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Volume 66,
Issue 1,
Page 001-044
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THE ANALYST S. G. CLARKE Ph.D. B.Sc. A.I.C. E. B. DAW B.Sc. A.I.C. J. GRANT Ph.D. MSc. F.I.C. D. G. HEWER B.Sc. A. 0. JONES M.A. F.I.C. THE JOURNAL OF THE I J. W. MATTHEWS Ph.D. F.I.C. E. M. POPE B.Sc. F. A. ROBINSON M.Sc.Tech. F.I.C. W. R. SCHOELLER Ph.D. F.I.C. D. R. WOOD F.I.C. Society of Public Analysts and other Analytic a1 Chemists A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY publication Committee : E. R. HUGHES D.Sc. F.I.C. I F. W. F. ARNAUD F.I.C. A. I,. BACHARACH. M.A F.I.C. G. ROCHE LYNCH O.B.E. M.B. B.S. D.P.H. F.I.C. R. C. CHIRNSIDE F.I.C. H. E. COX D.Sc. Ph.D. F.I.C. BERNARD DYER D.Sc. F.I.C. F. W. EDWARDS F.I.C. G. D. ELSDON D.Sc. F.I.C. G. W. MONIER-WILLIAMS O.B.E., M.C. Ph.D. F.I.C. A.R.T.C. F.I.C.A. MORE I.S.O. A.R.C.S., J. R. NICHOLLS B.Sc. F.I.C. W. H. ROBERTS M.Sc. F.I.C. W. H. SIMMONS B.Sc F.I.C. B. S. EVANS M.B.E.,M.C. D.Sc. F.I.C. I ERIC VOELCKER A.R.c.s. F.I.C. E. HINKS M.B.E. B.Sc. F.I.C. K. A. WILLIAMS B.Sc. F.I.C. bon. Secretarp : L EYNON B.Sc. F.I.C. lbon. 7J:reaewres : G. TAYLOR F.I.C. Ebftor C. AINSWORTH MITCHELL M.A. D.Sc. F.I.C. 5ecretarP anb Zib0fetant EbftOr J. H. LANE B.Sc. F.I.C. VOL. 6 5 1 9 4 0 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W. HEFFER Sr SONS LTD. 4 PETTY CURY CAMBRIDGE ENGLAND I94 ERRATA: VOL. 65 1940: p. 27. p. 411. Delete last line of “Official Appointments,” i . e . Lincs. County etc. In list of Official Appointments for “Westmorland County Council Kendal Borough, W. H. Roberts” read “W. H. Roberts as Public Analyst for that part of the County of Westmoreland within the boundaries of the Borough of Kendal.” For “about 0.4 mg.of phos-phorus” read “not more than 0.4 mg. of phosphorus.” For “ J . Chem. SOC. ” read “ J . Amer. Chem. Soc.” p. 519. p. 530. p. 596. Line 12 of Abstract on “Estimation of Phosphorus.” 2nd column 7th line from bottom. Last line but two of the Note for “ & 0” C.” read “ f. 0.1” C.” INDEX TO VOLUME 65 INDEX TO NAMES * Denotes authors of original papers and notes that have been published in The Analyst. A See LaForge F. B. See T,ang 0. St. A. K. Acree F. Jr. Adickes F. *Agnew W. J. of cobalt and nickel 643. Ajtai M. See Szebelledy L. Aldred P. A. See Koschara W. Allen N. Charbonnier H. Y. and Coleman, R.M. Quantitative determination of certain polyalcohols in presence of each other 575. Allen R. J. 1;. Estimation of phosphorus 519. Almquist H. J. and Others. Identification of the rice factor 573. Anderson A. K. Essentials of Physiological Chemistry (Review) 76. Anderson E. B. Review of Mason’s Fat Total Solids and Moisture 75. “Andrew R. L. and Neubauer L. G. Succinic acid in beer 455. Andrews E. D. See Moir G. M. Anslow W. K. and Raistrick H. Molecular constitutions of catenarin and erythroglaucin, 574. Anslow W. K. Breen J. and Raistrick H. Studies on the biochemistry of micro-organ-isms. Emodic acid and w-hydroxyemodin, metabolic products of Penicillaum cyclopium Westling 470. Appleyard F. N. and Lyons C. G. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4th Ed.(Review), 436. Archbold H. K. Sucrase activity in the barley plant 520. Amaud F. W. F. Appointed Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Bromley Bexley and Erith 27; for the Borough of Dartford 161; for the Borough of Gillingham (Kent) and the Urban District of Chislehurst and Sidcup 411. Report of the County Analyst for Kent for Fourth Quarter 1939 221. Aschehoug E. and Vesterhus R. Significance of the bacterial count in determining the freshness of herring and brisling the raw materials of kippered herrings and canned brisling 4 17. The cyanometric determination Atherton D. and Meara M. L. Component fatty acids and glycerides of some Myristica fats 516. - Fatty acids and glycerides of solid seed fats. IX. Mimusops Neckelii (Baku) kernel fat 517.Aufricht W. See Feigl F. Auguste G. Indirect volumetric determination of alkaloids 110. Aull J. C. and Kinard F. W. Determination of tungsten in biological materials 660. “Austin G. J. A new group separation for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of phosphates 335. Ayres G. H. and Vienneau E. M. Stability of peroxidised titanium solutions 379. B Bacharach A. L. Review of Bernal’s The Social - Review of Fearon’s A n Introduction to - Review of Findlay’s Chemistry in the Service - Vitamin-free diets for animal experiments, Bachman C. Photometric determination of oestrogens. I. Modified Kober reaction for determining the total oestrogens in a mixture of oestrogenic steroids. 11. New colour reaction for oestriol 118. Bagchi K.N. Gangulg H. D. and Sirdar J. N. Lead-content of human hair 471. Bagnall D. J. T. Appointed Public Analyst for the County Borough of Kingston-upon-Hull, 566. Bagnall H. H. Report of the Birmingham City Analyst for 2nd quarter 1940 565; for the year 1939 597. *Baker A. Z. and Wright M. D. Biological assay of vitamin D, 326. Baker G. W. Report of the Government Analyst for Palestine for 1938 166. Baker W. 0. See Caley E. K. Function of Science 140. Biochemistry 2nd Ed. 387. of Man 5th Ed. 535. 573 iv INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Balanescu G. and Motzoc M. D. Deter-mination of aluminium in presence of iron and phosphoric acid 188. Baldwin E. and Bell D. J. The glycogen of Helix pomatia 468. Ballaban H. E. 1-2-Diaminoanthraquinone-3-sulphonic acid as a reagent for copper 134.Ballentine R. See Taylor A. R. Bandier E. Quantitative estimation of nico-tinic acid in urine 182. Banfi R. F. See Marenzi A. D. Barkan G. and Walker B. S. Estimation of serum iron and pseudohaemoglobin iron with o-phenanthroline 659. *Barraclough A. See Sutton R. W. Barton C. J. See Yoe J. H. Basu U. P. and Mazumdar A. Keeping proper-perties of I-lydnocarpus Wzghtiana oil and its derivatives 465. Baumgartner J. G. and Knock G. G. Stability of bacteria in relation to pH 371. Beacham L. M. Rapid method for the deter-mination of chlorides in tomato products 109. Beadle D. G. Examination of dusts from lungs produced by mining arid other processes 472. Beamish F. E. See Rogers W. J. - See aEso Seath J. Beck G.Microchemistry of the rare earths 382. Becker E. See Berg R. Becker E. and Kartos R. F. Vitamin C con-tent of honey 470. Bedford C. L. See Joslyn M. A. Belcher R. and Wheeler R. V. Studies in the composition of coal Extraction of coal with quinoline 614. Bell D. J. See Baldwin E. Benedetti-Pichler A. A. and Paulson R. A. Quantitative micro-determinations with the use of ordinary analytical balances 69. Bennekou J. See Schou S. A. Bennison E. W. and Norris F. W. Pectic substances of plants. VI. Relation between jelly strength viscosity and composition of various pectins 67. Berg R. and Becker E. Determination of cerium by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline 312. - Indo-oxine a new precipitant for metals 378. Berger K. C. and Truog E. Determination of boron in soils and plants by means of quina-lizarin 123.Bergmann E. Farkas L. and Sandler L. Separation of para-hydrogen from oxygen and carbon monoxide 244. Bergmann M. See Fruton J. S. - See also Ing H. R. Bergmann M. and Stein W. H. Naphthalene-,!3-sulphonic acid as a reagent for amino acids, 237. Bernal J. D. The Social Function of Science (Review) 140. Bernhardi K. and Schoenheimer R. Inertia of highly unsaturated fatty acids in the animal investigated with deuterium 466. Bernhart F. W. Molecular weight of egg albumin 236. Berrigan D. See Nelson C. I. Bertrand D. Determination of small quan-tities of molybdenum in biological materials, 177. Besazza V. L. Adsorption of malachite green by clays and allied materials 670. Biedebach F.and Wiegand H. Detection of novocaine and identification of pantocaine, 173. Binkley S. B. and Others. Constitution of vitamin K, 514. Birch T. W. and Gyorgy P. Physicochemical properties of the factor (vitamin H) curative of egg white injury 117. Birnbaum N. and Edmonds S. M. Deter-mination of uranium and copper with the aid of the silver reductor 313. Bisanz R. and Kroupa F. Determination of fluorine and silica in the hot-springs of Gastein 189. *Blackie W. J. and Flemons G. F. Modification of the stirring device of the Hortvet cryoscope, 26. Block R. J. Basic amino acid content of human serum proteins. Influence of the ingestion of arginine on the composition of the serum proteins 303. Micro-estimation of threonine 72. Block R.J. and Bolling D. Blumenthal S. See Fiene F. BodnBr J. and Torok T. Photometric estima-tion of silicic acid in biological substance 240. Bodnar J. Szbp o. and Cieleszky V. Rapid method for the accurate estimation of minute quantities of arsenic in biological material, 379. Boisson R. Determination of lactic and pyruvic acids by means of periodic acid 473. Bolliger A. Volumetric determination of acridines with methylene blue 423. Bolling D. See Block R. J. Bond G. W. Application of hydrogen ion con-centration to boiler water treatment 429. Bonjean P. See Courtois J. Booth R. G. Thiochrome method for the esti-mation of aneurin with survey of the aneurin content of wheats 610. Bose P. K. See Dutt P. Bose P. K. and Dutt S. N. Oil from the fruit of Ferula alliacea 42 1.< Bower C. A. and Truog E. Manganese method for determination of base exchange capacity of soils and other materials 614. Boyland E. See Chibnall A. C. Bozain M. See McIntyre G. H. Bracaloni L. Presence of 1-tyrosine in the alcoholic extract of egg yolk 298. Bradbury F. R. and Edwards E. G. Volumetric determination of ferric iron by means of murcurous nitrate 433, Bradley H. B. See Derrett-Smith D. A. Bradstreet R. B. See Lewis J. B. Brads 0. L. Review of Weeks’s Discovery of the Brame J. S. S. Obituary of F. G. Edmed 391. Brand E. and Kassell B. Determination of reducing groups with porphyrindin with special reference to egg albumin 425. Bray R. H. See Dickman S. R. Breen J. See Anslow W. K. Brindle H. Phenol and eucalyptus ointments, 608.- The iodine value of soft paraffins 409. Elements 4th Ed. 321 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 V Bryant W. M. D. Mitchell J. Jr. and Smith, D. 1. Determination of water in presence of carbonyl compounds by means of the Karl Fischer reagent 172. Estimation of plasma uric acid 470. Bulger H. A. and Johns H. E. Bullen S. S. Bullock F. C. Report of the City Analyst for Leicester for 1940 494. Burns J. A. Biological test for the examination of brewery yeast 348. Bush W. A, and Lasher E. A. Iodine value of expressed almond oil 500. Butler J. A. V. Electrocapillarity. The Chem-istry and Physics of Electrodes and other Charged Surfaces (Review) 18 1. Butler R. E. See Bloor W. R. See Isbell H. C Cadbury W. E. See Meldrum W. B.Calderwood H. N. and Armstrong A. R. mination of glycogen in oysters 205. Caldwell C. G. Campbell W. G. and Bryant S. A. Determina-tion of PH of wood 257. Carey W. G. Appointed Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Tynemouth 451 - Appointed Public Analyst for the County Boroughs of Gateshead and Sunderland 110. Carol J. Separation and determination of p-phenylenediamine in mixtures 30. Cartledge C. H. and Nicholls P. M. Determina-tion of cobalt as trioxalatocobaltiate 308. Cattaneo P. Composition of the products resulting from the caramelisation of raw sugar 466. - See also Karman G. Caul H. J. and Schoonover I. C. Analysis of dental amalgams containing mercury silver, gold tin copper and zinc 509. Center E. J. See Willard H. H. *Challis H.J. G. The interference of selenium and tellurium with the determination of arsenic by the hypophosphorous method 58. Chamot E. M. and Mason C. W. Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. Vol. 11 2nd Ed. (Review) 85. Chaney A. L. and Magnuson H. J. Colori-metric micro-determination of arsenic 134. Chatterjee D. P. Rapid determination of tungsten in tungsten steel 82. Chatterjee K. C. See Bradbury F. R. Chesley L. C. Estimation of thiocyanate in biological fluids 424. Chessa G. Detection of senna extract in aborti-facients 501. Child E. The Tools of -the Chemist their Ancestry and American Evolution (Review) 181. Childs H. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County Borough of Barnsley 110. Chirnside R. C. Review of Taylor’s The Samplzng and Analysis of Cast Ferrous Metals 314.- Review of Twyman’s Spectrochemical Analysis - Review of Vogel’s Text Book of Qualitative Deter-See Gottlieb D. of Metals and Alloys 510. Chemical Analysis 352. *Chirnside R. C. Pritchard C. F. and Rooksby, H. P. The determination of metals by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline the examination of oxine precipitates using X-ray diffraction methods 399. Cholnoky L. See Zechmeister L. Chowdbury J. R. Christensen H. N. Ciapetta F. G. Clardy F. B. laupin H. R. and Gibbs R. S. Determination of silicon in monel metal, copper-silicon alloys and similar nonferrous alloys containing silicon 259. Clark G. L. and Rugg F. M. Measurement of oxidation of a vegetable oil 391. Clarke S. G. Review of Booth and Damerell’s Quantitative Analysis 219.- Review of Savage’s Practical Public Health Problems 218. Clausen S. W. and Others. Effect of alcohol on vitamin A content of human blood 302. Clay R. C. Cook K.? and Routh J. J. Composi-tion of human hair 24. Clayton W. Review of Hauser an3 Lynn’s Experiments in Colloid Chemistry 441. Clevenger J. F. Volatile oil in cassia bark 352. Coffin C. C. Platinised glass in the laboratory, 216. Cohen I. and Viehoever A. Daphnia methods for the evaluation of pharmaceutical products, 72. Cohen S. and Ruchhoft C. C. Sulphamic acid modification of the Winkler method for dis-solved oxygen 505. Coleman S. A. and Smith G. B. L. Frecipita-tion of zinc sulphide from citrate solution 436. Colin-Russ A. Study and control of mould growth in leather and other materials 127.Comar C. L. See Joslyn 31. -4. *Common R. H. The buffer curves of silage extracts 407. - See also Bolton W. Comer R. T. and Straub G. J. Combined deter-mination of riboflavin and aneurine in food products 504. - Determination of aneurine by the thiochrome reaction 503. Cook F. Determination of carbon monoxide by the pyrotannic method with standard gas analysis apparatus 132. Cook J. W. Rapid method for the determina-tion of manganesein feeding stuffs 255. - Review of Zechmeister and Cholnoky’s Principles and Practice of Chromatography, translated from 2nd German Ed. 263. See Rgy P. See Ross W. F. See Tomlinson H. M. Cook K. Cooper B. S. Review of Pearse and Gaydon’s The Identification of &loleculnr Spectra 396.- Review of Smith’s Bibliography of Spectro-chemical Analysis 2nd Ed. 57. - Review of van Someren’s Spectrochevwical Abstracts Vol. 11 220. Cooper S. S. Mixed indicator bromocresol green and methyl red for carbonates in water 429. Copeman P. R. van der R. and Karnerman, P. A. E. Poisoning by arsenic in South Africa 419. *Copley G. N. Alloxan and the “ninhydrin” test 492. See Clay R. C vi INDEX TO Collins J. V. Report of the Government Analyst for Ceylon for 1939 652. Colman H. B. See Simons E. J. *Colson A. F. The micro-titrimetric deter-mination of carbon dioxide in carbonates 638. *Common R. H. The phytic acid content of some poultry feeding stuffs 79. Comrie A. A. D. Colorimetric determination of the preservative value of hops.Standard colour values of some hybrid hops 516. Connah F. E. Report of the Government Analyst for Queensland for 1938-39 164. Constantinesco 0. See Ionesco-Matiu A. Conway E. J. Micro-diff usion Analysis and Volumetric Error (Review) 254. Coops J. See Mendel H. Cordebard 1. H. Volumetric determination of organic substances by chromic oxidation : Nitro-chromic solutions 123. Courtois J. and Bonjean P. Volumetric deter-mination of sulphate in water 121. Coward K. H. and Kassner E. W. Estimation of vitamin D in food substances containing phosphorus 523. Cox H. E. Hair dyes. 11. The functions and reactions of phenols 393. - Review of Thorpe and Whiteley's Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 4th Ed. 583. Crandall L. A. Method for the estimation of acetone bodies in blood applicable also to the estimation of small amounts of mercury, 467.Cumming A. C. and Kay S. A. A Text-book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 7th Ed. (Review) 138. Cutts H. E. Obituary of T. S. Gladding 391. D Daglish C. and Wokes F. Chemical assay of powdered ergot 50. Dahl 0. Characterisation of starch from various sources by means of electrophoretic fractionation 362. Dalby G. See Hoffman C. Danjo M. See Takano M. Dvby Up. J. and Day P. L. Blood sugar levels in rats receiving the cataractogenic sugars galactose and xylose 520. Darnell M. C. Jnr. and Walker V. S. Deter-mination of sodium in biological fluids 478. Dasa Rao C. J. See Vidyarthi N. L. "Dauncey L. A. See Chirnside R. C. Davenport J. E.See Evans R. N. Davidson D. Qualitative test for organic com-Davies A. W. and Moore T. Vitamin A content Davis T. L. and Green W. P. New reaction Davis V. E. See Lewis D. T. Day P. L. See Darby W. J. Deahl N. See Lynch H. J. Deb N. C See Dutt P. *De Giacomi R. The determination of tin in foodstuffs by means of dithiol 216. de la Riviere R. D. Practical methods for sterilisation of water consumed by evacuated populations 429. pounds containing oxygen 306. of cheese 58. of formic acid 528. VOLUME 65 Delga J. New colour reaction of phenarsazine chloride 309. - Reactions of Nessler's reagent with aqueous solutions of mustard gas and lewisite 246. Delory G. E. See King E. J. Denoel A. Determination of bromides in presence of chlorides 314.Derrett-Smith D. A, and Bradley H. B. Machine for testing the fastness to rubbing of dyed materials 534. Deturk E. E. See Stubblefield F. hl. Dhawan C. L. See Hoon R. C. Dickhart W. H. Behaviour of olive oil and other oils with antimony trichloride 421. Dickinson .D. Determination of chromates in sewage liquors 409. *Diekinson D. and Weir E. M. A rapid stability test for sewage effluents 289. Dickman S. R. and Bray R. H. Removal of phosphoric acid from hydrogen peroxide 477. Diemair W. and Koch J. Estimation of sul-phur compounds in vegetables 418. Discherl W. Colour reaction for the detection of the eqpol of mare's urine 368. Dixon F. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Urban District of Brierley Hill 411. Dixon S. Report of the Public Analyst for Cardiff City for 1938 28.Doisy E. A. See Binkley S. B. Donath W. F. See Sjollema B. Donau J. hlicro-electrolytic determinations in small volumes 134. Donen I. Rde of sorbitol in the carbon-meta-bolisni of the Kelsey plum. I. Changes in chemical composition during growth and storage 178. Dorsey M. E. Properties of Ordinary Water Substance (Review) 620. Dott D. B. Tests for tannic acid 233 424. Duke F. R. and Smith G. F. Rapid qualitative test for alcoholic hydroxyl groups 527. "Dunbar-Poole A. G. Antimony in tin-antimony oxides 463. Dunn R. Inouye K. and Kirk P. L. Microscopy of the amino acids and their compounds 252. Dutt P. Deb N. C. and Bose P. K. Mesuol: the bitter principle of Mesua ferreu 466. Dutt S. N. See Bose P. K. Dyer B.Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Ilford 27; for the Borough of Wanstead and Woodford 161. - Obituary of John White 325. E Eakin R. E. See Snell E. E. *Edisbury J. R. Edmonds S. M. See Birnbaum N. Edwards E. G. See Bradbury F. R. Edwards F. W. Review of Radley's Starch and Edwards S. J. Diagnosis of Streptococcus Eegriwe E. Tests for cadmium and magnesium, Spectrophotometric assay of vitamin A with special reference to margarine, 484. Its Derivatizws 481. mastitzs by cultural methods 62. 248 INDEX TO Egell B. D. and Gerhardt F. Use of ascorbic acid as a substrate in oxidase measurements, 468. Egloff G. Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons, Vol. I1 (Review) 585. Eichler H. Identification of groups of dyestuffs by their reaction with ferrous hydroxide 431.Elias A. Hydrogen sulphide in corned beef 605. Elliott E. C. Determination of sodium in presence of other metals 616. Ellis G. See Voris L. Ellis R. H. Appointed Public Analyst for the El Sadr M. M. Macrae T. F. and Work C. E. I. New biological Elsdon G. D. Review of Hilditch's The Chemical "Elsworth M. See Garner W. Elvehjem C. A. See Hove E. Emmerie A. Colorimetric determination of tocopherol (vitamin E) . IV. Quantitative determination of tocopherol in oils after saponification 370. Emmett A. D. Kamm O. and Sharp E. A. Vitamin K activity of 4-amino-2-methyl-l-naphthol and 4-amino-3-methyl-l-naphtho1, 305. Emmett A. D. Peacock G. and Brown,.R. A. Estimation of aneurin by a modification of the Melnick-Field method 661.Emte W. See John W. Engelder C. Calculations of Quantitative Englis D. T. See Shannon W. J . Ephraim F. Inorganic Chemistry 3rd English Epstein S. S. See Cartwright L. C. Epstein S. S. and Snell F. D. Thermal death time of micro-organisms encountered in the brewing industry 524. *Etheridge A. T The determination of phos-phorus in titanium steels 496. Evans B. S. Review of Ephraim's Inorganic Chemzstry 3rd English Ed. 584. - Review of Mellor's Modem Inorganic Chem-istry 9th Ed. 479. Evans E. A. See Krebs H. A. Evans J. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Scunthorpe 161. Evans R. C. An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry (Review) 75. Evans R. N. Davenport J. E. and Revukas, A. J. Micro-gravimetric determination of active hydrogen by the Grignard reagent 533."Evans T. The net calorific value of coals 352. Borough of Swindon 161. Estimation of riboflavin. method 522. Constitution of Natural Fats 319. Analysis (Review) 674. Ed. (Review) 584. F Facer J. F. See Christiansen B. E. Fairbrother R. W. A Textbook of Bacteriology, 3rd Ed. (Review) 673. Farkas L. See Bergmann E. Fearon W. R. An Introduction to Biochemistry, 2nd Ed. (Review) 387. Feigl F. and Aufricht W. Detection of barium sulphate by means of spot reactions 251. Ferguson A. Review of Evans's An Introduction to Crystal Chemistry 75. VOLUME 65 vii Fernholz E. and Moore M. L. Isolation of a-spinasterol from alfalfa 60. Fernholz E. and Stavely H. E. Brassicasterol, the characteristic sterol of rapeseed oil 572.Ferrey G. J. W. Determination of mercury in mercurochrome 607. Field H. See Melnick D. Fiene F. and Blumenthal S. Handbook of Food Manufacture (Review) 255. *Fife J. G. Studies in internal electrolysis. V. The determination of small quantities of copper in presence of cadmium 562. Findlay A. Chemistry in the Service of Man, 5th Ed. (Review) 535. Fischer H. and Leopoldi G. Colorimetric deter-mination of small amounts of lead by means of dithizone 432. Fischer R. Detection of ammonia calcium and strontium with organic nitro compounds 135. Flagg J. F. and Furman N. H. Qualitative reactions of salicylaldoxime derivatives with inorganic ions 668. *Flemons G. F. See Blackie W. J. Flint J. W. