A. Vila 153. Ammonium Salts -; Volumetric estimation of. S. Lovgren 605. Ammonium Salts Volumetric method for es-timating -; New. Amygdalin Hydrogen cyanide content of -; Estimation of the. Alkaline Solution Arsenious acid in ~ by M. V. Auger 250. J . H. Hoe 190. Anaerobes Water samples ; __ from. P. D. Meader and E. A. Hliss 100. Anaesthesia Ethers for -; ,Detection of aldehydes in I?. Isnard 441. Analytical Filtrations Paper pulp in -; Use of.Analytical Reagent Definite oxidation potential; Benzidine as a n - and an indicator for a. Anhydrous Quassine - ; Commercial. 1Ceng-niez 487. Anhydrous Soap Lubricating grease ; Estima-tion of - in. Animal Fats Uncommon - (Notes). W. N. Rae 83. Animal Oils Marine -. Identity of pho-coenic acid with valeric acid. E. Andre 633. Animals Pancreas of domestic -; Amount of available insulin in the. F. Fenger and R. S. Wilson 240. Animals Yeast growth-promoting vitamin tested for its effects on -. J . Deas 596. Anthocyanins Grape pigments ; Chemistry of. - in Clinton grapes. R. J. Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 533. Anthocyans Grapes ; - in. I<. J . -4nderson 39. Anti-Ferments Organic dyes as - ; Efficiency of some.Antimony and Tin Oxides - ; Solution of. E. Stelling 298. Antimony Chloride Volumetric analysis ; -in. Antimony Copper - and bismuth from lead; Electrolytic separa tion of. A. Lassieur 603. Antimony Lead in the presence of tin and -; Estimation of. E. Stelling 453. Antimony Permanganate ; Volumetric estima-tion of - by means of. 0. Collenberg and G. Rakke 152. Antimony Pyrogallol ; Detection and estimation of - by means of. Antimony Tetroxide The gravimetric ratio-antimony - . J. Knop 49. Antimony The gravimetric ratio- -__ : __ tetroxide. J. Knop 49. Antipyrine Trichloracetic acid ; Reaction of - with. I-. Debucquet 487. Antirachitic and Antiscorbutic Principles. Colour reactions of -. Rezssonofi 594. Anti-rachitic Factor Vitamin ,Z from the -; Differentiation of.E. Lrsni- and M. Vagliano, 99. Antiscorbutic Factor Dialysis of the -; Differential. 11. S. J . 13. Connell and S. S. Zilva 595. Antiscorbutic Fraction Lemon juice ; The -of. S. S. Zilva 290. 11. S. S. Zilva 594. Colour reactions of. Bezssonoff 594. tomatoes; - of. E. M. Delf 594. tion of -; Catalytic action of. and M. Weinstock 535. E. IVilke-Dorfurt arid E. Locher 546. I. M.-KoIthoff 493. R. Joachim 449. E. H. Harvey 458. F. Feigl and 0. Schummer 494. F. Feigl 402. Antiscorbutic Fraction Lemon juice; - of. Antiscorbutic Principles Antirachitic and - ; Antiscorbutic Value Fresh and canned English Anti-Scorbutic Vitamin Copper in the destruc-A. F. Hes INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX.xix Apparatus Abstracts 1924 154. Apparatus Extraction and solvent recovery ; - for. Apparatus Fractional distillation under reduced pressure; - for. Apparatus Gases; - for drying. V. T. Jackson 200. Approximate Index of Refraction Liquids with a common microscope; Simple method for determining the - of. C. C. Kiplinger, 354. Apricot Kernel Oil Almond oil and -; The Reichert-Meissl value of (Notes). G. n. Elsdon and P. Smith 1SO. Aqueous Extract Wheat and rye flours by means of their -; Identification of. R. Stro-hecker 282. Aqueous Extracts Pancreas - of. 11. New facts. H. A. Piper R. S . Allen and J . R. Murlin 96. Precipitation reactions. C. P. Kimball and J. R. Alurlin 96. Arabinose Galactose in mixtures of galactose and --; Biochemical detection of.Rl. Bridel and I. Charpentier 445. Aromatic Drugs Valerian root and certain other -; Assay of. K. 13ullock 443. Arsenic Arsenobenzenes ; Composition and toxicity of the. Estimation of __ in these products. &I. de Myttenaere 43. Arsenic Beverages; Solubility of - in. S. Goy and E. V7ende 394. Arsenic Borax; - in (Legal Yotes). Arsenic Lead cathode in the electrolytic method for the estimation of minute quantities of -_ ; Use of the. Arsenic Mercuric sulphide in ammonia; Solu-bility of and its influence on the detection of - in the presence of mercury. C. Ghig-liotto 43. Arsenic Mercury from -; Separation of. P. Wenger and M. Schilt 603. Arsenic Printing ink; - in (Notes). G. D. Elsdon 336. Arsenical Poisoning Swcdish Commission of -; The.Petrkn 103. Arsenious Acid Permanganste ; Oxidation of - in alkaline solution by. F. l;eigl and F. Weiner 496. Arsenobenzenes - ; Composition and toxicity of the. Estimation of arsenic in these pro-ducts. ill. de Myttenaere 43. Artemisia Santonin; Indian - as a source of 39. Artichoke Jerusalem -; Analysis of the. A. T. Shohl 37. Artificial Honey Honey and -; New method of distinguishing between. F. -4uerbach and E. Bodlznder 389. Ash Coal -; Melting point of. F. S. Sinnatt and N. Simpkin 406. Ash Gelatin -; Ana!ysis of. E. Cattelain, 344. Asphaltic Hydrocarbons Petroleuni ; Lubricant and - in. S. A. de Lacy 220. E. Andri 407. Aqueous Extracts Pancreas; - of. 111. 520. T. Callan 402. C. F. Mabery 106.Atmospheric Pollution Meteorological Office. Air Ministry. Advisory Committee on -. Report on Observations in the Year ending March 31st 1922. 34. Atmospheric Pollution Neteorological Office. Air Ministry. Rdvisorv Committee on -. Report on Observations in the Year ending March 31st 1923 340. Atractylis Gummifera Liquorice extract; De-tection of extract of - in. U. Giuffrk 534. Autoxidation Chloroform; - of. A. R I . Clover 95. B Bacillus Coli Communis Oxygen supply on the metabolism of -; Effect of. M. Stephenson and 31. D. Whetham 598. Bacillus Cranulobacter Pectinouorum Hydro-gen ion concentration; Proteolytic action of - and its effect on the. W. 13. Peterson, E. H . Fred and B. P. Domogal!a 599. Bacillus Cranulobacter Pectinouorum Pen-toses by -; Fermentation of.i V . H. Peterson E. R. Fred and E. G. Schmidt 489. Bacillus Koch’s - in ordinary media; Detection of. G. Pbgurier 489. Bacteria Flies; Survival of - in. R. W. Glaser 100. Bacteria Growth-promoting substances; Re-lation of - to. Bacteria Intestinal pathogenic - in fruits and Philippine foods eaten raw; Viability of. A. Vasquez-Colet 241. Bacteria Soil; Determination of the number of __ in. Bacterial Decay Textile Fibres; - of. A. C. Thaysen and H. J . liunker 292. Bactericidal Power Lactic acid organisms in sterilised milk; Influence of the - of raw milk on. P. Maz& 348. Bacteriological Examination Ground beef; - of I. and 11. K. E. Hoffstadt 147. Bacteriological Gelatins Pharmaceutical and -; Analysis of.Bangkok The Government Laboratory -, Siam. First Keport from November 1917 t o March 31 1922 88. Barbed’s Solution Maltose in presence of other reducing sugars by means of -; Estimation of. P. Nottin 485. Barium Radium and -; Separation of. V. Chlopine 49. Barium Sulphate X-Ray examination; Poison-ing by - administered for. E. Dinslage and Fr. Bartschat 293. Bark Methyl salicylate glucoside in the - of the sweet birch; True nature of the. M. Bridel 285. Bark Rhamnus Purshiana ; Cascara content of the wood and - of. K. H. Clark and K. B. Gillie 441. Baudouin’s Test Sesame oil; - for. C. 0. Gravenhorst 142. Beef and Malt Wine --; The composition of. G. D. Elsdon 210. S. R. Damon 446. C. L. LVhittles 489. E3.Cattelain 391 xx INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Beef Ground - ; Bacteriological examina-tion of I. and 11. Beef Ministry of Health. Interim Report of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of Chilled - and Other Foods with Formaldehyde. 433. Beef Tissues Enzyme actions of -. K. G. Falk H. M. Noyes and K. Sugiura 238. Beeswax Acids of -. A. Gascard and G. Damoy 143. Beeswax Alcohols and hydrocarbons of -. A. Gascard and G. Damoy 143. Beeswax Glycerides in -; Detection of. P. Bourcet 284. Bellier’s Reaction Cacao butter ; - applied to the detection of adulteration of. N. B. Clemencet 343. Benzene Petroleum spirit and oil of turpentine; Estimation of - in. J. I’ritzker and R. Jungkunz 450. Benzidine Aldehydes; - as a reagent for. P.N. Van Eck 105. Benzidine Oxidation potential; - as an analytical reagent and an indicator for a definite. I. M. Kolthoff 493. Berries Coffee plant ; Vernine in green leaves and - of the. Beverages Arsenic in -; Solubility of. S. Goy and E. Wende 394. Beverages Iodine in food - and excreta; Estimation of. Beverages Zinc; Contamination of - and other food with. J . W. Sale and C. H. Badger 192. Bile Acids Urine; - in. C. L. A. Schmidt and J . A. Merrill 148. Binary Mixtures -; Analysis of. Volumetric turbidity method. Biochemical Bacteriological etc. Abstracts : 1924 41 95 145 190 238 280 345 392 443, 487 535 593. Biochemical Detection Galactose in mixtures of galactose and arabinose; - of. &I. Bridel and I. Charpentier 445. Birch 13ark of the sweet -; True nature of the methyl salicylate glucoside in the.M. Bridel 285. Birmingham City of - . Annual Report of the City Analyst for 1923. J. F. Liverseege 475. Birmingham City of -. Report of the City Analyst for the Third Quarter 1923. J. F. Liverseege 85. Birmingham City of -. Report of the City Analyst for the Fourth Quarter 1923. J. F. Liverseege 181. Birmingham City of -. Report of the City Analyst for the First Quarter 1924. J. F. Liverseege 380. Birmingham City of -. Report of the Public Analyst for the Second Quarter 1924. J. F. Liver,eege 580. Bismuth Copper antimony and - from lead ; Electrolytic separation of. A. Lassieur 603. Bismuth Heavy metals in the organism (mer-cury - and lead); Circulation of some. S.Lomholt 599. R. E. Hoffstadt 147. T. de A. Camargo 189. J . F. McClendon 444. C. D. Bogin 299. Bismuth Hydrolysis ; Separation and estima-tion of - by. Bismuth Phosphate ; Separation of - as. G. Luff 197. Bismuth Silver copper and - by graduated potentials ; Rapid electro-analytical separation of. A. Lassieur 297. Bismuth Small quantities of - ; Colorimetric estimation of. Bismuthate Method Manganese ; Interference, of cobalt in the - for. G. E. F. Lundell. 152. Bleaching Damage Indicator of -; Methy-lene blue as an. Bleaching Pickled herrings with hydrogen peroxide; The - of. Blood Analysis; Preservation of - for. F. V. Sander 99. Blood Chemical reactions; Influence of - on. G. Beccadelli 243. Blood Cholesterol estimation in -; Method for.S. L. Leiboff 537. Blood Formaldehyde; Preservation of - by means of. Blood-Groups Forensic importance of -. G. li. Lynch and 12. C. hlartley 293. Blood Meal AIosquitoes ; Identification of -of. Blood Phenols in -; Estimation of. R. C . Theis and S. Ii. Benedict 536. Blood Phosphorus in -; Notes on the esti-mation of. &I. Martland and R. Robison 59%. Blood Serum Various lead compounds in -; Solubility of. Blood Sugar in the -; Estimation of. 13. V. Stanford and A. H. M. Wheatley 291. Bondon Cheese -; What is? G. D. Elsdon, 267. Borax Arsenic in __ (Legal Notes) 520. Boric Acid Cake; - in (Notes). G. R. Thompson 134. Boric Acid hlilk etc.; Estimation of - in (Notes). J . F. Liverseege and H. H. Bagnall 133. Boric Acid Estimations Reagent for -; Invert sugar as a (Notes).G. Van 1;. Gilmour 576. Borough Analyst County Borough of Salford Annual Report of the - for 1922. G. D. Elsdon 33. Borough Analyst County Borough of Salford. Annual Report of the - for 1923. G D. Elsdon 518. Bran Wheat -; Proteins of. D. B. Jones and C. E. F. Gersdorff 90. Brass Cadmium in -; The estimation of. A. T. Etheridge 572. Bread Alcohol in - ; Estimation of. T. Sundberg 140. Bromate Iodate and Permanganate Methods : Hydrazine by the iodine -; Volumetric estimation of. Bromates Analysis ; Mercuric - in. G. F. Smith 452. Bromic and Hypobromous Acids Hypobromou: acid and estimation of -. E. Biilmann and E. liimbert 5C. G. Luff 249. L. Cuny and G. Poirot 48. E. Ristenpart 603.0. Liining 532. J . C. Bock 238. C. G. Bull and W. V. King 99. L. T. Fairhall 490. I. M. Kolthoff 605 INDEX TO VOLUhlE XLIX. xxi Bromides Linseed oil; The crystalline - of. H. Toms 77. A. Kurtenacker and H. Kubina 540. Bromine Methyl esters of phenolsulphonic acids; Action of - on. Estimation of sulphur in phenolsulphonic esters and salts. L. J. Simon and M. FrGrejacque 296. Bromometric Estimation Iodine values ; - of. W. Manchot and F. Oberhauser 400. Brucine Strychnine nitrate; - in. Keck, 237. Bulgarian Cheese “Kaschkawal.” A -. A. Heiduschka 389. Burner Monochromatic light; - for pro-ducing. A. 0. Jones 108. Butter Adulteration of cacao -; Bellier’s reaction applied to the detection of. N. B. Clemencet 343. Butter Adulteration of cacao -; Detection of.A. Koehler 237. Butter Fat of goats’ -; Preliminary notes on the composition of the. I?. Knowles and J . C. Urquhart 509. Butter Fat Stearic acid content of -; The (Notes). C. A. Mitchell 515. Butter Miscibility to the detection of adul-teration of cacao - and to the identifica-tion of various pure products; Application of. H. Rosset Marange and Vinter 91. Butter Mixture -; Sale of a (Legal Notes), 85. “ Butter Mixture” Sale of - (Legal Notes), 476. Butyric Acid DenigPs test for -; Note on the (Notes). F. Ramford 226. Butyric and Acetic Acids - ; Estimation of. E. Fylemann 396. C Bromimetric Estimation Thiocyanate ; - of. Cacao Butter Adulteration of -; Bellier’s reaction applied t o the detection of.N. B. Clemencet 343. Cacao Butter Adulteration of -; Detection of. A. Koehler 237. Cacao Butter Pure products ; Application of miscibility to the detection of adulteration of - and to the identification of various. H. Rosset Marange and Vinter 91. Cacao Germ. F. H5rte1 390. Cadmium Brass The estimation of - in. A. T. Etheridge 572. Cadmium Mercury from - by means of pyridine; Separation of. G. Rotter 401. Cadmium Spelter and zinc ores; Effect of - in. C. E. Barrs 248. Cadmium Zinc; Separation of - from. K. Chalupny and I<. Breisch 401. CafTeine Salicylic acid ; Molecular combination of - and. A. Regenbogen and N. Schoorl, 486. Cake Boric acid in - (Notes). G. R. Thompson 134. Calcium Carbide - ; Estimation of. J. Y.Yee and H. J. Krase 397. Calcium Compound Cvanamide in its -; New method for the estimation of. R. Fosse P. Hagene and R. Duhois 491. Calcium Ferric oxalate Application to the separation of iron and -. J. Rarlot 544. Calcium Traces of - and magnesium ; Detection and estimation of. F. Pavelka 604. Camel Hump Fat Fatty acids of -. N. McClelland 343. Camphor Fenchone oximc; New form of. Characterisation of fenchone in presence of -. M. nelPpine 397. Camphor or Peppermint Oil Esscntial oils in certain fla7rouring extracts and of - in certain pharmaceutical preparations ; Esti-mation of. W. W. Randall 440. Cancer-producing Factor Tar; On the - in. E. L. Kennaway 242. H. Henstock 40. Canned Foods Tin in -; Apparatus for the estimation of. Canned Foods Vitamin C in -.W. H. Eddy and E. F. Kohman 146. Canned Fruits Corrosion in -; Nature of. E. F. Kohman and N. H. Sanborn 234. Canned Salmon -. . Composition of. 0. E. Shostrum R. W. Clough and I?. D. Clark 233. Cantharidin Identification of - ; 1Micro-chemical. G. ncnigks 40. Cantharidin Traces of - ; Microcrystalline reaction for identifying. Carbon - ; Volumetric estimation of. J. F. b r a n d 296. Carbon Dioxide Hydraulic limes ; Estimation of water of hydration. water of constitution, and - in. J. A. Muller and E Peytral, 251. Carbon Disulphide Iodimetry ; Estimation of - by. I?. Andr6 107. Carbon Monoxide - * Estimation oi. P. Lebeau and C. Bedel i51. Carbon Monoxide Public Gas Supplies ; - in. Report to the Eoard of Trade 482.Carbon Monoxide lieagent for -; New. A. Damiens 298. Carbon Tetrachloride Commcrcial brands of - ; Chemical examination of some. L. E. Warren 144. Carbon Tetrachloride Purity of -; Tests for the (Notes). C. Newcomb 225. Carbonate-Bicarbonate Titrations Mixed in-dicator for -. Carbonates Highly coloured liquids; The estimation of - in (Xotesj. H. B. Dunnicliff 426. Carbons Decolorising - * Testing. J. E. Temple and P. Mahler 350. Carrageen - (Chondrus crispus) ; Certain reactions of. E. Justin-Mueller 535. Carvacrol Thyme oils ; Estimation of thymol and - in. C. E. Sage and W. G. Dalton, 602. the wood and bark of. R. H. Clark and K. B. Gillie 441. Cannabis Indica Smoking tobacco; - in E. J. B. Willey 234. G. Denigcs 238. S.G. Simpson 452. Cascara Content Rhamnus Purshiana ; - o xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Casehogen Tryptophan content of -. H. Onslow 289. Cashew Nut Oil -; Composition of. A. P. West and C. C. Cruz 39. Castor Oil Tablets Compound - (Legal Notes) 381. Catalysts Non-drying oils; Action of - with. A. G. Hill 149. Catalysts Organic substances and coals in presence of - Sulphochromic oxidation of. D. Florentin 244. Catalytic Action Anti-scorbutic vitamin; __ of copper in the destruction of. A. F. Hess and b2. Weinstock 535. Catechol Tannins Mitchell’s colorimetric method to the estimation of -; An attempt to extend. P. H. Price 361. Catechol Tans Reagent for -; Kitroso-methylurethane as a. W. Vogel and C. Schiiller 400. Cayenne Pepper Lead ; Outbreak of poisoning due to - containing.Cellular Content Milk; The - of. lnvesti-gation made on behalf of the Medical Research Council 585. Cellulose Chlorination method ; Estimation of - in wood by the. G. J . Kitter and L. C. Fleck 196. Cellulose Derivatives ; Fluorescent powers of - and its. S. J . Lewis 199. Cellulose Substances Copper in __ by the molybdomanganic method of Font&-Thivolle ; Estimation of. H. Gault and B. C. Mukerji, 196. Charcoals Decolorisation of tinted white wines; Evaluation of - used for the. X. Rocques, 235. Chaulmoogra Allied preparations ; Chemo-therapeutic experiments with - and. 0. Schijbl 241 593. Chaulmoorgra Group Various oils in the -* Comparative analytical study of. G. A: Perkins 236. G.D. Elsdon, 267. M. Nicoloff 394. Cheese Rondon -; What is? Cheese Cheshire - (Legal h’otes) 183 228. Cheese Cream -. Cheese “ Kaschkawal.” A. Bulgarian -. A. Heiduschka 389. Cheese Legislative prescriptions concerning -; Collection of 230. Chemical Composition Woods; Relation be-tween the durability and - of. L. F. Hawley L. C. Fleck and C. A. Richards 450. Chemical Examiner Government of Madras. Report of the - for the Year 1923 431. Chemical Factors Tobacco; - determining the quality of. V. Graham and R. H. Carr 247. Chemical Reactions Substance containing in-sulin; Some - of the. H. A. Shonle and J. H. Waldo 191. Chemical Reactions Blood on - ; Influence of. G. Beccadelli 243. Chemotherapeutic Experiments Chaulmoogra and allied preparations; - with.0. Schbbl 241 593. T. K. Hodgson 264. Cheshire Cheese (Legal Notes) 183 228. Chilled Beef Ministry of Health. Interim Report of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of - and Other Foods with Formaldehyde 433. Chloral Hydrate Chloroform and -; Colour test for. Chlorates Nitrates and - during putre-faction of viscera; Total reduction of. C. Ghigliotto 395. Chlorides Plant fluids; Titration of - in. 1. 