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Volume 84,
Issue 1,
Page 001-032
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T H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 84 1 9 5 9 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . H E F F E R & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDT H E ANALYST THE JOURNAL OF The Society for Analytical Chemistry A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 84 1 9 5 9 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY W . H E F F E R & S O N S , L T D . 4 PETTY CURY, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLANDTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K. A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.1 .C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J.HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., DSc., D.Phil., W. C . JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. F. R. I. C. AND THE D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society A. J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, BSc.; S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P. W. SHALLISTHE ANALYST PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman: K.A. WILLIAMS, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.Inst.P., F.R.1 .C. N. L. ALLPORT, F.R.I.C. A. L. BACHARACH, M.A., F.R.I.C. B. A. ELLIS, O.B.E., M.A., F.R.I.C. D. C. GARRATT, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.I.C. J. H. HAMENCE, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. HASLAM, DSc., F.R.I.C. H. M. N. H. IRVING, M.A., DSc., D.Phil., W. C . JOHNSON, M.B.E., F.R.I.C. J. I. M. JONES, D.Sc., F.R.I.C. E. Q. LAWS, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. R. F. MILTON, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. J. G. SHERRATT, B.Sc.Tech., F.R.I.C. L. S. THEOBALD, M.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.R.I.C. T. S. WEST, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.I.C. F. R. I. C. AND THE D. W. WILSON, M.Sc., F.R.I.C. PRESIDENT AND HONORARY OFFICERS President of the Society R. C. CHIRNSIDE, F.R.I.C. Hon. Secretary of the Society R. E. STUCKEY, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.P.S., F.R.I.C. Hon. Treasurer of the Society A.J. AMOS, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.I.C. Hon. Assistant Secretaries of the Society L. BREALEY, BSc.; S. A. PRICE, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Editor J. B. ATTRILL, M.A., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor P. W. SHALLISINDEX TO VOLUME 84 INDEX TO NAMES A Adams, C. A. Review of Kleinfeld and Dunn’s U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953-1957, 254. Adey, K. A. Routine cryoscopic assay for ,!3-pico- line, y-picoline and 2 : 6-lutidine, 560. - ef al. Detmng. small amounts of a-picoline in pyridine by solution-temperature method, 414. Albert, A. Heterocyclic Chemistry. (Publication received), 472. Allen, M. de V., et al. Detmng. soil nitrates with brucine reagent, 635. Allport, N. L. - Review of Boltz’s Colorimetric Determination of Nonmetals, 121.- Review of Evers and Caldwell’s Chemistry of Drugs. 3rd Edn., 471. Amos, A. J. Review of Jacob’s Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. Anderson, D. M. W. Applications of infra-red spectroscopy : identifying and detmng. gas- chromatographic fractions, 50. Andrew, A. Ashbrook, A. W. Detmng. small amounts of tri- isooctylamine in aqueous solution, 177. Ashley, M. G. Detmng. organo-mercury residues in plant material, 692. Attrill, J. B. Review of Dyson’s Short Guide to Chemical Literature. 2nd Edn., 674. Audubert, R., et al. Principles of Electrophoresis. Translated by A. J . Pomerans. (Publication re- ceived), 327. Aytoun, R. S. C.,.et 42. Biological assay for gib- berellic acid with rice seedlings, 216. Obituary of F, L. Okell, 525. 3rd Edn., 523.Obituary of H. Dryerre, 474. B Bacharach, A. L. Review of Fruton and Sim- Back, 8. Review of Flavor Research and Food Badoz-Lambling, J., ef al. Rkactions Electro- Bagshawe, B. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : Baker, E. A,, ef al. Colorimetric detmn. of dieldrin Baker, J. L. Obituary, 262. BBnhidi, Z. G. Improvements in agar-plate test for thiamine factors with Ladobacillus fermenti 36, 657. Banks, J. Absorptiometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen, 700. Bark, L. S., et al. Additive effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids, 454. Barnes, J. M. Review of Bentley’s Biological Methods for Evaluation of Rodenticides, 195. Basolo, F., et al. Mechanism of Inorganic Re- actions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. (Review), 120.Bauman, R. P., et al. Advanced Analytical Chemistry : Absorption of Infra-red Radiation. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 523. monds’ General Biochemistry. Acceptance, 194. . chimiques. (Publication received), 756. review, 475. in extracts of coffee bark, 376. 2nd Edn., 468. Beckett, A. H., et al. Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Bender, A. E., et al. Collaborative test of Moore and Stein’s resin-chromatographic method for detmng. amino acids, 526. Benedetti-Pichler, A. A., et al. Monographien aus dem Gebiete der Qualitativen Mikroanalyse. Vol. I. (Publication received), 327. Bennett, A. H. Obituary, 76, 262. Bennett, G. 1. Obituary, 197, 260. Bentley, E. W. Biological Methods for Evaluation of Rodenticides.(Publication received), 71 ; (Review), 195. Bentley, H. R., et al. Cigarette Smoke Condensate: Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation. (Publication received), 756. Berecki-Biedermann, C., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Review), 120. Bier, 1. Electrophoresis : Theory, Methods and Applications. (Publication received), 524. Bjerrum, J., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Review), 120. Blasius, E. Chromatographische Methoden in der , analytischkn und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustauscher. (Review), 469. Blenkin, J. Applications of EDTA.(Summary), 621. Bolts, D. F. Colorimetric Determination of lion- metals. (Review), 121. Boos, R. N. Volumetric micro detmn. of organi- cally bound sulphur and organic and inorganic sulphates, 633. Booth, E., et al. Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion method, 546. Booth, V. H. Extraction of pigments from plant material, 464. Borrowdale, J., et al. Detmng. boron in plain- carbon and alloy steels, 426. Brakkan, 0. R., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of ct-tocopherol, 706. Brealey, L., et al. Detmng. chloroform in aqueous pharmaceutical preparations, 221. Brezina, M., et al. Polarography in Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy. (Publication re- ceived), 122; (Review), 470. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie. (Review), 71. Detmng. mercury by dis- tillation from compounds and preparations, 622. Introduction to Electronic Theories of Organic Chemistry.(Review), 196. Review of Automatic Measuveiweizt of Quality in Process Plants, 255. Detmng. phenkaptone residues in fruit and vegetables, 102. Principles of Humane Experi- mental Technique. (Publication received), 472. Cigarette Smoke Condensate: Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation, (Publication received), 756. Broda, E. Brookes, H. E., et al. Brown, F. X-Ray fluorescence analysis, 344. Brown, G. I. Brown, J. F. Brunink, H., et aZ. Burch, R. L., et al. Burgan, J. G., et al.vi INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Burger, A., et al. Journal of Medicinal and Phar- maceutical Chemistry. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Assay of L-phenylalanine in casein hydrolysates, 750.Rapid detmn. of total sulphur in soils and plants, 239. Burns, S. M., et al. Butters, B., et al. C Cab, R. S. Introduction to Chemical Nomencla- ture. (Publication received), 676. Caldwell, D., et al. Chemistry of Drugs. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 266 ; (Review), 47 1. Cameron, J. F. Beta and gamma absorption methods in analysis of intact samples. (Sum- mary), 199. Campbell, A. D., et al. Anomalous alkoxyl values for tert.-butyl substituted phenols, 190. Carey, A. Obituary, 329. Casson, C. B., et al. Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids, 28 1. cernh, V. M., et al. Detmng. acrylonitrile in various materials, 65. Chalmers, R. A. Modern methods of silicate rock analysis. (Summary), 403. Chamot, E. M., et al.Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. Vol. I. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 469. Charlot, G., ef al. Rgactions glectrochimiques. (Publication received), 756. Chatfield, H. W. Paint Trade Manual of Raw Materials and Plant. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 400. Chenery, E. M., et al. Rapid detmn. of total sulphur in soils and plants, 239. Chettleburgh, V. J., et al. Anomalous alkoxyl values for tert.-butyl substituted phenols, 190. Chirnside, R. C. Review of Lawson and Nielsen’s Preparation of Single Crystals, 467. - Review of Determination of Nitrogen in Steel, 326. Christiansen, J. A. Manual of Physico-Chemical Symbols and Terminology. IUPAC, 572. Clark, R. E. D., et al. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals, 16.Clarke, E. G. C. Antazoline for identifying nitrate and nitrite, 662. Coates, V. J,, et al. Gas Chromatography. (Re- view), 467. Coe, F. R,, et al. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in paper and water by polarisation end-point pro- cedure, 62. - Volumetric detmn. of chloride in titanium and zirconium by polarisation end-point procedure, 55. Coldwell, B. B. Application of ultra-violet light and diphenylamine to spot tests for explosives, 665. Coleman, R. F., et al. Detmng. oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation, 233. Corner, M. Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound halogens, arsenic, phosphorus and boron, , 41. Cox, J. D., et al. Detmng. small amounts of or-picoline in pyridine by solution-temperature method, 414. Crook, E. M., et al.Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Cullum, D. C., e t al. Detmng. barium and sulphate with E.E.T,. flame photometer, 113. D David, D. J. Detmng. calcium in plant material by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, 536. Davidson, W. M., e f al. Symposium on Nuclear Sex. (Publication received), 71. Davies, C. W. Principles of Electrolysis. (Publica- tion received), 400. Davies, M. T. Universal buffer solution for ultra- violet spec trophotome try, 248. de la Mare, P. B. D., et al. Aromatic Substitution: Nitration and Halogenation. (Publication re- ceived), 524. de Mende, S., et al. Principles of Electrophoresis. Translated by A. J. Pomerans. (Publication received), 327.Desty, D. H. Gas Chromatography 1958. (Pub- lication received), 72; (Review), 398. Dhont, J. H. Polarographic detmn. of nitrate in meat and meat-curing brines, 372. Dick, D. M. Qualitative analysis by solvent ex- traction methods. (Summary), 402. Dixon, B. E., et al. Field detmn. of lead fume, 46. - Field detmn. of phosgene, 463. Dixon, 5. Obituary of H. J. Evans, 200. Doell, B. H., et al. Collaborative test of Moore and Stein’s resin-chromatographic method for detmng. amino acids, 526. Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Volumetric analysis of stannous and total tin in acid-soluble tin com- pounds, 10. Donald, M. B., et al. Donaldson, J. D., et al. Dryerre, H. Obituary, 329, 474. Duboff, G.S. All-glass self-cleaning steam-dis- tillation apparatus, 619. Dnffleld, W. D. Separation and colorimetric detmn. of cobalt in presence of copper and nickel, 455. Dunn, A. T., et al. Biological assay for gibberellic acid with rice seedlings, 216. Dunn, C. W., et al. US. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic ,4ct (Jtdicial and Administrative Record), 1953-195 I . (Review), 254. Dunstone, J. R., et al. Simple spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc with EDTA, 110. Dune, A. J., Obituary, 197. Duyckaerts, G. Infra-red analysis of solid sub- stances : review, 201. Dyson, G. M. Short Guide to Chemical Literature. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 674. E Eckenfelder, W. W., jun., et al. Biological Treat- ment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes.Vol. 11. (Review), 7 1. Edisbury, J. R. Obituary of T. W. Lovett, 674. Eichner, H., et al. Reading German for Scientists. (Publication received), 472. Eijgelaar, G., e t al. Microbiological detcn. of preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain, 293. Elliott, C. R., et al. Detmng. copper in high-alloy steels, 237. Ellis, B. A. Review of Hodgman, Weast and Selby’s Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 40th Edn., 471. - Re\.ien. of 0rga:iic Sjgufheses. Vol. 38, 571.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 vii Elvidge, D. A,, ef al. Detmng. chloroform in aqueous pharmaceutical prepns., 221. - Gas chromatography for detmng. water in pharmaceutical preparations, 461 ; Erratum, 572.Elving, P. J., et al. Treatise on Analytical Chem- istry. Part I. Vol. I. (Publication received), 756. English, E. Rapid detmn. of benzoic acid in soft drinks, 465. Evans, H. J. Everest, D. A., et al. Detmng. thorium in ores by liquid - liquid extraction, 312. Everett, D. H. Introduction to Study of Chemical Thermodynamics. (Publication received), 572. Evers, N. Review of B.D.H. Book of Organic Re- agents. 10th Edn. 466. - Review of X V Congresso Internacional De Quimica Pura E Aplicada. - et al. Chemistry of Drugs. 3rd Edn. (Pub- lication received), 256; (Review), 471. Obituary, 73, 200, 262. Vol. I, 399. F Fagerson, I. S., et al. Gas Chromatography. (Re- view), 467. Fairbrother, R. W. Text-book of Bacteriology. 8th Edn. (Publication received), 327.Feigl, F. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. Trans- lated by R. E. Oesper. 6th Edn. (Review), 121. Ferrett, D. J. Analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. (Summary) , 200. Fieser, L. F., et al. Steroids. (Publication re- ceived) , 676. Fieser, M., et al. Steroids. (Publication received) , 676. Fisher, R. A. Smoking: The Cancer Controversy. (Publication received), 472. Flaschka, H. A. EDTA Titrations : Introduction to Theory and Practice. (Publication received), 327; (Review), 620. Francis, A. G. Obituary, 262. Freegarde, M., et al. Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of molybdenum, vanadium and titanium in low-alloy steels, 393. - Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of copper and nickel in low-alloy steels, 716. - Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn.of ethyl methyl ketone and ethyl acetate, 396. Friend, J., et al. Rapid detmn. of constituent components in carotenoid extracts from leaf tissue, 654. Fruton, J. S., et al. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 468. G Gacoka, P., e f al. Detmng. soil nitrates with brucine reagent, 636. Gaden, E. L., jun., e f al. Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Gage, J. C. Calibration of hand pumps for air sampling, 519. - Indicator tube for detmng. trichloroethylene in air, 509. Galloway, N. McN. Flame-photometric detmn. of iron, copper and cobalt in cobalt mattes and concentrates, 505. aangolli, D. 1. Obituary, 262. Garg, S. P., et al. Differential Thermal Analysis as Applied to Building Science.(Publication received), 472. Garratt, D. C. Review of Chamot and Mason’s Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. Vol. I. 3rd Edn., 469. Gautier, J.-A. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke et d’Analyse Eromatologique. 7th Series. (Publication received), 676. Glick, D. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VII. (Publication received), 472; (Review), 674. Gordon, L., et al. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution. (Publication received), 472. Gorsuch, T. T. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials, 135. Graham, R. J. T., et al. Additive effect of sub- stituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of phenoxyacetic acids, 454. Gray, C. H. Review of Wright’s Introduction to Pathology.3rd Edn., 256, Gray, G. W. Steric Effects in Conjugated Systems. (Publication received), 122. Green, J., et al. Complete analysis of tocopherol mixtures. I. Introduction and investigation into differential coupling reactions, 297. II. Separating nitroso-tocopherols by paper chroma- tography and their detmn., 304. Greenfield, 8. Spectrophotometric detmn. of silica in presence of fluorine and phosphorus, 380. Greenhow, E. J., et al. Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl, 457. GrifEn, F. J., et al. Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids, 28 1. H Haddock, L. A., et al. Detmng. a-(4-chloro-2- methy1phenoxy)-propionic acid in commercial acid, 94. Hais, I. M., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Vol. I. (Publication received), 524.Halliday, J., et al. Detmng. alkylbenzenesulpho- nates in river waters and sewage, 552. Hamence, J. H. Address of retiring President, 271. Hames, G. E., et al. Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 385. Hampel,. C. A., et al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VIII. (Publication received), 624. Hands, (3. C., et al. Field detmn. of phosgene, 463. Hardie, D. W. F. Electrolytic Manufacture of Chemicals from Salt. (Publication received), 766. Harding, A. J. Ammonia Manufacture and Uses. (Publication received) , 766. Hardon, H. J., et al. Detmng. phenkaptone residues in fruit and vegetables, 102. Harman, H. Obituary, 329. Haskew, R. S. Obituary, 525. Haslam, J. Review of Desty’s Gas Chromatogra#hy 1958, 398. - Review of Jones’ Analytical Chemistry: New Techniques, 326.