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Volume 32,
Issue 1,
Page 001-048
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T H E ANALYST: BERTRAM BLOUNT F.I.C. ALFRED C. CHAPMAK F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. THOMAS FAIRLEY F.I.C. THE ORGAN OF THE OTTO HEHNER F.I.C. J. T. HEWITT D.Sc. PH.D. M.A. Y. A. ELLIS RICHARDS F.I.C. E . W. VOELCKER F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytical Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Zbttorfal Gontmittee : EDWARD J. BEVAN F.I.C. (PRESIDEYT). EbltOr JULIAK L. BAKER F.I.C. VOL. XXXII. 1907. TRADE AGENTS : SIMPKIN? MARSHALL HAMILTON KENT & CO. LTD., 16 JAMES STREET HAYMARKET LONDON S.W. 190 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. IXDEX OF NAMES. ABDERHSLDEN E. and Koelker A. H. Use of Optically Active Polypeptides for Abensour J. Reactions of Quinine 361 Ackermann D. and Kutscher F.Composition of Extract of Crab 118 255 - E. Detection of Added Milk in Water by means of the Refractometer, Acree S. F. Formaldehyde Colour Test for Proteins 301 Adam F. and Kunz R. The Organic Acids in Fruits and Fruit Juices 170 Adan R. Estimation of Perdoses and Pentosans and its Practical Applications Albahary J. M. Separation and Estimation of Organic Acids in Fruits and -- Composition of the Fruit of the Tomato 359 Alleman G. and Sherwood L. T. Use of Tin as a Cathode for the Rapid Quanti-tative Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc Copper Silver Cadmium and Nickel, 372 Allen A. H. Commercial Organic Analysis Review 310 - T. B. and Lang W. R. Determination of Sugar by Fehling’s Solution 302 -- Improved Form of Apparatus for Rapid Estimation of Alexander P.The Nitrosites of Caoutchouc and their Application in the Analysis of Blvarez E. P. Colour Reactions of some Organic Componnds 98 Alway F. J. and Gortner R. A. The Detection of Bleached Flours 418 Ammann - and Lindet - The Specific Rotation of Proteins Extracted from Anderson W. H. Detection of Cane-Sugar in Milk and Cream 87 Andrews A. E. Automatic Vacuum Regulator 374 - - L. W. Separation of Chlorides and Bromides 231 Archbutt L. Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Waters by Volumetric Methods, -_ Valuation of Oils for Gas-making Purposes 246 -- Estimation of Minute Quantities of Arsenic 249 Arend J. P. aizd Aschman C. Direct Determination of Water in Butter and other Armanni G. and Nalagnini G. Investigation of the Colour Reaction of Sesame Oil, Arnold V.A New Nitroprusside Reaction for Urine 94 Brnost A. Determination of Camphor in Celluloid 26 Aronson F. Improved Laboratory Balance 135 Testing the Activity of Proteolytic Enzymes 337 117 (Cocoa Analysis) 290 Vegetables 332 Sulphates and Salts of Barium 308 Raw Rubber and Rubber Products II. 224 various Flours by Dilute Alcohol 387 21 3 -,*Some Tunisian and Algerian Olive Oils 257 Fats 21 391 a 1v INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. d’Arsonva1 aizd Bordas Apparatus for Distillation and Desiccation at Low Tempera-Aschman C. and Arend J. P. Direct Determination’ of Water in Butter and other Ashley R. H. Analysis of Dithionic Acid and Dithionates 33 Atenstadt P. and Beytliien A. Egg Content of Pastry etc. which has been kept - The Separation and Estimation of Salicylic Acid, tures 103 Fats 21 for a long time 291 Ad-Lallemant E.The Baryta Value of Butter-Fat 382 Aymerich J. P. Use of Azo-Dyes as Indicators 230 Babington 3’. W. Estimation of Wood Spirit in Acetone 180 Bailey E. M. and Winton A. L. The Formation of Volatile Sulphur Compounds in Meat and their Influence on the Detection of Added Sulphites 419 Baker J. L. Deposition and Analysis of Sewage Debris in Contact Beds 116 -- Estimation of Minute Traces of Arsenic 249 Ball J. H. Composition of Irish Butter during the Winter Months 202 Balland - Proportion of Phosphorus in Foods 91 -- Proportion of Sulphur in Foods 91 Bang J. A Method of Estimating Sugar 180 Barnes S. K. and Parsons C. L. Separation and Determination of Beryllium 66,267 Barrow C. aihd Hughes R.M. Device for Filling Bottles from Carboys 188 Barschall E. B. H. Colorimetric Determination of Crcatin and Creatinin in Meat Barth - Vacuum-Filter Drying Apparatus 72 Baselli A. Tests for Synthetical Camphor 224 Bates F. aizd Blake J. C. Influence of Basic Lead Acetate on the Rotation of Cane-Bauer R. Rapid Method for Detecting Galactose and Milk-Sugar in Urine 262 Baumert R. Modifications of Dennstedt’s Method of Combustion Analyses 434 Baxter G. P. Boylston A. C. and Hubbard R. A. The Solubility of Potassium Beadle C. Estimation of Rosin in Paper 126 - aizd Stevens H. P. Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 337 Beckmann E. Simple Lamp for Monochromatic Light 134 - and Junker F. Molecular Weight Determinations by the Elevation of the Boiling-Points of Carbonyl Chloride E thy1 Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide 431 Bedford C.H. and Jenks R. L. Estimation of Higher Alcohols in Spirits-I. The ‘( Ester-Iodine ” Method 117 Bellier J. Methods for the Analysis of Butter 22 The Microscopical Detection of Foreign Flours especially of Rice and Beruelmans E. Influence of Preservatives on the Reichert-Meissl Value of Margarine, Bement A. Experiments to Determine the Amount of Volatile Matter in Coal 423 Benedict F. G. ayLd Fletcher F. P. Rate of Combustion and Pressure Developed in Benedikt R. Detection and Estimation of Reducing Sugars 367 Bennett C. T. and Parry E. J. Adulteration of Sandal Wood Oil 358 ~- H. G. aizd Parker J. G. Detannisation of Solutions in Analysis of Tanning -- and Proctor H. R. Present Development of the Analysis of Tanning Phenol Menthol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate 392 Extracts 48 Sugar in Aqueous Solution 229 Permanganat e 13 I’ Beans in Wheat Flour 386 218 a Calorimetric Bomb 298 Materials 57 Materials 57 12 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII v Benson H.K. Livingstone J. a d Morgan R. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents Bentell A, Modified Sprengel Mercury Pump 280 Berger - A Rapid Method of Estimating Sulphur 186 Bergsten C. Estimation of the ‘‘ Apparent Maltose ” in Beer 327 Bergtheil C. and Briggs R. V. Estimation of Indigotin in Commercial Indigo, Berl E. and Lunge G. The Estimation of the Oxides of Nitrogen and the Theory Bernstein A. Milk-Colorimeter 343 Bertarelli E. Adulteration of Flour with Ivory-nut Meal 218 Berthelot M.P. E. Death of 105 Bertrand G. and Javillier M. A Delicate Test for Zinc 133 Bevan E. J. Estimation of Preservatives in Milk 13 - Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 1 7 -- Annual Address of the Retiring President 77 - Composition of English Fermentation Vinegars 85 -- Detection of Cane-Sugar in Milk and Cream 88 -- Composition of Milk 143 - Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Process 159 -~ - Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 161 -- New Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid 166 - - Fractional Distillation by means of Steam 200 ___-_-_ Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods 213 -- Sealing of Samples 405 -- Chapman A. C. and Dyer B. Camphorated Oil 327 - Cross C. F. and Briggs J. F. Colour Reactions of the Lignocelluloses, - Volumetric Estimation of Phloro-glucinol absorbed by Lignocellulosea Estimation of Mechanical Wood-Pulp in Papers 335 Beythien 9.mtd Atenstadt P. Egg Content of Pastry etc. which has been kept for -- The Separation and Estimation of Salicylic Acid, for the Freezing-Point Method 396 177 of the Lead Chamber 433 334 a long time 291 Phenol Menthol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate 392 Biltz W. Reagent for Detecting Traces of Moisture 340 BissBriB - Rapid Filtration of Agar and Gelatin Nutrient Media 261 Blake J. C. and Bates F. Influence of Basic Lead Acetate on the Rotation of Cane-Bloxam W. P. Orchardson I. Q. and Wood S. H. Analysis of Indigo 99 Blyth A. W. and Blyth M. W. Poisons Their Effects and Detection Review 195 Blpth M.W. The Standardisation of Disinfectants 51 -- and Goodban L. Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Bodmer R. New Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Acid 166 Bohrisch P. Detection of Acetone in Urine 221 Bollenbach H. Volumetric Estimation of Chromium by Potassium Permanganate 368 Bolton E. R. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 161 Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods, Bomer A, Occurrence of Tristearin in Beef and Mutton Tallow 357 Bordas - and d’hrsonval - Apparatus for Distillation and Des-on at Low Bornemann E. Estimation of Bitumen in Asphaltum Meal 263 Sugar in Aqueous Solution 229 Method 154 213 Temperatures 10 vi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Boswell M. C. Detection and Estimation of a-Naphthoquinone ,fl-Naphthoquinone, Bottger W.The Estimation of Lead as Oxalate 429 Bougault J. Reactions and Estimation of Arrhenal (Sodium Methyl Arsenate) and Boulez V. Estimation of Linalol and other Tertiary Terpenic Alcohols 122 Bourquelot E. Detection of Cane-Sugar in Plant Tissue by means of Invertase 297 - 9 -- Glucosides in Plants by means of Ernulsin 297 Boylston A. C. Baxter G. P. and Hubbard R. A, Solubility of Potassium Per-Braun K. Estimation of Lanoline in Soaps 218 Brauner B.>aizd Kuzma B. Separation of Tellurium from the Heavy Metals 396 Bretin - Evesque - and Verdier - A Poisonous Variety of Haricots 418 Briggs J. F. Cross C. F. and Bevan E. J. Colour Reactions of the Lignocelluloses, - Volumetric Estimation of Phloro-glucinol absorbed by Lignocelluloses Estimation of Mechanical Wood-Pulp in Papers 335 Briggs R.V. and Bergtheil C. Estimation of Indigotin in Commercial Indigo 177 Brink F. N. and Richards T. W. Densities of Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubi-dium and Czsium 187 Brissemoret A. A Colour Reaction of Tannins 265 -- and Combes R. A Reaction of Hydroxyquinones 97 Brown E. G. H. Sealing of Samples 412 Brown W. J. ai2d Browne A. W. New Portable Gas Generator 344 -Browne A. W. and Brown W. J. New Portable Gas-Generator 344 -- A Constant Pressure Gas-Generator for Use over Browning E. and Drushel W. A. Separation of Magnesium from the Alkalis by Browning P. E. and Palmer H. E. Method for the Detection and Qualitative Brunck O. The Application of Dimethylglyoxime to the Estimation of Nickel and its Bruylants - Determination of Essential Oils in Liqueurs 24 Buisson A.A New Method of Estimating Ammonia in Water 182 Bull H. Separation of Cod-Liver Oil Fatty Acids 25 Burgess H. E. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 18 - W. T. Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods, --- Sealing of Samples 416 Butler P. Knorr Method of Determining Arsenic and Antimony in Refined Copper, Butterfield W. J. A. Valuation of Oils for Gas-making Purposes 246 Phthalonic Acid and Phthalic Acid 177 Atoxyl (Sodium Anilarsenate) 325 manganate 131 334 - A Constant Pressure Gas-Generator for Use over a Wide Range of Pressure 345 a Wide Range of Pressure 345 the Arsenate Method 307 Separation of Ferrocyanides Ferricyanides and Thiocyanates 338 Separation from the Metals of the Ammonium Sulphide Group 431 208 100 Gain J.R. and Stokes H. N. On the Colorimetric Determination of Iron with Calliado E. a92d Tarugi N. Modification of the Guyard-Volhard Reaction for the Campbell E. D. A Convenient Air-Bath and Hot Plate 236 Cantoni H. and Rosenstein M. Volumetric Determination of Copper by means of Special Reference to Chemical Reagents 271 Estimation of Manganese 394 Potassium Iodides 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII vii Cari-Mantrand M. Extraction and Determination of the Colouring Matter of Red Carles P. Estimation of Total Tartaric Acid in Tartrates and Wine Lees 293 Carletti O. Detection of Mineral Acid in Organic Acid 30 Carliczek H. Asbestos Wire Gauze 278 Cmlson C. E. Detection of Organic Arsenic Compounds 94 Carrasco O.New Absorption Vessels for Elementary Analysis 239 Carrobbio A, A Reaction of Resorcinol 61 Carulla F. J. R. Use of Standardised Ammonia Solution in Acidimetry 182 Cizssal C. E. Sealing of Samples 413 Caudwell B. and Young G. Apparatus for Supply of Carbon Dioxide in Determina-Chace E. McK. Method for the Determination of Citral in Lemon Oils and Chapman A. C. Composition of English Fermentation Viuegars 86 _-___- Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Process 159 Wines 23 -- and Plancher - New Method of Estimating Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic Substances 238 tion of Nitrogen in Organic Compounds by Absolute Methods 188 Essences 58 - Preservatives in Milk 153 - Fractional Distillation by means of Steam 201 - Estimation of Minute Traces of Arsenic; the Insensitiveness of Zinc 247 -- Sealing of Samples 407 - and Law H.D. Reducing Action of Hydrogen-111. Reduction of -- aizd Whitteridge P. A New Method for the Estimation of Tartaric Charabot E. and Laloue G. The Distribution of Odoriferous Principles in Plants 421 Chardonnet - Optical Analysis of Pyroxylin 367 Charitschkow K. Estimation of Sulphur in Liquid Fuels 263 Chwala A. A Reaction of Phenylcarbylainine 367 Cingolani M. and Paternb E. New Method of Sterilising Water 294 Clark J. Detection of Cane-Sugar in Milk and Cream 88 - ~ - Preservatives in Milk 153 Clover A. &I. Terpene Oils of Manila Elemi 221 Cobb J. W. Testing of Glazed Clay Ware 232 Cochran C. B. Inversion of Cane-Sugar by Acid Mercuric Nitrate 296 Coez G.Valuation of Hops 51 Coffetti G. and Maderna G. Estimation of Nitrous Acid and its Separation from Nitric Acid 234 - Analysis of Acid Mixtures which have been used for Coffignier C. Characteristics of Certain American Copals 54 Cohen L. and Frankforter G. B. Volumetric Estimation of Magnesium in Water, Collins S. W. The ‘‘ Nitron ” Method for the Estimation of Nitric Acid 349 Combes R. and Brissemoret A Reaction of Hydroxyquinones 97 Constam E. J. aizd Rougeot R. The Parr Method for the Determination of the Cook F. C. and Trescot T . C. Modification of the Tannin Salt Method for Separa-___-- Dyer B. and Bevan E. J. Camphorated Oil 327 Molybdic and Vanadic Acids 250 Acid 163 - Composition of Milk 143 - Death of 281 -Nitrat& Cellulose 264 430 Calorific Value of Coal 62 tion of Proteoses and Peptones 30 viii INDEX TO VOLUME xxxrx.Coppdle - Analysis of Lithopone 233 Cormirnbceuf H. Estimation of Iodine in Crude or Sublimed Iodine 370 - The Titration of Tannin by Iodine 426 Court A. aizd Pictet A. New Alkaloids Separated from Tobacco Pepper Carrots, Covelli E. A New Reaction of Chloral 173 Cowie W. B. a d Dickson W. Valuation of Pepsin by means of the Biuret Reac-Cox A. J. Analysis of Lignitic and Sub-Bituminous Coals 298 Crampton C. A. a d Sullivan A. L. Crystalline Appearance of Calcium Tartrate as a Distinctive and Delicate Test for the Presence of Tartaric Acid or Tar-trates 60 Crane J. E. and Joyce C. M. Note on the Analysis of Camphor 423 Cribb C. H. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 17 -- Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods 213 Cripps R.A. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 18 - -- Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Process 159 -- Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 162 Criquebeuf G. and Duchemin R. Volumetric Estimation of Combined Organic Cross C. F. Bevan E. J. and Briggs J. F. Colour Reactions of the Lignocelluloses, - 9 --9 - Volumetric Estimation of Phloroglucinol Absorbed by Lignocelluloses Estimation of Mechanical Wood-Pulp in Papers, 335 Cuniasse L. Identification of Essence of Absinthe 119 Curie Mme. Atomic Weight of Radium 395 Parsley and Coca-Leaves 417 tion 119 Acids 228 334 Danne H. A. A Direct Method for the Estimation of Moisture 46 Darroch J.and Meiklejohn C. A. Determination of Molybdenum 67 Davis W. A, and Klein C. A. Analysis of White Lead 370 Dean A. L. and Tower G. E. Estimation of Cellulose in Wood 363 - G. W. The Estimation of Silica and Alumina in Iron Ores 393 Dehn W. M. New Forms of Apparatus Mercury-Drop Tensimeters 373 -- Gasometric Method for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide 397 Delphin T. New Method of Testing Tolu Balsam 330 Dennstedt M. and Hassler F. Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 32 - Use of Palladium as Contact Substance in Combustion Analysis 434 Deussen E. Estimation of Fluorine and Composition of Iron Fluoride 185 - Detection and Estimation of Sulphuric Acid in the presence of Hydrogen Fluoride 274 Dibdin W. J. Disposition and Analysis of Sewage DQbris in Contact Beds 108 - Recent Improvements in Methods for the Biological Treatment of Sewage with Aerobic Action throughout Review 377 Dickinson H.C. and Mueller E. F. Calorimetric Resistance Thermometers 436 Dickson W. and Cowie W. B. Valuation of Pepsin by means of the Biuret Reaction, 119 Dieterich K. Analytical Values of Beeswax of Different Ages in the Comb. Com-position of Bees’ Resin (Propolis) 422 Ditz H. A Reaction of Formaldehyde with Naphthalene in the presence of Sulphuric Acid 225 Donan J. and Emich F. A Simple Means for the Recognition of the Colour of Small Quantities of Faintly Coloured Liquids and its Use in Microchemical Analysis 39 INDEX TO VOLUME XXxII* ix Dons R. K. The Caprylic Acid Value of Butter-Fat 383 Doran J.and Harding E. P. Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in Benzene 422 Dormaar J . &I. M. Electrolytic Estimation of Antimony 230 Dormael J. van Estimation of Free Acids in Superpbosphates 182 Doroschewski X. and Rakowski A. The Action of Nitric Acid on Starch 425 Dougherty G. T. Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Steel 340 Drushel W. A. and Browning E. Separation of Magnesium from the Alkalis by the Dubois W. L. Determination of Salicylic Acid in Canned Tomatoes Catsups etc. 50 -- Fuller’s Earth Test for Caramel in Vinegar 92 Use of Carbon Bisulphide in the Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Wine, Estimation of Lactose and Butter-Fat in Milk Chocolate 290 Duchemin R. c ~ i z d Criquebeuf G. Volumetric Estimation of Combined Organic Dunlop H. Note on Horse Fat and Dunstan W.R. Constituents of Seeds of the Para Rubber Tree (Hevea Brasiliensis), Duprk A. Death of 313 Dyer B. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 17 -- Sealing of Samples 411 -- Chapman A. C. and Bevan E. J. Camphorated Oil 327 -~ Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in Illuminating Gas, 423 Arsenate Method 307 220 Acids 228 Animal ” Oil 317 302 Ebaugh W. C. aid Sprague C. B. The Use of Sodium Carbonate and Zinc Oxide in Edner J. and Tschircb A. Determination of the Value of Rhubarb 215 Ehrlich F. Conditions of Production of Fuse1 Oil and their Bearing on the Ekins A. E. Sealing of Samples 415 Elborne W. and Warren C. M, Peppermint Oil 389 Emich F. a d Donan J. A Simple Means for the Recognition of tbe Colour of Small Quantities of Faintly Coloured Liquids and its Use in Microchemical Analysis, 397 Emster K.van Specific Gravity of Aqueous Solutions of Perchloric Acid 129 Endemann H. Analysis of Shellac 425 Erdmann H. and Makowka O. Separation of Copper from other Metals by means Ermen W. F. A. Examination of Commercial Starches 264 Evans J. A. Portable Photometer 373 Evesque - Verdier - CWZ Bretin - A Poisonous Variety of Haricots 418 Sulphur and Arsenic Determinations 434 Synthesis of Albumin by Yeast 226 of Acetylene 194 Fagerlind O. Molecular Weight Determination of Volatile Bodies by Distillation 227 Fairley T. Composition of English Fermentation Vinegars 87 Fanto R. Boiling and Distillation of Foaming Liquids 342 Farnsteiner I<. New Method for Estimating the Alkalinity of Ashes 181 Farsoe V.Iodimetric Estimation of Chromic and Chloric Acids and of Manganese Fenaroli P. Gravimetric Determination of Ozone 62 Fendler - aid Kuhn - Oil from the Seeds of the Ceara Rubber Tree 125 Fiehe J. Detection of Horseflesh in other Meats and Sausages by Means of the Fincke H. Quantity of Cellulose Cutin and Lignin in Pepper and Cocoa 172 and Lead Peroxides 268 Serum Test 331 X INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Finn A. N. Determination of Uranium and Vanadium 65 Fisher W. W. Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Process 158 Flanigen A. L. Electrolytic Precipitation of Copper from an Alkaline Cyanide Fleischer J. and Frank H. Estimation of Alcohol and Ether in Mixtures 333 Fletcher F. P. and Benedict F. G. Rate of Combustion and Pressure developed in Fowler G.J. Deposition and Analysis of Sewage Debris in Contact Beds 115 - and Gaunt P. Interaction of Dilute Solutions of Ammonium Salts and Fox J. J. Separation of Cadmium from Zinc as Sulphide in the presence of Frabot C. and Jean F. Precipitation of the Colouring Matters of Red Wines and -- Action of Formaldehyde on Tannins 125 Frank H. and Fleischer J. Estimation of Alcohol and Ether in Mixtures 333 Frankforter G. B. and Cohen L. Volumetric Estimation of Magnesium in Water, Fraps G. S. ,4 Simple Fat Extraction Apparatus 104 Funk W. Separation of Cobalt from Manganese and Iron by means of Potassium Electrolyte 270 a Calorimetric Bomb 298 Various Filtering Media 331 Trichloroacetic Acid 267 Detection of Foreign Colours in Wine 120 430 Nitrite 102 Gabutti E.Detection of Sulphonal in Trional and Tetronal 260 Gailhat J. Modifications in Methods for Estimating the Total Carbon and Nitrogen Gallo G. Volumetric Estimation of Titanium 234 Gasparini O. Electrolytic Oxidation in Quantitative Analysis 309 Gaunt P. and Fowler G. J. Interaction of Dilute Solutions of Ammonium Salts Gebhard N. L. Simple Apparatus with Stirrer for treating a Liquid at its Boiling-Gerber E. Detection of Sesame Oil in Chocolates 90 Gianoli G. Estimation of Nitrogen in Silk 264 Gibson J. A. and Sanger C. R. Estimation of Small Quantities of Antimony by the W. H. and Grieb C . M. W; Estimation of Iodates in Presence of Chlorates, - New Reaction of Formaldehyde 363 in Urine 420 and Various Filtering Media 331 Point with two or more Gases 135 Marsh-Berzelius Method 303 381 Gill A.H. Determination of Rosin in Varnishes 55 Giran H. Cryoscope Apparatus for Exact Determinations 237 Girard C. Distillation of Wine under Reduced Pressure 330 Glixelli S. Theory of the Precipitation of Metals by Hydrogen Sulphide. Gooch F. A. and Newton H. D. Estimation of Iron in presence of Titanium 306 Goodban L. aizd Blyth M. W. Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Gortner R. A. and Alway F. G. The Detection of Bleached Flours 418 Goske A. Note on Determination of the Reichert-Meissl and Polenske Values of Goutal E. Determination of the Calorific Power of Gas and Liquid Fuels 97 Graefe E. Mixtures of Paraffin Wax with Substances of High Melting-Points 96 - Valenta’s Dimethyl Sulphate Test for Coal-Tar Oils etc.225 Gram J. Estimation of Foreign Mineral Matter in Feeding-Stuffs by means of The Action of Hydrogen Sulphide on Zinc Salts 394 Method 154 Fats 217 Carbon Tetrachloride 17 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xi Grant W. Sealing of Samples 415 Greenish H. G. and Self P. A. W. Estimation of Cantharidin in Cantharides 173 Grdot P. Use of Mercuric Chloride as a Preservative of Milk reserved for Analysis, Grieb C. M. W. and Gibson W. H. Estimation of Iodates in Presence of Chlorates, Grindley H. S. and Woods H. S. Estimation of Creatinin and Creatin in Meats and Grossmann H. and Schiick B. A New Method of Estimating Nickel and its Application to the Separation of Nickel from Cobalt and Zinc 273 Estimation of Nickel as Nickel Dicyandiamidine, 218 381 Meat Products 171 -Gsell J.Separation of Saturated Fatty Acids from Each Other 95 Guerin G. Detection of Traces of Zinc in Commercial Alcohols 133 -__- Estimation of Total Acidity and Volatile Acids in Coloured Wines 259 Guichard M. Reduction of Molybdic Acid in Solution with Molybdenum and Titration of Reducing Solutions with Potassium Permanganate 272 Guillemard H. Methods of Estimating Carbylamines and Nitriles 176 Giilich C. J. New Apparatus for Examination of Poor Gases by Absorption 70 Gulli S. The Acid Value of Bergamot Oil 388 Gunn A. and Harrison E. F. Characteristic Reaction of Adrenalina 289 Gutinann A. New Method for Detection of Thiosulphates in Food in the presence -_- New Volumetric Method for the Estimation of Thiosulphates Applic-and its Separation from Iron and Aluminiuni 394 of Sulphites 168 able in the presence of Sulphites 372 Haehn H.Apparatus for distilling Solids in Vacuo 34 Halla E. Valuation of Glue and Gelatin 56 Haller A. Alcoholysis of Fats 52 -- and Youssoufian Alcoholysis of Cocoanut Oil 52 Hals S. and Klykken 0. B. Estimation of Fat in Condensed Milk 168 Hanus J. Method of Distinguishing Cocoanut Oil from Butter and other Fats and Oils 89 Harcourt R. Breakfast Foods Their Chemical Composition Digestibility and Cost, 166 Harding E. P. axd Doran J. Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in Benzene 422 -.--- Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in Illuminating Gas, Hardy H. and Richens B. E. Note on Fractional Distillation by Means of Steam, Hargreaves W. A, and Rowe W.T. The Detection of Mercury in Explosives 339 Harrison E. F. Camphor Liniment 328 - and Gunn A. Characteristic Reaction of Adrenaline 289 Hiirtel F. Detection of Added Husk in Ground Black Pepper 292 Hassler F. and Dennstedt RI. Determination of Sulphur in Pyrites 32 Hauser E. Notes on the Analysis of Mine Gas 432 Hausmann J. and Zaloziecki R. Waxes Occurring in Peat 336 Hauth A. and Windhaus A. Note on Phytosterol 424 Hawley L. F. Contributions to the Chemistry of Thallium 371 HAbert A. and Heim F. Detection of Traces of Hydrogen Arsenide in the Air 304 Heermann P. Detection and Estimation of Sodium Chloride in Stannic Chloride 131 -- Percentage of Tin and Specific Gravity of Pure Solutions of Stannic 423 197 Chloride 342 b xii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Hehner O. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 17 -- Composition of Milk 143 ___.-- Testing Meat Extracts 292 -- Sealing of Samples 414 Heide von Apparatus for Determination of Specific Gravity of Potatoes 279 Heim F. and HBbert A. Detection of Traces of Hydrogen Arsenide in the Air 304 Hemsalech G. A. and de Watteville C. Method of Obtaining the Flanie Spectrum Hendrick J. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 14 -- A Method of Estimating Caustic Lime by the Use of a Sugar Solution, Henrich F. and Roters P. Composition of Roman Glasses and Bronzes 369 Henry L. Acetyl Chloride and Hydrochloric Acid for Distinguishing between Mono-Rerzfeld H. Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes 42'7 Hewitt J. T. The Reducing Action of Hydrogen 254 Heydenreich K.Reduction of Copper Spirals for Use in Elementary Analysis 51 Hibbert E. and Knecht E. Use of Titanium Trichloride in Volumetric Analysis, Hildebrand J. H. Determination of Anions Electrolytically 268 Hill A. E. and Rosanoff M. A. ,4 Necessary Modification of Volhard's Method of - The Estimation of Chlorides or Bromides in the of Metals 375 320 hydric Alcohols 31 426 Estimating Chlorides 232 Presence of Sulphocyanates 428 dillebrand W. F. The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks Review 378 .Hinks E. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 160 -- Reducing Action of Hydrogen 254 Hinrichsen F. W. Estimation of Aluminium in Silicates 338 - Volumetric Estimation of Titanium 342 u,nd Sahlbom N. Titration of Hydrofluosilicic Acid 32 Hinterskirch W.Estimation of Total Sulphur in Ichthyol Preparations 176 Holde - Use of Alcoholic Potassium Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide in deter-Roogenboom F. Oil of Nutmeg 28 Hooper D. Characteristics of the Balsam of Hardwickia Pinnata 92 -- The Fats of the Garcinia Species 358 Hormann I?. and Konig J. Separation of Carbohydrates by means of Pure Yeasts, 94 Horoszkiewicz St. Von cmd Marx H. Action of Quinine on the Colouring Matter of Blood and a Simple Method for the Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Blood 24 Houghton H. W. Effect of Colouring Matters on Some of the Digestive Enzymes, 390 Hubbard J. L. uizd Phelps J. K. Use of Succinic Acid as a Standard for Alka-limetry 230 R. A, Baxter G. P. aizd Boylston A. C. Solubility of Potassium Perman-ganate 131 mining the Saponification Value 229 Hughes R.M. awl Barrow C. Device for filling Bottles from Carboys 188 Jackson C. Loring and Zanetti J. E. Extractor for Use with Small Quantities of Jacobsen A. and Landesen G. Use of Palladium as Contact Substance in Organic Jalade E. Composition of Mascara Wines 120 James C. New Method for the Separation of Yttrium Earths 308 Material 435 Elemeotary Analysis 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII xiii Jiinkendorf and von Nostitz Apparatus for Estimating Sulphur in Steels etc. 278 Jannasch P. Separation of Chlorine and Bromine by means of Hydrogen Peroxide, - - and Jilke W. Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Acid from its Javillier M. and Bertrand G. A Delicate Test for Zinc 133 Jean F. and Frabot C. Precipitation of the Colouring Matters of Red Wines and _- Action of Formaldehyde on Tannins 125 Jenks R.L. and Bedford C. H. Estimation of Higher Alcohols in Spirits.-I. The Jensen C. O. The Essentials of Milk Hygiene Review 404 Jilke W. and Jannasch P. Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Acid from its Johnson C. M. The Rapid Estimation of Nickel in Presence of Chromium Iron and -- E. S. Determination of Carbon Bisulphide and Total Sulphur in Com-Johnston J. H. Estimation of Preservatives in Milk 14 Jones H. O. and Wootton H. A. Chemical Composition of Petroleulu from Borneo, Jorgensen H. Estimation of Certain Organic Acids occurring in Fruits 169 Joyce C. M. and Crane J. E. Notes on Analysis of Camphor 223 Junker F. and Eeckmann E. Molecular Weight Determinations by the Eleva-tion of the Boiling-points of Carbonyl Chloride Ethyl Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide 431 31 Salts in a Current of Chlorine and Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 430 Detection of Foreign Colours in Wine 120 ‘( Ester-Iodine ” Method 117 Salts in a Current of Chlorine and Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 430 Manganese 395 mercial Benzene 29 -- Deposition and Analysis of Sewage Debris in Contact Beds 116 300 Kailan A.The Dehydration of Alcohol 391 Kammann - and Korn - The Hamburg Test for Putrescibility in Sewage Kickton A, Action of Preservatives on Flesh 256 Kirton J. N. and Mann E. A. Application of Chemical Analysis to Examination of Klein C. A. and Davis W. A. Analysis of White Lead 370 Iile’ine A. New Apparatus for Determination of Sulphur and Carbon 36 - Gas-developing Apparatus 240 Klykken 0.B. and Hals S. Estimation of Fat in Condensed Milk 168 Knecht E. A Delicate Reaction for Titanium 307 - Decolorising Action of Animal Charcoal 364 - and Hibbert E. Use of Titanium Trichloride in Volumetric Analysis, Effluents 362 Commercial Spirits.-Part 11. Analysis of Brandies 258 426 Iinorre G. von Estimation of Tungsten in Tungsten Steel 131 --Koch H. Methods for Control of the Electrolytic Refining of Copper 128 Koelker A. H. and Abderhalden E. Use of Optically Active Polypeptides for Testing the Activity of Proteolytic Enzymes 337 Kohn S. ,4nalysis of Silico-Fluoride 371 Kollmann L. Estimation of Free Acid in Paper 228 Kollock L. G. and Smith E. F. Effect of Sulphuric Acid on the Deposition of Kornarowsky A.Volumetric Estimation of Sulphates in Natural Waters 276 Kijnig J. and Hormann P. Separation of Carbohydrates by means of Puxe Yeasts 94 Manganese in the presence of Tungsten 234 - Presence of Free Acid in Paper 228 Metals when Using a Mercury Cathode and Rotating Anode 34 xiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Koninck L. de Estimation of Lead as Lead Sulphate 233 Korn - and Kammann - The Hamburg Test for Putrescibility in Sewage Kraerner H. A Text-Book of Botany and Pharmacognosy Review 311 Krapf K. Estiaation of the Extract of Barley 362 Krug O. Quantity of Sodium Salts occurring in Wines 260 Kriiian R. Use of Nickel Crucibles in .Quantitative Analysis and Composition of Kuhn - and Fendler - Oil from Seeds of the Ceara Rubber Tree 125 Kunz H. and Schweissinger O.Occurrence of Ellagic Acid in Raspberries and the Cause of Raspberry Juice turning Turbid 387 - R. and Adam F. Organic Acids in Fruits and Fruit Juices 170 Kunz-Krause - and Massute - Notes on Cantharidin 418 Kutscher F. and Ackermann D. Composition of Extract of Crab 118 255 - and Lohmann A. Occurrence of Pyridin-Methochloride in Urine 121 Kiittner S. and Ulrich C. Testing of Glue by means of Cainbon’s Fusiometer 227 Kuzma B. and Brauner B. Separation of Tellurium from the Heavy Metals 396 Laloue G. and Charabot E. The Distribution of Odoriferous Principles in Plants, Landesen G. and Jacobsen A. Use of Palladium as Contact Substance in Organic Lane N. J. A Self-Filling Burette 236 - Estimation of Castor Oil in Mixtures Soaps and Alizarine Assistants, Lang W.R. and Manning R. J. Estimation of Boric acid and Borates in Foods - -_ and Allen T. B. Determination of Sugar by Fehling’s Solution 302 Sulphates and Salts of Barium 308 Lange F. A Ring Test for Acetone 31 -- W. The Cyanogen in Java Beans 255 Langness J. Electrolytic Determinations and Separations with the use of a Rotating Law H. D. and Chapman ,4. C. Reducing Action of Hydrogen.-111. Reduction of Leather J. P. and Ross R. Valuation of Oils for Gas-making Purposes 241 Lecomte O. Method of Differentiating Fibres in Textile Fabrics 28 Leeuwen J. van Improved Extraction Apparatus 239 Lehmann P. and Stadlinger H. Determination of Sugars in Honey by means of the Lenoble E. New Formula for Calculating Calorific Power of Coal 126 Leturc E. Detection of Uric Acid in Calculi etc.262 Lewkowitsch J. Chrysalis Oil 53 Effluents 362 the so-called ‘‘ Nickel Soot,” 277 - -_ --421 Elementary Analysis 366 289 and Commercial Products 326 - Improved Form of Apparatus for Rapid Estimation of Anode 269 Molybdic and Vanadic Acids 250 Polari m e t er 2 2 1 Estimation Gf Paraffin in the Unsaponifiable Matter of Animal Fats, 122 Leys A, Action of Mercuric Acetate upon Unsaturated Fatty Acids 179 ~- Reactions given by Iodine and Sulphur with ‘‘ Mercurised ” Fats 335 .___- The Detection of Foreign Fat in Lard 384 Lidoff A. P. Volumetric Estimation of Hydrogen in Organic and Mineral Substances, Lloyd F. J. Fractional Distillation by means of Steam 201 Reaction of Mercuric Acetate with Unsaturated Fatty Acids 294 30 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xv Lind S. C. and Trueblood B. C. Alkalimetric Method for Estimation of Tungsten Lindet - and Ammann - The Specific Rotation of Proteins Extracted from Ling A. R. and Sykes W. J. The Principles and Practice of Brewing Review 376 Lintner C. J. Polarimetric Determination of Starch in Barley 179 -- Colorimetric Estimation of Proteins in Barley by means of Millon's in Steel 275 various Flours by Dilute Alcohol 387 Reagent 301 for the Freezing-Point Method 396 Livingstone J. Morgan R. and Benson H. K. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents Lob A. Analysis gf Barium Peroxide 65 Lobeck O. Composition of Vermouth 260 Lohmann A. and Kutscher F. Occurrence of Pyridin-Uethochloride in Urine, Long J. R. Some Phenomena observed in the Peptic Digestion of Caseins 167 Louise E.and Sauvage E. New Method for Testing Oils 365 Low A. H. Determination of Antimony and Arsenic in Ores etc. 68 -- W. H. Determination of Antimony and Tin in Babbitt Type Metal or other Alloys (applicable also wherever the Antimony and Tin are obtained as Sulphides), 101 Ludwig W. The Refraction of the Non-Volatile Fatty Acids of Butter-Fat 358 Lukens H. S. and Smith E. F. The Electrolysis of the Halides of the Alkaline Lunge G. and Berl E. The Estimation of the Oxides of Nitrogen and the Theory -- aqzd Rittener A. Determination of Carbon Dioxide alone or in Mixtures with other Gases (Sulphuretted Hydrogen Chlorine) absorbed by Caustic Alkalis 63 121 Earth Metals 428 of the Lead Chamber 433 Luther R. and Rutter T.F. Iodometric Estimation of Chlorates 393 Lutz O. A New Reaction for Iron 306 Macara T. Sealing of Samples 416 Macfadden Dr. A. W. J. Report by to Local Government Board on Inquiry as to Lead and Arsenic in Tartaric Acid with Notes as to Presence of these Impurities in Citric Acid and Cream of Tartar 189 Macfarlane T. Death of 316 Macnair - Sealing of Samples 416 McCutcheon T. P. jun. and Smith E. F. The Electrolysis of Metallic Chloride Solutions with the Use of the Rotating Silver Anode and Mercury Cathode 428 New Results in Electro-Analysis 429 UcPherson W. and Ruth W. A . Maize Oil as a possible Adulterant of Lard and Maddocks H. W. and Radclift'e L. G. Constants of Bog-Butter 89 Maderna G. and Coffetti G. Estimation of Nitrous Acid and its Separation from -- Analysis of Acid Mixtures which have been used for Mahin E.G. Determination of Total Arsenic Acid in London Purple 69 Makowka O. and Erdmann H. Separation of Copper from other Metals by means its Detection 329 Nitric Acid 234 Nitrating Cellulose 264 of Acetvlene 184 Malagnini," G. &zd Armanni G. Investigation of the Colour Reaction of Sesame Oil 391 Malheibe P. New Form of Potash Bulb 37 xvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Mann E. A. and Kirton T. N. Application of Chemical Analysis to Examination of - and Stacey C. E. Application of Chemical Analysis to Examination of Manning R. J. and Lang W. R. Estimation of Boric Acid and Borates in Foods and Marcille R. Iodine Value of Tunisian Olive Oil 257 Marcusson J. and Schluter H. Estimation of Paraffin in Ozokerite and Ceresin 178 Marek J.A Mercury Joint in Place of Cork or Rubber in Organic Analysis 398 Marshall J. aid Ryan L. A. Influence of Oxygen Nitrogen and Sunlight upon the Iodine and Saponification Values of Olive Oil 336 Marx F. and Neuberg C. Detection of Small Quantities of RaffinoBe 229 - H. and Horoszkiewicz St. yon Action of Quinine on Colouring Matter of Blood and Simple Method for Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Blood 24 Massute - and Kunz-Krause - Notes on Cantharidin 418 Mattheo H. and Rammstedt O. Estimation of Alkaloids in Nux Vomica Hydrastis, and Jaborandi by means of Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 216 Mauthner J. Investigation of Cholesterol 333 Mayer and Tollens -. Fucose and Estimation of Pentosans 300 Meiklejohn C. A. aid Darroch J.Determination of Molybdenum 67 Mendelbeff D. I. Death of 73 Menschutkin N. A, Death of 73 Mestrezat W. Estimation of Tartaric and Malic Acids by Titration with Potassium -- The Proportion of Malic Acid in Musts and Wines 388 Meyer G. C. Phosphotungstic Acid as a Reagent for Potassium Salts 130 - R. J. and Schweitzer A. Volumetric Estimation and Separation of Cerium Miller,E. H. and Richmond H. D. Preservatives in Milk 144 Milrath H. The Adulteration of Rape-Seed Oil with Whale Oil 427 Mittelbach O. Drying Apparatus for Elementary Analysis 276 Moffat M. R. and Spiro H. S. Colorimetric Method for Determination of Lead in Moissan F. F. Death of 105 Moller W. and Schucht L. Determination of Hydrofluosilicic Acid 33 Monimart R. New Method of Estimating Acetone in Urine 420 Monti N.A Reaction of Aconitine 62 Moody S. E. Iodornetric Estimation of Aluminium Hydroxide and the Free Acid ira Moore C. C. The Proportion of Hydrocyanic Acid and Starch in Cassava 385 More A. Sealing of Samples 411 Morgan R. Livingstone J. and Benson H. K. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents --" and Owen F. T. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents for the Freezing-Morgenstern F. von and Wolbring W. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 118 Morton D. A. Determination of Benzene in Illuminating Gas 61 Moser L. Volumetric Estimation of Bismuth 183 Mueller E. F. and Dickinson H. C. Calorimetric Resistance Thermometers 436 Muller J. A. Analysis of Zinc Ores 132 Miiller G. New Melting-point Thermometer 308 Commercial Spirits-Part 11. Analysis of Brandies 258 Commercial Spirits 219 Commercial Products 326 Permanganate 266 by means of Potassium Permanganate 305 Potable Waters 306 Aluminium Sulphate and Alums 127 for the Freezing-point Method 396 point Method-Part II.431 Nash L. M. Preservatives in Milk 153 -- Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xvii Nash L. M. Sealing of Samples 415 Nestler A. Cayenne Peppe.r Free from Pungent Principle 328 Neubsuer H. Estimation of Potassium in Potassium Salts and Artificial Manures Neuberg C. and Marx F. Detection of Small Quantities of Raffinose 229 Newton H. D. and Gooch F. A. Estimation of’ Iron in presence of Titanium 306 Nissenson H. Die Untersuchungsmethoden des Zinks Reciezo 378 Noll H. Estimation of Manganese in Drinking Water 183 Normann W.Determination of Molecular Weight of Oils and Fats 124 Investigation of Tung Oil 124 Norton F. A. Discoloration of Fruits and Vegetables put up in Tins 50 Nostitz von and Jankendorf Apparatus for Estimating Sulphur in Steels etc. 278 according to the Modified Finkener Method 273 Obermill J. Action of Sulphuric Acid on Phenol Note on Merck’s Ofner R. Detection and Estimation of Raffinose 125 Olivari F. and Rimini E. Use of Fenchone in the Determination of Molecular Orchardson I. Q. Bloxarn W. P. m2d Wood S. H. Analysis of Indigo 99 Orlow N. A. Some Reactions of Mercuric Iodide 129 -_-_ - An Absorption Compound of Basic Praseodymium Acetate and Iodine, O’Sullivan C . Death of 74 Owen F. T. and Morgan J.L. R. Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents for the Aseptol,” 417 Weights by the Boiling-point Method 369 130 Freezing-point Method-Part II. 431 Page F. J. M. Death of 349 Palmer H. E. and Browning P. E. Method for the Detection and Qualitative Parker J. G. and Bennett H. G. Detannization of Solutions in the Analysis of Parkes A. E. Composition of Milk 143 - Rapid Estimation of Total Solids in Milk 285 Parrozzani A. and Scurti F. Hydrolytic Action of Croton Seeds 361 Parry E. J. Otto of Rose 389 -- and Bennett C. T. Adulteration of Sandal-wood Oil 358 Parsons C. L. and Barnes S. Ii. Separation and Determination of Beryllium 66, Partheil A. Snalysis of Red Lead 395 Partridge W. Estimation of Phenol and Cresol by a Biological Process 159 - The Bacteriological Examination of Disinfectants Review 404 Sealing of Samples 415 Paternb O.and Cingolani M. New Method of Sterilising Water 291 Payne G. A. and Revis C. Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Milk and Cream 286 Pellet H. Estimation of Cane-Sugar Reducing Sugar and Dextrins in Wines 220 Perciabosco F. and Scurti F. Myrtle-seed Oil 366 Perkin Sir W. H. Death of 283 Petkow N. Detection of Cotton-seed Oil 123 Pfeiffer O. New Apparatus for Gas Analysis 71 Pfyl B. A New Absorption Apparatus 187 Phelps J. I<. and Hubbard J. L. Use of Succinic Acid as a Standard for Alkali-Pictet A. and Court A. New Alkaloids Separated from Tobacco Pepper Carrots, Separation of Ferrocyanides Ferricyanides and Thiocyanates 338 Tanning Materials 57 - Preservatives in Milk 153 267 metry 230 Parsley and Coca-Leaves 41 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII, Pinagel A.Estimation of Cotton in Mixed Woollen Yarns and Fabrics 333 Plahl W. A Colour Reaction yielded by Bilberry Juice 92 Plancher - and Carrasco - New Method of Estimating Carbon and Hydrogen Pleissner M. The Solubility in Water of Some Lead Compounds 395 Poizat L. aid Seyewetz A. Apparatus for Continuous Preparation of Pure Oxygen Polenske E. Detection of Certain Animal Fats in Admixture with other Animal Fats, Pozzi-Escot E. Colorimetric Determination of Small Quantities of Gold 184 in Organic Substances 238 for Use in Organic Analysis 277 382 -- New Ureometers 222 -- A New Reaction for Nickel Applicable in the Presence of any Proctor H. R. and Bennett H. G. Present Development of the Analysis of Tanning Pursel R.C. and Webster X. H. Estimation of Strychnine in Nux Vomica by the Quantity of Cobalt and a Microchemical Reaction for Nickel 432 Materials 57 126 Nitric Acid Process 93 Radcliffe L. G. Constants of Carnauba Wax 27 -.- and Maddocks H. W. Constants of Bog-Butter 89 Rakowski A. and Doroschewski A. The Action of Nitric Acid on Starch 425 Rammstedt O. and Mattheo H. Estimation of Alkaloids in Nux Vomica Hydrastis, Randall D. L. Titration of Mercuric Salts with Potassium Permanganate 184 Ratcliff F. D. Estimation of Mineral Acids in Vinegar 5 Mineral Acids in Vinegar 82 -_- Composition of English Fermentation Vinegars 85 Rawles W. H. Calorimeter for Volatile Liquid Fuels Specially Adapted for Petrol, Reichard C. Identification of Halogens in their Alkali Salts 232 Repiton F.Estimation of Chlorine in Urine 222 Revis C. Rapid Estimation of Total Solids in Milk 284 -- and Payne G. A. Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Milk and Cream, Rey-Pailhade J. de Chemical Distinction between Serum Albumin and Nyo-Richards J. W. and Brink F. N. Densities of Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubi-and Jaborandi by means of Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 216 343 286 Albumin 25 dium and Casium 187 P. A. E. Sealing of Samples 416 Richardson F. W. Determination of Formaldehyde in Milk 47 Richens B. E. and Hardy H. Note on Fractional Distillation by means of Steam, Richmond H. D. Estimation of Preservatives in Milk 13 ~ _ _ _ _ _ Detection of Cane-Sugar in Milk and Cream 88 Preparation of Standard Sulphuric Acid 130 197 ~- Temperature Correction of the Zeiss Butyro-Refractometer 44 -___- Composition of Milk 141 - Fractional Distillation by means of Steam 201 - Composition of Irish Butters during the Winter Months 207 - Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volumetric Methods, -_ and Miller E.H. Preservatives in Milk 144 213 Sealing of Samples 408 Riedel J. D. Estimation of Antipyrine 21 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xix Riegler E. Method for Estimating Iodides in the presence of Bromides and Chlorides, 271 Rirnini E. a d Olivari F. Use of Fenchone in the Determination of Molecular Weights by the Boiling-Point Method 369 Rinne R. Simple Arrangement for Filtration of Alkaline Liquids (in Air free from Carbon Dioxide) 240 Rittener A. and Lunge G.Determination of Carbon Dioxide alone or in Mixtures with other Gases (Sulphuretted Hydrogen Chlorine) absorbed by Caustic Alkalis, 63 Robertson P. W. Volumetric Method of Estimating Mercury 339 Robin L. Detection of Cocoanut Oil and Margarine in Butter 47 - - in Lard 168 - in Cacao Butter 256 RonchBse A. New Method of Estimating Ammonia 303 Rosanofl M. X . a d Hill A. E. The Estimation of Chlorides or Bromides in the - A Necessary Modification of Volhard’s Method of Rosenheim O. Chemistry of Hehner’s Test for Formaldehyde in Milk 106 Rosenstein M. and Cantoni H. Volumetric Determination of Copper by means of Ross R. and Leather J. P. Valuation of Oils for Gas-Making Purposes 241 - Estimation of Minute Traces of Arsenic 248 Rossi IJ. Estimation of Indican in Urine by means of Alkali Persulphates 262 Roters P.and Henrich F. Composition of Roman Glasses and Bronzes 369 Rougeot R. and Constam E. J. Parr Method for Determination of Calorific Value Rowe W. T. aid Hargreaves W. A. The Detection of Mercury in Explosives 339 Rowell H. W. Direct Determination of Antimony 67 Rupp E. Note on Halphen’s Reaction 95 - Volumetric Estimation of Mercury 127 Ruth PI. A. and McPherson W. Maize Oil as a Possible Adulterant of Lard and Rutter T. F. and Luther R. Iodomebric Estimation of Chlorates 393 Ryan L. A. and Marshall J. Influence of Oxygen Nitrogen and Sunlight upon the Presence of Sulphocyanates 428 Estimating Chlorides 232 Potassium Iodides 70 of Coal 62 its Detection 329 Iodine and Saponification Values of Olive Oil 336 Sacerdoti L.The Volumetric Estimation of Manganese in Steel 433 Sahlbom N. awl Hinrichsen F. W. Titration of Hydrofluosilicic i4cid 32 Sanger C. R. and Gibson J. A. Estimation of Small Amounts of Antimony by the Sauvage E. a d Loulise E. New Method for Testing Oils 365 Scheuer O. and Vaubel W. Determination of Tannin in Tanning Materials 56 Schidrowitz P. Note on the Estimation of Mineral Acid in Vinegar 3 -- Estimation of Higher Alcohols in Distilled Liquors 289 Schlemmer R. Fractionating Columns for Readily Volatile Liquids 375 Schlicht A. Phosphornolybdic Acid as a Reagent for Potassium 64 Schliiter H. mzd Marcusson J. Estimation of Paraffin in Ozokerite and Ceresin, Schmidt Dr. J. Die Chemische Analyse Review 403 Schouten S. L. A Modified Method and New Apparatus for the Study of Enzymes, Schreiber H.Determination of the Saponification Number of Lubricating Oils Marsh-Berzelius Method 303 178 390 containing Saponifiable Fats 96 c xx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Schreiber H. and Walker P. H. Estimation of Zinc present as Carbonate and Schucht L. and Moller W. Determination of Hydrofluosilicic Acid 33 Schuck B. and Grossmann H. A New Method of Estimating Nickel and its Applica-tion to the Separation of Nickel from Cobalt and Zinc 273 - Estimation of Nickel as Nickel Dicyandiamidine and its Separation from Iron and Aluminium 394 Schultze F. and Wagner B. The Determination of Ethyl Alcohol by means of the Zeiss Immersion Refractometer 363 Schwalbe C. G. Estimation of Amino- and Hydroxyl Compounds of the Benzene and Naphthalene Series 300 Schweissinger O.and Kunz H. Occurrence of Ellagic Acid in Raspberries and the Cause of Raspberry Juice turning Turbid 387 Schweitzer A. and Meyer R. J. Volumetric Estimation and Separation of Cerium by means of Potassium Permanganate 305 Sckworzow V. A New Sublimation Apparatus 104 Scriba F. Detection of Small Quantities of Water 32 Scurti F. and Parrozzani A. Hydrolytic Action of Croton Seeds 361 - and Perciabosco F. Myrtle-seed Oil 366 Seidell A. Estimation of Acetanilide in ‘( Headache Powders,” 361 - Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances Beviezo 311 - Solubility of Acetanilide Phenacetin Caffeine and Salol in Several Silicate in Ores 185 Solvents 360 Self P. A. W. Estimation of Chloral Hydrate 328 - and Greenish H.G. Estimation of Cantharidin in Cantharides 173 Seligmann E. Detection of Heated Milk 21 Seyewetz A. and Poizat L. Apparatus for Continuous Preparation of Pure Oxygen Seyler C. A. Amount of Calcium Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks 1 7 - Deposition and Analysis of Sewage Debris in Contact Beds 115 - Valuation of Oils for Gas-making Purposes 246 -- Reducing Action of Hydrogen 254 Sherwood L. T. and Alleman G. Use of Tin as a Cathode for the Rapid Quantitative Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc Copper Silver Cadmium and Nickel 372 Shrewsbury H. S. Estimation of Preservatives in Milk 5 Siegfeld M. Influence of Feeding with Cocoanut Cakes and Beetroot Leaves on the Composition of Butter Fat especially as regards the Polenske and Reichert-Meissli Values of the Same 256 Simon Fr.New Reaction for Free Hydrochloric Acid in the Contents of the Stomach 121 Sims W. E. Volumetric Estimation of Free Acid in the Presence of Copper and Skertchly W. P. Estimation of Preservatives in Milk 14 Skrabal A, Manganese Value of Standard Permanganate Solutions 33 Skworzow B. J. Detection and Estimation of Indican 421 Smith E. F. and Kollock L. G. Effect of Sulphuric Acid on the Deposition of Metals when using a Mercury Cathode and Rotatory Anode 341 - Wherry E. T. Use of a Rotating Anode in the Electrolytic Precipitation of Uranium and Molybdenum 341 Earth Metals 428 9 - McCutcheon T. P. jun. The Electrolysis of Xetallic Chloride Solutions with the Use of the Rotating Silver Anode and Mercury Cathode 428 for Use in Organic Analysis 277 other Metallic Salts 337 - Lukens H.S. The Electrolysis of the Halides of the Alkalin INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xxi Soltsien P. On the Reactions of Gum Benzoin and Spices in the Tests for Sesame Southerden F. Improved Gas Generator 240 Spence D. Analysis of a Latex from Funtumia Elastica 365 - Methods of Analysis of Raw Rubber 424 Spiro H. S. and Moffatt M. R. Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Lead Sprague C. B. and Ebaugh W. C. The Use of Sodium Carbonate and Zinc Oxide Stacey E. E. and Mann E. A. Application of Chemical Analysis to Examination of Stadlinger H. and Lehmann P. Determination of Sugars in Honey by means of the Stiihler A. Separation and Estimation of Bismuth and Mercury by Sodium Phosphate, Stansell L. W.Sealing of Samples 409 Stark O. A New Indicator Methyl-3-Aminoquinoline 424 Stepanow A. Determination of Halogens in Organic Compounds by means of Stevens H. P. and Beadle C. Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 337 Stokes H. N. and Gain J. R. Colorimetric Determination of Iron with Special Stone G. W. and Waring W. G. Zinc Ore Analysis 235 Stubbs G. Sealing of Samples 410 Stutzer A. The Use of Calcium Nitrate in Fusion Mixtures for Oxidation 393 Sullivan A. L. and Crampton C. A. Crystalline Appearance of Calcium Tartrate as a Distinctive and Delicate Test for presence of Tartaric Acid or Tartrates 60 Sutherland G. A, Sealing of Samples 415 Sykes W. J. Death of 1 -- and Ling A. R. The Principles and Practice of Brewing Review 376 Talbot H. P. and Woodman A.G. The Fluorine Content of Malt Liquors 387 Tarugi N. c ~ n d Calliado E. Modification of the Guyard-Volhard Method for the Thatcher R. W, A Comparison of Various Methods for Estimating the Baking Thiele J. New ,4pparatus for Melting-Point Determinations 277 Thiery - Use of Phthalophenone Paper as a Reagent for Hydrocyanic Acid 96 Thomsen J. E. Analysis of Pigment in a Paint when it contains a Combustible Tickle T. Assay of Morphine 174 Tollens and Mayer Fucose and Estimation of Pentosans 300 Tolman L. M. and Trescot T. C. Method for Determination of Esters Aldehydes, and Furfural in Whisky 49 Tower G. E. and Dean A. L. Estimation of Cellulose in Wood 363 Trescot T. C. and Tolman L. M. Method for Determination of Esters Aldehydes, and Cook F. C. Modification of Tannin Salt Method for Separation of Trueblood B.C. and Lind S. C. Alkalimetric Method for the Estimation of Tungsten Tschirch A and Edner J. Determination of Value of Rhubarb 215 Tucker S. 3. Platinum Resistance Furnace for Melting-Points and Combustions, Oil 419 in Potable Waters 306 in Sulphur and Arsenic Determinations 434 Commercial Spirits 219 Yolarimeter 321 304 Metallic Sodium and Ethyl Alcohol 52 Reference to Chemical Reagents 271 Estimation of Manganese 394 Qualities of Flour 329 Substance 55 and Furfural in Whisky 49 Proteoses and Peptones 302 in Steel 275 43 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Turner J. L. and Vanderkleed C. E. Estimation of Acetanilide and Phenacetin in Twitchell E. Esterification of Glycerol and Fatty Acids 294 Pharmaceutical Preparations 215 Ubbelohde L.Relation between Boiling-Points of Petroleum Distillates and the - Shortened Manometer with Receivable Vacuum (for Distillation in - A Modified Engler Viscosimeter and Tables for the Same 104 Barometric Pressure 25 Vacua etc.) 35 Ulrich C. and Kuttner S. Testing of Glue by means of Cambon’s Fusiometer 227 Utz - Examination of Wool-Fat 53 Estimation of Camphor in Celluloid 174 Ley’s Reaction for distinguishing between Natural and Artificial Honey 291 Differentiation of Balsams by means of Tin Chloride 359 Vamvakas J. Characterization of Gums by means of Nessler’s Reagent 93 --__ Detection of Gelatin in Gum Mucilage 226 Vanderkleed C . E. and Turner J. L. Estimation of Acetanilide and Pheiiacetin in Van Dormael J.Estimation of Free Acids in Superphosphates 182 Van Emster K. Specific Gravity of Aqueous Solutions of Perchloric Acid 129 Van Leeuwen J. Improved Extraction Apparatus 239 Vaubel W. and Scheuer O. Determination of Tannin in Tanning Materials 56 Verdier - Zvesque - aizd Bretin - A Poisonous Variety of Earicots 418 Vernon H. M. Solubility of Air in Fats 381 Vesterberg A. Standardisation of Acids by means of Magnesium 181 Ville J. Note on Pettenkofer’s Test for Bile Acids 390 Yincent H. Researches on Anaerobic Microbes in Drinking Water 219 Voelcker J. A. Composition of Irish Butter during the Winter Months 207 Vollrath I?. Apparatus for preventing Errors in Determination of Fat by means of Von Heide Apparatus for Determination of Specific Gravity of Potatoes 279 Von Horoszkiewicz St.and Marx H. Action of Quinine on Colouring Matter of Von Knorre G. Estimation of Tungsten in Tungsten Steel 131 Von Morgenstern F. and Wolbring W. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 118 Von Nostitz - and Jhkendorf - Apparatus for Estimating Sulphur in Steels, Votocek E. Identification of Sulphites in the presence of Thiosulphates and Thio-Pharmaceutical Preparations 215 - Sealing of Samples 411 Carbon Tetrachloride 278 Blood and Simple Method for Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Blood 24 7 Manganese in presence of Tungsten 234 etc. 278 nates 234 Waentig P. The Peroxydase Reaction of Milk as applied to the Detection of Heated -_ The Action of Heat on Milk (Literary Synopsis) 419 Wagner - Quantity of Fat in Asses’ Milk 47 - B.Cause of the Acid Reaction of Urine 261 - and Schultze F. The Determination of Ethyl Alcohol by means of- the Walker P. H. and Schreiber H. Estimation of Zinc present as Carbonate and Walton J. H. jun. Colorimetric Determination of Titanium 275 Waring W. G. and Stone G. W. Zinc Ore Analysis 235 Milk 418 Zeiss Immersion Refractometer 363 Silicate in Ores 18 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xxiii Warren C. M. and Elborne W. Peppermint Oil 389 Watteville C. de and Hemsalech G. A. Method of Obtaining the Flame Spectrum Watts H. F. Determination of Tungstic Acid in Wolframite Ores and Concentrates 66 Webster M. H. aizd Pursel R. C. Estimation of Strychnine in Nux Vomica by the Weigel G. Adulteration of Camphor Cubes 24 Weston R. S. Determination of Manganese in Water 370 Wheeler A.S. New Colour Reaction of the Lignocelluloses 264 Wherry E. T. and Smith E. F. Use of a Rotating Anode in the Electrolytic Precipitation of Uranium and Molybdenum 341 White J. Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 162 of Metals 375 Nitric Acid Process 93 Estimation of Lime and Magnesia in Water by Volunietric Methods 213 Rapid Estimation of Total Solids in Milk 285 9 Salicylic Acid in Milk and Cream 288 Whitteridge P. and Chapman A. C. A New Method for the Estimation of Tartaric q7iley H. W. Foods and their Adulteration Review 437 Acid 163 General Results of the Investigations showing the affect of Salicylic Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis Vol. I. Soils, Acid and Salicylates upon Digestion and Health 19 Review 347 Williams W.C. Some Analyses of Genuine Jamaica Rums 259 Windhaus A. and Hauth A. Note on Phytosterol 424 Wiudisch R. Amount of Ash contained in Cayenne Pepper (Paprika) 219 Winton A. L. Microscopy of Vegetable Foods Reuiezo 138 ~~ The Formation of T’olatile Sulphur Compounds in Meat and their Withrow J. R. Electrolytic Precipitation of Gold with Use of a Rotating Anode 128 Witmer L. F. Electrolytic Determination of Tin with Cse of a Rotating Anode 270 Wolbring W. aizd Morgenstern F. von Detection of Cocoanut Oil in Butter 118 Wolff J. Testing for Methyl Alcohol 333 Wolter L. Action of Iodine on Phosphorus Sesquisulphide and Detection of the Wood S. H. Bloxam W. P. and Orchardson I. Q. Analysis of Indigo 99 - T. B. Chemical Test for “ Strength ” in Wheat Flour 119 _ _ _ ~ - Chemistry of ;‘ Strength ” of Wheat Flour 293 Woodman A.G. and Talbot H. P. The Fluorine Content of Malt Liquors 387 Woods H. S. and Grindley H. S. Estimation of Creatinin and Creatin in Meats Wootton H. A. and Jones,H. O. Chemical Composition of Petroleum from Borneo 300 Wright C. H. Temperature Correction applicable to Specific Gravities of all Oils, Influence on the Detection of Added Sulphites 419 Latter in Ignition Mixtures 307 and Meat Products 171 Fats and Waxes 295 Yockey H. Determination of Antimony in Babbitt and Type Metals 67 Young G. and Caudwell B. Apparatus for Supply of Carbon Dioxide in Determina-tion of Nitrogen in Organic Compounds by the AbsoluteMethods 188 Zaloziecki R. and Hausmann J. Waxes occurring in Peat 336 Zanetti J.E. and Jackson C. L. Extractor for Use with Small Quantities of Zeller L. H. Arrangement for reading Thermometers Burettes etc. 134 Zerewitinoff T. Quantitative Determination of Hydroxyl Groups by means of Material 435 Organo-Magnesium Compounds 29 xxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ABSINTHE Essence of Identification of 119 Absorption Apparatus A New 157 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER JOURNALS 21 47 89 117 166 215 265, Acetanilide and Phenacetin in Pharmaceutical Preparations Estimation of 215 - in “ Headache Powders,” Estimation of 361 - Phenacetin Caffeine and Salol Solubility of in Several Solvents 360 Acetone A Ring Test for 31 - Wood Spirit in Estimation of 180 - in Urine Detection of 221 - New Method of Estimating 420 Acetylene Separation of Copper from other Metals by means of 184 Acid Arsenic in London Purple Determination of Total 69 - Boric and Borates in Foods and Commercial Products Estimation of 326 - Dithionic and Dithionates Analysis of 33 - Ellagic in Raspberries Occurrence of and the Cause of Raspberry Juice - Vessels New for Elementary Analysis 239 289 325 357 381 417 turning Turbid 387 Free in Paper Estimation of 228 - - Presence of 228 - in Presence of Copper and other Metallic Salts Volumetric Estimation of 337 Hydrochloric Free in Contents of Stomach New Reaction for 121 7 -_- and Acetyl Chloride for Distinguishing between Monohydric Alcohols 31 - Hydrocyanic and Starch in Cassava Proportion of 385 - -- Use of Phthalophenone Paper as a Reagent for 96 Hydrofluosilicic Deterinination of 33 - Malic in Nusts and Wines Proportion of 388 - Mineral in Organic Acid Detection of 30 - 9 - in Vinegar Estimation of Note on 3 - Mixtures which have been used for Nitrating Cellulose Analysis of 264 - Molybdic in Solution Reduction of by Molybdenum and Titration of Reducing - - The ‘‘ Nitron ” Method for the Estimation of 349 - Perchloric Specific Gravity of Aqueous Solutions of 129 - Titration of 32 Solutions with Potassium Permanganate 272 Nitric Action of on Starch 425 Nitrous Estimation of and Separation from Nitric Acid 234 Phosphomolybdic as a Reagenf for Potassium 64 Phosphoric Quantitative Volatilisation of from its Salts in a Current of Chlorine and Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 430 Phosphotungstic as a Reagent for Potassium Salts 130 - Salicylic and Salicylates General Results of the Investigations showing - - in Canned Tomatoes Catsups etc.Determination of 50 - - in Wine Use of Carbon Bisulphide in Estimation of 220 - -- in Phenol Menthol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate, Separation and Estimation of 392 Effect of upon Digestion and Health 1 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxrII xxv Acid Succinic as a Standard for Alkalimetry Use of 230 Sulphuric Action on Phenol of Note on Merck’s ‘‘ Aseptol,” 417 , f - Detection and Estimation of in presence of Hydrogen Fluoride 274 - Effect of on Deposition of Metals when using a Mercury Cathode - Standard Preparation of 130 in Tartrates and Wine Lees Estimation of total 293 or Tartrates Crystalline Appearance of Calcium Tartrate as Distinc-and Rotating Anode 341 - - 2 Tartaric Estimation of New Method for 163 1 , - -___ -tive and Delicate Test for Presence of 60 of 267 Trichloroacetic Separation of Cadniium from Zinc as Sulphide in presence Tungstic in Wolframite Ores and Concentrates Determination of 66 Uric in Calculi etc.Detection of 262 Acidimetry Use of Standardised Ammonia Solution in 182 Acidity Total and Volatile Acids in Coloured Wines Estimation of 259 Acids Bile Pettenkofer’s Test for Note on 390 - Chromic and Chloric and Manganese and Lead Peroxides Iodometric Estima-- Cod-liver Oil Fatty Separation of 25 - Fatty and Glycerol Esterification of 294 tion of 268 - 9 - Saturated Separation of from each other 95 - t - Unsaturated Action of Mercuric Acetate upon 179 7 9 Reaction of Mercuric Acetate with 294 - -- Free in Superphosphates Estimation of 182 - Mineral in Vinegar 82 - Molybdic and Vanadic Reduction of (III.) and Reducing Action of Hydrogen, - Non-volatile Fatty of Butter Fat Refraction of 358 - Organic Certain occurring in Fruits Estimation of 169 - -- in Fruits and Fruit Juices 170 - -_ --_ Vegetables Separation and Estimation of 332 - Standardisation of by means of Magnesium 181 - Tartaric and Malic Estimation of by Titration with Potassium Perman-- Volatile and Total Acidity in Coloured Wines Estimation of 259 Aconitine Reaction of 62 Act Butter and Margarine 399 Adrenaline Characteristic Reaction of 289 Adulteration.-Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs 437 Agar and Gelatin Nutrient Media Rapid Filtration of 261 Air-bath and Hot Plate A Convenient 236 Air in Fats Solubility of 381 Alcohol and Ether in Mixtures Estimation of 333 - Dehydration of 391 ~- Ethyl Determination of by means of the Zeiss Immersion Refractometer, Alcohols Commercial Detection of Traces of Zinc in 133 -_ Higher in Distilled Liquors Estimation of 289 - - Monohydric Acetyl Chloride and Hydrochloric Acid for distinguishing -_- Tertiary Terpenic Linalol and other Estimation of 122 250 7 Combined Volumetric Estimation of 228 ___- -ganate 266 363 in Spirits Estimation of 117 ~ between 3 xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXTI.Algerian and Tunisian Olive Oils 257 alizarine Assistants Mixtures and Soaps Estimation of Castor Oil in 289 Alkali Salts Identification of the Halogens in their 232 - Metals Densities of 187 Alkalimetric Method for Estimation of Txngsten in Steel 275 Alkalimetry Use of Succinic Acid as a Standard for 230 Alkalis Separation of Magnesium from by Arsenate Method 307 Alkaloids in Nux Vomica Hydrastis and Jaborandi Estimation of by mean8 of Dinitrophenylniethylpyrazolone 216 - New Separated from Tobacco Pepper Carrots Parsley and Coca Alumina and Silica in Iron Ores Estimation of 393 Aluminium in Silicates Estimation of 335 Leaves 417 - Hydroxide and Free Acid in Aluminium Sulphate and Alums Iodometric - and Iron Estimation of Nickel as Nickel Dicyandiamidine and its Estimation of 127 Separation from 394 - New Method of Estimating 303 Ammonia Standardised Solution Use of in *4cidimetry 182 Ammonium Salts and various Filtering Media Interaction of Dilute Solutions of 331 Anaerobic Microbes in Drinking-Water Researches on 219 Analysis Chemical Application of to Examination of Commercial Spirits 219 - - Elementary Drying Apparatus for 276 ____- - of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks Review 378 -- Quantitative Use of Nickel Crucibles in and Composition of the so-called Animal Fats Detection of Certain in Admixture with other Animal Fats 382 Anions Determination of Electrolytically 268 ASXUAL GENERAL MEETING 75 Anode A Rotating Electrolytic Determinations and Separations with use of 269 in Water New Method of Estimating 182 “ Nickel Soot,” 277 Determination of Tin with use of 270 -? - Precipitation of Gold with use of 128 - Use of in the Electrolytic Precipitation of Uranium and Molyb--- --_ -, 9 denum 341 Antimony Direct Determination of 67 - Electrolytic Estimation of 230 - Estimation of Small Amounts of by Marsh-Berzelius Method 303 - and Arsenic in Ores Determination of 68 - - in Refined Copper Knorr Method of Determining 100 - and Tin in Babbitt Type Metal or other Alloys (applicable also wherever the Antimony and Tin are obtained as Sulphides) 101 Antipyrine Estimation of 217 APPARATUS ABSTRACTS 34 70 103 134 187 236 276 308 342 373 397 434 Apparatus for Determination of Specific Gravity of Potatoes 279 - Drying for Elementary Analysis 276 - for Estimating Sulphur in Steels etc.278 Gas-developing 240 -- Improved Extraction 239 for Continuous Preparation of Pure Oxygen for use in Organic Analysis, 277 - New for Examination of Poor Gases by Absorption 70 -- - Forms of Mercury-drop Tensimeters 373 -_- - for Gas Analysis 7 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xxvii Apparatus New for Melting-point Determinations 277 - for Preventing Errors in Determination of Fat by means of Carbon -- for Rapid Estimation of Sulphates and Salts of Barium Improved Form - Simple with Stirrer for Treating a Liquid at its Boiling-point with two -- for Supply of Carbon Dioxide in Determination of Nitrogen in Organic Arrangement for Reading Thermometers Burettes etc. 134 Arrhenal (Sodium Methyl Arsenate) and Atoxyl (Sodium Anilarsenate) Reactions Arsenic Organic Compounds of Detection of 94 - Acid in London Purple Determination of Total 69 ____- Estimation of Minute Traces of The Insensitiveness of Zinc 247 -- and Antimony in Refined Copper Knorr Method of Determining 100 Tetrachloride 278 of 308 or more Gases 135 Compounds by the Absolute Methods 188 and Estimation of 325 - Sulphur Determinations Use of Sodium Carbonate and Zinc Oxide in, 434 “ Aseptol,” Merck’s Note on Action of Sulphuric Acid on Phenol 417 Ashes Alkalinity of New Method for Estimating 181 Asphaltum Meal Estimation of Bitumen in 263 Atomic Weight of Radium 395 Atoxyl (Sodium Anilarsenate) and Arrhenal (Sodium Methyl Arsenate) Reactions and Automatic Vacuum Regulator 374 Azo-Dyes as Indicators Use of 230 Estimation of 325 Babbitt and Type Metals Determination of Antimony in 67 Bacteriological Examination of Disinfectants Review 404 BACTERIOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL RTC.261 294 331 362 390 420 Balance Improved Laboratory 135 Balsam Tolu New Method of Testing 330 Balsams Differentiation of by means of Tin Chloride 359 Barium Peroxide Analysis of 65 - Sulphates and- Salts-of Rapid Estimation of Improved Form of Apparatus for 308 Barley Extract of Estimation of 362 -- Polarimetric Determination of Starch in 179 - - Proteins in Colorimetric Estimation of by means of Millon’s Reagent 301 Baryta Value of Butter Fat 382 Basic Lead Acetate Influence of on Rotation of Cane-Sugar in Aqueous Solution 229 - Praseodymium Acetate and Iodine Absorption Compound of 130 Beans Java Cyanogen in 255 Beer (( Apparent ’’ Maltose in Estimation of 327 Beeswax of Different Ages in the Comb Analytical Values of.Composition of Bees’ Benzene Carbon Disulphide in Estimation of 422 ____- Commercial Determination of Carbon Disulphide and Total Sulphur in 29 in Illuminating Gas Determination of 61 and Naphthalene Series Estimation of Amino- and Hydroxyl Compounds of Resin (Propolis) 422 the 300 Bergamot Oil Acid Value of 388 Beryllium Separation and Determination of 66 267 Bilberry Juice Colour Reaction yielded by 9 xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Bile Acids Pettenkofer’s Test for Note on 390 Bismuth and Mercury Separation and Estimation of by Sodium Phosphate 304 -- Volumetric Estimation of 183 Bitumen in Asphaltum Meal Estimation of 263 Biuret Reaction Valuation of Pepsin by means of 119 Bleached Flours The Detection of 418 Blood Action of Quinine on Colouring Matter of and Simple Method for Detection of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Minute of 195 Bog-Butter Constants of 89 Boiling-Point Method Determination of Molecular Weights by Use of Fenchone in 369 Bomb Calorimetric Rate of Combustion and Pressure developed in a 298 BOOKS NEW 244 379 440 BOOKS REVIEWS OF : Carbon Monoxide in 24 Allen A.H. Commercial Organic Analysis 310 British Pharmaceutical Codex 439 Blyth A. W. and Blyth M. W. Poisons Their Effects and Detection 195 Dibdin W. J. Recent Improvements in Methods for the Biological Treat-Rillebrand W. F. The Analysis of Silicate and Carbonate Rocks 378 Jensen C. O. The Essentials of Milk Hygiene 404 Kinch E. Church’s Laboratory Guide 8th edition 280 Kraemer H. A Text-Book of Botany and Pharmacognosy 311 Nissenson H.Die Untersuchungsmethoden des Zinks 378 Partridge W. The Bacteriological Examination of Disinfectants 404 Robertson F. D. S. Practical Agricultural Chemistry 243 Schmidt Julius Die Chemische Analyse 403 Seidell A. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances 311 Sykes PI. J. and Ling A. R. The Principles and Practice of Brewing, Wiley H. W. Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis Vol. i., Winton A. L. The Microscopy of Vegetable Foods 138 ment of Sewage with Aerobic Action Throughout 377 376 Soils 347 -- Foods and their Adulteration 437 Borates and Boric Acid in Foods and Commercial Prbducts Estimation of 326 Boric Acid and Borates in Foods and Commercial Products Estimation of 326 Botany and Pharmacognosy Text-Book of Review 311 Bottles Device for Filling from Carboys 188 Brandies Analysis of 258 Breakfast Foods Their Chemical Composition Digestibility and Cost 166 British Pharmaceutical Codex Review 439 Bromides and Chlorides Method for Estimating Iodides in the Presence of 271 ~- - Separation of 231 Bronzes and Glasses Roman Composition of 369 Burette A Self-Filling 236 Butter and Margarine Act 399 -- Cacao Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 256 - Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 118 160 - -or Chlorides Estimation of in the Iresence of Sulphocyanates 428 -- and Margarine in Detection of 47 Fat The Baryta Value of 382 - The Caprylic Acid Value of 383 - and Lactose in Milk Chocolate Estimation of 290 - Non-Volatile Fatty Acids.of Refraction of 35 xxix INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Butter Fat Influence of Feeding with Cocoanut Cakes and Beetroot Leaves on Composition of especially as regards the Polenske and Reichert-Meissl Values of same 256 Butter and other Fats Direct Determination of Water in 21 - - Irish Composition of during the Winter Months 202 - Methods for Analysis of 22 Butyro-Refractometer Zeiss Temperature Correction of 44 Cacao Butter Detection of Cocoanut Oil in 256 Cadmium Separation of from Zinc as Sulphide in presence of Trichloroacetic Acid, Caffeine Acetanilide Phenacetin and Salol Solubility of in Several Solvents 360 Calcium Nitrate in Fusion Mixtures Use of for Oxidation 393 - Oxalate in Cinnamon and Cassia Barks Amount of 14 - Tartrate Crystalline Appearance of as a Distinctive and Delicate Test for Calculi etc.Detection of Uric Acid in 262 Calorimeter for Volatile Liquid Fuels Specially Adapted for Petrol 343 Calorimetric Resis tame Therrn ome t ers 436 Camphor Cubes Adulteration of 24 - Liniment 328 -- Notes on Analysis of 223 Camphorated Oil 327 Cane-Sugar in Aqueous Solution Influence of Basic Lead Acetate on Rotation of 229 ~- or Dextrose Estimation of Gold by Reduction with 429 - in Plant Tissue Detection of by means of Invertase 297 - Inversion of by Acid Mercuric Nitrate 296 - in Milk and Cream Detection of 87 - Reducing Sugars and Dextrin in Wines Estimation of 220 Cantharides Estimation of Cantharidin in 173 Cantharidin in Cantharides Estimation of 173 ~- Notes on 418 Caoutchouc Nitrosites of and their Application in Analysis of Raw Rubber and Rubber Products 224 Cape Berry Wax 125 Caprylic Acid Value of Butter Fat 383 Caramel in Vinegar Fuller’s Earth Test for 92 Carbohydrates Separation of by means of Pure Yeasts 94 