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Boroughs of Beckenham and Bromley, 161.Flugel J. See Komm E. Foerster P. Determination of lead in tin coatings 476. Ford W. P. and Others. Micro-determination of bromine in foodstuffs 617. Foster L. S. Reaction of gallium with perchloric acid 68. Fox J. J. Review of Brode's Chemical Spectro-scopy 137. - Review of Hibbin and Teller's The Raman Effect and its Chemical A pplicatiom 192. Frankenthal L. Methylene blue reducing system of Palestine orange peels investigated by Thunberg system 662. Raps G. S. and Fudge J. F. Determination of iodine in soils plant material and waters 305. Fraps G. S. Kemmerer A. R. and Greenberg, S. M. Adsorption method for the determina-tion of pure carotene 609. - Determination of carotene in presence of lycopene 608."Friend J. N. and Hall D. A. Estimation of praseodymium and neodymium in solution from their adsorption spectra 144. Friend J. N. Vallance R. .H. and Challis, H. J. G. Phosphate separation in qualitative analysis 578. Fruton J. S. and Bergmann M. Activation of papain 303. Fuchs W. Ishler N. H. and Sandhoff A. G. Determination of hydroxyl groups with the Grignard reagent 663. Fudge J. F. See Fraps G. S. Fuller P. N. Review of Egloff's Physical Con-Furman N. H. See Flagg J . F. G Gade G. N. See Townsend F. E. Ganguly H. D. See Bagchi K. N. *Garner W. A laboratory textile scouring - -4n alkaline ageing test for textile oils 219. stants of Hydrocarbons Vol. 11 585. apparatus 563 V i i i INDEX TO VOLUME 65 *Garner W. and Elsworth 116 The peroxide accumulation rate of oils-relationship to Mackey test results and oxidation on textiles, 347.Gaspart .R. and Serrure G. Determination of water in ether 73. Gatti C. and Knallinsky A. Tillmann reaction for vitamin C in plant extracts 369. *Gee,. G. N. The detection of urea in urine stains on carpets 25. Geiger E. and Miiller G. Microchemical deter-mination of the reducing power of cellulose, oxycellulose and hydrocellulose (micro-copper, micro-ferricyanide and micro-iodine numbers), 618. Georgi E. A. Analysis of rosin size 614. Gerhardt F. See Egell B. D. Gershenfeld L. and Perlstein D. Preservatives for preparations containing gelatin 62. Getz C. A. See Smith G. F. Ghosh B. and Guha B. C. Concentration of ascorbigen from cabbage 523.Ghosh S. K. See Qudrat-i-Khuda M. Gilbert G. R. and Tannich R. E. Detection of aromatics in air 666. Ginsburg J. M. Chemical effect on lead arsenate of certain salts which may be present in soil and spray waters 613. Glasscock H. H. and Wain R. L. Distribution of manganese in the pea seed in relation to marsh spot 372. Glimm E. Wittmeyer H. and Jahn-Held W. Thermo-stability of fats 301. Goepfert G. J. Micro-determination of succinic acid 580. Goldberg W. and Walsh E. O’F. Ascorbic acid content of rose hips 304. Golumbic C. and Mattill H. A. Oxidation of vitamin E 573. Goodhue L. D. and Haller H. L. Determina-tion of deguelin in derris and cube 184. Goodson J. A. Pelletierine of commerce, Gopala Rao G. and Sundara Rao W. V. Mechanism of the microbial oxidation of ammonia 524.Gordon N. and Trout W. E. Jr. Introductory College Chemistry 2nd Ed. (Review) 537. Gornall A. G. and Hunter A. Behaviour of some uramido-acids in the nitrous acid method for the determination of amino-nitrogen 467. Goss M. J. See Phillips M. Gourevitch A. Separation of the components of a mixture by fractional centrifuging, 136. Grabouska G. See Iwanowski W. Graff J. H. Schlosser M. A. and Nihlen E. K. Cross sections of pulp fibres 670. Grangaud R. New method for washing and isolation of barium sulphate in the micro-determination of sulphur 316. Grant J. See Radley J. A. Grant J. B. Report of the Director of the All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health for 1938 225. Gray A. G. See Holt M.L. Green W. P. See Davis T. L. Greenberg S. M. See Fraps G. S. 422. Greenstein E. J. Fertiliser problems in vegetable production 415. Greeves W. F. Appointed Deputy Agricultural Analyst to the County Council of East Suffolk, 411. - Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Counties of Norfolk and East and West Suffolk and the Boroughs of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft 566. “Gridgeman N. T. Lees H. and Wilkinson H. Estimation of vitamin D in margarine 493. Griebel C. and Hess G. Iodine absorption of honey and artificial honey 299. Griffin D. B. See Hall R. T. Griffiths J. G. A. Review of Dorsey’s Properties of Ordinary Water Substance 620. Grimmett R. E. R. Report of Chemistry Section New Zealand Dept. of Agriculture for 1938-39 33. Grimmett R.E. R. and I. G. McIntosh. Arsenic in soils and waters in the Waiotapu Valley, New Zealand 613. Grossfeld J. Determination of hydrocarbons in unsaponifiable matter 375. Grossfeld J. and Payfer R. Determination of formic acid in foodstuffs 168. Grossman M. J. See Wikoff H. L. Grumer J. See Molnar N. M. Gubnin J. See PCronnet M. Guha B. C. See Ghosh €3. - See also Pal J. C. - See also Sen-Gupta P. N. Guillaume A. and Nicolas Y. Stability of calcium hypochlorites 130. Gunde B. G. and Hilditch T. P. Mixed un-saturated glycerides of liquid seed fats. Some “non-drying” oils 364. Guthrie F. C. Modified iodate method for the determination of barium 434. Guthrie F. C. and Nance J. T. Revision of Cumming and Kay’s A Text-book of Quantita-tive Chemical Analysis 7th Ed.138. Gyorgy P. Curative factor (vitamin H) for egg white injury with particular reference to its presence in different foodstuffs and in yeast, 117. - See also Birch T. W. Gyorgy P. Kuhn R. and Lederer E. Attempts t o isolate the factor (vitamin H) curative of egg white injury 117. H aaines R. B. See Brooks J. *Hall D. A. See Friend J. N. Hall P. E. Analyses of certain South African woods with special reference to their use as producer-gas generator fuels 577. Hall R. T. Holcomb J. H. Jr. and ?riffin, D. B. Separation and determination of isomeric menthols 518. Hall W. T. Revision of Moore’s A History of Chemistry 3rd Ed. 386. Haller H. L. See Goodhue L. D. Hallinan F. J. Colorimetric determination of free chlorine in effluents 678.Halverson J. 0 and Sherwood F. W. Vitamin A activity and vitamin B content of soya-beans and cowpeas 470 *Hamence J. H. A new test for the detection of molybdenum and tungsten 152. - Appointed Joint Public Analyst for the Borough of Ilford 41 1. Hammond J. W. and MacIntire W. H. Thorium nitrate micro-titration of fluorine in aqueous and alcoholic systems 618. Harispe,. 3. V. Colorimetric semi-micro-deter-mination of arsenic in urine 54. Harper S. H. Active principles of leguminous fisb-poison plants. IV. Isolation of malaccol from Derris malaccensis 472. Harral J. C. The determination of cocoa alkaloids in confectionary 408. Harris L. J. Vitamins (Review) 139. Harris L. J. and Raymond W. D. Estimation of nicotinic acid in urine 183. w o n C.J. and Roberts E. A. H. Fermen-tation process in tea manufacture. IV. Tea tannin and its fermentation products 46. Harrison D. C. and Mellanby E. Phytic acid and the rickets-producing action of cereals, 113. Hart D. and Meyrowitz R. Detection of thiocyanate iodide bromide and chloride 532. Hart E. B. See Hove E. Hartmann M. and Schlitter E. African arrow-poisons. I. Adenium somalense Balf. fil. 428. Haslam J. and Roberts R. F. The iodimetric determination of alkali An investigation of G. S. Smith’s method 399. Hassko A. Action of mustard gas on foods 427. Hawkins E. G. E. Jones J. K. N. and Young, 43. T. Constitution of banana starch 464. “Hawley H. Cleaning Jena glass filters 27. - Neutralisation value of ghee butter fat 606. - Report of the Government Analyst for Madras for 1938-39 601.*- The use of anhydrite as a desiccating agent, 644. Hayes J. R. and Chandlee G. C. Determination of bismuth by precipitation as quinaldine iodobismu thi te 12 9. Heiduschka A. and Cicekdagi F. Milk fat from the Turkish buffalo 297. Heiman 5. Sea McNabb W. M. Hendrey W. B. Estimation of soya-bean flour in sausage by determining non-fermentable sugars 109. ”Henness J. R. See Prideaux E. B. R. Henry K. M. Houston J. and Kon S. I(. Estimation of riboflavin. 11. In milk com-parison of fluorimetric and biological tests 522. Henville D. Report of Public Analyst for Metro-politan Borough of Stepney for 1938 29. Herzfeld E. See Verda A. Herzog R. See Sherman C. S. Hess G. See Griebel C. Hettche 0. Silicic acid nutrient media 243.Hewitt J. T. Obituary of Sir G. T. Morgan 324. Hibben 3. H. and Teller E. The Raman Effect and its Chemical Applications (Review), 192. Hidaka T. Rice bran as a raw material of oil 44. Hilditch T. P. Foreword to Burton and Robert-shaw’s Sulphated Oils and Allied Products 318. - The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats (Review) 3 19. - Sce also Gunde B. G. Hilditch T. P. and Maddison L. Composition of commercial palm oils. V. Partial separation of palm oils by crystallisation as an aid to the determination of the component glycerides, 517. - Mixed unsaturated glycerides of liquid seed fats. 11. Low temperature crystallisation of cottonseed oil 656. Hilditch T. P. and Murti K. S. Component acids and glycerides of some Indian ox depot fats 655.- Fat of land crabs (Seychelles Islands) 518. *- The use of thiocyanogen values in the determination of Iinoleic and linolenic acids and their glycerides 437. Hilditch T. P. and Pedelty W. H. Body fats of the pig. V. Component glycerides of perinephritic and outer back fats from the same animal 569. Hilditch T. P. and Saul S. Component glycer-ides of a typical cow milk fat 606. Hills Q. M. Thiochrome test for aneurin in urine as an index of nutritional level 179. Hilty,. W W and Wilson D. T. Determination of iodine in thyroid and its preparations by cerate oxidimetry 174. Hind H. G. Colouring matters of Penicillium carmino-violaceurn Biourge with a note on the production of ergosterol by this mould, 470. - Constitution of carviolin a colouring matter of Penicillium carmino-violaceum Biourge, 470.Hind H. Lloyd. Brewing Science and Practice. Vol. 11. Brewing Processes (Review) 482. PIinks E. Appointed Public Analyst for the Urban District of Esher and the Boroughs of Surbiton and Malden and Coombe 27; for the Urban Districts of Coulsdon and Purley, and Merton and Morden and for the Borough of Wimbledon 161; for the Boroughs of Kingston-upon-Thames and Mitcham and the Urban District of Carshalton 41 1. *Hinton C. L. and Mscara T. The composition of some jam fruits and the determination of the fruit content of jams 540. €Erst F. Report of the Director of the Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Research Station, Campden for 1939 511. Hiskey C. F. and Meloche V.W. Determination of rhenium in molybdenum 669. Hiskey C. F. Springer V. F. and Meloche, V W. Reduction of molybdate in the silver reductor 69. *Hitchen 0. See Sutton R. W. Hoar T. P. Hydrogen “swells” in canned fruits 43. Hodgson T. R. Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Crewe 161; for the Borough of Swinton and Pendlebury 566. Hodson A. Z, and Norris L. C. Fluorometric method for determining the riboflavin content Hoffman C. Schweitzer T. R. and Dalby G. Determination of iron in bread and bread ingredients 569. Hoffman C. H. See Tchitchibabine A. E. Hogden C. G. See Robinson H. W. Holcomb J. €I. Jr. See Hall R. T. of food-stuffs 114 X INDEX TO VOLUME 65 Hollman E. C. M. J. Determination of the ascorbic acid content of tablets 365.Holm J. M. and Marloth B W. The Bambarra groundnut or Njugo bean 608. Holmstrom J. E. Records and Research in Engineering and Industrial Science (Review) 322, Holt M. L. and Gray A. G. Volumetric deter-mination of tungsten 312. Holtz P. Combined ascorbic acid of animal tissue 369. Hoon R. C. and Dhawan C. L. Electrodialysis of soils. Influence of exchangeable bases on the recovery of manganese by electrodialysis, 526. Hopkinson F. J. See Wernimont G. Hoshall E. M. Determination of sulphides in - Determination of thioglycollates in depila-Houston J. See Henry K. M. Hove E. Elvehjem C. A. and Hart E. B. Effect of zinc on alkaline phosphatases 572. Howe D. E. and Mellon M. G. Colorimetric determination of iron with salicylaldoxime, 578. Hughes L.E. C. See Tweeney C. F. Hunter A. See Gornall A. G. Hunter D. Toxicology Industrial Poisoning (Review-) 139. Hynes W. A. See Yanowski L. V. Hynes W. A, and Yanowski L. K. Salts of complex cations applied to the microscopical detection of anions 70. depilatories 579. tories 667. I Ichiyanagi B. See Kawakita K. Ikert B. Determination of fluorine in wood *Illing E. T. The detection and estimation of Ing H. R. and Bergmann M. Semi-micro-Inouye K. See Dunn R. Insinger J. A. See Rowaan P. A. Ioonescu-Matiu A. Popesco C. and Constan-tinesco 0. Micro-determination of ethyl alcohol in pharmaceutical products. Deter-mination of the chromic index 135. Irwin J. 0. Estimation of riboflavin. 111. Statistical analysis of the data 522. Irwin W.B. See Smith L. I. Ishler N. H. See Fuchs W. Iwanowski W. and Grabouska G. Determina-(treated with fluoride preservative) 190. benzedrine 3. estimation of amino acids 57. tion of sugars in flours 168. J Jackerott K. A. and Reimers F. Determination of nicotinic acid diethylamide and phthalic acid bis-diethylamide 234. Jacob A. and Todd A R. Cannabis indica. Isolation of cannabidiol from Egyptian hashish. Observations on the structure of cannahinol 466. Jaeger W. See Karrer P. JaffB F. W. M. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County Borough of Wakefield, 566. - Appointed Public Analyst for the Borough of Keighley 27 ; for the Borough of Harrogate, 161 ; for the Borough of Batley and the Urban District of Castleford 41 1. Jahn-Held W.See Glimm E. *James G. V. The determination of members of the sulphanilamide group of drugs 206. Janke *A. and Mikschik E. Micro-potentio-metric method of formol titration 434. Jensen C. C. See Schoch T. J. Jensen H. B. and With T. K. Vitamin A and carotenoids in the liver of mammals birds, reptiles and man 179. Jensen K. E. Estimation of foreign organisms in yeast 62. John W. and Emte W. The red oxidation products of the tocopherols 242. Johnson K. R. See Mehlig J. P. *Johnson T. E. See Kersey R. W. Jones A. 0. Review of Annual Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XXIV for 1939 436. Jones E. V. Appointed Public Analyst for the Urban District of Brierley Hill 411. Jones J. K. N. See Hawkins E. G. E. Joslyn M. A. and Bedford C.L. Enzyme activity in frozen vegetables asparagus 468. Jurist A. E. and Christiansen W. G. Oxalate formation in ascorbic acid solutions 184. K Kahler H. L. Interference of sulphite with the determination of sulphate by the tetra-hydroxyquinone method 434. Kaiser E. P. and Parrish W. Immersion liquids for determination of refractive index of non-opaque minerals 137. Kamm 0. See Emmett A. D. Kapp E. M. 580. Kapp R. See Buxton, L. 0. Kardos R. F. Reducing power of unripe honey and honey from sugar-fed bees 363. - See also Becker E. Karrer P. Blue alkali salts of a-phylloquinone (vitamin K,) and similar compounds 60. Karrer P. Jaeger W. and Keller H. Estima-tion of tocopherol in animal organs 427. Karush F. See Talbot N. B. Kass J. P. and Others.Thiocyanogen value of linolenic acid 528. KassJ1 B. See Brand E. Kassner E. W. See Coward K. H. Kawakita K. and Ichiyanagi B. Elimination of traces of carbon monoxide from hydrogen, 575. Kay S. A. See Cumming A. C. Kaye A. Micro-determination of potassium. I. 533. Keiser B. Identification of P-aminoethanol 474. Keller H. See Karrer P. Keller H. and Moller H. Detection by Walkie-wiecz's method of the decomposition of meat, 418. Micro-estimation of uronic acids INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xi Markwell W. A. N. Determination of fat in ergot 208. Markwood L N. Quantitative characteristics of the nicotine colour reaction with cyanogen and /3-naphthylamine 20. - Turbidimetric estimation of nicotine as phosphotungstate 20. Marsden A. W. Micro-determination of calcium and magnesium 260.Martin A. J. P. and Synge R. L. M. Applica-tion of periodic acid to the study of the hydroxylamino acids of protein hydrolysates, 343 Separation of the higher monoamino acids by counter-current liquid-liquid. extraction : the amino-acid composition of wool 254. Martindale W. H. The Extra Pharmacopoeia, Vol. I 22nd Ed. (Review) 613. Mason C. W. See Chamot E. M, Massart L. See Dufait R. Mastin T. G. See Crowell W. R. Matchett J. R. Determination of caffeine 69. Matchett J. R. and Levine J. Ecgonidine methyl ester from coca seeds 501. Matteson R. Zeitfuchs E. H. and Eldredge, K. R. Determination of the aniline point of dark petroleum products 431. Maupin H. R. See Clardy F. B. l a y R. L. Mead T. H.See Braude R. Meara M. L. See Hilditch T. P. Megson N. J. L. Review of “Plastes”’ Plastics Meiklejohn G. T. and Stewart C. P. Deter-leinke W. W. See Fraps G. S. Meldrum W. B. Cadbury W. E. and Lucasse, W. W. Determination of sulphate in pres-ence of chromate 474. Melnick D. Robinson W. D. and Field H. Influence of the excretion of other pyridine compounds upon the interpretation of the urinary nicotinic acid values 124. - Urinary excretion of nicotinic acid and its derivatives by normal individuals 125. leloche V. W. Meyer K. H. See Klemm 0. Meyrowitz R. See Hart D. Miall S. A New Dictionary of Chemistry Miles F. T. Miller A. J. Miller C. C. Qualitative semi-micro analysis ulth reference to Noyes and Bray’s system: the thallium group 260.Miller C. C. and Lowe A. J. Qualitative semi-micro analysis with reference to Noyes and Bray’s system Gold group 33; Tantalum and tungsten group 32. See Smith G. F. in I+zdustry 315. mination of vitamin C in urine 504. See Knudson H. W. (Review) 88. See Gerber A. 53. See Deuel H. J . Miller E. J. - See also Harvey D. G. Milligan W. E. and France W. D. Quantita-tive spectrographic determination of phos-phorus in phosphor bronze 216. Milton R. F. Review of Abrahamson’s Office €linical Chemistry 397. Review of McDonagh’s The Universe througlt Medicine 476. See Cowling H. Mirimanoff A, and de Toledo P. Estiniatioii of ascorbic acid in presence of tannin 371. Mirimanoff A. and Mori M. Estimation of ascorbic acid in fruits 471. Mitchell C.A. Review of Austin’s .4ids to Inorganic Chemistry and A ids to Phj~sical Chemistry 3 16. - Review of Wildman’s Animal Fibves of Industrial Importance their Origin and Idcnti-fication 182. Mitchell J. Jr. Mitchell J. Jr. Smith D. M. and Bryant, W. I. D. Determination of carbonyl coiii-pounds 211. Mitchell J. H. Jr. Mitchell R. L. Spectrographic analysis of solutions by a modified Ramage flame emis-sion method 351. Isolation of anti-anaemic factor See Bryant W. $I. D. See Thornton M. H. - See also Davidson -1. 11.1. 31. Mitra S. I(. present in raw liver 78. Mohrberg W. See Jayme G. Moore L. A. Determination of carotene in plant material. Dicalcium phosphate as adsorbent 169. Moore T. Moore W. A. See Ruchhoft C. C. Morgan W. T. J.See Jolles 2. E. Mori M. See Mirimanoff A. Morris F. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County Borough of Kingston upon Hull 110. Morton R. A. See Henry I<. M. Mottram V. H. Healthy Eating (Review) 35, Mulder J. G. See Robertson A. C. Munro J. W. Report on a survey of the in-festation of grain by insects 116. Musti K. S. Muter A. H. M. Obituary of C. A. Hackman, Vitamin ,4 in canned salmon 388. See Hilditch T. P. 183. N Naidu S. R. Keport of Chemical Examiner to “Nanji H. R. “Narasimhamurty 0. Effect of ageing in pres-ence of air and light on the constants of butter-fat 98. Neal R. H. Haurand C. H.,. and. Luckmann, F. H. of dairy butters 503. Nechamkin 33. See Freedman E. Nelson N. See Elgart S. Nicholls J. R. - “Water and fat in English cheeses 265.Nicholls P. M. *Nicholson R. I. The estimation of hvdro-”Nicol H. Valuation of agricultural lime 104. Nicolet B. H. Nicolet B. H. and Shinn L. A. Estination of serine by the use of periodate 426. Nield C. H. Russell W. C.,. and Zimmerli .A. Spectrophotometric determination of vitamins D and D, 78. “Nierenstein M. and Thomas J. C. Preparation of purpurogallase 492. the Government of Madras for 1940 462. See Kidd J . D. Estiniation of total vltamin -1 content Review of Crumpler and roe’s Chemical Computations and Errors 136. See Cartledge C. H. cyanic acid by the phthalin method 189. See Shinn L. A sii ISDEX TO Nitschmann H. and Hadorn H. Quantitative determination of formaldehyde in casein hardened with formalin 303.Nobori H. Constituents of the fatty acids of - Lower saturated fatty acids in fish oils 164. Nobori H. and Kawabata M. Constituents of South Sea Islands coconut oil 299. Nobori H. and Ono I. Constituents of the fatty acids of babassu oil 298. Nolan P. Applications of spectrographic analy-sis to pulp and paper problems 179. Noll C. I. and Jensen 0. G. Chemical deter-mination of nicotinic acid in milk and milk derivatives 504, Novelli A. Sensitive colour reaction for 2-methyl-naphthaquinone and related com-pounds 343. Nunn L. C. A. See Dolby D. E. akatetu” oil 298. 0 Qckman D. Medicine in a Changing World (Review) 264. %’Connor M. See Kelly D. F. O’Dell R. A. Qhlwiler C. H. Testing paper for tarnishing action 217. Okell F. E.Review of Long and Anderson’s Chemical Calculations 182. - Review of Snell’s Chemicals of Conznierce 135. - Review of The B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents for Analytical Use 8th Ed. 476. Olcott H. S. and Fontaine T. D. Effect of age-ing cottonseed meal on the solubility of the proteins 170. Ono I. See Nobori H. ”Osborn G. H. The determination of zinc in magnesium alloys 412. Otto E. B. and C. E. Titan yellow qualitative test for magnesium 310. See Zittle C. A. P Palkin S. See Joshel L. M. Palmer A. H. See Levy M. Parker A. See Walker T. I<. Parker W. E. and McFarlane W. D. Modi-fication of Emnierie’s iron-dipyridyl method for determining the tocopherol content of oils, 209. Partridge M. W. Patterson G. W. Pearse R. W. B. and Gayon A.G. The Identi-fication of Molecular Spectra (Review) 396. Pedelty W. H. See Hilditch T. P. Pelczar M. J. and Porter J. R. Microbiological assay technique for pantothenic acid with the use of Proteus Morganii 389. Peluso J. V. See Rosenblatt M. Peniston Q. P. McCarthy J. L. and Hibbert H. Studies on lignin and related compounds. Fractionation of acetylated cell wall con-stituents of red oak wood 175. Pereira R. S. New photometric method for the estimation of iron 258. See Hampshire C. H. See LeGalley D. P. VOLUME 66 Perlzweig W. A. Levy E. D. and Sarett H. P, Nicotinic acid derivatives in human urine and their estimation 167. Perry S. and Hibbert H. Quantitative analysis of mixtures of polyos yethylene glycols by fractional distillation 174.Peters L. Phillips M. and Davis B. L. Hemicelluloses of alfalfa hay 168. Phillips T. G. Method for determining copper reduced by sugars 249. Pigott E. C. Determination of chromium in nickel alloy steels 176. PBer N. H. Plante E. C. “Plastes.” Platenius H. and Knott J. E. Ploetz T. See Freudenbcrg K. Pollard A. G. See Daroga R. 1’. Pollard C. B. See Singleton F. G. Pomerantz C. See Kane H. J. Poole E. A, and Hinshelwood? C. N. Physico-chemical aspects of bacterial growth. VI. The influence of toxic substances on growth rate stationary population and fermentation reactions of Bad. lactis aerogenes 167; VII. Influence of phenol on the death rate of Bact. lnctis aerogcnes 168. See Cunningham G. E. See Tinsley J . See Almond J. N. Plastics in Industry (Keview) 315.Factors affecting onion pungency 389. Porter J. R. Pound J. R. Powell A. R. Praetorius P. and Hillmer A. Pristera F. See Kallman S. “Pritchard C. F. Pyke M. Pyke M. and Wright M. D. See Pelczar 111. J . Ceric sulphate as a volumetric See Schoeller W. R. Measurement of the absorptive capacity of cellulose wool 180. reagent 130. See Chirnside R. C. Vitainin B in vertcbrate muscle 56. Vitamin content of salmon 247. Q Quarrell A. G. and Bramley G. E. A. In-vestigation of sources of inaccuracy which may arise in the spectrographic analysis of aluminium alloys 180. Quereschit M. H. Quick L. A. See Sarin J. L. See Breckenridge J . G. R Race H. H. Hemphill R. J. and Endicott H S. Important prcpcrties of electrical insulating papers (and their evaluation) 178.Racicot P. A. See Lythgoe H. C. Ramasarma G. B. Datta N. C. and Doctor, N. S. Ramsay W. N. M. and Stewart C. P. Analysis of blood phospholipins 300. Rao A. L. S. Distribution of trace elements in biological material 74. Rao N. V. S. and J. V. Free fatt57 acids in the cake of Pongamia glabra 20. Rawles W. T. Rly P. and Chowdbury J. R. Determination of copper with biguanide sulphate 473. Studies on ascorbic acid oxidase 27. See MacKenzie C. A INDEX TO Minimum dietary standards for East African natives 118. Nutritive value of Tanganyika bananas 163. Appointed Chemist-in-Chief and Official Agricultural 2Lnalpst to London County Council 461. Rehner J. Isolation and identification of fluoranthene from carbon black 129.Reid L. C. See Yoe J . H. Reifer I. gen 312. ;$Reilly J. See Kelly D. F. Reindollar W. F. Qualitative test for saccharin, 383. Rendle T. Review of Jones and Jones' Canning Practice and Control 354. Rigler N. E. and Greathouse G. K. Fungicidal potency of quinoline homologues and deriva-tives 429. Ritchie D.' Note on bleaching powder 131. Roberts H. L. Beardsley C. L. and Taylor L. V., Jr. Determination of iron in liquid food products 120. Robertson A. C. Mulder J. G. and Van Sam, F. G. Measurement of smokes and rating efficiencies of industrial air filters 396. Robinson F. A. Robinson R. J. Perchloric acid oxidation of Robinson W. D. Robson W. Rodwell F. See Hickling A. Rogers F. M. and Baldaste R.F. Deterinina-tion of organic sulphur in combustible gas 171. 