- Review of Sharpe’s Principles of Oxidation and Reduction, 673. - e f al. Identifying nylon and related polymers by ring paper chromatography, 656. Haurowitz, F. Progress in Biochemistry : Report on Biochemical Problems and on Biochemical Research since 1949. (Publication received) , 400. Hawkins, J. B., et al. Laboratory Manual of Chemical Pathology. (Publication received) , 624; (Review) , 754. Hawthorne, J. Obituary, 262. Hein, H., et al. Reading German for Scientists. (Publication received), 472.viii INDEX TO Herington, E. F. G. Zone melting, with comments on analytical potentialities : review, 680. Herriot, C. T. M., et al. Translators of Voisin’s Soil, Grass and Cancer. (Publication received), 676. Hewson, J., et al.Detmng. lead styphnate in priming compositions used in explosives, 183 ; Erratum, 256. Hosther, R. C., et al. Oxidised nitrogen in waters and sewage effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry, 548. Hobson, F., et al. Detmng. magnesium oxide and silica in magnesium trisilicate and calcined magnesite, 520. Hobson-Frohock, A. Effect of water on detmn. of tocopherols, 567. Hodgman, C. D., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 40th Edn. (Publication received), 256; (Review), 471. Holness, D. Detmng. linalol : comparative study of Glichitch and Fiore methods by gas - liquid partition chromatography, 3. Holness, H., et al. Systematic semi-micro qualita- tive analysis of anionic surface-active agents : addendum, 392. Hucknall, E. Obituary, 262. Hunter, GI.Micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid, 24. I Irving, H. Review of Basolo and Pearson’s Mechan- i s m of Inorganic Reactions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solution, 120. - Review of Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach and Sillen’s Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11, 120. - Review of Brown’s Introduction to Electronic Theories of Organic Chemistry, 196. - Review of Smith’s Sequestration of Metals: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applica- tions, 755. - Review of Sutton’s Tables of Interatomic Dis- stances and Conjigurations in Molecules and Ions 196. - Review of West and Sykes’ Analytical Applica- tions of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-A cetic Acid, 673. - et al.Automatic titrimeter for plotting true- scale titration curves, 641. - Versatile electronic device for counting drops of eluant in chromatography or operating ancillary apparatus after pre-set counts or pre-set times, 317. J Jackson, E. Separating and detmng. rhodium and iridium, 106. Jackson, E. W. Obituary, 73. Jacobs, M., et al. Smoke-eliminating device for vapour-phase chromatographic-fraction collector, 671. Jacobs, M. B. Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 523. Jacobson, C. A., et al. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. VoI. VIII. (Publication received), 524. James, A. T. Review of Coates, Noebels and Fagerson’s Gas Chromatography, 467. Jamieson, G. R. Quantitative analysis using thermal conductivity detcn.(Summary), 74. VOLUME 84 Jam, G. J. Bibliography on Molten Salts. (Pub- lication received), 7 1. Jaswon, M. A. Studies in Crystal Physics. (Pub- lication received), 756. Jeffery, P. G., et al. Precipitation of manganese in silicate-rock analysis, 663. Jenkins, E. N., et al. Detmng. small amounts of neptunium in plutonium metal, 596. Jenkins, R. H., et al. Detmng. boron in plain- carbon and alloy steels, 426. Johncock, P., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. 111. De- composition of fluoro and chlorofluoro compounds by diphenyl- sodium - dimethoxyethane complex, 245. Johnson, @. A. Applications of EDTA. (Summary), 622. - Review of Flaschka’s E D T A Titrations: Intro- duction to Theory and Practice, 620. Jones, A., et al.Assay of L-phenylalanine in casein hydrolysates, 750. Jones, A. G. Analytical Chemistry: New Techni- ques. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 326. Jones, B., et al. Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of molybdenum, vanadium and titanium in low-alloy steels, 393. - Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of copper and nickel in low-alloy steels, 716. - Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of ethyl methyl ketone and ethyl acetate, 396. Jordan, L. A. Report on Education and Training in the Paint Industry. IUPAC, 572. K Kappelmeier, C. P. A. Chemical Analysis of Resin- based Coating Materials. (Publication received), 756. Kaufmann, H. P. Analyse der Fette und Fett- produkte einschliesslich der Wachse, Harze und verwandter Stoffe. Vols. I and 11. (Publication received), 196.Kaye, G. W. C., et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 12th Edn. (Publication received), 524. Kellie, A. E. Review of Neher’s Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbin- dungen, 466. Kennedy, H., et al. Translators of Voisin’s Soil, Grass and Cancer. (Publication received), 676. Keulemans, A. I. M., et al. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 756. King, E. J. Qualitative Analysis and Electrolytic Solutions. (Publication received), 572. King, J. S., jun., et al. Colour reaction for detcng. and detmng. chromones and related compounds, 694. Kingsbury, K. J., ef al. Modified hydroxamic acid method for detmng. total esterified fatty acids in plasma, 409. Kirby, R. H. Tropical Science. Vol. I, No. 1, 1959.(Publication received), 327. Klein, L. River Pollution: 1. Chemical Analysis. (Publication received), 472; (Review), 755. Kleinfeld, V. A,, et al. US. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953-1957. (Review), 254. Khe, G. M. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part I. Knox, J. H. Application of gas chromatography to gas reaction kinetics. (Summary), 75. Kolthoff, I. M., ef al. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Vol. I. (Publication received), 756. (Publication received), 572.INDEX TO Kondos, A. C., ef al. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon tetrachloride in blood, 67. Kratz, P., ef al. Smoke-eliminating device for vapour-phase chromatographic-fraction collector, 671. Krishnamurthi, M., et al. Detmng. potassium guaiacolsulphonate in pharmaceutical prepara- tions, 522.Kritchevsky, D. Cholesterol. (Publication re- ceived), 72. Kunstmann, F. H., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of germanium with phenylfluorone, 324. Kyte, V., et al. Inexpensive high-frequency titra- tion apparatus for general laboratory use, 647. L Laby, T. H., et al. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 12th Edn. (Publication received), 624. Lambertsen, G., et al. Spectrophotometric detmn. of a-tocopherol, 706. Lambie, D. A. Radiochemical tracer analysis : new approach resulting in increased accuracy, 173. Langford, K. E. Analysis of Electroplating and Related Solutions. 2nd Edn. (Publication re- ceived), 122; (Review), 468. Laurence, D. R. Quantitative Methods in Human Pharmacology and Therapeutics.Vol. 3. (Pub- lication received), 400. Laws, E. Q. Detmng. Phosdrin in vegetables, 323. - et al. Detmng. demeton-methyl residues in plant material, 28. Lawson, W. D., et al. Preparation of Single Cry- stals. (Publication received), 122 ; (Review), 467. bake, R. H., et al. Colour reaction for detcng. and detmng. chromones and related compounds, 694. Lederer, M. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in Chromatography, Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Vol. I. (Publication received), 400. Lewis, F. M., et al. Silicones. (Publication re- ceived), 524. Lewis, S. J. Obituary, 525. Liddell, H. F., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cysteine, 188. Linke, W. F. Solubilities: Inorganic and Metal- Organic Compounds. A - Ir. Vol. I. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 256. Quantitative detmn.of noble metals by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, 385. Lockyer, R., et al. Lovett, T. W. Obituary, 525, 574. M McCabe, J., et al. Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. (Review), 71. YcClymont, G. L., et al. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon tetrachloride in blood, 67. Macdonald, F. J. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in milk and milk products, 287. - Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in separated milk and low-fat products, 747. lacek, K., et al. Handbuch der Papierchromato- graphie. Vol. I. (Publication received), 524. bIcHugo, C. W. Obituary of A. H. Bennett, 76. Macpherson, D. C. Obituary, 262. McSwiney, R. R., et .id. Laboratory Manual of Chemical Pathology. (Publication received), 524 : (Review), 754. Mahssa, H., et al.Monographien aus dem Gebiete der Qualitativen Mikroanalyse. Vol. I. (Pub- lication received), 327. VOLUME 84 ix Maltesen, L., ef al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Review), 120. Msndord, K. R. L., et al. Assay of L-phenylalanine in casein hydrolysates, 750. Marcinkiewicz, S., et al. Complete analysis of tocopherol mixtures. I. Introduction and investigation into differential coupling reactions, 297 ; 11. Separating nitroso-tocopherols by paper chromatography and their detmn. , 304. Marriott, J. E. Detmng. iodine-131 in urine, 33. Marsden, K. Detmng. traces of cyanide in fish tissue, 746. Martin, J. V., et al. Detmng. thorium in ores by liquid - liquid extraction, 312. Martin, N. H.Zone electrophoresis: Basic con- siderations in design, 89. Martinet, B. Notes du Service de G6oIogie et de Prospection Minibre : Analyse des Eaux. (Pub- lication received), 400. Mason, C. W., et al. Handbook of Chemical Micro- scopy. Vol. I. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 469. Mason, H. M. Obituary, 262. Matthews, G. C. Obituary, 125. Mattock, G. Coulometry in analysis of metals. (Summary), 678. Meals, R. N., et al. Silicones. (Publication re- ceived), 524. Meites, L., et al. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 523. Mellan, I. Source Book of Industrial Solvents. Vol. 111. (Publication received), 676. Mellish, C. E. Radioactive isotopes in simple X-ray fluorescent analysis. (Summary), 199. Mercy, E. L. P. Rapid methods of silicate analysis.(Summary), 330. Metson, P., et al. Field detmn. oi lead fume, 46. Miller, C. C., et al. Detmng. tungsten as tristri-n- bu tylammonium 12- tungs tophosphate, 440. Milton, R. F. Review of Varley’s Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 398. Mitchell, R. L. Review of Symfiosium on S9ectro- chemical Analysis for Trace Elements. A.S.T.M., 399. Mitzner, B. M., et al. Smoke-eliminating device for vapour-phase chromatographic-fraction collector, 671. Modified hydroxamic acid method for detmng. total esterified fatty acids in plasma, 409. Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of orgaiiic bases in urine, 418. Review of Glick’s Methods of Bio- chemical Analysis. Vol. VII, 674. Volumetric analysis of stannous and total tin in acid-soluble tin compounds, 10.Microbiological detcn. of preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain, 293. Mugele, G. F., et al. Water Treatment. (Review), 195. Miiller, E. F. E., et al. Absorptiometric detmn. of germanium with phenylfluorone, 324. Murphy, P. Obituary, 473. Murthy, T. K. S., et al. Ion-exchange separation of thorium from rare earths, and application to monazite analysis, 37. Musgrave, W. K. R., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds. 111. Decomposition of fluoro and chlorofluoro com- pounds by diphenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane complex, 245. Morgan, D. M., ef al. Morgan, P..J. Morton, R. A. loser, W., et al. Mossel, D. A. A., et al.X INDEX TO VOLUME 84 N Nagle, R.A., et al. Ion-exchange separation of thorium from rare earths, and application to monazite analysis, 37. Nakayama, T. 0. M., et al. Rapid detmn. of con- stituent components in carotenoid extracts from leaf tissue, 654. Neale, E., et al. Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field, 226. Needleman, I. Detmng. micro amounts of dissolved oxygen in water, 720. Neher, R. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroi- den und verwandten Verbindungen. (Review), 466. Neilands, J. B., et al. Outlines of Enzyme Chem- istry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 72. Nelson, D. F. Identification of Lucas 700 head- lamp-glass fragments by physical properties, 388. Neville, H. H., et al. Translation from German for Chemists. (Publication received), 327. Niederl, J. B., et al.Microanalisis Elemental Organico. (Publication received), 572. Nielsen, S., et al. Preparation of Single Crystals. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 467. Noebels, H. J.. et al. Gas Chromatography. (Re- view), 467. Norris, F. W. Short cuts to lines of best fit, 669. Nurse, E. H. Obituary of G. M. Bennett, 260. 0 Oesper, R. E. Translator of Feigl’s Spot Tests in Okell, F. L. Oliver, J. A., et al. Detmng. oxygen in titanium - Inorganic Analysis. 5th Edn. (Review), 121. manganese alloys, 436. Obituary, 329, 525. P Page, J. E. Review of Brezina and Zuman’s Polarography in Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, 470. - Review of Broda’s Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie, 7 1. Palgrave, J. A., et al. Collaborative test of Moore and Stein’s resin-chromatographic method for detmng.amino acids, 526. Parker, A., et al. Detmng. oxygen in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion method, 646. Parker, C. A. Raman spectra in spectrofluori- metry, 446, PatkovS, V. J., et aZ. Detmng. acrylonitrile in various materials, 65. Patrick, C. R. Preparative scale gas chromato- graphy. (Summary), 2. Pattison, E. S. Industrial Fatty Acids and their Applications. (Publication received), 524. Payne, D. S. Analytical chemistry of lower oxy- acids of phosphorus. (Summary), 401. Payne, E., et al. Simple spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc with EDTA, 110. Pearson, R. G., et al. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. (Review), 120. Pecsok, R. L. Principles and Practice of Gas Chromatography.(Publication received), 756. Pedley, E. Obituary, 525. Perkin, J. L., et al. Detmng. oxygen content of Perry, B. J., et aZ. Sampling and analysis of toxic beryllium metal by activation, 233. vapours in the field, 226. Peters, B. W., et al. Detmng. bismuth in lead and lead cable-sheathing alloys, 180. Pettit, L. D., et aZ. Automatic titrimeter €or plot- ting true-scale titration curves, 641. Phillips, D. F. Microchemical analysis. (Summary), 198. Phillips, G., et al. Detmng. small amounts of neptunium in plutonium metal, 596. Phillips, E. G., et al. Detmng. cc-(4-chloro-2-methy1- phenoxy) -propionic acid in commercial acid, 94. Pillai, S. C., et al. Detmng. permanganate value for waters and sewage effluents containing nitrite, 731. Pliika, Vl., et al.Colour test for detcng. hypo- nitrites, 119. Pomerans, A. J. Translator of Audubert and de Mende’s Principles of Electrophoresis. (Publica- tion received), 327. Poucher, W. A. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 572. Preston, P. F., et al. Detmng. copper in high- alloy steels, 237. Price, D., et al. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in paper and water by polarisation end-point procedure, 62. - Volumetric detmn. of chloride in titanium and zirconium by polarisation end-point procedure, 55. Price, J. W. Review of Langford’s Analysis of Electroplating and Related Solutions. 2nd Edn., 468. Proctor, K. A., et al. Detmng. chloroform in aqueous pharmaceutical preparations, 221. - Gas chromatography for detmng.water in pharmaceutical preparations, 46 1 ; Erratum, 572. Prunty, F. T. G., et al. Laboratory Manual of Chemical Pathology. (Publication received), 624; (Review), 754. R Rackham, R. F., et aZ. Oxidised nitrogen in waters and sewage effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry, 548. Ramachandran, V. S., et al. Differential Thermal Analysis as Applied to Building Science. (Pub- lication received), 472. Rasmussen, S. E., et at. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Review), 120. Versatile electronic device for counting drops of eluant in chromatography or operating ancillary apparatus after pre-set counts or pre-set times, 317. Ridd, J. H., ef al. Aromatic Substitution: Nitration and Halogenation.(Publication received), 524. Robinson, J. B. D., et aZ. Detmng. soil nitrates with brucine reagent, 635. Robinson, P. L. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Pub- lication received), 524. Rochlin, R. S., et al. Radioisotopes for Industry. (Publication received), 676. Rogozinski, M., et al. Detmng. tetrabromoethane and mineral acids dissolved therein, 66. Rooke, H. S. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLII. (Publication received), 72. Rose, B. A. Gas chromatography and its analytical applications : Review, 574; Erratum, 756. Rossotti, F. J. C., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes. with Solubilitv Products of Reed, G. L., et al. Inorganic Subitances. Part 11. (Review), 1207INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xi Russell, A.B. Detmng. small amounts of tin, 712. Russell, F. R., ef al. Detmng. cyanide in effluents, 751. Russell, G., et al. Equivalent weights of wetting agents, 253. Russell, W. M. S., et al. Principles of Humane Experimental Technique. (Publication received), 472. S Saint, H. C. J., et al. Detmng. lead styphnate in priming compositions used in explosives, 183 ; Erratum, 256. Sarma, P. S. N., et al. Detmng. potassium guaiacol- sulphonate in pharmaceutical preparations, 522. Salutsky, M. L., ef al. Precipitation from Homo- geneous Solution. (Publication received), 472. Sandell, E. B., ef al. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I. Vol. I. (Publication re- ceived), 756. Sastry, C. A., et al. Detmng. permanganate value for waters and sewage effluents containing nitrite, 731.Saville, B., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of cysteine, 188. Scholes, A. Obituary, 262. Schultz, W. W., ef aZ. Radioisotopes for Industry. (Publication received), 676. Schwarzenbach, G., et al. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. (Review), 120. Seaber, W. M. Obituary, 262. Seaborg, G. T. Transuranium Elements. (Publica- tion received), 327. Seiler, D. A. L., et al. Biological assay for gib- berellic acid with rice seedlings, 216. Selby, S. M., et al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 40th Edn. (Publication received), 256; (Review), 471. Sergeant, G. A., et al. Detmng. DDT residues in foodstuffs, 423. - Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material, 251.Seyler, C. A. Obituary, 525. Shanahan, C. E. A., et al. Detmng. boron in plain- carbon and alloy steels, 426. Sharpe, A. G. Principles of Oxidation and Reduc- tion. (Publication received), 400; (Review), 673. Sheehan, J. C. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 38. (Pub- lication received), 256; (Review), 571. Sherratt, J. G. Review of Klein’s River Pollution: 1. Chemical Analysis, 755. - Review of McCabe and Eckenfelder’s Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11, 71. - Review of Mugele and Wiseman’s Water Treat- ment, 195. Shorr, L. M., et al. Detmng. tetrabromoethane and mineral acids dissolved therein, 66. Shrewsbury, D. D. Modification to Unicam SP500 spectrophotometer for single-beam recording, 68. Shrimal, R. L. Volumetric detmn.of silver in cobalt - silver mixture, 568. Sillen, L. G., et al. Stability Constants of Metal- ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances, Part 11. (Review), 120. Simmonds, S., et al. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 468. Simpson, G. R. Obituary, 125, Skerrett, E. J., et al. Colorimetric detmn. of dieldrin in extracts of coffee bark, 376. Slack, J. G. Detmng. anionic detergents in river water and sewage effluents, 193. Slee, L. J., et al. Detmng. small amounts of nep- tunium in plutonium metal, 596. Small, L. A. Direct titration of hydroxyl groups with lithium aluminium di-n-butyl amide, 1 li. gmirous, F., et al. Colour test for detcng. hypo- nitrites, 119. Smith, A. N. Photometric detmn. of ferric iron by catechol, 516. Smith, D. R., et al.Symposium on Nuclear Sex. (Publication received), 71. Smith, J. W., et al. Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl, 457. Smith, M. J. H. Review of Prunty, McSwiney and Hawkins’ Laboratory Manual of Chemical Path- Smith, P. M. Acetophenetidin : Critical Biblio- graphic Review. (Publication received), 122. Smith, R. L. Sequestration of Metals : Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications. (Pub- lication received), 400 ; (Review), 755. Smith, W. B. Analysis of synthetic detergents: review, 77. Stanford, F. G. Sample-injection method for gas - liquid chromatography, 321. Stansfield, J. R. Instrumental developments in X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. (Summary), 259. Snell, C. T., ef at. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods.Vol. IIA. (Publication received), 400. Snell, F. D., et al. Colorimetric Methods of Analysis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIA. (Publication received), 400. Solomon, L. E., et al. Detmng. mercury by dis- tillation from compounds and preparations, 622, Sozzi, J. A., et al. Microanalisis Elemental Organi- co. (Publication received), 572. Starkey, R. J. Spectrophotometric detmn. of acetylacetone with cupric acetate, 517. kpknek, J. M., et al. Detmng. acrylonitrile in various materials, 65. Stephenson, W. H., ef al. Detmng. magnesium oxide and silica in magnesium trisilicate and calcined magnesite, 520. Stockdale, D. Formaldehyde method for detmng. ammonia, 667. Stone, W. R., et al. Systematic semi-micro quali- tative analysis of anionic surface-active agents : addendum, 392.Stumpf, P. K., et al. Outlines of Enzyme Chemistry. 2nd Edn. (Publication received) , 72. Subrahmanyam, P. V. R., ef al. Detmng. per- manganate value for waters and sewage effluents containing nitrite, 73 1. Sutton, L. E. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions. (Re- view), 196. Sutton, W. L. Obituary, 262. Sykes, A. S., et al. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. (Publica- tion received), 196; (Review), 673. ology, 754. T Tamale-Ssali, C. E., et al. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals, 16. Theobald, L. S. Possible source of error arising in analysis from use of polythene bottles, 570. - Silicate analysis, 672. Thomas, D.B., et al. Detmng. barium and sulphate with E.E.L. flame photometer, 113.xii INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Thomas, H. C., et al. Advanced Analytical Chem- (Publication received), 196; (Review), 623. Thompson, J. H., et al. Detmng. bismuth in lead - Detmng. copper in high-alloy steels, 237. Thompson, P. B., e f al. Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material, 251. Thow, D. H., et al. Detmng. tungsten as tristri- n-butylammonium 12-tungstophosphate, 440. Timberlake, C. F. Interfering electrode reaction during polarography of sulphur dioxide solutions containing oxygen, 570. Tinker, P. B. H. Rapid detmn. of exchangeable calcium and magnesium in highly leached soils, 743. Toerien, F. v. S. Rapid volumetric detmn. of copper in carbonatite ore, 565.Toogood, M. 3. Volumetric detmn. of thallium in sodium iodide crystals, 618. Trkmillon, B., et al. Rkactions alectrochimiques. (Publication received), 756. Turner, M., et al. Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys, 725. Turney, T. A. Molisch reaction, 194. istry. and lead cable-sheathing alloys, 180. U Udris, J., et al. Identifying nylon and related polymers by ring paper chromatography, 656. Umbreit, W. W. Advances in Applied Microbiology. 1’01. 1. (Publication received), 572. v van der Pol, E. W., et al. Detmng. phenkaptone residues in fruit and vegetables, 102. Varley, H. Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd Edn. (Review), 398. Veale, C. R. Zone refining. (Summary), 3. Vepfek-&ka, J., et al. Colour test for detcng. hyponitrites, 119.Verver, C. G., et al. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 756. Vestling, C. S. Biochemical Preparations. Vol. 6. (Publication received), 122. Vincent, E. A. Modern trends in geochemical analysis. (Summary), 403. Vogel, A. I., et al. Inexpensive high-frequency titration apparatus for general laboratory use, 647. Voisin, A. Soil, Grass and Cancer. Translated by C . T. M. Herriot and H. Kennedy. (Publication received), 676. W Walmsley, J. R. Obituary, 262. Walton, H. F. Elementary Quantitative Analysis. (Publication received), 256. Watkinson, J. H. Detmng. carbonate in soils, 659. - Modification of Thorn and Shu’s method for organic carbon in soils, 629. - Rapid vacuum-distillation method for detmng. carbonate in soils with EDTA, 661.Weast, R. C., e f al. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 40th Edn. (Publication received), 256 : (Review), 47 1. Webb, J. 8. Geochemical prospecting. (Summary), 404. Webley, D. J., et al. Detmng. demeton-methyl residues in plant material, 28. Webster, H. L., et al. Detmng. alkylbenzenesul- phonates in river waters and sewage, 552. Wells, R. A. Review of Blasius’s Chromatographische Methoden in der analytischen und preparativen anorganischen Chzmie unter besonderer Beruck- sichtigztng der Ionenaustauscher, 469. West, T. S. Applications of EDTA. (Summary), 621. - Review of Meites, Thomas and Bauman’s Advanced Analytical Chemistry, 523. - et al. Analytical Applications of Iliamino- Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid. (Publication re- ceived), 196; (Review), 673. Whittaker, E., et al.Equivalent weights of wetting agents, 253. Wilkinson, N. T. Analytical chemistry of phos- phorus. (Summary), 259. - et al. Detmng. cyanide in effluents, 751. Willard, H. H., et al. Precipitation from Homo- Williams, A. I. Detmng. tin in iron and alloy steels, Williams, A. W. Obituary, 197. Williams, K. A. Review of Profmsed International Chemical Notation. IUPAC, 754. Wilson, A. D., et aZ. Precipitation of manganese in silicate-rock analysis, 663. Wilson, C. L., et al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA. (Publication received), 524. Wilson, D: W. Review oi Feigl’s Spot Tests in Inorganzc Analysis. 5th Edn., 121. -- e f al. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IA. (Publication received), 524. Wiper, A., et al. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in organic compounds.111. De- composition of fluoro and chlorofluoro compounds by diphenyl- sodium - dimethoxyethane complex, 245. Wiseman, A., et al. Water Treatment. (Review), 195. Wood, D. F., et al. Detmng. oxygen in titanium - manganese alloys, 436. - Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys, 725. Wood, E. C. Quantitative commonsense and the chemist. (Summary), 573. Wood, R., et al. Detmng. DDT residues in food- stuffs, 423. Woodman, F. J. Recent advances in analytical chemistry of plutonium. (Summary), 259. Wright, G. P. Introduction to Pathology. 3rd Edn. (Review), 256. Wronski, M. Independent titration of cyanide and sulphide, 668. Wyckoff, R. W. G. Crystal Structures. Supplt. IV. (Publication received), 327. geneous Solution. (Publication received), 472.433. Y Yuill, W. E., et al. Translation from German for Chemists. (Publication received), 327. Z Zuman, P., et at. Polarography in Medicine, Bio- chemistry and Pharmacy. (Publication received), 122: (Review). 470.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 ... XI11 INDEX TO A Acetophenetidin : Critical Bibliographic Review. Smith. (Publication recei\.ed), 122. Acetylacetone : Spectrophotoinetric detmn. of with cupric acetate. Starkey, 517. Acids: Analytical chemistry of loiver oxy- of phosphorus. Payne. (Summary), 401 Detrnng. tetrabromoethane and mineral __ dissolved therein Rogozinski and Shorr, 66. See also Fatty acids. Acrylonitrile : Detmng. __- in various materials. %5pAnek, CernA and PatkovA, 65. Agriculture: Infestation Control : Service to -- and Food Storage.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Publication received), 400. See also Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Air: Calibration of hand yunips for __ sampling. Gage, 519. Indicator tube for detmng. trichloroethylene in --. Gage, 509. Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Xeale and Perry, 226. Alcohol : See Ethyl alcohol. Alcohols : Source Book of Industrial Solvents. Vol. 111. Monohydric -. Mellan, 676. Aldrin : Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Sergeant and Thompson, 251. Alkaloids: Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Alkoxyl values: Anomalous ___ for tert.-butyl substituted phenols. Campbell and Chettle- burgh, 190. Alkylbenzenesulphonates : Detmng.- in river waters and sewage. Webster and Halliday, 552. Aluminium : Detmng. oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation (and detmng. -). Coleman and Perkin, 233. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. American Society for Testing Materials : Syinposium on Spectrochemical Analysis for Trace Ele- ments. (Review), 399. Amino acids: Collaborative test of Moore and Stein’s resin-chromatographic method for detmng. --. Bender, Palgrave and Doell, 526. Quantitative analysis using thermal conductivity detcn. Jamieson. (Summary), 74. 2-Amino-2-hydroxymethylpropane-l : 3401: See Trishydroxymethylaminomethane. Ammonia : Formaldehyde method for detmng. -. Stockdale, 667. Manufacture and Uses. Harding. (Publication received), 756.Amphetamine : Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Analysis : Address of retiring President (future of -). Hamence, 271. .Advanced Analytical Chemistry. Meites, Thomas and Bauman. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 523. Analytical Chemistry : New Techniques. Jones. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 326. SUBJECTS Analgsis-continued . Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part 1. Kline. (Publication received), 572. .Application of gas chromatography to gas re- action kinetics. Knox. (Summary), 75. Ail tomatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants. Society of Instrument Technology. (Review), 255. Automatic titrinieter for plotting true-scale titration curves. Beta and gamma absorption methods in - of intact samples.Cameron. (Summary), 199. by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Ferrett. (Summary), 200. Colorimetric Determination of Nonmetals. Boltz. (Review), 121. Colorimetric Methods of - : Including Photo- metric Methods. Vol. IIA. Snell and Snell. (Publication received), 400. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry. Vol. IAA. Wilson and Wilson. (Publication received), 524. XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pure E Aplicada. Vol. I. (Publication received), 51 ; (Review), 399. Coulometry in - of metals. Mattock. (Sum- mary), 678. Differential Thermal - as Applied t o Building Science. Ramachandran and Garg. (Publica- tion received), 472. Elementary Quantitative -. Walton. (Pub- lication received), 256. Ferrous metallurgical -- : review. Bagshav e, 475. Inexpensive high-frequency titration apparatus for general laboratory use : Application to EDTA and precipitation titrations. Kyte and Vogel, 647.Infra-red __ of solids : review. Duyckaerts, 201, Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. Rasolo and Pearson. (Review), 120. Microanalisis Elemental. Organico. Niederl and Sozzi. (Publication received), 672. Microchemical -. Phillips. (Summary), 198. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et Appliquke e t d’hnalyse Bromatologique. Gau- tier. 7th Series. (Publication received), 676. Modern geochemical -. Vincent. (Sum- mary), 403. Monographien aus dem Gebiete der Qualitativen Mikroanalyse. Vol. I. Malissa and Benedetti- Pichler. (Publication received), 327. Possible source of error arising in - from use of polythene bottles.Theobald, 570. Qualitative - and Electrolytic Solutions. King. (Publication received), 572. Qualitative - by solvent extraction methods. Dick. (Summary), 402. Quantitative - using thermal conductivity detcn. Jamieson. (Summary), 74. Quantitative common sense and the chemist. Wood. (Summary), 573. Quantitative Methods in Human Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Vol. 3. Laurence. (Pub- lication received), 400. Radioactive isotopes in simple X-ray fluorescent -. Mellish. (Summary), 199. Irving and Pettit, 641.xiv INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Analysis-continued. Appara t us-con tinued. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for Direct titration of hydroxyl groups with lithium - of trace elements in organic and biological aluminium di-n-butyl amide (titration - materials.Gorsuch, 135. with Teflon stopcock). Small, 117. Radiochemical tracer ~ : new approach result- Gas chromatography and its analytical applic- ing in increased accuracy. Lambie, 173. tions: review. Rose, 574; Erratum, '756. Sampling and - of toxic vapours in the field. Identifying nylon and related polymers by ring Neale and Perry, 226. paper chromatography, Haslam and Udris, Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and chlorine in 656. organic compounds. 111. Decomposition of Indicator tube for detmng. trichloroethylene in fluoro and chlorofluoro compounds by di- air. Gage, 509. phenyl - sodium - dimethoxyethane complex. Inexpensive high-frequency titration for Johncock, Musgrave and Wiper, 245. general laboratory use : Application to EDTA Short cuts to lines of best fit.Norris, 669. and precipitation titrations. Kyte and Vogel, Spot Tests in Inorganic -. Feigl. Translated 647. by Oesper. 5th Edn. (Review), 121. Instrumental developments in X-ray fluorescence Symposium on Spectrochemical - for Trace spectroscopy. Stansfield. (Summary), 259. Elements. A.S.T.M. (Review), 399. Modification of Thorn and Shu's method for Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Part I, organic carbon in soils (wet combustion -). Vol. 1. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. (Pub- Watkinson, 629. lication received), 756. Modification to Unicam SP500 spectrophotometer Zone melting, with comments on analytical for single-beam recording. Shrewsbury, 68. potentialities : review. Herington, 680. Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic- absorption spectroscopy.Lockyer and Hames, 385. AnaZyst: Our new covers. Editorial, 1. Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic The Thousand up. Editorial, 401. Animals: Principles of Humane Experimental bases in urine (extract.o,, ). M ~ ~ ~ 418. received), 472. gens, arsenic, phosphorus and boron. Corner, Antazoline for identifying nitrate and nitrite. 41. Clarke, 662. Rapid vacuum-distillation method for detmng. Antimony: o-Dithiols in analysis. VlII. Zinc carbonate in soils with EDTA. Watkinson, complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale- Sample-injection method for gas - liquid chroma- Ssali, 16. tography. Stanford, 3211. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the analysis of trace elements in organic and field (bubblers and critical orifices).Xeale biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. and Perry, 226. Separation and colorimetric detmn. of cobalt in -. Duboff, 619. presence of copper and nickel (chromatography Applications of infra-red spectroscopy : Identi- paper). Duffield, 455. fying and detmng. gas-chromatographic frat- Smoke-eliminating device for vapour-phase chro- tions. Anderson, 50. matographic-fraction collector. Kratz, Jacobs llutomatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants. Society of Instrument Technology. SPectroPhotometric detmn. of E-tocoPherol (chro- (Review), 255. matography -) . Lambertsen and Brxkkan, Automatic titrimeter for plotting true-scale 706. titration curves. Versatile electronic device for counting drops of Calibration of hand pumps for air sampling.eluant in chromatography or operating ancillary - after pre-set counts or pre-set times. Gage, 519. Reed and Irving, 317. Colorimetric detmn. of dieldrin in extracts of coffee bark (- for prepng. and storing boron Volumetric analysis of stannous and total tin trifluoride - ether complex). Skerrett and in acid-soluble tin compounds. Doraaldson Baker, 376. and Moser, 10. demonskated to Society of Analytical Chemistry, Volumetric detmn. of chloride in titanium and Physical Methods Group, 405. zirconium by polarisation end-point procedure Detmng. boron in plain-carbon and alloy steels (titration--). Price and Coe, 55. (distillation -). Borrowdale, ~ ~ ~ k i ~ ~ and X-ray fluorescence analysis : review.Brown, 344. Shanahan, 426. Zone electrophoresis : basic considerations in Detmng. chloroform in aqueous pharmaceutical design* preparations (injection system). Brealey, Arsenic : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc com- Elvidge and Proctor, 221. plex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of Detmng . a- (4-chloro-Z-methylphenoxy ) -propionic ores and mine:als. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. acid in commercial acid (chromatographic Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- column). Haddock and Phillips, 94. shawe, 475. Detmng. iodine-131 in urine (distillation -). in Food 1959, 397* Marriott, 33. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for Detmng. mercury by distillation from compounds analysis of trace elements in organic and and preparations. Brookes and Solomon, 622. biological materials.Gorsuch, 135. Detmng. micro amounts of dissolved oxygen in Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound! halo- water. Needleman, 720. gens, -, phosphorus and boron. Corner, 41. Detmng. small amounts of neptunium in plu- Association of British Chemical Manufacturers : tonium metal (solvent extraction -). Slee, British Chemicals and Their Manufacturers. Phillips and Jenkins, 536. (Publication rcceivcd), 756. Technique- and Burch. Rapid micro-detmn. of or- anically bound halo- 661. Apparatus : All-glass self-cleaning steam-distillation and Mitzner, 671. Irving and Pettit, 641.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xv Atmosphere : See Air. Auroxanthin : Rapid detmn. of constituent com- ponents in carotenoid extracts from leaf tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654.B Bacteriology : Text-Book of -. Fairbrother. 8th Edn. (Publication received), 327. Barium: Detmng. - and sulphate with E.E.L. flame photo'meter. Culluni and Thomas, 113. Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, cal- cium, strontium, - , cadmium and zinc with EDTA. Dunstone and Payne, 110. Bases: Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic - in urine. Benzene hexachloride : See Hexachlorocyclohexane. Benzoic acid: Rapid detmn. of - in soft drinks. Beryllium: Detmng. oxygen content of ~ metal Detmng. oxygen in - by micro vacuum fusion. Morgan, 418. English, 465. by activation. Booth and Parker, 546. Beverages : See Drinks. Biochemistry : Biochemical Preparations. Coleman and Perkin, 233. Vol. 6. Vestling. (Publication received), 122. General -. Fruton and Simmonds.2nd Edn. (Review), 468. Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Crook, Donald and Gaden. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Pub- lication received), 327. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VII. Glick. (Publication received), 472; (Review), 674. Polarography in Medicine, - and Pharmacy. Brezina and Zuman. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 470. Practical Clinical -. Varley. 2nd Edn. (Review), 398. Progress in -. Report on Biochemical Prob- lems and on Biochemical Research since 1949. Haurowitz. (Publication received) , 400. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie. Broda. (Review), 71. Bismuth: Detmng. ~ in lead and lead cable- sheathing alloys. Thompson and Peters, 180. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals.Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Blood : Gas chromatography and its analytical applications : review (alcohol in -) . Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Rapid micro-detmn. of carbon tetrachloride in -. Kondos and McClymont, 67. plasma : Modified hydroxamic acid method for detmng. total esterified fatty acids in -. Morgan and Kingsbury, 409. serum : Micro-detmn. of calcium and magnesium in - and cerebrospinal fluid. Hunter, 24. A.S.T.M. Symposium on Spectrochemical Analy- sis for Trace Elements, 399. Basolo and Pearson. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solu- tion, 120. Bentley. Biological Methods for Evaluation of Rodenticides, 195. Bj errum, Schwarzenbach, Sillen, Berecki-Bieder- mann, Maltesen, Rasmussen and Rossotti.Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Sub- stances. Part 11, 120. Book reviews: Book reviews-continued, Blasius. Chromatographische Methoden in der analytischen und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustauscher, 469. Boltz. Colorimetric Determination of Non- metals, 121. Brezina and Zuman. Polarography in Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, 470. British Drug Houses Ltd. B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents. 10th Edn., 466. Broda. Radioaktive Isotope in der Biochemie, 71. Brown. Introduction to Electronic Theories of Organic Chemistry, 196. Chamot and Mason. Handbook of Chemical Microscopy. Vol. I. 3rd Edn., 469. Coates, Noebels and Fagerson. Gas Chromato- graphy, 467.Desty. Gas Chromatography 1958, 398. Dyson. Short Guide to Chemical Literature. 2nd Edn., 674. Evers and Caldwell. Chemistry of Drugs. 3rd Edn., 471. Feigl, translated by Oesper. Spot Tests in Inorganic Analysis. 5th Edn., 121. Flaschka. EDTA Titrations : Introduction to Theory and Practice, 620. Fruton and Simmonds. General Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 468. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VII, 674. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. IUPAC. Proposed International Chemical Nota- tion, 754. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. 3rd Edn., 523. Jones. Analytical Chemistry : New Techniques, 326. Klein. River Pollution : 1. Chemical Analysis, 755. Kleinfeld and Dunn. U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953-1957, 254. Langford.Analysis of Electroplating and Re- lated Solutions. 2nd Edn., 468. Lawson and Nielsen. Preparation of Single Crystals, 467. McCabe and Eckenfelder. Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11, 71. Meites, Thomas and Bauman. Advanced Analyti- cal Chemistry, 523. Mugele and Wiseman. Water Treatment, 196. Neher. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen, 466. Prunty, McSwiney and Hawkins. Laboratory Manual of Chemical Pathology, 754. Sharpe. Principles o i Oxidation and Reduction, 673. Smith. Sequestration of Metals : Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications, 756. Sutton. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions, 196. Varley.Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 2nd Edn., 398. West and Sykes. Analytical Applications of Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid, 673. Wright. Introduction to Pathology. 3rd Edn., 256. Automatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants, 255. XV Congresso Internacional De Quimica Pura E Aplicada. Vol. I, 399. Determination of Nitrogen in Steel, 326. 40th Edn., 471.XVi INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Book reviews-continued. Cancer-continued. Flavor Research and Food Acceptance, 194. Soil, Grass and -. Voisin. Translated by Organic Syntheses. Vol. 38, 571. Herriott and Kennedy. (Publication received), See aEso Publications received. 676. Candida brumptii: Microbiological detcn. of pre- steels. Borrowdale, Jenkins and Shanahan, servatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in 426.margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- (-) as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, shawe, 475. 293. Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound halo- Capsaicin: Detmng. - content of capsicum and gens, arsenic, phosphorus and -. Corner, its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and 41. Boron hydrides: Gas chromatography and its Capsicum: Detmng. capsaicin content of - and analytical applications : review. Rose, 574; its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and Erratum, 756. Brines : Polarographic detmn. of nitrate in meat and meat-curing ---. Dhont, 372. British Cast Iron Research Association : Selected Part I . Pig Iron and Cast Iron. (Publication organic - in soils. Watkinson, 629. received) 524 Carbon tetrachloride: Rapid micro-detmn.of - Kondos and McClymont, 67. Reagents. 10th Edn. (Review), 466. Ion Exchange Resins. 4th Edn. (Publication Carbonate: Detmng. - in soils. Watkinson, 659. received), 756. Rapid vacuum-distillation method for detmng. mination of Nitrogen in Steel. Carbonatite Ore : Rapid volumetric detmn. of copper 1958-59. (Publication received), 676. Cardboard : Volumetric detmn. of chloride in paper and water by polarisation end-point procedure solution for ultra-violet spectrophotometry. @Carotene : Vitamin A Potency of -a IUPAC, Davies, 248. Applied Chemistry Section, Food Division, Robinson, Allen and Gacoka, 635. Carotenoids : Extraction of pigments from plant spectrophotometry. Davies, 248. Rapid detmn. of constituent components in __ extracts from leaf tissue.Friend and Naka- to - Science. Ramachandran and Garg. yama, 654. (Publication received), 472. Casein: Assay of L-phenylalanine in - hydroly- other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine Cast Iron: See Iron. (and -) with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast Catechol : Photometric detmn. of ferric iron by as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. - . Smith, 516. BUttermilk : Neutral reagent for routine detmn. Of Cerebrospinal fluid : Micro-detmn. of calcium and fat in separated milk and low-fat products. magnesium in blood serum and -. Hunter, Macdonald, 747. ’ 24. tevt.-butyl substituted phenols. Campbell and and its alloys. Wood and T ~ ~ ~ ~ 725. Chettleburgh, 190. Boron: Detmng. - in plain-carbon and alloy Society for Analytical Chemistry, 603. Society for Analytical Chemistry, 603.Carbohydrates : Molisch reaction. Carbon : Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Turney, 194. Bagshawe, 475. Methods Of Analysis Of Foundry Materials. Modification of Thorn and ShuTs for British Drug jaouSis Ltd. : B.D.H. Book of Organic in blood. - in soils with EDTA. Watkinson, 661. British Iron and Steel Research Association : Deter- British Standards Institution : Annual Report in -. Toerien, 565. Britton and Robinson’s buffer : Universal buffer (and detmn. in -). Price and Coe, 62. (Review), 326. Yearbook 1959. (Publication received), 472. Brucine: Detmng. soil nitrates with - reagent. Buffer: Universal - solution for ultra-violet material. Booth, 464. Building : Differential Thermal Analysis as Applied Butter : Microbiological detcn. of preservatives sates.Mansford, Jones and Burns, 760. Vitamin Assay Subdivision, 571. tert.-Butyl-phenols : Anomalous alkoxyl values for Cerium : Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium Ion-exchange separation of thorium from rare earths and application to monazite analysis. Nagle and Murthy, 37. Cheese, cottage: Neutral reagent for routine detmn. Macdonald, 747. and lead -. Thompson and Peters, 180. : Radiochemical investigations on recovery Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in milk and milk products. Macdonald, 287. for analysis of trace elements in organic and Chemical Society: Annual Reports on the Progress biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, cal- of Chemistry for 1958. Vol. LV. (Publication cium, strontium, barium, - and zinc with received), 766.EDTA. Dunstone and Payne, 110. Steric Effects in Conjugated Systems. Gray. Caffeine : Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Theoretical Organic Chemistry. (Publication received), 472. Calcium: Detmng. - in plant material by atomic- absorption spectrophotometry. David, 536. Chemicals : British - and Their Manufacturers. Micro-detmn. of - and magnesium in blood Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Hunter, 24. (Publication received), 756. Rapid detmn. of exchangeable - and mag- B.D.H. Book of Organic Reagents. British nesium in highly leached soils. Tinker, 743. Drug Houses Ltd. 10th Edn. (Review), 466. Spectrophotometric detmn.’ of magnesium, -, Electrolytic &hmfacture of - from Salt.strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc with Hardie. (Publication received), 766. EDTA. Dunstone and Payne, 110. Chemistry: Annual Reports on the Progress of - Cancer: Smoking: - Controversy. Fisher. for 1958. Vol. LV. Chemical Society. (Pub- (Publication received), 472. C bble-sheathing alloys: Detmng. bismuth in lead Of fat in separated and products’ received)* 122* lication received), 756.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xvii Chemistry-continued. Aromatic Substitution : Nitration and Halogena- tion. de la Mare and Ridd. (Publication received), 524. Bibliography on Molten Salts. Janz. (Publica- tion received), 71. XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pura E Aplicada. Vol. I. (Publication received), i 1 ; (Review), 399, Vol.VIII. Jacobson and Hampel. (Publication received), 624. Handbook of __ and Physics. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. 40th Edn. (Publication received), 256; (Review), 471. Heterocyclic __ . Albert. (Publication re- ceived), 472. Index of - Films: Comprehensive List of Films and Filmstrips on Chemistry and Ke- lated Topics. Royal Institute of Chemistry. (Publication received), 400. Introduction t o Electronic Theories of Organic -. Brown. (Review), 196. Introduction t o the Study of Chemical Thermo- dynamics. Everett. (Publication received), 572. Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical ---. Beckett and Burger. Vol. I, KO. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions: Study of Metal Complexes in Solution. Basolo and Pearson. (Review), 120.(Publication received), 327. Organic Syntheses. Vol. 38. Sheehan. (Pub- lication received), 256 ; (Review), 57 1. Principles of Oxidation and Reduction. Sharpe. (Publication received), 400; (Review), 673. Proposed International Chemical Notation. IUPAC. (Review), 754. Quantitative common sense and the chemist. Wood. (Symmary), 573. RCactions Electrochimiques. Charlot, Badoz- Lambling and Trdmillon. (Publication re- ceived), 756. Reports on Progress of Applied -. Vol. XLlI. Society of Chemical Industry. (Publication received), 72. Russian Journal of Inorganic --. English translation. Robinson. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Publication received), 524. Short Guide to Chemical Literature. Dyson. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 196; (Re- view), 674. Steric Effects in Conjugated Systems.Gray. (Publication received), 122. Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions. Sutton. (Review), 196. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. Kaye and Laby. 12th Edn. (Publication received), 524. Theoretical Organic - Chemical Society. (Publication received), 472. Chlorhexidine : Microbiological detcn. of preserva- tives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain. Chloride: Volumetric detmn. of - in paper and water by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe, 62. Volumetric detmn. of - in titanium and zir- conium by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe. 55. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Nomenclature of Inorganic - . IUPAC.Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide : Modified detmn. of - residues in plant material. Sergeant and Thompson, 261. Chlorine : Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound halogens, arsenic, phosphorus and boron. Corner, 41. Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Neale arid Perry, 226. Semi-micro detmn. of fluorine and - in organic compounds. I1 I, Decomposition of fluoro and chlorofluoro compounds by diphenyl- sodium - dimethoxyethane complex. John- cock, Musgsave and Wiper, 245. Chloroform : Detmng. __ in aqueous pharmaceuti- cal preparations. Brealey, Elvidge and Proc- tor, 221. a-(4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy)-propionic acid : De- trnng. - in commercial acid. Haddock and Phillips, 94. ChlorophylIs : Extracting pigments from plant material.Booth, 464. Cholesterol. Kritchevsky. (Publication received), 72. Chromatography : Additive effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behavioiir of phenoxyacetic acids. Bark and Graham, 454. hpplication of __ to gas reaction kinetics. Knox. (Summary), 75. Application of gas - liquid __ to essential oil analysis : interim report on detmn. of citronellol in admixture with geraniol. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee, 690. Applications of infra-red spectroscopy : identi- fying and detmng. gas-chromatographic frac- tions. Anderson, 50. Chromatographic Reviews : Progress in - Electrophoresis and Related Methods. Vol. I: Lederer. (Publication received), 400. Chromatographische Methoden in der analy tischen und preparativen anorganischen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ionenaustau- scher.Blasius. (Review), 469. Detmng. chloroform in aqueous pharmaceutical preparations (injection system for gas -). Brealey, Elvidge and Proctor, 221. Gas - . Coates, Noebels and Fagerson. (Review), 467; Keulemans. Edited by Verver. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 756. Gas - 1958. Desty. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 398. Gas - and its analytical applications: review. Rose, 574; Erratum, 750. Handbuch der Papierchromatographie. Vol. I. Hais and Macek. (Publication received), 524. Preparative scale gas - . Patrick. (Sum- Principles and Practice of Gas -. Pecsok. (Publication received), 756. Quantitative analysis using thermal conductivity detcn. (gas -).Jamieson. (Summary), 74. Sample-injection method for gas - liquid -. Stanford, 321. Smoke-eliminating device for vapour-phase chromatographic-fraction collector. Kratz, Jacobs and Mitzner, 671. Versatile electronic device for counting drops of eluant in - or operating ancillary apparatus after pre-set counts or pre-set times. Reed and Irving, 317. Chromium : Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bagshawe, 475. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and bio- logical materials. Gorsuch. 135. m a y ) , 2.xviii INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Chromones : Colour reaction for detcng. and detmng. - and related compounds. King and Leake, 694. Cigarette Smoke Condensate : Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation. Bentley and Burgan. (Publication received), 756.Gas chromatography and its analytical applica- tions: review. Citronellol : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to essential oil analysis : interim report on detmn. of - in admixture with geraniol. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 690. Coal : Absorptiometric detmn. of germanium (in -) with phenylfluorone. Kunstmann and Miiller, 324. Coal-tar: See Tar. Cobalt: o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Eag- shawe, 475. Flame-photometric detmn. of iron, copper and - in - mattes and concentrates. Gallo- way, 505. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 135.Separation and colorimetric detmn. of - in presence of copper and nickel. Duffield, 455. Volumetric detmn. of silver in -- silver mixture. Shrimal, 568. Cocaine : Rapid detmn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Cocarboxylase : See Thiamine. Coffee bark: Colorimetric detmn. of dieldrin in extracts of -. Colouring matters : See Dyes. Columbium : See Niobium. Complexes : Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions : Study of Metal ___ in Solution. Basolo and Pearson. (Review), 120. Stability Constants of Metal-ion -, with Solu- bility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach, Sillen, Berecki-Biedermann, Maltesen, Rasmussen and Rossotti.(Review), 120. Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Morgan, 418. Skerrett and Baker, 376. Condensed milk: See Milk. Conductivity, thermal : Quantitative analysis using - detcn. Jamieson. (Summary), 74. Configuration : Tables of Interatomic Distances and - in Molecules and Ions, Sutton. (Re- view), 196. Congress : XV Congress0 lnternacional De Quimica Pura E Aplicada. Vol. I. (Publication re- ceived), 71; (Review), 399. Constants : Tables of Physical and Chemical -. Kaye and Laby. 12th Edn. (Publication received), 524. Copper : Determination of - Content of Food- stuffs : Photometric Method. IUPAC, Applied Chemistry Section, Food Division, Trace Elements in Food Subdivision, 571. Detmng. - in high-alloy steels. Elliott, Preston and Thompson, 237. o-Dithiols in analysis.VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Flame-photometric detmn. of iron, - and cobalt in cobalt mattes and concentrates. Calloway, 605. Copper-continued. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and bio- logical materials. Gorsuch, 135. Rapid volumetric detmn. of - in carbonatite ore. Toerien, 565. Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of - and nickel in low-alloy steels. Freegarde and Jones, 716. Copper acetate : Spectrophotometric detmn. of acetylacetone with --. Starkey, 517. Cosmetic(s) : Perfumes, -- and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I. Poucher. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 572.U.S. Federal Food, Drug and - Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953-1957. Klein- feld and Dunn. (Review), 254. Cotton : Volumetric detmn. of chloride in paper and water by polarisation end-point procedure (and detmn. in -). Cottonseed oil : Complete analysis of tocopherol mixtures. 11. Separation of nitroso-tocopherols by paper chromatography and their detmn. Marcinkiewicz and Green, 304. Coulometry in analysis of metals. Mattock. (Sum- mary), 678. Cream: Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in milk and milk products. Macdonald, 287. Crystal(s) : Preparation of Single -. Lawson and Nielsen. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 467. Structures. Supplt. IV. Wyckoff. (Publication received), 327. Studies in - Physics. Jaswon. (Publication received), 756.Cupric acetate : Spectrophotometric detmn. of acetylacetone with -. Starkey, 517. Curing brines : Polarographic detmn. of nitrate in meat and meat- -. Cyanide: Detmng. - in effluents. Russell and Wlkinson, 75 1. Detmng. traces of - in fish tissue. Marsden, 746. lndependent titration of - and sufphide. Wronski, 668. Cyanogen chloride : Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Cysteine : Colorimetric detmn. of -. Liddell and Saville, 188. Cytology: Symposium on Nuclear Sex. Smith and Davidson. (Publication received), 7 1. Price and Coe, 62. Dhont, 372. Neale and Perry, 226. D Dairies: Milk and -- (General) Regulations, 1959. Approved chemical agents, 397. DDT: Detmng. - residues in foodstuffs. Ser- geant and Wood, 423. Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cide residues in plant material (p$’ -).Sergeant and Thompson, 251. Demeton-methyl : Detmng. __ residues in plant material. Laws and Webley, 28. Derris : Detmng. rotenone in rotenone-bearing plants with special reference to lonchocarpus. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 735. Detergents : See Surface-active agents. 2 : 6-Dichloro-p-benzoquinone-4-chloroimine : Com- plete analysis of tocopherol mixtures. I. Introduction and investigation into differential coupling reactions. Green and Marcinkiewicz, 29i.INDEX TO S-( 2 : 5-Dichlorophenylthiomethyl) 00-diethyl phos- phorothiolothionate: Detmng. phenkaptone residues in fruit and vegetables. Hardon, Brunink and van der Pol, 102. Dieldrin: Colorimetric detmn.of - in extracts of coffee bark. Skerrett and Baker, 376. Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Sergeant and Thompson, 251. 3 : 3’-Dihydroxy-cc-carotene : Rapid detmn. of con- stituent components in carotenoid extracts from leaf tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654. 3 : 3’-Dihydroxy-5 : 8 : 5’ : 6’-diepoxy-/3-carotene : Ra- pid detmn. of constituent components in caro- tenoid extracts from leaf tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654. 3 : 3’-Dimethylnaphthidine : Absorptiometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen (with -). Banks, 700. Diphenylamine : Application of ultra-violet light and - t o spot tests for explosives. Cold- well, 665. Distillation : All-glass self-cleaning steam- - apparatus. Duboff, 619. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII.Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Drinks: Rapid detmn. of benzoic acid in soft -. English, 465. Drop counter : Versatile electronic device for count- ing drops of eluant in chromatography or operating ancillary apparatus after pre-set counts or pre-set times. Reed and Irving, 317. Evers and Caldwell. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 256 ; (Re- x-iew), 471. U.S. Federal Food, __ and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953- 1957. Kleinfeld and Dunn. (Review), 254. See also Pharmaceuticals. Dysprosium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alIoys. Wood and Turner, 725. Drug(s): Chemistry of -. E Editorials: Our i i e ~ covers, 1. EDTA : See Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid.Effluents : Biological Treatment of Sewage and Industrial Wastes. Vol. 11. McCabe and Eckenfelder. (Review), 7 1. Detmng. anionic detergents in river water and sewage -. Slack, 193. Detmng. cyanide in ---. Russell and Wilkinson, 751. Detmng. permanganate value for waters and sewage - containing nitrite. Subrahman- yam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Oxidised nitrogen in waters and sewage ~ observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hoather and Rackham, 548. Egg: Detmng. ___ in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Electrochemistry: Reactions €?lectrochimiques. Charlot, Badoz-Lambling and Tremillon. (Pub- lication received), 756. Electrolysis : Electrolytic Manufacture of Chemicals from Salt. Hardie. (Publication received), 556. Principles of -. Davies.(Publication re- ceived), 400. Qualitative Analysis and Electrolytic Solutions. King. (Publication received), 572. The thousand up, 401. Casson and Griffin, 281. VOLUME 84 xix Electrophoresis : Chromatographic Reviews : Pro- gress in Chromatography, - and Related Methods. Vol. I. Lederer. (Publication received), 400. Principles of -, Audubert and de Mende. Translated by Pomerans. (Publication re- ceived), 327. Theory, Methods and Applications. Bier. (Pub- lication received), 524. Zone - : Basic considerations in design. Martin, 89. Electroplating Solutions : Analysis of - and Related Solutions. Langford. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 468. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VIII. Jacobson and Hampel. (Publication received), 524. Enzyme : Outlines of - Chemistry.Neilands and Stumpf. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 72. Ephedrine : Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Erbium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys. Essential oils : Application of gas - liquid chromato- graphy to __ analysis : interim report on detmn. of citronellol in admixture with geraniol. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-Committee, 690. Detmng. linalol : Comparative study of Glichitch and Fiore methods by gas - liquid partition chromatography. Holness, 3. Gas chromatography and its analytical applica- tions: review. Esters : Modified hydroxamic acid method for detmng. total esterified fatty acids in plasma. Morgan and Kingsbury, 409.Ethanol : See Ethyl alcohol. Ethanolamines : Direct titration of hydroxyl groups with lithium aluminium di-n-butyl amide. Small, 117. Ethyl acetate: Simultaneous spectrophotometric detrnn. of ethyl methyl ketone and -. Freegarde and Jones, 396. Ethyl alcohol : Gas chromatography and its analyti- cal applications: review (- in blood). Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Ethyl bromoaceate : Microbiological detcn. of pre- servatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Ethyl methyl ketone : Simultaneous spectrophoto- metric detmn. of - and ethyl acetate. Free- garde and Jones, 396. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic Acid : Analytical Appli- cations of Diamino-E thane-Te tra-Acetic Acid.West and Sykes. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 673. Applications of -. West; Blenkin; Johnson, 621, 622. EDTA : Bibliography of Analytical Uses. (Pub- lication received), 7 1. EDTA Titrations : Introduction to Theory and Practice. Flaschka. (Publication received), 327; (Review), 620. Inexpensive high-frequency titration apparatus for general laboratory use: Application to - and precipitation titrations. Kyte and Vogel, 647. Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, cal- cium, strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc with -. Europium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alloys. Wood and ‘Turner, 725. Wood and Turner, 725. Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Dunstone and Payne, 110.XX INDEX TO Explosives : Application of ultra-violet light and diphenylamine to spot tests for -.Coldwell, 665. Detmng. lead styphnate in priming compositions used in --. Saint and Hewson, 183; Erratum, 256. F Fat(s) : hnalyse der Fette und Fettprodukte ein- schliesslich der Wachse, Harze und verwandter Stoffe. Vols. I and 11. Kaufmann. (Pub- lication received), 196. Detmng. DDT residues in foods. Sergeant and Wood, 423. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of __ in milk and milk products. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of ~ in separated milk and low ~ products. Mac- donald, 747 . Fatty acids : Gas chromatography and its analytical applications : review. Rose, 674 ; Erratum, 756. lndustrial ___ and Their Applications. Pat- tison. (Publication received), 524. Modified hydroxamic acid method for detmng. total esterified ~ in plasma.Morgan and Kingsbury, 409. Feedingstuffs : Detmng. tocopherols in oils, foods and -. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical IMethods Committee, Vitamin-E Panel, 356. Fibres : Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part I. Kline. (Publication received), 572. Films : Index of Chemistry -: Comprehensive List of - and Filmstrips on Chemistry and Related Topics. Royal Institute of Chemistry. (Publication received), 400. FSore method : Detmng. linalol : comparative study of Glichitch method and - by gas - liquid partition chromatography. Holness, 3. Fish: Detmng. traces of cyanid: in - tissue. Marsden, 746. Flavor Research and Food Acceptance. (Review), 194. Fluorescence : Radioactive isotopes in simple X-ray fluorescent analysis. Mellish. (Summary), 199.Parker, 446. Macdonald, 287. Raman spectra in spectrofluorimetry . X-ray analysis: review. Brown, 344. X-ray ~ spectroscopy : Instrumental develop- ments in -. Stansfield. (Summary), 259. Fluorine compounds : Gas chromatography and its analytical applications : review. Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Semi-micro detmn. of - and chlorine in organic compounds. 111. Decomposition of fluoro and chlorofluoro compounds by diphenyl- sodium - dimethoxyethane complex. John- cock, Musgrave and Wiper, 245. Fodders : See Feedingstuffs. Food(s): Arsenic in - Regulations, 1959, 397. Chemical Analysis of -- and - Products. Jacobs. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 196; (Review), 523. Determination of Copper Content of Foodstuffs : Photometric Method. IUPAC, Applied Chem- istry Section, Food Division, Trace Elements in Food Subdivision, 571.Detmng. scrylonitrile in various materials (in -). Detmng. DDT residues in -. Sergeant and StBpBnek, Cerna and YatkovB, 65. VOLUME 84 Food(s)-continued. Detmng. egg in __- by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Casson and Griffin, 281. Detmng. tocopherols in oils, __ and feeding- stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, .9nalytical Methods Coinmittec, Vitamin-E Panel, 356. Flavour Research and -- Acceptance. (Re- view), 194. Infestation Control : Service t o Agriculture and - Storage. Ministry of hgriculture, Fisheries and F;ood. (Publication received), 400. Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in - -1 (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 1958, 325. Spectruphotometric detmn. of cc-tocopherol. Lanbertsen and Brzkkan, 706.Standards (Ice-cream) Regulations, 1959, 3%. U.S. Federal ---, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953- 1957. Kleinfeld and Dunn. (Review), 261. Formaldehyde method for detmng. ammonia. Stockdale, 667. Formulary: British National - 1957: Second Amendment, 1959. (Publication received), 572. Fruit: Detmng. phenkaptone residues in -- arid vegetables. Hardon, Rrunink and van der Pol, 102. Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 1958, 325. G Gadolinium : Detmng. traces of rare earths i n Wood and Twner, Gas chromatography : See Chromatography, Geigy Co., Ltd. : EDTA : Bibliography of Analytical Uses. (Publication received), 7 1. Geochemistry : Geochemical prospecting. Webb. (Summary), 404. Modern geochemical analysis.Vincent. (Sum- mary), 403. Geraniol: Application o f gas - liquid chromato- graphy to essential oil analysis : interim report on detmn. of citronellol in admixture with Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub- Committee, 690. Eichner and Hein. (Publication received), 472. Neville and Yuill. (Publication received), 327. Germanium : Absorptiometric detmn. of -- with phenylfluorone. Kunstmann and Miiller, 324. Gibberellic acid : Biological assay for -- with rice seedlings. Aytoun, Dunn and Seiler, 216. Gibb’s reagent : See 2 : 6-Dichloro-p-benzoquinone- Pchloroimine. Glass : Identifying Lucas 700 headlamp- ___ frag- ments by physical properties. Silicate analysis. Theobald, 672. zirconium and its alloys.725. German: Reading - for Scientists. Translation from ___ for Chemists. Nelson, 388. Glichitch method : Detmng. linalol : Comparative study of - and Fiore method by gas - liquid partition chromatography. Holness, 3. Glycosides : Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Gold: o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Lockyer and Hsines, - _ Wood, 423. 385.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xxi Grass: Soil, - and Cancer. Voisin. Translated by Herriot and Kennedy. (Publication re- ceived), 676. Guaiacolsulphonate : Detmng. potassium - in pharmaceutical preparations. Sarma and Krishnamurthi, 522. H Halo-alkanes: Detmng.tetrabromoethane (and other ---) and mineral acids dissolved therein. Kogozinski and Shorr, 66. Halogenation : Aromatic Substitution : Nitration and ---. de la Mare and Ridd. (Publication received), 524. Halogens : Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound -, arsenic, phosphorus and boron. Corner, 41. Headlamp-glass : Identifying Lucas 700 __ frag- ments by physical properties. 7-Hexachlorocyclohexane : Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in plant material. Sergeant and Thompson, 251. Hexoses : Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Holmium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Honeywell - Brown recorder : Automatic titrimeter for plotting true-scale titration curves (modified -). Irving and Pettit, 641.Hydrocarbons : Gas chromatography and its analyti- cal applications: revieu-. Rose, 574 ; Erratum, 756. Hydrogen : Ferrous metallurgical analysis : reviexv. Bagshawe, 475. Hydroxamic acid: Modified - method for detmng. total esterified fatty acids in plasma. Morgan and Kingsbury, 409. Hydroxyl groups : Direct titration of __ with lithium aluminium di-n-butyl amide. Small, 117. Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl. Greenhow and Smith, 467. Hyponitrites: Colour test for detcng. -. VepFek- SiBka, PliBka and Smirous, 119. Hypophosphites : Analytical chemistry of lower oxyacids of phosphorus. Payne. (Summary), 401. Nelson, 385. I Ice-cream: Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Casson and Griffin, 281. - and Parev, 326. Food Standards (-) Regulations, 1959.(Heat Treatment, etc.) Regulations, 1959, 397. Labelling of Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1959, 325. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in milk and milk products. Macdonald, 287. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. : Ammonia Manufacture and Uses. Harding. (Publication received), 756. Analysis of Titanium and its Alloys. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 676. Electrolytic Manufacture of Chemicals from Salt. Hardie. (Publication received), 756. Industrial wastes : See Effluents. Infestation Control : Service to Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture, Fish- (Publication received), 400. Infra-red analysis of solids : review. Duyckaerts, Food Storage, eries and Food. 201. Infra-red-continued. Spectroscopy : Applications of - : Identifying and detmng. gas-chromatographic fractions.Anderson, 50. Insecticides : Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Insects : Infestation Control : Service to Agriculture and Food Storage. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Publication received), 400. Institute of Petroleum : Gas Chromatography 1958. Desty. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 398. Standard Methods for Testing Petroleum and its Products. 18th Edn. (Publication received), 256. Instruments : See Apparatus. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry : Determination of Copper Content of Foodstuffs : Manual of Physico-Chemical Symbols and Ter- Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry. (Pub- Proposed International Chemical Notation. (Re- Report on Education and Training in the Report on Vitamin D Bioassay of Oils and Theoretical Organic Chemistry.(Publication Vitamin A Potency of Beta-Carotene, 571. Neale and Perry, 226. Assay of Vitamin A oils, 571. Photometric Method, 571. minology. Christiansen, 572. lication received), 327. view), 754. Paint Industry. Jordan, 572. Concentrates, 571. received), 472. Interatomic Distances: Tables of - and Con- figuration in Molecules and Ions. Sutton. (Review), 196. Iodine-131: Detmng. _I in urine. Marriott, 33. Ion-exchangers : Chromatographische Methoden in der analy tischen und preparativen anorgani- schen Chemie unter besonderer Berucksichti- gung der Ionenaustauscher. Biasius. (Re- view), 469. Ion Exchange Resins. British Drug Houses, Ltd. 4th Edn. (Publication received), 756. Iridium : Separating and detmng.rhodium and -. Jackson, 106. Iron: Detmng. oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation (and detmng. -). Coleman and Perkin, 233. Detmng. tin in - and alloy steels. Williams, 433. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Flame-photometric detmn. of -, copper and cobalt in cobalt mattes and concentrates. Galloway, 505. Photometric detmn. of ferric - by catechol. Smith, 516. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 136. Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Materials. Part I . Pig - and Cast -. British Cast Iron Research Association.(Pub- lication received), 524. Iron and Steel Institute : Determination of Nitrogen in Steel. (Review), 326. Isotopes, radioactive : See Radioactive. IUPAC: See International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.xxii INDEX TO VOLUME 84 J .Journal(s) : Colonial Plant and Animal Products. Now Tropical Science, q.v. of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Crook, Donald and Gaden. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication re- ceived), 327. of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Beckett and Burger. 1-01. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Plastics Abstracts. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Publication received), 122. Russian - of lnorganic Chemistry. English translation. Robinson. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Publication received), 524.Tropical Science. Kirby. Vol. I, No. 1, 1959. (Publication received), 327. K :Kekulk Symposium : Theoreticl Organic Chemistry. Chemical Society. (Publication received), 472. :Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging : Gas Chromatography 1958. Desty. (Pub- lication received), 72; (Review), 398. L Labelling of Food (Amendment) Regulations, 1959. Ice-cream, 325. Laboratories : Principles of Humane Experimental Technique. Russell and Burch. (Publication received), 472. Lactobacillus fermenti 36 : Agar-plate test for thiamine factors with -. Bhhidi, 657. 7-Ciz-Lactone : Microbiological detcn. of preserva- tives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain. Lanthanum: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alloys.Wood and Turner, 725. Law: U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953- 1957. Kleinfeld and Dunn. (Review), 254. Lead: Detmng. bismuth in - and - cable- sheathing alloys. Thompson and Peters, 180. Detmng. --. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee, 127 o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Field detmn. of - fume. Dixon and Metson, 46. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and bio- logical materials. Gorsuch, 135.Lead styphnate : Detmng. __ in priming composi- tions used in explosives. Saint and Hewson, 183; Erratum, 256. Lecithinase D: Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Casson and Griffin, 281. Lemon curd: Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Casson and Griffin, 281. Linalol: Detmng. - : Comparative study of Glichitch and Fiore methods by gas - liquid partition chromatography. Holness, 3. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Literature : Short Guide to Chemical -. Dyson. 2nd Edn. (Publication received), 196; (Re- view), 674. Lithium aluminium di-n-butyl amide : Direct titration of hydroxyl groups with ---. Small, 117. Arthur D. Little Inc.: Flavor Research and Food Acceptance. (Review), 194. Lonchocarpus : Detmng. rotenone in rotenone- bearing plants with special reference to -.Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry, 735. Lutein : See 3 : 3'-Dihydroxy-~-carotene. 2 : 6-Lutidine : Routine cryoscopic assay for fLpico- line, y-picoline and -, Adey, 560. M Rlagnesite : Detmng. magnesium oxide and silica in magnesium trisilicate and calcined -. Hobson and Stephenson, 520. Magnesium : Detmng. oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation (and detmng. -). Coleman and Perkin, 233. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Micro-detmn. of calcium and - in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Rapid detmn. of exchangeable calcium and - in highly leached soils. Spectrophotometric detmn. of --, calcium, strontium, barium, cadmium and zinc with EDTA. Dunstone and Payne, 110.and silica in Magnesium oxide: Detmng. - magnesium trisilicate and calcined magnesite. Hobson and Stephenson, 520. Magnesium trisilicate : Detmng. magnesium oxide and silica in - and calcined magnesite. Hobson and Stephenson, 520. Maize oil : Complete analysis of tocopherol mixtures. 11. Separation of nitroso-tocopherols by paper chromatography and their detmn. Marcin- kiewicz and Green, 304. Manganese : Detmng. oxygen in titanium - - alloys. Williams, 436. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Precipitation of - in silicate-rock analysis. Jeffery and Wilson, 663. Rapid detmn. of exchangeable calcium and magnesium (and -) in highlv leached soils.Tinker, 743. Margarine : Microbiological detcn. c)t preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in ___ with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast a3 test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Meat; Polarographic detmn. of nitrate in __ and ___- curing brines. Dhont, ;,72. Medicine : Journal of Medicinal and 1 'Iiarmaceutical Chemistrv. Eeckett and Rurwr. \ 01. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication receiled), 327. Polarographv in --, Biocheniistn and Phar- macy. Brezina and Zuman. (1% blication received), 122 : {Review), 470 Mercury: Detmng. -__ by distillation trom com- pounds and preparations. Rroc ltes and Solo- mon, 622. Detmng. oreano- __ residues iii plant material. Ashley, 692. Radiochemical investigations o n recot ery for analysis ot trace elements i n 1 trpanic and biological materials.Gorsuch, 1 :?5 Hunter, 24. Tinker, 743.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xxiii Metasystox : See Demeton-methyl. 2-Methoxycarbonyl-l-methylvinyl dimethyl phos- phate : Detmng. Phosdrin in vegetables. Laws, 323. Methoxyl values : Anomalous alkoxyl values for tert.-butyl substituted phenols. Campbell and Chettleburgh, 190. Vol. I. Umbreit. (Publication received), 572. Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Crook, Donald and Gaden. Vol. I, hTo. 1, Feb., 1959. (Pub- lication received), 327. Microbiology: Advances in Applied -. Short cuts t o lines of best fit. Norris, 669. Microscopy: Handbook of Chemical -. Vol. I. Chamot and Mason. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 72; (Review), 469.Milk and Dairies (General) Regulations, 1959. Approved chemical agents, 397. Condensed - Regulations, 1959, 523. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in __ and - products. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in separated - and low-fat products. Mac- donald, 747. Minerals : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc com- plex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and -. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Geochemical prospecting. Webb. (Summary), 404. Modern geochemical analysis. Vincent. (Sum- mary), 403. Precipitation of manganese in silicate-rock analysis. Jeffery and Wilson, 663. Spectrophotometric detmn. of silica in presence of fluorine and phosphorus. Greenfield, 380. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food : Infesta- tion Control: Service t o Agriculture and Food Storage.(Publication received), 400. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Statutory Instruments, etc. Approved chemical agents for milk and dairies, 397. Arsenic in food, 397. Condensed milk, 523. Ice cream, 325, 326, 397. Labelling of food (ice cream), 325. Preservatives (o-phenylphenol) in food, 325. Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Molybdenum : Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of -, vanadium and titanium in low-alloy steels. Freegarde and Jones, 393. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Rag- shawe, 475. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and bio- logical materials. Gorsuch, 135.Monazite : Ion-exchange separation of thorium from rare earths, and application t o - analysis. Nagle and Murthy, 37. Moore and Stein’s method: Collaborative test of Moore and Stein’s resin-chromatographic method for detmng. amino acids. Bender, Palgrave and Dcell, 526. Morphine : Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Mustard gas : Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Neale and Perry, 226. Macdonald, 287. N National Academy of Sciences : See U.S. National Neodymium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Neoxanthin : Rapid detmn. of constituent cnm- ponents in carotenoid extracts from leat tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654.Neptunium: Detmng. small amounts o f __- in plutonium metal. Slee, Phillips and Jenkins, 596. Nerve gases : Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Nickel : Ferrous metallurgical analysis : reviejv. Bagshawe, 475. Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of cop- per and - in low-alloy steels. Freegarde and Jones, 716. Nicotine : Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in urine. Morgan, 418. Niobium : Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bagshawe, 475. Nitramines : Application of ultra-violet light and diphenylamine t o spot tests for explosives. Coldwell, 665. Nitrate(s) : Antazoline for identifying - and nitrite. Clarke, 662. Application of ultra-violet light and diphenyl- amine to spot tests for explosives. Coldwell, 665. Detmng. soil - with brucine reagent.Robin- son, Allen and Gacoka, 635. Oxidised nitrogen in waters and sewage effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hoather and Rackham, 548. Polarographic detmn. of - in meat and meat- curing brines. Dhont, 372. Nitration : Aromatic Substitution : - and Halo- genation. de la Mare and Ridd. (Publication received), 524. Nitrite(s) : Antazoline for identifying nitrate and -. Clarke, 662. Colour test for detcng. hyponitrites (and -). Vepiek-SiSka, PliSka and Smirous, 119. Detmng. permanganate value for waters and sewage effluents containing -. Subrah- manyam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Nitrogen: Determination of - in Steel. British Iron and Steel Research Association. (Review), 326. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475.Oxidised - in waters and sewage effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hoather and Rackham, 548. Nitroso-tocopherols. Complete analysis of toco- pherol mixtures. 11. Separation of - by paper chromatography and their detmn. Marcinkiewicz and Green, 304. Nomenclature : Introduction t o Chemical -. Cahn. (Publication received), 676. Manual of Physico-Chemical Symbols and Ter- minology. IUPAC. Christiansen, 572. of Inorganic Chemistry. IUPAC. (Publication received), 327. Notation : Manual of Physico-Chemical Symbols and Terminology. IUPRC. Christiansen, 572. Proposed International Chemical -. IUPAC. (Review), 754. Nuclear magnetic resonance : Analysis by - techniques. Ferrett. (Summary), 200. Nylon: Identifying - and related polymers by ring paper chromatography.Haslam and Udris, 656. Academy of Sciences. Neale and Perry, 226.XXiV INDEX TO 0 Obituaries : Baker, J. L., 262. Bennett, A. H., 76, 262. Bennett, G. M.. 197. 260. . . Carey, A., 329. Dryerre, H., 329, 474. Durre, A. J., 197. Evans, H. J.. 73, 200, Francis, A. G., 262. Gangolli, D. M., 262. Harman, H., 329. Haskew, R. S., 525. Hawthorne, J., 262. Hucknall, E., 262. Tackson. E. W., 73. 262. Lewis, S. J., 525. Lovett, T. W,, 525, 674. Macpherson, D. C., 262. Mason, H. M., 262. Matthews, G. C., 125. Murphy, P., 473. Okell, F. I,., 329, 525. Pedley, E., 525. Scholes, A, 262. Seaber, W. M., 262. Seyler, C. X., 525. Simpson, G. R., 125. Sutton, W. L., 262. Walmsley, J. R., 262. Williams, A. W., 197. Oils: Detmng. tocopherols in -, foods and feeding stuffs.Society for Analytical Chem- istry, Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin- E Panel, 356. Spectrophotometric detmn. of a-tocopherol. Lam- bertsen and Brzkkan, 706. Ores : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex o€ toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of - and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Organic chemistry : See Chemistry. Oxidation : Principles of -- and Reduction. Sharpe. (Publication received), 400; (Review), 673. Oxygen : Absorptiometric detmn. of dissolved -. Ranks, 700. Detmng. micro amounts of dissolved - in water. Needleman, 720. Detmng. - content of beryllium metal by activation, Coleman and Perkin, 233. Detmng. - in beryllium by micro vacuum fusion. Booth and Parker, 546. Detmng. - in titanium - manganese alloys. Wood and Oliver, 436.Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Interfering electrode reaction during polarography of sulphur dioxide solutions containing -. Timberlake, 570. P Paint: Report on Education and Training in the - Industry. IUPAC, Applied Chemistry Section, Organic Coatings Division. Jordan, 672. Trade Manual of Raw Materials and Plant. Chatfield. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 400. Palladium: Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Lockyer and Harnes, 385. VOLUME 84 Paper: Volumetric detmn. of chloride in -- and water by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe, 62. Parev : See Ice-cream. Pathology: Introduction to -. Wright. 3rd Edn. (Review), 256. Prunty, McSwiney and Hawkins. (Publication re- ceived), 524; (Review), 754.Laboratory Manual of Chemical -. Pentoses : Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Perchloric acid: Notes on -- and its handling in analysis. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-Committee, 214. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I . Pou cher. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 572. Permanganate value : Detmng. - for waters and sewage effluents containing nitrite. Subrali- manyam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Pesticide : Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydro- carbon - residues in plant material. Ser- geant and Thompson, 251. Pests : Infestation Control : Service t o Agriculture and Food Storage. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Publication received), 400.Petroleum : Standard Methods for Testing -- and its Products. Institute of Petroleum. 18th Edn. (Publication received), 256. Pharmaceutical Society : Detmng. capsaicin content of capsicum and its preparations. -__ and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 603. Detmng. rotenone in rotenone-bearing plants with special reference to lonchocarpus. - and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 735. Stability of rescinnamine in solution. -__ and Society for Analytical Chemistry. (Summary), 126. Pharmaceuticals : Gas chromatography for detmng. water in -. Elvidge and Proctor, 461; Erratum, 572. Pharmacology : Quantitative Methods in Human - and Therapeutics. Vol. 3. Laurence. (Publication received), 400. Pharmacopoeia : British -- 1955 : Amendments, Sept., 1958, and June, 1959. (Publication received), 524.Pharmacy : Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Beckett and Burger. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959. (Publication received), 327. Polarography in Medicine, Biochemistry and -. Brezina and Zuman. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 470. Phenkaptone : See 842 : 5-dicl~lorophenylthiomethyl) 00-diethyl phosphorothiolothionate. Phenols : Gas chromatography and its analytical applications : review. Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl. Greenhow and Smith, 457. fert.-butyl substituted : Anomalous alkoxyl values for -. Phenoxyacetic acids : Additive effect of substituent groupings on chromatographic behaviour of -. Bark and Graham, 454. /3-Phenoxypropionic acids : Detmng. a-(4-chloro- 2-methylphenoxy)-propionic acid in commer- cial acid.L-Phenylalanine: Assay of -- in casein hydroly- sates. Phenylfluorone : Absorptiometric detmn. of ger- manium with -. Kunstmann and Miiller, 324. See also Drugs. Campbell and Chettleburgh, 190. Haddock and Phillips, 94. Mansford, Jones and Burns, 750.INDEX TO o-Phenylghenol : Public Health (Preservatives, etc., in Food) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 1958, 325. Phosdrin : See 2-Methoxycarbonyl-l-methylvinyl di- methyl phosphate. Phosgene : Field detmn. of -. Dixon and Hands, 463. Sampling and analysis of toxic vapours in the field. Neale and Perry, 226. Phosphites : Analytical chemistry of lower oxyacids of phosphorus. Payne. (Summary), 401. Phospholipids: Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of -. Casson and Griffin, 281. Phosphorus : Analytical chemistry of -.Wilkin- son. (Summary), 259. compounds : Analytical chemistry of lower oxy- acids of phosphorus. Payne. (Summary), 401. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Rapid micro-detmn. of organically bound halo- gens, arsenic, - and boron. Physics : Handbook of Chemistry and -. Hodg- man, Weast and Selby. 40th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 256 ; (Review), 47 1. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. Kaye and Laby. 12th Edn. (Publication received), 524. a-Picoline : Detmng. small amounts of - in pyridine by solution-temperature method. Adey and Cox, 414. /?