1 7 . Lawrence and J . A. Harris 393, Chlorination Method Cellulose in wood by the -; Estimation of. G. J . Hitter and L. C. Fleck 196. Chlorine Milk; Active - as a germicide for. H. Hale and W. L. Bleecker 192. Chloroform Autoxidation of - . A. M. Clover 95. Chloroform Chloral hydrate ; Colour test for - and.Chocolate - -coated tablets and pills; -in. 1:. S Rose 485. Chocolate-coated Tablets and Pills Chocolate in--. E. S. Rose 485. Chocolate - (Legal Notes) 519. Cholesterol Estimation Blood; Xlethod for -(Chondrus Crispus) Carrageen -; Certain Chromates Acetic acid by different metallic Chrome-Leather Analysis. D. Woodroffe 351. Chrome-Leather Analysis - . International Commission Report. Chrome Upper Leather Perspiration on -; Efkect of. R. F. Inncs 48. Chromic Acid Electrometric titration of -. H. T. S. Britton 496. Chromium - ; The estimation of (Notes). A. Harvey 227. Chromium Estimation of -; Notes on the. H. T. S. Rritton 130. Cider Fruit wines (- or Perry) in ordinary wine; Detection of. Cinnamon Sand in - (Legal Notes) 228.Citric Acid Content Milk powder; The - of. D. W. Steuart 465. Citrus Fruits Ethylene in the colouring of -; Use of. E. M. Chace and F. E. Denny, 284. City Analyst City of Birmingham. Annual Report of the - for 1923. J . F. Liver-seege 475. Report of the - for the Third Quarter 1923. ’ J . F. Liverseege 85. Report of the - for the I;ourth Quarter 1923. J . F. Liverseege 18 1. City Analyst City of Birmingham. Report of the for the 1st Quarter 1924. J . F. Liverseege 380. City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull -. Report of the Public Analyst and Bacterio-logist for 1923. J . H. Ross 144. . J . H. Ross 144. in. S. L. Leiboff 537. reactions of. E. Justin-Mueller 535. -; Oxidation of. I,. J . Simon 396. I<. F. Innes 48.F. Schafler 235. City Analyst City of Birmingham. City Analyst City of Birmingham. A. K. Tankard 474 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xxiii City of Birmingham - Annual Report of the City Analyst for 1923. J. F. Liverseege, 475. City. of Birmingham - . Report of the City Analyst for the Third Quarter 1923. J. F. Liverseege 85. City of Birmingham __ . Report of the City Analyst for the Fourth Quarter 1023. J. F. Liverseege 181. City. of Birmingham - . Report of the City Analyst for the First Quarter 1924. J . F. Liverseege 380. City o€ Birmingham - . Report of the Public Analyst for the Second Quarter 1924. J. F. Liverseege 580. Clarification Sugar products; - of solutions in the analysis of. L. Eynon and J. H. Lane, 90. Classificatory Tests Drugs containing tannin ; New - for.Clinton Grapes Grape Pigments; Chemistry of. Anthocyanins in -. R. J. Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 533. Clove Oil Eugenol in -; Estimation of. J. A. L. Bouma 345. Coal Ash Melting point of -. F. S. Sinnatt and N. Simpkin 406. Coal Department of Scientific and Tndustrial Research. Fuel Research Board. Methods of analysis of -. Estimation of nitrogen 230. Coal Fuel Research Board. Physical and Chemical Survey of the National - Re-sources. Report on Methods of Analysis of Coal Nitrogen in -; The estimation of. W, Donovan 57. Coal Silver dichromate and sulphuric acid ; Oxidation of. Coal Sulphur in -; Estimation of. H. Uahr, 454. Coals Organic substances and - in presence of catalysts; Sulpho-chromic oxidation of.D. Florentin 244. Cobalt Hismuthate method for manganese; Interference of - in. G. E. F. Lundell 152. Cobalt Nickel; Detection of - and. C. C. Palit 353. Cobalt Tin precipitated as stannic sulpliide; The carrying down of - and nickel by. V. Auger and L. Od‘not 198. Coconut and Cottonseed Oils Hanus iodine values of -; Influence of various solvents on the. H. J. 13ankston and F. C. Vilbrandt, 449. Coconut Oil Alkali or soap in refined -Limits for the detection of traces of. I&‘. L: Brooke 592. Coconut Oil Composition of -; The (Notes). G. D. Elsdon 274. Coconut Oil Composition of -; The (Notes). W. K. Stokoe 577. Coconuts Liquid from ripe -; Notes on the (Notes). C. G. Matthews 223. .Cod Fish Insulin from the - . Direct application of picric acid to the islet tissue.H. W. Dudley 597. A. H. Ware 442. -. 36. L. J . Simon 245. Cod Liver Oil Vitamin A potency of -A. D: Coffee Plant Green leaves and berries of the Collodion Membranes High permeability ; -J. M. Nelson and D. P. Morgan junr. 201. Colloidal Poles Emission spectra of solutions ; Colloids Reductase test; Influence of - on Effect of storage of livers on the. Holmes 240. -; Vernine in. of. - for observing the. the. A. I. Virtanen 597. F. E. Denny 439. Stanford 200. of. T. Blackadder 51. T. de A. Camargo 189. J. Errara 606. Coloration Lemons ; Hastening the - of. Colorimetry Improvements in - . R. V. Colour Measurement Tanning materials ; -Colour Measurement. 0. Meissner 607. Colour Reaction Formaldehyde and glyoxylic acid; - common to.Fosse and A. Hieulle 601. Colour Reaction Vitamin C ; Alleged __ for. H. D. Kay and S. S. Zilva 191. Colour Reaction Zirconium and fluorine ; -for the detection of. Colour Reactions Antirachitic and antiscorbutic principles; - of. Bezssonoff 594. Colour Reactions Wool; Some - of. Meunier and Rey 296. Colour Test Chloroform and Chloral hydrate; - for. Colouring Citrus fruits; Use of ethylene in the - of. E. hl. Chace and F. E. Denny 284. Colouring Matters Preservatives and - in Food; Final Report of the Departmental Committee on the Use of 522. Columbium Volumetric estimation of -; The. W. R. Schoeller and E. F.Waterhouse 215. Combustion Analysis of volatile organic sub-stances by - in an open tube; Method of.E. Carriere and C. Leenhardt 601. Compounds Rancid fats; - developed in. W. C. Powick 188. Condensed Milk Calculations (Notes). J. F. Liverseege 276. (Condensed Milk) Regulations Public Health -. Tables for testing Equivalent Pints” Declaration (Notes). R. E. Essery 178. Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station : -. Twenty-seventh Report on Food Pro-ducts (1922) 278. Constant Level Waterbath; Device for main-taining a - in a. Continuous-flow Wash-bottle - New. A. G. Nasini 548. Cooking Utensils Aluminium -; The corro-sion of. C. K. Tinkler and H. Masters 30. Copal Kauri -; Oil from. A. G. Hill and D. Nishida 107. Copper Anti-scorbutic vitamin ; Catalytic action of - in the destruction of. A. F.Hess and M. Weinstock 535. Copper Cellulose substances by the molybdo-manganic method of Font&-Thivolle ; Esti-mation of - in. H. Gault and B. C. Mukerji 196. J H. de Boer 497. J. H. Ross 144. K. Brooks 548 XXiV INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Copper - ; Gravimetric estimation of. E. Wilke-Dorfurt and U. Rhein 544. Copper - -tin alloys ; The estimation of -and tin in. A. T. Etheridge 371. Copper Iodide; Estimation of - as. L. W. Winkler 247. Copper Lead ; Electrolytic separation of -, antimony and bismuth from. A. Lassieur, 603. Copper Micro-detection of -; Schiinbein’s reaction applied to the. H. Imbertp R. Imbert and P. Pilgrain 248. Copper Milk; - as a constituent of. A. F. Hess G. C. Supplee and B. Bellis 41. Copper Milk; Solubility of - in.F. E. Rice and J. Miscall 145. Copper Platinum and - as sulphides; Pre-cipitation of. R. Doht 402. Copper Platinum metals ; Separation of - from the. Copper Reactions €or -; Sensitive (Notes). K. Fleming 275. Copper Salts Lacto-proteins by -; Precipi-tation of. Copper Salts of -; Toxicity of. J . Effront, 447. Copper Silver - and bismuth by graduated potentials ; Rapid electro-analytical separa-tion of. A. Lassieur 297. Copper Thiosulphate precipitation of -; The. Drawe 495. Copper-Tin Alloys Copper and tin in -; The estimation of. Copper Water; Colorimetric estimation of lead and - in. C. Pyriki 491. Copper Zinc ores; Analysis of. Use of powdered magnesium for the removal of - and lead. E. G. R. Ardagh and G. R. Bongard 249.Cordit& Ministry of Health. Report on the composition of commoner British wines and -. 387. Cottonseed and Coconut Oils Hanus iodine values of -; Influence of various solvents on the. H. J. Bankston and F. C. Vilbrandt, 449. Corrosion Aluminium cooking utensils; The - of. C. K. Tinkler and H. Masters 30. Cottonseed Gossypol content; Toxicity of -and its. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg, 540. Cottonseed Gossypol ; Quantitative variation of, and its relation to the oil content of -. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 47. County Analyst County of Lancaster. Annual Report of the - for 1923. W. C. Williams, 337. County of Kent -. Report of the Agricul-tural Analyst for the Fourth Quarter 1923. F. W. F. Arnaud 182. County of Lancaster - .Annual Report of the County Analyst for 1923. W. C. Williams, 337. Cows Certain oils in the daily diet of - on the composition of butter fat; The effect of giving. H. J. Channon J. C. Drummond, and J. Golding 311. W. H. Swanger and E. Wichers 545. A. J . J. Vandevelde 289. A. T. Etheridge 371. Cream Cheese. Cream of Tartar Lead in - (Legal Notes) 136. Cream of Tartar Lead in -; The colorimetric estimation of. Cream of Tartar Lead standards for -(Legal Notes) 136. Creatinine JaffP’s reaction for -; Chemistry of. Creatinine Picrates Rubidium and caesium -. I. Greenwald and J. Gross 346. Crucibles Filtrations ; Porous porcelain -for. Crystalline Bromides Linseed oil; The - of. H. Toms 77. Cube Gambier Indian cutch; A qualitative differentiation between - and (Notes).R. P. Biggs 379. Culture Pearls Natural and -; Differentia-tion of. A. Dauvillier 607. Cupro-Potassium Solution Reducing sugars by means of -; Estimation of. L. Maquenne, 90. Cutch Cube gambier and Indian -; A quali-tative differentiation between (Xotes). R. P. Biggs 3’79. Cyanamide Calcium compound; New method €or the estimation of - in its. R. Fosse, P. Hagene and R. Dubois 491. Cyanamide Nitrate nitrogen in the presence of - and some of its derivatives; Estimation of. K. D. Jacob 46. Cyanamide Xanthyl-urea ; Gravimetric estima-tion of - in the form of. R. Fosse P. Hagene and R. Dubois 492. Cyanogen Wine; Detection and estimation of small quantities of - in. F. Mach and M. Fischler 438.J. Pieraerts, 188. T. R. Hodgson 264. R. L. Andrew 129. I. Greenwald and J. Gross 346. G. F. Hiittig and K. Schmitz 454. Cyperus Esculentus .- Oil of -. D Dairy Congress World’s -; Report on the. J. Golding 259. Dmry Products Mojonnier Tester; The routine examination of - with special reference to the. L. H. Lampitt E. B. Hughes and M. Bogod 413. Dalmatian Insect Powder Active constituent of - Isolation and constitution of the. H. Staudinger and L. Ruzicka 288. Decolorising Carbons - ; Testing. J. E. Temple and P. Mahler 350. Dehydrating Agent Sodamide as a -. Pre-paration of indol methyl-indol and its homo logues. M. A. Verley 535. Dehydration Pumice stone during the - of organic liquids ; Behaviour of A. Seidenberg 51. Deniges Test Butyric acid; Note on the - for (Notes).F. Bamford 226. Department of Agriculture United States -. Food Inspection Decisions 193 194 195 590. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research -. Fuel Research Board. Methods of analysis of coal. Estimation of nitrogen 230 IXDEX TO VOLUJIE XLIX. xxv Department of Scientific and Industrial Research -. Food Investigation Board. Red dis-coloration (so-called " Pink ") on dried salted fish 86. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research - Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1922 137. Derivatives Nitrate nitrogen in the presence of cyanamide and some of its -; Estimation of. K. D. Jacob 46. Dermatitis Ministry of Health. Fur - 521. Dessication Nitrogenous constituents of plant tissue; Effects of the method of - on the.K. P. Link and E. R. Schule GOO. Dessicator Simple non-splash ring for use with Scheibler's -; A. S. C. Bradford 497. Device Constant level in a waterhath; - for maintaining a. R. Brooks 548. Dextrose Iodine in presence of insulin; Oxida-tion of - by means of. G. A. Alles and H. M. Winegarden 97. Dholl Dyed talc; - mixed with (Notes). A. A. K!oot 514. Diabetic Urine Ketonic compounds and of 13-hydroxybutyric acid in -; Estimation of. H. Bierry and L. lfoquet 244. Dial-Ciba - ; Reactions of. Isnard 287. Diastatic Power Polarimetric method for the estimation of. Dichromate Method Purity of various organic products by the -; Evaluation of. E. C. Grey 194. Diet Certain oils in the daily - of cows on the composition of butter fat; The effect of giving.H. J. Channon J. C. Drummond and J. Golding 311. Diet Vitamins of milk; Influence of - and sunlight on. Diethyl Phthalate - ; Detection of. H. Leffmann 487. Differential Dialysis Antiscorbutic factor; -of the. 11. S. J. B. Connell and S. S. Zilva 595. Dilution Spirits sold with Notice of -(Legal Notes) 229. Dilution Spirits with notice of -; Sale of (Legal hTotes) 581. 2-4-Dinitrosoresorcinol Ferrous salts ; - as a sensitive reagent for. M. Goldstiick 544. Diphenylamine Indicator Iron ; - with. w. w. Scott 404. Disinfectants Standardisation of - Possible discordant factor in the. Walker and Weiss 41. Dissociation Constants PH value and the ap-parent - of indicators; Spectrophoto-metric determination of.W. C. Holmes 253. Dissolved Air Water; Estimation of - in small quantities of. H. G. Becker and W. E. Abbott 104. Distillation Low pressures ; Receiving apparatus for - at. W. F. Seyer 354. Distilled Wines Hydrocyanic acid in -. 0. Reichard 439. Domestic Animals Available insulin in the pancreas of - Amount of. F. Fenger and R. S. Wilson 240. H. C. Gore 444. E. M. Luce 595. Dominion Analyst Dominion Laboratory New Zealand. Fifty-sixth Annual Report of the - for the Year 1922 184. Dominion Laboratory - New Zealand. Fifty-sixth Annual Report of the Dominion Analyst for the Year 1922 184. (Dried Milk) Calculations Public Health - Regulations 1923 (Notes). D. Hen-ville 472. (Dried Milk) Public Health - Regulations, 1923.Calculation of " Equivalent Pints " (Notes). E. Hinks 471. Drugs Fluorescence phenomena to the identi-fication of various -; Application of. E. Bayle and R. Fabre 454. Drugs Tannin ; Identification and classification by chemical methods of - containing. I . Application of the goldbeater's skin test. C. J. Jordan and A. H. "are 442. Drugs Tannin; New classificatory tests for ___ containing. A. H. Ware 442. Drugs Valerian root and certain other aromatic -; Assay of. Dulcin Saccharin and - in vinegar and products containing acetic acid ; Detection of. G. Reif 92. Dulcin Xanthydrol; Estimation of - by means of. G. Reif 390. Durability Tests Glass; - of. W. E. S. Turner 252, Durability Woods; Relation between the -and chemical composition of.L. F. Hawley, L. C. Fleck and C. A. Richards 450. Dyes Anti-ferments ; Efficiency of some organic - as. K. Bullock 443. E. H. Harvey 488. E Egg Solids Alimentary pastes (Noodles) ; Estimation of - in. Eggs Acid-soluble phosphoric acid in -. L. Pine 531. Eggs Composition and decomposition of -; The. Eggs Lipoids and lipoid-phosphoric acid in flours alimentary pastes and -; Estima-tion of. R. Hertwig 37. Eggs Shell -; Adulteration of (Legal Notes), 520. Elaeostearic Acid -; Composition and con-stitution of. L. Maquenne 105. Elder Flowers of -; liutin from the. C. E. Sando and J. U. Lloyd 195. Electro-Analytical Separation Silver copper, and bismuth by graduated potentials; Rapid - of. A. Lassieur 297. Electrode Hydrogen - ; Simple useful forms of.F. J . Considine 332. Electrodes Moisture estimations; Effect of movement of soil salts on the standardisation values of - used in. Electrolysis Platinum in -; Substitute for. M. Bleescn 154. Electrolytic Deposition Zinc by - from alkaline solutions ; Separation of. K. Breisch, 403. R. Buchanan 436. T. T. Thomson and J. Sorley 327. T. Deighton 103 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Electrometric Titration Chromic acid ; - of. H. T. S. Britton 496. Elementary Analysis Measurement of gaseous volumes; New method of - based on the. L. Hackspill and G. D’Huart 447. Emission Spectra Solutions; Colloidal poles for observing the - of. Endosperm Maize; Phytosterols of the - of. R. J. Anderson 399. Endosperm Phytosterols of wheat -; The.R. J. Andreson and F. P. Nabenhauer 449. English Oyster Beds Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Investigations into the Unusual Mortality in - in 1920 and 1921 484. English Tomatoes Fresh and canned -; Anti-scorbutic value of. E. M. Delf 594. Enzyme Actions Beef tissues; - of. K. G. Falk H. M. Noyes and K. Sugiura 238. Enzyme Solutions Sugars ; Rapid analysis of. Purification and concentration of -. F. W. Reynolds 188. Enzymes Oxidising - of the higher and lower plants; Comparison of certain. M. E. Robinson 595. Enzymes Oxidising - . VII. The oxy-genase of the higher plants. M. W. Onslow 597. ‘‘ Equivalent Pints ’’ Public health (Dried Milk). Regulations 1923. Calculation of - (Notes). E. Hinks 471. Errata 1924 133 473 500 606.Error Jodlbauer Process for the estimation of total nitrogen; Cause of - in the. J. Bordas 103. Essential Oil Manuka; - of (Leptosperrnum scoparium). R. Gardner 195. Essential Oil of Mustard Wine; Use of - as a preservative for. P. Malvezin and G. Ridart, 140. Essential Oils Camphor or peppermint oil in certain pharmaceutical preparations ; Esti-mation of - in certain flavouring extracts and of. Essential Oils Esters of fixed acids in -; Detection of. A new method of testing. C. T. Bennett and D. C. Garratt 46. Esters Essential oils; Detection of - of fixed acids in. A new method of testing. C. T. Bennett and D. C. Garratt 46. Esters Methyl - of phenolsulphonic acids ; Action of bromine on. Estimation of sulphur in phenolsulphonic - and salts.L. J , Simon and M. FrQejacque 296. Ether Peroxide in - ; Estimation of. A. W. Rowe and E. P. Phelps 593. Ether Water in mixtures of - alcohol and water; Estimation of. R. K. Newman 541, Ethers Aldehydes in - for anaesthesia; Detection of. E. Isnard 441, Ethyl Nitrite Sweet spirit of nitre deficient in - (Legal Notes) 277. Ethylene Glycol -. Its properties and uses. H. C. Fuller 391. Eucalyptus Oils Germicides ; - as. A. R. Penfold and R. Grant 95. Eugenol Clove oil; Estimation of - in. J. A. L. Bouma 345. J. Errara 606. W. W. Randall 440. Excreta Iodine in food beverages and -; Excreta Uric acid in poultry -; Estimation Extract - of Atractylis gummifera in U. Giuffri. 