'Rooksby H. P. Rosenblatt M. and Peluso J. V. Estimation of tannins (in wines and spirits) by means of the photocolorimeter 206. ROSS W. F. and Christensen H. N. Carbon suboxide and proteins. I. Nature of the reaction. 11. Estimation of malonic acid 252. Rotondaro F. A. Separation and determination of phenobarbital in solutions 70. Roughton F. J. W. Simple accurate method of estimating carbon monoxide in blood 253. Routh J. J. "Rowland S. J. The effect of air raids on the composition of milk 327. Roy M. B. Detection and approximate colori-metric estimation of chlorate 474. Royce H. D. Harrison J. R. and Deans P. D. Detection of gossypol in crude cottonseed oil, 174. Ruchhoft C.C. See Cohen S. Ruchhoft C. C. and Moore W. A. Determina-tion of biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen of river mud suspensions 170. Rugg F. M. Russell W. C. Ryberg B. A. Estimation of damage in un-Rydeen J. 0. Ryland L. B. Raymond W D. Raymond W. D. and Jojo W. L. Regan C. J. Micro-determination of nitrate nitro-See Bacharach A. L. organic phosphorus in lake waters 430. Sez Harvey D. G. See Melnick D. See Chirnside R. C. See Clay R. C. See Clark G. L. See Nield C. H. See Clausen S. W. See Tamele IT. W. dyed and dyed wool cloth 213. S Sabalitschka T. and Erdmann W. Iodimetric determination of methylene blue 472. . VOLUME 66 Xlll Sachs G. Action of phenolphthalein on in-soluble hydroxides 175. Sage C. E. Review of Martindale's The Extra Pharmacopoeia Vol.I. 22nd Ed. 513. Sahyan 1. Crystalline insulin of low zinc content 471. Salit P. W. Micro-colorimetric method for the estimation of potassium in biological mater-ials 74. Ssndell E. B. Beryllium reaction with morin, 131. - Determination of minute amounts of beryl-lium in silicates 81. Sanders J. W. Jr. and Henry A. M. Phos-phoric acid in vinegar 466. Sandstrom W. M. Sarett H. P. Sarin J. L. and Quereschit M. H. Cowpea starch 423. Savage R. M. Sterility tests on surgical dres-sings 28. Savage Sir W. Practical Public Health Prob-lems (Review) 218. Scanlan 3. T. and Swern D. Action of lead tetra-acetate upon hydroxylated fatty acids and related compounds. I. Hydroxylated oleic acid ethyl oleate and oleyl alcohol.11. Hydroxylated ricinoleic acid and castor oil, 173. Schales O. and S. S. Method for the deter-mination of chloride in biological fluids 502. Schindier H. See Argruss M. S . Schindler H. Ayers G. W. ,and Henderson, L. M. Determination of mercaptan sulphur content of petroleum and naphthas 432. Schneider M. See Zahnd H. Schoeller W. R. and Powell A. R. The Analysis of Minerals and Ores of the Rarer Elements 2nd Ed. (Review) 396. Schonberg A. and Ismail .A. F. A. Colour re-action of maleic anhydride p-benzoquinone, their partially substituted derivatives and citric acid 80. Schoonover 1. G. Schultz A. S. Atkin L. and Frey C. N. See Broome F. K. See Perlzweig U'. ,4. See Caul H. J . Method for the determination of aneurin and certain of its metabolic products in urine 166.Schofield C. S. Salt balance in irrigated areas, 168. Scofield C. S. Wilcox L. V. and Blair G. Y. Boron absorption by sunflower seedlings 169. "Scott R. 0. The colorimetric estimation of iron with sodium salicylate 142. Scott W. C. Determination of peel oil in grape-fruit juice 205. Scott-Blair G. W. Rheology applied to cheese-making 42. Scudi J. V. Colorimetric estimation of vitamin B, 427. Sebrell W. H. Seibert A. H. Seikel M. K. Seikel M. K. and Huntress E. H. Selwood P. W. Shabica A. C. See Isbell H. See McCalip M. A. Determination of ethylene glycol in and removal from commercial alkyl ethers of diethylene giycol 433. Identifica-tion of cellosolves carbitols and related glycols as trityl ethers 392.See Marker R. E. See Appleton D. W XiV INDEX TO Shaw G. E. and Hind H. G. Riboflavin in black pepper 207. Sherratt J. G. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the County Borough of Wigan 110. Shinn L. A. See Nicolet B. H. Shinn L. A. and Nicolet B. H. Estimation of threonine by the use of periodate 343. Shinn M. B. Colorimetric method for deter-mination of nitrite 3 11. Shupe I. S. Colorimetric estimation of pilocar-pine and its separation from other alkaloids, 467. - Determination of morpholine 29. Sill C. W. See Titus A. C. Silva M. Silverman L. Simons J. H. and Kipp E. M. Determination of water in benzene 433. Singleton F. G. and Pollard C. B. Reactions of aldehydes with amines. I. With o-amino-phenol 79.11. A new aldehyde reagent 171. Sinnatt F. S. Report of Fuel Research Board for 1938-39 159. Sklar A. L. Skolnik H. and McNabb,. W. M. Volumetric determination of titanium 82. Slater R. H. Review of Bamford's Poisons: Their Isolation and Identification 135. Smedley-Maclean I. See Dolby D. E. Smith A. M. and Gillies J. Distribution and concentration of ascorbic acid in the potato 27. Smith A. M. and Wang T. Carotene content of certain species of grassland herbage 390. Smith D. M. Bibliography of Spectrochemical Analysis 2nd Ed. (Review) 87. - The spectrographic analysis of tin-lead solders 475. - See also Bryant W. M. D. - See also Mitchell J. Jr. Smith F. W. See Steinberg R. H. Smith G. B. L. See Coleman S. A. Smith G. F. and May R. L. Bromatometric determination of arsenic and antimony 473.Smith T. B. Analytical Processes. h Physico-Chemical Interpretation 2nd Ed. (Review), 219. Smith W. See Evers N. Snell E. E. Snell E. E. and Wright L. D. Snell F. D. and C. T. Snider S. R. Soliman G. See Zaki A. Somiya T. and Hirano S. Somogyi M. Spence R. Spiers C. H. Sreerangachar H. B. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - See also Lamb J. Wainsby W. J. and Taylor A. McM. The rapid determination of arsenic in foodstuffs contaminated with Lewisite 233. Stansby M. E. Determination of peroxide values for rancidity in fish oils 500. Licuri (ouricury) oil and wax 341. See Horswell R. G. See Elliott M. A. See Krauskopf E. J. Microbiological method for the determination of nicotinic acid, 428.Chemicals of Commerce (Review) 135. Determination of total /3-amylase in barley and barley malt 340. Determination of combined nitrogen in aluminium 31 1. See Weichselbaum T. E. Micro-analysis of gases 133. See Blockey J. R. in tea 125. VOLUME 66 Steadman L. T. Spectrochemical determina-tion of sodium in blood serum 385. Steadman L. T. and Thompson H. E. Spectro-chemical determination of bismuth in biologi-cal material 386. Steenberg B. Synthetic menthol in the German Pharmacopoeia 501. Steinberg R. H. and $mith F. W. Oxidation of graphite in the analysis of iron and steel 438. Stewart C. P. See Meiklejohn G. T. - See also Ramsay W. N. M. Stock C. J. H. Appointed Public Analyst for the Stout H. Acid solution of bismuth B.P.C. 209.- B.P. test for apoatropine in atropine and - Solubility of crystal water 209. Straub G. J.* See Connor R. T. Stuckey R. E. Summerson W. H. Swern D. Synge R. L. M. County Borough of South Shields 110. atropine sulphate 207. Ultra-violet absorption spectra of barbituric acid and its l-methyl and 1 3-dimethyl derivatives 250. See Scanlan J. T. See Barker S. B. See Martin A. J. I?. T Tamele M. W. Ryland L. B. and Irvine V. C. Potentiometric determination of mercaptans in aqueous alkaline solutions 506. Tanchico S. S. and West A. P. Analysis and composition of Manila copal 305. Tankard A. R. Report cf Public Analyst for City and County of Kingston upon Hull for 1939 13. - Review of Awnual Reports of the Progress of Applied Chemistry Vol.XXV for 1940 .398. Tattersfield C. P. Tauber H. Taylor A. H. See Luckiesh M. "Taylor A. McM. *Taylor G. See Dyer B. Taylor L. V. JE. Taylor W. D. and Walls H. J. New method for the decipherment of charred documents, 262. Tenery R. M. and Anderson C. E. Photo-electric method for the micro-determination of potassium in blood plasma by chloro-platinate precipitation 73. Thackray G. B. See Hoffman W. Thayer F. D. Methods for determining acids in leather 31. Thevenot G. D. and Greenaway W. T. Deter-mination of extract in raw cereals 339. Thin R. J. *Thomas J. C. Thomas M. Plant Physiology 2nd Ed. (Re-view) 86. Thompson H. E. See Steadman L. T. Thompson 1. R. Methods of measuring fi11 in alkaline cyanide plating baths 214. Thompson S.Y. See Braude R. Thompson T. L. Rapid determination of Thorne P. C. L. See Keane C. A. See Wilcock C. C. Unsaturated fat oxidase 123. See Stainsby W. J. See Roberts H. L. Obituary of G. H. Gemmell 222. See Nierenstein M. cadmium 508 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xv Thornton M. H. Kraybill H. R. and Mitchell, J. H. Jr. Sterol glucosides from expressed soya bean oil 123. Thorp R. H. Method for the micro-estimation of iron in biological materials 424. Tinsley J. and Pizer N. H. Morgan rapid method of soil testing. 11. Application to non-calcareous soils 127. Tishler M. Fieser L. F. and Wendler M. L. Hydro oxido and other derivatives of vitamin K and related compounds 126. Titus A. C. and Sill C. W. Silicomolybdic acid as an indicator in iron titrations 438.Toishi K. Some specti-ochemical methods for the assay of minerals and application of these to gold ores 180. Tomlinson H. M. and Ciapetta F. 6. Anhydrous sodium thiosulpate a primary standard 507. Toms I%. Review of Adkins McElvain and Blein’s Introduction to the Practice of Organic Chetnistry in the Laboratory 353. - Review of Organic Syntheses Vol. 20 263. Town B. W. The 3 5-dinitrobenzoyl deriva-tives of the amino-acids and their use in separating the isomers of leucine and valine, 384. Townsend G. F. and Lucas C. C. Chemical nature of royal jelly 25. Trelles R. A. See Bach J. M. Trenner N. R. and Bacher F. A. Quantitative reduction-oxidation method for the estimation of vitamin K and associated quinones and naphthaquinones 303. Trimble F.Twyman F. The Spectrochemical Analysis of Metals and Alloys (Review) 510. Twyman F. Zehden W. and Dreblow E. S. Experiments on the spectrochemical analysis of cadmium in copper 84. Furfural as a solvent 431. U Underkofler L. A. See Fulmer E. I. V Van der Marel H. W. Titrimetric determina-tion of magnesium or manganese 310. Van Duyne F. 0. Method for the determina-tion in vitro of riboflavin in tissues 388. Vanossi R. Detection of the ferric ion by means of thiocyanate 508. Van Saun F. G. van Someren E. H. S. Spectrochemical Ab-stracts Vol. I1 (Review) 220. Van Tongeren W. van Valkenburgh H. B. and Crawford T. C. Ammonium hypophosphite as a flux in qualitative analysis 472. Vassel B. Colorimetric micromethod for the estimation of cystine and cysteine 470.Veerabhadra Rao J. Venkatachalam V. for Madras for 1939 156. Verma M. R. Yiehoever A. See Cohen I . Viggiano J. See Karman G. See Robertson A. C. Analysis of tin ore 434. See Subba Rao N. V. Report of the City Analyst See Kapur P. L. Voelcker E. Vogel A. I. Report of Consulting Chemist to Royal Agricultural Society of England 334. A Text Book of Qualitative Chem-ical Analysis (Review) 362. W Wadsworth R. V. Obituary of J. R. Johnson 2. Walker B. S. Walker 6. H. Report of City Analyst for Salford for 19.40 377. Walker 0. S. and Finlay G. R. Determination of small amounts of fluorine in water 215. Walker T. K. Hastings J. J. H. and Parker A. Preservative principles of hops. Loss of preservative power of humulon lupulon and 8-soft resin during boiling in wort and sub-sequent fermentation of the boiled wort, 122.Wallace E. L. Determination of moisture in leather 267. Walls H. J. Walton S. G. Wang T. Wang Y. L. See Kodicek E. Ward T. J. Review of ehamot and Mason’s Handbook of Chemical Microscopy Vol. 11, 2nd Ed. 85. Watson G. M. and James W. 0. Variations in digitalis leaves from British sources 501. Watson W. A. “Weatherhall H. Some observations on the Crossfeld and Soxhlet extraction methods for determination of fat 61. Webb B. D. See Andrews J. C. Wehrli S. Micro-determination of silver in toxicological analysis 178. Weichselbaum T. E. and Somogyi M. Method for the estimation of small amounts of ketone bodies 469. Wells E. H.Estimation of benzocaine and its separation from acetanilide 468. Wendler N. L. See Tishler M. West A. P. See Tanchico S . S . Westenbrink H. G. H. Estimation of co-carboxylase and aneurin Micro modification of Ochoa and Peters’ method 26. Westfall B. A. See Ellis M. M. WhalIey H. K. See Griffiths J. G. A. “Wheeler W. C. G. The precipitation of stannic sulphide 61. White E. P. Bromo-complexes for the identi-fication of metals and alkaloids 474. Wichmann H. J. Ash determinations in foods with an alkaline balance 382. Widdowson E. M. Phytic acid and the pre-paration of food 468. Wiig E. 0. Wilcock C. C. and Tattersfield C. P. Identifica-tion of “Rayolanda” X 306. Wilcox F. A. and Yanick N. S. Moisture determination in hops 341. Wildman A. B.Animal Fibres of Industrial Importance Their Origin and Identification (Review) 182. Wildman J. D. Development of mould in cream, 211. See Barkan G. See Taylor W. D. Report of Government Analyst for New South Wales for 1939 377. See Smith A. M. Nigerian ginger 165. See Flagg J. F xvi INDEX TO *Wilkinson L. and Wilson S. H. Metallic contamnation of hot water from cylinders of bare and tinned copper 322. Willard H. H. and Boyle A. J. Determination of potassium as periodate 509. Willard H. H. and Center E. J. Colorimetric determination of phosphorus in iron ore 350. Williams A. E. Detection of cerium and determination of thorium in monazite sand, 473. *Williams H. A. The determination of arsenic in foods contaminated by war gases 228.*Williams K. A. The melting range of fats 3, Willimott S. G. Cyprus tung oil 174. *Willis U. F. The determination of small amounts of tellurium in copper 414. Wilson H. N. and Heron A. E. GycZoHexanol as a solvent for the cryoscopic determination of molecular weights 475. Wilson S. H. See Wilkinson L. Wokes F. Food-The Deciding Factor (Review), 441. Woodhead J. E. Appointed Deputy Public Analyst for the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea 110. - Saccharin (and sugar substitutes) 342. - See also Garratt D. C. Woodruff S. Woodward R. B. Kohman T. P. and Harris, G. C. New optically active reagent for carbonyl conmpounds ; resolution of dl-camphor 172. See MacMasters M. M. Wooley J. G. Woolley D. W. Wright E. B. Review of Thomas’s Plant Physiology 2nd Ed.86. Wright L. D. See Snell E. E. Wright M. D. Vitamin D requirement of pullet chicks the relative values of genuine and a sample of controlled cod-liver oil in feeding poultry up to the age of sixteen weeks 126. - See d s o Pyke M. Wright N. Application of infra-red spectro-See Isbell H. Estimation of inositol 468. scopy to industrial research 216. VOLUME 66 *Wyatt G. H. The micro-analysis of soft vulcanised rubber compounds 362. Y Yablunky H. L. Yagoda H. Yanick N. S. See Wilcox F. A. Yatagawa S. Electrolytic method for the determination of indium 310. Yoe J. H. Yoe J. H. and Reid L. C. Determination of formaldehyde with 5,5-dimethylcyclohes-anedione-1,3 391. Yohe G. R. and Harman C. A. Reaction of coal with titanous chloride 214.Youngken H. W. and Munch J. C. Character-istics of Viburnum alnifoliuna 251. Yudkin S. Estimation of vitamin A and carotene in human blood 387. See Gilman H. of plant and animal tissues 122. Localisation of certain constituents See Crumpler T. B. Z Zahnd H. Alfin R. and Schneider M. Labile sulphur. Zaki A, and Soliman G. Constituents of the petroleum extract of Zea mais stigmas (con-stants of the oil) 122. Zaky Y. A. H. See Hilditch T. P. Zec_bmeister L. and Cholnoky L. Principles and Practice of Chromatography. Trans-lation of 2nd German Ed. (Review) 263. Zehden W. Spectrochemical analysis of zinc-base alloys on the “Mazak” type with a note on. the series spark 84. - See also Twyman F. Zeitfuchs E. H. Zeller E. A. Micro-determination of ammonia, - Use of indigo disulphonate to follow enzyme Zimmerli A.Zittle C. A. and O’Dell R. A. Determination of The use of thallous nitrate 300. See Matteson R. 509. reactions 347. See Nield C. H. cystine 424 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xvii INDEX TO SUBJECTS * Denotes original papers and notes published in The AIXZZJ~S~. A Abortifacient(s) CaEotropis giganten as -. 17. Copper sulphate as -. 17. Plumbago as -. 17. senna extract in - ; Detection of. G. Abtus Ptecatorius poisoning. 202. Absorption Spectrophotometry in pharmaceutical Acacia Laeta gum from Nigeria. Acetaldehyde in red wines. M. A. Joslyn and C. L. Comar 467. Acetanilide Determination of - . T. W. Kethley 70. E. H. Wells 468. Acetoacetic Acid Determination of pyruvic acid in blood in presence of -.D. Klein 253. Elimination of - in estimating pyruvic acid by Lu’s method. S. Elgart and N. Nelson, 387. Acid digestion mixture. 386. Acids Component - of an ox bone marrow fat. T. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 20. Component - of phosphatides in cow’s milk fat. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison 252. Component - of Sterculia foetida seed fat. T. P. Hilditch M. L. Meare and Y . A. H. Zaky 500. higher monoamino -; Separation by coun-ter-current liquid-liquid extraction. Amino-acid composition of wool. A. 3 . Martin and R. L. M. Synge 254. Acids Fatty -. See Fatty Acids. Acids in leather; Methods for determining -. F. D. Thayer 31. Acids Volatile - of cheese. 40. Aconite poisoning. 202 462. with datura seeds as cattle poison.Aconitic Acid in sugar cane products; Identifica-tion and determination of -. M. A. McCalip and A. H. Seibert 422. AcrifJavine Components of -. 421 ; H. Berry, 423. Adamkiewicz Test for tryptophan. D. G. Harvey E. J. Miller and W. Robson 392. Adamsite Identification of -. Adrenaline in blood; Determination of -. W. R. Bloor and S. S. Bullen 386. Agar-Agar Seaweed for manufacturing -162. Agricultural analysis. Abstracts 28 127 168, 255 348 389 429 505. Chemists; Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of Association of Official and -, 5th Ed. (Review) 85. *lime; Valuation of -. Air amyl nitrite in -; Determination and decomposition of. R. G. Horswell and L. Silverman 506. Chessa 501. analysis. 11. W. F. Elvidge 71.23. Separation of benzocaine from -. 17. 53. H. Nicol 104. Air-con timed filters; Measurement of smokes and rating . A. C efficiencies of industrial -Robertson 3 . G. Mulder and F. G. Van Saun 395. Sulphur gases in -. 13. T.N.T. in -; Estimation of. 257. *Air Raids Effect of - on composition of milk. Akatetu Oil Constituents of fatty acids of -H. Nobori 298. “Albumin of blood determined by micro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation. B. A. MAcola and C. Fazio 448. Alcohol Effect of - on vitamin A content of human blood. S. W. Clausen and Others, 302. Alcoholic strengths ; Determination of -. 379. Aldehydes Assay of ephedrine preparations . containing -. E. H. Grant 69. formaldehyde in presence of other-; Colori-metric estimation of.W. J. Blaedel and F. E. Blacet 431. Reactions of ~ with amines. I. With o-aminophenol. F. G. Singleton and C. €3. Pollard 79; 11. New aldehyde reagent 171. Phillips and B. L. Davis 168. Thermal decomposition of undercured -. E. J. Hoffman 348. Algae in Scottish cannel coal. Aliphatic nitro compounds ; Polarographic study of -. T. De Vries and R. W. Ivett 439. Alkaloids Bromo-complexes for identifying -. E. P. ?Vhite 474. cinchona - . Estimation of. 0. M. Efimenko 50i. Separation of pilocarpine from other -. I. S. Shupe 467. Alkyl Ethers of diethylene glycol ; Determination of ethylene glycol in and removal from commercial -. “Alloxan and the “ninhydrin” test. G. h’. Copley 492. “AlIoys aluminium - * Determination of silicon in.W. H. Hailey 486. aluminium -; Investigation of sources of inaccuracy arising in spectrographic analy-sis of. ,4. G. Quarrel1 and G. E. A. Bramley, 180. copper-silicon - and non-ferrous - con-taining silicon; Determination of silicon in. F. B. Clardy H. R. Maypin and R. S. Gibbs, 259. “magnesium -; Determination of zinc in. G. H. Osborn 412. niclrel-silver - ; Determination of alumin-ium in. 213. Spectrochemical Analysis of Metals and -. (Review) F. Twyman 510. S. J. Rowland 327; E. Hinks 328. Alfalfa Hay Hemicelluloses of - . 31. 159. M. K. Seikel 433 xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Alloys-continued *zinc in magnesium - and nickel -; Determination of. zinc-base - of the “Mazak” type; Spectro-chemical analysis of -. W. Zehden 84. Almond Oil Iodine value of expressed -.W. A. Bush and E. A. Lasher 500. Aluminium alloys ; Investigation of sources of inaccuracy arising in spectrographic analysis of -. A. G. Quarrel1 and G. E. A. Bramley 180. “and its alloys; Determination of silicon in -. W. H. Hadley 486. combined nitrogen in -; Determination of. T. Somiya and S. I-Iirano 311. in cement; Volumetric determination of -with 8-hydroxyquinoline. L. Kampf 307. in nickel-silver alloys ; Determination of -. 213. Rapid colorimetric estimation of -. H. W. Knudson V. W. Meloche and C. Juday 176. Separation of - as basic sulphate from bi-valent metals. Aluminium Hydroxide suspension. 386. Aluminium Sulphat e Corrected specification for -. 66. Amides primary aliphatic -; Identification as oxalates.C. A. MacKenzie and W. T. Rawles 172. Amhes Reactions of aldehydes with -. I. With o-aminophenol. F. G. Singleton and C. B. Pollard 79; 11. New aldehyde reagent, 171. Amino Acids composition of wool. A. J. Martin and R. L. M. Synge 254. 3 5-Diuitrobenzoyl derivatives of - and their use in separating the isomers of leucine and valine 384. Amino-Nitrogen in solid samples ; Apparatus for determining - by Van Slyke’s method, 0. Klemm and K. H. Meyer 349. o-Amhophenol Reactions of aldehydes with -. F. G. Singleton and C. B. Pollard, 79. Ammonia Micro-determination of -. E. A. Zeller 509. Ammoniacal Silver Magnesium Precipitant of Benedict and Hitchcock ; Preparation of - . 254. Ammonium Hypophosphite as a flux in qualita-tive analysis.H. B. van Valkenburgh and T. C. Crawford 472. Ammonium Persulphate Corrected specification for-. 66. Ammonium Thiocyanate Corrected specification for -. 66. Amy1 Nitrite in air; Determination and decom-position of -. R. G. Horswell and L. Silverman 506. p-Amylase in barley and barley malt ; Determin-ation of -. Anaemia anti- - factor present in raw liver; Isolation of. Analysts Services of Imperial Institute to -. 226. Analytical Processes. A Physico-Chemical In-terpretation. 2nd Ed. (Review) T. B. Smith 219. reagent chemicals; Specifications for -. 65. E. Q. Laws 54. J. G. Fairchild 307. S. R. Snider 340. S. K. Mitra 78. Analytical Methods Committee Poisons Sub-Committee to -. Report No. 2. Assay of gelsemiuni. 108.Progress of -. 140. ”Tomato Products Sub-committee. Deter-mination of total solids in tomato purke. 