Carbon and Nitrogen Total in Urine Modifications in Methods for Estimating 420 - Bisulphide Use of in Estimation of Salicylic Acid in Wine 820 267 the presence of Tartaric Acid or Tartrates 60 in Celluloid Estimation of 174 Synthetical Tests for 224 Dioxide Determination of alone or in Mixtures with other Gases absorbed Disulphide in Benzene Estimation of 422 - in Illuminating Gas Estimation of 423 Tetrachloride Estimation of Foreign Mineral Matter in Feeding-Stuffs by - and Chlorine Vapour Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric Carbonate and Silicate Estimate of Zinc present in Ores as 185 Carbonyl Chloride Ethyl Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide Molecular Weight Deter-Carbylamines and Nitriles Methods of Estimating 176 by Caustic Alkalis 63 means of 172 Acid from its Salts in a Current of 430 minations by the Elevation of the Boiling-points of 43 xxx INDEX TO VOLUME XXXK Carnauba Wax Constants of 27 Carrots Tobacco Pepper Parsley and Coca Leaves New Alkaloids Separated from, Caseins Some Phenomena observed in Peptic Digestion of 167 Cassava Hydrocyanic Acid and Starch in Proportion of 385 Castor Oil in Mixtures Soaps and Alizarine Assistants Estimation of 289 Cathode for Rapid Quantitative Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc Copper Silver Cad-Catsup Tomato 167 Causse-Bonnans Method of Estimating Dextrose Modification of 334 Caustic Lime Method of Estimating by use of a Sugar Solution 320 Cayenne Pepper Free from Pungent Principle 328 Ceara Rubber Tree Oil from Seeds of 125 Celluloid Determination of Camphor in 26 Cellulose Cutin and Lignin in Pepper and Cocoa Quantity of 172 Ceresin and Ozokerite Estimation of Paraffin in 178 Charcoal Animal Decolorising Action of 364 Chemische Analyse Die Review 403 Chloral A New Reaction of 173 - Hydrate Estimation of 328 Chlorates Iodometric Estimation of 393 Chloric and Chromic Acids and of Manganese and Lead Peroxides Iodimetric Chloride Solutions Metallic Electrolysis of with the Use of the Rotating Silver -- Stannic Percentage of Tin and Specific Gravity of Pure Solutions of 342 ~ - - Tin Differentiation of Balsams by means of 359 Chlorides and Bromides Method for Estimating Iodides in presence of 271 417 mium and Nickel Use of Tin as a 372 (Paprika) Amount of Ash coutained in 219 Estimation of Camphor in 174 in Wood Estimation of 363 Estimation of 268 Anode and Mercary Cathode 428 -- Separation of 231 or Bromides Estimation of in the Presence of Sulphocyanates 428 Volhard’s Method of Estimating A Necessary Modification of 232 Chlorine and Bromine Separation of by means of Hydrogen Peroxide 31 -- and Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour Quantitative Volatilisation of Phosphoric _____- - in Urine Estimation of 222 Chocolate Milk Estimation of Lactose and Butter Fat in 290 Cholesterol Investigation of 333 Chromic and Chloric Acids and Manganese and Lead Peroxides Iodimetric Estima-Chromium Iron and Manganese Rapid Estimation of Nickel in presence of 395 - Volumetric Estimation of by Potassium Permanganate 368 Chrysalis Oil 53 Church’s Laboratory Guide Beview 280 Cinnamon and Cassia Barks Amount of Calcium Oxalate in 14 Citral in Lemon Oils and Essences Method for Determination of 58 Clay Ware Glazed Testing of 232 Coal Amount of Volatile Matter in Experiments to Determine 423 Acid from its Salts in a Current of 430 tion of 268 Calorific Power of New Formula for Calculating 126 Value of Parr Method for Determination of 62 - _____ Coals Lignitic and Sub-Bituminous Analysis of 298 Coal-Tar Oils Valenta’s Dimethyl Sulphate Test for 22 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xxxi Cobalt New Reaction for Nickel Applicable in the Presence of any Quantity of and -- Separation of from Manganese and Iron by means of Potassium Nitrite 102 Coca Leaves Tobacco Pepper Carrots and Parsley New Alkaloids Separated from 417 Cocoa and Pepper Cellulose Cutin and Lignin in Quantity of 172 Cocoanut Oil Alcoholysis of 52 --_ in Butter Detection of 160 - __ in Cacao Butter Detection of 256 -__ in Lard Detection of 168 -I_-- and Margarine in Butter Detection of 47 Cod-Liver Oil Fatty Acids Separation of 25 Colorimeter The Kennicott- Sargent 279 Colour of Small Quantities of Faintly Coloured Liquids Simple Means for the -- Reactions of the Lignocelluloses 334 of some Organic Compounds 98 Colouring Matter Effect of on some of the Digestive Enzymes 390 Colours Added in Spices Modification of Martin’s Method for the Detection of 329 - Foreign Detection of in Wine and Precipitation of Colouring Matters of Red Commercial Organic Analysis Review 310 Compounds Some Lead Solubility in Water of 395 Condensed Milk Estimation of Fat in 168 Constant Pressure Gas Generator for Use over a Wide Range of Pressure 345 Contact Substance Use of Palladium as in Combustion Analysis 434 Copals Certain American Characteristics of 54 Copper and other Metallic Salts Volumetric Estimation of Free Acid in Presence of, Electrolytic Precipitation of from an Alkaline Cyanide Electrolyte 270 Separation of from other Metals by means of Acetylene 184 Volumetric Determination of by means of Potassium Iodides 70 a Microchemical Reaction for Nickel 432 -- A Means of Distinguishing from Butter and other Fats and Oils 89 Recognition of and its Use in Microchemical Analysis 397 Wines 120 -~ 9 - in Organic Elementary Analysis 366 337 7 - Refining of Methods for Control of 128 Spirals Reduction of for Use in Elementary Analysis 51 Cotton in Mixed Woollen Yarns and Fabrics Estimation of 333 Cotton-Seed Oil Detection of 123 Crab Composition of Extract of 118 255 Creatin and Greatinin in Meat Extracts Colorimetric Determination of 48 -~ Cresol and Phenol Estimation of by a Biological Method 154 Croton-Seeds Hydrolytic Action of 361 Cryoscope Apparatus for Exact Determinations 237 Cutin Cellulose and Lignin in Pepper and Cocoa Quantity of 172 Cyanogen in Java Beans 255 - in Meats and Meat Products Estimation of 171 Decolorising Action of Animal Charcoal 364 Dehydration of Alcohol 391 Dennstedt’s Method of Combustion Analysis Modifications of 434 Dextrin Cane-Sugar and Reducing Sugars in Wines Estimation of 220 Dextrose Causse-Bonnans Method of Estimating Rlodification of 334 -- or Cane-Sugar Estimation of Gold by Reduction with 429 Die Untersuchungsmethoden des Zinks Review 378 Digestive Enzymes Effect of Colouring Matter on Some of the 39 xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Dirnethylglyoxime Application of to the Estimation of Nickel and its Separation from the Metals of the Ammonium Sulphide Group 431 Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone Estiination of Alkaloids in Nux Vomica Hydrastis, and Jaborandi by means of 216 Disinfectants Standardisation of 51 Distillation and Desiccation at Low Temperatures Apparatus for 103 Dithionates and Dithionic Acid Analysis of 33 Dithionic Acid and Dithionates Analysis of 33 - Fractional by means of Steam Note on 197 - Molecular Weight Determination of Volatile Bodies by 227 Earth Metals Alkaline Halides of the The Electrolysis of 428 Earths Yttrium Separation of New Method for 308 Electro-Analysis New Results in 429 Electrolysis of the Halides of the Alkaline Earth Metals 428 -- of Metallic Chloride Solutions with the Use of the Rotating Silver Anode Electrolyte An Alkaline Cyanide Electrolytic Precipitation of Copper from 270 Electrolytic Determinations and Separations with Ugt3 of a Rotating Anode 269 Ellstgic Acid in Raspberries Occurrence of and the Cause of Raspberry Juice turning Enzymes Modified Method and New Apparatus for the Study of 390 and Mercury Cathode 428 Turbid 387 Digestive Effect of Colouring Matter on Some of the 390 Proteolytic Use of Optically Active Polypeptides for Testing the Activity of 337 Errata 196 249 348 Essence of Absinthe Identification of 119 Essential Oils New 59 Essentials of Nilk Hygiene Review 404 Esters Aldehydes and Furfural in Whisky Methods for Determination of 49 Ether and Alcobol in Mixtures Estimation of 333 Ethyl Alcohol Determination of by means of the Zeiss Immersion Refractometer 363 - Chloride Carbonyl Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide Molecular Weight Deter-Explosives Detection of Mercury in 339 Extract of Barley Estimation of 362 - of Crab Composition of 118 255 Extractor for Use with Small Quantities of Material 435 minations by the Elevation of the Boiling-points of 431 Fabrics Textile Method of Differentiating Fibres in 28 Fat Butter Refraction of the Non-Volatile Fatty Acids of 358 3 The Baryta Value of 382 - -- 9 - The Caprylic Acid Value of 383 --- Extraction Simple Apparatus for 104 - Foreign in Lard Detection of 384 - Horse and ( ( Animal ” Oil Note on 317 - in Condensed Milk Estimation of 168 Fats Air in Solubility of 381 Alcoholysis of 52 Animal Certain in Admixture with Other Animal Fats Detection of 382 Unsaponifiable Matter of Estimation of Paraffin in 122 -- (‘ Mercurised,” Reactions given by Iodine and Sulphur with 335 of the Garcinia Species 358 Reichert-Meissl and Polenske Values of Note on Determination of 21 INDEX TO VOLUME xxxIr.xxxiii Feeding-Stuffs Estimation of Foreign Mineral Matter in by means of Carbon Tetra--- and Fertiliaers Regulations (Limits of Error) 1906 241 Fenchone Use of in Determination of Molecular Weights by the Boiling-Point Method 369 Ferrocyanides Ferricyanides and Thiocyanates Method for Detection and Qualitative Separation of 338 Fertilisers and Feeding-Stuffs Regulations (Limits of Error) 1906 241 Filter New Pressure for Laboratory Use 398 -Paper A New 238 Filtration of Alkaline Liquids (in Air free from Carbon Dioxide) A Simple Arrange-Flame Spectrum of Metals Method of Obtaining 375 Flesh Action of Preservatives on 256 Flour Adulteration of with Ivory-Nut Meal 218 - The Baking Qualities of Comparison of Various Methods for Estimating, Flours Bleached The Detection of 418 - Foreign especially of Rice and Beans in Wheat Flour Microscopical Detection of 386 -_- Various Specific Rotation of Proteins extracted from by Dilute Alcohol 387 Fluoride Iron Composition of and Estimation of Fluorine 185 Fluorine Content of Malt Liquors 387 ~- - Estimation of and Coinposition of Iron Fluoride 185 Foaming Liquids Boiling and Distillation of 342 FOOD AND DRUGS ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 21 47 89 117 166 215 255 289 325 357, Foods Breakfast Their Chemical Composition Digestibility and Cost 166 -- and Commercial Products Boric Acid and Borates in Estimation of 326 - and Their Adulteration Review 437 Formaldehyde Action of on Tannins 125 - Colour Test for Proteins 301 -- in Milk Chemistry of Hehner’s Test for 106 - Determination of 47 Formula New for Calculating Calorific Power of Coal 126 Fractionating Columns for Readily Volatile Liquids 375 Freezing-Point Method Molten Hydrated Salts as Solvents for 396 431 Fruit-Juice Statistics for the Year 1906 50 Fruits Estimation of certain Organic Acids occurring in 169 -- and Fruit-Juices Organic Acids in 170 -- and Vegetables put up in Tins Discoloration of 50 Fucose and Estimation of Pentosans 300 Fuels Gas and Liquid Determination of Calorific Power of 97 - Liquid Estimation of Sulphur in 263 - Volatile Liquid Calorimeter for Specially Adapted for Petrol 343 Funtumia Elastica Analysis of a Latex from 365 Furnace Platinum Resistance for Melting-Points and Combustions 435 Fuse1 Oil Conditions of Production of and their bearing on the Synthesis of Albumin Fusiomcter Cambon’s Testing of Glue by means of 227 Fusion Mixtures Use of Calcium Nitrate in for Oxidation 393 chloride 172 ment for 240 Rapid of Agar and Gelstin Nutrient Media 261 329 381 417 - New Reaction of 363 - Reaction of with Napthalene in presence of Sulphuric Acid 225 by Yeast 22 xxxiv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Galactose and Milk-Sugar in Urine Rapid Method for Detecting 262 Garcinia Species Fats of the 358 Gas Analysis New Apparatus for 71 Gas Illuminating Determination of Benzene in 61 -- 9 -- Estimation of Carbon Disulphide in 423 Gas-Generator A Constant Pressure for Use over a Wide Range of Pressure 345 - New Portable 344 Gases Nine Notes on the Analysis of 432 Gases Poor New Apparatus for Examination of by Absorption 70 Gas-Making Purposes Valuation of Oils for 241 Gasometric Method for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide 397 Gelatine and Glue Valuation of 56 ~ - - in Gum Mucilage Detection of 226 Glasses and Bronzes Roman Composition of 369 Glucosides in Plants Detection of by means of Emulsion 297 Glue and Gelatine Valuation of 56 - Testing of by means of Cambon’s Fusiometer 227 Glue-Tester Scott’s 345 Glycerol and Fatty Acids Esterification of 294 Gold 3lectrolytic Precipitation of with Use of a Rotating Anode 128 .__.Estimation of by Reduction with Cane-Sugar or Dextrose 429 - Small Quantities of Colorimetric Determination of 184 Gum Benzoin and Spices On the Reactions of in the Tests for Sesame Oil 419 - Mucilage Detection of Gelatine in 226 Gums Characterisation of by means of Nessler’s Reagent 93 Guyard-Volhard Reaction for the Estimation of Manganese Modification of 394 Halides of the Alkaline Earth Metals Electrolysis of the 428 Halogens in their Alkali Salts Identification of 232 Halphen’s Reaction Note on 95 Hamburg Test for Putrescibility in Sewage Effluents 362 Hardwickia Pinnata Characteristics of Balsam of 92 Haricots A Poisonous Variety of 418 “ Headache Powders,” Acetanilide in Estimation of 361 Heat Action of on Milk Literary Synopsis 419 Hehner’s Test for Formaldehyde in Milk Chemistry of 106 Honey Determination of Sugars in by means of the Polarimeter 221 -- Natural and Artificial Ley’s Reaction for Distinguishing between 291 Hops Valuation of 51 Horse Fat and ‘‘ Animal ” Oil Note on 317 Horseflesh in Other Meats and Sausages Detection of by means of the Serum Test, 331 Hydrastis Nux Vomica and Jaborandi Estimation of Alkaloids in by means of Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 216 Hydrochloric Acid Free in Contents of the Stomach New Reaction for 121 Hydrocyanic Acid and Starch in Cassava Proportion of 385 Hydrofluosilicic Acid Determination of 33 -- Titration of 32 Hydrogen Arsenide in the Air Detection of Traces of 304 Hydrogen Fluoride Detection and Estimation of Sulphuric Acid in Presence of 274 -- Peroxide Gasometric Method for the Determination of 397 in Organic Compounds Determination of by means of Metallic Sodium and Ethyl Alcohol 52 - in Mineral and Organic Substances Volumetric Estimation of 30 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xxxv Hydrogen Reducing Action of-111.Reduction of Molybdic and Vanadic Acids 250 - Sulphide Theory of the Precipitation of Metals by Action on Zinc Salts of, Hydrolytic Action of Croton-Seeds 361 Hydroxyl and Amino-Compounds of the Benzene and Naphthalene Series Estimation - Groups Quantitative Determination of by means of Organo-Magnesium 394 of 300 Compounds 299 Hydroxyquinones Reaction of 97 Ichthyol Preparations Estimation of Total Sulphur in 176 