534. Extraction Solvent recovery ; Apparatus €or S.A. de Lacy 220. Estimation of. of. H. E. Woodman 492. liquorice -; Detectioil of. - and. J . F. McClendon 444. F Fat . Cotton; Estimation of - wax and resin in. P. I-I. Clifford L. Higginbotham and R. G. Fargher 350. Fat - pigment from -; Separation of a. A. N. Currie 290. Fat Goats’ butter; Preliminary notes on the composition of the - of. F. Knowles and J. C. Urquhart 509. Fat Pigment Fat; Separation of a - from. A. N. Currie 290. Fat-soluble Vitamins - . XIV. H. Steen-bock E. B. Hart J . H. Jonesand A. Black 97. Fat-solubleVitamins -. XV. R. M. Bethke, H. Steenbock and M. T. Nelson 97. Fat-soluble Vitamins XVI. H. Steenbock, J. H. Jones and E. B Hart 147. Fats Acetyl value of -. E. Raymond and G. Glot 448. Fats Animal - ; Uncommon (Notes).W. N. Rae 83. Fats Iodine value of oils and - by means of pyridine sulphate-bromide ; Estimation of the. K. W. Rosenmund and W. Kuhnhenn, 105. Fats Iodine with -; The reaction of. E. M. Margosches and W. Hinner 449. Fats Oils and -; Alcoholysis and the com-position of. G. D. Elsdon 423. Fatsi Rancid -; Compounds developed in. W. C. Powick 188. McClelland 343. Fatty Acids Solid and liquid -; Quantitative separation of. D. Holde M. Selim and W. Bleyberg 448. Fehling’s Solution Insulin towards -; Be-haviour of. Knops-Niederhoff 445. Fehling’s Solution Sugar in urine by means of - with methylene blue as internal indi-cator; Estimation of. 1. H. Lane and L. Eynon 366. Fenchone - oxime; New form of. Charac-terisation of - in presence of camphor.M. Delepine 397. Fenchone Oxime -; New form of. Charac-terisation of fenchone in presence of camphor. M. Delepine 397. Ferric Oxalate. - . Application to the separation of iron and calcium. J. Barlot 544. Ferrocysnides - ; Estimation of. W. M. Cumming 151. Ferrous Salts Sensitive reagent for -* 2-4-Dinitrosoresorcinol as a. &I. Goldstiick: 544. Fatty Acids Camel hump fat; __ of. N INDEX TO VOLURlE XLIX. xxvii Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act - 1906; Report of the Departmental Committee on the 383. Fibres Textile -; Bacterial decay of. A. C. Thaysen and H. J. Bunker 292. Filter Light -; Kew. Filtered Waters Soluble aluminium and the haemotoxylin test in -. W. D. Hatfield, 243. Eiltering Hygroscopic substances ; Apparatus for -.Ran 300. Filtrations Paper pulp in analytical -; Use of. Filtrations Porous porcelain crucibles for -. G. F. Huttig and K. Schmitz 454. Fining Wine with potassium ferro-cyanide; The - of. Fire Parchments damaged by -; Notes on the treatment of (Notes). C. G. Matthews, 516. Fish Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Food Investigation Board. lied discoloration (so-called “ Pink ”) on dried salted - 86. Fish Jncipient putrefaction in -; Detection of. Fish Meal Excessive oil and deficient phosphate; - with (Legal Notes) 228. Fish Meal Excessive oil; - with (Legal Notes) 382. Fish Metallic salts by -; Absorption of. A. Thomas 190. Fixed Acids Esters of - in essential oils; Detection of. A new method of testing.C. T. Bennett and D. C. Garratt 46. Flask Soshlet’s apparatus; Kew - for use with (Notes). K. C. Frederick 474. Plavouring Extracts Essential oils in certain - and of camphor or peppermint oil in certain pharmaceutical preparations ; Estima-tion oi. Flies Bacteria in -; Survival of. R. 117. Glaser 100. Flour Moisture in wheat and -; Estimation of. Flour Rye - in wheat -; Estimation of. J. Konig and F. Bartschat 187. Flours Lipoids and lipoid-phosphoric acid in - alimentary pastes and eggs; Estimation of. R. Hertwig 37. Flours Wheat and rye - by means of their aqueous extract ; Identification of. R. Stro-hecker 282. Flowers Elder; rutin from the - of. C. E. Sando and J. U. Lloyd 195. Fluids Chlorides in plant -; Titration of.J. V. Lawrence and J . A. Harris 393. Fluorescence Phenomena Drugs ; Application of - to the identification of various. E. Bayle and R. Fabre 454. Fluorescent Powers Cellulose and its deriva-tives; - of. Fluorine - . Volumetric estimation of. Eluorine Organic compounds ; Estimation of L. W. bIcCay 109. E. Wilke-Dorfurt and E. Locher 546. H. Bosselmann 342. J. Tillmans and R. Otto 292. W. W. Randall 440. H. Snyder and 13. Sullivan 436. S. J. Lewis 199. w. w. Scott i53. - in. 1. Piccard and C. Buffat 104. Fluorine Small quantities of -; Detection and estimation of. Fluorine Zirconium and -; Colour reaction for the detection of. Fluosilicic Acid Poisoning by -; Case of.’ Luhrig 538. Font&-Thivolle Copper in cellulose substances by the molybdomanganic method of -; Estimation of.H. Gault and R. C. Jfukerji, 196. Food and Drugs Analysis Abstracts 1924 37, 90 139 187 233 282 341 388 436 485 531, 591. Food Inspection Decisions United States De-partment of Agriculture. - 193 194 195: 590. Food Investigation Board Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. -. Red discoloration (so-called ‘‘ Pink ”) on dried salted fish 86. Food Investigation Board Department of Scien-tific and Industrial Research. Report of the - for the Year 1922 137. Food Iodine in - beverages and excreta; Estimation of. J. F. McClendon 444. Food Material Hydrocyanic acid fumigation of ships and its effect on -; The . P. Butten-berg and H. Weiss 533. Food Preservatives and Colouring Matters in -; Final Report of the Departmental Committee on the Use of 622.Food Preservatives Committee Ministry of Health Interim Report of the - on the Treatment of Chilled Beef and Other Foods with Formaldehyde 433. Food Products Connecticut Agricultural Ex-periment Station. Twenty-seventh Report on Food Zinc ; Contamination of beverages and other - with. J. W. Sale and C. H. Badger 192. Foods Canned -; Vitamin C in. W. H. Eddy and E. F. Kohman 146. Foods Fruits and Philippine - eaten raw; Viability of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in. A. Vasquez-Colet 241. Foods Ministry of Health. Interim Report of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of Chilled Beef and Other - with Formaldehyde 43 3. Foods Tin in canned -; Apparatus for the estimation of.G. K. Lynch and F. C. Martley 293. Formaldehyde Blood by means of -; Preservation of. Formaldehyde Glyoxylic acid ; Colour reaction common to - and. Fosse and A. Hieulle, 601. Formaldehyde Ministry of Health. Interim Report of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of Chilled Beef and Other Foods with - 433. “ Formol Titration ’’ Kjeldahl method of R. J. Meyer 453. J. H. de Boer 497. - (1922) 278. E. J . B. Willey 234. Forensic Importance Blood-groups; - of. J. C. Bock 238. estimating nitrogen ; Application of - to the. W. S. Shaw 558 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Fortified Milks Microscopic detection of some -. D. W. Horn 388. Fractional Distillation Reduced pressure ; Ap-paratus for - under.Freezing Point Sudan milk; The - of. A. F. Joseph and F. J. Martin 420. Freezing Point Method Mixed salts by the -; Analysis of. H. E. Batsford 109. Frerichs’ Method Nitrate in water by the -; Estimation of. A. Massink 539. Frothing Agents Saponins as -; Evaluation of. L. Kofler 239. Frozen Meat Moulds on -. A. hl. Wright, 101. Frozen Pork Vitamin A in -; Presence of. A. M. Wright 98. Fruit Products Nalic acid in -; Estimation of. F. Auerbach and D. Kruger 93. Fruit Wines Ordinary Wine; Detection of -(cider or Perry) in. Fruits Acetaldehyde in -; Microchemical detection of. C. Griebel 486. E’ruits Corrosion in canned -; Nature of. E. 1;. Kohman and N. H. Sanborn 234. Fruits Ethylene in the colouring of citrus -; Use of. Fruits Intestinal pathogenic bacteria in -and Philippine foods eaten raw; Viability of.A. Vasquez-Colet 241. Fuel Research Board Department of Scientific and Industrial Research -. Methods of analysis of coal. Estimation of nitrogen, 230. Fuel Research Board - . Physical and Chemical Survey of the National Coal Re-sources. Report on Methods of Analysis of Coal 36. Fuels Gaseous -; Exact methods for the analysis of. E. Ott 602. Fumigation Food material; The hydrocyanic acid - of ships and its effect on. P. Buttenberg and H. Weiss 533. Fuming Liquids Oleum and other -; Ap-paratus for the analysis of. E. Bosshard 301. Fur Dermatitis Ministry of Health. - . 521. Furfuraldehyde Pentoses and pentosans; Es-timation of. 1. The formation and distilla-tion of -.N. C. Pervier and R. A. Gortner, 47. Furfuraldehyde Pentoses and pentosans; Es-timation of. 11. Estimation of -. N. C. Pervier and R. A Gortner 106. E. Andr6 407. F. Schaffer 235. E. M. Chace and F. E. Denny 284. G Gadolinite Yttrium from the other elements of -; Separation of. L. Rolla V. Cuttica and L. Fernandes 604. Galactose - in mixtures of - and arabi-nose; Biochemical detection of. M. Bridel and I. Charpentier 445. Gallotannin Tannase; The quantitative esti-mation of the degree of hydrolysis of - by. W. N. Nicholson and D. Rhind 505. Gas Analysis Absorption pipette for -. S . W. Saunders 201. Gas Analysis Method of -; New. 13. Geberth 109. Gas Mixtures Separation of -; Method for the. M. Shepherd and F. Porter 50.Gas Supplies Public -; Carbon monoxide in. Report to the Board of Trade 482. Gaseous Fuels Analysis of -; Exact methods for the. E. Ott 602. Gaseous Volumes Elementary analysis based on the measurement of -; New method of. L. Hackspill and G. D’Huart 447. Gases Drying -; Apparatus for. V. T. Jackson 200. Gasoline Sodium plumbite test of -; The. B. T. Brooks 397. Gelatin Ash -; Analysis of. E. Cattelain, 344. Gelatin Inorganic impurities in - ; The estimation of the. S. R. Trotman and R. W. Sutton 271. Gelatins Pharmaceutical and bacteriological -; Analysis of. Germicide Milk; Active chlorine as a - for. H. Hale and W. L. Uleecker 192. Germicides Eucalyptus oils as -. A. I<. Penfold and R. Grant 95. Glass Durability tests of -.W. E. 5. Turner 252. Glassware Scientific -; Joint Committee for the Standardisation of. Report No. 1. On Units of Volume 479. Glassware Volumetric -; Tests on. Classes A and B. The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington Middlesex. Metrology Depart-ment Sept. 1924 477. Glucose Phenylhydrazine; Interaction of -and. Glucoside Methyl salicylate - in the bark of the sweet birch; True nature of the. M. Bridel 285. Glycerides Beeswax; Detection of - in. P. Bourcet 284. Glycerides Lard; - of. C. Amberger and A. Wiesehahn 143. Glycerides Palm-kernel oil; - of. A. Bomer and K. Schneider 283. Glycerin Alcohol by means of -; Dehydra-tion of. Glycerins Glycerol in crude -; Estimation of. Fachini and Somazzi 245. Glycerol Crude glycerins ; Estimation of -in.Fachini and Somazzi 245. Glycerol Iodate and sulphuric acid ; Estimation of - by oxidation with. R. Strebinger and J . Streit 398. Glycol Ethylene - . Its properties and uses. H. C. Fuller 391. Glycyrrhizin Commercial -; Preparation of. P. Bertolo 40. Glyoxylic Acid Formaldehyde and -; Colour reaction common to. Fosse and A. Hieulle 601. Goats’ Butter Fat of -; Preliminary notes on the composition of the. F. Knowles and J . C. Urquhart 509. E. Cattelain 391. E. Knecht and F. P. Thompson 150. E. Knecht and E. F. Muller 395 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xxi x Goldbeaters’ Skin Test Drugs containing tannin; Identification and classification by chemical methods of. I. Application of the -, C. J. Jordan and A. H. Ware 442.Gold-beaters’ Skin Test Tannins; Osmium tetroxide as a reagent for the - for. (Notes). P. H. Price 336. Gold-beaters’ Skin Test Tannins; The - for. P. H. Price 25. Golden Syrup Warranty (Legal Sotes) 137. Gossypol Content Cottonseed and its -; Toxicity of. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 540. Gossypol Oil content of cottonseed; Quantita-tive variation of - and its relation to the. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 47. Gossypol Pharmacology of - . E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 540. Government Chemist Work of the Government Laboratory; Report of the - upon the. 525. Government Laboratory Government Chemist upon the Work of the -; Report of the 525. Government Laboratory The - Bangkok, Siam. First Report from November 1917 to March 31 1922 88.Grape Pigments - ; Chemistry of. Antho-cyanins in Clinton grapes. R. J. Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 533. Grapes Anthocyans in -. R. J. Anderson, 39. Grapes Grape pigments; Chemistry of. An-thocyanins in Clinton -. R. J . Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 533. Graphs Reproducing __ in quantity; Method for. Gravimetric Analysis Hypophosphorous acid in -; use of. I,. &loser and M. Niessner, 152. Gravimetric Ratio The - -antimony anti-mony tetroxide. J . Knop 49. Grease Anhydrous soap in lubricating -: Estimation of. B. Joachim 449. Ground Beef Bacteriological examination of - I . and 11. R. E. Hoffstadt 147. Growth-promoting Substances Bacteria to -; Relation of. S. R. Damon 446. Guaiacol Oxidase preparations ; Use of - for measuring the activity of.P. Flenry 347. W. C. Greene and R. S. Hunt 110. Gypsum z- and -products; Analysis of. Gypsum Products Gypsum and -; Analysis F. C . Welch 251. of. F. C. Welch. 251. H Haemolysis Ifilk; - as a means of detecting the adulteration of. M. J. N. Schuursma 487. Haemotoxylin Test Filtered waters ; Soluble aluminium and the - in W. 5. Hatfield, 243. Hake Liver Oil Vitamin A potency of - ; The. A. D. Holmes 291. Halogen. Organic compounds ; Detection of - in. 1. Piccard and F. De Montmollin. Halogens - ; Detection of. W. R. S. Bishop, 154. Halogens Two -; Simultaneous estimation of. H. Jahn 250. Hammersmith Metropolitan Borough of -. Annual Report of the Pilblic Analyst for 1923. P. A. E. Richards 428. Hanus Iodine Values Various solvents on the - of cottonseed and coconut oils; Influence of.H. J. Bankston and F. C. Vilbrandt 449. Hard Body Minerals by microscopic examina-tion of their traces left on a -; Identifica-tion of. P. Gaubert 108. Heat Destruction of Vitamin B by -; Quantitative study of the. H. C. Sherman and M. R. Grose 42. Heat Milk; Action of rennet and of - on. N. C. hyright 290. Heating Optical activity of sucrose produced by -; Changes in the. M. A. Rakusin and A. N. Nesmejanow 591. Heavy Metals Some - in the organism (mercury bismuth and lead) ; Circulation of. S. Lomholt 599. Herrings Hydrogen peroxide ; The bleaching of pickled - with. Heterogeneous Systems Viscosity of - such as paints; Measurement of the. H. Wolff 547.Hexamethylenetetramine Microchemical tests for -. H. Leffmann 400. Higher and Lower Plants Oxidising enzymes of the - ; Comparison of certain. M. E. Robinson 596. Higher Plants Oxidising enzymes. VII. The oxygenase of the -. M. W. Onslow 597. Histamine -; Estimation of. M. T. Hanke and K. K. Koessler 346. Histo-chemical Investigations Micro-incinera-tion applicable to - ; Method of. A. Policard 52. Histological and Chemical Examination Seeds of Ipomoea hedetacea and other species of Ipomoea; - of the. Homology Alkyl-chloro-malonamides. The influence of __ on taste. A. W. Dox and B. Houston 345. Honey - and artificial -; New method of distinguishing between. I?. Auerbach and E. BodlSnder 389. Hubl’s Iodine Solution Mercuric chloride in -; Substitutes for.B. M. Margosches and W. Hinner 400. Humic Matter Mineral soils ; Colorimetric estimation of - in. T. Eden 491. Husks Sharps; Rice - in (Legal Notes) 429. Hydraulic Limes N7ater of hydra tion water of constitution and carbon dioxide in -; Estimation of. J. A. Muller and E. Peytral, 251. Hydrazine Iodine bromate iodate and per-manganate methods Volumetric estimation of - by the. Hydrocarbons Beeswax ; A41cohols and - of. A. Gascard and G. Damoy 143. 0. Luning 532. €3. L. Kassner 285. I. M. Kolthoff 605. Hydrocarbons Petroleum ; -Lubricant and asp-104. haltic - in C. F. Illabery 106 XXX INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Hydrochloric Acid International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistrv. Suggested Standards for - Sodium Chloride and Zinc 280.Hydrocyanic Acid Distilled wines; - in. 0. Tieichard 439. Hydrocyanic Acid Fumigation Food material; The - of ships and its effect on. P. Buttenberg and H. Weiss 533. Hydrocyanic Acid - ; Detection and colori-metric estimation of. J. M. Kolthoff 41. Hydrocyanic Acid Polymer of -; Toxicity of a. C. Bedel 639. Hydrogen Cyanide Content Amygdalin ; Estima-tion of the - of. Hydrogen Electrode - ; Simple useful forms of. F. J . Considine 332. Hydrogen Electrode Meat pastes etc. ; - for use with (Notes). G. W. lUonier-Vl’illiams, 224. Hydrogen Ion Concentration Bacillus Granu-lobactor Pectinotrorurn and its effect on the -; Proteolytic action of. W. H. Peterson, E. B. Fred and PJ. P. Domogalla 599. Hydrogen Ion Concentration Tannin analysis ; Effects of varying - on.W. R. Atkin 493. Hydrogen Peroxide Pickled herrings with -; The bleaching of. 0. Luning 532. Hydrogenated Oils - ; The recognition of. K. A. Williams and E. R. Bolton 460. Hydrogenation Philippine Lumbang and Pili nut oils; Effect of composition on the complete - of. Hydrolysis Bismuth by -; Separation and estimation of. G. Luff 249. Hydrolysis Degree of - of gallotannin by tannase; The quantitative estimation of the. W. N. Nicholson and D. Rhind 505. Hydrostrychnine Reagent Nitrite and nitrate ; The - for the estimation of. I. M. Kolthoff 546. Hydroxides Alkali and alkaline-earth - ; Reaction of sulphur with. H. V. Tartar and C. Z. Draves 250. B-Hydroxybutyric Acid Ketonic compounds and of - in diabetic urine; Estimation of.,H. Bierry and L. Moquet 244. paratus for. Ban 300. Hypobromous Acid Hypobromous and bromic acids; - and estimation of. E. Biilmann and E. Rimbert 50. Hypobromous and Bromic Acids Hypobromous acid and estimation of -. E. Biilmann and E. Rimbert 50. Hypophosphorous Acid Gravimetric analysis ; Use of - in. L. Moser and M. Niessner, 152. Hypophosphorous and Phosphorous Acids -; Iodimetric estimation of. A. Brukl and 31. Behr 406. J. El. Roe 190. A. P. West and L. Gonzaga 35. Hygroscopic Substances Filtering ~ Ap-I Impurities Gelatin; The estimation of the in- s. R. Trotman and R. W. organic - in. Sutton 271. Indian Artemisia Santonin; - as a source of 39. Indian Cutch Cube gambier and -; A quali-tative differentiation between (Notes).I<. P. Riggs 379. Indicator Bleaching damage ; Methylene blue as an ~ of. Indicator Carbonate-bicarbonate titrations; Mixed - for. S. G. Simpson. 