319. Aneurirre and its metabolic products in urine; Method for determining - . A. S. Schultz L. Atkin and C. N. Frey 166. Application of sulphite cleavage of - to the yeast fermentation method. A. S. Schultz and Others 210. Determination of - by the thiochrome re-action. R. T. Conner and G. J. Straub 603. Estimation of co-carboxylase and -; micro modification of Qchoa and Peters’ method. H. G. H. Westenbrink 26. in food products ; Combined determination of riboflavin and -. R. T. Conner and G. J. Straub 504. Aniline point of dark petroleum products ; Determination of -. R. Matteson E. H. Zeitfuchs and K. R. Eldredge 431. poisoning in industry.295. Animd feeding; B.S.I. specification for con-trolled cod-liver oil mixture for purposes of feeding; B.S.I. specification for vitamins A and D in oil for purposes of -. Fibres of Industrial Importance ; Their Origin and Identification. (Review) A. B. Wild-man 182. houses Disinfectants for -. 334. oils; Marine -. 461. poisoning cases in Bengal 17 202; in Palestine, 297. tissues ; Localisation of certain constituents of -. H. Yagoda 122. tissues ; Quantitative estimation of nicotinic acid in -. W. J. Dann and P. Handler, 427. Anthranilic Acid Determination of zinc with -. C. W. Anderson 394. Antimony Bromatometric determination of -. Rapid determination of -. S. Kallman and F. Pristera 308. Apoatropine in atropine and atropine sulphate ; B.P.test for -. Apparatus Abstracts 84 178 216 261 351, 395 439 475 510. Tools of the Chemist their Ancestry and American Evolution. (Review) E. Child, 181. Applied Chemistry Annual Reports of Progress of -. Vol. XXV for 1940. (Review), Society of Chemical Industry 398. Appointments Official -. 110 332 451. Arachidonic Acid Constitution of -. D. E. Dolby L. C. A. Nunn and I. Smedley-Maclean 80. “Arsenic Application of Reinsch test to deter-mination of traces of -. J . G. A. Griffiths 49 1. Bromatometric determination of -. G. F. Smith and R. L. May 473. Colorimetric micro-determination of -. A. L. Chaney and H. J. Magnuson 134. -. 18. 18. G. F Smith and R L. May 473. H. Stout 207 INDEX TO Arsenic-continued Distribution of - in the body.in coal. 159. *in foods contaminated by war gases; Deter-*in foodstuffs contaminated with lewisite; 420. mination of -. H. A. Williams 228. Rapid determination of - . w. 5. Stainsby and A. McM. Taylor 233. in fresh-water fish. &I. M. Ellis B. A. West-fall and M. W. Ellis 501. "Interference of selenium and tellurium in hypophosphorus acid method of deter-mining -. H. J. G. Challis 58. Poisoning by - in South Africa. poisoning in industry. 295. Arsenical spray on cabbage. 378. spray; Scorching of foliage by -. Arsenomolybdate reagent. 386. Arsenophosphotungstic Acid Reagent of Bene-dict; Preparation of -. 265. Arsine Identification of -. 53. Arson device. 378. Asbestosis Deaths from -. 295. Ascorbic Acid concentration ; Rapid method for determining -.M. A. Elliott A. L. Sklar and S . F. Acree 346. in citrus fruit juices; Determination of -. R. Ballentine 302. in fruits; Estimation of -. A. Mirimanoff and hl. Mori 471. in potato; Distribution and concentration of -. in presence of tannin; Estimation of -. A. Mirimanoff and P. de Toledo 471. in tea. H. B. Sreerangacher 126. in urine; Stability and state of -. S. Banerjee 77. oxidase; Studies on -. G. B. Ramsarma, N. C. Datta and N. S. Doctor 27. Association of Official and Agricultural Chemists : Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis, 5th Ed. (Review) 85. Atmospheric pollution ; Report of Research Com-mittee on - for 193&39. Atomic Weights Eleventh Report of Com-mittee on -. 243. Atropine apoatropine in --; B.P.test for. H. Stout 207. Atropine Sulphate apoatropine in -; B.P. test for. H. Stout 207. Australian hardwood charcoals and their suita-bility for charcoal gas producers. J. N. Almond B. M. Holmes and E. C. Plante, 243. 419. 63. A. M. Smith and J. Gillies 27. 16. B Babassn Oil Constituents of fatty acids of -. H. Nobori and I. Ono 298. Bacon (Addition of Borax) Order 1940. 372. Amendment Order 373. Bacteria Action of high frequency sound waves on - . D. P. LeGalley and G. TAT. Patterson 79, Survey of panto-thenic acid and riboflavin requirements of ~ E. J. Krauskopf E. E. Snell and E. pllkoy 27. Growth factors of -. VOLUME 66 xix Bacteria-conti uzzed in meat; Effect of sodium nitrate on -Staining of --. L.R. Jensen and W. R. Hess 429. Bacterial growth ; Physico-chemical aspects of -. VII. Influence of phenol on death rate of Bact. lactis aerogenes. E. A. Poole and C. N. Hinshelwood 168. Bacteriological analysis. Abstracts 27 79 127, 167 211 255 348 429. Bact. Lactis Aerogenes Influence of phenol on death rate of -. E. A. Poole and C . X. Hinshelwood 168. Bananas Nutritive value of Tanganyika -. W. D. Raymond and W. L. Jojo 163. Banknotes Counterfeit -. G4. Barbituric Acid and its l-methyl and 1 3-dimethyl derivatives ; Ultra-violet absorp-tion spectra of -. Barium in coal. 160. Barley P-amylase in --; Determination of total. S. R. Snider 340. Barnsley Appointment of H. Childs as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 110. Battersea Appointment of J.E. Woodhead as Public Analyst for Metropolitan Borough of -. 110 333. Bedding materials; Determination of cleanliness of feather and down -. H. J. Kane C. Pomerantz and mi. Mechtman 393. P. H. H. Gray 255. R. E. Stuckey 250. Beer Lead in -. 63. Beetles injurious to timber and furniture. 202. Bengal Report of Chemical Examiner for 1938. K. N. Bagchi 16; for 1939 202. Benzene as reagent; Corrected specification for poisoning in industry. 295. water in - * Determination of. J. H. Simons and E. XI. Kipp 433. Erratum, p. iii. Benzocaine Estimation of - and its separa-tion from acetanilide. p-Benzoquinone Colour reaction of maleic anhydride - their partially substituted derivatives and citric acid. A. Schonberg and A. F.&I. Ismail 80. Benzotriazole Determination of copper with -. J. A. Curtis 393. Benzyl Bromide Identification of -. Beryllium in silicates ; Determination 01 minute Waste -. 377. -. 66. E. H. Wells 468. 51. amounts of -. reaction with morin. E. B. Sandell 81. E. B. Sandell 131. Betel-Nut poisoning; Suspected -. 17. Biguanide Sulphate Copper determination with Bile Salts composition and analysis. 3. Evers Biochemical analysis. Abstracts 24 72 122, Biological fluids ; Estimation of thiocyanate in fluids; Method for determining chloride in fluids ; Micro-method for estimating glyco-J. W. Dubnoff and H. -. and W. Smith 23. 165 209 252 300 343 384 424 468 501. -. L. C. Chesley 424. -. cyamine in -. Borsook 346. P. R2y and J.R. Chowdhury 473. 0. and S . S. Schales 502 SX INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Biological-coizti r L ~ e d material; Bibliography on metals in -. 111. Manganese 196. material ; Colorimetric estimation of lactic acid in -. S. B. Barker and W. H. Summerson 384. material ; Colorimetric estimation of total cholesterol in -. material; Distribution of trace elements in -. material ; Micro-colorimetric method for esti-mating potassium in -. P. W. Salit 74. material ; Micro-determination of copper in -. material ; Micro-estimation of iron in -. R. H. Thorp 424. material ; Spectrochemical determination of bismuth in -. L. T. Steadman and H. E. Thompson 386. test for examining brewery yeast. J. A. Burns 348. Birmingham Report of City Analyst (H. H, Ragnall) for 3rd quarter 1940 14; for 4th quarter 1940 154; for the year 1940 493; for 1st quarter 1941 329; for 2nd quarter, 1941 457.Biscuits (Licensing and Control) Order 1941. 374. *Bismuth Electrolytic determination and separation of -. 111. Determination and separation from copper in alkaline solution. F. G. Kny-Jones 101. lozenges; French chalk in -. Precipitation of - with salicylaldoxime. J. I;. Flagg and N. H. Furman 81. Rapid determination of -. S. Kallman and F. Pristera 308. Bismuth B.P.C. Acid solution of -. H. Stout 209. Blackberry stems as humus. 155. Blackburn Appointment of M. Roberts as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 333. Bleaching Powder Note on -. D. Ritchie, 131. Bloaters Definition of -. (Legal Notes) 415.Blood adrenaline in -; Determination of. W. R. Bloor and S. S. Bullen 386. Analysis of - Phospholipins. W. N. M. Ramsay and C. P. Stewart 300. carbon monoxide in -; Simple method of estimating. cells; Differentiation of red - by their pseudohaeinoglobin content. G. Barkan and B. S. Walker 73. cholesterol in -; Colorimetric estimation of. J. .T. Ireland 345. clotting; Retardation of - by means of Perspex. 42 1. corpuscles; Determination of activity of carbonic anhydrase in red -. D. Kellin and T. Mann 502. in faeces of sheep; Determination of - by means of the Evelyn photoelectric colori-meter. J . S . Andrews and H. J. Brooks, 345. IV. Zinc 452. J. T. Ireland 345. A. L. S. Rao 74. A. Eden and H. H. Green 25, 494. F. J. W. Roughton 253.Lead content of -. 13. Microspectroscopy of -. 463. Blood-cont iizzted nicotinamide and related substances in -* Bacterial assay method for. H. Isbell and Others 429. plasma; Photoelectric method for micro-determination of - by chloroplatinate precipitation. R. M. Tenery and C. E. Anderson 73. *Proteins of - determined by micro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation. B. A. MQcola and C. Fazio 448. Pyruvic acid in - determined in presence of acetoacetic acid. D. Klein 253. pyruvic acid in -; Estimation of. G. D. Lu 387. Elimination of acetoacetic acid in the method. S. Elgart and N. Nelson, 387. serum ; Spectrochemical determination of sodium in -. L. T. Steadman 385. stains; Detection of -. 463. vitamin A and carotene in human -; viatmin A content of -.Effect of alcohol S. W. Clausen and Others 302. Boric Acid in fish paste 14 457. Boron absorption by sunflower seedlings. C. S. Scofield L. V. Wilcox and G. Y . Blair 169. Bradford Appointment of F. W. M. Jaff6 as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 110. Brambleberry juice; Vitamin C content of -. 359. Brandy composition ; Influence of distillation methods on -. *Brass zinc in -; Rapid method for direct determination of. W. Hoffman and G. B. Thackray 32 1. Bread (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1941. 460. Breadmaking industry; Evaluation of malt pro-ducts for use in -. H. C. Freeman and W. P. Ford 247. Brines Use of the polarograph for analysis of meat-curing -. M. Ingram 510. British Drug Houses Book of Organic Reagents for Analytical Use.8th Ed. (Review), 476. Standard Stains specially prepared for Micro-scopical Work. (Review) 442. British Pharmacopoeia 1932 Alterations to meet war-time conditions. 204. Fourth addendum t o -. 464. Third addendum to -. 68. Estimation of. S. Yudkin 387. on. in coal ash. 160. W. 0. Graham 122. Indian -. 377. British Standards Institution Specifications No. 902. Methods of testing latex raw rubber and unvulcanised compounded rubber. 162. No. 903. Methods for testing vulcanised rubber. 204. No. 909. Vitamins A and D in oil for animal feeding purposes. 18. No. 910. Controlled cod-liver oil mixture for animal feeding purposes. 18. No. 911. Assay of vitamin D by the Chick method. 18. No. 925. Oil for paints (linseed oil base).244. No. 926. Additional extenders for paints. 244 INDEX TO British Standards Institution Specifications-No. 927 and No. 928. Pigments white black and coloured. 245. No. 929. Ready-mixed paints priming paint, undercoating paints. Oil gloss. 245. No. 935. Photographic exposure tables. 380. No. 943. Method to determine speed of photographic negative material intended for snapshot work in daylight. 380. Nos. 975 and 976. Density composition tables. 465. Revision of No. 144 1936. Coal tar creosote for preservation of timber. 339. Revision of No. 696 1936 Determining the percentage of fat in milk and milk products by Gerber method. 338. Bromatometric determination of arsenic and antimony. G. F. Smith and R. L. May 473.Bromine in Argentine wheat. G. Karman P. Cattaneo and J . Viggiano 340. Bromoacetone Identification of -. Bromobenzyl Cyanide Identification of -. 52. Bromo-Complexes for identifying metals and alkaloids. E. P. White 474. Bromocresol Green and methyl red mixed indica-tor for carbonates in water. S. S. Cooper, 429, *Bronze zinc in -; Rapid method for direct determination of. W. Hoffman and G. B. Thackray 321. Brucella Melitensis in cow’s milk. F. W. Duke 79. *Buffer curves of silage extracts. R. H. Common 407. Building material; Coral as -. materials ; Effect of atmospheric pollution on weathering of -. 16. *Butter -fat; Effect of ageing in presence of air and light on constants of -. G. Nara--fat; Effect on vitamin A intake on vitamin A H.J. Deuel and Others, -fat; Melting range of -. s:-fat ; Semi-micro modification for determining Reichert Polenske and Kirschner values in -. B. Dyer G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 355. in madeira cake 154. Relation of chemical analyses of - to its vitamin A potency. G. S. Fraps A. R. Kemmerer and W. W. Meinke 471. vitamin A content of dairy -; Estimation of total. R. H. Neal C. H. Haurand and F. H. Luckmann 503. B yssochlamys Fulva Studies on the mould continued 51. 225. simhamurty 98. content of -. 388. 5. -. 464. C Cabbage Arsenical spray on -. Cadmium in copper; Experiments on spectro-chemical analysis of -. F. Twyman, W. Zehden and E. S . Dreblow 84. in lipstick. 378. in presence of copper; Detection of -. A. C. 378.VOLUME 66 xxi T. L. Thomp-son 508. Cadmium Sulphate - as reagent; Corrected speci-fication for -. 66. Caesium Atomic weight of -. Cafh-au-Lait powder. 155 377. Caffeine Determination of - . J. R. *in extracts of tea and coffee; Determination J. D. Kidd H. R. Nanji and F. W, Cadmium-continued Rapid determination of -. 243. Matchett 69. of -. Edwards 240. Cake decorations of glass. 378. Calcium Micro-determination of -. A. W. Calcium Carbonate Corrected specification for Calcium Chloride Corrected Specification for anhydrous -. 66. Calotropis Gigantea as snuff as abortifacient, and as cattle poison. 17. . R. B. dl-Camphor Resolution of -Woodward T. P. Kohman and G. C. Harris, 172. Cannabis sativa resin New colour reactions for -.W. J . Blackie 342. Canned dairy products ; Tin in -. flour (sweetened). 329. Marsden 260. - 66. 464. fruit; Control of sweetness in -. Meat (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 373. Amending Order 376. Meat Products (Control and Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 292. Corrigendum 294. Amending Order 416. Sardines (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 291. salmon Its nutritive value. B. E. Bailey 246. salmon; Vitamin A in -. T. Moore 388. Canning Practice and Control. 2nd Ed. (Re-view) 0. Jones 354. Caramel in vinegar; Detection of -. H. M. Gulick 466. Caramelisation of raw sugar; Composition of products resulting from -. P. Cattaneo, 466. Carbitols Identification of - as trityl ethers. M. K. Seikel and E. H. Huntress 392. Carbohydrates soya bean -+ Studies on.M. M. MacMasters S. Woddruff and H. Klaas 422. Carbon Atomic weight of -. Carbon Black Isolation and identification of fluoranthene from -. Carbon Dioxide from ensilage; Poisoning by -. 378. Carbon Monoxide Determination of - by the pyrotannic method with standard gas analy-sis apparatus. F. Cook 132. in blood; Simple method of estimating -. F. J. W. Roughton 253. poisoning in industry 295. Carbon Suboxide and proteins. I. Nature of the reaction. 11. Estimation of malonic acid. W. F. Ross and H. N. Christensen 252. Carbonates in water; Mixed indicator bromo-cresol green and methyl red for -. S. S. Cooper 429. Carbonic Anhydride in red blood corpuscles; Determination of activity of - . D. 463. 243. J. Rehner 129. _ _ Holler 307.Kellin and T. Mann 502 xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Carbonyl compounds ; Determination of -. J . Mitchell Jr. D. M. Smith and W. M. D. Bryant 211. compounds; Determination of water in presence of - by means of Karl Fischer reagent. W. M. D. Bryant J. Mitchell Jr. and D. M. Smith 172. compounds; New optically active reagent for - Resolution of &camphor. R. B. Woodward T. P. Kohman and G. C. Harris, 172. groups in ketosteroids ; Gravimetric method for determining -. H. B. Hughes 426. Carotene content of certain species of grassland herbage. in dried grass; Estimation of -. in human blood; Estimation of -. S. Yudkin 387. in plant material; Determination of - with dicalcium shosphate as adsorbent. L. A. Moore 169. Carotenoids in grass silage ; Determination of -.W. Bolton and R. H. Common 505. Casein hardened with formalin ; Quantitative determination of formaldehyde in -. H. Nitschmann and H. Hadorn 303. Cashew butter. 378. Cassia Bark Volatile oil in -. J. F. Clavenger 382. Castor Oil Action of lead tetra-acetate upon -. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern 173. Catalyst in gas analysis; Platinised silica gel as -. K. A. Kobe and R. A. Macdonald, 472. Cellosolves Identification of - as trityl ethers. M. K. Seikel and E. H. Huntress, 392. Cellulose in plant material ; Determination of -. wool; Measurement of absorptive capacity of -. Cement iron and aluminium in -; Volu-metric determination with 8-hydroxyquino-line. L. Kampf 307. Ceramic material; Decomposition of - with sodium carbonate.Cereals Determination of extract in raw -. G. D. Thevenot and W. T. Greenaway 339. Ceric Sulphate as volumetric reagent. J . R. Pound 130. Oxidation with - as means of determining glycerol in fermentation media containing dextrose. E. I. Fulmer R. J. Hickey and L. A. Underkofler 173. Cerium in monazite sand; Detection of -A. E. Williams 473. Ceylon Hal resin from -. Jak tree resin from -. Charcoal(s) Australian hardwood ~ and their suitability for gas producers J. N. Almond B. M. Holmes and E. C. Plante 243. A. M. Smith and T. Wang 390. 334. G. Jayme and W. Mohrberg; 350. P. Praetorius and A. Hillmer 180. J . I. Hoffman 213. 30. 31. for producer gas. 63. Enzymes in relation to -. J. G. Davies 41. -making; Rheology applied to -.G. W. Recent chemical and physico-chemical find-Cheese Cheddar -. (Legal Notes) 330. Scott-Blair 42. ings. 39. Cheese-cont inued Soft - and Curd __ (Maximum Retail Prices) Order 1941. 373. Volatile acids of -. *Water and fat in English -. J. R. Nicholls 265. Chemical -4nalysis ; Lunge and Kean’s Technical Methods of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) C. A. Keane and P. C. L. Thorne 34. Calculations. (Review) J . S. Long and H. V. Anderson 182. Computations and Errors. (Review) T. B. Crumpler and J. H. Yoe 136. Chemicals analytical reagent -; Specifica-tions for. 65. of Commerce. (Review) I?. D. and C. T. Snell 135. Organic -; Methods of Preparing. Vol. 20 (Review). Chemistry New Dictionary of -. (Review), S. Miall 88. Cheshire Appointment of J.G. Sherratt as Deputy Public Analyst to County Council of-. 333. Chick Method of assaying vitamin D,; R.S.I. specification for -. 18. Children’s Food 458. Chlorate Detection and approximate colori-metric estimation of -. M. B. Roy 474. Chloride and base in same tissue sample; Deter-mination of -. R. B. Dean and M. 31. Fishman 501. in biological fluids; Method for determining -in single isolated muscle fibres; Determination of -. Chlorine Identification of -. Chloroacetophenone Identification of -. 5 1. Chloroform as reagent; Specification for -. Chloromethyl Chloroformate Identification of Chloropicrin Identification of -. Chloroplatinate precipitation ; Photoelectric method for micro-determination of potas-sium in blood plasma by -.R. M. Tenery and C. E. Anderson 73. Chlorosulphonic Acid Identification of -. 32. Chocolate confectionery; Standard for -. 13. for diabetics 63. Cholesterol in eggs; Determination of -. E. 0. Haenni 245. in whole blood serum plasma and other biological material ; Colorimetric estimation of total -. Chondrosadne Isolation of small quantities of -. 2. E. Jolles and W. T. J . Morgan 25. Christman’s Cyanide Solution Preparation of -. 255. Chromate sulphate in presence of -; Deter-mination of. W. B. Meldrum W. E. Cadbury and W. W. Lucasse 474. Chromatography Principles and Practice of -. (Review) L. Zechmeister and L. Cholnoky 262. Chromium in nickel alloy steels ; Determination of -. E. C. Pigott 176. in soils; Determination of -. A.M. M. Davidson and R. L. Mitchell. 29. E. R. Hiscox 40. Edited by C. F. H. Allen 263. 0. and S. S. Schales 502. R. B. Dean 261. 50. 65. -. 51. 52. J . T. Ireland 345 INDEX TO Simultaneous determination of nickel and cobalt in -. J. J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. Chromium Sulphate as reagent; Specification for -. 65. Chromium Trioxide Corrected specification for Cinchona alkaloids; Estimation of -. 0. M. Cinnamon and quinine tablets; Formula of -. Cinnamon Bark Oil from Seychelles 161. Citrate solution ; Precipitation of zinc sulphide from -. S. A. Coleman and G. B. L. Smith 435. Citric Acid Colour reaction of maleic anhydride p -benzoqu inone their partially substituted denvatives and -. A. Schonberg and A. F. A. Ismail 80. Ci~rulline Colorimetric method for estimating -.Citrus Fruit juices; Determination of ascorbic acid in -. Clay Identification of -. 498. minerals in soil mortars detected by the Clinical Chemistry; Office -. (Review) E. M. Cloth Estimation 01 damage in undyed and dyed B. A. Ryberg 213. Cloves Determination of ash in -. Coal Algae in Scottish cannel -. Chromium-contiaued -. 66. Efimenko 501. 493. A. G. Gornal and A. Hunter 426. R. Ballentine 302. photoelectric cell. Abrahamson 397. wool -. B. H. Knight 128. 207. 159. Dust-proofing of - 161. Hydrogenation of -. 161. Microscopical examination of -. 169. Preparation of - for market. Reaction of - with titanous chloride. resources; Physical and chemical survey of Softening point and coking properties of -.Storage of -. 160 161. sulphur in -; Determination of. H. L. Rrunjes and M. J. Manning 177. Coal Tar creosote for preservation of timber. Kevision of R.S.I. Specification 144 1936. 339. products. Control of -. 242. Cobalt compounds ; Determination of nickel in -. J J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. Determination of - as trioxalatocobal tiate. C. H. Cartledge and P. M. Nicholls 308. *in presence of zinc; Determination of small amounts of - by internal electrolysis. J. G. Fife 192. in soils; Determination of -. A. M. M. Davidson and K. L. Mitchell 29. Nitroso compounds as reagents for -. S. S. Guha-Sircar and S. C. Ehattacharjee 473. Polarographic determination of nickel and -. Simultaneous determination in pres-ence of iron copper chromium and mangan-ese.Cobalt Nitrate as reagent; Specification for -. 65. Coca Seeds Ecgonidine methyl ester from -. J. R. Matchett and J. Levine 501. 160. G. R. Yohe and C. A. Harman 214. national -. 159. 160. J. J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. VOLUME 66 xxiii Co-Carboxylase Estimation of aneurin and -; micromodification of Ochoa and Peters’ method. H. G. H. Westenbrink 26. Cocktail from rose hips. 359. Cocoa Milk -. 155. Cocoa Butter Melting range of -. Coconut Oil from South Sea Islands; Constituents of -. H. Noboti and M. Kawahata 299. Cod-liver Oil for feeding poultry ; Relative values of genuine and controlled -. M. D. Wright 126. mixture for animal feeding purposes; B.S.I. specification for controlled -. 18.Oil content of extract of malt with -. D. C. Garratt and J. E. Woodhead 424. Phosphorus and iodine content of -. 209. *Coffee caffeine in extracts 01 - ; Determina-J. D. ICidd H. R. Nanji and F. W. 4. tion of. Edwards 240. extract and rum. 290. Coins Counterfeit -. 64. Coke Microscopical examination of -. 159. Colchestm Appointment of A. H. M. Muter as Public Analyst and J. E. Wooclhead as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough 01 -. 333. Colloid Chemistry; Experiments in -. (Re-view) E. A. Hauser and J. E. Lynn 441. Colne Appointment of J. L. Wilson as Dcputy Public Analyst for Borough of -. 333. Colour Measurement and specification of -. L. W. J. Holleman and L. De Vos 395. Colouring Matters permitted in Western Australia. 63. Compounds organo-metallic -; Colour tcsts for some.H. Gilman and H. L. k’ablunkq-, 306. Computations Chemical Errors and -. (Ke-view) T. B. Crumpler and J. H. Yoe 136. Condensed Milk (Milk content) Order 1940. 