-Picoline : Routine cryoscopic assay for --, y-picoline and 2 : 6-lutidine. y-Picoline : Routine cryoscopic assay for 13-picoline, - and 2: 6-lutidine.Pigments : Extracting - from plant material. Booth, 464. Rapid detmn. of constituent components in carotenoid extracts from leaf tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654. Pitch : Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl. Greenhow and Smith, 457. Plant(s): *Detmng. calcium in - material by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. David, 536. Detmng. demeton-methyl residues in - material. Laws and Webley, 28. Detmng. organo-mercury residues in -- material. Ashley, 692. Detmng. phenkaptone residues in fruit and vegetables. Hardon, Brunink and van der Pol, 102. Detmng. Phosdrin in vegetables. Detmng. rotenone in rotenone-bearing - with special reference to lonchocarpus. Pharma- ceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 735. Extracting pigments from - material.Booth, 464. Modified detmn. of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesti- cide residues in - material. Sergeant and Thompson, 251. Rapid detmn. of constituent components in caro- tenoid extracts from leaf tissue. Friend and Nakayama, 654. Rapid detmn. of total sulphur in soils and - Butters and Chenery, 239. Corner, 41. Adey, 560. Adey, 560. Laws, 323. Plasma: See Blood plasma. Plastics Abstracts. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Publication received), 122. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part 1. Kline. (Publication received), 572. Gas chromatography and its analytical applica- tions: review. Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. VOLUME 84 xxv Platinum: o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc com- plex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16.Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Lockyer and Hames, 385. Wood- man. (Summary), 259. Detmng. small amounts of neptunium in -- metal. Slee, Phillips and Jenkins, 596. Polarography : Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Vol. IV. (Publication received), 572. in Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy. Brezina and Zuman. (Publication received), 122; (Review), 470. Pollution: River -: 1. Chemical Analysis. Klein. (Publication received), 472; (Review), 755. Polyamides : Identifying nylon and related polymers by ring paper chromatography. Haslam and Udris, 656. Polymers: Analytical Chemistry of -. Vol. XII, Part 1. Kline. (Publication received), 572. Identifying nylon and related - by ring paper chromatography.Haslam and Udris, 656. Polysaccharides : Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Polythene: Possible source of error arising in analysis from use of - bottles. Theobald, 570. Potassium guaiacolsulphonate : Detmng. - in pharmaceutical preparations. Sarma and Krishnamurthi, 522. Praseodymium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution. Gordon, Salutsky and Willard. (Publication received), 472. Preservatives : Microbiological detcn. of - other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant yeast as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Public Health (- etc. in Food) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations, 1958, 325. Priming compositions : Detmng. lead styphnate in - used in explosives.Saint and Hewson, 183; Erratum, 256. Publications received : Plutonium : Analytical chemistry of -. Albert. Heterocyclic Chemistry, 472. Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. British Chemicals and Their Manufacturers, 756. Audubert and de Mende. Principles of Electro- phoresis, 327. Bentley. Biological Methods for Evaluation of Rodenticides, 71. Bentley and Burgan. Cigarette Smoke Conden- sate : Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation, 756. Bier. Electrophoresis : Theory, Methods and Applications, 524, Brezina and Zuman. Polarography in Medicine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, 122. British Drug Houses Ltd. Ion Exchange Resins. 4th Edn., 756. British Standards Institution. Annual Report British Standards Institution. Yearbook 1959, Cahn.Introduction to Chemical Nomenclature, Chamot and Mason. Handbook of Chemical Charlot, Badoz-Lambling and TrCmillon. RCac- 1958-59, 676. 472. 676. Microscopy. Vol. I. 3rd Edn., 72. tions Electrochimiques, 756.xxvi INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Publications received-continued. and Plant. 3rd Edn., 400. Chatfield, Paint Trade Manual of Raw Materials Davies. Principles of Electrolysis, 400. de la Mare and Ridd. Aromatic Substitution: Nitration and Halogenation, 524. Desty. Gas Chromatography 1958, 72. Dyson. Short Guide to Chemical Literature. Eichner and Hein. Reading German for Everett. Introduction to Study of Chemical Evers and Caldwell. Chemistry of Drugs. Fairbrother. Text-Book of Bacteriology. 8th Fieser and Fieser. Steroids, 676. Fisher. Flaschka. EDTA Titrations : Introduction to Theory and Practice, 327.Gautier. Mises au Point de Chimie Analytique Pure et AppliquCe et d’ Analyse Bromatolo- gique. 7th Series, 676. Glick. Methods of Biochemical Analysis. Vol. VII, 472. Gordon, Salutsky and Willard. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution, 472. Gray. Steric Effects in Conjugated Systems, 122. Hais and Macek. Handbuch der Papierchromato- Hardie. Electrolytic Manufacture of Chemicals Harding. Ammonia Manufacture and Uses, 756. Haurowitz. Progress in Biochemistry : Report on Biochemical Problems and on Biochemical Research since 1949, 400. Hodgman, Weast and Selby. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. Analysis of Titanium and its Alloys. Jacobs. Chemical Analysis of Foods and Food Products. 3rd Edn., 196.Jacobson and Hampel. Encyclopedia of Chemical Reactions. Vol. VIII, 524. Janz. Jaswon. Jones. Analytical Chemistry : New Techniques, 122. Kappelmeier. Chemical Analysis of Resin-based Coating Materials, 756. Kaufmann. Anaiyse der Fette und Fettprodukte einschliesslich der Wachse, Harze und ver- wandter Stoffe. Vols. I and 11, 196. Kaye and Laby. Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. 12th Edn., 524. Keulemans and Verver. Gas Chromatography. 2nd Edn., 756. King. Qualitative *4nalysis and Electrolytic Solutions, 572. Klein. River Pollution : 1. Chemical Analysis, 472. Kline. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part 1, 572. Kolthoff, Elving and Sandell. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Kritchevsky. Cholesterol, 72. Langford. Analysis of Electroplating and Re- lated Solutions.2nd Edn., 122. Laurence. Quantitative Methods in Human Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Vol. 3, 400. Lawson and Nielsen. Preparation of Single Crystals, 122. J Aei-er. Chromatographic Reviews. Vol. I, 400. 2nd Edn., 196. Scientists, 472. Thermodynamics, 572. 3rd Edn., 256. Edn., 327. Smoking : Cancer Controversy, 472. graphie. Vol. I , 524. ffom Salt, 756. 40th Edn., 256. 3rd Edn., 676. Bibliography on Molten Salts, 71. Studies in Crystal Physics, 756. Part I, Vol. 1, 756. Publications received-continued. Linke. Solubilities : Inorganic and Metal- Organic Compounds. Vol. I, 256. Malissa and Benedetti-Pichler. Monographien aus dem Gebiete der Qualitativen Mikroanalyse. Vol. I, 327. Martinet. Notes de Service de Gdologie et de Prospection Mini&-e : -4nalyse des Eaux, 400.Meals and I,ewis. Silicones, 524. Meites, Thomas and Bauman. Advanced Analyti- cal Chemistry, 196. Mellan. Source Book of Industrial Solvents. Vol. 111, 676. Neilands and Stumf. Outlines of Enzyme Chemistry. 2nd Edn., 72. Neville and Yuill. Translation from German for Chemists, 327. Niederl and Sozzi. Microanalisis Elemental Organico, 572. Pattison. Industrial Fatty Acids and Their L4pplications, 524. Pecsok. Principles and Practice of Gas Chromato- graphy, 756. Poucher. Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I. 6th Edn., 572. Prunty, McSwiney and Hawkins. Laboratory Manual of Chemical Pathology, 524. Ramachandran and Garg. Differential Thermal Analysis as Applied to Building Science, 472.Rochlin and Schultz. Radioisotopes for Industry, 676. Russell and Burch. Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, 472. Seaborg. Transuranium Elements, 327. Sharpe. Principles of Oxidation and Reduction, 400. Smith. Acetophenetidin : Critical Bibliographic Review, 122. Smith. Sequestration of Metals : Theoretical Consideration and Practical Applications, 400. Smith and Davidson. Symposium on Nuclear Sex, 71. Snell and Snell. Colorimetric Methods of Analy- ~ sis : Including Photometric Methods. Vol. IIA, 400. Umbreit. Advances in Applied Microbiology. Vol. I, 572. Voisin. Walton. Elementary Quantitative Analysis, 256. West and Sykes. Analytical Applications of Wilson and Wilson. Comprehensive Analytical Wyckoff. Crystal Structures. Supplt. IV, 327. Annual Reports on Progress of Chemistry for Biochemical Preparations.Vol. 6, 122. British National Formulary 1957 : Second British Pharmacopoeia 1958, Amendments, 624. XV Congress0 Internacional De Quimica Pura E Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polaro- EDTA: Bibliography of Analytical Uses, 71. Index of Chemistry Films, 400. Infestation Control : Service to Agriculture and Food Storage, 400. Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959, 327. Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chem- istry. Vol. I, No. 1, Feb., 1959, 327. Nomenclature of Inorganic: Chemistry, 327. Soil, Grass and Cancer, 676. Diamino-Ethane-Tetra-Acetic Acid, 196. Chemistry. Vol. IA, 524. 1958. Vol. LV, 756. Amendment 1959, 572. Aplicada. Vol.I, 71. grafia. Vol. IV, 572.INDEX TO Publications received-continued, Organic Syntheses. Vol. 38, 256. Plastics Abstracts. Vol. I, No. 1, Jan., 1959, 122. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. XLII, 72. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan., 1959, 524. Selected Methods of Analysis of Foundry Ma- terials. Part I. Pig Iron and Cast Iron, 624. Source Material for Radiochemistry, 472. Soviet Research in Analytical Chemistry of Standard Methods for Testing Petroleum and its Theoretical Organic Chemistry. Kekul6 Sym- Tropical Science. Vol. I, No. 1, 1959, 327. See aEso Book reviews. Pumps: Calibration of hand - for air sampling. Gage, 519. Purification : Aspects of zone refining. Veale. (Summary), 3. Pyridine: Detmng. small amounts of cr-picoline in - by solution-temperature method.Adey and €ox, 414. Uranium, 1955-1957, 572. Products. 18th Edn., 256. posium, 472. R Radioactive elements : Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. elements : Radiochemical tracer analysis : new approach resulting in increased accuracy. Lambie, 173. elements : Transuranium Elements. Seaborg. (Publication received), 327. isotopes : Radioaktive lsotope in der Biochemie. Broda. (Review), 7 1. isotopes : Radioisotopes for Industry. Rochlin and Schultz. (Publication received), 676. substances : Radioactive isotopes in simple X-ray fluorescent analysis. Mellish. (Summary), 199. Radiochemistry : Source Material for -. (Pub- lication received), 472.Raman spectra in spectrofliiorimetry. Parker, 446. Rare earths: Detmng. traces of - in zirconium and its alloys. \Vood and Turner, 725. lon-exchange separation of thorium from -, and application to monazite analysis. Nagle and Murthy, 37. Rauwolfia : Stability of rescinnamine in solution. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for hnalyti- cal Chemistry. (Summary), 126. Reagents: B.D.H. Book of Organic -. British Drug Houses Ltd. 10th Edn. (Review), 466. Reduction : Principles of Oxidation and -. Sharpe. (Publication received), 400; (Re- view), 673. Bescinnamine : Stability of -- in solution. Pharmaceutical Society and Society for Analyti- cal Chemistry. (Summary), 126. Resins: Analyse der Fette und Fettprodukte einschliesslich der Wachse, Harze und ver- wandter Stoffe.T’ols. I and 11. Kaufmann. (Publication received), 196. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Vol. XII, Part I. Kline. (Publication received), 572. Chemical Analysis of Resin-based Coating Ma- terials. Kappelmeier. (Publication received), 756. Reviews, book: See Book reviews. Rhodium : Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Lockyer and Hames, 385. VOLUME 84 xxvii Separating and detmng. ~ and iridium. Jackson, 106. Rice : Biological assay for gibberellic acid with I_ seedlings. River water: See Water. Rock(s) : Modern geochemical analysis. Vincent. (Summary), 403. Modern silicate __ analysis. Chalmers. (Sum- mary), 403. Precipitation of manganese in silicate- - analysis. Jeffery and Wilson, 663. Spectrophotometric detmn.of silica in presence of fluorine and phosphorus. Rodenticides : Biological Methods for Evaluation of -. Bentley. (Publication received), 71; (Review), 195, Rodents : Infestation Control : Service to Agricul- ture and Food Storage. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. (Publication received), 400. Rotenone: Detmng. - in --bearing plants, with special reference to lonchocarpus. Phar- maceutical Society and Society for Analytical Chemistry, 735. Royal Institute o€ Chemistry: Index of Chemistry Films : Comprehensive List of Films and Filmstrips on Chemistry and Related Topics. (Publication received), 400. Principles of Electrolysis. Davies. (Publication received), 400. Principles of Oxidation and Reduction. Sharpe. (Publication received), 400; (Review), 673.Rubbers : Analytical Chemistry of Polymers, Vol: XII, Part I. Kline. (Publication received), 572. Russia : Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, English Translation. Robinson. Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan., 1959. (Publication received), 524. Soviet Research in Analytical Chemistry of Uranium, 1955-1957. (Publication received), 572. Rhodium-continued. Aytoun, Dunn and Seiler, 216. Greenfield, 380. S Salad cream: Detmng. egg in foods by enzymic hydrolysis of phospholipids. Casson and Griffin, 281. Salt : See Sodium chloride. Salts: Bibliography on Molten -. Janz. (Pub- lication received), 7 1. Samarium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 726. Sea water : Detmng. permanganate value for waters and sewage effluents containing nitrite.Subrah- manyam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Selenium : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale- Ssali, 16. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. Sequestration of Metals : Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications. Smith. (Pub- lication received), 400; (Review), 755. Serum: See Blood serum. Sewage: Biological Treatment of - and Indus- trial Wastes. Vol. 11. McCabe and Ecken- felder. (Review), 71. Detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in river waters and -. Webster and Halliday, 652. Detmng. anionic detergents in river water and __ effluents. Slack, 193.xxviii INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Sewage-continued. Detmng.permanganate value for waters and - effluents containing nitrite. Subrahman- yam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Oxidised nitrogen in waters and - effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hoather and Rackham, 548. Sex: Symposium on Nuclear -. Smith and Davidson. (Publication received), 71. Silica: Detmng. magnesium oxide and - in magnesium trisilicate .and calcined magnesite. Hobson and Stephenson, 520. Spectrophotometric detmn. of - in presence of fluorine and phosphorus. Greenfield, 380. Silicate analysis. Theobald, 672. Modern - rock analysis. Chalmers. (Sum- Precipitation of manganese in - -rock analysis. Rapid - analysis. Mercy. (Summary), 330. Silicon : Detmng. oxygen content of beryllium metal by activation (and detmng. -). Coleman and Perkin, 233.Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bagshawe, 476. Silicones. Meals and Lewis. (Publication received), 524. Silver : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Quantitative detmn. of noble metals by atomic- absorption spectroscopy. Lockyer and Hames, 385. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and bio- logical materials. Gorsuch, 135. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in titanium and zirconium by polarisation end-point procedure (detmng. -). Volumetric detmn. of - in cobalt - - mix- ture. Shrimal, 568. Smoke: Cigarette - Condensate : Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation. Bentley and Burgan. (Publication received), 756. -eliminating device for vapour-phase chromato- graphic-fraction collector.Kratz, Jacobs and Mitzner, 67 1. Gas chromatography and its analytical applica- tions: review (cigarette -). Rose, 574; Erratum, 756. Smoking : Cancer Controversy. Fisher. (Publica- tion received), 472. Soaps : Perfumes, Cosmetics and -, with Special Reference to Synthetics. Vol. I. Poucher. 6th Edn. (Publication received), 572. Society for Analytical Chemistry : Address of retiring President, Hamence, 271. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Application of gas - liquid chromatography t o essential oil analysis : interim report on detmn. of citronellol in admixture with geraniol, 690. Analytical Methods Committee, Essential Oils Sub-committee. Detmng. linalol : Comparative study of Glichitch and Fiore methods by gas - liquid partition Chromatography.Holness, 3. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Im- purities in Organic Matter Sub-committee. Detmng. lead, 127. Analytical Methods Committee, Metallic Impuri- ties in Organic Matter Sub-committee. Notes on perchloric acid and its handling in analysis, 214. mary), 403. Jeffery and Wilson, 663. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Price and Coe, 55. Society for Analytical Chemistry-continued. Analytical Methods Committee. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. Analytical Methods Committee. Report of --, 330; Erratum, 524. Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin-E Panel. Detmng. tocopherols in oils, foods and feeding stuffs, 356.85th A.G.M., 257. Anniversary dinner, 279. Annual Report of Council, 1959, 261. Biological Methods Group. 14th A.G.M., 3. Detmng. capsaicin content of capsicum and its preparations. Pharmaceutical Society and Detmng. rotenone in rotenone-bearing plants, Phar- -, 603. with special reference to lonchocarpus. maceutical Society and -, 735. Extraordinary General Meeting, 257. Microchemistry Group. 