452. Indicator Definite oxidation potential ; Benzi-dine as an analytical reagent and an __ for a. I. M. Kolthoff 493. Indicator Methylene blue as internal -; Estimation of sugar in urine by means of Fehling’s solution with. J . H. Lane and L. Eynon 366. Indicator Zinc ; Use of molybdenum as- in the volumctric estimation of. L. Fernandes 496. Indicators Apparent dissociation constants of - ; Spectrophotometric determination of PH value and the. Indol Sodamide as a dehydrating agent. Preparation of - methyl-indol and its homologues. M. A. i’erley 535.Ink Printing -; Arsenic in (Notes). G. D. Elsdon 336. Inorganic Analysis Abstracts 1924 48 107, 152 197 247 297 352 401 451 493 544 603. Inorganic Impurities Gelatin ; The estimation of the - in. S. R. Trotman and R. W. Sutton 271. Insect Powder Active constituent of Dalma-tian -; Isolation and constitution of the. H. Staudinger and L. Ruzicka 288. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland - . Forty-sixth Annual General Meeting 3rd March 1924 186. Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland The 1924 112 186 310. Insulin Alkaline compounds on -; Action of. Insdin Cod fish; - from the. Direct ap-plication of picric acid to the islet tissue. H. W. Dudley 597. Insulin Dextrose by means of iodine in presence of -; Oxidation of.G. A. Alles and H. M. Winegarden 97. Insulin Fehling’s solution; Behaviour of __ towards. Knops-Siedcrhoff 445. Insulin Pancreas of domestic animals; Amount of available - in the. F. Fenger and K. S. Wilson 240. Insulin Preparations Physiological assay of -. H. Penau and H. Simonnet 95. Insulin Substance containing - ; Some chemical reactions of the. H. A. Shonle and J . H. Waldo 191. International Commission Report Chrome-leather analysis. -. R. F. lnnes 48. International Union Pure and Applied Chemis-try; - of. Suggested Standards for Hydrochloric Acid Sodium Chloride and Zinc 280. Intestinal Pathogenic Bacteria Fruits and Philippine foods eaten raw; Viability of -in. A. Vasquez-Colet 241. E. Kistenpart 603. W. C. Holmes 253.15. J . Witzemann and L. Livshis 146 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xxxi Invert Sugar Boric acid estimations; - as a reagent for (Notes). G. Van B. Gilmour 576. Iodate and Permanganate Methods Hydrazine by the iodine bromate - . Volumetric estimation of. Iodate Glycerol by oxidation with __ and sulphuric acid ; Estimation of. R. Strebinger and J . Streit 398. Iodide Copper as -; Estimation of. L. W. Winkler 247. Iodides Iodine in - ; Estimation of. Weich-herz and Klinger 299. Iodimetric Method Sugar products; The ap-plication of the - to the analysis of. C. L. Hinton and T. Macara 2. Iodimetric Standard Potassium permanganate as an Todimetry Carbon disulphide by -; Estima-tion of. E. Andrk 107. Iodine Dextrose by means of - in presence of insulin; Oxidation of.C . X. Alles and H. 31 \Vinegarden 97. Iodine Bromate Iodate and Permanganate metric estimation of. Iodine Fats; The reaction of - with. B. M. Margosches and W. Hinner 449. Iodine Food beverages and excreta; Estima-tion of - in. Iodine Iodides; Estimation of - in. Weich-herz and Klinger 299. Iodine Solution Mercuric chloride in Hubl’s -; Substitutes for. I3. $1. AIargoschcs and W. Hinner -100. Iodine Value Oils and fats by means of pyridine su1phate.-bromide ; Estimation of the - of. I<. \V. liosenmund and W. Kuhnhenn 105. Iodine Values Bromometric estimation of -. 1%’. Janchot and F. Oberhauser 400. Iodine Values Cottonseed and coconut oils ; Influence of various solvents on the Hanus - of. H. J . 13ankston and F.C. Vil-brandt 449. Ipomoea Hederacea Seeds of ___ and other speCies of Ipomoea ; I Iistological and chemical examination of the. Ipornoea Seeds of Ipomoea hederacea and othcr specics of - ; Histological and chemical examination of the. H. L. Kassner, 285. Iron Content Spinach; ___ of. -4. Lichtin 390. Iron Diphenylamine indicator with -. W. IT. Scott 404 Iron Ferric oxalate; Application to the separa-tion of - and calcium. Iron Ores Titanous chloride ; \ olumetric assay of ___ by means of. Iron Salts Dissolved oxygen in the presence of ___ ; Estimation of. A. hl. Buswell and \Y. U. Gallager -15. Iron-Silicon Alloys Silicon in __ by their physical properties; Estimation of. T. D. Y‘ensen 300. Iron Zinc from __ and aluminium; Separa-tion of.E. G. K. Ardagh and G. K. Bongard, 249. I. nl. Kolthoff 6h5. J . 31. Hendel 247. Methods Hydrazine by the - . Volu-I . 31. Kolthoff 605. J . IT. McClendon 444. H. L. Kassner 286. J,. Harlot 544. L. Brandt 352. Islet Tissue Insulin from the cod fish. application of picric acid to the -. Dudley 597. Direct H. W. J JaffB’s Reaction Creatinine; Chemistry of -I. Greenwald and J. Gross 346. Japanese Tung Oil - ; Characteristics of. Jerusalem Artichoke - ; Analysis of the. Jodlbauer Process Total nitrogen ; Cause 9 f J. for. I. Miura 542. A. T. Shohl 37. error in the - for the estimation of. Rordas 103. K ‘‘ Kaschkawal ” - . A Bulgarian cheese. A. Heiduschka 389. Kauri Copal Oil from -. A. G. Hill and D.Nishida 107. Kent County of -. Report of the Agri-cultural Chemist for the Vourth Quarter 1923. F. W. F. Arnaud 182. Ketonic Compounds B-hydroxybutyric acid in diabetic urine; Estimation of - and of. H. Rierry and L. Moquet 244. Kingston-npon-Hull City and County of -. Report of the Public Analyst and Bacterio-logist for 1923. A. R. Tankard 474. Kjeldahl Method “ Formol Titration ” t o the - of estimating nitrogen; Application of. W. S. Shaw 558. Koch’s Bacillus Ordinary media; Detection of - in. G. Pegurier 489. Kreis Test -; The. G. E. Holm and G. li. Greenbank 344. L Laboratory Stirrer. Laccase Activity of -; Method of measuring the. P. Fleury 242. Lactic Acid Organisms Bactericidal power of raw milk on - in sterilised milk; Influence of the.P. Mazk 348. Lacto-Proteins Copper salts ; Precipitation of - by! Lancaster County of -. Annual Report of the County Analyst for 1923. W. C. \T.’illiams, 337. Lard Glycerides of -. C. Aniberger and A. Wicsehahn 143. Lead Cathode Arsenic; Use of the - in the electrolytic method for the estimation of minute quantities of. Lead Cayence pepper containing -; Out-break of poisoning due to. hl. Sicoloff 394. Lead .Compounds Blood serum ; Solubility of various - in. Lead Copper antimony and bismuth from -; Electrolytic separation of. A. Lassieur 603. Lead Cream of tartar; - in (Legal Notes), 136. C. E. Waters 355. A. J . J . Vandevelde 289. T. Callan 402. L. T. Fairhall 490 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Lead Cream of tartar; The colorimetric esti-mation of - in.Lead Heavy metals in the organism (mercury, bismuth and -}; Circulation of some. S. I,omholt 599. Lead Living organism; Distribution of - in the. I. A. Christiansen G. Hevesy and S. Lomholt 490. Lead Number Vanilla extracts; __ of. C. A . Clemens 534. Lead Potable waters and in urine; The esti-mation of - in. Lead Standards Cream of tartar; - for (Legal Notes) 136. Lead Testing urine for -; Rapid method of. L. T. Fairhall 490. Lead Tin and antimony; Estimation of ___ in the presence of. Lead N'ater; Colorimetric estimation of -and copper in. Lead Zinc ores; Analysis of. Use of powdered magnesium for the removal of copper and -. 1;. G. I<. Ardagh and G. R. Bongard 249. Leak Water jacket; Device for stopping a __ in a (Xotcs).Leather Analysis Chrome- --. D. Wood-roffe 351. Leather p,alysis Chrome- -. International Commission Report. Leather Chrome upper -; Effect of per-spiration on. R. F. Innes 48. Leathers Trypsin on various -; Action of. A. W. Thomas and F. I,. Seymour-Jones, 196. Leaves Coffee plant; Verniiie in green - and berries of the. Legal Notes 1924 85 136 183 228 276 338, 381 429 47G 521 581. Legislative Prescriptions Cheese ; Collection of ___ concerning. 230. Lemon Juice Antiscorbutic fraction of -: The. S. S. Zilva 290. Lemon Juice Antiscorbutic fraction of -. 11. S. S. Zilva 594. Lemon Peel Protopectin and some other con-stituents of -. Lemons Coloration of -; Hastening the. I;. E. Denny 439. (Leptospermum scoparium) Manuka ; Essen-tial oil of.~ R. Gardner 195. Light Filter -; New. Light Monochromatic -; Burner for pro-ducing. A. 0. Jones 108. Lignin Wood; Chemistry of. Relation be-tween methoxyl and - in wood. G. J. ltitter 100. Lignin Wood pulp; Quantitative estimation of ___ in. H. Wenzl 543. Lignoceric Acid. P. A. Levene I;. A. Taylor and H. L. Haller 542. Lime Sulphur Sulphur compounds in dry -; Estimation of the. Limes Water of hydration water of constitu-tion and carbon dioxide in hydraulic -; Estimation of. J. A. Muller and E. Peytral, 251. K. I,. Andrew 129. J . C. Thresh 124. E. Stelling 453. C. Pyriki 491. 12. C. Frederick 135. R. I-;. Innes 48. T. de A. Camargo 189. 1%. Sucharipa 141. L. W. McCay. 109. C.P. Jones 45. Linseed and Lumbang Oils Principal compbunds in Lumbang oil; Oxidation of - and of the. A. P. West and A. L. de Leon 246. Linseed Oil Crystallinc bromides of -; Thc. H. Toms 77. Lnseed Oil - ; Composition of A. Eibner and K. Schmidinger 245. Lipoid-phosphoric Acid Lipoids and ~ in flours alimentary pastes and eggs ; Estima-tion of. R. Hertwig 37. Lipoids Flours alimentary pastes and eggs; Estimation of - and lipoid-phosphoric acid in. R. Hertwig 37. Liquid Fatty Acids Solid and -; Quantita-tive separation of. D. Holde M. Selim and W. Bleyberg 448. Liquid Ripe coconuts ; Kotes on the - from (NPtes). C. G. Matthews 223. Liquids ilpproximate index of refraction of - with a common microscope; Simple method for determining the.C. C. I<ip!inger, 354. Liquids Carbonates in highly coloured -; The estimation of (Notes). H. I3. Dunni-cliff 426. Liquorice Extract Extract of Atractylis gummerifera in ~ ; Detection of. U. Giuffrir 534. Liver Oil Vitamin A potency of hake -; The. A. D. IIolmes 291. Livers Vitamin A potency of cod lix-er oil; Effect of storage of - on the. A. D. Holmes 240. Living Organism T,ead in the -; Distribu-tion of. I. A. Christiansen G. IIevesy and S. Lomholt 490. Low-grade Ores Tungsten in -; Estimation of. E. Jiinger 298. Low Pressures 1)istillation at - Receiving apparatus for. Low Temperature Tars Reaction for-; Kew. F. Schulz and J. Prunet 398. Lower Plants Oxidising enzymes of the higher and -; Comparison of certain. 31. E. Robinson 596.Lubricant and Asphaltic Hydrocarbons Petro-leum; -in. C. F. Mabery 106. Lubricating Grease Anhydrous soap in -: Estimation of. B. Joachim 449. Lumbang and Linseed Oils Lumbang oil; Oxidation of - and of the priiicipal com-pounds in. A. P. West and A. L. de Leon 246. Lumbang and Pi!!. Nut Oils Complete hydro-gcnation of Philippine -; Effect of com-position on the. A. P. West and L. Gonzaga, 38. Lumbang Oil Lumbang and linseed oils; Oxi-dation of and of the principal compounds in -. TI'. 1;. Seyer 354. A. P. West and A. L. de Leon 246. A. H. Dodd 286. Lysol - ; Analysis of. M Madras Government of -. Iieport of the Chemical Examiner for the Year 1923 431 INDEX TO VOLUXE XLIX. xxxiii Magnesium Calcium and -; Detection and estimation of traces of.F. Pavelka 604. Magnesium Compound Yeast nucleic acid as a - ; Preparation of. E. J. Baumann 536. Magnesium Zinc ores Analysis of. Use of powdered - for the removal of copper and lead. E. G. R. Ardagh and G. R. Bongard, 249. Maize Endosperm of -; Phytosterols of the. R. J. Anderson 399. Malay States Federated - Annual Report of the Chemical Laboratories for 1923. H. Marsden 584. Mgic Acid Fruit products; Estimation of -in. Malic Acid Polarimetric estimation of -. F. Auerbach and D. Kruger 92. Maltose Barfoed’s solution; Estimation of -in presence of other reducing sugars by means of. P. Nottin 485. Manganese Cobalt in the bismuthate method for -; Interference of. G. E. I?. Lundell 152. Manganese - ; Estimation of. Manganous oxalate as a standard R.11’. Coltman 404. Manganese Persulphate and silver nitrate; Estimation of - by means of. K. Swoboda, 403. Manganese Sodium bismuthate method; Esti-mation of - in water by the. W. D. Collins and M. D. Foster 395. Manganese \’itamins; Association of __ with. J. S. McHargue 445. Manganous Oxalate Manganese ; Estimation of. - as a standard. Manuka Essential oil of -. (Leptospermum scoparium.) I<. Gardner 196. Margarine Labelling of - (Legal Sotes), 276. Maxine Animal Oils - . Identity of pho-coenic acid with valeric acid. E. Andr& 533. Meat Frozen - Moulds on. A. M. Wright, 101. Meat Pastes Hydrogen electrode for use with - etc. (Notes). G. IV. Monier-Williams, 224. Meat Sulphites in raw -; Rate of disap-pearance of.Meats Starch in potted - ; Polarimetric estimation of A. During 389. Mechanical Separation Polonium in sodium hydroxide solution by various substances ; - of. J; Escher Desrivieres 405. Media Kdch s bacillus in ordinary -; De-tection of. G. Phgurier 489. Medical Research Council Cellular Content of Milk; The. Investigation Made on Behalf of the -. 586. Melting Point Coal ash - of. I;. S. Sinnatt and N. Simpkin 406. Membranes High permeability; Collodion -of. J. M. Xelson and D. P. Morgan junr. 201. Mercuric Bromates Analysis; __ in. G. F. Smiih 452. Mercuric Chloride Hubl’s iodine solution; Sub-stitutes for - in. B. -IT. Margosches and W. Hinner 400. F. Auerbach and D. Kriiger 93. 13. W. Coltman 401. I;. H. Campbell 532.Mercuric Chloride Poisoning - ; A case of. Limit of sensitiveness of the test for mercury in toxicology. A. Sartori 348. Mercuric Sulphide Arsenic in the presence of mercury; Solubility of - in ammonia and its influence on the detection of. C. Ghig-liotto 43. Mercury Arsenic in the presence of -; Solubility of mercuric sulphide in ammonia and its influence on the detection of. C. Ghigliotto 43. Mercury Arsenic; Separation of - from. P. Wenger and M. Schilt 603. Mercury Heavy metals in the organism (-, bismuth and lead); Circulation of some. S. Lomholt 699. Mercury Mercuric chloride poisoning; A case of. Limit of sensitiveness of the test for - in toxicology. A. Sartori 348. Mercury Pyridine; Separaticn of - from cadmium by means of. Mercury Spectroscopic identification of -.Naoum 348. Metabolism Bacillus CoZi Communis; Effect of oxygen supply on the - of. M. Stephen-son and M. 1). Whetham 598. Metallic Chromates Acetic acid by different -; Oxidation of. Metallic Salts Fish; Absorption of - by. A. Thomas 190. Metals Heavy - in the organism (mercury. bismuth and lead); Circulation of some. S . Lomholt 599. Meteorological Office - . Air Ministry. Advisory Committee on Atmospheric Pollu-tion. Report on Observations in the Year ending March 31st 1922 34. Meteorological Office -. Air Ministry. Ad-visory Committee on Atmospheric Pollution. Report on Observations in the Year ending Narch 31st 1923 340. Methaemoglobin -; Preparation and cstima-tion of. Methoxyl Wood; Chemistry of.Relation be-tween - and lignin in wood. G. J . Ritter 106. Methyl Esters Bromine on - of phenol-sulphonic acids; Action of. Estimation of sulphur in phenolsulphonic esters and salts. I,. J. Simon and M. Frcrejacque 296. Methyl-Indol Sodamide as a dehydrating agent. Preparation of indol - and its homo!ogucs. M. A. Verley 535. Methyl Salicylate Glucoside Sweet birch; True nature of the - in the bark of the. M. Bridel 285. Methylated-spirit Regulations - ; Xew. 341. Methylene Blue Bleaching damage; - as an indicator of. E. Ristenpart 603. Methylene Blue Sugar in urine by means of Fehling’s solution with - as internal indicator; Estimation of. J . H. Lane and L. Eynon 366. Micro-Analytical Technique. H. €I%usler and A. Eenedetti-Pichler 547.Microchemical Detection Acetaldehyde in fruits; - of. C. Griebel 486. G. Rotter 401. L. J . Simon 396. M. Nicloux and G. Font& 392 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Microchemical Estimation Perchlorate ; - of. A. Pamfilov and W. Jofinow 497. Microchemical Identification Cantharidin ; -of. G. Deniges 40. Microchemical Tests Hexamethylenetetramine ; __ for. H. Leffmann 400. Microchemisfry White pigments and inert bodies as they occur mixed in paints; - of. H. Green 451. Microcrystalline Reaction Cantharidin ; - for identifying traces of. Micro-Detection Copper ; Schiinbein's reaction applied t o the - of. H. Imbert K. 'Imbert and P. Pilgrain 245. Micro-Estimation Sodium ; Volumetric - of. H. Miiller 107. Micro-Incineration Histo-chemical investiga-tions Method of - applicable to.A. Yolicard 52. Micro-Kjeldahl Method Nessler-Folin reagent for ammonia; Direct Xesslerisation - and a modification of thc. F. C. ICoch and T. L. Mcilleekin 604. Micro-Organisms Stock cultures of -; Preservation of. Microscope Approximate index of refraction of liquids with a common -; Simple method for determining the. Microscopic Detection Fortified milks ; - of some. D. W. €lorn 388. Microscopic Examination Minerals by - of their traces left on a hard body; Identification of. 1'. Gaubert 108. Milk Adulteration of -; Haemolvsis as a means of detecting the. M. J. N. Schuursma, 487. Sale of Food and Lrugs Acts. I'ublic Health -Regulations 1912 and 1917. Circular 462 89. Milk I%oric acid in - etc.; Estimation of (Yotrs).J . L;. Iiverseege and H. H. Hagnall 133. Milk Calculations Condensed - (Notes). J . 