12. confectionery Standard for chocolate - 13. Cooking Influence 01 - on vitamin content of food. 421, powclcr; Composition of -. 457. Copal Analysis and composition of Manila -. S. S. Tanchico and A. P. West 305, Copper Analysis of dental amalgams containing mercury silver gold tin zinc and -. H. J. Caul and I. 6. Schoonover 509. cadmium in -; Experiments on spectro-chemical analysis of. I?. Twyman W. Zehden and E. S. Dreblow 84. cadmium in presence of -; Detection of. A. C. Holler 307. *cylinders; Metallic contamination of hot water from bare and tinned -.L. Wilkinsm and S. H. Wilson 322. Determination of - with benzotriazole. J. hCurtis 393. determination with biguanide sulphate. P. RAy and J. R. Chowdhury 473. 2 2’-Diquinolyl as reagent for -. J. G. Breckenridge R. W‘. J. Lewis and I,. A. Quick 32. “Electrolytic determination and separation of bismuth from - in alkaline solution. F. G. Kny-Jones 101. Excretion of - in the rabbit. A. Eden 126. Errata p. iii sxiv INDEX To Copper-continued in biological material ; Micro-determination of in oxime precipitates; Indirect volumetric N. H. Furman and in steel ; Electrolytic determination of -. in tomato products. 241 464. Sew reagent for determining - S. J. Das-Gupta 434. reduced by sugars; Method for determining -.T. G. Phillips 249. Simultaneous determination of nickel and cobalt in -. J. J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. "tellurium in -; Determination of small amounts of. -. determination of -. J. F. Flagg 131. H. 4 . Frediani and C. H. Hale 131. A. Eden and H. €3. Green 26. I. F. Willis 414. Copper Sulphate as abortifacient. 17. Coral as building material. 225. Cordials Fruit juice -, Cork Vermiculite as substitute for -. Corn U.S.A. standards for -. 379. Cotton Effect of burial on -. 463. Cottonseed Meal Effect of ageing - on solu-bility of proteins. 11. S. Olcott and T. D. Fontaine 170. Cottonseed Oil gossypol in -; Detection of. H. n. Royce J. R. Harrison and P. D. Deans 174. Coventry Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst for County Borough of --.333. Cowpea Starch J . L. Sarin and M. H. Quereschit, 423. Crab dresscd - Bread-crumbs in. Crab-Apple juice; Vitamin C content of -. Cream mould in -; Development of. J. D. (Production and Sales) Order 1940. 62. Synthetic - (Rcstriction) Order 1940. 62. Creosote Coal tar - for preservation of tim-Revision of E.S.I. Specification 144, CrystalViolet Solubility of -. H. Stout 209. Cwpric Ion iodate in presence of -; Deter-mination of. P. L. Kapur and M. R. Verma 394. Cuprous Chloride Correctcd specification for Curry Powder Lead in -. Cyanide plating baths; Methods of measuring pH poisoning. 378, solutions ; Assaying - for gold. R. V. Lundquist 309. Cyanogen Bromide Characteristics of the nico-tine colour reaction with p-naphthylamine and -.L. N. Markwood 21. Cyanogen Chloride Identification of -. 53. "Cylinders of bare and tinned copper; Metallic contamination of hot water from -. L. Wilkinson and S. H. Wilson 322. Errata p. iii. Cysteine Colorimetric micro-method for esti-mating -. B. Vassel 470. Cystine Colorimetric micro-method for estimat-ing -. 470. 63. 224. 458. 359. Wildman 2 1 1. ber. 1936. 339. . 66. -154. in alkaline -. AX. R. Thompson 214. VOLUME 66 Cysthe-contimed Determination of -. C. A. Zittle and R. A. O'Dell 424. Quantitative removal of - from keratin hydrolysates. C . C. Lucas J. Macdonald and R. Beveridgc 73. D Dairy products; Tin in canned -. Damar Oil Assessment of --. Daphnia methods for evaluation of pharmaceuti-I.Cohen and A. Viehover 72. Datura Seeds with aconite as cattle poison 17. Daylight measurement. 16. Density composition tables; B.S.I. specifications Nos. 975 and 976 465. Dental Amalgams containing mercury silver, gold tin copper and zinc; Analysis of -. H. J Caul and I. C. Schoonover 509, Dermatitis in industry. 296. Derris as insecticide. 418. Dewsbury Appointment of F. W. M JafG as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of-. 110. Dextrins Reducing power of -. F. F. Farley and R. M. Hixon 499. Dextrose Glycerol in fermentation media con-taining __ determined by oxidation with ceric sulphate. E. I. Fulmer K. J. Hickey and L. A. Underkofler 173. Laevulose in presence of - determined by a ferricyanide method. H. C. Beckcr and D.T. Englis 298. Sweetness of --. 463. Diabetics Chocolate for -. Dicalcium phosphate as adsorbent in determina-L. A. Dichloromethyl Ether Identification of - 5.2. Dictionary of Chemistry. (Review) S. Miall 88. Dietary standards for East African natives. Diethylene Glycol as vehicle for essences. 464. 379. cal products. 63. tion of carotene in plant material. Moore 169. W. D. Raymond 118. 378. Determination of ethylene glycol in and removal from commercial alkyl ethers of -. M. K Seikel 433. Digitalis leaves from British sources ; Variations in -. G. M. Watson and W. 0. James, 601. Dihydrorotenone in hydrogenation products of rotenone; Detection and estimation of --. L. D. Goodhue and H. L. Haller 128. Dimethyl Sulphate Identification of -.51. 5 5-Dimethylcycfohexane&one-l 3 Determina-tion of formaldehyde with -. J. H. Yoe and L. C. Reid 391. 3 5-Dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of the amino-acids and their use in separating the isomers of leucine and valine. Diphenyl Chloroarsine Identification of -. 53 Diphenyl Cyanoarsine Identification of -. 53. Diphosgene Identification of -. Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide Manometric method for estimating -. B. J. Jandorf, 17. W. Klemperer and A . B. Hastings 344. B. W. Town 384, 50 INDEX TO 2 2’-Diquinolyl as reagent for copper. J. G. Breckenridge R. W. J. Lewis and L. A. Quick 32 Disinfectants for animal houses 334. Distilled Liquors tannins in -; Estimation of. 206. Documents Decipherment of charred -. W.D. Taylor and H. J. Walls 262; G. A. Jones 351. H. D. Murray, 440. Dogfish Oil Phosphorus and iodine content of British Columbian -. 209. Dripping Vitamins A and z) in -. K. hi. Henry and Others 210. Drugs analysis of dangerous - ; Recent advances in. J . G. A. Griffiths and H. K. Whalley 207. A. Albert 72. ’::Dulcin Quantitative determination of -. J . I?. Hirst F. Holmes and G. W. G. Maclennan 450. Dust in City of Hull. Examination of burnt --. British,equivalents of foreign -. 312. Physical properties and action of -. Sweetness of -. 464. in tile works. 295. sampling methods uscd in Witwatersrand gold 13. mines. J. l)e V. Lambrechts 261. E Ecgonidine Methyl Ester from coca seeds. J. R. Eauents Sewage - and ocean water. 63.Egg content of alimentary pastes. E. 0. 329. Eggs cholesterol in - Determination of. 375. Elderberry juice; Vitamin C content of -. Electrocapillarity (Review) J . A. V. Butler 181. Electrode systems ; Tungsten-nickel and tung-sten-silver __ in neutralisations. H. G. Dietrich and I?. J. Bender. 262. Electrodes and other Charged Surfaces ; Chemis-try and Physics of -. (Review) J. A. V. Butler 181. ‘$Electrolysis Studies in internal - VI . Determination of small amounts of cobalt in presence of zinc. :$Electrolytic determination and separation of bismuth. 111. Determination and separa-tion from copper in alkaline solution. P G. Kny- Joxies 101. determination of copper in steel. H. A. Frediani and C . H. Hale 131. method for determining indium.S. Yatagawa, 310. Elements Minerals and Ores of the Rarer -; Analysis of. 2nd Ed. (Review) W. R. Schoeller and A. R. Powell 396. “trace” in biological material ; Distribution of -. A. L. S . Rao 74. Ensilage Poisoning by carbon dioxide from -. 378. Matchett and J. Levine 501. Haenni 245. substitute powders; Labelling of -. (Control and Prices) (No. 2) Order 1941. E. 0. Haenni 245. 359. J . G. Fife 192. VOLUi’vIE 66 xxv Enzyme reactions; Sodium fluoride as inhibitor of -. reactions; Use of indigo disulphonate to follow -. E. A. Zeller 347. Enzymes in relation to cheese. Ephedrine preparations; Assay of -. E. H. Grant 69. Ergometrine Determination of -. Is. L. Allport and N. R. Jones 423. Ergot Chemical assay of -. C. H. Hampshire and M.W. Partridge 423. fat in -; Determination of. W. A. N. Markwell 208. Ergotoxine Determination of -. N. L. Allport and N. R. Jones 423. Errors Chemical Computations and -. ((Review) T. B. Crumpler and J . H. Yoe, 136. Ethyl Bromoacetate Identification of -. 61. Ethyl Iodoacetate Identification of -. Ethyl Oleate Action of lead tetra-acetate upon -. Ethylene Glycol Determination of - in and removal from coinmercial alkyl ethers of diethylene glycol. Excreta uric acid in fowl’s -; Colorimetric estimation of. R. Dufait and L. Massai-t 76. 41. 51. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern 173. M. I<. Seikel 433. J. C. I>. Hutchinson 254. F Factories Report of Chief Inspector for - - for 1939. J. C. Bridge 294. Fading of dyed textiles.M. Luckiesh and -4. H. Taylor 217. Faeces of sheep; Determination of blood in -by means of the Evelyn photoelectric colori-meter. J. S. Andrews and I€. J . Brooks, 345. Fat Component acids of an ox bone marrow -. *in English cheeses. in ergot; Determination of -. W. A. N. Markwell 208. in milk and milk products; Determination of - by the Gerber method. Revision of B.S.I. Specification No 696 1936. “Observations on Grossfeld and Soxhlet extraction methods for determining -. H. Weatherall 61. Unsaturated ~ oxidase. “Fats edible- ; Estimation of oxidative spoilage “Meltini range of -. pig depot -; Influence of starvation on composition of. T. 1’. Hilditch and W. H.’ Pedelty 163. seed - of Garcinia morella and Gavcinia indica; Fatty acids and glycerides of.T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 250. Fatty Acids Action of lead tetra-acetate upon hydroxylated -. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern 173. in fish oils; Lower saturated ~ . H. Nobori 164. in the cake of Pongasnin glabva. K. V S. Rao and J. V. Rao 20. of “akatetu” oil; Constituents of -. H. Xobori 298. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. hiurti 20. J . R. Nicholls 265. 338. H. Tauber 123. in -. N N Dastur and C H Lea 90. K. A. Ivilliams 3 xxvi INDEX TO Patty Acids-co nt in ued of babassu oil; Constituents of -. HI. of high and low titre; Segregation of -. of seed fats of Garcinia morella and Garcinia T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 250. "oxidised -; Determination of. 96. 155. Nobori and I. Ono 298. K. J . de Gray and A. W.DeMoise 256. indica. Feather dust; Composition of -. Feathers Damaged -. 156. Feeding Stuffs Compound and Mixed __ Order 1940 amending Compound and Mixed - (Control) (No. 2) Order 194@ 13. Amendment Orders 158 496. General Licence under -. 196. Amending Or-der 374. Errata 440. manganese in -; Rapid method for deier-mining. J. W. Cook 255. (National Priority Pigeon Mixture) Order, 1941. 115. (Rationing) Order 1941 ; Directions under -. 495. Fermentation media coiitaining dextrose ; Deter-mination of glycerol in - by oxidation. with ceric sulphate. E. I. Fulmer R. J. Hickey and L. A. Underkofler 173. Ferric Ion Detection of - by means of thio-cyanate. R. Vanossi 508, Ferncyanide method for determining diastatic power of malt; Study of -.A. U. Dickson 12 1. method of determining laev dose in presence of dextrose and sucrose. 13. C. Becker a n d D. T. Englis 298. Ferrous Metals Sampling and Chemical Xnaly-sis of Cast -. (Review) E. T. Austin, 314. Ferrous Phosphate iron in compound syrup of - with and without quinine ancl strychnine; Determination of. F. R. Brad-bury K. C. Chatterjee ancl E. G. Edwards, 251. Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926 Appoint-ments under -. 451. Fibres Animal ~ of Industrial Tmpoi-tame : Their Origin and 1 dentification. (Re;-iew), A. R. Wildman 182. Identification of -. 497. muscle- ; Deter-minaton of chloride in single isolated ~ -. R. E. Deans 261. *wood -; Differentiation of chemical and mechanical. W. G. Leach 415. "Fibrinogen of blood determined by micro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation.B. -4 MAcola and C . Fazio 448. Figs Compound Syrup of -. Fish Arsenic in fresh-water -. cakes; Standard for -. 458. paste; Boric acid in -. Fish Neal substitute. 334. Fish Oils Lower saturated fatty acids in -. Phosphorus and iodine content of British R. D. Heddle and J. S . rancidity in -; Determination of peroxide 377. M. E. Ellis, B. A. Westfall and M. W. Ellis 501. 14 457. € 3 . Nobori 164. Columbian -. Brawn 209. values for. M. E. Stansby 500. Fisheries Ministry of --. See Ministry. VOLUME 66 Fisheries Research Board of Canada Marine Edited by H. N. Brocklesby, Flour Cake __ (sweetened) + (Control and Prices) Order 1941. 416. Definitions and standards for __ in the fortified - ; Milling aspects of.D. W. national -; Memorandum of Accessory pollution of mill pond. 334. riboflavin in white -; Tests for deficiency by means of flour beetle. G Frankel and M. Blewett 341. soya bean - in sausages; Determination of. €3. C. Lythgoe C. S. Fcrguson and P. -4. Racicot 463. Fluoranthene lsolation and identification oi ~ from carbon black. Fluorine in coal. I G O . animal oils. 461. 329. Amendment Order 160. U.S.X. 336. Kent-Jones and. A. J . Amos 340. Food Factors Committee on. 296. J. Rehner 123. in water; Determination of smalI amounts of 0. J. Walker and G. R. Finlay 215. osteosclmosis. 295. Foam stability and adsorption. Foliage Scorching of - by arsenical spray. 63. Food(s) Accessory ~ Factors Committee of the Lister Institute and Medical Research Council.&Iemorandurii on national ff oui . 206. *contaminated bg war gases ; Determinai ion of arsenic in -. *contaminated with lewisitc; Kapid determina-tion of aIscnic in -. W. J . Stainah?- and A. McM. Taylor 233. Ground glass in --. 64, Healthy Eating. (IZeview) V. 13. Mottrain 35. (Indication of Origin) Order 1941. 331 332. metals in ~ ; Bibliography on. 111. Orders. See Ministry of Food. Phylic acid and the preparation oi --. E. 34. Wrddowson 468. products ; Combined determination of ribo-fiavin and aneurine i n - -. K. 'I. Comer ancl G. J. Straub 304. -. 42 1. ti. 4. Williams 228. Xrtnganese 196. IV. Zinc 453. Substitutes (Control) Order 1941. 495. The Deciding Factor.(Review) I?. Wolrcs, 141. The Nation's Larder ancl the Housewifc's Part Therein. (Review) 35. vitamin content of - ; Influence of cooking on. 421. with alkaline bala nLe ; \sh deterniinatioii in - H. J. Wichmann 382. Food and Drugs analysis. Abstracts 19 69, 1%1 163 205 245 298 330 381 422 465, 499. "Foodstuffs mustard gas in contaminated -; Determination of traces of. 13. C. Lock-wood 480. Saccharin in -. 458. trigonelline in -; Estimation of. E. Iiodicelr and Y. L. Wang 388. *war gases in - Detection of. Forest Products Research Dept. Bulletin on beeffes injurions to timber and timber. 202. 14 IKDEX TO Formaldehyde and formic acid mixtures ; Elimination of - in analysis of. A. Hickling and I?. Kodwell 255. Determination of - with 5 Sdimethyl-cyclohexadione-1 3.J. H. Yoe and L. C. Reid 391. in casein hardened with formalin ; Quantitative determination of -. H. Nitschmann and 11. Hadorn 303. in presence of other aldehydes ; Coloriinetric estimation of -. W. J . Blaedel and F. E. Elacet 431. Formalin tablets ; Deficiency of paraformalde-hyde in -. 155. Formic Acid Action of - on starch. 1). Gottlieb C. G. Caldwell and R. 111. Hixon, 24 9 and formaldehyde mixtures Elimination of formaldehyde in analysis of - . A. Hiclding and F. Rodwell 255. as reagent ; Corrected specification for -. 66. '.Fox and Gauge Method for estimating plant phenoloids in water. French Chalk in bismuth lozenges. Fructose Sweetness of -. 463. Fruit(s) ascorbic acid in -; Estimation of. Curd; Mincemeat and - (Control and Maxi-juice cordials.63. Preserved - (Licensing and Control) Order, 1941. 241. Pulp (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1941. 332. Amendment Order 460. wild - products; Vitamin C content of. M. Andross 358. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Station Camp-den Report for 1940. I;. Hirst 463. Fuel Research Board Report for 193!3-40. 169. Fungi Staining of certain -. I?. H. H. Gray, 265. Fungicidal potency of quinoline homologues and derivatives. N. E. Rigler and G. A. Greathouse 429. Furfural as a solvent. Furniture Beetles injurious to -. tablets ; Talc in - . 155 J. S. Dunn 106. 494. A. Mirimanoff and M. Mori 471. mum Prices) Order 1941. 496. F. Trimble 431. 202. G Garcinia indica and Garcinia morella seed fats; Fatty acids and glycerides of -.T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 250. Gas analysis. Abstracts 132 171 472. Charcoals for producer -. 63. organic sulphur in combustible -; Ueter-mination of. F. M. Rogers and R. F. Baldaste 171. producers ; Suitability of IZustralian hardwood charcoals for -. J. N. Almond B. M. Holmcs and E. C. Plante 243. R. Spence 133. Sulphur - in the air. "war -; Determination of arsenic in food contaminated by. H. A. Williams 228; W. J. Stainsby and A. McM. Taylor 233. Gases Micro-analysis of -. 13. war -; Grouping of. 49. *war - in foodstuffs; Detection of. 44. VOLUME 66 xxvii Gassing in industry. 295. Gateshead Appointment of nT. G. Carey as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 110. Gelsemiurn as a poison.202. General Medical Council British e q u i ~ alents of Genoline Oils Assessnieiit of -. German Pharmacopoeia Synthetic menthol in - B. Steenberg 601 Germanium in coal ash. 160. Ghee Adulterated -. 166. Substitutes for -. 166. Gingelly Oil Adulterated -. Ginger ash in -; Determination of. Assay of -. 108. foreign drugs. 312, 379. 156. 207. Nigerian -. W. A. Watson 165. Sir H. Lindsay 225. Glass Ground - in food. 61. Platiniseci - in the laboratory. C. C. Coffin 216. "Globulins of blood determined by niicro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation R *%. MAcola and C. Fazio 448. Glucosamine Isolation of small quantities of -. Z. E. Jolles and W. '1'. J. Morgan 25. Glucose Sweetness of -. Glucosides Sterol - from expressed soya bean oil.M. H. Thornton H. R. Kraybill and J. H. Mitchell Jr. 123. Glycerides of seed fats of Garcinia morella and Garcinia irzdica. T. P. Hilditch and K. S. Murti 250. Glycerol as reagent; Specification for -. 65. in fermentation media containing dextrose determined by oxidation with ceric sul-phate. E. 1. Fulmer R. J. Hickey and L. A. Underkofler 173. Glycocyamine in biological fluids and tissue extracts ; Micro-method for estimating -. J. W. Dubnoff and 11. Borsook 346. Glycogen in oysters; Determination of -. H. N. Caldcrwood and A. R. Armstrong 205. Glycols Identification of cellosolves carbitols and related - as trityl ethers. M. K. Seikel and E. H. Huntress 392. Quantitative analysis of mixtures of polp-oxyethylene - by fractional distillation.S. Perry and H. Hibbert 174. Gold Analysis of dental amalgams containing mercury silver tin copper zinc and -. H. J. Caul and I. C. Schoonover 509. Assaying cyanide solutions for -. R. V. Lundquist 309. Atomic weight of -. 243. group Qualitative semi-micro analysis of -. C. C. Miller and A. J. Lowe 33. ores ; Application of spectrochemica1 methods for assay of rriiIierals to -. I<. Toishi, 180. Gossgpol in crude cottonseed oil; Detection of -. H. D. Royce J. R. Harrison and P. D. Deans 174. Government Analysts Reports of -. See Bengal India Madras New South Wales, New Zealand Palestine Trinidad and Tobago Western Australia. Grain infestation of - by insects; Report on survey of. 463. J . W. Munro 116 xxviii INDEX TO Grapefruit juice; Determination of peel oil in Graphite heating-baths.Oxidation of - in analysis of iron and steel. R. H. Steinberg and F. W. Smith 438. Grass silage; Determination of carotenoids in - W. Bolton and R. H. Common 505. Grass Driers' Association Report on carotene estimation. 334. Grasses Pasture - from Malaya. Grevillea leucodendron Resinous exudation Grignard Reagent Magnesium and the -. M. Kilpatrick and E. A. Ban Jr. 130. *@rossfeid Method of determining fat ; Observa-tions on -. Ground-Nut Oil as adulterant of gingelly oil. 1.56. Guanine Estimation of -. G. H. Hitchings, 424. Guano Bird -. 155. Gum Acacza Zqeta ~ from Nigeria. Gums Distinction between pectin and certain - by thorium nitratc. E. F Bryant, 299.-. W. C. Scott 205. W. I. Harber 440. 28. of -. 63. H. Weatherall 61, 23. Incense - from British Somaliland. Papain as precipitant for -. 393, G. E. Ewe, 501. Gunny Effect of burial on -. 463. H Hair Composition of human -. K. Cook and J . J. Routh 24. dressing; Red lead -. 17. keratin; Analysis of -. Quantitative re-moval of cystine from keratin hydrolysates. C. C. Lucas J . Macclonald and R. Ueveridge, 73. R. C. Clay, Microscopy of -. 463. Hal Resin from Ceylon. 30. Halogen compounds ; Detection of organic -in industry. 14. compounds in mineral oils; Detection deter-mination and identification of organic -. M. S. -4rgruss G. W. Ayers and H. Schindler, 804. Hawkers Control of street - in Madras. 156. Hazards Analytical Chemistry of lndustrial Poisons Solvents and - .(Review), M. B. Jacobs 477. Health Practical Public - Problems. (Rc-view) Sir W. Savage 215. Heating-Baths Graphite -. W. I. Harber, 440. Hemicelluloses of alfalfa hay. >A. Phillips and B. L. Davis 168. Heparin preparations ; Colorimetric method for standardisation of --. F. C. MacIntosh, 502. preparations ; Method for cstimationg potency of -. 17. C. MacIntosh 502. Herbage Carotene content of certain species of grassland -. A. M. Sniith and T. Wang, 390. Hereford Appointment of F. G. D. Chalmers as Public Analyst for Borough of -. 333. VOLUME 66 Herring Oil Phosphorus and iodine content of Herrings Definition of -. (Legal Notes), cycloHexano1 as solvent for cryoscopic determina-H.N. Wilson Holmium Atomic weight of --. 213. Honey from rose hips. 350. Hopkins and Cole Test for tryptophan. Harvey E. J . Miller and W. Robson 392. Hops Moisture determination in --. Wilcox and N. S. Yanick 341.' during boiling preservative power of -in wort. T. K. Walker J . J. H. Hastings and A Parker 122. Hull See Kingston upon Hull. Bumulon Loss of preservative power of ~ during boiling in wort. T. K. q'alkcr, J. J . 11. Hastings and A. Parker 122. Humus Blackberry stems as -. 156. Hydriodic Acid as reagent Spccihcatlon for -. 65. *Hydrocyanic Acid Estimation of ~ by the phthalin method, "Hydrogen Peroxide Application of a photo-electric method to colorimetric estimation of - with titanium sulphate. C. B. Allsopp 37 1. British Columbian -.209. 415. tion of molecular weights. and A. E. Heron 475. 1). G. F'. A. Preservative principles of - . Loss of It. I. Nicholson 189. Identification of -. 52. Hydrogen Sulphide Identification of -. Hydrogenation of coal 161. of tars and oils. 161. Hydroxides Action of phenolphthalein on in-soluble -. G. Sachs 175. Hydroxylamino Acids of protein hydrolysatcs , Application of periodic acid to study of - . A. J. P. Martin and R T,. M. Syngc 343. * 8-Hydroxyquinoline as means of de terriiiniiig nietals Examination of oxine precipitates, using X-ray diffraction methods. R. C. Chirnside C. 22. Pritcllard and H. P. Rooksby 399. Erratum 451. as reagent; Specification lor -. in the volumetric determination of iron and aluminium in cement.*Hypophosphorous Acid method of determining arsenic ; Interference of selenium and tellurium with -. Hyptis Seed Oil from Nigeria and Sudan. Hyptis spicigera Oil. 161. 6 . 66. L. Kampf 307. 13. J. G. Challis 58. 381. I *Imperial Institute and its work for tile Empirc. Report for 1940. Survey of insecticide materials 01 vegetable Incense gunis from British Somaliland. India Report of Chief Chemist Central Reven-Indicator(s) for determining combined nitrogen Silicomolybdic acid as ~ in iron titrations. Sir H. Lindsay 222. Sir H. Tildsay 161. origin. H. J . Holman 418. 