Indican Detection and Estimation of 421 - in Urine Estimation of by means of Alkali Persulphates 262 Indicator A New Methyl-3-Aminoquinoline 424 Indigo Analysis of 99 -_- Commercial Estimation of Indigotin in 177 Indigotin in Commercial Indigo Estimation of 177 INORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 31 62 100 127 180 230 267 303 337 368 393, Institute of Chemistry Pass List 72 196 312 International Dairy Congress 312 Iodates in Presence of Chlorates Estimation of 381 Iodide Mercuric Some Reactions of 129 Iodides Method for Estimating in Presence of Bromides and Chlorides 271 Iodine Action of on Phosphorus Sesquisulphide and Detection of Latter in Ignition -- and Basic Praseodymium Acetate Absorption Compound of 130 - Crude or Sublimed Estimation of Iodine in 370 ~ - - in Crude or Sublimed Iodine Estimation of 370 -_ Titration of Tannin by 426 - Value of Tunisian Olive Oil 257 Iodometric Estimation of Chlorates 393 Irish Butter Composition of during Winter Months 202 Iron and Aluminium Estimation of Nickel as Nickel Dicyandiarnidine and its Separation from 394 Colorimetric Determination of with special reference to Chemical Reagents 271 428 Annual General Meeting 139 Mixtures 307 - Fluoride Composition of and Estimation of Fluorine 185 - in presence of Titanium Estimation of 306 - Manganese and Chromium Rapid Estimation of Nickel in presence of 395 Ivory-Nut Meal Adulteration of Flour with 218 New Reaction for 306 Ores Silica and Alumina in Estimation of 393 Jaborandi Nux Vomica and Hydrastis Estimation of Alkaloids in by means of Jamaica Rums Genuine Some Analyses of 259 Java Beans Cyanogen in 255 Joint Mercury in Place of Cork or Rubber in Organic Analysis 398 Juice Raspberry Cause of its turning Turbid Occurrence of Ellagic Acid in Lactose and Butter Fat in Milk Chocolate Estimation of 290 Lamp Simple for Monochromatic Lighc 134 Dinitrophenylmethylpyrazolone 216 Raspberries 38 xxxvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Lanohe in Soaps Estimation of 218 Lard Cocoanut Oil in Detection of 168 - Foreign Fat in Detection of 384 - Maize Oil as a Possible Adulterant of and its Detection 329 Latex from Funtumia Elastica Analysis of 365 Lead as Lead Sulphate Estimation of 233 - Compounds Solubility in Water of some 395 - Estimation of as Oxalate 429 - in Potable Waters Determination of Colorimetric Method for 304 Chamber Theory of and the Estimation of the Oxides of Nitrogen 433 Peroxides and MtLnganese Chromic and Chloric Acids Iodometric Estimation of 268 White Analysis of 370 Lemon Oils and Essences Method for Determination of Citral in 58 Lignin Cellulose and Cutin in Pepper and Cocoa Quantity of 172 Lignitic and Sub-bituminous Coals Analysis of 298 Lignocelluloses Colour Reactions of the 334 New Colour Reaction of 264 Lime and Magnesia in Water Estimation of by Volumetric Methods 208 - Caustic Method of Estimating by use of a Sugar Solution 320 Linanol and other Tertiary Terpenic Alcohols Estimation of 122 Liniment Camphor 328 Liqueurs Essential Oils in Determination of 24 Liquids Faintly Coloured Simple Means for the Recognition of the Colour of and its Use in Microchemical Analysis 395 -_ Readily Volatile Fractionating Columns for 375 Liquors Malt Fluorine Content of 387 Lithopone Analysis of 233 London Purple Total Arsenic Acid in Determination of 69 nlagnesia and Lime in Water Estimation of by Volumetric Methods 208 Magnesium in Water Volumetric Estimation of 430 - Separation of from the Alkalis by Arsenate Method 307 - Standardisation of Acids by means of 181 Maize Oil as a Possible Adulterant of Lard and its Detection 329 Malic Acid in Musts and Wines Proportion of 388 Malt Liquors Fluorine Content of 387 bIaltose ‘‘ Apparent,” in Beer Estimation of 327 Manganese and Iron Influence of on Titration of Zinc by Schaffner’s Method, - and Lead Peroxides and Chromic and Chloric Acids Iodimetric Estima-and Tartaric Acids Estimation of by Titration with Potassium Perman-ganate 266 185 tion of 268 - Estimation of in presence of Tungsten 234 - in Steel Volumetric Estimation of 433 - in Drinking-Water Estimation of 183 -- Guyard-Volhard Reaction for the Estimation of Modification of 394 --_ in Water Determination of 370 - ~ - Iron and Chromium Rapid Estimation of Nickel in presence of 395 Manila Elemi Terpene Oils of 221 Manometer Shortened with Receivable Vacuum (for Distillation in Vacuo etc.) 35 Margarine Reichert-Meissl Value of Influence of Preservatives on 218 Marsh-Berzelius Method Estimation of Small Amounts of -4ntimony by 30 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.x xx r i i Martin’s Method for Detection of Added Colours in Spices Modification of 329 Mascara Wines Composition of 120 Match Compositions Testing of for White Phosphorus Official German Methods, Material Extractor for Use with Small Quantities of 435 Meat Extracts Colorimetric Determination of Creatin and Creatinin in 48 ~ _ _ _ _ _ Testing 292 Meat The Formation of Volatile Sulphur Compounds in and their Influence on the Meats and Meat Products Creatinin and Creatin in Estimation of 171 Melting-Point Thermometer New 308 Menthol Salicylic Acid Phenol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate Separa-Menthyl Salicylate Salicylic Acid Phenol Menthol and Phenyl Salicylate Separa-Mercuric Acetate Action of upon Unsaturated Fatty Acids 179 -- Chloride Use of as a Preservative of Milk reserved for Analysis 218 -- Iodide Some Reactions of 129 -- Salts Titration of with Potassium Permanganate 184 ‘‘ Mercurised ” Fats Reactions given by Iodine and Sulphur with 335 Nercury and Bismuth Separation and Estimation of by Sodium Phosphate 304 - in Explosives Detection of 339 -a- Joint in Place of Cork or Rubber in Organic Analysis 398 - Volumetric Estimation of 127 - Volumetric Method of Estimating 339 Metals Heavy Separation of Tellurium from 396 Methyl Alcohol Testing for 333 Microbes Anaerobic in Drinking- Water Researches on 219 Microscopical Detection of Foreign Flours especially of Rice and Beans in Wheat Microscopy of Vegetable Foods Beview 138 Milk Action of Heat on Literary Synopsis 419 186 Detection of Added Sulphites 419 tion and Estimation of 392 tion and Estimation of 398 Precipitation of by Hydrogen Sulphide Theory o f ; The Action of Hydrogen Sulphide on Zinc Salts 394 Flour 386 Added Water in Detection of by means of the Refractometer 117 Asses’ Quantity of Fat in 47 Composition of 141 Estimation of Preservatives in 5 Formaldehyde in Chemistry of Hehner’s Test for 106 Heated Detection of 21 Peroxydase Reaction of as Applied to the Detection of Heated Milk 418 Preservatives in 144 Total Solids in Rapid Estimation of 284 and Cream Salicylic Acid in Estimation of 286 - Colorimeter 343 f Determination of 47 -Mine Gases Analysis of Notes on 432 Mixtures Acid which have been used for Titrating Cellulose Analysis of 264 - Fusion Use of Calcium Nitrate in for Oxidation 393 Modification of the Guyard-Volhard Reaction for the Estimation of Manganese, Moisture A Direct Method for the Estimation of 46 -_- Traces of Reagent for Detecting 340 Molecular Weight Determination of Volatile Bodies by Distillation 227 39 xxxviii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Molecular Weight Determinations by the Elevation of the Boiling-Points of Carbonyl Molecular Weights Determination of by the Boiling-Point Method Use of Fenchone Chloride Ethyl Chloride and Sulphur Dioxide 431 in 369 Molybdenum and Uranium Electrolytic Precipitation of Use of a Rotating Anode in 341 -- Determination of 67 Solutions with Potassium Permanganate 272 Morphine Assay of 174 Musts and Wines llalic Acid in Proportion of 388 Myrtle-Seed Oil 366 Reduction of Molybdic Acid in Solution by and Titration of Reducing Naphthalene Reaction of Formaldehyde with in presence of Sulphuric Acid 225 a-Naphthoquinone P-Naphthoquinone Phthalonic Acid and Phthalic Acid Detection and Estimation of 177 NEW BOOKS 244 379 440 Nickel Crucibles Use of in Quantitative Analysis and Composition of the so-called - Estimation of The Application of Dimethylglyoxipe to and its Separation - - as Nickel Dicyandiamidine and its Separation from Ironland - New Method of Estimating and its Application to Separation of Nickel from Cobalt and Zinc 273 Microchemical Reaction for Nickel 432 ( ( Nickel Soot,” 277 from the Metals of the Ammonium Sulphide Group 431 Aluminium 394 ~- - Reaction for Applicable in the Presence of any Quantity of Cobalt anda - in Presence of Chromium Iron and Manganese Rapid Estimation of 395 - in Steel Rapid Estimation of 340 Nitric Acid Action of,on Starch 425 Nitriles and Carbylaminee Methods of Estimating 176 Nitrogen and Carbon Total in Urine Modifications in Methods for Estimating 420 Oxides of Estimation of and the Theory of the Lead Chamber 433 -- in Silk Estimation of 264 ‘ 6 Nitron ” Method for the Estimation of Nitric Acid 349 Nitrous Acid Estimation of and its Separation from Nitric Acid 234 Nutmeg Oil of 28 Nux Vomica Hydrastis and Jaborandi Estimation of Alkaloids in by means of - the ‘‘ Nitron ” Method for Estimation of 349 Dinitrophenylrnethylpyrazolone 216 - Strychnine in Estimation of by Nitric Acid Process 93 OBITUARY NOTICES : Berthelot Professor M.P. E. 105 Clark John 281 DuprB August 313 Macfarlane Thomas 316 Mendlelkeff Professor D. I. 73 Menschutkin Professor N. A. 73 Moissan Professor F. H. 105 O’Sullivan Cornelius 74 Page Frederic James Montague 349 Perkin Sir W. H. 283 Sykes W. J. INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. XXSlX Odoriferous Principles in Plants The Distribution of 421 Oil “ Animal,” and Horse Fat Note on 317 - Bergamot Acid Value of 388 - Camphorated 327 - Cocoanut in Butter Detection of 123 160 256 -- Cotton-Seed Detection of 123 - Fusel Conditions of Production of and their Bearing on Synthesis of Album - Maize as a Possible Adulterant of Lard and its Detection 329 - Myrtle-Seed 366 - Olive Iodine and Saponification Values of Influence of Oxygen Nitrogen in Lard Detection of 168 Yeast 226 Sunlight upon 336 9 Iodine Value of Tunisian 257 - -- of Origanum Dictamus 30 - Peppermint 389 - Pilea 31 -.Rme-Seed. Adulteration of with Whale Oil 427 and -; SaAdal- Wood Adulteration of 358 - Sesame Colour Reaction of Investigation of 391 - - Tests for On the Reactions of Gum Benzoin and Spices in the 419 - from the Seeds of the Ceara Rubber Tree 125 - Tung Investigation of 124 - Turpentine and its Substitutes 427 - Whale Adulteration of Rape-Seed Oil with 427 Oils and Fats Molecular Weight of Determination of 124 - Coal-Tar Valenta’s Dimethyl Sulphate Test for 225 - Fats and Waxes Specific Gravities of all Temperature Correction Applicable to, -- for Gas-Making Purposes Valuation of 241 - Lubricating containing Saponifiable Fats Determination of Saponification Number of 96 _- New Essential 59 - New Method for Testing 365 - Olive Some Tunisian and Algerian 257 - Terpene of Manila Elemi 221 Olive Oil Iodine and Saponification Values of Influence of Oxygen Nitrogen and Sunlight upon 336 -_ -- Value of Tunisian 257 - Oils Some Tunisian and Algerian 257 Optical Analysis of Pyroxylin 367 Ore Zinc Analysis of 235 132 Ores etc.Antimony and Arsenic in Determination of 68 - Iron Silica and Alumina in Estimation of 393 ORGANIC ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 25 51 94 122 174 223 263 294 332 362 391 422 Organic Acid Detection of Mineral Acid in 30 - Acids Certain occurring in Fruits Estimation of 169 298 - in Fruits and Fruit Juices 170 - - Vegetables Separation and Estimation of 332 Volumetric Estimation of Combined 228 Origanum Dictamus Oil of 30 Otto of Rose 389 Oxalate Estimation of Lead as 429 Oxidation Electrolytic in Quantitative Analysis 30 xl INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Oxides of Nitrogen Estimation of and the Theory of the Lead Chamber 433 Ozokerite and Ceresin Paraffin in Estimation of 178 Ozone Gravimetric Determination of 62 Palladium Use of as Contact Substance in Combustion Analysis 434 Paper Free Acid in Estimation of 228 - -- Presence of 228 - Rosin in Estimation of 126 Papers Mechanical Wood Pulp in Estimation of; and Volumetric Estimation of Paraffin in Ozokerite and Ceresin Estimation of 178 - in Unsaponifiable Matter of Animal Fats Estimation of 122 - Wax Mixtures of with Substances of High Melting-Points 96 Parr Method for Determination of Calorific Value of Coal 62 Parsley Tobacco Pepper Carrots and Coca-Leaves New Alkaloids Separated from, Pastry etc.which has been kept a long time Egg Content of 291 Peat Waxes Occurring in 336 Pentosans Estimation of and Fucose 300 Pentoses and Pentosans Estimation of and its Practical Applications (Cocoa Analysis), Pepper and Cocoa Quantity of Cellulose Cutin and Lignin in 172 Cayenne Free from Pungent Principle 328 Cayenne (Paprika) Amount of Ash contained in 219 Ground Black Detection of added Husk in 292 Peppermint Oil 389 Pepsin Valuation of by Means of the Biuret Reaction 119 Peptic Digestion of Caseins Some Phenomena observed in 167 Peptones and Proteoses Separation of Modification of Tannin Salt Method for 302 Perchloric Acid Specific Gravity of Aqueous Solutions of 129 Permanganate Standard Solutions of Manganese Value of 33 Peroxydase Reaction of Milk as Applied to the Detection of Heated Vilk 418 Persulphates Alkali Estimation of Indican in Urine by means of 262 Petroleum Distillates Relation between Boiling-Points of and Barometric Pressure, Use of as Contact Substance in Organic Elementary Analysis 366 Phloroglucinol Absorbed by Lignocelluloses 335 417 290 25 - from Borneo Chemical Composition of 300 - Mixtures of Petroleum 346 Pettenkofer’s Test for Bile Acids Note on 390 Phenacetin Acetanilide Caffeine and Salol Solubility of in Several Solvents 360 Phenol Action of Sulphuric Acid on Note on Merck’s - and Acetanilide in Pharmaceutical Preparations Estimation of 215 Aseptol,” 417 and Cresol Estimation of by a Biological Method 154 Salicylic Acid Menthol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate Separation Phenylcarbylamine A Reaction of 367 Phenyl Salicylate Salicylic Acid Phenol Menthol and Menthyl Salicylate Separation and Estimation of 392 Phloroglucinol Absorbed by Lignocelluloses Volumetric Estimation of and Estima-tion of Mechanical Wood Pulp in Papers 335 Phosphomolybdic Acid as Reagent for Potassium 64 Phosphoric Acid Quantitative *Volstilisation of from its Salts in a Current of Chlorine Phosphorus in Foods Proportion of 91 and Estimation of 392 and Carbon Tetrachloride Vapour 43 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xli Phosphorus White Testing of Match Compositions for Official German Methods 186 Phosphotungstic Acid as Reagent for Potassium Salts 130 Photometer Portable 373 Phthalic Acid Phthalonic Acid a-Napthoquinone and ,B-Napthoquinone Detection and Estimation of 177 Phthalophenone Paper Use of as Reagent for Hydrocyanic Acid 96 Phytosterol Note on 424 Pigment in a Paint Analysis of when it contains a Combustible Substance 55 Pilea Oil 31 Plants Glucosides in Detection of by means of Emulsion 297 Plants Odoriferous Principles in The Distribution of 421 Plant-Tissue Cane-Sugar in Detection of by means of Invertase 297 Platinum Resistance Furnace for Melting-Points and Combustions 435 Poisons Their Effects and Detection Review 195 Polypeptides Optically Active Use of for Testing the Activity of Proteolytic Enzymes, Potash Bulb New Form of 374 Potassium in Potassium Salts and Artificial Nanures Estimation of according to Potassium Permanganate Estimation of Tartaric and Rlalic Acids by Titration with, 266 ___________- Solubility of 131 __I_-- Titration of Mercuric Salts with 184 337 the Modified Finkener Method 273 7 Reducing Solutions with and Reduction of and Separation of Cerium by means -- -Molybdic Acid in Solution by Molydenum 272 - - - ~ - Volumetric Estimation of Chromium by 368 Potassium Salts Phosphotungstic Acid as Reagent for 130 Practical Agricultural Chemistry Reuiew 243 Preservative of Milk reserved for Analysis Use of Mercuric Chloride as 218 Preservatives Action of on Flesh 256 - in Milk 144 Pressure Filter New for Laboratory Use 398 Principles and Practice of Agricultural Analysis-Vol.I. Soils Review 347 ---- Brewing Review 376 Proteins extracted from Various Flours by Dilute Alcohol Specific Rotation of 387 Proteins Formaldehyde Colour Test for 301 -.