1:. Liverseege 2713. Milk Calculations Public Heaitli (Dried -) Regulations 1923 (Notes). 11. Henville 472. Milk Cellular Content o i -; The. lnvestiga-tion iiiade on behalf cf the Medical Research Council 585. Milk Copper as a constituent oi -. A. I;. Hess G. C. Supplec and B. ?3ellis 41. Milk Copper in -; Solubility of. I:. E. Rice ant1 J . Miscall 145. Nlilk Germicide for -; Active chlorine as a. H. Hale and 1%'. I,. Bleecltcr 192. Milk Lactic acid organisms in steriliscd -; lnfluence of the bactericidal power of raw -on. 1'. Maze 348. Milk Nitrates In -; Detection of. 11. E. Milk Powder Citric acid content of -; The.Milk Powder Solubility of -; The (Xotes). Milk Products Sub-Committee -. Uniformity G. Deniges 238. A. C,. Thaysen 4413. C. C . Kiplinger 354. (Milk and Cream) Ministry of 'Healtlt. POzzi- Escot 233. L). W. Steuart 465. L. H. I-ampitt and E. €3. Hughes 176. of Methods of Analysis 556. Milk Public Health [Pried -) Regulations, 1923. Calculation of " Equivalent Pints " (Notes). E. Hinks 471. Milk Rennet and of heat on -; Action of. N. C. Wright 290. Mdk Sudan -; The freezing point of. A. F. Joseph and F. J . Martin 420. Milk Trimyristin from -; Separation of. &I. Pi.ettre and C. Roeland 437. Milk Vitamins of -; Influence of diet and sunlight on. E. RI. Luce. 595. Milks Fortified -; Microscopic detection of some.D. MT. Horn 388. Mineral Soils Humic matter in -; Colori-metric estimation of. Minerals Microscopic examination of their traces left on a lia-rd body; Identification of - by. P. Gaubert 108. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries -. In-vestigations into the Causes of the Unusual Mortality in English Oyster Reds in 1920 and 1921 484. Fur dermatitis 521. Interim Report of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of Chilled Reef and Other Foods with Formaldehyde 433. Ministry of Health -. Report on the com-position of commoner British wines and cordials 387. . Sale of Food and Ministry of Health -Drugs Acts. Public €Iealth (Milk and Cream) Regulations 1912 and 1917. Circular 462 S9. Miscibility Cacao butter ; Application of - t o the detection of adulteration of and t o the identification of various pure products.H. Kossett Marange and Vintcr 0 1. Mitchell's Colorimetric Method Catechol tannins ; An attempt t o extend - t o the estimation of. P. €3. Price 361. Mixed Salts Freezing point method ; Analysis of - by the. Moisture Estimations Movement of soil salts on the standardisation values of electrodes used in -; Effect of. Moisture Sulphur and __ in Pyrites Ores; Methods for the Determination of. As ap-proved by the Swedish Government Testing Institute and by the Norwegian Government Analysis Committee 528. Moisture Wheat and flour; Estimation of __ in H. Snyder and B. Sullivan 436. Mojonnier Tester Dairy products with special reference to the --; The routine examination of.L. H. Lampitt E. €3. Hughes and M. Hogod 413. Molasses Kaffinose in sugars ; Estimation of. Proportion of raffinose in -. E. Saillard, 437. Molecular Combination Caffeine and salicylic acid ; __ of. A. Kegenbogen and X. Schoorl, 486. Molybdenum Small amounts of -; Estima-tion of. Application t o ammonium phos-phomolybdate for the indirect titration of phosphorus. A. Vila 153. T. Eden 491. Ministry of Health -. Ministry of Health ~ . H. E. Batsford 109. T. Deighton 103 INDEX TO VOLUAXE SLIX. xxxv Molybdenum Zinc; Use of __ as indicator in the volumetric estimation of. L. Fernandes, 496. Molybdic Method Inorganic phosphorus in serum ; Modification of ~ for the estimation of. S. R. Benedict and I<. c'. Theis 537. Molybdomanganic Method of Font 8s-Thivolle : Copper in cellulose substances by the -; Estimationof.E i . Gault and li. C. hlukerji 196. Monochromatic Light Burner for producing-. A. 0. Jones 108. Morphine Organism; Fate of ~ in the. li. Fabre 539. Mortality Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Investigation into the Causes of the Unusual - in English Oyster Beds in 1920 and 1921, 484. Mosquitoes Blood meal of -; Identification of. Moulds Frozen meat; - on. A. M. Wright, 101. Mustard Added - bran in prepared -; Composition of commercial - brans with special reference to the detection of. R. Hertwig and J . I. Palmore 141. Mustard Bran Commercial mustard brans with special reference to the detection of added - in prepared mustard; Composition of.R. liertwig and J . I. Palmore 141. Mustard Brans Added mustard bran in prepared mustard ; Composition of commercial ~ with special reference t o the detection of. R. Hertwig and J . I. Palmore 141. Mustard Flour and Oil '\Vine industry; - in the. J . C. Delage 94. Mustard Preservative for wine ; Use of essential oil of ~ as a. P. Malvezin and G. Bidart, 140. Myrhh Reaction for -; New. S Dezani, 441. C . G. Bull and W. V. King 99. N Naphthalene Saphthalenesulphonic acids and -; Analysis of. IV. S. Calcott 17. L. English and F. B. Downing 130. Naphthalenesulphonic Acids Naphthalene ; Ana-lysis of - and. W. S Calcott F. L. English and 1;. E. Downing 150. National Physical Laboratory Volumetric Glass-ware; Test on. Classes A and B.The -, Teddington Rliddlescx Metrology Depart-ment Sept. 1924 477. Natural and Culture Pearls -; Diflerentiation of. A. Dauvillier 607. Nessler-Folin Reagent Ammonia ; Direct Sess-lerisation micro-ICjeldahl method and a modification of the - for. F. C. ICoch and T. I,. McMcekin 604. Nesslerisation Micro-Kjeldahl Method Direct - and a modification of the Nessler-Folin reagent for ammonia. F. C. Koch and T. I,. McMeekin 604. New Zealand Dominion Laboratory -. Fifty-sixth Annual Report of the Dominion Analyst for the \-ear 1922 184. Nickel Cobalt and - by tin precipitated a5 stannic sulphide; The carrying down of. V. Auger and L. Odinot 198. Nickel Cobalt and -; Detection of. C. C. Palit 353. Nitrate Frerichs' method Estimation of -in water by the.Nitrate Xitrite and -; The hydrostrychnine reagent for the estimation of. I. AT. Kolthofi, 546. Nitrate Nitrogen - ; Colorimetric estimation of. F. hl. Scales and A. I?. Harrison 405. Nitrate Nitrogen - in the presence of cyans-niide and some of its derivatives; Estimation of. K. D. Jacob 46. Nitrates Milk; Detection of __ in. &I. 13. Pozzi- Escot 233. Nitrates Phenoldisulphonic acid method ; Esti-mation of - in soils by the. H. J. Harper 193. Nitrates Putrefaction of viscera; Total reduc-tion of - and chlorates during. C. Ghig-liotto 395. Nitre Ethyl nitrite; Sweet spirit of - de-ficient in (Legal Notes) 277. Nitric Acid Minute quantities of -; Toxi-cological detection of. Nitrite Nitrate ; The hydrostrychnine reagent for the estimation of - and.I. M. Kolthofi, 546. Nitrogen Coal; The estimation of - in. W. Donovan 57. Nitrogen Department of Scientific and In-dustrial Research. Fuel liesearch Board. Methods of analysis of coal. Estimation of - 230. Nitrogen Error in the Jodlbauer Process for the estimation of total -; Cause of. J. Rordas 103. . Nitrogen Kjeldahl method of estimating -; Application of " Formol Titration " t o the. i f ' . S. Shaw 558. Nitrogen Nitrate - ; Colorimetric estimation of. F. 31 Scales and A. P. Harrison 405. Nitrogenous Constituents Plant tissue ; Effects of the method of dessication on the - of. K. P. Link and E. K. Schule 600. Nitroprussides Ammonia; Application of a new reaction of resorcinol to the detection of -and.M. Caseneuve 195. Nitrosomethylurethane Catechol tans; - as a reagent for. W. Vogel and C. Schiiller 400. Non-drying Oils Catalysts with -; Action of. A. G. Hill 149. Non-Volatile Acids Peach; - of the. E. I<. Selson 592. (Noodles) Alimentary pastes -; Estimation of egg solids in. Norwegian Government Analysis Committee : Sulphur and Moisture in Pyrites Ores; Methods for the Dctcrmination of. As ap-proved by the Swedish Government Testing Institute and by the -. 528. Notes 1924 32 82 133 176 223 274 335, 379 426 471 514 576. Notes from the Reports of Public Analysts 1924 : 33 85 181 337 386 428 474 517 580. A. Massink 539. c. Ghigliotto 44. R. Buchanan 436 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Nucleic Acid Yeast - as a magnesium compound; Preparation of.E. J. Baumann, 536. Nut Oil C.ashew -; Composition of. A. P. West and C. C. Cruz 39. Nut Oil Pili -; Composition of. A. P. West and S. Ralce 38. Nut Oils Philippine Lumbang and Pili -; Effect of composition on the complete hydro-genation of. A. P. West and L. Gonzaga 38. 0 Obituary Notices : OEficial Method Tannin analysis; Rehaviour of U. J. Oil Content Cottcnseed ; Quantitative variation Otto Hehner 501. Edgar Richards 1 61. sodium sulphorcinate in the - of. Thuan and L. Favre 461. of Gossypol and its relation to the - of. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 47. Oil Cyperus esculentus ;- of. .[ . Picxaerts, 188. Oil Excessive - ; Fish meal with (Legal Kotes) 382. Oil Fish meal with excessive __ and deficient phosphate (Legal Notes) 228.Oil Kauri copal - from. ,4. G. Ilill and I). h'ishida 107. Oil of Orris - ; Fixed. P. Langlais and J. Goby 342. Oil of Turpentine Petroleum spirit and -; Estimation of benzene in. J. Pritzker and I<. Jungkunz 450. Oil Paraffin wax; Iiefraction method for esti-mating. K. E. \Vilson and I<. JC. Wilkin 148. Oils and Fats Alcoholysis and the composition of -. G. D. Elsdon 423. Oils and Fats Iodine value of - by means of pyricline sulphate-bromide ; Estimation of the. K. W liosenmund and W. Kuhnhenn 105. Oils 13utter f a t ; The Effect of giving certain ~ in the daily diet of cows on the composi-tion of. H. J . Channon J . C. Drummond and J . Golding 311. Oils Catalysts with non-drying -; Action of. A. G. Hill 149.Oils Chaulmoogra group ; Comparative ana-lytical study of various - in the. G. A. Perkins 236. Oils Hydrogenated -; The recognition of. K. A. Williams and E. R. Bolton 460. Oleum Fuming liquids ; Apparatus for the analysis of - and other. E. Bosshard, 301. Olive Oil (Notes). Opium Paregoric without - (Legal Notes), Optical Activity Sucrose produced by heating ; M. A. Kakusin and Ores Cadmium in spelter and zinc -; F. F. Shelley 335. 583. Changes in the -of. A. N. Nesmejanow 591. Effect of. C. E. Barrs 248. Ores Sulphur and Moisture in Pyrites -; Methods for the Determination of. As ap-proved by the Swedish Government Testing Institute and by the Norwegian Government Analysis Committee 528. Ores Titanous chloride; Volumetric assay of iron - by menas of.Ores Tungsten in low-grade -; Estimation of. E. Jiinger 298. Ores Zinc -; Analysis of. USC of powdered magnesium for the removal of copper and lead. E. G. R. Ardagh and G. R. Bongard 249. Organic Analysis Abstracts 1924 46 104 148, 194 244 295 349 395 447 493 540 600. Organic Analysis Volumetric method ; - by a. J. Lindner 600. Organic Compounds Fluorine in -; Estima-tion of. Organic Compounds Halogen in -; Detection of. Organic Dyes Anti-ferments; Efficiency of some - as. Organic Liquids Pumice stone during the de-hydration of -; Behaviour of. A. Seiden-berg 51. Organic Phosphorus -; Estimation of. E. J -Baumann 319. Organic Products Purity of various - by the dichromate method; Evaluation of. E. C.Grey 194. Organic Substances Catalysts ; Sulpho-chromic oxidation of - and coals in presence of. D. Florentin 244. Organic Substances Combustion in an open tube; Method of analysis of volatile __ by. E. Carriere and C. Leenhardt 601. Organic Substances Phosphorus in -; Esti-mation of. J . Garola 46. Organism Heavy metals in the - (mercury, bismuth and lead); Circulation of some. S . I,oniholt 5!49. Organism Lead in the living -; Distribution of I. A. Christiansen G. Hevesy and S. Loniholt 490. Organism Morphine in the -; Fate of. ILL Fabre 539. Orris Oil of -; Fixed. P. Langlais and J. Goby 542. Osazones :-; Iodinietric estimation of. D. R. ATanji 191. Osmium Tetroxide Gold-beaters' skin test for tannins; - as a reagent for the (Notes).P. H. Price 330. Osmium Tetroxide Tannins and their deriva-tives; - as a reagent for the estimation of. C . A. Mitchell 162. Oxalic Acid Standard substance for titrations; - as a. W. D. Treadwell and H. Johner, 349. Oxidase Preparations Guaiacol for measuring the activity of -; Use of. P. Fleury 347. Oxidation Acetic acid by different metallic chromates; -of. Oxidation Arsenious acid in alkaline solution by permanganate; - of. F. Feigl and F. Weiner 496. I,. Brandt 352. J. Piccard and C. Buffat 104. J. Piccard and F'. De Montmollin 104. E. H. Harvey 488. L. J. Simon 3'36 IXDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xxxvii Oxidation Potential Benzidine as an analytical reagent and an indicator €or a definite -. I. 31. Iiolthoff 493. Oxidisins Enzymes Higher and lower plants ; Comparison of certain - of the.M. E. Robinson 596. Oxidising Enzymes - . VII. The oxygenase of the higher plants. &I. W. Onslow 597. Oxygen Iron salts; Estimation of dissolved -in the presence of. A. M. Buswell and W. U. Gallager 45. Oxygen Supply Metabolism of Bacillus CoZi Communis; Eftect of - on the. M. Stephenson and BI. D. Whctham 598. Oxygenase Oxidising enzymes. VII. The -of the higher plants. Oyster Beds Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Investigations into the Causes of the Unusual Mortality in English ~ in 1920 and 1921 484. 31. W. Onslow 597. P PH Value Apparent dissociation constants of indicators ; Spectrophotometric determina-tion of - and the. PH Value Tungstic acid precipitation of protein; The relation of - to.Paints Heterogeneous systems such as -3Ieasurement of the viscosity of. H. ~ o l f f : 547. Paints White pigments and inert bodies as they occur mixed in -; Microchemistry of. H. Green 451. A. Bijmer and li. Schneider 283. New facts. Murlin 96. Precipitation reactions. C. P. Jiimball and 1. li. llurlin 96. Pancreas Available insulin i n the __ of domestic animals; Amount of. 1;. 1;enger and I<. S. i,Yilson 240. Paper Pulp Analytical filtrations; Lse of ___ in. E. TYilke-Diirfurt and 13. Locher 546. Paraffin Oil Pharmaccotical preparations, Estimation of ___ in. J . Wcichherz and 2. Klinger 189. Paraffin Wax Oil in -; Refraction method for estimating. Ii. E. Wilson and K. E. Wilkin 148. Paraffin Wax Solidification of --; Deter-mination of the rate of.Parchments Fire; Notes on the treatment of - damaged by (Notes). C. G. Matthews, 516. Paregoric Opium; - without (Legal Notes), 583. Pastes Egg solids in alimentary - (Noodles) ; Estimation of. R. Buchanan 436. Pastes Meat - etc. ; Hydrogen electrode for use with (Xotes). G. W. Monier-Wrilliams, 224. W. C. Holmes 253. A. T. Jlcrrill 443. Palm-kernel Oil Glycerides of -. Pancreas Aqueous extracts of - . 11. Pancreas Aqueous extracts of ___ . 111. EL. -4. Piper I<. S. Allen and J. 13. I<. Fricke 546. Pathogenic Bacteria Fruits and Philippine foods eaten raw; Viability of intestinal - in. A. Vasquez-Colet 241. Peach Non-Volatile acids of the -. E. I<. Nelson 592. Pearls Natural and culture -; Differentia-tion of.A. Dauvillier 607. Pecan Oil -; Constituents of. P. D. Boone, 142. Peel Constituents of lemon -; Protopectin and some other. Pemberton-Neumann Method Phosphorus; The - for the estimation of. M. B. Richards and W. Godden 565. Pentosans Pentoses and -; Estimation of. I. The formation and distillation of furfur-aldehyde. N. C. Pervier and. R. A. Gortner, 47. Pentosans Pentoses and --; Estimation of. 11. Estimation of furfuraldehyde. N. C. Pervier and Ji. A. Gortner 106. Pentoses Bacillus Granulobacter Pectino-oorum; Fermentation of - by. W. 12. Peterson E. B. Fred and E. G. Schmidt 489. Pentoses Pentosans; Estimation of - and. 11. Estimation of furfuraldehyde. N. C. Pervier and I<. A.Gortner 106. Pentoses - and pentosans; Estimation of. I. The formation and distillation of furfur-aldehydes. N. C. Pervier and I<. A. Gortner, 47. Pepper Poisoning due t o cayenne - contain-ing lead; Outbreak of. Peppermint Oil Essential oils in certain flavour-ing extracts and of camphor or __ in certain pharmaceutical preparations ; Estimation of. W. W. Randall 140. Perchlorate Method Potassium in soils; The - for the estimation of. H. J . Page 102. Perchlorate iLlicrochemica1 estimation of -. A. Pamfilov and W. Jolinow 497. Permanganate Antimony by means of -; Volumetric estimation of. 0. Collenberg and C;. Bakke 152. Permanganate Arsenious acid in alkaline solution by -; Oxidation of. F. Feigl and I;. Weiner 495. Permanganate Iodine Bromate and Iodate Methods Hydrazine by the -; Volumetric estimation of.Permeability Collodion membranes of high -. J. El. Nelson and D. P. Morgan junr. 201. Permutit Ammonia in urine ; Application of - to the separation and estimation of. A. Kolb 488. Peroxide Ether; Estimation of - in. A. W. liowe and E. P. Phelps 593. Perry Fruit wines (cider or -) in ordinary wine; Detection of. Perspiration Chrome upper leather; Effect of ~ on. Persulphate Manganese by means of - and silver nitrate; Estimation of. K. Swoboda, 403. Petroleum Lubricant and asphaltic hydro-carbons in -. 1%. Sucharipa 141. M. Nicoloff 394. 1. AI. Kolthoff 605. F. Schaffer 235. li. F. Innes 48. C. F. Mabery 106 xxsviii INDEX TO VOLC'NE XLIX. Petroleum Spirit Benzene in - and oil of turpentine; Estimation of.J . Pritzker and R. Jungkunz 450. Pharmaceutical and Bacteriological Gelatins : -; Analysis of. Pharmaceutical Preparations Camphor or peppermint oil in certain -; Estimation of essential oils in certain flavouring extracts and of. Pharmaceutical Preparations Paraffin oil in - ; Estimation of. J . Weichherz and Z. Klinger 189. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg 540. Phenoldisulphonic Acid Method Xitrates in soils by the -; Estimation of. H. J . Harper 193. Phenols Blood; Estimation of - in. K. C. Theis and S. li. Benedict 536. Phenols Spectroscope ; Identification of - by means of the. Phenolsulphonic Acids Methyl esters of -; Action of bromine on. Estimation of sulphur in phenolsulphonic esters and salts.1,. J. Simon and PI. Frerejacque 296. Phenolsulphonic Esters and Salts Methyl esters of phenolsulphonic acids ; Action of bromine on. Estimation of sulphur in -. Id. J . Simon and M. Frh-ejacque 296. Phenylhydrazine Glucose and - ; Inter-action of. 150. Philippine Foods Fruits and - eaten raw; Viability of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in. =2. Vasquez-Colet 241. Philippine Lumbang and Pili Nut Oils Complete hydrogenation of -; Effect of composition on the. Phccoenic Acid Marine animal oils. Identity of ~ with valeric acjd. Phocoenic and Valeric Acids --; Identity of. E. AndrC. 296. Phosgene -; Estimation of. H. G. Reeves, 495. Phosphate Bismuth as -; Separation of. G. Luff 197. Phosphate Excessive oil and deficient -; Fish meal with (Legal Xotes) 228.Phosphate Secondary -; Direct estimation of. Phosphine Acetylene; The estimation of __ in (Fotes). T. E. Perks 38. Phosphcric Acid Eggs; Rcid-soluble - in. I,. Pine 531. Phosphoric Acid -; Detection of. F. Frey, 353. Phosphorous and Hypophosphsrous Acids -; Iodimetric estimation of. A. Rrukl and 3i. Hehr 406. Phosphorus Blood; Kictes on the estimation of - in. R1. Martland and K. Robison, 598. Phosphorus Molybdenum; Estimation of small amounts of. Application to ammonium phos-phomolybdate for the indirect titration of -. A. Vila 153. E. Cattelain 391. W. W. Randall 410. Pharmacology Gossypol ; - of. E. TV. S. Palkin and H. Wales 407. E. Knecht and F. P. Thompson, A. P. West and I. Gonzaga 38.E. Andri. 533. I. N. Kugelmass and C. Rothwell 198. Phosphcrus Molybdic method for the cstima-tion of inorganic - in serum; Modification of. S. R. J3enedict and R. C. Theis 537. Phosphorus Organic -; Estimation of. E. J . I3aumann 349. Phosphorus Organic substances ; Estimation of ___ in. J . Garola 46. Phosphorus Pemberton-Xeumann method for the estimation of -; The. &I. B. Richards and 14'. Godden 565. Phosphorus Toxicological tests for -; Failure of the. Fr. Bartschat 293. Physical Methods Apparatus Etc. Abstracts : 1924 50 108 199 252 299 354 406 451, 497 516 606. Physiological Assay Insulin preparations; -of. Phytosterols Endosperm of maize; - of the. I<. J . Anderson 399. K. J. Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 449.Picric Acid Insulin from the cod fish. Direct application of - to the islet tissue. I f . W. Dudley 597. Picric Acid Method :. Sugars ; Modifications of the - for the estimation of. J. J . Willaman and 17. R. Davison 691. Pickled Herrings Hydrogen peroxide ; The bleaching of - with. Picrates Creatinine - ; Rubidium and caesium. Picric Acid Starch and sugars by the use of -; Estimation of. M. 12. Coe and G. L. Bidwell, 234. Pigments Grape ; - ; Chemistry of. Rntho-cyanins in Clinton grapes. K. J . Anderson and I:. P. Nabenhauer 533. Pigments White - and inert bodies as they occur mixed in paints ; Microchemistry of. E l . Green 451. Pili and Lumbang Nut Oils Complcte hydro-genation of Philippine -; Etfect of com-position on the. A. P.West and L. Gonzaga, 38. Pili Nut Oil -; Composition of. A. P. West and S. Balce 38. Pills Chocolate-coated tablets and -; Choco-late in. Pinene Commercial -; Examination of. 21. (;awalowski 602. " Pi& " Department of Scientific and 111-dustrial Research. Food Investigation Board. Red discoloration (so-called -) on dried salted fish 86. Pipette Gas analysis ; Absorption - for. S. \kT. Saunders 201. Plant Fluids Chlorides in -; Titration of. J . V. Lawrence and J . A. Harris 393. Plant Tissue Kitrogeneous constituents of ~ ; Effects of the method of dessication on the. I<. P. Link and E. I<. Schule 600. Plant Tissues Tannin in -; Estimation of. P. Menaul 193. Plants Oxidising enzymes of the higher and lower -; Comparison of certain.M. 1:. Robinson 596. H. Penau and H. Simonnet 95. Phytosterols Wheat endosperm ; The - of. 0. Liining 532. I . Greenwald and J . Gross 346. E. S. I<ose 485 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xsxix Plants Oxidising enzymes. VII. The oxy-genase of the higher -. 31. W. Onslow, 597. Platinum Electrolysis ; Substitute for - in. M. Bleesen 164. Platinum Metals Copper from the -; Separa-tion of. W. H. Swanger and E . Wichers 545. Platinum Rhodium from -; Separation of. E. Wicliers 545. Platinum Sulphides ; Precipitation of - and copper as. R. Doht 402. Podophyllin - ; Note on. D. B. Dott 144. Poisoning Acetanilide -; Case of. EstPve, 538. Poisoning Arsenical - ; The Swedish Com-mission on. Petrim 102. Poisoning Barium sulphate administered for X-Kay examination ; - by.E. Dinslage and 1;r. Bartschat 293. Poisoning Cayenne pepper containing lead ; Outbreak of - due to. Poisoning Fluosilicic acid; Case of __ by. Liihrig 638. Poisoning Mercuric chloride -; -4 case of. Limit of sensitiveness of the test for mercury in toxicology. A. Sartorj 348. Poisoning Sodium arsenate; A case of - by. M. Bride] 101. Polarimetric Estimation hlalic acid; - of. F. Auerbach and D. Kruger 92. Polarimetric Method Diastatic power; - for the estimation of. Polluted Waters Artificially -; Effects of storage on. li. C. Frederick 63. Polonium Sodium hydroxide solution by various substances Mechanical separation of - in. J Escher-DesriviBres 40’5. Polymer Hydrocyanic acid; Toxicity of a -of. C.Bedel 539. Porcelain Crucibles Filtrations; Porous - for. G. F. Huttig and K. Schmitz 464. Pork Vitamin A in frozen -; Presence of. A. M. Wright 98. Portsmouth Borough of -. Report of the Public Analyst for the I‘ear 1923. R. P. Page 617. Potable Waters Vrine The estimation of lead in - and in. Potassium Ferrocyanide Fining of wine with -; The. H. Bosselmann 342. Potassium Permanganate Iodimetric standard ; - as an. J. &I. Hendel 247. Potassium Reagent for -; Sew. H. Davies and IY. Davies 154. Potassium Soils; The perchlorate method for the estimation of - in. Potatoes Solanine content of -; The. A. Biimer and H. Mattis 284. Potatoes Solanine content of the 1922 crop of -_ ; ‘I’hd. C. Griebel 486. Potatoes Solanine; - containing a large amount of.E. Schowalter and W. Hartmann, 304. Potentials Silver copper and bismuth by graduated - ; Rapid electro-analytical separation of. A. Lassieur 297. 31. Nicolofi 394. H. C. Gore 444. J. C,. Thresh 124. H. J . Page 192. Potted Meats Starch in -; Polarimetric estimation of. A. During 389. Poultry Excreta Uric acid in -; Estimation of. H. E. Woodman 492. Precipitation Reactions Pancreas Aqueous extracts of. 111. -. C. P. Kimball and J. R. Murlin 96. F. V. Sander 99. Prescriptions Cheese ; Collection of legislative - concerning 230. Preservatives Food; Final Report of the De-partmental Committee on the Use of - and Colouring Matters in 522. President Retiring -; Annual Address of the. 115. Pressure Fractional distillation under reduced -; Apparatus for.E. Andrk 407. Printing Ink Arsenic in - (Notes). G. 11. Elsdon 336. Protein Prr value to tungstic acid precipitation of -; The relation of. Proteins Copper salts; Precipitation of lacto-- by. Proteins Milk-whey ; - of. Their separation by the acetone method. RI. Piettre 139. Proteins Wheat bran; - of. D. B. Jones and C. E. F. Gersdorff 90. Proteolytic Action Hydrogen ion concentration ; - of Bacillus Granulobactor Pectinooo-rum and its effect on the. W. H. Peterson, E. B. Fred and B. P. Domogalla 599. Protopectin Lemon peel; - and some other constituents of. K. Sucharipa 141. Public Analyst and Bacteriologist City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull. Report of the - for 1923. Public Analyst Borough of Portsmouth.Report of the - for the Y.ear 1923. li. P. Page, 517. Public Analyst City of Birmingham. Report of the - for the Second Quarter 1924. J. I;. Liverseege 580. Public Analyst Metropolitan Borough of Ham-mersmith. Annual Report of the - for 1923. Public Gas Supplies Carbon monoxide in -. Report to the Board of Trade 482. Public Health (Condensed Milk) Regulations : Equivalent Pints ” Declaration; Tables for testing (h’otes). Public Health (Dried Milk) Regulations Calcula-tions - 1923 (Notes). D. Henville 472. Public Health (Dried Milk) Regulations -> 1923. Calculation of “ Equivalent Pints ” (NFtes). E. Hinks 471. Public Health (Milk and Cream) Regulations: Ministry of Health. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts. - 1912 and 1917.Circular 462. 89. Publications Received 1924 66 160 310 360, 566. Pulp Analytical filtrations; Use of paper -in. E. Wilke-Diirfurt and E. Locher 546. Pulp Lignin in wood -; Quantitative esti-mation of. H. Wenzl 543. Preservation Blood for analysis ; - of. A. T. Illerrill 443. A. J. J. Vandevelde 289. A. R. Tankard 474. P. A. E. Richards 428. li. E. Essery 178. xl ISDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Pumice Stone Organic liquids; Iiehaviour of ____ during the dehydration of. A. Seiden-berg 51. Pure . and Applied Chemistry International Union of -. Suggested Standards for Hydrochloric Acid. Sodium Chloride and Zinc 250. Pure Products Identification of various -; Application of miscibility t o the detection of adulteration of cacao butter and t o the.H. Rosset Marange and Vinter 91. Purity Various organic products by the di-chromate method; Evaluation of - of. E. C. Grey 194. Putrefaction Fish; Detection of incipient -in. Putrefaction Viscera; Total reduction of nitrates and chlorates during - of. C. Ghigliotto, 395. Pyridine Mercury from cadmium by means of -; Separation of. Pyridine Sulphate-Bromide Iodine value of oils and fats by means of -; Estimation of the. K. W. Iiosenmund and ?V. I<&nhenn 105. Pyrimidines - ; Chemistry of the. 0. Haudisch 392. Pyrites Ores Sulphur and Moisture in -; Methods for the Iletermination of. As ap-proved by the Swedish Government Testing Institute and by the Norwegian Government Analysis Committee 525. Pyrogallol Antimony by means of -; De-tection and estimation of.J. Tillmans and R. Otto 292. G. Kotter 401. I;. 1;eigl. 402. Q Qualitative Tests Acetone bodies; - for. Quassine Anhydrous - Commercial. lieng-I<. J . Bigwood and IV. S. Idadd 100. niez 4S7. R Radium Hariuni; Separation of - and. V. Chlopine 49. Raffinose Sugars; Estimation of - in. Pro-portion of - in molasses. E. Saillard 437. Rag Flock Act Appeal case under the -(Legal Notes) 430. Rag Flock Act Case (Legal Notes) 338. Rancid Fats Compounds developed in -. W. C. Powick 188. Rat-Growth Method Vitamin H ; Investigation and application of the - for studying. IT. C. Sherman and A. Spohn 42. Raw Meat Sulphites in -; liate of disap-pearance of. Reaction Aldehydes; Kew __ of. K. de E’azi 601.Reaction J,ow temperature tars; K‘ew - for. F. Schulz and J . Prunet 398. Reagent Aldehydes; Benzidine as a - for. P. N. Van Eck 105. Reagent Boric acid estimations; Invert sugar as a - for (Kotes). G. Van B. Gilmour 576. I;. H. Campbell 532. Reagent Carbon monoxide; New - for. A. Damiens 298. Reagent Catechol tans; S;itrosomcthyluretliane as a - for. W. Vogel and C. Schiiller 400. Reagent Nitrite and nitrate; The hydro-strychnine - for. Reagent Potassium; Sew - for. H. JIaL-ies and U’. Davies 154. Reagent Tannins and their derivatives ; Osmium tetroxide as a - for the estimation of. C,. A. Mitchell 162. Receiving Apparatus Distillation a t low pres-sures; - for. Red Discoloration Department of Scientific and Industrial licsearch.Food 1 nvestigation Board. __ (so-called “ Pink ”) on dried salted fish 86. Reducing Agents Titanous salts as -. 1.3. Knecht 494. Reducing Sugars Cupro-potassium solution ; Estimation of - by means of. L. Jlaquenne, 90. Reducing Sugars 31altose in presence of other - by means of lhrfoed’s solution; Estima-tion of. P. Xottin 486. Reducing Sugars Sucrose ; I.3stimation of -and. Reductase Test Colloids on the -; influence of. X. I. Virtanen 597. Refined Coconut Oil Alkali or soap in -; Limits for the detection of traces of. W. L. Brooke 592. liquids with a common microscope ; Simple method for determining the. C. C Kip-linger 354. Refraction Method Oil in paraffin was; - for estimating. li. E. LYilson and I<. E. Il’ilkin, 14s. Regulations Calculations Public Health (Dried Milk) - 1923 (Notes).L>. Henville 172. Regulations Methylated-Spirit -; Sew 341. Regulations Public Health (Condensed Milk) -. Tables for testing “ Equivalent Pints ” Declaration (Sotes). Regulations Public Health (Dried hlilk) -, 1923. Calculation of “ Equivalent Pints ” (Notes). E. Hinks 471. Reichert-Meissl Value Almond oil and apricot kernel oil; The ___ of (Notes). C;. D. Elsdon and P. Smith 180. Rennet Milk; Action of - and of heat on. N. C. Wright 290. Report Borough of Portsmouth. - of the Public Analyst for the Year 1923. 13. P. Page 517. Report Carbon monoxide in Public Gas Supplies. - t o the Board of Trade 482. Report Chrome-leather analysis. Interna-tional Commission -. l<.E’. Innes 48. Report City and County of Kingston-upon-Hull. - of the Public -Analyst and 13ac-teriologist for 1923. Report City of Birmingham. Annual - of the City Analyst for 1923. J . F. Liverseege. 476. I. M. Kolthoff 54ti. \V. F. Seyer 364. W. Thomas and I<. A. l)utcher 435. Refraction Approximate index of - of I<. E. Essery 1 i S . A. K. Tankard 474 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xli Report City of Birmingham. - of the City Analyst for the Third Quarter 1923. J- F. I,iverseege 85. Report City of Birmingham. - of the City A4nalyst for the Fourth Quarter 1023. J . F. l,iverseege 281. Report City of Birmingham. - of the City Analyst for the 1st Quarter 1924. J. F. Iiverseege 380. Report City of Birmingham. - of the Public Analyst for the Second Quarter 1924.J. F. Liverseege 580. Report Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Twenty-seventh __ on Food Products (1922) 278. Report Countv Borough of Salford. Annual ___ of the Eorough Analyst for 1922. G. D. Elsdon 33. Report County Borough of Salford. Annual - of the Horough Analyst for 1923. G. D. Elsdon 518. Report County of Kent. - of the Agricul-tural Analyst for the Fourth Quarter 1923. F. W. F. Arnaud 182. Report County of Lancaster. Annual - of the County Analyst for 1923. \V. C. liilliams, 337. Report Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. - of the Food lnvestigation Board for the Year 1!)22 137. Report Dominion Laboratory New Zealand. Fifty-sixth Annual - of the Dominion 4nalyst for the Year 1922 184.Report Fedefated Malay States. Annual -of the Chemical Laboratories for 1923. H. Marsden 584. Report Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906; - of the Departmental Committee on the 383. Report Fuel Research Board. Physical and Chemical Survey of the National Coal Re-sources. - on Methods of Analysis of Coal 36. Report Government Laboratory ; - of the Government Chemist upon the lt’ork of the, 525. Report Government of Madras. - of the Chemical Examiner for the Year 1923 431. Report Jleteorological Office. Air Ministry. Advisory Committee on Atmospheric Pollu-tion. - on Observations in the Year Ending March 31st 1922 34. Report Rleteorological Office. Air Ministry. ,4dvisory Committee on Atmospheric Pollu-tion. - on Observations in the Year ending March 31-t l!P23 340.Report Metropolitan Borough of Hammer-smith. Annual - of the Public Analyst for 1923. Interim - of the Food Preservatives Committee on the Treatment of Chilled Beef and Other Foods with Formaldehyde 433. - on the com-position of commoner British wjncs and cordials 387. P. A. E. liichards 428. Report Ministry of Health. Report Ministry of Health. Report Preservatives and Colouring Matters in Food Final - of the Departmental Com-mittee on the Use of 522. Report Standardisation of Scientific Glassware ; Joint Committee for the. - No. 1. On Units of Volume 459. Report l’he Government Laboratory Bangkok, Siam. First - from Kovember 1917 to March 31 1922 88. Report LYorld’s Dairy Congress ; - on the.J . Golding 269. Resin Cotton; Estimation of fat wax and -in. P. H. Clifiord L. Higginbotham and R. G. Fargher 350. Resins Solutions of - etc.; A simple vis-cometer for. I<. Albert 252. Resorcinol Nitroprussides and ammonia; Ap-plication of a new reaction of - t o the detection of. 31. Caseneuve 195. Reviews of Books : Alcoholic Fermentation. Alkaloide Analytische Chemie der -. Alkaloids Plant -; The. T. A4. Henry 551. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol. I . 165. Analysis Gravimetric -; Supplementary Notes on. W. Lowson 458. Analytical Chemistry __ Vol. lI. Quanti-tative. F. P. Treadwell and W. T. Hall 608. Analytische Chemie Alkaloide; - tler. K. H. Rauer 110. Applied Chemistry Dictionary of -; A. Volume V.Oxygen to Rye. E. Thorpe and Eminent Contributors 549. Applied Chemistry Society of Chemical Industry Reports of the Progress of -Issued by the. Boiler Chemistry Feed Water Supplies ; -and. J . H. Paul 553. British Empire Mineral Resources with Special Reference to the -; Monographs on. Vanadium Ores 412. Canned Foods 1 iealth (Milroy Lectures 2923) : - in Relation to. Carbohydrates Glucosides ; The Simple -and the. Cereal Chemistry __ ; Modern. r). W. Kent- Jones 609. Chamber Process Sulphuric Acid ; The RIanu-facture of. - . W. Wyld 611. Cheese Legislative Prescriptions Concerning -; Collection of. Chemical Analysis Quantitative - . F. Clowes and J . B. Coleman 258. Chemical Analysis Technical Methods of -. Lunge and Keane 365.Chemical Encyclopaedia. C. C . Kingzett, 555. Chemical Reactions Equations; - and their. Chemical Synonyms Trade Sames; - and. Mi. Gardner 208. . Studies in the Chemical Synthesis __ Investigation of Natural Organic Products. H. IIepworth 157. A. Harden 158. K. 1-1. Eauer 110. Vol. VIII. 359. W. G. Savage 302. E. F. Armstrong 497. A. J . Swaving 207. J . W. D. Hackle 455 xlii INDEX TO VOLUbIE XLIX. Reviews of Books-conlznued : Chemistry -4nalytical - L-01. I I . Quanti-tative. 1'. I?. Treadwell and W. T. Hall, 608. Chemistry Cereal -; 3Iodern. 