392. EI. B. Dunnicliflf 378. S. Hirano 31 1. ues Poi- 1939-40. in iron and steel. A. C. Titus and C. W. Sill 438 INDEX TO Indigo Disulphonate Gse of - to follow enzyme reactions.-. S. Yatagawa 310. research. N. Wright 216. 213 258 307 350 393 434 472 607. Austin 316. 468. Survey of -. Development in Empire c6untries. 224. metaldehyde in - ; Determination of. E. A. Lasher 390. Insects infestation of grain by -; Report on survey of. J. W. Munro 116. Pests in Stored Products. (Review) H. Hayhurst 37. Insulating papers; Properties of electrical -. H. H. Race R. J. Hemphill and. H. S. Endicott 178 Insulin Crystalline - of low zinc content. M Sahyan 471. Iodate in presence of cupric ion; Determination of -. P. L. Kapur and M. R. Verma, 394. Iodide Detection of __ by a new catalytic reaction. D. Hart and R. Meyrowitz 132. €3. C. Dmitriev, 507. 243. E. A. Zeller 347. Indium Electrolytic method for determining Infanticide Common salt used for -.Infra-Red spectroscopy applied to industrial Inorganic analysis. Abstracts 32 81 130 175, Chemistry; Aids to -. (Review) R. G. Inositol Estimation of -. D. W. Woolley, Insecticide material of vegetable origin 161 ; 202. H. J. Holman 418. Reactions of - with lead. Iodine Atomic weight of -. content of British Columbian fish oils. R. D. Heddle and J. S. Brawn 209. in determination of sulphur dioxide and sulphites; Replacing -. value 01 expressed almond oil. W. A. Bush and E. A. Lasher 600. Indium Atomic weight of -. “Iron acid-resisting high-silicon - ; Deter-mination of silicon phosphorus and man-ganese in. J. B. Cotton 286. “Colorimetric estimation of - with sodium salicylate.R. 0. Scott 142. combined nitrogen in -; Indicators for determining. S. Hirano 31 1. in biological materials; Method for inicro-estimation of -. in cement; Volumetric determination of ~ with 8-hydroxyquinoline. L. Kampf 307. in compound syrup of ferrous phosphate and in syrup of ferrous phosphate with quinine and strychnine. F. R. Bradbury. K. C. Chatterjee and E. G. Edwards 251. in liquid food products; Determination of -. H. L. Roberts C. L. Beardsley and L. V. Taylor Jr. 121. ore ; Colorimetric determination of phosphorus in -. H. H. Willard and E. J . Center, 350. Oxidation of graphite in analysis of -. R. H. Steinberg and F. W. Smith 438. Photometric method for estimating -. R. S. Pereira 258. Separation of - as basic siilphate from bivalent mctals.W. Brell 83. 243. R. H. Thorp 424. J. G. Fairchild 307. VOLUME 66 sxix Simultaneous determination of nickel and cobalt in - . J. J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. titrations ; Silicomolybdic acid as indicator in -. Volumetric determination of __ by per-manganate. W. R. Crowell W. W. Luke and T. G. Mastin 307. water tanks; Pitting of galvaniscd -. 13. Irrigated areas; Salt balance in -. C. S. Irrigation Effects of - on olives. 297. Isotopes Tracer - in analytical chemistry. Iron-continued A. C. Titus and C. W. Sill 438. Scofield 168. J . F. Flagg and E. 0. Wiig 439. J Jak Tree resin from Ceylon. Jam “Full fruit standard” damson -. 37i. labelling of -; Provisions relating to. 113. (Licensing and Control) Order 1941.(Maximum Prices) Order 1941 11 1 ; Amencl-quality standards of -; Provisions relating Rose hip -. 359. Jamaica Tobacco from -. Jelly Milk -. 330. 31. 241. nient Order 459. to. 112. 161. K Karl Fischer Reagent as means of determining water in presence of carbonyl compounds. W. M. D. Bryant J. Mitchell Jr. and D. 31. Smith 172. Kent Report of County Analyst for 4th quarter, 1940. I;. W. F. Amaud 154. Keratin Analysis of hair -. Quantitative removal of cystine from - hydi-olysatcs. C. C. Lucas J. Macdonald and R. Beveridge, 73. Ketone bodies ; method for estimating small amounts of -. T. E. Weichselbaum and M. Somogyi 469. *Ketones in fats; Determination of -. Ketosteroids carbonyl groups in -; Gravi-metric method of determining.13. B. Hughes 426. Colorimetric estimation of 17- -- and their application to urine extracts. A. F. Holtorff and F. C. Koch 78. Kingston upon Mull Appointment of F. Morris as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 110. Dust in City of -. 13. Report of Public Analyst and Bacteriologist for 1939. A. R. Tankard 13; for 4th Quarter 1940 D. J. T. Bagnall 155; for 1st quarter 1941 290; for 2nd quarter 1941, 458. *Kirschner Value in butter-fat ; Semi-micro 93. modification for determining - . B. Dyer G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 355. R. B. Bradstreet 129. Kjeldahl digestion; Effect of selenium on -SSS INDEX TO VOLUME 66 E Lactate in muscle; Simplified estimation of - -. R. E. Johnson and A. N. Barger 385. Lactic Acid in biological material ; Colorimetric estimation of -.5 . B. Barker and W. 13. Summerson 384. Lsevulose i n presence of dextrose and sucrose; Ferricyanide method of determining -. H. C. Becker 298. Lansline from wool scourings. 379. Lard Hydrogenated oils in 377. Latex B.S.I. methods of testing -. Lead content of blood 13. Melting range of -. 5. in beer. 63. in coal. 160. in curry powder. 154. in urine Determination of minute amounts of Origin of pig -. 13. poisoning; Industrial -. 296. Reactions of iodides with - . R. c. Drnitriv 507. Lead Acetate Corrected spccification for -. 66. Lead Carbonate as rcagent ; Specification for -+ 65. Lead Dioxide Corrected specification for --. 66. Lead Tetra-Acetate Action of - upon hydroxylated fatty acids.I. Hydroxylated oleic acid ethyl oleate and oleyl alcohol. IT. Hydroxylated ricinoleic acid and castor oil. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern. 173. Leather acids in -; Methods for determining. F. D. Thayer 31. fat- and water-soluble matter in -; Determination of. G. E. Cunningham and L. Peters 349. Measurement of fastness of coloured - to light. 440. moisture in -; Determination of. E. L. Wallace 257. mould growth in -; Study and control of. A. Colin-Russ 127. 1-egetable-tanned -; Analysis of. Inter-national Society of Leather Trades' Chem-ists Report No. 1. 67. Legal Notes 330 415 458 494. Leicester Report of City Analyst for 1940. F. C. Bullock 494. Lemon substitutes. 330 467. Leptospermum citratum Oil from Kenya. 161. Leucine Use of 3 6-dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of the amino-acids in separating the isomers of valine and -."Lewisite arsenic in foodstuffs contaminated with -; Rapid determination of. W. J . Stainsby and A. McM. Taylor 233. 162. -. J . E. Kench 24. B. W. Town 384. Identification of -. 53. Licuri Oil and Wax M. Silva 341. Lignin(s) Determination of -. berg and T. Ploetz 306. E. L. Love11 and H. Hibbert 472. E. E. Harris and L. J. Lofdahl 175, I<. Freuden-fractionation of - . New method for. Reaction of methyl hypochlorite with -. Lignin (8) -co>hnued Studies on -. Fractionation of acetylated cell wall constituents of red oak wood. Q. P. Peniston J . L. 3TcCarthy and H. Hibbert 176. "Lime Valuation o l agricultural - - . H. Nicol 104.Lime Oil from the Sudan. Lingfornil a milk substitute. 404. Lipstick Selenium and cadmium in -. 378. Lithium Arsenotungstate Reagent of Newton, Prepration of -. 255. Liver aIiti-aIiaeriiic factor in raw -; Isolation of. S. K. Mitra 78. London County Council Appointment of C. J . Kegan as Chemist-in-Chief to -. Lu Method of estimating pyruvic acid in blood, 387. Elimination of acetoacetic acid in -. 387. Lupulon Loss of preservative power of -during boiling in wort. T. K. Walker, J. J . H Hastings and A. Walker 122. Luton Appointment of A4. J. C. Lickorish as Deputy Public Analyst for Borough of --. 110. 161. 451. M Mace Determination of ash in -. Madras Report of Chemical Examiner for Govt. Report of Public Analyst for City of - for "Magnesium alloys; Determinatiin of zinc in and the Grignard reagent.M. Kilpatrick and E. A. Barr Jr. 130. Micro-determination of -. A. W. Marsden, 260. Photometric method for determining -. W. S. Gillam 476. Titan Yellow qualitative test for -. E. B. and C. E. Otto 310. Titrimetric determination of -. H. IV. Van der Marel 310. 207. of __ for 1940. 1939. V. Venkatachalam 156. S. R. Naidu 462, - E. Q. Laws 54; G. H. O S L O ~ 412. Maize U.S.A. standards for -. Malaya Pasture grasses from -. Paleic Anhydride Colour reaction of -p-benzoqumone their partially substituted derivatives and citric acid. A. Schonberg and A. F. A. Ismail 80. Malonic Acid Estimation of -. W. F. Ross and H. N. Christensen 252. Malt ,%amylase in barley -; Determination of total S.R. Snider 340. diastatic power of -; Study of fcrricyanide method for determinating. A. D. Dickson, 121. extract of ~- with cod-liver oil; Oil content of -. D. C. Garratt and J. E. Woodhead, 424. products for use in breadmaking industry; Evaluation of -. H. C. Freeman and W. P. Ford 247. Nalted Milk powder. 377. *Manganese in acid-resisting high-silicon irons ; Determination of -. J. B. Cotton 286. in feeding stuffs; Rapid method for deter-ining -. J . W. Cook 255. 379. 28 ISDEX TO Manganese-continued in food and biological materials ; Bibliography on - . 196. *in presence of chlorides; Detection of -. R. Gilbert 450. Simultaneous determination of nickel and cobalt in - . J. J Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258.Titrimetric determination of -. H. W. Van der Marel 310. Manganese Sulphate as reagent ; Specification for Mangolds Feeding value of -. NLarine animal oils. 461. marmalade Labelling of -. (Licensing and Control) Order 1941. (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 156. Standards for -. 158. -. 66. 334. 158. 241. Massachusetts Report of Division df Food and Drugs Dept. of Public. Health for March to August 1940. Meat (Addition of Preservative) Order 1941. 460. bacteria in -; Effects of sodium nitrate on. L. B. Jensen and W. R. Hess 429. Canned -. See Canned. -curing brines ; Use of polarograpli for analysis of -. M. Ingram 510. products ; Detection . and determination of dried skim milk in -. W. C. McVsy and H. R. McMillin 19. substitute misleading label "Meat-Ova." 494.Medical Research Council International stan dard for vitamin E. 497. Medicinal plants grown in New Zealand. tablets; Talc in -. 155. Medicine in a Changing World. The Universe through -. H. C. Lythgoe 338. 498. (Review-) U. Ockman 264. (Review) J. R. McDonagh 476. Medicines Quack -. 63. Menthol Synthetic - - in the German Pharma-copoeia 501. Mercsptan Sulphur content of petroleum and naphthas ; Determination of - ~ . H. Schindler G. W. Avers and L. M. I-Iendcr-son 432. Mercaptans in aqueous alkaline solutions; Potentiometric determination of -. &I. W. Tamele L. R. Ryland and V. C. Irvine 606. Mercury Analysis of dental amalgams contain-ing silver gold tin copper zinc and -. H. J .Caul and 1. C. Schoonover 509. as reagent; Specification for -. New reagent for determining -. Poisoning by ~ in industry. letaldehyde in insecticides ; Determination of -. E. A. Lasher 390. Metals bivalent- ; Separation of iron and aluminium as basic sulphates from --. J. G. Fairchild 307. Bromo-complexes for identifying - E. P. White 474. Cast Ferrous -; Sampling and Chemical Analysis of -. (Review) E. T. Austin, 314. 66. S. J. Das-Gupta 434. 295. VOLUME 66 xsxi "Determination of __ by means ot 8-hydroxyquinolinc Examination of oxine precipitates using X-ray diffraction methods. R. C. Chirnside C. F. Pritchard and H. P. Rooksby 399. in foods and biological materials ; Bibliography on --. 111. Manganese 196. IT'. Zinc, 452. of the platinum group in nickel ores and con-centrates; Determination of -.F. E. Lathe 436. Spectrcchemical Analysis of Alloys and -. (Review) F. Twyman 510. Methane Its Production and Utihsation. (Review) J. P. Laurie 218. Methyl Bromide gassing. 295. Methyl Hypochlorite Reaction of __- with Lignin. E. E. Harris and L. J . Lotdahl, 175. Methyl Red and bromocresol grccn mixed indi-cator for carbonates in water. S. S. Cooper, 429. Methylene Blue Iodimetric determination of - T. Sabalitschka and W. Erdmann 472. 2-Methylnaphthaquinone and related com-pounds; Scnsitive colour reaction for - - . A. Novelli 343. Mica for use in mall-paper making. Micro-Analysis of gases. Metals-continued Erratum 451. 226. R. Spence 133. "of soft vulcanised rubber compounds G.H. Wyatt 362. Qualitrttive semi - with reference t o Noyes and Bray's system. Tantalum and tungsten group. C. C. Miller and A. J . Lowe 32; Gold group 33; thallium group, 260. Microbiological assay technique for pantothexiic acid with ilse of Proteus i?Iorganii. AT. J. Pelczar and J. R. Porter 389. method of determining nicotinic acid. E. E. Snell and L. D. Wright 428. Microchemical analysis. Abstracts 8'3 7 3'3, 175 215 260 312 394 438 474 509. "balances ; Observations on prerision of weighing with ___ M. Corner and H. Hunter 149 Micro-Colorimetric method for estimating poias-sium in biological materials. P. \V. Salit, 74. Micro-Determination of ammonia. E. -X. Z e k r , 509. of arsenic; Colorimetric - A. L Chancy and H.J. Magnuson 134. of calcium and magnesium. -1. W. Marsden, 360. of copper in biological material. -4. Eden and H. 11. Grecn 24. of molccular weights of dark coloured organic materials. V. A. Aluise 438. of nitrate nitrogen. of potassium. €3. Klein and M. Jacobi 8 3 ; C. K. Harington 394. of potassium in blood plasma by chloro-platinate precipitation Photoelectric method for -. R. I. Tenery and C E. L4nderson 73. S. U-ehrli, 178. I. Reifer 312. of silver in toxicological analysis xxxii INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Micro-Determination-co?l2i?l lied of iron in biological materials. R. H. Thorp, 424. *Micro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation for determining proteins of blood. €3. A. MBcola and C. Fazio 448. Micro-Method for estimating cystine and cys-teine; Colorimetric -.B. Vassell 470. for estimating glycocyaniine in biological fluids and tissue extracts. J. W. Dubnoff and H. Eorsook 346. Microscopical Work; B. D. H. Standard Stains for -. (Review) 442. Microsoonv Handbook of Chemical -. Vol. - - ” -11 2nd Ed. C. \V Mason 85. (Review) E. 11. Chamot and Microspectroscopy of blood. 463. Milk A41ternative method of pasteurisation. 376. and milk products; Determining percentage of Revision 338. BrucelEn melitensis in cow’s -. F. W. Condensed -; See Condensed Milk. Dirt in -. 377. dried skim - in meat products; Detection and determination of. W. C. McVey and H. R. McMillin 19. “Effect of air raids on composition of S. J . Rowland 327; E. Hinks 328. fat; Component acids of phosphatides in cow’s __ .T. P. Hilditch and L. Naddison 252. jelly. 330. nicotinic acid in -; Chemical determination C. I. No11 and 0. G. Jensen 504. pasteurisation in New South Wales. (Special Designations) Regulations 1941. 376. stains; Detection of --. 463. substitute “Lingfomilk.” 494. “Synthetic” -. 377. Use of - (Rescriction) Order 1941. Ministry of Health Circular 2423. fat in - by Gerber method. of B.S.I. Specification No. 696 1936. Duke 79. of. 377. 195. Amending Order 290. General Licence under-. 373. Mincemeat and Fruit Curd (Control and Maxi-niuni Prices) Order 1941. 496. Mineral Oils organic halogen compounds in --; Detection determination and identi-fication of. M. S. Argruss G. W. Ayers and H. Schindler 304. Minerals and Ores of the Rarer Elements; Analysis of __ .2nd Ed. (Review), W. R . Schoeller and A. R. Powell 396. Spectrochemical methods for assay of -, K. Toishi 180. Mines Dust sampling methods employed in Witwatersrand gold - J . De V. Lanibrechts 261. Mines Department Control of coal tar products. 242. Ministry of Agriculture Specifications and methods of analysis for tar oil winter washes. 417. Ministry of Food Orders Bacon (Addition of Borax) Order 1940 372; -4mendment Order,’ 373. 374. Biscuits (Licensing and Control) Order 1941. Ministry of Food Orders-coiziiizued Bread (Control and hlaximum Prices) Order, 1941 460. Canned Meat Products (Control and Maximum Prices) Order 1941 292. Corrigendum, 294 Amending Order 416. Canned Sardines (hlaximum Prices) Order, 1941.291. Cold Storage (Control of Undertakings) Order, 1941. 110. Compound and Mixed Feeding Stuffs (Control) (No. 2) Order 1940. General Licence under __ 195. Xmendment Orders 13 158, 374 496. Errata 440. Condensed Milk (Milk Content) Order 1940. 12. Cream (Production and Sales) Order 1940. 62. Eggs (Control and Prices) (KO. 2) Order 1941. Feeding Stuffs (Kational Priority Pigeon Mix-376. ture) Order. 1941. 115. - I - Feeding Stuffs (Rationing) Order 1941. Flour (Control and Prices) Order 1941. 416. Directions under 495. Amendment Order. 460. Food (Indication of Origin) 331 332. Food Substitutes (Control) Order 1941. 495. Fruit Pulp (Control and Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 332. Amendment Order. 460. Imported Canned Meat (Maximum Prices) Order 1941.373. .-\mendment Order. 376. Jam Marmalade and Preserved Fruit ‘Licens-ing and Control) Order 1941. Jam (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 111. Amendment Order. 459. Marmalade (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 156. Meat (Addition of Preservative) Order 1941. 460. Mincemeat and Fruit Curd (Control and Maxi-mum Prices) Order 1941. 496. Oat Products (Control and Maximum Prices) Order 1940. Amendment Order. 110. Sausages (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 114. Amendment Order 331. General Licence under-. 331. Soft Cheese and Curd Cheese (Maximum Retail Prices) Order 1941. 373. Synthetic Cream (Restriction) Order 1940. 62. Tapioca and Sago (Maximum Prices) Order, 1941. 291. Use of SIilk (Restriction) Order 1941.196. Amending Order. 290. General Licence under-. 373. Vitamin A (Control) Order 1941. 332. Vitamin R (Control) Order 1941. 195. Vitamin C (Control) Order 1941. 291. 241. Ministry of Health Orders and Circulars Milk (Special Designations) Regulations 1941. 376. No 2423. Milk Alternative method of No. 2943 Pharmacy and Medicines Act 1941 pasteurisation. 376. 461. Ministry of Labour and National Service Report of Senior Medical Inspector of Factories for 1039. J . C Bridge 291 INDEX Fro Molecular Spectra; Identification of -. (Re-view) R. W. B. Pearse and A. G. Gaydon, 396. weights; cycloHexano1 as solvent for cryo-scopic determination of -. H. N. Wilson and A. E. Heron 475. weights of dark coloured organic materials ; micro-determination of -.V. A. Aluise, 438. ;:Molybdenum in some important alloy steels; Determination of -. E. Gregory R. B. Foulston and I;. W. Gray 444. Monazite Sand Detection of cerium and deter-mination of thorium in - . A. E. Williams 473. Monel Metal silicon in --; Determination of. F. B. Clardy H. R. Maupinand R. S. Gibbs, 259. 11. Application to non-calcareous soils. J. Tinsley and N. H. Pizer 127. Morin Beryllium reaction with -. E. B. Sandell 131. Morpholine Determination of -. I. S. Shupe, 29. Mould Byssochlamys fulva; Studies on -. 464. growth in leather; Study and control of -. -2. Colin-Russ 127. in cream; Development of - . J. D. Wildman 2 1 1. in tomato sauce. 378. single isolated -. Johnson and A. N. Barger 385. Morgan Method of soil testing.Muscle fibres ; Determination of chloride in lactate in -; Simplified estimation of. R. E. Vitamin B in vertebrate -. M. Pyke 76. Mustard ash in ground -; Determination of. Mustard Gas Identification of -. K. 33. Deans 261 207. 51. ":in contaminated foodstuffs and other com-modities; Determination of traces of -. H. C . Lockwood 480. N Naphtha rnercaptan sulphur content of -; Determination of. H. Schindler G. W. Xyers and L. M. Henderson 432. rubber solution; Gassing by -. Naphthalene in denatured salt ; Determination of --. H. B. Dunnicliff 434. Naphthaquinones Quantitative reduction-oxida-tion method for estimating vitamin K and assbciated N. T. Trenner and F. A. Bacher 303. P-Naphthylarnine Characteristics of the nicotine colour reaction with cyanogen bromide and -.L. N. Markwood 21. Neutralisations Tungsten-nickel and tungsten-siIver electrode systems in -. El. G. Dietrich and P. J. Bender 262. New South Wales Report of Government Analyst for 1939. New Zealand Report of Dominion Analyst for 1939. W. Donovan 498. Newcastle upon Tyne Appointment of W. G. Carey as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 333. 296. S. G. Walton 377. VOLTTME 66 xixiii Nickel alloy steels ; Determination of chromium E. 8. in-. E. C. Pigott 176. Laws 54. *alloys; Determination of zinc in -. in coal ash. 160. in cobalt compounds; Determination oi -. J. J Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. in oxime precipitates ; Indirect volumetric determination of -. ?;. H. Furman and J.F. Flagg 131. Nitroso compounds as reagents for -. S. S. Guha-Sircar and S. C. Bhattacharjee, 473. ores and concentrates; Determination of the metals of the platinum group in -. F. E. Lathe 435. Polarographic determination of cobalt and -. Simultaneous determination in pres-ence of iron copper chromium and manga-nese. J. J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. -silver alloys ; Determination of aluminium in Nicotinamide and related substances in blood, urine and spinal fluid; Bacterial assay method for -. H. Isbell and Others 429. colour reaction with cyanogen bromide and p-naplithylamine; Quantitative cliarac-teristics of -. Turbidimetric estimation of - as phos-photungstate. L. N. Markwood 20. Nicotinic Acid and its derivatives ; Urinary escre-tion of I_ by normal individuals.D. Melnick W. 1). Robinson and H. Field 123. derivatives in human urine and their estima-tion. W. A. Perlzweig E. D. Levy and H. P. Sarett 167. in animal tissues ; Quantitative estimation of -I . in milk and its derivatives; Chemical deter-mination of -. C . I. No11 and 0. G. Jensen 504. Microbiological method for determining -. E. E. Snell and L. D. Wright 428. xralues in urine; Influence of excretion of other pyridine compounds upon theinterpretation of -. D. Melnick W. D. Robinson and €3. Field 124. -. 213. Nicotine as insecticide. 418. L. N. Markwood 20. W. J. Dann and P. Handler 427. Nigeria Acacia Zaeta gum from __ . *Ninhydrin Test Alloxan and the -. C;. S. Copley 492. Nitrate Nitrogen Micro-determination of --.I. Reifer 312. "Nitrates in water estimated by phenoldi-sulphonic acid method. Nitrite Colorimetric method for determining -_ . Nitro compounds ; Polarographic study of aliphat-ic -. Nitrogen in aluminium; Determination of com-bined -. T. Somiya and S. Hirano 311. in iron and steel; Indicators for determining combined -. S. Hirano 311. Iodimetric determination of small amounts of - with distillation. 31. Levy and -4. H. Palmer 83. Nitroso compounds as reagents for cobalt copper and nickel. S. S. Guha-Sircar and S. C. Bhattacharjee 473. 2 3 . J. S. Dunn 105. M. B. Shinn 311. . . 1 De Vries and R. W. Ivett 439 xxxiv INDEX TO Nucleic Acids pentose in -; Identification and estimation of. S. Gurin and D. B. Hood 485.Nucleo-Proteins pentose in -; Identification and estimation of. S. Gurin and D. B. Hood 425. Nutmeg Determination of ash in -. Nux Vomica and its preparations ; Colorimetric determination of strychnine in -. J. Xllen and X. L. Allport 22. 207. 0 Oat Products (Control and Maximum Prices) Obituary Notices : Order 1940. Amendment Order. 110. Davies William Lewis 443. Elliot Thomas Gifford 443. Gemmell George Harrison 90 222. Hackman Charles Adolphus 90 183. Hind Herbert Lloyd 443. Hitchen Oswald 443. Johnson Joseph Robert 2. Macnab William 443. Maudsley Frank 90. Pond James Alexander 443. Rigby William Thomas 443. Taylor Leo 90 184. Willcox Sir William 317. Bestrogens New colour reaction for naturally I. S. Kleiner 389. Oil(s) content of extract of malt with cod-liver D.C. Garratt and J. E. Woodhead, Fish -. See Fish Oils. for animal feeding purposes; B.S.I. specifica-for paints (linseed oil base). B.S.I. specifica-Hydrogenation of -. 161. Marine animal -. 461. tocopherol content of -; Modification of Emmerie’s iron-dipyridyl method for deter-mining. W. E. Parker and W. D. hlcFar-lane 209. Oleanders Microscopy of red and yellow -. 