- in Barley Colorimetric Estimation of by means of Millon's Reagent 301 -- Recommendations as to Nomenclature of 136 Proteolytic Enzymes Use of Optically Active Polypeptides for Testing the Activity Proteoses and Peptones Separation of Modification of the Tannin-Salt Method for, Pump Modified Sprengel Mercury 280 Putrescibility in Sewage Effluents Hamburg Test for 362 Pyridin-Methochloride in Urine Occurrence of 121 Pyrites Sulphur in Determination of 32 Pyroxylin Optical Analysis of 367 Quinine Reactions of 361 9 -- ~-of 305 of 337 302 Radium Atomic Weight of 395 Raffinose Detection and Estimation of 12 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.Raffinose Small Quantities of Detection of 229 Rape-Seed Oil Adulteration of with Whale Oil 427 Raspberries Occurrence of Ellagic Acid in and the Cause of Raspberry Juice turning Reagent for Detecting Traces of Moisture 340 Reagents Chemical Colorimetric Determination of Iron with special reference to 271 Recent Improvements in Methods for the Biological Treatment of Sewage with Aerobic Action Throughout Review 377 Red Lead Analysis of 395 Reducing Sugars Cane-Sugar and Dextrin in Wines Estimation of 220 Reichert-Meissl and Polenske Values of Fats Note on Determination of 217 -_- ‘Value of Margarine Influence of Preservatives on 218 Report of the Principal Chemist upon the Work of the Government Laboratory for the Year ending March 31 1907.With Appendices 375 Resin Bees’ (Propolis) Composition of Analytical Values of Beeswax of Different Ages in Comb 422 Resorcinol Reaction of 61 Results New in Electro-Analysis 429 Rhubarb Value of Determination of ‘715 Roman Glasses and Bronzes Composition of 369 Rose Otto of 389 Rosin in Paper Estimation of 126 - in Varnishes Determination of 55 Rubber Raw Methods of Analysis of 424 Turbid 387 ~- Detection and Estimation of 367 9 and Rubber Products Nitrosites of Caoutchouc and their Application - -in the Analysis of 224 - Tree Ceera Oil from the Seeds of 125 Rubbers Plantation Vulcanisation Tests with 337 Rums Genuine Jamaica Some Analyses of 259 - Para (Hevea Brasiliensis) Constituents of Seeds of 302 Salicylic Acid and Salicylates General Results of the Investigations showing Eft’ect in Canned Tomatoes Catsups etc.Determination of 50 -- Phenol Menthol Phenyl Salicylate and Menthyl Salicylate Separa-~- in Wine Use of Carbon Bisulphide in Estimation of 220 Salol Acetanilide Phenacetin and Caffeine Solubility of in Several Solvents 360 Salts Ammonium and Various Filtering Media Interaction of Dilute Solutions of 331 -_ Molten Hydrated as Solvents for the Freezing-Point Method 396 431 - Potassium and Artificial Manures Estimation of according to the Modified - Sodium occurring in Wines Quantity of 260 Samples The Sealing of 405 Sandal-Wood Oil Adulteration of 358 Saponification Value Use of Alcoholic Potassium Hydroxide or Sodium Hydroxide in Sausages and other Meats Horseflesh in Detection of by means of the Serum Test, Schaffner’s Method Titration of Zinc by Influence of Iron and Manganese on 185 Scott’s Glue-Tester 345 Serum Albumin and Myo- Albumin Ohemical Distinction between 25 -_- Test Detection of Horseflesh in Other Meats and Sausages by means of 331 of upon Digestion and Health 19 tion and Estimation of 392 Finkener Method 273 Determining 229 33 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII.xliii Sesame Oil in Chocolates Detection of 90 - Colour Reaction of Investigation of 391 - On the Reactions of Gum Benzoin and Spices in the Tests for 419 Sewage DQbris in Contact Beds Disposition and Analysis of 108 - Effluents Hamburg Test for Putrescibility in 362 Shellac Analysis of 425 Silica and Alumina in Iron Ores Estimation of 393 - Colloidal Detection of 274 Silicate and Carbonate Estimation of Zinc present as in Ores 185 Silicates Estimation of Aluminium in 338 Silk Nitrogen in Estimation of 264 Soaps Lanoline in Estimation of 218 - Mixtures and Alizarine Assistants Castor Oil in Estimation of 289 SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ANALYSTS PROCEEDINGS OF 3 44 74 106 141 197 241 284, 317 349 -- ANNUAL ADDRESS 77 -- AND OTHER ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS 381 405 -9 INCORPORATION OF 380 ? STATUTORY MEETING -__ and the Pharmaceutical Society Joint Advisory Sodium Carbonate and Zinc Oxide Use of in Sulphur and Arsenic Determinations, - Chloride in Stannic Chloride Detection and Estimation of 131 Hydroxide or Alcoholic Potassium Hydroxide Use of in Determining ~ - - - -- -OF 405 Committee of 348 434 Saponification Value 229 - Phosphate Separation and Estimation of Bismuth and Mercury by 304 - Salts occurring in Wines Quantity of 260 - Silico-Fluoride Analysis of 371 Solids Apparatus for Distilling in Vacuo 34 Solubility in Water of some Lead Compounds 395 Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances Review 3 11 Spectrum Flame of Metals Method of Obtaining 375 Spices Added Colours in Modification of Martin’s Method for Detection of 329 Spirits Higher Alcohols in Estimation of-I.The I ‘ Ester-Iodine ” Method 117 - Commercial Examination of Application of Chemical Analysis to 219 ; Stand Portable Universal for Elementary Analysis 34 Stannic Chloride Detection and Estimation of Sodium Chloride in 131 -- Pure Solutions of Percentage of Tin and Specific Gravity of 342 Starch Action of Nitric Acid on 425 -- in Barley Polarimetric Determination of 179 -- and Hydrocyanic Acid in Cassava Proportion of 385 Starches Commercial Examination of 264 Steam Fractional Distillation by means of Note on 197 Steel Manganese in Volumetric Estimation of 433 - Nickel in Rapid Estimation of 340 - Tungsten in Alkalimetric Method for Estimation of 275 Stomach Contents of New Reaction for Free Hydrochloric Acid in 121 ‘‘ Strength ” in Wheat Flour Chemical Test for 119 - of Wheat Flour Chemistry of 293 Sublimation Apparatus A New 104 Succinic Acid as a Standard for Alkalimetry? Use of 230 Part 11.Analysis of Brandies 25 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII, Sugar Method of Estimating 180 - Determination of by Fehling’s Solution 302 Sugars in Honey Determination of by means of the Polarimeter 221 - Reducing Detection and Estimation of 367 Sulphates in Natural Waters Volumetric Estimation of 276 Sulphites Added Formation of Volatile Sulphur Compounds in Meat and their Identification of in presence of Thiosulphates and Thionates 234 Sulphonal in Trional and Tetronal Detection of 260 Sulphur and Carbon New Apparatus for Determination of 36 -- Compounds Volatile The Formation of in Meat and their Influence on the -- in Foods Proportion of 91 - in Liquid Fuels Estimation of 263 _ - in Pyrites Determination of 32 - Rapid Method of Estimating 186 - Total in Ichthyol Preparations Estimation of 176 -_ Dioxide Carbonyl Chloride and Ethyl Chloride Molecular Weight Deter-Sulphuric Acid Action of on Phenol Note on Merck’s “ Aseptol,” 417 - Effect of on Deposition of Metals when using a Mercury Cathode -- in presence of Hydrogen Fluoride Detection and Estimation of, Superphosphates Free Acids in Estimation of 182 Influence on Detection of 419 Detection of Added Sulphites 419 minations by the Elevation of the Boiling-Points of 431 and Rotating Anode 341 274 - Standard Preparation of 130 Tallow Beef and Mutton Occurrence of Tristearin in 357 Tannin in Tanning Materials Determination of 56 - -Salt Method Modification of for Separation of Proteoses and Peptones, - Titration of by Iodine 426 Tanning Materials Analysis of Detannization of Solutions in 57 I__p- Determination of Tannin in 56 Tannins Action of Formaldehyde on 125 - Colour Reaction of 265 Tartaric Acid Estimation of New Method for 163 -- Total in Tartrates and Wine Lees Estimation of 293 302 - Present Development of 57 126 - and Malic Acids Estimation of by Titration with Potassium Permanganate, 266 Tartrates and Wine Lees Total Tartaric Acid in Estimation of 293 Tellurium Separation of from the Heavy Metals 396 Tensimeters Mercury-Drop New Forms of Apparatus 373 Terpene Oils of Manila Elemi 221 Test Pettenkofer’s for Bile Acids Note on 390 -- Valenta’s Dirnethyl Sulphate for Coal-Tar Oils etc.225 Tetronal and Trional Sulphonal in Detection of 260 Text-Book of Botany and Pharmacognosy Review 311 Thallium Contributions to the Chemistry of 311 Thermometer New Melting-Point 308 Thiocyanates Ferrocyanides and Ferricyanides Method for Detection and Qualitative Thiosulphates in Foods New Method for Detection of in Presence of Sulphites 168 Separation of 33 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. xlv Thiosulphates New Volumetric Method for Estimation of Applicable in Presence of Sulphites 372 and Thionates Identification of Sulphites in Presence of 234 Tin Chloride Differentiation of Balsams by Means of 359 Tin Electrolytic Determination of with Use of a Rotating Anode 270 - Use of as a Cathode for Rapid Quantitative Electrolytic Deposition of Zinc, Copper Silver Cadmium and Nickel 372 Titanium Colorimetric Determination of 275 Delicate Reaction for 307 Estimation of Iron in Presence of 306 Trichloride Use of in Volumetric Analysis 426 Volumetric Estimation of 234 342 Tobacco Pepper Carrots Parsley and Coca-Leaves New Alkaloids Separated from, Tolu Balsam New Method of Testing 330 Tomato Catsup 167 Tomato Fruit of Composition of 359 TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS ABSTRACTS 24 94 121 221 Trichloroacetic Acid Separation of Cadmium from Zinc as Sulphide in presence of, Trional and Tetronal Detection of Sulphonal in 260 Tristearin in Beef and Mutton Tallow Occurrence of 357 Tung Oil Investigation of 124 Tungsten in Steel Alkalimetric Method for Estimation of 275 in Tungsten-Steel Estimation of 131 Tungstic Acid in Wolframite Ores and Concentrates Determination of 66 Turpentine Oil and its Substitutes 427 417 267 Uranium and Molybdenum Electrolytic Precipitation of Use of a Rotating Anode in 341 -_- Vanadium Determination of 65 Ureometers New 222 Uric Acid in Calculi etc.Detection of 262 Urine Acetone in New Method of Estimating 420 - - Detection of 221 - Cause of Acid Reaction of 261 - Chlorine in Estimation of 222 - Galactose and Milk-Sugar in Rapid Method for Detecting 262 - Indican in Estimation of by means of Alkali Persulphates 262 - Occurrence of Pyridin-Methochloride in 121 New Nitroprusside Reaction for 94 Total Carbon &d Nitrogen in Modifications in Methods for Estimating, 420 Vacuum-Filter Drying Apparatus 72 -- Regulator Automatic 37 4 Values Analytical of Beeswax of Different Ages in the Comb.Vanadic and Molybdic Acids Reduction of. Vanadium and Uranium Determination of 65 Variety of Haricots A Poisonous 418 Varnishes Rosin in Determination of 55 Vegetable Foods Microscopy of Review 138 Vermouth Composition of 260 Composition of Bees’ Resin (Propolis) 422 Reducing Action of Hydrogen 25 xlvi INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII, Vinegar Caramel in Fuller’s Earth Test for 92 - Mineral Acid in Note on Estimation of 3 p- Acids in 82 Vinegars English Fermentation Composition of 85 Viscosimeter Engler’s Standardisation of 280 -- A Modified Engler and Tables for same 104 Volatile Bodies Molecular Weight Determination of by Distillation 227 - Matter Amount of in Coal Experiments to Determine 423 Volhard’s Method of Estimating Chlorides A Necessary Modification of 232 Vulcanisation Tests with Plantation Rubbers 337 Ware Glazed Clay Testing of 232 Water Added Detection of in Milk by means of the Refractometer 117 - Ammonia in New Method of Estimating 182 - Drinking Anaerobic Microbes in Researches on 219 -- Lime and Magnesia in Estimation of by Volumetric Methods 208 -_ Magnesium in Volumetric Estimation of 430 - Manganese in Determination of 370 -_ New Method of Sterilizing 294 - Small Quantities of Detection of 32 Waters Natural Volumetric Estimation of Sulphates in 276 - Potable Lead in Colorimetric Method for Determination of 306 Wax Cape Berry 125 Waxes Occurring in Peat 336 Whale Oil Adulteration of Rape-Seed Oil with 427 Wheat-Flour ‘‘ Strength ” in Chemical Test for 119 -- Foreign Flours especially of Rice and Beans in Microscopical Detec-Whisky Esters Aldehydes and Furfural in Methods for Determination of 49 White Lead Analysis of 370 Wine Detection of Foreign Colours in and Precipitation of Colouring Matters of Red Wines 120 - Distillation of under Reduced Pressure 330 Wines Cane-Sugar Reducing Sugars and Dextrin in Estimation of 220 - Sodium Salts occurring in Quantity of 260 - Coloured Estimation of Total Acidity and Volatile Acids in 259 -_ Mascara Composition of 120 - and Musts Malic Acid in Proportion of 388 - Red Colouring Matter of Extraction and Determination of 23 - --Wolframite Ores and Concentrates Tungstic Acid in Determination of 66 Wood Cellulose in Estimation of 363 Wood Spirit in Acetone Estimation of 180 Wool-Fat Examination of 53 Woollen Yarns Mixed and Fabrics Estimation of Cotton in 333 Estimation of Manganese in 183 9 of Chemistry of 293 ____-__ --tion of 386 -_- Precipitation of and Detection of Foreign Colours in’wini 120 Yttrium Earths Separation of Pu’ew Method for 308 Zeiss Immersion Refractometer Determination of Ethyl Alcohol by means of, Zinc Delicate Test for 133 36 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII xlvii Zinc Detection of Traces of in Commercial Alcohols 133 Insensitiveness of and the Estimation of Minute Traces of Arsenic 247 Titration of by Schaffner’s Method Influence of Iron and Manganese on, Present as Carbonate and Silicate in Ores Estimation of 185 185 - Ore Analysis 235 Ores Analysis of 132 Oxide and Sodium Carbonate Use of in Sulphur and Arsenic Determinations, 434 t,lLLIXG ATD SOSS LTD.PRISTERS GUILDFORD
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