1). \I-. Kent- Jones 609. Chemistry Electron in - ; The. J. J. Thomson 202. Chemistry General -. H. C . Deming 301. Chemistry Rubber; The - of. 13. L). VCT. Luff 159. Chemist's Year Book -; The 1924.1". W. Atack 306. Chimie Colloidale 3Ianipulations de -. W. Ostwald 410. Chimie Minerale Conferences de -. Mikaux. M. Cuichard. 255. Chocolate Industry Cocoa and -; The. A. W. Knapp 550. Clouds Smokes; - and. ?T7. I:. Gibbs, 410. Cocoa - and Chocolate Industry; The. A. W. Knapp 550. Complex Compounds Inorganic -; The Chemistry of the. An Introduction to Werner's Coordination Theory. R. Schwarz d O 2 . Compounds Inorganic Complex -; 'The Chemistry of the Lln Introduction to Werner's Coordination Theory. K. Schwarz, 552. Coordination Theory Inorganic Complex Compounds; The Chemistry of the. An Introduction to Werner's -. li. Schwarz, 552. Dangerous Goods. J . Aeby 457. Dictionary Applied Chcmistry; L\ - of.Volume V. Oxygen to Rye. 1.3. Thorpe and Eminent C,ontributors 549. Differentiation Tissue Culture " in Vitro " ; The Techniclue of. Tissue Culture in Relation to Growth and -. T. S. P. Strangeways 6 14. Electron Chemistry; The __ in. J . J . Thomson 2C2. Encyclopaedia Chemical --. C. T. King-zett 555. Equations Chemical Reactions and their -. J. M'. D. Hackle 455. Fats - Satural and Synthetic. ?V. \Y. Myddleton and T. H. Barry 305. Fats Oils - Waxes and Resins. E. 13. Bolton and R. G. Pelly 303. Feed Water Supplies Boiler Chemistry and -. J . H. Paul 553. Fermentation Alcoholic -. A . IIarden, 158. Food Analysis Pharmaceutical and -. A. Thurston 455. Foods Health (Milroy Lectures 1923) ; Canned - in Relation to. IfT. C;. Savage, 302.Glucosides Simple Carbohydrates and the -; The. Grassi Olii e -. Vegetali Aninlali e llinerali. G. Fabris 499. - -1.3. 1;. Armstrong 497 Reviews of Books-cotztLiaued : Gravimetric Analysis Supplementary Notes on -. 177. Lowson 458. Growth Tissue Culture " in Vitro "; The Technique of. Tissue Culture in Relation to - and Ilifierentiation. T. S. P. Strangeways 614. Health Canned Foods in Relation to -(Milroy Lectures 1033). W. G. Savage, 302. Hetero-Atom Nitrogen Ring Compounds Containing a Single - (Nitrogen); The Synthesis of. C. Hollins 613. Hydrogen Ions Determination of -; The. W. M. Clark 157. Inks - Their Composition and Manu-facture. C. A. Mitchell 498. Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry Com-prehensive Treatise on -; A.Vol. IV. J. W. Mellor 254. Inorganic Chemistry Synthetic -. A. A. Blanchard and J. W. Phelan 204. Inorganic Complex Compounds Chemistry of the -; The. An Introduction to Wcr-ner's Coordination Theory. li. Schwarz, 552. Isotopes - ; 1 es. Konduktometrische Titrationen. I. 31. Kolthoft 6 0 i . Laboratory Manual Physical Chcmistry ; -of. A. W. Davidson and H. S. Van Klooster 53. Laboratory Organisation Tested Method of -; A. S. Pile and K. C . Johnston, 157. Lead - Its Occurrence in Nature the Modes of its Extraction its Properties and Uses with some Account of its Principal Compounds. J. A. Smythc 256. Legislative Prescriptions Checsc ; Collection of - Concerning. Lime Magnesia; - and. N. V. S. Knibbs, 612. Living Organisms Urea; The Chemistry of : The Theory of its Constitution and of the Origin and Mode of its Formation in -.E. A. ?Verner 112. Magnesia Lime and -. S. V. S. Knibbs, 612. MBtaux Chimie N i n h l e ; Confkrences de. - &I. Guichard 255. Micro-Organisms Soil; The ___ of the. Sir J. Russell and Others 111. (Milroy Lectures 1923) Canned Foods in Relation to Health -. W. G. Savage, 302. Mineral Analysis Tested Methods of -. B. T. Kitto 357. Mineral Resources British Empire ; Mono-graphs on - with Special Reference t o the. Vanadium Ores 412. Natural Organic Products Chemical Synthesis. Studies in the Investigation of -. H. Hepworth 457. Nitrates Nitric Acid and --; The Manu-iacture of. A. Cottrell 55. A. Damiens 407. A. J . Swaving 207 ISDEX TO VOLUME XLIX.xliii Reviews of Books-continued : Nitric Acid - and Nitrates; The Manu-facture of. A. Cottrell 55. Nitrogen Hetero-atom (-) ; The Synthesis of - Ring Compounds Containing a Single. C. Hollins 613. Nitrogen Ring Compounds Hetero-atom; The Synthesis of - Containing a Single (Nitrogen). C. Hollins 613. Oils - Fats Waxes and Resins. E. R. Bolton and R. G. Pelly 303. Olii - e Grassi. Vegetali Animali e Minerali. <;. Fabris 490. Organic Analysis Commercial -; Allen’s. VOl. I. 155. Organic Products Chemical Synthesis. Studies in the Investigation of Natural -. H. Hepworth 457. Organic Syntheses. Vol. IIT. H. T. Clarke, 206. Organisation Laboratory - ; A Tested Method of. S. Pile and R. G. Johnston 157.Perfumes Synthetics; - and Synthetics with Especial Reference to. W. A. Poucher, 600. Petroleum Technologist’s Pocket Book Red-wood and Eastlake’s - 54. Pharmaceutical and Food Analysis. A. Thurston 455. Photography Scientific Implement; - as a. By Various Contributors 307. Physical Chemistry Laboratory Manual of -. A. W. Davidson and H. S. Van Klooster 53. Physiology Plant -. V. I. Palladin 205. Plant Alkaloids -; The. T. A. Henry 551. Plant Physiology. Prescriptions Cheese ; Collection of Legis-lative - Concerning. A. J . Swaving, 207, Proteins Vegetable -; The. T. B. Os-borne 359. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. F. Clowes and J . B. Coleman 268. Reactions Equations; Chemical - and their. Redwood and Eastlake’s Petroleum Tech-nologist’s Pocket Book 54.Reports Progress of Applied Chemistry Issued by the Society of Chemical Industry; - of the. Vol. VIII. 359. Resins Oils Fats Waxes and -. E. R. Bolton and R. G. Pelly 303. Rubber Chemistry of -; The. I?. D. W. Luff 159. Rubber Chemistry Systematic Survey of -; A. C. W. Bedford and 14. A. Winkelmann, 207. Smokes Clouds and -. W. E. Gibbs 410. Society of Chemical Industry Progress of Applied Chemistry Issued by the -; Reports of the. Soil Micro-Organisms of the -; The. Sir J. Russell and Others 111. Stdphuric Acid Manufacture of -; The. Chamber Process. W. Wyld 611. V. I. Palladin 205. J. W. D. Hackle 455. Vol. VIII. 359. Reviews of Books-continued : Synonyms Trade Names; Chemical - and. W. Gardner 208, Syntheses Organic -.Vol. 111. H. T. Clarke 206. Synthesis Chemical - . Studies in the Investigation of Natural Organic Products. H. Hepworth 457. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. A. A. Blan-chard and J . W. Phelan 204. Synthetics Perfumes and - with Especial lieference to -. Systematic Survey Rubber Chemistry; A - of. C. W. Redford and H. A. Winkel-mann 207. Technical Methods Chemical Analysis; -of. Lunge and Keane 355. B. T. Kitto 357. Theoretical Chemistry Inorganic and -; A Comprehensive Treatise on. Vol. IV. J . W. Mellor 254. Tissue Culture “ In Vitro ”; The Techniquc of-. - in Relation to Growth and Differentiation. T. S. P. Strangeways 614. Titrationen Konduktometrische -. I. M. Kolthoff 607. Trade Names Chemical Synonyms and -.W. Gardner 208. Urea The Chemistry of -; The Theory of its Constitution and of the Origin and Mode of its Formation in Living Organisms. E. A. Werner 112. Vanadium Ores Mineral Resources with Special Reference to the British Empire; Vegetable Proteins - ; The. T. B. Os-borne 359. Water Supplies Feed -; Boiler Chemistry and. J H. Paul 553. Waxes Oils Fats - and Resins. E. R. Bolton and R. G. Pelly 303. Werner’s Coordination Theory Inorganic Complex Compounds; The Chemistry of the. An Introduction to - R. Schwarz 552. X-Rays - . Their Origin Dosage and Practical Application. W. E. Schall 357. Year Book Chemist’s -; The 1924 F. W. iltack 306. Rhamnus Purshiana Wood and bark of -; Cascara content of the. K. H. Clark and K. B.Gillie 441. Rhodium Platinum; Separation of - from. E. Wichers 645. Rice Husks Sharps; - in (Legal Notes) 429. Rice Wild -; Nutritive properties of. C. Kennedy 342. Ring Scheibler’s dessicator; A simple non-splash - for use with. S. C. Bradford, 497. Routine Examination Mojonnier Tester; The - of dairy . . . products with special re-ference to the. L. H. Lampitt E. B. Hughes and M. Bogod 413. Rubber Articles Analysis of -; Standard methods for the 351. W. A. Poucher 500. Tested Methods Mineral Analysis ; - of. Monographs on. - . 412 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Rubber Total sulphur in - (Notes). F. H. Alcock 579. Rubidium CreatMne Picrates Caesium and -. I. Greenwald and J. Gross 346. Rntin Flowers of elder; - from the. C. E. Sando and J.U. Lloyd 195. Rye and Wheat Flours Aqueous extract ; Iden-tification of - by means of their. R. Strohecker 282. Bye Flour Wheat flour; Estimation of - in. J. Konig and F. Rartschat 187. S Saccharin Vinegar and products containing acetic acid Detection of - and dulcin in. G. Reif 92. Salad Dressing. A. E. Paul 142. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Ministry of Health. -. Public Health (Milk and Cream) Regulations 1912 and 1917. Circular 462 89. Salford County Borough of -. Annual Report of the Borough Analyst for 1922. G. D. Elsdon 33. Salford County Borough of -. Annual Report of the Borough Analyst for 1923. G. D. Elsdon 518. Salicylic Acid Caffeine and -; Molecular combination of. A. Regenbogen and N. Schoorl 486. Salmon Canned -; Composition of.0. E. Shostrum R. W. Clough and E. D. Clark 233. Salted Fish Department of Scientific and In-dustrial Research. Food Investigation Board. Red discoloration (so-called “ Pink ”) on dried - 86. Salts Dissolved oxygen in the presence of iron -; Estimation of. A. M. Buswell and W. U. Gallager 45. Salts Lacto-proteins by copper -; Precipi-tation of. Salts Metallic - by fish; Absorption of. A. Thomas 190. Salts Mixed - by the freezing point method ; Analysis of. Salts of Copper Toxicity of -. J . Effront, 447. Salts Reducing agents; Titanous - as. E. Knecht 494. Sand Cinnamon; - in (Legal Notes) 228. Santonin Indian “ Artemisia ” as a source of - 39. Santonin Wormseed; Estimation of - in. 0. P. A. Schaap 345. Saponins Frothing agents Evaluation of -as.L. Kofler 239. Scheibler’s Dessicator Non-splash ring for use with -; A simple. Schonbein’s Reaction Copper; - applied to the micro-detection of. H. Imbert R. Imbert and P. Pilgrain 248. Scientific Glassware Standardisation of -; Joint Committee for the. Report No. 1. On Units of Volume 479. A. J. J. Vandevelde 289. H. E. Batsford 109. S. C. Bradford 497. Secondary Phosphate - ; Direct estimation of. Seeds Ipomoea hederacea and other species of Zpomoea ; Histological and chemical examina-tion of the - of. H. L. Kassner 285. Seeds Tung oil. Oil from the - of Aleurites montana. R. N. Parker Ail. G. Kau W. A. Robertson and J. L. Simonsen 399. Sensitive Reactions Copper ; ___ for (Notes). R. Fleming 275.Sensitive Reagent Ferrous salts ; 2-4-dinitroso-resorcinol as a - for. M. Goldstiick 544. Serum Inorganic phosphorus in -; Modi-fication of molybdic method for the estimation of. S. R. Benedict and K. C. Theis 537. Serum Lead compounds in blood -; Solu-bility of various. Sesame Oil Chemical composition of -. G. S. Jamieson and W. F. Baughman 236. Sesame Oil Baudouin’s test for -. C. 0. Gravenhorst 142. Shark Meal Urea in - ; Significance of. D. B. Dill 540. Sharps Rice husks in - (Legal Notes), 429. Shell Eggs Adulteration of - (Legal Notes), 520. Ships Food material; The hydrocyanic acid fumigation of - and its effect on. P. Buttenberg and H. Weiss 533. Siam The Government Laboratory Bangkok, -. First Report from November 1917, to March 31 1922 88.Silicon Iron - alloys by their physical properties; Estimation of - in. T. D. Yensen 300. Silver Dichromate Coal by - and sulphuric acid; Oxidation of. Silver Nitrate Manganese by means of persul-phate; Estimation of. Silver - copper and bismuth by graduated Potentials ; Rapid electro-analytical separa-tion of. A. Lassieur 297. Simultaneous Estimation Two halogens -of. H. Jahn 250. Soap Alkali or - in refined coconut oil; Limits for the detection of traces of. W. L. Brooke 592. Soap Anhydrous - in lubricating grease; Estimation of. B. Joachim 449. Soap Powder -; Analysis of. F. 17. Flanders and A. D. Truitt 105. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists Proceedings of the 1924 1 57. 113 161 209 259 311 361 413 459 501, 557.Soda Plumbite Test Gasoline; The - of. B. T. Brooks 397. Sodamide Dehydrating agent; - as a. Preparation of indol methyl-indol and its homologues. M. A. Verley 535. Sodium Arsenate Poisoning by - A case of. M. Bridel 101. Sodium Bismuthate Method Manganese in water by the -; Estimation of. W. D. Collins and M. D. Foster 395. I. N. Kugelmass and C. Rothwell 198. 1,. T. Fairhall 490. L. J . Simon 245. K. Swoboda 403 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. XIV Sodium Chloride International Union of Pure and Applied chemistry. Suggested Standards for Hydrochloric Acid - and Zinc 280. Sodium Hydroxide Solution Polonium in ___ by various substances ; Mechanical separation of. J. Escher-Desrivitxres 406. Sodium Hypobromite Ammonia by means of -; The estimation of.I”. R. Donald, 375. Sodium Micro-estimation of - ; Volumetric. H. Muller 107. Sodium Peroxide - ; Analysis of. E. Boss-hard and E. Furrcr 353. Sodium Sulphorcinate Oficial method of tannin analysis; Rehaviour of ___ in the. U. J . T h a n and L. Favre 451. Sodium Trichloroacetate Sugar estimations; Effect of - on. Soil Bacteria in -; Determination of the number of. C. L. lihittles 489. Soil-Point Method M’ater-supplying power of a soil in the field; - for directly estimating the. F. Hardy 102. Soil Salts Standardisation values of electrodes used in moisture estimations; Effect of move-ment of - on the. Soil Water-supplying power of a - in the field ; - -point method for directly estimat-ing the. F.Hardy 102. Soils Humic matter in mineral -; Colori-metric estimation of. Soils Nitrates in - by the phenol-disul-phonic acid method; Estimation of. H. J . Harper 193. Soils Potassium in - ; The perchlorate method for thc estimation of. El. J. Page, 192. Solanine Content Potatoes; The - of. A. Biimer and 13. Mattis 284. Solanhe Content Potatoes; The - of the 1922 crop of. C. Griebel 486. Solanine Potatoes containing a large amount of -. E. Schowalter and W. Hartmann, 394. Solid and Liquid Fatty Acids -; Quantitative separation of. D. Holde 31. Selim and W. Bleyberg 448. Solidification Paraffin wax ; Determination of the ratc of - of. Soluble Aluminium Filtered waters; - and the haemotoxylin test in. LV. D. Hatfield, 243 Solutions Emission spectra of -; Colloidal poles for observing the.Solutions of Resins etc. Simple viscometer for -; A. K. Albert 252. Solutions Sugar products; Clarification of -in the analysis of. L. Eynon and J. H. Lane, 90. Solvent Recovery Extraction and -; Ap-paratus for. S. A. de Lacy 220. Solvents Hanus iodine values of cottonseed and coconut oils; Influence of various - on the. H. J. Bankston and F. C. Vilbrandt 449. South African Oils Vitamin A content of -. E. M. Delf 291. D. Stiven 283. T. Deighton 103. T. Eden 491. K. Fricke 546. J . Errara 606. Soxhlet’s Apparatus Flask for use with -; New (Notes). Soya Bean Oil - ; Composition of. E. S. Wallis and G. H. Burrows 533. Specific Test Tannins; An apparently - for. A. H. Ware 467.Spectra Solutions ; Colloidal poles for obserl-ing the emission - of. Spectrophotometric Determination PH value and the apparent dissociation constants of indicators; - of. Spectroscope Phenols by means of the -; Identification of. S. Palkin and H. Wales, 407. ATaourn 348 of. C. E. Barrs 248. 390. K. C. Frederick 474. J . Errara 606. W. C. Holmes 253. Spectroscopic Identification Rlercury ; - of. Spelter Cadmmm in - and zinc ores; Effect Spinach Iron content of -. A. Lichtin, Spinach - ; Preserved. Spirits Dilution; Sale of - with notice of Spirits Dilution; - sold with notice of (Legal Spirits Strength of - kept exposed to the air; L. Gobert 342. (Legal Notes) 581. Xotes) 229. The rate of loss of (Notes). (Notes). Standard lodimetric -; Potassium perman-ganate as an.Standard Manganese ; Estimation of. Mangan-oils oxalate as a -. R. W. Coltman 404. Standard Methods Rubber articles; - for the analysis of. 351. Standard Substance Titrations; Oxalic acid as a - for. W. D. Treadwell and H. Johner, 349. Standardisation Scientific Glassware ; Joint Committee for the - of. Report No. 1. On Units of Volume 479. Standardisation Disinfectants ; Possible dis-cordant factor in the - of. Walker and Weiss 41. Standardisation Plea for - ; The. M. S. Salamon 1G9. Standardisation Values Soil salts on the ~ of electrodes used in moisture estimations; Effect of movement of. Standards International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Suggested - for Hydrochloric -4cid Sodium Chloride and Zinc 280.Stannic Sulphide Tin precipitated as -; The carrying down of cobalt and nickel by. V. Auger and L. Odinot 198. Starch Picric acid; Estimation of - and sugars by the use of. M. R. Coe and G. L. Bidwell 234. , Starch Potted meats ; Polarimetric estimation of - in. Starch -; Estimation of. M’. Thomas 438. Starches Wheat -; Viscosimetric study of. H. Lowe 135. I<. T. Thomson and J. Sorley 82. Spring Water Unusual composition; - of J . AI. Hendel 247. T. Deighton 103. A. During 389. 