462. Oleic Acid Action of lead tetra-acetate upon hydroxylated -. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern 173. Oleyl Alcohol Action of lead tetra-acetate upon -*Olive Oil Comparison of peroxide and deteriora-tion values of oxidised -. W. H. Dickhart 69. occurring -. oil. 424. tion for vitamins A and D in -. tion No. 925. 244. 18.J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern 173. 93. tea-seed oil in -; Test to eliminate. Olives Effects of irrigation on -. Onion pungency; Factors affecting -. H. Platenius and J . E. Knott 389. “Onions “apparent” sulphur dioxide in -; Occurrence of. B. Dyer G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 9. Organic analysis. Abstracts 29 79 129 171, 211 256 303 349 391 430 472 506. Chemistry; Introduction to Practice of - in the Laboratory. 3rd Ed. (Review) H. 4dkins S. M. McElvain and M. MT. Klein, 3.53. 397. VOLUME 66 Organic-continued Chemistry; Physical -. (Review) L. P. Hammett 313. *compounds ; Determination of phosphorus in - on semi-macro scale. R. Belcher and A. L. Godbert 194. compounds ; Icdimetric determination of per-. V. R. Kokatnur and oxygen in -M.Jelling 430. halogen compounds in mineral oils ; Detection, determination and identification of -, M. S. Argruss G. IT. -4yers and H. Schindlei-, 304. materials; illicro-determination of molecular weights of dark coloured -. V. A. Aluise 438. Reagents for Analytical Use; B.D.H. Book of -. 8th Ed. (Review) 476. Syntheses Preparation of Organic Chemicals. Vol. 20. (Review). Edited by C. I;. H. Allen 263. Organo-Bismuth and other organo-metallic com-pounds; Colour tests for some -. H. Gilman and H. L. Yablunky 306. Osteosclerosis due to fluorine. 295. Ouricdry Oil and Wax M. Silva 341. Oxime precipitates ; Indirect volumetric deter-mination of copper and nickel in - N. H. Furman and J . F. Flagg 13 1. “Oxine precipitates ; Examination of - using X-ray diffraction methods.R. C. Chirnside, C. I?. Pritchard and 13 P. RooksSy 399. Erratum 461. Oxygen Determination of biochemical __ demand and dissoh-ed ___ of river mud suspensions. C. C. Ruchhoft and IT. A, Moore 170. dissolved ~ in water Sulphamic acid modi-fication of Winkler method for. S. Cohen and C. C. Ruchhoft 505. Oysters Added water in -. “peroxide -; Determination of. !9u. glycogen in -; Determination oi. 338. I-I. S. Calderwood and A. R. -‘wmstrong 203. P Paints Additional extenders for -specification No. 926. 244. priming and undercoating -. 245. tion KO. 926. 244. 1939. G. W. Baker 197. 73. s. I. B.S.I. specification KO. 929 for ready-mixed, Oil gloss. Oil for __ (linseed oil base). B.S.I. specifica-Palestine Report of Government Chemist for Pansupari ; Effects of -.Pantocaine poisoning. 16. Pantothenic Acid Microbiological assay techni-que for __ with use of Proteus Movgnnii. M. L. Pelczar and J . K. Porter 389. requirements of bacteria; Survey of -. E. J. Iirauskopf E. E. Snell and E. McCoy, 27. G. E. Ewe, 501. 462. Papain as a precipitant for gums. Paper Alkali-staining property of -. pentosans in --; Determination of 258. YI INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xxxv Paper-continued problems ; Spectrographic analysis in -. Testing - for tarnishing action. C. H. water resistance of - Method of expressing "wrappers; Routine analysis of printed -. P. Nolan 179. - Ohlwiler 217. degree of. 352. W. G. Leach 372. Parrish's Food deficient in calcium.Pastes egg-content of alimentary -; Estima-Pasture grasses from Malaya. 28. Peas maturity of frozen -; Determination of. Pectin Distinction from certain gums by Peel Oil in grapefruit juice; Determination of Penguin Oil from Falkland Islands. Pentosans in paper or other fibrous material; Determination of -. 81. Pentose in nucleic acids and nucleo-proteins ; Identification and estimation of -. S. Gurh and D. B. Hood 425. Pepper Cayenne -. 155. Peppermint Oil Dementholised -. Perbenzoic Acid in investigating sugars; Use of Perchloric Acid oxidation of organic phosphorus Perchloromethyl Mercaptan Identification of Periodate Determination of potassium as -. H. H. Willard and A. J. Boyle 509. Estimation of serine by use of -. B. H. Nicolet and L.A. Shinn 426. Estimation of threonine by use of -. L. A. Shinn and B. H. Nicolet 343. Periodic Acid Application of - to study of the hydroxylamino acids of protein hydroly-sates. A. J . P. Martin and R. L. M. Synge, 343. Permanganate in the volumetric determination of iron. W. R. Crowell W. W. Luke and T. G. Mastin 307. *Peroxide oxygen; Determination of -. 90. values for rancidity in fish oils; Determination of -. M. E. Stansby 500. Per-Oxygen in organic compounds ; Iodimetric determination of -. V. R. Kokatnur and M. Jelling 430. Perspex as means of retarding blood clotting. 421. Pests Insect - in Stored Products. (Review), H. Hayhurst 37. Peterborough Appointment of W. W. Taylor as Public Analyst to County Council and for City and Borough of -.Petroleum mercaptan sulphur content of - * Determination of. H. Schindler G. .W: Ayers and L. M. Henderson 432. products; Determination of aniline point of dark -. R. Matteson E. H. Zeitfuchs and K. R. Eldredge 431. pH in alkaline cyanide plating baths; Methods of measuring -. 241 330. tion of. E. 0. Haenni 245. F. A. Lee 248. thorium nitrate. c_ . E. F. Bryant 299. W. C. Scott 205. 162. Riboflavin in black -. G. E. Shaw and H. G. Hind 207. 379. -. 421. in lake waters. . 52. R. J. Robinson 430. -333. M. R. Thompson 214. pH-continued of wood Determination of -. I&'. G, Pharmaceutical analysis ; Absorption spectro-11. W. F. Elvidge 71. products; Daplznia method for evaluation of Pharmaceutical Society Report of research work Fharmacology (Review) J.H. Gaddum 51 1. Pharmacopoeia See British and German. Pharmacy and Medicines Act 1941. 461. Phenacetin Compound ~ tablets. *p-Phenetyl Carbamide Quantitative determina-tion of -. J . F. Hirst F. Holmes and G. W. G. Alaclennan 450. Phenobarbital in solutions; Separation and deter-mination of -. Phenol Influence of - on death rate of Bact. Zactis aerqqenes. E. A. Poole and C. K. Hinshelwood 168. *Phenoldisulphonic Acid method of estimating nitrates (in water). Phenolic Steroids New colour reaction for -. I. S. Kleiner 389. "Phenoloids Estimation of plant - in water by the Fox and Gauge method. J. S . Dunn, 105. Phenolphthalein Action of - on insoluble hydroxides. G. Sachs 175.Phenols in vanilla extract; Determination and significance of - A. K. Balls and F. E. Arana 382. Phenyl Carbylamine Chloride Identification of -. 53. p-Phenylenediamine in mixtures ; Separation and determination of -. Phosgene Identification of -. Phosphate Colorimetric determination of -. S. R. Dickman and R. H. Bray 82. Phosphatides in cow's milk fat Component acids of -. T. P. Hilditch and L. Maddison, 252. Phospholipins in blood; Analysis of -. W. N. M. Ramsay and C. P. Stewart 300. Phosphor Bronze phosphorus in -; Quantita-tive spectrographic determination of. W. E. Milligan and W. D. France 216. Phosphoric Acid in vinegar. J . W. Sanders Jr., and A. M. Henry 466. Phosphorus Atomic weight of -. Campbell and S. A. Bryant 257. photometry in -.-. in the College in 1940. I. Cohen and A. Viehover 72. 421. The Estra ___ . Martindale. 22nd Ed. Vol I. 513. 13. Sweetness of -. 464. F. A. Totondaro 70. J. S. Dunn 105. J . Carol 30. 50. 243. content of British Columbian fish oils. R. D. Heddle and J . S. Brawn 209. Determination of micro-quantities of organic -. 6. L. Horecker T. S. Ma and E. Haas 178. *in acid-resisting high-silicon irons; Deter-mination of -. in iron ore; Colorimetric determination of -. H. H. Willard and E. J. Center 350. in lake waters; Perchloric acid oxidation of organic -. *in organic compounds ; Determination of -on the semi-macro scale. R. Belcher and -1. L. Godbert 194. J. B. Cotton 286. R. J. Robinson 430 xxxvi ISDEX TO Phosphorus-co?z tinued in phosphor bronze; Quantitative spectro-graphic determination of -.W. E. Milligan and W. D. France 216. Sampling and analysis of -. J. W. H. Aldred 438. Phosphotungstate Turbidimetric estimation of nicotine as -. Photocolorimeter as means of estimating tannins in wines and spirits. M. Rosenblatt and J. V. Peluso 206. Photoelectric cell as means of detecting clay minerals in soil mortars. B. H. Knight 128. colorimeter ; Determination of blood in faeces of sheep by means of the Evelyn -. J. S. Andrews and H. J. Brooks 345. *method applied to colorimetric estimation of hydrogen peroxide with titanium sulphate. C. B. Allsopp 371. method of estimating melting range of fats 3. micro-determination of potassium in blood plasma by chloroplatinate precipitation.R. M. Tenery and C. E. Anderson 73. Photographic exposure tables. B.S.I. specifica-tion for -. 380. negative material intended for snapshot work in daylight; B.S.I. method to determine speed of -. 380. Photometric determination of soluble silica in water. H. L. Kahler 505. method for estimating iron. K. S. Pereira, 258. "Phthalin method for estimating hydrocyanic acid. R. I. Nicholson 189. Physical Chemistry; Aids to -. (Review), R. G . Austin 316. methods of analysis. Abstracts 84 178 216, 261 351 396 439 475 510. Organic Chemistry. (Review) L. P. Ham-mett 313. Physiology Plant - 2nd Ed. (Review), M. Thomas 86. Phytic Acid and the preparation of food. E. M. Widdowson 468. Picrotoxin poisoning. 378. Pig depot fats; Influence of starvation on com-T.P. Hilditch and W. H. Pigments B.S.I. specifications Nos. 927 and 928 Pilchard Oil Phosphorus and iodine content of Pilchardine Composition of -. Pilocarpine Colorimetric estimation of - and I. S. L. N. Markwood 20. position of -. Pedelty 163. for white black and coloured -. British Columbian -. 209. 245. 209. its separation from other alkaloids. Shupe 467. Plumbago as abortifacient. 17. Plant material; Determination of carotene in -with dicalcium phosphate as adsorbent. L. A. Moore 169. material ; Determination of cellulose in -. G. Jayme and W. Mohrberg 350. materials; Determination of small amounts of zinc in -. H. Cowling and E. J. Miller, 508. "phenoloids in water estimated by Fox and Guage method.Physiology 2nd Ed. (Review) M. Thomas, 86. J. S. Dunn 105. TrOLUME 66 Plant-continued tissues ; Localisation of certain constituents of -. H. Yagoda 122. - Colorimetric Plasma cholesterol in -determination of. Photoelectric method for micro-determination of blood __ by chloroplatinate precipita-tion. R. M. Tenery and C. E. Anderson 73. prothrombin in human -; Estimation of. F. K. Herbert 165. uric acid; Estimation of -. H. A. Bulger and H. E. Johns 470. Plastics in Industry. (Review). "Plastes," 315. Plating baths; Methods of measuring pH in alkaline cyanide -. M. R. Thompson, 214. Plathum group Determination of metals of -in nickel ores and concentrates. F. E. Lathe 435. Plums Fruit gumming of Victoria ~ Poisoning betel-nut -.17. by Abrus precatorius. 202. by aconite. 202 462. by arsenic in South -4frica. by carbon dioxide from ensilage. cases in Bengal 16 202; in Palestine 297; in Cyanide -. 378. Industrial -. 295. Picrotoxin -. 378. J. T. Ireiand 345. 464. 419. 378. Trinidad 65. Poisons Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Hazards Solvents and -. (Review), M. B. Jacobs 477. Cattle - in Rengal. 17. Gelsemium as -. 202. Sub-committee to Analytical Methods Com-mittee. Report No. 2. Assay of gelsem-ium. 108. Their Isolation and Identification. (Review), F. Ramford 135. Polarograph for analysis of meat-curing brines. M. Ingram 510. Polarographic determination of nickel and cobalt. J . J. Lingane and H. Kerlinger 258. determination of riboflavin and other vitamin B factors.J. J. Lingane and 0. L. Davis, 302. *Polenske Value in butter-fat ; Semi-micro modi-fication for determining -. B. Dyer, G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 355. 493. Pollution of mill pond by flour. Polony Sulphur dioxide in -. Polymers fractionation of lignins and other -; New method for. E. L. Love11 and H. Hibbert 472. Pongamia glabra cake; Free fatty acids in -. Potassium Atomic weight of -. 334. N. V. S. Rao and J. V. Rao 20. 243. J. E. Harris 165. determination ; Modified silver cobaltinitrite method for -. Determination of ___ as periodate. H. €3. Willard and A. J. Boyle 509. in biological materials ; Micro-colorimetric method for estimating -. P. W. Salit, 74. in blood plasma; Photoelectric method for micro-determination of - by chloro-platinate precipitation.R. M. Tenery and C. E. Anderson 73 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 sxm-ii Potassium-contimed *in refractory materials ; Determination of Micro-determination of -. B. Klein and Potassium Bisulphate Corrected specification Potassium Carbonate Corrected specification for Potassium Chloride Corrected specification for Potassium Dichromate Corrected specification Potassium Permanganate Corrected specifica-*Potassium Salts sodium in various -; J. Haslam and J. Potassium Sulphate as reagent ; Specification for Potato ascorbic acid in -; Distribution and concentration of. A. M. Smith and J. Gillies 27. -. J. Haslam and J . Beeley 185. M. Jacobi 83; C. R. Harington 394 for fused -. 66. anhydrous -.66. -. 66. for -. 66. tion for -. 66. Determination of -. Beeley 185. -. 65. Pottery :<Rock phosphate for -. Poultry Vitamin D requirement of pullet chicks. Relative values of genuine and controlled cod-liver oil in feeding -. M. D. Wright 126. Pregnandiol in human urine; Quantitative estimation of - E. B. Astwood and G. E. S. Jones 254. Protein hydrolysates ; Application of periodic acid to study of hydroxylamino acids of -. A. J. P. Martin and R. L. M. Synge, 343. I. Nature of the reaction. 11. Estimation of malonic acid. W. F. Ross and H. N. Christensen, 252. Effect of ageing cottonseed meal on solubility of the -. H. S. Olcott and T. D. Fon-taine 170. *of blood determined by micro-Kjeldahl and direct nesslerisation.B. A. MAcola and C. Fano 448. Proteolytic activity; Polariscopic determination of -. Q. Landis 75. Proteus Morganii Use of - in microbiolog-ical assay technique for pantothenic acid. M. J. Pelczar and J. R. Porter 389. Prothrombin in human plasma; Estimation of -. F. K. Herbert 165. Pseudohaemoglobin Differentiation of red blood cells by their - content. G. Barkan and B. S. Walker 73. Public Analysts Notes from reports of -. See Birmingham Kent Kingston upon Hull, Leicester Salford Stepiey. Society of -; See Society of Public Analysts. Pulp problems; Spectrographic analysis in -. P. Nolan 179. Purines Determination of -. G. H. Hitch-ings and C. H. Fiske 469. Nierenstein and J. C. Thomas 492. Pyrethrum as insecticide. 419. Padine Colorimetric method for determining small quantities of -.R. P. Daroga and A. G. Pollard 507. 162. Proteins Carbon suboxide and -. “Purpurogallase Preparation of - . M. Pyridine-continued compounds ; influence of excretion of other -upon the interpretation of urinary nicotinic acid values. D. Melnick TV. D. Robinson and H. Field 124. Pyrotannic Acid method for determining carbon monoxide with standard gas analysis apparatus. F. Cook 132. Pyruvic Acid in blood; Determination of - in presence of acetoacetic acid. D. Klein 253. in blood; Estimation of -. G. D. Lu 387. Elimination of aceto acetic acid in the method. S. Elgart and N. Nelson 387. Q Qualitative analysis ; Ammonium hypophosphite H. B. van Valkenburgh 2nd (Review) H. S. Booth as a flux in -.and T. C. Crawford 472. Ed. and V. R. Damerell 219. Chemical Analysis Text Book of -. (Review) A. I. Vogel 352. Quantitative Analysis. Quartz sand from Ceylon. 162. Quassia as insecticide. 419. Quinine and cinnamon tablets; Formula of -. 493. and some of its salts; Optical activity of -in water-alcohol solution. J . C. Andrews and B. D. Webb 383. Quinoline homologues and derivatives ; Fungici-dal potency of -. N. E. Rigler and G. A. Greathouse 429. Quinones Quantitative reduction-oxidation method for estimating vitamin K and associated -. N. R. Trenner and F. -4. Bacher 303. R Ramage flame emission method for the spectro-graphic analysis of solutions. R. L. Mitchell 351. Rancidity in fish oils; Determination of peroxide values for -.M. E. Stansby 500. Rare Earths Fractional partition of -. D. W. Appleton and P. W. Selwood 394. Raspberry juice; Vitamin C content of -, 359. “Rayolanda” X Identification of -. C. C. Wilcock and C. P. Tattersfield 306. Reagent(s) B.D.H. Book of Organic - for Analytical Use. 8th Ed. (Review) 476. Ceric sulphate as volumetric -. J. R. Pound 130. for carbonyl compounds ; New optically active -. R. B. Woodward T. P. Kohman and G. C. Harris 172. for cobalt and nickel; Nitroso compounds as - S. S. Guha-Sircar and S. C. Bhattacharjee 473. for copper and mercury; New -. S. J . Das-Gupta 434. for copper; 2 2’-Diquinolyl as -. J. G. Breckenridge R. W. J. Lewis and L. 9. Quick 32. New aldehyde -. F. G. Singleton and C. B. Pollard 171.Specifications for analytical -. 65 xssviii INDEX pro Red Lead hair dressing. 17. Red Oak Wood Fractionation of acetylated cell wall constituents of -. Q. P. Peniston, J. L. McCarthy and H. Hibbert 175. "Refractory materials Determination of sodium and potassium in -. J. Haslam and J. Beeley 185. Refuse House and town - as manure. 334. "Reichert Value in butter-fat ; Semi-micro modi-fication for determining -. R. Dyer, G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 355. *Reinsch Test applied to determination of traces of arsenic. J.'G. A. Griffiths 491. Resin Cawaabis sativa -; New colour reac-tions for. W. J. Blackie 342. Hal - from Ceylon. 30. Jak tree - from Ceylon. 31. Loss of preservative power of p-soft -, during boiling in wort. T. K. Walker, J.J. H. Hastings and A. Parker 122. Resinous Exudation of Grevillea leucodendvon. 63. Rheology applied to cheese-making. G. W. Scott-Blair 42. Riboflavin in black pepper. G. E. Shaw and H. G. Hind 207. in food products; Combined determination of aneurine and -. R. T. Conner and G. J. Straub 504. in tissues; Determination in vitro of -. F. 0. Van Duyne 388. in white flour; Tests for deficiency of - by means of the flour beetle. G. Fraenkel and M. Blewett 341. Polarographic determination of -. J. J. Lingane and 0. L. Davis 302. requirements of bacteria; Survey of -. E. J. Krauskopf E. E. Snell and E. McCoy, 27. Ricinolenic Acid Action of lead tetra-acetate upon -. J. T. Scanlan and D. Swern, 173. River Mud suspensions; Determination of bio-chemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen of -.C. C. Ruchhoft and W. A. Moore 170. Rock Decomposition of - with sodium carbonate. J. I. Hoffman 213. Rock Phosphate for pottery. 162. Rose Hips Vitamin C content of -. Rosenheim Test for tryptophan. D. G. Harvey, E. J. Miller and W. Robson 392. Rosin Constituents of wood - 3 5-di-methoxystilbene. Rotenone dihydrorotenone in hydrogenation products of -; Detection and estimation of. Royal Agricultural Society of England Report of Consulting Chemist for 1940. E. Voelcker, 334. Royal Jelly Chemical nature of -. G. F. Townsend and C. C. Lucas 25. Rubber B.S.I. methods of testing raw a d un-vulcanised compounded -. 162. B.S.I. methods of testing vulcanised -. 204. "soft vulcanised - Micro-analysis of.G. H. Wyatt 362. 359. R. F. B. Cox 304. L. D. Goodhue and H. L. Haller 128. Rum and coffee extract. 290. VOLUME 66 S Saccharin and sugar substitutes. J. E. W. F. Reindollar, Safeguarding of Industries (Exemption) Order, Sago (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. Salford Report of City Analyst for 1940. G. H. Salicylaldoxime Precipitation of bismuth zinc J. F. Flagg and Salmon Canned -. Woodhead 342. in foodstuffs. 458. Qualitative test for -. Sweetness of -. 464. No. 16 1940. 110 383. 291. Walker 377. and vanadium with -. hT. H. Furman 81. See Canned. Nutritive value of canned -. B. E. Bailey, 246. Vitamin content of -. M. Pyke and M. D. Salmon Oil Phosphorus and iodine content of Salt balance in irrigated areas.C. S. Scofield, naphthalene in denatured -; Determina-H. B. Dunnicliff 434. used for infanticide. 202. Samarium Selenate Solubility of -. J. N. Friend 259. Sardines Canned - (Maximum Prices) Order, 1941. 291. Sausages (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 114. Amendment Order. 33 1. General Licence under -. 33 1. Prosecution under -. 458. soya bean flour in -; Determination of, H. C. Lythgoe C. S. Ferguson and P. A, Racicot 465. Scandium Atomic weight of -. Scientific and Industrial Research Dept. of: Beetles injurious to timber and furniture. 202. Fuel Research Board Report for 1939-40. 159. Methods for detecting toxic gases in industry. Report of Atmospheric Pollution Research Survey of infestation of grain by insects. Wright 247. British Columbian -.209. 168. tion of. 243. Organic halogen compounds. 14. Committee for 1938-39. 15. J. W. Munro 116. Seaweed for manufacture of agar-agar. Seed fats. See Fats. Seeds Zamia palm -. Selenium Effect of - on Kjeldahl digestion. in lipstick. 378. *Interference of - with determination of arsenic by the hypophosphorous acid method. H. J. G. Challis 58. Senna extract in abortifacients ; Detection of -. G. Chessa 501. Serine estimation by use of periodate. B. H. Nicolet and >. A. Shinn 426. Serum cholesterol in -; Colorimetric estima-tion of. sodium in blood -; Spectrochemical deter-mination of. Sewage effluents and ocean water. Shark-Liver Oil 250. 162. 64. R. B. Bradstreet 129. J. T. Ireland 345. L. T. Steadman 385.63 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xxxix Shellac varnish ; Determination of non-volatile matter and calculation of “cut” in -. C. C. Hartman 211. Shoddy Composition of -. deficient in wool. 334. Shooting cases in Palestine. 297. Silage carotenoids in grass -; Determination of. *extracts; Buffer curves of -. R. H. Common 407. Silica gel; Platinised - as a catalyst in gas analysis. K. A. Kobe and R. A. Macdonald, 472. in water; Photometric determination of soluble -. H. L. Kahler 505. Silicates beryllium in -; Determination of minute amounts of, Silicomolybdic Acid as indicator in iron titrations. -4. C. Titus and C. W. Sill 438. *Silicon in acid-resisting high-silicon irons; Determination of -. J. B. Cotton 286. *in aluminium and its alloys; Determination of -.W. H. Hadley 488. in inonel metal copper-silicon alloys and non-ferrous alloys containing -; Determina-tion of. F. B. Clardy H. R. Maupin and R. S. Gibbs 259. Silicosis Deaths from -. 295. Silver Analysis of dental amalgams containing. mercury gold tin copper zinc and -H. J. Caul and I . C. Schoonover 509. coatings; B. N. F. Jet-test for determining thickness of -. R. A. F. Hammond 213. Micro-determination of - in toxicological analysis. S. Wehrli 178. Silver Cobaltinitrite method for potassium determination; Modified -. J. E. Harris, 165. Sloe juice; Vitamin C content of -. Smoke and rating efficiencies of industrial air filters; Measurement of - . A. C. Robertson J. G. Mulder and F. G. Van Sam 395. Snuff Calotropis gigantea as -Society of Chemical Industry Joint Meeting of Food Group of - with Society of Public Analysts.39. Society of Public Analysts Annual General Meeting. 137. 154. W. Bolton and R. H. Common 505. E. B. Sandell 81. 359. 17. Annual Report of Council. 139. Extraordinary Genera€ Meeting. 479. Joint Meeting with Food Group of Society of Non-publication of List of Members. 140. North of England Section 140 221 317 443. Proceedings 1 89 137 183 221 443 479. Scottish Section 1 90 141 221. See also Analytical Methods Committee. Soda-Mint tablets ; Deficiency of ammonium bicarbonate in -. 155. tablets; Talc in -. 155. Sodium in blood serum ; Spectrochemical deter-mination of -. *in refractory materials and in various potassium salts Determination of -.Chemical Industry. 39. L. T. Steadman 385. Sodium Bicarbonate Corrected specification for . 66. Sodium Bisulphate Corrected specification for fused -. 