15th A.G.M., 198. Midlands Section. 4th A.G.M., 197. North of England Section. Physical Methods Group. Physical Methods Group. Apparatus demon; strated to --, 405. Scottish Section. 24th A.G.M., 125. Stability of rescinnamine in solution. Pharnia- Western Section. 4th A.G.M., 126. 34th A.G.M., 125. 14th A.G.M., 2. ceutical Society and -. (Summary), 126. Reports on Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol.XLII. (Publica- tion received), 72. Society of Glass Technology : Silicate analysis. Theobald, 672. Society of Instrument Technology : Automatic Measurement of Quality in Process Plants. (Review), 265. Sodium chloride : Electrolytic Manufacture of Chemicals from Salt. Hardie. (Publication received), 756. Sodium iodide: Volumetric detmn. of thallium in -- crystals. Toogood, 618. Sodium methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate : Microbiological detcn. of preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride- tolerant yeast as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Soil(s) : Detmng. carbonate in -. Watkinson, 659. Detmng. - nitrates with brucine reagent. Robinson, Allen and Gacoka, 635. Grass and Cancer. Voisin.Translated by Herriott and Kennedy. (Publication received), 676. Modification of Thorn and Shu’s method for organic carbon in -. Rapid detmn. of exchangeable calcium and magnesium in highly leached -. Tinker, 743. Rapid detmn. of total sulphur in - and plants. Butters and Chenery, 239. Rapid vacuum-distillation method for detmng. carbonate in - with EDTA. Watkinson, 661. Solubility(ies) : Inorganic and iMetal-Organic Com- pounds. Vol. I. Linke. 4th Edn. (Publica- tion received), 256. Products : Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with - of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach, Sillen, Berecki-Biedermann, Maltesen, Rasmussen and Rossotti. (Review), 120. Society of Chemical Industry. Watkinson, 629.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xxix Solvent extraction : Qualitative analysis by ___ methods. Dick.(Summary), 402. Solvents : Source Book of Industrial -. Vol. 111. Monohydric Alcohols. Mellan. (Publication received), 676. Spectrophotometer : Modification to Unicam SP500 - for single-beam recording. Shrewsbury, 68. Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes, with Solubility Products of Inorganic Substances. Part 11. Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach, Sillen, Berecki-Biedermann, Maltesen, Rasmussen and Rossotti. (Review), 120. Statistics : Quantitative common sense and the chemist. Wood. (Summary), 573. Steam-distillation : All-glass self-cleaning -- ap- paratus. Duboff, 619. Steel(s) : Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of molybdenum, vanadium and titanium in low- alloy -. Detmng. boron in plain-carbon and alloy ---.Borrowdale, Jenkins and Shanahan, 426. Iletmng. copper in high-alloy -. Elliott, Preston and Thompson, 237. Detmng. tin in iron and alloy --. Williams, 433. Determination of Nitrogen in -. British Iron and Steel Research Association. (Review), 326. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Simultaneous spectrophotometric detmn. of cop- per and nickel in low-alloy -. Freegarde and Jones, 716. Sterins : Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen. Neher. (Re- view), 466. Steroids. Fieser and Fieser. (Publication received), 676. Chromatographie von Sterinen, Steroiden und verwandten Verbindungen. Neher. (Review), 466. Strontium : Radiochemical investigations on re- covery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials.Gorsuch, 135. Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, cal- cium, -, barium, cadmium and zinc with EDTA. Dunstone and Payne, 110. Sugars : Molisch reaction. Turney, 194. Sulphate(s) : Detmng. barium and ___ with E.E.L. flame photometer. Cullum and Thomas, 113. Volumetric micro detmn. of organically bound sulphur and organic and inorganic -. Boos, 633. Sulphide : Independent titration of cyanide and --. Wronski, 668. Sulphur : o-Dithiols in analysis. VJII. Zinc com- plex of toluene-3:4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Rapid detmn. of total - in soils and plants. Butters and Chenery, 239. Volumetric micro detmn. of organically bound - and organic and inorganic sulphates.Boos, 633. Sulphur dioxide : Interfering electrode reaction during polarography of - solutions con- taining oxygen. Timberlake, 570. Surface-active agents : Analysis of synthetic deter- gents: review. Smith, 77. Detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in river waters and sewage. Webster and Halliday, 552. Detmng. anionic detergents in river water and sewage effluents. Slack. 193. Freegarde and Jones, 393. Surface-active agents-continued. Detmng. barium and sulphate with E.E.L. flame photometer (detmn. in -). Cullum and Thomas, 113. Equivalent weights of wetting agents. Russell and Whittaker, 253. Systematic semi-micro qualitative analysis of anionic -: addendum. Holness and Stone, 392. Symbols : Manual of Physico-Chemical - and Terminology . I U PAC, Ph ysico-Chemis try Sec- tion, Commission on Physico-Chemical Symbols and Terminology. Christiansen, 572.Syntheses: Organic -. Vol. 38. Sheehan. (Pub- lication received), 256 ; (Review), 57 1. T Tantalum ; Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bagshawe, 475. Tar : Non-aqueous titration of phenolic hydroxyl (in coal -). Teflon stopcock : Direct titration of hydroxyl groups with lithium aluminium di-n-butyl amide (apparatus with -). Tellurium: o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale- Ssali, 16. Terbium : Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Terminology : See Nomenclature. Tetrabromoethane : Detmng. - and mineral acids dissolved therein. Rogozinski and Shorr, 66.Tetrahydroxy-p-benzoquinone : Field detmn. of lead fume. Dixon and Metson, 46. Tetramethylthiuramdisulphide : Microbiological de- tcn. of preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride- tolerant yeast as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Textiles: Detmng. small amounts of tin (in -). Russell, 712. Thallium: o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale- Ssali, 16. in sodium iodide Volumetric detmn. of - crystals. Toogood, 618. Therapeutics : Quantitative Methods in Human Pharmacology and -. Vol. 3. Laurence. (Publication received), 400, Thermodynamics : Introduction to Study of Chemi- cal -. Everett. (Publication received), 572.Thiamine: Agar-plate test for __ factors with Lactobacillus ferrnenti 36. Bknhidi, 657. Thorium: Detmng. ~ in ores by liquid - liquid extraction. Everest and Martin, 312. Ion-exchange separation of - from rare earths, and application to monazite analysis. Nagle and Murthy, 37. Thorn and Shu’s method: Modification of - for organic carbon in soils. Watkinson, 629. Thulium : Detmng. traces of rare earths in zirconium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Timer : Versatile electronic device for counting drops of eluant in chromatography or operating an- cillary apparatus after pre-set counts or pre-set times. Reed and Irving, 317. Tin: Detmng. small amounts of -. Russell, 712. Detmng. - in iron and alloy steels. Williams, 433. Greenhow and Smith, 457. Small, 117.xxx INDEX TO VOLUME 84 Tin-continued.o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Volumetric analysis of stannous and total - in acid-soluble - compounds. Donaldson and Moser, 10. Im- perial Chemical Industries Ltd. 3rd Edn. (Publication received), 676. Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of molyb- denum, vanadium and -- in low-alloy steels. Freegarde and Jones, 393. Detmng. oxygen in --- manganese alloys. Wood and Oliver, 436. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in - and zir- conium by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe, 55. Titrations : See Analysis.Titrimeter : Automatic __ for plotting true-scale titration curves. Irving and Pettit, 641. Inexpensive high-frequency titration apparatus for general laboratory use : Application to EDTA and precipitation titrations. Kyte and Vogel, 647. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Standing Committee : Cigarette Smoke Condensate : Preparation and Routine Laboratory Estimation. Bentley and Burgan. (Publication received), 756. Tocopherol(s) : Complete analysis of - mixtures. I. Introduction and investigation into dif- ferential coupling reactions. Green and Marcinkiewicz, 297; 11. Separation of nitroso- I- by paper chromatography and their detmn. Marcinkiewicz and Green, 304. Detmng. - in oils, foods and feeding stuffs. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Analytical Methods Committee, Vitamin-E Panel, 356.Effect of water on detmn. of -. Hobson- Frohock, 567. Extracting pigments from plant material. Booth, 464. a-Tocopherol: Spectrophotometric detmn. of -. Lambertsen and Braekkan, 706. Toluene-3 : 4-dithiol : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of - in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Transuranium Elements. Seaborg. (Publication received), 327. 1 : 1 : l-Trichloro-2 : 2-di(p-chlorophenyl)ethane : See DDT. Tricvoroethylene : Indicator tube for detmng. - in air. Gage, 509. Triisooctylamine : Detmng. small amounts of - in aqueous solution. Ashbrook, 177. Trinitroresorchol, lead salt of: See Lead stsphnate. Trishydroxymethylaminomethane : Universal buffer solution for ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Davies, 248.Tristri-n-butylammonium 12-tungstophosphate : De- tmng. tungsten as -. Miller and Thow, 440. Tropical Science. Kirby. Vol. I, No. 1, 1959. (Publication received), 327. Tungsten: Detmng. - as tristri-n-butylam- monium 12-tungstophosphate. Miller and Thow, 440. o-Dithiols in analysis. VITI. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Titanium: Analysis of - and its Alloys. U Ultra-violet spectrophotometry : Universal buffer solution for -. Davies, 248. Unicam SP500 spectrophotometer : Modification to - for single-beam recording. Shrewsbury, 68. United States: U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cos- metic Act (Judicial and Administrative Record), 1953-1957. Kleinfeld and Dunn. (Review) , 254. U.S. National Academy of Sciences : Source Material for Radiochemistry. (Publication received), 472. Uranium : Soviet Research in Analytical Chemistry of -, 1955-1957. (Publication received), 672. Urine: Detmng. iodine-131 in -. Marriott, 33. Rapid detcn. of small concentrations of organic bases in -. Morgan, 418. V Vanadium : Composite spectrophotometric detmn. of molybdenum, - and titanium in low-alloy steels. Freegarde and Jones, 393. o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Vegetables : See Plants. Violaxanthin : 3 : 3’-Dihydroxy-5 : 6 : 5’ : 6’-di- epoxy- #&carotene. Vitamin A: Assay of - Oils. IUPAC, 571. Potency of Beta-Carotene. IUPAC, 571. Vitamin B,: See Thiamine. Vitamin D: Report on - Bioassay of Oils and Vitamins: Short cuts to lines of best fit (assay of See Concentrates. IUPAC, 571. -). Norris, 669. W Wastes : See EfBuents. Water(s) : Absorptiometric detmn. of dissolved oxygen (in -). Banks, 700. Detmng. acrylonitrile in various materials (in -). Detmng. alkylbenzenesulphonates in river - and sewage, Webster and Halliday, 552. Detmng. anionic detergents in river - and sewage effluents. Slack, 193. Detmng. micro amounts of dissolved oxygen in -. Needleman, 720. Detmng. permangate value for - and sewage effluents containing nitrite. Subrahmanyam, Sastry and Pillai, 731. Effect of - on detmn. of tocopherols. Hobson- Frohock, 567. Gas chromatography for detmng. - in pharma- ceutical preparations. Elvidge and Proctor, 461; Erratum, 572. Notes de Service de GCologie et de Prospection MiniPre: Analyse des Eaux. Martinet. (Pub- lication received), 400. Oxidised nitrogen in - and sewage effluents observed by ultra-violet spectrophotometry. Hoather and Rackham, 548. River Pollution : 1. Chemical Analysis. Klein. (Publication received), 472: (Review), 755. Sea: See Sea water. Treatment. Mugele and Wiseman. (Review), St6pAnek, CernA and PatkovA, 65. 195.INDEX TO VOLUME 84 xxxi Water (8)-continued. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in paper and - by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe, 62. Waxes : Analyse der Fette und Fettprodukte einschliesslich der Wachse, Harze und ver- wandter Stoffe. Vols. I and 11. Kaufmann. (Publication received), 196. Wetting agents : See Surface-active agents. X X-ray fluorescence analysis : review. Brown, 344. fluorescence spectroscopy : Instrumental develop- ments in -. Stansfield. (Summary), 259. fluorescent analysis : Radioactive isotopes in simple -. Mellish. (Summary), 199. Y Yeast : Microbiological detcn. of preservatives other than benzoic or sorbic acid in margarine with sodium chloride-tolerant - as test strain. Eijgelaar and Mossel, 293. Yoghourt: Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in milk and milk products. Macdonald, 287. Yoghourt-continued. Neutral reagent for routine detmn. of fat in separated milk and low-fat products. Mac- donald, 747. Ytterbium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in zir- conium and its alloys. Wood and Turner, 725. Z Zinc complex of toluene-3 : 4-dithiol : o-Dithiols in analysis. VIII. - in field testing of ores and minerals. Clark and Tamale-Ssali, 16. Radiochemical investigations on recovery for analysis of trace elements in organic and biological materials. Gorsuch, 135. Spectrophotometric detmn. of magnesium, cal- cium, strontium, barium, cadmium and - with EDTA. Zirconium: Detmng. traces of rare earths in - and its alloys. Ferrous metallurgical analysis : review. Bag- shawe, 475. Volumetric detmn. of chloride in titanium and - by polarisation end-point procedure. Price and Coe, 55. Zone electrophoresis : basic considerations in design. Martin, 89. melting, with comments on analytical potentiali- ties : review. Herington, 680. refining: Practice of -. Veale. (Summary), 3. Dunstone and Payne, 110. Wood and Turner, 725. ERRATA: VOL. 82, 1957: p. 765, 10th line from foot of page. For “1 ml = 100 mg of barium” read “1 ml E 100 pg of barium.” VOL. 83, 1958: p. 285, 14th line. p. 287, 1st and 2nd lines under Table 11. The mean value, 93.7 per cent., is the same as that reported by Ketelaar” read “between 92-1 and 95.7 per cent., the mean value being 93.7 per cent.” p. 424, 21st line and 2nd line of legend to Fig. 2. For “ethylbis(2-chloroethy1)amine” read “methyl- bis( 2-chloroethylamine) . ” For “Ep = Ep = 0” read “ A E ~ = BE^ = 0.” For “between 92-1 and 95-7 per cent. VOL. 84, 1959: p. 185, 6th line. p. 334. p. 462, 7th line. p. 576. For “water-soluble” read “water-insoluble.” In the Programme of Work of the Prophylactics Panel, delete “(pyrimethamine)” after Equation a t bottom of page. “Nicai bazin”. For “chloroform” read “water.” For “N = 16x2” read Y “N = 16x2” - Y2 p. 681, 8th line of text, 1st substance named in Table I, and 1st line of text under Table I. For “squalene” read “squalane.”PRINTED BY W. HEFFER & SONS LTD. CAMSRIDGE. ENGLAND
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2. |
Publications received |
Volume 84,
Issue 1,
Page 756-756
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756 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED Publications Received TREATISE ON ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Edited by I. M. KOLTHOPF and PHILIP J. ELVING, with the assistance of ERNEST B. SANDELL. Part I. THEORY AND PRACTICE, Vol. 1. Pp. xxvi + 809. New York and London: Interscience Publishers Inc. 1969. Price 133s.; $17.50. CIGARETTE SMOKE CONDENSATE : PREPARATION AND ROUTINE LABORATORY ESTIMATION. Research Paper No. 4. Pp. iv + 9. London: Tobacco Manufacturers’ Standing Committee. 1969. Gratis. By H. R. BENTLEY and J. G. BURGAN. The term “tar,” which has been widely used in connection with cigarette smoke, is replaced by “smoke condensate,” a term having no absolute meaning and therefore entirely a matter of definition. A standard method is proposed for the selection of cigarettes for testing, for their smoking in an automatic machine, and for the estimation of the smoke condensate produced.The method is based on a survey of the smoking habits of individuals and has been chosen to provide a maximum degree of reproducibility and ease of treatment in analysis. under the auspices of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Oxford University Press. 1969. Price 6s. 6d. ELECTROLYTIC MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS FROM SALT. Pp. xii + 74. New York and Toronto: Oxford University Press. The Chemical Society. 1959. Price 40s. ION EXCHANGE RESINS. Fourth Edition. Pp. iv + 68. Poole, Dorset: The British Drug Houses Ltd. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY. Pp. xii + 226. 1969. Price $6.76; 54s. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY. By A. I. M. KEULEMANS. Edited by C. G. VERVER. Second Edition. Pp.xxii + 234. New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation; London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1959. Price $7.60; 60s. Edited by C. P. A. KAPPELMEIER. Pp. xxviii + 630. New York and London: Interscience Publishers Inc. 1969. Price $19.50; 147s. London: The Association of British Chemical Manufacturers. 1959. Gratis. AMMONIA MANUFACTURE AND USES. By A. J. HARDING, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xiv + 41. Published London, New York and Toronto: By D. W. F. HARDIE, B.Sc., Ph.D. London, 1969. Price 7s. 6d. Published under the auspices of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE PROGRESS OF CHEMISTRY FOR 1958. VOl. Lv. Pp. 627. London: Edited by ROBERT L. PECSOK. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF RESIN-BASED COATING MATERIALS. BRITISH CHEMICALS AND THEIR MANUFACTURERS: Pp. ii + 207. The Directory of the Association of British Chsmical Manufacturers. STUDIES IN CRYSTAL PHYSICS. Original Papers and Papers Reprinted from Research, Vol. 11, 1958. By M. A. Jaswon, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. iv + 42. London: Butterworths Scientific Publications. 1969. Price 10s. 6d. LES R$ACTIONS ~LECTROCHIMIQUES. By G. CHARLOT, Mme J. BADOZ-LAMBLING and B. TREMILLON. Pp, viii + 396. Pans: Masson et Cie. 1959. Price (paper) 6000 fr.; (cloth boards) 6800 fr.
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