0. S. Rask and C. L. Alsberg 341. (Notes). C. A Mitchell ,515. Stearic Acid Content Butter fat; The - o xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Steel Vanadium in - ; The volumetric esiimation of (Notes). Sterilised Milk Lactic acid organisms in -; Tnfluence of the bactericidal power of raw milk on.P. Maze 348. Sterols Unsaturated from saturated -; Separation of. R. J . Anderson and F. P. Nnbenhauer 543. Stirrer Laboratory -. C. E. Waters 355. Stock Cultures Micro-organisms ; Preservation of - of. Strength Spirits kept exposed to the air; The rate of loss of - of (Notes). H. Lowe 135. Strychnine Nitrate Brucine in -. Reck 237. Substances Polonium in sodium hydroxide solution b y various -; Mechanical separa-tion of. J . Esther-DesriviPres 405. Sucrose Heating; Changes in the optical activity of - produced bj?. bI. A. Rakusin and A. N. Nesmejanow 501. Sucrose Reducing sugars and - Estimation of. Sudan Milk Freezing point of - The. A. F. Joseph and F. J. Martin 420.Suet Shredded - (Legal Notes) 183. Sugar Blood; Estimation of - in the. R. V. Stanford and -4. H. M. Wheatley 291. Sugar Estimations Sodium trichloroacetate on -; Effect of. D. Stiven 283. Sugar Fehling’s solution with methylene blue as internal indicator; Estimation of - in urine by means of. J H. Lane and L. Eynon, 366. Sugar Products Iodimetric method to the analysis of -; The application of the. C. L. Hinton and T. ATacara 2. Sugar Products Solutions in the analysis of -; Clarification of. L. Eynon and J . H. Lane 90. Sugar Reagent for boric acid estimations; Invert - as a (Notes). G. Van B. Gilmour, 576. Sugars (‘upro-potassium solution; Estimation of reducing - by means of. L. Maquenne, 90. Sugars Maltose in presence of other reducing - by means of Barfoed’s solution; Estima-tion of.P. Nottin 485. Sugars Picric acid method for the estimation of -; Modifications of the. J . J . \Villaman and F. R. Davison 591. Pro-portion of raffinose in molasses. E. Saillard, 437. Sugars Starch and - by the use of picric acid; Estimation of. M. K. Coe and G. L. Bidwell 234. Sugars Sucrose; Estimation of reducing -and. sugsrs - ; Rapid analysis of. Purification and concentration of enzyme solutions. F. W. Reynolds 188. Sulphide Zinc as -; Precipitation of. 0. Hackl 362. Sulphides Platinum and copper as -; Pre-cipitation of. R. Doht 402. A. F. Etheridge 83. A. C. Thaysen 446. W. Thomas and I<. A. Dutcher 437. Sugars Raffinose in -; Estimation of. W. Thomas and R. A.Dutcher 437. Sulphites Raw mcat ; Rate of disappearance of Sulpho-Chromic Oxidation Organic substances and coals in presence of catalysts; - of. I). Florentin 244. Sulphonitric and Sulphonitrous Acids - ; Estimation of. A. Glaire 199. Sulphonitric and Sulphonitrous Acids -; Estimation of. A. Graire 108. Sulphonitrous and Sulphonitric Acids -; Estimation of. A. Glaire 109. Sulphonitrous and Sulphonitric Acids - : Estimation of. A. Graire 108. Sulphur Alkali and alkaline-earth hydroxides ; lieaction of - with. H. V. Tartar and C. Z. llraves 250. Sulphur Bromine on methyl esters of phenol-sulphonic acids,; Action of. Estimation of - in yhenols~~!phonic esters and salts. I,. J . Simon and M. FrGrejacque 296. Sulphur Compounds Dry lime sulphur; Estima-tion of the - in.C. P. Jones 45. Sulphur Coal ; Estimation of -in. H. 73ahr 454. Sulphur Pyrites (Ires; Methods for the Deter-mination of - and Moisture in. As approved by the Swedish Government Testing Institute and by the Norwegian Government Analysis Committee 528. Sulphur Rubber; Total - in (Notes). I;. 11. Alcock 579. Sulphur - compounds in dry lime --; Estimation of the. Sulphuric Acid Iodate and -; Estimation of glycerol by oxidation with. R. Strebinger and J . Streit 398. Sulphuric Acid Silver dichromate and --; Oxidation of coal b y . Sunlight Vitamins of milk; Influence of diet arid - on. Swedish Commission Arsenical poisoning ; The ___ on. PetrGn 102. Swedish Government Testing Institute Sulphur and Moisture in Pyrites Ores; Methods for the Determination of.As approved by the ___ and by the Norwegian Government Analysis Committee 528. Sweet Birch Methyl salicylate glucoside in the bark of the -; True nature of the. 11.1. Bridel 286. Sweet Spirit of Nitre Ethyl nitrite; - tle-ficient in (Legal Notes) 277. Tables Public Health (Condensed Milk) Kegu-lations. - for testing “ Equivalent Pints ” Declaration (Xotes). Tablets Chocolate-coated - and pills; Chocolate in. Tablets Compound castor oil - (Legal Notes) 381. Talc Dyed -; Dholl mixed with (Notes), A. A. Kloot 514. Tannase Hydrolysis of gallotannin by -; The quantitative estimation of the degree of. W. N. Nicholson and D. Khind 805. Tannin Analysis Sodium sulphorcinate in the official method of -; Behaviour of.U J. Thuan and L. Favre 451. ___ in. F. 1-1. Campbell ,532. C. P. Jones 45. I J . Simon 246. E. M. Luce 595. 13. E. Essery 178. E. S. Rose 485 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xlvii Tannin Analysis Varying hydrogen ion con-centration on - Effects of. W. I<. Atkin, 493. Tannin Plant tissues; Estimation of - in. P. Menaul 193. Tannin Drugs containing -; Identification and classification by chemical methods of. I . Application of the goldbeater’s skin test. C’. J. Jordan and A. H. Ware 442. Tannin Drugs containing -; New classi-ficatory tests for. Tanning Materials Colour measurement of -. T. Blackadder 51. Tannins Catechol -; An attempt to extend Mitchell’s colorimetric method to the estima-tion of. Tannins Gold-beater’s skin test for -; The.P. H. Price 25. Tannins Reagent for the estimation of - and their derivatives; Osmium tetroxide as a. C. A. Mitchell 162. Tannins Reagent for the gold-beaters’ test for - ; Osmium tetroxide as a (Notes). P. H. Price 336. Tannins Specific test for -; An apparently. A. H. Ware 467. Tans Reagent for catechol -; Nitrosomethy-lurethane as a. W. Vogel and C. Schiiller 400. Tar Cancer-producing factor in -; On the. E. L. Kennaway 242. Tars Low temperature -; New reaction for F. Schulz and J . Prunet. 398. b 6 Tasajo ” - ; Composition of. A. Bickel and J. A. Collazo 187. Taste Alkyl-chloro-malonamides. The in-fluence of homology on -. A. 51’. nos and B. Houston. 345. Tea Extract from -; Estimation of the. R. E. Andrew 141.Textile Fibres Bacterial decay of -. A. C. Thaysen and H. J . Bunker 292. Thiocyanate Bromimetric estimation of -. A. Kurtenacker and H. Kubina 540. Thiosinamine - ; Iodimetric estimation of. Morvillez and R. Meesemaecker 94. Thiosulphate Precipitation Copper; The - - of. Grawe 495. Thyme Oils Thymol and carvacrol in -; Estimation of. C. E. Sage and W. G. Dalton, 602. Thymol Thyme oils; Estimation of - and carvacrol in. C. E. Sage and W. G. Dalton, 802. Tin and Antimony Oxides - ; Solution of. E. Stellmg 298. Tin Canned foods; Apparatus for the estima-tion of - in. Tin Cobalt and nickel by - precipitated as stannic sulphide; The carrying down of. V. Auger and L. Odinot 198 Tin Copper and - in copper- - alloys; The estimation of. Tin Lead in the presence of - and antimony; Estimation of.E. Stelling 453. Tin - ; Volumetric estimation of. 1. G. F. A. H. Ware 442. P. H. Price 361. E. J . B. Willey 234. +. T. Etheridge 371. Tinted White Wines Charcoals used for the decolorisation of -; Evaluation of. X. Rocques 235. Tissue Insulin from the cod fish. Direct ap-plication of picric acid to the islet - H. TV. Dudley 597. Tissue Nitrogenous constituents of plant ~ ; Effects of the method of dessication on the. I<. P. Link and E. R. Schule 600. Tissues Beef -; Enzyme actions of. K. C;. Falk H. M. Noyes and K. Sugiura 238. Tissues Tannin in plant -; Estimation of, P. Menaul 193. Titanium - ; Volumetric estimation of. G. E. F. Lundell and H. €3. Knowles 153. Titanous Chloride Iron ores by means of -; Volumetric assay of.L. Brandt 352. Titanous Salts Reducing agents ; - as. E. Knecht 494. Titrations Standard substance for -; Oxalic acid as a. W. D. Treadwell and €3. Johner 349. ; Chemical factors Tobacco Quality of -determining the. V. Graham and R. H. Carr 247. Tobacco Smoking -; Cannabis indica in. H. Henstock 40. Tomatoes Fresh and canned English -; Antiscorbutic value of. E. 31. Delf 594. Toxicity Arsenobenzenes ; Composition and - of the. Estimation of arsenic in these products. M. de BIyttenaere 43. Toxicity Cottonseed and its gossypol content; - of. E. W. Schwartze and C. L. Alsberg. 540. Toxicity Hydrocyanic acid; - of a polymer of. C. Bedel 539. Toxicity Salts of copper; - of. J. Effront, 447.Toxicological and Forensic Abstracts 1924 : 43 101 192 243 293 348 394 447 490 538, 699. Toxicological Detection Nitric acid - of minute quantities of. Toxicological Tests Phosphorus ; Failure of the - for. Toxicology Mercuric chloride poisoning A case of. Limit of sensitiveness of the test for mercury in -. Trichloracetic Acid Antipyrine with -; Reaction of. L. Debucquet 487. Trimyristin Milk; Separation of - from. M. Piettre and C. Roeland 437. Trypsin Leathers; Action of - on various. A. W. Thomas and 17. I,. Seymour-Jones 196. Tryptophan Content Caseinogen ; - of. H. Onslow 289. T u g Oil Japanese - Characteristics of. 1. Miura 542. Tung Oil -. Oil from the seeds of Aleurites montana. R. N. Parker M. G. Kau W. A. Robertson and J.I Simonsen 399. Tungsten Low-grade ores; Estimation of - in. E. Jiinger 298. Tungstic Acid Precipitation Protein; The relation of PH value to - of. A. T. Merrill, C. Ghigliotto 44. Fr. Bartschat 293. -4. Sartori 348. Druce 402. 443 xlviii INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Turbidity Method Binary mixtures Analysis of. Turpentine Benzene in petroleum spirit and J . Pritzlcer and T701umctric -. oil of -; Estimation of. I<. Jungkunz 450. C. D. Bogin 299. U United States Department of Agriculture -. Food Inspection Decisions 193 194 195 590. Units of Volume Standardisation of Scientific Glassware Joint Committee for the. Report S o . 1. On -. 479. Urea Cyanamide in the form of xanthyl- -; Gravimetric estimation of. 13. Fosse P. Hagene and R.Dubois 492. Urea Shark meal; Significance of __ in. D. B. Dill 540. Uric Acid Poultry excreta; Estimation of -in. H. E. Woodman 4!)2. Urine Ammonia in - ; Application of Permutit to the separation and estimation of. A. Iiolb 488. Urine Bile acids in -. C. L. A. Schmidt and J. A. illerrill 148. Urine Ketonic compounds and of p-hydroxy-butyric acid in diabetic -; Estimation of. H. Bierry and L. AToquet 244. Urine Lead in potable waters and in -; The estimation of. Urine Lead Rapid method of testing - for. L. T. Fairhall 490. ‘Urine Sugar in - by means of Fchling’s solution with methylene blue as internal indicator; Estimation of. J. H. Lane and L. Eynon 366. J . C. Thresh 124. V Valeric Acid Marine animal oils. Identity of phocoenic acid with -.Valerie and Phocoenic Acids - ; Identity of. E. Rndrb 296. Valerian Root Aromatic drugs; Assay of -and certain other. K. Bullock 443. Vanadium Steel ; The volumetric estimation of - in (Kotes). A. F. Etheridge 83. Vanilla Extracts Lcad number of -. C. A. Clemens 534. Vernine Coffee plant; - in green leaves and berries of the. Vinegar Saccharin and dulcin in - and products containing acetic acid ; Detectioii of. G. Reif 92. Viscera Putrefaction of -; Total reduction of nitrates and chlorates during. C. Ghig-liotto 395. Yiscometer Solutions of resins etc. ; A simple - for. K. Albert 252. Viscosimetric Study Wheat starches; - of. 0. S. Raslr and C. L. A41sberg 341. Viscosity Heterogeneous systems such as paints; Measurement of the - of.H. TVolff, E. Andrk 533. T. de A. Camargo 189. Vitamin A Anti-rachitic factor; Difterentiation of - from the. E. Lesnb and RI. Vagliano, 99. Vitamin A Content South African oils; - of. E. RI. Delf 291. Vitamin -47:. Frozen pork Presence of - in. -4. M. \\right 98. Vitamin -4 Potency Cod liver oil; Efiect of storage of livers on the - of. A. D. Holmes 24C. Vitamin A Potency Hake liver oil; The - of. A. D. Holmes 291. Vitamin Animals ; Yeast growth-promoting - tested for its effects on. Vitamin B Age; Destruction of - by. G. M. Findlay 190. Vitamin 6 Heat; Quantitative study of the destruction of - by. H. C . Sherman and 1LI. R. Grose 42. Vitamin B Kat-growth method for studying - ; Investigation and application of the.H. C. Sherman and A. Spohn 12. Vitamin B Two methods for studying -. El. C. Sherman and H. Edgeworth 43. Vitamin C Canned foods; - in. W. H. Eddy and E. I;. Iiohman 246. Vitamin C Colour reaction for -; Alleged. H. 11. Kay and S. S. Zilva 191. Vitamin Copper in the destruction of anti-scorbutic -; Catalytic action of. A. F. Hess and N. Weinstock 535. Vitamins Fat-soluble -. SIV. H. Steen-bock E. B. Hart J . €1. Jones and A. Black, 97. Vitamins Fat-soluble -. XV. I<. M. Bethke, H. Steenbock and AI. T. Nelson 97. Vitamins Fat-soluble - XVI. 13. Steen-bock J . H. Jones and E. 13. IIart 147. Vitamins Manganese with -; Association of. J. S. BIcHargue 415. Vitamins Milk; lnfluence of diet and sunlight on __ of. E. 31. Luce 595.Volatile Organic Substances Analysis of - by combustion in an open tube; Method of. E. Carriere and C. Leenhardt 601. Volumetric Analysis Aldehyde-bisulphite re-action in - ; Application of the. A. Kurtenacker 405. Volumetric Analysis Antimony chloride in -. F. Feigl and 0. Schummer 404. Volumetric Glassware - ; Tests on. Classes A and B. The Xational Physical Laboratory, Teddington Middlesex. Metrology Depart-ment. Sept. 1921 477. Volumetric Method Ammonium salts; New -for estimating. Volumetric Method Organic analysis by a -. J . Lindner 600. J . Deas 596. 31. V. Auger 250. W Warranty Notification of - {Legal Xotes), Wash-Bottle Continuous flow - ; New. 338. 547. A. G. Nasirii 548 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. xlix Water Analysis Abstracts 1924 45 104 243, 395 491 539.Waterbath Constant level in a -; Device for maintaining a. R. Brooks 548. Water Dissolved air in small quantities of-; Estimation of. H. G. Becker and W. E. Abbott 104. Water Jacket Leak in a - . Cevice for stopping a (Notes). Water Lead and copper in -; Colorimetric estimation of. C. Pyriki 491. Water Manganese in - by the sodium bis-muthate method; Estimation of. W. D. Collins and M. D. Foster 305. Water Mixtures of ether alcohol and -; Estimation of - in. R. I<. Newman 541. Water Nitrate in - by the Frerichs’ method; Estimation of. A. Massink 539. Water of Constitution Hydraulic limes ; Estima-tion of water by hydration - and carbon dioxide in. J. A. >fuller and E. Peytral 251. Water of Hydration Hydraulic limes; Estima-tion of - water of constitution and carbon dioxide in.J. A. hluller and B. Peytral 251. Water Samples Anaerobes from -. P. D. i\Ieader and E. A. Bliss 100. Water Spring - of unusual composition (Notes). Water-Supplying Power Soil in the field; Soil-point method for directly estimating the -of a. F. Hardy 102. Waters Haemotoxylin test in filtered -; Soluble aluminium and the. W. D. Hatfield, 243. Waters Lead in potable - and in urine; The cstimation of. Waters Storage on artificially polluted -; Effects of. R. C. Frederick 63, Wax Cotton; Estimation of fat - and resin in. P. H. Clifford L. Higginbotham and I<. G. Fargher 350. Whale Oil - Composition of. C. H. Milligan C. A. Knuth and A. S. Richardson, 149.Wheat and Rye Flours Aqueous extract; Tdentjfication of - by means of their. R. Strohecker 282. Wheat Bran Proteins of -. G. B. Jones and C. E. F. Gersdorff 90. Wheat Endosperm Phytosterols of -; The I<. J. Anderson and F. P. Nabenhauer 449. Wheat Flour Rye flour in -; Estimation of. J . Kijnig and F. Bartschat 187. Wheat Moisture in - and flour ; Estimation of. Id. Snyder and B. Sullivan 436. Wheat Starches Viscosimetric study of -. 0. S. Rask and C. L. Alsberg 341. Whey Milk- -; Proteins of. Their separa-tion by the acetone method. M. Piettre, 139. White Pigments Paints; Microchemistry of - and inert bodies as they occur mixed in. H. Green 451. White Wines Decolorisation of tinted -; Evaluation of charcoals used for the. X. Hocques 235.R. C. Fredkrick 135. K. T. Thomson and J . Sorley 82. J. C. Thresh 124. Wild Rice Nutritive properties of - . C. Kennedy 342. Wine Eeef and malt -; The composition of. G. D. Elsdon 210. Wine Cyanogen in -; Detection and esti-mation of small quantities of. F. Mach and $1. Fischler 438. Wine Essential oil of mustard as preservative for -; ITse of P. Malvezin and G. Bidart, 140. Wine Fruit wines (cider or Perry) in ordinary -; Getection of. Wine Industry Mustard flour and oil in the -. J. C. Delage 94. Wine Potassium ferrocyanide; The fining of __ with. H. Bosselmann 342. Wines Charcoals used for the decolorisation of tinted white -; Evaluation of. X. liocclues 235. Wines Distilled --; Hydrocyanic acid in. 0. Reichard 439.Wines Ministry of Health. Report on the composition of commoner British - and cordials 387. Wood Cellulose in ~ by the chlorination method; Estimation of. G. J. Ritter and L. C. Fleck 196. Wood Chemistry of - -. Relation between methoxyl and lignin in -. G. J. Ritter, 106. Wood Pulp Lignin in - ; Quantitative esti-mation of. H. Wend 543. Wood Rhamnus Purshiana; Cascara content of the - and bark of. R. H. Clark and K. 13. Gillie 441. Woods Durability and chemical composition of -; Relation between the. L. I;. Hawley, L. C. Fleck and C. A. Richards 450. Wool Colour reactions of -; Some. Meunier and Rev 296. World’s Dairy Congress Report on the - . J. Golding 259. Wormseed Santonin in -; Estimation of. @. P. A . Schaap 345. F. Schaffer 235. X X-Ray Examination Barium sulphate admin-istered fcr -; Poisoning by. E. Dinslage and Fr. Bartschat 293. Xanthydrol Diiicin by means of - ; Estima-tion of. G. Reif 39C. Xanthyl-Urea Cyanamide in the form of -; Gravimetric estimation of. R. Fosse P. Hagene and R. Dubois 492. Y Yeast Growth-Promoting Vitamin Animals; J. Deas 596. Yeast Nucleic Acid Magnesium compound ; E. J. Baumann, - tested for its effects on. Preparation of - as a. 536 1 INDEX TO VOLUME XLIX. Yttrium Gadolinite; Separation of - from the other elements of. L. Rolla 1’. Cuttica and L. Fernandes 604. Z Zinc Beverages and other food with -; Contamination of. J. W. Sale and C. H. Badger 192. Zinc Cadmium from - Separation of. K. Chalpuny and I<. Breisch 401. Zinc Electrolytic deposition from alkaline solutions; Separation of - by. K. Breisch, 403. Zinc International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Suggested Standards for Hydro-chloric Acid Sodium Chloride and - 280. Zinc Iron and aluminium; Separation of -from. E. G. T i . Ardagh and G. R. Rongard, 249. Zinc Molybdenum as indicator in the volu-metric estimation of - IJse of. L. Fernandes 496. Zinc Ores -; Analysis of. Use of powdered magnesium for the removal of copper and lead. E. G. R. Ardagh and G. K. Bongard, 249. Zinc .Ores. Cadmium in spelter and -; Estimation of. Zinc Sulphide; Precipitation of - as. 0. Hackl 352. Zirconium Fluorine; Colour reaction for the detection of - and. J. H. de Boer, 497. C. E. Barrs 248. __ - _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ - ~~ . - - - -~ PRINTED BY W. HEFFER AND SONS LTD. CARIBRIDGP; ENGLAKU
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