66. Sodium Carbonate as means of decomposing rock and ceramic material. J. I. Hoffman 213. Corrected specification for anhydrous -. 66. Sodium Chloride Corrected specification for -. 66. Sodium Fluoride as inhibitor of enzymic re-actions. Sodium Hydrosulphite Analysis of -. 257. Sodium Hydroxide Corrected specification for Sodium Hypochlorite for rapid determination of Sodium Metaphosphates Analysis of -. A. B. Sodium Nitrate Effect of - on bacteria in L. B. Jensen and W. R. Hess 429. Sodium Orthophosphates A. B. Gerber and F. T. Sodium Pyrophosphates A. B. Gerber and F.T. *Sodium Salicylate. Colorimetric estimation of Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous - A H. M. Tomlinson and -R. Dufait and L. Massart 76. -. 66. root starch. Gerber and F. T. Miles 438. meat. Miles 438. Miles 438. iron with -. primary standard. F. G. Ciapetta 507. and E. E. Kassner 132. R. T. Balch 381. R. 0. Scott 142. Corrected specification for -. 66, solutions; Prepbaration of stable -. J. L. Sodium Tungstate as reagent ; Specification for Soil(s) Application of Morgan rapid method for - to non-calcareous -. J. Tinsley and N. H. Pizer 127. cobalt and chromium in -; Determination of. A. M. M. Davidson and R. L. Mitchell, 29. mortars; Detection of clay minerals in - by the photoelectric cell. B. H. Knight 128. Solders Spectrographic analysis of tin-lead -.D. M. Smith 475. Solutions Spectrographic analysis of - by a modified Ramage flame emission method. R. L. Mitchell 351. Solvent (s) Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Poisons Hazards and - . (Review), M. B. Jacobs 477. for cryoscopic determination of molecular weights; cycloHexano1 as -. H. N. Wilson and A. E. Heron 475. Furfural as -. I-Sorbose Reducing properties of -. F. K. Broome and W. M. Sandstrom 381. Soup from rose hips. 359. South Africa Poisoning by arsenic in -. 419. South Shields Appointment of C. J. H. Stock as Public Analyst to County Borough of -. 110. Southend on Sea Appointment of D. T. Lucke as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 333. Appointment of D. T. Lucke as Agricultural -.66. F. Trimble 431. * A 5. Haslam and J Beeley 185. 451. “Soxhlet extraction method of determining fat; 66. Observations on -. H. Weatherall 61. Analyst for County Borough of A. Sodium Acetate Corrected specification for -xl IPITDEX TO VOLUME 66 Soya Bean carbohydrates; Studies on -, M. M. MacMasters S. Woodruff and H. Klaas 422. flour in sausages; Determination of -. H. C. Lythgoe C . S. Ferguson and P. A. Racicot 465. oil; Sterol glucosides from expressed -. M. H. Thornton H. R. Kraybill and J. H. Mitchell Jr. 123. Spectra Idefltification of Molecular -. (Review) R. W. B. Pearse and A. G. Gaydon 396. Spectrochemical Abstracts. Vol. 11. 1938-39. (Review) E. H. S. van Someren 220. Analysis; Bibliography of -. 2nd Ed. (Review) D.M. Smith 87. analysis; Recent advances in -. J. G. A. Griffiths and H. K. Whalley 179. analysis of cadmium in copper. F. Twyman, W. Zehden and E. S. Dreblow 84. Analysis of Metals and Alloys. (Review), F. Twyman 510. analysis of zinc-base alloys of the “Mazak” type with a note on the series spark. W. Zehden 84. determination of bismuth in biological mater-ial. L. T. Steadman and H. E. Thompson, 386. determination of sodium in blood serum. L. T. Steadman 385. methods for assay of minerals and application to gold ores. Spectrographic analysis ; Applications of __ to pulp and paper problems. P. Nolan 179. analysis of aluminium alloys ; Investigation of sources of inaccuracy arising in -. A. G. Quarrel1 and G. E. A. Bramley 180. analysis of solutions by a modified Kamage flame emission method.R. L. Mitchell 351 analysis of tin-lead solders. D. M. Smith 475. determination of phosphorus in phosphor bronze; Quantitative -. W. E. Milligan and W. D. France 216. Spectrophotometric determination of vitamins D and D,. C. H. Nield W. C. Russell and A. Zimmerli 78. determinations of solutions of vitamin B, Accuracy of -. 421. *method of determining vitamin A ; Effect of polar solvents on -. D. C. &I. Adamson and N. Evers 106. Spectrophotometry Absorption __ in pharma-ceutical analysis. 11. W. F. Elvidge 71. Spectroscopy Infra-red - applied to industrial research. N. Wright 216. Spice ash in -; Determination of. Powdered wood in mixed -. Spinal Fluid nicotinamide and related sub-stances in -; Bacterial assay rhethod for.H. Isbell and Others 429. Spirits Metallic contamination of -. K. Toishi 180. 207. 155. 63. Tannins in - estimated by means of photo-colorimeter. M. Rosenblatt and J . V. Peluso 206. Spores in coal. 159. Stains blood -; Detection of. 463. for Microscopical Work; R.D.H. Standard -. (Review) 442. Standard(s) Dietary - for East African natives. \Ir. D. Raymond 118. for chocolate confectionery. 13. for corn (maize) in U.S.A. for flour and other wheat products in the for jam; Provisions relating to -. for marmalade. 158. for vitamin E; International -. 379. U.S.A. 336. 112. 497. *Stannic Sulphide Precipitation of -. W. C. G. Wheeler 61. Starch Action of formic acid on -. D. Gottlieb C.G. Caldwell and R. M. Hixon, 249. Reducing power of -. F. F. Farley and R. M. Hixon 490. root; Rapid determination of - with sodium hypochlorite. Survey of methods for determination of -. M. P. Etheridge 248. wheat-; Fractionation of. L. H. Lampitt, C. H. F. Fuller and N Goldenberg. Parts I and 11 249; Parts I11 and IV 339; Parts V and VI 499. Steel(s) combined nitrogen in -; Indicators for determining. S. Hirano 311. copper in -; Electrolytic determination of. H. A. Frediani and C. H. Hale 131. “molybdenum in some important alloy -; Determination of. E. Gregory R. B. Foulston and F. W. Gray 444. nickel alloy -; Determination of chromium in. E. C. Pigott 176. Oxidation of graphite in analysis of -. R. H. Steinberg and F. W. Smith 438. tungsten in tungsten -; Rapid determina-tion of.D. P. Chatterjee 82. Stepney Report of Public Analyst for Metro-politan Borough of - for 1939. D. Henville 241. Sterculia foetida seed fat; Component acids of ~ T. P. Hilditch M. L. Meara and Y . A. H. Zaky 500. Sterol glucosides from expressed soya bean oil. M. H. Thornton H. R. Kraybill and J. H. Mitchell Jr. 123. Sterols from various sources. R. E. Marker and A. C. Shabica 124. Stone Effect of atmospheric pollution on weathering of -. 16. Storage Cold - (Control of Undertakings) Order 1941. 110. Stored Products Insect Pests in -. (Review), H. Hayhurst 37. Strontium in coal 160. Strychnine Colorimetric estimation of -. 462. in nux vomica and its preparations; Colori-metric determination of -.J. Allen and N. L. Allport 22. Sucrose Laevulose in presence of ~ deter-mined by a ferricyanide method. H. C. Becker and D. T. Englis 298. Sugar(s) caramelisation of raw -; Composi-tion of products resulting from. P. Cattaneo 466. Determination of copper reduced by -. T. G. Phillips 249. substitute. 14. K. T. Balch 381 INDEX TO VOLUME 66 xli Sugar (s)-continued substitutes ; Saccharin and - . J. E. Sweetness of -. 463. Use of perbenzoic acid in investigating -. 421. Sugar-Cane products ; Identification and deter-mination of aconitic acid in -. M. A. McCalip and A. H. Seibert 422. Sulphamic Acid modification of Winkler method for dissolved oxygen in water. S. Cohen and C. C. Ruchhoft 505. Sulphate in presence of chromate ; Determination of -.W. B. Meldruni W. E. Cadbury “Sulphates Titrimetric determination of semi-micro amounts of -. R. Belcher and A. L. Godbert 289. Sulphites Replacing iodine in determination of -. W. Brell 83. Sulphur Atomic weight of -. Woodhead 342. and W. W. Lucasse 474. 243. gases in the air 13. in coal; Determination of - . H. L. in coal; Forms of -. 159. in combustible gas ; Determination of organic --. F. M. Rogers and R. F. Baldastc, 171. Labile -. Use of thallous nitrate. H. Zahnd R. Alfin and &I. Schneider 300. mercaptan - content of petroleum and naphthas; Determination of. H. Schindler, G. W. Ayers and L. M. Henderson 432. Sulphur Dioxide determination ; Replacing iodine in -. W. Brell 83. *in dried onions ; Occurrence of “apparent” - .B. Dyer G. Taylor and J. H. Hamence 9. in dyed sweets. 494. in polony. 493. Brunjes and M. J. Manning 177. pollution; Measurement of -. 16. Sulphuryl Chloride Identification of --. 52. Sunderland Appointment of IV. G. Carey as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. 110. Sunflower seedlings; Boron absorption by -. C. S. Scofield L. V. Wilcox and G. Y . Blair, 169. Surgical Dressings Sterility tests on -. R. M. Savage 28. Sweetness in canned fruits; Control of -. 463. Sweets Sulphur dioxide in dyed -. Syntheses Organic -. Preparation of Or-Vol. 20 (Review). Edited 494. ganic Chemicals. by C. F. H. Allen 263. T Talc in medicinal tablets. 155. Tanganyika Territory Minimum dietary standards for East African natives.W. D. Raymond 11 8. Tannin(s) ascorbic acid in presence of -; Estimation of. A. Mirimanoff and P. de Toledo 471. in distilled liquors; Estimation of -. 206. in wines and spirits estimated by means of the M. Rosenblatt and J . V. photocolorimeter. Peluso 206. Tannin (s) -continued tea - in green-leaf and black tea; Volu-metric estimation of. D. N. Barua and E. A. H. Roberts 164. Tanning materials ; Comparative absorptions of vegetable -. J . T. Blockey C. H. Spiers and 0. Florin 175. Tantalum group ; Qualitative semi-micro analysis of -. Tar(s) Hydrogenation of -. Tar Oil winter washes ; Ministry of Agriculture specifications and methods of analysis for Tarnishing action; Testing paper for -. C. H. Ohlwiler 2 17. Tapioca flour ; Measurement and specification of colour with special reference to -.L. W. J . Holleman and L. De Vos 395. C. C. Miller and A. J . Lowe 32. 161. -. 417. (Maximum Prices) Order 1941. 291. Tea Ascorbic acid (vitamin C ) in tea. H. B. Sreerangacher 125. *caffeine in extracts of -; Determination of. J . D. Kidd H. R. Nanji and F. W. Edwards, 240. “fermentation” of Ceylon -; Studies on. J . Lamb and H. B. Sreerangachar 75. Manurial value of damaged -. 155. tannin in green-leaf and black -; Volu-metric estimation of. D. N. Barua and E. A. H. Roberts 164. Tez-Seed Oil in olive oil; Test to eliminate -. W. H. Dickhart 69. “Tellurium in copper; Determination of small amounts of -. ”Interference of - with determination of arsenic by the hypophosphorous acid method.H. J. G. Challis 58. Tephrosia as insecticide. 419. Teghrosia virginiana roots ; Non-crystalline constituents of -. L. D. Goodhue and H. E. Haller 72. U. F. Willis 414. Terbium Atomic weight of -. Terpene series ; Determination of unsaturation in -. L. M. Joshel S. A. Hall and S. Palkin 432. Textile Institute Report of Unification of Testing Methods Committee Identification of fibres. 497. Textiles Fading of dyed -. M. Luckiesh and A. H. Taylor 217. Thallium group Qualitative semi-micro analysis with reference to Noyes and Bray’s system. C. C. Miller 260. Theophylline Sodium Acetate Assay of --. G. J. W. Ferrey 22. Thiamin Application of sulphite cleavage of ___ to yeast fermentation method. A. S. Schultz and Others 210.Thiochrome Reaction in the determination of aneurine. R. T. Conner and G. J. Straub, 503. Thiocyanate as means of detecting ferric ion. R. Vanossi 508. in biological fluids; Estimation of -. L. C. Chesley 424. 243. Thiophosgene Identification of -. Thorium in monazite sand Determination of -. A. E. Williams 473 52 xlii INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Thorium Nitrate for distinguishing between pectin and certain gums. E. F. Bryant 299 Threonine estimated by use of periodate. L. A. Shinn and B. N. Nicolet 343. Thulium Atomic weight of -. Tile Works Dust in -. Timber Beetles injurious to -. Coal tar creosote for preserving -. Revision of B.S.I. specification 144 1936. Tin Analysis of dental amalgams containing mercury silver gold copper zinc and -.H. J. Caul and I . C. Schoonover 509. 243. 295. 202. 339. in canned dairy products. 464. ‘in coal-hydrogenation products. 160. ore; Analysis of -. W. Van Tongeren 434. Rapid determination of -. S. Kallman and F. Pristera 308. Tissue(s) animal-; Localisation of certain con-stituents of -. animal- ; Quantitative estimation of nicotinic acid in -. W. J. Dann and P. Handler, 427. Determination of chloride and base in same sample of -. R. B. Dean and M. M. Fishman 501. extracts ; Micro-method for estimating glyco-cyamine in - . J . W. Dubnoff and H. Borsook 346. plant-; Localisation of certain constituents of - . H. Yagoda 122. riboflavin in -; Determination in vitro of. F. 0. Van Duyne 388. Titan Yellow qualitative test for magnesium.E. B. and C. E. Otto 310. Titanium in coal ash. 160. Volumetric determination of -. H. Skolnik and W. M. McNabb 82. *Titanium Sulphate colorimetric estimation of hydrogen peroxide with -; Application of a photoelectric method to. C . B. Allsopp, 371. Titanous Chloride Reaction of coal with -. G. R. Yohe and C. A. Harman 214. Tobacco from Jamaica 16 1. Tocopherol content of oils; Modification of Emmerie’s iron-dipyridyl method for deter-mining -. W. E. Parker and W. D. McFarlane 209. Toluene as reagent; Corrected specification for Tomato products; Copper in -. products; Estimation of total solids in -. 464. *pur6e; Determination of total solids in -. A.M.C. Tomato Products Sub-committee. 319. sauce; Mould in -. 378. H. Yagoda 122.-. 66. 241 464. Toxic gases in industry; Methods for detecting -. Organic halogen compounds. 14. Toxicological analysis ; Micro-determination of silver in -. Tracer isotopes in analytical chemistry. J. F. Flagg and E. 0. Wiig 439. Treasury Safeguarding of Industries (Exemp-tion) Order No. 16 1940. *Trichloroethylene :Determination of -. D. F. Kelly M. O’Connor and J. Reilly 489. Trigonelline in urine and foodstuffs; Estimation of -. E. Kodicek and Y. L. Wang 388. S. Wehrli 178. 110. Trinidad and Tobago Report of Government L. S. Davis 64. 2 4 6-Trinitrotoluene in air; Estimation of Tripe Bleached -. Tryptophan Adamkiewicz Hopkins and Cole, and Rosenheim tests for -. D. G. Harvey E. J. i\liller and W. Robson 392. Tune Oil Development in Empire countries.225. from Cyprus. Japanese and Chinese -. R. Yamasaki, K. Itihara and K. Arisaka 129. Tungsten group ; Qualitative semi-micro analysis of -. in tungsten steel; Rapid determination of -. D. P. Chatterjee 82. Tungsten-Nickel and Tungsten-Silver electrode systems in neutralisations. H. G. Dietrich and P. J. Bender 262. Tynemouth Appointment of W. G. Carey as Agricultural Analyst for County Borough of Appointment of W. G. Carey as Public Analyst for County Borough of -. Chemist for 1939. -. 257. 378 498. S . G. Willimott 174. C. C. Miller and A. J. Lowe 32. -. 451. 333. U Ultra-Violet absorption spectra of barbituric acid and its l-methyl and 1 3-dimethyl derivatives. R. E. Stuckey 250. United States of America Definitions and stan-dards for flour and other wheat products.336. Uric Acid in fowl’s excreta; Colorimetric estima-tion of -. plasma -; Estimation of. H. A. Bulger and H. E. Johns 470. Urinary excretion of nicotinic acid and its derivatives by normal individuals. D. Melnick W. D. Robinson and.H. Field 125. nicotinic acid values; Influence of excretion of other pyridine compounds upon interpreta-tion oi -. D. Melnick W. D. Robinson and H. Field 124. Urine aneurin and its metabolic products in - Determination of. A. S. Schultz, L. Aikh and C. N. Frey 166. ascorbic acid in -; Stability and state of. S. Banerjee 77. extracts ; Application of 17-ketosteroids to -. A. F. Holtorff and F. C. Koch 78. lead in - ; Determination of minute amounts of.nicotinamide and related substances in -; Bacterial assay method for. H. Isbell 429. Nicotinic acid derivatives in human - and their estimation. W. A. Perlzweig E. D. Levy and H. P. Sarett 167. pregnandiol in human -; Quantitative estimation of. E. B. Astwood and G. E. S. Jones 254. trigonelline in - * Estimation of. E. Kodicek and Y . L. Wang 388. vitamin B in - ; Estimation of. M. Jowett 77. vitamin C in -; Determination of. G. T. Meiklejohn and C . P. Stewart 504. Standards for corn (maize). 379. J. C. D. Hutchinson 254. J . E. Kench 24 INDEX TO V Vane Use of 3 5-dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of amino-acids in separating the isomers of leucine and -. Van Slyke Method for determining amino-nitrogen in solid samples; Apparatus for _I .0. Klemm and K. H. Meyer 349. Vanadium Identification of small amounts of - . J. M. Bach 130. in water; Quantitative estimation of -. J. M. Bach and R. A. Trelles 130. Precipitation of - with salicylaldoxime. J. I;. Flagg and N. H. Furman 81. Vanilla extract; phenols in -; Determination and significance of. A. K. Balls and F. E. Arana 382. Varnish Determination of non-volatile matter and calculation of “cut” in shellac -. C. C . Hartman 211. Vegetable Oil Measurement of oxidation of a -. G. L. Clark and F. M. Rugg 391. Vermiculite as substitute for cork. Viburnum alnifolium Characteristics of -. H. W. Youngken and J. C. Munch 251. Vinegar caramel in -; Detection of. H. M. Gulick. 466. mineral acid in -; Detection and determina-tion of.D. C. Jenkins 328. Phosphoric acid in -. J. W. Sanders Jr. and A. M. Henry 466. Vitamin content of food ; Influence of cooking on content of salmon. M. Pyke and M. F. products; Canadian regulations on -. 196. Vitamin A content of butter-fat; Effect of vita-H. J. Deuel and content of dairy butters; Estimation of total R. H. Neal C . H. Haurand and F. H. content of human blood; Effect of alcohol on (Control) Order 1941. 332. *determinations by the spectrophotometric method; Effect of polar solvents on -. D. C. M. Adamson and N. Evers 106. in caped salmon. in dripping. K. M. Henry and Others 210. in human blood; Estimation of - . s. Yudkin 387. in oil for animal feeding purposes; B.S.I. specification. 18. potency of butter in relation to its chemical analyses.G. S. Fraps A. R. Kemmerer and W. W. Meinke 471. Physicochemical assay of - . N. D. Embree 503. studies with rats and pigs. R. Braude and Others 427. Vitamin B factors ; Polarographic determination of riboflavin and other -. J. J . Lingane and 0. L. Davis 302. Vitamin B (Control) Order 1941. 195. in urine; Estimation of -. M. Jowett 77. in vertebrate muscle. solutions ; Accuracy of spectrophotometric B. W. Town 384. 224. -. 421. Wright 247. min A intake on -. Others 388. -. Luckmann 503. - . S. W. Clausen and Others 302. T. Moore 388. M. Pyke 76. determinations of -. 421. VOLUME 66 xliii Vitamin B, Colorimetric estimation of -*Vitamin C content of wild fruit products. (Control) Order 1941. 291. in tea. H.B. Sreerangacher 125. in urine; Determination of - . G. T. Meiklejohn and C. P. Stewart 504. Vitamin D in dripping. K. M. Henry and Others 210. in oil for animal feeding purposes; B.S.I. specification. 18. Vitamin Da Spectrophotometric determination of -. C. H. Nield W. C . Russell and A. Zimmerli 78. Vitamin D B.S.I. method for assaying - by the Chick method. 18. requirement of pullet chicks. M. D. Wright, 126. Spectrophotometric determination of -. C. H. Nield W. C. Russell and A. Zimmerli, 78. Vitamin E International standard for -‘ 497. Vitamin Kl and associated quinones and naphtha-quinones ; Quantitative reduction-oxidation method for estimating -. N. R. Trenner and F. A. Bacher 303. and related compounds; Hydro oxido and other derivatives of -.M. Tishler L. F. Fieser and N. L. Wendler 126. J. V. Scudi 427. M. Andross 358. W Wall-Paper mica. 226. Wandsworth Appointment of J. E. Woodhead as Deputy Public Analyst for Metropolitan Water analysis. carbonates in -; Mixed indicator bromo-cresol green and methyl red for. S. S. Cooper 429. Drinking - in a zinc bucket. fluorine in -; Determination of small amounts of. 0. J. Walker and G. R. Finlay, 215. in benzene; Determination of - J. H. Simons and E. M. Kipp 433. Erratum, p. iii. *in English cheeses. in presence of carbonyl compounds determined by means of Karl Fischer reagent. W. M. D. Bryant J. Mitchell Jr. and D. M. Smith, 172. lake- ; Perchloric acid oxidation of organic phosphorus in -. R. J. Robinson 430.*Metallic contamination of hot ,- from cylinders of bare and tinned copper. L. Wilkinson and S. H. Wilson. 322. Errata p. iii. *Nitrates in - estimated by the phenol-disulphonic acid method. J. S. Dunn 105. *Plant phenoloids in - estimated by the Fox and Gauge method. J . S. Dunn 105. resistance of paper; Method of expressing degree of -. 352. silica in -; Photometric determination of soluble. H. L. Kahler 505. Borough of - 333. Abstracts 170 429 505. 154. J. R. Nicholls 265 xliv INDEX TO VOLUME 66 Water-continued tanks; Pitting of galvanised iron -. vanadium in --; Quantitative estimation of. J. M. Bach and R. A. Trelles 130. *Weighing Observations on precision of -with microchemical balances. M. Corner and H. Hunter 149. Weights See Atomic and Molecular. Western Australia Report of Chemical Branch Mines Dept for 1939. Wheat Bromine in Argentine - . G. Karman P. Cattaneo and J . Viggiano 340. products; Definitions and standards for -in the U.S.A. 336. starch; Fractionation of -. L. H. Lampitt, C. H. F. Fuller and N. Goldenberg. Parts I and 11. 249; Parts I11 and IV. 339; Parts V and VI. 499. Wigan Appointment of J. G. Sherratt as Deputy Public Analyst for County Borough of-. 110. Wine(@ Acetaldehyde in red -. M. A. Joslyn and C. L. Comar 467. Tannins in - estimated by means of photo-colorimeter. Tv9. Rosenblatt and J. V. Peluso 206. Winklier Method for dissolved oxygen in water; Sulphamic acid modification of -. S. Cohen and C. C. Ruchhoft 505. *Wood fibres ; Differentiation of chemical and mechanical -. p H of - ; Determination of. W. G. Campbell and S. A. Bryant 257. rosin; Constituents of - 3 5-dimethoxy-stilbene. Wool Amino-acid composition of -. A. J. Martin and R. L. M. Synge 254. cloth; Estimation of damage in undyed and dyed -. B. A. Ryberg 213. scourings; Lanoline from -. 379. *Wrapping materials ; Measurement of water vapour permeability of - . W. G. Leach 241. *paper; Routine analysis of printed -. W. G. Leach 372. 13. H. Bowley 62. W. G. Leach 415. R. F. B. Cox 304. X Xanthine Estimation of -. G. H. Hitchings, 425. *X-ray diffraction methods in the examination of oxine precipitates. R. C. Chirnside C . F. Pritchard and H. P. Rooksby. 399. Erratum 451. Xylene as reagent; Corrected specification for Xylyl Bromide Identification of -. -. 66. 51. Y Yeast Biological test for examining brewery -. J. A. Burns 348. fermentation method ; Application of the sul-phite cleavage of thiamin (aneurin) to -A. S. Schultz and Others 210. Yorkshire West Riding Appointment of F.W. M. Jaffk as Deputy Public Analyst to County Council of -. 110. Z Zamia Palm seeds. 64. Zea mais stigmas; Constituents of petroleum extract of -. A. Zaki and G. Soliman, 122. Zinc Analysis of dental amalgams containing mercury silver gold tin copper and -. H. J . Caul and I. C. Schoonover 509. -base alloys of the “Mazak” type; Spectro-chemical analysis of -. W. Zehden 84. *cobalt in presence of -; Determination by internal electrolysis. Determination of - with anthranilic acid, C. W. Anderson 394. *in brass or bronze; Rapid method for direct determination of -. W. Hoffman and G. B. Thackray 321. in food and biological materials ; Bibliography on ___ 452. *in magnesium alloys and nickel alloys; Determination of -. *in magnesium alloys ; Determination of -. G. H. Osborn 412. in plant materials; Determination of small amounts of -. H. Cowling and E. J. Miller 508. Precipitation of - with salicylaldoxime. J. F. Flagg and N. H. Furman 81. Zinc Oxide as reagent; Specification for -. 66 Zinc Sulphide Precipitation of - from citrate solution. S. A. Coleman and G. B. L. Smith 435. Zinc Uranyl Acetate method for determining sodium chloride in potassium chloride. 187 J. G. Fife 192. E. Q. Laws 54. PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAN
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